State of The Art in Research On Microgrids: A Review
State of The Art in Research On Microgrids: A Review
State of The Art in Research On Microgrids: A Review
ABSTRACT The significant benefits associated with microgrids have led to vast efforts to expand their
penetration in electric power systems. Although their deployment is rapidly growing, there are still many
challenges to efficiently design, control, and operate microgrids when connected to the grid, and also when
in islanded mode, where extensive research activities are underway to tackle these issues. It is necessary to
have an across-the-board view of the microgrid integration in power systems. This paper presents a review of
issues concerning microgrids and provides an account of research in areas related to microgrids, including
distributed generation, microgrid value propositions, applications of power electronics, economic issues,
microgrid operation and control, microgrid clusters, and protection and communications issues.
INDEX TERMS Microgrids, distributed generation, economics, operation and control, protection,
into a monopolistic utility by connecting isolated microgrids, these control actions and to ensure constant, effective, and
and these microgrids faded away. There is a new wave reliable interaction among microgrid components.
in recent years, however, to deploy microgrids which is Microgrids offer significant benefits for the customers and
driven in part by the need for higher reliability and power the utility grid as a whole: improved reliability by intro-
quality, advancements in power electronics and DER tech- ducing self-healing at the local distribution network; higher
nologies, and a more engaging generation of electricity con- power quality by managing local loads; reduction in carbon
sumers [2]. emission by the diversification of energy sources; economic
The main microgrid components include loads, DERs, operation by reducing transmission and distribution (T&D)
master controller, smart switches, protective devices, as costs; utilization of less costly renewable DGs; and offering
well as communication, control and automation systems. energy efficiency by responding to real-time market prices.
Microgrid loads are commonly categorized into two types: The islanding capability is the most salient feature of a
fixed and flexible (also known as adjustable or responsive). microgrid, which is enabled by using switches at the PCC,
Fixed loads cannot be altered and must be satisfied under and allows the microgrid to be disconnected from the utility
normal operating conditions while flexible loads are respon- grid in case of upstream disturbances or voltage fluctuations.
sive to controlling signals. Flexible loads could be curtailed During utility grid disturbances, the microgrid is transferred
(i.e., curtailable loads) or deferred (i.e., shiftable loads) in from the grid-connected to the islanded mode and a reliable
response to economic incentives or islanding requirements. and uninterrupted supply of consumer loads is offered by
DERs consist of distributed generation units (DG) and local DERs. The islanded microgrid would be resynchronized
distributed energy storage systems (ESS) which could with the utility grid once the disturbance is removed [3], [4].
be installed at electric utility facilities and/or electricity The installed microgrid capacity is estimated to grow from
consumers’ premises. Microgrid DGs are either dispatchable the 1.1 GW in 2012 to 4.7 GW in 2017 with an estimated
or nondispatchable. Dispatchable units can be controlled by market opportunity of $17.3 billion [5]. Considering the
the microgrid master controller and are subject to technical growing interest in microgrid deployment, the research on
constraints depending on the type of unit, such as capacity microgrids has significantly increased over the past few years.
limits, ramping limits, minimum on/off time limits, and fuel This paper presents a review on different aspects of microgrid
and emission limits. Nondispatchable units, on the contrary, research, ranging from DER technologies to microgrid
cannot be controlled by the microgrid master controller since communications, with the primary objective of providing
the input source is uncontrollable. Nondispatchable units insight on current trends and directions in microgrid research
are mainly renewable DGs, typically solar and wind, which and further identifying areas in need of further investigation.
produce a volatile and intermittent output power. The inter- The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
mittency indicates that the generation is not always available focuses on microgrid DERs and reviews a variety of issues
and the volatility indicates that the generation is fluctuat- associated with renewable DGs as well as ESS deployment
ing in different time scales. These characteristics negatively in microgrids. Section III discusses microgrid applications
impact the nondispatchable unit generation and increase the to support grid performance, with a focus on improving
forecast error, therefore these units are commonly reinforced grid reliability, resiliency, and power quality. Section IV
with ESS. The primary application of ESS is to coordinate reviews the application of power electronics in microgrids
with DGs to guarantee the microgrid generation adequacy. as the integration of DERs necessitates a broader application
They can also be used for energy arbitrage, where the stored of power electronics. Section V focuses on microgrid eco-
energy at low price hours is generated back to the microgrid nomics and provides a detailed review of current literature
when the market price is high. The ESS also plays a major on related issues such as microgrid scheduling, demand side
role in microgrid islanding applications. Smart switches and management (DSM), market pricing, and optimal planning.
protective devices manage the connection between DERs Section VI focuses on microgrid operation, control, and
and loads in the microgrid by connecting/disconnecting line islanding, covering the existing literature on microgrid con-
flows. When there is a fault in part of the microgrid, smart trol methodologies and architectures as well as control
switches and protective devices disconnect the problem area of tie-line power, power electronic converters, uninterrupt-
and reroute the power, preventing the fault from propagat- ible power supply (UPS) systems and resynchronization of
ing in the microgrid. The switch at the point of common microgrids. Section VII reviews microgrid clusters in which
coupling (PCC) performs microgrid islanding by discon- two or more electrically coupled microgrids are controlled
necting the microgrid from the utility grid. The microgrid and operated in a coordinated fashion. Section VIII reviews
scheduling in interconnected and islanded modes is per- microgrid protection, which includes the modeling of faults
formed by the microgrid master controller based on economic in microgrids, protection of power-electronically coupled
and security considerations. The master controller determines microgrids, and protection schemes based on microproces-
the microgrid interaction with the utility grid, the decision sors and communications, protection of DC microgrids, and
to switch between interconnected and islanded modes, fault current limiters. Section IX discusses the issues related
and optimal operation of local resources. Communications, to microgrid communications necessary to achieve microgrid
control, and automation systems are also used to implement efficient protection and control, while Section X concludes
the paper. To make the discussions consistent in the paper, policies and regulations applied by various states within
a single representation of concepts/definitions has been used the U.S. to support investments on renewable DGs, such
that can appear in different forms in different papers. For as renewable portfolio standards, public benefit funds for
example, the utility grid is used instead of different varia- renewable energy, output-based environmental regulations,
tions of the larger grid to which the microgrid is connected, interconnection standards, net metering, feed-in tariffs,
covering the main grid, macrogrid, and main power system. property assessed clean energy, and financial incentives.
Based on renewable portfolio standards, all electric providers
II. DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCE TECHNOLOGIES should provide a specific amount of electric power using
FOR MICROGRIDS renewable DGs. Public benefit funds are obtained by levying
DERs are small-scale energy resources which could be placed small taxes on electricity rates. Output-based environmental
at utility facilities or at customers’ premises to provide a regulations ordain emission limits in order to encourage elec-
local supply of electricity. DERs could potentially result tric producers to increase efficiency and control air pollution.
in a significant change in traditional methods of energy Interconnection standards are technical requirements which
generation, in which electricity is generated in large-scale should be met by electricity providers that want to con-
centralized power plants and is transmitted over long dis- nect renewable DGs to the grid. These standards determine
tances by high voltage transmission lines to reach load areas. how electric utilities in a state would treat renewable DGs.
DER technology can further provide power to remote loca- Net metering rules are used to compensate the power genera-
tions where required T&D facilities are not available or are tion for prosumers; if the local power generated by a customer
costly to build. Moreover, DERs offer a low construction is more than its load, the excess power would be sold to the
and deployment time compared to large generators and utility grid, and on the other hand, if the generated power is
T&D facilities. A comprehensive review on DERs and current not sufficient to supply loads, they would use electricity from
practices in microgrids as well as the interaction problems the utility grid. This procedure requires accurate metering of
arising from the integration of various DERs in a microgrid the electricity demanded by consumers. Feed-in tariff is a
can be found in [6] and [7], respectively. As discussed policy for encouraging renewable energy development which
in detail in [8], DERs include a variety of technologies. requires electric utilities to make long-term payments for
Two common and widely-used DERs, which are considered the power fed by renewable energy developers into the grid.
in this section, are renewable DGs and ESSs. There has The payments may comprise both the electricity sales and
been an increasing emphasis on the utilization of renewable payments for renewable energy certificates. Feed-in tariff
DGs, such as wind and solar energy resources, in recent policies can be cost-efficient to allow a rapid development of
years. The main drivers for this trend include the clean renewable DGs, thus, would be beneficial for electricity con-
and sustainable nature of such resources compared to the sumers, renewable energy developers, and the whole society.
polluting and limited fossil fuels that have traditionally been Implementing feed-in tariffs has been a successful experience
used to generate power. State and governmental mandates, to meet economic development and renewable energy targets
that push for a broader integration of renewable energies around the world. Based on the property assessed clean
and enforce the environmental agenda to mitigate green- energy policy, the cost of renewable energy installations or
house gasses generated by the exhaustion of fossil fuels and increasing energy efficiency is refunded to residential prop-
combat climate change, are also among factors resulting in erties instead of individual borrowers. As a result, property
increased renewable energy proliferation. Renewable DGs owners would be encouraged to invest in renewable energy
are commonly dependent on meteorological factors. This improvements. Other financial incentives including grants,
makes these resources highly unpredictable and creates vast loans, rebates, and tax credits are offered in some states within
volatilities in their power generation. This variability is one the U.S. to encourage the development of renewable energy.
of the challenges that needs to be overcome in order to The application of renewable DGs in microgrids is one of
allow for broad integration of renewable energy. Sunlight is the extensively studied topics in the literature. A microgrid
the origin of most of renewable DGs either directly, such that utilizes controllable prime movers, such as gas engines,
as solar energy, or indirectly, such as wind, hydroelectric, to compensate fluctuating demand and output of renewable
and biomass energies. Sunlight is directly converted to solar energy is presented in [12]. In [13], a building integrated
energy using solar panels. Wind and hydroelectric power photovoltaic (PV) for urban areas is proposed that can run
are the result of differential heating of the earth’s surface. in isolation from the utility grid while being connected to the
Biomass energy is the sunlight energy stored in plants. There grid at all times. In [14], a simulation framework utilizing
are also some other types of energy not driven by the sun sequential Monte Carlo simulations is developed to investi-
such as geothermal energy, whose origin is the internal heat gate the performance of autonomous microgrids that have the
in the Earth, and the energy of the oceans’ waves, which ability to interconnect to achieve adequate load service and
comes from tides and winds. Renewable DGs offer several shows the sensitivity of a small microgrid assembly to large
benefits including sustainability, being emission free, and amounts of wind generation, which can have a significant
benefiting from an almost ubiquitous primary source of negative impact on its reliability. The paper concludes that
energy [9], [10]. As detailed in [11], there are numerous to mitigate the effects of the high variability in the power
output of the wind turbines, much greater amounts of storage, units and would facilitate the integration within the utility
aggregate wind generation, or both are needed. In [15], the grid.
challenges facing the operation of intermittent power sources, The variable nature of renewable DGs in microgrids
such as wind power, in capacity-limited microgrids are necessitates the presence of an energy source to compensate
discussed. A wind plant pitch angle controller and a rotor for their fluctuations. The islanding events in microgrids and
speed controller are introduced for wind power plant active the need for a power supply to ensure seamless transfer to
power adjustment to help with frequency regulation. The use the islanded mode also makes the case for integration of
of static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is further energy storage systems (ESS) in microgrids. ESS enhances
discussed for stabilizing the microgrid voltage during short flexibility in power generation, delivery, and consumption.
circuit faults. In [16], the planning of micro hydro power It provides utility grids with several benefits and large cost
plants and micro wind power turbines into mountain- savings. Large-scale ESS increases the efficiency of utility
ous regions with weak natural energy is discussed. The grids which means reduced operation cost and emissions
discussions indicate that regions with relatively weak natural and increased power reliability. Conventional large-scale
energy may be developed by applying the microgrid with power plants are not able to respond to load fluctuations in
possible compensation between micro-sources. The study real-time which results in a poor voltage and power quality.
in [17] examines the feasibility of applying a micro hydro Considering the increasing penetration of renewable DGs, the
power generation system in a microgrid as part of the various application of ESS has significantly increased. The reason
regional energy programs underway in Africa. It also points is that renewable DGs are intermittent; for example, wind
to R&D advancements in various technologies focused on farms and solar PVs generate power when the wind is blow-
energy sustainability and suggests that micro hydro power ing and the sun is shining. Accordingly, the employment of
generation systems integrated even at microgrid powered ESS allows the utility grid to store energy when it is more
levels have potential to provide an efficiency of service to than the amount required to meet the demand, and supply
rural communities and can serve as primary building blocks loads in peak hours. Therefore, this technology lets variable
for future system expansion. generation resources to continue their power generation even
Solar energy applications in microgrids are also studied in in the absence of wind and sunlight, which means providing
several publications, with the primary objective of enhancing electric utilities with a continuous and reliable power. Storing
solar energy generation by maximum power point tracking. energy from various resources to economically serve shift-
At any level of solar radiation, there is a unique point on the ing loads based on electricity prices and serve non-shiftable
current-voltage characteristic of the solar cells at which they loads during peak hours is one of the several applications of
generate maximum power. Maximum power point tracking ESS. The employment of ESS would improve power qual-
controls solar cells to generate power at this point. In [18], ity via frequency regulation, benefit electric producers by
a fuzzy-logic controller is used for maximum power point allowing them to generate power when it is most efficient
tracking of PV systems and implemented by fuzzifying the and least expensive, provide critical loads with a continuous
rules of hill-climbing search methods to reduce its drawbacks. source of power, and help the society during emergencies
In [19], a survey of perturb and observe techniques is pre- such as electricity interruptions because of storms, equipment
sented which shows that existing techniques suffer from failures, or malicious attacks. According to [23], benefits
oscillations, complexity, designer dependency, and high com- could be in the form of either avoided costs or additional
putational load. It further presents a modified perturb and revenue received by the operator. Benefits from avoided
observe maximum power point tracking technique and shows costs include the costs of alternatives to the ESS which are
that high-performance steady-state operation can be achieved avoided. Based on this concept, if an ESS is used such that
with no oscillations around the maximum power point using there is no need for generation equipment, the benefit of this
the proposed technique. The study in [20] uses neural network ESS would be the avoided cost of generation. For the
to estimate the optimal tilt angle at a given location and thus ESS owner, benefits from additional revenue would be
an estimate of the amount of energy available from the PV in a associated with the revenue from selling energy and other
microgrid. It is demonstrated that the neural network is able to services. For an electricity end-user employing ESS for
estimate the optimum tilt angle with an accuracy of 3◦ and the reducing electricity bill, the benefits would be lower costs of
optimized irradiation at the microgrid with negligible error. energy [24], [25]. In [26], an algorithm is proposed to manage
The study in [21] shows that including a diverse set of renew- the devices in real-time in order to mitigate pulsed loads
able energy generation technologies and optimizing the mix effects on the system performance in microgrids involving
of renewable units could potentially reduce energy balance ESS. The study in [27] presents a control strategy for the
fluctuations in a small-scale microgrid. Due to the volatility PV source integrated in a microgrid allowing it to operate at
of the renewable generation, the microgrid islanded operation maximum power point at all times except for times that the
cannot rely on such sources. In order to address this concern, frequency needs to be stabilized.
a new concept called ‘‘provisional microgrid’’ is outlined In [28], microgrids are classified based on their value
in [22], proposing a microgrid without islanding capabil- proposition into three types: reliability, energy arbitrage, and
ity. This would add flexibility to utilize nondispatchable power quality. The paper explains that because the energy
source of inverter-based microgrids responds slowly, ESS is deployed, these metrics can be significantly improved.
is only necessary for this type of microgrids with a mostly This is due to the intrinsic intelligence (control and
critical load designed to have a power quality higher than automation systems) of microgrids and the utilization of
the utility grid, and is optional for other types of microgrids. DERs that allow islanded operation from the utility grid.
The study in [29] focuses on empirically characterizing Since the generation in community microgrids is located in
Vanadium Redox batteries efficiency, as a viable ESS tech- close proximity to consumer loads, it is less prone to being
nology for portable microgrids, based on known climatic affected by T&D grid disturbances and infrastructure issues.
operating conditions and load requirements. The study in [30] Additional flexibility to provide service under these condi-
proves that ESSs applied in microgrids can perform the tions is provided by the ability to adjust loads (e.g., demand
task of active power balancing and voltage regulation at the response) via building and/or microgrid master controllers.
same time. In the grid-connected mode, ESS may ensure Improved reliability can be translated into economic benefits
load levelling and reducing the power exchange with the for consumers and utility due to a reduction in interruptions
network which makes the system operation more efficient and costs and Energy Not Supplied (ENS). The magnitude of
flexible. ESS may enhance DER penetration and contribute to these benefits is dependent upon load criticality, value of
better quality of energy delivery to customers. The proposed lost load, and the availability of other alternatives such as
control of ESS ensures successful transition to islanded mode backup generation or automatic load transfer trips. Microgrid
as well. A composite ESS that contains both high energy studies associated with reliability can be considered from
density storage battery and high power density storage ultra- two perspectives of evaluation and improvement.
capacitor is proposed in [31] to meet the aforementioned In the context of microgrid reliability evaluation, studies
requirements. The proposed power converter configuration in [35]–[39] consider reliability assessment of islanded
and the energy management scheme can actively distribute microgrids with renewable DGs. The Monte Carlo simulation
the power demand among different ESSs. In [32], a new is used in [40] for reliability calculations. A novel
fuzzy logic pitch controller and an ultracapacitor ESS is method is presented in [36] for assessing the reliability of
proposed to smooth the output power of wind turbine and microgrids, considering the probabilistic behavior of solar
enhance microgrid performance in the islanded mode. The and wind power. The study period is divided into different
two proposed controllers are compared with the conventional timeframes, and for each timeframe, the timeframe capac-
PI pitch controller, which is usually used to control wind ity factor is considered for each renewable DG. To assess
generation system when the wind speed exceeds a rated value. the microgrid reliability, the loss of load expectation and
expected energy not supplied are calculated which result in
a reduction in the required data and running time for relia-
In [33], several value propositions of community
bility assessment. These two virtues suit the model well for
microgrids are enumerated which could be simply extended
optimization-based planning problems. The main advantage
to a majority of types of microgrids. These value proposi-
of the proposed model is that it does not depend on detailed
tions include improved reliability and resiliency, emission
data that is hard to obtain, and does not deal with conver-
reduction, reduced costs of recurring system upgrades,
gence, error limit, or runtime issues that exist in simulation-
enhancing energy efficiency and power quality, and lowered
based methods, such as in Monte Carlo simulation. In [35],
energy costs. However, the microgrid value propositions,
simulation model and technical discussions are presented
which are of utmost importance and appeal for grid operators
on unit commitment and economic dispatch of DERs show-
to support grid performance, are improved reliability,
ing that a microgrid with DERs offers much better SAIFI,
resiliency, and power quality. The study in [34] describes
SAIDI, and Average Service Availability Index performances
the primary value propositions of microgrids including
compared to a microgrid and a system without DERs due
reliability, energy arbitrage, and power quality. Furthermore,
to its ability of seamless transfer to islanded mode when
requirements and characteristics are discussed for microgrids
the utility grid fails. In [40], a computational methodology
designed for each of the value propositions.
is presented that can be used for quantifying the reliabil-
A. RELIABILITY ity and operational performance of low voltage distribution
One of the most important benefits of microgrids is to systems with DGs that operate as microgrids. It is based
improve consumers’ supply reliability. Electric utilities con- on a sequential Monte Carlo simulation which simulates all
stantly monitor consumers’ reliability levels and perform features of the DGs that can be connected to a microgrid in
required system upgrades to improve supply availability order to achieve an acceptable level of power supply to the
and to reach or maintain desired performance. Consumer microgrid consumers. It is shown that the microgrid adequacy
reliability is typically evaluated in terms of system and is critically dependent on the reliability performance of the
customer average interruption frequency and/or duration system supply source while a sufficiently large generation
(SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIFI, and CAIDI indices). Outage causes, capacity of DGs can improve the system reliability indices in
such as storms, equipment failure, etc., impact reliability emergency conditions when additional power generation is
levels by increasing the average frequency and duration required to supply the load demand. The relative indices being
of interruptions, however, when a community microgrid calculated clearly indicate that this operating procedure may
significantly improve the microgrid reliability performance. and improve the Monte Carlo simulation speed. In [46],
In [39], a procedure of supply reliability evaluation for stochastic linear programming is introduced to obtain
microgrids is presented which includes renewable energy optimal operating schedules for a given microgrid under local
sources such as wind power and solar PVs. The study economic and environmental conditions. The paper indicates
in [38] presents a model for the assessment of the reliability that using a stochastic approach can both increase the reli-
of combined heat and power-based DER capacity of a ability of microgrid operations and improve its economic
6-bus meshed microgrid. Probabilistic methods such as performance, which also illustrates the advantages of using
loss-of-load probability, loss-of-energy probability, and integrated modeling approaches. In [47], the application of
frequency-and-duration are used in the context of tracking high reliability distribution system in the economic operation
electric demand profiles. Worth of reserve capacity and of a microgrid is studied and it is demonstrated that the imple-
demand for reserve with these fast-start DERs is evaluated mentation of high reliability distribution systems and auto-
from capacity outage probability distribution and demand matic switches can reduce the expected frequency, the dura-
curve. The study in [37] uses Markov process to model gen- tion of interruptions, and the expected energy not supplied in
eration to load ratio when analyzing the impact of renewable microgrids. Studies are performed in a working microgrid in
energy sources on the islanded microgrid reliability. the campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago.
In [39], [41], and [42], metrics are proposed for the In [48], an analytical technique is presented that evaluates
reliability assessment of islanded microgrids. In [41], a series the reliability of customers in a microgrid using a recursive
of new metrics is proposed which is able to evaluate the algorithm in order to compose a connection matrix of DGs.
effect of outages in a distribution system and the islanding In the context of microgrid reliability improvement,
process. In the first step, the reliability of the distribution reliability improvement methods have been proposed through
system is assessed while microgrids are equivalently con- coupled microgrids [49], adding renewable DGs [50],
sidered as loads connected at their PCC. In the second step, autonomous customer-driven microgrids [51], efficient oper-
a Monte Carlo simulation is used to assess the reliability ation of DGs [52], and vehicle-to-grid integration [53].
of microgrid containing renewable DGs, while the rest of In [54], a dispatching strategy is presented based on the
the distribution system is substituted by an equivalent con- criterion of limiting the risk in operation. The study in [55]
ventional generator model. In [42], a probabilistic technique suggests improvements in reliability of micro hydro power
is proposed to evaluate the success of islanded microgrids, plant and micro wind power turbine by considering the feasi-
taking into consideration the special features and opera- ble cooperation between the system grid and power sources
tional characteristics of both dispatchable and wind DGs in of micro hydro power plant and micro wind power turbine.
islanded microgrids. Discussions demonstrate that voltage In [56], the value of autonomous microgrid is increased
and reactive power constraints have considerable effects by factoring operations management into microgrid man-
on the microgrid successful operation. New adequacy and agement and cross-microgrid management, leading to
reliability indices are proposed to account for the effect of improved reliability. In this work, the topology of micro-
voltage and reactive power constraints. In [43], a new mod- grids is described, including nesting, union, and intersection
eling approach is presented to provide the hourly generation topologies. The proposed scheme is called the Structured
models for each type of renewable DGs. It also presents an Energy. Structured Energy, using microgrids as the basic
approach to develop an hourly load model, by taking into components, allows a long-term planning to deal with
account both power correlation and hardware availability. scarcity and surplus. In [50], ‘‘the feeder addition problem’’
The model uses that information to present a method to is defined to determine potential locations for adding interties
analytically evaluate loss of load probability. In [44], the between feeders in a legacy radial distribution system and
sustainability and reliability of microgrids are assessed in the make it partially meshed to improve the reliability in the
Northwestern European electricity market considering islanded mode of operation. A heuristic technique, called the
thermodynamic exergy-based and reliability indices when sequential feeder method, and a multi-objective GA are used
evaluating the role of microgrids in regional utility grids. in this model. In [51], the role of autonomous, customer-
Performed studies suggest that a power network, in which driven microgrids in hardening utility grids is described by
fossil-fueled microgrids and a price on CO2 emissions are providing significant reliability and security benefits. The
included, has the highest composite sustainability index. study in [52] applies heuristic optimization techniques, such
In [45], a new method for reliability evaluation of active as Harmony Search Algorithm, PSO, and GA, for operational
distribution systems with multiple microgrids is proposed. efficiency and minimum interruption costs, with a focus on
Multi-state models, to better represent various types of DGs using DGs in a microgrid. It shows that the efficient operation
and virtual power plants, and model microgrids with intermit- of DGs can improve reliability indices due to the reduction
tent sources are considered. The non-sequential Monte Carlo in interruption frequency and duration. In [53], simulation
simulation method is then adopted to evaluate the relia- results of vehicle-to-grid operations in a microgrid are pre-
bility of active distribution systems considering different sented for evaluation of the grid reliability. The paper further
operation modes under single or multiple contingencies. proposes a charging and discharging control method based
Used techniques enhance the state evaluation process on the current load and battery status to relieve power load
during peak hours and smooth out the load profile. The results in [63] proposes phase droop control and a central power
are significant in that vehicle-to-grid operations contribute to management controller for a microgrid in a region exposed to
local energy reliability during emergency as well as cost sav- hurricanes as control means to stabilize the system when it is
ings in electricity bills and fuels for generators by reducing subject to disturbances. The study in [64] presents the devel-
peak load. In [54], a new operating paradigm is proposed, opment of advanced microgrid load management function-
called risk-limiting dispatch, that uses real-time information alities, including exploitation of responsive loads, which are
about supply and demand obtained from the smart grid, taking able to manage microgrid ESS. They are proposed as comple-
into account the stochastic nature of renewable sources mentary resources to microgrid primary frequency regulation
and DR. The operational decision making of the proposed and to run the microgrid online. In [65], a hardware-in-the-
approach is based on the criterion of limiting the risk in loop reconfigurable system design is proposed to facilitate the
operation, rather than the conventional worst case dispatch. realization of fault prevention, detection, and mitigation at
various levels with various degrees of collaboration; they
B. RESILIENCY include local actuation, supported by devices with embedded
Resiliency improvement is observed as a complimentary intelligence, resilient and robust local collaboration at both
value proposition of microgrids. Resiliency refers to the local and system levels, and distributed state estimation,
capability of power systems to withstand low-probability as well as system-level adaptation, supported by control-
high-impact events by minimizing possible power outages theoretic security solutions. The study in [66] discusses
and quickly returning to normal operating state [57]. These utility system vulnerabilities to multiple failures and the
events typically include extreme weather events and natural potential for such failures under natural and/or manmade
disasters, such as hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, snow threat models of the residential communities. The study
storms, floods, cyber-security attacks, malicious attacks, in [57] proposes a resiliency-oriented microgrid scheduling
etc. Recurring and seemingly increasing intense seasonal considering uncertainties in load, generation, and the utility
storms, which many utilities are facing every year, could also grid supply interruption time and duration. The problem is
be included among these events. Recent hurricanes in the decomposed into normal and resilient operation problems.
United States and the potential significant social disruptions The unit commitment, ESS, and adjustable loads schedules
have spawned a great deal of discussion in the power and are revised, and loads are curtailed, if necessary, to ensure
energy industry about the value and application of microgrids. feasible resilient operation.
If the power system is impacted by these events and critical
components, e.g., generating facilities and/or T&D infras- C. POWER QUALITY
tructures, are severely damaged, service may be disrupted for Consumers’ needs for higher power quality have significantly
days or even weeks. The impact of these events on consumers increased during past decades due to the growing application
could be minimized by the development of community micro- of voltage sensitive loads, including a large number and
grids which allow the local supply of loads even when the variety of electronic loads and LEDs. Utilities are always
supply of power from the utility grid is not available. seeking efficient ways of improving power quality issues by
In [58], a vulnerability index is presented in terms of loss addressing prevailing concerns stemmed from harmonics and
of load, which is used together with reliability and economy voltage. Microgrids provide a quick and efficient answer for
as objectives in microgrid planning optimization to ensure addressing power quality needs by enabling local control of
its resilient operation in the islanded mode. The problem is frequency, voltage, load, and the rapid response from ESS.
solved using MAS technology and PSO. In [59], a compos- Power quality compensators to be used in microgrids have
ite sustainability-resiliency index is calculated using fuzzy been proposed in [32] and [67]–[73]. In [67], an autonomous-
logic to be used in a multi-objective microgrid operation control method for a DC microgrid is described. The
optimization model in order to account for the capacity of proposed control method, intended for suppression of circu-
the power network system to self-recover to a new normal lating current, detects only the DC grid voltage. Each unit
state after experiencing an unanticipated catastrophic event. can be controlled autonomously without communicating with
In [60], a tool is presented to model a flywheel energy storage, others. This method brings high reliability, high-flexibility
capable of providing resilient power to critical loads. In [61], and maintenance-free operation to the system. In [68],
a microgrid availability calculation method is proposed to be a power flow and power quality control for a
used during natural disasters based on Markov state space single-phase high-frequency AC microgrid is presented using
models. The method uses minimal cutset approximations single-phase p-q theory-based active filters. It finds an
for calculations. In [62], control actions to be conducted for approximate sinusoidal form of the current from the inter-
multi-microgrid service restoration and subsequent operation mediate supply bus, which is further in phase with the fun-
in islanded mode are proposed. The study in [60] proposes damental source voltage. It would result in a sinusoidal load
a decentralized multi-agent control method for distributed voltage which is crucial for voltage sensitive loads within the
microgrids, allowing microgrid agents to successfully tran- microgrid. In [69], a group of grid-interfacing system
sition from normal operations to an emergency condition topologies is proposed with the purpose of interfacing
and back again when conditions have resolved. The study local DG/microgrid to the utility grid, or interconnecting
microgrids by adapting the conventional series-parallel especially focused on the existing harmonic problem coming
structure to enhance the voltage quality. With the from the interaction between grid components and installed
reconfigurable functionalities, the proposed systems have solar inverters. Discussions are supported via a power qual-
been compared with conventional series–parallel systems ity test laboratory. The study in [78] proposes a harmonic
and shunt-connected systems, showing flexible applicability. compensation scheme for power electronics-interfaced DGs,
In [70], a grid-interfacing power quality compensator is improving steady-state power control accuracy in a microgrid
proposed to be used with individual DGs in a microgrid, and with frequency deviations.
is implemented using shunt and series inverters with both In [79], enhanced control strategies based on frequency
inverters optimally controlled to enhance the power quality droop are proposed for DGs to improve synchronization and
and the quality of currents flowing between the microgrid real power sharing, hence minimizing transient oscillations
and the utility grid. The practicality and the effectiveness in the microgrid. In [80], an enhanced droop control method
of the proposed compensator are verified by simulation is proposed through adaptive virtual impedance adjustment
and experimental results. In [71], a flexible AC distribu- to address inaccurate power sharing problems in autonomous
tion system device is presented for microgrid applications islanded microgrids. In [81], a profile-based control approach
to improve the power quality and reliability of the overall is presented to accommodate pulsed-power loads in micro-
power distribution system that the microgrid is connected to. grids based on identifying the optimal charging profile. It is
The control design employs a new model predictive control shown to be highly effective in reducing the power distur-
algorithm which results in faster computational time for large bances of pulsed-power loads. In [82], a DC microgrid was
utilities by separately optimizing the steady-state and the applied to residential houses with a cogeneration system such
transient control problems. Extended Kalman filters are also as gas engine or fuel cell. DGs are capable of stably supplying
employed for frequency tracking and to extract the harmonic loads with high quality power against sudden load variations,
spectra of the grid voltage and load currents in the microgrid. voltage sags of the utility grid, and short circuits of the load.
In [72], a three-phase four-wire grid-interfacing power qual- In [83], a system for a residential complex is presented as
ity compensator is presented for microgrid applications to be an instance of the DC microgrid where each house has a
used with each individual DG in the microgrid. The compen- cogeneration system such as gas engine and fuel cell. The
sator consists of two four-phase-leg inverters (a shunt and a output electric power is shared among houses, where the total
series), and is optimally controlled to achieve an enhancement power can be controlled by changing the running number of
of both the quality of power within the microgrid and the cogeneration systems. Supercapacitors are chosen as main
quality of currents flowing between the microgrid and the ESS systems in this model. Results show that the proposed
utility grid. In [73], frequency/sequence selective filters are system could supply high-quality power under a variety of
proposed for adding power quality conditioning capability conditions such as voltage sag in the utility grid, as well as
into voltage-source inverter based DERs in a microgrid disconnection and reconnection procedures.
containing both complex bandpass and bandstop sections,
which are designed on three-phase space-vector quantities. IV. APPLICATION OF POWER ELECTRONICS
Simulation and experimental results are presented to validate IN MICROGRIDS
these filtering concepts. The proposed schemes are Many of DERs are not suitable to be directly connected to
observed to improve filtering signals in three-phase, the microgrid network. Hence, power electronic interfaces
three-wire power systems, especially when there is a narrow are required to enhance/enable their integration [6]. Examples
gap between the desired and undesired frequencies. are PV cells and ESS which generate DC power, or wind tur-
The study in [74] states that utilizing DERs is a way bines that need improvements in generated power quality and
of enhancing power quality in the distribution system. frequency. Although power electronic devices would enhance
In [75]–[77], multiple methods are proposed for harmonic integration and controllability of these resources, they would
filtering and mitigation. In [75], a new cooperative harmonic also bring new challenges regarding control and protection.
filtering strategy is proposed for the interface converters In an islanded microgrid, rotating generators can serve the
of DGs. It consists of droop control method based on the role of a voltage source and manage the grid frequency, but
reactive volt-ampere consumption of harmonics of each in their absence the power electronic converters are needed
interface converter. In this method, the overall harmonic to behave as voltage sources. In the grid-connected mode, the
filtering workload can be evenly shared without converters function as current sources feeding the microgrid.
communications. In [76], a harmonic compensation method This section provides a review on the current applications of
is proposed for a DC microgrid connected with doubly-fed power electronics in microgrids.
induction generators. In [77], it is shown how the grid of an A single-stage single-phase high-step-up zero voltage
existing holiday park can be changed into an autonomous switching boost converter with voltage multiplier cell is
microgrid by implementing an additional control system as proposed in [84] to satisfy the strict efficiency and power
well as additional ESSs and power electronics to maintain the density requirements in the fuel-cell microgrids. The integra-
balance between load and generated power, and to guarantee tion of the solid-state transformer with zonal DC microgrids
the quality of supply on an acceptable level. The paper is is discussed in [85]. By utilizing the DC and AC links of
solid-state transformers, both networks can access the for the autonomous operation of a microgrid with power
distribution system, which renders the coordinate manage- electronic interfaces based on a multi-agent system (MAS)
ment of the power and guarantees a high power supply is presented in which all agents are hierarchically equal
reliability. A power delivery strategy relying on integrating and there is no central agent. In [94], an operation range
DER in AC distribution networks through a multi-terminal control strategy based on frequency-voltage droop is pro-
voltage source converter (VSC)-based DC system is proposed posed and shown to be able to control voltage by decou-
in [86]. A topology is designed that integrates both AC and pling the real and reactive power control and improving
DC networks and is unified for different voltage and power the microgrid stability. In [95], the control and protection
levels. It allows full power controllability, yet has a compact of power electronics-interfaced DG systems in a customer-
monolithic and scalable structure. In [87], a voltage unbal- driven microgrid are discussed considering microgrid con-
ance and harmonics compensation strategy for the VSCs in figurations and features, DG interfacing converter topologies
islanded microgrids is presented where the virtual impedance and control, power flow control in grid-connected operation,
loop is modified to improve the compensation effect. The islanding detection, autonomous islanding operation with
impedance model of the VSC is built to explain the com- load shedding and load demand sharing among DGs, and
pensation ability of the proposed strategy. The study in [88] system/DG protection. The study in [96] presents experimen-
simplifies the differential algebraic system of decentralized tal results from the operation of a prototype microgrid which
multi-inverter microgrid active power/voltage frequency and comprises a PV generator, battery ESS, local load, and a
reactive power/voltage magnitude droop control to study controlled interconnection to the low voltage grid with fast
the stability of the microgrid for different droop control acting power electronics interfaces. It provides a technical
gains based on varying assumptions, while in [89] a pseudo- description of the system components and the control concept
droop control structure integrated within a microgrid through implementation, along with extensive measurement results
distributed power generation modules is presented which is demonstrating its capability to operate in the desired way.
capable to function in off-grid islanded, genset-connected,
and grid-connected modes of operation. The PV inverter V. MICROGRID ECONOMICS
ceases to convert power until the line-frequency limits are The proximity of generation to load in microgrids provides
restored to the normal range, as the DC level is within the significant benefits in terms of reduced losses and
specified set point limits. The PV inverter control is enhanced T&D payments. These benefits need to be assessed and
with the implementation of frequency-detection function, demonstrated in order that microgrids could remain competi-
which continuously monitors the microgrid line frequency tive with the large-scale generation. Various papers have dis-
and reduces its power if a specific pattern is detected while the cussed microgrid scheduling, planning, its interactions with
hybrid converter varies the line frequency determined by the the electricity market, and demand management. However,
desired battery-charging profile. In [90], a feasibility study is there are still several areas regarding economic aspects of
introduced using the evolutionary design to optimize control microgrid operation and planning in need of research. This
parameters for an islanded microgrid with a large number of section reviews available studies on microgrid economics.
inverters, and it is demonstrated to provide improved transient
response when compared to a manual design. A. ECONOMIC EVALUATION
In addition to enabling an efficient connection, power Microgrids can potentially benefit from a less expensive
electronics devices are capable of providing additional bene- generation stemmed from local renewable DGs with the
fits for microgrids. Power electronic interfaces can improve ability of generating power in high market price hours and
the power quality of customers by improving harmonics and also in times of congestion in the utility grid. Moreover,
providing extremely fast switching times for sensitive loads. reduced energy purchases from the utility grid would
Power electronics can also provide benefits to the connected be translated into reduced T&D charges, hence ensuring
utility grid by providing reactive power control and voltage economic benefits for the microgrid. Microgrids are also
regulation at the distributed energy system connection point. able to sell their excess power back to the utility grid and
A useful feature of a power electronic interface is the be paid, or credited, under the net metering policy. The
ability to reduce or eliminate fault current contributions lowered energy costs impact each individual consumer within
from distributed energy system, thereby allowing negligible the microgrid. However, the microgrid local generation not
impacts on protection coordination. Finally, power electronic only lowers energy costs for local consumers, but also
interfaces provide flexibility in operations with various other could potentially benefit the entire system by reducing the
DERs, and can potentially reduce overall interconnection T&D networks congestion levels and enabling a better
costs through standardization and modularity [91]. This issue economic dispatch of available energy resources in the
is discussed in [92] in which a power-electronic interface, utility grid. In addition, microgrid deployment enables the
including an ESS module and an inverter for coupling DERs application of load management strategies by local
within a microgrid is introduced. The control of power consumers, hence further increases economic benefits.
electronics-interfaced DG systems are further discussed Economic merits of microgrids are extensively discussed
in [93]–[96]. In [93], a decentralized control architecture in the literature [41], [97]–[104]. The study in [97] compares
and islanded problems and islanding cuts are used to revise smaller problems, and an optimal solution is developed to
the schedules to ensure feasible operation. the original problem step-by-step. The optimal solution is
In the distributed model, however, each component is recursively developed from the subproblems. Its fundamental
considered as an agent with the ability of discrete decision form examines every possible state in every interval and
making, and the optimal schedule is obtained using iterative rejects infeasible ones. Dynamic programming methods typ-
data transfers among agents [121]–[128]. In [126], consensus ically suffer from the curse of dimensionality. Lagrangian
theorem is used in a decentralized multi-agent platform. relaxation decomposes the problem into a master problem
In [127], the dual decomposition method is utilized to decom- and a number of manageable subproblems which would be
pose the original problem into smaller subproblems solved by solved separately. The subproblems are linked by Lagrangian
controllers of DGs, dispatchable loads, DES, and renewable multipliers that are added to the master problem to yield a
energy sources. Each control scheme offers its own benefits dual problem. The dual problem has lower dimensions than
and drawbacks, but the centralized model is commonly more the primal problem and is easier to solve. The difference
desirable as it ensures a secure microgrid operation and is between the two functions yields the duality gap for which the
more suitable for the application of optimization techniques. primal function is an upper bound. This gap provides a mea-
The main drawbacks of the centralized scheme are reduced sure of the optimality of the solution. It is more flexible for
flexibility in adding new components and relatively exten- handling different types of operating constraints in a power
sive computational requirements [111]. The study in [128] system and has higher computational efficiency compared
presents a nonlinear droop scheme for power sharing in a to other methods. It can be easily extended to incorporate
microgrid with different types of DGs aiming at reducing various constraints. Its main drawback is the inability to
total microgrid generation cost. The study in [125] presents a guarantee the solution feasibility and convergence [144].
model to simulate closed loop price signal control optimal In [145] a non-linear mixed integer programming problem is
power flow (OPF) by a microgrid central controller. The decomposed into integer and continuous variable optimiza-
central operator only influences the decision taken by each tions and the continuous problem is solved using successive
unit via price signals. Dispatch decision is decentralized to dynamic programming. In [138] models of an energy supply
each controllable unit increasing system capability to cope chain network are proposed in an MILP framework based
with a large number of generating units. A range of case on small-scale micro-generation through combined heat and
studies show the approach’s ability to handle small and large power systems aiming at minimizing operation and trade
scale disturbances both within and outside the microgrid. costs under full energy demand satisfaction. In [146], the
Optimization is used by an advanced Primal Dual Interior microgrid economic scheduling is posed as an MILP model.
Point Method based on Nonlinear Programming. No complex heuristics or decompositions are used leading to
Available software to solve the microgrid scheduling significant improvements in scheduled quality and in compu-
problem include WebOPT [129] and HOMER [130]. tational burden. Unit commitment, economic dispatch, ESS,
WebOPT is a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) sale and purchase of energy to/from the utility grid, as well
optimization program for planning purposes developed using as curtailment schedule are considered. The study in [139]
General Algebraic Modeling System. HOMER software is presents an optimal dispatching strategy of microgrid-based
used for simulation, optimization and sensitivity analysis ESS which also includes wind generator, PV system, fuel
of microgrids. In [131], a simulation platform is presented cell, micro turbine, and diesel generator. Results show that
for the modeling and study of microgrids using MathWorks a battery switch station can bring more profit and reserve for
Simulink modeling software, providing a library of tools for the microgrid than other types of ESS.
designing and simulating the behavior of a microgrid on time Heuristic methods are flexible, and allow for the
scales from seconds to days which includes a collection of consideration of practical operating constraints, obtain feasi-
power system and power electronics components that may be ble solutions if there are any, and have modest computational
arbitrarily configured. requirements, but cannot guarantee the optimal solutions or
In the context of the scheduling methodology, a variety of furnish an estimate of the magnitude of their optimality which
approaches are proposed to solve the microgrid scheduling is rather significant in large-scale utility grids [144]. Heuristic
problem, including deterministic, heuristic, and stochastic methods used for the microgrid scheduling include simu-
methods. Deterministic methods include advanced primal lated annealing [117], gravitational search algorithm [147],
dual interior point method based on nonlinear program- mesh adaptive direct search [132], linear programming along
ming [125], sequential quadratic programming [132], with heuristics depending on the fuzzy ARTMAP neu-
MILP [35], [77], [133]–[139], subgradient search [140], ral network [121], harmony search algorithm, bio-inspired
reduced gradient search [141], quadratic programing and lin- optimizations, including genetic algorithm (GA), particle
ear programing [127], [142], and interior point method [143]. swarm optimization (PSO) [52], [148], direct search [149]
The MILP is a modification of standard integer program- and modified direct search [150], adaptive modified par-
ming that treats the objective and constraint functions as ticle swarm optimization (with a better performance than
continuous, and some variables as integers. In dynamic GA and PSO) [151], matrix real-coded genetic algo-
programming, the problem is decomposed into a series of rithm [152], non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm [153],
differential evolution [154], artificial immune system and a stochastic programming method is adopted to address the
vaccine-enhanced artificial immune system [148], neural scheduling of a reconfigurable lithium ferrophosphate bat-
networks [155], two-layered scheduling algorithm based on tery to improve the reliability and economic performance of
a GA outer layer and an inner mix linear/quadratic pro- the microgrid. In [163], chance-constrained programming is
gramming model [156], improved multi-objective teaching– utilized to consider the random wind power, PV power, as
learning-based optimization [157], and fast evolutionary well as thermal and electric load in the optimal schedules
algorithm [158]. PSO is the most common heuristic method in of a combined heat and power system. The study in [164]
solving the microgrid scheduling problem. It can be applied to presents a scheduling of autonomous generators, renewable
global optimization problems with nonconvex or nonsmooth resources, ESS devices, and schedulable loads in a microgrid
objective functions. PSO is easy in its concept and implemen- for buildings. The problem is formulated as stochastic opti-
tation by having only a few parameters to adjust. It can solve mization and solved by a scenario tree method. It is shown
problems with high-quality solutions within relatively shorter that for this problem even in the presence of uncertainties,
calculation times and more stable convergence characteristics the deterministic model based on forecasts of demand and
than other stochastic methods [159]. Simple GA implemen- renewable generation offers an efficient equivalence to the
tations using the standard crossover and mutation operators stochastic model. The study in [25] formulates the same
can locate near-optimal solutions, but usually do not converge stochastic optimization problem considering uncertainties in
to the optimal solution. Using the varying quality function demand profiles and solar radiation, and solves it using
technique and adding problem-specific operators can result a scenario tree method. It attempts to find the optimal
in satisfactory solutions [160]. Differential evolution can ESS capacities and operating plan in a building energy
handle optimization problems with nonsmooth/nonconvex system. It is found that thermal ESS units and water tanks
objective functions. It has a simple structure and a good are effective in saving the energy cost in all scenarios, but the
convergence property, and requires a few robust control electrical battery may not be economical to use due to its high
parameters, but takes a relatively longer computation time to investment cost and short lifetime. It is found that it would
achieve the final solution [161]. In [152], an EMS is proposed be sufficient in many cases to obtain the best combination of
to optimally coordinate the power production of DG sources ESS devices with the forecasted demand and solar radiation,
and ESS to minimize the operational costs of microgrids. without using stochastic formation.
A matrix real-coded GA optimization module is used to In addition to deterministic, heuristic, and stochastic
achieve a practical method for load management. In [153], methods, hybrid methods, which benefit from a combination
a multi-objective optimization model is presented to mini- of two or more methods, are proposed and used in the micro-
mize the power generation cost and to maximize the useful grid scheduling. A hybrid of evolutionary programming and
life of lead-acid batteries via the nondominated sorting GA. hill climbing techniques is used in [165]. In [166], a bi-level
Results show that the proposed method can optimize the sys- prediction strategy for short-term load forecast of microgrids
tem operations under different scenarios and help users obtain is presented. The upper level uses the enhanced differential
the optimal operation schemes. The study in [154] shows how evolution optimizing the adjustable parameters of the feature
different optimal output sets of DER-mix, operating within selection method with the forecast engine in the lower level.
their respective capacity limits, could economically share an The hybrid forecast engine is composed of the neural network
electrical tracking demand among micro-turbines and diesel and evolutionary algorithm.
generators of various sizes. It satisfies different heat demands, There are some decisive factors in microgrid scheduling,
on the basis of multi-objective optimization, compromising including market price, emission consideration, and power
between fuel cost and emission. Optimization is done using flow in microgrids. In the context of electricity price, there
differential evolution technique under real power demand are two common types of pricing: flat rates and time-based
equality constraint, heat balance inequality constraint, and rates. Under flat rate pricing, customers pay a fixed charge
DER capacity limits constraint. In [158], improved fast evo- per KWh of electricity consumed independent of the time
lutionary algorithm is applied to determine the economic load of usage, thus flat rates are unvarying. Flat rates are often
sharing scenario in a typical microgrid by minimizing the cost assigned to residential customers, and are the only option
incurred for operation, maintenance, and emissions. Results in the absence of meters that can record time-differentiated
reveal that the developed technique is easy to implement, has usage (except block rates). A range of time-based rates are
converged within an acceptable execution time, and yields currently offered directly to retail customers, including time-
highly optimal solution for combined economic and emission of-use pricing (TOU), real-time pricing (RTP), and critical
dispatch with the minimum operation and emission costs. peak pricing (CPP). In TOU, a rate with different unit prices
The study in [162] proposes an operation optimization model is defined for electricity usage during different blocks of
based on the multi-cross learning-based chaotic differential time, typically for a day. TOU rates reflect the average
evolution algorithm, which has a higher exploration capabil- cost of generating and delivering power during those time
ity compared to PSO and gravitational search. periods. TOU rates often vary as a function of time of day
Stochastic methods are primarily used to handle prevailing (e.g., peak vs. off-peak period) and season, and are typically
uncertainties in the microgrid scheduling process. In [46], pre-determined for a period of several months or years.
TOU rates are in widespread use for large commercial and total daily energy costs and green-house gas emissions of
industrial customers. TOU rates require meters that register these microgrids can be significantly reduced as compared
cumulative usage during the designated time blocks. In RTP, to nonintegrated baseline solutions.
the electricity price typically fluctuates hourly reflecting Although the microgrid size is much smaller than the utility
changes in the wholesale price of electricity. Forecasted RTP grid and also the congestion in the microgrid network is less
prices are typically made available to customers on a day- probable, the issue of power flow in microgrids has been
ahead or hour-ahead basis. CPP rates include a pre-specified discussed in some publications with the primary objective
high rate for usage designated by the utility in a critical of preventing voltage volatilities and ensuring the microgrid
peak period, and may be triggered by system contingencies reliable operation. The study in [173] proposes an OPF solu-
or high prices paid by the utility for procuring power from tion that considers the entire system: the ESS device limits,
wholesale electricity markets. CPP rates are not yet common, voltages limits, currents limits, and power limits. The power
but have been tested in pilots for large and small customers network may be arbitrarily complex, and the proposed solver
in several states [167], [168]. In [169] the problem of energy obtains an optimal solution. The method combines a power
imbalance management in a microgrid is studied from the flow solver with a dynamic programming recursive search,
market perspective. The paper proposes a pricing scheme achieving a numerically efficient solution. This combination
that provides robustness against intermittent power inputs. is robust and numerically efficient and reveals the optimal
It is shown that the parameters can be obtained by solving a stored energy versus time for each ESS device. The study
linear matrix inequality problem, which is efficiently solvable in [174] presents a Newton Raphson equation for the solution
due to its convexity. The underlying idea is to use fuzzy of power flow analysis in microgrid, comprising 2n current
systems together with a linear matrix inequality approach injection equations and m active power equations for a system
to assure the robustness of market dynamics. The proposed with n buses including one slack bus and m generator buses.
design outperforms the existing area control error pricing The reactive power mismatch of the generator bus is intro-
scheme by managing the imbalanced energy more quickly, duced as a new state variable, which leads to a simple proce-
and also being robust against system disturbances. In [170], dure for converting bus model between the generator bus and
a nonlinear optimal model of cogeneration microgrid is the load bus. In the conversion process, the submatrix Y∗ is
presented to deal with the economic operation of available retained, and only few rows and columns are added or deleted.
power resources which formulates a 24-hour work schedule. The proposed method is also applied to other occasions where
Test results indicate that the peak-valley energy price would the polar coordinates are adopted. The study in [175] consid-
increase the system operation costs, while using battery and ers the OPF for microgrids, with the objective of minimizing
peak load shifting can effectively reduce operation costs. either power distribution losses or the cost of power drawn
In [171], an economic investment model is presented for from the substation and supplied by DGs leading to voltage
microgrid operators to optimize their profits in a competing regulation. A semi-definite programming (SDP) relaxation
market formed by the utility company, subject to environ- technique is advocated to obtain a convex problem solvable
mental policies. The microgrid operators play a Nash game in polynomial-time complexity. Numerical tests demonstrate
in the market. The analyses show that the utility company has the ability of the proposed method to obtain an optimal
the flexibility to adjust the Nash Equilibrium of lower level solution of the original nonconvex OPF. To ensure scalability
microgrid optimization problems by changing the electricity with respect to the number of nodes, robustness to isolated
price and energy arbitrage market demand. communication outages, and data privacy and integrity, the
Emission consideration is another important issue that proposed SDP is solved in a distributed fashion by resorting
has been noticed in several proposed microgrid scheduling to the alternating direction method of multipliers. The
problems. In [135], emissions are minimized within the resulting algorithm entails iterative message-passing among
optimization framework. In [133], the operation plan of a groups of consumers and guarantees faster convergence
microgrid under three objectives including minimization of compared to competing alternatives. Another approach is
the annual cost, CO2 emission, and primary energy con- proposed in [176] to use an equivalence for converters in an
sumption are studied. In [135], a weighted average of energy AC-to-DC network to replace the DC microgrids
costs and CO2 emissions in zero-net-energy commercial with AC microgrids, solve the OPF problem of the equivalent
buildings is minimized. In [143], atmospheric pollutants, AC network using semi-definite programming, and then use
such as sulfur oxides (SO2 ), carbon dioxides (CO2 ), and it to determine the solution of the original OPF problem.
nitrogen oxides (NOx ) caused by fossil-fueled thermal units,
are considered as the environmental cost in the scheduling C. DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT
optimization problem. In [172], an optimization model for An electricity grid would be stable when the electricity
the optimal energy management of microgrids in commercial demand and supply are in balance in real time. Tradition-
buildings is presented to increase the efficiency of energy ally, the power generation would increase in response to
utilization, minimize operational costs, and reduce environ- an increase in load. The concept of demand side man-
mental impacts of energy utilization. It was shown that by agement (DSM) includes energy efficiency and demand
using the developed multi-objective optimization approach, response (DR), thus working from the other side of
the equation. DSM programs encourage consumers to modify to control different loads, offer regulation service reserves,
their pattern of electricity usage, and pay them to reduce and meet the associated obligation of fast response to com-
consumption instead of planning for generating more mands issued by the wholesale market independent system
power [177], [178]. DSM would be an indispensable com- operator. The primary objective is to maximize the sum of the
ponent of microgrids for either direct load controlling or smart microgrid operator and independent system operator
real-time pricing. DSM is defined by the U.S. Department welfare associated with internal and external arrivals. The
of Energy as ‘‘changes in electric usage by end-use cus- study shows that the static prices become optimal as the
tomers from their normal consumption patterns in response capacity of the buildings to support loads increases. In [183],
to changes in the price of electricity over time, or to incen- the concept of priority index is introduced for customers
tive payments designed to induce lower electricity use at participating in a multi-agent based DR system considering
times of high wholesale market prices or when system the size and number of times of participation. It is simulated
reliability is jeopardized’’ [167]. Energy prices are subject on a system with two microgrids, showing that intelligent
to constant fluctuations, based on the time and location of EMS is successful in reducing the peak demand depending on
consumption/generation, as a result of the power system the amount of load participation in the DR during peak hours.
restructuring and establishing the electricity market. Also the customers with high priority index can obtain power
Fluctuating energy prices stimulate DSM in microgrids to supply at lower costs. In [184], the possibility of reducing
shift loads away from high price hours, benefit from low the load variance in a household microgrid by regulating the
price hours, lower their electricity demand, and further charging patterns of family PHEVs is investigated. The study
improve microgrid economics. DSM has several economic, shows that by regulating the charging profiles of the PHEVs,
environmental, and reliability benefits. It reduces costs, alle- the variance of the load demand can be dramatically reduced.
viates electrical system emergencies, reduces the number of In [185], an EMS is proposed based on a rolling horizon strat-
blackouts, increases system reliability, and defers high invest- egy for a renewable-based microgrid. For each decision step,
ments in generation, transmission and distribution network an MILP optimization based on forecasting models is solved.
capacity [172]. DSM programs in order to promote more The EMS provides online set points for each generation unit
efficient management of loads include: 1) promoting the use and signals for consumers based on a DSM mechanism. The
of energy-efficient products and equipment such as more results of the EMS show the economic benefit of the proposed
efficient lighting technologies, 2) encouraging customers to unit commitment with a rolling horizon in comparison with
shift non-critical usage of electricity from peak hours to a standard unit commitment. The study in [186] presents a
evening and early morning hours, 3) promoting the construc- strategy to integrate DSM for residential loads and economic
tion of high efficiency buildings, and 4) promoting energy dispatch for renewables in a microgrid. In this strategy,
awareness and education [179]. Therefore, by deploying user preferences and generation capacity are considered as
DSM, consumers could be considered as virtual power plants constraints of the optimization problem, and the objective
since they help stabilize the utility grid by planning and function is created from the cost of generation for each gen-
monitoring their activities, and are paid for lowering, shifting, erating unit in each hour. Then, the optimal solution for the
or modifying their usage [177]. The success of DSM funda- problem is obtained using a GA. Results of this study reveal
mentally depends on the ratio of controllable loads to the total that the integrated methodology would be up to 15% more
load in the utility grid. It is expected that the advent of new economical than independent DSM and economic dispatch
types of electric equipment such as plug-in hybrid electric models. The study in [187] presents Automated DSM control
vehicles (PHEV) increases the ratio of controllable loads techniques for microgrid operation. Two control strategies are
over the next years. Additionally, the ESS in PHEVs would proposed, using Matlab Simulink. The first strategy considers
allow them to store the electricity and use it at peak hours. the capacity of power generation as the reference to prevent
Therefore, PHEVs would make DSM a beneficial tool for abnormal increase of load. The second strategy considers the
balancing power supply and demand too [114]. In [180], total maximum allowable transmission loss as the reference
a microgrid scheduling method is proposed that considers to make a decision on connecting additional loads.
demand side bidding and DR. Consumer behavior is modeled
by price elasticity matrices considering different scenarios D. MICROGRID PLANNING
and levels of consumer rationality. These price elasticity As discussed previously, microgrids offer unprecedented eco-
matrices are utilized to calculate the levels of DR for different nomic and reliability benefits to electricity customers and the
consumer types and used in the bidding mechanism for the utility grid as a whole. Microgrid benefits, however, must
double sided microgrid market. The study in [181] presents an be scrutinized and compared with the microgrid investment
intelligent metering/trading/billing system and its implemen- cost to ensure a complete return on investment and further
tation for DSM in smart grids that enables customers to shift justify microgrid deployments [188]. An accurate assess-
their air conditioning loads in cooperation with the microgrid ment of microgrid economic benefits is a challenging task
controller. Customers can adjust their demands and partici- due to significant uncertain data involved in the assessment.
pate in Direct Load Control. In [182], a market-based mech- Moreover, some of the assessment results, such as reliability
anism is developed for building a smart microgrid operator improvements, are difficult to comprehend for customers
when represented in terms other than dollar amounts. Thus, data distribution. In [58], a vulnerability index in terms of the
efficient planning models are required for ensuring the eco- loss of load is considered in the planning optimizations solved
nomic viability of microgrid deployments and further justify- by PSO. In [203], power-quality and reliability constraints are
ing investments. considered in DER planning in the microgrid and solved by
In [103], the size of ESS in a microgrid is optimized con- PSO. In [206] and [207], emission penalties are considered
sidering the initial investment cost of components, operation in the microgrid planning problem. Emission optimization
and maintenance cost, equipment replacement cost, electric- in [206] results in an increased percentage of integration of
ity purchase cost, and emission reduction benefits to obtain renewable resources as emission penalties rise. The study
the lowest average annual investment cost and the ability of in [207] shows that although the power generated by DGs
peak load shifting. The problem is solved by a PSO method. may not necessarily be more emission efficient than the
In [189], technologies are optimally selected and sized for a power imported from the utility grid, using thermal waste can
college microgrid using two software packages of HOMER improve the emissions. HOMER [206] is used in the analysis.
and WebOpt. In [190], multi-criteria decision aid techniques In [208], generation units are designed and reliability indices
are used to select a desirable multi-microgrid deployment of System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI),
strategy. In [191], a microgrid design model is proposed, System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), and
which includes PVs, fuel cell and battery bank in the grid- Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI) are
connected mode and in the presence of other DGs under evaluated for a microgrid. In [79], bus voltage limitations
pool and hybrid electricity market models to maximize the are considered as constraints to be kept within the standard
net present value of the system. In [192], the importance range in the microgrid planning problem. In [209], a method
of frequency and voltage regulation considerations in the is proposed to size microgrids and is solved by GA while
microgrid planning due to significant impacts of the bat- optimizing a host of objectives including life-cycle cost,
tery internal resistance on these regulations is discussed. renewable energy source penetration, and airborne pollutant
In [193], an existing planning method is applied to a dis- emissions.
tribution network with microgrids. The results show that
the integration of microgrids with optimal backups will VI. MICROGRID OPERATION, CONTROL, AND ISLANDING
lead to lower overall distribution network costs. In [194], Microgrids operate in two modes of grid-connected and
the sizing of an ESS in a microgrid is formulated as an islanded. In the grid connected mode, microgrids trade power
MILP, considering unit commitment problem with spin- with the utility grid. In the islanded mode, however, the
ning reserve. Time series and feed-forward neural network microgrid operates autonomously without connection to the
techniques are used for forecasting the wind speed and utility grid. Because of characteristics of the microgrid such
solar radiations, respectively, along with the associated fore- as two-way power transfer, presence of DGs, DSM, and
casting errors. It is shown that an optimal size exists for considerable presence of power electronics, control of the
ESS and differs for grid-connected and islanded microgrids. microgrid in each operation mode as well as the switching
In [195], an analytical hierarchy process based approach between the modes are of the challenges that need to be solved
of data envelopment analysis is proposed for finding the to use microgrids efficiently and realize their features.
preferential ranking of various configuration plans for a
typical medium-voltage rural distribution system, such as A. MICROGRID POWER MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL
single source DG, hybrid DG, or a microgrid. Studies It is common to use a hierarchical control structure to control
in [196] and [197] show that how uncertainties in energy and microgrids. The hierarchical structure typically consists of
fuel prices affect the microgrid planning. In [198], a method three broad layers: Primary control that stabilizes frequency
to size the ESS needed to meet a certain level of reliability and voltage using droop controllers, Secondary control that
in a microgrid is presented. Methods to size DGs in a micro- compensates the steady state deviations in voltage and fre-
grid to satisfy certain reliability criteria are presented using quency caused by the primary control, and Tertiary control
MILP in [199] and simulated annealing in [200]. In [201], that takes into account economic considerations and deter-
it is shown that using non-flat PV reduces the loss of load mines power flow between the microgrid and utility grid to
probability compared to flat modules. The reliability consid- achieve the optimal operation [210]–[212].
erations, as part of the planning optimization, can be found In addition to the control structure, control methods are
in [58], [79], and [202]–[204]. The study in [202] considers very important. Some renewable DGs such as wind and
the acceptable annual reliability level in the generation and solar PV have fluctuations, and don’t generate constant
transmission planning and utilizes the microgrid as a means power. As a result, the microgrid control would be a complex
to improve the system reliability. It is formulated as MILP and difficult process. The study in [213] states that there
and simulated by Monte Carlo. In [205], uncertainties are are two main control methods for microgrids: master-slave
considered in the microgrid planning. The problem is decom- control and peer-to-peer control. The former associates with
posed into the investment master problem and the operation a voltage-frequency (V-f) control while other DGs associate
subproblem, and the robust optimization is employed to find with P-Q control, to control the active and reactive power
a solution in the absence of knowledge about the uncertain to be reached to the planned ones. Peer-to-peer control
associates with frequency-active power (f-P) and energy management, consisting of two layers: the schedule
voltage-reactive power (V-Q) controls. Both controls layer and the dispatch layer. The study in [226] presents a
(master-slave and peer-to-peer) have their own advantages hierarchical control structure for DC microgrids aiming at
and disadvantages. The study in [211] reviews hierarchical their resilient and economic operation.
control strategies and discusses the coordination among dif-
ferent hierarchies. In [214], an overview about microgrid 1) CONTROL ARCHITECTURE
structures and control techniques at different hierarchical Two common control architectures for microgrids are cen-
levels is carried out. In [215], the utilization of potential tralized and distributed. Standardized procedures and easy
function concept in the secondary and tertiary control of a implementations are among advantages of the centralized
microgrid is proposed. This approach is generalized in [216] approach. The study in [112] presents a microgrid central
where power flow and resource voltage/power constraints are controller with two major functions for distribution systems:
considered, and potential functions provide secondary control having a communication channel with the distribution system
set points to design the trajectory of the system subsequent operator and the electricity market, and exchanging infor-
to disturbances in order to meet explicit local and system- mation with the microgrid local controllers and processing
wide constraints. The study in [217] proposes a hierarchical them. In the centralized control scheme, the central controller
control where the secondary level sends proper control sig- makes decisions about the dispatch of all DGs and ESSs
nals to the primary level to control selective compensation of according to the objective function and constraints. In [111], a
sensitive load bus voltage fundamental negative sequence, as centralized EMS architecture is proposed for implementation
well as positive and negative sequences of main harmonics. on isolated microgrids in the islanded mode of operation.
In [218], a distributed hierarchical intelligent EMS is pro- In [227], a control method is proposed for a set of inverters
posed that forecasts the generation using neural network, separated by communication links that separates the control
optimizes operating costs, and improves the overall system tasks in the frequency domain. Power sharing and voltage reg-
operation. In [219], a fixed power–voltage–current hierarchi- ulation are controlled centrally, and commands are distributed
cal cascaded control structure is proposed with robust internal through a low-bandwidth communication link. High band-
model voltage controller that yields the robust transition width controllers are distributed to each local inverter. The
between grid-connected and islanded modes either in load disturbance rejection level achieved by this method is equal to
(constant real and reactive powers) or generator (constant that of a single inverter with a single full bandwidth controller.
real power and voltage) operational modes making it more In microgrids where each DG has its own controller and
flexible and robust to islanding detection delays. In [220], pursues distinct objectives, distributed control provides pre-
a central secondary controller is introduced to manage the mium applicability. The number of transmitted messages
compensation of voltage unbalance at PCC in an islanded between different individual components and the microgrid
microgrid by sending proper control signals to DGs local controller increases as the size of the microgrid increases,
controllers. The study in [221] discusses the microgrid con- necessitating a larger communication bandwidth. Decentral-
trol hierarchy to achieve the desired functions and objectives ized control can reduce the number of messages and also
using a university campus microgrid as a testbed. The study simplify the optimization with special constraints by reducing
in [222] presents a robust hierarchical control system of it into subproblems and solving them locally [228]. In [88],
DG converters for the robust microgrid operation and seam- a differential algebraic system of the microgrid decentralized
less transfer between grid-connected and islanded modes, active power/frequency and reactive power/voltage magni-
providing high disturbance rejection performance against tude droop control is developed and simplified to determine
voltage disturbances and power angle swings, respectively. stable boundaries of the microgrid for different droop con-
In [223], a three-level hierarchical hybrid control system is trol gains. In [229], an analytical justification for using a
presented, where the intelligent reconfiguration strategies of distributed voltage-control scheme is presented to stabilize
the operational mode are established via a distributed system the grid-voltage under a wide-range of operating conditions,
modeling language called Petri nets and the information and a novel DC microgrid solution, geared at maximiz-
fusion technique. In [212], a three-level hierarchical control ing efficiency and reducing the system installation cost, is
is proposed that can be used for AC or DC interconnection described. In [230], it is shown that the full exploitation
with an AC or DC distribution system. In [224], a hierarchical of energy resources is possible without central controllers,
control scheme is presented using a MAS for the black start by taking advantage of the local measurement, commu-
operation of microgrids with power electronic interfaces. nication, and control capability. In particular, it is shown
The study in [225] further presents a hierarchical active that the microgrid operation can be optimized by applying
power management strategy for a medium-voltage islanded token ring control and grid mapping techniques, which only
microgrid that includes the power management of the fuel require communication capability between neighbor nodes
cell/super-capacitor hybrid system, current sharing among via power lines. In [231], a decentralized power control
the components, voltage control of the AC-side, and power method in a single-phase flexible AC microgrid is pro-
sharing among DGs. The study in [136] proposes a novel posed to enable the microgrid inverter to operate seamlessly
double-layer coordinated control approach for the microgrid in both grid-connected and islanded modes of operation.
In [232], a decentralized control strategy is developed using steady state operation of the microgrid in both grid-connected
frequency variations to control power generation and loads and islanded modes; it can also perform a black start if a
within the microgrid. Power electronics transformers enable seamless transition to the islanded mode fails or if a black start
active power flow to the grid. In [233], a decentralized power becomes necessary for any other reason. In [239], an Internet
sharing algorithm is used based on the droop control in a Protocol and a MAS technology-based microgrid monitoring
hybrid microgrid which consists of inertial and converter- and control system are proposed and implemented. When
interfaced DGs. One DG functions to compensate the non- the utility grid experiences failure/outage, MAS architecture
linear (i.e., unbalanced and harmonic) load of the microgrid would isolate the microgrid from the utility grid in order to
and to improve the power quality while other DGs share the ensure the microgrid safe and stable operation and enable the
power. The proposed control scheme can seamlessly change utility grid operation in grid-connected mode after the fault
its mode of operation depending on the power demand of is cleared. In [223], a hierarchical hybrid control system is
the nonlinear load. The extension of the nonlinear load to a presented, composed of an upper level energy management
low-voltage residential distribution network shows the possi- agent, several middle level coordinated control agents, and
bility of supplying single-phase residential loads with PVs. many lower level unit control agents to maintain and restore
The study in [234] investigates the stability enhancement of the frequency and voltage of a microgrid. The study in [240]
decentralized inverter control in microgrids by setting up a describes the general architecture of a secondary control of
wireless network to acquire the information of total real and a microgrid based on MAS architecture. Maintaining the
reactive power generation of all DGs. The paper also proposes microgrid frequency and power exchange with the utility
a power sharing based control strategy, which introduces grid close to predefined values is achieved by optimally dis-
additional terms to the traditional droop control strategy to patching generation and consumption resources and ability
capture the differences between the desired and actual real to operate in both grid-connected and islanded modes. In the
and reactive power generation. The study in [235] proposes islanded mode, the control system maintains the frequency of
decentralized regulators for DGs in meshed islanded micro- the microgrid close to the reference level. The study in [124]
grids that only depend on the transmission lines connected describes a microgrid management system which is devel-
to them; therefore, if a DG is plugged in or out, only the oped using agent based technologies. Its application to the
DGs connected to it need to retune their controller. The study effective management of generation and ESS devices con-
in [236] provides a comprehensive account of the application nected to a low-voltage network is further presented. In [241],
of game theory in distributed control of microgrids including a MAS architecture for real-time operation of a residential
cooperative energy exchange and use of non-cooperative microgrid with an RTDS is proposed. The MAS architecture
games for modeling the interactions between loads and DERs is developed in an open source IEEE FIPA compliant plat-
in microgrids. The study in [237] proposes a mode-adaptive form, and a two-stage operational strategy is implemented
decentralized control strategy for DC microgrids to improve on the MAS architecture. In [242], the participation of the
the classical droop control. It utilizes the DC voltage to microgrid controlled by the MAS architecture in the energy
facilitate flexible mode definition, seamless mode transition, market is studied. Every DER and controllable load decides
and reliable power sharing. through the auction algorithm what is best for it, taking into
account the overall benefit. In [243], an energy coordination
a: MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS control strategy is presented based on the MAS architec-
One of the approaches to implement distributed control ture under the islanded mode to efficiently dispatch power
is using MAS. In this approach, each of the controllable between generators and loads in the microgrid within a non-
elements in the microgrid such as inverters, loads, and DGs cooperative environment. Considering DGs’ interests, each
have agents associated to them, where the communication agent with its own mechanism for decision making interacts
and coordination of the agents is governed by the multi-agent and collaborates to achieve the overall goal of the system.
theory. MAS includes the microgrid cluster management In [123], an application of MAS architecture is presented
agent, microgrid control agent, and local agent. The loosely for DER management in microgrids, by representing each
coupled agents forming the MAS are physically or logically element in the microgrid as an autonomous intelligent agent,
dispersed, and have some distinct characteristics: 1) their data and presenting the multi agent modeling of a microgrid. The
is distributed, 2) they have an asynchronous or simultaneous study in [244] compares the centralized and decentralized
process of computation, 3) they lack information and capa- MAS architecture microgrid power management and control.
bility of problem solving, and 4) they interact and cooperate A method is further presented for facilitating the funda-
with each other, hence their problem solving capability would mental self-organizing and cooperative behavior amongst the
be improved [238]. In [224], a MAS architecture is used microgrid agents. In [245], a MAS architecture is designed
in a hierarchical control scheme in a microgrid with power to provide control to a microgrid and smooth its transition
electronic interfaces. Five types of agents are proposed in this from grid-connected to an islanded mode during upstream
architecture, including grid agent, central agent, generation outages. In [246], the decentralized agent-based control for
agent, load agent, and breaker agent. With this architecture, microgrids using the agent cooperation through negotia-
the MAS is able to coordinate DGs and loads to maintain tion and the resulting MAS architecture self-ordering power
management objectives is presented. The MAS architecture affects both the stability of the microgrid and the reserve
guides microgrid asset operation based on the market price, requirements. In [254], the implementation of conventional
resources available to the microgrid, and additional environ- frequency-voltage droops into the batteries grid-side inverters
mental and efficiency objectives. The study in [247] proposes is proposed, thus downscaling the conventional grid con-
a MAS architecture for optimizing the DR by updating the trol concept to the low-voltage grid and further avoiding
grid generation resources and controlling the customer load. expensive control systems that require communication and
It can switch the customer load and control the charging of extra cabling. In [255], the conventional droop control for
PHEVs depending on their battery state of charge to reduce microgrid converters is modified based on a feed-forward
the cost and avoid overloads during peak hours. current control that allows the converter to work in several
modes, either grid-connected or islanded mode, permitting
b: COOPERATIVE CONTROL the inverter to work as a grid supporting source or ancillary
When a microgrid becomes islanded from the utility grid, services provider. The study in [256] investigates the voltage
the primary control keeps the voltage and frequency stable. and frequency control of islanded microgrid after intentional
However, the voltage and frequency can still divert from and unintentional switching events and shows the voltage-
their nominal values. In order to retrieve the voltage and active power and frequency-reactive power dependency in a
frequency to nominal values, a secondary control mecha- weak low-voltage network. It further shows that in order to
nism should be employed. This secondary control could be maintain the frequency balance in islanded microgrids, there
the distributed cooperative control. ‘‘Cooperative’’ means is a need for a reference sine wave generator inside the ESS
that all participants cooperate with each other and act as a which imitates the utility grid phase voltages, and provides
single group to reach the common goals [248]. In [249], the input for the phase locked loop of the ESS unit during
a two-layered cooperative control strategy of micro-sources islanding. In [257] two control methods are proposed to
and ESSs within a microgrid during islanded operation is ensure acceptable power sharing in a weak system condition
presented. The ESS handles the frequency and the voltage and a highly resistive network for rural distribution networks:
as a primary control. Consequently, the secondary control in first, without any communication between the DGs, where
the microgrid management system returns the current power the feedback quantities and the gain matrices are transformed
output of the ESS into zero. In [250], a fully distributed with a transformation matrix based on the line resistance-
scheme of the secondary voltage and frequency control is pro- reactance ratio; and second, with a minimum communication-
posed based on the distributed cooperative control of MAS, based output feedback controller. The converter output
and is implemented through a communication network with voltage angle reference is modified based on the active and
one-way communication links. In [248], the input–output reactive power flow in the line connected at PCC. The web-
feedback linearization is used to convert the fully distributed based communication of the power flow quantities is more
secondary cooperative voltage control of microgrids, based economical and makes the proper power sharing solution
on the control of MAS, to a linear second-order tracker syn- possible. In [231], a power droop control is proposed with
chronization problem. The control parameters can be tuned to a derivative controller in the islanded mode. Transitions
obtain a desired response speed. In [251], the collaboration between the operation modes are evaluated to be smooth.
of microgrids with the aim of load management is studied, In [89], a pseudo-droop control structure in a microgrid is
and it is shown that this objective could be achieved by presented that uses the microgrid line-frequency variation
a collaboration between microgrids using a communication as the agent of communication for energy control among
infrastructure and defining a set of purchase prices. A natural DGs. In [258], an EMS is presented for an islanded droop-
consequence of this collaboration is to smooth the power controlled microgrid, which adjusts DG outputs to minimize
generation within the grid. It is shown that power sharing in the fuel consumption and also ensures the stable operation.
the grid-connected mode results in lower prices than that in Optimized generator outputs are implemented in real-time by
the islanded operation. This is due to the fact that low demand the EMS, through adjustments to droop characteristics within
microgrids benefit from selling power to the grid. On the prevailing constraints. In [259], real and reactive power man-
other hand, high demand microgrids reduce their production agement strategies of power electronics-interfaced DGs are
cost by purchasing power from the grid. proposed in the context of a multiple-DG microgrid. Three
reactive power management strategies are identified and
2) VOLTAGE AND FREQUENCY CONTROL investigated based on the 1) voltage-droop characteristic,
Synchronous generators exhibit a self-stabilizing feature due 2) voltage regulation, and 3) load reactive power compen-
to their high rotational inertia [252]. Most of generation sation. The real power of each DG is controlled based on
units integrated in the microgrid are not of the synchronous a frequency-droop characteristic and a complimentary fre-
generator type and thus somehow need to mimic the droop quency restoration strategy. A small-signal dynamic model
characteristic existing in those generators. In [253], bifurca- for a multiple-DG microgrid is developed and its Eigen
tion theory is used in scheduling the drooping characteristics structure is used to examine the microgrid stability, design
of frequency (and voltage) regulation in isolated microgrids and optimize control parameters, investigate the impact of
to provide insight on how the choice of the droop coefficients power management strategy on the microgrid dynamics
after islanding, and evaluate interactions between the DG is proposed containing inner current and voltage loops for
and the network. Results show that the reactive power man- regulating the grid-interfacing inverter, and outer real and
agement systems based on the voltage-droop characteris- reactive power loops for controlling the flow of power
tic and voltage-regulation can cause overcompensation and within the microgrid. Particular focus is on the proper power
require limits on reactive power controllers. Control parame- sharing between DGs when a utility fault occurs and the
ters, including gains of real and reactive power controllers, microgrid islands. The proposed controller also incorpo-
effectively change the damping ratio of the DG-network rates algorithms for synchronizing the microgrid and the
oscillatory modes of the microgrid, and relative location utility grid once the fault is cleared and the microgrid is
and electrical proximity of DG affect the interaction modes on the verge of transiting from the islanded to the grid-
of the DG. In [260], a control parameter-tuning method connected mode. The study in [269] proposes the voltage
is presented using the PSO algorithm and gain-scheduling control for a distribution feeder connected with multiple
method to maintain the required control performance and PV systems, and presents field tests conducted in Japan.
power quality of multiple microgrid generators for both grid- In [270], an H∞ controller is presented for the voltage-
connected and islanded modes. The study in [261] presents a source-inverter voltage control in a microgrid with a power-
dynamic model of flywheel ESS to mitigate problems intro- factor correction capacitor-bank for resonance damping. The
duced by wind generation into microgrids and control the study in [271] proposes a control and operation strategy for
power exchange between the device and the utility grid which a DC microgrid consisting of nondeterministic wind genera-
has three modes: voltage control, frequency control, and tion, ESS, variable load, and AC grid connection which uses
active power stabilization. Case studies show an acceptable DC voltages as control input to switch between different oper-
performance of the proposed control techniques along with a ating conditions. The strategy has three modes: DC voltage
high effectiveness to smooth the active power fluctuations of control and power balancing by using the AC grid-connected
wind generation. In [262], a voltage and frequency control is converter under normal power and load variation; coordinated
applied to doubly-fed induction generator which improves the DC voltage control and power balancing by using the grid-
dynamic behavior of a microgrid composed of a doubly-fed connected converter and ESS during the AC grid fault and
induction generator and a synchronous generator. Simulation grid-connected converter power limit; and islanded operation
results show that the proposed control approach for DGs in and strategy for proper load shedding. In [272], a control
the microgrid increases the dynamic performance, reduces strategy in a VSC fed microgrid is proposed where multiple
frequency changes, and improves the bus voltage regulation voltage-power droop/frequency-reactive power boost con-
during the islanded operation. The study in [263] proposes trollers jointly regulate the microgrid voltage by drooping
an adaptive droop control for ESSs in a microgrid so that the voltage reference of each controller against its real power
the ESS with a higher state of charge delivers more power. output. This allows multiple VSCs to operate in parallel in
In [264], output power of DGs is adjusted in an islanded a microgrid and work in both modes of operation. In [273],
droop-controlled microgrid to minimize the fuel consumption the application of L-index, a novel voltage stability index,
and also ensure stable operation. Three key elements make is proposed to microgrids providing an online mechanism
up the proposed EMS: droop stability analysis, droop selec- for computing and rating the status of the interconnected
tion, and generator dispatch optimization. The analysis may system into the utility-supplied, microgrid start-up, as well as
make it feasible to implement more sophisticated DG droop grid-connected and islanded modes for improved operation.
settings in islanded microgrids. In [265], small-signal models In [274], the voltage control on a DC microgrid is studied
of droop based generation control schemes are developed for using a voltage droop based power sharing and coordina-
DG inverters, which are comprised of active power-frequency tion strategy among the slack terminals for power smooth-
and reactive power-voltage controllers, enabling decentral- ing during grid-connected condition and normal operation
ized operation with load sharing in a microgrid. The study during islanding condition. The study in [275] proposes a
in [266] presents an angle droop control loop for a microgrid coordinated control of DGs and distribution static compen-
with interfaced DG converter that enhances load sharing. sator (DSTATCOM) in a microgrid in which the power flow
There are many studies on the context of microgrid voltage and the voltage at different locations of the feeders are
control. When connected to the utility grid, the microgrid communicated to the DSTATCOM to modulate the reactive
voltage will be dictated by the utility grid as it acts as an compensation. The single-phase DSTATCOM compensates
infinite bus. In the islanded mode, however, voltage control for the reactive power deficiency in the phase while DGs
becomes an important and challenging task that requires care- supply ‘‘maximum available active power.’’ During reac-
ful attention. In [267], a state-space model of the microgrid tive power limit of the DG, the ‘‘maximum available active
with voltage control is simplified to enable stability analysis power’’ is fixed to a value lower than the maximum active
using the eigenvalue and participation factor analysis. power to increase reactive power injection capability of DGs.
Simulation results show that loads with higher power factors, A primary control loop based on the local measurement in
longer distribution feeders, smaller VSC filter impedance, the DSTATCOM always ensures a part of reactive compen-
and smaller control loop gains improve robustness of the sation in case of the communication failure. In [276], the
system, but make it slower. In [268], a set of controllers voltage-reactive power dot droop control method is proposed
with Formula restoration mechanism to improve the reactive DC bus voltage level is employed as an information carrier
power sharing among distributed resources interface con- to represent different operation modes.
verters in the microgrid environment. The converter’s output Frequency control, or active power-frequency droop, is
voltage, resulting from integrating formula, will keep varying another important area of research in microgrids. Most of
until the desired reactive power output sharing is accom- DERs installed in the microgrid generate DC or variable-
plished which allows the proposed method to overcome the frequency power that unlike synchronous generators cannot
effect of different line impedances of each converter. In [277], be relied on for the frequency regulation in the islanded
a droop control principle for islanded low-voltage micro- operation. The high penetration of power-electronically inter-
grids strategy is proposed that modifies the set value of the faced DGs leads to a low inertia in microgrids. Therefore,
microgrid voltage at the inverter AC side as a function of the proper measures need to be implemented to control frequency
DC-link voltage to balance the microgrid. The study in [278] in the microgrid [235]. The study in [283] proposes a
shows that the voltage-based droop control is possible in both DR-based frequency control strategy for an islanded micro-
grid-connected and islanded modes. In the islanded micro- grid using the adaptive hill climbing method. Both the fre-
grid, proper power sharing and voltage control are obtained. quency and voltage profiles are regulated at the same time,
An optimized integration and capturing of the renewable and the transient part of the frequency profile is improved
energy is achieved by using constant-power bands. In the under sudden load disturbances. In [284], a dynamic control
grid-connected mode, the control strategy does not need to method for an electrolyzer system (that electrolyzes water to
be changed. Without the need for communication, the renew- produce Hydrogen) in a microgrid is proposed, which secures
ables take part in the voltage control by using soft curtail- a real power balance and enhances the operational capability
ment in case of extreme voltages. In [279], a reactive power to handle frequency fluctuations in multiple renewable energy
control method is proposed which can regulate the voltage hybrid microgrids. The proposed control and monitoring
at one or a group of the target buses in a microgrid while system can both improve the frequency fluctuations caused
ensuring maximum power point tracking, employing a sliding by random power fluctuations on the generation and load
mode control scheme, and directly controlling the active and sides, and relax tie-line power flow fluctuations caused
reactive powers of a doubly-fed induction generator wind by frequency variations in the interconnected microgrids.
system. This control method doesn’t involve any synchronous In [285] a coordinated controller of the electrolyzer and
coordinated transformation, and further doesn’t restrict the micro-turbine is proposed with better robustness and stabi-
voltage swings experienced at different buses compared to lizing effects than that of the electrolyzer controller. It is
the unity power factor method. The method eliminates the based on a PSO-based fixed-structure H∞ loop shaping.
need for decoupled proportional-integral loops. Additionally, The controller absorbs power fluctuations caused when the
the control performance is not degraded by errors in system intermittent power generations from the wind power and
parameters. In [280], an autonomous control strategy based PV are integrated into the system, and enhances the fre-
on DC voltage variation for a DC microgrid with variable quency control effect of micro-turbine in the microgrid.
sources and loads is proposed. It is divided into three levels In [286] coordinated and uncoordinated approaches are pro-
according to DC voltage variation. Within the three levels, posed for aggregators to provide primary frequency regu-
slack terminals are assigned to each level to balance the power lation reserves. The study shows that it is more beneficial
flow. At least one slack terminal must be operational at each to implement the coordinated approach, with the possi-
time to ensure the stable and normal operation. A control bility of having different amounts of committed reserves
strategy has been proposed and examined during various in different hours, than the uncoordinated approach in
static and transitional operations, such as grid connection, which only a fixed amount of reserve is assigned to all
load step, islanding, load shedding, generation curtailing, hours and, therefore, the settings of controllers are changed
and AC reconnection. The study in [281] defines the voltage much less frequently. In [287] the boost convertor attached
droop coefficient as a function of respective VSC active and to the PV panel in a microgrid is used to regulate the
reactive power outputs for the parallel operation of VSCs in frequency of the microgrid despite changes in the load.
an islanded multi-bus microgrid which leads to a reduction in In [288] it is shown that in the presence of feeder flow control,
the reactive power sharing dependence on real power control when several DGs are connected to a single feeder with series
and system parameters. In [229], an analytical justification connections, the system frequency changes significantly, and
for using a distributed voltage-control scheme is proposed. some of the DGs are excessively loaded during the transition
In this scheme, the microgrid voltage droops in response to between grid-connected and islanded operations. The paper
low-supply/high-demand is introduced to stabilize the grid- proposes methods to determine the droop constants that pro-
voltage under a wide range of operating conditions. The duce stable and appropriate power sharing. The study in [253]
paper further describes a novel DC microgrid solution that employs bifurcation theory to schedule the drooping charac-
is geared at maximizing efficiency and reducing the sys- teristics used for frequency and voltage regulation in isolated
tem installation cost. In [282], a power management scheme microgrids and offers a procedure to determine the best
is presented for DC microgrids to optimize energy utiliza- direction to vary the coefficient with respect to the microgrid
tion, which consists of four operation modes in which the stability. It further analyzes the advantages of using Dobson’s
margin sensitivity formula to evaluate the priorities and limits converters that isolate frequency between the two systems.
in primary reserve scheduling. In [289] a coordinated control In this case, voltage or frequency fluctuations in the utility
method is presented for output power fluctuation leveling side have no impact on voltage or power in the microgrid
of PV plants so as not to harmfully influence the utility side. Only locally measured data are used by DGs where
grid at times with large frequency deviations. The study no communication is needed for load sharing. In [299], the
in [290] shows that in an autonomous microgrid that only use of an improved superconducting magnetic ESS controller
contains VSC-interfaced DGs, the frequency variation with for the stabilization and control of the power flow of wind-
the frequency droop controller is significantly higher than that hybrid microgrids is proposed. In this sense, the design and
with the angle droop controller that is derived from DC load implementation of a novel high-performance power condi-
flow. In [291], a comprehensive central DR algorithm is pro- tioning system scheme of the superconducting magnetic ESS
posed based on the communication between the utility control is described. In [300], the use of a superconducting magnetic
center and responsive loads providing frequency (and conse- ESS in combination with a DSTATCOM as an effective
quently voltage) regulation as well as minimizing the amount ESS is proposed for stabilization and control of the tie-line
of manipulated responsive loads in the absence/presence of power flow of microgrids incorporating the wind generation.
wind power generation. The study in [292] uses the frequency The study in [297] addresses controlling the power transfer
droop control with the additional disturbance as the link to through the PCC by introducing the concept of a smart trans-
compensate reactive, imbalance, and harmonic power sharing former at the PCC. This method controls the active power
errors. Real power sharing variations are generated and used exchange between the microgrid and the utility grid, depend-
to adjust the DG virtual impedances at fundamental positive ing on the state of both systems and other information com-
sequence, fundamental negative sequence, and harmonic municated to the smart transformer. The control is compatible
frequencies. This approach would compensate the impact of with the voltage-based droop control of DGs in the microgrid.
unknown feeder impedances and improve power sharing at
the steady state. The study in [293] proposes a control strategy B. MICROGRID MODELING, ANALYSIS, AND TESTING
using under-frequency load shedding to restore frequency In [301] a small-signal state-space model of a microgrid
stability of islanded microgrids. is presented which includes inverter low frequency
dynamics, high frequency dynamics, network dynamics, and
3) ADAPTIVE CONTROL load dynamics. The model analysis shows that the dominant
Adaptive control is used to control the systems with varying low-frequency modes are highly sensitive to the network con-
or uncertain parameters. As microgrid operating modes can figuration and the parameters of the power sharing controller
unexpectedly change as a result of disturbances in the utility of micro sources. The high frequency modes are largely
grid, adaptive control schemes are proposed. In [294], an sensitive to inverter inner loop controllers, network dynamics,
adaptive control strategy is proposed to augment the existing and load dynamics. In [302], an advanced web-based frame-
controllers and enhance their performance while monitoring work is proposed based on the service-oriented architectures
the response of a controlled device and temporarily modulat- for integrated microgrid modeling, monitoring, and control
ing its control set point to achieve close tracking of the set which is platform, language, and vendor independent, and
point in the presence of disturbances. It presents a detailed thus represents an ideal candidate for an effective integration
analytical derivation for the case that the overall behavior in existing EMSs and distribution management systems.
of the system (the devices and the controller) is approxi- Different challenges and approaches in microgrid testing
mated using a second-order transfer function. It is used to are discussed in [303]. The study in [304] establishes the
confirm the viability of this strategy and its ability in design- simulation models for simulating the dynamic performance
ing a response with limited over- or undershoot. In [295], of a microgrid feeding the electrical loads in a sailing
an adaptive control method is presented for a DC micro- boat, that consists of two solid-oxide fuel cells, a diesel-
grid to coordinate the operation of converters, DERs, and engine generator, a battery ESS, a wind turbine generator,
switches used in a DC microgrid. In [296], an adaptive a sea-water aqua electrolyzer, an AC-to-DC converter, and
control is presented for frequency regulation by using a a DC-to-AC inverter. The study in [305] applies the con-
combination of a classical PI controller and a PSO-fuzzy cept of real time analysis in a smart grid by developing a
system. test-bed smart microgrid in power system laboratories with a
high level of reliability.
When the microgrid power exchange with the utility grid C. CONTROL OF POWER ELECTRONIC CONVERTERS
is scheduled, it is necessary to create a control mechanism In [306] a control scheme is proposed for controlling the
so that the actual power flow matches the scheduled values. interlinking converter to keep the hybrid microgrid in
The control of the power flow between the microgrid and autonomous operation with active power proportionally
the utility grid has been the main discussion in [297]–[300]. shared among its DERs. Power sharing depends only on
In [298], a power flow control scheme is proposed between DER ratings and not the placements within the microgrid.
the utility grid and the microgrid using back-to-back In [307], a control strategy is proposed for a single-phase
series-connected inverter with the microgrid to interface AC seamlessly achieved, as predicted, due to the common inner
loads not only to regulate the load voltage under voltage current-loop that all operating modes have. In [315], a new
disturbances, but also to control the load power drawn from formulation of direct power control is proposed that allows to
the microgrid. In [308], an approach for the control of a analyze the shortcomings of this kind of algorithms, mainly
microgrid with VSC-interfaced DER is proposed to operate regarding the power limits in which table-based algorithms
in grid-connected and islanded modes, as well as to pro- are valid. In [316], a hybrid AC/DC microgrid is proposed to
vide a smooth transition between the two modes. In [309], reduce the processes of multiple DC-AC-DC or AC-DC-AC
a dynamic electro-thermal model is proposed that can be conversions in an individual AC or DC microgrid. The mod-
simulated with the power electronic circuit simulator and els and coordination control schemes are proposed for all
is used to estimate the transient junction temperature of converters to maintain a stable system operation under var-
the semiconductor devices. In this approach, the resulting ious load and resource conditions. In [317], controller design
junction temperature is used to facilitate the power sharing and optimization methods are proposed to stably coordi-
between parallel-connected converters. The use of power- nate multiple inverter-interfaced DGs and to robustly control
cycling method based on the junction temperature improves individual interface inverters against voltage and frequency
the overall system efficiency and reliability. In [310], a new disturbances. Droop-control concepts are used as system-
control scheme for parallel-connected inverters is presented, level multiple DG coordination controllers, and control the-
taking into account the effect of the line consisting of ory is applied to device-level inverter controllers. Optimal
two single-phase inverters connected in parallel based on control parameters are obtained by PSO. The study in [318]
instantaneous average current-sharing control that requires investigates the inverter-based microgrid control employing
interconnections among inverters for information sharing. conventional control techniques such as the root locus and
In [311], a power control and sharing strategy is proposed the frequency domain analysis. In [319], a multi-loop con-
for power electronics-interfaced DGs in a low-voltage multi- troller is proposed with voltage differential feedback, and
bus microgrid containing a virtual inductor at the interfacing with output voltage decoupling and output current decoupling
inverter output as well as an accurate power control and shar- by only using the output voltage feedback. The output voltage
ing algorithm with consideration of both impedance voltage differential feedback loop actively damps the output LC filter
drop effect and DG local load effect. It can accurately control resonance and thus increases the system stability margin.
the DG real and reactive output powers in both grid-connected The study in [320] presents a hybrid off-grid power system
and islanded modes without physical communications consisting of two PV Arrays, two dispatchable DG sets,
among DGs. In [312], a novel extended-phase-shift control of two charge controllers, two bidirectional inverters, as well
isolated bidirectional full-bridge DC-to-DC converter is as two battery banks, and outlines different topologies for
proposed for power distribution in microgrids. Compared optimum energy extraction from solar panels, minimization
with the traditional phase-shift control, extended-phase-shift of generator fuel consumption, and assurance of higher reli-
control, it reduces current stress and improves the sys- ability through redundancy. Controller Area Network mes-
tem efficiency. By establishing mathematical models of sages are used as the communication interfaces between key
transmission power, backflow power, and current stress, components and also as the interface with the data monitoring
the paper comparatively analyzes control performances of system. In [282], control methods for modular PV converters,
the traditional phase-shift and extended-phase-shift control. battery converter and grid-connected DC/AC converter are
In [313], a hybrid control architecture is proposed to balance developed. The power balance of the DC microgrid under the
the power shared among the multiple interfacing inverters and extreme condition (the islanded mode with full-charged bat-
optimize the system-operating efficiency. The inverters are teries) is guaranteed by the proposed control method for mod-
divided into blocks according to their geographical location. ular PV converters. In [321], a dynamic modeling and control
To control the power sharing of inverter blocks located in a strategy is presented for a sustainable microgrid primarily
wide range, a modified droop-control method with virtual powered by wind and solar energy using a current-source-
resistor scheme is applied. The study in [314] proposes a interface multiple-input DC-to-DC converter to integrate the
complete modeling and control system for a bidirectional, renewable energy sources to the main DC bus. The study
single-phase, multifunctional pulse width modulation con- in [322] proposes harmonic current filtering and resonance
verter for residential power level distributed renewable damping methods for inverter-interfaced DGs in an islanded
energy and grid-connected microgrid applications. A simple microgrid using the concept of variable harmonic impedance.
control structure is used to cover all of the required operating In [323], a control strategy is proposed for electronically
modes, including islanded and grid-connected modes. A new coupled DERs in a microgrid to improve the performance
single-phase locked loop and active islanding detection algo- under network faults and transient disturbances. The control
rithm are also proposed for system-level operation in order of UPS–based microgrids is another topic of investigation
to meet IEEE standard 1547. The resulting control structure in a handful of papers. In [324], the control strategy for a
is very simple, and presents robust, low transient responses microgrid consisting of several line-interactive UPS systems,
even for extreme load steps between no-load and heavy- which are connected in parallel, is proposed. The control
load conditions. The transition between modes was also technique consists of an inner voltage feedback loop that
regulates the output voltage and an outer active and reactive in [332]–[335]. In [332], an in-depth simulation study on
power sharing loop based on the droop method to deter the stable operation of microgrids during faults is presented
communications and further avoid critical communications where it is shown that only motor loads introduce instability
upgrades among UPS units. The study in [325] integrates to a microgrid not impedance loads. In [333], the impact
battery and its bidirectional DC-to-DC converter in the of the DG interface control on microgrid transient stabil-
UPS system. The DC link controller loop is designed to set the ity is analyzed and shown that the critical clearing time of
active power demand during battery charging mode, which a microgrid is highly dependent on the microgrid control
allows for a smooth transition between battery charging and strategy, DG interface control, and load type. In [334], the
discharging modes. stability of low-voltage DC microgrids is analyzed where
sources are controlled using a droop-based decentralized
D. MICROGRID ISLANDING controller. The model provides an upper bound on droop
The salient feature of a microgrid is its ability to be islanded constants which is useful during the design and the planning
from the utility grid by upstream switches at the PCC. Island- of DC microgrids. The study in [335] identifies fluctuations
ing could be introduced for economic as well as reliability in loads intermittent energy resources as small disturbance
purposes. During utility grid disturbances, microgrid is trans- and proposes a small signal stability study method based
ferred from the grid-connected to the islanded mode, and a on Singular Entropy and Matrix Pencil. In [336], different
reliable and uninterrupted supply of consumer loads is offered control and protection schemes needed to ensure islanded
by local DERs. The microgrid master controller would offer operation of a distribution system, and further enable it to
the optimal operation by maintaining the frequency and operate as a microgrid, are analyzed. In [337], an intelligent
voltages within permissible ranges. The islanded microgrid load management algorithm in the islanded mode is proposed.
would be resynchronized with the utility grid once the distur- It detects the conditions in which an insufficiently supplied
bance is removed [259], [326], [327]. Considering its impor- load exists and systematically removes loads from the system
tance, many studies are focused on the microgrid islanding. so the islanding can be maintained and operating limits can be
In [328], a control strategy is proposed to detect islanding satisfied.
and ensure DG synchronization at the time of reconnecting Once the fault is alleviated, the microgrid will be resyn-
and load shedding when needed. It includes two interface chronized with the utility grid. Resynchronization refers
controls: one for grid-connected operation and the other for to reconnecting the islanded microgrid to the utility grid
intentional-islanding operation. The study in [329] describes while ensuring that the microgrid voltage and frequency
and evaluates the feasibility of control strategies to be adopted are synchronized with that of the utility grid [338]. If not
for the operation of a microgrid when it becomes isolated and ensured, serious damages due to current surges may happen
concludes that a fast elimination of a fault in the medium- to the microgrid components during the switching process.
voltage network is required. Additionally, single master oper- The study in [339] discusses applications of microgrids
ation and multi master operation are simulated and shown in distribution system restoration, and provides a control
to be effective in order to ensure the microgrid stability, and framework to recover from power outage. In [340], an active
that the management of ESS devices is absolutely essential to synchronizing control scheme is proposed that adopts the
implement successful control strategies. In [330], the process network-based control of multiple DGs to adjust the fre-
of planned islanding and necessary steps that need to be taken quency and voltage of the microgrid. It is shown that the
in order to lead to successful projects is presented. Some of scheme provides the microgrid with a deterministic and
the current experiences from Canadian utilities in this area reliable reconnection to the grid. In [341], a grid synchroniza-
are investigated and the additional requirements, in terms of tion method for a multi-converter DG system is proposed,
equipment and system studies, needed for the operation of an allowing multiple droop-controlled converters to adjust the
islanding project, are discussed. In [331], various islanding frequency, phase, and amplitude of their output voltages
scenarios of a 13.8-kV microgrid are studied including a syn- to prepare for grid connection. The entire synchronization
chronous generator and a power electronics-interfaced DG. process can be executed with very limited communication
It is shown that an appropriate control strategy for the power requirements. The study in [342] shows that a network
electronics-interfaced DG can ensure stability (through active of loads and DC-to-AC inverters equipped with power-
power control) of the microgrid and maintain voltage qual- frequency droop controllers can be considered as a Kuramoto
ity (through reactive power control) at designated buses, model [343] of phase-coupled oscillators, enabling charac-
even during islanding transients. When switching between terization of the behavior of the network of inverters and
islanded and grid-connected modes, significant changes loads. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence
in voltage and frequency values may occur; therefore, of a synchronized, unique, and stable solution is provided.
microgrid stability becomes an important issue to be consid- Moreover, a distributed integral controller based on averaging
ered. Stability issues may also occur due to unpredicted vari- algorithms regulating the system frequency in the presence
ations in the generation of nondispatchable DGs. Microgrid of a time-varying load and preserving the power sharing
stability studies are divided into two groups of small-signal properties of the primary droop controller is proposed in
and transient. The microgrid stability problem is investigated this model.
the most effective form of network protection of a meshed be higher, and as a result, the positive feedback technique
microgrid, while ensuring a high level of reliability and power could destabilize the utility grid. The proposed technique also
quality by quickly identifying faulted points in the system, permits autonomous operation of the microgrid as opposed
and effectively isolating them. The study shows that the to the positive feedback technique, which does not permit
traditional communication-less protection schemes are not autonomous operation. Contrary to voltage unbalance and
applicable in a meshed microgrid where a fault at one loca- total harmonic distortion method, the proposed technique is
tion is indistinguishable from another. A protection method able to efficiently discriminate between load switching and
based on differential current measurement and comparison is islanding.
proposed that utilizes the power line as the communication
medium. In [366], two main challenges associated with the B. COMMUNICATIONS-BASED PROTECTION
operation of microgrids are considered as voltage/frequency Due to variable microgrid operating conditions and meshed
control and protection. First, a control strategy for inverter topology of microgrids, it is necessary to use communications
based DGs is proposed to control both voltage and frequency to update protection settings [365], [370]. The study in [365]
during the islanded operation. Second, a protection scheme shows that the traditional communication-less protection
is proposed to protect both lines and DGs during the islanded schemes are not applicable in a meshed microgrid where a
operation. Both the control scheme and the protection scheme fault at one location is indistinguishable from another. The
are coordinated to avoid nuisance tripping of DGs and non- paper proposes a multi-level approach based on the power line
critical loads. The study is performed using a digital com- carrier technology. In [368], a protection scheme is presented
puter simulation approach in PSCAD/EMTDC. In [368], using digital relays with a communication network for the
a protection scheme is presented using digital relays with a protection of the microgrid relying primarily on differential
communication network for the microgrid protection. The protection based on sampling the current waveform. It also
increased reliability of adding an additional line to form a presents a model for high impedance faults incorporating
loop structure is explored. Also a new method for mod- randomness.
eling high impedance faults is demonstrated to show how IEC 61850 is an international standard for substation
the protection scheme can operate. The protection system automation and a part of the International Electrotechnical
relies primarily on differential protection based on sampling Commission’s Technical Committee 57 (TC57) architecture
the current waveform at 16 samples per cycle or more. for electric power systems. These standards will result in very
A high impedance fault detection model using random dura- significant improvements in both costs and the performance
tion and time varying resistances is also protection scheme. of utility grids. They are based on abstracting definition of
In [367], a differential energy based fault protection scheme the data items and the services or in other words creating data
in microgrids is presented using the time-frequency transform items/objects and services that are independent of any under-
technique. Spectral energy content of the fault current signals lying protocols. The abstract definitions then allow mapping
retrieved at both ends of the feeders is found using time- of the data objects and services to any other protocol that can
frequency transform, and differential energy is computed to meet the data and service requirements [371]. Due to the exis-
register the fault patterns. A threshold can be set on the differ- tence of different levels of fault current in microgrids, new
ential energy to issue the tripping signal for different faulty protective schemes need to be developed that can monitor
situations in the microgrid in grid-connected and islanded changes in the microgrid and calculate the operating condi-
modes, under both radial and loop networks. Results indicate tions at any given time. Logical nodes available in IEC61850
that the proposed scheme can reliably protect the microgrid and IEC61850-7-420 communication standards are used to
against shunt faults and high impedance faults, and thus design such versatile schemes [372]. In [373], it is demon-
can be extended for large power distribution networks with strated that the utilization of IEC61850-based communica-
multiple DGs. tion in low voltage microgrid protection is needed to ensure
Fault modeling is also very important to identify the need a fast and reliable protection. In [374], an approach is pre-
to switch islanded mode. In [369], principles of two domi- sented for automatically generating an IEC 61850-compliant
nant islanding detection techniques are combined based on implementation of intelligent electronic devices suitable for
positive feedback as well as the voltage unbalance and total embedded platforms and for protection applications where
harmonic distortion to obtain a new hybrid islanding detec- runtime performance is critical. In [370] and [372], a scheme
tion technique for synchronous DGs. Simulation results show based on the central protection unit is proposed to moni-
that the proposed hybrid technique is more effective than tor the microgrid DGs and relays, and accordingly update
each of the techniques used, and verify the advantage of them. In [365], the power line is used as the communication
the proposed hybrid islanding detection technique, which is medium. In [370], the implementation of communication
the fact that only the DGs in the vicinity of load switch- infrastructure of a novel protection scheme for microgrids
ing change their frequency set point. This could potentially with high DG penetration is presented in Matlab Simulink
be a huge advantage over the positive feedback technique. Environment. Microgrid Central Protection Unit is utilized to
In that technique, several DGs that are connected to the utility monitor all components within the microgrid and new operat-
grid may together push the voltage and frequency error to ing conditions are calculated for every interrupt call received
by the controller. The study in [375] presents an adaptive flux-charge-model feedback algorithms. The study in [383]
protection scheme for a university campus microgrid using introduces a unidirectional fault current limiter named UFCL
communication-assisted relays responding to the higher fault installed between the upstream and downstream networks.
currents in the grid-connected mode and lower fault currents It only limits the contribution of the downstream network
in the islanded mode. during a fault in the upstream network. Inversely, during a
fault in the downstream network, the UFCL is inactive and
C. PROTECTION OF DC MICROGRIDS allows a full contribution of the upstream network. It is shown
In [376] shortcomings of protection approaches for micro- that by this strategy, the proposed UFCL can preserve the
grids that are not limited to an area with clear boundaries coordination protection of the upstream overcurrent relays,
are addressed, and a flexible framework is proposed for and also as an added advantage, alleviate deep voltage sags
protection scheme design of DC microgrid applications. caused by the upstream faults. It is shown that due to the full
The proposed protection scheme enables the required levels contribution of the upstream network during fault conditions
of fault discrimination to be achieved while minimizing in the downstream network, power quality of the microgrid
the associated installation costs. In [377], a low-voltage will be improved. Furthermore, the coordination between the
DC microgrid protection system is proposed. The possibility upstream and downstream overcurrent relays is preserved.
of using commercially-available devices to protect such a In [298], a microgrid protection scheme is proposed that
system is shown in this study. Problems may arise with high- relies on optimally sizing fault current limiters and optimally
impedance ground faults which can be difficult to detect. setting directional overcurrent relays. The problem has been
It was shown that during the coordination of protection formulated as a constrained nonlinear programming problem
devices, problems may arise with the converter protection. and is solved using the GA with the static penalty constraint-
Therefore, the converter fault current can be used together handling technique. The study in [379] conducts a feasibility
with the DC-link voltage to solve the problem and ensure analysis of the positioning of the superconducting FCL,
a reliable protection system. In [378], a fault protection concluding that the strategic and optimal location of super-
and location scheme is presented for a ring-bus-based conducting FCL in the utility grid is the connection point of
DC microgrid consisting of zone intelligent electronic each DG in both AC and DC microgrids.
devices which are capable of detecting fault current in the
bus segment and isolating the segment to avoid the sys- IX. MICROGRID COMMUNICATIONS
tem shutdown. In [357], an arc model for studying series The role of communication systems in the microgrid is to
faults in low-voltage DC microgrids is presented. It is provide a means to exchange data and monitor various ele-
suitable for electromagnetic transient simulations of series ments for control and protection purposes. In a centrally con-
DC arc faults. The advantages of the method for transient trolled microgrid, the communication network is necessary
simulations are demonstrated via experiments. The study to communicate control signals to the microgrid components.
in [379] presents feasibility analysis results of positioning In a microgrid with the distributed control, the communica-
the superconducting fault current limiter and its effects on tion network enables each component to talk with other com-
reducing fault current in a utility grid containing AC and ponents in the microgrid, decides on its operation, and further
DC microgrids. The strategic and optimal location of super- reaches predefined objectives [112]. Communications within
conducting fault current limiter in the utility grid, which the microgrid is necessary to enable a rapid fault clearing
could limit fault currents and has no negative effect on and increasing efficiency in islanding incidences. Despite its
DGs, is found to be the connection point of each DG. significant role in developing efficient and advanced micro-
In [380], a fault detection and isolation scheme is presented grids, no review on microgrid communications is currently
for low-voltage DC microgrids to detect the fault in the bus available.
between devices and to isolate the faulted section regardless The study in [234] proposes the establishment of a wireless
of fault current amplitude or the power supply’s feeding network to acquire the information of total real and reactive
capacity. Therefore the microgrid keeps operating without power generation of all DGs in order to enhance the
disabling the entire system. It proposes a loop-type DC microgrid stability. In [384], a microgrid test-bed is proposed
microgrid, which has a segment controller between connected to investigate cognitive radio networks in the fifth generation
components. wireless technology. The technique of independent compo-
nent analysis with robust principal component is applied to
D. FAULT CURRENT LIMITATION (FCL) smart meter wireless data recovery. In [385], a heterogeneous
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summarized, focusing on devices in or near the field test sta- multi-agent coordination between DGs to make decisions in a
tus. Furthermore, solid state FCLs are identified to be appro- decentralized economic dispatch. In [126], a communications
priate to use in microgrids. In [382], two current-limiting algorithm is proposed based on the consensus theorem as
algorithms are proposed for controlling a series inverter con- a solution for economic dispatch of DGs in a decentralized
nected between the microgrid and the utility grid during util- multi-agent platform. The study in [386] asserts that for
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[356] T. S. Ustun, C. Ozansoy, and A. Ustun, ‘‘Fault current coefficient and time
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[360] T. S. Ustun, C. Ozansoy, and A. Zayegh, ‘‘Implementation of Dijkstra’s pp. 1427–1436, Oct. 2006.
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pp. 481–486. Trans. Power Syst., vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 1591–1598, May 2012.
[384] R. C. Qiu et al., ‘‘Cognitive radio network for the smart grid: Experi- HOSSEIN LOTFI (S’14) received the B.S. degree
mental system architecture, control algorithms, security, and microgrid in electrical engineering and the master’s degree
testbed,’’ IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 724–740, Dec. 2011. in business administration from the Sharif Uni-
[385] H. Liang, B. J. Choi, A. Abdrabou, W. Zhuang, and X. Shen, versity of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2008 and
‘‘Decentralized economic dispatch in microgrids via heterogeneous 2010, respectively. He is currently pursuing the
wireless networks,’’ IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 30, no. 6, Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering with the
pp. 1061–1074, Jul. 2012. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer-
[386] R. Majumder, A. Ghosh, G. Ledwich, S. Chakrabarti, and F. Zare,
ing, University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA. His
‘‘Improved power sharing among distributed generators using Web
research interests include electricity market, power
based communication,’’ in Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting, Jul. 2010,
pp. 1–8. system economics, microgrid planning, and smart
[387] R. Palma-Behnke, D. Ortiz, L. Reyes, G. Jimenez-Estevez, and electricity grids.
N. Garrido, ‘‘A social SCADA approach for a renewable based
microgrid—The Huatacondo project,’’ in Proc. IEEE Power Energy Soc.
General Meeting, Jul. 2011, pp. 1–7.
[388] T. Zhu, S. Xiao, Y. Ping, D. Towsley, and W. Gong, ‘‘A secure energy
routing mechanism for sharing renewable energy in smart microgrid,’’
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Smart Grid Commun. (SmartGridComm), AMIN KHODAEI (SM’14) received the Ph.D.
Oct. 2011, pp. 143–148. degree in electrical engineering from the Illi-
[389] G. Deconinck et al., ‘‘A robust semantic overlay network for micro- nois Institute of Technology, Chicago, in 2010.
grid control applications,’’ in Architecting Dependable Systems V He was a Visiting Faculty Member with the
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science), vol. 5135. Berlin, Germany: Robert W. Galvin Center for Electricity Innova-
Springer-Verlag, 2008, pp. 101–123. tion, Illinois Institute of Technology, from 2010
[390] M. Erol-Kantarci, B. Kantarci, and H. T. Mouftah, ‘‘Reliable overlay to 2012. He joined the University of Denver,
topology design for the smart microgrid network,’’ IEEE Netw., vol. 25, Denver, CO, in 2013, as an Assistant Professor.
no. 5, pp. 38–43, Sep./Oct. 2011. His research interests include power system oper-
[391] A. Kwasinski and P. T. Krein, ‘‘A microgrid-based telecom power system
ation, planning, computational economics, micro-
using modular multiple-input DC-DC converters,’’ in Proc. 27th Int.
Telecommun. Conf. (INTELEC), Sep. 2005, pp. 515–520.
grids, and smart electricity grids. He will be the Technical Co-Chair of the
[392] T. Dragicevic, J. M. Guerrero, and J. C. Vasquez, ‘‘A distributed control 2016 and 2018 IEEE PES T&D Conference and Exposition, and is the Chair
strategy for coordination of an autonomous LVDC microgrid based of the IEEE Microgrid Taskforce.
on power-line signaling,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 61, no. 7,
pp. 3313–3326, Jul. 2014.