Sonatest Completo
Sonatest Completo
Sonatest Completo
Users Guide
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Contents
Contents .................................................................................................................................... ii
1 How to Use This Users Guide .......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Typographical Conventions .................................................................................. 2
2 Disclaimers and Notices .................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Specific Warnings .................................................................................................. 3
2.2 General Warnings .................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Operator Training.................................................................................................. 3
2.4 Testing Limitations ................................................................................................ 4
2.5 Critical Operating Factors ..................................................................................... 4
2.5.1 Calibration of the Sound Velocity .................................................................... 4
2.5.2 Transducer (Probe) Zero Procedure ................................................................ 4
2.5.3 Flaw Detection Calibration ............................................................................... 4
2.5.4 Effects of Temperature on Calibration ............................................................. 5
2.5.5 Transducer Condition ...................................................................................... 5
2.5.6 Use of Couplant ................................................................................................ 5
2.6 Disclaimer of Liability ............................................................................................ 6
2.7 Electromagnetic Compatibility .............................................................................. 6
3 Quick Start......................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Front Panel ............................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Flaw Detection ..................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Thickness Gauging .............................................................................................. 15
3.4 Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Memory ............................................................................ 17
3.4.1 Reset to factory defaults ................................................................................. 17
3.4.2 Clearing the Memory ...................................................................................... 17
4 Detailed Menu Description ............................................................................................. 19
4.1 Menu Tree ........................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Main Menu ........................................................................................................... 21
4.2.1 Main Menu Selection ...................................................................................... 21
4.3 CAL Menu ............................................................................................................ 22
4.3.1 Calibration Menu ............................................................................................ 22
4.3.2 Amplifier Menu ............................................................................................... 22
4.3.3 TX Menu ......................................................................................................... 23
4.3.4 GATE1 & GATE2 Menus ................................................................................. 23
4.3.5 Auto-Cal Menu ................................................................................................ 24
4.4 MEAS Menu.......................................................................................................... 25
4.4.1 Measurement Menu ........................................................................................ 25
4.4.2 TRIG ................................................................................................................ 26
4.4.3 PROBE Menu .................................................................................................. 27
4.4.4 T-COMP .......................................................................................................... 27
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Contents
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ How to Use This Users Guide
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ How to Use This Users Guide
The function keys are shown throughout this manual as shown in Section 3.1, Front Panel.
1.1 Typographical Conventions
When describing front panel buttons the text is ===.
When describing settings in the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 the text is. printed in this
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Disclaimers and Notices
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Disclaimers and Notices
More specific information about operator training, qualification, certification and test
specifications can be obtained from technical societies, industry groups and government
2.4 Testing Limitations
In ultrasonic testing, information is obtained only from within the confines of the sound
beam as it propagates into the test material. Operators must exercise great caution when
making inferences about the nature of the test material outside the limits of the sound
beam. The condition of materials can vary significantly and the results can be erratic if
operators dont exercise good judgment.
2.5 Critical Operating Factors
The following procedures must be observed by all users of this ultrasonic flaw detector in
order to obtain proper and accurate results.
2.5.1 Calibration of the Sound Velocity
An ultrasonic flaw detector operates on the principle of measuring the time of flight of a
burst of high frequency sound through the test piece as well as evaluating the amplitude of
reflected or transmitted echoes. The sound velocity of the test piece multiplies this time in
order to obtain an accurate distance or thickness reading. Since the actual sound velocity in
materials can vary from the published values, the best result is obtained when the
instrument is calibrated on a reference block made from the same material as the test piece.
This block should be flat, smooth and as thick as the maximum thickness expected of the
test piece.
Users should also be aware that the sound velocity might not be constant throughout the
test piece due to effects such as heat-treating. This must be taken into consideration when
evaluating the results of ultrasonic thickness testing. The calibration should always be
checked after testing to minimize errors.
2.5.2 Transducer (Probe) Zero Procedure
The transducer calibration procedures must be performed as described in this manual. The
calibration block must be clean, in good condition and free of noticeable wear. Failure to
perform the transducer zero and calibration procedure will cause inaccurate thickness
2.5.3 Flaw Detection Calibration
When performing flaw detection, it is important to note that the amplitude of indications is
not only related to the size of the discontinuity; the depth of a discontinuity below the test
piece surface will also have an effect on the amplitude due to characteristics of the sound
beam spread and near field zone of the transducer. In addition, the characteristics of the
discontinuity such as orientation and classification can alter the expected amplitude
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Disclaimers and Notices
response. For these reasons, calibration should be performed on test blocks made of the
same material as the test piece with artificial discontinuities within the range of size and
depth in the material to be detected. The user is again cautioned to refer to reference
books which are beyond the scope of this manual.
2.5.4 Effects of Temperature on Calibration
The sound velocity in test pieces and the transducer wear face changes with temperature
variations. All calibrations should be performed on site with test blocks at or near the same
temperature as that expected on the test piece, to minimize errors.
2.5.5 Transducer Condition
The transducer used for testing must be in good condition, without noticeable wear of the
front surface. The specified range of the transducer must encompass the complete range of
the thickness to be tested and/or the types of discontinuities to be investigated. The
temperature of the material to be tested must be within the transducers specified
temperature range.
2.5.6 Use of Couplant
Operators must be familiar with the use of ultrasonic couplant. Testing skills must be
developed so that couplant is used and applied in a consistent manner to eliminate
variations in couplant thickness which can cause errors and inaccurate readings. Calibration
and actual testing should be performed under similar coupling conditions, using a
minimum amount of couplant and applying consistent pressure to the transducer.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Disclaimers and Notices
3 Quick Start
3.1 Front Panel
The main control on the front of the unit is the scroll-wheel that is used to navigate through
the menus and to adjust parameters this, along with the lh key in the middle of the wheel
allows quick and intuitive navigation.
Moving your finger in a clockwise direction moves the top line menu selection to the right
or increases a selected parameter. Moving your finger in an anticlockwise direction moves
the top line menu selection to the left or decreases a selected parameter. The right arrow
moves the top menu selection right by one increment at a time, the left arrow moves it left
by one increment. The down arrow moves down the four parameter boxes on the right of
the display while the up arrow moves up. When a parameter is selected by a quick press of
the lh button the up and down arrows move up and down the drop-down list; if a
parameter is selected by holding the OK button down for more than 2 seconds then the up
and down arrows change the value by small increments while the right and left arrows
change the value by a bigger increment.
The sensitivity of the Scroll-Wheel is calibrated each time the D-10 or D20 is turned on and
takes into account the environment that it is in; it is important to keep your hand away from
the vicinity of the Scroll-Wheel when turning the unit on.
If the Scroll-Wheel sensitivity becomes erratic then it is possible to re-calibrate it be pressing
the HELP button; once the initial help screen is shown the calibration is complete. Press the
HELP button again to exit help and continue to operate the D-10 or D-20.
In certain circumstances it is possible to set the sensitivity to a value that constantly causes
the Scroll-Wheel to be erratic; in this instance restoring factory settings will set the
sensitivity to a workable value. See Reset to factory defaults on page 17 for details.
The remaining front panel controls consist of a series sealed, pressure sensitive, tactile
buttons that have specific functions assigned to them; the exception to this are the four
"user" buttons that can be assigned to any menu item or a list of useful features. A more
detailed description of each button is shown below followed by an overview of the front
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~Quick Start
When the term highlighted is used, it refers to text with a bright background and dark
letters which is the selected item.
Power on & off push button for switching the instrument on and off.
Operates as a toggle.
N.B Random lines or characters may be displayed for a second or two after
switch on, before the memory is initialized, this is normal.
This button is used to select one of the main menu items (CAL, MEAS,
MEMORY and UTIL) once they have been highlighted using the arrows. It is
also used to select a parameter that has been highlighted using the arrows A
short press will show the drop-down list (if available) while a long press will
select the parameter so that it can be changed using the arrows.
These buttons move the highlighted cursor along the top of the screen left
and right to the sub menu to be selected, they are also used to make large
increment changes to a selected parameter. These are momentary buttons
with no repeat. The parameter boxes along the right hand side of the screen
change as the sub menu is selected.
This button moves the selection of the parameter boxes on the right of the
screen up, it is also used make small increment changes to a selected
parameter. In the case of transducer Zero or Delay, it moves the signals to
the right. This is a momentary button with no repeat.
This button moves the selection of the parameter boxes on the right of the
screen down, it is also used make small increment changes to a selected
parameter. In the case of transducer Zero or Delay, it moves the signals to
the left. This is a momentary button with no repeat.
This button is used to navigate "up" through the menu structure. If a
parameter is selected then pressing the MENU button once will take you back
to the major menu item while pressing it twice will display the 4 main menu
levels (CAL, MEAS, MEMORY and UTIL) on the right hand side of the
screen. The jbkr button can be pressed at any time
This button takes you directly to the GATE menu and turns on the gate in
positive trigger mode and highlights the START parameter box.
This button caused the GAIN parameter to be highlighted so that the scroll-
wheel can then adjust the value. Pressing the button again highlights the
REF parameter, pressing for a third time selects the gain step size.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Quick Start
Press this button once to select freeze mode for the A-Scan display. This is a
useful feature for holding an echo for evaluation. When in this mode, a box is
highlighted showing FREEZE below the graticule.
Pressing the button a second time selects peak mode, which holds and
updates all echoes on the display during inspection. This feature allows an
envelope or echo dynamic pattern to be drawn on the screen with the "live"
signal shown within, which is useful for angle beam inspection to locate the
peak signal. When in this mode, a box is highlighted showing PEAK below
the graticule as sown below:
Pressing the key again invokes the Hold mode that captures the current A-
Scan in white allowing a comparison to be made with the live A-Scan that is
shown in green. When this mode is selected a box is highlighted showing
HOLD as shown below:
Pressing the button a fourth time returns the A-Scan display to normal mode.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~Quick Start
Full display is useful for maximising the size of the A-Scan while performing
inspections. While in full screen mode the user can still change the gain in
the normal way and use the cobbwbLmb^h button; all other buttons are
These four rpbo buttons can be assigned to any parameter on the Sitescan
D-10 & D-20. To use this function simply select the parameter that you want
. to assign to the button and then hold down the user button until you see the
. following message:
In addition the following quick access functions can be assigned from the
U-KEYS parameter in the UTILS menu: USER, N/A, AUTO 80, QSAVE-
This button is a shortcut to the PANEL storage list enabling the quick recall
or saving of the current panel settings .
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Quick Start
This button selects the help menu which overlays the display. The help menu
explains how the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 operate with a choice of three
rpbo button N: Basic operation
rpbo button O: Calibration procedure
rpbo button P: Active menu
Pressing the jbkr or ebim button again at any point in the help screens
returns the display to normal mode. The help screen also displays the
instrument serial number as well as the software, FPGA, USB and keyboard
T/R BNC or LEMO connector is the transmitter and receiver socket used for single
transducers or as the transmitter only for twin or dual transducer operation.
R BNC or LEMO connector is the receiver socket used for twin or dual
transducer operation.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Quick Start
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~Quick Start
The Sitescan D-10 or D-20 is now configured for basic flaw detection. Using an appropriate
calibration block, adjust the GAIN parameter to establish the correct sensitivity. Adjust
other parameters as necessary to optimize the calibration. For more in-depth features of the
Sitescan D-10 & D-20, see Flaw Testing on page 46.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Quick Start
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~Quick Start
The Sitescan D-10 or D-20 is now configured for basic thickness gauging. Adjust parameters
as necessary to optimize the calibration. For more in-depth features of the Sitescan D-10 &
D-20, see Advanced Thickness Mode - Initial Overview on page 88.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Quick Start
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~Quick Start
3. Press the lh button to clear the Sitescan D-10 or D-20s memory, or the MENU button
to leave the memory alone.
4. If the choice was to delete the memory the following dialogue will be displayed:
5. Once the clear operation has completed, we have to wait for the memory to become
writable in this case the following dialogue is displayed for up to 2 minutes:
6. Once this has completed the Sitescan will ask to confirm standard settings in Metric or
Imperial, as described in section 3.4.1 Reset to factory defaults.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Detailed Menu Description
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20Users Guide ~ Detailed Menu Description
When The Sitescan D-10 & D-20 is switched on, an information screen is displayed
momentarily showing the instrument serial number and software version number while a
self-test is performed as shown below:
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Detailed Menu Description
Note: The REF/GAIN box always appears at the bottom right of the screen and can be
selected using the dB button and then changed using the Scroll-Wheel or the and
Throughout the Pressing the lh
menus there are button quickly shows
parameter boxes a drop-down list as
that have a thick shown here:
line underneath
Press the lh button
them as shown
again to remove the
drop-down list after
the required value has
been selected.
Press and hold the lh
to select the
parameter allowing
fine adjustments to be
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Detailed Menu Description
4.3.3 TX Menu
PRF MAX Used to set the maximum pulse repetition frequency.
Selectable values are from 35 to 500 in 5Hz steps. Lower
values will reduce ghosting and noise echoes.
DAMPING Used to select either 400 or 50 Ohms. Select the best to
suite the transducer and cable being used
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4.4.4 T-COMP
This menu allows the user configure Temperature Compensation mode. It is used to
compensate the readings for high temperature applications.
MODE Choose between OFF or ON. ON activates temperature
compensation mode. It replaces the Beam path distance (:)
with a (TC:) in the measurement line and the HUD.
CAL Allows the user to set the temperature of the calibration
block. The units are either C in metric or F in imperial
MAT Allows the user to set the temperature of the material under
inspection. The units are either C in metric or F in imperial
k Allows the operator to set the k value temperature
coefficient of the material under inspection. The default value
is the coefficient for steel. The value is different between C
and F.
4.4.5 BSCAN (Optional Feature)
This menu allows the user to configure and control the BSCAN measurement technique.
MODE Choose between OFF or ON. ON activates the B-Scan panel
and begins collecting data to display the B-Scan.
LOS MODE This option allows the choice between STOP and
CONTINUE, it determines what the Sitescan should do when
a Loss Of Signal occurs. When set to stop the B-Scan does not
record No Reading values, whereas when set to continue it
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20Users Guide ~ Detailed Menu Description
SPEED Allows the operator to select the update rate of the B-Scan.
This value loosely represents samples per second.
N.O.S Allows the operator to select the Number Of Samples present
in the B-Scan.
4.4.6 AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
Automatic Gain Control feature is generally used in thickness logging.
By setting a percentage of full screen height (% FSH default 50%) and ensuring that the
signal is breaking gate 1, the gain will be adjusted automatically to bring the signal height to
the user defined value subject to an adjustable tolerance (+% TOL).
% FSH Choose the screen height, between 10% and 90%, to which
the user wants the gain to be adjusted.
+-% TOL Choose the tolerance on the % FSH to stop the AGC
hunting due to signal height jitter. The range can be set
between 5% and 20% FSH
To Use:
Set Gate 1 +ve, to a height of, say 10% or 20% FSH and ensure that the signal will
cross the gate.
Ensure that MEAS mode is anything but MONITOR
Set the %FSH parameter to the signal height required.
Enable AGC by changing AGC Mode to ON.
For poor surface conditions, adjust the +-% TOL to increase the tolerance of
variation in the signal before the gain is adjusted
When a signal is present in Gate 1 and a suitable measurement mode is selected
the gain will be automatically adjusted to bring the signal to the specified height
on the screen.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Detailed Menu Description
When the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 is switched on the AGC is turned OFF.
The gain value that is last set by AGC remains when AGC is switched off.
If the gate level is above the user defined %FSH, AGC is internally inhibited.
4.4.7 TCG Time Corrected Gain Menu (D-20 Only)
This menu is used to create TCG curves using a series of reference echoes. Once drawn,
the TCG curve acts as swept gain control on the amplifier to set different gain levels
relative to distance. The TCG procedure is described fully in TCG Operation on page 54
MODE: ON Activates the TCG curve to adjust the gain. Can be activated
in RF or rectified display modes.
MEAS Allows the measurements to be displayed as %FSH, dB or
MODE: Used to create the TCG curve. Cannot be drawn in RF
DRAW display mode.
CURSOR Used to move the cursor over the reference echo for which a
TCG point is being set
POINT Display only. Shows the last point created after pressing the=
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Detailed Menu Description
NOTES Shows the notes associated with the stored calibration set.
The bottom of the window shows the controls used to
navigate around the notes and to make changes:
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20Users Guide ~ Detailed Menu Description
NOTES Shows the notes associated with the stored A-Log. The
bottom of the window shows the controls used to navigate
around the notes and to make changes:
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CURR SET With the print mode in CURR SET, the current calibration
settings, the screen and all notes are sent to the printer when
the lh=button is pressed.
A-LOG In the A-Log print mode, all of the stored A-Scans that are
valid will be printed when the lh button is pressed, along
with the calibration settings and notes. This can take
considerable time if the A-Scans memory is full.
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Select the STORE # box and by pressing the lh=button and a list of all the available
panel memory is displayed as below:
Pressing the RECALL key here will cause the Panel to be recalled as normal otherwise
scrolling up and down or pressing the MENU key will remove the thumbnail view.
Use the Scroll-Wheel or the and to select a desired STORE number from 1 to
100. Note that if a store is empty it has a label of ** STORE EMPTY **, if it is in
use then it has the notes label displayed.
Press the lh button to store the panel settings; the following dialogue is displayed
asking for confirmation:
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Each line is 25 characters long, the final NOTES field is 3 lines of 25 characters allowing a
total 75 characters.
The and buttons are used to move the cursor from right to left along a line of text.
The and buttons are used to advance the cursor down to the next line.
To delete a character, position the cursor over it and press the cobbwb=mb^h button.
To insert a character space, position the cursor to the right of the desired insert location
and press the crii=p`obbk button.
To select a character from the character map below the notes use the Scroll-Wheel, pressing
the lh button to add the highlighted character to the currently selected position in the
Once the desired notes have been added or edited, press the jbkr button. The text is
now entered but not stored. It is now necessary to store the notes using the methods
outlined in the PANEL and A-LOG sections.
If a stored panel or A-LOG is recalled, its notes will be loaded into the window. The notes
can then be viewed and edited using the same procedure detailed above.
The following shows a completed notes window:
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20Users Guide ~ Detailed Menu Description
Use the scroll wheel to select characters from the key map, pressing the OK key to add to
the currently selected character to the license key entry field.
The user key 1 and user key 2 toggle the navigation mode, 1 is used to navigate they key
map and 2 is used to navigate the entry field. The highlight indicates which is currently
Pressing the HELP key will clear all characters and return the cursor to the beginning of the
field. The FREEZE / PEAK key will delete the character currently under the cursor and the
FULL SCREEN key will insert a space at the currently selected position.
Pressing the MENU key when complete will exit the license key entry panel displaying a
confirmation message whether the license key was accepted or not. If the license key is
accepted the Sitescan will return the main menu and the new option will be available in the
menu system.
The bottom section of the license key entry panel shows the options that are currently
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Flaw Testing
5 Flaw Testing
5.1 Basic Flaw Testing
Reliable flaw detection requires three important considerations:
Proper transducer selection
An accurate reference block of the same material as that being tested with reference
holes representing the orientation and sensitivity desired
Proper calibration of the instrument.
Transducers used for flaw detection are usually of the narrow band variety to provide the
best possible sensitivity to the anticipated discontinuities. In some cases, broadband
varieties are chosen to optimize near or far surface resolution the ability to separate
discontinuities from the front surface or back surface echo. In either case, the frequency is
chosen so that the wavelength in the material is optimized for the orientation and size of
expected discontinuities. The single element contact transducer is used for general-purpose
flaw detection. The angle beam transducer is used for weld inspection, which is covered in
Weld Inspection Using Trigonometry Mode on page 73. Other specialty transducers
including dual and surface wave can be used but these topics are beyond the scope of the
The next requirement for reliable flaw detection is a calibration or reference block. This
block should be made of the same material as the parts to be inspected. In other words, it
should have the same sound velocity and attenuation characteristics. The calibration block
should have surfaces that mimic the parts to be inspected so that attenuation and sensitivity
characteristic is similar. Most importantly, the calibration block should have a series of
fabricated discontinuities representing those expected to found in the test piece. That is,
the size and orientation of the fabricated discontinuities should match the expected natural
discontinuities in the test piece. In some cases this may mean flat bottom holes
perpendicular to the test surface, side drilled holes parallel to the testing surface, or in some
cases, narrow notches representing planar surfaces parallel or perpendicular to the testing
surface. Fabricated discontinuities must also be placed near the front and back surface of
the calibration block to verify resolution of the transducer and instrument setting
Finally, it is necessary to establish the proper calibration of the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 in
order to assure reliable flaw detection.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Flaw Testing
The distance between the echoes is shown in the E-E measurement at the bottom of the
display (in this case 125.96). It is unlikely that the value will be exactly correct as the
velocity of sound in the material will not match one of the preset values. Select a
velocity that is close to the material then adjust it so that the exact distance is obtained
as shown below:
Next the calibration needs to take account of the distance between the transducer
crystal and the front face of the transducer by setting the correct ZERO value: From the
MEAS menu change the MODE to DEPTH.
From the GATE1 menu change the START, WIDTH and LEVEL values so that the
gate covers the 6th peak as shown below:
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The distance measurement is shown at the bottom of the display (in this case 151.37).
From the CAL menu adjust the ZERO value until the correct distance is shown as
As a final check move the gate across the other echoes to ensure that the correct
distances are shown; From the GATE1 menu adjust the START and LEVEL
parameters so that the gate covers each echo in turn. Check that the correct values are
shown as below:
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Flaw Testing
Now that the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 has been calibrated it can be used to perform
inspections using any of the techniques described in the following sections.
For weld inspection using an angle beam transducer, follow the instructions in Weld
Inspection Using Trigonometry Mode on page 73.
For storage and printing of A-Scans, refer to A-LOG, A-Scan Storage on page 75
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Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each additional reference hole in the reference block, being
careful to be consistent with the amount of coupling and transducer pressure. A
maximum of 10 points can be recorded for a TCG curve.
Press jbkr to come out of the adjust parameter then use the key to move to the
MODE box, use the lh button to display the drop down list then use the to select
ON mode then lh again to actually turn TCG on.
NOTE: A TCG curve cannot be drawn while in RF display mode. It should be noted that the
range of TCG is limited by the dynamic range of 40dB.
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Press jbkr to come out of the adjust parameter then use the key to move to the
MODE box, use the lh button to display the drop down list then use the to select
ON mode then lh again to actually turn DAC on. The DAC curve will now be
displayed and the other parameters will change to CURVE, TRIGGER and MEAS
Use the lh button to show the drop-down list of available combinations of the DAC
reference curves as shown below:
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20Users Guide ~ Flaw Testing
To turn off the DAC feature, select the MODE parameter from the DAC menu and press the
lh to display the drop-down list then use the and keys the button until OFF is
indicated, finally press lh again to turn DAC off
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Flaw Testing
6. With the signal maximized, press the lh key whilst the ACTION: CAL parameter is
The Sitescan D-10 or D-20 is now calibrated to make Indication Rating measurements in
accordance with AWS D1.1-94. To use the AWS mode, do the following:
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20Users Guide ~ Flaw Testing
1. On the AWS menu, highlight MODE and select ON. Switching AWS on will enable the
AWS HUD at the top of the display, where the live measurements will be displayed.
2. Ensure that the gate and measurement (TRIG) function are operative and properly
3. When the AWS menu is selected and a signal is in the gate, the HUD will show the
resulting AWS measurements as follows:
(Indication Rating = Indication level Reference Gain Attenuation Factor)
IL: Indication Level The dB setting required to bring an indication to the
reference level.
RG: Reference Gain The dB setting of the calibrated reference indication as a
function of the reference standard and probe being
AF: Attenuation Factor The attenuation factor required by the AWS standard and is:
Depth in inches minus 1, multiply by 2 and then rounded to
the nearest dB.
IR: Indication Rating The difference in dB between the indication and the
reference gain with attenuation factor correction.
It is not necessary to bring the indication to the reference level to obtain the correct
measurement information as the Sitescan D-10 and D-20 adjusts for gain offset. However,
to ensure the best accuracy of calculation, it is advised to adjust the indication to be above
40% and below 100% of full screen height. In addition, in the AWS mode, gain offset is
shown as +/- dB from reference as opposed to absolute gain.
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Once AWS has been switch to ON mode it is no longer possible to adjust the reference gain.
AWS can be operated in full screen mode, as shown below:
With AWS active it is possible to maximise the screen height by pressing and holding the
FULL SCREEN key, this will remove the HUD but leave AWS active. It is possible to toggle
the screen mode in both normal and full screen modes.
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First turn on GATE1 from the CAL menu and position it on the display so that it will cover
the signal that will be produced by the reference indicator; the height of the gate is not
important. Ensure that the signal will be between 5% and 100% of full screen height. Select
API from the MEAS menu and select ACTIVE PEAK MODE by pressing the button
twice then capture the reference signal and the following display should be shown:
Once the desired signal is obtained press the lh button whilst the ACTION: CAL
parameter is highlighted and the K factor (a derived factor for calculating depth) is
calculated and displayed as shown:
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Pressing the MENU button will cancel the calibration and return to previous screen this
will also clear the peak envelope. Pressing the OK button will accept the K Factor that has
been calculated and automatically switch the API MODE parameter to ON and puts the API
facility into measurement mode as shown below. The K Factor value is displayed but cannot
be changed.
To take measurements select PEAK mode by pressing the button (a single press is all
that is required when in API mode) and capture the echo dynamic signal; once the desired
signal has been captured press the OK button whilst the ACTION: MEAS parameter is
highlighted. The Imperfection Depth (di) value is calculated and displayed as shown below:
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The Sitescan D-10 or D-20 is automatically put into FREEZE mode once a measurement has
been taken. The resulting di value is shown highlighted in the HUD if it was unable to
calculate the di value, dashes are shown. Once the measurement has been taken, pressing
the lh button releases FREEZE mode and removes the highlight from the di value to
show that it is no longer valid. To take the next measurement select PEAK mode by
pressing the button and repeat the above process.
It is possible to operate API when in FULL SCREEN mode. Whilst in the API menu press
the button; the FREEZE / PEAK button and the OK button work as expected.
With API active it is possible to maximise the screen height by pressing and holding the
FULL SCREEN key, this will remove the HUD but leave API active. It is possible to toggle the
screen mode in both normal and full screen modes. If the table is not shown taking a
measurement will show the table in order to see the result of the measurements, once
freeze mode is released the HUD will disappear again.
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Where DEFF is the probe effective diameter and is the wavelength (Velocity/Frequency)
The echo height from a small (much less than sound field width) reflector will be
proportional to its size.
The echo height from a given reflector in the far field (distance from the probe greater than
2-3 Near Field Lengths (NFL)) will be inversely proportional to the square of its distance
from the probe.
It is therefore possible to define a standard relationship, knowing the basic probe
parameters, which only need be corrected for the sensitivity of the probe by measuring the
response from a known reflector.
The picture shows a general DGS/AVG diagram plotted on logarithmic scales, relative gain
in dB, distance as a multiple of Near Field Lengths, The various curves represent the signal
from an Equivalent Reflector Size (ERS) expressed as a multiple of the effective probe
Note that the signal from the back wall echo (infinite reflector) falls off with distance,
rather than with the square of distance.
5.7.2 DGS/AVG Frequency, NFL and ERS
Select the AVG menu, its MODE parameter should be OFF.
Set FREQ and TBVEL from the OFF menu, NFL and DELAY from the SET PRB
menu (It is recommended that figures from specific probe test results, rather than generic
data sheets, be used where possible, as typical manufacturing variations are sufficient to
affect the accuracy of the results.)
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Desired test sensitivity (ERS) may also be set now (This can be adjusted later).
DELAY Probe Delay Velocity, in meters per second
This is the velocity of compressive sound waves in the material of the probe wedge. It is
used mostly in angle probes but also in zero degree compression probes which have a delay
line. This wedge material is typically Perspex, which has a compressive sound wave velocity
of 2700 m/s.
TBVEL Reference (Calibration) Block Velocity, in meters per second
Reference (Calibration) Block Velocity, in meters per second. This parameter is used
internally. It will take the same range of values as the Velocity parameter.
NOTE: This parameter MUST be entered. The Wavelength, which is calculated from this
velocity and the Probe frequency, is critical to the DGS/AVG calculations.
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Attenuation of Ultrasound in the material of the object under test in dB per Meter
The REF dB/m and MAT dB/m are used where the ultrasound attenuation in these
materials is such that it would cause a disparity in signal heights between similar reflectors
in these materials. At long path lengths these factors become very important.
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Changing any parameters relating to the reference echo will invalidate the calibration, which
must then be repeated. The current version of the software does not enforce this it is the
responsibility of the operator.
Place probe on reference block and maximise echo, select CUSROR ADJUST and use
scroll wheel to centre the selection bar over the echo. Press and hold lh to accept the
The instrument will adjust gain as necessary to get a good echo reference and then perform
the necessary sensitivity calculations; the curve will then be drawn and DGS/AVG will
automatically be switched on.
Once DGS/AVG has been switched on it is possible to adjust the curve ERS level (the
instrument will redraw the curve, but a new calibration is not required) and select either the
Curve or Gate as the measurement reference. It is also possible to make adjustments to the
transfer loss parameter (T-LOSS).
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5.7.6 Adjustment
When the DGS/AVG has been calibrated it is possible to leave the DGS/AVG menus and
adjust other settings of the instrument, for example range and gate settings.
Gain may be adjusted with understanding Changing the Gain setting will remove the
correlation with the DGS/AVG curve, so should only be done in accordance with a
specification , for example to compensate for varying material conditions (better done with
the T-LOSS function).
If it is desired to change the gain to give a larger signal (for example at long range) the REF
gain should be adjusted. This will change the curve by an equivalent amount and preserve
the measurement accuracy.
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These measurements are displayed below the A-Trace on the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 as
Beam path distance B from the central exit point on the transducer to the
discontinuity, the sum of B1 and B2 in double skip mode.
Surface distance S from the central exit point on the transducer to a point directly
above the discontinuity on the test piece. By entering the distance from the Front
of the Probe to the emission point in the PROBE menu, this distance may be
displayed relative to the front of the probe, which is usually more convenient.
Depth distance D from the surface on which the transducer rests to the
Depending on the measurement technique being used there is an additional value displayed
on the right of the measurement bar as shown below:
The example shows above the normal height value as a percentage of full screen; in this
case 85%. If DAC is being used then the user has the choice of displaying either dB, %FHS
or %DAC. If DGS/AVG is being used then ERS is displayed in the right hand side.
It is important to note that discontinuities in welds can be discontinuous and can extend
over a distance. The measurements made will, therefore, be close approximations to the
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discontinuity if the user properly calibrates the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 and uses care to locate
the desired peak amplitude signal to which a measurement is made.
To calibrate and use the trigonometry mode, follow the following instructions:
Using a suitable IIW or other calibration block, measure and establish the central sound
beam exit point and actual refracted angle for the transducer being used.
Establish the zero and velocity (span) for the transducer and material under test using
the A-CAL procedure described in Auto-Cal on page 93. Use a suitable calibration block
that has two drilled holes representing the thin to thick range of thickness expected in
the test piece. In the MEAS menu set the TRIGGER parameter to PEAK. As in any
ultrasonic thickness measuring method, it is important that the calibration be
performed using a calibration block of the same material as that being inspected.
Alternately, if you know the velocity of sound in the test piece, you may calibrate using
the A-CAL method on a different material and then set the velocity parameter.
Set the START and WIDTH of Gate1 to encompass the desired testing region.
From the Main menu, select MEAS and place the MODE to TRIG.
Set the TRIGGER parameter to PEAK.
From the PROBE menu select the ANGLE parameter and using the and keys,
set the refracted angle of the transducer measured in step 1 above.
From the TRIG menu select the THICK parameter and using the and keys dial
in the thickness of the test piece. You may have to readjust this parameter if the test
piece had varying thickness and you are using a multiple skip mode of angle beam
When measuring a discontinuity, position the transducer so as to obtain the maximum
amplitude signal before recording the readings. A typical TRIG mode display is shown
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The speed parameter refers to the update rate (sample rate) of the B-Scan, measured in
Samples per Second.
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The N.O.S parameter refers to the Number of Samples stored in the B-Scan; 250 is the
maximum, with one pixel line per sample.
Once the above parameters have been chosen, B-Scan mode can be switched on. It is
possible to adjust the SPEED and N.O.S with B-Scan mode switched on, however due to the
B-Scans dependence on the values the B-Scan is cleared. The LOS MODE can be changed
without clearing the B-Scan.
5.9.3 Using B-Scan Mode
Switching B-Scan mode on causes the screen to be resized, creating a half-size A-Scan and
showing the B-Scan panel at the bottom. The B-Scan panel depth represents the range of
the A-Scan, with the time-based aspect displayed across the width.
The minimum thickness (depth) in the currently shown B-Scan is displayed in the bottom
left corner.
Shown below is an example B-Scan. The user is expected to select an appropriate scanning
speed related to the SPEED parameter.
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Setting the LOS MODE to STOP, when the user wants to stop or pause scanning, one should
simply remove the transducer from the scanning surface.
Shown below is a scan of a similar surface with the range reduced to 50mm (compared to
100mm on the previous example). This shows a slightly more detailed B-Scan, highlighting
the importance of a correct calibration and setup.
It is possible to use the FREEZE mode functionality to FREEZE the B-Scan as well as the A-
Scan and measurements, as shown below:
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Both temperature parameters and the coefficient parameter are converted when changing to
imperial units (where temperature is assumed to be in Fahrenheit). Popup lists containing
values to quickly select temperature values are available.
Once this feature has been set up measurements are automatically corrected and shown in
both the measurement line and the HUD.
It is imperative that the Sitescan is correctly calibrated before temperature compensation is
switched on. Temperature compensation should be switched off during calibration.
5.10.4 Using Temperature Compensation
Once the calibration procedure has been carried out, temperature compensation can be
switched on. When temperature compensation mode is switched on it should be noted that
a flag is placed in the information line to indicate to the user that Temperature
Compensation is active.
Also, as the beam path is corrected, instead of the (:), TC: is shown. This is again to
highlight to the user that they are viewing temperature corrected values.
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It should be noted that automatic levelling of Gate 2 is dependent on the peak echo
through Gate 1, thus if there is a number of echoes traversing Gate 1, the measurement will
be taken from the first rising flank, but the amplitude (for calculating the correct height of
Gate 2) will be taken from the peak within that gate (which might not be the same echo).
Some user experience with NDT products is assumed when using this measurement mode.
5.11.3 Using Flank - Flank Mode
The screenshots below shows a measurements being taken between gates in Flank to Flank
Mode on a piece of steel of different thicknesses.
The screenshots above show two distinctly different measurements, however the user has
not had to adjust Gate 2 between the left and the right examples. It has been automatically
moved into position it can be noted here the difference in gate height. As described
earlier the level of the Gate 2 is dependant on ratio the level of Gate 1 to the amplitude of
the echo passing through the Gate 1 this same ratio is used on the amplitude of the echo
passing through Gate 2 to determine the level of gate 2.
It is possible to use this measurement mode
in TLOG mode.
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Be careful not to store over a valid location unless you want to erase what is there and
replace it with the current A-Scan and settings; if you do want to overwrite the memory
the following dialogue is displayed:
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page 45. When finished adding notes, press the ob`^ii button to save the A-Scan
and return A-LOG menu.
6.1.2 Thumbnail Viewer
The functionality of the A-LOG menu has been extended to include a thumbnail view.
When scanning down the list of stored A-Logs, if the user pauses for a couple of seconds the
thumbnail view is activated showing an A-Scan thumb along with any notes stored with the
A-Scan this enables a quick look at the A-Scan and the full notes without actually having to
recall it. This can be seen on the below:
Pressing the RECALL key here will cause the A-Log to be recalled as normal otherwise
scrolling up and down or pressing the MENU key will remove the thumbnail view.
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To return to normal testing mode with the recalled settings, press the cobbwb mb^h
6.1.4 To Delete a Stored A-Scan
From the MEMORY menu, select the A-LOG feature
Select the STORE # by pressing the lh button. The list of available stores is the
same as that for storing an A-Scan.
Use the Scroll-Wheel to select the A-Scan to delete then press the cobbwb mb^h
button; a dialogue is displayed asking you to confirm the deletion:
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Press the lh=button to display the reference waveform on the display. The reference
waveform will be a different colour as compared to the real time waveform, depending
on which display colour is chosen.
To remove the reference waveform, select ACTION REF OFF and press the lh=
NOTE: When the reference is recalled, no setting parameters are changed. Therefore, if the
RANGE VELOCITY or DELAY are changed, the reference signal will not match the real
time waveform. This means that the RANGE, VELOCITY and DELAY used for storing the
reference waveform in A-LOG must match that used for the comparison of real time signals
to the reference waveform.
6.1.7 Peak Echo & Hold Dynamics
During flaw testing it is sometimes difficult to determine the exact peak of a discontinuity
echo due to its geometry, coupling and surface anomalies and part geometry. The Sitescan
D-10 & D-20 incorporates a Peak feature that, while activated, stores all of the signal
excursions on the display.
In addition to providing an effective method of capturing peak echo information, the Peak
mode is useful for crack tip diffraction methods in angle beam weld inspection. In the case
of crack tip diffraction, the extent of a crack type discontinuity can be inferred by the
positional excursions of the signal as it reflects from both tips of a crack. Thus, as the
transducer is moved past the indication, the signals will be filled-in on the display and the
resultant width of the envelope or echo dynamic pattern will infer the crack length.
To use the echo dynamic pattern feature, position the transducer just off one side of the
indication. Press the cobbwb mb^h button twice to activate the Peak mode which is
indicated by a box-displaying PEAK below the graticule. Move the transducer past the
indication to display the envelope pattern. In the case of angle beam testing, it is advisable
to rotate the transducer slightly and move it from side to side while moving forward past the
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indication. This will assure the capturing of all amplitude and distance information. An
example of peak echo mode capture is shown below:
The envelope can be changed between outline as shown above and filled-in by selecting the
SMOOTH parameter and switching between SMOOTH and FILL.
To return the display to normal mode, press and hold the cobbwb mb^h button. This
will erase the envelope pattern and return the instrument to the instantaneous mode of
display. While the display is showing the dynamic echo pattern, it is possible to record the
A-Scan as indicated in A-LOG, A-Scan Storage on page 75. Hold mode is similar to freeze
mode except that it stores the currently displayed waveform as a reference trace and leaves
the live waveform active. This is a quick and useful to way to make comparisons between
Hold mode can be activated by pressing the cobbwb mb^h button three times. Pressing
the FREbZE mb^h button again will return the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 to its normal mode of
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It is also possible to review the stored B-Scan on the Sitescan in the same way that an A-Scan
can be reviewed. It is not possible to load a B-Scan as a reference trace though and like the
A-Scan review the B-Scan is lost once freeze mode is released.
See section Configuring B-Scan Measurement Mode for details on setting up the B-Scan
measurement mode.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Thickness Gauging
8 Thickness Gauging
8.1 Basic Thickness Gauging
Accurate and reliable thickness gauging requires three important considerations:
a) Proper transducer selection
b) An accurate reference block of the same material as that being tested, and
c) Proper calibration of the instrument.
There are three types of transducers used in ultrasonic thickness gauging, all employing the
straight or longitudinal beam method. The single element contact transducer is used for
general purpose thickness gauging where material thickness is generally expected to be
above 2.5mm. The delay line contact transducer is used for measuring thin material down
to 0.5mm where the surfaces are clean and parallel. The dual element contact transducer is
used for moderately thin materials down to about 1.0mm where the surfaces may be
irregular and not necessarily parallel. The dual transducer is most commonly used for
corrosion thickness inspection where its ability to obtain echoes from a pitted surface is
superior. Nevertheless, dual transducer inspection on corroded materials is nowhere near
as accurate as single element and delay line inspection, due to the nature of the material
under test. In addition, the dual element transducer usually incorporates a slight included
angle on both the transmit and receive side, resulting in a small non-linearity of the
measurements. For this reason, dual transducer thickness testing is usually calibrated and
performed over a limited thickness range.
Regardless of the type of transducer used, it is important that it be specifically designed for
thickness gauging. This means that it must have broadband or highly damped
characteristics that provide a sharp leading edge. Otherwise, amplitude variations of the
signals can cause half-wavelength errors due to smaller build-up
The next requirement for thickness gauging is a calibration or reference block. This block
should be made of the same material as the components to be inspected. In other words, it
should have the same sound velocity and attenuation characteristics. The calibration block
should have parallel machined surfaces representing the thickness range to be inspected.
Although two thicknesses representing the minimum and maximum values are sufficient for
calibration, it is recommended that the calibration block have four sections covering the
range anticipated. This will allow for verification of the calibration.
It is possible to calibrate the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 using a generic test block and only one
known sample thickness of the material under inspection. This is a less desirable method
because there is no way of verifying the calibration. With this method, the calibration would
first be performed on the generic test block, which would have three to four sections
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covering the expected thickness range. Essentially, calibrating on the generic block would
set the transducer zero point. Then the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Velocity would be adjusted on
the known sample of the test material until the thickness readout matched the known
thickness. This established the sound velocity for the test material.
Finally, it is necessary to establish the proper calibration of the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 in
order to assure accurate and reliable thickness testing. The essence of this calibration is to
set the pulser and amplifier characteristics to provide sharp leading edges on the echoes.
The following are the essential steps for basic thickness gauging:
Select the appropriate broadband transducer and calibration block that matches the
material under test.
In the CAL menu, select the proper RANGE and DELAY so those echoes from the
range of thickness can be viewed.
From the AMP menu, set the FREQ to the nominal value of the transducer (D-20 only)
and set the detection mode to RF.
From the TX menu select SINGLE for delay line and single element transducers and
DOUBLE for dual element transducers.
Couple the transducer to a mid-range thickness section on the calibration block and
obtain an echo.
From the AMP menu, set the DETECT parameter to either VE HW or +VE HW,
depending on which half of the RF provides the best half-cycle as determined above.
Adjust the gain to set the echo at about 80 %FSH and increase the REJECT parameter
to remove any undesirable noise from the baseline.
From the GATE1 menu, set the gate to ON +VE and adjust the START and WIDTH so
that the gate encompasses the thickness range of interest. Place the transducer
between the thin and thick area on the calibration block to verify proper coverage.
Adjust the LEVEL parameter to about 30 %FSH.
From the MEAS menu, set the MODE parameter to DEPTH and the TRIGGER
parameter to FLANK.
If desired, set the T-MIN parameter to ON so that the thinnest reading obtained will be
held in the display.
If desired, set the HUD parameter to ON to display the thickness in a large window at
the top right of the display.
To calibrate the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 for thickness readings, follow the steps outlined
in Auto-Cal on page 93. Alternately, you can use an iterative process from the CAL
menu of setting the ZERO on the thinnest calibration block sample and the
VELOCITY on the thickest sample. Using this technique, you must repeat ZERO to
VELOCITY several times until the two values are correct.
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When using a delay line transducer, there are two modes of measurement:
a) Interface to first return echo, and
b) Multiple echo mode which usually measures from the first to the second return echoes
after the interface echo.
The Sitescan D10 & D20 with Advanced Thickness provide two multiple echo measurement
a) Echo Echo (E-E)
From the MEAS menu, set the MODE to E-E for echo to echo measurement. You will
notice that a second gate bar appears below gate 1 and that its start point is slightly to
the right of gate 1. This is the blanking gate explained below.
For measuring from interface to first echo, position the start of gate 1 before the
interface echo. Using the BLANK parameter in the MEAS menu, position the start of
the second gate just after the interface echo but before the thinnest expected first echo.
For measuring multiple echoes after the interface, position the start of gate1 just after
the interface echo. Using the BLANK parameter in the MEAS menu, position the start
of the second gate just after the first echo but before the thinnest expected second
The BLANK parameter determines the blanking or starting position of the second gate
relative to the starting position of gate1. This prevents noise and spurious echoes
associated with the interface or first echo from terminating the measurement and
producing a false reading.
b) Flank Flank (F-F)
From the MEAS menu, set the MODE to F-F for flank to flank measurement. You will
notice that a second gate appears below and to the right of gate 1. The gate 2 has 3
parameters for controlling this automatic gate (START, WIDTH and BLANKING).
For a correctly calibrated Sitescan gate 1 can be positioned and with the BLANKING
parameter set to AUTO, gate 2 should position itself correctly over the second echo.
It should be noted that the blanking parameter works differently to the blanking
parameter in echo echo mode. In flank flank mode the blanking is measured in
timebase units as opposed to a percentage of gate 1 as in echo echo mode.
For storage of thickness readings, refer to Thickness Gauging on page 90.
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8.2 Auto-Cal
AUTO-CAL is an automated calibration feature for thickness gauging applications or when
measuring depth to an indication in flaw testing.
In order to achieve proper calibration for measuring time-of-flight in ultrasonic testing, two
factors must be known; the velocity of sound in the material under test, and the offset of the
transducer caused by wear face and phase shifts.
Conventional thickness calibration technique usually requires setting the zero (offset) and
span (velocity) using an iterative technique. This means alternately placing the transducer
on a thin sample to set the zero and a thick sample to set the span. This process is repeated
several times until both readings are correct. The reason for this is that raising the span will
also raise the zero.
The AUTO-CAL feature automates this process so that only two readings are required, one
on the thin sample and one on the thick sample. The Sitescan D-10 & D-20 then calculates
the correct offset and span factors and sets the velocity and zero. Any time the test material
is changed (velocity) or the transducer is changed (zero); this procedure must be repeated.
Using this procedure will result in quicker calibration of the instrument and more accurate
The AUTO-CAL calibration procedure is as follows:
Select a test block of the same material as that being inspected, with reference thickness
covering the minimum to maximum thickness expected in the test parts. The
difference between the thick sample and the thin sample should be no less than five to
From the main menu, select CAL and adjust the RANGE and DELAY so that the thin
and thick reference echoes show on the display.
From the CAL menu, select GATE1 and place the STATE in ON +VE. Adjust the
START and WIDTH of the gate to encompass the echoes from the thin and thick
From the main menu, select MEAS and place the MODE to DEPTH.
From the CAL menu, select the AUTO-CAL menu.
Select DIST1 using by pressing the=lh button to list common thicknesses then use
the Scroll-Wheel to select the desired value. If the required value is not shown in the
list then select the value closest to it by pressing the=lh key then press and hold down
the=lh key until the value is highlighted then use the Scroll-Wheel to change the value
using the Scroll-Wheel; once the value is correct press the=lh key again to exit from
the DIST1 parameter. Repeat this for the DIST2 parameter.
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Place the transducer on the thin reference sample and obtain an echo. Adjust the gate
start if necessary to obtain distance readout of the echo.
Select the ACCEPT DIST1 parameter box and press=lh to log the echo; the ACCEPT
parameter box will show DIST2.
Place the transducer on the thick reference sample and obtain an echo. Adjust the gate
width if necessary to obtain distance readout of the echo.
Press the lh=button to log the echo; the ACCEPT parameter box will show CAL
Press the lh=button. The transducer zero and velocity will now be adjusted.
The DIST1 and DIST2 values can be stored when the calibration information in PANEL
and A-LOG functions are stored. This overcomes the need to set these values and gate
positions every time a calibration is desired. Once established, all that is required is to
obtain each echo and press lh, and the instrument is calibrated.
If a delay transducer is used set DIST1 to 0.0 and use the interface echo as the thin
reference echo. The instrument will then set the transducer zero to compensate for the
delay line.
Once calibrated, it might be desirable to record the velocity and zero values from the CAL
menu for future reference. Note that this is a convenient method for determining the
velocity of sound in an unknown material. Once the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 is calibrated on a
known material, all that needs to be known is one fixed thickness point and the velocity can
be determined.
8.3 TCG for Reliable Gauging
As previously mentioned, reliable thickness gauging requires that the shape of the echoes be
consistent with sharp leading edges. When measuring the thickness of material with higher
than normal attenuation to ultrasonic energy or a wide thickness range, it is difficult to
maintain proper characteristics of the echoes. One way to overcome this is to use the Time
Corrected Gain feature of the Sitescan D-10 & D-20. TCG can improve the reliability of
thickness gauging by increasing the amplitude of echoes from thicker sections of the test
material so as to maintain the correct detection threshold on the leading edge. The
objective is to equalize the amplitude of echoes over the entire thickness range to be
To set up the TCG feature, refer to TCG Operation on page 54.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Thickness Gauging
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Thickness Gauging
Selecting the TLOG Menu (Under Memory) and pressing ok on the ACTION parameter
SETUP will activate a popup menu inviting the user to either create a new inspection plan
or load a previously saved one.
Pressing the User Assigned Key labelled 1
will activate the configuration panel
providing the user with all of the available
The panel to the left shows the options
available to the user.
Using the Up and Down keys on the scroll
wheel to select the desired field and then
pressing the OK key to select that field for
To enter a plan name (analogous with a file name) for the inspection plan press enter on
the PLAN NAME field.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Thickness Gauging
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Thickness Gauging
The GRID MODE option allows the operator to choose the grid mode 1D grid or 2D grid.
When 2D grid mode is selected the following two parameters (GRID MAX and INCREMENT)
are automatically updated to reflect the valid options the X and Y bounds to 2D must be
defined (they default to 10x10, with a valid range between 1 and 999). The increment style
can be toggled between X then Y or Y then X.
In 1D grid mode, the GRID MAX option is not valid (and set to N/A) there are not any
bounds to the grid, the increment option is also not valid and set to N/A.
Shown above are the storage options. The four options available are OPTIONAL (default),
TLOG + CAL (Stores a calibration with every TLOG), TLOG + A-SCAN (stores an A-Scan &
calibration with every TLOG), TLOG + B-SCAN (stores a B-Scan & calibration with every
When OPTIONAL is selected it is possible to store an A-Scan, B-Scan or a calibration with
each TLOG, it selectable at the point of storing.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Thickness Gauging
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Thickness Gauging
Pressing the MENU key will cause the inspection plan to be stored in the selected store #.
Once the plan has been copied it is also possible to then edit the plan using the ACTION:
SETUP popup menu and using the thumb review mode, the differences can be easily seen,
as shown over the page.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Thickness Gauging
Above shows the state of the list after the paste operation has been completed. It can be
seen that Store #2 is a copy of Store #1 except for the plan name, and the date and time of
The highlighted cell shows the user which location the next reading will be stored in.
With measurements enabled and a signal though the gate it is possible to store a thickness
reading. Simply pressing OK (assuming the NOTES option was set to LONG PRESS) will
store the reading in the current location and increment putting the highlight to the next
cell (in accordance with the INCREMENT option).
Page 101
Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Thickness Gauging
It is possible to scroll around the grid using the UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT arrows or by
using the scroll wheel. Simply select the NAVIGATE: CURSOR menu item and the scroll
wheel will behave has a grid control as shown above.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Thickness Gauging
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Thickness Gauging
8.6.4 B-Scans
It has been mentioned that it is possible to store a B-Scan with a thickness reading. The
BSCAN menu which can be found under the MEAS menu group is where all the BSCAN
configuration takes place. See the section B-Scan Measurement for information relating to
the setup and operation.
When an inspection plan is configured with B-SCAN storage an extra option is available in
the T-LOG menu: BSCAN: TOGGLE. This action parameter toggles the view between the
BSCAN and the grid; it is possible to add this function to a user assigned key (using the
BSCAN ON function listed in the U-KEYS menu). A single press will pause the B-Scan and
switch to the grid view this allows the operator to view the grid and return to the B-Scan
view without clearing the data; however a long press will clear the B-Scan and then switch
to then grid.
It can be noted that the minimum thickness within the current B-Scan is shown in the
bottom left corner. It is also the value that is stored in the grid as shown above.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Thickness Gauging
As shown above, the grid is filled with the previous readings which allow a user to see the
difference between the old and the current. When the reading is stored it is easily
distinguishable from the previous readings:
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Thickness Gauging
There are 46 characters (23 per line) of sequence text available for each record.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Thickness Gauging
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Upgrading to Version 3 Software
Page 108
Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Battery
10 Battery
The Sitescan D-10 & D-20 is powered by a Lithium-Ion battery pack, which is shown below.
The battery pack attaches to the rear of the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 by locating the prong in
the recess in the battery compartment and then hinge the battery into position and secure
using the thumb screw. The battery connects to the instrument via two terminal contact
Page 109
Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Upgrading to Version 3 Software
DANGER! DO NOT charge or use a wet battery. If the battery gets wet, be sure to wipe
it dry before using.
DANGER! NEVER incinerate a used battery pack since internal battery gas may cause a
rupture or explosion.
DANGER! NEVER solder the battery terminals, or modify the battery pack. This may
cause heat generation, and the battery may rupture, emit smoke or catch fire.
DANGER! Use the battery only with the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 for which it is specified.
Never use a battery with any other equipment, or for any purpose that is not specified in
this instruction manual.
DANGER! If fluid from inside the battery gets in your eyes, blindness can result. Rinse
your eyes with clean water, without rubbing them, and see a doctor immediately.
WARNING! Immediately stop using the battery if it emits an abnormal odour, heats up,
or is discoloured or deformed. If any of these conditions occur, contact Sonatest.
WARNING! Immediately wash, using clean water, any part of the body that comes into
contact with fluid from inside the battery.
WARNING! NEVER put the battery in a microwave oven, high-pressure container, or in
an induction heating cooker. This could cause overheating, a fire, or cause the battery to
CAUTION! Always use the battery within the specified temperature range for the Sitescan
D-10 & D-20 (-10C to +55C) and the battery itself (-20C to +60C). Using the battery
out of its specified temperature range will reduce the battery's performance and battery life.
Please note that the specified temperature range of the battery may exceed that of the
Sitescan D-10 & D-20. In such cases, the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 may not work properly
because it is out of its operating temperature range.
CAUTION! Shorter battery life could occur if the battery is left fully charged, completely
discharged, or in an excessive temperature environment (above +45C) for an extended
period of time. If the battery must be left unused for a long time, it must be detached from
the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 after discharging. You may use the battery until the battery
indicator shows half-capacity, and then keep it safely in a cool dry place with the
temperature between -20C to +25C. If the battery pack is not going to be used for a long
time it must be periodically charged every 4 months; failure to do so will render the battery
inoperable and it will need to be returned to Sonatest for re-charging. If a number of spare
battery packs are in use the easiest way to maintain optimum conditions is to rotate the
battery packs so that when one is discharged it is swapped with a fully charged one.
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Battery
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Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Upgrading to Version 3 Software
WARNING The CH700 is a battery charger only. Any attempt to use it to power a
Sitescan D-10 & D-20, without a battery fitted, WILL damage your CH700-P battery
Page 112
Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Interface Connections
11 Interface Connections
11.1 USB
There is a 6-pin connector under the black cover on the rear of the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 as
shown below:
This connector is used to connect the flaw detector to a PC using a modified USB cable; this
allows information to be transferred to the computer using Sonatests program SDMS. A
printer can also be connected allowing information to be printed directly from the Sitescan
D-10 & D-20. Please contact Sonatest for a list for a list of supported printers.
11.2 Composite Video
Adjacent to the USB connector is a small connector used for composite video. The
composite video output is for connecting the Sitescan D-10 & D-20 to a compatible video
monitor or projector. The output is either NTSC (USA/Japan) or PAL (UK/Europe),
depending on the VIDEO selection in the UTIL menu. The screen update rate is 50Hz in
PAL and 60Hz in NTSC.
Page 113
Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Features of the Sitescan D-10 & D-20
Page 114
Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Specifications
13 Specifications
Feature Details
Test Range 0 - 5mm (0.2in) up to 0 5,000 mm (200 in.) at steel velocity.
Variable in 1mm &10mm steps
Velocity 1,000 to 9,999m/s continuously variable.
Probe Zero 0 to 999.999 s, continuously variable.
Delay Calibrated delay from 0 - 5,000mm in 0.05 mm steps at steel velocity
(0-400in. in 0.002 in. steps).
Gain 0 to 110dB. Adjustable in 0.5, 1, 2, 6, 10, 14 and 20dB steps. Direct
access to gain control at all times.
Test Modes Pulse echo and transmit/receive.
Pulser -200V square wave pulser. Pulse width from 30 to 250ns duration
linked to filter band. rise/fall times <10ns into 50 ohms
P.R.F Selectable 35 to 500 Hz in 5 Hz steps
Update Rate 60Hz (NTSC Mode); 50Hz (PAL Mode).
Rectification Full wave, positive or negative halfwave and unrectified rf.
Frequency Range 3 narrow bands centred at1MHz, 2.25MHz and 5MHz (D-20 Only)
10MHz. Broad band at 1.5 MHz to 15MHz (-6dB).
System Linearity Vertical = 1% Full Screen Height (FSH). Amplifier Accuracy
0.1dB. Horizontal 0.4% Full Screen Width (FSW).
Reject 50% supressive reject. LED warning light when selected.
Units Metric (mm) or inch (in)
Display Colour Display area 111.4 x 83.5 mm (4.39 x 3.29 in) 320 x 240 pixels. A-
Transflective TFT Scan Area 255 x 200 pixels (315 x 200 expanded), 8 colour options
and variable brightness.
Gate Monitor Two fully independent gates for echo monitoring and thickness
measurement. Start and width adjustable over full range of unit,
amplitude variable from 0 to 100% FSH. Bar presentation. Positive or
negative triggering for each gate with audible and visual alarms.
Gate Expansion Expands range to width of Gate 1.
Measurement Modes
Mode 1 Signal Monitor
Mode 2 Depth and amplitude of first signal in gate.
Mode 3 Echo-to-Echo distance measurement. (single gate)
Mode 4 Trigonometric display of beam path, surface distance and depth of
indication, curve surface correction and X-OFFSET for probe index.
Half skip indication on screen.
Mode 5 Gate to Gate distance measurement. (Independent gates). (Option)
Page 115
Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Specifications
Feature Details
Mode 6 T-Min mode for holding minimum thickness reading.
Resolution 0.01mm (0.001in) for distance measurement or 1% FSH for
amplitude measurement. Large display of measurement at top of A-
Scan display. Measurement mode selectable between peak and flank.
A-Scan Memory 800 waveforms can be printed or transferred to a PC using optional
SDMS software.
Panel Memory 100 stores for retaining calibrations.
Thickness Storage for 8,000 thickness readings configured either by
Logging Block/Location/Number mode or pre-programmable work sheets in
sequential mode. Readings can be exported to MS Excel using
optional software.
AGC Automatic Gain Control automatically sets the signal to a level
between 10-90% FSH with tolerance between 5-20% accuracy.
DAC (Option) DAC defined by up to 10 points and digitally drawn on screen. DAC
curves meet requirements of EN 1714, JIS and ASME standards,
selectable between -2, -6, -10, -12 and -14dB. Amplitude read out
selectable between % DAC or relative dB.
TCG (D-20 Only) Time Corrected Gain, also known as Swept Gain. 40dB dynamic
range greater than 30dB per microsecond and up to 10 points may
be used, setting all signals initially to 80% FSH.
AWS (Option) Built in software for evaluation of defect indications in accordance
with AWS D1.1 structural weld code.
AVG/DGS Automatic calculation from probe data.
API (Option) Flaw sizing complying with API 5UE
Auto-Cal Provides automatic calibration from two echoes.
Clock Sets time and date.
Reference This menu displays a waveform from one of the A-log stores as a
Waveform reference or fingerprint display in a colour different from the active
display highlighting differences from the reference.
Notes Alphanumeric labelling for panel and A-log allows the user to enter
Notes for storage with panel settings and A-scans.
Display Freeze For capturing the current A-scan image.
Peak Memory For echo-dynamic pattern determination.
Help Key For instant operator guidance on using the Sitescan Series.
Language Supports 6 simultaneous languages, user selectable.
Waveform Gives a smooth signal envelope, simulating analogue equipment.
Page 116
Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Specifications
Feature Details
Outputs USB to transfer parameters, thickness readings and waveform
memories. Composite video, PAL or NTSC compatibility.
Printers Supports any printer with PCL support including HP Deskjet and
Power Lithium Ion battery pack 14.4V, 5.0 ampere hours, gives up to 18
hours duration from a fully charged pack. Indication of low battery
status. Recharge time 3-4 hrs.
Page 117
Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Warranty
14 Warranty
Warranty/Defects after Delivery: Immediately upon receipt of the goods the buyer is
required to check the goods carefully and thoroughly. In order to benefit from the
guarantee, any defect in the product should be immediately reported in writing to Sonatest.
Sonatest will make good by repair or by the supply of a replacement or by equivalent
adjustment of the price at our sole option, any defects which under proper use appear in
the goods within the period of twelve (12) calendar months after the goods have been
delivered and which arise solely from faulty design, material or workmanship, provided that
the goods are carefully packed and promptly returned by you, free of charge, to the Sonatest
works unless otherwise arranged. Said goods should be covered while in transit to us and
must be accompanied by a written statement detailing the precise nature of the fault and the
operating conditions under which the fault occurred. The repaired goods will be returned
by Sonatest free of charge.
Save as in this Clause herein before expressed Sonatest shall not be under any liability in
respect of defects in goods delivered or for any injury damage or loss resulting from such
defects and our liability under this Clause shall be in lieu of any warranty or condition
implied by law as to the quality, fitness or merchantability for any particular purpose of such
A-Scan 1, 9, 10, 17, 25, 35, 36, 40, 53, 76,
77, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 95, 98, 101, 102,
A 115, 116
Attenuation 30, 33, 49, 54, 56, 60, 65, 67,
Adjustment 71 68, 90, 94
AGC 21, 25, 28, 29, 72, 116 AVG 33, 59, 65, 66, 71, 72, 116
AGC (Automatic Gain Control) 28 AWS 31, 41, 59, 60, 61, 72, 116
A-Log 1, 21, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 45, 53, 83, AWS Menu 31
84, 85, 86, 87, 94, 108, 123
A-Scan Storage 1, 36, 53, 83, 87
Memory Menu 36 B
American Welding Society 31, 59
Amplifier 22, 29, 50, 91, 115
Backwall 50, 68, 81
Amplifier Menu 22
Basic Flaw Testing 49
angle 9, 26, 27, 49, 53, 65, 67, 68, 73, 74, 86
Basic Thickness Gauging 90
Angle 72, 114
Battery 1, 17, 39, 109, 110, 111, 112, 117
API 32, 41, 59, 62, 63, 64, 72, 116, 123
Battery Charging 111
Menu 32
Beam 4, 9, 25, 26, 27, 49, 53, 54, 56, 59, 65,
73, 74, 78, 79, 86, 90, 114, 115
Page 118
Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Warranty
Beam Path Distance 26, 27, 73
Blank 89
Block 4, 14, 15, 24, 27, 33, 49, 50, 65, 67,
68, 69, 74, 78, 90, 91, 102, 116 DAC 1, 21, 25, 30, 33, 56, 57, 58, 59, 65, 72,
BNC 11 73, 116
Broad Band 115 dB 21, 29, 30, 33, 34, 47, 58, 60, 66, 67, 68,
72, 73, 116
Default 17, 27, 28, 30, 31, 34, 81, 98, 99,
C Delay 8, 22, 33, 67, 90, 91, 92, 94, 115
Delete a panel set: 44
CAL 8, 13, 15, 21, 22, 24, 27, 32, 50, 52, 59,
Delete a Stored A-Scan 85
62, 72, 74, 78, 91, 93, 94, 98, 102
Depth Distance 26, 59, 73
Menu 22
Depth of Flaw 114
Calibration 1, 4, 5, 7, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21,
Detailed Menu Description 1, 19
22, 24, 27, 32, 34, 35, 40, 43, 45, 49, 50,
Detect 72
51, 54, 56, 63, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 77, 78,
DGS 33, 34, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72,
79, 81, 83, 90, 91, 93, 94, 98, 102, 116
73, 116
Calibration Menu 22
DGS/AVG 33, 34, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71,
Calibration of the Sound Velocity 4
72, 73, 123
Centre Frequency 22
Diffraction 86
Certification 4
Disclaimer of Liability 6
Charge 109, 110, 111, 118
Disclaimers and Notices 1, 3
Charger 111, 112
Discontinuity 4, 50, 73, 74, 83, 86
Clearing the Memory 17
Dual Element 65, 90, 91
Click 40, 41
Dual Probe 72
Clock 21, 41, 116
Dynamic 26, 55, 56, 87, 116
CLOCK Menu 41
Composite Video 39, 113, 117
Concave 26
Connector 11, 113
Contact 6, 49, 50, 90, 109, 110, 113, 114
Contents ii Echo Dynamic 9, 63, 86
Contour 72 Edit Notes 100
Controls 35, 36, 37, 39 Effects of Temperature on Calibration 5
Convex 26 Electromagnetic Compatibility 6
Corrosion 90 Envelope 9, 22, 63, 86, 87, 116
Couplant 5
Coupling 5, 33, 34, 54, 55, 56, 67, 86
Crack Diffraction 114 F
Critical Operating Factors 4
CSC (Curved Surface Correction) 26 Factory Default 7, 17, 18, 123
Cursor 8, 29, 30, 31, 34, 45, 48, 54, 56, 59 Far Field 66
Curve 29, 30, 33, 34, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 65, Far Surface 49
70, 71, 72, 115 Flank 26, 81, 82, 92, 116
Flaw Detection 4, 13, 114
Flaw Detection Calibration 4
Page 119
Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Index
Flaw Detector 3, 4, 113, 114
Flaw Testing 1, 14, 22, 49, 50
Flaw Testing Calibration 22, 50
Focus 65 LEMO 11
Freeze 9, 47, 64, 83, 87, 89, 116 Level 22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 39, 59, 60,
FREEZE/PEAK 10, 88, 102 70, 81, 82, 111, 116
Frequency 66, 115 Location 36, 43, 45, 73, 83, 88, 101, 105,
Front Panel Controls 7, 19 116
Front Surface 5, 49 Longitudinal 90
full screen 10, 22, 23, 28, 38, 39, 59, 60, 61,
62, 64, 73, 103
Full Screen 30, 47, 58, 115 M
Function 2, 10, 17, 26, 27, 43, 46, 47, 54,
56, 60, 65, 71, 104, 114 Main Menu 21
Functional Testing Methods 114 Main Menu Selection 21
MEAS 8, 13, 15, 21, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32,
50, 51, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63, 74, 75,
G 78, 91, 92, 93, 104, 108
MEAS Menu 25
Gain 8, 10, 28, 29, 41, 47, 50, 54, 60, 61, 65, Measurement 1, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30,
66, 68, 70, 71, 72, 91, 115, 116 31, 32, 34, 39, 40, 51, 52, 60, 63, 64, 65,
Gate 8, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 41, 47, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 81, 82, 89,
50, 51, 52, 56, 58, 60, 62, 70, 71, 72, 81, 92, 104, 114, 115, 116
82, 91, 92, 93, 94, 99, 101, 115 Measurement Menu 21, 25
Gate 1 13, 15, 21, 23, 50, 51, 52, 62, 91, 93 Memory 1, 8, 17, 18, 21, 35, 36, 37, 40, 43,
Gate 2 23 83, 84, 85, 88, 96, 100, 108, 116
Gates 23, 25, 82, 115 Menu Tree 19
General Warnings 3 Metric 15, 17, 18, 27, 115
Ghosting 23 Microseconds 22
MISC 21, 40
MISC Menu 40
Mode 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 22, 23, 25,
H 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 40,
41, 47, 48, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63,
Hardcopy 83
64, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82,
Help 7, 11, 45, 47, 116
84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 91, 92, 95, 96, 98, 99,
HUD 13, 15, 25, 27, 41, 60, 61, 64, 79, 91
100, 101, 102, 103, 106, 107, 108, 114,
115, 116
Mode Conversion 3
I Multiple Echo 92
Immersion 114
Included Angle 90 N
Interface Connections 1, 113
Near Field 4, 33, 65, 66
Page 120
Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Warranty
Notes 35, 36, 37, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 83, 84,
88, 89, 95, 97, 99, 102, 103, 116
Notes Window 45
NTSC 39, 113, 115, 117 Range 5, 13, 15, 22, 23, 28, 50, 54, 55, 56,
65, 67, 71, 72, 74, 76, 77, 86, 90, 91, 93,
94, 98, 110, 111, 115, 116
Recall 10, 17, 35, 36, 37, 43, 44, 45, 47, 83,
O 84, 85, 88, 89, 108
Recall a panel set: 44
Operator Training 3, 4
Recall an A-Scan 84
Orientation 4, 49
Recall an A-Scan as a Reference Waveform:
Outputs 117
Recall Key 17, 43, 44, 84, 85, 88
Receiver 11
P REF 8, 21, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 58, 59, 67,
68, 69, 71, 72, 85, 86, 108
PAL 17, 39, 113, 115, 117 REF, Reference Waveform Comparisons 85
Panel 2, 7, 10, 17, 19, 21, 27, 35, 36, 37, 41, REF/GAIN 21, 72
43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 76, 83, 94, 95, 96, Reference 1, 4, 5, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,
97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 114, 116 35, 36, 49, 50, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,
Parameter 7, 8, 10, 14, 21, 24, 28, 33, 38, 61, 62, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 83, 85, 86,
46, 47, 50, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63, 87, 89, 90, 93, 94, 116
66, 67, 69, 70, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 81, 87, Reference Block 4, 49, 54, 55, 56, 58, 65,
91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 99, 104 67, 68, 69, 70, 83, 90
Pipe 32, 62 Reject 13, 22, 72, 91, 115
Planar 49 Reset 7, 17, 18, 108
Point 11, 26, 27, 29, 30, 54, 56, 73, 74, 81, Resolution 49, 50, 116
91, 92, 94, 98, 99, 102
PRF 13, 15, 23
Print 21, 39, 40, 43 S
PRINT Menu 40
Printing 40, 53, 83
Scroll-Wheel 7, 21, 40, 41, 43, 45, 54, 56,
Probe 3, 27, 33, 41, 59, 60, 65, 66, 67, 68,
83, 84, 85, 93
69, 70, 72, 73, 115, 116
Sensitivity 7, 14, 34, 39, 49, 50, 65, 66, 67,
PROBE Menu 27
69, 70, 72
Probe Zero 33, 41, 68, 72, 115
Shear 114
Pulse 3, 23, 114, 115
Shear Wave 114
Pulse Repetition Frequency 23
Single Probe 72
Pulse-Echo 114
Size 4, 8, 10, 32, 33, 34, 49, 54, 56, 65, 66,
69, 72, 76, 95, 101
Skips 26, 73
Q Socket 11
Sound Field 33, 66, 68
Qualification 4 Sound Velocity 4, 5, 24, 49, 90, 91, 114
Quick Start 1, 7 Specific Warnings 3
Specifications 4, 115
Page 121
Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Index
Start 17, 23, 24, 25, 32, 81, 92, 94, 115
State 23, 101
Storage 1, 17, 35, 37, 43, 88, 116
Storage & Recall of Calibration Setups 17, Ultrasonic 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 32, 62, 65, 74,
35, 43 90, 93, 94, 114
Store 17, 35, 36, 37, 38, 43, 44, 45, 83, 85, Ultrasonic Testing 1, 3, 4, 6, 19, 93, 114
88, 89, 95, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 108 Unrectified 115
Store a panel set 43 USB 11, 40, 46, 113, 117
Store An A-Scan 83 Use of Couplant 5
Surface 4, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 49, 50, 59, User Keys 10, 21, 39, 41, 47, 104
65, 67, 68, 73, 77, 86, 88, 90, 109, 114, Using the Optional Keyboard 46
115 UTIL 8, 13, 15, 21, 22, 39, 47, 111, 113
Surface Wave 49, 114 Utilities 21
TCG 1, 21, 25, 29, 33, 54, 55, 56, 59, 65, 94, Valid 40, 64, 65, 83, 98
116 Velocity 3, 4, 13, 15, 22, 33, 51, 66, 67, 68,
Temperature 5, 27, 78, 79, 109, 110, 111 69, 74, 78, 91, 93, 94, 115
Temperature Variations 5 Velocity of Sound 3, 22, 51, 74, 93, 94
Test Blocks 5, 59, 90, 93 Video 17, 21, 39, 111, 113
Testing Limitations 4 VIDEO Menu 39
T-FN 21
Theory 65
Thickness Gauge 3, 107, 114 W
Thickness Gauging 1, 15, 90, 92
Threshold 23, 25, 30, 56, 94 Warranty 118
Time Corrected Gain 29, 54, 56, 94, 116 Wave 3, 22, 41, 62, 67, 72, 114, 115
Time of Flight 4, 62, 78, 114 Wavelength 49, 66, 67, 69, 90
Time-of-Flight 93 Wedge 67, 68, 78
T-Log 38, 108 Weld 26, 31, 49, 53, 59, 73, 86, 116
T-Min 116 Weld Inspection 26, 31, 49, 53, 59, 73, 86,
Training 3 123
Transducer (Probe) Zero Procedure 4 Weld Inspection Using the AWS Menu 31,
Transducer Condition 5 59
Transmit-Receive 114 Weld Inspection Using Trigonometry Mode
Transmitter 11 49, 53, 59, 73
Trigger 8, 58, 81 Width 3, 22, 23, 26, 30, 31, 34, 66, 76, 81,
Trigonometric 26, 78, 115 86, 94, 115
Twin 11, 23
TX 13, 15, 21, 23, 47, 50, 91
Typographical Conventions 2 Z
Zero 4, 8, 22, 24, 67, 69, 72, 74, 91, 93, 94
Page 122
Sitescan D-10 & D-20 Users Guide ~ Warranty
, A-Scan Storage to factory defaults - Initial Overview & Recall of Calibration Setups
Calibration Operation Operation Inspection Using the AWS Menu Imperfections ~ API 5UE
(Optional Feature)/AVG Operation & Recall of Calibration Setups, A-LOG , A-Scan Storage, A-
LOG , A-LOG Inspection Using Trigonometry Mode Inspection Using Trigonometry Mode,
A-Scan Storage Operation Inspection Using Trigonometry Mode, A-LOG , A-Scan Storage
Operation Technique
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