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PowerMILL 8.

By Delcam plc

Release Issue 1.0

Delcam plc has no control over the use made of the software described in
this manual and cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage
howsoever caused as a result of using the software. Users are advised that
all the results from the software should be checked by a competent
person, in accordance with good quality control procedures.
Information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice
and does not represent a commitment by Delcam plc. The software
described in this manual is furnished under licence agreement and may be
used or copied in accordance with the terms of such licence. No part of
this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording,
for any purpose without the express permission of Delcam plc.
Copyright 1996-2007 Delcam plc. All rights reserved.
This documentation references a number of registered trademarks and
these are the property of their respective owners. For example, Microsoft
and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

The Raceline smoothing functionality is subject to patent applications.
Patent pending: GB 2374562 Improvements Relating to Machine
Patent granted: US 6,832,876 Machine Tools
Some of the functionality of the ViewMill and Simulation modules of
PowerMILL is subject to patent applications.
Patent granted: GB 2 423 592 Surface Finish Prediction

PowerMILL Version: 8.0 Date: 18/09/2007 19:39


Overview 1
The Machining Process .....................................................................2

Screen layout 4
Graphics window ...............................................................................6
Check boxes and dialogs ...................................................................7

Help 9
Tooltips ..............................................................................................9
Status bar help....................................................................................9
Context-sensitive online help ..........................................................10

Explorer 13
Context menus .................................................................................16
Collective entity context menu................................................16
Individual entity context menus ..............................................18
Active entities ..................................................................................19
Drag and drop techniques ................................................................21
Drag and drop Toolpaths example ..........................................21
Placing Multiple Toolpaths into an NC Program....................22
NC Programs ...................................................................................24
NC Program context menu ......................................................24
Individual NC Program context menu.....................................26
NC Program Toolpath menu ...................................................34
Creating Toolpaths in an NC Program ....................................35
NC Program Dialog.................................................................38
NC Preferences Dialog ............................................................48
NC Program Preferences .........................................................54
Postprocessing toolpaths .........................................................57
Specifying the Name and Location of the Output File ...........58
Edit Selected NC Programs Dialog .........................................60
Edit All NC Programs Dialog .................................................63

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Contents i

NC Program Commands/Comments Dialog ...........................63
Displaying NC Programs.........................................................64
Use of Variables in NC Programs ...........................................66
Toolpaths .........................................................................................67
Toolpaths context menu ..........................................................68
Updating Toolpaths when a Model Changes ..........................75
Individual Toolpath context menu ..........................................79
Variable Feed Rates.............................................................. 100
Toolpath Information............................................................ 101
Locking Lead and Link Moves and Selective Editing ......... 101
Appending Toolpaths within Explorer ................................. 107
Tools ............................................................................................. 109
Tools context menu .............................................................. 110
Individual Tool context menu .............................................. 122
Tool toolbar .......................................................................... 127
Boundaries .................................................................................... 128
Creating Boundaries ............................................................. 129
Boundaries context menu ..................................................... 130
Individual Boundary context menu ...................................... 133
Boundary Toolbar................................................................. 146
Patterns ......................................................................................... 148
Patterns context menu........................................................... 148
Individual Pattern context menu........................................... 150
Embedded Pattern Dialog..................................................... 158
Pattern Toolbar ..................................................................... 159
Feature Sets................................................................................... 160
Feature Sets context menu.................................................... 160
Individual Feature Set context menu.................................... 166
Feature Dialog ...................................................................... 173
Smart Creation...................................................................... 185
Draft Angle ........................................................................... 187
Edit Features Graphically ..................................................... 190
Reverse Holes ....................................................................... 191
Editing automatically identified holes.................................. 195
Workplanes ................................................................................... 200
Workplanes context menu .................................................... 200
Individual Workplane context menu .................................... 206
Undo Redo Workplane Transformations (embedded) ......... 209
Transform Toolpath - Link (embedded)............................... 210
Levels and Sets ............................................................................. 211
Levels and Sets context menu .............................................. 211
Individual Level or Set context menu .................................. 212

ii Contents PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Models .......................................................................................... 215
Models context menu ........................................................... 215
Individual Model context menu ........................................... 219
Transform Model dialog....................................................... 227
Deferred Loading.................................................................. 232
Surface Modelling ................................................................ 233
Stock Models ................................................................................ 234
Stock Models context menu ................................................. 234
Stock Models state menu...................................................... 235
Individual Stock Model context menu ................................. 238
Stock Model Representation ................................................ 247
Groups........................................................................................... 248
Groups context menu............................................................ 248
Individual Group context menu............................................ 249
Macros .......................................................................................... 251
Macros context menu ........................................................... 252
Individual Macro context menu ........................................... 253
Displaying Macros in Explorer ............................................ 254
Folders .......................................................................................... 260
User Menus................................................................................... 263
Rules For Creating User Menus ........................................... 264

Browser and Recycler 266

Browser......................................................................................... 266
Starting PowerMILL with a File already Loaded ................ 267
Recycle Bin................................................................................... 269
Permanently Deleting Items ................................................. 271

Menu bar 273

Keyboard accelerators .................................................................. 274
File Menu...................................................................................... 276
File - Open Project................................................................ 277
File - Open Project Read - Only ........................................... 277
File - Close Project ............................................................... 278
File - Save Project ................................................................ 279
File - Save Project As ........................................................... 279
File - Save Template Objects ............................................... 281
File - Import Model .............................................................. 282
File - Export Model .............................................................. 284
File - Examples..................................................................... 285
File - Print Preview............................................................... 286
File - Print............................................................................. 287

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Contents iii

File - Recent Projects............................................................ 287
File - Recent Models ............................................................ 288
File - Delete Selected............................................................ 288
File - Delete All .................................................................... 288
File - Exit .............................................................................. 288
View Menu ................................................................................... 289
View - Resize to Fit.............................................................. 289
View - Zoom to Box............................................................. 290
View - From.......................................................................... 291
View - ISO............................................................................ 292
View - Tool........................................................................... 292
View - Rotation Anchor ....................................................... 293
View - Refresh...................................................................... 294
View - Toolbar...................................................................... 295
View - Dialogs...................................................................... 295
View - Snapshot ................................................................... 296
View - Dynamic Sectioning ................................................. 297
Insert Menu................................................................................... 306
Insert - Project ...................................................................... 306
Insert - Toolpath ................................................................... 307
Insert - Template Objects ..................................................... 307
Insert - Session ..................................................................... 308
Draw Menu ................................................................................... 309
Draw - Model........................................................................ 309
Draw - Block ........................................................................ 315
Draw - Drilling Holes........................................................... 315
Draw - Active Axes .............................................................. 315
Draw - Transform ................................................................. 315
Draw - Cursor ....................................................................... 315
Draw - Wireframe................................................................. 317
Draw - Shaded ...................................................................... 317
Draw - Draw All ................................................................... 317
Draw - Undraw All ............................................................... 317
Tools Menu................................................................................... 318
Tools - Echo Commands ...................................................... 318
Tools - Reset Forms.............................................................. 319
Tools - Snapping................................................................... 320
Tools - Snap Filter ................................................................ 320
Tools - Filter Style................................................................ 321
Tools - Customise Paths ....................................................... 321
Tools - Release Licences ...................................................... 326
Tools - Request Licences...................................................... 327
Tools - Customise Colours ................................................... 328

iv Contents PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tools - Options ..................................................................... 333
Help Menu .................................................................................... 345
Help - Contents..................................................................... 345
Help - What's New................................................................ 345
Help - Check for PowerMILL Updates................................ 346
Help - Subscribe to the PowerMILL Newsletter.................. 346
Help - Visit the User Forum ................................................. 347
Help - Data Translation Services.......................................... 347
Help - Delcam on the Web ................................................... 348
Help - About ......................................................................... 348

Main toolbar 349

Open Project ................................................................................. 350
Save Project .................................................................................. 351
Print............................................................................................... 353
Block............................................................................................. 354
Defined By............................................................................ 354
Block - Toolbar..................................................................... 356
Block - Limits....................................................................... 357
Block - Cylinder Parameters ................................................ 357
Block - Estimate Limits........................................................ 358
Block - Remaining fields...................................................... 359
Edit a Block Graphically ...................................................... 360
Feeds and Speeds.......................................................................... 362
Using the Feeds and Speeds dialog ...................................... 367
Rapid Move Heights ..................................................................... 374
Safe Area .............................................................................. 375
Workplane ............................................................................ 376
Rapid Move Type ................................................................. 377
Start and End Point ....................................................................... 378
Lock ...................................................................................... 379
Use ........................................................................................ 380
Approach/Retract Along....................................................... 381
Leads and Links............................................................................ 382
Leads and Links - Z Heights ................................................ 383
Leads and Links - First Lead In............................................ 385
Leads and Links - Lead In - Lead Out.................................. 385
Leads and Links - Last Lead Out ......................................... 396
Leads and Links - Extensions............................................... 397
Links ..................................................................................... 399
Lead In Ramp Options.......................................................... 407
Locking Lead and Link Moves and Selective Editing ......... 410

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Contents v

Tool Axis Direction ...................................................................... 411
Definition.............................................................................. 411
Tool Axis - Limits ................................................................ 422
Tool Axis - Collision Avoidance.......................................... 430
Raster Collision Avoidance Example................................... 435
Constant Z Collision Avoidance Example ........................... 438
Defining Limits for a Multi-Axis Machine .......................... 441
Point Distribution ......................................................................... 448
Output Point Distribution ..................................................... 448
Point Separation.................................................................... 450
Point Distribution - Mesh ..................................................... 451
Automatic Verification ................................................................. 451
Automatic Collision Checking ............................................. 452
Component Thickness .................................................................. 454
Surface Thickness................................................................. 454
Surface Defaults dialog ........................................................ 466
Toolpath Strategies ....................................................................... 467
Creating a New Toolpath Template ..................................... 471
Favourites ............................................................................. 477
Area Clearance.............................................................................. 478
Area Clearance Strategy ....................................................... 481
Buttons.................................................................................. 484
Tool....................................................................................... 485
Name..................................................................................... 485
Tolerances............................................................................. 485
Stepover ................................................................................ 488
Stepdown .............................................................................. 489
Cut Direction ........................................................................ 497
Boundary .............................................................................. 498
Create Boundary ................................................................... 502
Profiling ................................................................................ 503
Area Filter............................................................................. 508
Tool Axis .............................................................................. 509
Lead in Moves ...................................................................... 509
High Speed Machining ......................................................... 512
Rest Machining..................................................................... 524
Order and Angle of Machining ............................................ 526
Expert Area Clearance.......................................................... 543
Plunge Milling Toolpath....................................................... 558
2D Machining Wizard .......................................................... 560
Finishing ....................................................................................... 572
Strategies .............................................................................. 574
Buttons.................................................................................. 580

vi Contents PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Name..................................................................................... 581
Tool....................................................................................... 581
Tolerances............................................................................. 581
Stepover ................................................................................ 582
Boundary .............................................................................. 583
Leads and Links.................................................................... 584
Tool Axis .............................................................................. 585
Display.................................................................................. 585
Toolpath Specification.......................................................... 585
3D Offset Toolpath............................................................... 585
Constant Z Toolpath ............................................................. 587
Along Corner Toolpath......................................................... 591
Automatic Corner Toolpath.................................................. 594
Multi-Pencil Toolpath .......................................................... 595
Pencil Toolpath..................................................................... 596
Stitch Corner Toolpath ......................................................... 597
Disc Profile Finishing........................................................... 599
Embedded Pattern Finishing ................................................ 601
Interleaved Constant Z Finishing ......................................... 614
Offset Flat Machining........................................................... 618
Optimised Constant Z Toolpath ........................................... 619
Parametric Offset Finishing.................................................. 623
Pattern Toolpath ................................................................... 627
Profile Toolpath.................................................................... 635
Curve Projection Toolpath ................................................... 646
Line Projection Toolpath...................................................... 654
Plane Projection Toolpath .................................................... 658
Point Projection Toolpath..................................................... 663
Surface Projection Toolpath ................................................. 668
Radial Pattern Toolpath........................................................ 673
Raster Toolpath .................................................................... 675
Raster Flat Machining .......................................................... 683
Rotary Toolpath.................................................................... 686
Spiral Pattern Toolpath......................................................... 689
Surface Finishing.................................................................. 690
Swarf Machining - Overview ............................................... 695
Swarf Machining .................................................................. 696
Wireframe Swarf Finishing .................................................. 714
Wireframe Swarf Finishing .................................................. 715
Plunge Milling ...................................................................... 720
Port Machining ............................................................................. 725
Port Machining Strategies .................................................... 727
Buttons.................................................................................. 728

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Contents vii

Name..................................................................................... 728
Tool....................................................................................... 728
Tolerances............................................................................. 729
Stepover ................................................................................ 730
Boundary .............................................................................. 731
Leads and Links.................................................................... 733
Tool Axis .............................................................................. 734
Display.................................................................................. 734
Port Area Clearance.............................................................. 734
Port Plunge Finishing ........................................................... 741
Port Spiral Finishing............................................................. 744
Blisk .............................................................................................. 745
Blisk Machining Strategies .................................................. 746
Buttons.................................................................................. 747
Name..................................................................................... 748
Tool....................................................................................... 748
Tolerances............................................................................. 748
Stepover ................................................................................ 749
Boundary .............................................................................. 751
Leads and Links.................................................................... 753
Tool Axis .............................................................................. 754
Blisk area clearance .............................................................. 755
Blade finishing...................................................................... 763
Hub finishing ........................................................................ 766
Example of Blisk machining ................................................ 767
Drilling.......................................................................................... 775
New Dialog........................................................................... 776
Buttons.................................................................................. 779
Name..................................................................................... 779
Tool....................................................................................... 780
Tolerances............................................................................. 780
Links ..................................................................................... 781
Select and Draw.................................................................... 781
Drilling Strategy ................................................................... 782
Expert Drilling...................................................................... 788
Sorting .................................................................................. 795
Auto Hole Selection ............................................................. 799
Helical Milling...................................................................... 801
Compound Holes .................................................................. 807
Drilling Method ............................................................................ 814
Defining a Drilling Method .................................................. 816
Editing a Drilling Method .................................................... 824
Tools used in a Drilling Method........................................... 824

viii Contents PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Create Toolpath List ..................................................................... 825
Toolpath Verification ................................................................... 826
Split Toolpath ....................................................................... 828
Toolpath Verification - Collision Options ........................... 828
ViewMill....................................................................................... 830
Calculator...................................................................................... 831
Calculator.............................................................................. 831
Calculator - Line................................................................... 833
Calculator - Circle ................................................................ 835
Copying Data from Field to Field ........................................ 836
Measurer ....................................................................................... 838
Create Electrode............................................................................ 838
Delcam Electrode example................................................... 838
Launch AutoCAM ........................................................................ 842
PS-Exchange................................................................................. 843

View toolbar 845

View manipulation ....................................................................... 846
View along.................................................................................... 848
Isometric views............................................................................. 849
Last view and refresh.................................................................... 849
Zoom............................................................................................. 849
Block............................................................................................. 851
Shading toolbar............................................................................. 851

Tool toolbar 857

Tool dialog.................................................................................... 861
Tool length overview............................................................ 862
Tool Tip dialog ..................................................................... 864
Tool Shank dialog................................................................. 873
Tool Holder dialog ............................................................... 875
Tool Cutting Data dialog ...................................................... 878
Tool Description Dialog ....................................................... 883
Tool Assembly toolbar ......................................................... 884
Creating a Routing Tool ....................................................... 885
Creating a Tool Shank .......................................................... 887
Creating a Tool Holder......................................................... 891
Creating a Form Tool ........................................................... 896
Tool Database ............................................................................... 903
Creating tools from the tool database................................... 907

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Contents ix

Toolpath toolbar 909
Drawing options............................................................................ 910
Transform Toolpath ...................................................................... 915
Move to Relative Position .................................................... 916
Rotate Toolpath .................................................................... 917
Mirror in Plane...................................................................... 918
Transform to Workplane ...................................................... 919
Transform to World.............................................................. 920
Limit Toolpath .............................................................................. 921
Limit Toolpath to Plane........................................................ 923
Limit Toolpath to Polygon ................................................... 924
Limit Toolpath to Boundary................................................. 925
Divide Toolpath ............................................................................ 927
Divide Toolpath by Angle .................................................... 928
Divide Toolpath by Direction............................................... 929
Divide Toolpath by Length .................................................. 931
Divide Toolpath by Time ..................................................... 932
Divide Toolpath by Retract .................................................. 933
Move Toolpath Start Points.......................................................... 934
Tool Axis Editing ......................................................................... 935
Select Regions tab ................................................................ 935
Edit Tool Axis tab ................................................................ 938
Example of tool axis editing................................................. 940
Update Region .............................................................................. 957
Reorder ......................................................................................... 959
Reorder toolbar ..................................................................... 961

Boundary toolbar 965

Boundary types ............................................................................. 967
Common boundary controls ................................................. 968
Block Boundary.................................................................... 970
Rest Boundary ...................................................................... 971
Selected Surface Boundary................................................... 972
Shallow Boundary ................................................................ 974
Silhouette Boundary ............................................................. 975
Collision Safe Boundary....................................................... 977
Stock Model Rest Boundary................................................. 979
Contact Point Boundary ....................................................... 982
Contact Conversion Boundary ............................................. 988
Boolean Operation Boundary ....................................................... 990
Example of Boolean operations on two boundaries............. 991

x Contents PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

User Defined Boundary ................................................................ 993
Example of User Defined Boundary .................................... 996
Insert into Boundary ................................................................... 1000
Boundary Sketcher dialog .......................................................... 1002
Boundary Editor dialog .............................................................. 1005
Boundary Thickness ................................................................... 1006
Surface Thickness............................................................... 1007
Surface Defaults Thickness ................................................ 1011
Creating Boundaries within other Boundaries ........................... 1012
Boundary behaviour with regard to segments ............................ 1017

Pattern toolbar 1021

Pattern Maker dialog .................................................................. 1023
Insert into Pattern........................................................................ 1032

Simulation 1037
Simulation Toolbar ..................................................................... 1040
Simulation Keyboard Shortcuts.......................................... 1041
Workplane Construction from Current Machine Tool Position
............................................................................................ 1043
Simulation Information ...................................................... 1049
ViewMill toolbar ........................................................................ 1056
ViewMill Views ................................................................. 1059
Kinematic shaded image..................................................... 1062
Machine toolbar .......................................................................... 1065
Simulation viewpoint.......................................................... 1066
Create the rest roughing toolpath ....................................... 1067
Example of Gauge Distance Offset .................................... 1069
MTD-based Kinematics...................................................... 1072
Simulation Examples .................................................................. 1077
Toolpath Animation............................................................ 1077
ViewMill Simulation .......................................................... 1078
Speeding up ViewMILL simulations ................................. 1080
Machine Simulation............................................................ 1082
Combining simulations....................................................... 1084

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Contents xi

Information toolbar 1085

Command window 1086

Status bar 1089

Web toolbar 1090

AutoCAM Reference 1092

Project Details............................................................................. 1093
Model Details ..................................................................... 1095
Stock Details....................................................................... 1097
Preferences.......................................................................... 1098
Buttons................................................................................ 1104
AutoCAM Tools and Toolpaths ................................................. 1106
Tools Required ................................................................... 1107
Toolpath Sequence ............................................................. 1109
Final Finishing Raster Stepover ......................................... 1109
What do you want to do next?............................................ 1110
View of Batch Toolpaths.................................................... 1111
View of each Toolpath ....................................................... 1112
AutoCAM Output ....................................................................... 1112

Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of

Supply 1115

Index 1139

xii Contents PowerMILL 8.0 Reference


You can import both solid and surface CAD models in a variety of
formats and use the latest machining techniques (from 2.5D through to 5-
axis simultaneous machining) to generate gouge-free CNC milling
toolpaths. These toolpaths can then be checked for collisions against other
models (for example, clamps) and the tool holder, before being output to
cutter location and tape files.
Prior to output, you can verify a toolpath or a complete NC program on
screen, using PowerMILL's full workpiece simulation, which allows you
to load entire machine tools, and visualise machine and cutting tool
simulation from different perspectives.

The accuracy of the machined part produced by PowerMILL is

limited by the accuracy of the model read into the program.
Therefore, it is essential that the original model be produced to an
adequate tolerance.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Overview 1

The Machining Process

Before you start machining, you must set the part up correctly. This
involves retrieving the component, defining a block to represent the raw
material, and defining various other parameters (such as the tool
geometry and feed rates).
Creating Toolpaths

You can then create a variety of toolpaths, for example:

Area Clearance
Roughing for general area clearance.
Rest Roughing to remove the material left by the larger, Area
Clearance tool, leaving only areas which require smaller cutters
to be remachined.
High Speed Finishing
3D Offset for a high quality surface finish (in that the stepover
is constant across all surfaces irrespective of whether they are
steep walls or shallow contoured areas).
Constant Z for steep sides, and, optionally, a continuous spiral.
Optimised Constant Z for consistent tool loading and the fewest
possible sudden changes in direction (3D Offset for flatter areas
and Z-level finishing for steeper areas).
Specialist Machining
Corner machining to clean up corners that occur between non-
tangential surfaces.
Profile machining to profile around the outside of the selected
Projection machining for awkward/less accessible areas and
multi-axis machining.
Rotary machining for cylindrical components.
Swarf machining for cutting with the side of the tool as the tool
follows two curves. You can generate a swarf toolpath from two
wireframe curves and use tapered tools as required.

2 Overview PowerMILL 8.0 Reference


There are two modes of toolpath simulation:

Workpiece simulation, which allows you to load entire machine
tools and visualise machine and cutting tool simulation of the
active toolpath, or of a complete NC program, from different
Tool simulation, which allows you to quickly visualise the active
toolpath as it would be generated using either the original, or an
alternative, cutting tool, or a complete NC program.
You can also use Stock Model to visualise the unmachined stock at any
point in the machining process.
Cutter File Generation

Finally, the toolpaths can be output in any of the following formats:

Standard cutter location format.
DUCT picture format.
Postprocessed tape file format (NC Program).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Overview 3

Screen layout

The following window is displayed on starting PowerMILL:

The screen is divided into the following main areas:

4 Screen layout PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

- Menu bar (on page 273) provides access to a number of menus.
Selecting a menu, such as File, opens a list of associated commands and
sub-menus. Sub-menus are indicated by small arrow to the right of the
text. For example, selecting File - Recent Projects displays a list of
recently used projects.
- Main toolbar (on page 349) provides quick access to the most
commonly used commands in PowerMILL.
- Explorer (on page 13) provides control over all PowerMILL
- Graphics window (on page 6) is the working area of the screen.
- View toolbar (on page 845) provides quick access to the most
commonly used views in PowerMILL.
- Status bar (on page 1089) displays information relating to the
current display. This can, for example, be a brief description of the item
beneath the cursor, or information about the calculation that is in
- Information toolbar (on page 1085) displays some of your
current setup options as a reminder.
- Tool toolbar (on page 857) facilitates the rapid creation of tools in

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Screen layout 5

The other toolbars are not factory defaults, and may not be shown
at startup. To display any of these, select them using the View -
Toolbar option; for example, choose View - Toolbar - Toolpath
to display the Toolpath toolbar.

Graphics window
When you start PowerMILL, the graphics window is blank except for the
Transform (global coordinate system) in the middle of the screen and
the Active Axes in the bottom left of the screen. These look along the Z
axis by default and change as you manipulate the views.

Display of the coordinate systems is controlled using Draw -

Transform or Draw - Active Axes. They are both ticked (and
displayed) by default - simply select the required option to remove
the associated tick (and axes), and then reselect it to redisplay the
tick (and axes).
As the axes are drawn by default in white, you will not see the axes if
your background is white.

6 Screen layout PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

If you wish to change the colours of the background, select Tools -
Customise Colours and choose View Background. You can
change the Top and/or Bottom colours and Reset them or
Restore Defaults if you change your mind afterwards:

PowerMILL remembers your toolbar and colour selections from

one session to the next. For example, if you have the Toolpath
toolbar shown when you exit a session, it appears the next time you
start PowerMILL.If you change your background to a light colour,
you can change the colour of the axes in the graphics window by
selecting Transform from the above dialog.

Check boxes and dialogs

Data is entered into PowerMILL using dialogs, which contain some or all
of the following:
Edit boxes into which parameters are entered.
Options, in the form of drop-down lists.
Other toolbars or buttons.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Screen layout 7

Check boxes, which are binary switches that you click in order
to either select (tick) or deselect (untick) a particular command
to change the operation of subsequent commands (for example,
when you create a workplane, you select the Draw box to tick it
and subsequently display the workplane (otherwise, you simply
leave it unticked):

There are subtle differences between Accept, Apply, Cancel and

Accept - accepts the new values and then closes the dialog.
Apply - accepts the new values and performs any processing tasks
associated with the dialog, but leaves the dialog box open, which enables
you to enter alternative values.
Cancel - ignores any changes, restores the previous values, and closes
the dialog.
Close - closes the dialog, keeping any previous changes.

8 Screen layout PowerMILL 8.0 Reference


PowerMILL offers the following forms of help:

Status bar help.
Context sensitive online help.

Tooltips are displayed by hovering the cursor over the required buttons.
Each tooltip gives a brief description of the function of the associated
button, for example:

Status bar help

When you hover the cursor over a button, help is displayed in the Status
bar at the bottom of the screen. So, when you place your cursor over the
Rapid Move Heights button, you see the following help in the Status
bar at the bottom of the screen as well as the tooltip:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Help 9

Context-sensitive online help
Pressing the F1 key displays help for the area of the screen that has
current focus, such as a display pane (Explorer, graphics window), a
dialog, or a dialog tab. Where there is no focus, the contents page for the
main Help is displayed, so that you can navigate from there.
To display the help topic relating to an element on the main PowerMILL
screen (a toolbar button, an Explorer entity), hold down the Shift key and
press F1. When the cursor changes to , click the item of interest to
open the help topic: .

If you want to cancel context-sensitive mode, press the Esc key.

10 Help PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

To display context-sensitive help for an element within a PowerMILL
dialog (such as a field or a button), click the button. When the cursor
changes to , click the item to open the help topic:

The PowerMILL manuals offer additional help.
There are two types of manual:
Printed manuals, for example What's New and Getting Started.
Online reference manuals in PDF format, which you can print.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Help 11

12 Help PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The explorer pane on the left of the graphics window allows you to
control the display and statuses of all PowerMILL entities, including your

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 13

An example of the explorer showing a variety of entities and associated

The controls work in a similar manner for all entities:

Plus and minus symbols - these work as a 'toggle':
Clicking expands the associated folder and changes the
symbol to .
Clicking collapses the associated folder and changes the
symbol back to .
Light bulb symbols - these work as a three-way 'switch' for drawn
entities (for example, Toolpaths and Tools):
is the default setting when an entity is first created, signifying
that it is currently active.
Clicking changes the symbol to (to signify that the entity
is drawn).

14 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Clicking changes the symbol to (to signify that the entity
has now been hidden, or 'undrawn'). These two symbols ( and
) then work together as a 'toggle'. If an 'undrawn' entity is
made active again after being inactive, then the symbol reverts
to the initial .

An entity is always drawn when it is first activated or re-

activated. At this time, it is also written in bold and preceded
by a ">" in Explorer (in the preceding example, >
Tip2Dia10 is the Active tool).
Many entities are given numeric default names on creation. So, for
example, the first toolpath you create is automatically called "1", the
second "2", and so on.
It is often better to rename an entity to give it a more meaningful name.
The quick way of doing this is to highlight the entity in the Explorer, and
then click on it. The name is now highlighted, and has a box around it:
. Enter the new name, for example RestRough, and press the
Return key: .

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 15

Context menus
You can click any entity in Explorer with the right mouse button to bring
up a 'context menu' of options that are available for the entity at that
moment in time.
If you right click a collective entity (see "Collective entity context menu"
on page 16), for example Toolpaths, then the menu items will relate to
toolpaths in general, allowing you, for example, to de-activate or draw
them all simultaneously.
If you right click an individual entity (see "Individual entity context
menus" on page 18), for example a toolpath called Roughing, then the
menu items will relate to just that toolpath (its display and activation
status, Settings, and so on).

Individual entity context menu items within a particular collective

entity contain the same commands (so, for example, the context
menus for all individual toolpaths, be they Roughing, Finishing,
or whatever, all contain the same options).

Collective entity context menu

This is an example of Toolpaths collective context menu, with the
submenu Toolpath Names displayed:

16 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Some of the options are common to many of the collective context
Deactivate - de-selects the active entity (in this case toolpath).
Draw All - displays (draws) all the entities (in this case toolpaths)
so that they have the symbol shown alongside them.
Undraw All - hides (undraws) all the entities (in this case
toolpaths) so that they have the symbol shown alongside them.
Delete All - deletes all the entities (in this case toolpaths).

Be careful when choosing this option as there is no 'undo'.

If you want to create multiple entities (in this case toolpaths), with a
common prefix, select Toolpath Names (on page 71) - Rename:
None. When prompted to enter the template name, enter the prefix you
want to be added to all your new toolpaths.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 17

Individual entity context menus
As an example of the use of the menu for an individual entity, you can, in
addition to the method of object renaming shown previously (see
"Explorer" on page 13), select the Rename option from the entity's
context menu:

Some of the options are common to many of the individual context

'Switches' such as Activate and Draw. When these are ticked (as
in Activate above), then the associated commands are executed.
When they are not ticked (as in Draw above), then the commands
are not executed (so, in this case the toolpath is not drawn - you
would need to click Draw to tick the option and see the toolpath).
Settings. This option displays the parameters that were used to
create the entity (in this case, the Raster Finishing toolpath
parameters will be displayed, and you will be then able to click

on the dialog to edit them).

18 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Save as Template. When you create a new toolpath, you are
given a choice of templates on which to base it, for example:

If you want any of the toolpaths that you have created under
Toolpaths in Explorer to be added to this list of templates for
future use (under any of the tabs shown), then right click the
toolpath and, from the context menu, select Save as Template.
After selecting the parameters to be saved, you can then save the
toolpath in the folder that corresponds to the tab in which the
template is to appear.

Active entities
Prior to creating a toolpath, it is essential that the entities needed for the
toolpath are active, particularly the tool, workplane, boundary/pattern,
and, if the toolpath is to be post-processed, the NC program.

Just because an entity is drawn does not mean that is it active, and,
similarly, it is possible to have active entities that are undrawn.

You can only have one active entity within each collective entity.
You can tell whether or not an entity is active and drawn by looking at it
in Explorer:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 19

Each active entity (regardless of whether or not it is drawn) is
always displayed in bold type and is preceded by >, for example:

In addition, when a graphical entity is first made active, or is re-

activated, it is automatically drawn and appears in Explorer
alongside the symbol .

Clicking changes the symbol to (to signify that the

entity is drawn). Clicking changes the symbol to (to
signify that the entity has now been hidden, or 'undrawn',
even though it may still be active). These two symbols (
and ) then work together as a 'toggle'. If an 'undrawn' entity
is made active again after being inactive, then the symbol
reverts to the initial .
If you wish to make an entity active so that it is displayed in bold type
and is preceded by >., either:
double click its icon so that it is displayed in bold type and is
preceded by >.
right click the entity in Explorer and select Activate from the
context menu.

Any previously active entity within the collective entity is de-

activated automatically in favour of the newly activated entity.

20 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Drag and drop techniques
Entities can be reordered within the Explorer. This works in a similar way
to many other Windows applications and is best shown by example.

If you select the bottom toolpath in the list Swarf and then drag it you
will find that the cursor changes to show that it is dragging the toolpath:

Now you can place it elsewhere in the tree.

It will always place the selected toolpath after the currently highlighted
toolpath. This means that to place a toolpath at the top of the tree you
have to place it on the Toolpaths entity.

Certain entities can be placed in other entities using drag and drop
techniques. This is true for placing toolpaths in an NC Program and
placing entities in a group.

Drag and drop Toolpaths example

You can drag and drop toolpaths from one NC Program to another or
from the Toolpath list to an NC Program.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 21

1. First create a new NC Program by right clicking on NC Program
in the Explorer and selecting the Create NC Program option and
then click on Accept on the NC Program:1 dialog.

2. Now you can drag a toolpath, say Optimized Constant Z, from

the toolpath list and drop it in NC Program 1.

3. This places a copy of toolpath Optimised Constant Z in NC

Program 1.

4. Similarly you can drag and drop a toolpath between NC Programs.

This copies the toolpath. So you end up with the same toolpath in
two different NC Programs.

A toolpath can appear in more than one NC Program. But, it can

only appear once in each NC Program. If you really need the same
toolpath in the NC program twice then you can make a copy of the
toolpath and insert the copy into the NC program.

Placing Multiple Toolpaths into an NC Program

You can multi-select toolpaths from the toolpath list and then place them
in an NC Program.

22 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

1. First create a new NC Program by right clicking on NC Program
in the explorer and selecting the Create NC Program option and
then click on Accept on the NC Program:2 dialog.

2. Select the toolpaths you want in the NC Program (using the Shift
key and the CTRL key as appropriate).
3. Right click in the Toolpaths area to display the Toolpaths
context menu and select the Add to - NC Program option.

4. To check that this has worked, expand the NC Program 2. You

will see the toolpaths selected from the list are now in this NC

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 23

NC Programs
Projects can directly contain many NC Programs. These are shown in the
Explorer under the NC Program branch of the tree.
This allows you to place toolpaths in an NC program and then post-
process the results to create a tape file.

NC Program context menu

The NC Program context menu is raised by right clicking on the NC
Program entry in the Explorer.

NC Programs - this is the name of this menu.

Create NC Programs - creates a New NC Program. This displays the
NC Program dialog (on page 38).
Type in an appropriate Name and then click on Accept if you are
happy with the default values. This NC Program is now the
active NC Program and any toolpaths that you create will be
displayed in the NC Program list as well as in the Toolpaths
list. For more information on this dialog see NC Program Dialog
(on page 38). For more information see Creating Toolpaths in an
NC Program (on page 35).
NC Program Names - defines the template that will be used for all
new NC Programs. For more information see Toolpath Names (on
page 71).
Deactivate - de-selects the currently active NC program.

24 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Write All - postprocesses all your NC programs provided that you have
specified your machine option file and any other preferences. For more
information see Post Processing Toolpaths. This describes, in detail, how
to postprocess a single NC Program. The principle is the same for
multiple NC Programs.
Setup Sheets (on page Error! Bookmark not defined.) - lets you
create setup sheets straight away with the default set of templates
included with your PowerMILL installation. You can also tailor the
template set to match your needs, or completely re-design it with 3 party

applications, such as Notepad, Excel, Dreamweaver, or Amaya.

Preferences - defines all the generic information required for
outputting toolpaths. Displays the NC Preferences dialog (on page 48).
For more information see NC Program Preferences.
Project Notes - records the project-specific data for your NC Program.
Date - by default, this field displays the date of the current
PowerMILL run, in the format yyyy-mm-dd. You can modify
this value if required.
Programmer - by default, this field displays the logged-in
user name. You can modify this value if required.
Customer - use this field to record the customer name.
Part Name - use this field to record the part name.
Order Number - use this field to record the order number.
Project Name - a read-only field displaying the project name.
Project Directory - a read-only field showing the full project
CAD Model - a read-only field with a list all model files used
in the project (as shown in the Explorer).
Project Notes - use this field to write remarks, comments and
observation that refer to entire project.
Edit All - edits All NC Programs, not just new ones. The fields in this
dialog are exactly the same as those on the Edit Selected NC
Programs dialog (on page 60).
Create Folder - creates a folder called Folder1. You can then rename
this folder in the normal way, and then drag and drop entities into the
folder. For more information see Folders (on page 260).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 25

Text Blocks (see "NC Program Text dialog" on page 29) - a command
item that can be added anywhere in an NC program, just like a
workplane. This contains the commands to be passed directly through to
the machine tool.
Delete All - deletes all the NC Programs. The toolpaths are not deleted
and still remain in the toolpaths list, but they are no longer associated
with an NC program.

Individual NC Program context menu

If you place your cursor over an individual NC Program and right click
with the mouse you see the following context menu:

XYZ - this is the name of this menu and is the name of the selected NC
Simulate from Start - enables you to simulate the selected NC
program. The NC Program Toggle on the Simulation toolbar is
updated with this NC Program. You can then use the Simulation Play
buttons to simulate the NC Program. For more
information see Example of Toolpath Animation (see "Toolpath
Animation" on page 1077), ViewMill Simulation Procedure (see
"ViewMill Simulation" on page 1078) or Example of Machine Tool
Simulation (see "Machine Simulation" on page 1082). This feature is for
visualisation purposes only and is not intended for use as a gouge
checking tool.

26 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Write - postprocesses the NC program provided that you have specified
your machine option file and any other preferences. For more information
see Post Processing Toolpaths.
Setup Sheets (on page Error! Bookmark not defined.) - lets you
create setup sheets straight away with the default set of templates
included with your PowerMILL installation. You can also tailor the
template set to match your needs, or completely re-design it with 3 party

applications, such as Notepad, Excel, Dreamweaver, or Amaya.

Activate - it makes the NC program the active NC program.
Activate Workplane - activates the workplane used to create this NC
program and is the one that will be used on the machine tool.
Settings - allows you to change the setting you defined when you create
this NC Program initially. Any changes made here affect the SELECTED
NC Program, not new ones. This displays the NC Program dialog (on
page 38). For more information see Creating Toolpaths in an NC Program
(on page 35).
Edit Selected - allows you to change the setting you defined when you
create the NC Programs initially. Any changes made here affect ALL
SELECTED NC Programs, not new ones. This displays the Edit
Selected NC Programs dialog (on page 60).
Statistics - displays the length and time of all the leads, links and
cutting moves as well as the number of lifts relating to the active NC
Program. If this option is dimmed check that the NC Program is the
active NC Program.
Draw - determines whether the NC program is displayed on the screen or
not. So it toggles between and .
Add to Folder - adds the selected entity to the active folder. If the
option is greyed out check that you have an active folder.

You can only add a Toolpath entity to a Toolpaths folder. You

cannot add a Toolpath entity to a NC Program folder.
For more information see Folders (on page 260).
Rename - allows you to rename the entity to give it a more meaningful
Text Block (see "NC Program - Text Block" on page 28) - a command
item that can be added anywhere in an NC program, just like a
workplane. This contains the commands to be passed directly through to
the machine tool.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 27

Insert (see "NC Program - Insert" on page 32) - inserts Workplanes
and Tool Change Points into an NC Program.

Edit (see "NC Program - Edit" on page 33) - edits the active NC Program
Remove From Folder - removes the feature set from the current
folder. It converts this:

to this:

For more information see Folders (on page 260).

Delete NC Program - deletes the NC program.

NC Program - Text Block

Text Block is a command item that can be added anywhere in an NC
program, just like a workplane. This contains the commands to be passed
directly through to the machine tool.

Create - creates a Text Block in the NC Program. Once you have

created the text block you can edit it using the context menus.

A Text Block in an NC Program has its own context menu (see "Text
Block context menu" on page 29).

28 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Import - opens an existing text block. The Import Text Objects dialog
is displayed. This is a standard Windows Open dialog.

Text Block context menu

Right clicking on a Text Block in the explorer displays the following

Text Block - the name of the menu.

Settings - this displays the NC Program Text dialog (on page 29).
Remove Text Block - removes the current text block from the NC
Export - saves an existing text block. The Export Text Objects dialog
is displayed. This is a standard Windows Save dialog.
Copy Text Block - copies the current text block, but doesn't add it to an
NC program.

NC Program Text dialog

The top left hand pane lists all the text blocks in the NC Program.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 29

Name - the name of the Text Block.
Type - there are three types of text blocks.

The different types are represented by different icons in the


Comment - this will appear in the NC Program Output file as a

comment. For example, if you have This is a Comment then
your NC Program Output file will contain something like
N(This is a Comment).
Insert - this text will appear in the NC Program Output file. So
this must be meaningful to the machine tool. For example, if you
have M90 then your NC Program Output file will contain
something like NM90.
PP Function - this is an instruction to the post processor. You
must have the appropriate block in the postprocessor option file.
For example, if you have Rotate 230 a suitable block needs to be
added to the option file:
define block ppfun Rotate
A Argument
end define
then your NC Program Output file will contain something like
The bottom pane is where you type your text block. You can use
variables (such as %[tool.radius]) in the text.

30 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Rotation - forces a C axis rotation in the postprocessor. If you enter
180 you will see C180 in the tape file and the postprocessor
moving from C180. This enables you to rotate around the tool axis.
The difference between this and using ppfun Rotate 180 is that the
postprocessor takes account of the movement, so if the next move
could be C10 or C170, C170 is chosen.

New Text Block - creates a text block, but doesn't add it to an NC

Add Text Block - adds the current text block to the current NC
Remove Text Block - removes the current text block from the NC

Copy Text Block - copies the current text block, but doesn't add it
to an NC program.

Delete Text Block - deletes the current text block.

Import - opens an existing text block. The Import Text Objects
dialog is displayed. This is a standard Windows Open dialog.
Export - saves an existing text block. The Export Text Objects
dialog is displayed. This is a standard Windows Save dialog.
The bottom pane is where you enter your text.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 31

NC Program - Statistics
Statistics displays the length and time of all the leads, links and cutting
moves as well as the number of lifts relating to the active NC Program. If
this option is dimmed check that the NC Program is the active NC

For more information see Toolpath - Statistics (on page 89).

NC Program - Insert
Inserts Workplanes and Tool Change Points into an NC Program.

Tool Changes - inserts the current active workplane as a tool change

point before each toolpath in an NC Program. It converts this:

32 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

to this:

Workplanes - inserts the active workplane before each toolpath in an

NC Program. It converts this:

to this:

Adding a workplane at the start of an NC Program automatically

makes it a tool change point.

NC Program - Edit
Edit - edits the active NC Program.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 33

Copy NC Program - creates a copy of the NC Program containing all
the toolpaths of the original. The new NC Program has the same name as
the original with the addition of -1. So a copy of xyz becomes xyz_1.

Notes - allows you to add notes to an NC program. Displays the Notes

for NC Program dialog. In this case, the NC Program is called 2.

Date - defaults to today's date, but can be edited.

Programmer - defaults to the programmer for the NC program,
but can be edited.
Notes - area where you record NC program notes.

NC Program Toolpath menu

If you place your cursor over a specific toolpath in an NC Program and
right click with the mouse you see the following menu:

34 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Toolpath - this is the name of this menu.
Properties - displays information about the toolpath in the following

Activate - it makes this toolpath the active toolpath.

Setup Sheets: Snapshot - takes and displays snapshots.
Current View - takes a snapshot of the current graphics view.
Preview - displays the snapshot, that has already been defined, in
the Browser pane.
Remove Toolpath - removes this toolpath from this NC Program. It
doesn't delete the toolpath or remove it from other NC Programs.

Creating Toolpaths in an NC Program

1. If you create a raster toolpath in the normal way you will find that
it is displayed as usual in the Toolpaths list.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 35

2. Now create an NC Program by right clicking on NC Program in
the explorer and select the Create NC Program option.

3. This displays the NC Program dialog.

36 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Type in an appropriate Name (of say, NCProg) and then, since
you will use the default values, click on Accept. For more
information on this dialog see NC Program Dialog (on page 38).
4. Then create a second raster toolpath in the same way you will find
that it is displayed in the NC Program list as well as in the
Toolpaths list.

5. Any subsequent toolpaths will also be added to NC Program


PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 37

NC Program Dialog
The NC Program dialog is available from either the Settings option on
the individual NC Program context menu, or by selecting the Create
NC Program option on the NC Program context menu.

The top portion of the dialog contains information relevant to the NC

Program as a whole. The lower portion displays information relevant to a
specific toolpath within the NC program (the currently active toolpath).
For more information on the lower portion of this dialog see Selected
Toolpath information (on page 44).
Name - the name of the NC Program as it appears in the explorer.

38 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Options - displays the NC Programs tab of the Options dialog. For
more information see Tools - Options - NC Program (see "Tools -
Options" on page 333).

Root Name (on page 41) - defines the name and directory of the output
file. There are a few additional special characters that you can insert here
which will be automatically updated when you write the NC Program.
This option is only useful for multiple output files.
Output File - the name and directory of the output file when writing all
the toolpaths in an NC Program in one file. The same variables are
available as for Root Name (on page 41) , except %[counter] and

This option is only available if you have deselected Write

File for Each Toolpath on the NC Programs tab on the
Options dialog.
Machine Option File - defines the appropriate machine tool option file
(such as Fanuc11m).
Output Workplane - the workplane that will be used on the machine

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 39

Program Number - sometimes a control requires a number at the start
to the NC program file, this allows you to enter that number. For example
for the Fanuc controls the file looks something like this:
In this case 1234 is the program number.
Automatic Tool Alignment - is turned off when, for some reason, the
output workplane is different from the toolpath workplane but no angular
moves should appear in the NC program file, for example if the head has
been manually turned through the required angle.
Part Name - is the name of the part which is being cut, it defaults to the
same name as the NC program and can be used to appear at the beginning
of the NC program file (depending on how the tape start is set in the
machine option file).
Tool Value - determines whether the output is specified in terms of
Tool Tip or Tool Centre. The tool centre is defined as the tool tip offset
by the tip radius in the direction of the tool axis.
Connection Moves (on page 42) - determines how the tool moves
from one toolpath to the next. In previous versions the tool moved to the
new location and then rotated to the required orientation. This option is
greyed out unless Multi-Axis toolpaths are present.
Toolpath List (on page 43) - displays a list of the toolpaths in the NC
Program together with the tool, tool diameter, tool length and tool
number. Selecting one or more of the toolpaths in this list will then
display the information about the toolpaths in the lower half of the dialog.
Reset - resets the Tool Numbers to their original values. The Tool
Number can be edited in the lower portion of the dialog and is displayed
in the Toolpath List.
Tool Change - specifies when a Load Tool command is written.
On Change - a load tool command will be written at the beginning
of the first toolpath and subsequently only if the tool geometry has
changed. This will give a change if the tool length is different.
Always - a load tool command will be written at the beginning of
every toolpath even if the tool parameters have not changed.

40 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

On New Tool - a load tool command will be written at the beginning
of the first toolpath and subsequently only if the toolpath uses a
different tool entity from the previous toolpath.
Tool Number - defines which tool in the carousel, or reference number,
to use.
As Specified - uses the tool number specified in the Tool entity
dialog or else you must type a Tool Number in the Toolpath
Output dialog. If a tool number has not been specified in any
dialog the a ? is displayed in the toolpath list, unless it is the first
toolpath in which case the tool number is assumed to be 1.
Automatic - numbers tool sequentially. The first tool is 1, followed
by 2, 3, 4. The tool numbers you edit behave like anchor points
for the automatic numbering.
Tool Change Position - determines whether the tool change takes
place before or after the connection move.
After Connection - the tool change takes place after the connection
moves. This is the default behaviour and the only option in
previous versions.
Before Connection - the tool change takes place before the
connection moves.

The Before Connection option should only be used after

checking the DUCTpost option files and verifying the output

Root Name
Root Name - defines the name and directory of the output file. There
are a few additional special characters that you can insert here which will
be automatically updated when you write the NC Program. This option is
only useful for multiple output files.
%[ncprogram] - inserts the current name of the NC Program when
you write it.
%[counter] - inserts the next number (0, 1, 2, 3) when you write it.
%[partname] - inserts the current value of the Part Name field when
you write it.
%[toolpath] - inserts the current name of the toolpath when you
write it.
%[workplane] - inserts the current name of the workplane when you
write it.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 41

%[path_from_opt] - inserts a pathname based on the option file in
the NC Program when you write it. For example, all NC Programs
postprocessed with brid.opt option file would be written out to the
/PMILL project/ncprograms/BRIDGEPORT subfolder.
%[ncprogram.shortname] - forces the NC Program to have a
maximum of 8 characters.

You can use more than one of theses at a time. For example
you could have %[ncprogram]_%[toolpath]_abc. If the
NC Program was 1 and the toolpath MultipleCuts the
output file would be 1_MultipleCuts_abc.tap.

Connection Moves
Connection Moves - determines how the tool moves from one toolpath
to the next. In previous versions the tool moved to the new location and
then rotated to the required orientation. This option is greyed out unless
Multi-Axis toolpaths are present.

You have the choice of:

Move, Rotate - the tool moves to the new location and then rotates
to the correct orientation. This was the only option in previous
versions of PowerMILL.
Rotate, Move - the tool rotates to the correct orientation and then
moves to the new location.
Simultaneous - the tool moves and rotates simultaneously.

42 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Toolpath List
Toolpath List - displays a list of the toolpaths in the NC Program
together with the tool, tool diameter, tool length and tool number.
Selecting one or more of the toolpaths in this list will then display the
information about the toolpaths in the lower half of the dialog.

The size of each column can be moved in a standard windows way

by placing the cursor over the end of a column and dragging it to a
new location.

The Number field is the Tool Number.

If the Number is surrounded by brackets, (2) it indicates that there
is no tool change for this toolpath.
If the Number is preceded by an asterisk, * it indicates that Tool
Number for this toolpath has been edited in the lower portion of
this dialog.
If the Number is replaced by a ? it indicates that no tool number
has been specified, but a Tool Numbering of As Specified has
been selected.
You are not allowed to define the same Number for a tool as one
that already exists for a different tool. The only time when this isn't
the case is when you write a separate file for each toolpath, where
all default tool Numbers will be 1. The first Tool Number in
any file defaults to 1.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 43

Selected Toolpath information

The lower part of this dialog displays information about the selected
toolpath (or toolpaths). These can be selected either from the toolpath list
or from the list of toolpaths in the NC Program in the explorer.
Tool - summarises the tool information defined when you created the
ID - the user defined name or description allocated to the tool and
added to the cut file.
Number - user defined tool number allocated to the tool and added to
the cut file.
Gauge Length - the length from tip of the tool to the top of the
holder. By default this value is calculated automatically in
PowerMILL from the Holder tab on the Tool dialog, but you can
manually edit it here. If you do edit this value then, like the tool
number, it is preceded with an *. This value is used for Multi-Axis
Cutter Compensation (on page 45) - for most controls except the
Heidenhain the actual value used for length and radius compensation are
entered into the machine tool by the operator. This is done by typing the
values into a register which is then accessed by a number in the NC
Drilling Cycle Output - saves drilling cycles as canned cycles.
Coolant (on page Error! Bookmark not defined.) - allows you to
specify the coolant:
None - no coolant output.
Standard - coolant turned on.
Flood - coolant on flood.
Mist - coolant on mist.
Tap - tap coolant on.

44 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Air - air blast.
Through - coolant through spindle.
Double - two coolant codes are allowed.
The coolant is always turned off at the end of a toolpath.
Add Commands (on page 47) - clicking on this button displays a
dialog that allows you to specify commands and comments that will be
inserted into the NC toolpath.
Output File - the name of the output file when writing all the toolpaths
in an NC Program. The same variables are available as for Root Name
(on page 41).

This option is only available if you have selected Write File

for Each Toolpath on the NC Programs tab on the
Options dialog.

Cutter Compensation
Cutter Compensation - for most controls except the Heidenhain the
actual value used for length and radius compensation are entered into the
machine tool by the operator. This is done by typing the values into a
register which is then accessed by a number in the NC program.
For example, suppose you require a tool radius offset of 0.2 in the first
toolpath and 0.4 in the second toolpath and set the radius offset number to
31 in the first toolpath and 32 in the second toolpath, the NC program file
contains the codes G41 ... D31 in the first toolpath and G41 ... D32 in the
second. Then type 0.2 into register 31 and 0.4 into register 32 and the
values 0.2 and 0.4 will be used for the first and second toolpaths
Most people use the same number for the length offset number, the radius
offset number and the tool number, for example they expect to see T5, H5
and D5 in the same toolpath. Alternatively the radius offset number may
have a fixed connection with the tool number, for example, if the tool
number is 5 the radius offset number is 35, if the tool number is 7 the
offset is 37.This can be easily taken care of by the postprocessor.
Occasionally however it is not possible to do this, so PowerMILL has the
ability to change the numbers if this is really required, but the default
numbers are usually correct, and that the numbers are only used if length
or radius compensation is being used.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 45

Length - this is the compensation length on the machine and it will
only appear on files post processed for the Heidenhain control. It
enables you to alter the length of the tool in the NC toolpath by
specifying a new tool length here. The tool length used in
PowerMILL remains unchanged. If the length compensation is
switched off the value 0 will appear in the file. If it is switched on
the default is the tool entity length.
Length Offset Number - allows you to change the number in case
the default numbers are not correct.
Radius - this is the ability to offset a toolpath at the machine
controller by an amount stored in a particular offset register.
Compensation is added by issuing G41 (left offset) or a G42 (right
offset) command at the beginning of the tool moves that require
compensation. If you specify 2D currently a cutter compensation
left code is issued. It is no longer possible to write normals and
left/right codes in the same toolpath. So any option files which
have cutter compensation left/right codes as well as the normals
will have to be adjusted.
Radius Offset Number - allows you to change the number in case
the default numbers are not correct.
3D Cutter Compensation - when On the specified toolpath is
created with the contact normals details in it. This is essential when
the machine tool does the 3D cutter compensation and PowerMILL
outputs i, j, k vectors in the tape file. To turn 3D Cutter
compensation on for all toolpaths simply select all the toolpaths in
the list and then select a Radius of 3D and check the Contact
Normals option in the Calculation frame on the Tools -
Options - Toolpath dialog.

46 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Add Commands
Add Commands - clicking on this button displays a dialog that
allows you to specify commands and comments that will be inserted into
the NC toolpath.

Commands and comments typed in here will be added to the output file.
Any line starting with / is assumed to be a comment.
Standard Message - defines where the standard messages generated
by PowerMILL are output. There are three options: before a tool change;
after a tool change; no messages are output.
Command/Comment - defines where the commands/comments you
have added above are output. There are two options: before a tool change;
after a tool change. If you enter a command here you must ensure that the
option file is set up to expect the command.
Output File - defines the root name of the output file. This option is
only available if you select Write File for Each Toolpath on the
Option dialog. The Option dialog is available from the Options button
on this dialog or from the Tools - Options - NC Program menu.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 47

NC Preferences Dialog
This only contains generic information rather than toolpath specific

These preferences only affect new NC Programs. Values entered in this

dialog are then used as the default values in the NC Program dialog.
You can look at it as a template. Existing NC Programs are not affected
by changes here. There are two tabs one for changes to defaults for items
belonging to a toolpath and one for changes to defaults for items
belonging to the output mechanism.

48 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

NC Preferences - Output
The values entered here are those used as default values in the NC
Program dialog.

Use Project - specifies the default output folder to be an automatically

created folder called ncprograms within the project folder.
Output Folder - specifies the default output directory for NC Programs.
- allows you to browse to find the required directory and filename.
Clicking on displays the Select Path dialog.

This is a standard PowerMILL Open dialog and is very similar to the

Open Project dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 49

Output File - defines the name and directory of the output file. There
are a number of special characters that you can insert here which will be
automatically updated when you write the NC Program. This option is
only useful for multiple output files.
%[ncprogram] - inserts the current name of the NC Program when you
write it.
%[counter] - inserts the next number (1, 2, 3) when you write it.
%[partname] - inserts the current name of the Project when you write it.
%[toolpath] - inserts the current name of the toolpath when you write it.
%[workplane] - inserts the current name of the workplane when you
write it.
You can use more than one of theses at a time. For example you could
have %[ncprogram]_%[toolpath]_abc. If the NC Program was 1 and the
toolpath MultipleCuts the output file would be
Machine Option File - specifies the default machine tool option file
(such as Fanuc11m for NC Programs.
Browse button - allows you to browse to find the required
directory and filename. Clicking on the displays the Select
Machine Option Filename dialog.

This is a standard File Open dialog and is very similar to the Open
Examples dialog. By default the dialog will display the option files
contained in c:\dcam\config\ductpost\.
File Type - specifies whether the toolpath will be output as either an NC
Program (*.tap) or a Cutter Location (standard cutter location format
file extension *.cut).

50 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Output Workplane - sets the output workplane on all the NC program
dialogs, so if you have a machine workplane you use all the time you can
set it as a preference. You can still set the workplane on the NC program
dialog, or if you change your requirement later you can use the Edit
Selected or Edit All dialogs available from the NC program context
menu to change the output workplane in selected/all NC programs.
Clicking on the locks the output workplane.
Unlocked - the field is unlocked and so can be edited.
Locked - the field is locked. So, if you try change the workplane you
won't succeed.
3D Machine Compensation - specifies the default value for 3D
machine compensation. This enables the machine tool to do 3D cutter
compensation by outputting i, j, k vectors in the tape file.
Auto Tool Alignment - specifies the default value for automatic tool
alignment. It is turned off when the output workplane is different from the
toolpath workplane but no angular moves should appear in the NC
program file. For example, if the head has been manually turned through
the required angle.
Part Name - specifies the default value for the part name. It is the name
of the part which is being cut. It defaults to the same name as the NC
program and can be used to appear at the beginning of the NC program
file (depending on how the tape start is set in the machine option file).
Tool Value - specifies the default value for the tool value. Determines
whether the output is specified in terms of Tool Tip or Tool Centre.
The tool centre is defined as the tool tip offset by the tip radius in the
direction of the tool axis.
Connection Moves - determines how the tool moves from one toolpath
to the next. In previous versions the tool moved to the new location and
then rotated to the required orientation. This option is greyed out unless
multi-axis toolpaths are present.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 51

Now you have the choice of:

Move, Rotate - the tool moves to the new location and then rotates to
the correct orientation. This was the only option in previous versions of
Rotate, Move - the tool rotates to the correct orientation and then moves
to the new location.
Simultaneous - the tool moves and rotates simultaneously.

NC Preferences - Toolpath
The values entered here are those used as default values in the NC
Program dialog.
Comments (see "NC Program Commands/Comments Dialog" on page
63) - clicking on this button displays a dialog that allows you to specify
default commands and comments that will be inserted into the NC

Tool Change - specifies the default value for the tool change.
Determines when a Load Tool command is written.
On Change - a load tool command will be written at the beginning
of the first toolpath and subsequently only if the tool geometry has
changed. This will give a change if the tool length is different.
Always - a load tool command will be written at the beginning of
every toolpath even if the tool parameters have not changed.

52 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

On New Tool - a load tool command will be written at the beginning
of the first toolpath and subsequently only if the toolpath uses a
different tool entity from the previous toolpath.
Tool Number - specifies the default value for the tool number. Defines
which tool in the carousel, or reference number, to use.
As Specified - uses the tool number specified in the Tool entity
dialog or else you must type a Tool Number in the Toolpath
Output dialog.
Automatic - numbers tool sequentially. The first tool is 1, followed
by 2, 3, 4
Tool Change Position - determines whether the tool change takes
place before or after the connection move.
After Connection - the tool change takes place after the connection
moves. This is the default behaviour and the only option in
previous versions.
Before Connection - the tool change takes place before the
connection moves.
Cutter Compensation - specifies the default value for cutter
Length - this is the compensation length on the machine and it will
only appear on files post processed for the Heidenhain control. It
enables you to alter the length of the tool in the NC toolpath by
specifying a new tool length here. The tool length used in
PowerMILL remains unchanged. If the length compensation is
switched off the value 0 will appear in the file. If it is switched on
the default is the tool entity length.
Radius - this is the ability to offset a toolpath at the machine
controller by an amount stored in a particular offset register.
Compensation is added by issuing G41 (left offset) or a G42 (right
offset) command at the beginning of the tool moves that require
compensation. You specify whether you want Left or Right cutter
radius compensation.

Example Using Tool Number and Tool Change

The Tool Number and Tool Change options are more easily explained by
example. This example contains four toolpaths. Each toolpath uses a
specific tool entity.
Toolpath 1, Tool Entity 4
Toolpath 2, Tool Entity 7

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 53

Toolpath 3, Tool Entity 7
Toolpath 4, Tool Entity 3
In this example Tool 7 and 3 are both 10mm Ball Nosed Tools.
The tool number used with the various options is summarised in the table

As Specified Automatic
Always 4773 1234
On New Tool 47-3 12-3
On Change 47-- 12--

NC Program Preferences
On the whole the NC preferences remain constant for each machine tool.
You may want to make minor tweaks (such as the coolant type) for a
specific toolpath but most of the information is specific to a machine tool
rather than the toolpath. So, it makes sense to be able to pre-set these
preferences. Then you can concentrate on outputting the toolpaths.
NC Program Preferences for different machines can easily be
predefined using macros.
A good way to work is to set the required preferences in your start-up
file, then you will normally only need to right click on the NC program to
write it.
1. To set up the NC Program preferences right click on NC Programs
in the explorer and selecting the Preferences option.

54 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

2. This then displays the NC Preferences dialog box.

3. The first thing to do is to select the Machine Option File. Click

on the Browse button to display the following:

4. Move to the directory where the option files are stored (in this case
c:\dcam\config\ductpost) and select the required option file (in
this case Fanuc11m.opt). Then click on the Open button. This
closes the Select Machine Option Filename dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 55

5. The NC Preferences dialog is then updated with this
information. The rest of this dialog can be updated. But in this case
you can assume that the default values are the correct ones.

6. Clicking on the Toolpath tab displays the next set of preferences.

Again you will use the default values.

7. Click on Accept to save all these values. These values will now be
applied to any future NC Programs that you write.
For more information about any of the fields in the NC Preferences
dialog (on page 48). .

56 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Postprocessing toolpaths
If you have a series of toolpaths in an NC Program (in this called
NCProg). Provided that you have specified your machine option file and
any other preferences (NC Preferences Dialog (on page 48) for more
information on determining these preferences) you can then simply
postprocess your NC Program NCProg.
1. Right click on NC Program NCProg and select the Write option.

2. PowerMILL will first calculate all the batched toolpaths, then it

will post process the toolpaths using the pre-selected options. A
PowerMILL information dialog is then displayed:

3. Click to close this dialog.

4. The colour of the NC Program 1 changes from light blue
to bright green to show that it has been
calculated correctly.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 57

5. If an error occurs you will get an error message similar to the

6. In this case the NC Program changes from light blue to

containing a red exclamation mark to show that there
was a problem writing this file.
You didn't have to specify a filename or directory location as, by default,
PowerMILL assumes that the file will have the same name as the NC
Program name (but changes the extension, in the above example the
filename is NCProg.tap). By default, the file is saved in the "current
If you want to specify a specific filename or directory location then you
must follow the information given in Specifying the Name and Location
of the Output File (on page 58).

Three new types of records have been introduced.

28000 workplane records.
29000 special records which will replace some of the 2079 records.
20000 description records.
They are mainly for information and will eventually allow reading a
cut file back into PowerMILL. The postprocessors should normally
ignore these records.
If further information is required please contact Delcam.

If you are outputting 3 plus 2 NC programs you must use DUCTpost

1350 or later.

Specifying the Name and Location of the Output

By default, in PowerMILL the output file will have the same name as the
NC Program name (but changes the extension).

58 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

By default, the file is saved in the "current directory". This is a windows
feature and so, if you are not careful you can find that the file is saved in
a strange place (such as in the C:/WINNT/TEMP/ directory).
However, you can specify the name and location of the resulting *.tap
1. Right click on NC Program 1 and select the Edit Selected

2. The Edit Selected NC Programs dialog will now be displayed.

3. Now, change the Output File to a more suitable location, choose

the appropriate Machine Option File and, if necessary, update
the remainder of the dialog, then click on Accept.
4. When you subsequently Write this NC Program, PowerMILL will
use this information.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 59

You specify the name and location of the output file here, rather
than prompting for the information when you Write an NC
program, as prompting would be no good for the Write All
For more information see Edit Selected NC Programs Dialog (on page
60) and Edit All NC Programs Dialog (on page 63).
You can define the location of the Output File in the Tools -
Customise Paths menu. This displays the PowerMILL Paths dialog.

This is very similar to the Macro Paths dialog. For more information on
how to use this see Adding a Macro Search Path (on page 256).

Edit Selected NC Programs Dialog

The individual NC Program context menu has the Edit Selected
option. This displays the following:

60 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Any changes made here affect ALL SELECTED NC Programs, not new
ones. The fields on the Output tab are exactly the same as those on the
NC Preferences - Output dialog. For more information on these fields
see NC Preferences Dialog (on page 48).

The fields on the Toolpath tab are similar to those on the NC

Preferences - Toolpath (on page 52) dialog.
Drilling Cycle Output - specifies the default value for the drilling cycle
output. Saves drilling cycles as canned cycles.
Coolant (on page Error! Bookmark not defined.) - allows you to
specify the coolant:
None - no coolant output.
Standard - coolant turned on.
Flood - coolant on flood.
Mist - coolant on mist.
Tap - tap coolant on.
Air - air blast.
Through - coolant through spindle.
Double - two coolant codes are allowed.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 61

The coolant is always turned off at the end of a toolpath.

The fields on the Tool tab gives a view of the carousel for the selected
NC programs. Changing any of these fields changes the value for all
instances of a particular tool.
Tool List - summarises the tool information defined when you
created the tool.
Number - user defined tool number allocated to the tool and added to
the cut file. This is the same as the number specified when you
created the tool.
Diameter - the diameter of the tool. This is the same as the diameter
specified when you created the tool.
Tip - the tip radius of the tool. This is the same as the tip radius
specified when you created the tool.
Length - cutting length of the tool. This defaults to the recommended
collision free length if you have collision checked the toolpath
otherwise it is the same as the length specified when you created
the tool.
Overhang - the length of the cutter protruding from chuck/collet.
This is the same as the overhang specified in the Collision Checker
Tool ID - the user defined name allocated to the tool and added to the
cut file.
Name - the name of the tool. By default this is the same as the name
given when the tool was defined.

62 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Type - the type of tool that you defined originally (such as End Mill
or Tip Radiused).

Edit All NC Programs Dialog

The NC Programs right click Edit All menu displays the following:

Any changes made here affect ALL NC Programs, not new ones. The
fields in this dialog are exactly the same as those on the Edit Selected
NC Programs dialog. For more information on these fields see Edit
Selected NC Programs Dialog (on page 60).

NC Program Commands/Comments Dialog

The NC Program Commands/Comments dialog allows you to
specify commands and comments that will be inserted into the NC

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 63

Commands and comments typed in here will be added to the output file.
Any line starting with / is assumed to be a comment.
Standard Message - specifies the default value for standard messages.
Defines where the standard messages generated by PowerMILL are
output. There are three options: before a tool change; after a tool change;
no messages are output.
Command/Comment - specifies the default value for the
command/comments. Defines where the commands/comments you have
added above are output. There are two options: before a tool change; after
a tool change. If you enter a command here you must ensure that the
option file is set up to expect the command.

Displaying NC Programs
NC programs can be drawn in exactly the same way as other explorer
entities using the Light Bulb toggle .
With the light bulb on all the toolpaths in the NC Program are drawn:

It does not change the drawing status of any other toolpath. If you start
with the following toolpaths drawn:

64 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Then you draw NC Program 1. All the existing toolpaths remain
drawn as well as all the toolpaths in NC Program 1:

If you click on the light bulb of NC Program 1 to turn it off , the

toolpaths in the NC Program 1 are undrawn whilst the remaining
toolpaths are still drawn.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 65

Use of Variables in NC Programs
Variables are symbolic representations of the actual output that will be
generated by PowerMILL.
You can use any PowerMILL variable in the NC Program and NC
Preferences dialogs, and in the setup sheet template tags.

You can also use variables in the NC Program Comments area

(accessed by clicking the Comments button on the Toolpath tab
under NC Preferences):

This is particularly useful as the resolved variable values can then

appear in all your NC Program files.

Although the current practice is to enclose variables within

curly brackets { }, you may on occasion see some variables
enclosed within the percent symbol and square brackets %[ ],
as in the above example. This is a valid format that has been
maintained for historical reasons.

A tilde (~) can be used to insert the current name of your

home directory.
There is a complete list of available variables in your installation,
typically at C:\Program

You can invoke multiple variables in the same string. For example
you could have %[ncprogram]_%[toolpath]_abc. If the NC
Program was 1 and the toolpath was MultipleCuts, then the
output would resolve to 1_MultipleCuts_abc.

66 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Projects can directly contain many toolpaths. Toolpaths are shown in the
Explorer under the Toolpaths branch of the tree.

Toolpaths are created using the Toolpath Strategies button on the

Main Toolbar but can be manipulated from the explorer.
Each type of toolpath has a different icon in the Explorer:

Area Clearance



PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 67

The Toolpath list is available in the Explorer.

You can see the type of toolpath created, the name, whether it is visible
and the safety of the toolpath.

Toolpaths context menu

The Toolpaths menu is raised by right clicking on the Toolpaths entry
in the Explorer.

Toolpaths - this is the name of this menu.

Toolbar - raises the Toolpath toolbar at bottom of the graphics

68 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

For more information on this toolbar see Toolpath Toolbar (on page 909).
Create Toolpath - creates a new toolpath. The New dialog is
displayed. For more information see Toolpath Strategies (on page 467).
Toolpath Names (on page 71) - defines the template that will be used
for all new toolpaths.
Batch Process - processes the batch toolpaths marked .
When you create a batch toolpath PowerMILL generates a file containing
all the relevant parameters to create the toolpath at a later date. It is fully
defined in the sense that it can be selected and saved to session files. It
just has not computed cutting moves.
Any attempt to use the toolpath in operations such as editing, ViewMill,
toolpath output on a batch toolpath will result in an error dialog stating
that the toolpath is un-computed.

When you click on Batch the progress dialog can be raised to

process the model. It needs to do this to check that the model is
valid but it will not go on to compute the toolpath.
Invalidate All - allows you to invalidate calculated toolpaths. This
changes the toolpaths to batch toolpaths marked with a . When the
toolpath is locked by a Stock Model you have to unlock the Stock
Model before invalidating the toolpaths.
This can be useful if you have created a set of toolpaths for one model
and require a similar set of toolpaths for a similar model.
For more information see Updating Toolpaths when a Model Changes (on
page 75).
Deactivate - de-selects the currently active toolpath.
Draw All - displays (draws) all the toolpaths on the screen. So all
toolpaths are drawn .
Undraw All - hides (undraws) all the toolpaths on the screen. So all
toolpaths are undrawn .
Draw Links All - displays (draws) all the toolpath links on the screen.
Undraw Links All - hides (undraws) all the toolpath links on the screen.
Draw Leads All - displays (draws) all the toolpath leads on the screen.
Undraw Leads All - hides (undraws) all the toolpath leads on the

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 69

Thickness - allows you to give different components (say surfaces or
models) different thicknesses (Axial and Radial). It also allows you to
give a single component different thicknesses for different toolpaths. For
more information see Component Thickness (on page 72).
Create NC Program - create a new NC Program. It displays the NC
Program dialog which allows you to specify a new NC Program.

Type in an appropriate Name and then click on Accept if you are happy
with the default values. This NC Program is now the active NC
Program and any toolpaths that you create will be displayed in the NC
Program list as well as in the Toolpaths list. For more information on
this dialog see NC Program Dialog (on page 38). For more information
see Creating Toolpaths in an NC Program (on page 35).

70 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Create Individual NC Programs - automatically creates an NC
Program for each selected toolpath. You will end up with one toolpath in
each NC Program and the NC Program will have the same name as the
toolpath. For more information see Creating an NC Program for each
Toolpath (on page 73).
Add to NC Program - adds all the existing toolpaths to the currently
active NC Program. This option is only available if there is a currently
active NC Program. Any new toolpaths that are created will also be added
to the currently active NC Program.
Create Folder - creates a folder called Folder1. You can then rename
this folder in the normal way, and then drag and drop entities into the
folder. For more information see Folders (on page 260).
Delete All - deletes all the toolpaths.

Toolpath Names
If you are going to create multiple toolpaths, and wish to control the
naming of them, select Toolpath Names - Rename : You are
prompted to enter the 'template' name, so enter the generic type of
toolpath you will be creating, for example:
Rename - displays the Enter Template dialog which allows you to
specify a new template.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 71

Enter the name of the template prefix that you want to insert and then
click . This displays Toolpath Names - Rename: Finishing on
the menu, so that you can easily see what the prefix is. All new toolpaths
will now be automatically named using this prefix (so, the next toolpath
to be created will be called Finishing1, the one after that will be called
Finishing2, and so on):

Toolpath Names - Rename: None - no prefix is added to all new

toolpath names.
Toolpath Names - Rename: Finishing - a prefix of Finishing is
added to all new toolpath names.
Off - removes the template so that all new toolpaths will not use a
template. Existing toolpath names will remain unchanged.

Component Thickness
The Components tab allows you to give different components (say
surfaces or models) different thicknesses (Axial and Radial). It also
allows you to give a single component different thicknesses for different
toolpaths. Most of the dialog is greyed out until you select one of the
thickness sets from the list.
For more information on radial and axial thickness see Thickness (see
"Component Thickness" on page 454).

72 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Creating an NC Program for each Toolpath
You can automatically create an NC Program for each selected toolpath.
This gives you one toolpath in each output file. So, if you select 20
toolpaths this functionality will create 20 NC programs each containing
one toolpath and each NC program will have the same name as the
toolpath. These toolpaths can then be written.
1. Create the toolpaths you need.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 73

2. Select the toolpaths that you want to turn into NC Programs (in this
case all of them). Then display the context menu. Select the
Create Individual NC Programs option.

3. PowerMILL will now create an NC Program for each toolpath,

with the same name as the toolpath.
4. To see these NC Programs, expand the NC Program list.

74 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

5. These NC Programs can then be output using the NC Program
context menu and selecting the Write All command.

6. For information as to how to post process these toolpaths see Post

Processing Toolpaths (see "Postprocessing toolpaths" on page 57).

Updating Toolpaths when a Model Changes

If you generate toolpaths using a model which then changes, it is now
possible to update the toolpaths without having to regenerate the
This is best shown by example using Cowling.dgk.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 75

1. Create a Block and some Tools, Toolpaths and Boundaries.
Some of the toolpaths can be limited to a boundary.

2. This project contains three different types of boundaries:

Block is just a boundary.
Rest is locked as it is used to create the Corner Boundary
Shallow is locked as it is used to create the Raster Boundary
toolpath, but it has also been edited.
3. Delete the model by selecting the Delete All option from the
Model context menu. A PowerMILL Query dialog is then
displayed. Click on Yes to delete the model.
4. From the Toolpath context menu select the Invalidate All

5. The toolpaths are all updated with the Calculator symbol and
are deleted from the graphics window.

76 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

6. From the Boundary context menu select the Invalidate All

7. The boundaries are updated with the Calculator symbol but are
still displayed. Except that any edited boundary (in this case
Shallow) is not invalidated as there is no way of re-creating an
edited boundary automatically.

8. Load in the modified model from File - Import Model menu


PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 77

9. Now re-calculate the toolpaths from the Batch - Process option
on the Toolpath context menu. This operation will also calculate
any boundaries that are needed to create the toolpaths. So, Rest
boundary is calculated as it is used to create the Corner
Boundary toolpath.

10.Re-calculate the boundaries from the Batch - Process option on

the Boundaries context menu. This will re-calculate Block
boundary (the only uncalculated boundary).

Since we are talking about minor modifications to the model, the

block must remain the same. You cannot change the block when
using this technique.

78 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Individual Toolpath context menu
If you place your cursor over a specific toolpath and right click with the
mouse you see the following menu:

1 - this is the name of this menu and is the name of the selected toolpath.
Simulate from Start - enables you to simulate the selected toolpath.
The Toolpath Toggle on the Simulation toolbar is updated with
this NC Program. You can then use the Simulation Play
buttons to simulate the NC Program. For more
information see Example of Toolpath Animation (see "Toolpath
Animation" on page 1077), ViewMill Simulation Procedure (see
"ViewMill Simulation" on page 1078) or Example of Machine Tool
Simulation (see "Machine Simulation" on page 1082). This feature is for
visualisation purposes only and is not intended for use as a gouge
checking tool.
Activate - it makes the toolpath the active toolpath.
Activate Workplane - activates the workplane used to create this

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 79

Settings - displays the parameters used to create this toolpath in the
relevant finishing dialog.
Recreate Block - re-creates the block used to create this toolpath.
Select Surfaces - selects the surfaces used to create this toolpath. This
option only displays a result if you had to select specific surfaces to create
the toolpath.
Draw - determines whether the toolpath is displayed on the screen or not.
So it toggles between and .
Drawing Options (on page 910) - determines which toolpath
components are displayed on the screen. These options are also available
on the Toolpath toolbar.
Colour (see "Toolpath - Colour" on page 86) - allows you to determine
the colour of toolpaths that are drawn but not active.
Rename - allows you to rename the entity to give it a more meaningful
Save as Template - saves specific parameters of a toolpath as a
toolpath template. This template can then be used to create other
Add to (see "Toolpath - Add To" on page 88) - adds the toolpath to the
selected entity.
Create Individual NC Program - creates an NC Program for the
toolpath. The NC Program will have the same name as the toolpath.
Batch - this option activates or de-activates the batch toolpath. So it
toggles between and . When you
process a batch toolpath (by selecting Batch - Process from the right
click Toolpaths menu ) only the batch toolpaths marked will be
processed. This is true provided that batch toolpath you want to calculate
doesn't need a "Stopped" batch toolpath in order to create the toolpath. In
which case the "Stopped" batch toolpath is calculated so that the batch
toolpath can be calculated.
Batch processing works by creating an unprocessed toolpath, containing
all of the parameters that would have been used if you clicked on the
Apply button on the current machining strategy dialog box. This toolpath
appears on the toolpath list with the prefix .
To create a Batch Toolpath set the part up in exactly the same way as
normal but, instead of clicking on Apply on any of the toolpath
generation dialog boxes click on the Accept button.

80 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Load Settings - loads the parameters used to define the toolpath into
the Finishing dialog.
Statistics - displays the length and time of all the leads, links and
cutting moves as well as the number of lifts relating to the active toolpath.
If this option is dimmed check that the toolpath is the active toolpath.

Estimate - updates the Toolpath Statistics dialog box for the

active toolpath.
For more information on NC statistics see Individual NC Program context
menu (on page 26).
Properties - displays the extents of the toolpath (and the toolpath
name). It displays the following dialog box:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 81

Verify - checks for the safety of the toolpath.

Toolpath - checks for the safety of the toolpath.

Tool Axis - checks the toolpath against the Tool Axis Limits. If the
toolpath exceeds these limits then it is limited back to the limits.
Invert Selection - deselects the part of the toolpath that is currently
selected and selects the part of the toolpath that is currently unselected.
This can be useful when you want to work on (edit, delete..) all except
one area of toolpath. It is much easier to select just the area you don't
want to work on and reverse the selection before editing/deleting the rest,
than to select all segments all around the graphics struggling to avoid the
segments you want to keep.
Edit (see "Toolpath - Edit" on page 90) - edits the active toolpath. You
edit the toolpath by selecting the relevant option from the context menu.
Some of these options create new, modified toolpaths. Others simply
modify the existing toolpath.
Remove From Folder - removes the feature set from the current
folder. It converts this:

to this:

For more information see Folders (on page 260).

Delete Toolpath - deletes the toolpath.

Attaching Tools to Toolpaths

You can attach a tool to a toolpath so that you can easily visualise where
the tool is relative to the toolpath. You can then watch the movement of
the tool as it moves along the toolpath which is especially useful for 5-
Axis toolpaths.

This feature is for visualisation purposes only and is not intended

for use as a gouge checking tool.

82 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

This is available from the individual Toolpath context menu.

For more information as to how you can control the visualisation of the
tool see Individual Tool context menu (on page 122).
The tool will attach at the point where you select the toolpath.
1. Place the cursor where you want to attach the tool.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 83

2. From the context menu select the Attach Active Tool option.
The tool moves to this point.

3. You can then move the tool using the arrow keys and .

4. To move the tool to the end of the toolpath click on the End key,
or the Home key to move it to the start of the toolpath.

84 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

5. If you have defined the tool holder and have it visible this will also
be visible as you step through the toolpath.

There are many additional keys that can move the tool around the
toolpath. These are summarised in the table below:

Key Description
moves the tool to the next toolpath point
+ CTRL increases the step rate to 4 points
+ Shift increases the step rate to 8 points
+ CTRL + Shift increases the step rate to 16 points
moves the tool to the previous toolpath point
+ CTRL increases the step rate to 4 points
+ Shift increases the step rate to 8 points
+ CTRL + Shift increases the step rate to 16 points
Page Down moves the tool to the start of the next toolpath
Page Up moves the tool to the start of the current
toolpath segment, or to the beginning of the
previous one if the tool is already at the start
End moves the tool to the end of the toolpath
Home moves the tool to the start of the toolpath


PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 85

right arrow key
left arrow key
anything in bold is a key
You can twiddle the view to get a better view then continue iterating.

Toolpath - Colour
Colour - allows you to determine the colour of toolpaths that are drawn
but not active.

Edit - allows you to define the colour of Drawn, but not active
toolpaths. Selecting this option displays the standard Select
Colour dialog.

Select the colour that you want and click on OK. The colour of the
toolpath is updated.
Reset - resets the colour you have selected back to the default setting

The colour of the Active Toolpath is unaffected by any colour

allocated here.

86 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Template Parameter Saving
Save as Template - saves specific parameters of a toolpath as a
toolpath template. This template can then be used to create other

By default all the toolpath parameters are saved. Clicking on Save

displays the Save Toolpath Template File dialog and allows you to
save the template.
If you tick the Save Checked Parameters Only option then you can
choose which parameters you want to save and so which are picked up
when the template is read.
The ticked parameter values will be saved with the template and override
PowerMILL's current values when the template is read back in, whilst the
unchecked parameter will be set to PowerMILL's current values for those
parameters when the template is read back in.
Save Checked Parameters Only - when ticked only the parameters
loaded with the toolpath are ticked. So, if a toolpath is created from a
default template, NO parameters are ticked. If however, you read in a
project and create a template from one of the toolpaths in the project then
everything is ticked, as the toolpath was last read in with all its
parameters. This option enables you to recall, at a later date, exactly
which parameters your template contains.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 87

This means that you could have a template which saves the Lead In and
Lead Out moves only so that these can be easily applied to another
toolpath but other values, such as stepover, can be picked up from the
new toolpath.
For more information see Creating a New Toolpath Template (on page

Toolpath - Add To
Add to - adds the toolpath to the selected entity.

Add to Stock Model - this does exactly the same as the individual
Stock Models Object (see "Individual Stock Model context menu" on
page 238) context menu option, Apply - Active Toolpath Last.
Applies the active toolpath and places the toolpath at the bottom of the
stock model list. If the stock model is newly created (no block has been
applied) then the block associated with the toolpath is applied
Add to NC Program - adds the toolpath to the currently active NC
Program. This option is only available if there is a currently active NC
Add to Group - adds the toolpath to the currently active Group. This
option is only available if there is a currently active Group.
Add to Folder - adds the selected entity to the active folder. If the
option is greyed out check that you have an active folder.

You can only add a Toolpath entity to a Toolpaths folder. You

cannot add a Toolpath entity to a NC Program folder.
For more information see Folders (on page 260).

88 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Toolpath - Statistics
Statistics - displays the length and time of all the leads, links and
cutting moves as well as the number of lifts relating to the active toolpath.
If this option is dimmed check that the toolpath is the active toolpath.

Estimate - updates the Toolpath Statistics dialog box for the active

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 89

Toolpath - Edit
Edit - edits the active toolpath. You edit the toolpath by selecting the
relevant option from the context menu. Some of these options create new,
modified toolpaths. Others simply modify the existing toolpath.

Transform (see "Transform Toolpath" on page 915) - creates new

toolpaths by Mirroring, Moving or Rotating the active toolpath. This
is available from the Transform button on the Toolpath toolbar.
Limit (see "Limit Toolpath" on page 921) - creates new toolpaths by
limiting the active toolpath to a Plane. This is available from the Limit
button on the Toolpath toolbar.
Divide (see "Divide Toolpath" on page 927) - splits the active toolpath
into 2 or more sections. There are four ways of dividing a toolpath by
Angle, Direction, Length or Time. This is available from the Divide
button on the Toolpath toolbar.

90 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Reorder (on page 959) - allows you to change the order and direction of
toolpath segments. It displays the Toolpath Listing dialog.

Move Start Points - allows you to manually realigned Start points of

closed toolpaths (such as Constant Z). This is available from the Move
Toolpath Start Points (on page 934) button on the Toolpath
Tool Axis - allows you to edit the tool axis of selected (partial) segments
of a toolpath whilst preserving the toolpath contact positions. This is
available from the Tool Axis Editing (on page 935) button on the
Toolpath toolbar.
Update Feed Rate Inside Boundary (see "Toolpath - Edit - Update
Feed Rate Inside Boundary" on page 97) - enables you to change the feed
rate of a given area of the toolpath inside a boundary. This displays the
Enter the Percentage of Feed Rate Change dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 91

Lift (see "Toolpath - Edit - Lift" on page 95) - allows the tool to withdraw
gradually from the cut as it approaches the end of a pass. This displays
the Toolpath Lift dialog.

Update Region (on page 957) - recalculates an existing toolpath over a

limited region of the part. This means that you could make a minor
change in the model and then recalculate the toolpath within a boundary
that contains the change. This is available from the Update Region
button on the Toolpath toolbar.
Make Invalid - this is similar to Invalidate All from the Toolpath or
Boundary context menu, except that this option only applies to this
toolpath rather than all toolpaths. For more information see Updating
Toolpaths when a Model Changes (on page 75).
Set Start Point (see "Start and End Point" on page 378) - defines the
start point as the value currently set in the Start and End Point
Set End Point (see "Start and End Point" on page 378) - defines the end
point as the value currently set in the Start and End Point dialog.
Set Rapid Moves (see "Rapid Move Heights" on page 374) - defines
the rapid moves as the value currently set in the Rapid Move Heights
Set Feed Rates (see "Feeds and Speeds" on page 362) - defines the
feed rates as the value currently set in the Feed Rates dialog.

92 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Set Coolant - defines the coolant as the value currently set in the Feed
Rates dialog.

Spindle Speed - the rotation of the spindle, measured in revolutions per

In calculations, this value is represented by the symbol n.
This value is calculated automatically from the Surface Speed
If you edit this value then the Surface Speed value is also
updated to reflect your change.
PowerMILL can automatically calculate this value from the
Surface Speed field on the Tool Cutting Data tab by clicking
on the Feeds and Speeds (on page 362) dialog.
Cutting Feed Rate - the cutting feed rate, measured in mm or inches
per minute depending on the Units setting.
In calculations, this value is represented by the symbol f v.

This value is calculated automatically from the Feed/Tooth value.

If you edit this value then the Feed/Tooth value is also updated to
reflect your change.
PowerMILL can automatically calculate this value from the
Feed/Tooth field on the Tool Cutting Data tab by clicking
on the Feeds and Speeds (on page 362) dialog.
Plunging Feed Rate - the speed of the tool when it is entering the
material ready for its cutting moves, measured in mm or inches per
minute depending on the Units setting. These are vertical moves.
In calculations, this value is represented by the symbol V p.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 93

By default this value is Feed Rate Plunge Factor * Cutting
Feed (V = V *f ). For more information, see Feed rate plunge
p f v

factor (see "Options - Tool" on page 336).

Skim Feed Rate - the skim feed rate, measured in mm or inches per
minute depending on the Units setting.
Coolant (on page Error! Bookmark not defined.) - allows you to
specify the coolant:
None - no coolant output.
Standard - coolant turned on.
Flood - coolant on flood.
Mist - coolant on mist.
Tap - tap coolant on.
Air - air blast.
Through - coolant through spindle.
Double - two coolant codes are allowed.
The coolant is always turned off at the end of a toolpath.
All of these fields are preceded by an icon (either or ).
Calculated - the values are calculated automatically by
Edited - the values are edited by you (or another user).

This value will not change when a new tool is activated.

Recommended: 200.00 mm/min - the recommended values. If you
have specified values in the Tool - Cutting Data dialog, then the values
entered there are displayed as recommended values here.
Lock Connection Moves (see "Locking Lead and Link Moves and
Selective Editing" on page 101) - locks selected connection moves.
Unlock Connection Moves (see "Locking Lead and Link Moves and
Selective Editing" on page 101) - unlocks selected connection moves.
Select Locked Connection Moves - selects the locked connection
Notes (see "Toolpath - Edit - Notes" on page 98) - allows you to add a
description and a note about the toolpath. Displays the Description and
Notes for Toolpath dialog.

94 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Copy Toolpath - creates an exact copy of the toolpath. The new
toolpath has the same name as the original with an _1 added. So,
10mmEnd becomes 10mmEnd_1. If you take a second copy it will be
called 10mmEnd_2.
Explode Composite Toolpath - creates a separate toolpath for each
element of a composite toolpath. This is so that a composite can be
broken up.
Combine Composite Toolpath - converts a composite toolpath into
an old style appended toolpath if possible. Composites do not have the
same restrictions (same tool, workplane) that appended toolpaths do).
Replace Tool - replaces the tool in the toolpath with the active tool
provided that the tool used to calculate the toolpath has the same cutting
geometry as the active tool. This also resets the collision safety status of
the toolpath if the complete tool assembly of the active tool is different
from original toolpath's tool.
Delete Selected Components - deletes the selected toolpath

Toolpath - Edit - Lift

When machining something from opposite sides, there can be mismatches
in the middle where the toolpaths meet up. This may be because of
differing tool orientation or machine accuracy, but a fundamental cause is
that in one direction the toolpath stops while still in material, but in the
other direction it runs into the machined area cut by the preceding

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 95

To avoid this, you need the tool to withdraw gradually from the cut as it
approaches the end of a pass. Effectively the last part of each pass should
be replaced by a ramp that lifts along the contact normal, while following
the underlying cutter direction and maintaining the tool axis. This is a
type of ramp, but one that replaces part of the toolpath and goes in the
same direction, rather than being tacked on the end and backtracking.

This is achieved using the new Lift dialog available from the individual
Toolpath context menu option of Edit - Lift.

Type - determines how the amount of lift varies with the distance along
the segment.
Linear - the amount of lift varies linearly with distance.

96 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Arc - the amount of lift varies as a circular arc.

Length - determines the length of the lift along the direction of the
toolpath segment.

Height - determines the maximum height of the lift.

Lift Start - when selected, the lift is applied to the start of the toolpath
segments. If only some of the toolpath segments are selected, the lift is
confined to those. If none are selected, then it is applied to all of them.
Lift End - when selected, the lift is applied to the end of the toolpath
segments. If only some of the toolpath segments are selected, the lift is
confined to those. If none are selected, then it is applied to all of them.

Toolpath - Edit - Update Feed Rate Inside Boundary

Update Feed Rate Inside Boundary - enables you to change the
feed rate of a given area of the toolpath inside a boundary. This displays
the Enter the Percentage of Feed Rate Change dialog.

Enter an amount, say 40 (so the feed rate inside the boundary is 40% of
the Feed Rate elsewhere) and then click on .

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 97

The toolpath is modified to have the variable feed rate in it. The Draw
Feeds option from the individual Toolpath context menu is
automatically selected. You can now see the area with the changed feed

If you want to see the standard representation of the toolpath uncheck the
Draw Feeds option from the individual Toolpath context menu.

Toolpath - Edit - Notes

Notes - allows you to add a description and a note about the toolpath.
Displays the Description and Notes for Toolpath dialog. In this
case the Toolpath is called Optimised Constant Z....

Description - allows you to add a description for this toolpath.

Toolpath Type - allows you to specify a type of toolpath.

98 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

This is defined automatically but you can change it (to say Semi-
Finishing) by selecting another option from the drop-down list, if
you want.
Revision - this revision number is automatically incremented
when a change is made to the toolpath. You can alter this to any
value if you want.
History - shows who has created and modified this toolpath and
when. It contains <programmer> created <date (yyyy-mm-dd)> for
the creation and <programmer> modified <date (yyyy-mm-dd)>
for edited toolpaths.
These are stored with the project, allowing you to keep notes on the
toolpaths for yourself or other users.
All of these fields may be written as comments in the NC program
output file by using any of the following variables in the NC
Program Commands/Comments dialog:
Notes - area where you can type your notes.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 99

Variable Feed Rates
When a toolpath has variable feed rates, clicking on the light bulb (by
the toolpath) displays an information dialog that shows a key to the
various colours:

100 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Toolpath Information
Information about the parameters used to create a toolpath can be seen by
expanding the toolpath.

Locking Lead and Link Moves and Selective

You can now Lock Selected Lead and Link moves. Once locked it
will be unaffected by subsequent editing from the Leads and Links dialog
unless it is specifically selected.
Selective Editing of leads and links is selective replacement of one
lead or link with another. The connections selected for editing remain
selected after editing so that you can easily see the new lead or link and
make further edits if necessary. If the segments are not selected the
settings are applied over the entire toolpath.
These two options are best shown by example.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 101

1. Select the leads and links you need to change by placing a drag box
around them. The selected leads and links turn yellow.

2. Raise the Leads and Links dialog and select the Links tab.
Change the Retract and Approach Moves to say, Tool Axis.

102 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

3. Click on the Apply Links button to see the effect of the change.

4. You can see that the edited links are still yellow, so that you can
carry on editing them if you want. Once you are happy with the
links you can then lock them.
5. From the individual Toolpath context menu select the Edit -
Lock Connection Moves - Leads and Links menu option.

6. Now de-select the links, by clicking anywhere in the graphics


PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 103

7. If you now change the Lead In moves, the locked moves will not
be changed:

104 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

8. If you now change the Lead In moves the locked moves will not
be changed.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 105

9. If you select the locked leads and links the locking will be
over-ruled and you can edit them. So select a couple of the locked
connection moves and one of the unlocked connection moves:

106 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

10.You can change these connection moves.

11.You can see that the locked and unlocked connection moves have
been changed.

Appending Toolpaths within Explorer

To append a toolpath (say ) drag it, press the CTRL key
and drop it onto the required toolpath. During this operation the cursor
changes to indicate the current status:-

- the toolpath is being dragged and is over an area where it

cannot be dropped.

- the toolpath will be appended to another.

An query message is displayed.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 107

It is important that the is attached to the cursor. If there is no
then PowerMILL will reorder the toolpaths within the Toolpaths
branch rather than appending them.

Click on Yes to append the toolpaths or No to cancel the operation.

108 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Projects can directly contain many tools. Tools are shown in the Explorer
under the Tools branch of the tree. Having tools as entities in the
explorer means that you can create several tools that are not necessarily
associated with a toolpath.
Tools are controlled by pop-up menus, individual dialogs for each type of
tool, and a Tool toolbar.
Each type of tool has a different icon in the Explorer:

End Mill
Ball Nosed
Tip Radiused
Tapered Spherical
Tapered Tipped
Tipped Disc
Off Centre Tip
Form Tool
Invalid Tool
Invalid tools are shown with a red exclamation mark ! over them .

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 109

Tools context menu
The Tools menu is raised by right clicking on the Tools entry in the

Tools - this is the name of this menu.

Toolbar - This displays the Tool toolbar. By default this is displayed
just below the explorer and graphics window.

For more information see Tool Toolbar (on page 127).

110 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Create Tool - displays a context menu showing the different tool types

For more information see Tool Dialog (on page 112).

Toolpath Names (on page 71) - defines the template that will be used
for all new tools. For more information see .
Deactivate - deactivates the currently active tool.
Draw All - displays all the tools on the screen .
Undraw All - hides all tools on the screen .
Shaded (see "Tool - Shaded" on page 127) - displays a shaded tool
when selected and a wireframe tool when deselected.
Shaded Wireframe

If a tool shank and holder are drawn then these are displayed shaded
when this option is selected and wireframe when deselected.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 111

Shaded Wireframe

Draw Shank - draws the tool and shank when selected. When
deselected the shank and holder are not displayed.
Draw Holder - draws the tool shank and holder when selected. When
deselected the holder is not displayed.
Organise Catalogues (on page 118) - this allows you to select the tool
catalogue and which tools are available from that catalogue.
Create Folder - creates a folder called Folder1. You can then rename
this folder in the normal way, and then drag and drop entities into the
folder. For more information see Folders (on page 260).
Add All Tools to Database - adds the tools in this project to the active
tool database. The Tool Database Export dialog (on page 872) is
Change Stock Material for All Tools - allows you to defines a new
stock material (on page Error! Bookmark not defined.) for all the tools
in this project. The Enter stock material dialog is displayed.
Delete All - deletes all the unused tools. The tools which are used in a
toolpath are not deleted.

Tool dialog
The exact dialog displayed depends on the type of tool you select from
the Tools context menu or from the tool toolbar. In either case select the
Create option. This displays:

112 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Selecting any option from the list, except From Catalogue, displays the
specific tool dialog. Most fields in the dialog are similar, the only
differences are to do with defining the geometry of the tool. For
information see Create Tool From Catalogue (on page 114) or Form Tool
(on page 867).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 113

Selecting the Ball Nosed tool displays the following dialog:

For more information see Tool Tip Dialog (on page 864).

Create Tool From Catalogue

This option allows you to select the tool from an online catalogue.
1. Access the option by right clicking Tools in Explorer and then
selecting Create Tool - From Catalogue from the resulting
context menu:

114 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The following dialog is displayed in your browser window:

2. Select the required catalogue from the Select Catalogue drop-

down list. There are two catalogues to choose from:
3. Select from the following Restrictions to limit the choice
Length between - specify the range in length in which you
are interested.
Diameter between - specify the range in diameter in which
you are interested.
Tool Type - specify the type of tools in which you are
interested in from the drop-down list. The options are All, End
Mill, Tip Radiused or Ball Nosed.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 115

4. Click Display Tools to list all the tools that meet your criteria:

The top of the browser window displays the tool catalogue and
units used.
Create - creates the tool.
ID - catalogue identifier of the tool.
D1 - tool diameter.
D - shaft diameter.
R - tool tip radius.
L2 - length of the cutting portion of the tool.
L - length of the tool (cutting and non-cutting portion).

116 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Z - number of flutes on the tool.
Tool Code - catalogue code of the tool.
? - displays a window giving a pictorial key to the above
dimensions (provided that they are not blocked in your

< Back - returns you to the selection criteria.

Return to PowerMILL - returns you to PowerMILL.

If you do not see all the tools you expect, then check that they
have not been disallowed by the Organise Catalogues
(see "Organise Catalogues example" on page 119) option.
5. Click the Create button to create a specific tool and make it the
active tool.
6. Click Return to PowerMILL to return to PowerMILL.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 117

Organise Catalogues
Organise Catalogues allows you to select the tool catalogue and
which tools are available from that catalogue. It displays the following in
the browser window:

Select Catalogue - currently there are two catalogues to choose from:

Restrictions - allows you to specify the range of tools you want to find.
Length between - allows you to specify the range in length in which
you are interested.
Diameter between - allows you to specify the range in diameter in
which you are interested.
Tool Type - allows you to specify the type of tools you are interested in
from the drop-down list. The options are All, End Mill, Tip Radiused
or Ball Nosed.

118 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Display Tools - displays all the tools that meet your criteria

For more information see Create Tool From Catalogue (on page 114).
Return to PowerMILL - returns you to PowerMILL.

Organise Catalogues example

This option allows a user with 'write' access to the Tools database to
include/exclude tools in/from an online catalogue. The tools that are
included are available to users of Create Tool From Catalogue (on page

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 119

1. Access the option by right clicking Tools in Explorer and then
selecting Organise Catalogues from the resulting context

The following dialog is displayed in your browser window:

2. Select the required catalogue from the Select Catalogue drop-

down list. There are two catalogues to choose from:
3. Select from the following Restrictions to limit the choice
Length between - specify the range in length in which you
are interested.
Diameter between - specify the range in diameter in which
you are interested.

120 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tool Type - specify the type of tools in which you are
interested in from the drop-down list. The options are All, End
Mill, Tip Radiused or Ball Nosed.
4. Click Display Tools to list all the tools that meet your criteria:

For all the dialog columns with the exception of Available, refer
to Create Tool From Catalogue (on page 114). The following
buttons are available above and below the columns:
Deselect All - makes all the displayed tools unavailable to
other users.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 121

Select All - makes all the displayed tools available to other
Back - returns you to the selection criteria.
Return to PowerMILL - returns you to PowerMILL.
5. To exclude a tool from the catalogue, remove the tick from the
Available column by clicking it. If a tool does not have a tick in
this column, then clicking it will restore the tick and include the
tool in the catalogue.
6. Click Return to PowerMILL to return to PowerMILL.

The above option does not create tools in PowerMILL. All it does is
define which tools within a particular catalogue are available to
other users. If you want to create a tool from a catalogue, you need
to use Create Tool from Catalogue (on page 114).

Individual Tool context menu

If you place your cursor over a specific tool and right click with the
mouse you see the following menu:

910160R100-MEGA/TRIBON - this is the name of this menu and is the

name of the selected tool.
Activate - it makes the tool the active tool.

122 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Settings (see "Tool - Settings" on page 124) - displays the parameters
used to define the tool.
Draw - determines whether the tool is displayed on the screen or not. So
it toggles between and .
Add to Folder - adds the selected entity to the active folder. If the
option is greyed out check that you have an active folder.

You can only add a Toolpath entity to a Toolpaths folder. You

cannot add a Toolpath entity to a NC Program folder.
For more information see Folders (on page 260).
Rename - allows you to rename the entity to give it a more meaningful
View (see "Tool - View - Tool" on page 125) - alters the view orientation
to be relative to the tool rather than the workplane that you are using.
Shaded (see "Tool - Shaded" on page 127) - displays a shaded tool.
Draw Shank - draws the tool and shank when selected. When
deselected the shank and holder are not displayed.
Draw Holder - draws the tool shank and holder when selected. When
deselected the holder is not displayed.
Edit - displays a context menu which has Copy as the only option. This
creates a copy of the tool. This new tool has the same name as the
original with _1 added to it. This new tool can then be edited using the
Parameters menu option.
Add to Database - adds the tool to the active tool database. The Tool
Database Export dialog (on page 872) is displayed.
Change Tool Stock Material - allows you to defines a new stock
material (on page Error! Bookmark not defined.) for this tool. The
Enter stock material dialog is displayed.
Remove From Folder - removes the feature set from the current
folder. It converts this:

to this:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 123

For more information see Folders (on page 260).
Delete Tool - deletes the tool.

Tool - Settings
Settings - displays the parameters used to define the tool. In the case of
an end mill tool the following dialog box is displayed:

The fields that can be edited are white those that cannot be edited are
grey. The editable fields depend on whether the tool has been used in a
toolpath. If it has then the Number of Flutes is the only editable field.
If the tool hasn't yet been used to create a toolpath then all the fields can
be edited.

124 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tool - View - Tool
View - alters the view orientation to be relative to the tool rather than the
workplane that you are using.

View - Down Axis - changes the view to one down the tool axis.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 125

View - From Side - changes the view to one with the tool vertical.

View - Set Rotation Anchor - sets the rotation anchor to the tool's tip
position. So, when using the middle mouse button to rotate the model the
centre of rotation will be at the tool's tip position.

To change back to a different rotation anchor use the View - Rotation

Anchor menu to set a new Anchor Point.

126 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tool - Shaded
Shaded - displays a shaded tool.

If a tool holder is defined and drawn this will also be displayed:

Tool toolbar
Tools have their own toolbar located at the bottom of the graphics
window. This is accessed either from the Explorer or from the View -
Toolbar - Tool menu option.

For more information see Tool toolbar (on page 857).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 127

Projects can directly contain many boundaries. Boundaries are shown in
the Explorer under the Boundaries branch of the tree.
Boundaries are controlled by pop-up menus, individual dialogs for each
type of boundary, and a Boundary toolbar.
Each type of boundary has a different icon in the Explorer:

Button Context Name Description

Block Create a Block Boundary (on
page 970)
Rest Create a Rest Boundary (on
page 971)
Selected Surface Create a Selected Surface
Boundary (on page 972)
Shallow Create a Shallow Boundary
(on page 974)
Silhouette Create a Silhouette Boundary
(on page 975)
Collision Safe Create a Collision Safe
Boundary (on page 977)
Stock Model Rest Create a Stock Model Rest
Boundary (on page 979)
Contact Point Create a Contact Point
Boundary (on page 982)
Contact Conversion Create a Contact Conversion
Boundary (on page 988)
Boolean Operation Performs a Boolean Operation
(see "Boolean Operation
Boundary" on page 990) on two
User Defined Create a User Defined
Boundary (on page 993)

128 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Creating Boundaries
New boundaries are created from the Boundaries Menu, which is raised
by right clicking on the Boundaries entry in the Explorer.
Create Boundary displays a context menu showing the different
boundary types available.

Each option creates a new boundary of the specified type and raises a
dialog showing parameters specific to the type of boundary.
For more information see Boundary toolbar (on page 965).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 129

Boundaries context menu
The Boundaries menu is raised by right clicking on the Boundaries
entry in the Explorer.

Boundaries - the name of this menu.

Toolbar - displays the Boundary Toolbar at the bottom of the
graphics window.

For more information on this toolbar see Boundary toolbar (on page 965).

130 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Create Boundary - displays a context menu showing the different
boundary types available.

For more information on this menu see Creating Boundaries (on page
Paste as new Boundary - pastes entities from a model, pattern or
boundary into a new boundary. If this option is dimmed you probably
don't have anything on the clipboard to paste into a new boundary. To
place something on the clipboard, select the entity (part of a model,
pattern or boundary) and used Ctrl+C.
Boundary Names - defines the template that will be used for all new
boundaries. For more information see Toolpath Names (on page 71).
Batch Process - processes the batch boundaries marked .
When you create a batch boundary, PowerMILL generates a file
containing all the relevant parameters to create the boundary at a later
date. It is fully defined in the sense that it can be selected and saved to
session files. It just has not computed the segments.
Invalidate All - allows you to invalidate calculated boundaries. This
changes the boundaries to batch boundaries marked with a .
This can be useful if you have created a set of boundaries for one model
and require a similar set of boundaries for a similar model.
For more information see Updating Toolpaths when a Model Changes (on
page 75).
Deactivate - deactivates the currently active boundary.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 131

Draw All - displays all boundaries on the screen .
Undraw All - hides all boundaries on the screen .
Thickness - allows you to control component boundary thicknesses in
the same way that you can control component toolpath thickness. This
displays Component Thickness dialog.
For more information see Component Thickness (on page 72).
Edit (see "Boundaries - Edit" on page 132) - displays the standard editing
options. These editing options apply to all boundaries and not just the
active one.
Create Folder - creates a folder called Folder1. You can then rename
this folder in the normal way, and then drag and drop entities into the
folder. For more information see Folders (on page 260).
Delete All - deletes all the unlocked boundaries.

A boundary is locked automatically when it is used by a toolpath, or

to limit another boundary. A boundary may also be locked manually
by pressing the Lock button on the Boundary dialog.

Boundaries - Edit
Edit - displays the standard editing options. These editing options apply
to all boundaries and not just the active one.

Move - moves all the boundaries by a specific distance in X, Y or Z.

Rotate - rotates all the boundaries by a specific angle around X, Y or Z.
Scale - scales all the boundaries by a specific amount in X, Y or Z.
Mirror - mirrors all the boundaries in the XY, YZ or XZ plane.

132 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Transform to Workplane - moves all the boundaries so that it is in the
same place relative to the workplane as it was to the global transform. It
converts this:

to this:

Transform to World - moves all the boundaries so that it is in the same

place relative to the global transform as it was to the workplane.
These options are very similar to those on the Transform Model dialog
(on page 227).
Delete Selected Components - deletes the selected boundary

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 133

Individual Boundary context menu

Block - this is the name of the boundary to which the menu refers.
Copy - copies the selected segments to the clipboard
Paste - pastes the entities on the clipboard into the boundary.

Copy and paste works between model, boundary and pattern

Only closed segments are pasted into boundaries.
Only wireframe geometry can be pasted from models into
boundaries or patterns.
You can copy and paste data within PowerMILL or from one
PowerMILL session to another.
Activate - makes the boundary the active boundary.
Activate Workplane - activates the workplane used to create this
Settings (see "Boundary - Settings" on page 136) - displays the
parameters used to define the boundary.

134 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Recreate Block - recreates the block used to create this boundary.
Select Surfaces - selects the surfaces used to create this boundary.
This option only displays a result if you had to select specific surfaces to
create the boundary.
Draw - determines whether the boundary is displayed on the screen or
not. So it toggles between and .
Add to Folder - adds the selected entity to the active folder. If the
option is greyed out check that you have an active folder.

You can only add a Toolpath entity to a Toolpaths folder. You

cannot add a Toolpath entity to a NC Program folder.
For more information see Folders (on page 260).
Rename - allows you to rename the entity to give it a more meaningful
Select All - selects all segments of the boundary (they turn yellow).
Deselect - deselects any selected boundary segments (they turn white).
Save - saves the modified boundary. The Save Boundary dialog is
displayed. This is a standard windows save dialog.
Edit (see "Edit - Boundary" on page 137) - displays the editing options.
Insert (see "Boundary - Insert" on page 145) - inserts entities into the
Calculate - calculates a "Batch" boundary created by selecting one of
the Create Boundary options in the Boundary context menu and then
clicking on Accept rather than Apply. A "Batch" boundary is preceded
with a to show that it needs to be calculated before it can be used.
Undo Last Edit - reverts the boundary to what it was before the edit.
Redo Last Undone Edit - reinstates the edit you have just undone.
Clear History Buffers - empties the undo buffer, so that you can no
longer undo an edit.
Remove From Folder - removes the feature set from the current
folder. It converts this:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 135

to this:

For more information see Folders (on page 260).

Delete Boundary - deletes the boundary.

Boundary - Settings
Settings - displays the parameters used to define the boundary. In the
case of a shallow boundary that has been used to create a toolpath the
following dialog box is displayed:

The fields that can be edited are white those that cannot be edited are
grey. The editable fields depend on whether the boundary has been used
in a toolpath. If it has then the Name is the only editable field. If the
boundary hasn't yet been used to create a toolpath then all the fields can
be edited.

136 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Edit - Boundary
Edit - displays the editing options.

Transform (see "Transform Boundary" on page 138) - allows you to

move, rotate, scale or mirror a boundary.
Points (see "Boundary - Edit - Points" on page 139) - defines how to
move, delete or add points to the boundary. Initially select the required
Mode, then select the required points and finally click on Apply.
Arc Fit Selected (on page 139) - arc fits selected segments. This is used
to smooth boundaries.
Spline Selected (on page 140) - this turns the sketched boundary into a
Polygonise Selected (on page 141) - this converts a curved boundary
to a series of straight lines.
Flatten - The boundary is projected (or flattened) onto the XY Plane at Z
= 0. In this case the boundary need not be entirely contained within the
Offset 3D (on page 141) - offsets a 3D boundary by a specified distance.
A positive value offsets the boundary outwards, a negative valued offsets
the boundary inwards.
Offset 2D (Round Corners) (see "Offset 2D (Round)" on page 142) -
offsets a 2D boundary by a specified distance. A positive value offsets the
boundary outwards, a negative valued offsets the boundary inwards. The
offset has rounded corners.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 137

Offset 2D (Sharp Corners) (on page 143) - this is very similar to
Offset 2D (Round Corners) except that the offset pattern has sharp
Select Duplicates - selects all duplicate segments of the boundary.
This can be used very effectively in combination with Delete Selected
to delete all the duplicate boundary segments.
Select Area (on page 144) - allows you to select a boundary segment by
area. This only works on closed segments.
Make Invalid - this is similar to Invalidate All from the Toolpath or
Boundary context menu, except that this option only applies to this
boundary rather than all boundaries. For more information see Updating
Toolpaths when a Model Changes (on page 75).
Copy Boundary - This creates a copy of the whole boundary. This new
boundary has the same name as the original with _1 added to it. This new
boundary can then be edited using the Parameters menu option.
Copy Boundary (Selected only) - creates a copy of the selected
segments of the boundary. This new boundary has the same name as the
original with _1 added to it. This new boundary can then be edited using
the Parameters menu option.
Delete Selected Components - deletes all the selected segments of
the boundary.

Transform Boundary
Transform - allows you to move, rotate, scale or mirror a boundary. It
displays the following dialog:

138 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

This is very similar to the Transform Model (see "Transform Model
dialog" on page 227) dialog, except for the the addition of Transform
Copy option.
Transform Copy - when selected, the boundary specified above is
copied when transformed and is given the name of the original
boundary with the addition of _1. When deselected, the current
boundary is replaced by the new transformed boundary which has
the same name as the original toolpath.

Boundary - Edit - Points

Points - displays the Boundary Editor dialog. This defines how to
move, delete or add points to the boundary. Initially select the required
Mode, then select the required points and finally click on Apply.
Selected points are marked in red. To de-select points, press the Ctrl key
and re-select the point(s).

However, if you want to delete a boundary segment you don't have to

raise this dialog. All you need to do is select the segment and then click
on the Del key. For more information see Boundary Editor Dialog (on
page 1005).

Arc Fit Selected

Arc Fit Selected - arc fits selected segments. This is used to smooth
Taking this selected segment:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 139

You are then asked for an arc fitting tolerance.

The boundary is then modified to the following:

Spline Selected
Spline Selected - this turns the sketched boundary into a spline.

You are then asked for an arc fitting tolerance.

The boundary is then modified to the following:

140 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Polygonise Selected
Polygonise Selected - this converts a curved boundary to a series of
straight lines.

You are then asked for an arc fitting tolerance.

The boundary is then modified to the following:

Offset 3D
Offset 3D - offsets a 3D boundary by a specified distance. A positive
value offsets the boundary outwards, a negative valued offsets the
boundary inwards.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 141

You are then asked for an offset distance.

The boundary is then modified to the following:

Offset 2D (Round)
Offset 2D - offsets a 2D boundary by a specified distance. A positive
value offsets the boundary outwards, a negative valued offsets the
boundary inwards.
If you start with this boundary:

142 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Selecting the Edit - Offset 2D (Round Corners) will give you:

Offset 2D (Sharp Corners)

Offset 2D (Sharp Corners)- This is very similar to Offset 2D
(Round Corners) (see "Offset 2D (Round)" on page 142) except that
the offset pattern has sharp corners.
If you start with this boundary:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 143

Selecting the Edit - Offset 2D (Sharp Corners) will give you:

Select Area
Select Area - allows you to select a boundary segment by area. This
only works on closed segments.

There are two options Greater Than and Less Than. In either case the
Ratio of Tool Area dialog is displayed.

Enter the required ratio and then click . A value of 1.0 matches areas
equal to the area of the tool radius circle.
Greater Than - selects boundary segments whose area is greater than,
or equal to, the amount you specify in the dialog.
Less Than - selects boundary segments whose area is less than the
amount you specify in the dialog.

144 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Boundary - Insert
Insert - inserts entities into the boundary.

Boundary - inserts another boundary into this one. The Entity Name
dialog is displayed.

Enter the name of the boundary that you want to insert and then click the
File - inserts a *.dgk or *.pic file into the boundary. The Open
Boundary dialog is displayed. This is a standard Open dialog.
Model - defines the boundary from the selected surface edges and adds
them to the boundary. If no specific surfaces are selected then it works on
the whole model.
From this model geometry with one surface selected (using the left mouse

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 145

The following boundary is created:

Sketch - enables you to sketch a boundary. This displays the Boundary

Sketcher dialog.

For more information see Boundary Sketcher Dialog (on page 1002).
Curve Modelling - displays PowerMILL's curve modelling
functionality which allows you to inserts a curve into the current
boundary. For more information see Insert into Boundary (on page 1000).
Wireframe Modelling - displays PowerMILL's wireframe modelling
functionality which allows you to inserts wireframe into the current
boundary. For more information see Insert into Boundary (on page 1000).
Active Toolpath - converts the currently active toolpath to a boundary
and inserts it into the boundary. If this option is greyed out then you have
no active toolpath.
Active Pattern - converts the currently active pattern to a boundary and
inserts it into the boundary. If this option is greyed out then you have no
active pattern.

Boundary Toolbar
The Boundary Toolbar is displayed either by right clicking on the
Boundaries menu and selecting the Toolbar option or from the View -
Toolbar - Boundary menu option. By default the toolbar is displayed
at the bottom of the graphics window.

For more information see Boundary Toolbar (on page 965).

146 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 147
Projects can directly contain many patterns. Patterns are shown in the
Explorer under the Patterns branch of the tree.
Patterns are controlled by context menus, individual dialogs for each type
of Pattern, and a Pattern toolbar.

Patterns context menu

The Patterns menu is raised by right clicking on the Patterns entry in
the Explorer.

Patterns - this is the name of this menu.

Toolbar - displays the Pattern Toolbar. By default the pattern toolbar
is displayed above the Explorer and Graphics Window.

For more information see Pattern Toolbar (on page 1021).

Create Pattern - creates a new empty pattern. .
Paste as new Pattern - pastes entities from a model, pattern or
boundary into a new pattern. If this option is dimmed you probably don't
have anything on the clipboard to paste into a new pattern. To place
something on the clipboard, select the entity (part of a model, pattern or
boundary) and used Ctrl+C.
Pattern Names - defines the template that will be used for all new
patterns. For more information see Toolpath Names (on page 71).

148 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Deactivate - deactivates the currently active pattern.
Draw All - displays all patterns on the screen .
Undraw All - hides all patterns on the screen .
Edit (see "Edit - Patterns" on page 149) - displays the standard editing
options. These editing options apply to all patterns and not just the active
Create Folder - creates a folder called Folder1. You can then rename
this folder in the normal way, and then drag and drop entities into the
folder. For more information see Folders (on page 260).
Delete All - deletes all patterns.

Edit - Patterns
Edit - displays the standard editing options. These editing options apply
to all patterns and not just the active one.

Move - moves all the patterns by a specific distance in X, Y or Z.

Rotate - rotates all the patterns by a specific angle around X, Y or Z.
Scale - scales all the patterns by a specific amount in X, Y or Z.
Mirror in Plane - mirrors all the patterns in the XY, YZ or XZ plane.
Transform to Workplane - moves all the patterns so that they are in
the same place relative to the workplane as they were to the global
Transform to World - moves all the pattern so that they are in the same
place relative to the global transform as they were to the workplane.
These options are very similar to those on the Transform Model dialog
(on page 227).
Delete Selected Components - deletes the selected pattern

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 149

Individual Pattern context menu

1 - this is the name of the pattern to which the menu refers.

Copy - copies the selected segments to the clipboard
Paste - pastes the entities on the clipboard into the boundary.

Copy and paste works between model, boundary and pattern

Only closed segments are pasted into boundaries.
Only wireframe geometry can be pasted from models into
boundaries or patterns.
You can copy and paste data within PowerMILL or from one
PowerMILL session to another.
Activate - it makes the pattern the active pattern.
Draw - determines whether the pattern is displayed on the screen or not.
So it toggles between and .
Add to Folder - adds the selected entity to the active folder. If the
option is greyed out check that you have an active folder.

150 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

You can only add a Toolpath entity to a Toolpaths folder. You
cannot add a Toolpath entity to a NC Program folder.
For more information see Folders (on page 260).
Instrument - all curves in a pattern have a direction. If you Instrument
a pattern it will place an arrow on each segment (pointing towards the end
of the segment) and a "X" at the end of each segment.

Colour - edits the colour of a pattern.

Selecting the Edit Selected option displays the Select Colour dialog.
This is a standard Windows dialog, selecting a colour here changes the
colour of the pattern.
Rename - allows you to rename the entity to give it a more meaningful
Select All - selects all segments of the pattern (they turn yellow).
Select Duplicates - selects all the duplicated segments (where one
segment lies exactly on top of another) in the pattern. This can be
particularly important when importing poorly defined data, especially
duplicated holes. This can then be used with the Delete Selected
Segments to eliminate these duplications.
Select Length (see "Pattern - Select Length" on page 153) - allows you
to select a pattern segments by length. This works on both open and
closed segments. There are two options Greater Than and Less Than.
Deselect - deselects any selected pattern segments (they turn white).
Save - saves the pattern to a file as wireframe geometry. This is saved as
a *.dgk, *.pic or *.dxf file. The Save Pattern dialog appears. This is a
standard windows save dialog.
Selected Properties - displays the extents of the selected segments in
the pattern.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 151

Properties - displays the extents of the selected pattern.

Edit (see "Edit - Pattern" on page 153) - edits the pattern or segments of
the pattern. You must select the pattern (or segments) prior to selecting
the type of edit you want to perform.
Insert (see "Pattern - Insert" on page 158) - inserts entities into the
Undo Last Edit - reverts the pattern to what it was before the edit.
Redo Last Undone Edit - reinstates the edit you have just undone.
Clear History Buffers - empties the undo buffer, so that you can no
longer undo an edit.
Remove From Folder - removes the feature set from the current
folder. It converts this:

to this:

For more information see Folders (on page 260).

Delete Pattern - deletes the pattern.

152 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Pattern - Select Length
Select Length - allows you to select a pattern segments by length. This
works on both open and closed segments. There are two options Greater
Than and Less Than. In either case the Length to Compare dialog
is displayed.

Enter the required length and then click .

Greater Than - selects pattern segments whose length is greater than, or
equal to, the amount you specify in the dialog.
Less Than - selects pattern segments whose length is less than the
amount you specify in the dialog.

Edit - Pattern
Edit - edits the pattern or segments of the pattern. You must select the
pattern (or segments) prior to selecting the type of edit you want to

Transform (see "Transform Boundary" on page 138) - allows you to

move, rotate, scale or mirror a pattern.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 153

Points (see "Pattern - Edit - Points" on page 156) - defines how to move,
delete or add points to the pattern.
Reverse Selected (see "Pattern - Reverse Selected" on page 156) -
reverses the direction of the selected segment. It is easiest to see the
effects of this if you first Instrument the pattern.
Arc Fit Selected - arc fits selected segments. This is used to smooth
patterns. Arc fitting a pattern before starting an area clearance operation
allows a proper offset toolpath to be created. This is very similar to Arc
Fit Selected (on page 139) on the individual Boundary - Edit menu except
that it can also work on open segments.
Spline Selected (on page 140) - this turns the selected sketched pattern
into a spline.
Polygonise Selected (on page 141) - this converts a selected curved
pattern to a series of straight lines.
Split Selected (see "Pattern - Split Selected" on page 157) - this
converts a selected pattern to a series of segments. It converts a one
segment pattern containing 7 points:
Close (see "Pattern - Close" on page 157) - closes the selected segment.
Drop - The selected pattern is projected down the tool axis (or dropped)
onto the part. The whole pattern must be contained within the part when
viewed down Z.

154 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Flatten - The selected pattern is projected (or flattened) onto the XY
Plane at Z = 0. In this case the boundary need not be entirely contained
within the part.

Merge - merges a series of selected segments into one pattern containing

the minimum number of segments and curves. A dialog similar to the
following is displayed:

Offset 2D (Round Corners) (see "Offset 2D (Round)" on page 142) -

offsets a 2D pattern by a specified distance. A positive value offsets the
pattern outwards, a negative valued offsets the pattern inwards.
Offset 2D (Sharp Corners) (on page 143) - this is very similar to
Offset 2D (Round Corners) except that the offset pattern has sharp
Embed (see "Embedded Pattern Dialog" on page 158) - links the pattern
lying on the model to its associated surface (or surfaces). This displays
the following dialog:
Reverse Normals - reverses the orientation of embedded patterns. This
option is only available for Embedded Patterns which are patterns
with associated surface data. This surface data is fixed at time of creation
of the embedded pattern. It is possible that the orientation of surfaces at
creation is not what you want. If it is wrong the Reverse Normals
option changes the embedded pattern to use the reversed orientation.
Copy Pattern - creates a copy of the whole pattern. This new pattern
has the same name as the original with _1 added to it. This new pattern
can then be edited using the Edit menu option.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 155

Copy Pattern (Selected Only) - creates a copy of the selected
segments of the pattern. This new pattern has the same name as the
original with _1 added to it. This new pattern can then be edited using the
Edit menu option.
Delete Selected Components - deletes all the selected segments of
the pattern.

Pattern - Edit - Points

Points - displays the Pattern Editor dialog. This defines how to move,
delete or add points to the pattern. Initially select the required Mode,
then select the required points and finally click on Apply.
Selected points are marked in red. To de-select points, press the Ctrl key
and re-select the point(s).

However, if you want to delete a pattern segment you don't have to raise
this dialog. All you need to do is select the segment and then click on the
Del key. This is very similar to the Boundary Editor Dialog (on page

Pattern - Reverse Selected

Reverse Selected - reverses the direction of the selected segment. It is
easiest to see the effects of this if you first Instrument the pattern. It
converts this:

156 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

To this:

Pattern - Split Selected

Split Selected - this converts a selected pattern to a series of segments.
It converts a one segment pattern containing 7 points:

To a 6 segment pattern (one segment between each pair of points):

Pattern - Close
Close - closes the selected segment. It converts an open segment :

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 157

To a closed segment:

Pattern - Insert
Insert - inserts entities into the pattern.

Most of these options are the same as the individual Boundary - Insert
(on page 145) context menu. The only additional option is Pattern
Maker, and Active Pattern replaces Active Boundary.
Pattern Maker - automatically creates patterns suitable for
machining between two patterns or curves. If this option is greyed
out then this pattern is not the active pattern. For more information
see Pattern Maker Dialog (on page 1023).

Embedded Pattern Dialog

Method - defines how the pattern is associated to the surfaces.

Closest Point - the points on the curve are associated to the closest
point on the surfaces provided it is within the Embedded

158 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Drop - the curve is projected down Z Axis of the active workplane (or
dropped) onto the part. The whole curve must be contained within
the part when viewed down Z. If the Closet Point method doesn't
work you may find that this option does.
Embedded Distance - defines the maximum distance the curve can be
to the surface to enable embedding to take place. If the Embedded
Distance is exceeded you get the following error message:

In this case you may find choosing a Method of Drop cures the
Tolerance - defines the tolerance used when Embedding Patterns.
For more information on Embedded Patterns see the Example Creating an
Embedded Pattern (on page 603).

By default the pattern is embedded onto all the surfaces in the

model. However, if you select one or more surfaces, then the curve
will only be embedded onto the selected surfaces.

Pattern Toolbar
The Pattern Toolbar is displayed either by right clicking on the
Patterns menu and selecting the Toolbar option or from the View -
Toolbar - Pattern menu option. By default the toolbar is displayed just
above the graphics and explorer windows.

For more information see Pattern Toolbar (on page 1021).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 159

Feature Sets
Projects can directly contain many feature sets. Feature Sets are shown in
the Explorer under the Feature Sets branch of the tree.
Feature Sets are controlled by context menus and individual dialogs for
each type of Feature Set.
Each type of Feature has a different icon in the Explorer:

Feature Set


Feature Sets context menu

The Feature Sets menu is raised by right clicking on the Feature Sets
entry in the Explorer.

Feature Sets - this is the name of this menu.

160 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Create Feature Set - creates a new empty feature set .

Recognise Holes in Model - Automatically finds the holes in the

model. For more information see Hole Creation From a Model (on page
Import - enables you to read in holes from a *.xml file. It displays the
Open XML File dialog.
This dialog is very similar to the Import Model (see "File - Import
Model" on page 282) dialog.
Feature Set Names - defines the template that will be used for all new
feature sets, or entities that are created in feature sets (pocket, boss, slot
or hole).

For more information see Toolpath Names (on page 71).

Select Features - this enables you to select holes by a number of
different criteria. For more information see Select Features (on page 164).
Deactivate - deactivates the currently active feature set.
Draw All - displays all feature sets on the screen .
Undraw All - hides all feature sets on the screen .
Preferences - displays the parameters used to creates features in the
feature set. This displays the Feature dialog box. For more information
see Feature Dialog (on page 173).
Edit - Delete Selected Features - deletes the feature set that is
selected in the graphics window.
Create Folder - creates a folder called Folder1. You can then rename
this folder in the normal way, and then drag and drop entities into the
folder. For more information see Folders (on page 260).
Delete All - deletes all the feature set.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 161

Hole Creation from a Model
Provided that the original surface model has the holes fully defined, (they
must be defined as a single surface with the top and bottom defined), then
PowerMILL can automatically find these holes, which you can then drill
in the normal way.
Using the following example:

1. Select the area of the model that you want to search for holes:

162 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

2. The selected hole will turn yellow:

3. Now, from the Feature Sets context menu click on the

Recognise Holes in Model option.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 163

4. PowerMILL will create a Feature Set, finds the holes and creates
a workplane:

5. You can now drill the holes in the normal way.

This method assumes that the top of the hole has a higher Z value than the
bottom of the hole.

Select Features
Enables you to select holes by a number of different criteria. The
Feature Sets - Select Features menu option displays the following

164 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Select By - determines how you are going to select the holes.

Minimum - defines the minimum value of the item selected in the

Select By drop-down list.
Maximum - defines the maximum value of the item selected in the
Select By drop-down list.
Diameter - this shows the diameters of the holes that exist in the model.
The name of this list varies depending on what is selected in the Select
By drop-down list. If Depth is selected then Diameters changes to
Tolerance - is the selection tolerance. If you try working with some data
where the holes are not well defined you may get diameters 12.34,12.33,
12.31, 12.36.By changing the tolerance you firstly will change the list to
read 12.3 or 12.4 secondly you change your selection tolerance so that it
will select to within that tolerance.
- moves the selected items to the Selection Filter area.
Selection Filter - displays the criteria which must be met to select a

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 165

If you select a Diameter of say 10.72 and a Depth of say 50.8 then
only those holes with a Diameter of 10.72 and a depth of 50.8 are

However, if you select a Diameter of say 10.72 and a Diameter of say

12.7 then only those holes with a Diameter of 10.72 or a Diameter of
12.7 and a depth of 50.8 are selected.
Component (on page 808) - allows you to select by the diameter or
length of a particular hole component. See Example using
component (on page 809) for more information.
- deletes all the criteria in the Selection Filter.
Select - selects all the holes that meet the selection criteria in the
graphics window (turns the holes that meet the criteria yellow).

Individual Feature Set context menu

1 - this is the name of the feature set to which the menu refers.

166 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Activate - it makes this feature set the active feature set.
Activate Workplane - activates the workplane used to create this
feature set.
Draw - determines whether the feature set is displayed on the screen or
not. So it toggles between and .
Add to Folder - adds the selected entity to the active folder. If the
option is greyed out check that you have an active folder.

You can only add a Toolpath entity to a Toolpaths folder. You

cannot add a Toolpath entity to a NC Program folder.
For more information see Folders (on page 260).
Rename - allows you to rename the entity to give it a more meaningful
Select Features - this enables you to select holes by a number of
different criteria. For more information see Select Features (on page 164).
Select All - selects all of the features in the feature set (they turn
Select Duplicates - selects all the duplicated features (where one
feature lies exactly on top of another) in the feature set. This can be
particularly important when importing poorly defined data, especially
duplicated holes. This can then be used with the File - Delete Selected
menu option to eliminate these duplications.
Deselect - deselects any selected features (they turn white).
Selected Properties - displays the extents of the selected features in
the feature set.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 167

Properties - displays the extents of the feature set.

Cap Holes (see "Cap Holes Example" on page 168) - caps the selected
Settings - displays the parameters used to creates features in the feature
set. This displays the Feature dialog (on page 173).
Edit (see "Feature Set - Edit" on page 172) - edits the feature set or
features within the feature set.
Remove From Folder - removes the feature set from the current
folder. It converts this:

to this:

For more information see Folders (on page 260).

Delete Feature Set - deletes the feature set.

Cap Holes Example

There is an option on the individual Feature Set context menu that
allows you to cap holes. Wherever possible the hole will be capped with a
surface matching the rest of the model. If a surface cannot be fitted then
the holes are capped with a best fit plane. This plane will be slightly
inside the surface rather than being proud.
This is best shown by example.

168 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

1. Load the 5axis_with_holes.dgk available from the Examples

2. Select the holes in the top of the model. This can be done by
placing a drag box over them in the View From Top .

3. From the Feature Sets menu select the Recognise Holes in

Model option.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 169

4. Several feature sets are created.

5. From the individual Feature Set context menu select the Cap
Holes option.

170 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

6. The two holes in this feature set are capped.

7. This creates a Capping Surface Model and Level.

8. If you just have the Capping Surface Level visible you can see
the caps.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 171

Feature Set - Edit
Edit - edits the feature set or features within the feature set.

Arc Fit Selected - arc fits selected features such as Bosses, Pockets and
Slots (but NOT Holes).
Reverse Selected Holes - reverses the hole direction of the selected
holes. So, what was the top becomes the bottom of the hole.
Copy Holes to Pockets - converts a holes to pockets so that you can
machined the holes using Area Clearance strategies.
Copy All - creates a new feature set with exactly the same features. This
new feature set has the same name as the original with _1 added to it.
This new feature set can then be edited using the Edit menu option.
Copy Selected - creates a copy of the selected features of the feature
set. This new feature set has the same name as the original with _1 added
to it. This new feature set can then be edited using the Edit menu option.
Delete Feature Set - deletes the selected features.

172 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Feature Dialog
A feature set extrudes the selected curves, or points (for holes). This
extrusion can either be upstands or indents and the sides of the extrusions
which can be machined are defined by the type of feature created.

Feature - Create
Creates a new feature (a Pocket, Slot, Boss or Hole).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 173

Name root - a user definable name for the feature. If more than one
feature is created the root name is given followed by a number. If no
name is specified it is given a number as its name.
Type - defines the sides of the extrusions which can be machined. So any
of the following can be created:

Define Top By - defines the height of the top of the feature.

Absolute - defines the Z height at the top of the feature as an

Absolute Z height.
Height from Bottom - defines the top as a distance from the bottom
of the feature.
Maximum Curve Z - all features use a curve (bits of model or
pattern) as the input data . These curves have a minimum and a
maximum z value which can be used for feature definition. This
input method is also very useful for hole definition where you have
a set of Z positions that represent the top or bottom of the hole. So
this is the maximum Z height of the selected curve to determine the
top of the feature.
Minimum Curve Z - this is the minimum Z height of the selected
curve to determine the top of the feature

Top of Block - defines the top as the height of the top of the block.
Line Start - defines the top as the start of the line. This option is only
available if you have a Use of Lines.
- specifies the value of the height of the top of the feature.

174 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Define Bottom By - defines the height of the bottom of the feature.

Absolute - defines the Z height at the bottom of the feature.

Depth from Top - defines the bottom as a distance from the top of
the feature.
Maximum Curve Z - this is the maximum Z height of the selected
curve to determine the bottom of the feature.
Minimum Curve Z - this is the minimum Z height of the selected
curve to determine the bottom of the feature.
Bottom of Block - defines the bottom as the height of the bottom of
the block.
Line End - defines the top as the end of the line. This option is only
available if you have a Use of Lines.
- specifies the value of the height of the bottom of the
Smart Creation (on page 185) - creates nested features automatically.
Draft Angle (on page 187) - allows you to create features with draft
Use - enables you to Area Clear circular features by creating Circular
Pockets and Circular Bosses. When Holes is selected Use
determines how/where the holes are created.

Points - creates circular features from points in the pattern. These

points define the centre of the circular feature.
Circles - creates circular features from circles in the model. The
Diameter field is greyed out since the circles define this for you.
Holes - creates circular features from holes in the model. The Define
Top By, Define Bottom By and Diameter fields are greyed out
since the holes define these for you.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 175

Pairs - creates circular features from pairs of circles in the model.
The Define Top By, Define Bottom By and Diameter fields
are greyed out since the pairs of circles define these for you.
Curves - creates circular features from any curve in the model that
will flatten into a circle in the given workplane.
Lines - creates circular features from lines in the pattern. These lines
define the top, bottom and axis of a hole.
Plunges (see "Create holes from toolpath plunge points" on page
177) - creates holes from the plunge moves of the active toolpath.
Normals (see "Create holes from contact normals" on page 179) -
creates holes from the contact normal moves of the active toolpath.
- defines the diameter of the hole. This is only available if Hole is
selected in the Type field.
Hole Creation (on page 176) - allows you to select how and which
holes are created.
Apply - creates the new feature which is added to the current Feature
Close - closes the Feature dialog box without making any changes.

Hole Creation

Multi-Axis - this only has any effect when you use the Recognise
Holes in Model menu option. If selected, all the holes are placed in one
feature set. If deselected, the holes are sorted into feature sets by
workplane. This is only available if Hole is selected in the Type field.
Compound Holes - If selected, one compound hole containing several
components is created. If unselected, several individual holes are created
(superimposed on each other).
You can see the difference between the representation of a compound
hole and an individual hole in the explorer.

176 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

For more information, see Compound Holes (on page 807).
Create From Partial Holes - enables the creation of holes from a
model that has poorly or incompletely defined holes. For example,
PowerMILL will create a hole from a pair of arcs.

This option should always be used as a last resort as it may find

many unwanted (or unexpected) holes.

Create holes from toolpath plunge points

Holes can be created from toolpath plunge points. Taking the following
Offset Area Clearance toolpath:

1. Make sure that the relevant toolpath is active.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 177

2. From the Feature Sets context menu, select Create Feature

Select Hole in the Type field, and Plunges in the Use field.
Enter an appropriate , in this case 20.
Click Apply to create the holes at all the active toolpath's plunge

178 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

3. If you look in the Explorer, you can see three holes you have just

Create holes from contact normals

Holes can be created normal to the contact point of pattern's points.
Taking the following model and pattern:

1. Select the relevant pattern.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 179

2. From the Feature Sets context menu, select Create Feature

Select Hole in the Type field, and Normals in the Use field.
Choose an appropriate depth using the Define top by and Define
bottom by fields.
Enter an appropriate , in this case 20.
Select Multi-Axis. This ensures that all holes are created in one
feature set.
Click Apply to create the holes at all active toolpath's plunge

180 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

3. If you look in the Explorer, you can see three holes you have just

Feature - Edit
Edits an existing feature.

You can only edit the active feature. This dialog will remain greyed out
unless you have an active feature. Initially the dialog will contain the
parameters of the current feature. You can then edit these to your new
Name - the name of the active feature.
Type - displays whether the feature is a Pocket, Slot, Boss or Hole.
This field cannot be altered.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 181

Define Top By - defines the height of the top of the feature.

Absolute - defines the Z Height at the top of the feature as an

Absolute Z height.
Height from Bottom - defines the top as a distance from the bottom
of the feature.
Maximum Curve Z - all features use a curve (bits of model or
pattern) as the input data . These curves have a minimum and a
maximum z value which can be used for feature definition. This
input method is also very useful for hole definition where you have
a set of Z positions that represent the top or bottom of the hole. So
this is the Maximum Z height of the selected curve to determine the
top of the feature.
Minimum Curve Z - this is the Minimum Z height of the selected
curve to determine the top of the feature

Top of Block - defines the top as the height of the top of the block.
Model - defines the top as the height of the top of the model.
- specifies the value of the height of the top of the feature.
Define Bottom By - defines the height of the bottom of the feature.

Absolute - defines the Z Height at the bottom of the feature.

Depth from Top - defines the bottom as a distance from the top of
the feature.
Maximum Curve Z - this is the Maximum Z height of the selected
curve to determine the bottom of the feature.

182 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Minimum Curve Z - this is the Minimum Z height of the selected
curve to determine the bottom of the feature.
Bottom of Block - defines the bottom as the height of the bottom of
the block.
Model - defines the bottom as the height of the bottom of the model.
- specifies the value of the height of the bottom of the
Edit Colour - changes the colour of the selected feature. Clicking
on this displays the standard Windows Color dialog. Select the
relevant colour and click on OK to close the dialog.
Draft Angle - allows you to create features with draft angles. For more
information see Draft Angle (on page 187).
Reverse Slots - reverses the slot direction.
Diameter - defines the diameter of the hole. This is only available if
Hole is selected in the Type field.
Description - a user defined description. This description can then be
used as a selection criteria when selecting features or for drilling methods
(you can give a set of holes a description then state that the method only
applies to holes with that description). For more information see Select
Features (on page 164).
Hole Type - a user defined description. This is only available if there is
a Type of Hole. This description can then be used as a selection criteria
when selecting features or for drilling methods (you can give a set of
holes a description then state that the method only applies to holes with
that description). For more information see Select Features (on page 164).
Apply - edits the active feature.
Close - closes the Feature dialog box without making any changes.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 183

Feature - Component
Edits a component of a feature.

shows the component that you are editing. For compound

holes, the component that is edited is pale yellow. To edit a different
component, select the graphic.

Dimension - allows you to define the shape of the active (pale yellow)
Upper diameter - the diameter at the top of the current
component. This must be greater than or equal to the Lower
Depth - the vertical height of the component.
Draft Angle (on page 187) - allows you to create features with
draft angles.
Lower diameter - the diameter at the bottom of the current
component. This must be less than or equal to the Upper

184 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Coordinates - the location of the hole.
Axis - the orientation of the Z axis of the hole.

This is only editable if the holes are created as Multi-Axis.

If you edit any of these fields you must click Apply for them to take
For an example on using this dialog, see Editing automatically identified
holes (on page 195).

Smart Creation
The Smart Creation option available from the Create Feature Set
menu on the Feature Set context menu allows you to create nested
This is best shown by example and uses the 2DExample.dgk model.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 185

1. From the Feature Set context menu, select the Create Feature
Set option.

2. Fill in the dialog as shown above ensuring that you check the
Smart Creation option.
3. Select the item that you want to create a feature from. In this case
the base of the left hand pocket.

186 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

4. Click on Apply. Looking in the graphics window you can see the
created features.

5. If you look in the explorer you can see that 3 bosses and one pocket
have been created.

Draft Angle
The Draft Angle option available from the Create Feature Set menu
on the Feature Set context menu allows you to created features with
draft angles.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 187

This is best shown by example and uses the 2DExample.dgk model.

1. From the Feature Set from the context menu select the Create
Feature option.

2. Fill in the dialog as shown above ensuring that you enter a Smart
Draft Angle of 5.
The Define Bottom by has Minimum Curve Z selected from the
drop-down list. This actually creates the same base as used in Smart
Creation (on page 185), just in a different way.

188 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

3. Select the item that you want to create a feature from. In this case
the base of the left hand pocket.

4. Click on Apply. Looking in the graphics window you can see the
created features. You can see the draft angle applied to the bosses
and pockets.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 189

Edit Features Graphically
When you select a feature it is surrounded by a blue cuboid with double
headed arrows at the top an bottom. This is an Instrumented Feature.

Clicking on the double arrow at the top of the feature turns the double
arrow white. Now dragging the mouse changes the height of the feature.
You can either drag it to the appropriate height.

190 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

You can also click on features of a model to define the Z height. So, in
this case clicking on the edge of the hole in the model.

Automatically changes the height to be that of the height of the model.

Reverse Holes
The Reverse Holes option available from the Edit menu on the
individual Feature Set context menu allows you to easily reverse some
holes. This allows you to reverse selected holes even if the Feature Set
is not multi-axis.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 191

If you select some holes in Feature Set then PowerMILL will reverse
these holes and place them in a suitable Feature Set. If a suitable Feature
Set doesn't exist, then PowerMILL will create one. Similarly a new
workplane, with the Z direction reversed, will also be created (if it doesn't
exist already).
If you select all (or none) of the holes in a feature set then all of the holes
are reversed, the Feature Set remains unchanged and a new workplane,
with the Z direction reversed, will also be created (if it doesn't exist
This is shown using the retainerplate.dgk example.

1. You can see that there are currently 5 Feature Sets in the Project.

192 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

2. Select the holes you want to reverse. They turn yellow.

3. From the individual Feature Sets context menu select the Edit -
Reverse Holes option.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 193

4. The selected holes are reversed, placed in a new, automatically
created, Feature Set and a new Workplane is also created. This
new workplane has the Z orientation reversed.

5. These holes are automatically deleted from the original Feature


194 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Editing automatically identified holes
Holes generated automatically from the Recognise Holes in Model
option on the Feature Sets context menu can now be edited.
This example uses RetainerPlate.dgk from the Examples folder:

1. Select part of the model, including some of the holes.

2. From the Feature Sets context menu, select Recognise Holes
in Model. This displays the Feature dialog.

3. Select the Multi-Axis and Compound Holes check boxes, and

then click Apply.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 195

PowerMILL recognises the specified holes, which can all be

- standard holes with the Z axis of the hole aligned with the
workplane Z axis.
- compound holes with the Z axis of the hole aligned with the
workplane Z axis.
- standard holes with the Z axis of the hole not aligned with the
workplane Z axis.
4. Select the hole that you want to edit.

This can either be edited graphically (see "Edit Features

Graphically" on page 190), or from dialogs.
5. From the graphics context menu, select Feature - Select and
Edit, or from the individual Feature menu select Select and
Edit to display the Feature dialog.

196 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

6. Select the Component tab.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 197

7. Edit the required fields, in this case, the Upper Diameter, and X
and Y coordinates.

Altering the Upper Diameter automatically updates the

Lower Diameter.
8. Click Apply for these changes to take effect.

If you edit a compound hole, select the relevant component in the

graphical area of the dialog (it turns pale yellow), and then edit the
appropriate values.

198 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

When you select a hole where the Z axis of the hole is not aligned
with the workplane Z axis, the Coordinates frame cannot be

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 199

Projects can directly contain many workplanes. Workplanes are shown in
the Explorer under the Workplanes branch of the tree.
Workplanes are controlled by context menus. Workplanes define the
coordinate system that is used to create a toolpath.

Workplanes context menu

The Workplanes menu is raised by right clicking on the Workplanes
entry in the Explorer.

Workplanes - this is the name of this menu.

Create Workplane - creates a new coordinate system. The location and
orientation of the new workplane is controlled by the Workplane (see
"Workplane Dialog" on page 201) dialog.
Workplane Names - defines the template that will be used for all new
workplanes. For more information see Toolpath Names (on page 71).
Deactivate - deactivates the currently active workplane.
Draw All - displays all workplanes on the screen .
Undraw All - hides all workplanes on the screen .
Create Folder - creates a folder called Folder1. You can then rename
this folder in the normal way, and then drag and drop entities into the
folder. For more information see Folders (on page 260).
Delete All - deletes all the workplanes.

200 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Workplane Dialog

This is very similar to the Transform Toolpath (on page 915) dialog.
Name - the name of the workplane. You can edit the name here.
Active Workplane - selecting a workplane from the drop-down list
makes it the active workplane. In the explorer the active workplane is
written in bold and preceded by a ">".
Draw - displays the workplane on the screen.
Transform Copy - transforms a copy of the workplane, leaving the
original in its current location and orientation.
Align to View - orientates the highlighted workplane so that its Z
axis is aligned with the current graphics view. The axis is placed with the
X axis horizontal, Y axis vertical and the Z axis coming out of the screen.

Align to Pick - aligns the workplane so that it is located where you

select the surface and is normal to the surface at that point.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 201

Aligns the Y axis to the v direction of the underlying surface (or u
direction if the v can't be achieved) as well as aligning the Z axis to the
surface normal.

Align to Tool - aligns the workplane so that it is located at the tool

centre with the Z axis aligned with the tool axis.

Absolute Position - translates the origin of the local coordinate system

(workplane) to a specific coordinate on the global coordinate system
(transform). The value entered is the absolute distance along the
Relative Position - translates the workplane along the specified axis by
the selected distance. Enter a value in the Distance field
and then click the , or button to move the workplane by the
distance specified along the selected axis of the active workplane.
Rotate - rotates the workplane around the specified axis by the selected
angle. First enter the required rotation Angle and then click
on the , or button to rotate the active workplane.
Undo (see "Workplane undo example" on page 204) - undoes the last
transform. If you rotate the workplane by say 30 , then Undo Last Edit
undoes this transformation.

202 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

This option is only available once you have edited (transformed) the
Redo (see "Workplane undo example" on page 204) - redoes the
transformation you have just undone. In the above scenario it reinstates
the rotation of 30 .

This option is only available once you have undone a


PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 203

Workplane undo example
This example looks at how to Undo, Redo and Clear workplane
1. Start by creating a workplane (select Create Workplane on the
Workplane context menu). In this case, it is 20mm in Z above the
global transform:

2. Edit the workplane (select Edit - Workplane on the individual

Workplane context menu). In this case, it is 30mm in X (by
keying in a Distance of 30 and then clicking ).

You will now see that the Undo button is available on the
Workplane dialog.

204 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

3. Edit the workplane (select Edit - Workplane on the individual
Workplane context menu). In this case, it is 45 in Y (by keying
in an Angle of 45 and then clicking ).

4. Click Undo to remove the last transformation.

You will now see that the Redo button is available on the
Workplane dialog.
5. Click Undo to remove the first transformation.

6. Click Redo to add in the first transformation.

7. From the individual Workplane context menu, select Clear

History Buffers option. The Undo and Redo button
now cease to be available.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 205

Individual Workplane context menu

1 - this is the name of the workplane to which the menu refers.

Activate - it makes the workplane the active workplane.
Draw - determines whether the workplane is displayed on the screen or
not. So it toggles between and .
Add to Folder - adds the selected entity to the active folder. If the
option is greyed out check that you have an active folder.

You can only add a Toolpath entity to a Toolpaths folder. You

cannot add a Toolpath entity to a NC Program folder.
For more information see Folders (on page 260).
Rename - allows you to rename the entity to give it a more meaningful
Properties (see "Workplane - Properties" on page 208) - displays the
orientation of the workplane relative to the world (or global) coordinate
system and the active workplane (if one exists).
Edit (see "Workplane - Edit" on page 208) - edits the location or
orientation of the workplane.
Undo Last Edit - undoes the last transformation. For example, if you
rotate the workplane by 30 then Undo Last Edit returns the workplane
to what it was before the edit.

206 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

This is also available from the Undo button on the Workplane
dialog (on page 201).
Redo Last Undone Edit - redoes the transformation you have just
undone. In the above scenario, it reinstates the rotation of 30 .

This is also available from the Redo button on the Workplane

dialog (on page 201).
Clear History Buffers - clears the history of the workplane
transformations. This means that you can't undo or redo any previous
workplane transformations. You can undo or redo any subsequent
workplane transformations.
For more information, see the Workplane undo example (on page
Remove From Folder - removes the feature set from the current
folder. It converts this:

to this:

For more information see Folders (on page 260).

Delete Workplane - deletes the workplane.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 207

Workplane - Properties
Properties - displays the orientation of the workplane relative to the
world (or global) coordinate system and the active workplane (if one

Elevation and Azimuth Angles are the angle of the current

workplanes Z axis relative to the global coordinate system.
The Angles define rotations about the X axis, then Y axis, then Z axis,
(in that order and of the world or active workplane), which transform axes
aligned to the global coordinate system (or active workplane as indicated)
into alignment with the current workplane.
Angles are given relative to both the World (global coordinate system)
and active workplane (if present).

Workplane - Edit
Edit - edits the location or orientation of the workplane.

208 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Workplane - displays the Workplane dialog. This is the same dialog
that is displayed when you create a workplane and allows you to edit the
workplane orientation.

For more information on how to use this dialog see Workplane dialog
(on page 201).
Copy Workplane - copies the workplane.

Undo Redo Workplane Transformations

Undo Last Edit - undoes the last transformation. For example, if you
rotate the workplane by 30 then Undo Last Edit returns the workplane
to what it was before the edit.

This is also available from the Undo button on the Workplane

dialog (on page 201).
Redo Last Undone Edit - redoes the transformation you have just
undone. In the above scenario, it reinstates the rotation of 30 .

This is also available from the Redo button on the Workplane

dialog (on page 201).
Clear History Buffers - clears the history of the workplane
transformations. This means that you can't undo or redo any previous
workplane transformations. You can undo or redo any subsequent
workplane transformations.
For more information, see the Workplane undo example (on page

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 209

Transform Toolpath - Link (embedded)
This is very similar to the Transform Toolpath (on page 915) dialog.

210 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Levels and Sets
Projects can directly contain many levels and sets. They are shown in the
Explorer under the Levels and Sets branch of the tree.
Levels and sets are controlled by context menus. They help you to
organise the model data. Levels in PowerMILL work in the same way as
in PowerSHAPE. Any level information in PowerSHAPE is
automatically transferred across to PowerMILL with the model.
If you want to organise your model data then you need to create
additional levels and sets, then transfer data between the levels and sets.
There are several rules about levels and sets:
Each entity can only be on one level. You cannot have the same
entity in two different levels.
Each entity can be on more than one set, or in no set. You can have
the same entity in two different sets,in a set and in a level or just in
one level.
Deleting a project deletes all the levels and sets
Deleting all the levels and sets deletes the model.
Sets and levels cannot have the same name. So you cannot have a
set called Hub and level called Hub.

Levels and Sets context menu

The Levels and Sets menu is raised by right clicking on the Levels
And Sets entry in the Explorer.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 211

Levels and Sets - this is the name of this menu.
Create Level - creates a new level . This new level will not contain
any entities until you move them onto the level using the Acquire
Selected option on the individual Level context menu.
Create Set - creates a new set . This new set will not contain any
entities until you move them onto the set using the Acquire Selected
option on the individual Set context menu.
Deactivate - deactivates the currently active level or set.
Draw All - displays all levels and sets on the screen .
Undraw All - hides all levels on the screen .
Delete Empty Levels and Sets - deletes all levels and sets which
contain no entities.
Delete All Except Non-Empty Levels - deletes all the sets (whether
they contain entities or not) and deletes all the levels which contain no
entities. Only levels containing entities remain.

Individual Level or Set context menu

The level and set individual context menus are the same.
Main Model - this is the name of the level (or set) to which the menu
Activate - it makes the level (or set) the active level (or set).

212 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Draw - determines whether the graphics in this level (or set) are
displayed on the screen or not. So it toggles between and .
Rename - allows you to rename the entity to give it a more meaningful
Select All - selects all entities on this level (or set).

Select Wireframes - selects all the wireframe objects on this level (or
Select Surfaces - selects all the surface objects on this level (or set).
Deselect - deselects all entities on this level (or set).

Acquire Selected Model Geometry - places the selected entity on

this level (or set).
Remove Selected Model Geometry - removes the selected entity
from this set.
Mesh - lets you see to what value you can mesh a surface. This is
particularly useful when PowerMILL cannot triangulate a model due to
problems with the original model.
This displays the Tolerance dialog.

Enter the required meshing tolerance and then click . The surfaces on
the level (or set) will then be meshed to this tolerance (if possible) and a
information dialog tells you whether the meshing was successful.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 213

Delete Level or Set - deletes the level or set. You can only delete a
level (or set) if it is empty. If you want to delete the level (or set) you
must first move all the entities on the level (or set) to another level and
then delete this level (or set).

214 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Projects can directly contain many models. Models are shown in the
Explorer under the Models branch of the tree.
Models are controlled by context menus.

Models context menu

The Models menu is raised by right clicking on the Models entry in the

Models - this is the name of this menu.

Create Plane (on page 217) - creates a plane.
Paste as New Model - pastes the entities on the clipboard into a new
Import Model - opens an existing PowerSHAPE model. It displays the
standard Open dialog.
Move to the correct directory and then select the model you want.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 215

Import Reference Surfaces - imports a model containing reference
surfaces which will NEVER be considered for machining or collision
Select All - selects everything in all the models.
Select Wireframes - selects all the wireframe entities in the models.
Select Surfaces - selects all the surface entities in the models.
Deselect all - deselects everything in all the models.
Select Duplicate Surfaces - selects all duplicate surfaces in all the
Deselect Duplicate Surfaces - deselects all duplicate surfaces in all
the models.
Drawing Options (see "Draw - Model" on page 309) - displays the
Model Drawing Options dialog. The top half of the dialog controls the
representation of the wireframe (on page 310) and the bottom half
controls the representation of the shaded model (see "Shade" on page
Export Model - exports the currently selected surfaces. So, if you have
two models in PowerMILL and you select a surface from each one and
then Export Model the two selected surfaces will be exported as a DGK
model. If no surfaces are selected then it will export all the models as one
combined model. It displays the standard Save dialog.
Move to the correct directory and then enter the required File Name and
click on Save.
Edit (see "Models - Edit" on page 218) - displays the editing options.
Reverse Selected (see "Model - Reverse Selected" on page 221) -
reverses the surface orientation of the selected surface.

216 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Properties - displays the extents of the selected components of the
model (or the extents of all the models if nothing is selected) and the
number of components in the all the models. It displays the following

Delete Empty Models - deletes all levels which contain no objects.

Delete All - deletes all the models.

Create Plane
Create Plane - creates a plane.

From Block - creates a plane with the same X and Y dimensions as the
block. This displays the Enter Z Limit of Plane dialog.

Enter the required Z Height of the plane and then click . The plane is
then created.
Best Fit - creates two planes, one touching the boundary at its highest
point the other through its lowest point. The planes are parallel to the best
fit plane (the plane that has the smallest maximum distance from the
Projected - creates a plane parallel to the XY axis of the active
workplane. The plane will have the Z height of the highest point of the

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 217

Models - Edit
Edit - displays the editing options.

Move - moves the model or selected surfaces by a specific distance in X,

Y or Z.
Rotate - rotates the model or selected surfaces by a specific angle
around X, Y or Z.
Scale - scales the model or selected surfaces by a specific amount in X,
Y or Z.
Mirror in Plane - mirrors the model or selected surfaces in the XY, YZ
or XZ plane.
Transform to Workplane - moves the model or selected surfaces so
that it is in the same place relative to the active workplane as it was to the
world (global transform). It converts this:

to this:

Transform to World - moves the toolpath so that it is in the same place

relative to the world (global transform) as it was to the active workplane.

218 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

These options are very similar to those on the Transform Model dialog
(on page 227),
Delete Selected Components - deletes the selected components.

Individual Model context menu

Bottle - this is the name of the model to which the menu refers.
Copy - copies entities between models, patterns and boundaries.
Paste - pastes entities between models, patterns and boundaries.
Load Components - loads a model, the model symbol changes from
to . By default the models associated with a project are loaded when the
project is loaded. If you do not want to load the models then check the
Tools - Options - Import - Defer Loading option. The Load
Components option allows you to load the model after using the Defer
Loading option.
Reimport Model - enables you to re-load a model (one that has say had
some design changes) whilst maintaining the Thickness information.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 219

Export Model - exports the currently selected surfaces in the model. So,
if you have two models in PowerMILL and you select a surface from
each one and then Export Model only the selected surface in model to
which the menu refers will be exported as a DGK model. If no surfaces
are selected then it will export the whole (modified) model. It displays the
standard Save dialog.
Move to the correct directory and then enter the required File Name and
click on Save.
Rename - allows you to rename the entity to give it a more meaningful
Surface Modelling (on page 233) - allows you to edit the surfaces
displayed in PowerMILL.
Split Selected - splits the selected solid model into its component
surfaces. This enables you to select and work on specific surfaces in the
Reverse Selected (see "Model - Reverse Selected" on page 221) -
reverses the surface orientation of the selected surface.
Orient Selected Surfaces (see "Model - Orient Selected Surfaces" on
page 222) - reorients the selected surface so that one side is either all blue
or all brown, and the normals are all consistent. It can only really do this
for touching surfaces, but it will have a go whatever. In effect this does
automatically what Reverse Selected does manually.
Colour (see "Model - Colour" on page 222) - determines the colour of
the model. This displays the Select Colour dialog.

This can be useful when you want to shade different models in

different colours to easily distinguish between them.
Translucency (see "Model - Translucency" on page 223) - enables
translucent shading.
Style (see "Model - Style" on page 224) - determines the line
representation of the wireframe entities in the model. Select the required
style from the menu.
Select All - selects all entities in this model.
Select Wireframes - selects all the wireframe entities in this model.
Select Surfaces - selects all surface entities in this model.
Deselect All - deselects all entities in this model.

220 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Select Duplicate Surfaces - selects duplicate surfaces. If you then
use the Delete Selected menu option then the duplicates are deleted
leaving a model with no duplicates.
Deselect Duplicate Surfaces - deselects duplicate surfaces in the
current selection. If you select the surfaces that you want, but think that
there may be duplicate surfaces, you can use the Deselect Duplicate
Surfaces command to ensure that no duplicates are selected. The
duplicates are not deleted but only removed from the selection. This will
then allow you to create your toolpath (such as Swarf Machining) without
any problems.
Properties (see "Model - Properties" on page 225) - displays the extents
of the selected components of the model (or the extents of all the model if
nothing is selected), the number of components in the all the model and
information about individual components.
Edit (see "Model - Edit (individual)" on page 226) - edits the model.
Delete Model - deletes the model.

Model - Reverse Selected

Reverse Selected reverses the surface orientation of the selected
surface. It changes this:

To this:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 221

Model - Orient Selected Surfaces
Orient Selected Surfaces reorients the selected surface so that one
side is either all blue or all brown, and the normals are all consistent. It
can only really do this for touching surfaces, but it will have a go
whatever. In effect this does automatically what Reverse Selected
(also available from the Models context menu) does manually. It
converts this:

To this:

Model - Colour
Colour determines the colour of the model. This displays the Select
Colour dialog.
This is a standard Windows Colour dialog. Simply chooses the Colour
you want and click on OK.

222 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The selected colour will only be visible when you Multi Colour Shade
the model.

This can be useful when you want to shade different models in

different colours to easily distinguish between them.

Model - Translucency
Translucency enables translucent shading. Initially the Enter
Translucency dialog is displayed.

Enter a percentage of translucency you require and then click . The

model will then appear translucent. This is only visible when the model is
shaded .

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 223

Model - Style
Style determines the line representation of the wireframe entities in the
model. Select the required style from the menu.

A solid style looks like this:

A dashed style looks like this:

224 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

A chained style looks like this:

Model - Properties
Properties displays the extents of the selected components of the model
(or the extents of all the model if nothing is selected), the number of
components in the all the model and information about individual
components. It displays the following dialog:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 225

This dialog also gives information about individual components. You can
see the extents of an individual model as well as for all the models loaded

The top of the dialog shows which model (or models) are being

Model - Edit (individual)

Edits the model.

Transform (see "Transform Model dialog" on page 227) - allows you to

move, rotate, scale or mirror a model. It displays the following dialog:

Delete Selected Components - deletes the selected entities in the


226 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Transform Model dialog
Transform allows you to move, rotate, scale or mirror a model. It
displays the following dialog:

This is very similar to the Transform Toolpath (on page 915) dialog.
Relative Position (on page 228) - transforms the model along the
specified axis by the selected distance. Enter a value in the Distance
field and then click the , or button to move
themodel by the specified distance along the selected axis.
Rotate (on page 229) - rotates the model around the specified axis by the
selected angle. First enter the required rotation Angle and
then click on the , or button to rotate the model about the
appropriate axis.
Scale (on page 230) - scales the toolpath around the specified axis by the
specified factor. First enter the required Scale and then click
on the , or button to scale the model about the appropriate
Mirror in Plane (on page 230) - mirrors the model along one of the
principal planes of the active workplane. If no workplane is active then
the mirroring is about relevant plane of the global coordinate system.
Clicking the , or button mirrors the model and reverses all the

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 227

Transform to Workplane (on page 231) - moves the model so
that it is in the same place relative to the Active Workplane as it was to
the World (global transform).

Transform to World (on page 232) - moves the model so that it

is in the same place relative to the World (global transform) as it was to
the Active Workplane.

Relative Position
Relative Position transforms the model along the specified axis by the
selected distance. Enter a value in the Distance field and
then click the , or button to move the model by the distance
specified along the axis specified. It converts this:

To this:

228 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The example above has the toolpath moved in by a Distance of
200mm. The move takes place relative to the origin of the workplane
used to create the original toolpath.

Rotates the model around the specified axis by the selected angle. First
enter the required rotation Angle and then click on the ,
or button to rotate the model about the appropriate axis. It
converts this:

To this:

The example above has the toolpath rotated in by an Angle of 20.

The rotation takes place around the origin of the workplane used to create
the original model.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 229

Scales the toolpath around the specified axis by the specified factor.
First enter the required Scale and then click on the ,
or button to scale the toolpath about the appropriate axis. The scaling
takes place around the active workplane. If no workplane is active then
the scaling is along relevant axis of the global coordinate system.
Scaling the chamber model in by an Scale of 2 converts this:

To this:

Mirror in Plane
Mirror in Plane mirrors the model along one of the principal planes of
the active workplane. If no workplane is active then the mirroring is about
relevant plane of the global coordinate system.
Click on the , or button mirrors the model and reverses all the
surfaces. Mirroring the chamber model about converts this:

230 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

To this:

Transform to Workplane

Transform to Workplane moves the model so that it is in the

same place relative to the Active Workplane as it was to the World
(global transform). It converts this:

to this:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 231

Transform to World

Transform to World moves the toolpath so that it is in the same

place relative to the World (global transform) as it was to the Active
Workplane. It converts this:

to this:

In the example above, the workplane is in the middle of the part and the
global transform is in one corner.

Deferred Loading
You have the option not to load a model on importing a project (select
Tools - Options - Import - Defer Loading).

232 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The following illustrates the difference between a Deferred Model and
a Model:

Deferred Model is shown with a in the explorer.

Clicking loads the model:

Calculating a toolpath or boundary also loads any deferred models.

Surface Modelling
Clicking on the Surface Modelling option on the individual Model
context menu displays PowerMILL's surface modelling functionality.

For information on how to use Surface Modelling refer to the context

sensitive help.
Once you have created what you want, click to accept the changes
and return to the PowerMILL main window.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 233

Stock Models
The stock model is a model that represents the un-machined stock at any
point in the machining process. You use it by first creating a stock model
entity, and then by applying a block, followed by various toolpaths. After
each update, the stock model adjusts itself to show the un-machined
material left from the block.

Stock Models context menu

The Stock Models menu is raised by right clicking on the Stock
Models entry in the Explorer.

Stock Models - this is the name of this menu.

Create Stock Model - creates a new empty stock model .

Import - allows you to import stock models. Selecting the Import option
displays the standard Open dialog.
Move to the correct directory and then select the required File Name and
click on Open. This loads a new stock model entity with a single block
state and no dependencies.
Stock Model Names - defines the template that will be used for all
new stock models. For more information see Toolpath Names (on page
Deactivate - makes the currently active stock model inactive
Draw All - displays all stock models on the screen .

234 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Undraw All - hides all stock models on the screen .
Delete All - deletes all stock models.

Stock Models state menu

This menu controls the state of the entities in the stock model.

Stock - this is the name of the menu.

Calculate - when this option is selected you can tell that the stock
model has been calculated (using the Calculate option on the individual
Stock Models context menu). When unselected then a batch stock
model has been created, but not calculated.
Lock - when this option is selected it locks the toolpath so that you
cannot edit the toolpath Settings. If you try to edit the toolpath settings
(from the Settings option of the individual Toolpath context menu,

selecting the Edit button and then edit a value) you will see the
following error message.

Activate (see "Stock Model - Activate" on page 236) - when this option
is selected it becomes the active stock model state. If the stock model
has been calculated then you will see the state of the stock model after
this entity has been applied. If you cannot see the stock model then you
need to Calculate the stock model (from the individual context menu).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 235

Remove - removes this entity from the stock model. This will only work
if the toolpath is either unlocked or the last toolpath in the stock model.
Apply Toolpath After (see "Stock Model - Apply Toolpath After" on
page 238) - applies the active toolpath and places the toolpath after this
toolpath in the stock model list. This will only work if the toolpaths
below this are not locked.
Remove Calculation - removes the calculation. It leaves everything
else alone, so the stock model definition remains the same but the pink
stock model mesh disappears. It will only work if the stock model is not
locked, so you will have to select the lock item of the stock model state
menu to unlock the stock model.
If you remove the calculation of every state (you can do this by just
removing the calculation of the block), then you are free to edit the stock
model parameters (tolerance, stepover, workplane). In this way you can
generate a stock model at different tolerances without having to reapply
the toolpaths.

Stock Model - Activate

When the Activate option is selected it becomes the active stock model
state. If the stock model has been calculated then you will see the state of
the stock model after this entity has been applied. If you cannot see the
stock model then you need to Calculate the stock model (from the
individual context menu).
When the Block is activated:

236 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

You will see the stock model of the block:

Similarly, when the Rest Roughing toolpath is activated:

You will see the stock model after the rest roughing toolpath has been

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 237

Stock Model - Apply Toolpath After
Apply Toolpath After applies the active toolpath and places the
toolpath after this toolpath in the stock model list. This will only work if
the toolpaths below this are not locked.
If the AC and RestRoughing toolpaths are calculated but the
ConstZFine toolpath is not then you can use the Apply Toolpath
After option on the RestRoughing or ConstZFine toolpaths, but not
on the AC toolpath or the Block.

- toolpaths can be added after these toolpaths.

- toolpaths cannot be added after these entities.
- not calculated.

Individual Stock Model context menu

RestRough - this is the name of the stock model to which the menu

238 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Activate - it makes the stock model the active stock model.
Draw - displays the stock model on the screen .
Drawing Options (see "Stock Model - Drawing Options" on page 240)
- displays the stock models as either Wireframe or Shaded Stock
Show Rest Material (see "Stock Model - Show Rest Material" on page
241) - compares the stock model with the actual model. It shows the areas
of the stock model where additional material is present to a thickness
greater than the Rest Thickness. This is useful to indicate where
excessive material has been left on, especially to spot areas on a vertical
face where the stepover was set so that it just got missed.
Refresh Rest Material - updates the Show Rest Material option.
This option is only required when the model is changed or the Rest
Thickness is changed.
Rename - allows you to rename the entity to give it a more meaningful
Volume (see "Stock Model - Volume" on page 242) - calculates the
Stock Model's volume.
Export - allows you to export stock models. Selecting the Export option
displays the standard Save dialog.
Move to the correct directory and then enter the required File Name and
click on Save. This saves the active state of the stock model, it doesn't
save any dependencies.
Calculate - performs the calculation to show the stock model. By default
a batch rest model is created and is only calculated once you select this
Apply (see "Stock Model - Apply" on page 242) - adds a block or a
toolpath to the stock model.
Set Tolerance (see "Stock Model - Set Tolerance" on page 244) -
determines the tolerance of a slice when a new stock model is created.
The stock model is stored as a set of closed slices of the solid stock in X
and Y.
Set Stepover - the step between slices.
Set Workplane - determines the workplane that is used to define the
stock model.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 239

Set Rest Thickness - determines the minimum thickness that will be
displayed when using the Show Rest Material option. The stock model
ignores rest material thinner than this threshold. It is similar to the detect
material thicker than option on the Boundary dialog.
Edit (see "Stock Model - Edit" on page 244) - displays the editing
Remove Triangulation - removes the stock model triangulation from
disc and so substantially reduces the size of the project. If you don't select
this option, then the stock model triangulation is stored with the stock
model to stop recalculation. This adds to the project size considerably.
Delete Stock Model - deletes the stock model.

Stock Model - Drawing Options

Drawing Options - displays the stock models as either Wireframe or
Shaded Stock Models.

240 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The Wireframe option displays the wireframe view.

The Shaded option displays the shaded view.

You can only shade Stock Models generated in PowerMILL 6.0 (or
later). You cannot shade stock models generated in earlier versions.
For example a stock model contained within a PowerMILL 5.5
project cannot be shown shaded when opened in PowerMILL 8.0 .

Stock Model - Show Rest Material

Show Rest Material - compares the stock model with the actual model.
It shows the areas of the stock model where additional material is present
to a thickness greater than the Rest Thickness. This is useful to
indicate where excessive material has been left on, especially to spot
areas on a vertical face where the stepover was set so that it just got

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 241

Taking a Stock Model of a couple of finishing toolpaths:

If you Show the Rest Material you can see where excess material still

Stock Model - Volume

Volume - calculates the Stock Model's volume.

State - the active state of the stock model.

Volume - volume of the stock model in the model units (in this case
mm ).

242 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Stock Model - Apply
Apply - adds a block or a toolpath to the stock model.

Block - creates a stock model of the block. All block types are supported
(arbitrary, boundary or rectangular).

Active Toolpath First - applies the active toolpath and places the
toolpath at the top of the stock model list (shown by in the diagram
below). If the stock model is newly created (no block has been applied)
then the block associated with the toolpath is applied automatically.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 243

Active Toolpath Last - applies the active toolpath and places the
toolpath at the bottom of the stock model list (shown by in the
diagram below). If the stock model is newly created (no block has been
applied) then the block associated with the toolpath is applied

Stock Model - Set Tolerance

Set Tolerance - determines the tolerance of a slice when a new stock
model is created. The stock model is stored as a set of closed slices of the
solid stock in X and Y. It displays the following dialog:

Enter a tolerance and then click on the . To see the tolerance of any
stock models that you have already created then simply expand the entry
in explorer. In this case the tolerance is 0.05.

Stock Model - Edit

Edit - displays the editing options.

Copy Stock Model - creates a copy of the stock model. This new stock
model has the same name as the original with _1 added to it. Copying,
copies the current active state of a stock model into a new stock model as
a single state (you cannot see the stages required to build up the copied
stock model).

244 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

If you take the following stock model, Finishing, with ConstZFine
as the current active state.

Then select the Edit - Copy option you will create a new stock
model called Finishing_1 containing the Finishing stock model
and shows the state of the stock model after the ConstZFine
toolpath has been applied.

If you take the same stock model, Finishing, but have AC as the
current active state.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 245

Then select the Edit - Copy option you will create a new stock
model called Finishing_2 containing the Finishing stock model
and shows the state of the stock model after the AC toolpath has
been applied.

In the explorer these two copies Finishing_1 and Finishing_2

look the same, but in the graphics window you can see that they are
Make Invalid - This invalidates all the calculations of the states and
unlocks them. This enables you to resolve dependency issues between
this stock model and other entities.

246 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Stock Model Representation
The representation of stock models in the explorer is shown below:

shows an input to the stock model.

shows an output from the stock model.
shows that a batch stock model exists. This means that PowerMILL
knows all the relevant parameters to create the stock model at a later date.
Each state node has if it hasn't been calculated.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 247

Projects can directly contain many groups. Groups are shown in the
Explorer under the Groups branch of the tree.
Groups are controlled by pop-up menus. Groups allow you to associate
various entities (such as patterns features and toolpaths).

Groups context menu

The Groups menu is raised by right clicking on the Groups entry in the

Groups - this is the name of this menu.

Create Group - creates a new empty group .
Group Names - defines the template that will be used for all new
groups. For more information see Toolpath Names (on page 71).
Deactivate - deactivates the currently active group.
Delete All - deletes all the groups.

248 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Individual Group context menu

1 - this is the name of the group to which the menu refers.

Activate - it makes the group the active group.
Draw - displays the entities in this group on the screen .
Undraw - hides the entities in this group so they are not displayed on the
screen .
Rename - allows you to rename the entity to give it a more meaningful
Properties - displays the extents of the group (and the group name). It
displays the following dialog box:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 249

Edit - displays a context menu which has Copy Group as the only
option. This creates a copy of the group. This new group has the same
name as the original with _1 added to it. This new group can then be
edited using drag and drop techniques and the Del key to contain the
required entities.
Copy as NC Program - creates an NC Program containing the
toolpaths in the group. The NC Program has the same name as the group.
Create Individual NC Program - creates an NC program for each
toolpath in the group. The NC Programs have the same name as the
Delete Group - deletes the group. It doesn't delete the entities in the
group, just the association between them.

250 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Projects can directly contain many Macros. Macros are shown in the
Explorer under the Macros branch of the tree.

This displays all the macros contained in your search path list. Double
clicking on the macro name will run that macro. For more information see
Displaying Macros in Explorer (on page 254).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 251

Macros context menu
The Macros menu is raised by right clicking on the Macros entry in the

Macros - this is the name of this menu.

Run - runs a pre-recorded macro. This displays the Select Macro To
Run dialog.
This is very similar to the standard Open dialog. Simply move to the
correct directory, select the macro you want to run and click on Open.
Record - records a macro. But before it starts to record a macro it needs
to know the name of the macro and where to save it. This displays the
Select Record Macro dialog.
This is very similar to the standard Save dialog. Simply move to the
correct directory, type in an appropriate name for the macro in the File
Name filed and click on Save. Form now on (until you select Macro -
Stop) all the commands that you perform in PowerMILL will be
recorded into a macro file.
Stop - stops the recording process.

252 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Macro Paths - defines which macros will be displayed in your macro

If you cannot see the complete path then simply place the cursor over it
and a tool tip is displayed containing the complete path.
This dialog understands the "." (local) and "~" (home) notation.
For more information see Tools - Customise Paths (on page 321).

Individual Macro context menu

E:/homes/cmh/Pmill2/5axisdrilling-off.mac - this is the name of

the macro to which the menu refers.
Run - runs this macro. Each step in the macro is carried out one after the

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 253

Edit - edits this macro. Displays the macro file in WordPad.

You can now edit the WordPad file.

The PowerMILL setup program automatically registers WordPad as the
editor for macro (.mac) files. You can specify a different editor using the
Tools - Folder Options - File Types option in Windows Explorer.

Displaying Macros in Explorer

The Macros branch of the explorer displays all the macros found in the
macro search paths that you have specified. The macro search paths are
scanned for macros whenever you expand the Macros branch of the
explorer by clicking on the expand button next to . The
directories containing macros are also shown. However, the Explorer will
only display directories that actually contain macros (files with the
extension .mac).

You should take care when specifying macro search paths, because
on a large disk it can take some time for PowerMILL to search all
your paths. It is better to be very specific about the pathnames you
want to display (say D:/Pmill/WhatsNew7000/Macros) rather than
use generic paths (say D:/ or D:/Pmill).

254 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Listing Macro Search Paths
You can list the pathnames that will be searched for macros from the
Macro Paths option on the Macros context menu.

A list similar to the one shown below will then be visible in the
PowerMILL Paths dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 255

When it is expanded, the Macro branch in the Explorer window lists all
the macros in the search path.

C:/Program Files/Delcam/PowerMILL7006/lib/Macro is not

displayed, because no macro files were found in this directory.

Adding a Macro Search Path

To add a new macro search path select Macro Paths option from the
macro type menu. This then displays the following in the dialog.

If you want to add a macro search path at the Top of the list then select
the Add Path to Top of List button.
If you want to add a macro search path at the Bottom of the list then
select the Add Path to Bottom of List button.

256 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

In either case the following dialog will be displayed:

Move to the appropriate directory (using the Make New Folder button
if appropriate). The pathname will then be displayed at the bottom of the
dialog (in this case E:\Pmill\WhatsNew7000\Macros\). The click on OK.
You will now see the path added to the path list. Either at the top if you
selected :

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 257

or the bottom if you selected :

To see the effect of this addition click on the minimise button next to
followed by clicking on the expand button next to
. The following will then be visible in the Explorer.

Click on the Close button to finish.

To see the additional macros in the Explorer window you must

minimise the macro list and then expand it again. The list is not
updated automatically because scanning can take some time, so you
need to force an update once you have finished editing your search

258 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Deleting a Macro Search Path
To delete a pathname from the macro list select Macro Paths option
from the macro type menu. This then displays the following dialog.

Select the macro path you want to delete (in this case
E:/Pmill/WhatsNew4000/Macros\) and then select the Delete button.
The macro path list is then updated.

Click on the Close button to finish.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 259

Reordering the Macro Search Path
To reorder the pathnames in the macro list select Macro Paths option
from the macro type menu. This then displays the following dialog.

Select the macro path you want to move (in this case
E:/Pmill/WhatsNew7000/Macros) and then select the Move Down
The macro path list is then updated.

Select the Move Down button again to move the macro path further
down or select the Move Up button to restore it to its original
Click on the Close button to finish.

Folders give you an easy way to organise your data.

260 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

You can create a Folder within any of the explorer entities, but they are
probably of greatest use for organising tools and toolpaths. Right-click
the required entity:

Create Folder - creates a folder called Folder1. You can then rename
this folder in the normal way, and then drag and drop (see "Drag and drop
techniques" on page 21) entities of the particular type (for example,
toolpaths) into the folder:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 261

You can create folders within folders, and then drag and drop

Once you have created a folder it then has its own context menu allowing
you to Create, Copy (Edit - Copy Folder) and Delete folders, as
well as giving you access to all the standard options for that entity type:

262 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

User Menus
You can create your own User Menu. This menu is available by right
mouse clicking in an empty area of the Explorer window.

This menu is created as a simple XML document. Your user menu file
MUST be called user_menu.xml. You must either specify the location
of your user menu in Tools - Customise Paths (or more information
see Customise Paths (see "Tools - Customise Paths" on page 321)) or you
must place it in a directory called pmill2 which itself must be in your
Home directory. Any macros called in the menu will be found via the
macro paths mechanism.
To create a User Menu you must:
Create your home directory.
Create your User Menu
Decide on the directory you want to be your Home directory (say
Add a User Environment Variable called HOME and set its value to
the path of your home directory (say E:\homes\xyz). See the Windows
help for more information on how to add Environment Variables.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 263

Now create a pmill2 directory in your Home directory using Explorer.

Your user menu file MUST be called user_menu.xml and must be

saved in a directory called pmill2 which itself must be in your Home

The user menu file MUST be called user_menu.xml and not

To see the exact command structure either:
Record a macro and then edit it to see the commands used.
Display the command line (View - Toolbar - Command) and
then echo the commands (Tools - Echo Commands).
Any commands that use double quotes " should be replaced with single
quotes '.

Rules For Creating User Menus

The format of the User Menus is:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<menus xmlns="x-schema:user_menu.xsd">
<usermenu value="user_menu">
<menupage label="This is the Title">
<button label="Button Label" command="SOME POWERMILL

264 Explorer PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The first three lines are compulsory. And the minimum content to display
a menu which simply has Menu Title as a title is:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<menus xmlns="x-schema:user_menu.xsd">
<usermenu value="user_menu">
<menupage label="Menu Title">
The file is called user_menu.xml' and should be placed in the Home area.
The schema user_menu.xsd must live in the same directory.
Simply copying the TreeSchema.xml file and renaming it (to
user_menu.xsd) will allow the new user menu to follow the PowerMILL
schema. This already contains all the properties required to instigate the
user menu.
The XML format is very syntax sensitive, and will fail to instigate at all,
if there are errors in the file (such as text Case, or open lines). By opening
it in Microsoft Internet Explorer you can see the errors (but only one at a
time - from the top). The errors should be fixed in turn, and then the file

A good technique for correcting errors is to open the file in

Explorer. If it fails to open properly, and an error message is
displayed, choose the option to view the source [should open in
notepad]. Correct the error, and refresh the file. Repeat this process
until all errors have been corrected.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Explorer 265

Browser and Recycler

The remaining two tabs on the left of the graphics window are:

The Browser tab which displays HTML pages in PowerMILL.

The Entity Recycler tab which holds deleted entities.

The browser tab on the left of the graphics window displays HTML
pages in PowerMILL.
You can detach the browser page from the Explorer by double clicking on
the . This is helpful if you want to see both the browser page and the
Explorer simultaneously. Clicking on the of the detached
browser docks the browser pane back in the Explorer.

266 Browser and Recycler PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

HTML pages can be displayed in PowerMILL using the File -
Examples menu option and then selecting an HTML document.

Starting PowerMILL with a File already Loaded

You can start PowerMILL with a file already loaded. The file can be a
model file (*.dgk) or any other sort of file, say an HTM file (*.htm)
which will be loaded into the browser window .
1. Create an HTML file that you want to display on starting
PowerMILL (say abc.htm) and place this in the same directory as
pmill.exe or else provide the full path name in step 5. If you don't
know where PowerMILL is installed look at the shortcut properties
(see steps 3 and 4 for more information).
2. Then create a shortcut to PowerMILL on the desktop. (if you
already have one you can copy and paste it).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Browser and Recycler 267

3. Right click on the shortcut and select Properties from the menu.

4. This displays the following dialog:

5. Select the Shortcut tab and then edit the Target field so that it
ends \pmill.exe abc.htm. The space is essential it must be
\pmill.exe abc.htm and not \pmill.exeabc.htm. If
abc.htm is not in the same directory as pmill.exe then give the
full path name here (say \pmill.exe D:\MyHTML\abc.htm).
6. Click on OK to accept the changes and close the dialog.

268 Browser and Recycler PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

7. Double click on the shortcut and PowerMILL will display the
HTML file in the browser window.

Recycle Bin
The browser window contains an Entity Recycler tab .

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Browser and Recycler 269

When you start PowerMILL the Recycler is empty.

If you delete any entities in the Explorer window then the deleted
entities are placed in the Recycler.

If you right click on an entity type you will see the following menu.

Delete All - permanently deletes all the entities in the recycle bin.
Recover All - moves all the entities of that type (say all the
boundaries) back into the explorer.
If you right click on an individual entity you will see the following menu.

Delete - permanently deletes the selected entity in the recycle bin.

Recover - moves the selected entity back into the explorer.

270 Browser and Recycler PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

You cannot delete locked items. If you try to you will get an error
message similar to the following:

If you recover any items that are linked to any other then the linked
items are also recovered (and the link remains). If the following
entities are in the Recycler:

If you Recover the 1_1 Toolpath, then the Boundary and Tool
are also recovered.

Permanently Deleting Items

If you want to permanently delete and item without it going into the
Recycle bin you can by using the standard windows behaviour of Shift
plus Delete.
If you want to delete a boundary then from the individual Boundary
Object context menu select the Delete option, the boundary will be
placed in the Recycle Bin. If you press down the Shift key and then click
on the Delete option the boundary will be permanently deleted.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Browser and Recycler 271

Similarly, if you select the Delete key the boundary will be placed in the
Recycle Bin. If you press down the Shift and the Delete the boundary
will be permanently deleted.

272 Browser and Recycler PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Menu bar

When you open a menu (for example, File), any submenus are indicated
by small arrows to the right of the text (for example File - Recent
Projects >). Highlighting this arrow generates a list of
commands/names specific to the particular submenu (for example, File -
Recent Projects displays a list of recently opened projects that will
open directly when you click them).

If a menu item is dimmed, then it does not apply to the active view.

Clicking outside a menu box hides the menu again.

Some submenus contain additional submenus (again indicated by a small
arrow to the right of the text). For example, selecting Draw - Cursor
and then clicking > gives you access to an additional set of Options
(Centre, Tip).
Pressing the Alt key also activates menu selection. After pressing it,
move to the required menu using the keys or by pressing the first
letter of the menu name (for example H for Help). You can then select
individual options, including submenu options, using the
cursor keys or by pressing the underlined letter for the option.
Many menu options also have keyboard accelerators (on page 274),
which are key combinations that allow you to access the associated
functions directly without using the menus. These are displayed on the
right hand side of the drop-down menus. For example, press CTRL O to
select File - Open Project.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 273

Keyboard accelerators
Menus support accelerator hot keys (such as Ctrl + O opens a project and
Ctrl + S saves a project) and mnemonic shortcuts (such as Alt + F to
open the File menu).
The accelerator hot keys are displayed on the menu (such as Ctrl + P in
the File menu below) and the mnemonic shortcuts are underlined (such as
File means that Alt + F opens the File menu).

A summary of the shortcuts are shown below.

Menu Item Shortcut

File - Open Project Ctrl + O
File - Save Project Ctrl + S
File - Print Ctrl + P
File - Delete Selected Ctrl + D
View - Resize to Fit F6
View - From - Right (X) Ctrl + 6
View - From - Back (Y) Ctrl + 8
View - From - Top (Z) Ctrl + 5
View - From - Left (-X) Ctrl + 4
View - From - Front (-Y) Ctrl + 2
View - From - Bottom (-Z) Ctrl + 0
View - ISO - 1 Ctrl + 1

274 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Menu Item Shortcut
View - ISO - 2 Ctrl + 3
View - ISO - 3 Ctrl + 9
View - ISO - 4 Ctrl + 7
View - Tool - Down Axis Ctrl + Alt + A
View - Tool - Side Ctrl + Alt + S
View - Refresh Ctrl + R
View - Toolbar - Viewing Alt + V
Insert - Project Ctrl + I
Draw - Block Ctrl + Alt + B
Draw - Cursor - Cross hair Ctrl + H
Draw - Cursor - Tool Ctrl + T
Draw - Wireframe F2
Draw - Shaded F3

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 275

File Menu

The commands on the File menu allow you to:

Handle files (Open, Close, Save and access Examples).
Transfer data to and from other packages (Import, Export).
Print the graphics window (Print).
A list of the four most recently opened projects (Recent
Projects) and the four most recently opened models (Recent
Delete entities (Delete).
Exit PowerMILL (Exit).

276 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

File - Open Project
Opens an existing Project. The Open Project dialog appears:

In the top pane, move to the correct directory and then select the relevant
project. All projects are marked with or .
Then click OK.
Alternatively you can type the location and name of the project in the
Folder field.

File - Open Project Read - Only

You can open a project in "read only" mode. This can be done by
selecting the File - Open Project Read Only or it can occur because
someone else has already opened the project and it is now locked.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 277

The Open Project Read - Only dialog appears:

In the top pane, move to the correct directory and then select the relevant
Project. All projects are marked with or . Then click OK.
Alternatively you can type the location and name of the project in the
lower pane.
When you open a project in read only mode you can continue working
normally except that you cannot save it with the same name. If you want
to save it you must do so using the File - Save Project As option.

File - Close Project

Closes the current project. The following dialog is initially displayed:

This is to warn you that you are about to remove the data from your
current project. Obviously, data already saved to disk will be safe. The
header tells you whether the project needs saving or not. A project that
has changed since the last time it was saved has a * in the header.

A project that hasn't changed since the last time it was saved has a - in the

278 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Yes - proceeds with the operation and closes the project (removing all
toolpaths, patterns, Feature Sets from the current working
No - reverts back to PowerMILL.

File - Save Project

Saves the current project. This is also available from the Save Project
button on the top toolbar. This saves the project with the same name
as before and doesn't display a dialog or issue any warnings. If the project
is new and has never been saved before then the Save Project As
dialog is displayed. For more information see File - Save Project As (on
page 279).

File - Save Project As

Saves the current project. This saves the project with a new name and
displays the Save Project As dialog.

This dialog is the standard windows File Save As dialog and is very
similar to the Export Model dialog.
The PowerMILL header is now updated from:


You can see that the Project Name is preceded with a "-" to show that it
has just been saved. As soon as you make any changes to the project the
"-" changes to an "*" to indicate that the project has been updated since
the last save.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 279

At this point the project is also entered in the File - Recent Projects
list, for quick access later.

If you look at the directory in windows explorer you can see the files that
PowerMILL has created:

Please do not edit these files - otherwise you will corrupt your

280 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

File - Save Template Objects
This allows you to save a standard set of entities as a template. Any new
project can then use these templates to pre-define a standard set of

This dialog is a standard Save dialog. Move to the correct directory,

enter a file name, and then click the Save button. The template is saved
as a PowerMILL Template and has the .ptf extension added

- changes the directory to the same directory as the Project.

- changes the directory to the Examples directory.

- changes the directory to a user defined directory. This is defined

using the Macro Paths option on the Macros right click menu

- changes the directory to a user defined directory. This is defined

using the Macro Paths option on the Macros right click menu.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 281

File - Import Model
Opens an existing model. The Import dialog is displayed.

This is very similar to the standard Windows Open dialog

Look In - select the correct directory.
Go To Last Folder - click the button to go back to display the
contents of the last folder.
Up one Level - click the button to go up one level in the directory
Create New Folder - click the button to create a new
View Menu - click the button to display a drop-down menu:

Thumbnails - displays a list of the files in the directory with

thumbnails displaying the types of file/folder.
Tiles - displays a list of the files and file types in the directory in a
tiled format.
Icons - displays a list of the files in the directory with icons
displaying the types of file/folder.
List - displays a list of the files in the current directory without
illustrating their file types.
Details - displays a list of the files complete with their size, type and
last modified date.
File Name - Select or type the required name.

282 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Files of type - displays the type of file (file extension) that can be read
in (*.dgk, .ig, *.tri). Click to display a complete list of available file

Open - Click the Open button to open the file that you have highlighted.
Cancel - Click the Cancel button to abandon the operation.

- displays the contents of the current Project directory.

- displays the contents of the Examples directory.

- changes the directory to a user defined directory. This is defined

using Tools - Customise Paths (on page 321).

- changes the directory to a user defined directory. This is defined

using Tools - Customise Paths (on page 321).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 283

File - Export Model
Saves a model. The Export dialog is displayed.

This is very similar to the standard Windows Save dialog.

- changes the directory to the same directory as the Project.

- changes the directory to the Examples directory.

- changes the directory to a user defined directory. This is defined

using Tools - Customise Paths (on page 321).

- changes the directory to a user defined directory. This is defined

using Tools - Customise Paths (on page 321).

284 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

File - Examples
Takes you directly to where the PowerMILL examples are stored. The
Open Examples dialog box appears:

This is very similar to the Import Model dialog box. For more
information on how to use this dialog see File - Import Model (on page

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 285

File - Print Preview
This allows you to view the page layout prior to printing, for example:

Print - allows you to print the picture. See File - Print (on page 287) for
Next Page - shows the next page of the print file. If this is greyed out
there are no further pages.
Previous Page - shows the previous page of the print file. If this is
greyed out there are no previous pages.
Two Page - displays two pages of the print file at a time.
Zoom In - zooms in on part of the page.
Zoom Out - zooms out to see more of the page.
Close - closes the Print Preview screen and returns to PowerMILL.

286 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

File - Print
The following dialog is displayed when you select File - Print or Print
on the top toolbar:

This is a standard Windows Print dialog that allows you to print the
current graphics window.

File - Recent Projects

The walk through menu lists the four most recently accessed project files.

Selecting a project from the list loads that project.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 287

File - Recent Models
The walk through menu lists the four most recently accessed model files.

Selecting a model from the list loads that file.

File - Delete Selected

Deletes the selected items.

File - Delete All

Deletes everything permanently.

File - Exit
Leaves PowerMILL and returns to Windows.
The program checks that you want to leave PowerMILL before exiting.

Click Yes to exit PowerMILL or No to remain in PowerMILL.

288 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

View Menu

The commands in the View menu allow you manipulate the view, within
the following categories:
Zoom (Resize to Fit, Zoom to Box).
View manipulation (From, ISO, Tool, Rotation
Anchor,Refresh and Dynamic Sectioning).
Define Screen setup (Toolbar, Dialogs).
Save screen shots (Snapshot).

View - Resize to Fit

Zooms the image so that it just fits in the window. This is also available
from the button on the View toolbar.
For example, it will convert this view:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 289

into this:

This function will zoom in or out as required. So, it will also zoom a
microscopic image on the screen to one that just fits inside the window.

View - Zoom to Box

Zooms in to a specific area of the image. This is also available from the
button on the View toolbar.
Click and drag (using the left mouse button) a zoom box on the image.
The view is then zoomed to fit the boxed area.
For example, it will convert this image:

into this:

290 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

View - From

Manipulates the view orientation so that it is along the X, Y or Z axis.

This is also available from the buttons on the View toolbar.
Selecting Right (X), Back (Y) and Top (Z) defines whether the view is
drawn as if looking along the X axis, Y axis or Z axis. Additional options
of Left (-X), Front (-Y) and Bottom (-Z) complete the six standard
planar views.
For example, selecting the View Along Y button will convert this:

into this:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 291

View - ISO

Changes the view orientation to that of an isometric view. This is also

available from the buttons on the View toolbar.
Selecting 1, 2, 3 or 4 determines the angle of projection.
For example, selecting View - ISO - 1 will give this:

View - Tool

292 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Down Axis - changes the view to one down the tool axis.

From Side - changes the view to one with the tool vertical.

View - Rotation Anchor

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 293

Defines the location of the centre of rotation when performing trackball
twiddling. The centre of rotation is shown by a sphere when you hold
down the middle mouse button:

Selected Items - the centre of rotation is at the centre of the selected

Selected Points - the centre of rotation is at the centre of the selected
Origin - the centre of rotation is at the origin of the active workplane. If
no workplane is active then the centre of rotation is at the origin of the
global coordinate system (transform).
Active Tool - the centre of rotation is at the tool's tip position.
View - the centre of rotation is at the centre of the current view (in the
centre of the screen).

View - Refresh
Redraws all the currently drawn components, repairing any 'damage' to
the screen image.. This is also available from the button on the View
This can be useful as the image can lose definition as items are un-drawn
and re-drawn on the screen.

294 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

View - Toolbar
Defines which toolbars are displayed in PowerMILL.

Toggles the display of the toolbars, command window and status bar.
When selected, an 9 is placed next to the option and it is displayed on the
main screen.

View - Dialogs
Allows you to alter the display of error messages.

Toggles the display of error and warning messages, and command errors,
between on-screen dialogs and the command window. When selected, an
9 is placed next to the option and the associated messages are displayed
in the form of dialogs (otherwise, they are displayed in the command

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 295

Errors and Warnings - controls how to display error and warning
messages. For example, if Errors and Warnings is selected, then you
will see a dialog:

Otherwise, you will see a message in the command window:

Command Errors - controls how to display invalid command

messages. For example, if you type a command incorrectly (say "Create
Workpane" rather than "Create Workplane") then, if Command Errors
is selected, you will see a dialog:

Otherwise, the message will be displayed in the command window:

In most instances it is better to have the dialog displayed as it draws your

attention to the error and will not continue until you have responded to it.
However there are instances when you may want to ignore any errors
(such as when running automatic tests).

View - Snapshot
You can easily save screen shots by using the View - Snapshot menu

296 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Selecting the View - Snapshot menu option displays the following

You can save the image as a PNG (*.png), JPEG (*.jpg) or Bitmap
(*.bmp) file.
These files can then be inserted into other documents.

*.PNG files have a high quality image but are also very compact
(have a small file size).

View - Dynamic Sectioning

Dynamic Sectioning gives you the ability to section quickly through
the current view. This can be particularly useful when analysing a portion
of a toolpath.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 297

It is a dynamic state and cannot be saved.

Selecting the option displays the Dynamic Sectioning dialog:

Position (on page 300) - determines which clip plane is enabled and
the position of the clip plane.
Distance (on page 301) - details the distance of the clipping planes
from the origin of the active workplane and allows you to create a
workplane on the clipping plane.
Axis (on page 302) - determines the orientation of the clipping planes
in terms of the active workplane or the view.
Draw Edges - draws the clipped edges of the shaded model. This
behaviour is dependent on the graphics card.

298 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Translucency - draws the clipped sections translucent. When you select
this option, it is often clearer if you also select the Draw Edges option.

Dynamic sectioning can also be controlled by keyboard shortcuts. These

are defined in the table below.

Key Description
moves the front clipping plane forward
moves the front clipping plane back
CTRL + moves the back clipping plane forward
CTRL + moves the back clipping plane back
Home moves the front clipping plane to the most
positive axis position
CTRL + Home moves the back clipping plane to the most
negative axis position
End moves the front clipping plane to the most
negative axis position
(this may not be possible if the planes are
CTRL + End moves the back clipping plane to the most
positive axis position (this may not be
possible if the planes are locked)

right arrow key
left arrow key

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 299

anything in bold is a key
The keyboard focus has to be in the graphics window (click in the graphics
window to give it the focus) for these shortcuts to work.

Determines which clip plane is enabled and the position of the clip plane.

Front - enables the front clipping plane. This is enabled by default.

Front Slider - determines the position of the clipping plane.

Back - enables the back clipping plane. This is disabled by default.

Back Slider - determines the position of the clipping plane.

Lock - locks the front and back clip planes in their current position. So,
when one clip plane is moved the other is also moved relative to it,
maintaining the same distance between them.

300 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Reset - resets the model to have no clip planes.

The front and back clip planes are not allowed to cross.

Details the distance of the clipping planes from the origin and allows you
to create a workplane on the clipping plane.

The distance of the front clipping plane from the origin. Clicking
creates a workplane on the front clipping plane.

When clicking on , the distance fields are updated to reflect the

distance of the clipping planes to this new workplane.
The distance of the back clipping plane from the origin. Clicking
creates a workplane on the back clipping plane.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 301

Axis determines the orientation of the clipping planes.
View - The clipping planes are parallel to the current view.

X - The clipping planes are parallel to the X axis of the current


Y - The clipping planes are parallel to the Y axis of the current


302 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Z - The clipping planes are parallel to the Y axis of the current

Example Using Dynamic Sectioning

This example shows you the power of Dynamic Sectioning when used
to help you analyse a toolpath. This uses the Flats.dgk example with a
simple Area Clearance toolpath. The tool is on the toolpath at an area
of interest (use the Attach Active Tool to Start from the Toolpath
right click menu and then step through the toolpath to the area of

1. From the Graphics right click menu select the Dynamic

Sectioning option.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 303

2. This displays the Dynamic Sectioning dialog.

3. Change the Axis to Y so that the sectioning is done normal to the

Y axis of the global transform (as there is no active workplane).

304 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

4. Select the back option and move the slider immediately above this
option to display a dynamic section. You will see the model being
'cut away':

5. If you change your View you can see the position of the tool on the
model more clearly.

6. In certain cases, Dynamic Sectioning can offer a much clearer

result than the Translucency (from the Model right click menu)
of the model.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 305

Insert Menu

The commands on the Insert menu allow you to merge data with existing

Insert - Project
Merges the selected project into the existing project, after initially
displaying the Insert Project dialog:

This is very similar to the Open Project dialog. For more information
on how to use this, see File - Open Project (on page 277).

306 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Insert - Toolpath
Merges the selected toolpaths into the existing project, after initially
displaying the Insert Toolpath dialog:

This is very similar to the Import Model dialog. For more information
on how to use this see File - Import Model (on page 282).

Insert - Template Objects

Merges the selected template into the existing project, after initially
displaying the Insert Template dialog:

This is very similar to the Import Model dialog. For more information
on how to use this see File - Import Model (on page 282).
You can use project templates to set-up a standard set of entities. Any
new project can then use these templates to pre-define a standard set of
entities. This will save time and encourage consistency.
The entities you can save in a template are:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 307

The Tools you want in each project. For example you can define a
standard set of tools that you will use in your project. This can
ensure that tools are named and numbered consistently as well as
ensuring that the geometry of the tool coincides with the tooling
available on the shop floor. For example you may have one
template which contains the tools you will use for High Speed
Machining Aluminium, another containing the tools you will use
for conventional machining mild steel and another containing the
tools you will use for High Speed Machining Hard Steel.
Patterns for machining of similar parts.
A standard set of Workplanes. This prevents you from having to
create and edit the same workplanes each time you start a new
A standard set of Levels.
NC Program Preferences so that you can pre-define the
preferences for each specific machine tool.

Insert - Session
Imports an old session file into the existing project, after initially
displaying the Insert Session dialog:

This is very similar to the Import Model dialog. For more information
on how to use this see File - Import Model (on page 282).

308 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Draw Menu

The commands on the Draw menu allow you to:

Control which entities are visible on the screen (Block, Drilling
Holes, Active Axes, Transform, Wireframe, Shaded, Draw
All, Undraw All).
Controls how entities are displayed on the screen (Model,

Draw - Model
Determines how the model is drawn. The Model Drawing Options
dialog appears:

The top half of the dialog controls the representation of the wireframe (on
page 310) and the bottom half controls the representation of the shaded
model (see "Shade" on page 312).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 309

Style - controls the line display of the wireframe. There are three

Solid - displays the wireframe as a solid line. This is the default


Dashed - displays the wireframe as a dashed line.

Chained - displays the wireframe as a chained line (dot dashed line).

310 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Once you have selected a line Style for the wireframe, then the
Wireframe button on the View toolbar will toggle between the
selected style and not displaying the wireframe.
Colour - defines the colour of the wireframe. The currently selected
colour is displayed on the dialog Colour . To change the colour
click on the to display the Select Colour dialog.

This is the standard Windows colour selector dialog.

Laterals - Draws the laterals of a feature or a surface.

Longitudinals - Draws the longitudinals of a feature or a surface.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 311

With both the Laterals and the Longitudinals selected, you see the
complete feature or surface.

Filter Angle - Stl and ttr formats can produce acceptable wireframe
representation by modification of the wireframe angle filter. You are
encouraged to experiment with this filter to produce the best result for a
particular model.
The default value is 20 degrees. A smaller value will produce more
boundaries and a larger value will produce less. You will generally need a
smaller value if your model consists mainly of very smooth surfaces.
Note that this value has no impact on the type of wireframe generated for
Delcam formatted triangles, that is to say *.tri and *.dmt files.


312 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Shade Inside - when this option is selected, the underside of the model
is shaded red. Shade Inside is the default setting.

Draw Outlines - when this option is selected, edge curves of surfaces

are drawn in black. This is only visible if the wireframe is not drawn.

When this option is deselected, edge curves of surfaces are drawn in the
surface colour.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 313

Shade Colour - defines the colour of the plain shaded model (the
colour of the model when you select the Plain Shade button on the
View toolbar). The currently selected colour is displayed next to the
Shade Colour field. To change the colour, click to
display the Select Colour dialog:

This is the standard Windows colour selector dialog.

Shade Tolerance - the shading tolerance is specified here. The finer
the tolerance, the smoother the shading will be, but the rendering time
will increase. The tolerance used here is purely a visual tolerance and
does not affect the machining tolerance.
Draft Angle Shading - alters the draft angle used in Draft Angle
Shading available from the Draft Angle Shade button on the View
Draft Angle - anything less than the value typed here will be shaded
Warning Angle - anything less than the value typed here but larger
than the Draft Angle will be shaded yellow.
In the case where there is a draft angle of 5 and a warning angle of 20,
then anything less than 5 is shaded red, anything between 5 and 25 is
shaded yellow, and anything above 25 is shaded green.
Minimum Radius Shading - alters the radius used in Minimum
Radius Shading available from the Minimum Radius Shading button
on the View toolbar.
Minimum Tool Radius - anything less than the value typed here
will be shaded red.

314 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Draw - Block
Determines whether or not the block is visible on the screen.

Draw - Drilling Holes

Determines whether or not drilling holes are displayed on the screen.

Draw - Active Axes

Determines whether or not the active axes (active workplane) are
displayed on the screen.

Draw - Transform
Determines whether or not the transform (global coordinate system) is
displayed on the screen.

Draw - Cursor
Determines how the cursor is displayed, whether as a cross-hair or the
current tool (which means that you can perform a visual check as to the
accessibility of a tool onto the part). In the latter case, you can choose
whether the tool has its centre or tip at the central cursor location.

The original cursor will always be displayed at the same time.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 315

Draw - Cursor - Cross Hair - determines whether or not a cross hair
cursor is visible on the screen. Ctrl H is a short cut for this operation.

Draw - Cursor - Tool - determines whether or not the current tool

cursor is visible on the screen. Ctrl T is a short cut for this operation.

Draw - Cursor - Options - Centre - determines whether or not the

Tool Cursor has its centre at the central cursor location.
Draw - Cursor - Options - Tip - determines whether the Tool
Cursor has its tip at the central cursor location. This is the default

316 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Draw - Wireframe
Determines whether or not the wireframe model is displayed on the
screen. This offers the same functionality as Wireframe on the View

Draw - Shaded
Determines whether or not the shaded model is displayed on the screen.
This offers the same functionality as Plain Shade on the View

Draw - Draw All

Draws on the graphics display all entities that can be drawn.

Draw - Undraw All

Removes from the graphics display all entities that are currently drawn.

These entities are not deleted.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 317

Tools Menu

The commands on the Tools menu allow you to:

See the syntax in the PowerMILL command window (Echo
Reset check boxes and parameters on dialogs to their default state
(Reset Forms).
Snap to entities (Snapping and Snap Filter).
Operate on specific entities (Filter Style).
List, add, re-order and delete pathnames that will be searched and
displayed (Customise Paths).
Manage licence permissions (Release Licences, Request
Specify preferences relating to tolerances, toolpaths, views and
shading (Customise Colours, Options).

Tools - Echo Commands

The Tools - Echo Commands option allows the command issued on
pressing a button or selecting a menu item to be echoed in the command
window. This is of great use when debugging macros. The following
example shows the commands issued when you create a block at the
model limits.
1. Display the command window by selecting the View - Toolbar -
Command menu option.
2. Turn the echo on by selecting the Tools - Echo Commands
menu option.
3. Click the Block button .

318 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

4. Click the Calculate button on the Block dialog.
5. Click the Accept button on the Block dialog.
6. Turn the echo off by deselecting the Tools - Echo Commands
menu option.
7. Close the command window by clicking in the top left corner
of the window.
The command window will show the following:

The [ FORM BLOCK\R] response shows that the Form Block

command was issued.
This can be used to:
1. Find the actual command that is issued so that you can input it into
a macro. In this case you can see that the actual command issued is
Echo off DCPDebug Untrace Command Accept.
2. Trace a macro execution when debugging a faulty macro,
pinpointing which command is causing a problem. In this case, if
you select Tools - Echo Commands and then run a macro (by
selecting the macro in the explorer and then, using the right click
menu, selecting Run) you can see all the commands that are issued
from the macro and identify any problem areas.

Tools - Reset Forms

Resets check boxes and parameters to the values defined when you
started PowerMILL.
To effectively return the program to its startup state, use the Tools -
Reset Forms and File - Delete All commands.

The Reset command only resets parameters. It does not apply the
new values or delete anything.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 319

Tools - Snapping
When selected, this option allows snapping to the entities defined in
Tools - Snap Filter (on page 320).

Tools - Snap Filter

Specifies the particular entities to be snapped to when using the mouse.
Anywhere - you can pick any point in space.

The snapping behaviour is most useful for Measuring and Sketching

Boundaries and Patterns.
Measuring - enables you to measure between points on the model,
boundary and pattern (provided that the relevant snap filter is selected).
You can also measure points in free space if the snapping is disabled or
the Anywhere option is selected.
Boundary and Pattern Sketching - enables you to sketch using
model points.

320 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tools - Filter Style
This option allows you to operate on specific entities.

For example, to delete all blue entities:

1. If all the Filter Style options are selected (as above), then deselect
them all by selecting Tools - Filter Style - Invert.
2. Select Tools - Filter Style - Blue.
3. Drag a box over the whole model.
Now only the blue entities are selected and these can be deleted
using the File - Delete Selected (on page 288) menu option.

Tools - Customise Paths

This enables you to define the search paths that will be used to find
macros, NC Program Output, setup sheets, templates and the custom
directories assigned to the following File dialog buttons (for example, for
the import and export of models):

- the Examples directory.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 321

- user defined directory, for example the directory from which
models are to be imported.

- user defined directory, for example the directory into which

models are to be exported.
Selecting Tools - Customise Paths displays the following dialog:

The "." indicates the path to the 'local' folder.

The tilde symbol ("~") indicates your Home directory.

PowerMILL will automatically find macros that are in sub-

directories of Home called either pmill2 or pmill4.
The PowerMILL paths dialog enables you to view, add, delete
and re-order the pathnames that are searched for within each path
type specified in the drop-down list:

Macro Paths - enables you to re-order, add, delete and list the macro
pathnames. For more information see Displaying Macros in
Explorer (on page 254).
NC Program Output - enables you to define the location of the
Root Name specified in the NC Program dialog (on page 38).

322 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

File Dialog Example Button (see "Defining File Dialog Buttons"
on page 324) - enables you to define a shortcut to the examples

directory. This is then accessed when you select on a File

Open dialog.
File Dialog Button 1 (see "Defining File Dialog Buttons" on
page 324) - enables you to define a shortcut to a specified

directory. This is then accessed when you select on a File

Open dialog.
File Dialog Button 2 (see "Defining File Dialog Buttons" on
page 324) - enables you to define a shortcut to a specified

directory. This is then accessed when you select on a File

Open dialog.
Template Paths - enables you to add additional tabs to the standard
tabs on the New dialog available from the Toolpath Strategies
button .
Setup Sheets Template Paths - defines the location of your setup
sheet templates. This is then used when you Setup Sheets -
Settings from the context menu for an individual NC Program
Option Files - defines the location of the Option Files. This is then
used in the Machine Option File field in the NC Program
dialog (on page 38).
Add Path to Top of List - adds a new path to the top of the path
Add Path to Bottom of List - adds a new path to the bottom of the
path list.

Delete - deletes the selected path from the path list.

Move Down - moves the selected path down the path list.
Move Up - moves the selected path up the path list.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 323

Path List - displays the paths currently set up for the path type, for

Creating a New Toolpath Template

It is possible to use the Tools - Customise Paths dialog to modify the
contents of the New dialog displayed when you click the Toolpath
Strategy button. This is a two stage process:
1. Create tabs on the New dialog (on page 471).
2. Insert a Toolpath Template into the tabs on the New dialog (on
page 473).

Defining File Dialog Buttons

To define the File Dialog buttons select Macro Paths option from the
macro type menu. Then change the Path Selection to File Dialog
Button 1 from the drop-down list. This then displays the following in
the dialog.

324 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Select the Add Path to Top of List button. The following dialog
will be displayed:

Move to the appropriate directory (using the Make New Folder button
if appropriate). The pathname will then be displayed at the bottom of the
dialog (in this case E:\Pmill\WhatsNew7000\). The click on OK.
You will now see the path added to the path list.

Click on the Close button to finish.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 325

To see the effects of this change then select the File - Examples menu

option and then click on the button. The files displayed will be
those in the directory you specified above.

If you add more than one path to the path list only the contents of the path
at the top of the list will be displayed.
You can repeat the same process for File Dialog Button 2.

Tools - Release Licences

This option allows you to release licences that PowerMILL has already

Releasing those licences that you no longer need will make them
available to others who may require them.

326 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

PowerMILL automatically releases FLEX licences after two hours
of inactivity (although this time is configurable by the FLEX server
System Administrator). The licence will automatically be requested
(see "Tools - Request Licences" on page 327) when activity is
resumed. If a licence is requested which is no longer available, then
the program will wait until it does become available.

You must be in possession of the relevant licence in order to

calculate an entity (toolpath, boundary, block, NC Program).
However, you can Batch a toolpath if you don't possess the correct
licence. Then, when you can get hold of the right licence you can
process the toolpath.

Tools - Request Licences

This option allows you to request licences that PowerMILL needs to
perform certain operations.

In the above example, the only licence that you can request is
POWERMILL PORT. If you request an available licence and it is
available, then the corresponding permissions will be added to your
session. You may want to do this in order to reserve licences for
later use in a session.

PowerMILL automatically releases (see "Tools - Release Licences"

on page 326) FLEX licences after two hours of inactivity (although
this time is configurable by the FLEX server System Administrator).
The licence will automatically be requested when activity is
resumed. If a licence is requested which is no longer available, then
the program will wait until it does become available.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 327

PowerMILL automatically obtains the appropriate licence for you as it is
needed. So, for example, clicking Apply when projection machining will
automatically try to obtain the ADVNC licence for you if it is not already
assigned to your session of PowerMILL. If successful, the relevant
licence permissions will be added to your current session and retained
until the session is ended or, until you decide to relinquish the licence.
Alternatively, if the licence is not available (because all of those
particular licences are already assigned to other users/sessions or, because
it has not been purchased by your organisation) then a message will
appear to notify you of this and the toolpath will not be created.

Tools - Customise Colours

This option allows you to select entity colours from the range of 32-bit
colours via the standard Windows colour selector.

Any colour change that you make is global. This means that the
changes are remembered between PowerMILL sessions and are
applied to all projects.
Select Tools - Customise Colours from the menu to display the
Customise Colours dialog:

328 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The left hand side of the dialog displays the items that can have
customised colours. Selecting an item in the tree enables the Selected
Colour area of the dialog, which displays the current colour of your
selected item. Either click this colour or click Edit to display the standard
Windows colour editing dialog:

Select the required colour and click OK to display this colour in in the
Selected Colour area of the Customise Colours dialog.
Reset - reverts your colour selection to what it was when you started

Copy - copies the currently selected colour onto the clipboard.

Paste - pastes the colour on the clipboard into the selected colour.
Clipboard Colour - shows the colour currently on the clipboard.
All Colours

The functionality available here is useful if you want to utilise different

colour schemes for different types of work.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 329

Import Colour Table - loads a colour table from file. This
displays the Import Colour Table dialog, which works in the
same way as all Windows Open dialogs :

Save Colour Table - saves the current colour table. This

displays the Export Colour Table dialog, which works in the
same way as all windows Save dialogs . All files are saved as
Colour Table files *.pmlct. This can be useful if you need
different colour schemes for different projects.

Reset All - reverts your colour selection to what it was when you
started PowerMILL.
Restore Defaults - resets all the colours to their default values. The
following Query dialog is displayed.

Click Yes to restore the defaults or No to cancel the request.

330 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Feature or Pattern Colours

The active feature is drawn using its colour property (for example, the
colour extracted from the CAD model). If an active feature does not have
a colour property, then it is drawn in the active feature colour defined
here. The same is true for Patterns.

Customising Colours
This example looks at changing the colour of selected items, using the
Chamber.igs model from the Examples file.

1. From the Tools menu, select the Customise Colours option

(see "Tools - Customise Colours" on page 328), followed by
Selection Colour:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 331

2. Edit the colour from yellow to green:

3. Click OK.
4. The Customised Colour dialog reflects your new choice of

332 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

5. The model is updated to reflect the change in colour:

You can see the colour change more easily if you look at it without
the shading:

Tools - Options
Allows you to specify tolerances and toolpath, view and shading options

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 333

These user preferences are saved automatically in the registry when you
exit PowerMILL. All entries (View, Import, NC Programs,
Tolerance, Toolpath) are read in at startup and saved on leaving

Options - Tolerance

Polygonisation Tolerance - defines the maximum deviation
between the original curve and a series of straight lines used to
represent the curve. This is used whenever curves are required to
be converted into a series of straight lines.
Closure Tolerance - determines whether an open segment can be
considered closed. If two end points are less than this distance
apart, an extra line is created to close them.
Model Import Tolerance - determines the accuracy used to translate
from the import file format to a dgk format. If, for example, the file is an
IGES file, then it determines how closely the dgk matches the original.
Unit System
Units (mm or inches) are stored in the project. You cannot change the
units once you have created an entity.
Metric (millimetres) - selecting this option enables metric units.

334 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Imperial (inches) - selecting this option enables imperial units.

Options - Toolpath

Raise Dialog - when this is selected, the machining strategy dialog box
associated with the active toolpath is automatically opened. When this is
deselected, no dialog boxes are opened.
Cutting Moves - selecting this enables the selection of cutting moves in
the active toolpath.
Connection Moves - selecting this enables the selection of connection
moves in the active toolpath.
Contact Normals - when this is selected, toolpaths are created with the
contact normals details in them. This is essential when the machine tool
does the 3D cutter compensation and PowerMILL outputs I, J, K vectors
in the tape file.
Auto Activate - selecting this ensures that the most recently created
toolpath is the active toolpath.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 335

Save on Calculation - when this is selected, the PowerMILL project is
automatically saved after the processing of each toolpath, when
processing batch toolpaths.
Tool Axis Length - controls the length of the lines drawn to represent
the tool axis at each point. These are displayed when you Draw
Toolpath Axes .
Contact Normal Length - controls the length of the lines drawn to
represent the contact normals at each point. These are displayed when
you Draw Toolpath Contact Normals .

Options - Tool
Feeds and Speeds

Feed Rate Plunge Factor - specifies the plunge rate as a

percentage of the cutting rate when loaded from the active tool.
The default value is 0.1. This is remembered for future
PowerMILL sessions.
Auto Load Feed Rates - automatically loads the Feed Rates
stored in the Cutting Data tab on the Tools dialog when the tool
is activated. This is remembered for future PowerMILL sessions.

336 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Auto Load Depth of Cut - automatically loads the Axial
Depth of Cut and Radial Depth of Cut stored in the Cutting
Data tab on the Tools dialog when the tool is activated. This is
remembered for future PowerMILL sessions.

Database File path - specifies the location of the tool database.
- allows you to find the required directory and filename.
- displays the name of the selected tool

A sample tool database is available in the Examples folder.

Load Shank with Tool - when selected, loads the shank as well
as the cutter from the database. When deselected, only loads the
cutter from the database.
Double Click to Create Tools - when selected, double clicking
on a tool displayed in the Search Results of the Tool
Database creates that tool. When deselected, tools are only
created by using the Select All, Select None and Create Tools

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 337

Options - View

Dynamic Framerate
Minimum Framerate - specifies the desired frame rate for dynamic
rendering. If PowerMILL can't render a frame dynamically with this
value, the view is simplified.
Preferred Framerate - controls various aspects of the view's lighting
characteristics (number of lights, back facing surface shading) only when
the Minimum Framerate can be achieved without simplification. If the
value is set to 0, there are no lighting simplifications.
Time Limit - specifies the time to animate to the specified orientation
selected from the View Toolbar. A time limit of 0.0 disables animation.

No animation occurs if PowerMILL considers the current view too

Pick Radius - represents the size of the hot spot used for picking. A
large radius requires less accuracy in the placing of the cursor, but may
result in a close (and unwanted) item being selected. A small radius
requires greater picking accuracy but is more precise. This radius can be
any positive value. The default value is 1.

338 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Drawing Tolerance - represents how arcs are displayed on the screen.
The arcs are displayed as a series of straight lines on the screen. The Arc
Tolerance defines the maximum deviation between the actual curve and
the straight line representation. The default value is 0.1. If the arcs appear
faceted then use a smaller tolerance.
Spin View - allows you to spin the model from a dynamic rotation. If
you dynamically rotate your model, once you let go of the middle mouse
button, the model will continue rotating. To stop the rotation, do one of
the following:
Deselect the Spin View check box.
Do another dynamic rotation, but keep the view in one particular
orientation for a period before letting go of the middle mouse
Perform another task (such as selecting another menu option or
clicking on a button).
Instrument on Selection - enables instrumentation of features when
selected, so that the blue drag arrows are drawn on the selected feature.
Deselecting the option disables instrumentation.
Use Model Colour for Holes - when this option is selected, the holes
are the colour of the Model. When the option is deselected, they are the
colour of the Feature Set.
View Background Image (on page 339) - allows you to choose an
image (rather than a colour) as a background to PowerMILL.

View Background Image

View Background Image - allows you to choose an image (rather than
a colour) as a background to PowerMILL.

or - displays the name of the selected

background image.
Load Background Image from File - displays the View
Background Image dialog, which allows you to open an existing
image file.

Remove Background Image - removes the currently selected

image and reverts to colour defined in Tools - Customise Colours
(on page 328) - View Background.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 339

Fit - controls how the image fits into the background.
Clip - the image is clipped in one direction so that it fits in the
other. In the picture below the top and bottom of the image are
clipped. The scaling is uniform.

Whole - shows the whole of the image, with borders in the

background colour. The scaling is uniform.

340 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Stretch - the image is stretched in one direction. In the picture
below the width of the image is stretched. The scaling is NOT

Tile - duplicate instances of the image make up the background.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 341

Options - Import

Split Solids on Import - automatically splits a solid model into a

surface model on import into PowerMILL. This option is selected by
Defer Loading (see "Deferred Loading" on page 232) - by default, the
models associated with a project are loaded at the same time as the
project. If you do not want the models to be loaded, then simply select the
Defer Loading option.

Deferred Loading
You have the option not to load a model on importing a project (select
Tools - Options - Import - Defer Loading).
The following illustrates the difference between a Deferred Model and
a Model:

Deferred Model is shown with a in the explorer.


342 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Clicking loads the model:

Calculating a toolpath or boundary also loads any deferred models.

Options - NC Programs

File Type - specifies whether the toolpath will be output as an NC

Program (*.tap), a Cutter Location (standard cutter location format
file extension .cut) or a Duct Picture (.pic).
Format - if you select a File Type of Cutter Location, then this
option becomes available. It determines the format of the cut file
(Binary, ASCII or Print). The default setting is Binary, the standard
format used by the Delcam Postprocessor. ASCII formats will create
much larger cut files, but are necessary when:
User edits are required.
Files are transferred between UNIX and Windows platforms. An
alternative way to transfer files between the two platforms is to use
the edit tpoutput cutfformat command.

The Print format is recommended when Delcam post

processors are NOT used.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 343

Write File for Each Toolpath - when this is selected, a separate file is
written for each toolpath in an NC Program.
Use Toolpath Workplane for Output - when this is selected, the NC
program is written using each toolpath workplane. When it is deselected,
the NC program uses the output workplane defined in the NC Program
Produce Info File - specifies whether or not an Information File is
Output File Extension
Option File - defines the appropriate extension for a particular machine
tool option file. For example you would probably want to change a
Heidenhain controller to have an .hnc extension rather than the default
.tap extension.

The first field defines the machine tool controller; the second field
defines the extension applied to the output file.

If you don't want your output file to have an extension then

type '.' in the extension field.
Path - defines the folder to which the NC Programs using these
preferences will be written.
Arc Fit Factor - allows you to create smoother toolpaths. The arc fitting
is done to a proportion of the machining tolerance for that toolpath; the
proportion is the 'arc fit factor'. The default factor is 0.5 (so, if the factor
is not changed arc fitting will be done to half the machining tolerance).
This means that, if the toolpath tolerance is 0.1, and the Arc Fit Factor
is 0.5, then the arc fitted toolpath can be 0.05 away from the original
toolpath (which itself could be 0.1 away from the model).

Increasing the Arc Fit Factor from 0.5 can cause undesirable
results. Only increase this value if you fully understand the
Load Setup Sheets with Project - selecting this option ensures that
PowerMILL automatically browses existing setup sheets when a project
is loaded.

344 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Help Menu

The commands in the Help menu allow you to:

access the online help system (Contents, What's New).
get general information about PowerMILL (About).
get general information about Delcam (Data Translation
Services, Subscribe to the PowerMILL Newsletter, Visit
the User Forum, Delcam on the Web).
get updated versions of PowerMILL (Check for PowerMILL

Help - Contents
Activates a Windows Help screen showing the contents of the
PowerMILL online help.
For more information on using the Help system, see Getting Help (see
"Help" on page 9).

Help - What's New

Activates an HTML page in the browser window showing the most
important new features in this version and several videos of the new
Clicking the What's New link on this page displays the standard
What's New online help.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 345

Clicking o displays a video of the associated feature:

Help - Check for PowerMILL Updates

Allows you to download the latest release versions of PowerMILL. The
instructions on how to do this are displayed in PowerMILL's browser
view tab .
PowerMILL goes to the Web to check for patch updates for the version
currently running. It also checks for newer versions. If there are newer
versions available, the user is given the option to go to the product
updates site.

Help - Subscribe to the PowerMILL Newsletter

This option automatically prepares an e-mail to send to Delcam so that
you can subscribe to the PowerMILL Newsletter.
Simply send the e-mail to subscribe to the newsletter.

346 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Help - Visit the User Forum
This option allows you to join and then participate in user discussions on
PowerMILL or any other Power Solution product. It displays the Power
Solution User Forum page, from the www.delcam.com
(http://www.delcam.com) website, in PowerMILL's browser view tab

This page explains how you can Join and then use the forum. The forum
is intended for new and established users to share ideas and experiences.

Help - Data Translation Services

Displays the PS-Exchange Pay-per-use Information page in
PowerMILL's browser view tab .
The page explains how you can use the Pay-per-use facility when you
don't have the required translator.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Menu bar 347

Help - Delcam on the Web
Displays the PowerMILL or Delcam home page in PowerMILL's browser
view tab .

Simply select the required page.

Help - About
Displays information about the version of PowerMILL you are using.
Click OK to close the dialog.

348 Menu bar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Main toolbar

The Main Toolbar provides quick access to the most commonly used
tools in PowerMILL. By default it is located just below the menu bar but
it can be relocated anywhere around the PowerMILL window, or as a
separate window.

The order, reading from left to right, reflects the sequential stages used to
set up, rough, finish, verify and visualise a part. Each button either opens
a dialog box or performs an operation.
On the whole, when machining a component, it is best to work through
the various procedures in the order that they are presented on the toolbar.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 349

Open Project
opens an existing PowerMILL project, displaying the Open Project

In the top pane, move to the required folder and then select the relevant
project (projects are marked with either for Version 6 (or earlier)
projects, or for Version 7 (or later) projects). Then click OK to open
the project and associated model simultaneously.
Alternatively, you can type the pathname of the project in the bottom
Folder pane. As you type, the folder display is updated.
Clicking in the bottom right hand corner of the dialog allows you to
resize the dialog. PowerMILL automatically remembers the new size of
the dialog.

350 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Save Project
saves the current project with the same name as before and doesn't
display a dialog or issue any warnings. This is also available from the
File - Save Project menu. If no project is active then the Save
Project As dialog is displayed:

This dialog is the standard Windows File Save As dialog.

The PowerMILL header is now updated from:


You can see that the Project Name is preceded with a "-" to show that it
has just been saved. As soon as you make any changes to the project the
"-" changes to an "*" to indicate that the project has been updated since
the last save:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 351

At this point the project is also entered in the File - Recent Projects
list, for quick access later.

If you look in E:\Pmill\GettingStarted60\Simple Example directory. you

can see the files that PowerMILL has created:

Please do NOT edit any of these files - otherwise, we cannot

guarantee the correct working of PowerMILL. However, you can
put additional files in this directory, such as the associated model,
Word document or associated bitmaps.

352 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Once you have saved a project, you will see either (for a pre-Version 7
project), or (for a Version 7 or post-Version 7 project) placed beside
the file in the Project dialogs:

The following dialog is displayed when you select File - Print or Print
on the top toolbar:

This is a standard Windows Print dialog that allows you to print the
current graphics window.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 353

The button displays the Block dialog, which defines the shape, size
and orientation of the raw material to be machined.

Defined By
Specifies how to define the block. There are several ways of defining the
1. Box (see "Block - Box" on page 355) - where the raw material is a
rectangular block that can be defined by minimum and maximum
X, Y, Z points..
2. Picture (see "Block - Picture" on page 355) - where the raw
material is an extrudion, where the extrusion can be defined by a
2D contour (a cylindrical bar or pre-drawn billet). The contour
must be saved as a DUCT picture file (*.pic). The 2D picture must
form a closed contour and not intersect itself (or any other
3. Triangles (see "Block - Triangles" on page 356) - where the raw
material is a complex shape which can be defined by a 3D triangle
model (a pre-cast block)..
4. Boundary (see "Block - Boundary" on page 356) - for machining
a specific area defined by an extruded 2D contour.

354 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

5. Cylinder - where the raw material is cylindrical. The axis of the
cylinder is defined as being up the Z axis.
These five options are selected from the Defined By pull down menu.

Block - Box
Select the Defined by - Box option if the raw material is a rectangular
block that can be defined by minimum and maximum X, Y, Z points.
The X, Y, Z values can be calculated automatically by selecting the
Calculate button. If an Expansion of, say, 15 is entered, then
PowerMILL will offset the block by 15mm from the minimum block size
to just enclose the model.

Block - Picture
Select the Defined by - Picture option if the raw material is an
extrusion which can be defined by a 2D contour (a cylindrical bar or pre-
drawn billet). The contour must be saved as a DUCT picture file (*.pic).
The 2D picture must form a closed contour and not intersect itself (or any
other contour).
On selecting Picture, from the Defined By pull down list, select the
Load button to display the Open Block dialog box which allows
you to open an existing picture file:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 355

For more information on how to use the Open Block from Picture
dialog, see Import Model (see "File - Import Model" on page 282).
The Min Z and Max Z values can be altered to specify the height/length
of the extrusion. The Calculate button automatically specifies the length
of the extrusion.

Block - Triangles
Select the Defined by - Triangles option if the raw material is a
complex shape which can be defined by a 3D triangle model (a pre-cast
On selecting Triangles, from the Defined By pull down list, select the
Load button to display the Open Block dialog which allows you to
open an existing triangles file:

For more information on how to use the Open Block from Triangles
dialog, see Import Model (see "File - Import Model" on page 282).

Block - Boundary
Select the Defined by - Boundary option if you want to machine a
specific area defined by an extruded 2D contour.

You need to define the Boundary using the Boundary Entity in

explorer and then enter the extruded length in the Block dialog box
by either specifying a Min Z and a Max Z or using the Calculate

Block - Toolbar

356 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Load Block from File - displays the Open Block from Picture
or the Open Block from Triangle dialog, which allows you to open an
existing picture or triangle file. This is only available if you have a
Defined By option of Triangles or Picture. For more information see
the Defined By (on page 354)section.
Delete Block - deletes the block.
Locks to World Space - locks the block to the global coordinate
system rather than relative to a specific workplane. This is only available
when the Block is Defined By Triangles.

Block - Limits
This option should be selected if the raw material is a rectangular block
that can be defined by minimum and maximum X, Y, Z points. The X, Y,
Z values can either be entered individually or calculated automatically by
clicking the Calculate button. If a value (say, 15) is entered in the
Expansion field, then it will offset the block by 15mm from the
minimum block size to just enclose the triangle model.
Locking Specific Limits
You can lock a specific X, Y or Z limit (Max or Min) so that whatever
you do to change the model limits, this particular limit will remain
Unlocked - the field is unlocked and so can be edited.
Locked - the field is locked. So, if you try to re-calculate the Block
Limits by either typing in a specific value or by typing in an Expansion
value, the Locked values will remain unchanged.
The above two buttons work as a toggle. So, if you click the Unlocked
button it locks the field and changes the button to Locked , and,
similarly, if you click the Locked button, it unlocks the field and
changes the button to Unlocked.
Unlock All Limits - unlocks all the locked fields simultaneously.

Block - Cylinder Parameters

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 357

These options are only available if you select a Defined By of
The Calculate button automatically calculates the limit of the block to
be just big enough to contain the entity selected in the Type field.
Centre X - defines the X coordinate of the centre of the circle defining
the cylinder.
Centre Y - defines the Y coordinate of the centre of the circle defining
the cylinder.
Radius - defines the radius of the circle defining the cylinder.
Unlocked - the field is unlocked and so can be edited. Clicking
changes it to .
Locked - the field is locked and so cannot be edited. Clicking
changes it to .
Unlock All - unlocks all the locked cylindrical parameters.
Apart from defining the diameter and location of the circle forming the
cylinder, the only other dimension required is the Z height. This is
specified in the Min Z and Max Z fields.

Block - Estimate Limits

The Calculate button automatically calculates the limit of the block to

be just big enough to contain the entity selected in the Type field.
Expansion - offsets the block from the minimum block size by the
specified distance. However, if you are working with a surface file then
you must specify a Tolerance.
Type - determines which entity is used when you calculate the limits.

358 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tolerance - this is used when placing a block at the limits of a DGK
surface file. The surface of such a file must be tested to work out the
limits for the block. This testing needs to be done to a tolerance. A very
small tolerance may take a long time to process, but a large tolerance
produces less precise results.

Block - Remaining fields

Draw - determines whether or not the block is visible on screen.
Opacity - provided that the Draw option is selected, the Opacity slider
determines how the block is displayed. If the slider is at the extreme left,
then the block is drawn as a wireframe. If the slider is at the extreme
right, then an opaque block is drawn. In between, the block is shaded
translucently, with translucency decreasing the further the slider is to the

Accept - accepts the values on the Block dialog and closes the dialog.
Cancel - closes the Block dialog without updating the block.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 359

Edit a Block Graphically
When you select a block it is surrounded by a blue cuboid with double
headed arrows on all faces. This is an Instrumented Block.

Place the mouse over the double arrow at the side of the block. This turns
the double arrow white. Now clicking and dragging the mouse changes
that dimensions. You can either drag it to the appropriate length:

360 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

or you can click on a feature of the model to define a specific dimension
of the block. So, in this case clicking on the edge of the hole in the model,

automatically changes the width of the block.

Clicking in the graphics area (or on another entity) deselects the block
and removes the instrumentation.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 361

Feeds and Speeds
Feeds and Speeds defines the machine feeds and spindle speeds.

Toolpath Properties - loads the appropriate values when the tool is


Toolpath: Corner Finishing - displays the name of the active toolpath

whose feeds and speeds are described.
Type - specifies the type of toolpath cut with this tool. This is either
Roughing or Finishing.

Currently, this parameter only used to output a record in the

cut file for the postprocessor, where it can be used, for
example, to select different smoothing tolerances on the CNC.

362 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Operation - specifies the cutting mode of the tool.

This allows you to set the tool/material properties for different

toolpath operations. This is not a parameter, and so it does not set
the actual toolpath operation.
Selecting the Type and Operation allows PowerMILL to load the
appropriate values from the tool definition when the tool is
Tool Properties - information about the tool used to create the toolpath.

Displays information about the tool used to create the toolpath.

Tool/Material Properties - cutting conditions of the tool and material.

Surface Speed - the speed of the tool when material is being removed,
measured in metres (or inches) per minute depending on the Units
In calculations, this value is represented by the symbol v . c

The surface speed represents the rate at which the cutting edges of
the tool can be driven through the material.
This values is used to calculate the Spindle Speed.
Feed/Tooth - the cutting feed per tooth, measured in mm or inches
depending on the Units setting.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 363

In calculations, this value is represented by the symbol f z.

The feed per tooth is determined by the construction of the tool,

and may be limited by the strength of the cutting edges or the
capacity of the tool to remove swarf.
This value is used to calculate the Cutting Feed Rate.

If only one flute is specified for the tool, then Feed/Tooth is the
same as Feed/Rev.
Axial Depth of Cut - the depth of cut measured along the tool axis in
mm or inches depending on the Units setting.
In calculations, this value is represented by the symbol a p.

The maximum value is limited by the flute length of a solid cutter

or by the inserts fitted.
Typically, this value is used to set the maximum Stepdown for
Area Clearance and Constant Z machining.
Radial Depth of Cut - the depth of cut measured normal to the tool
axis, measured in mm or inches depending on the Units setting.
In calculations, this value is represented by the symbol a e.

Typically, this value is used to set the Stepover for machining.

All of these fields are preceded by an icon (either or ).
Calculated - the values are calculated automatically by
Edited - the values are edited by you (or another user).

This value will not change when a new tool is activated.

Recommended: 200.00 mm/min - the recommended values. If you
have specified values in the Tool - Cutting Data dialog, then the values
entered there are displayed as recommended values here.

364 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Cutting Conditions - machine tool cutting conditions.

Spindle Speed - the rotation of the spindle, measured in revolutions per

In calculations, this value is represented by the symbol n.
This value is calculated automatically from the Surface Speed
If you edit this value then the Surface Speed value is also
updated to reflect your change.
PowerMILL can automatically calculate this value from the
Surface Speed field on the Tool Cutting Data tab by clicking
on the Feeds and Speeds (on page 362) dialog.
Cutting Feed Rate - the cutting feed rate, measured in mm or inches
per minute depending on the Units setting.
In calculations, this value is represented by the symbol f v.

This value is calculated automatically from the Feed/Tooth value.

If you edit this value then the Feed/Tooth value is also updated to
reflect your change.
PowerMILL can automatically calculate this value from the
Feed/Tooth field on the Tool Cutting Data tab by clicking
on the Feeds and Speeds (on page 362) dialog.
Plunging Feed Rate - the speed of the tool when it is entering the
material ready for its cutting moves, measured in mm or inches per
minute depending on the Units setting. These are vertical moves.
In calculations, this value is represented by the symbol V p.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 365

By default this value is Feed Rate Plunge Factor * Cutting
Feed (V = V *f ). For more information, see Feed rate plunge
p f v

factor (see "Options - Tool" on page 336).

Skim Feed Rate - the skim feed rate, measured in mm or inches per
minute depending on the Units setting.
Coolant (on page Error! Bookmark not defined.) - allows you to
specify the coolant:
None - no coolant output.
Standard - coolant turned on.
Flood - coolant on flood.
Mist - coolant on mist.
Tap - tap coolant on.
Air - air blast.
Through - coolant through spindle.
Double - two coolant codes are allowed.
The coolant is always turned off at the end of a toolpath.
All of these fields are preceded by an icon (either or ).
Calculated - the values are calculated automatically by
Edited - the values are edited by you (or another user).

This value will not change when a new tool is activated.

Recommended: 200.00 mm/min - the recommended values. If you
have specified values in the Tool - Cutting Data dialog, then the values
entered there are displayed as recommended values here.
Working Diameter - the effective tool diameter.

This frame enables you to make corrections for the working diameter of
the tool. For example, when surface milling with anything other than a
square-ended cutter with a small depth of cut, the full diameter of the
cutter is never engaged in the material. If the spindle speed is calculated
using the tool diameter, the surface speed of the part of the tool in the cut
will be less than it should be.

366 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Depth off Cut - depth of cut of the strategy a .p

Surface Slope - inclination from the horizontal of the surface being

machined. The inclination of the surface being machined has an influence
on the effective tool diameter.
Overhang Compensation - the correction required when extensions
are fitted.
The distance a tool projects out of the tool holder can have a huge impact
on tool life, especially for solid carbide cutters. Excessive overhang
increases both tool deflection and vibration, both of which increase the
rate of wear. Most tool manufacturers make specific recommendations
similar to the following:
ap' = ap * (4Dc/1)2, where
ap' - revised depth of cut
ap - depth of cut
Dc - cutting diameter
Typically, this correction is not made for indexable insert cutters since the
length is predetermined by the holder construction. However, if
extensions are fitted, some kind of reduction should be made.
Reset - loads the values from the active tool's Cutting Data (see "Tool
Cutting Data dialog" on page 878) into this dialog.
Apply - loads the values in this dialog to the active toolpath.
Accept - accepts the values on the dialog and closes it.
Cancel - closes the dialog without updating the feed rates.
For more information see Using the Feeds and Speeds dialog (on page

Using the Feeds and Speeds dialog

1. If you create a Tool , but don't define any Cutting Data
(see "Tool Cutting Data dialog" on page 878), then you will see the
Feeds and Speeds dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 367

All fields are preceded by , and have no recommended

2. Create a new Tool (with a valid diameter), and add in some

Cutting Data.
3. Double-click on the relevant item in the list.

368 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

4. The Edit Cutting Data dialog is displayed. Enter appropriate
cutting data.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 369

5. Look at the Feeds and Speeds dialog again, and you will
see that the values are the same as before, except that there are now
Recommended values for the fields for which you entered
values in the Tool - Cutting Data dialog.

6. Click Reset to update the values in the Feeds and Speeds

dialog with those from the Tool - Cutting Data dialog.

370 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

7. To manually edit a field, type the required value in the relevant
field of the Feeds and Speeds dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 371

In this case, the Cutting Feed Rate was edited and is now
preceded by to show that it has been edited manually. The
Plunging Feed Rate and Feed/Tooth have also changed, as the
values have been calculated (Plunging Feed Rate = Cutting
Feed Rate * Feed Rate Plunge Factor).

The Feed Rate Plunge Factor is defined on the Tool tab

of the Tools - Options dialog.

372 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

8. Clicking changes it to , and updates the value in the Feeds
and Speeds dialog to the recommended value.

In this case, clicking Reset would have had the same result.
The difference is that Reset updates all values with those in
the Tool - Cutting Data dialog, whereas clicking only
updates that particular field (and any fields calculated from
that field).

Any field on the Cutting Feed dialog with a value of 0.0, or

no value, is not fed through to the Feeds and Speeds

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 373

Rapid Move Heights
displays the Rapid Move Heights dialog, which defines when the
tool is to move at the rapid rate (the speeds are defined in the Feed
Rates (see "Feeds and Speeds" on page 362) dialog) in order to
move the tool between two points in the shortest possible time. The rapid
move is generally made up of the following three moves:
1. An up move from the last cutting position to a safe Z height.
2. An across move at constant Z to the new start cutting position.
3. A down move to the new start Z height.

Absolute Heights
Defines when the tool moves at the rapid rate for absolute moves.
Safe Area (on page 375) - allows you to specify a Safe Area over
which rapid moves are allowed to take place. This is an extension to the
Safe Z Plane concept (thought of as a plane normal to the Z direction of
the toolpath workplane).
Workplane (on page 376) - the workplane used to define the Safe
Area above (if different from the toolpath workplane).
Safe Z - a constant level in Z to which the tool will lift up, prior to
making rapid moves across the workpiece.

374 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Start Z - an absolute value in Z to which the tool will move down at
rapid rate, prior to cutting into the work piece.
Reset To Safe Height - automatically calculates the new heights based
on the maximum Z height of the block size plus the incremental Z
heights. That is:
Reset Safe Z = Block Model Max Z + Inc Start Z + Inc Safe Z
Reset Start Z = Block Model Max Z + Inc Start Z
Apply to Active Toolpath - automatically loads the values in this
dialog to the active toolpath.
Defines when the tool moves at the rapid rate for incremental moves.
Rapid Move Type (on page 377) - determines the use of absolute and
incremental Z heights.
Safe Z - an incremental value in Z above the Incremental Start Z to
which the tool will move up at rapid rate, prior to moving across the
workpiece. (Only available for roughing.)
Start Z - an incremental value in Z above a pre-machined level to which
the tool will move down at rapid rate.
Accept - accepts the values on the dialog and closes it.
Cancel - closes the dialog without updating the values.

Safe Area
Safe Area allows you to specify a Safe Area over which rapid moves
are allowed to take place. This is an extension to the Safe Z Plane
concept (thought of as a plane normal to the Z direction of the toolpath

Plane - the safe area is defined by a user defined plane, not necessarily
normal to the Z direction of the toolpath workplane. This can be
particularly useful for 3+2 machining in order to keep the rapid moves
within the travel limits of the machine tool. You define the plane by
defining its Normal.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 375

Cylinder - the safe area is defined by a cylinder. This is appropriate for
rotary toolpaths, or more generally, wherever radial motion is required.
You define the cylinder by defining its Position (centre) and Direction
(of the axis).
Sphere - the safe area is defined by a sphere. Spherical surfaces offer
closed volumes that can be used to circumscribe the rapid moves. You
define the sphere by defining its Centre.
Box - the safe area is defined by a cuboid. Box-shaped surfaces offer
closed volumes that can be used to circumscribe the rapid moves. You
define the box by defining its Corner and Dimensions.
In general, rapid moves are expressed as Rapid Feed (G1) moves to
ensure that they follow the shape of the safe area. There are two
exceptions to this rule where Rapid (G0) moves are used instead:
when using a Planar Safe Area that is normal to the Z axis of the
toolpath's workplane (for example a Safe Z plane).
when rotary machining with a Cylindrical Safe Area oriented
along the X axis of the toolpath's workplane.

The workplane used to define the Safe Area above (if different from the
toolpath workplane).
The options below the Workplane field depends on the type of Safe
Area (on page 375) selected.
Links defined with a Safe Area entail the following movements. First,
the tool retracts away from the part according to the Retract options
specified on the Links tab of the Leads and Links dialog (see "Links"
on page 399). If this move intersects the safe area it is trimmed at that
point; otherwise the tool moves to the safe area. How it does so depends
on the type of safe area that is used:
Planes - the movement is in the direction normal to the plane.
Cylinder - the movement is radial.
Spheres - the movement is along the tool axis.
Box Shaped - the movement is normal to the side of the box that is

376 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The tool axis remains fixed until the tool reaches the safe area. The path
from the safe area is similar to the retract path. Once again, the tool axis
remains constant during this approach. It is only as the tool moves over
the surface of the safe area that any reorientations occur. The first
approach at the start of a toolpath and the final retract at its end proceed
in the same manner, determined by the options set in the Start and End
Point (on page 378) dialog.

Rapid Move Type

Rapid Move Type determines the use of absolute and incremental Z
Absolute - moves at the rapid rate up to Absolute Safe Z and down to
Absolute Start Z.
Skim - moves at the rapid rate up to Incremental Safe Z above the lowest
slice to avoid hitting the model, and drops down to Incremental Start Z.
This is only available for roughing strategies.
Plunge - Moves at the rapid rate up to Absolute Safe Z and down to
Incremental Start Z.
The following table summarises how the Rapid Move Type determines
the use of absolute and incremental Z heights.

Rapid Up & Across Moves Down Moves

Absolute Increment Absolute Increment
Safe Z al Safe Z Start Z al Start Z
Absolute X X
Plunge X X
Skim X X

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 377

Start and End Point
The button displays the Start and End Point dialog which enables
you to define the location of the tool at the start and end of the toolpath.

The Start Point and End Point tabs contains the same fields (except
that Approach is replaced by Retract on the End Point tab).
Lock (on page 379) - a toggle that determines whether or not the start
point is updated when changes are made to values that were used to create
the point.

Provides a list of methods that you can use to define the start point.
Use (on page 380) - defines the location of the start point.
Override Tool Axis - allows you to define a different Tool Axis
orientation from the one for the first or last segment. Selecting this option
makes the Tool Axis area available.
Approach/Retract Along - equivalent to the links functionality but
specific to the First Approach and Final Retract moves.
Tool Axis - the First Approach and Final Retract moves have
the same orientation as the tool axis.
Contact Point - the First Approach and Final Retract moves are
normal to the contact point. This option is not available if the
toolpath is not generated with contact normals.

378 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tangent - the First Approach and Final Retract moves are

For more information see Leads and Links - Links (see

"Links" on page 399).
Approach/Retract Distance - the length of the approach move at the
start/end of the toolpath.

The coordinates when you select a Use of Absolute.

Tool Axis

Defines the Tool Axis of the start and end point of a multi-axis toolpath.

All 3-axis toolpaths will always have the Tool Axis set to vertical.
Apply Start Point - automatically loads the values on the Start Point
tab to the start point of the active toolpath.
Apply End Point - automatically loads the values on the End Point
tab to the end point of the active toolpath.
Apply - accepts the values on the current tab and continues displaying it.
Accept - accepts the values on the dialog and closes the dialog.
Cancel - closes the dialog without updating the start and end points.

Lock is a toggle that determines whether or not the start point is updated
when changes are made to values that were used to create the point. The
two toggle settings are as follows (to alternate the settings, simply click
the button):
- the start point will be recalculated whenever any of the values upon
which it has been set to depend are changed. For example, for a block-
dependent start point, a change in Safe Z will also trigger a recalculation
of the start point.
- the start point will remain locked until you explicitly recalculate it
on the Start Point tab. The Method area is greyed out when the point is

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 379

Use defines the location of the start point.

Block Centre Safe - the start point is at Safe Z above the block centre:

First Point Safe - the start point is at Safe Z above the first point in the
toolpath. For multi-axis toolpaths, the start point is set by considering a
point that is the specified distance from the first point on the toolpath,
measured along the tool axis, and projecting this onto the Safe Z plane, or
cylinder in the case of rotary toolpaths.

First Point - the start point is positioned at the specified distance from
the first point in the toolpath, measured along its tool axis.

380 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Absolute - the start point is positioned independently of all other
properties at the point defined by the coordinates field.

Approach/Retract Along
Approach/Retract Along is equivalent to the Links (on page 399)
functionality but specific to the First Approach and Final Retract
Tool Axis - the First Approach and Final Retract moves have the
same orientation as the tool axis.
Contact Point - the First Approach and Final Retract moves are
normal to the contact point. This option is not available if the toolpath is
not generated with contact normals.
Tangent - the First Approach and Final Retract moves are

For more information see Links (on page 399).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 381

Leads and Links
displays the Leads and Links dialog, which defines the leads and
links of a finishing toolpath.

382 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Leads and Links - Z Heights
These determine the incremental start and safe Z heights.

Skim Distance - the clearance distance (above the model) used by all
skim links, or height above un-machined stock when roughing.
Plunge Distance - specifies the distance above the start of a toolpath
segment at which to stop a rapid plunge, and to perform a controlled
approach to the toolpath.
Gouge Check - switches the gouge checking on or off.
Incremental Distances (on page 384) - for area clearance toolpaths,
this option allows you to select from where the plunge moves and ramp
leads are measured.

Apply Links - applies just the link values to the currently active
Apply - applies the lead and links values to the currently active toolpath.
Accept - accepts the values on this dialog and close the dialog.
Cancel - closes the dialog without updating the leads and links.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 383

Incremental Distances
For area clearance toolpaths Incremental Distances allows you to
select from where the plunge moves and ramp leads are measured.

Toolpath Point - the incremental distances used to describe plunge-

moves and ramp leads are measured relative to the start of the toolpath
segment (current Z Height). So a Plunge Distance of 2 will give this

Previous Z Height - the incremental distances used to describe plunge-

moves and ramps leads are measured relative to the Z Height that lies
above the start of the toolpath segment (previous Z Height). This is only
available for area clearance toolpaths. So a Plunge Distance of 2 will
give this result:

384 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Leads and Links - First Lead In
This dialog allows you to specify leads for the First Lead In that are
different from those used for the remaining Leads In and Out of the

Selecting the Use a Separate First Lead In option activates the fields
on the right of the dialog, which offer the same functionality as the Lead
In tab (except that the Lead In Ramp Options (on page 407) offer you
only a single choice). For more information, see Leads and Links - Leads
In - Leads Out (see "Leads and Links - Lead In - Lead Out" on page 385)
and Choice of Leads In and Out (on page 388).

Leads and Links - Lead In - Lead Out

The Lead In and Lead Out tabs are very similar:
Lead In controls the tool's movement prior to beginning a raster
Lead Out controls the tool's movement at the end of a raster path.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 385

You can select a 2nd Choice for the Lead In in the event that the gouge
checking indicates that your 1st Choice will gouge.

Choice - defines the type of Lead In for more information see Choice
of Leads In and Out (on page 388).
Distance - determines the length to extend the Lead In move before the
toolpath starts. If the Lead In is an arc move, then the distance is the
length of the linear tangential move between the arc and the cutting
portion of the toolpath.
Angle - determines the angle span of the Lead In move. This option is
only available if you select Vertical Arc or Horizontal Arc as a Lead
In move.
Radius - determines the radius of the Lead In move. This option is only
available if you select Vertical Arc, Horizontal Arc, Horizontal Arc
Left or Horizontal Arc Right as a Lead In move.
Gouge Check - Switches the gouge checking on or off.

386 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Overlap Distance - the distance by which a Lead In or Lead Out can
overlap a closed toolpath segment.

Allow Start Points to be Moved - when selected, this option moves

the start points on closed toolpath segments to try and find a non-gouging
position. When deselected, PowerMILL will not move the start points -
this means that if you carefully position a start point, you can prevent
PowerMILL from moving it.
Add Leads to Short Links - this option controls whether or not leads
are added to short links. By default, leads are applied to all link moves.
However, for reasons of efficiency and/or quality, there can be occasions
where you want leads on long link moves and on the moves at the start
and end of the toolpath, but don't want leads on short link moves.
Add Leads at Tool discontinuities - enables you to insert leads and
links between continuous segments where there is an angular change in
tool axis between neighbouring segments. This ensures that any
reorientation of the tool axis at a specific point takes place away from the
Angular Threshold - the minimum angle required before leads and
links are inserted. The angle is the change in the tool axis between
neighbouring segments.
Ramp Options - refer to Lead In Ramp Options (on page 407).
The following two buttons are available on the Lead In tab:
Copy to Lead Out - copies the Lead In values to the Lead Out tab.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 387

Copy From Lead Out - copies the Lead Out values to the Lead In
The following two options are available on the Lead Out tab:
Copy to Lead In - copies the Lead Out values to the Lead In tab.
Copy From Lead In - copies the Lead In values to the Lead Out tab.
Apply Links - applies the link values to the currently active toolpath.
Apply - applies the lead and links values to the currently active toolpath.
Accept - accepts the values on this dialog and closes it.
Cancel - closes the dialog without updating the leads and links.

Choice of Leads In and Out

The choice of Leads In and Leads Out are:

None - the moves are set to None by default, which has no effect on the
active toolpath.
Surface Normal Arc (on page 390) - a tangential arc lead lying in the
plane defined by the toolpath's tangent direction and the surface normal.
If selected, the Distance, Angle and Radius and buttons in the dialog
will become available.

The toolpath must have contact normals for this option to be

available; otherwise PowerMILL reverts to Vertical Arcs.
Vertical Arc (on page 391) - inserts a tangential arc at the end of (or
prior to) each raster path. If selected, the Radius and Angle fields
become available.

Since this extends the path, gouging may occur. So don't forget to
select the Gouge Check option.
Horizontal Arc (see "Leads and Links - Horizontal Arc" on page 392) -
inserts a circular arc move at a constant Z level at the end of (or prior to)
each raster path. If selected, the Radius and Angle fields become

388 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Horizontal Arc leads can be added to open as well as closed

Since this extends the path, gouging may occur. So don't forget to
select the Gouge Check option.
Extended Move (on page 393) - inserts a straight tangential move at the
end of (or prior to) each raster path. If selected, the Distance field
becomes available.

Since this extends the path, gouging may occur. So don't forget to
select the Gouge Check option.
Boxed (see "Leads and Links - Boxed" on page 394) - inserts a
straight move at a constant Z level at the end of (or prior to) each raster
path. If selected, the Distance field becomes available.

Since this extends the path, gouging may occur. So don't forget to
select the Gouge Check option.
Straight - inserts a straight move at a constant Z level at the end of (or
prior to) each raster path. If selected, the Distance and Angle fields
becomes available.

Since this extends the path, gouging may occur. So don't forget to
select the Gouge Check option.
Distance - determines the length of the Lead In move before the
toolpath starts.
Angle - determines the angle of the Lead In move relative to the
toolpath segment. For a raster toolpath, a value of 0 will give the same
result as selecting the Approach Outside option on the Area
Clearance (see "Lead in Moves" on page 509) dialog.
Ramp - allows the tool to ramp into the model at a specified angle. This
can allow a non-plunging tool to be used but is dependent on the tool and
the material. When you select this option, the Ramp Options button
becomes available.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 389

Pocket Centre - produces a tangential lead move that, in the case of
Lead Ins, starts at the centre of the pocket (Lead Outs finish there).
The centre is assumed to be the centre of the box that encloses the closed
segment. This option is particularly useful when profiling pocket features
which have been pre-drilled at the centre, although it can be used with
any closed segment.

Surface Normal Arc

Surface Normal Arc is a tangential arc lead lying in the plane defined
by the toolpath's tangent direction and the surface normal. If selected, the
Distance, Angle and Radius and buttons in the dialog will become

The toolpath must have contact normals for this option to be

available; otherwise PowerMILL reverts to Vertical Arcs.

390 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The Surface Normal Arc option offers a way of automatically
obtaining the orientation that is appropriate for each segment. Because it
uses the surface normal, the orientation of the Surface Normal Arc
varies with the steepness of the surface. So, on shallow regions, it
approximates to a vertical arc, but on steep areas it approximates to a
horizontal arc:

Vertical Arc
Vertical Arc inserts a tangential arc at the end of (or prior to) each raster
path. If selected, the Radius and Angle fields become available.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 391

Since this extends the path, gouging may occur. So don't forget to
select the Gouge Check option.

Looking in detail, you can see how the Radius and Angle parameters
control the Tangential Arc produced:

r - radius
x - tangent angle

Leads and Links - Horizontal Arc

Horizontal Arc - inserts a circular arc move at a constant Z level at the
end of (or prior to) each raster path. If selected, the Radius and Angle
fields become available.

Horizontal Arc leads can be added to open as well as closed


392 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Since this extends the path, gouging may occur. So don't forget to
select the Gouge Check option.

Extended Move
Extended Move inserts a straight tangential move at the end of (or prior
to) each raster path. If selected, the Distance field becomes available.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 393

Since this extends the path, gouging may occur. So don't forget to
select the Gouge Check option.

This view along the Y axis shows how the Distance parameter
determines the Extended move produced:

Leads and Links - Boxed

Boxed inserts a straight move at a constant Z level at the end of (or prior
to) each raster path. If selected, the Distance field becomes available.

394 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Since this extends the path, gouging may occur. So don't forget to
select the Gouge Check option.

Again, the Distance parameter will determine the Boxed move

produced at a constant Z height:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 395

Leads and Links - Last Lead Out
This dialog allows you to specify leads for the Last Lead Out that are
different from those used for the remaining Leads In and Out of the

Selecting the Use a Separate Last Lead out option activates he fields
on the right of the dialog, which offer the same functionality as the Lead
Out tab. For more information, see Leads and Links - Leads In - Leads
Out (see "Leads and Links - Lead In - Lead Out" on page 385) and
Choice of Leads In and Out (on page 388).

396 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Leads and Links - Extensions
Extensions - essentially adds another lead to the existing ones. This is
particularly useful when applying cutter compensation to 2.5D machining

Inward - adds an additional Lead In before the existing one. The choice
of Inward Extension is exactly the same as for the Choice of Leads In
and Out (on page 388).
Outward - adds an additional Lead Out after the existing one. The
choice of Outward Extension is exactly the same as for the Choice of
Leads In and Out (on page 388).
Distance - determines the length of the extension move. This option is
only available if you select an Extension of Straight, Extended or
Angle - determines the angle span of the Extension move. This option
is only available if you select an Extension move of Vertical Arc,
Horizontal Arc, Horizontal Arc Left or Horizontal Arc Right.
Radius - determines the radius of the Extension move. This option is
only available if you select an Extension move of Vertical Arc,
Horizontal Arc, Horizontal Arc Left or Horizontal Arc Right.
For more information see Using Extensions (on page 398).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 397

Using Extensions
If you have a 2.5D machining example with Horizontal Arc Lead In
moves then it is difficult to apply cutter compensation, as this can only
operate on linear moves (and not circular ones). So, these Extensions
let you add a Straight lead, prior to the Lead In, over which distance
the cutter compensation can take effect. So, on the chamber.tri
example, if you have a Constant Z toolpath and create Lead In and
Lead Out moves of Horizontal Arc, and then select the Extensions
tab, you could input the following:
an Inward Extension of Straight
a Distance of 10
an Angle of 90;
and the same on the Outward side:

When you click Apply or Accept, you would see the following:

398 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

In detail:

Defines how to make the link moves between the cutting moves in a

Short/Long Threshold - defines when a short link becomes a long

Short - the type of link moves to connect adjacent passes.
Long - the type of link moves to determine how the tool leads out of and
into adjacent paths.
Default - the type of link moves to be used if long or short types gouge.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 399

All the link options (see "Choice of Links" on page 400) are available for
Short links. Only the Safe, Incremental and Skim link options are
available for Long and Default links.

Retract and Approach Moves (on page 403) - determine the length
and orientation of the link moves.
Arc Fit Rapid Moves (on page 406) - places arcs on the corners of
link moves as it rapids across the part. This avoids sudden changes in
direction and is useful when high speed machining.
Gouge Check - selecting this ensures that all links are gouge checked.
Apply Links - applies the link values to the currently active toolpath.
Apply - applies the lead and links values to the currently active toolpath.
Accept - accepts the values on this dialog and closes the dialog.
Cancel - closes the dialog without updating the leads and links.

Choice of Links
The choice of Links is as follows:

400 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Safe - the tool moves to Safe Z before making the link move.

Incremental - the tool descends at rapid feed from Safe Z to the

specified incremental distance above the contact point, and then plunges
the remaining distance. If you have a multi-axis toolpath, the tool retracts
a set distance along the tool axis and then retracts to Safe Z along the Z
axis. It comes down from Safe Z along the Z axis and completes the
approach along the tool axis. The distance moved along the tool axis is
controlled by the Plunge Distance on the Z Heights tab (see "Leads
and Links - Z Heights" on page 383) of the Toolpath Lead and Links

Skim - the links traverse clear of the part by the specified incremental
distance, descend at rapid feed to the specified incremental distance
above the contact point, and then plunge the remaining distance. If you
have a multi-axis toolpath, the tool retracts by Safe Z along the tool axis.
It approaches from Safe Z away along the tool axis, plunging from a
distance of Start Z away.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 401

On Surface - the links follow the surface of the triangulated model, and
so prevent gouging.

Stepdown - the links traverse clear of the part by an amount, so that

with the specified stepdown the vertical descent will reach the next
contact point.
Straight - straight-line moves are used. These straight moves between
raster paths could cause gouging over curved areas of the model.
Circular Arc - the tool moves are circular.

Adjacent Lead In/Lead Out must be aligned to ensure tangential


402 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Retract and Approach Moves

There are four types of Retract and Approach Moves

Along Tool Axis

The links have the same orientation as the tool axis.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 403

Along Contact Normal

The links are normal to the contact point (or normal to the Leads
In/Out). This can be particularly useful for tipped disc cutters
where moving along the tool axis may not be possible (for
example, when undercutting). This option is not available if the
toolpath is not generated with contact normals.
Along Tangent

Along Radial
Enables retract and approach moves perpendicular to both the tool
axis and the tangent direction of the toolpath.

404 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

To use this option contact normals must be stored with the

Automatically Extend - lengthens the retract and approach moves

made within links so that they retract to/approach from the safe area/skim
surface over which the intervening moves are made. This lengthens the
initial move at the start, and the final move at the end.
Maximum Length - the maximum length of the extension.
Retract Distance - defines the length of the Retract move.
Approach Distance - defines the length of the Approach move.
This toolpath has Retract and Approach Moves set to 0:

This toolpath has Automatically Extended selected:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 405

This toolpath has Automatically Extended deselected and a Retract
and Approach Distance of 10:

- retract along tool axis.

- retract normal to the safe plane.

Arc Fit Rapid Moves

Arc Fit Rapid Moves places arcs on the corners of link moves as it
rapids across the part. This avoids sudden changes in direction and is
useful when high speed machining. When the option is deselected, you
get sharp corners between the link and the rapid moves:

406 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

When the option is selected, then arcs (the radius being controlled by the
Arc Radius (TDU) field) are placed between the link and the rapid

Lead In Ramp Options

This dialog becomes available when you select the Ramp Options
button on any of the Lead tabs in the Leads and Links dialog:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 407

The 1st Choice and 2nd Choice tabs offer the same functionality,
allowing you to create an alternative Ramp move (Toolpath, Line or
Circle). For example, if you select a Lead In of Ramp which cannot be
created because of likely gouging, PowerMILL will try to create the
alternative move specified under 2nd Choice above before resorting to
your 2nd Choice Lead In option.
To set up these alternative moves, click the Ramp Options button and
select the required type of Ramp move from the Follow drop-down list.
This dialog is similar to the Ramp Options dialog available from the
Options button on the Area Clearance dialog.
Max Zig Angle - the angle of descent formed as the tool ramps into the
Follow (on page 409) - controls the direction of the ramp:
Circle Diameter (TDU) - controls the circle diameter. This value is
represented in Tool Diameter Units.

Tool Diameter Units - the distance relative to the tool diameter.

So, with a 10mm tool and a TDU of 2, this gives an actual value of
Ramp Height - determines the height from which the ramp descends.
This is measured with respect to the Tool Axis Direction. For multi-
axis machining, this means that retraction is along the tool axis rather
than up the Z axis. For 3-axis machining, the Tool Axis Direction is the
same as the Z axis.

The ramp will always begin from a height which is equal to or

greater than the height specified in the Height field plus the height
of the toolpath segment.
Ramp Length (see "Lead In Ramp Options - Ramp Length" on page
409) - normally the Ramp Length should be greater than the tool
diameter to allow swarf to clear from beneath the tool.
Zag Angle
Independent - when selected, the Zag Angle can be different
from the Zig Angle. When deselected, the Zag Angle is the same
as the Zig Angle.
Max Angle - this is specified in the same way as the Zig Angle.
Extend - extends the ramp moves at the start or end of a toolpath. For
ramp leads that are following the toolpath, this option enables a Ramp
Lead In (or Lead Out) to be extended to the end (start) of its associated
toolpath segment.

408 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Follow controls the direction of the ramp:
Toolpath - the ramp moves follow the profile of the toolpath. If Closed
Segments Only is selected, then only closed paths are used.
Line - the ramp moves are normal to the cutting direction at that point. If
the requested line cannot be fitted into the area, then the Toolpath
method is used automatically:

Circle - the ramp moves are around a circle. If the requested circle
cannot be fitted into the area, then the Line method is used automatically.

Lead In Ramp Options - Ramp Height

Ramp Height determines the height from which the ramp descends.
This is measured with respect to the Tool Axis Direction. For multi-
axis machining, this means that retraction is along the tool axis rather
than up the Z axis. For 3-axis machining, the Tool Axis Direction is the
same as the Z axis.
Incremental - specifies the height above the toolpath segment for the
start of the ramp.
Segment - the start of the ramp is at the same height as the end of the
previous toolpath segment, provided that this is higher than the toolpath
segment by the amount specified in the Height field.
Segment Incremental - the start of the ramp is at the same height as
the end of the previous toolpath segment plus the height specified in the
Height field.

The ramp will always begin from a height which is equal to or

greater than the height specified in the Height field plus the height
of the toolpath segment.

Lead In Ramp Options - Ramp Length

Normally the Ramp Length should be greater than the tool diameter to
allow swarf to clear from beneath the tool.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 409

Finite - when selected, a maximum cutting Length can be entered.
When deselected, the tool will ramp down in a single pass.
Length (TDU) - the value entered here determines how many Zig and
Zag moves are required in the ramp. This value is represented in Tool
Diameter Units (see above).
These are illustrated in the diagram below:

Locking Lead and Link Moves and Selective

You can lock selected lead and link moves. Once locked, they will be
unaffected by subsequent editing from the Leads and Links dialog
unless it is specifically selected.
Selective Editing of leads and links is the selective replacement of one
lead or link with another. The connections selected for editing remain
selected after editing so that you can easily see the new lead or link and
make further edits if necessary. If the segments are not selected, the
settings are applied over the entire toolpath.
These two options are best shown by example in Locking Lead and
Link Moves and Selective Editing (on page 101).

410 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tool Axis Direction
The Tools Axis Direction dialog controls the orientation of the

This area of the dialog controls how you want the tool to orient itself
whilst cutting a multi-axis toolpath. The default value is Vertical which
is used for standard 3-axis machining.
The different areas of the dialog become available as different options are
selected from the Tool Axis (on page 412) drop-down list.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 411

Tool Axis
Defines how to define the tool orientation. The default value is Vertical,
which is used for standard 3-axis machining. However, it can also be a
fixed angle or a continuously changing orientation.

Vertical - The tool remains aligned with the Z axis of the active
workplane. This is the default value and is the value used for standard 3-
axis machining.
Lead/Lean - The tool is at a fixed angle relative to the Z axis of the
active workplane. The tool is still dropped down the Z axis onto the
Lead - the tool angle, with respect to Z, is in the feed rate direction.
Lean - the tool angle, with respect to Z, is perpendicular to the feed
rate direction.

For more information see Lead/Lean Angles or Fixed Angle

(see "Lead/Lean Angles" on page 415).
Towards Point - The tool tip always tries to point towards the fixed
point. The angle of the tool is constantly changing. For more information,
see Continuously Changing Orientation (on page 418).
From Point - The tool tip always tries to point away from the fixed
point. The angle of the tool is constantly changing. For more information,
see Continuously Changing Orientation (on page 418).

412 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Towards Line - The tool tip always tries to point towards the fixed line.
The angle of the tool is constantly changing. For more information, see
Continuously Changing Orientation (on page 418).
From Line - The tool tip always tries to point away from the fixed line.
The angle of the tool is constantly changing. For more information see
Continuously Changing Orientation (on page 418).
Towards Curve - the tool tip always tries to point towards the fixed
curve. The curve must be a pattern with a single segment (selectable in
the Pattern field below the current field), as the angle of the tool is
constantly changing. For more information, see Continuously Changing
Orientation (on page 418).
From Curve - the tool tip always tries to point away from the fixed
curve. The curve must be a pattern with a single segment (selectable in
the Pattern field below the current field), as the angle of the tool is
constantly changing. For more information, see Continuously Changing
Orientation (on page 418).

Fixed Direction - The tool axis stays along the vector defined by the
IJK vector. For more information, see Fixed Direction (on page 422).
Automatic - PowerMILL uses the geometry to determine the tool axis.
This is particularly useful for Swarf and Wireframe Swarf machining
where automatic means following the surface rulings.
Point - defines the fixed point. This is only available if you select a Tool
Axis of Toward Point, From Point, Towards Line or From Line.
Direction - defines the direction of the line from the fixed point. This is
only available if you select a Tool Axis of Towards Line or From

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 413

Tool Axis Limits - selecting this option enables the Limits tab (see
"Tool Axis - Limits" on page 422), which enable you to define limits on
the direction of the tool axis while cutting a multi-axis toolpath.
Draw Tool Axis (on page 414) - selecting this option displays the
point or line that has been used to define the tool axis in red.
Automatic Collision Avoidance (see "Tool Axis - Collision
Avoidance" on page 430) - selecting this option enables the Collision
Avoidance tab, which allows you to access 5-axis options that will
automatically tilt the tool axis, in a user defined way, to avoid collisions
between the shank / holder of the tool assembly and the model. This only
works when machining with the tip of the tool.

Draw Tool Axis

Draw Tool Axis - displays the point or line that has been used to define
the tool axis in red.
If you select a Tool Axis of Toward Point or From Point, you
will see the following:

414 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

If you select a Tool Axis of Toward Line or From Line, you
will see the following:

If you select a Tool Axis of Toward Point or From Point, you

will see the following:

Lead/Lean Angles
The tool is at a fixed angle relative to the local normal to the pattern
frame (the one you can see using the Preview button on the finishing
form). The local normal is going to vary as you go along the pattern, at
each point of the pattern and relative to the direction of the pattern at each

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 415

You can specify two different angles - Lead and Lean. If you specify
both a Lead and a Lean angle, the Lead Angle is applied first in the
direction of the move, and then the Lean Angle is applied from this
rotated position towards a vector perpendicular to the move.
Lead Angle (on page 417) - defines a rotation of the tool axis in the
direction of travel. It is measured from the perpendicular to the direction
of travel. 0 is vertical. Typically, this is used to avoid cutting at the
centre of a ball nosed tool on flattish areas. A typical Lead Angle is 15.
Lean Angle (on page 418) - defines a rotation of the tool axis at right
angles to the direction of travel. 0 is vertical. Typically, a Lean Angle
is used to avoid the tool holder colliding with the part, to avoid collisions
caused by a step, or to allow you to use a smaller tool when machining up
to a step.

416 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Lead Angle
Lead Angle defines a rotation of the tool axis in the direction of travel.
It is measured from the perpendicular to the direction of travel. 0 is
vertical. Typically, this is used to avoid cutting at the centre of a ball
nosed tool on flattish areas. A typical Lead Angle is 15, although the
diagram below shows a Lead Angle of 30 for reasons of clarity:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 417

Lean Angle
Lean Angle defines a rotation of the tool axis at right angles to the
direction of travel. 0 is vertical. Typically, a Lean Angle is used to
avoid the tool holder colliding with the part, to avoid collisions caused by
a step, or to allow you to use a smaller tool when machining up to a step.
The diagram below has a Lean Angle of 30:

Continuously Changing Orientation

The top of the tool always tries to point towards/from a fixed
point/line/curve. The angle of the tool is constantly changing.

418 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Towards Point - The head of the machine tool moves significantly
whilst the tip of the tool remains relatively still. This option orientates the
tip of the tool towards a point.

From Point - The tip of the tool moves significantly while the head of
the machine tool remains relatively still. This option orientates the tip of
the tool away from a point.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 419

Towards Line - The head of the machine tool moves significantly while
the tip of the tool remains relatively still. This option orientates the tip of
the tool towards a line.

From Line - The tip of the tool moves significantly while the head of the
machine tool remains relatively still. This option orientates the tip of the
tool away from a line.

420 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Towards Curve - The head of the machine tool moves significantly
while the tip of the tool remains relatively still. This option orientates the
tip of the tool towards a curve.

From Curve - The tip of the tool moves significantly while the head of
the machine tool remains relatively still. This option orientates the tip of
the tool away from a curve.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 421

Fixed Direction
The tool axis is oriented in a fixed direction relative to the currently
active workplane defined by a specified IJK vector. Although it can be
difficult to work out the required IJK vector, this option can enable you
to machine undercut areas very effectively.

PowerMILL first searches in the direction specified, and then, if that fails,
searches in the opposite direction.

Tool Axis - Limits

This area of the dialog controls angular limitations of the machine
toolpath which therefore limits the angle at which a tool can be positioned
while cutting a multi-axis toolpath.

422 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

You can only define these limits if you have the Tool Axis on the
Definition tab set to anything other than Vertical or Fixed
Direction, and if Tool Axis Limits is selected on the same tab.
Mode - defines what happens to the toolpath when one of the angular
limits is met. The effects of both of these options can be seen in Example
of a Limited Toolpath (on page 424).
Remove Toolpath - removes the toolpath outside the angular limit.
Move Tool Axis - keeps the tool axis at the machine limit on
reaching an angular limit.
Workplane - defines the workplane in which the angular limits are
measured. By default, the active workplane is used. If no workplane is
specified, then the global coordinate system is used. The effects of both
of these options can be seen in Example of a Clamping Workplane (on
page 427).
Angle Limits
Azimuth Angle - defines the angular limits of the machine tool in
the XY plane. 0 is along the X axis; 90 is along the Y axis.
Elevation Angle - defines the angular limits of the machine tool
above the XY plane. 0 is in the XY Plane; 90 is along the Z axis.
Damping Angle - the angle away from the limits at which damping
(slowing down) will start to occur. If the axis is further away from the
limits than this angle, then it will remain unaltered. If it is closer, then it
will gradually be pushed away from the limits. In this way, if the axis is
moving fast towards the limits, then it will slow down gradually, starting
when it gets to within this angle from the limits. The advantages of using
the damping angle is that a sudden change in the axis velocity can cause
marks to appear on the part. Using a damping angle stops these marks.
Project to Plane - this is the same as setting the elevation angle to zero.
Since the elevation angle is fixed, this constitutes 4-axis machining.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 423

Draw Limits - selecting this option displays a graphic of the
machineable portion, for example:

The portion of the sphere (or cone with a spherical top) is centred at the
origin of the active workplane. If no active workplane exists, then it is
placed at the origin of the global coordinate system. The origin is
depicted by a small sphere. This graphic is displayed at an arbitrary size,
and if you zoom in or out and then refresh the display, the size of this
graphic alters. This is to ensure that it is visible whatever the zoom factor.
Translucency Percentage - If Draw Limits is selected, you can
enter in this field the percentage translucency of the tool axis limits
drawn on screen.

Example of a Limited Toolpath

The effects of the Tool Axis Direction Angle Limits are best seen by
example. The following example uses Knob.dgk from the Examples
1. Initially create a Surface Projection toolpath with a Pattern
Direction of V. The toolpath below was created with a 10mm
Ball Nosed Tool and a Stepover of 5. The Primary Tool
Axis is set to Lead/Lean with Lead and Lean Angles of 0.

424 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

2. If you attach the tool to the toolpath (by selecting Attach Active
Tool to Start from the individual toolpath's context menu in
Explorer), and then move the tool along the toolpath(using +
CTRL + Shift), you can see the angle of the tool as it creates the
toolpath. To see the shaded tool, select Shaded from the
individual tool's context menu in Explorer.
3. To limit the range of the machine tool, select a Mode of Remove
Toolpath, an Elevation Angle Start of 0, and an End of 90:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 425

4. If you recalculate the Surface Projection toolpath (leaving the
other parameters unchanged) you will see that only a portion of the
toolpath is created (until the tool tries to exceed the Elevation
Angle limits):

5. Now change the Mode to Move Tool Axis, but keep the
Elevation Angle Start of 0 and End of 90. Recalculate the
Surface Projection toolpath. You will see that more of the
toolpath is created, but that the tool angle never exceeds the limits:

6. Now change the Mode back to Remove Toolpath, keep the

Elevation Angle Start of 0 and End of 90, and change the
Azimuth Angle to a Start of 180 and an End of 270.

426 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

7. Recalculate the Surface Projection toolpath. You will see the

Example of a Clamping Workplane

A clamping workplane gives you the ability to specify limits relative to a
particular workplane. If you are generating a toolpath in one workplane
(A), and the machine limits are available in another (B), then it is easier
to specify the limits by making B the clamping workplane.

As an alternative, you could convert the limits from workplane B to

workplane A, but this is very time consuming.
This example look at a toolpath limited by the Tool Axis Limits and
uses a Clamping Workplane. It uses Knob.dgk from the Examples
directory, rotated through 270 in Y.

In this case, the toolpath is generated in the workplane,

but the machine limits are available in the workplane.

1. Initially create a Surface Projection toolpath with a Pattern
Direction of V. The toolpath below was created with a 10mm
Ball Nosed Tool and a Stepover of 5. The Primary Tool
Axis is set to Lead/Lean with Lead and Lean Angles of 0:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 427

2. Now to limit the range of the machine tool. From the Tool Axis
Direction dialog, select the Limits tab. Now select a Mode
of Remove Toolpath and an Elevation Angle Start of 0 and
End of 90:

3. If you recalculate the Surface Projection toolpath (leaving the

other parameters unchanged) you will see that only a portion of the
toolpath is created (until the tool tries to exceed the Elevation
Angle limits):

428 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

4. However, this is not what you require, as the machine limits are not
defined in the correct workplane. Therefore you need to create a
workplane rotated around Y by 270. From the Workplanes
context menu in Explorer, select Create Workplane.
5. From the individual workplane's context menu, select the Edit -
Workplane...Rotate Y option, entering an Angle of 270 before
clicking Accept:

6. From the Tool Axis Direction dialog select the Limits tab.
Now select a Workplane of 1 (or whatever you called the
workplane you have just created).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 429

7. If you recalculate the Surface Projection toolpath (leaving the
other parameters unchanged, and ensuring that the new workplane
is not active) you will see that a different portion of the toolpath is

Tool Axis - Collision Avoidance

This area of the dialog automatically tilts the tool axis, in a user defined
way, to avoid collisions between the shank/holder of the tool assembly
and the model.

430 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

This tab is only available if you select the Automatic Collision
Avoidance check box on the Definition (on page 411) tab.

Tilt Tool Axis (on page 431) - specifies how the tool will move to avoid
any collisions.
Tool Clearances (on page 432) - specifies the clearance around the tool
shaft, shank and holder.
Point - defines the fixed point.
Direction - defines the direction of the line from the fixed point.
Draw Tilt Direction (on page 433) - displays the direction you have

Tilt Tool Axis

Tilt Tool Axis specifies how the tool will move to avoid any collisions.
Lean - if a collision is detected, the tool will tilt from the original axis
(specified on the Definition (on page 411) tab) in the Lean
direction until the collision is avoided. For more information, see
Lead/Lean Angles or Fixed Angle (see "Lead/Lean Angles" on
page 415).
Lead - if a collision is detected, the tool will tilt from the original axis
in the Lead direction until the collision is avoided.
Towards Point - if a collision is detected, the tool will tilt such that
the tool tip tries to point towards the Point, until the collision is
avoided, to become a Toward Point Tool Axis.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 431

From Point - if a collision is detected, the tool will tilt such that the
tool tip tries to point away from the Point, until the collision is
avoided, to become a From Point Tool Axis.
Towards Line - if a collision is detected, the tool will tilt such that
the tool tip tries to point towards the Line, until the collision is
avoided, to become a Toward Line Tool Axis.
From Line - if a collision is detected, the tool will tilt such that the
tool tip tries to point away from the Line, until the collision is
avoided, to become a From Line Tool Axis.
Towards Curve - if a collision is detected, the tool will tilt such that
the tool tip tries to point towards the curve, until the collision is
avoided, to become a Toward Curve Tool Axis. The curve must
be a pattern with a single segment (selectable in the Pattern field
below the current field).
From Curve - if a collision is detected, the tool will tilt such that the
tool tip tries to point away from the curve, until the collision is
avoided, to become a From Line Curve Axis. The curve must be
a pattern with a single segment (selectable in the Pattern field
below the current field).
Surface Normal - if a collision is detected, the tool will tilt such that
the tool tip tries to point towards the Surface Normal direction
until the collision is avoided.
Fixed Direction - if a collision is detected, the tool will tilt such that
the tool tip tries to point towards the Fixed Direction until the
collision is avoided. For more information, see Fixed Direction (on
page 422).
For more information, see Tool Axis (on page 412) , or Continuously
Changing Orientation (on page 418).

Tool Clearances
The tool clearances specify the clearance around the tool shaft, shank and

Shank Clearance - represents a specified safe area around the tool

shank which is taken into account when checking for collisions.
Holder Clearance - represents a specified "safe" area around the tool
holder which is taken into account when checking for collisions.

432 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

PowerMILL automatically adds a small tapered clearance around
the shaft of the cutter.

Holder Clearance
Shank Clearance
Tool Shaft Clearance

Draw Tilt Direction

Draw Tilt Direction displays the direction you have specified.
If you specify Towards Point or From Point, then you can see the
specified point:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 433

If you specify Towards Line or From Line, then you can see the
specified line:

If you specify a Fixed Direction, then you can see the specified line
with an arrow on it to indicate the direction:

If you specify a Lead, Lean or Surface Normal, the option has no


434 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Raster Collision Avoidance Example
This simple example uses a raster toolpath over a step to show the effect
of Collision Avoidance.

If you create a simple raster toolpath over this, you will get collisions of
the shank as it climbs or descends the step:

One way round this is to increase the length of the tool.

Another way is to change the toolpath strategy.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 435

The third way is to use Collision Avoidance. In this case, the initial
Tool Axis is Vertical.

1. Select the Automatic Collision Avoidance check box and then

switch to the Collision Avoidance tab:

2. Enter a Tool Tilt Axis of Lead, a Shank Clearance of 1.0 and

a Holder Clearance of 1.0.

436 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

3. Create a new raster toolpath. You can see that the toolpath now tilts
on the steep portions to avoid the tool holder colliding:

4. However, the toolpath is still 3-axis on the flat portions where the
tool holder doesn't collide:

In summary, the tool tries to respect the original Tool Axis Definition
for as much of the toolpath as possible. Only when this isn't possible does
the tool axis change, in the direction specified in the Tool Tilt Axis
field, until the tool assembly no longer collides.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 437

Constant Z Collision Avoidance Example
This is a slightly more complex example. It uses a Constant Z toolpath
on the bucket.dgk model. The toolpath has been limited to just the
inside of the bucket:

The Tool Axis Direction has a Definition with a Tool Axis of


Make sure that Automatic Collision Avoidance is selected. On the

Collision Avoidance tab, set the following:
Tilt Tool Axis - Lean
Shank Clearance - 1.0

438 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Holder Clearance - 3.0

If you look at the Constant Z toolpath, the tool starts off vertical:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 439

Then a lean angle is applied so that the tool holder just clears the model:

As the toolpath proceeds down the model, the lean angle changes so that
the tool holder just clears the model:

And so on down the model:

440 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Defining Limits for a Multi-Axis Machine
The secondary tool axis allows you to limit the angle at which a tool can
be positioned while cutting a multi-axis toolpath. However, it is not
always immediately obvious how to translate the machine tool angular
limits with PowerMILL's Azimuth and Elevation angles. This looks at
a couple of machine configurations with different angular limits.
The configuration of the rotary axes varies widely. However, the
differences between many of these are relatively minor, and there are
really only three fundamentally different machine configurations:
Table - Table (on page 442)
Head - Head (on page 445)
Head - Table (on page 447)
The example below show you how to transpose the angular limits on the
machine tool to the Azimuth and Elevation limits on the Limits tab on
the Tool Axis Direction dialog. These examples all use a sphere with a
Surface Projection toolpath. If no secondary tool axis limits are
imposed, you will see the following toolpath:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 441

Table - Table
Both rotary axes move the table.

With table - table machine tools, typical angular limits are:

X 30
Y 360
The machine tool Y limits are equivalent to the Azimuth Angle or the
angular limits in the XY plane. The Y limit of 360 translates to
Azimuth Angle limits of 0 to 360.
The machine tool X limits are equivalent to the angle above the XY
plane. However, they are not the same angle. This is best described using
the diagram below. The machine tool measures the angular range relative
to the Z axis and PowerMILL measures it relative to the XY plane. So,
the angle required for the limit is the complementary angle to the one
given for the machine tool.

442 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

This means that the X limit of 30 translates to Elevation Angle limits
of 60 to 90:

If you select a Mode of Remove Toolpath this will machine a sphere

to the following extent:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 443

With Draw Limits selected, you can see a graphic of the machineable

The portion of the sphere is centred at the origin of the active

workplane. If no active workplane exists, then it is placed at the
origin of the global coordinate system. The origin is depicted by a
small sphere. This graphic is displayed at an arbitrary size and if
you zoom in or out and then refresh the display, the size of this
graphic alters. This is to ensure that it is visible whatever the zoom
For more information see Alternative Table - Table (on page 444)

Alternative Table - Table

Alternative typical table - table machine tools angular limits are:
X 100
Y 360
This translates to Azimuth Angle limits of 0 to 360 and to Elevation
Angle limits of -10 to 90.

444 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

If you select a Mode of Remove Toolpath, this will machine a sphere
to the following extent:

With Draw Limits selected, you can see a graphic of the machineable

Head - Head
Both rotary axes move the head.

With head - head machine tools, typical angular limits are:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 445

X 60
Z 360
The machine tool Z limits are equivalent to the Azimuth Angle or the
angular limits in the XY plane. The Z limit of 360 translates to
Azimuth Angle limits of 0 to 360.
The machine tool X limits are equivalent to the angle above the XY
plane. The machine tool measures the angular range relative to the Z axis
and PowerMILL measures it relative to the XY plane. So, the angle
required for the limit is the complementary angle to the one given for the
machine tool. This is described in more detail in Table - Table (on page
442). The X limit of 60 translates to Elevation Angle limits of 30 to

If you select a Mode of Remove Toolpath this will machine a sphere

to the following extent:

446 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

With Draw Limits selected, you can see a graphic of the machineable

Alternative typical Head - Head machine tool angular limits are:

X -50 to +60
Z 360
This translates to Azimuth Angle limits of 0 to 360 and to Elevation
Angle limits of 30 to 90. In this case, although the machine tool limits
appear to be different to those in the first Head - Head example, the
PowerMILL angular limits are in fact the same. This happens because
rotating the head 180 about Z then gives you the complete range.

Head - Table
One rotary axis moves the head; the other moves the table

The machine tool X limits are equivalent to the angle above the XY
plane. However, it is the complementary angle to the Elevation angle.
The machine tool Z limits are equivalent to the Azimuth Angle. This is
described in more detail in Table - Table (on page 442).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 447

Point Distribution
The Point Distribution dialog controls the point distribution of
every toolpath in PowerMILL.

Output Point Distribution (on page 448) - controls the point

distribution of a toolpath.
Point Separation (on page 450) - allows you to enter the maximum
distance between toolpath points.
Mesh (see "Point Distribution - Mesh" on page 451) - defines the size of
the mesh relative to the machining tolerance. The smaller the Mesh
Factor, the finer the mesh, and consequently the toolpath takes longer to
calculate, but it is more accurate.

Output Point Distribution

Output Type - controls the point distribution of a toolpath.

448 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tolerance and Keep Arcs - automatically removes unnecessary
points in the toolpath while maintaining tolerance:

You can see the points are not equispaced, as unnecessary points
have been deleted. Also, some of the points are blue: these indicate
the arc centres. The red points either side of the blue ones are the
arc ends.
Tolerance and Replace Arcs - this is similar to Tolerance
and Keep Arcs except that all arcs are replaced by straight line
segments (polylines). This option is suitable for machine tools
which don't handle arcs well.
Redistribute - allows the insertion of new points. This ensures a
constant distance between points, only inserting extra points if they
are necessary to keep tolerance. This can be especially useful when
using the Maximum Point Separation option. Redistribute
may increase toolpath creation time but reduce time on the machine
tool. This option is suitable for machine tools that can handle large
numbers of equispaced points.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 449

Fit Arcs - produces toolpaths with arcs inserted wherever
possible. This option is suitable for machine tools which handle
arcs well, but is only available for 3-axis toolpaths.

The blue points indicate the arc centres.

The end points of the arcs are the red points either side of a
blue point.
Attach the tool and step through the toolpath to see this clearly.
Tolerance Factor - determines the number of points removed. This
must have a value between 0 (a minimum number of points are removed)
and 1 (maximum point removal whilst maintaining tolerance, so that the
toolpath contains the minimum number of points).

Point Separation

Limit Point Separation - when selected, this option allows you to

enter the maximum distance between toolpath points.
Maximum Point Separation - maximum distance between
consecutive toolpath points.

These options are not available if you select an option of Fit Arcs.

450 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Point Distribution - Mesh

Mesh Factor - this effects the triangulation tolerance and must have a
value between 0 and 1. The smaller the Mesh Factor, the finer the
mesh, and consequently the toolpath takes longer to calculate, but it is
more accurate.
Selecting Limit Maximum Triangle Length enables the Maximum
Triangle Length field where you can enter the required value.
Maximum Triangle Length - the maximum length of the hypotenuse
of the triangle.

Limiting the maximum triangle length will decrease the faceting on

gently curved surfaces. But, it will also increase machining time,
because more triangles are generated. So, only limit the triangle
length where faceting causes a problem.

Automatic Verification
enables automatic verification of toolpaths on creation. It displays the
Automatic Verification dialog.

Head Clearance - represents the length of the tool, holder and machine
used internally. The default value is set to 600 mm. This value can be set
even if you do not define a shank or holder. If the height of the tool is less
than the Head Clearance value, then an additional component is added
internally to the tool assembly. This component has the same diameter as
the last item in the tool assembly (if automatic collision checking is on),
and a length such that the total tool assembly length specified is the same
as the Head Clearance value.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 451

If Automatic Collision Checking is Off, the height of the tool is
the cutter length, and the diameter is the smallest of the cutter,
shank and holder diameters.
For disc cutters, a component is only added if the shank or holder
is defined.

If Automatic Collision Checking is On, the height of the tool is

the cutter, shank and holder length, and the diameter is the same as
the last item in the tool assembly.

If you define a tool assembly which is longer than the Head

Clearance value then the Head Clearance value is ignored.
The height of the tool is just the cutter if Automatic Collision
Checking is Off and is the cutter, shank and holder if Automatic
Collision Checking is On.
For disc cutters, if a shank holder is defined, then additional components
are added to give the total tool assembly a length equal to the Head
Clearance value.
If you define a tool assembly which is longer than the Head Clearance
value, then the Head Clearance value is ignored.
Automatic Collision Checking (on page 452) - controls collision
checking of toolpaths during toolpath calculation.

Automatic Collision Checking

Automatic Collision Checking - controls collision checking of
toolpaths during toolpath calculation.
When selected, the tool shank and holder are collision checked. The
resulting toolpath only contains the non-colliding (safe) moves. This can
lead to gaps in the toolpath.
If unselected, the tool shank and holder are not collision checked.

Collision checking using the Toolpath Verification dialog

will check against shank and holder regardless of this option.
Shank Clearance - represents a specified safe area around the
tool shank which is taken into account when checking for
Holder Clearance - represents a specified safe area around the
tool holder which is taken into account when checking for

452 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Holder Clearance
Shank Clearance
Apply - applies the values entered, but leaves the dialog displayed.
Accept - applies the values entered and closes the dialog.
Cancel - closes the dialog without applying the values.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 453

Component Thickness
The Thickness Preferences button gives you direct access to the
Surface Defaults (see "Surface Defaults dialog" on page 466) tab that
enables you to set all your default thickness rules for the model you are to
machine. This is very similar to the Surfaces tab (see "Surface
Thickness dialog" on page 455), except that the values applied in the
Surface Defaults tab are default values applied to all new toolpaths and

Surface Thickness
The Surfaces tab (see "Surface Thickness dialog" on page 455), with its
use of thickness sets, allows you to give different components (typically,
model surfaces) a specific uniform thickness, or a specific Axial
thickness and a specific Radial Thickness. It also allows you to assign
different thicknesses to components depending on the toolpaths or
boundaries using them. Most of the dialog is greyed out until you select
one of the thickness sets from the list.

The thicknesses added to individual components are added to the

general Thickness. So if there is a general Thickness of 0.5 and
a Component Thickness of 0.2, then the total thickness on the
component is 0.7.

454 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

For information on each field in the dialog, see Surface
Thickness dialog (on page 455).

For information on how to assign thicknesses to a set of

components, see Assigning Thickness values (on page 459).

For information on how to avoid specific areas of a model. see

Machining Mode example (on page 463).

Surface Thickness dialog

Toolpaths / Boundary Drop-Down List - determines whether

the component thicknesses data is associated with a toolpath or a
boundary. Select either Toolpaths or Boundaries .

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 455

Toolpaths / Boundary Selection - determines the toolpath or
boundary to which the current set of component thicknesses refers. Each
different toolpath and boundary can have a different set of component
thicknesses applied to it. This list contains either toolpaths or boundaries
depending on your selection in the drop-down list.

Copies all the thickness data from an existing toolpath or boundary.

Toolpaths / Boundary Drop-Down List - determines whether

the component thicknesses data is copied from a toolpath or boundary.
Select either Toolpaths or Boundaries .
Toolpaths / Boundary Selection - determines the existing toolpath
or boundary from which you want to copy component thicknesses. This
list contains either toolpaths or boundaries depending on your selection in
the drop-down list.

Select Components - selects all the components in the selected

thickness set(s).

Acquire Components - places the selected components into the

selected thickness set.

Remove Components - removes the selected components from

the selected thickness set(s).

Remove All Components - removes all the components from the

selected thickness set(s).

Copy Default Data - this copies the values defined on the

Surface Default tab. When you create a new set of thickness data for a
toolpath or boundary, the values currently in the Surface Default tab
are automatically copied into this dialog.

If you change the Surface Defaults, the Component

Thickness values are not automatically updated unless you

specifically click .

456 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Acquire Model's Components - places the whole model into the
selected thickness set. The model is selected from the drop-down list
beside this button.

Acquire Level's Components - places the whole level into the

selected thickness set. The level is selected from the drop-down list
beside this button.
Use Axial Thickness - when selected. this option enables you to select
separate Radial and Axial Thickness values. When deselected, you
can only select a single Thickness.
Thickness - applies the thickness as an offset to the tool in all
directions. This is available if Use Axial Thickness is deselected.
Radial Thickness - applies the thickness as an offset to the tool
radially. This controls the size of tool used for machining relative to the
actual tool. This option only becomes available if Use Axial
Thickness is selected.
Axial Thickness - applies the thickness as an offset to the tool in the
tool axis direction only. This controls the tip position of the tool used for
machining relative to the actual tool. This option only becomes available
if Use Axial Thickness is selected.

For more information on radial and axial thickness, see Radial and
Axial Thickness (on page 486).
Machining Mode - there are three modes of applying the component
Machine - is used for a component that the toolpath will machine.
Collision - is used for a component that will not be machined, but
must be avoided (such as a clamp).
Ignore - is used for a component that will not be machined and was
created only for construction purposes (such as a guiding surface
used in multi-axis machining).
The option selected here determines the colour displayed in the Mode
column in the Thickness List Control.
Thickness List Control (on page 458) - selecting one of these
thickness sets determines the colour of the components when Thickness

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 457

Thickness List Control
Thickness List Control - selecting one of these thickness sets
determines the colour of the components when Thickness Shaded.

Set - this has either or in depending on the option chosen

(boundary or toolpath) in the top left hand frame of the dialog.
Thickness - displays the thickness (or Radial Thickness) applied to
this component from this tab.
Axial - displays the Axial Thickness applied to this component from
this tab.
Total Thickness - displays the thickness (or Radial Thickness)
applied to this component from this tab plus the thickness applied in the
Area Clearance or Finishing strategy dialogs.
Total Axial - displays the Axial Thickness applied to this component
from this tab plus the thickness applied in the Area Clearance or
Finishing strategy dialogs..
Components - displays the number of components that have been
selected to arrive at the thickness.
Mode - displays the type of machining mode selected for these

458 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

You can also see that the Mode field is coloured .
Machine - White
Collision - Yellow
Ignore - Red
Selected - Grey (when the graphics window has the focus) or Blue
(when the Thickness dialog has the focus).
These default colours can be changed by selecting Tools - Customise
Colours (on page 328), followed by Machining Mode.

Assigning Thickness values

To assign thickness values to a set of components:
1. Select either Toolpaths or Boundaries . from the drop-

down list in the top left of the dialog , depending on whether

the component thickness data is to be associated with a toolpath or
a boundary.
2. The adjacent drop-down list displays a list of either toolpath or
boundary names depending on your selection at step 1. From this
list, select the particular toolpath or boundary to which the
thickness data refers.
3. If you wish to copy thickness data from an existing toolpath or
boundary, go to the Clone section of the dialog:

Here, you need to select either Toolpaths or Boundaries

from the drop-down list, select the particular toolpath or boundary
from which data is to be copied in the adjacent drop-down list, and

then click the button.

4. Select the required set in the bottom of the dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 459

5. To acquire additional components for the set from the graphics

area, select them using the left mouse button and then click
Acquire Components.

A component cannot belong to more than one set, so if you

acquire the selected components for a set, and then acquire
the same components for another set, the components will be
removed from the original set and added to the last set.

To display all the components of a set in the graphics area,

select the set and then click Select Components.

To remove individual components from the selected set, select

them in the graphics area and then click Remove


To remove all the components from the selected set, click

Remove All Components.
To copy in the values from the Surface Defaults dialog (on page

466), click Copy in Default Thickness Data.

When you create a new set of thickness data for a toolpath or

boundary, the values currently in the Surface Defaults
dialog (on page 466) are automatically copied into this
dialog, but if you change the Surface Defaults they are not

updated unless you click .

To acquire all the components from a particular model, select the

model from the drop-down list adjacent to the Acquire

Model's Components button, and then click the button.
To acquire all the components from a particular level, select the

level from the drop-down list adjacent to the Acquire

Level's Components button, and then click the button.
6. Once you have acquired all the necessary components for a set,
specify the Thickness values:

460 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Select Use Axial Thickness if you wish to specify separate
Radial and Axial Thickness values. When deselected, it only
allows you to select a single Thickness value.
Thickness - applies the thickness as an offset to the tool in all
Radial Thickness - applies the thickness as an offset to the
tool radially. This controls the size of tool used for machining
relative to the actual tool.
Axial Thickness - applies the thickness as an offset to the tool
in the tool axis direction only. This controls the tip position of
the tool used for machining relative to the actual tool.
7. Select the Machining Mode for the set from the following:
Machine - is used for components that the toolpath will machine.
Collision - is used for components that will not be machined, but
must be avoided (such as clamp components).
Ignore - is used for components that will not be machined, in that
they were created purely for construction purposes (such as the
components of a guiding surface used in multi-axis machining).

The option selected here determines the colour displayed in

the Mode column below. The default colours are white for
Machine, yellow for Collision, and red for Ignore. These
can be changed by selecting Tools - Customise Colours
from the menu and then selecting Machining Mode.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 461

8. Repeat from step 4 as required, and then review your sets once they
are complete:

Set - this has either or next to it depending on the

option chosen (Boundary or Toolpath) in the top left hand
frame of the dialog.

Thickness - displays the thickness (or Radial Thickness)

applied to the set's components within this dialog.

Axial - displays the Axial Thickness applied to the set's

components within this dialog.

Total Thickness - displays the total Thickness (or

Radial Thickness) applied to the set's components (that is
to say Area Clearance plus Finishing plus Components
plus Collision Checking).

Total Axial - displays the total Axial Thickness applied

to the set's components (that is to say Area Clearance plus
Finishing plus Components plus Collision Checking).

Components - displays the number of components that

have been selected to have the associated thickness values.

462 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

9. Each set when selected has a colour alongside it. This is the colour
that will be used to shade the set's components when Thickness
Shade is selected from the Shading toolbar (on page 851). If
you wish to change these colours, select Tools - Customise
Colours from the menu and then select Default Thickness

Machining Mode example

This example looks at how to ensure that the clamps are not machined,
but are avoided.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 463

1. Select all the surfaces that make up the clamps:

2. Select the Thickness Preferences button to display the

Surface Defaults tab, and select the top thickness set:

3. Select a Machining Mode of Collision, click Acquire

Components , and then click Apply.

464 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

4. To visualise the results, click the pull-out shading button from
the View toolbar and click the Default Machining Mode
Shade button .

Now for all toolpaths created for this part, the clamps will not be
machined, but they will be avoided.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 465

Surface Defaults dialog
The Surface Defaults dialog enables you to define a standard set of
thickness data that is not attached to any specific toolpath or boundary.
You can therefore use it to set all your default thickness rules for the
model you are to machine.

This is very similar to the Surfaces dialog (see "Surface Thickness" on

page 454), except that the values applied here are default values applied
to all new toolpaths and boundaries. Any existing toolpaths or boundaries
are not altered by any changes made here.
Set - this a visual reminder to indicate that this is a Default setting not
attached to any specific toolpath or boundary.

466 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Toolpath Strategies
The Toolpath Strategy enables you to select the type of toolpath
that you want to create. It displays the New dialog:

The tabs at the top of the dialog are just a way of ordering the toolpath
strategies. By default there are seven tabs, but since you can add and
delete your own (see "Creating a New Toolpath Template" on page 324),
there could be any number:
2.5D Area Clearance (see "Area Clearance" on page 478) - this tab
contains all the 2.5D area clearance strategies available.

3D Area Clearance (see "Area Clearance" on page 478) - this tab

contains all the 3D area clearance strategies available.

Blisks (see "Blisk" on page 745) - this tab contains the area
clearance and finishing strategies required to machine a blisk or

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 467

Drilling (on page 775) - this tab contains all the drilling strategies.

Favourites (on page 477) - this tab contains all the strategies
available in your Favourites drop-down list

Finishing (on page 572) - this tab contains all the finishing strategies

468 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Ports (see "Port Machining" on page 725) - this tab contains all
the port machining strategies available.

Large Icons - displays the contents of the tab as icons.

List - displays the contents of the tab as a list.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 469

Browse For Template - displays the Open Template dialog
which allows you to select a template:

This is a standard File Open dialog. Select the required file and
then click the Open button.
Filter - help you find the required toolpath.
Entering some text in the Filter field (say Pencil) displays the
toolpaths which contain Pencil.

470 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Preview - displays a graphic of the type of toolpath that you are
going to create. For example, if you have a Strategy of Raster
you will see the following:

Creating a New Toolpath Template

It is possible to use the Tools - Customise Paths dialog to modify the
contents of the New dialog displayed when you click the Toolpath
Strategy button. This is a two stage process:
1. Create tabs on the New dialog (on page 471).
2. Insert a Toolpath Template into the tabs on the New dialog (on
page 473).

Create tabs on the New Dialog

The first stage is to create the required new tabs for the New dialog:
1. First create a new master directory in Windows Explorer to hold
the new templates, for example Company Templates. Within
this master directory, create any sub-directories, for example
Press Die and Mould Tools. These directory names will be the
tabs that you see on the New dialog.

Consult the templates directory within your installation

before creating the directories. This contains your default
tabs and templates, and you need to be aware that:
If you create a tab with the same name as an existing tab,
then the contents of the two tabs will be merged.
If you create a toolpath template with the same name as one
of the PowerMILL default templates, then your template will
be displayed in preference to the PowerMILL one.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 471

2. From the Tools menu, select Customise Paths, followed by the
Template Paths option:

3. Click the Add Path to Top of List button. This displays the
Select Path dialog:

4. Move to the master directory that you created at step 1 and click
the OK button.

472 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

5. You are returned to the PowerMILL Paths dialog with the new
template path displayed:

6. Click Close to close the dialog.

7. Click the Toolpath Strategy button and you will see the
new tabs:

8. Click Cancel to close the dialog.

Insert a Toolpath Template into the tabs on the New dialog

Now you have created the new tabs, you need to insert the appropriate
toolpath templates into them. You need to base each template on one of
PowerMILL's existing toolpaths.
1. To base your toolpath on a Raster Finishing toolpath, click the
Raster Finishing button to display the
associated dialog:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 473

2. Enter the default values that you want, for example a Tolerance
of 0.05 and a Stepover of 2, and so on, and then click Accept to
create the toolpath.

474 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

3. Go to Explorer, and, from the context menu for the individual
Toolpaths entity that you have just created, select the Save as
Template option:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 475

4. This displays the Template Parameter Saving dialog:

5. Either leave the Save checked parameters only box

deselected so that all parameters will be saved, or select the box (as
above) and then selectively click the parameters that you wish to
6. Click Save to display the Save Toolpath Template File

7. Move to the required directory, for example Mould Tools, enter

the required name (for example My Raster Template), and then
click the Save button.

476 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

8. Click the Close button on the Template Parameter Saving

9. Click the Toolpath Strategy button and you will see the
toolpath under the new tab:

10.Click Cancel to close the dialog.

This tab contains a list of your most commonly used toolpath strategies.

If you create a tab with the same name as an existing tab, then the
contents of the two tabs will be merged. Therefore, if you create
your own Favourites in addition to the default PowerMILL
Favourites, the full list (including your own) will be displayed in
the Create Toolpath drop-down list on
the Main Toolbar.

If you create a toolpath template with the same name as one of the
PowerMILL default templates, then your template will be displayed
in preference to the PowerMILL one.
To create your own Favourites and add to the list of available toolpaths
in the Create Toolpath drop-down list :
1. Follow "Creating Tabs on the New Dialog" in Creating a New
Toolpath Template (on page 324) to create a sub-directory/tab of
Favourites within Company Templates.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 477

2. Follow "Inserting a new Toolpath Template into the Tabs on the
New Dialog" in Creating a New Toolpath Template (on page 324)
and create a new template of My 3D Offset in the newly created
Favourites sub-directory/tab.

3. Click the Toolpath Strategy button and you will see the My
3D Offset toolpath at the top of the Favourites tab:

4. You can also see the My 3D Offset toolpath at the bottom of the
Create Toolpath drop-down list
available on the Main Toolbar.

Area Clearance
The Area Clearance tabs on the Toolpath Strategy New dialog
defines how the model will be machined during roughing.

478 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

For example, if you select the 3D Area Clearance tab:

and then select Raster AreaClear Model followed by OK, the

following happens:
A batch toolpath is created under the Toolpaths folder in

You can tell that it is a batch toolpath because of the .

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 479

The Area Clearance dialog is displayed:

The left and half of the right side of the dialog is standard for all
toolpaths and defines the parameters used to create the toolpath
(such as the tool, tolerance, stepover, stepdown, boundary required
for toolpath).

The batch toolpath is converted to a complete toolpath once you

enter the relevant values on the dialog and click the Apply button.

480 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Area Clearance Strategy
Define the area clearance strategy that you want to use:

The strategy selected defines the method used to remove the material
enclosed within the contours on each roughing level.
These moves remove the material contained within the profiles. The
options available are:
1. Raster
2. Profile
3. Offset
4. Plunge

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 481

Raster - comprises of straight line moves parallel to either the X or Y

Profile - machines around the profiles of the Z slices created:

Offset - clears an area with contours generated by repeatedly offsetting

the initial slice until no further offset is possible:

482 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

If you select a stepover distance greater than the tool radius
PowerMILL automatically activates a command to detect and
machine any small islands of material. This function creates
additional toolpaths that are integrated into the main toolpath. A
linking method is used that produces far fewer tool lifts.
Plunge - is where a specialised cutting tool is used to remove large
amounts of material from a component through a series of vertical
plunging movements:

You also have the choice of whether you are machining the Model or
Feature Set.
Model - standard 3-axis machining of a model imported into
PowerMILL. Available from the 3D Area Clearance tab.
Feature Set - 2.5D machining of features (pockets, slots,
bosses or holes). Available from the 2.5 D Area Clearance

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 483

When you create a toolpath, you raise the appropriate dialog, fill in the
required fields, and then click Apply. The toolpath is created and the
dialog used to create it is displayed, but with nearly all the options
dimmed except for the buttons at the top.

Recycle Toolpath - enables you to edit the parameters of the

toolpath you have just created, and then recalculate it. The new toolpath
will overwrite the previous one.

484 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Copy Toolpath - enables you to make a copy the toolpath you
have just created. The copy has the same name as the previous one, but
with the addition of _1. You can then change any parameters you want
and recalculate it.
Clicking either of these buttons will re-activate the dimmed fields.

The tool used to calculate the toolpath is displayed in the Tool area:

Create Tool - this works in exactly the same way as on the Tool
toolbar, allowing you to create a new tool. For more information, see
Tool Toolbar (on page 857).
Active Tool - displays the active tool (the tool that will be
used to calculate the toolpath). The drop-down list displays all the
defined tools. Selecting one of the tools from the list will make that tool
the active tool.

Editor - this works in exactly the same way as Edit Tool on the
Tool Toolbar (on page 857). It displays the specific Tool dialog of the
active tool. If you edit this dialog, it will edit your active tool.

Defines the name of the toolpath. This name will appear in Explorer.

The tolerance used to calculate the toolpath is displayed in the
Tolerances area:

Tolerance - determines how accurately the toolpath follows the

contours defined by the model file.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 485

Point Distribution (on page 448) - enables you to alter the point
distribution of the toolpath.
Thickness (see "Radial and Axial Thickness" on page 486) - specifies
the amount of material to be left on within tolerance.

If you click the Thickness button, the Thickness field changes to

Radial Thickness and the Axial Thickness field also
becomes available so you can specify different values for Radial and
Axial Thickness.

To avoid too much material being removed, Thickness should be

greater than Tolerance.
Thickness - displays the Component Thickness dialog (see
"Surface Thickness dialog" on page 455), which allows you to specify the
thicknesses of the different surfaces.

Radial and Axial Thickness

If you click the Thickness button, the Thickness field changes to

Radial Thickness and the Axial Thickness field also
becomes available, so that you can specify separate Radial and Axial
Thickness values:

Thickness - applies the thickness as an offset to the tool in all


486 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Radial Thickness - applies the thickness as an offset to the tool
radially. This controls the size of tool used for machining relative
to the actual tool:

Axial Thickness - applies the thickness as an offset to the tool,

in the tool axis direction only. This controls the tip position of the
tool used for machining relative to the actual tool:

Variable thickness (that is to say, separate Radial and Axial

Thickness values) is particularly useful for orthogonal parts. It is
possible to use variable thickness on sloping walled parts, although
it is more difficult to predict the results.
Typically, it is used on flat bottomed parts with pockets. In
aerospace parts of this type, you may want the area clearance
toolpath to finish the floor of the pocket, but to leave material on
the thin vertical walls. In this case, you would have a specific
Radial Thickness and an Axial Thickness of 0:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 487

Alternatively, this method can also be used to finish the steep side
walls and leave material on the bottom. In this case you would
have a Radial Thickness of 0 and a specific Axial Thickness:


Stepover defines the distance between successive area clearance passes:

- This option is only available if you select an Offset Area

Clearance strategy, and selecting it allows you to specify the Number
of Offsets in the adjacent field.
Number of Offsets - specifies the number of offsets. For
example, if you enter 2 offsets, then you get the final profile pass (closest
to the contour) followed by 2 offset passes:

488 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Lead In Moves (see "Leads and Links - Lead In - Lead Out" on
page 385) for toolpaths that have a fixed number of offsets can now
be less than the tool radius away from the slices.

You can define the Z Heights from within the main Area Clearance
dialog. However, if you need a more complex set of Z Heights, you can
use the Area Clearance Z Heights (on page 492) dialog.
Stepdown - has two modes available from the drop-down list
Automatic and Manual.
Automatic - the Z Heights are defined from the Area Clearance
dialog at the time that the area clearance toolpath is calculated, and
any existing Z Heights are deleted. Enter the required Stepdown

PowerMILL creates a Z Height up to the Stepdown value

entered, from the top of the block, and then steps down a
defined height in Z. The final Z height will be at the bottom of
the block. The Stepdown definition takes into account
existing Z Heights (such as those calculated when the
Machine Flats option is selected). PowerMILL looks at
pairs of existing Z Heights and adds the minimum number of
extra Z Heights between them such that the stepdown between
heights is less than or equal to the specified Stepdown
value. This offers the same functionality as Define by -
Stepdown on the Area Clearance Z Heights (on page
492) dialog.
Manual - allows you to specify the Z Heights exactly by clicking the
Z Heights button which raises the the Area Clearance Z
Heights (on page 492) dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 489

Machine Flats (on page 490) - identifies flat areas of the model and
creates Z Heights on these areas. This is only available if you select a
Stepdown Mode of Automatic. Since this option can be used in
conjunction with a Stepdown value, then the two different types of Z
Heights can be calculated at the same time.
There are three options available from the Machine Flats drop-down
Level - machines whole flat levels:
Area - machines flat areas only (rather than the whole level):
Off - flat areas are not considered:

Machine Flats
Machine Flats - identifies flat areas of the model and creates Z Heights
on these areas. This is only available if you select a Stepdown Mode of
Automatic. Since this option can be used in conjunction with a
Stepdown value, then the two different types of Z Heights can be
calculated at the same time.
There are three options available from the Machine Flats drop-down
Level - machines whole flat levels:

Looking from a different angle, you can see that three complete
levels are machined:

490 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Area - machines flat areas only (rather than the whole level):

Looking from a different angle, you can see that only the flat areas
are machined in the first level:

Off - flat areas are not considered:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 491

The Flat Machining Advanced Settings are available if you select
an option of Level or Area. These options are enabled from the Expert

area of the Area Clearance dialog (raised by clicking the Arrow on

the right hand side of the Area Clearance dialog) and selecting a
Slices Definition mode of Model:

For more information see Flat Machining Advanced Settings (on page

Z Heights
Clicking the Z Heights button on the Area Clearance dialog
displays the Area Clearance Z Heights dialog which defines the Z
Heights at which the model will be sliced during roughing.

492 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The Z Heights button is only visible if you select a Stepdown
of Manual.

Create Z Heights (on page 494) - defines how the Z Heights are
Reference (see "Reference Z Heights" on page 496) - enables the
appending or deleting of Z Heights from other entities.
Delete by Picking - allows you to delete Z Heights by selecting them
in the graphics window.

Start Picking Mode - selecting this button activates the others

buttons in the frame.
Delete the Selected Z Heights - if you select a Z Height (or
several Z Heights) in the graphics window, and then click the
button, the Z Heights will be deleted.
Quit Picking Mode - stops you from being able to delete Z
Heights by picking. The button becomes unavailable.

These options do not change the active toolpath. They are

only using the information from the active toolpath to
generate appropriate Z Heights for the new toolpath.
Draw - specifies whether the Z Heights will be visible on the screen.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 493

Deletes all the Z Heights in the new toolpath.
List of Z Heights - the right hand side of the dialog displays a list of the
Z Heights in the toolpath:

Create Z Heights
Create Z Heights defines how the Z Heights are created.
There are five ways of defining the Z Heights, available on the Defined
By drop-down menu:
1. Number
2. Stepdown
3. Value
4. Intermediate
5. Flat
Number - divides the block equally into the defined number of Z
Heights, the lowest of which will be at the bottom of the block.
Stepdown - creates a Z Height at the top of the block and then steps
down a defined height in Z. The final Z Height will be at the bottom of
the block. The Stepdown definition takes into account existing Z
Heights. This makes it easier to generate an optimum set of Z Heights.
So, PowerMILL looks at pairs of existing Z Heights and adds the
minimum number of extra Z Heights between them such that the
stepdown between heights is less than or equal to the specified

494 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Constant Stepdown - this check box is available with the Stepdown
option and affects the way in which the Stepdown is calculated. When
the check box deselected, the Stepdown will be the amount specified
for all levels except for the last one, which will be at the bottom of the

When this option is selected, the Stepdown will be the same between all
levels but will not be identical to the amount specified (in this example

Value - adds in additional Z Heights at a specified height.

Intermediate - adds in additional Z Heights between existing ones.
Flat - identifies flat areas of the model and creates Z Heights on these
The field next to the Defined by pull-down list displays the number,
distance or value of the Z Heights.
Calculate - calculates the values of the Z Heights.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 495

Reference Z Heights
Reference enables the appending or deleting of Z Heights from other
Entity - the first drop-down list determines what type of entity is
referenced when appending/deleting Z Heights:

Toolpath - enables the appending of Z Heights from another

Boundary - enables the appending of Z which are determined by
the height of the boundary.
Pattern - enables the appending of Z which are determined by the
height of the pattern.
Feature Set - enables the appending of Z which are determined
by the height of the feature set.
Active Entity - the second drop-down list determines which entity (for
example, the name of the actual toolpath) is referenced:

Action - the final drop-down list determines how the Active Entity is

496 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Append All - if you have selected an entity of toolpath then it
creates Z Heights at the same Z Heights of the selected toolpath.
If the entity is anything other than toolpath then it creates Z
Heights at the highest and lowest point of the entity. These Z
Heights are added to any that you have already created for this
Append Top - if you have selected an entity of toolpath then it
creates a Z Heights at the same Z Height as the highest in the
selected toolpath. If the entity is anything other than toolpath then
it creates a Z Height at the highest point of the entity.
Append Bottom - if you have selected an entity of toolpath then
it creates a Z Heights at the same Z Height as the lowest in the
selected toolpath. If the entity is anything other than toolpath then
it creates a Z Height at the lowest point of the entity.
Delete All - deletes the Z Heights contained in the entity from
those in the new toolpath.
Delete Top - if you have selected an entity of toolpath then it
deletes a Z Heights at the same Z Height as the highest in the
selected toolpath. If the entity is anything other than toolpath then
it deletes a Z Height at the highest point of the entity.
Delete Bottom - if you have selected an entity of toolpath then it
deletes a Z Heights at the same Z Height as the lowest in the
selected toolpath. If the entity is anything other than toolpath then
it deletes a Z Height at the lowest point of the entity.
Find Common - finds the Z Heights that are common to the
selected entity and this toolpath.
Calculate - calculates the Z Heights from the referenced entity.

Cut Direction
The Profile and Area Clearance Moves can both be forced to
incorporate particular milling technologies, which are selected using the
Cut Direction parameter:

Any - creates toolpaths using both climb and conventional milling.

This minimises the tool lifts and tool travel.
Climb - creates toolpaths using only climb milling.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 497

This part of the Area Clearance toolpath dialog enables you to specify
the area which you want to area clear:

The above options enable you to localise roughing without having to

change the block, and utilise tool containment. This even works with
Keep Outside.

Create Boundary - this works in exactly the same way as the

Create Boundary option on the Boundary toolbar (on page 965), and
is also equivalent to selecting Create Boundary from the Boundaries
context menu (see "Creating Boundaries" on page 129) in Explorer.
It allows you to create a new boundary. For more information, see
Boundary Entity (see "Boundaries" on page 128). The drop-down list
contains the different boundary types:

Selected Boundary - the drop-down list to the right of

Create Boundary displays the boundary that will be used to
limit the toolpath. The drop-down list displays all the defined
boundaries. The selected boundary becomes the active boundary. If you
don't want to use a boundary to calculate the toolpath, then select a blank
boundary from the list.

Editor - displays the Boundary Editor dialog that allows you to

edit the active boundary.
Limit - defines which part of the tool can touch the boundary:

498 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tool Centre - the centre of the tool cannot go outside the boundary.
Tool Periphery - offsets the boundary inwards by the tool radius.
The whole tool is contained within the boundary.

For more information on how these limits work, see

Boundary - Limit (on page 499).
Trimming - trims the toolpath to the active boundary. There are two
Keep Inside - the toolpath generated inside of the boundary is kept.
Keep Outside - the toolpath generated outside of the boundary is

Boundary - Limit
How to limit a toolpath to a boundary is best shown by an example.
1. Take the Chamber.igs model and create a Shallow Boundary
around it.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 499

2. Create an area clearance toolpath within the boundary.

3. Looking down Z, you can see that the Links are also contained
within the boundary:

500 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

4. If you create the same toolpath but change the Boundary Limit
from Tool Centre to Tool Periphery, you get the following

You can also use this technique to contain the tool within a specific
area. This means that you can keep the tool clear of any clamps.
Because roughing boundaries limit the tool centre, to keep the
entire tool within a boundary requires different boundaries for each
toolpath, unless you use the Limit - Tool Periphery option. This
option means that you can create one boundary and use it for all
5. Create a boundary around the part:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 501

6. Create a boundary from the block:

7. Offset the boundary by selecting Edit - Offset 2D (Round

Corners) from the individual boundary's context menu in

8. Now you can create an area clearance toolpath using this boundary
and therefore ensure that the toolpath plus all approach moves are
contained within the boundary.

Create Boundary
Create Boundary - this works in exactly the same way as the
Create Boundary option on the Boundary toolbar (on page 965), and
is also equivalent to selecting Create Boundary from the Boundaries
context menu (see "Creating Boundaries" on page 129) in Explorer.

502 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

It allows you to create a new boundary. For more information, see
Boundary Entity (see "Boundaries" on page 128). The drop-down list
contains the different boundary types:

This area of the dialog contains optional profile moves to guide the tool
around the profile at the cutting feed rate.

When - determines how profile moves are performed in relation to the

area cutter moves. This is only available if you select an Area
Clearance Strategy of Raster. The possible options are:
Before - the tool profiles the workpiece first and then moves inwards
to clear the remaining area. This involves two cutter moves with
associated rapid and level moves.
After - machines the innermost profile first and then moves outwards
to clear the area, finally machining the workpiece profile. This also
involves two cutter moves with associated rapid and level moves.
During - selects intelligently between the behaviour of the Before
and After options depending on the position of the outer profile
relative to the block boundary. If the outer profile lies entirely on
the block boundary, the Before option is used. If any part of the
outer profile touches the workpiece, the After option is used. There
is no Z lift between area clearance and profile moves.
None - machines the first offset profile then moves inwards to clear
the remaining area. The workpiece profile is not machined.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 503

Cut Direction - the Profile and Area Clearance Moves can both be
forced to incorporate particular milling technologies. The possible options
Any - the tool will travel in either direction, backwards and forwards.
Climb - this will create roughing passes using only climb milling.
This will result in more lifts and tool travel.
Conventional - this will create roughing passes using only
conventional or 'upcut' milling. This will also result in more lifts
and tool travel.
Final Profile Pass - Every Z (on page 505) - allows you to perform an
Area Clearance move with an Allowance, followed by a final profiling
pass without the allowance, at the same Z Height.
This is particularly useful for machining thin, high walled parts (typically
aluminium parts with ribs or extruded parts with thin walls). You area
clear one level and then profile that level. This minimises the vibration of
walls and maintains the rigidity of the part as you machine it.
This technique can be used to finish the part as it descends down the part,
although a final finishing pass may be required.
Final Profile Pass - Last Z (on page 506) - allows you to perform an
Area Clearance move with an Allowance for every Z Height until the
lowest Z Height where it is followed by a final profiling pass without the
allowance, at the lowest Z Height.
This technique can be used to finish the part with one final profiling pass
where you cut on the side of the tool, though a finishing pass may be
Allowance - determines the thickness of the final profiling pass. This
value must be less than the radius of the flat end of the tool.

504 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Final Profile Pass - Every Z
Final Profile Pass - Every Z allows you to perform an Area Clearance
move with an Allowance, followed by a final profiling pass without the
allowance, at the same Z Height.

The first area clearance move would clear the following:

This is then followed by a profile move:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 505

This is then followed by a second area clearance move:

And so on down the part.

This is particularly useful for machining thin, high walled parts (typically
aluminium parts with ribs or extruded parts with thin walls). You area
clear one level and then profile that level. This minimises the vibration of
walls and maintains the rigidity of the part as you machine it.
This technique can be used to finish the part as it descends down the part,
although a final finishing pass may be required.

Final Profile Pass - Last Z

Final Profile Pass - Last Z allows you to perform an Area Clearance
move with an Allowance for every Z Height until the lowest Z Height
where it is followed by a final profiling pass without the allowance, at the
lowest Z Height.

506 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The first area clearance move would clear the following:

This is then followed by a second area clearance move:

And so on down the part:

This is then followed by a single profile move:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 507

This technique can be used to finish the part with one final profiling pass
where you cut on the side of the tool, though a finishing pass may be

Area Filter
Enables areas to be automatically ignored based on their size relative to
the tool diameter, thus enabling you to define a different machining
method for small areas and large areas.

The filtering takes place after the toolpaths are calculated. This means
that you apply different filter values, quickly see the result, and then
determine the most appropriate value.
Area Filter - when selected, this option allows filtering.
Filter - determines which part of the toolpath is deleted. The options are:
Larger Than - deletes the areas larger than that specified by the
Smaller Than - deletes the areas smaller than that specified by the
Threshold (Tool Diameter Units) - the size against which all areas
are compared. The value entered represents the ratio between the tool
diameter and the longest principal axis of each individual area. For
example, a value of 2.0 means that the length of the longest principal axis
of an area is compared against twice the tool diameter.
Filter Only Enclosed Areas - this option is only available when
Smaller Than is selected for the Filter. Selecting the option means that
only small areas which contain ramp moves will be filtered, and that
small areas containing, say, approach outside moves will not be filtered.

Although this can be a useful option, a better way to avoid ramping

into small areas is to select the Approach Outside option (from
the Lead In Moves (on page 509) area of the Area Clearance

Drilling toolpaths are NOT affected by the filter. So, a single

drilling toolpath can be used for any filtered toolpath. This means
that it is possible to generate a drilling move for an area that hasn't
been machined, or to a greater depth than required.

508 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tool Axis
Tool Axis - displays the tool axis that will be used to create the toolpath.

- displays the Tool Axis Direction (on page 411) dialog, which
enables you to edit the tool axis.

Lead in Moves
Defines how the tool approaches the path.

Type - this moves the tool between start Z and the level to be machined.
The options are as follows:
Plunging - plunges directly into the model.
Ramping - allows the tool to ramp into the model at a specified angle
during area clearance moves. This can allow a non-plunging tool to
be used but is dependent on the tool and the material. When you
select this option, the Ramp button becomes available.
Drilling - plunges into pre-drilled holes created by the drill paths.
Options - displays the Ramp Options (on page 510) dialog. This is
only available when Ramping is selected for the Lead In Moves
Approach Outside - when selected, this forces the Level moves to
approach the block model from the outside. Approachable paths available
for this type of move in the slice model are drawn in orange by default.
Drilling Holes - you can use patterns as the input positions for drilling
holes. This allows you to pre-define holes using a pattern. PowerMILL
will also output the new hole positions as hole features. This then enables
you specify the position of the drilled lead in move. These options are
only available if you select a Lead In Moves Type of Drilling:
Input - the pattern defining the input positions for drilling.
Output Holes - the name of the pattern and feature set used to define
the hole that is used for the lead in move.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 509

Ramp Options
If on the Area Clearance dialog you select a Lead In Move Type
of Ramping (see "Lead in Moves" on page 509), the Options button
becomes available. Clicking Options displays the following dialog:

Max Zig Angle - the angle of descent formed as the tool ramps into the
Follow - controls the direction of the ramp:
Toolpath - the ramp moves follow the profile of the toolpath.
Line - the ramp moves are normal to the cutting direction at that
point. If the requested line cannot be fitted into the area, then the
Profile method is used automatically.

Circle - the ramp moves are around a circle. If the requested circle
cannot be fitted into the area, then the Line method is used
Circle Diameter (Tool Diameter Units) - controls the circle
diameter. This value is defined in Tool Diameter Units.
Ramp Length

510 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Finite - when this option is selected, a maximum cutting Length can
be entered. When the option is deselected, the tool will ramp down
in one pass.
Length - the value entered here determines how many Zig and Zag
moves are required in the ramp. This value is represented in Tool
Diameter Units.

Normally, the Ramp Length should be greater than the tool

diameter to allow swarf to clear from beneath the tool.
Zag Angle
Independent - when this option is selected, the Zag Angle can be
different from the Zig Angle. When it is deselected, the Zag
Angle is the same as the Zig Angle.
Max Angle - this is specified in the same way as the Zig Angle.
These options are illustrated in the diagram below:

Tool Diameter Units - is the distance relative to the tool diameter. So

with a 10mm tool and a TDU of 0.5, this gives an actual value of 5mm.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 511

High Speed Machining
This area of the dialog controls various smoothing options to avoid sharp
changes in tool direction when high speed machining. The options
available depend on the Strategy chosen.

High Speed Machining - Raster

Profile Smoothing (on page 513) - allows the arc fitting of slices to
avoid sharp changes in direction. This works in a very similar way to the
Arc Fitted Corner Correction (see "Corner Correction" on page 590)
for Constant Z Finishing.
Machine All Raster Spans - when selected, all raster spans are
machined. When the option is deselected, 'unnecessary' raster spans are
left unmachined.

An 'unnecessary' raster span is one where the tool either doesn't

remove any material or doesn't remove any material that a future
pass would not remove. This can happen on the first and possibly
the last raster span of an area, and where the raster spans are
shorter than the diameter of the tool.
For high speed machining, it is best to have this option selected to ensure
an even loading on the tool.

512 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Minimise Full Width Cuts - removes (as far as is possible) all raster
moves that could cause the tool to cut on its full width. Due to the
searching nature of the raster pattern, the tool may occasionally be cutting
on its full width. This is not generally a problem when cutting soft
material, but can cause tool damage when machining hard material.
Maintain Constant Stepover - the stepover within an area remains
constant (so that cutter passes lie on both edges of each area).
Selected Deselected

Profile Smoothing
Profile Smoothing allows the arc fitting of slices to avoid sharp
changes in direction. This works in a very similar way to the Arc Fitted
Corner Correction (see "Corner Correction" on page 590) for
Constant Z Finishing.
If you select the Profile Smoothing option, the Corner Radius (Tool
Diameter Units) slider becomes available. The radius is defined as a
proportion of the tool diameter. The default value is 0.05. So, if you have
a tool of diameter 10mm (radius 5mm) then the arc radius will be 0.5mm.

The Corner Radius slider can have a value between 0 and 0.2.
Using a Corner Radius of 0.2 you will get the following:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 513

The light slice shows the Smoothed profile and the dark slice shows
the Normal toolpath.

Arc fitting is of particular importance when high speed

machining, as it eliminates sudden changes in tool direction.

High Speed Machining - Offset

Smoothing toolpaths enables you to reduce tool loading by avoiding

sharp corners and full width cuts. For more information on the effects of
smoothing, see Tool Loading (on page 520).
Profile Smoothing (on page 513) - allows the arc fitting of slices to
avoid sharp changes in direction. This works in a very similar way to the
Arc Fitted Corner Correction (see "Corner Correction" on page 590)
for Constant Z Finishing.
Links (on page 515) - allows you to create link moves between offsets
within the toolpath. There are three options:
Smoothing Allowance (on page 519) - replaces sharp corners with
rounded corners. Defines the maximum deviation from the sharp corner.
The maximum this can be set to is 40% of stepover. This means that if
you have a 10mm stepover the maximum deviation from the sharp to the
rounded corner is 4mm.
Trochoidal Moves - controls the creation of trochoidal moves. There
are three options:
None - no trochoidal moves are created.
Full - trochoidal moves are created all along the toolpath. For
more information, see Tool Loading (on page 520).

514 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Restrict Overload - as the tool approaches overload,
PowerMILL automatically puts in a trochoidal path to remove
the overload. This happens in corners, narrow channels, slots,
and the first cut of an offset toolpath (which is, in effect, a
narrow channel).
Since some tool overload may be acceptable, it can be
controlled by the slider. The default setting for the allowable
overload is 10% of existing stepover. So, if you use a stepover
of 10 and an allowable overload of 10%, trochoidal moves will
not start appearing until an overload condition of 10% is
exceeded. For more information, see Tool Loading (on page

The Trochoidal Moves options only become available if, at the

bottom of the dialog, you have a Type of Model or a Preference
of Maintain Cut Direction.

Links - allows you to create link moves between offsets within the
toolpath. There are three options:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 515



516 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference


If you specify Links of None and you also have a Fixed Number of
Offsets applied (see Stepover (on page 488) for more information) you
can then apply Links from the Leads and Links dialog .

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 517

Change the links from the Leads and Links dialog so that the
Short and Long Links are Skim links and click the Apply Links

You can see the change in the Area Clearance toolpath.

You can see that the Apply buttons have been made more specific,
so you now have the Apply Links button.

518 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Smoothing Allowance
Smoothing Allowance replaces sharp corners with rounded corners. it
dfines the maximum deviation from the sharp corner. The maximum this
can be set to is 40% of stepover. This means that if you have a 10mm
stepover the maximum deviation from the sharp to the rounded corner is

Using the Smoothing Allowance produces a toolpath with fewer small

arcs, which makes the toolpath more suitable for high speed machining.
The original profile has the same number of points in it - it is just the
offset passes that have a reduction in the number of points.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 519

Tool Loading
Restrict Tool Overload is particularly important when working with
solid carbide tools where you are cutting on the side rather than the tip of
the tools. These tools run at high speed and work best when taking deep
cuts with a small stepover. This means that the tool only has a small angle
of engagement. As soon as the angle of engagement increases, the risk of
tool damage increases. To minimise tool damage, you must minimise the
angle of engagement. This can be done in two ways:
Avoid sharp corners.
Avoid full width cuts, or even cuts with a large angle of
engagement which cause excessive tool loading.
There are different mechanisms to avoid sharp corners and tool overload.
Looking at the Powerdrill.dgk model from the Examples file:

If you create a standard offset area clearance toolpath on this model using
an Offset Type of Model (see "Order and Angle of Machining - Feature
Set - Offset" on page 532) (available from bottom right hand side of the
Area Clearance dialog ), you will get a toolpath like this:

There are various problems with this toolpath, especially if you are high
speed machining, when you try to avoid sudden changes in tool direction:

520 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

1. The links from one offset to the next are perpendicular. This leads
to a sudden change in tool direction.

2. There are too many sharp corners.

3. There are too many full width cuts.

Options to control all these are available on the High Speed

Machining area of the Area Clearance dialog:
If you select Links - Smooth, while leaving Smoothing Allowance
and Restrict Tool Overload deselected, the toolpath changes to this:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 521

Looking in detail:

If you also select a Smoothing Allowance, then the toolpath changes

to this:

Looking in detail:

If you now also select Trochoid Moves of Restrict Overload, the

toolpath changes to this:

522 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

As the tool gets towards overload, PowerMILL automatically put in a
trochoidal path to take away the overload:

Looking in at a corner in even more detail, you can see the trochoidal
path more easily:

Since some tool overload may be acceptable, it can be controlled by

the slider. The default setting for the allowable overload is 10% of
existing stepover. So, if you use a stepover of 10 and an allowable
overload of 10%, trochoidal moves will not start appearing until an
overload condition of 10% is exceeded.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 523

If you now select Trochoid Moves of Full, the toolpath changes to this:

High Speed Machining - Profile

Profile Smoothing (on page 513) - allows the arc fitting of slices to
avoid sharp changes in direction. This works in a very similar way to the
Arc Fitted Corner Correction (see "Corner Correction" on page 590)
for Constant Z Finishing.

Rest Machining
This enables you to use a large tool to carry out efficient volume removal
and then use a smaller tool to eliminate the large terraces and to rough
areas of the model that the large tool couldn't reach, such as pockets and
corners. The smaller tool only machines areas that could not be reached
by the original tool. This is called 'rest machining'.

Rest Machining - when this is enabled, you can select a Reference

Toolpath or Stock Model for rest machining. When the option is
deselected, standard area clearance toolpaths will result.

524 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Reference Type - select either Toolpath or Stock Model as the
reference for the rest machining.
Reference Name - select the name of the Reference Toolpath or
Stock Model to be used as the reference toolpath/stock model, by
selecting it from the drop-down list . If Toolpath is selected as the
Reference Type, then all the toolpaths are listed here with the active
toolpath displayed by default.
Detect Material Thicker Than - the calculation ignores rest material
thinner than the threshold specified here. This helps to avoid thin regions
being rest roughed, where the benefit of a second cut is negligible. These
thin regions can be caused by cusps from the previous toolpath.
Typically, you use this option when rest roughing with a smaller tool to
minimise the areas to be machined to details such as corners. The semi-
finishing toolpaths can then be used to remove the cusp material.
Expand Area By - rest areas are expanded by this distance, measured
along the surface. This can be used in conjunction with Detect Material
Thicker Than to firstly reduce the areas to be machined to the details
(say, corners), and then offset these areas slightly to ensure that all the
detail (for example, on the corners) is machined.

Consider Previous Z Heights - if Rest Machining is enabled, you

are also able to select the Consider Previous Z Heights option, which
causes the Z Heights from the active toolpath to become available for
consideration by the new toolpath (provided that you are creating a rest
roughing toolpath).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 525

Machine Between - calculates new Z Heights at the
Stepdown specified (in the Stepdown (on page 489) frame). The
Reference Toolpath Z Heights are then excluded from use. This leaves
you with the effect of Machine Between, which can be useful when
rest machining with the same size tool to try and reduce the terracing.

Re-machine and Machine Between - calculates new Z

Heights at the Stepdown specified (in the Stepdown (on page 489)
frame). In this case, the Reference Toolpath Z Heights are NOT
excluded from use. This can be useful when rest machining with a
different tool from the one used in the Reference Toolpath.

Order and Angle of Machining

This area of the dialog controls the order and angle of machining. The
options available depend on the Strategy chosen.

Sorting - enables you to specify the toolpath order. This is

available at the bottom of all Area Clearance dialogs.

These ordering options allow you to specify the direction in which the
tool moves to machine pockets or levels, and works in the same way as
those found in the Drilling (on page 775) strategies.

526 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The table below lists the available Sorting (on page 795) choices:

Buttons Description
As Created
Along X, one-way
Along X, two-way
Along Y, one-way
Along Y, two-way
Along diagonal 1, one-way
Along diagonal 1, two-way
Along diagonal 2, one-way
Along diagonal 2, two-way
Shortest path
Next closest area
Concentric circles
Radial pattern
The tool simply follows the order chosen. To see three examples of
different Sorting methods to give you an idea of the effect of choosing
different options, see Toolpath Sorting (on page 535). For more
information on all the Sorting options, see Sorting (on page 795).
Ordering - determines the order of the Area Clearance toolpath. The
options available are:
Pocket - one pocket is completely machined before going on to the
next. So, pockets are machined in preference to levels.
Level - one level is completely machined before going down to the
next. So, levels are machined in preference to pockets.
Style - determines the order in which segments are machined: Refer to
Order and Angle of Machining - Raster (on page 528) for more details
and an example.

The Style options are only available if the Cut Direction (on page
497) is set to Any.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 527

Raster Angle - the angle of the roughing pass can be manually or
automatically defined. When not set to Manual, PowerMILL
automatically calculates the most appropriate angle depending on the
mode selected. This can be based on an individual area, each pocket, each
level, or the whole model. Refer to Order and Angle of Machining -
Raster (on page 528) for more details and some examples.

Order and Angle of Machining - Raster

Sorting - enables you to specify the toolpath order. For more

information, see Order and Angle of Machining (on page 526) and
Toolpath Sorting (on page 535).
Ordering - determines the order of the Area Clearance toolpath. For
more information, see Order and Angle of Machining (on page 526).
Style - if the Cut Direction (on page 497) is set to Any, these options
allow you to determine the order in which segments are machined:
One Way Grouped - this will machine the segments, choosing the
shortest distance between each.

528 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Two Way Joined - this will machine the segments in the same
order, also choosing the shortest distance between each. However,
the segments will be joined:

Raster Angle - the angle of the roughing pass can be manually or

automatically defined. When not set to Manual, PowerMILL
automatically calculates the most appropriate angle depending on the
mode selected. This can be based on an individual area, each pocket, each
level, or the whole model.
Auto by Area - PowerMILL looks at each area in turn and decides
the most suitable angle for each one. In the case of the mouse
triangle model below, there is the large area outside the mouse, and
three areas inside:

Notice that PowerMILL has chosen a different angle for each area.
Auto by Pocket - selects the optimum angle for each pocket over
the whole block size.
Auto by Model - selects the optimum angle to be used throughout
the entire model.
Auto by Level - selects the optimum angle for each particular level.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 529

Manual - defines the angle to be used throughout the whole model. In
the case of the mouse triangle model below, a Manual Angle of
45 has been selected:

Order and Angle of Machining - Offset

Sorting - enables you to specify the toolpath order. For more

information, see Order and Angle of Machining (on page 526) and
Toolpath Sorting (on page 535).
Ordering - determines the order of the Area Clearance toolpath. For
more information, see Order and Angle of Machining (on page 526).
Type - you can choose between two Types of offset: either All or
All - produces the following type of offset:

This produces a toolpath which minimises the number of lifts and

works extremely well for soft materials.

530 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Model - produces the following type of offset:

This produces a toolpath which:

Maintains constant tool load and chip production;
Maintains cut direction;
Avoids machining small or thin walled upstands;
Minimises full width cuts.

You should be aware that this method does have an increased

number of lifts.
Direction - controls the direction of offset moves. This can be set to:
Outside In - machines from the outermost profile, moving inward.
Inside Out - machines from the innermost profile, moving outward.
Auto - automatically selects either of the previous methods based on
whether a core or a cavity is being machined. A core is defined as
an area whose outermost boundaries are ALL lying on the outside
of the block.
Preferences - specifies whether you want to minimise air moves or
maintain cut direction. This option is only available if you have a Type
of All.
Minimise Air Moves - each area is machined with one plunge at the
start of the toolpath. This works well if cut direction is not
important, as it is difficult to maintain cut direction if you are not
allowed to lift the tool.
Maintain Cut Direction - introduces additional lifts when required
to maintain cut direction. If you want to use trochoidal machining
(refer to Tool Loading (on page 520)), you must select this

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 531

Order and Angle of Machining - Profile

Sorting - enables you to specify the toolpath order. For more

information, see Order and Angle of Machining (on page 526) and
Toolpath Sorting (on page 535).
Ordering - determines the order of the Area Clearance toolpath. For
more information, see Order and Angle of Machining (on page 526).
Slot Cutting - this option is only available when you create a Feature
Set Profile Area Clearance toolpath (see "Order and Angle of Machining
- Feature Set - Profile" on page 533).

Order and Angle of Machining - Feature Set - Raster

Sorting - enables you to specify the toolpath order. For more

information, see Order and Angle of Machining (on page 526) and
Toolpath Sorting (on page 535).
Ordering - determines the order of the Area Clearance toolpath. For
more information, see Order and Angle of Machining (on page 526).
Style - determines the order in which segments are machined. For more
information, see Order and Angle of Machining - Raster (on page 528).
Raster Angle - the angle of the roughing pass can be manually or
automatically defined. When not set to Manual, PowerMILL
automatically calculates the most appropriate angle depending on the
mode selected. This can be based on an individual area, each pocket, each
level, or the whole model. Refer to Order and Angle of Machining -
Raster (on page 528) for more details and some examples.

Order and Angle of Machining - Feature Set - Offset

532 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Sorting - enables you to specify the toolpath order. For more
information, see Order and Angle of Machining (on page 526) and
Toolpath Sorting (on page 535).
Ordering - determines the order of the Area Clearance toolpath. For
more information, see Order and Angle of Machining (on page 526).
Type - you can choose between two Types of offset: either All or
Model. For more information, see Order and Angle of Machining -
Offset (on page 530).
Direction - controls the direction of offset moves. For more information,
see Order and Angle of Machining - Offset (on page 530).
Preferences - specifies whether you want to Minimise Air Moves or
Maintain Cut Direction. This option is only available if you have a
Type of All. For more information, see Order and Angle of Machining -
Offset (on page 530).

Order and Angle of Machining - Feature Set - Profile

Sorting - enables you to specify the toolpath order. For more

information, see Order and Angle of Machining (on page 526) and
Toolpath Sorting (on page 535).
Ordering - determines the order of the Area Clearance toolpath. For
more information, see Order and Angle of Machining (on page 526).
Slot Cutting - defines which side of the slot you machine:
Keep Left - the material to the left of the slot is removed.
Keep Right - the material to the right of the slot is removed.
Centreline - machines along the centreline of the slot.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 533

To machine both sides of a slot, simply machine it once using Keep
Right and then again using Keep Left. This will, of course, create two

534 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Toolpath Sorting
A Sorting option, similar to that available for Drilling, is available at the
bottom of all Area Clearance dialogs:

These ordering options allow you to specify the direction in which the
tool moves to machine pockets or levels, and works in the same way as
those found in the Drilling (on page 775) strategies.
The table below lists the available Sorting (on page 795) choices:

Buttons Description
As Created
Along X, one-way

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 535

Along X, two-way
Along Y, one-way
Along Y, two-way
Along diagonal 1, one-way
Along diagonal 1, two-way
Along diagonal 2, one-way
Along diagonal 2, two-way
Shortest path
Next closest area
Concentric circles
Radial pattern
The tool simply follows the order chosen. Examples of different Sorting
methods follow.

Along Y (Model Machining)

1. Import the 3D_Pockets.dgk model, and calculate a block from
max/min limits:

2. Create a 10mm Ball Nose tool.

536 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

3. Set the Tool Start Point to an Absolute value of X0, Y0,

4. From the Toolpath Strategies button , select an Offset

AreaClear Model strategy from the 3D Area Clearance tab
(note all of the AreaClear strategies contain these Sorting
options, but for this example the Offset will be used, the obvious
difference being the toolpath type generated).

The Sorting and Ordering options are at the bottom right

of the form. The ordering allows the user to machine by
Pocket (one pocket at a time) or by Level (machining each
stepdown level at a time, for the whole model).
5. Leave the default Ordering option set to Pocket, and change the
Sorting method to a Along Y, one-way .
6. Call the toolpath Offset AC, Along Y, 1 Way.
7. Leave everything else as default and click Apply.
8. The toolpath should look something like this (note the Link

Offset Area Clearance, Sorting: Along Y, 1 Way - View in


PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 537

Offset Area Clearance, Sorting: Along Y, 1 Way -
Isometric View

You may now wish to simulate the toolpath, to see the machining
order more clearly.

Along Y Two Way (Model Machining)

1. To see this, select the Offset AC, Along Y, 1 Way toolpath
created before (see "Along Y (Model Machining)" on page 536),
and select the Settings option from the individual toolpath's
context menu in Explorer.

2. Create a Copy of the toolpath , and change the name of the

copy to Offset AC, Along Y, 2 Way.
3. From the Sorting list, change the sorting to Along Y, 2 way
(to create a toolpath moving in 2 directions), and click Apply.

538 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

4. The toolpath should look something like this (again, note the Link

Offset Area Clearance, Sorting: Along Y, 2 Way - View in


PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 539

Offset Area Clearance, Sorting: Along Y, 2 Way -
Isometric View

Radial Pattern (Model Machining)

The final alternative example is to use the radial pattern. This calculates a
radial movement of the tool, from the tool start point, and machines the
pockets in turn as they meet the radial path.
1. Select the Offset AC, Along Y, 2 Way toolpath created before
(see "Along Y Two Way (Model Machining)" on page 538), and
select the Settings option from the individual toolpath's context
menu in Explorer.

2. Create a Copy of the toolpath , and change the name of the

copy to Offset AC, Radial Pattern.
3. Select the Start and End Point button, and set the start point
to the Block Centre Safe.
4. From the Sorting list, change the sorting to Radial pattern
(to create a toolpath moving radially from the start point), and click
5. The toolpath should look something like this (note the different
Link moves):

Offset Area Clearance, Sorting: Radial Pattern - View in


540 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Offset Area Clearance, Sorting: Radial Pattern -
Isometric View

Sorting in 2.5D Feature Machining

As well as Area Clearance Model machining and Drilling
Strategies, Sorting can also be used for 2.5D Feature machining.
Start a fresh project by Closing the previous project, selecting File -
Delete All, and then selecting Tools - Reset Forms.
1. Import the 2D_Wireframe.dgk model, and create a User
Defined Boundary from the outer wireframe rectangle
(Boundary Wireframe level), by selecting the outer wireframe
rectangle and then clicking the Model button followed by the
Accept button.
2. Using this newly created boundary, calculate a Block from the
Boundary, setting the Max Z to 0, and the Min Z to -30.
3. Create a 10mm Ball Nose tool.
4. Select all the wireframe entities in the Pocket Wireframes level,
and create a Pocket Feature Set, from 0 (top) to -25 (bottom).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 541

5. Set the Tool Start Point to an Absolute value of X0, Y0,

6. From the Toolpath Strategies button , select an Offset

AreaClear Feature Set strategy from the 2.5D Area
Clearance tab (note again, that all of the AreaClear strategies
contain the Sorting options).
7. Leave the default Ordering option set to Pocket, and change the
Sorting method to Along Y, one-way .
8. Call the toolpath Offset AC (2.5D), Along Y, 1 Way.
9. In the Stepdown area, change the Z Height Generation Mode
to Manual, and then manually calculate the Stepdown in the Z
Heights area (to make sure that no path is created at Z = 0).
10.Leave everything else as default and Apply.
11.The toolpath should look something like this (note the Link

Offset Area Clearance (2.5D), Sorting: Along Y, 1 Way -

Isometric View

542 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

You may now wish to simulate the toolpath, to see the machining
order more clearly.
As can be seen from this example, the sorting process is identical to that
of the Model Machining and Drilling strategies. If the other examples
were repeated for feature machining, the outcome would be the same for
those too.

Expert Area Clearance

Clicking the Arrow on the right hand side of the Area Clearance
dialog displays the Expert area of the Area Clearance dialog:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 543

Expert Area Clearance - Slices
The Expert area of the Area Clearance dialog contains the following
information on how to create or modify Slices:

Slices - a drop-down list determines how the slices are defined:

Model - generates the slices from the current model. This is the
default option.
Feature Set - generates slices from the current feature set.
Boundary - generates the slice from the current boundary. The Z
Height will either be at the Z coordinate of the 2D boundary or at
the maximum Z coordinate on a 3D boundary.
Pattern - generates the slice from the current pattern. The Z Height
will either be at the Z coordinate of the 2D pattern or at the
maximum Z coordinate on a 3D pattern.
File - Reads in the required slices from a DUCT Picture File.
Toolpath - Extracts the slice data from the active toolpath.
Flat - allows you to use the Area Clearance strategy to automatically
machine flat areas using a flat ended tool.
Allow Tool Outside Block - selecting this option allows the tool
outside the confines of the block. This option should always be selected if
the block has been defined to represent the actual size of stock you are
machining. This will maximise the removal of material during area
clearance and avoid plunge or ramp entries wherever possible. This
option is only available if you define the Slices from the Model.
Calculate - calculates the slices based on the setting and associated
parameters. This stage is not mandatory as the slices will automatically be
calculated before creating any toolpaths if the existing slices don't match
the current parameters.
Draw - specifies whether or not the slices are visible on screen.
Slices from File

544 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

If you define the Slices from File, the dialog changes to the following:

In the blank field, you can either enter the pathname of the required file,
or allow it to be entered automatically when you select the file using the
File Open button :
File Open - displays the Open Slices dialog.
This is very similar to the Open Model dialog, except that the Files of
type has DUCT Picture (*.pic) as the only option. For more
information on how to use this dialog, see Import Model (see "File -
Import Model" on page 282).
Calculate - calculates the slices.
Draw - when selected the slices are drawn and you can easily select
them. By default, the slices are red, and the selected slices are a brighter
Delete by Picking (on page 545) - enables you to delete slices by
picking. When you select one of the first three buttons in the frame, the
remaining buttons in the frame become available:

Save Slice - allows you to save the selected slice(s) as a picture:

This is very similar to the Export Model dialog, except that the Save
as type has DUCT Picture (*.pic) as the only option. For more
information on how to use this dialog, see Export Model (see "File -
Export Model" on page 284).

Delete all Slices - deletes all the slices.

Delete by Picking
Delete by Picking

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 545

Enables you to delete slices by picking. When you select one of the first
three buttons in the frame, the remaining buttons in the frame become

Ensure that Draw is selected so that the slices are drawn and you can
easily select them. By default, the slices are red, and the selected slices
are a brighter red.
Delete a Specified Level - allows you to delete the slices and slice
segments on a selected level.
Delete a Specified Pocket - allows you to delete the slices and
slice segments on a selected pocket.
Delete a Specified Area - allows you to delete the slices and slice
segments within an area, by selecting a contour within that area. This is
best shown by example. If you have a slice like this:

and then select one contour, say the circle, all segments of the slice
within that area will be selected:

546 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Clicking then deletes the slice(s) from the area:

Delete the Selected Slice - click this button to remove the

selected slice(s) from the graphics window.
Quit Picking Mode - stops you from being able to delete slices, by
disabling the button.
Restore Deleted Slices - brings back any slices that you have just

Area Clearance Cutter Compensation

There are three Type options:

Off - the machine tool compensates for the entire tool radius.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 547

This is of limited use, as most machine tools will not accurately represent
the contour in concave corners or when an arc exists that is less than the
tool radius. Also, PowerMILL cannot perform the majority of collision
avoidance functions without knowing the tool diameter. This is often
referred to as Part Edge Programming. This option is only available
for Feature Set machining.

The area that the machine tool will have a problem with is shown below:

Automatic (on page 550) - PowerMILL compensates for the

entire tool radius.
Protected (on page 551) - PowerMILL compensates for the
nominal tool radius and the machine tool compensates for the
difference from nominal.

548 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Minimum Radius - is the minimum radius of concave corners after
applying tool radius cutter compensation. This avoids small arcs which
some machine tools have difficulties processing. This option is only
available when you have a Cutter Compensation type of Protected.

If you select a Cutter Compensation method of either Off or

Protected you must ensure that the Radius is set to Left or
Right in the Cutter Compensation frame of the NC Program
dialog (accessed from the Settings option on the context menu for
the individual NC Program in Explorer). This ensures that the
toolpath is offset, by the machine tool, by an amount stored in a
particular offset register. Compensation is added by issuing G41
(left offset) or a G42 (right offset) command at the beginning of the
tool moves that require compensation.

This is of limited use, as most machine tools will not accurately represent
the contour in concave corners or when an arc exists that is less than the
tool radius. Also, PowerMILL cannot perform the majority of collision
avoidance functions without knowing the tool diameter. This is often
referred to as Part Edge Programming. This option is only available
for Feature Set machining.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 549

The area that the machine tool will have a problem with is shown below:

It assumes that you know the accurate tool size, or that the toolpaths are
only generated once a tool has been measured, and is the default option.
In this case PowerMILL automatically allows for cutter compensation, so
the machine tool does not need to:

550 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Protected is similar to Off in that the machine tool compensates for the
tool radius and PowerMILL adds arcs to concave corners to protect
against the machine tool rejecting the toolpath. It corrects the limitations
of the Off option by ensuring that, in concave corners, a Minimum
Radius field controls the size of the arc in corners after a tool radius
offset. Most machine tools will then be able to accurately represent the
contour in concave corners. This means that PowerMILL can use the
nominal tool size to check for collisions, but last-minute correction for
the actual tool size is applied on the machine, which is the place where
the actual tool size is known. Provided that the actual tools are always
smaller than the nominal (this is how tool wear normally works), then
PowerMILL can guarantee that toolpaths will not gouge. However,
extreme wear may result in material being left unmachined.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 551

In this case, the machine tool will be able to cope with the top left hand

Flat Machining Advanced Settings

The Flat Machining Advance Settings become available when you
opt to define Slices from a flat ended tool:

The Flat Machining Advanced Settings frame appears below the

Slices frame:

552 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Allow Tool Outside Flat - selecting this option allows the tool to go
outside the flat area. This alleviates the problem of running the tool along
a sharp edge:

Approach Allowance (Tool Diameter Units) - specifies the

approach outside allowance as a percentage of the tool diameter.
Flat Tolerance - this allows you to find areas that are almost flat (that is
to say, flat within the tolerance specified here).
Ignore Holes (on page 553) - ignores holes that are smaller than the
value specified here.
Multiple Cuts (see "Flat Machining - Multiple Cuts" on page 554) -
selecting this option allows multiple cuts.

Ignore Holes
Ignore Holes ignores holes that are smaller than the value specified
Threshold (Tool Diameter Units) - defines which holes will be
ignored. For example, with a value of 2, any holes up to twice the tool
diameter will be ignored.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 553

If the holes are NOT ignored you will get a toolpath like this:

If the holes are ignored, you will get a toolpath like this:

Flat Machining - Multiple Cuts

Multiple Cuts allows multiple cuts:
Number of Cuts - defines the number of passes.

554 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Stepdown - defines the distance between each pass.

Final Stepdown - selecting this option allows you to add a different

distance for the final step. In other words, you may want a general
stepdown of 3mm with a final pass that has a 1mm stepdown. This in
effect gives you a couple of roughing passes followed by a finishing pass.
Final Stepdown Distance - the distance of this final pass from the
penultimate pass.

This is different from the Stepdown option of Machine Flats

(see "Stepdown" on page 489). The Flat Slices coincide exactly
with the flat surfaces but, when using the Stepdown option of
Machine Flats, the Z Heights are offset by Tolerance.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 555

Offset Machining Advanced Settings
If you select an Area Clearance strategy of or
, you will see the following advanced settings:

Machine Smallest First - selecting this option causes the smallest

islands of material to be machined first to avoid tool damage.
Remove Cusps - controls both the maximum stepover and the addition
of cusp removal moves. This option is selected by default, which means
that the stepover is limited to the maximum flat diameter of the tool (so, a
10mm tool with a 2mm tip radius will have a maximum stepover of
6mm). Cusp reduction moves will be added to ensure that no cusps are
left and that no tall thin upstands are formed.
Spiral - selecting this option when available causes spiralling to occur
(where the original offsets are closed and have one-to-one nesting).
For example, it converts this:

to this:

The Spiral option is not available except when you select

Minimise Air Moves (see "Order and Angle of Machining -
Offset" on page 530) or Restrict Tool Overload (see "High
Speed Machining - Offset" on page 514).

556 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Remove Cusps
Remove Cusps controls both the maximum stepover and the addition
of cusp removal moves. This option is selected by default, which means
that the stepover is limited to the maximum flat diameter of the tool (so, a
10mm tool with a 2mm tip radius will have a maximum stepover of
6mm). Cusp reduction moves will be added to ensure that no cusps are
left and that no tall thin upstands are formed.
When the option is deselected, the stepover is limited to the diameter of
the tool. Cusp reduction moves will only be added to prevent tall thin
upstands forming. This can be useful when machining soft materials
where any remaining cusps will be removed by the next Z Height, as the
additional moves slow down machining unnecessarily. However,
additional moves to prevent the forming of tall thin upstands are added.
The following two toolpaths were created using the same tool (a tip
radiused tool with a 10mm radius and a 2mm tip radius), and at the same
setting (a stepover of 8mm) on the Offset Area Clearance dialog.
This toolpath was created with the Remove Cusps option selected:

This toolpath was created with the Remove Cusps option deselected:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 557

Plunge Milling Toolpath
Plunge Milling is where a specialised cutting tool is used to remove
large amounts of material from a component through a series of vertical
plunging movements. The major benefit of plunge machining is that
material removal rates can be very high and in certain cases exceed rates
achievable by more conventional 'profile' machining.

Plunge machining places extreme demands on both the CNC

machine and cutting tool. As such, it is vital that you fully
understand the limitations of your production facilities before
undertaking any plunge machining. Failure to recognise these
limitations and work within them can lead to severe damage to
your equipment.
To create a Plunge Milling toolpath you must have an existing toolpath
which provides the pattern for the plunge milling toolpath, and a stock
model which defines the current state of the stock.

You must be careful about entry points, and pre-drill holes into any
pockets - otherwise they will be ignored.
You select a Plunge Milling toolpath using the Toolpath Strategy

558 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The items on the right of the resulting Toolpath Strategy dialog are as

Toolpath - select, from the drop-down list, the toolpath that will be used
to act as a pattern for the Plunge Milling toolpath.
Stock Model - select, from the drop-down list, the unmachined stock
model, so that PowerMILL can work out what material needs to be
Core Radius - enter the value that defines the central portion of the tool
where there are no cutting edges.
Pull Back Distance - enter the distance that the tool will pull back
away from the model to ensure that there are no dwell marks on the part
or extraneous cutting moves added.

During Plunge Milling, the tool is placed under enormous stress;

this causes the tool to be deflected. For this reason, it is often
necessary to pull the tool back from the part at the end of each
cutting move. This releases the stresses and the tool reverts to its
original shape so you don't get any unexpected cutting moves.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 559

2D Machining Wizard
The 2D machining wizard helps you to machine 2.5D features. This is
best shown by example, using the 2DExample.dgk model.

1. Using the Toolpath Strategies button, select the 2.5D

Area Clearance tab, followed by the 2D Machining Wizard:

560 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

2. Click OK to display the following screen, and enter a Wizard
Session Name of, say, Trial:

3. If required, select a workplane from the Workplane drop-down

list, to define the tool axis direction. If you want to create a new
workplane, click the New Workplane button.
If you want to use the global coordinate system, then don't select a
workplane. Similarly, if you have a Feature Set you want to use,
you can select this from the drop-down list - otherwise, a new
Feature Set will be created.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 561

4. Click Next to display the following screen:

5. Select the item from which you want to create a feature, in this case
the base of the left hand pocket:

6. In the Feature Creation page of the Wizard:

Select a Define Top by of Absolute from the drop-down list
and enter a value of 50.

562 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Select a Define Bottom by of Minimum Curve Z from the
drop-down list. This will have the base of the pocket at the
height of the base plane you selected. If you had selected
something that wasn't planar, then the base height would be at
the lowest point of your selection.

Select the Create Pocket button from the Create

Feature drop-down list:

You will now see that not only the pocket, but also the three bosses
that are in the pocket, are created:

If required, you can determine the size and location of the

features graphically. For more information, see Edit Features
Graphically (on page 190).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 563

The features are added to the dialog:

7. Click Next to choose which features you want to machine. In this

case, leave all four features selected:

Only selected features are machined (unless you don't select

any features, in which case all features are machined). So, in
the above example, selecting all four features or selecting no
features will create the same result.

564 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

8. Click Next to define the machining parameters:

9. Click the Block button to raise the Block dialog:

10.Under Estimate Limits, select a Type of Feature and then click

the Calculate button followed by Accept.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 565

A block is drawn around the features:

Having a Block just around the features is fine in this

example, but you may well want to create a block around the
entire model in other cases.
11.You will now see that the remaining Wizard parameters (Rapid
Move Heights, Feed Rates and Start Point) are now
available. In this case you can use the default values, so simply
click Next.
12.The following screen is displayed. Select the Machining
Strategy you want, say Offset AreaClear Feature Set and
click Create.

566 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

13.This displays the standard Offset Area Clearance [Feature
Set Machining] dialog. Create a suitable Tool (say, a 10mm
End Mill), and select any other options you require.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 567

14.Click Apply to create the toolpath:

15.Click Cancel to Close the Offset Area Clearance [Feature

Set Machining] dialog.
16.Click Start on the left hand side of the 2D Machining Wizard to
begin creating another 2D toolpath:

568 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

17.Select the Create New Feature Set option and enter a new
Name, say Slot.

18.Now click the New Workplane button to raise the

Workplane dialog. Enter a Name of Slot. Click the Align to
Pick button on the Wizard and then click the base of the slot.
and then select it as the Active Workplane:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 569

19.Click the Align to Pick button on the nd then Accept button
to close the Workplane dialog. You can now see the new
workplane with the Z axis coming out of the slot:

20.Select it as the Active Workplane in the Wizard.

21.Click Next on the Wizard and then select the item from which you
want to create a feature, in this case the base of the slot.
22.In the Feature Creation page of the Wizard:
Select a Define Top by of Absolute from the drop-down list
and enter a value of 50.
Select a Define Bottom by of Minimum Curve Z from the
drop-down list.

Select the Create Slot button from the Create Feature

drop-down list:

570 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

You can also determine the size and location of the features
graphically. For more information see Edit Features
Graphically (on page 190).
You will now see that the slot is created:

You can now edit the feature graphically by clicking on the

double arrow at the top of the slot which turns the double
arrow white. You can drag it to the appropriate height. For
more information see Edit Features Graphically (on page
The feature is added to the dialog:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 571

If required, you can use the Reverse Slot button to
reverse the direction of the slot.
23.You can then carry on with the Wizard as shown in steps 7 to 15, to
create the toolpath for the slot.

The Finishing tab on the Toolpath Strategy New dialog defines
how the model will be machined during finishing:

572 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Selecting one of the options from this dialog and then clicking the OK
button creates a batch toolpath and then displays the Finishing dialog:

The left side of the dialog is standard for all toolpaths and defines the
parameters used to create the toolpath (such as the tool, tolerance,
stepover, boundary, and the leads and links required for toolpath).
The right hand half of the dialog contains data that is specific to one type
of toolpath or a particular strategy type.
The batch toolpath is automatically created in Explorer, under the
Toolpaths folder:

You can tell that it is a batch toolpath because of the .

This is converted to a complete toolpath once you enter the relevant
values on the Finishing dialog and click the Apply button.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 573

For more information on the New dialog, see Toolpath Strategies (on
page 467).

Defines the finishing strategy that you want to use:

The various strategies are listed below:

3D Offset - creates a toolpath by

offsetting the model and block. This
technique is best suited to machining
areas which require a constant
stepover and works well on near
vertical surfaces. For more
information see 3D Offset Toolpath
(on page 585).
Constant Z - creates a toolpath by
slicing the model at specific Z
Heights. For more information see
Constant Z Toolpath (on page 587).

574 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Corner Along - creates a multiple
trace corner toolpath which will cut
parallel to the trace lines. For more
information see Along Corner
Toolpath (on page 591).

Corner Automatic - creates a

multiple trace corner toolpath with
Stitch toolpaths an the Steep areas
and Along toolpaths on the Shallow
areas. For more information see
Automatic Corner Toolpath (on page

Corner Multi Pencil - creates a

multiple trace corner toolpath. For
more information see Multi-Pencil
Toolpath (on page 595).

Corner Pencil - creates a single

trace corner toolpath. For more
information see Pencil Toolpath (on
page 596).

Corner Stitch - creates a multiple

trace corner toolpath which will cut
across the trace lines. For more
information see Stitch Corner
Toolpath (on page 597).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 575

Disc Profile - uses a tipped disc tool
to create profile toolpaths. The edge
of the tool, rather than the tool tip is
driven along the surface. For More
Information see Disc Profile
Finishing (on page 599).

Embed Pattern - uses an Embedded

Pattern to define the contact points of
the toolpath. For more information
see Embedded Pattern Finishing (on
page 601).

Interleaved Constant Z - creates

Constant Z toolpaths in the steep
areas of a model and 3D Offset
toolpaths in the shallow areas. For
more information see Interleaved
Constant Z Finishing (on page 614).
Offset Flat - provides a simple
interface to machine flat areas on a
model. Creates a toolpath by
offsetting the model and block. For
more information see Offset Flat
Machining (on page 618).

Optimised Constant Z -
automatically creates Constant Z
toolpaths on the steep portions of the
model and 3D Offset toolpaths on the
shallow portions of the model. For
more information see Optimised
Constant Z Toolpath (on page 619).

576 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Parametric Offset - takes the
rulings between two curves to
generate a toolpath. For more
information see Parametric Offset
Finishing (on page 623).

Pattern - creates a toolpath from a

pattern entity by projecting it onto the
model. For more information see
Pattern Toolpath (on page 627).

Profile - allows you to pick a

selection of surfaces and profile
around the outside of these surfaces.
For more information see Profile
Toolpath (on page 635).

Projection Curve - similar to the

Line Projection Finishing
strategy, except that the pattern is a
curve rather than a line. For more
information see Curve Projection
Toolpath (on page 646).

Projection Line - creates a

cylindrical pattern and projects it onto
the model. This finishing technique is
best suited to near vertical surfaces.
For more information see Line
Projection Toolpath (on page 654).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 577

Projection Plane - creates a planar
pattern and projects it onto the model.
This finishing technique is best suited
to near vertical surfaces. For more
information see Plane Projection
Toolpath (on page 658).

Projection Point - creates a

spherical pattern and projects it onto
the model. This finishing technique is
best suited to near vertical surfaces.
For more information see Point
Projection Toolpath (on page 663).

Projection Surface - this is drive

surface machining. When multi-axis
machining, it gives 5-axis surface
normal parametric machining. For
more information see Surface
Projection Toolpath (on page 668).

Radial - creates a radial pattern

within a boundary and projects it onto
the model. For more information see
Radial Pattern Toolpath (on page

Raster - creates a raster pattern

within a boundary and projects it onto
the model. For more information see
Raster Toolpath (on page 675).

578 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Raster Flat - provides a simple
interface to machine flat areas on a
model. Creates a toolpath comprising
of straight line moves parallel to
either the X or Y axis. For more
information see Raster Flat
Machining (on page 683).

Rotary - creates a toolpath by

rotating the model around the X axis,
with linear motion provided by the Y
and Z axis pair. For more information
see Rotary Toolpath (on page 686).

Spiral - creates a spiral pattern

within a boundary and projects it onto
the model. For more information see
Spiral Pattern Toolpath (on page 689).

Surface - similar to Surface

Projection Machining, except that
there is no projection. Surface
Finishing just machines the selected
surface and will not attempt to
machine any other surfaces. For more
information see Surface Finishing (on
page 690).
Swarf - creates toolpaths which cut
with the side of the tool. This
technique only works on developable
surfaces as the tool needs to be in
contact with the surface for the whole
cutting depth. For more information
see Swarf Machining (on page 696).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 579

Wireframe Swarf - creates a swarf
toolpath from two wireframe curves.
Creates a toolpath cutting with the
side of the tool as the tool follows the
two curves. For more information see
Wireframe Swarf Finishing (on page

When you create a toolpath, you raise the appropriate dialog, fill in the
required fields, and then click Apply. The toolpath is created and the
dialog used to create it is displayed, but with nearly all the options
dimmed except for the buttons at the top.

580 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Recycle Toolpath - enables you to edit the parameters of the
toolpath you have just created, and then recalculate it. The new toolpath
will overwrite the previous one.

Copy Toolpath - enables you to make a copy the toolpath you

have just created. The copy has the same name as the previous one, but
with the addition of _1. You can then change any parameters you want
and recalculate it.
Clicking either of these buttons will re-activate the dimmed fields.

Defines the name of the toolpath. This name will appear in Explorer.

The tool used to calculate the toolpath is displayed in the Tool area:

Create Tool - this works in exactly the same way as on the Tool
toolbar, allowing you to create a new tool. For more information, see
Tool Toolbar (on page 857).
Active Tool - displays the active tool (the tool that will be
used to calculate the toolpath). The drop-down list displays all the
defined tools. Selecting one of the tools from the list will make that tool
the active tool.

Editor - this works in exactly the same way as Edit Tool on the
Tool Toolbar (on page 857). It displays the specific Tool dialog of the
active tool. If you edit this dialog, it will edit your active tool.

The tolerance used to calculate the toolpath is displayed in the
Tolerances area:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 581

Tolerance - determines how accurately the toolpath follows the
contours defined by the model file.
Point Distribution (on page 448) - enables you to alter the point
distribution of the toolpath.
Thickness (see "Radial and Axial Thickness" on page 486) - specifies
the amount of material to be left on within tolerance.

If you click the Thickness button, the Thickness field changes to

Radial Thickness and the Axial Thickness field also
becomes available so you can specify different values for Radial and
Axial Thickness.

To avoid too much material being removed, Thickness should be

greater than Tolerance.
Thickness - displays the Component Thickness dialog (see
"Surface Thickness dialog" on page 455), which allows you to specify the
thicknesses of the different surfaces.

The stepover used to calculate the toolpath is displayed in the Stepover

Stepover - defines the distance between successive finishing passes.

Cusp Stepover - calculates the stepover value to give a cusp height
of the machining tolerance using the current tool, when machining a
plane inclined at 45. This is the worst case cusp height for any given

582 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The boundary used to calculate the toolpath is displayed in the
Boundary area:

Create Boundary - this works in exactly the same way as the

Create Boundary option on the Boundary toolbar (on page 965), and
is also equivalent to selecting Create Boundary from the Boundaries
context menu (see "Creating Boundaries" on page 129) in Explorer.
It allows you to create a new boundary. For more information, see
Boundary Entity (see "Boundaries" on page 128). The drop-down list
contains the different boundary types:

Selected Boundary - the drop-down list to the right of

Create Boundary displays the boundary that will be used to
limit the toolpath. The drop-down list displays all the defined
boundaries. The selected boundary becomes the active boundary. If you
don't want to use a boundary to calculate the toolpath, then select a blank
boundary from the list.

Editor - displays the Boundary Editor dialog that allows you to

edit the active boundary.
Trimming - trims the toolpath to the active boundary. There are two
Keep Inside - the toolpath generated inside of the boundary is kept.
Keep Outside - the toolpath generated outside of the boundary is

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 583

Using the powerdrill example, define the Block and Tool, and then
sketch a boundary:

Then use Constant Z Finishing and select Boundary Trimming to

be Keep Inside the following toolpath is generated:

Leads and Links

A summary of the leads and links used to calculate the toolpath is
displayed in the Leads and Links area.

584 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The Lead In, Lead Out, Short Links and Long Links fields display
the leads and links used to create the toolpath. You cannot edit these
fields here. They simply display the values defined in the Leads and
Links dialog .
Leads and Links - displays the Leads and Links (on page 382)
dialog, which enables you to edit the Leads and Links.

Tool Axis
Tool Axis - displays the tool axis that will be used to create the toolpath.

- displays the Tool Axis Direction (on page 411) dialog, which
enables you to edit the tool axis.

Preview - for some toolpaths, displays the pattern that will be used to
create the toolpath.
Draw - defines whether or not the preview pattern is displayed on screen.

Toolpath Specification
The remainder of the dialog changes depending on the Strategy chosen.

3D Offset Toolpath
This finishing technique is best suited to machining areas, which require a
constant stepover and works well on near vertical faces.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 585

Spiral - creates a spiral 3D offset toolpath. With the Spiral option
deselected you will get the following result:

With the Spiral option selected you will get the following result:

You can see that this minimises the number of tool retracts and converts
the original closed contours into one long spiral.
Maximum Offsets - when this option is selected, the number of offsets
used for the toolpath is restricted to the number specified.
Pattern - As usual with offset machining, a boundary must be created to
define the extents of the area to be machined, so this field enables you to
select a pattern (a specific profile) from the drop-down list.
Start on Pattern - when this option is selected, the toolpath is started
on the pattern itself, rather than at half an offset away from it.
Direction - determines whether Climb or Conventional methods of
milling are used, although you also have the option of Any, which allows
Zigzag cutting on open toolpath segments.

Closed segments default to Climb cutting.

586 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Constant Z Toolpath
Creates a toolpath by slicing the model at specific Z Heights.

Spiral (on page 588) - produces a spiral path between two consecutive
closed contours. This minimises the number of lifts of the tool and
maximises cutting time while maintaining more constant load conditions
and deflections on the tool.
Minimum Stepdown - determines the constant stepdown value
between successive machined levels.
Calculate Using Cusp - when this option is selected, the stepdown
will be influenced by the Maximum Stepdown and the Cusp Height
(which become available in the dialog).
When this option is deselected, the stepdown between successive Z
Heights has a constant value equal to the Minimum Stepdown:

Maximum Stepdown - specifies the maximum allowable stepdown

when calculating the stepdown using cusp heights. This stops excessive
stepdown on vertical walls.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 587

Cusp Height - specifies the stepdown so that the height of the material
left between Z Heights does not exceed the Cusp Height. However, if
the calculated value is smaller than the Minimum Stepdown, it is set to
Minimum Stepdown.
Corner Correction (on page 590) - when this option is selected, arcs
are created in all internal corners of a Constant Z toolpath, using the Arc
Radius specified.
Arc Radius (Tool Diameter Units) - This defines the radius used if
you activate Corner Correction. The radius is defined as a proportion
of the tool diameter. The default value is 0.05. So, if you have a tool of
diameter 10mm (radius 5mm), then the Arc Radius will be 0.5mm.

The Arc Radius slider can have a value between 0 and 0.2.
For more information see Corner Correction (on page 590).
Pocket Machine - when this option is selected, areas are machined
pocket by pocket. When the option is deselected, areas are machined level
by level.
Direction - determines the direction in which the toolpath will be
machined. The options available are Conventional, Climb or Any.

Any allows Zigzag cutting on open toolpath segments. Closed

segments default to Climb cutting. To change the cut direction for
closed segments, use the Reorder Toolpath button on the
Toolpath toolbar.

Spiral produces a spiral path between two consecutive closed contours.
This minimises the number of lifts of the tool and maximises cutting time
while maintaining more constant load conditions and deflections on the

588 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

For example, it converts this:

to this:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 589

Corner Correction
When Corner Correction is turned off, sharpening is carried out on all
internal corners, as in the following example:

When Corner Correction is turned on for the same example, arcs are
created in all internal corners, using the Arc Radius specified:

590 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Arc fitting is of particular importance when high speed machining
as it eliminates sudden changes in tool direction.

Along Corner Toolpath

Creates a corner toolpath which will follow the trace lines. It is used to
clean up corners that occur between non-tangential surfaces. They are
automatically calculated inside any existing boundary. If there is no
boundary then one is created using the parameters set on the Boundary
dialog box.

Direction - determines whether Climb or Conventional methods of

milling are used.
Output - specifies the type of toolpath you want to generate. This has
three options.
Steep - displays the portion of the toolpath, which makes an angle of
at least the Slope Angle to the horizontal.
Shallow - displays the portion of the toolpath, which makes an angle
of up to the Slope Angle to the horizontal.
Both - displays both the steep and shallow portions as two separate

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 591

Maximum Passes - determines the number of passes that you want to
create. Select Max Passes and then enter the number of passes you
want in the next field. An Along Corner toolpath without any
restrictions to the number of passes looks like this:

If you select Maximum Passes and enter the number of passes you
want (in this case 1). You will then get a result similar to the following:

Threshold Angle - determines the angle, from the horizontal, at which

steep and shallow portions are split when you select a type of Steep or
Cusp - The stepover between tool passes is automatically calculated
using the cutter geometry and this cusp height.
Overlap - specifies the amount that the toolpath is extended beyond the
borders of the un-machined region.
Detection Limit - only corners below the angle specified will be found.
Reference (on page 593) - allows you to specify a Reference
Toolpath (a pencil toolpath) and / or a Reference Tool (tool used to
create the original pencil toolpath).

592 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

This area of the dialog box allows you to specify a Reference
Toolpath and / or a Reference Tool.

If no reference toolpath is used a pencil toolpath is created with the old

tool and then a corner toolpath is created from the pencil toolpath using
the new, smaller tool. The intermediate pencil toolpath is then deleted (so
is no longer accessible from within PowerMILL).
Using a reference toolpath enables you to select a pencil toolpath. This
could be an edited pencil toolpath. The Reference Tool is
automatically set to the tool used to create this (edited) pencil toolpath.
The automatic corner toolpath is then created from this pencil toolpath
using the new, smaller tool.
So, you can create a pencil toolpath with tool A, edit the toolpath (say by
limiting) and then create a corner toolpath with tool B from the edited
pencil toolpath.
Use Toolpath Reference - when selected, allows you to select a
Reference Pencil Toolpath for corner machining. When unselected,
standard corner finishing will result. The reference toolpath must be a
pencil toolpath and the tool used to create this toolpath is calculated
Toolpath Name - either type or select the reference toolpath from the
drop-down list.
Tool - when corner finishing you must specify the dimensions of the
previously used tool. Either define the tool geometry here or select it from
the drop-down list.

When you use a Reference Toolpath the tool used to define the
reference toolpath MUST be larger than the tool used to create the
corner toolpath. If you use the same tool you may get unreliable

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 593

Automatic Corner Toolpath
Creates a corner toolpath which produces Stitch toolpaths on the Steep
areas and Along toolpaths on the Shallow areas. It is used to clean up
corners that occur between non-tangential surfaces. They are
automatically calculated inside any existing boundary. If there is no
boundary then one is created using the parameters set on the Boundary
dialog box.

Direction - determines whether Climb, Conventional, or Both

methods of milling are used.
Output - specifies the type of toolpath you want to generate. This has
three options.
Steep - displays the portion of the toolpath, which makes an angle
of at least the Slope Angle to the horizontal.
Shallow - displays the portion of the toolpath, which makes an
angle of up to the Slope Angle to the horizontal.
Both - displays both the steep and shallow portions as two
separate toolpaths.
Threshold Angle - determines the angle, from the horizontal, at which
steep and shallow portions are split when you select a type of Steep or
Cusp - The stepover between tool passes is automatically calculated
using the cutter geometry and this cusp height.
Overlap - specifies the amount that the toolpath is extended beyond the
borders of the un-machined region.
Detection Limit - only corners below the angle specified will be found.

594 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Reference (on page 593) - allows you to specify a Reference
Toolpath (a pencil toolpath) and / or a Reference Tool (tool used to
create the original pencil toolpath).

Multi-Pencil Toolpath
Creates a multiple trace toolpath by taking contours from the un-
machineable areas of a previous tool called the Reference Tool. It is
used to clean up corners that occur between non-tangential surfaces. They
are automatically calculated inside any existing boundary. If there is no
boundary then one is created using the parameters set on the Boundary
dialog box.

Direction - determines whether Climb, Conventional, or Both

methods of milling are used.
Output - specifies the type of toolpath you want to generate. This has
three options.
Steep - displays the portion of the toolpath, which makes an angle
of at least the Slope Angle to the horizontal.
Shallow - displays the portion of the toolpath, which makes an
angle of up to the Slope Angle to the horizontal.
Both - displays both the steep and shallow portions as two
separate toolpaths.
Maximum Passes - determines the number of passes that you want to
create. Select Max Passes and then enter the number of passes you
want in the next field. For an example of this see Maximum Passes in
Along Corner Toolpath (on page 591).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 595

Threshold Angle - determines the angle, from the horizontal, at which
steep and shallow portions are split when you select a type of Steep or
Cusp - The stepover between tool passes is automatically calculated
using the cutter geometry and this cusp height.
Overlap - specifies the amount that the toolpath is extended beyond the
borders of the un-machined region.
Detection Limit - only corners below the angle specified will be found.
Separate Regions - processes each continuous pencil segment
independently. This produces smoother results but nearby regions might
be machined twice.
Reference (on page 593) - allows you to specify a Reference
Toolpath (a pencil toolpath) and / or a Reference Tool (tool used to
create the original pencil toolpath).

Pencil Toolpath
Creates a single trace toolpath. It is used to clean up corners that occur
between non-tangential surfaces. They are automatically calculated inside
any existing boundary. If there is no boundary then one is created using
the parameters set on the Boundary dialog box.

Direction - determines whether Climb, Conventional, or Both

methods of milling are used.
Output - specifies the type of toolpath you want to generate. This has
three options.
Steep - displays the portion of the toolpath, which makes an angle
of at least the Slope Angle to the horizontal.
Shallow - displays the portion of the toolpath, which makes an
angle of up to the Slope Angle to the horizontal.
Both - displays both the steep and shallow portions as two
separate toolpaths.

596 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Threshold Angle - determines the angle, from the horizontal, at which
steep and shallow portions are split when you select a type of Steep or
Detection Limit - only corners below the angle specified will be found.
Reference (on page 593) - allows you to specify a Reference
Toolpath (a pencil toolpath) and / or a Reference Tool (tool used to
create the original pencil toolpath).

Stitch Corner Toolpath

Creates a corner toolpath which will cut across the trace lines. It is used to
clean up corners that occur between non-tangential surfaces. They are
automatically calculated inside any existing boundary. If there is no
boundary then one is created using the parameters set on the Boundary
dialog box.

Direction - determines whether Climb, Conventional, or Both

methods of milling are used.
Output - specifies the type of toolpath you want to generate. This has
three options.
Steep - displays the portion of the toolpath, which makes an angle
of at least the Slope Angle to the horizontal.
Shallow - displays the portion of the toolpath, which makes an
angle of up to the Slope Angle to the horizontal.
Both - displays both the steep and shallow portions as two
separate toolpaths.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 597

Threshold Angle - determines the angle, from the horizontal, at which
steep and shallow portions are split when you select a type of Steep or
Cusp - The stepover between tool passes is automatically calculated
using the cutter geometry and this cusp height.
Overlap - specifies the amount that the toolpath is extended beyond the
borders of the un-machined region.
Detection Limit - only corners below the angle specified will be found.
Reference (on page 593) - allows you to specify a Reference
Toolpath (a pencil toolpath) and / or a Reference Tool (tool used to
create the original pencil toolpath).

598 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Disc Profile Finishing
Disc Profile Finishing uses a tipped disc tool to create profile
toolpaths. The edge of the tool, rather than the tool tip is driven along the
surface. This strategy will not cut at sharp angles, but will retract, re-
position and then plunge before continuing machining.

Drive Curve - when selected an embedded pattern determines the

machining profile rather than the selected surface.
Embedded Pattern - determines which curve will be used to create
the cutting moves. This allows you to profile a specific part of the
model, rather than all of it.
Tool Axis - the orientation of the tool axis.

The toolpath always cuts the outside.

The standard Tool Axis frame on the left side of the dialog is
always set to Automatic.
Orientation - determines the tool shank orientation.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 599



Elevation - the angle of the disc axis, from the horizontal.

An elevation angle of 30

Profile -
Total depth of Cut - the total depth that is required.

600 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The Depth of Cut, , is measured in the plane of the disc.
This means that the depth of cut is not necessarily along the Z

Min Curvature Radius - the minimum machineable curvature

radius. When the curvature is sharper than this, the tool will retract,
re-position and then plunge before continuing machining.
Multiple Cuts allows multiple profiling paths. The first pass is at a
depth determined by the Stepdown value, the last pass is at Total
Depth of Cut.
Stepdown - defines the distance between different machining levels.
Direction - determines the milling strategy.
Any - creates toolpaths using both conventional and climb milling, as
Climb - creates toolpaths using only climb milling.
Conventional - creates toolpaths using only conventional or 'upcut'
Pocket machine - when selected, PowerMILL machines one pocket at
a time. When unselected PowerMILL machines one level at a time.

Embedded Pattern Finishing

Creates a toolpath with the contact point defined by an embedded curve.
Before you create an embedded pattern finishing toolpath you must create
an embedded pattern.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 601

This dialog is very similar to the Profile Toolpath dialog.

Drive Curve - defines which pattern will be used to create the toolpath
and how the tool moves along the surface.
Pattern - selects the embedded pattern that defines the contact point
of the toolpath.
Degouge - when this option is selected the tool can move normal to
the surface (by up to the distance specified in the Degouge
Tolerance field) to enable the toolpath to move to a safe position.
When unselected, the embedded pattern defines the point on the
surface which may or may not gouge.
Degouge Tolerance - the maximum distance, normal to the
surface, that the toolpath can move to find a safe position.
Lower Limit - defines the lowest position of the toolpath.
Gouge Avoidance - determines what happens to the toolpath when a
surface prevents profiling at the lowest position.
Strategy - determines how the toolpath behaves when another
surface would cause gouging.
Lift - tries to machine at the lowest position. If it can't machine at
the lowest position the toolpath segments are removed.
Trace - tries to machine at the lowest position. If it can't machine
at the lowest position the toolpath is raised as little as possible until
it reaches a position at which it can machine. It will only raise the
toolpath to a position defined in the Upper Limit field. If you do
not specify an upper limit then an infinite upper limit is assumed.

602 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Upper Limit - determines whether you want to set an upper limit, on
how far the toolpath can be raised, or not. Once you get above this
limit then the toolpath segments are removed. This option only
becomes available if a Strategy of Trace is selected and Gouge
Check is On.
Upper Limit Value - the distance above the surface of the highest
segment. This option only becomes available if Upper Limit is
Multiple Cuts - allows multiple profiling passes.
Mode - determines how the multiple profiles are created.
Off - only a single profiling path is created.
Offset Down - offsets the top profile, moving down. Where the
top profile is the embedded pattern moved up the tool axis by the
upper limit.
Offset Up - offsets the bottom profile, moving up. Where the
bottom profile is the embedded pattern moved up the tool axis by
the axial offset or whatever is required by trace degouge option(if
Offset Merge - offsets the top and bottom profile merging from
one to the other.
Maximum Stepdown - the maximum distance between successive
Number of Cuts - limits the number of passes when creating a
toolpath with multiple cuts.
Pocket Machine - when selected, areas are machined pocket by
pocket. When deselected, areas are machined level by level.

Example Creating an Embedded Pattern

This examples uses phone.dgk available from the Examples file and has
a simple rectangular Block defined.
First you need to create a pattern and then you must embed it.
1. From the Pattern right click menu select the Create option. Or
use Create Pattern on the Pattern toolbar.
2. From the Pattern toolbar select the Insert File into Active
Pattern option . You will see the Open Pattern dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 603

3. Click to display the Examples file and then click on

4. Finally select the TrebleClef.dgk pattern and click on Open.

5. Now to embed the curve from the Pattern Object right click
menu select the Edit - Embed menu option.
6. The Embed Pattern dialog is displayed.

7. Choose a Method of Closest Point, an Embedding Distance

of 0.1 and a Tolerance of 0.1, then click on Apply.

604 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

8. An Embedded Pattern is created and is marked by in the
explorer. The original pattern is also kept.

This embedded pattern can now be used in an Embedded Pattern

Finishing toolpath.

Example of Embedded Pattern Finishing Toolpath - Engraving

Once you have an Embedded Pattern you can use it to define the tool
contact point of a toolpath. This example looks at an engraving toolpath.
The Embedded Curves Finishing dialog is very similar to the
Profile Finishing dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 605

1. From the Toolpath Strategies button on the Main toolbar,
select the option. This displays the following

606 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

2. Tool - from the Tool drop-down list click on the Tapered
Spherical Tool and create a tool with the following

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 607

3. Tool Axis - change the Tool Axis to a Tool Axis of
Lead/Lean, with a Lead of 0 and a Lean of 0.

4. Remainder of the Toolpath Dialog - you now need to

complete the remainder of the Embedded Curves Finishing dialog.

Drive Curve - enter an Embedded Pattern of Treble Clef_1

Created in Example Creating an Embedded Pattern (on page 603).
Lower Limit - have an Axial Offset of -1.
Gouge Avoidance - deselect Gouge Check. Since you are
engraving the surface you want the toolpath to gouge the surface.

608 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Upper Limit - select this and have a value of 3. This option will
only be available when you select the Mode of Offset Down.
Multiple Cuts - have a Mode of Offset Down.
Maximum Stepdown of 1.
Max Number of Cuts - deselected.
Pocket Machine - deselected.
Apply the toolpath.
5. The embedded toolpath is now created.

6. You can see that the lowest pass of the toolpath is 1mm below the
embedded pattern. You can sometimes get a difference between the
toolpath and the embedded pattern as the embedded pattern is at
the tool contact position and the toolpath is at the tool tip position.
7. If you look at the toolpath in the explorer you can
see the warning symbol. This is here as the toolpath intentionally
cuts into the surface to create the engraving.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 609

8. To get rid of this warning you would have had to gouge check the

9. However, if you do this the lowest, engraving pass is removed. If

you look at the toolpath in the explorer you can
see the toolpath is good.

610 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Example of Embedded Pattern Finishing Toolpath - Contact
This example looks at a contact point toolpath. Typically this is used
where you want to define the exact position (of contact point) of a
toolpath. This example uses Cowling.dgk available in the Examples

1. Create a Block and a Tool.

2. Create a Pattern and Insert a File into Active Pattern .

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 611

3. Select the Pattern Cowling_ContactPoint.dgk available in the
Examples - Pattern directory.

4. Now to embed the pattern. From the Pattern Object right click
menu select the Edit - Embed menu option.

5. As the pattern is above the model, choose a Method of Drop and

click on Apply. An Embedded Pattern is created and is marked
by in the explorer. The original pattern is also kept.

612 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

6. From the Toolpath Strategies button on the Main Toolbar,
select the option.

7. Now complete the finishing dialog:

Drive Curve - enter an Embedded Pattern of
Lower Limit - have an Axial Offset of 0.
Gouge Avoidance - select Gouge Check. Since you are
specifying the exact location of the toolpath you want to ensure
that the toolpath doesn't gouge the surface.
Strategy - Trace
Upper Limit - since you are only going to create a single pass
leave this option deselected.
Multiple Cuts - have a Mode of Off.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 613

Apply the toolpath.

Interleaved Constant Z Finishing

Interleaved Constant Z Finishing strategy creates Constant Z
toolpaths in the steep areas of a model and 3D Offset toolpaths in the
shallow areas. This differs from Optimised Constant Z Finishing as
you can specify when to change from 3D Offset machining to
Constant Z machining using the Threshold Angle field, and you can
specify an Overlap where both 3D Offset and Constant Z toolpaths
are created.
Also Optimised Constant Z Finishing only uses whole segments,
whereas Interleaved Constant Z Finishing will split segments at the
shallow boundary. This means that Interleaved Constant Z
Finishing toolpaths have far more retracts than Optimised Constant
Z toolpaths.

614 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Threshold Angle - the surface slope, measured from the horizontal,
that determines the split between Constant Z and 3D offset machining.

Shows the 3D Offset toolpath in the shallow areas.

Shows the Constant Z toolpath in the steep areas.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 615

Offset Overlap - the size of the overlap area where Constant Z and
3D Offset machining occur. This minimises marks on the model caused
by a sudden switch from Constant Z to 3D offset machining.

Shows the 3D Offset toolpath overlapping into the steep areas.

Shows the Constant Z toolpath.
Direction - defines whether you want Climb, Conventional or Any
(both climb and conventional milling).
Use Separate Offset Stepover - allows you to define a different
stepover for the steep and shallow portions of the toolpath. Normally the
stepover is defined by the Stepover field on the left hand side of the
dialog. If you select this option, then only the steep (or Constant Z)
portion of the toolpath is defined by the Stepover field on the left hand
side of the dialog.

616 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Shallow Stepover - defines the stepover of the shallow (or 3D
Offset) portion of the toolpath.

Shows the 3D Offset toolpath stepover in the steep areas.

Shows the Constant Z toolpath stepover in the shallow areas.

When machining the bottom of a pocket PowerMILL machines form

out to in. However, when machining the top of a boss (an area with
no steep regions above it) PowerMILL machines from inside to out.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 617

Offset Flat Machining
An Offset Flat Finishing strategy is now available to provide a simple
interface to machine flat areas on the model. More extensive Flat
Machining options are available on the Area Clearance dialog.

More extensive Flat Machining options are available on the Area

Clearance dialog. For more information see Stepdown (on page
489) and Flat Machining Advanced Settings (on page 552) .

618 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Final Stepdown - allows you to add a different distance for the final
step. These are the standard Area Clearance options available in the Flat
machining Advanced Setting (see "Flat Machining Advanced
Settings" on page 552) frame.
Flat Tolerance - this allows you to find areas that are almost flat (flat
within the tolerance specified here). These are the standard Area
Clearance options available in the Flat machining Advanced Setting
(see "Flat Machining Advanced Settings" on page 552) frame.
Allow Tool Outside Flat - allows the tool to go outside the flat area.
This alleviates the problem of running the tool along a sharp edge. These
are the standard Area Clearance options available in the Flat machining
Advanced Setting (see "Flat Machining Advanced Settings" on page
552) frame.
Ignore Holes - ignores holes smaller than a value specified here. These
are the standard Area Clearance options available in the Flat machining
Advanced Setting (see "Flat Machining Advanced Settings" on page
552) frame.
High Speed Machining - this area allows you to specify various
smoothing options to avoid sharp changes in tool direction when high
speed machining. These are the standard Offset Area Clearance options
for more information see High Speed Machining - Offset (on page 514).
Rest Machining - this enables you to use a large tool to do efficient
volume removal and then use a smaller tool to eliminate the large terraces
and to machine areas of the model that the large tool couldn't reach such
as pockets and corners. The smaller tool only machines areas that could
not be reached by the original tool. These are the standard Area Clearance
options for more information see Rest Machining (on page 524).

Optimised Constant Z Toolpath

Creates a constant Z toolpath on the steep portions of a model and 3D
offset toolpath on the shallow portions.

Spiral (on page 620) - creates a spiral toolpath rather than a series of
closed loops. This can minimise the number of lifts.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 619

Closed Offsets (on page 621) - creates the 3 D offsets from the outside
in. When deselected creates the 3 D offsets from the inside out.
Direction - defines whether you want Climb, Conventional or Both
climb and conventional milling.
Use Separate Offset Stepover (on page 621) - enables you to enter a
different value for the Shallow Stepover. This value must be greater
than or equal to the Stepover value. Once you set a Shallow Stepover
the Stepover field becomes the Steep Stepover.
Looking at the camera.ttr from the Examples directory, you can see
the effect of having a different stepover on the steep and shallow portions.

Spiral creates a spiral toolpath rather than a series of closed loops. This
can minimise the number of lifts. It converts this:

To this:

620 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Closed Offsets
Closed Offsets creates the 3 D offsets from the outside in. When
deselected creates the 3 D offsets from the inside out. It converts this:

To this:

Use Separate Offset Stepover

Use Separate Offset Stepover enables you to enter a different value
for the Shallow Stepover. This value must be greater than or equal to
the Stepover value. Once you set a Shallow Stepover the Stepover
field becomes the Steep Stepover.
Looking at the camera.ttr from the Examples directory, you can see
the effect of having a different stepover on the steep and shallow portions.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 621

It converts this:

To this:

622 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Parametric Offset Finishing
Parametric Offset Finishing machines between two curves. This
strategy takes the rulings between two curves to generate the parametric
offset toolpath.

Start Curve - a pattern defining the start of the toolpath.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 623

End Curve - a pattern defining the end of the toolpath.

Shows the End Curve.

Shows the Start Curve.
Offset Direction - determines how the two curves are joined.
Across - the toolpath goes from a point on the start curve to one
on the second curve. An example of an Across toolpath is shown

624 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Along - the toolpath is more like an offset toolpath radiating out
from the start curve to the end curve. An example of an Along
toolpath is shown below.

Limiting Method - determines how the pattern limits the toolpath.

Tip Position - the tip of the tool follows the pattern.
Contact Position - the contact point of the tool follows the
Edge Tolerance - defines the tolerance between the tool contact point
and the Start Curve and End Curve. This tolerance has an effect on
the quality of the resulting toolpath. An Edge Tolerance of 0 uses the
automatic tolerance. This option is only available if you have a Limiting
Method of Contact Position.

The automatic value works well in most cases. However, when using
a very small machining tolerance, specifying an Edge Tolerance
can dramatically improve toolpath quality.
It is recommended that the Edge Tolerance is larger than the input
Minimum Stepover - this strategy determines its own stepover based
on the tool radius and tolerances used. However, if you want to override
this stepover, you need to change this value (which defaults to 0.0 to
indicate that the stepover is being calculated automatically).
Maximum Stepover - if the automatically generated stepover is too
large, you can restrict it by specifying a Maximum Stepover.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 625

Maximum Offsets - controls the maximum number of offsets.

Selecting this option and then entering a value of 10 produces the

following result:

Direction - defines whether you want Climb, Conventional or Any

(both climb and conventional milling).

626 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Pattern Toolpath
Uses a 2D picture as a pattern and then projects it onto the model. This is
then machined. The Picture can contain any number of open or closed 2D

Drive Curve (on page 627) - determines which curve or set of curves
will be used to create the cutting moves.
Lower Limit (on page 628) - this sets the lowest position of the
machining pass. The pattern options are shown using this example:
Gouge Avoidance (on page 631) - determines what happens to the
toolpath when a surface prevents cutting at the lowest position. This
option is only available if you select a Lower Limit of Drive Curve.
The options are shown using a modified example.
Multiple Cuts (on page 632) - allows multiple profiling paths.

Drive Curve
Drive Curve - determines which curve or set of curves will be used to
create the cutting moves.
Use Toolpath - uses a 3-axis toolpath as the drive curve. In effect, this
axially offsets the toolpath up Z by the tool tip radius (converts the tool
tip coordinates to tool centre coordinates, for a ball nosed tool the tip
radius equals the tool radius) and then converts this toolpath to a pattern.
This option can be used to convert an existing 3-axis toolpath into a
multi-axis toolpath.
Pattern - select the pattern from the drop-down list.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 627

Ordering - reorders the pattern segments to reduce link distance.

Free Direction - reorders the segments, allowing them to be reversed.

Fixed Direction - reorders the segments but does not allow them to be
Pattern - keeps the order the same as the input pattern. No re-ordering
takes place.
Pocket Machine - when selected and the multiple cuts option is
selected, then it machines each pocket individually. Otherwise it
machines each level individually

Lower Limit
Lower Limit sets the lowest position of the machining pass. The pattern
options are shown using this example:

It is a cylindrical surface with a pattern of some text (PowerMILL). The

pattern is placed above the cylindrical surface. To create the toolpaths
you must select the text (PowerMILL) as the pattern.

628 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Base Position - this sets the lowest position of the toolpath.

Automatic - drops the tool onto the part down the tool axis. This is the
same as Drop when the tool axis is vertical.

If you have a different tool axis, say To Line, you will get a different

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 629

Drive Curve - uses the edge of the selected pattern.

Drop - drops the tool onto the part down the Z axis. This is the same as
Automatic when the tool axis is vertical.

Axial offset - this offsets the pattern in Z. So, if you want the toolpath to
be above the pattern then it must be a positive value. Zero depth is where
the tool tip touches the pattern. This option is only available if you select
a Lower Limit of Drive Curve.

If you have use a negative offset, so that the pattern would gouge into the
part, then the result depends on the Gouge Avoidance options you

630 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Gouge Avoidance
Gouge Avoidance determines what happens to the toolpath when a
surface prevents cutting at the lowest position. This option is only
available if you select a Lower Limit of Drive Curve. The options are
shown using a modified example.
Strategy - determines how the toolpath behaves when another surface
would cause gouging.

Lift - tries to machine at the lowest position. If it can't machine at the

lowest position the toolpath segments are removed. In this case the letters
"w e r" are removed.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 631

Trace - tries to machine at the lowest position. If it can't machine at the
lowest position the toolpath is raised as little as possible until it reaches a
position at which it can machine. It will only raise the toolpath to a
position defined in the Upper Limit field. If you do not specify an upper
limit then an infinite upper limit is assumed.

Upper Limit - determines whether you want to set an upper limit on

how far the toolpath can be raised or not. Once you get above this limit
then the toolpath segments are removed. This option only becomes
available if a Strategy of Trace is selected and Gouge Check is On.
Upper Limit Value - the distance above the surface of the highest
toolpath. Once you get above this limit then the toolpath segments are
removed. This option only becomes available if the Upper Limit is

In this case the letter "e" is removed.

Multiple Cuts
Multiple Cuts allows multiple profiling paths.
Mode - determines how the multiple toolpaths are created.

632 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Off - only a single toolpath is created.

Offset Down - offsets the top cutting move, moving down.

You can see that the lower levels of the toolpath are cropped. In detail:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 633

Offset Up - offsets the bottom cutting move, moving up.

You can see that the upper levels of the toolpath are cropped. In detail:

Offset Merge - offsets the top and bottom cutting move merging from
one to the other.

You can see that the no levels of the toolpath are cropped. In detail:

634 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Maximum Stepdown - the maximum distance between successive
Number of Cuts - limits the number of passes when creating a toolpath
with multiple cuts. Selecting Number of Cuts and entering a value of 2
will give this result:

Profile Toolpath
This technique allows you to pick a selection of surfaces and profile
around the outside of these surfaces. This technique will only work on
surface models (not triangle models).

All the examples shown here have a base plane underneath the model
which is not visible. If no base plane was present the toolpath would be
very different and in some cases no toolpath would be created.
Drive Curve (on page 636) - determines which curve or set of curves
will be used to create the cutting moves.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 635

Lower Limit (on page 637) - this sets the lowest position of the profiling
Gouge Avoidance (see "Profile Toolpath - Gouge Avoidance" on page
639) - determines what happens to the profile toolpath when a surface
prevents profiling at the lowest position. This option is only available if
you select a Lower Limit of Drive Curve.
Multiple Cuts (on page 640) - allows multiple profiling paths.
Advanced (see "Advanced Profile Finishing" on page 644) - can
sometimes help to improve toolpaths on complex parts. Profile machining
automatically creates good results on many complex parts but there are
cases where the balance of tolerances and lengths chosen to create the
toolpath may be inappropriate.

Drive Curve
Drive Curve determines which curve or set of curves will be used to
create the cutting moves.
Side - determines whether you profile on the Inside Edge.

636 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

or Outside Edge of the surface.

Radial Offset - the gap between the tool and the edge curve of the
Direction - determines the direction of cut (Climb or Conventional)
for the toolpath.

Lower Limit
Lower Limit - this sets the lowest position of the profiling pass.
Base Position - this sets the lowest position of the toolpath.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 637

Automatic - drops the tool onto the part.

If the tool misses the part then no toolpath is produced. In this case if
there is no base plane then half the toolpath "disappears".

Drive Curve - uses the edge of the selected surface.

638 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Axial offset - this is the depth of the toolpath relative to the selected
surfaces. So, if you want the toolpath to be above the selected surfaces
then it must be a positive value. Zero depth is where the tool touches the
surfaces. This option is only available if you select a Lower Limit of
Drive Curve. The following toolpath is created if you select the two
squares: and have a base plane.

Profile Toolpath - Gouge Avoidance

Gouge Avoidance - determines what happens to the profile toolpath
when a surface prevents profiling at the lowest position. This option is
only available if you select a Lower Limit of Drive Curve.
Strategy - determines how the toolpath behaves when another surface
would cause gouging.
Lift - tries to machine at the lowest position. If it can't machine at the
lowest position the toolpath segments are removed.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 639

Trace - tries to machine at the lowest position. If it can't machine at the
lowest position the toolpath is raised as little as possible until it reaches a
position at which it can machine. It will only raise the toolpath to a
position defined in the Upper Limit field. If you do not specify an upper
limit then an infinite upper limit is assumed.

Upper Limit - determines whether you want to set an upper limit on

how far the toolpath can be raised or not. Once you get above this limit
then the toolpath segments are removed. This option only becomes
available if a Strategy of Trace is selected and Gouge Check is On.
Upper Limit Value - the distance above the surface of the highest
profile. This option only becomes available if Upper Limit is selected.

Multiple Cuts
Multiple Cuts allows multiple profiling paths.

640 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Mode - determines how the multiple profiles are created. The various
options are shown using the following model with the lower angled plane

Off - only a single profiling path is created.

Offset Down - offsets the top profile, moving down.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 641

In detail:

Offset Up - offsets the bottom profile, moving up.

In detail:

642 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Offset Merge - offsets the top and bottom profile merging from one to
the other.

In detail:

Maximum Stepdown - the maximum distance between successive

Number of Cuts - limits the number of passes when creating a toolpath
with multiple cuts. Selecting Number of Cuts and entering a value of 3
will give this result:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 643

Advanced Profile Finishing
Advanced can sometimes help to improve toolpaths on complex parts.
Profile machining automatically creates good results on many complex
parts but there are cases where the balance of tolerances and lengths
chosen to create the toolpath may be inappropriate.

Smoothing - Improves the smoothness of the profiling normal to the

Up/Down Axis (TDU) - this type of smoothing can be particularly
effective in removing excessive "judder" caused by offsetting
internal corners. It is best to try smoothing with the default values
initially. Too much smoothing can distort the profile by flattening
out too far. An un-smoothed profile (a value of 0.0):

If this is smoothed it is converted to this:

644 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Angular - 5 is the default value. This type of smoothing can be
particularly effective when multi-axis machining and can be used
to smooth profiles from trimmed surfaces. Trimmed surfaces can
have a "lumpy" edge which is then magnified by the profiling.
Angular smoothing minimises this.
Tolerances - determines the tolerances used when profile machining.
For more information see Advanced Swarf Finishing Dialog (on page
Surface Joining Tolerance - this value may be used to disassociate
the machining tolerance from the tolerance used to define what is a gap
between surfaces. Occasionally a machining tolerance will be chosen that
is smaller than the gap between surfaces. When this occurs two segments
of toolpath will be created. To ensure one continuous toolpath across a
gap a larger surface joining tolerance may be used.
Degouge Tolerance - the maximum distance (in addition to radial
offset) that is used to push the tool away from the surfaces to avoid
gouges. It defines the upper acceptable bound for this intermediate form
of gouge avoidance. If gouges greater than this value are detected then the
tool will be lifted axially to avoid the gouge.

Negative Clearance
When profile machining you can now have a negative clearance. This
allows you to place the tool over the surface edge and therefore to
produce a profile toolpath along a curve. The following example uses a
20mm End Mill and uses a Lower Limit Base Position of Drive

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 645

Looking in detail:

Curve Projection Toolpath

This new strategy is similar to the Line Projection Finishing strategy
except that the pattern is a curve rather than a line.

This dialog is very similar to the Line Projection Toolpath (on page 654).
Pattern - defines the pattern that will be used to create the toolpath.
Direction - when set to Inwards, then cylindrically shaped regions or
objects can be machined. The output is similar to that of Constant Z
Machining, but paths are only produced on external (visible) surfaces.
When set to Outwards, then internal fillets, holes or cavities can be
machined - in particular spiralling down a hole.
Pattern (on page 647) - defines the limits and orientation of the toolpath.

646 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Preview - produces a quick preview toolpath over the projection shape.
A simple toolpath is machined over an imaginary shape.
Draw - toggles the display of the preview toolpath.


Style (on page 648) - defines the shape of the pattern. Three different
styles are available.
Linear - this technique produces a line pattern.
Circular - this technique produces a circular pattern at sequential Z
heights, in a similar manner to constant Z height machining.
Spiral - this technique produces a spiral pattern.
Direction - specifies whether the direction is Clockwise or
Ordering - determines how each successive toolpath segment is linked.
One Way - the tool can only cut in one direction.
One Way Grouped - this is not available for any pattern
projection toolpaths.
Two Way - the tool cuts in both directions.
Two Way Joined - the tool cuts in both directions and successive
toolpath segments are joined.
Up - this is not available for any pattern projection toolpaths.
Down - this is not available for any pattern projection toolpaths.
For more information see Ordering (on page 679).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 647

Sequence (on page 667) - allows you to alter the sequence of toolpath
segments. This can be useful during line projection of shapes such as
bottle moulds.

Azimuth Angle - the pass is at Start Angle, successively adding

Angular Stepover until End Angle is reached. The Angular Limits
are measured anticlockwise about the Z axis, with 0 at the X axis.
Angular Stepover - the angle between consecutive passes. This option
is only available if you select a Style of Circular or Spiral.
Parametric Pattern Limits - limits the area that will be machined
when selected. The limits are determined by the Start and End fields.
Start - when the Pattern Limits is selected, this determines where
machining starts.
End - when the Pattern Limits is selected, this determines where
machining ends.

Style defines the shape of the pattern. Three different styles are
Linear - this technique produces a line pattern.

648 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Circular - this technique produces a circular pattern at sequential Z
heights, in a similar manner to constant Z height machining.

Spiral - this technique produces a spiral pattern.

Style - Projection Finishing

defines the shape of the pattern. Three different styles are available.
Linear - this technique produces a line pattern.
Circular - this technique produces a circular pattern at sequential Z
heights, in a similar manner to constant Z height machining.
Spiral - this technique produces a spiral pattern.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 649

Example Using Curve Projection Finishing
This strategy is similar to the Line Projection Finishing strategy
except that the pattern is a curve rather than a line. It is a technique that
can be used when the surface definition isn't adequate to provide good
results when using surface projection finishing.
This uses the channels.dgk example:

It consists of two channels. One has a well defined surface the other, two
poorly defined surfaces.

650 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Surface projection works well on the well defined
surface and badly on the poorly defined surfaces.

If you look in detail at the back channel you can see the problem:

Curve projection Finishing can be used to solve this problem. You

need a Pattern to define the locus of the toolpath. In this case a pattern
called Spine.dgk (in the Examples\Patterns file) going though the centre
of the channel.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 651

1. From the Toolpath Strategies button on the Main toolbar
select the Finishing and the option.

652 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

2. Select the Pattern and a Style of Linear. The Direction,
Angles and Stepover will depend on you model. Then Apply
the toolpath.

3. This produces the required smooth toolpath. Looking in detail:

4. If you offset the spine up the Z axis you can get a more complete
toolpath in the channel.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 653

Line Projection Toolpath
Projects a cylindrical pattern onto the model. This pattern is then
machined. The centre of this cylinder is the focus of the pattern and is
defined by the Azimuth and Elevation sliders. The range of the pattern
is described in terms of height and angular limits.
This allows projection to/from a non-vertical (typically horizontal) line.
Imagine machining a half-cylinder lying on a plane. Project Inwards for a
Male cylinder, Outwards for a Female. An elevation angle of 90 makes
the projection line horizontal, and a range of 0-180 (depending on
Azimuth angle) with a line option will produce toolpath segments along
the length of the cylinder. This is a useful technique for bottle moulds.

Location - determines the start of the line, and is entered as X, Y, Z

Azimuth - This determines the angle of the line in the XY plane. An
azimuth angle of 0 is along the X axis, 90 along the Y axis and 180
along the -X axis.
Elevation - This determines the angle of the line relative to the vertical
(Z). An elevation angle of 0 makes the projection line vertical (down the
Z axis). An elevation angle of 90 makes the projection line horizontal (in
the XY plane).

654 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Direction - when set to Inwards, then cylindrically shaped regions or
objects can be machined. The output is similar to that of Constant Z
Machining, but paths are only produced on external (visible) surfaces.
When set to Outwards, then internal fillets, holes or cavities can be
machined - in particular spiralling down a hole.
Pattern (on page 655) - defines the limits and orientation of the toolpath.
Preview - produces a quick preview toolpath over the projection shape.
A simple toolpath is machined over an imaginary shape.
Draw - toggles the display of the preview toolpath.


Style (see "Line Projection - Pattern - Style" on page 657) - defines the
shape of the pattern. Three different styles are available.
Linear - this technique produces a line pattern.
Circular - this technique produces a circular pattern at sequential Z
heights, in a similar manner to constant Z height machining.
Spiral - this technique produces a spiral pattern.
Direction - specifies whether the direction is Clockwise or
Ordering - determines how each successive toolpath segment is linked.
One Way - the tool can only cut in one direction.
One Way Grouped - this is not available for any pattern
projection toolpaths.
Two Way - the tool cuts in both directions.
Two Way Joined - the tool cuts in both directions and successive
toolpath segments are joined.
Up - this is not available for any pattern projection toolpaths.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 655

Down - this is not available for any pattern projection toolpaths.
For more information see Ordering (on page 679).
Sequence (on page 667) - allows you to alter the sequence of toolpath
segments. This can be useful during line projection of shapes such as
bottle moulds.

This can be useful during line projection of shapes such as bottle

Azimuth Angle - the pass is at Start Angle, successively adding
Angular Stepover until End Angle is reached. The Angular Limits
are measured anticlockwise about the Z axis, with 0 at the X axis.

Start Angle - 180 End Angle - 360

Angular Stepover - the angle between consecutive passes. This option
is only available if you select a Style of Circular or Spiral.
Height - the first pass is at Start Height, successively adding Height
Stepover until End Height is reached.

656 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Line Projection - Pattern - Style
Style defines the shape of the pattern. Three different styles are
Linear - this technique produces a line pattern.

Circular - this technique produces a circular pattern at sequential Z

heights, in a similar manner to constant Z height machining.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 657

Spiral - this technique produces a spiral pattern. As with Point
projection finishing, the Rotational parameters are no longer functional
and the Clockwise/Anti-Clockwise drop-down menu becomes active.

Plane Projection Toolpath

Projects a planar pattern onto the model. This pattern is then machined.
The plane technique produces a pattern on a plane. The plane, which is
located by an Anchor Point, can be rotated about the Z axis, and
inclined to the vertical plane. The range of the pattern is described in
terms of height and width limits.

658 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

This can be used for machining near vertical faces, as well as flat inclined
surfaces which require a constant stepover.

Anchor Point XYZ - locates the plane. By default this is at the origin of
the workpiece.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 659

Azimuth - the rotation is measured anti-clockwise about the Z axis with
0 at the X axis.

Rotation of 270
Elevation - the plane can also be inclined to the vertical in order to
produce a more effective finish over sloped areas of the model. This will
result in the pattern being projected downwards onto the model.
This may mean altering the anchor point of the plane so that the entire
model is machined, or increasing the Start Height.

Inclination of 20
Direction (on page 661) - defines the direction of the projection. Two
options are available: Inwards and Outwards.
As you toggle these two options the arrows on the plane toggle provided
that the Inclination angle is Zero.

660 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Pattern (on page 662) - defines the limits and orientation of the
Preview - produces a quick preview toolpath over the projection shape.
A simple toolpath is machined over an imaginary shape.
Draw - toggles the display of the preview toolpath.

Direction - defines the direction of the projection. Two options are
available: Inwards and Outwards.
As you toggle these two options the arrows on the plane toggle provided
that the Inclination angle is Zero.


PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 661


Pattern Direction - defines the orientation of the pattern. The two

options available are U and V (the surface parametric directions).
Ordering - determines how each successive toolpath segment is linked.
One Way - the tool can only cut in one direction.
One Way Grouped - this is not available for any pattern
projection toolpaths.
Two Way - the tool cuts in both directions.
Two Way Joined - the tool cuts in both directions and successive
toolpath segments are joined.
Up - this is not available for any pattern projection toolpaths.
Down - this is not available for any pattern projection toolpaths.
For more information see Ordering (on page 679).
Sequence (on page 667) - allows you to alter the sequence of toolpath
segments. This can be useful during line projection of shapes such as
bottle moulds.

Height - when using a V pattern direction, each pass goes from Start
Height to End Height. The first pass is at Start Width, successively
adding Width Stepover until End Width is reached.

662 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Width - when using an U pattern, each pass goes from Start Width to
End Width. The first pass is at Start Height, successively adding
Height Stepover until End Height is reached.

Point Projection Toolpath

Projects a spherical pattern onto the model. The centre of this sphere is
the focus of the pattern. This pattern is then machined. The range of the
pattern machined is defined in terms of elevation and angular limits.

Origin Point - determines the centre of the sphere, and is entered as X,

Y, Z coordinates.
Direction - the projection direction. Two options are available.
Inwards - for machining hemispherical regions or objects.
Outwards - for machining internal corners or cavities.
Pattern (on page 664) - defines the limits and orientation of the

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 663

Preview - produces a quick preview toolpath over the projection shape.
A simple toolpath is machined over an imaginary shape.
Draw - toggles the display of the preview toolpath.


Style (see "Point Projection - Pattern - Style" on page 665) - defines the
shape of the pattern. Three different styles are available.
Linear - this technique produces a line pattern.
Circular - this technique produces a circular pattern at sequential Z
heights, in a similar manner to constant Z height machining.
Spiral - this technique produces a spiral pattern.
Direction - specifies whether the direction is Clockwise or
Ordering - determines how each successive toolpath segment is linked.
One Way - the tool can only cut in one direction.
One Way Grouped - this is not available for any pattern
projection toolpaths.
Two Way - the tool cuts in both directions.
Two Way Joined - the tool cuts in both directions and successive
toolpath segments are joined.
Up - this is not available for any pattern projection toolpaths.
Down - this is not available for any pattern projection toolpaths.
For more information see Ordering (on page 679).

664 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Sequence (on page 667) - allows you to alter the sequence of toolpath
segments. This can be useful during line projection of shapes such as
bottle moulds.

Elevation Angle - defines the start angle, end angle and the angle
between consecutive passes. The elevation values are measured from the
horizontal plane.

Start - 0, End - 30 Start - 0, End - 15

Azimuth Angle - the angular limits are measured anti-clockwise about
the Z axis, with 0 at the X axis.

Rotation Angle Start - 0 End - 270

Angular Stepover - the angle between consecutive passes. This option
is only available if you select a Style of Circular or Spiral.

Point Projection - Pattern - Style

Style defines the shape of the pattern. Three options are available.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 665

Radial - projects a radial pattern onto the surface. The centre of the circle
is the focus of the pattern. The range of the pattern machined is again
defined in terms of elevation and angular limits.

Circular - projects a circular pattern onto the surface. The centre of the
circle is the focus of the pattern. The range of the pattern machined is
again defined in terms of elevation and angular limits.

666 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Spiral - projects a spiral pattern onto the surface from Elevation Start
to Elevation Finish with a Pitch of Elevation Stepover When
machining using the spiral pattern, the Rotational Limits are no longer
functional. Instead, a Clockwise/Anti Clockwise drop-down menu
becomes active.

Sequence allows you to alter the sequence of toolpath segments. This
can be useful during line projection of shapes such as bottle moulds.

None - the raster type movement is maintained.

Out to In - the line projection toolpaths are transformed from a raster
type movement to a constant Z or spiral type movement. With One Way
selected you get:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 667

With One Way deselected you get:

In to Out - the line projection toolpaths are transformed from a raster

type movement to a constant Z or spiral type movement. This is shown
below. With One Way selected you get:

With One Way deselected you get:

Surface Projection Toolpath

Surface Projection is a type of drive surface machining. When Multi-Axis
machining it gives 5-Axis surface normal parametric machining.

668 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Surface Units (on page 669) - describes how the stepover and limits are
Projection Direction - specifies the direction the surface is projected
onto the model. Two options are available.
Inwards - projects the surface pattern in the opposite direction to the
surface normals by taking the pattern points far from th surface in
the direction of surface normals.
Outwards - projects the surface pattern in the opposite direction to
the surface normals by taking the pattern points far from th surface
in the opposite direction of surface normals.
Smoothing Tolerance - the tolerance to which the splined curve must
follow the surface pattern. If this is set to 0 then an automatic tolerance is
Angular Smoothing Tolerance - the tolerance to which the surface
normals of the splined curve must match the normals of the surface
pattern. If this is set to 0 then an automatic tolerance is used.
This strategy initially generates a pattern on the surface (to the specified
limits) and then splines the pattern and generates the toolpath from this
pattern, by projecting it onto the surface.
Pattern (on page 670) - defines the limits and orientation of the
Preview - produces a quick preview toolpath over the projection shape.
A simple toolpath is machined over an imaginary shape.
Draw - toggles the display of the preview toolpath.

Surface Units
Surface Units describes how the stepover and limits are defined. The
options are:
Distance - the stepover and limits are defined by the physical distance.
Parametric - the stepover and limits are defined by the parameterisation
of the surface.
Normalised - the stepover and limits are defined by the parameter of the
surface normalised to the range [0,1]. For example if the minimum U is 1
and the maximum U is 5 then you get the following:

Parametric value Normalised value

1 0

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 669

2 0.25
3 0.5
4 0.75
5 1


Pattern defines the limits and orientation of the toolpath.

Pattern Direction - defines whether the pattern follows the U or V
direction of the underlying surface.
Ordering - determines how each successive toolpath segment is linked.
One Way - the tool can only cut in one direction.
One Way Grouped - this is not available for any pattern
projection toolpaths.
Two Way - the tool cuts in both directions.
Two Way Joined - the tool cuts in both directions and successive
toolpath segments are joined.
Up - this is not available for any pattern projection toolpaths.
Down - this is not available for any pattern projection toolpaths.
For more information see Ordering (on page 679).
Limits - you can now select the limits of the toolpath in the U and V
Start - determines where machining starts. This is only available if
either U or V is selected.
End - determines where machining stops. This is only available if
either U or V is selected.

670 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Start Corner (see "Surface Projection - Pattern - Start Corner" on page
671) - you can choose between four different start corners.

Sequence (on page 667) - allows you to alter the sequence of toolpath
segments. This can be useful during line projection of shapes such as
bottle moulds.

Surface Projection - Pattern - Start Corner

Start Corner you can choose between four different start corners.

For example, if you create a toolpath with Surface Units of Distance

and Limits deselected, or with Limits selected and a Start of 0 and an
End of 100, you get the same result:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 671

If you change the Pattern Direction from U to V you will see the

If you change the Limit of the U direction you will see the following:

If you change the Limit of the U and V direction you will see the

672 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Radial Pattern Toolpath
Creates a 2D radial pattern within a boundary and then projects it onto the
model. This pattern is then machined.

Centre Point - defines the origin of the radial pattern. Since the pattern
is centred at the origin of the active workplane, it may need moving
before it is projected onto the work surface. The radial pattern can
automatically be centred to the middle of the block by clicking on the
Reset to Block Centre.
Start and End Radius - controls the dimensions of the pattern and the
direction of the first pass. This is illustrated in the diagram below:

Start Angle and End Angle - determine over what portion of a full
circle the picture is generated, and whether the tool travels in a clockwise
or anticlockwise direction.

Angles are measured anti-clockwise from the positive X axis.

Start Angle > End Angle - tool travels clockwise.
End Angle > Start Angle - tool travels anticlockwise.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 673

These two alternatives are illustrated in the diagram below:

If you want to machine an area anticlockwise starting at 350 and ending

at 10 you need to think about the values you enter. If you enter a Start
Angle of 350 and an End Angle of 10 then PowerMILL will travel
clockwise and machine the opposite of what you want. So you must enter
a Start Angle of 350 and an End Angle of 370 to get the desired result.
Corners (on page 674) - controls how sharp corners are handled.

Corners controls how sharp corners are handled.
Arc Fitted - when selected arcs are created in all internal corners and
makes the toolpaths more suitable for high speed machining. When
deselected creates a toolpath which may contain sharp changes in
Arc Radius (TDU) - defines the radius used for arc fitting. This option
is only available if you select Arc Fit. The radius is defined as a
proportion of the tool diameter. The default value is 0.05. So, if you have
a tool of diameter 10mm (radius 5mm) then the arc radius will be 0.5mm.
The Arc Radius slider can have a value between 0.005 and 0.2.
For more information see Corners (on page 681).

674 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Raster Toolpath
This finishing technique is best suited to rectangular models and consists
of creating a raster pattern within a boundary and projecting it onto the

Angle - Defines the angle of passes relative to the X axis:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 675

Start Corner - Defines at which corner the machining starts.

Perpendicular Pass
Perpendicular Pass - defines a second raster pass perpendicular to
the first one.
Shallow Angle - allows you to create a perpendicular pass only
where necessary - rather than over the whole model.
Optimise Parallel Raster - if a raster toolpath is created with a
parallel and perpendicular pass, with a shallow angle greater than
0, there is an option to trim the parallel pass so it doesn't machine
the areas that the perpendicular pass machines.
The examples of the various options in the Perpendicular Pass
frame are shown in Perpendicular Pass Examples (on page 676).
Ordering (on page 679) - determines the order in which the segments
are machined.

Perpendicular Pass Examples

Perpendicular Pass - defines a second raster pass perpendicular to the
first one.
Shallow Angle - allows you to create a perpendicular pass only where
necessary - rather than over the whole model.
Optimise Parallel Raster - if a raster toolpath is created with a
parallel and perpendicular pass, with a shallow angle greater than 0, there
is an option to trim the parallel pass so it doesn't machine the areas that
the perpendicular pass machines.
The effects of the various options in the Perpendicular Pass frame are
best shown using the chainsaw.ige model in the Examples file.
No Perpendicular Pass

676 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Perpendicular Pass - deselected. In this case all other options in
the frame are greyed out.

One raster pass over the whole part.

Perpendicular Pass, Shallow Angle 0
Perpendicular Pass - selected.
Shallow Angle - 0.

Two perpendicular raster passes over the whole part. You can see
the raster passes perpendicular to each other
Perpendicular Pass, Shallow Angle 5
Perpendicular Pass - selected.
Shallow Angle - 5.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 677

One raster pass over the entire model. A second pass, perpendicular
to the first, that only machines the areas of the model that are
steeper than the Shallow Angle.

You can see the single raster pass over the flat area and the steep
sides where the first clears the material effectively and the second
perpendicular pass is restricted to the steep areas where the first
pass didn't clear the material effectively.
Optimise Parallel Raster
Perpendicular Pass - selected.
Shallow Angle - 5.
Optimise Parallel Pass - selected.
The second pass only machines the areas of the model steeper than
the Shallow Angle. The first pass machines everything except the
areas covered by the second pass.

678 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

You can see the first raster pass over the flat area and the steep
sides where the first clears the material effectively and the first
pass is removed from the areas where the second pass clears the
area effectively. The second perpendicular pass is restricted to the
steep areas where the first pass didn't clear the material effectively.
In this case both the first and second passes are limited, whereas in
the previous example only the second pass was limited.


All the options are described below and are best described using the
simple picture below assuming that the numbered lines are segments of
One Way - this will machine the segments in the following order:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 679

One Way Grouped - this will machine the segments, choosing the
shortest distance between each.

Two Way - this will machine the segments in the following order: .

Two Way Joined - this will machine the segments in the following
order: :

Up - cutting will always take place on the upward stroke. PowerMILL

re-arranges the order and direction of the toolpath segments so they
cut only upwards. This may include splitting the segments which
include a change of direction.

680 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Down - cutting will always take place on the downward stroke.
PowerMILL re-arranges the order and direction of the toolpath
segments so they cut only downwards. This may include splitting
the segments which include a change of direction.
Arc Radius - Specifies the radius used to fit arcs between consecutive
raster paths. This option is only available if you select the Two Way
Joined option.

The value entered here indicates the maximum possible arc

radius. The maximum value used internally is half the


Arc Fitted - when selected arcs are created in all internal corners and
makes the toolpaths more suitable for high speed machining. When
deselected creates a toolpath which may contain sharp changes in

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 681

Arc Radius (TDU) - defines the radius used for arc fitting. This option
is only available if you select the Arc Fit option. The radius is defined as
a proportion of the tool diameter. The default value is 0.05. So, if you
have a tool of diameter 10mm (radius 5mm) then the arc radius will be
0.5mm. The Arc Radius slider can have a value between 0.005 and 0.2.

The yellow toolpath shows the Normal toolpath and the green toolpath
shows the Arc Fitted toolpath.
Arc fitting is of particular importance when high speed machining as it
eliminates sudden changes in tool direction.

682 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Raster Flat Machining
Raster Flat Finishing provides a simple interface to machine flat areas
on a model.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 683

More extensive Flat Machining options are available on the Area
Clearance dialog. For more information see Stepdown (on page
489) and Flat Machining Advanced Settings (on page 552).
Final Stepdown - allows you to add a different distance for the final
step. These are the standard Area Clearance options available in the Flat
machining Advanced Setting frame (in the Expert area of the
Flat Tolerance - this allows you to find areas that are almost flat (flat
within the tolerance specified here). These are the standard Area
Clearance options available in the Flat machining Advanced Setting
frame (in the Expert area of the dialog).
Allow Tool Outside Flat - allows the tool to go outside the flat area.
This alleviates the problem of running the tool along a sharp edge. These
are the standard Area Clearance options available in the Flat machining
Advanced Setting frame (in the Expert area of the dialog).
Ignore Holes - ignores holes smaller than a value specified here. These
are the standard Area Clearance options available in the Flat machining
Advanced Setting frame (in the Expert area of the dialog).
High Speed machining (see "Raster Flat Machining" on page 685) -
this area allows you to specify various smoothing options to avoid sharp
changes in tool direction when high speed machining.
Rest Machining - this enables you to use a large tool to do efficient
volume removal and then use a smaller tool to eliminate the large terraces
and to machine areas of the model that the large tool couldn't reach such
as pockets and corners. The smaller tool only machines areas that could
not be reached by the original tool. These are the standard Area Clearance
options for more information see Rest Machining (on page 524).

684 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Raster Flat Machining
High Speed machining - this area allows you to specify various
smoothing options to avoid sharp changes in tool direction when high
speed machining. You can see this if you compare the results of Profile
Smoothing being off, and Profile Smoothing being set to it's
maximum value.

This picture shows both toolpaths (the green toolpath has smoothing and
the grey one doesn't). Notice how, when Profile Smoothing is
switched on, the toolpath edges are smoother and more curved.
These are the standard Raster Area Clearance options for more
information see High Speed Machining - Raster (on page 512).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 685

Rotary Toolpath
Creates a toolpath by rotating the job around the X axis, with linear
motion provided by the Y and Z axis pair.

X Limits - define the absolute limits of the finishing path along the X
axis. These can be manually defined, or automatically defined by pressing
the Reset to Block Limits button.
Technology (see "Rotary Toolpath - Technology" on page 687) -
specifies the cutting technology used for rotary milling.
Angular Limits - define the angular positions at which machining will
Start and End. It is only available during Circle or Line milling. The
Start field defines the angular position at which machining is to start, and
the End field defines the end angle.

686 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The angular limits are measure in an anti-clockwise direction when
viewed along the positive X axis. The area machined is between the start
and end angles.

Reset to Full Circle - ensures that the full 360 are machined.
Rapid Move Heights.
Safe Area - shows you how the Safe Area, over which rapid moves are
allowed to take place, is defined. You cannot change this here. If this
option is not correct then click on to change it.
Rapid Move Heights - displays the Rapid Move Heights dialog
which allows you to change the Safe Area (or any other field).

For more information see Rapid Move Heights (on page 374).

Rotary Toolpath - Technology

Technology specifies the cutting technology used for rotary milling.
Technique - specifies the milling technique (Circle, Line or Spiral).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 687

Circle - the job rotates with the tool at a fixed position, effectively
machining a circle. The tool then steps over the required amount
and machines the next circle.

Line - the tool traverses along the X axis in straight lines, with the
rotary axis only used at the end of each pass to reposition the job.

Spiral - a continuous spiral is cut along the length of the job. To

ensure a clean finish a full circle is cut at the two ends. Since
rotation is continuous, only Climb and Conventional milling are
available (so, you must have a rotary head that can make an
unlimited number of rotations). For the same reason, the Links
section is no longer an option.

Direction - determines whether Climb, Conventional, or Any

methods of milling are used. Some machine tools may have a limited
rotary travel. Selecting Any will alternate the direction of the circles to
prevent the rotary axis from winding up too far.

688 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Y-Offset - distance can be specified to avoid cutting on the centre of the
tool. This view along the X axis shows how an offset tool approaches a
cylindrical shape:

Spiral Pattern Toolpath

Creates a 2D spiral pattern within a boundary and then projects it onto the
model. This pattern is then machined.

Centre Point - defines the origin of the spiral pattern. Since the pattern
is centred at the origin of the active workplane, it may need moving
before it is projected onto the work surface. The spiral can automatically
be centred to the middle of the block by clicking on the Reset to Block
Centre button.
Start and End Radius - control the dimensions of the pattern and
determine whether the tool moves inwards towards the centre of the spiral
or outwards away from the centre. If the end radius is greater than the
start radius, the tool will move outwards. If the start radius is greater than
the end radius, then the tool will move inwards.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 689

This is illustrated in the diagram below:

Polygonisation Tolerance - determines how accurately the spiral

pattern follows a true spiral.
Direction - the tool direction can be either Clockwise or

Surface Finishing
Surface Finishing is similar to Surface Projection Machining,
except that there is no projection. Surface Finishing just machines the
selected surface and will not attempt to machine any other surfaces.

These options are very similar to the Surface Projection toolpath (on
page 668) options.
Surface - determines how the selected surface is machined.
Surface Units (on page 669) - describes how the stepover and limits
are defined.

690 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Surface Side - defines whether the Outside is machined

or whether the Inside is machined.

Pattern (on page 670) - defines the limits and orientation of the toolpath.

When you specify the Stepover for Surface Finishing, it is the

stepover of the contact point of the tool. The graphical
representation of the toolpath in PowerMILL shows the tool tip
position. Therefore there are certain situations (specific part and
tool geometries) where the representation of the toolpath in
PowerMILL looks as though the stepover is not being respected.
This is not the case. If you generate a contact point toolpath you can
see that the stepover is respected.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 691

Surface Finishing Example
This example compares the results of Surface and Surface Projection
finishing using SurfaceFinishing.dgk from the Examples file.
The results of Surface Finishing can be particularly beneficial when
wanting to machine a single surface in a cavity.

1. Select the surface you want to machine:

692 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

2. Click the Strategies button and from the Finishing tab
select the Surface Finishing option:

3. Accept the default options on the Surface Finishing dialog and

click on Apply. Click on Cancel to close the dialog. You can see
the toolpath that is created:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 693

4. Looking in detail:

5. You can now repeat the process but use a strategy of Projection
Surface Finishing again using the default options. In this case
the following toolpath is created:

6. Obviously you can spend time changing the limits so that no

toolpath is created on the top surface.

694 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

7. Looking in detail you can see that, using the defaults, not as much
of the selected surface is machined using the Projection Surface
Finishing strategy as opposed to the Surface Finishing

Swarf Machining - Overview

Swarf Cutting is when you cut with the side of the tool and only works on
developable surfaces as the tool needs to be in contact with the surface for
the whole cutting depth.
For a tool to swarf cut, it has to be able to have contact with the surface at
all points along the cutting edge of the tool. For non-developable surface,
PowerMILL will always leave material on or produce fragmented
toolpaths (rather than gouge). This means that you need to look at parts
carefully before trying to swarf cut them. It may be that rotating the part
(cutting from the side rather than the top of an aerofoil blade) may
produce the desired result. Swarf machining will make every attempt to
machine the selected surfaces but you may have to consider running more
commands including ones with different options for swarf milling to
obtain the best machining results.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 695

It is possible to identify approximately whether a surface is developable
and ruled by shading and also displaying its wire frame geometry within
PowerMILL. You can then orientate the view to be roughly down the
expected tool axis vector. If the surface top edge and the surface bottom
edge appear to be parallel at all points on both edges and no shaded
elements are visible then the surface is roughly developable and ruled.
PowerSHAPE has various functions that allow you to determine whether
swarf machining will machine the surfaces in one command.
Swarf machining therefore differs significantly from Profile machining
(with the lean set to 90). When profile is used, the surface normals along
the edge and the tool direction are used to create the tool-axis and this
axis position can be completely different from the one calculated by swarf

Swarf Machining
Swarf Cutting is when you cut with the side of the tool and only works on
developable surfaces as the tool needs to be in contact with the surface for
the whole cutting depth.

696 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Many options on this dialog are similar to those on the Profile dialog.
The options in the dialog are described using the following model with
the main surface selected.
Drive Curve (on page 698) - determines which surface or set of surfaces
will be used to create the cutting moves.
Lower Limit (on page 700) - determines the location of the toolpath.
Gouge Avoidance (on page 703) - determines what happens to the
swarf toolpath when a surface prevents machining at the lowest position.
This option is only available if you select a Lower Limit of Top or
Bottom (not Automatic).
Multiple Cuts (see "Swarf Machining - Multiple Cuts" on page 706) -
allows multiple toolpaths.
Advanced - displays the following dialog:

Swarf machining automatically creates good results on many complex

parts but there are cases where the balance of tolerances and lengths
chosen to create the toolpath may be inappropriate. The Advanced Swarf
Finishing dialog (on page 709) can sometimes help to improve toolpaths
on complex parts.
Tool Axis

Automatic Direction - PowerMILL uses the geometry to determine the

tool axis.
Tool Axis - displays the Tool Axis Direction dialog. The only
Tool Axis options available are Vertical or Lead / Lean. If you select
Vertical then you don't need the ADVNC and MULTIAXIS licences.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 697

If you select a Tool Axis of lead / Lean you can only select a
Lean Angle.

The Tool Axis Lean Angle is limited to a maximum of 75.

Drive Curve
Drive Curve determines which surface or set of surfaces will be used to
create the cutting moves.
The options in the dialog are described using the following model with
the main surface selected.

Surface Side - determines whether you swarf cut on the Inside.

698 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

or Outside of the surface.

Radial Offset - the gap between the tool and the surface.

Arc Radius (TDU) - enables PowerMILL to put an arc into a sharp


PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 699

Minimum Fanning - as the toolpath moves from one surface to another
there can be a change in the ruling direction. Since the tool aligns itself
with the ruling direction you have to specify the distance over which the
tool can change from one ruling direction to the next. The fanning
distance is measured as the smallest movement on either surface edge (or
the distance the closest part of the tool is to the opposite part of the
surface before fanning starts). The actual fanning distance may be larger
than the Minimum Fanning specified, so as to prevent the toolpath
from gouging.

Pocket Machine - when selected machines areas pocket by pocket,

when unchecked separate areas are machined alternately. Obviously
selecting the Pocket Machine option only makes sense if you allow
multiple cuts (Multiple Cuts Mode is set to anything except Off).
Direction - determines the direction of cut (Climb or Conventional)
for the toolpath.

Lower Limit
Lower Limit determines the location of the toolpath.
The options in the dialog are described using the following model with
the main surface selected.

700 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Base Position - this sets the lowest position of the toolpath.
Automatic - drops the tool onto the part. If no surfaces are
underneath the surface being "swarfed" then no toolpath is
produced in that area. The lack of a base surface accounts for the
lifts in the example below.

Top - machines the top edge of the selected surface.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 701

Bottom - machines the bottom edge of the selected surface. What
happens when the bottom edge is hidden by other surfaces depends
on what you select in the Gouge Avoidance area. The example
below has a Lower Limit of Bottom and a Gouge Avoidance
Strategy of Lift.

Workplane - drops the tool onto the part but never allows it to go below
the specified workplane.
Workplane - the workplane that defines the lower Z Height.

702 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Offset - offsets the lowest position of the toolpath along the tool axis
from the position defined in Base Position.

Looking at a an Offset with a Base Position of Bottom.

Gouge Avoidance
Gouge Avoidance determines what happens to the swarf toolpath
when a surface prevents machining at the lowest position. This option is
only available if you select a Lower Limit of Top or Bottom (not

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 703

The options in the dialog are described using the following model with
the main surface selected.

Strategy - determines how the toolpath behaves when another surface

would cause gouging.
Lift - tries to machine at the lowest position. If it can't machine at
the lowest position the toolpath segments are removed.

704 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Trace - tries to machine at the lowest position. If it can't machine
at the lowest position the toolpath is raised as little as possible until
it reaches a position at which it can machine. It will only raise the
toolpath to a position defined in the Upper Limit field. If you do
not specify an upper limit then an infinite upper limit is assumed.

Upper Limit - determines whether you want to set an upper limit on

how far the toolpath can be raised or not. Once you get above this limit
then the toolpath segments are removed. This option only becomes
available if a Strategy of Trace is selected and Gouge Check is On.
None - if there is no upper limit specified it is assumed that there
is an infinite limit.
Top - the limit is determined as the distance from the top edge.
Bottom - the limit is determined as the distance from the bottom
Workplane - drops the tool onto the part but never allows it to
machine above the specified workplane.
Workplane - the workplane that defines the upper Z Height.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 705

Upper Limit Value - the maximum height of the toolpath.

Swarf Machining - Multiple Cuts

Multiple Cuts allows multiple toolpaths.
The options in the dialog are described using the following model with
the main surface selected.

Mode - determines how the multiple swarf toolpaths are created.

706 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Off - only a single toolpath is created.

Offset Down - offsets the top cutting path , moving down.

Offset Up - offsets the bottom cutting path , moving up.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 707

Offset Merge - offsets the top and bottom cutting path merging
from one to the other.

Maximum Stepdown - the maximum distance between successive

Number of Cuts - limits the number of passes when creating a toolpath
with multiple cuts. Selecting Number of Cuts and entering a value of 3
will give this result:

708 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Advanced Swarf Finishing dialog
This is available by clicking on the Advanced button at the bottom of
the Swarf Machining dialog.

Smoothing Up/Down Axis (TDU)) - allows the command to smooth

out regions of toolpath within the supplied tolerance.
Surface Joining Tolerance - this value may be used to disassociate
the machining tolerance from the tolerance used to define what is a gap
between surfaces. Occasionally a machining tolerance will be chosen that
is smaller than the gap between surfaces. When this occurs two segments
of toolpath will be created. To ensure one continuous toolpath across a
gap a larger surface joining tolerance may be used.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 709

Surface Joining Tolerance 0.0

710 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Surface Joining Tolerance 0.6

Degouge Tolerance - the maximum distance (in addition to radial

offset) that is used to push the tool away from the surfaces to avoid
gouges. It defines the upper acceptable bound for this intermediate form
of gouge avoidance. If gouges greater than this value are detected then the
tool will be lifted axially to avoid the gouge.
This value can therefore be used to control the location and amount of
material left on non-swarfable surfaces. For example, if material on a
surface can mostly be machined by swarf machining, but there is a region
where 3 mm of material could be left then you can choose a radial offset
of 3 mm to leave 3mm of material on the whole of the surface or you can
set a radial offset of zero and a degouge tolerance of 3 mm. In the latter
case, the surface will be completely machined where possible, but some
material of up to 3mm will be left on a part of the surface.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 711

Degouge Tolerance remains in effect even if Gouge Check is
not selected.
Axis Calculation Tolerance - for a relatively rare number of
geometries, the tool axis can waver slightly as it positions accurately on
the surfaces to be machined. This can be due to small but significant
changes in the geometry as the tool moves from one position to another.
To allow a degree of latitude for the command, this tolerance can be set to
a value larger than the machining tolerance to allow the tool axis to be
stabilised as it moves across this geometrically varying region. As a
consequence excess material may be left on the surface involved but the
load on the tool may be reduced.
No Axis Calculation Tolerance

712 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Axis Calculation Tolerance 0.5

Fan at end on Planes - when selected means that fanning will happen
only in the end region of a plane. When deselected means that fanning
will happen everywhere.
Reverse Axis - rotates the axis direction by 180.
Follow Surface Laterals - when selected, the swarf toolpath follows
the underlying surface rulings.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 713

When deselected this is not necessarily the case.

Wireframe Swarf Finishing

Wireframe Swarf Machining enables you to create a swarf toolpath
from two wireframe curves. PowerMILL creates a toolpath cutting with
the side of the tool as the tool follows the two curves. As with Swarf
Machining you must be able to create a developable surface from the two
wireframe curves. For more information see Swarf Machining (on page
To create a wireframe swarf toolpath you must first create a Pattern
from each curve. It is important to Instrument the patterns to ensure that
the patterns are in the same direction.

714 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

If they aren't you must select one of the patterns and then from the
Pattern Object right click menu select the Edit - Reverse Selected

Wireframe Swarf Finishing

Wireframe Swarf Machining enables you to create a swarf toolpath
from two wireframe curves. PowerMILL creates a toolpath cutting with
the side of the tool as the tool follows the two curves. As with Swarf
Machining you must be able to create a developable surface from the two
wireframe curves. For more information see Swarf Machining (on page

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 715

The Wireframe Swarf Finishing dialog is very
similar to the Swarf Finishing dialog .

Drive Curve (on page 698) - determines which surface or set of surfaces
will be used to create the cutting moves. The options which aren't the
same as in the Swarf Finishing dialog are described below.
Top Wireframe - select the Pattern which is used to define the top
from the drop-down list.
Bottom Wireframe - select the Pattern which is used to define the
bottom from the drop-down list.

716 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Wireframe Side - select which side of the pattern you want to

Selecting the Left Side creates the following toolpath:

Selecting the Right Side creates the following toolpath:

Lower Limit (on page 700) - determines the location of the toolpath.
Gouge Avoidance (on page 703) - determines what happens to the
swarf toolpath when a surface prevents machining at the lowest position.
This option is only available if you select a Lower Limit of Top or
Bottom (not Automatic).
Multiple Cuts (see "Swarf Machining - Multiple Cuts" on page 706) -
allows multiple toolpaths.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 717

Advanced - displays the following dialog:

Wireframe swarf machining automatically creates good results on many

complex parts but there are cases where the balance of tolerances and
lengths chosen to create the toolpath may be inappropriate. The Advanced
Wireframe Swarf Finishing dialog can sometimes help to improve
toolpaths on complex parts.
Angular Ruling Tolerance - the angular tolerance used when
generating ruling between two wireframe curves. This creates the ruling
by matching the top and bottom normals within the angular tolerance.
This is similar to the creation of developable surface from two rail curves.
The remainder of this dialog is the same as Advanced Swarf Finishing
Dialog (on page 709).
Wireframe Swarf Preview (on page 718) - displays the rulings
between curves based on the input ruling tolerance so that you can
simulate the result, alter the tolerance until you are happy and then
calculate the toolpath.

Wireframe Swarf Preview

The Wireframe Swarf Preview functionality differs slightly from the
Swarf Preview functionality. The Wireframe Swarf Preview just
displays the rulings between curves based on the input ruling tolerance so
that you can simulate the result, alter the tolerance until you are happy
and then calculate the toolpath.

718 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Selecting the Draw option and then clicking on the Preview button on
the Wireframe Swarf Finishing dialog prior to calculating the toolpath
will show the following:

Zooming in you can see the rulings more clearly:

The remainder of the dialog is the same as Swarf Machining (on page

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 719

Plunge Milling
Plunge milling is where a specialised cutting tool is used to remove large
amounts of material from a component through a series of vertical
plunging movements. The major benefit of plunge machining is that
material removal rates can be very high and in certain cases exceed rates
achievable by more conventional profile machining. Plunge machining
places extreme demands on both CNC machine and cutting tool. As such
it is vital that you fully understand the limitations of your production
facilities before undertaking any plunge machining. Failure to recognise
these limitations and work within them can lead to severe damage to your
To create a Plunge Milling toolpath you must have an existing toolpath
which provides the pattern for the plunge milling toolpath and a stock
model which defines the current state of the stock. You must be careful
about entry points and pre-drill holes into any pockets otherwise they will
be ignored.
A more detailed document Plunge Machining Guidelines gives
general advice on using plunge milling toolpaths.

Toolpath - an existing toolpath which provides the pattern for the

plunge milling toolpath.
Stock Model - defines the current state of the stock.
Core Radius - the radius of the central portion of the tool where there
are no cutting edges.

720 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Pull Back Distance - the distance that the tool will pull back away
from the model to ensure that there are no dwell marks on the part or
extraneous cutting moves added. During Plunge Milling, the tool is
placed under enormous stress; this causes the tool to be deflected. For this
reason, it is often necessary to pull the tool back from the part at the end
of each cutting move. This releases the stresses and the tool reverts to its
original shape so you don't get any unexpected cutting moves.

Example Using Plunge Milling

This uses Impeller.dgk.

1. Create a Block and a 20mm End Mill Tool .

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 721

2. Create a Raster Finishing Toolpath .

3. Create a Stock Model of the block by selecting Create from the

Stock Models right click menu. Then on the Stock Model
Object menu select Apply Block and then Calculate.

4. From the Toolpath Strategies button select the 3D Area

Clearance tab and then Plunge Milling .
5. This displays the Plunge Milling dialog.

722 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

In the Toolpath drop-down list select the Raster Finishing
Toolpath created in step 2 . This is used to act as a pattern for the
Plunge Milling toolpath.
In the Stock Model drop-down list select the stock model created
in step 3. This displays the un-machined stock so PowerMILL can
work out what material needs to be removed.
Enter a Core Radius of 2. This defines the central portion of the
tool where there are no cutting edges.
Enter a Pull Back Distance of 0.5. This defines the distance that
the tool will pull back away from the model to ensure that there are
no dwell marks on the part or extraneous cutting moves added.
During Plunge Milling, the tool is placed under enormous stress;
this causes the tool to be deflected. For this reason, it is often
necessary to pull the tool back from the part at the end of each
cutting move. This releases the stresses and the tool reverts to its
original shape so you don't get any unexpected cutting moves.
Click on Apply.
6. The Plunge Milling toolpath is now calculated.

7. It is easier to see this toolpath using the new ViewMill

Simulation. From the Plunge Mill Toolpath right click menu
select Animate - Start. This raises the Simulation Toolbar.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 723

8. Click on the ViewMill Toggle button and click on Play .

9. You can see that this creates a very rapid volume removal rate, but
it is likely that this will need to be followed by a rest roughing

724 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Port Machining
The Ports tab on the Toolpath Strategy New dialog defines how
the model will be port machined.

In all cases the strategies create toolpaths in a port (or tube) and the
toolpath retracts back safely up the port. An approximate centreline of the
port is required.

Port Machining strategies only work with spherical tools (ball

nosed and spherical tipped disc tools).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 725

Selecting one of the options from this dialog and then clicking on the OK
button creates a batch toolpath and then displays the Port Machining

The left side of the dialog is standard for all toolpaths and defines the
parameters used to create the toolpath (such as the tool, tolerance,
stepover, boundary, leads and links required for toolpath).
The right hand half of the dialog contains data that is specific to one type
of toolpath or a particular strategy type.
The batch toolpath is automatically created in the explorer.

726 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

You can tell that it is a batch toolpath because of the .
This is converted to a complete toolpath once you enter the relevant
values on the finishing dialog and click on the Apply button on the
Machining dialog.
For more information on the New dialog see Toolpath Strategies (on
page 467) in the reference documentation.

Port Machining Strategies

Defines the Port Machining strategy that you want to use.

The various strategies are listed below:

Port Area Clearance (on page 734)

- creates a toolpath by offsetting the
model and block. This technique is
best suited to machining areas which
require a constant stepover and works
well on near vertical surfaces.
Port Plunge Finishing (on page
741) - enables plunge machining
inside a port. Plunge machining
automatically creates good retract
moves. All plunge toolpaths are
continuous 5-axis toolpaths.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 727

Port Spiral Finishing (on page
744) - enables spiral machining inside
a port.

When you create a toolpath, you raise the appropriate dialog, fill in the
required fields, and then click Apply. The toolpath is created and the
dialog used to create it is displayed, but with nearly all the options
dimmed except for the buttons at the top.

Recycle Toolpath - enables you to edit the parameters of the

toolpath you have just created, and then recalculate it. The new toolpath
will overwrite the previous one.

Copy Toolpath - enables you to make a copy the toolpath you

have just created. The copy has the same name as the previous one, but
with the addition of _1. You can then change any parameters you want
and recalculate it.
Clicking either of these buttons will re-activate the dimmed fields.

Defines the name of the toolpath. This name will appear in Explorer.

The tool used to calculate the toolpath is displayed in the Tool area:

Create Tool - this works in exactly the same way as on the Tool
toolbar, allowing you to create a new tool. For more information, see
Tool Toolbar (on page 857).

728 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Active Tool - displays the active tool (the tool that will be
used to calculate the toolpath). The drop-down list displays all the
defined tools. Selecting one of the tools from the list will make that tool
the active tool.

Editor - this works in exactly the same way as Edit Tool on the
Tool Toolbar (on page 857). It displays the specific Tool dialog of the
active tool. If you edit this dialog, it will edit your active tool.

The tolerance used to calculate the toolpath is displayed in the
Tolerances area:

Tolerance - determines how accurately the toolpath follows the

contours defined by the model file.
Point Distribution (on page 448) - enables you to alter the point
distribution of the toolpath.
Thickness (see "Radial and Axial Thickness" on page 486) - specifies
the amount of material to be left on within tolerance.

If you click the Thickness button, the Thickness field changes to

Radial Thickness and the Axial Thickness field also
becomes available so you can specify different values for Radial and
Axial Thickness.

To avoid too much material being removed, Thickness should be

greater than Tolerance.
Thickness - displays the Component Thickness dialog (see
"Surface Thickness dialog" on page 455), which allows you to specify the
thicknesses of the different surfaces.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 729

The stepover frame varies between an area clearance and a finishing
Port Area Clearance Stepover frame.

Stepover - defines the distance between successive machining passes

(see ).
Stepdown - defines the distance between different machining levels.
(see ).

Port Finishing Stepover frame.

730 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Stepacross - defines the distance between successive machining passes
(see ).

The boundary used to calculate the toolpath is displayed in the
Boundary area:

Create Boundary - this works in exactly the same way as the

Create Boundary option on the Boundary toolbar (on page 965), and
is also equivalent to selecting Create Boundary from the Boundaries
context menu (see "Creating Boundaries" on page 129) in Explorer.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 731

It allows you to create a new boundary. For more information, see
Boundary Entity (see "Boundaries" on page 128). The drop-down list
contains the different boundary types:

Selected Boundary - the drop-down list to the right of

Create Boundary displays the boundary that will be used to
limit the toolpath. The drop-down list displays all the defined
boundaries. The selected boundary becomes the active boundary. If you
don't want to use a boundary to calculate the toolpath, then select a blank
boundary from the list.

Editor - displays the Boundary Editor dialog that allows you to

edit the active boundary.
Trimming - trims the toolpath to the active boundary. There are two
Keep Inside - the toolpath generated inside of the boundary is kept.
Keep Outside - the toolpath generated outside of the boundary is

732 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Using the powerdrill example, define the Block and Tool, and then
sketch a boundary:

Then use Constant Z Finishing and select Boundary Trimming to

be Keep Inside the following toolpath is generated:

Leads and Links

A summary of the leads and links used to calculate the toolpath is
displayed in the Leads and Links area.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 733

The Lead In, Lead Out, Short Links and Long Links fields display
the leads and links used to create the toolpath. You cannot edit these
fields here. They simply display the values defined in the Leads and
Links dialog .
Leads and Links - displays the Leads and Links (on page 382)
dialog, which enables you to edit the Leads and Links.

Tool Axis
Tool Axis - displays the tool axis that will be used to create the toolpath.

- displays the Tool Axis Direction (on page 411) dialog, which
enables you to edit the tool axis.

Preview - for some toolpaths, displays the pattern that will be used to
create the toolpath.
Draw - defines whether or not the preview pattern is displayed on screen.

Port Area Clearance

Port Area Clearance enables rapid removal of material inside a port.

734 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Pattern - the pattern serves three purposes:
1. Indicates the port to machine. The pattern must be entirely within
the port you want to machine.
2. Controls the orientation of the slices. The slices are normal to the
pattern. If you use Workplane Limits then the workplanes override
the pattern.
3. Determines which end of the port is machined first.
A typical pattern can be seen in below.

Clearance (on page 736) - the tool shank and holder clearance. This is
in addition to any Thickness defined and is added to the side of the tool
to avoid collision with cusps or un-machined material. Port Machining
uses a series of 3+2 Axis machining strategies wherever possible. The
clearance value dictates when PowerMILL needs to change from one axis
to the next.
Limits (on page 736) - determines what portion of the model is
machined. By default the whole model is machined.
Ramping - determines how the tool descends into the block.
Slope Angle - the angle of descent as the tool ramps into the block.
Ramp Diameter (TDU) - the ramp moves are made in a circle
spiralling down into the block. The Ramp Diameter controls the
maximum circle diameter in Tool Diameter Units (on page 739).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 735

Machining Options (on page 737) - determines which ends of the ports
are used and how far you machine down each end of the port.

Clearance - the tool holder, shank and side of cutter clearance.

Holder Clearance
Shank Clearance
Tool Shaft Clearance

PowerMILL automatically adds a small tapered clearance around

the bottom of the shaft of the cutter. The length of the tapered
portion is the same as the tool radius.


Limits determines what portion of the model is machined and controls

the direction of the slices. By default the whole model is machined.

The limits are at the tool centre (sphere centre) not the tool tip

736 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Workplane Limits - if selected the toolpath is limited to the workplanes
specified below. If workplane limits are used then the plane of the slices
is interpolated between the XY planes of the two workplanes.
Upper Limit - select a workplane to define the upper machining limit
(say in the figure below).
Lower Limit - select a workplane to define the lower machining limit
(say in the figure below).

Limits are useful when:

1. The pattern extends beyond the end of the port.
2. The orientation of the port doesn't match the plane normal to the
pattern. Port machining only machines closed slices.
3. You only want to machine part of the port.

Machining Options

Machining Options - determines which ends of the ports are used and
how far you machine down each end of the port.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 737

Machine - determines which ends of the ports are used and how far you
machine down each end of the port. One end of the port is called End
(say in the figure below) and the other Start (say in the figure

Maximum from End - machines as far as possible down one end of

the port before machining down the other end of the port. Using the
diagram above, PowerMILL would machine as far as possible from
before trying to machine from .
Maximum from Start - machines as far as possible down the other
Start end of the port before machining down the other end of the
port. Using the diagram above, PowerMILL would machine as far
as possible from before trying to machine from .
Equally from Ends - machines equally down both ends of the port.
From End Only - machines as far as possible down one end of the
port only. Using the diagram above, PowerMILL would machine
as far as possible from .
From Start Only - machines as far as possible down the other Start
end of the port only. Using the diagram above, PowerMILL would
machine as far as possible from .

The Start and End are determined by the direction of the Pattern.
Workplane limits override the Pattern direction.
Spiral - spirals inside slices.

738 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Partial - if there are full slices which cannot be machined from either
end, then Partial machines the maximum possible area (while avoiding
collisions). This calculation is slower and some rest material will remain.

Tool Diameter Units

Tool Diameter Units - is the distance relative to the tool diameter. So
with a 10mm tool and a TDU of 0.5, this gives an actual value of 5mm.

Port Machining Area Clearance Machining Strategy

PowerMILL will start machining the port with a 3-Axis strategy if it can.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 739

Once it can no longer create the toolpath without a collision, PowerMILL
automatically creates a tool axis which will enable further 3+2 Axis
machining. This continues down the port and PowerMILL will then
create a 5-Axis strategy if necessary.

Once no further toolpath can be created while accessing one side of the
port, PowerMILL accesses the port from the other end and applies the
same principle of machining with 3+2 Axis strategies wherever possible.

740 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Port Plunge Finishing
Port Plunge Finishing enables plunge machining inside a port. Plunge
machining automatically creates good retract moves. All plunge toolpaths
are continuous 5-Axis toolpaths.

Pattern - defines the location of the port and the orientation of the
subsequent machining. For more information, see Port Area Clearance
(on page 734).
Clearance (on page 736) - the tool holder, shank and side of cutter

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 741

Limits (on page 736) - determines what portion of the model is
machined. By default the whole model is machined.
Direction - defines whether you want Climb, Conventional or Any
(both climb and conventional milling).
Merge (on page 742) - determines how the machining from either end of
the port meets.

Merge determines how the machining from either end of the port meets.

Merge Point - determines how far (as a percentage) you machine down
each end of the port.
Lift Start - the distance before the Merge Point that the tool starts to
Overlap - the distance centred on the Merge Point that the toolpaths
overlap. This is an actual value (not a percentage).
Lift Height - the distance away from the port walls (into the centre) that
the tool lifts at the Merge Point. The lift at the end of the toolpath
segment will be greater.

742 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Lift Start and Lift Height are needed to minimise the effects of
tool springback. When you machine the port from the first end, the
tool is plunging into thick material and the resulting forces push the
tool away from the side of the port (leaving small amounts of
material on the port). Now you machine from the other end. Initially
there are similar forces on the tool (causing springback), but when
the tool reaches the start of the overlap distance, the forces
suddenly change and the tool springback suddenly reduces. This
looks like a "dig in" but is actually just machining to the required
depth. The Lift Start and Lift Height values minimise this effect.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 743

Port Spiral Finishing
Port Spiral Finishing enables spiral machining inside a port.

Pattern - defines the location of the port and the orientation of the
subsequent machining. For more information, see Port Area Clearance
(on page 734).
Clearance (on page 736) - the tool holder, shank and side of cutter

744 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Limits (on page 736) - determines what portion of the model is
machined. By default the whole model is machined.
Direction - defines whether you want Climb, Conventional or Any
(both climb and conventional milling).
Merge (on page 742) - determines how the machining from either end of
the port meets.

The Blisks tab on the Toolpath Strategy New dialog contains the
area clearance and finishing strategies required to machine a blisk or

Blisk machining strategies only work with:

Spherical tools (ball nosed, tapered spherical, and spherical tipped
disc tools).
A cylindrical symmetric hub containing one untrimmed surface of
A cylindrical symmetric shroud containing one untrimmed surface
of revolution that must match the blade (and splitter) profile.
At least 2 blades.
If there is a splitter blade, it must extend as far radially as the left
and right blade.
The fillet must be in the same level (or set) as the blade.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 745

Selecting one of the options from this dialog and then clicking OK
creates a batch toolpath and displays the Blisk Area Clearance dialog.

Blisk Machining Strategies

Defines the Blisk Machining strategy that you want to use.

746 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The various strategies are listed below:

Blisk Area Clearance (on page

755) - enables rapid removal of
material when machining a blisk.

Blade Finishing (on page 763) -

finish machines the blades.

Hub Finishing (on page 766) -

finish machines the hub.

When you create a toolpath, you raise the appropriate dialog, fill in the
required fields, and then click Apply. The toolpath is created and the
dialog used to create it is displayed, but with nearly all the options
dimmed except for the buttons at the top.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 747

Recycle Toolpath - enables you to edit the parameters of the
toolpath you have just created, and then recalculate it. The new toolpath
will overwrite the previous one.

Copy Toolpath - enables you to make a copy the toolpath you

have just created. The copy has the same name as the previous one, but
with the addition of _1. You can then change any parameters you want
and recalculate it.
Clicking either of these buttons will re-activate the dimmed fields.

Defines the name of the toolpath. This name will appear in Explorer.

The tool used to calculate the toolpath is displayed in the Tool area:

Create Tool - this works in exactly the same way as on the Tool
toolbar, allowing you to create a new tool. For more information, see
Tool Toolbar (on page 857).
Active Tool - displays the active tool (the tool that will be
used to calculate the toolpath). The drop-down list displays all the
defined tools. Selecting one of the tools from the list will make that tool
the active tool.

Editor - this works in exactly the same way as Edit Tool on the
Tool Toolbar (on page 857). It displays the specific Tool dialog of the
active tool. If you edit this dialog, it will edit your active tool.

The tolerance used to calculate the toolpath is displayed in the
Tolerances area:

748 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tolerance - determines how accurately the toolpath follows the
contours defined by the model file. the Thickness button is greyed
out as you can only specify a general Thickness value, you cannot have
have differing Radial and Axial Thickness values.
Point Distribution (on page 448) - enables you to alter the point
distribution of the toolpath.
Thickness (see "Radial and Axial Thickness" on page 486) - specifies
the amount of material to be left on within tolerance.

To avoid too much material being removed, Thickness should be

greater than Tolerance.
Thickness - displays the Component Thickness dialog (see
"Surface Thickness dialog" on page 455), which allows you to specify the
thicknesses of the different surfaces.

The stepover frame varies between an area clearance and a finishing
Blisk Area Clearance Stepover frame.

Stepover - defines the distance between successive machining passes

(see ).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 749

Stepdown - defines the distance between different machining levels.
(see ).

Blisk Finishing Stepover frame.

750 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Stepdown - defines the distance between successive machining passes
(see ).

The boundary used to calculate the toolpath is displayed in the
Boundary area:

Create Boundary - this works in exactly the same way as the

Create Boundary option on the Boundary toolbar (on page 965), and
is also equivalent to selecting Create Boundary from the Boundaries
context menu (see "Creating Boundaries" on page 129) in Explorer.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 751

It allows you to create a new boundary. For more information, see
Boundary Entity (see "Boundaries" on page 128). The drop-down list
contains the different boundary types:

Selected Boundary - the drop-down list to the right of

Create Boundary displays the boundary that will be used to
limit the toolpath. The drop-down list displays all the defined
boundaries. The selected boundary becomes the active boundary. If you
don't want to use a boundary to calculate the toolpath, then select a blank
boundary from the list.

Editor - displays the Boundary Editor dialog that allows you to

edit the active boundary.
Trimming - trims the toolpath to the active boundary. There are two
Keep Inside - the toolpath generated inside of the boundary is kept.
Keep Outside - the toolpath generated outside of the boundary is

752 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Using the powerdrill example, define the Block and Tool, and then
sketch a boundary:

Then use Constant Z Finishing and select Boundary Trimming to

be Keep Inside the following toolpath is generated:

Leads and Links

A summary of the leads and links used to calculate the toolpath is
displayed in the Leads and Links area.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 753

The Lead In, Lead Out, Short Links and Long Links fields display
the leads and links used to create the toolpath. You cannot edit these
fields here. They simply display the values defined in the Leads and
Links dialog .
Leads and Links - displays the Leads and Links (on page 382)
dialog, which enables you to edit the Leads and Links.

Tool Axis
Tool Axis - displays the tool axis that will be used to create the toolpath.

- displays the Tool Axis Direction (on page 411) dialog, which
enables you to edit the tool axis.

By default this is set to Automatic which is the recommended

Tool Axis.

If the Tool Axis is set to anything other than Automatic an

intentionally unsafe toolpath is produced. The toolpath will have the
desired tool axis with NO attempt is to make it safe. This toolpath
can be used as a starting point to construct a toolpath by other
methods (such as pattern machining or manual tool axis editing) if
automatic tool axis proves unsuccessful.

754 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Blisk area clearance
Blisk Area Clearance enables rapid removal of material when
machining a blisk or impeller. Blisk area clearance only machines down
to a level that it can machine completely.

Blisk Definition - defines the different parts of the blisk or impeller,

and how many blades you want to machine. Initially, you must define the
geometry that makes up the individual components of a blisk. Each of the
blisk components must be grouped together into a single Level or Set.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 755

A blisk such as:

which contains no splitter blades or fillets, can be represented as:

- hub
- shroud
- left blade
- right blade

756 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

An impeller such as:

Can be represented as:

- hub
- left blade
- right blade
- splitter blade
- fillet for left blade
- fillet for splitter blade
- fillet for right blade

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 757

The shroud isn't displayed, but is required.
When defining your levels/sets they must contain the following surfaces:
Hub level/set must contain surfaces .
Shroud level/set must contain surfaces .
Fillets level/set must contain surfaces , and .
Left Blade level/set must contain surfaces and .
Right Blade level/set must contain surfaces and .
Splitter Blade level/set must contain surfaces and .

Hub - select the Level or Set that defines the hub geometry from
the drop-down list.
Shroud - select the Level or Set that defines the initial
unmachined stock geometry from the drop-down list.
Fillets - select the Level or Set that defines the fillet geometry
from the drop-down list. All the fillets must also be in the Level or
Set that defines the blade.

Since entities can be in only one level (but can belong to

many sets) if levels are used to define the blade, then a set
must be used to define the fillets. The fillet surface must
belong to both the level defining the blade and the set
defining the fillet.
Left Blade - select the Level or Set that defines the left blade
(and any fillet) geometry from the drop-down list.

The left blade must be positioned clockwise from the right

blade. So the left blade is the blade on the left when viewed
looking into the gap that will be machined, in the direction of
the central axis, with the Z axis of the active workplane
pointing upwards.
Right Blade - select the Level or Set that defines the right blade
(and any fillet) geometry from the drop-down list.

The right blade must be positioned counter-clockwise from

the left blade.

758 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Splitter Blade - select the Level or Set that defines the splitter
blade (and any fillet) geometry from the drop-down list.
Hub - select the Level or Set that defines the hub geometry from
the drop-down list.
Machine - the number of blades you want to machine.
One Blade - area clears between the two selected blades.

All Blades - area clears the whole blisk.

Total Number - the total number of blades on the blisk. This

option is only available if you select a Machine option of All
Calculate - automatically calculates the Number of blades on the
Tool Axis Elevation - these options are only available if you select a
Tool Axis of Automatic.
From - defines the initial target tool axis.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 759

Radial Vector - a radial tool axis normal to the Z axis.
Hub Normal - a tool axis normal to the hub. This gives a
continuously changing elevation angle.
Shroud Normal - a tool axis normal to the shroud. This gives
a continuously changing elevation angle.
Offset Normal - a tool axis normal to the current toolpath
offset. This gives a continuously changing elevation angle.
Average Hub Normal - a tool axis which is the average angle
if Hub Normal was selected. This gives a constant target
elevation angle. If possible, PowerMILL will keep to this angle;
otherwise PowerMILL deviates as necessary.
Average Shroud Normal - a tool axis which is the average
angle if Shroud Normal was selected. This gives a constant
target elevation angle. If possible, PowerMILL will keep to this
angle; otherwise PowerMILL deviates as necessary.
Average Offset Normal - a tool axis which is the average
angle if Offset Normal was selected. This gives a constant
target elevation angle. If possible, PowerMILL will keep to this
angle; otherwise PowerMILL deviates as necessary.
Angle - elevation angle. This option is only available with a From
of Radial Vector.
Machining - defines the offset profile, order and direction for
Offset - defines how to offset from the hub profile to the shroud
Off - only machines the last slice, closest to the hub. This is
equivalent to selecting the Hub Finishing (on page 766)
Offset Down - offsets the shroud profile. The offsets continue
as an offset of the shroud until the hub profile is reached, at
which point the hub profile is followed.
Offset Up - offsets the hub profile.
Merge - starts by offsetting the shroud profile and slowly
migrates the offset so that at the end it's offsetting the hub

760 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

An offset of Merge gives this result:

- shows the first offset which follows the shroud profile.

- shows the last offset which follows the hub profile.
- shows the hub.
- shows the shroud.
The profiles between the first and last offsets gradually change
from the shroud profile to the hub profile.
Pocket machine - when selected, PowerMILL machines one
pocket at a time. When unselected, PowerMILL machines one
level at a time. This option is only available if you select a
Machine of All Blades.
Pocket machine is selected:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 761

Pocket machine is unselected:

Direction - determines the milling strategy.

Climb - creates toolpaths using only climb milling.
Conventional - creates toolpaths using only conventional or
'upcut' milling.
Any - creates toolpaths using both conventional and climb
milling, as appropriate.

Blisk Area Clearance will not machine below a level that it has
not machined completely.

762 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Blade finishing
Blade Finishing finish machines the blades of a blisk or impeller.
Whether this is done one blade at a time or one pocket at a time depends
on the Machining Operation selected.

This diagram shows Machine - One Blade and an Operation of

Machine All Faces.
The majority of this dialog works in exactly the same way as the Blisk
Area Clearance (on page 755) dialog.
Blisk Definition - defines the different parts of the blisk or impeller,
and how many blades you want to machine.
Tool Axis Elevation - defines the initial target tool axis.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 763

Machining - defines the offset profile, order and direction for
machining. The only additional option here is Operation.
Operation - defines which faces of the blades are machined.
Machine Left Blade - all the faces of the left hand blade are
machined. This option minimises the number of lifts. If this
option is combined with Machine of All Blades, then all the
blades are machined completely.

Machine All Faces - machines all the faces in the pocket.

Machine Splitter - machines all the faces of the splitter.
Left and Splitter Blades - machines all the faces of the left
blade, and all the faces of the splitter.
Right and Splitter Blades - machines all the faces of the
right blade, and all the faces of the splitter.

Machine Left Blade and Machine All Faces produce

toolpaths encompassing the whole blisk (assuming the blisk
has no splitter blades) if a Machine option of All Blades is
selected. However, the actual toolpaths and leads and links
will look different.

764 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

When finishing single blades, the blades on either side of the
blade being machined must be modelled (though they don't
have to be on any particular level or set).

- blade to be machined.
, - blades which must be modelled, but don't need to
be on any specific level or set.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 765

Hub finishing
Hub Finishing finish machines the hub between two blades.

The majority of this dialog works in the same way as the Blisk Area
Clearance (on page 755) dialog.
Blisk Definition - defines the different parts of the blisk or impeller,
and how many blades you want to machine.
Tool Axis Elevation - defines the initial target tool axis.
Machining - defines the offset profile, order and direction for

The only difference is that Machine gives you the option of One
Pocket or All Pockets.

766 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Example of Blisk machining
This example looks at how to set up and machine a simple blisk. It uses
Blisk_Simple.dgk in the Examples folder.

1. Create the Levels and Sets (on page 767).

2. Define the Block and Tool (on page 769).
3. Define Surface default thickness (on page 770).
4. Create the Blisk Area Clearance toolpath (on page 771).
5. Define appropriate Leads and Links (on page 772).

Create the levels and sets

To machine a blisk, each blisk components must be grouped into a series
of levels or sets. The model in this example contains the necessary levels
and sets.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 767

There is no reason why Whole Blisk is a set and the rest are levels.
Whole Blisk could have been a level, with all the rest being sets. They
can't all be levels as Whole Blisk contains entities which are in the other
levels/sets. What is important is that the hub, shroud, left blade, right
blade and splitter blade (if they exist) are all in individual levels/sets.

- hub
- shroud
- left blade
- right blade
These four sets/levels are the only surfaces that are required to machine
the whole blisk.

768 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Define the block and tool
The block is a simple cylindrical block.

1. Create a cylindrical Block .

2. Create a 25mm diameter Ball Nosed Tool .

On the Tip tab, enter:
Diameter - 25
Length - 80
On the Shank tab, click on the Add a Shank component
button, and enter:
Upper diameter - 25

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 769

Length - 80

Define surface default thickness

For all Blisk Machining strategies, you must have a Shroud defined as
a Level or Set. However, this surface must be ignored when creating the
toolpath, otherwise it would be impossible for the tool to access the
material to be removed.
1. In the Thickness Preferences dialog, open the Surface
Defaults tab.

2. Select the first thickness set in the list , and a Machining

Mode of Ignore.

770 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

3. Select the Shroud in the graphics window, and click the Acquire

Component button.
4. Click Accept.

Create the Blisk area clearance toolpath

You have now completed the setup, and can create the toolpath.

1. Click the Toolpath Strategies button, open the Blisks tab,

and then select the Blisk AreaClear Model strategy.

This example uses a coarse Tolerance, Stepover and

The Tool Axis is set to Automatic.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 771

2. Select the appropriate levels (or sets) to define the Hub, Shroud,
Left Blade and Right Blade. Leave the Splitter Blade field
3. Select a machine of One Blade if you want to minimise
machining time. Otherwise, select a Machine of All Blades, and
click the Calculate button to area clear the whole blisk.
4. Select an Elevation From of Hub Normal, and an Offset of
Offset Up.
5. Click Calculate to compute the toolpath.

Define appropriate leads and links

The cutting moves of the toolpath created in Create the Blisk area
clearance toolpath (on page 771) are correct, but the links need to be
defined appropriately. One of possible solutions is offered below:

772 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

1. In the Leads and Links dialog, click the Lead In tab.

1st Choice - Extended Move
Distance - 10
Click Copy to Lead Out to copy these valued to the Lead Out
2. Open the Links tab.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 773

Short/long Threshold - 100
Short - Circular Arc
Along - Tool Axis
Automatically - selected
Maximum Length - 250
3. Click Apply to apply the changes to the active toolpath.

When the Allow Start Points to be Moved on the Lead In tab

of the Leads and Links dialog is selected, then the lead in and
lead out moves of closed toolpath segments are placed in the middle
of the concave part of the main blade. This can leave witness marks
on the part. If you deselect this option, the closed toolpath segments
start and end at the Z minimum of each blade.

774 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The Drilling tab on the Toolpath Strategy New dialog defines
how the model will be machined during drilling.

Selecting Drilling from this dialog and then clicking on the OK button
creates a batch toolpath and then displays the Drilling dialog.
Before outputting any drilling toolpaths please ensure that your post
processor is configured to support drilling.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 775

This dialog defines which holes to drill and how to drill them.

New Dialog
This dialog enables you to select the type of toolpath that you want to

Selecting one of the options from this dialog and then clicking on the OK
button does one of two things:

776 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

If you select a Strategy then a batch toolpath is created and the
Drilling dialog is displayed.

The left side of the dialog is standard for all toolpaths and defines
the parameters used to create the toolpath (such as the tool,
thickness and links required for toolpath).
The right hand half of the dialog contains data that is specific to
The batch toolpath is automatically created in the Explorer.
This is converted to a complete toolpath once you enter the
relevant values on the finishing dialog and click on the Apply
button on the Drilling dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 777

If you select a Method then a batch toolpath is created and the
Drilling Methods dialog is displayed.

The list includes some basic methods. You can create your own methods
to suit your particular way of working. For more information see Drilling
Method (on page 814).
For more information on the New dialog see Toolpath Strategies (on
page 467).

778 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

When you create a toolpath, you raise the appropriate dialog, fill in the
required fields, and then click Apply. The toolpath is created and the
dialog used to create it is displayed, but with nearly all the options
dimmed except for the buttons at the top.

Recycle Toolpath - enables you to edit the parameters of the

toolpath you have just created, and then recalculate it. The new toolpath
will overwrite the previous one.

Copy Toolpath - enables you to make a copy the toolpath you

have just created. The copy has the same name as the previous one, but
with the addition of _1. You can then change any parameters you want
and recalculate it.
Clicking either of these buttons will re-activate the dimmed fields.

Defines the name of the toolpath. This name will appear in Explorer.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 779

The tool used to calculate the toolpath is displayed in the Tool area:

Create Tool - this works in exactly the same way as on the Tool
toolbar, allowing you to create a new tool. For more information, see
Tool Toolbar (on page 857).
Active Tool - displays the active tool (the tool that will be
used to calculate the toolpath). The drop-down list displays all the
defined tools. Selecting one of the tools from the list will make that tool
the active tool.

Editor - this works in exactly the same way as Edit Tool on the
Tool Toolbar (on page 857). It displays the specific Tool dialog of the
active tool. If you edit this dialog, it will edit your active tool.


Tolerance - determines how accurately the toolpath follows the hole.

Thickness (see "Radial and Axial Thickness" on page 486) -
specifies the amount of material to be left on within tolerance.
Radial Thickness - applies the thickness as an offset to the tool
radially. This controls the size of tool used for machining relative
to the actual tool.
Axial Thickness - applies the thickness as an offset to the tool,
in the tool axis direction only. This controls the tip position of the

To avoid too much material being removed, Thickness should be

greater than Tolerance.

780 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

A summary of the links used to calculate the toolpath are displayed in the
Links area.

The Short Links and Long Links fields display the links used to create
the toolpath. You cannot edit these fields here. They simply display the
values defined in the Leads and Links dialog .
Leads and Links - displays the Leads and Links dialog. This
enables you to edit the Leads and Links. For more information see Leads
and Links (on page 382).

Select and Draw

Draw - when selected draws the tool in the selected holes.

When deselected the tool is not drawn in the selected holes.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 781

Select - enables you to select holes by a number of different criteria. The
Feature Selection dialog is displayed. For more information see Select
Features (on page 164).

Gouge Check - when selected gouge checks your drilling toolpath.

There are times where holes are capped, partially capped, not modelled or
partially modelled which all show the required drilling toolpath to be
gouging. To avoid these problems don't Gouge Check the Drilling

Drilling Strategy

Cycle Type (on page 783) - determines how the drilling is performed.

782 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Define Top By (on page 784) - allows you choose the start places for
Operation (on page 785) - defines the drilling operation and drilling

Sorting - defines the order you will drill the selected holes.
The start point is always that which is nearest to the tool start point. For
more information see Sorting (on page 795).
Drilling Values (on page 786) - these values are displayed pictorially.
The names of these fields are shown as tooltips.
Multi Axis - all multi-axis drilling toolpaths are identified with a in
the top right hand corner of the dialog.

PowerMILL knows when a drilling toolpath is Multi-Axis and

defines the appropriate toolpath. Multi-Axis Drilling toolpaths are
created when the holes have a different axis from the active
workplane. 3-Axis toolpaths are created when the holes have the
same axes direction as the active toolpath.

Cycle Type
Cycle Type determines how the drilling is performed there are several
options here:

Single Peck - the drilling is performed in one operation.

Deep Drill - the drilling is performed in several stages (multiple peck).
Break Chip - the drilling is performed in several stages (multiple peck)
with a dwell at each peck.
Tapping - the drilling is performed in one way and reverse out.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 783

Rigid Tapping - allows a Peck Depth to be entered as well as a
Pitch. The number of pecks and the pitch are output in record 29000.
Helical - This enables you to bore out a large hole with a small tool. The
concept is similar to trochoidal milling. The difference being that the
trochoidal milling machines a slot (no variation in Z) and the helical
milling drills a hole (machines down the Z axis). For more information
see Helical Milling (on page 801).
Ream - the first of the boring cycles (G85).
Counter Bore - the second of the boring cycles (G86).
Profile - cuts the hole using circular moves. A tool smaller than the size
of the hole is required. At each depth it moves on to edge of the hole
using a circular arc lead with a straight extension, cuts a circle, then
moves back to the centre with a circular arc lead and straight extension.
You may use a thickness value to create a smaller hole.
Fine Boring - an alternative deep drilling cycle, so may be used for
machines where there are a variety of deep drilling cycles. It is
anticipated that "Fine Boring" will be used for the Fanuc control fine
boring cycle.
Deep Drill 2 - a second deep drill cycle where the drilling is performed
in several stages (multiple peck).
Reverse Helical - a second helical drill cycle. This enables you to bore
out a large hole with a small tool. It performs a helical movement from
the bottom of the hole. So this can only be used for finishing a hole (the
hole must have been pre-drilled).
Cycle 1 to Cycle 5 - alternative deep drilling cycles, so may be used
for machines where there are a variety of deep drilling cycles. It is
anticipated that "Fine Boring" will be used for the Fanuc control fine
boring cycle.
Bore3 to Bore 5 - These correspond to the third, fourth and fifth type of
boring cycles (G87-G89) normally found on a machine tool. The
difference between the boring operations varies from machine tool to
machine tool.

Define Top By
Define Top By allows you choose the start places for drilling.
Hole Top - drilling starts at the top of the hole.

784 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Use Component Top - drilling starts at the top of the component
rather than the top of the hole. This can be useful when drilling
compound holes.
Block - drilling starts at the top of the block.
In the example below the 1 shows the Hole Top and 2 shows the
Component Top.

Operation defines the drilling operation and drilling depth.

Drill to Hole Depth - drills to the hole depth. The Hole Depth value is
filled in and greyed out and is defined from the Feature definition.
Full Diameter - the full diameter of the tool drills to a specific depth. In
this case, the bottom tip of the tool drills further into the material.
Through Hole - drills through the hole. The hole depth plus the tapered
part of the drill plus a fiddle factor are added together to define the Hole
Depth value.
Centre Drill - centre drills the part. By default the Hole Depth value is
the radius of the drill.
Pre Drill - drills to the hole depth. By default the Hole Depth value is
defined from the Feature definition of the hole depth.
Counter Bore - counter bores the part. By default the Hole Depth
value is the radius of the drill.
Chamfer (on page 790) - Chamfers the hole to the width specified by the
Chamfer frame on the Advanced Drilling dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 785

User Defined - allows you to type in the incremental distance above the
hole where you want the pecking to start. This can be useful when you
have a large amount of material above the top of the hole that needs to be
removed using a drilling cycle.

Drilling Values
Drilling Values - these values are displayed pictorially. The names of
these fields are shown as tooltips.

Clearance - the distance above the top of the hole. By default this is the
same as the Incremental Start Z.
Peck Depth - defines the maximum distance the drill will plunge in any
one move when using Deep Drill or Break Chip.
Feed Rate - the speed of the tool when it is plunging into the material.
These are vertical moves. By default this is the same as the Plunge field
on the Feed Rate dialog . If you change the value in the Drilling
dialog the Feed Rate dialog is not updated for example if you alter the
Pitch for Tapping you would not expect this to change the Plunge
Feed Rate for the next finishing toolpath.
Spindle Speed (rpm) - the rotation of the spindle in rpm. By default
this is the same as the Spindle Speed field on the Feed Rate dialog
. For similar reasons to the Feed Rate above, if you change the value
in the Drilling dialog the Feed Rate dialog is not updated.
Start - the incremental distance above the hole where you want the
pecking to start. If you wish to drill just to the top of the hole you then set
the depth to 0 (depth is still measured from the top of the hole).
Depth - defines the depth of the drilling in the hole.
Dwell Time - the tool dwells before retracting at the end of each peck.
This value defines the length of time that the drill remains at the bottom
each peck.

786 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Component (on page 808) - allows you to select by the diameter or
length of a particular hole component. When you do select by this means
the complete hole is selected (and not just the hole component).
Drilling Cycle Output - saves drilling cycles as canned cycles.
This is particularly useful when Profile Drilling.

You can create a Drilling Template and select your Drilling

Cycle option from the template.

The options you select on the Drilling dialog (including the state of
the Use Drilling Cycles) are also selected on the NC Program
dialog by default, but you can change your mind on the NC
Program dialog.
Pitch - this replaces Peck Depth for strategies such as Helical, where
pitch is just a distance.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 787

Pitch also replaces Feed Rate for strategies such as Tapping, where
pitch is the feed per revolution.

Expert Drilling

An Expert Drilling dialog is available by clicking on the Arrow on

the right hand side of the dialog.

Exactly what is shown on the right hand side depends on the options
selected in the left hand side of the dialog.

788 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Clockwise - the default is for drilling toolpaths go anti-clockwise. This
option now allows clockwise drilling.
Coolant - allows you to specify the coolant type for each individual
drilling toolpath.
Retract - allows you to specify whether you make a Partial or Full
If you have a Cycle Type of Helical then the Expert Drilling dialog
has a Taper (on page 789) frame.
You can create a Chamfer (on page 790) with a tool larger than the hole
without having to define the hole as a tapered hole by selecting an
Operation of Chamfer. This then enables a Chamfer frame in the
Advanced Drilling dialog.
Feed Rate reduction Factors (see "Feed Rate Reduction" on page
791) - allows you to reduce the feed rate towards the top or bottom of a
If you have a Cycle Type of Deep Drill then the Expert Drilling
dialog has a Decreasing Pecks (on page 793) frame.
If you have a Cycle Type of Profile then the Expert Drilling dialog
has a Profile (on page 794) frame.

If you have a Cycle Type of Helical then the Expert Drilling dialog
has a Taper frame.

Draft Angle - allows you to specify a draft angle when Helical

Drilling. This enables you to easily create a chamfer.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 789

You can create a Chamfer with a tool larger than the hole, without
having to define the hole as a tapered hole, by selecting an Operation of
Chamfer. This then enables a Chamfer frame in the Advanced
Drilling dialog.
If you have a Cycle Type of Single Peck the following Chamfer
frame is displayed:

In this case the tool must be larger than the hole.

If you have a Cycle Type of Profile, a different Chamfer frame is

In this case the tool must be smaller than the hole.

Diameter - this is the diameter at the top of the hole. Initially this is the
diameter of the hole without the chamfer. As you enter a width, the
diameter changes to be the width of the original hole plus twice the width
Width - this is the increase in radius of the hole.
Tooltip Clearance - the distance between the lower edge of the
chamfer and the tip of the tool.

You can only use a Drill or a Tapered Tool.

790 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Feed Rate Reduction
Feed Rate Reduction allows you to reduce the feed rate towards the
top or bottom of a hole for Single Peck, Ream and the Boring cycles.

This means the tool can slow down at the bottom of a hole, or move on
slowly then speed up (or even "slow, quick, slow" for the situation where
there are two holes, one above the other and fresh air in between). If the
machine used has a drilling cycle which supports this option, this can be
set up in the option file (otherwise, you need to set the cycle output to off
on the NC program form).
Start Distance - the distance over which the start feed rate is reduced.
A value of 0.2 reduces the feed rate for 20% of the hole length.
Start Feed - the factor by which the feed rate is reduced at the top of a
hole. A value of 0.25 reduces the feed rate by 25%.
End Distance - the distance over which the end feed rate is reduced. A
value of 0.35 reduces the feed rate by 35% of the hole length.
End Feed Rate - the factor by which the feed rate is reduced at the
bottom of a hole. A value of 0.3 reduces the feed rate by 30%.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 791

All the numbers are factors, so must be between 0 and 1.

Safe Z
Top of the hole.
Point at which the feed rate reaches 100%.
Point at which the feed rate starts to decrease again.
Bottom of hole.
Retract Feed - the factor by which the feed rate is reduced (or
increased) as he drill retracts up the hole. A value of 2 increases the
retract feed rate to be twice the feed rate.
Retract at Rapid - when selected, the drill retracts up the hole at the
Rapid Feed Rate . When deselected, the drill retracts at the Retract
Feed rate.

792 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Decreasing Pecks
If you have a Cycle Type of Deep Drill then the Expert Drilling
dialog has a Decreasing Pecks frame.

Decreasing Pecks - allows you to reduce the peck depth towards the
bottom of a hole for Deep Drill or Break Chip cycles.
Peck Decrease - the factor by which the peck depth should be reduced.
A value of 0.25 reduces successive peck depths by 25%.
Subsidiary Peck - the distance between successive pecks. The drill
only retracts to the clear plane at the Peck Depth rather than the
Subsidiary Peck distance. So, if you have a Peck Depth of 3 and a
Subsidiary Peck of 1, the drill moves as follows:

- Down 1.0 - Down 4.0

- Up 0.1 - Up 0.1
- Down 1.1 - Down 1.1
- Up 0.1 - Up 0.1
- Down 1.1 - Down 1.1
- Up to the Clear Plane - Up to the Clear Plane

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 793

and so on...
Minimum Peck - the minimum allowable peck depth. When this value
is reached no further decrease in peck depth takes place.
Retract Factor - the factor by which the drill retracts between one peck
and the next. A value of 0.25 retracts the drill by 25% of the peck depth
between successive pecks.
Retract Feed - the factor by which the feed rate is reduced (or
increased) as he drill retracts up the hole. A value of 2 increases the
retract feed rate to be twice the feed rate.
Retract at Rapid - when selected, the drill retracts up the hole at the
Rapid Feed Rate . When deselected, the drill retracts at the Retract
Feed rate.

If you have a Cycle Type of Profile then the Expert Drilling dialog
has a Profile frame.

Draft Angle - allows you to specify a Draft Angle and therefore create a
Overlap Angle - the angle (between 0 and 90) over which the profile
Lead Distance - the distance of the Lead move before (or after) the
drilling toolpath. It is not the length of the arc but the straight line
distance from the start point to a point on the circumference of the circle.
Final Profile Pass - allows you to have a different allowance for the
final profiling pass. For more information see Profiling (on page 503).

794 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Selection an option from the Sorting drop-down list defines
the order you will drill the selected holes. The start point is always that
which is nearest to the tool start point.

As Created - creates a random toolpath where the holes are drilled

in the order in which they were created.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 795

X One Way - creates a toolpath where the holes are drilled along X.

X Two Way - creates a toolpath where the holes are drilled along X,
using two-way machining.

Y One Way - creates a toolpath where the holes are drilled along Y.
Y Two Way - creates a toolpath where the holes are drilled along Y,
using two-way machining.
Diagonal 1 One Way - creates a diagonal one-way machining

796 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Diagonal 1 Two Way - creates a diagonal two-way machining

Diagonal 2 One Way - creates a diagonal one-way machining

Diagonal 2 Two Way - creates a diagonal two-way machining
Shortest Path - this attempts to create the shortest toolpath overall.

Closest Point - this moves from one hole to the next closest hole.
This may not be the shortest toolpath overall.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 797

Concentric Circles - drills in concentric circles radiating out from
the tool start point position.

Radial - drills holes radially radiating out from the tool start point

Cylinder - drills holes along a cylinder.

798 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Auto Hole Selection
Taking the example below, which has two 5mm holes, four 10mm holes
and a pocket.

From the Toolpath Strategies button select a Drilling strategy.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 799

Click on the Select button to display the following:

In the Diameters area click on 5.00 and then click on the button.
This enters Diameter 5 in the Selection Filter area. Now both the
5mm holes are selected

Now do the same for the 10mm holes.

Now all the 10mm holes are selected.

For more information see Select Feature (see "Select Features" on page

800 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Helical Milling
This enables you to bore out a large hole with a small tool. The concept is
similar to trochoidal milling. The difference being that the trochoidal
milling machines a slot (no variation in Z) and the helical milling drills a
hole (machines down the Z axis).
This example looks at helical milling a 20mm diameter hole with a 15mm
diameter drill.
1. Initially you must import a model (in this case dash_wire.dgk),
create a block and define a 15mm drill tool.

2. Now you need to create a hole. From the right click Feature Sets
menu select Create Feature Set.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 801

3. This creates a new empty Feature Set. Now to create the hole, from
the right click Feature Sets object menu select Settings.

4. This displays the Feature dialog.

5. Select the points at the centre of the holes and then define the
Type - Hole
Use - Points
Diameter - 20

802 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Then also define the depth of the hole. In this case :
Define Top By - Absolute with a Value of 10.
Define Bottom By - Absolute with a Value of -5.
Then click on Apply and then Close. You will now see the holes:

You now need to Drill the holes.

6. First raise the Drill dialog by clicking on the Toolpath
Strategies .

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 803

7. Select the Drilling tab and select the Drilling option from the list.
Click on OK this then displays the Drilling dialog.

8. Click on the Select button. This displays the Feature Selection


9. In the Selection Filter select All Holes and then click on the
Select button followed by the Close button.
10.On the Drilling dialog and enter the following values:

804 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Name - HelicalDrilling
Tool - select the 15mmDrill tool
Cycle Type - Helical
Operation - Drill to Hole Depth
Clearance - 5
Pitch - 5

11.Click on Apply to calculate the drilling toolpath and then on

Close to close the Drilling dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 805

You can see the helical drilling toolpath. This can easily visualised
using ViewMill.

Or without the tool:

You must ensure that the tool you use to helical mill the hole is at
least half the size of the hole. We recommend that the tool diameter
is between 60% and 90% of the hole diameter. If the tool is less
than half the size of the hole then an upstand will be left in the
centre of the hole and, at the end, when the tool offsets itself
inwards to finish the bottom the hole, the tool will break. Clearly, it
doesn't make sense to use this method if the tool diameter is the
same size as the hole diameter.

806 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Compound Holes
Compound Holes contain several superimposed holes. Taking this

If you create a Compound Hole you will create one hole

containing two components:
The first component has a length and diameter . This has a
Component of First.
The second component has a length and diameter . This has
a Component of Second or Last.
If you create individual holes you will create two holes:
The first hole has a depth and diameter .
The second hole has a depth and diameter .
You can see the difference between the representation of a compound
hole and an individual hole in the Feature Sets created.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 807

A compound hole can have a Top, Bottom and Component Top.

The fist component has a Top and Bottom . This has a

Component of First.
The second component has a Top , Component Top and
Bottom . This has a Component of Second.

Component allows you to select by the diameter or length of a
particular hole component. When you do select by this means the
complete hole is selected (not just the hole component).
The Component option is available on the Drilling Methods, Drilling
Strategy and Feature Selection dialogs (the latter is available from
the Select button on the Drilling Strategy dialog).

808 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Component is only available for Compound Holes.

First - the component with the largest diameter.

Second - the second component of the hole.
Third or Last - the component with the smallest diameter.
Second or Last - the component with the smallest diameter.

The smallest diameter component is always the Last component. So

in the picture above the Last component is the same as the
Second in one hole, and the same as the Third in another.

Example Using Component

This example shows you how to use the Component option when
drilling compound holes. It uses the Component Holes.dgk model in
the Examples file.

1. Create a Block .

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 809

2. From the Feature Sets right click menu select Create Feature

Choose a Type of Hole, Use of Holes and ensure that

Compound Holes are selected. Then click Apply followed by

810 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

3. A feature set containing some simple holes and some compound
holes is created.

- Compound hole
- Simple hole

4. From the Drilling tab on the Toolpath Strategies dialog

select the New Drilling Method strategy.
5. In the Selection frame, choose a Select By of Diameter and a
Component of Largest.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 811

In the Diameters frame select 18.0 and click so it appears in
the right hand frame.

6. You can now see all the holes with the first (or largest) component
of 18.0 selected.

Since you are selecting by diameter, the Largest is the same

as the First. If you were selecting by depth, this wouldn't
necessarily be true.

7. In the Process frame of the Drilling Methods dialog click on

the Add Strategy button.
8. Enter the following:
Cycle Type - Single Peck
Define Top By - Hole Top
Operation - Drill to Hole Depth
Now Close the strategy dialog.

812 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

9. Click Apply to calculate the toolpath.

Although you selected all the holes with a Largest Component of

18.00, you actually drilled them with a 11mm diameter drill to the
depth of the complete hole and not just to the depth of the first

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 813

Drilling Method
Selecting a Drilling Method from the New dialog displays the Drilling
Methods dialog.

Processes - displays the drilling method that you have defined.

Add Process - adds a new process to the drilling method. A process is a
collection of selections and strategies.
Name - gives a name to a Process. This field becomes available when
you have just created a new process (by clicking on the New Process
button) or when you click on a process in the Processes area.

814 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Add Strategy - defines a strategy which is added to the current process.
This displays the Drilling dialog. You can then change the values in the
Drilling dialog to reflect requirements you have. The strategy name
displayed in the Processes area is the Cycle Type defined in the
Drilling dialog.
Save - saves the drilling method. The Export Method dialog is
This is very similar to all other Save dialogs. Move to the correct
directory and save the method as a PowerMILL template.

- deletes the selected processes. If no processes are selected then it

deletes all the processes.

Selection - displays the selection criteria that you have defined.

Select by - determines how you are going to select the required holes. A
drop-down list is displayed giving the selection criteria

The remaining fields change their name depending on the option selected
in the Select by pull down list.
Minimum - defines the minimum value of the item selected in the
Select By drop-down list.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 815

Maximum - defines the maximum value of the item selected in the
Select By drop-down list.
Text - the final field changes depending on the item selected in the
Select By drop-down list. In all case you need to enter some text.
Component (on page 808) - holes can be selected by depth and
diameter. You can select by all diameters and lengths in Compound
Holes (on page 807) using the Component.
You can select all holes with one hole index and then drill to another. For
example, you can select all compound holes with a diameter of, say, 20
and a length of 5, and then drill them using another tool index with, say, a
diameter of 12 and a length of 25.

- deletes the selection criteria.

Defining a Drilling Method

This example shows you how to define a drilling method for tapping. It
uses the RetainerPlate.dgk model from the Examples file. Since this
model was created in imperial units, imperial units will be used
throughout. Please check that Units are Inches on the Info toolbar. If
not then change Tools - Options - Working Units to Imperial.

816 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

This example will look at creating a tapping cycle for the 4.5 inch and 1.5
inch holes. Initially you must load RetainerPlate.dgk and create a
block. Then select the whole model and from the Feature Sets right
click menu select the Recognise Holes in Model. Make Feature Set
1 active.

1. Click on the Toolpath Strategies button and then select the

Drilling tab.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 817

2. Select the New-Drilling-Methods strategy and click on OK. This
displays the Drilling Methods dialog.

818 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

3. You can start by clicking the Process called Process. Enter a
Process Name ( ), say 4.5 Inch Tap, and press the enter key.
This name is now visible in the Processes area.

4. Now you need to select the 4.5 inch holes. Select a Select by of
Diameter ( ) (even if it is already selected, reselect it) and a
Minimum Diameter ( )of 4.49 and a Maximum Diameter
( )of 4.51. These values are then displayed in the Selection
area. Click on Apply.
5. An Information dialog is now displayed, saying Toolpaths
Created. Simply Close this dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 819

6. Now you want to centre drill the 4.5 inch holes. Click on the Add
Strategy ( ) button. This displays the Drilling dialog.

7. Enter the following values:

Cycle Type - Single Peck
Operation - Centre Drill
Depth - 0.2
Split Toolpaths - selected
Then click on Close on the Drilling Strategy dialog.
8. Now you want to deep drill the 4.5 inch holes. Click on the Add
Strategy ( ) button. Enter the following values into the Drilling
Cycle Type - Deep Drill
Operation - Drill to hole Depth
Peck Depth - 0.5
Radial Thickness - 0.02
Axial Thickness - -0.2
Split Toolpaths - selected

820 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Then click on Close on the Drilling Strategy dialog.
9. Finally tap the 4.5 inch holes. Click on the Add Strategy button.
Enter the following values into the Drilling dialog:
Cycle Type - Tapping
Operation - Drill to hole Depth
Pitch - 0.1
Radial Thickness - 0
Axial Thickness - -0
Split Toolpaths - selected
Then click on Close on the Drilling Strategy dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 821

10.Create a new Process by clicking on the Add Process button and
then enter a Name, say 1.5 Inch Tap, and press the enter key.
This name is now visible in the Processes area.
11.Now you need to select the 1.5 inch holes. Click on the Add
Selection button. Enter a Select by of Diameter and a
Minimum Diameter of 1.49 and a Maximum Diameter of
1.51. These values are then displayed in the Selection area. The
Selection is now visible in the Processes area.
12.To create the drilling strategies simply repeat steps 7 - 11.

13.To save this drilling method click on the Save button . This
displays the Export Method dialog.

822 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

14.Move to the required directory. In this case the Drilling directory
and give the drilling method a name, say, My Tapping, and click
on Save.
15.To calculate all the drilling toolpaths click on Apply on the
Drilling Methods dialog. The toolpaths area created and an
Information window is displayed:

16.Close all the dialogs (Information, Drilling and Drilling

17.Looking in the explorer you can see the toolpaths and tools that
have been created.

18.The toolpath gives information about the drilling method used to

create the other toolpaths.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 823

Editing a Drilling Method
To edit a drilling method simply display the method and click on the
strategy or selection that you want to edit. Then save the method.

Tools used in a Drilling Method

In the Defining a Drilling Method (on page 816) example no tools were
defined. PowerMILL simply worked out what drills were required given
the hole size and the radial thickness specified. If you look at the tools
defined they are :
A drill with diameter 4.5 inches.
A drill with diameter 4.46 inches, created because of the Radial
Thickness - 0.02 used when Deep Drilling.
A tap with diameter 4.5 inches.
A drill with diameter 1.5 inches.
A drill with diameter 1.46 inches, created because of the Radial
Thickness - 0.02 used when Deep Drilling.
A tap with diameter 1.5 inches.
You can specify a tool in any of the following ways:

Define a tool from the Create Tool drop-down list in the

Drilling dialog.
Select a tool from the Active Tool drop-down
list in the Drilling dialog.
Define a drill or tap with a specified Diameter. PowerMILL
determines whether to create a Tap (if the Strategy is Tapping)
or a Drill (for any other Drilling Strategy) in the Drilling dialog.
Define a drilling tool with a diameter specified by the hole size less
the Radial Thickness in the Drilling dialog. In this case you
don't specify any tool and let PowerMILL determine the tool
Define a drilling tool with a diameter specified by the hole size. In this
case you don't specify any tool and let PowerMILL determine the tool

824 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Create Toolpath List
The Create Toolpath drop-down list lets you
select the type of toolpath you want to create from a list of favourites. The
toolpath displayed on the toolpath toolbar depends on which toolpath you
select from the drop-down list:

This is a list of the default favourites. You can change this list to your
own list. For more information see Favourites (on page 477).
This works in a very similar way to the Create Tool button on the Tool
Toolbar. Selecting any one of the buttons on the list displays a toolpath
dialog box. If, for example, you select the Raster Area Clearance
option the Raster Area Clearance dialog is displayed.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 825

Toolpath Verification
The toolpath verification dialog encompasses collision and gouge

Check - checks the toolpath to see it any part of collides or gouges.

There are two options:
Collisions - checks the toolpath against the tool holder and/or shank
hitting the part.
Gouges - checks the toolpath against the cutting part of the tool.
Check Against - checks the toolpath against the model or a named
Models - checks the toolpath against the models in the project.
Stock Model - checks the toolpath against the stock model. You
select the stock model from the drop-down list.

826 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Scope - controls which elements of the toolpath are checked. If the
toolpath contains selected components of the type specified, then only
that set of selected components will be checked. So, for example, if the
scope has been set to Links, then if some of the links within the toolpath
have been selected, only that subset of selected links will be verified.

All - all the toolpath components are checked.

Cutting Moves - the toolpath cutting moves are checked.
Connection Moves - the toolpath leads and links are checked.
Leads - the toolpath leads are checked.
Links - the toolpath links are checked.
Split Toolpath (on page 828) - determines how the toolpath is split into
its safe and unsafe portions.
Head Clearance - represents the length of the tool, holder and machine
used internally. The default value is set to 600 mm. This value can be set
even if you do not define a shank or holder. If the height of the tool is less
than the Head Clearance value, then an additional component is added
internally to the tool assembly. This component has the same diameter as
the last item in the tool assembly (if automatic collision checking is on),
and a length such that the total tool assembly length specified is the same
as the Head Clearance value.
Collision Options (see "Toolpath Verification - Collision Options" on
page 828) - options which are only relevant to collision checking.
Draw Unsafe Moves - when this box is selected, colliding moves in
the toolpath are highlighted.
Apply - automatically highlights any areas where gouging occurs
(colliding toolpaths are shown in red). It also displays the depth of the
gouge, and the tool overhang required to prevent gouging.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 827

The values entered in the dialog are remembered. This means that if
you have collision checked a toolpath then the values displayed in
this dialog are those used to perform the collision check. If the
toolpath has not been collision checked then the values displayed in
the dialog are those used for the previous toolpath that was
collision checked.

Split Toolpath
Split Toolpath - determines how the toolpath is split into its safe and
unsafe portions.
Output Safe Moves - creates a toolpath containing the portions of
the toolpath that miss the model.
Output Unsafe Moves - creates a toolpath containing the portions
of the toolpath that hit the model.
Reorder Toolpaths - reorders the toolpaths to minimise the 3D
distance between the ends of segments whilst maintaining the
cutting direction of segments.

When gouge-checking against a stock model, the useful moves are

those which gouge the stock model, as they are the ones that
actually cut something.
Split Moves - when selected, splits individual moves (for example,
individual segments, leads, links) into their safe and unsafe portions.
When deselected, the entire move is added to the unsafe toolpath if any
portion of it is unsafe.
Overlap - the amount by which an unsafe move is extended to
overlap with an adjacent safe move. This reduces surface marks
where clear and colliding toolpaths meet.
Minimum Length - the minimum length required for the safe
portion of an unsafe move to be kept on the safe toolpath. For
example, if part of a segment is unsafe, but the SAFE portion is
shorter than this minimum length then it too will be added to the
unsafe toolpath.

Toolpath Verification - Collision Options

Collision Options are the options which are only relevant to collision

828 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Substitute Tool - replaces the tool used to create the toolpath with one
with the same Tool - Tip definition, but a differing Tool - Shank and
Tool - Holder definition. This enables you to define the toolpath with
just the tool defined and then collision check it once you have defined the
tool shank and tool holder.

If a Tool is only locked by one toolpath, then that Tool Holder

can be modified during the collision checking process.
If a Tool is locked by more than one toolpath then it is not possible
to modify the Tool Holder. However, the way around this is to
display the Settings of the tool (available from the right click
Tool Object menu) and to Copy Tool Profile. The tool used
in the active toolpath is then replaced by this copy. Since this tool is
now only locked by one toolpath, then that Tool Holder can be
modified during the collision checking process.
Shank Clearance - represents a specified safe area around the tool
shank which is taken into account when checking for collisions.
Holder Clearance - represents a specified safe area around the tool
holder which is taken into account when checking for collisions.

If the clearance area gouges into the job, then the collision is detected and
the depth of the gouge is printed. This depth can then be checked with the
clearance value to determine whether it is safe to proceed with the job.
For example, a tool might produce a 2mm gouge when using a 15mm
clearance. Whether it is safe to continue depends on the thickness left by
preceding toolpaths.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 829

Calculate Collision Depth - controls whether a collision depth is
provided. (Some users found this calculation too slow and only needed a
yes/no does the toolpath collide or not.)
Adjust Tool - allows the properties (overhang, cutting length) of the
tool to be modified. It takes into account the collision depth required to
make the toolpath safe.

ViewMill provides a 3D graphical simulation of the active toolpath or NC
program. It provides a means of visual verification that allows toolpaths
to be checked before they are machined. ViewMill is a separate program,
which can be run from within the PowerMILL program.
The ViewMill Toolbar is displayed either by clicking on the button
or from the View - Toolbar - ViewMill menu option. By default the
toolbar is displayed at the top of the graphics window.

For more information on both this toolbar and the enhanced workpiece
simulation toolbar, refer to the chapter on Simulation (see "Simulation"
on page 1037).

830 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The button displays the PowerMILL Calculator dialog. The
calculator can also be accessed by right clicking in any editable text field
on a dialog.

There are two different calculators available from the tabs:
The simple calculator,

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 831

The scientific calculator.

Using the calculator is straightforward, just click on the buttons as you

would a physical calculator, or else type in the expression in the white
band at the top of the calculator. The Backspace button deletes the last
entry. The Enter key performs the calculation. The expression you have
entered is displayed in the white band at the top of the calculator with the
result shown in the grey band above.

Values displayed in the calculator can be copied into other dialogs using
the right click menu and selecting Copy, followed by Paste.

832 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

You can also use Ctrl + C to copy and Ctrl + V to paste your

Values displayed in other dialogs can be copied into the calculator using
the right click menu and selecting Copy, followed by Paste (or Ctrl +
C to copy and Ctrl + V to paste). For instance, you copy the Distance
value from the Measure dialog.

Calculator - Line
The Line tab gives the distance, angle and elevation between two points.
You can either select a point from the graphics window or type
coordinate fields in the Line tab of the Calculator dialog box. This
gives access to points such as the home position (0,0,0) or the corner of
the block.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 833

If you have an Anchor Point selected and want to select a different
Anchor Point simply press on another tab on the Calculator dialog
and then back on the Line tab again.

Initially the dialog box contains a whole series of xxxxxxx. On

selecting a point with the left mouse button its X, Y, Z coordinates are
displayed in the Anchor Point area of the dialog box.
On selecting a second point with the left mouse button its X, Y, Z
coordinates are displayed in the End Point area of the dialog box.

The Anchor Point can be reset by selecting the same point twice.

The other fields are then calculated from these two points.

834 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Difference - specifies the difference in X (and Y and Z) between the
Anchor Point and the End point.
Angle - specifies the angle in the three planes between the Anchor
Point and the End Point.
Distance - specifies the length of a line joining the Anchor Point to
the End Point.
Elevation - specifies the angle of the line joining the Anchor Point to
the End Point to the horizontal plane.
Anchor Point - The first point you select automatically becomes the
Anchor Point. However, if you now want to select a new Anchor
Point simply select the new point twice. The first time you select it, it
will become the End Point, you can ignore the results of this. Then
select the point again and it will become the new Anchor Point.

Calculator - Circle
The Circle tab fits a circle to three selected points and determines the
Centre, Radius and Diameter of the circle.

Start Point - Selecting a point with the left mouse button displays its X,
Y, Z coordinates.
Mid Point - Selecting a second point with the left mouse button displays
its X, Y, Z coordinates.
End Point - Selecting a third point with the left mouse button displays
its X, Y, Z coordinates and defines a circle.
The other fields are then calculated from these three points.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 835

Centre - the centre of the circle defined by the three triangle node points.
Radius - the radius of the circle defined by the three triangle node
Diameter - the diameter of the circle defined by the three points.
This is useful for determining the size of fillets and features on a model.

Copying Data from Field to Field

The example below shows you how to copy data from one field to
1. Display the Line tab of the Calculator dialog and click on
two points in the model.
2. Highlight the figures in the Distance filed and then raise the right
click menu and select Copy.

3. Display the Simple Calculator tab of the Calculator dialog .

836 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

4. Place the cursor in the white band and then raise the right click
menu and select Paste.

5. The distance field is now placed in the calculator.

If you want to copy the information from an editable field (white

rather than grey) then there is no right click menu (right clicking in
the field displays the calculator)in this case you can use Ctrl + C to
copy and Ctrl + V to paste your values.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 837

The button displays the Calculator dialog box with the Line tab
displayed. The Line tab gives the distance, angle and elevation between
two points. The Circle tab gives the centre, radius and diameter created
between three points.
You can either select a point from the graphics window or type
coordinate fields in the Calculator dialog box. This gives access to
points such as the home position (0,0,0) or the corner of the block.

Create Electrode
Create Electrode allows you to generate electrodes.
Refer to the PowerSHAPE documentation.

Delcam Electrode example

This example shows you how to transfer a surface from PowerMILL into
Delcam Electrode, create an electrode, and then transfer the electrode
back into PowerMILL as a new project.

838 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

1. Start PowerMILL and open Speaker.dgk from the File -
Examples menu.

2. Create a new project using File - Save Project as.

3. Select the surfaces from which you want to create the electrode.

4. Click the Create Electrode button on the Main toolbar.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 839

5. The Delcam Electrode module is displayed inside PowerMILL,
displaying the surfaces that you selected in PowerMILL (if this is
the first call to the module during the current PowerMILL session,
it may take some time for a window to be opened).

6. Select just the surfaces from which the electrode is to be created.

7. Click the button on the above toolbar to bring up the Wizard:

840 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

8. Go through the Wizard. Once you click Finish, the electrode is
created within Delcam Electrode:

9. You are asked whether or not you wish to create another electrode:

10.Click Yes to stay within Delcam Electrode. Then click the

Model View button and repeat from step 6 to create another
electrode. Otherwise, go to step 11.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 841

11.Click to save your changes and return to PowerMILL, where
the HTML Browser page is displayed showing the Electrode

12.Clicking the Open Project button in the HTML Browser opens a

new project in PowerMILL containing the electrode (the original
project is automatically saved and closed for you):

The project is named automatically as the name of the

original project with a suffix of _electrode_1.

The Electrode Details shown at step 8 are also displayed

in the HTML Browser window.

Launch AutoCAM
AutoCAM is an automatic machining package within PowerMILL that
automatically machines a part and then creates the NC Program files. It
uses a wizard style interface within PowerMILL to guide you through the
process. This is available from the Launch AutoCAM button on the
main toolbar.
This is a module that can be used by users with little, or no, machining
experience, or can be used for creating toolpaths for fairly simple models.
In either case AutoCAM will create reliable toolpaths. An experienced
user may well be able to produce more efficient toolpaths but this
automatic process can just be left running overnight utilising what would
otherwise be dead time on the computer and the machine tool.

842 Main toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

For more details, refer to AutoCAM Reference (on page 1092).

You can access PS-Exchange by clicking the button on the Main
toolbar, the PowerMILL installation CD, or the Delcam website

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Main toolbar 843

View toolbar

The View toolbar provides quick access to the most commonly used
views in PowerMILL. By default it is located on the right hand side of the
graphics screen, but it can be relocated anywhere around the PowerMILL
window, or as a separate window.

If the View toolbar is not currently displayed, select View -

Toolbar - Viewing from the menu.
Six of these views are along the primary axes (see "View along" on
page 848). See below.
There are also four Isometric views (on page 849). See
Six of these buttons have a small black arrow in the bottom right
hand corner. If you hover on one of these buttons a pull-out toolbar
is displayed. See below.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference View toolbar 845

The isometric views are often the best starting point for dynamically
manipulating the view using the mouse.

- View Along (on page 848) (X, -X, Y, -Y, Z, -Z)

- Isometric Views (on page 849)
- Last View (see "Last view and refresh" on page 849)
- Refresh (see "Last view and refresh" on page 849)
- Resize to Fit (see "Zoom" on page 849)
- Zoom Options (see "Zoom" on page 849)
- Block (on page 851)
- Shading Toolbar (on page 851), with Plain Shade selected
- Wireframe (on page 856)

View manipulation
The most common way of controlling the viewpoint in PowerMILL is by
using the mouse.

846 View toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

It is recommended that you use a three-button mouse. By holding down
the middle button and moving the mouse pointer in the graphics area, you
can control the view of the model. When you are moving the mouse (with
the middle button pressed) the trackball is visible on the screen:

Start with the cursor in the middle of the window and press the middle
mouse button, then drag the cursor up the screen. The image moves as
you move the mouse.
The table below summarises the view control available.
View 3-button mouse 2-button mouse
Trackball Rotation Middle button Ctrl + Shift + Right
Rotate about X Shift + Alt + Left Shift + Alt + Left
button button
Rotate about Y Shift + Alt + Middle Not implemented
Rotate about Z Shift + Alt + Right Shift + Alt + Right
button button
Pan Shift + Middle button Shift + Right button
Zoom In / Out Ctrl + Middle button Ctrl + Right button
Zoom to Box Alt + Middle button Alt + Right button
Resize to fi F6 F6

The View toolbar (on page 845) options are also available from the
numeric keypad on the right of the keyboard. First, you must ensure that:
the cursor focus is in the graphics window;
the Numeric Lock is on;

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference View toolbar 847

the Control key is pressed down.
Then press the appropriate key:
ISO 4 View from back ISO 3
7 (Y) 9
View from left (- View from top View from right
X) (Z) (X)
4 5 6
ISO 1 View from front ISO 2
1 (-Y) 3
View from bottom (-Z)

View along
The View Along options allow you to orientate the view so
that it is along the X, Y or Z axis. This consists of three separate pull-out
toolbars. Hovering on any of these buttons displays a 2D View toolbar.

View Z toolbar
View from top (Z)
View from bottom (-Z)

View X toolbar
View from right (X)
View from left (-X)

View Y toolbar
View from front (-Y)
View from back (Y)

848 View toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

As an example, selecting the View from back (Y) button will convert

into this:

Isometric views
The ISO View options allow you to project the view
angle using any of the four isometric views shown on the toolbar.
This is a pull-out toolbar. Hovering on the currently selected ISO View
button (in this case ISO 1 ) displays the ISO View toolbar.
For example, selecting ISO 1 will give this:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference View toolbar 849

Last view and refresh
Last View - takes you back to the previous view, and then toggles
between the previous view and the view that was current when you
selected Last View.
View Refresh - redraws all the currently displayed components,
repairing any damage to the screen image. This can be useful if the image
loses definition as items are undrawn and redrawn on the screen.

The Zoom options and control the zoom factor of the
image on the screen.
This is a pull-out toolbar. Hovering on the currently selected Zoom button
(in this case Resize to Fit ) displays the Zoom toolbar.
Resize to Fit - zooms the image so that it just fits in the window.
It converts this:

into this:

850 View toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

This function will zoom in or out depending on the current view. So, as
an inverse to the above example, it will also zoom a microscopic image to
one that just fits inside the window.
Zoom In - doubles the size of the image. Click this button repeatedly
until the required zoom factor is reached. The image is zoomed about the
centre of the graphics window.
Zoom Out - halves the size of the image. Click this button
repeatedly until the required zoom factor is reached. The image is
zoomed about the centre of the graphics window.
Zoom to Box - zooms in to a specific area of the image. Click and
then use the left mouse button to drag a zoom box on the image. The view
is then zoomed to fit the boxed area. For example,
It will convert this:

into this:

The Block button toggles the display of the block on and off.

The display of the block can also be toggled using the Ctrl + Alt +
B hot key shortcut.
The block is defined using the Block (on page 354) button on the
Main toolbar. It is drawn as a translucent block by default.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference View toolbar 851

Shading toolbar
The Shading options allow you to
choose one of the various shading options.
This is a pull-out toolbar. Hovering on the currently selected Shade
button (in this case Plain Shade ) displays the Shading toolbar.

Once you select an option other than Plain Shade , the newly
selected option becomes the default Shading option.
Thickness Shade - shades the components of a model by
thickness, as described in the Component Thickness (see
"Component Thickness" on page 454) dialog.

Machining Mode Shade - shades the components of a model

according to the Machining Mode specified in the Surfaces tab in the
Component Thickness (see "Component Thickness" on page 454)
dialog for the specific toolpath or boundary. The different options are
shaded in different colours.
Components that use the Machining mode of Machine are
shaded the Model Shading Colour.
Components that use the Machining mode of Collision are
shaded yellow by default.

852 View toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Components that use the Machining mode of Ignore are shaded
red by default.

Default Thickness Shade - shades the components of a model by

thickness as specified in the Surface Defaults tab in the Component
Thickness (see "Component Thickness" on page 454) dialog.
Default Machining Mode Shade - shades the components of a
model according to the Machining Mode specified in the Surfaces
Defaults tab in the Component Thickness (see "Component
Thickness" on page 454) dialog. The different options are shaded a
different colour:
Components that use the Machining mode of Machine are
shaded the Model Shading Colour.
Components that use the Machining mode of Collision are
shaded yellow by default.
Components that use the Machining mode of Ignore are shaded
red by default.

The Shade Inside option, which is available when you select

Draw - Model from the menu - refer to Shade (on page 312), is
ignored for all Thickness shading options .

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference View toolbar 853

Draft Angle Shade - helps to identify undercut areas. It is sensitive
to the surface orientation.

The red indicates areas that are less than the Draft Angle, and the yellow
indicates areas that are within the Warning Angle.

854 View toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

To change the draft angle used in the shading, edit the fields in the
Draft Angle Shading pane in the Shade area of the Model
Drawing Options dialog, which available when you select Draw
- Model from the menu:

For more information, see Shade (on page 312).

Minimum Radius Shade - helps to identify the most suitably sized
cutting tool. This works irrespective of the surface orientation.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference View toolbar 855

Areas shaded red cannot be machined using the specified tool. To
change the radius used by the shading, use the Minimum Tool
Radius field in the Minimum Radius Shading area of the
Model Drawing Options dialog, which available when you select
Draw - Model from the menu (see above).

Only DGK models can be 'minimum radius' shaded. Other models

will be shaded white because normal and curvature information
needs to be available.
Multi-Colour Shade - shades the model in the same colour as the

Multi-Colour Shade:

856 View toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Plain Shade - displays the shaded representation of the model.
Unlike the Multi-Colour Shade option described above, the Plain
Shade option shades the model in the colour selected in the Shade
Colour field in the Shade area of the Model Drawing Options

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference View toolbar 857

Tool toolbar

The Tool toolbar provides quick access to tool creation. By default it is

located at the bottom of the graphics window, but it can be relocated
anywhere around the PowerMILL window, or as a separate window.

If you wish to create a ready-made tool from an online catalogue,

refer to Create Tool From Catalogue (on page 114).
If the Tool Toolbar is not displayed, you can access it by selecting View
- Toolbar - Tool from the menu.
If you have a Tool Axis of anything other than Vertical the Tool
toolbar shows that Multi-Axis machining is enabled.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 859

Create Tool - this pull-out list lets you select the type of tool you
want to create.

The tool type that you last selected is currently displayed on the
Toolbar, and this is the active tool type (an End Mill in the above

860 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Clicking any of the types on the pull-out list, or the active tool type if
you wish to select the same type as before, displays the appropriate tool
dialog. If, for example, you click the Ball Nosed Tool button , the
Ball Nosed Tool dialog is displayed.

Tool Database (on page Error! Bookmark not defined.) - enables

you to search and select a tool from the database.
Active Tool - this drop-down list contains all the
available tools and the tool that is currently active is displayed on the
toolbar (it is blank if no tool is active).

Tool Diameter - displays the current diameter of the active

tool. If you want to edit this value, click the Edit button on the
toolbar to redisplay the Tool dialog.

Tip Radius - displays the tip radius of the active tool. If you
want to edit this value, click the Edit button on the toolbar to
redisplay the Tool dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 861

Multi-Axis Machining Enabled - the tool axis is anything other
than Vertical. Displays the Tools Axis Direction dialog (see "Tool
Axis Direction" on page 411). If you edit this dialog it will edit the tool
axis for the active tool.

Edit Tool - displays the specific Tool dialog of the active tool. If
you edit this dialog it will edit your active tool. For more information,
refer to Tool dialog (on page 861).

Delete Tool - deletes the active tool.

862 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tool dialog
The exact dialog displayed depends on the type of tool you select from
the Create Tool pull-out list.

End Mill
Ball Nosed
Tip Radiused
Tapered Spherical
Tapered Tipped
Tipped Disc
Off Centre Tipped
Form Tool
Routing Tool

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 863

For example, selecting the Ball Nosed tool displays the
following dialog:

Tool length overview

The diagram below shows a cutting tool made up of a tip (yellow) and
shank (green) mounted in a shrink-fit holder (red). The tool is mounted in
the spindle of a machine (grey).

864 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The colours shown here correspond to those used in the
PowerMILL Tool dialogs.

The Cutting Length represents the part of the cutter that removes
material. This is set up in PowerMILL as the Tip Length.
The Overhang is the amount by which the cutter protrudes from the tool
holder. This, typically, includes part of the Shank Length. The
Overhang is fixed when the cutter is mounted in the holder.

To obtain maximum tool life, the Overhang is typically kept to the

minimum necessary to prevent the holder from hitting the part or
unmachined stock.
The Holder Length is the total length of all parts of the holder assembly
that protrude from the spindle when the holder is mounted in the machine.
The Gauge Length is the total length of the cutter and holder assembly
when it is mounted in the machine. It is measured from the tip of the tool
to the Gauge Face, which is the ground face of the spindle.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 865

Tool Tip dialog
The Tip tab of the Tool dialog defines the cutting portion of the tool.
With the exception of the Form Tool (on page 867) and Routing Tool
(on page 870), the dialog is similar for all the tool types except that the
Geometry area changes according to the type of tool requested.

866 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

For a more complicated tool such as an Off Centre Tip Radiused
Tool, the Geometry pane has additional entries.

There are additional parameters for Tip Radius, Tip Radius X and Tip
Radius Y. The Tool Status field can be particularly useful here to help
you to define a valid tool. In this case the tool can be Valid, Tip Radius
Y Too Big, Tip Radius X Too Big or Tip Radius X Too Small.
The fields common to each dialog are as follows:
Name - the name of the tool. As with other entities, the default name is a
Geometry - this area describes the parameters that are required to define
the tool.
Tool Status - defines the current status of the tool, and is updated
automatically as geometry values are set. You need to reset the values as
required if Valid is not shown.
Tool Number - user defined tool number allocated to the tool and added
to the cut file.
Number of Flutes - the number of flutes on the tool.
Tool Assembly - displays the defined tool tip, tool shank and tool

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 867

- adds this tool to the tool database. The Tool Database Export
dialog (on page 872) is displayed.
Tool Assembly Toolbar (on page 884) - allows you to duplicate
or remove a tool assembly.

868 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Form Tool
You can create your own complex tools by defining a half-profile of your
Form Tool in terms of line and arc spans.
The Form Tool option is available from the Create Tool pull-out
list on the Tool Toolbar (on page 857).

Name - defines the name of the tool. As with other entities, the default
name is a number.
Geometry - this area allows you to create your own tool, using the Tool
Creation toolbar (on page 869) to add and remove
spans as required.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 869

Span Dimensions - defines the length and location of individual

Start (X,Y) - defines the start point of the next segment.

Centre (X,Y) - defines the centre point of an arc segment.
End (X,Y) - defines the end point of the next segment.
Update Span - if you make amy manual adjustments, clicking this
button updates the Span Dimensions.
Tool Status - defines the current status of the tool. In this case the
tool can be No Spans (the default state prior to tool creation),
Length too Small or Valid. This field is updated automatically
as geometry values are set.

The Status cannot be Valid until at least one span has been
Tool Number - user defined tool number allocated to the tool and added
to the cut file.
Tool ID - user defined name allocated to the tool and added to the cut
file. By default this is the same as the Name.
Number of Flutes - the number of flutes on the tool.
Tool Assembly - displays the defined tool tip, tool shank and tool
Tool Assembly Toolbar (on page 884) - allows you to
duplicate or remove a tool assembly.
For examples of how to create a form tool, see Creating a Form Tool (on
page 896) and Creating a Form Tool, Shank and Holder (see "Creating a
Form Tool, Shank and Holder in PowerSHAPE" on page 901).

A restriction is that the shape is convex, since PowerMILL can only

machine with convex tools.

870 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tool Creation toolbar
The Tool Creation toolbar allows you to add and
remove spans as required in order to define the tool profile, retrieve a tool
profile from store, or save one to store:
Add Line Span - adds a line from the end of the previous segment
to the value entered in the End (X,Y) field in Span Dimensions. If the
line is the first segment then the line starts at 0,0.

Start (X,Y) - defines the start point of the next segment.

Centre (X,Y) - defines the centre point of an arc segment.
End (X,Y) - defines the end point of the next segment.
Update Span - if you make amy manual adjustments, clicking this
button updates the Span Dimensions.
Add Arc Span - adds an arc from the end of the previous segment
to the value entered in the End (X,Y) field in Span Dimensions. The
radius of the arc is determined by defining the centre of the arc in the
Centre (X,Y) field. If the arc is the first segment then the arc starts at

Start (X,Y) - defines the start point of the next segment.

Centre (X,Y) - defines the centre point of an arc segment.
End (X,Y) - defines the end point of the next segment.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 871

Update Span - if you make amy manual adjustments, clicking this
button updates the Span Dimensions.
Remove Last Span - deletes the last span.
Clear Tool Profile - deletes all the spans.
Load Tool Profile - loads a tool profile from a *.dgk file. The
Import Tool Profile dialog is displayed.
This is a standard PowerMILL Import dialog. Simply move to the
appropriate directory, select the tool profile you require, and click Open.
Save Tool Profile - allows you to save the current tool profile,
using the Export Tool Profile dialog.
Move to the required directory, give the tool profile a suitable name, and
click Save. All tool profiles are automatically saved with a *.dgk file

Routing Tool
Routing tools often have a ballrace on the end which is used to guide the
tool against the edge of a workpiece. The toolpath produced with a
routing tool is a kind of profile or swarf cut, generated using a standard
End Mill with diameter selected to match the position of the actual (or
imaginary) ballrace used to guide the tool.
You can create a toolpath using a routing tool and then simulate the
toolpath to see the effect of the routing tool.
You can create your own routing tools by defining a half-profile of your
Routing Tool in terms of line and arc spans.

872 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The Routing Tool option is available from the pull-out list on the
Tool toolbar (on page 857).

This dialog is the same as the Form Tool (on page 867) dialog, except
that there is an additional option of End Mill Diameter, which is the
effective diameter that PowerMILL uses when creating the toolpath.
For an example of how to create a routing tool, see "Creating a Routing
Tool" below.

Unlike a Form Tool, a Routing Tool can be concave.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 873

Tool Database Export dialog
The Tool Database Export dialog controls how tools created in
PowerMILL are exported to the database.

Export Options

Tool Geometry - exports the tool tip geometry to the tool database.
Cutting Data - exports the cutting data to the tool database.
Stock Material - allows you to change the stock material of the tool
being exported.
- lists all the stock material types. If the material
specified doesn't exist, then it is added to the tool database when
Define a New Stock Material - adds a new stock material to the
list. On export any new materials are added to the tool database.
Tool Family - indicates to which tool family (if any) the tool belongs.
Tools with the same family and with the same stock material share
cutting data.
Export Details

Summarises what will be exported to the tool database.

874 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tool Shank dialog
The Shank tab of the Tool dialog defines the non-cutting portion of the
tool. Although it is different to the Tool Holder (see "Tool Holder
dialog" on page 875) which is defined on the next tab, the way in which
you create a shank is very similar to how you create a tool holder.
Toolpaths will avoid contact with the Tool Shank.

The cutting portion of the tool is yellow, the non-cutting portion green
and the tool holder pink.
Component - the tool shank components that you have defined are
displayed on the left hand side of the dialog.
Add Shank Component - adds an additional section to the tool
above the currently selected section. Once you have added a section you
define it in the Dimensions area of the dialog.
Remove Shank Component - deletes the currently selected
section of the tool shank (the one that is pale green).
Delete Shank - deletes the whole of the tool shank.
Shank Dimensions

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 875

Shank Dimensions - allows you to define the shape of the active
section of the tool shank (the one that is pale green).
Upper Diameter - the diameter at the top of the current section of
the tool shank. This must be greater than or equal to the Lower
Lower Diameter - the diameter at the bottom of the current
section of the tool shank. This must be less than or equal to the
Upper Diameter.
Length - the vertical height of the current section of the tool
Tool Length - summarises of the overall tool length is given at the
bottom of the dialog. These fields are for information only and cannot be
Cutting Length - the vertical height of the cutting portion of the
tool, defined in the Length field in the Tip tab.
Shank Length - the vertical height of all sections of the tool
Tool Assembly - displays the defined tool tip, tool shank and tool
Tool Assembly Toolbar (on page 884) - allows you to duplicate
or remove a tool assembly.

876 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tool Holder dialog
The Holder tab of the Tool dialog defines the holder portion of the tool.
Toolpaths will avoid contact with the Tool Holder.

The cutting portion of the tool is yellow, the non-cutting portion green
and the tool holder pink.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 877

You can add in as may components to a tool holder as you require. You
can also save a definition to a tool holder store or retrieve a tool holder.
The left hand side of the dialog displays a dynamically updated picture of
the tool holder:

The right hand side of the dialog shows the entire assembly of tool
holder, tool shank and tool tip. This picture is also updated automatically
as you define additional components.
Holder Name - the name of the Tool Holder. As with other entities,
the default name is a number. By default this is the same as the Tool
Name, but if you import a Tool Holder from a file using the toolbar
shown below, the file name automatically becomes the Holder Name.
Tool Holder toolbar - allows you to define the shape of
the tool holder, retrieve a tool holder from file, or save one
The Tool Holder toolbar allows you to define the shape
of the tool holder, retrieve a tool holder from store, or save one to store:
Add Holder Component - adds an additional section to the tool
holder above the currently selected section. Once you have added a
section you can define it in the Dimensions area of the dialog.
Remove Holder Component - deletes the currently selected
section of the tool holder (the one that is pale pink).
Clear Tool Holder - deletes all the sections of the tool holder,
leaving just the tool.
Load Tool Holder - allows you to import a pre-defined tool holder
into the current tool holder above the currently selected component. The
Import Tool Holder dialog is displayed.

878 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

This is a standard PowerMILL Import dialog. Simply move to the
appropriate directory, select the tool holder you require, and click Open.
All tool holders have a *.pmlth or *.dgk file extension.
Save Tool Holder - allows you to save the current tool holder,
using the Export Tool Holder dialog.
Move to the required directory, give the tool holder a suitable name, and
click Save. All tool holders are automatically saved with a *.dgk file
extension, unless you specify a *.pmlth file extension.
Dimensions - allows you to define/edit any portion of the tool holder.
The active section of the tool holder is the one that is pale pink.

Tool Assembly Toolbar (on page 884) - allows you to duplicate

or remove a tool assembly.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 879

Tool Cutting Data dialog
The Cutting Data tab displays parameters related to the cutting
behaviour of the tool. Typically, cutting data values will depend on the
material being cut.

Tool Family - provides a way to group tools together, so that they can
share cutting data in the database. For example, you can enter the tool
material name as the Tool Family, then all tools with the same Tool
Family and Stock Material will share cutting data.
The Cutting Data records are synchronised and shared for all tools with
the same Family Name and Stock Material.

If you have a blank Stock Material, then the cutting data is

synchronised and shared for all tools with the same Family Name,
blank Stock Material and Cutting Data records.
They are not shared for tools with blank Family Name, and the
same Stock Material and Cutting Data records.
If you change the Tool Family, the Cutting Data from other tools with
the same Tool Family and Stock Material will be applied to this tool.
If no tools in the project or tool database share the same Tool Family
and Stock Material, the Cutting Data remains unchanged.

880 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

- adds a new Tool Family.
The Enter the new family name dialog is displayed.

Enter a name (which cannot contain any spaces). Click on to accept

the new name, or to cancel.

Tool ID - the user-defined name allocated to the tool, and added to the
cut file. By default, this is the same as the Name.
Coolant (on page Error! Bookmark not defined.) - allows you to
specify the coolant:
None - no coolant output.
Standard - coolant turned on.
Flood - coolant on flood.
Mist - coolant on mist.
Tap - tap coolant on.
Air - air blast.
Through - coolant through spindle.
Double - two coolant codes are allowed.

The coolant is always turned off at the end of a toolpath.

Cutting Data table

This table summarises the information in the Edit Cutting Data dialog
(on page 880). To edit any of the values, double-click on one of the rows
in the list.
Clear - clears the cutting data for the selected row.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 881

Delete - clears all the cutting data and the tool family.

Edit - edits the cutting data for the selected row.

Display Feed/Tooth in TDU - displays the feed/tooth and depth of cut
values in tool diameter units rather than actual values.

Tool Diameter Units - is the distance relative to the tool

diameter. So with a 10mm tool and a TDU of 0.5, this gives
an actual value of 5mm.
Hide Empty Rows - hides all empty rows. This makes it easier to use if
you want only one or two feed and speed sets for a tool. A single row of
data is always shown. If there is no cutting data then the default
Finishing/General empty row is shown. This row can be used for all
your cutting data if you don't want to differentiate between the different
toolpath types.

Edit Cutting Data dialog

The Edit Cutting Data dialog allows you to edit the cutting data
displayed Cutting Data tab of the Tool dialog.

Toolpath Type - specifies the type of toolpath cut with this tool. This is
either Roughing or Finishing.
Operation - specifies the cutting mode of the tool.

882 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tool Properties - summarises information from the Tip (see "Tool Tip
dialog" on page 864) and Cutting Data (see "Tool Cutting Data dialog"
on page 878) tabs.
Tool ID - the name of the tool. This is the same as the Tool ID on
the Cutting Data tab.
Diameter - the diameter of the tool. This is the same as the
Diameter on the Tip tab.
Tool Family - the tool family to which the tool belongs.
Number of Flutes - the number of flutes on the tool.
Tool/Material Properties

Axial Depth of Cut - the depth of cut measured along the tool axis in
mm or inches depending on the Units setting.
In calculations, this value is represented by the symbol a p.

The maximum value is limited by the flute length of a solid cutter

or by the inserts fitted.
Typically, this value is used to set the maximum Stepdown for
Area Clearance and Constant Z machining.
Radial Depth of Cut - the depth of cut measured normal to the tool
axis, measured in mm or inches depending on the Units setting.
In calculations, this value is represented by the symbol a e.

Typically, this value is used to set the Stepover for machining.

Surface Speed - the speed of the tool when material is being removed,
measured in metres (or inches) per minute depending on the Units
In calculations, this value is represented by the symbol v . c

The surface speed represents the rate at which the cutting edges of
the tool can be driven through the material.
This values is used to calculate the Spindle Speed.
Feed/Tooth - the cutting feed per tooth, measured in mm or inches
depending on the Units setting.
In calculations, this value is represented by the symbol f z.

The feed per tooth is determined by the construction of the tool,

and may be limited by the strength of the cutting edges or the
capacity of the tool to remove swarf.
This value is used to calculate the Cutting Feed Rate.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 883

If only one flute is specified for the tool, then Feed/Tooth is the
same as Feed/Rev.
- loads the Surface Speed and Feed/Tooth from the active
toolpath (from the Feeds and Speeds dialog).
Edit Feed/Tooth and Depth of Cut in TDU - displays the
Feed/Tooth and Depth of Cut values in tool diameter units rather than
actual values.

Tool Diameter Units - is the distance relative to the tool

diameter. So with a 10mm tool and a TDU of 0.5, this gives
an actual value of 5mm.
Cutting Conditions

Spindle Speed - the rotation of the spindle, measured in revolutions per

In calculations, this value is represented by the symbol n.
This value is calculated automatically from the Surface Speed
If you edit this value then the Surface Speed value is also
updated to reflect your change.
Cutting Feed Rate - the cutting feed rate, measured in mm or inches
per minute depending on the Units setting.
In calculations, this value is represented by the symbol f v.

This value is calculated automatically from the Feed/Tooth value.

If you edit this value then the Feed/Tooth value is also updated to
reflect your change.

884 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tool Description Dialog
The Description tab of the Tool dialog allows you to add user-defined
parameters to the tool and a record in the cut file.

Description - any text entered here is written as a 29000 record in the

cut file, and can be displayed in setup sheets.
User Defined Settings - adds user-defined parameters to the tool.
Name - enter the name of the new setting. Setting names must start with
a letter and can only contain letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9) or the
underscore character (_).
- adds the new Name to the list.
List - displays a list of all user-defined parameters.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 885

Edit Selected Setting - enables you to edit the selected setting.
Selecting a setting in the list displays the Name and Value here.
Name - displays the name of the setting selected in the list. You can edit
this name.
Value - displays the value of the setting selected in the list. You can edit
this value.

- deletes the setting.

Tool Assembly - displays the defined tool tip, tool shank and tool
holder components which are controlled using the Tool Assembly
toolbar .

Tool Assembly toolbar

The Tool Assembly toolbar allows you to duplicate or remove a
tool assembly, and, in the case of a Form Tool (on page 867) or
Routing Tool (on page 870), import a tool assembly that was
created elsewhere (for example using PowerSHAPE (see "Creating a
Form Tool in PowerSHAPE" on page 898)).
Copy Tool Profile - creates a new tool entity based on the
current one. It has the same name as the previous one with the
addition of _1. You can then change any parameters you want
without changing the original tool, but you need to bear in mind
that, where the original tool is used in an active toolpath, the new
tool assembly will replace the original tool assembly. This option is
only available if you are displaying the Settings of an existing
tool (available from the context menu for the tool object in
Explorer). This can be used to create a shank and/or holder for an
existing tool definition and is particularly useful when collision
Clear Tool Assembly - resets all the tool, shank and holder
parameters. The Tool entity still exists in Explorer but is marked
to show that it no longer has an appropriate definition.
Load Tool Assembly - if you have the Form Tool or
Routing Tool dialog displayed, this option allows you to load
a tool, shank and holder profile from a *.dgk file. The Import
Tool Assembly dialog is displayed.

886 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

This is a standard PowerMILL Import dialog. Simply move to the
appropriate directory, select the tool assembly you require, and
click Open.

A tool assembly must have the tool defined in yellow, the shank in
green and the holder in pink.

Creating a Routing Tool

This example takes you through the creation of a routing tool.

1. From the Create Tool pull-out list on the Tool toolbar,

select the Routing Tool option.
2. Click Load Tool Profile on the Tool Creation toolbar (on
page 869), move to the appropriate directory. in this case, you can
use Tool_Routing.dgk from the Examples directory.

3. Create a simple Block with dimensions of something like:

Min X - 0, Max X - 100
Min Y - 0, Max Y - 100
Min Z - 0, Max Z - 20
4. From the Models context menu, select Create Plane - From
Block, and then enter a suitable Z Limit, of say 0, for the plane.
5. Select View - Toolbar - Pattern from the menu to display the
Pattern toolbar.
6. Click Create Pattern on the Pattern toolbar (or select
Create Pattern from the Patterns context menu).
7. Click Insert Model into Active Pattern on the Pattern

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 887

8. Create a Pattern Finishing toolpath from the Finishing tab on
the New dialog (available from Toolpath Strategies ). Make
sure that you select a Tool of the routing tool you have just created
and a Drive Curve - Pattern of the pattern you have just created,
then click on Apply.

The result should look something like this:

9. If you simulate the toolpath you can see the effect of the routing
tool. On the ViewMill toolbar click the Toggle button .

888 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

10.On the Simulation toolbar, select the toolpath you have just
created and then Play the simulation.

Creating a Tool Shank

This example takes you through the creation of a shank for a specific tool.
1. Right-click the required tool in Explorer, and select the Settings
option from the tool's context menu.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 889

2. Select the Shank tab from the Tool dialog.

3. Click the Add Component button to add the first portion of

the tool shank.

890 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

4. Enter the following values in the Dimensions area of the Shank

Upper Diameter - 15
Lower Diameter - 15
Length - 20
5. Click the Add Component button to add the second portion
of the tool shank.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 891

6. Enter the following values in the Dimensions area of the Shank

Upper Diameter - 25
Lower Diameter - 25
Length - 20

Clicking any portion of the tool shank turns it paler green -

its values are then displayed in the Dimensions area for

Clicking Remove Shank Component deletes the

currently selected portion of the tool shank (the pale green
7. Click Close. The tool and tool shank are displayed in the graphics

892 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Creating a Tool Holder
This example takes you through the creation of a holder for a specific
1. Right-click the required tool in Explorer, and select the Settings
option from the tool's context menu.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 893

2. Select the Holder tab from the Tool dialog:

3. Click the Add Component button to add the first portion of

the tool holder.

894 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

4. Enter the following values in the Dimensions area of the Holder

Upper Diameter - 60
Lower Diameter - 30
Length - 50

Press the Tab key if you want to see the immediate results of
any amended Dimensions in the Tool Assembly.
5. Click the Add Component button to add the second portion
of the tool holder.
6. Enter the following values in the Dimensions area.
Upper Diameter - 60
Lower Diameter - 60
Length - 40
7. Ensure that the second portion of the tool holder is selected (pale
pink) before adding the third. Otherwise the next component will
be added below rather than above it.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 895

8. Click the Add Component button to add the third portion of
the tool holder.
9. Enter the following values in the Dimensions area.
Upper Diameter - 110
Lower Diameter - 60
Length - 50
10.Ensure that the third portion of the tool holder is selected (pale
pink) before adding the fourth and final portion. Otherwise the next
component will be added below rather than above it.
11.Click the Add Component button to add the fourth portion
of the tool holder.
12.Enter the following values in the Dimensions area of the Holder

Upper Diameter - 110

Lower Diameter - 110
Length - 50

896 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Your tool holder should now resemble the following:

Clicking any portion of the tool holder turns it paler pink - its
values are then displayed in the Dimensions area for

Clicking Remove Holder Component deletes the

currently selected portion of the tool holder (the pale pink
13.Click Close. The tool, shank and tool holder are displayed in the
graphics window:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 897

Creating a Form Tool
This example takes you through the creation of a form tool.

1. From the Create Tool pull-out list on the Tool toolbar,

select the Form Tool (on page 867) option.
2. Click the Add line Span button to add a line segment. In the
Span Dimensions area, enter End - 10, 0 and then click
Update Span.

3. Click the Add Arc Span button to add an arc segment. In the
Span Dimensions area, enter Centre - 10, 10 and End - 20,
10, and then click Update Span.

898 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 899
4. Click the Add line Span button , enter End - 20, 50 in the
Span Dimensions area, and then click Update Span:

5. Click Close to complete the tool definition. The tool is now


Creating a Form Tool in PowerSHAPE

This example covers the creation of a form tool in PowerSHAPE.

It is assumed that you have a working knowledge of PowerSHAPE.

1. In PowerSHAPE, ensure that you have an XY View displayed .
2. Create the shape of the Form Tool, remembering that the first
point must be at 0,0:

900 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

3. Insert fillets:

4. Concatenate the lines and curves to form one composite curve:

5. Save the curve as a *.dgk file (for example, FormTool.dgk).

6. Return to PowerMILL.

7. From the Create Tool pull-out list on the Tool toolbar,

select the Form Tool (on page 867) option.
8. Click the Load Tool Profile (see "Tool Creation toolbar" on page
869) button in the Geometry area of the dialog and import the
tool that you have just created.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 901

The Form Tool Tip dialog is updated with the profile you created,
and the tool is also displayed in the graphics window, for example:

Restrictions on Creating a Form Tool in PowerSHAPE

There are certain rules which must be followed when creating an
allowable .dgk profile for a form tool in PowerSHAPE. The red spans in
the figures below are spans which break the rules, and so will not create a
form tool.
All curves used to create a form tool must be lines or arc spans.
All lines and arc spans must be concatenated to form one
composite curve.
The composite curve, or profile, must have be convex. It cannot
have any concave regions.

Each span must have an increasing X value.

Each span must have an increasing Y value.

902 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

There cannot be any gaps between neighbouring spans.

The curve direction must be from 0,0 to the end of the form tool.

Creating a Form Tool, Shank and Holder in PowerSHAPE

You can define a tool, shank and holder in PowerSHAPE and import the
entire assembly into PowerMILL.
1. In PowerSHAPE ensure that you have an XY view displayed .
2. Create the shape of the Form Tool remembering that the first
point must be at 0,0. In this case, you must include the return
horizontal line at the top of the tool. Form one composite curve and
change the colour to yellow:

3. Then create a composite curve for the shank and change its colour
to green. In this case, the return horizontal line at the top of the tool
is coincident with the horizontal line at the bottom of the shank:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 903

4. Now create a composite curve for the holder and change its colour
to red. In this case, the return horizontal line at the top of the shank
is not coincident with the horizontal line at the bottom of the

5. Save this as a *.dgk file.

6. Return to PowerMILL.

7. From the Create Tool pull-out list on the Tool toolbar,

select the Form Tool (on page 867) option.
8. Click the Load Tool Assembly button on the Tool Assembly
toolbar (on page 884) and import the tool assembly that you have
just created.
The Form Tool dialog is updated with the profile you created.
9. Click Close.
The tool assembly is displayed in the graphics window:

904 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tool Database
The Tool Database dialog allows you to select tools from a pre-
defined database.

The dialog splits into three:

Search Settings - allows you to select the criteria to find the
required tool(s).

You can select a tool by entering search criteria in any number of the
fields (or, entering no search criteria, to display the whole database for
the selected tool type), and then clicking the Search button.
Name - allows you to search by the name of the tool.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 905

Search String - enter the characters you are looking for in the
Tool Name.
Search Mode - defines how characters in the Name field are
Equals - the Tool Name only contains the characters in the
Name field.
Like - the Tool Name contains the characters in the Name
field, but may contain additional characters.
Diameter - allows you to search by the diameter range of the tool
specified by the Minimum and Maximum fields.
Length - allows you to search by the length range of the tool specified
by the Minimum and Maximum fields.
Tip Radius - allows you to search by the tip radius range of the tool
specified by the Minimum and Maximum fields.
Type - allows you to search by the tool type specified.
Flutes - allows you to search by the number of tool flutes.
Tool Family - allows you to search by the tool family specified.
Search - searches the database for all the tools that meet your criteria.
Reset - resets the search criteria to those displayed at start up.
Stock Material - allows you to specify the stock material type.

The stock material displayed here is the material that will be associated
with any new tool created in PowerMILL, whether it be from the tool
database or otherwise. If the tool is created from the database, it inherits
any cutting data that exists for that tool and stock material combination in
the database.
- displays the stock material to which the cutting
data refers. This drop-down list contains all the available stock material
Define a new Stock Material - defines a new stock material for
use with the tool database. This displays the New Stock Material
Name dialog:

906 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Enter a name for the new stock material, and then click .

Spaces are not allowed in stock material names, but numbers are.
So Mild Steel isn't allowed, but Mild_Steel or Mild_Steel_1 are.
Search Results - shows the tools in the database that meet your
search criteria.

Tool List - displays all tools that meet the search criteria. It also gives
details of the tool's dimensions.
The size of each column can be moved in a standard Windows way by
placing the cursor over the end of a column and dragging it to a new
location. This works in the same way as the Toolpath List (on page 43)
in the NC Program dialog.

- shows the number of records found.

Select All Search Results - selects all listed tools.
Deselect All Search Results - deselects all selected tools.

Delete - deletes the selected records.

Create Tools - creates the selected tools in your project, and adds them
to the Explorer.

You can select tools by either using the Select All button or by
any of the standard Windows selection methods.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 907

Options for Tool Database - displays the Tools - Options -
Tool (see "Tool tab" on page Error! Bookmark not defined.) tab.
Enables you to specify the location of the Tool Database and how the
tools are created.

Hovering the mouse over the Tool Database dialog header

displays the database file path in the status bar help.

908 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Creating tools from the tool database
This example shows you how to create tools from the tool database.
1. Click the Tool Database button on the Tool toolbar.

2. Enter the search criteria you are interested in. For example, to list
all end mills with a diameter between 4mm and 5mm.
Enter a Type of End Mill.

Select the Diameter option, and select a Min of 4.0 and a Max
of 5.0.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Tool toolbar 909

3. Click the Search button to find the tools that meet your criteria.

4. Select the tools you want to add to your project.

5. Click the Create Tools button. PowerMILL creates the specified

tools in your project, and adds them to the Explorer.

6. Click Close to close the dialog.

910 Tool toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Toolpath toolbar

The Toolpath toolbar provides quick access to toolpath creation and

editing. By default it is located at the bottom of the graphics window, but
it can be relocated anywhere around the PowerMILL window, or as a
separate window.

Active Toolpath - this drop-down list displays the

currently active toolpath (it is blank if no toolpath is active) and contains
a list of all the available toolpaths.
Transform Toolpath (on page 915) - creates new toolpaths by
Moving (see "Move to Relative Position" on page 916), Rotating (see
"Rotate Toolpath" on page 917) or Mirroring (see "Mirror in Plane" on
page 918) the active toolpath, or by transforming it to the Workplane
(see "Transform to Workplane" on page 919) or World (see "Transform
to World" on page 920).
Limit Toolpath (on page 921) - creates new toolpaths by limiting
the active toolpath to a Plane (see "Limit Toolpath to Plane" on page
923), Polygon (see "Limit Toolpath to Polygon" on page 924) or
Boundary (see "Limit Toolpath to Boundary" on page 925).
Divide Toolpath (on page 927) - splits the active toolpath into two
or more sections. There are five ways of dividing a toolpath: by Angle
(see "Divide Toolpath by Angle" on page 928), Direction (see "Divide
Toolpath by Direction" on page 929), Length (see "Divide Toolpath by
Length" on page 931), Time (see "Divide Toolpath by Time" on page
932) or Retract (see "Divide Toolpath by Retract" on page 933).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 911

Move Toolpath Start Points (on page 934) - allows you to
manually realign start points of closed toolpaths (such as Constant Z or
3D Offset).
Update Region (on page 957) - enables you to recalculate an
existing toolpath over a limited region of the part. This means that you
could make a minor change in the model and then recalculate the toolpath
within a boundary that contains the change.
Reorder (on page 959) - allows you to manipulate the segments of
the active toolpath.
Copy - creates an exact copy of the active toolpath. The new toolpath
has the same name as the original with an _1 added. So, Roughing
becomes Roughing_1. If you take a second copy it will be called
Roughing_2, and so on.

Delete Toolpath - deletes the active toolpath.

Toolpath Drawing options (on page 910) - the
remaining options are switches that allow you to turn the display of
particular components on and off for the active toolpath..

Drawing options
The drawing options described are all 'toggles' on
the Toolpath toolbar (on page 909). This means that you click once to
turn on the display of particular components for the active toolpath, and
then click again to turn them off.

912 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Draw Toolpath Links - draws the links for the active toolpath, for

Draw Leads - draws the leads for the active toolpath, for example:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 913

Draw Points - draws each toolpath point for the active toolpath in
red, and draws the arc centres in blue. These are used for visualisation of
point density:

Draw Tool Axes - draws the axis of the tool at each toolpath point
so that you can visualise the changing tool orientation:

Draw Contact Normals - draws the toolpath contact normals at

each toolpath point in red.

914 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

This option is available only if you select Contact Normals in the
Calculation area of the Toolpath tab of the Options dialog on
the Tools menu. The contact normals are the I, J, K vectors.

Draw Contact Track - draws the trace of the toolpath contact

points in red.

This option is available only if you select Contact Normals in the

Calculation area of the Toolpath tab of the Options dialog on
the Tools menu. The contact normals are the I, J, K vectors.

- standard toolpath trace in green.

- toolpath contact point trace in red.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 915

Draw Feeds - determines whether or not the feeds for the active
toolpath are displayed.

916 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Transform Toolpath
The following dialog is displayed when you click on the Toolpath
toolbar (on page 909), or select Edit - Transform from the context
menu for the toolpath object in Explorer:

Toolpath - this field defaults to the name of the active toolpath. If this is
not the toolpath to be transformed, select the required toolpath from the
drop-down list.
Active Workplane - selecting a workplane from the drop-down list
makes it the active workplane. In Explorer, the active workplane appears
in bold type and is preceded by >.
Active - when this box is selected, the selected toolpath becomes the
active toolpath. In Explorer, the active toolpath appears in bold type and
is preceded by >.
Draw - when this box is selected, the selected toolpath is drawn in the
graphics window.
Transform Copy - if this box is selected, the selected toolpath will be
copied when it is transformed and given the name of the original toolpath
with the addition of _1 (and then _2, and so on). If the box is deselected,
the current toolpath will be replaced by the new transformed toolpath,
under the same name as the original toolpath.
The selected toolpath can be transformed using any of the following

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 917

Move to Relative Position (on page 916) - transforms the
toolpath along the specified axis by the selected distance. Enter a
value in the Distance field and then click the ,
or button to move thetoolpath by the specified distance
along the selected axis.
Rotate (see "Rotate Toolpath" on page 917) - rotates the toolpath
around the specified axis by the selected angle. First enter the
required rotation Angle and then click on the ,
or button to rotate the toolpath about the appropriate axis.
Mirror in Plane (on page 918) - mirrors the toolpath around the
specified axis.
Transform to Workplane (on page 919) - moves the toolpath so
that it is in the same place relative to the Active Workplane as it
was to the World (global transform).
Transform to World (on page 920) - moves the toolpath so that
it is in the same place relative to the World (global transform) as it
was to the Active Workplane.

Move to Relative Position

This option transforms the toolpath along the specified axis by the
selected distance. Enter a value in the Distance field and
then click the , or button to move the toolpath by the specified
distance along the selected axis.

918 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The example above shows the toolpath being moved along the axis by
the specified Distance. The move takes place relative to the origin of the
workplane used to create the original toolpath, creating a new workplane.
This workplane is in the same relative position to the new toolpath as the
global coordinate system was to the original toolpath.

Rotate Toolpath
This option rotates the toolpath around the specified axis by the selected
Enter the required rotation Angle on the Transform Toolpath (on page
915) dialog, and then click the , or button to rotate the toolpath
by the selected angle about the specified axis.

The example above shows the toolpath rotated in by an Angle of -

90. The rotation takes place around the origin of the workplane used to
create the original toolpath, creating a new workplane. This workplane is
in the same relative position to the new toolpath as the global coordinate
system was to the original toolpath.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 919

Mirror in Plane
This option mirrors the toolpath around the specified axis. Clicking the
, or button mirrors the toolpath about the specified axis of the
active workplane.

The example above shows the toolpath mirrored in . The mirroring

takes place around the origin of the workplane used to create the original

920 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Transform to Workplane

The option moves the toolpath so that it is in the same place

relative to the active workplane as it was to the World (global transform).

In the example above, the workplane is in the middle of the part and the
global transform is in one corner.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 921

Transform to World

The option moves the toolpath so that it is in the same place

relative to the World (global transform) as it was to the active workplane.

In the example above, the workplane is in the middle of the part and the
global transform is in one corner. A new workplane is created. This
workplane is in the same relative position to the new toolpath as the
global coordinate system was to the original toolpath.

922 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Limit Toolpath
As with the Transform Toolpath (on page 915) functions, the Limit
To Plane, Polygon and Boundary commands create new toolpaths
that are based on the active toolpath.

It is essential to have an active toolpath for this functionality to

The following dialog is displayed when you click on the Toolpath
toolbar (on page 909), or select Edit - Limit from the context menu for
the toolpath object in Explorer:

Limit to - this drop-down list has three options:

Plane (see "Limit Toolpath to Plane" on page 923) - limits (cuts)
the active toolpath to a specified plane. The Plane area of the
Polygon (see "Limit Toolpath to Polygon" on page 924) - limits
(cuts) the currently active toolpath to a specified polygon.
Boundary (see "Limit Toolpath to Boundary" on page 925) -
limits (cuts) the currently active toolpath to a specified boundary.
Type - defines the limiting plane. These options are only available if
you have a Limit to of Plane.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 923

Plane X - defines the YZ plane. Either pick a point on the
screen using the left mouse button, or enter the X coordinate in
the Point frame of the dialog.
Plane Y - defines the XZ plane. Either pick a point on the
screen using the left mouse button, or enter the Y coordinate in
the Point frame of the dialog.
Plane Z - defines the XY plane. Either pick a point on the
screen using the left mouse button, or enter the Z coordinate in
the Point frame of the dialog.
Arbitrary - either pick two points on the screen using the left
mouse button to define the normal to the required plane, or enter
X, Y and Z coordinates in the Point and Normal frames of the
Point - defines the origin of the plane.
Normal - defines the direction of the normal of the plane.Save - this
drop-down list has three options:
Boundary - determines which boundary is used to limit the toolpath.
You can select the required boundary from the drop-down list. This
option is only available if you have a Limit to of Boundary.
Projection Plane - determines in which plane the toolpath is
limited. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:
Workplane, View Plane or Best Fit Plane. This option is only
available if you select the Limit to Boundary option.
Save - determines which side of a plane, polygon or bundary is saved.
There are three options:
Determines whether the toolpaths on the Inner, Outer or Both sides of
the plane, polygon or boundary are kept. For a closed polygon or
boundary it is obvious what is inside or outside. However, this is not the
case for a plane. So, each plane has an arrow, normal to the plane, at each
corner, to indicate which side of the plane will be selected. The boundary
or polygon must be a closed, non-intersecting contour.
Delete Original - selecting this box means that the original toolpath is
will be removed when the new limited toolpath is created. Deselect it to
keep the original toolpath.

924 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Reorder - selecting this box means that the limited toolpath will be
reordered to minimise air time. Deselect it to avoid reordering.

Limit Toolpath to Plane

Limits (cuts) the active toolpath to a specified plane. Define the Plane
and click Apply.
When limiting to a Plane, the graphical representation of the plane has
arrows on it indicating which part(s) of the toolpath will be kept,
depending on the setting of the Save option.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 925

In this case, if you want to keep the Inner:

you end up with the following:

If the Plane Type is set to Arbitrary, and you select the the plane
by clicking in the graphics window with the left mouse button, the
first click sets the plane origin, and the second click sets another
point on the plane - the plane normal always remains in the viewing

Limit Toolpath to Polygon

926 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Limits (cuts) the currently active toolpath to a specified polygon. Sketch a
polygon with any number of sides, using the mouse button, and then click
Original toolpath:

Limited toolpath:

Limit Toolpath to Boundary

Limits (cuts) the active toolpath to a specified boundary, created using

Explorer. Select the Boundary from the drop-down list, select a
Projection Plane of Workplane, View Plane or Best Fit Plane,
and then click Apply.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 927

Original toolpath:

Limited toolpath:

This result is the same as when you use Limit Toolpath to

Polygon (on page 924). It is up to you which option you want to
use, but there will be occasions where one will be easier/faster to
use than the other and other times where there is really no
difference between the two.

928 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Divide Toolpath
Clicking Divide Toolpath displays the following dialog:

There are five ways of dividing a toolpath:

Angle (see "Divide Toolpath by Angle" on page 928) - splits a
toolpath into two parts depending on the angle each move makes
with the XY plane. The angle is independent of the cutting
direction. This option may be used to generate optimised
perpendicular finishing passes.
Direction (see "Divide Toolpath by Direction" on page 929) -
splits a toolpath into parts depending whether the tool is cutting
Up, Down, or Flat. Options are provided to keep different
combinations of the three different portions. This option is useful
when you want to machine certain areas with a tool that cannot
machine downwards, or if you want to machine flat areas with an
end mill.
Length (see "Divide Toolpath by Length" on page 931) - splits a
toolpath into several sections so that the distance travelled by the
tool within each section does not exceed a specified limit. This
option is useful if tool life is limited.
Time (see "Divide Toolpath by Time" on page 932) - splits a
toolpath into several sections so that the machining time of each
section does not exceed a specified limit. Time is calculated using
the specified feed rate. This option is useful if tool life is limited.
Retract (see "Divide Toolpath by Retract" on page 933) - splits a
toolpath at each tool retract point.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 929

Divide Toolpath by Angle

Angle - this is the limiting slope measured from the XY plane.

Remove Segments Smaller Than - removes segments that are
smaller in length than the figure entered here. The higher the value, the
smaller the fragmentation. This value should normally be set to a similar
value to the machining tolerance.
Save - this drop-down list has three options:
The illustrations below show the effects of dividing a toolpath with a
limiting Angle of 30 degrees, keeping Both parts:

The two new toolpaths have the same name as the original but have _1
and _2 appended to the original name:

930 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

_1 contains the steep portion:

_2 contains the shallow portion:

Divide Toolpath by Direction

Flat Angle - an angle limit measured from the XY plane. A move is

counted as Flat if it makes an angle with the XY plane smaller than this

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 931

Remove Segments Smaller Than - removes segments that are
smaller in length than the figure entered here. The higher the value, the
smaller the fragmentation. This value should normally be set to a similar
value to the machining tolerance.
Subtract - there are three areas that you can separate from the whole
Up - this subtracts the moves that are cutting Up, leaving only
moves that are Flat or Down.
Down - this subtracts the moves that are cutting Down, leaving
only moves that are Flat or Up.
Flat - this subtracts moves that are Flat, leaving only moves that
are Up or Down.
Save - this specifies which part of the toolpath to keep:
Subtract - keeps the part of the toolpath specified by the
Subtract option.
Remainder - keeps the part of the toolpath not specified by the
Subtract option.
Both - keeps both parts of the toolpath as two separate toolpaths.
The illustrations below show the effects of dividing a toolpath with a Flat
limit of 0.5. Subtract is set to Up, and Keep is set to Both.

In this case, two new toolpaths are created. One contains the Subtract
portion and the other contains the Remainder. The two new toolpaths
have the same name as the original but have _1 and _2 appended to the

932 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

_1 contains the Remainder portion (the Down and Flat moves):

_2 contains the Subtract portion (the Up moves):

If you want to keep just the upward portion of the toolpath, select
Save Subtract. Similarly, if you want to keep just the downward
and flat portion of the toolpath, select Save Remainder.

Divide Toolpath by Length

Length - The required maximum length of each portion of the toolpath.

If a small value for Length is specified, dividing a toolpath may produce
a very large number of new toolpaths. To save you having to delete many
toolpaths, a confirmation dialog is displayed before producing any new

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 933

Click on Yes to divide the toolpath, No to abandon the operation.
Under certain circumstances toolpaths may exceed the specified length.
To avoid starting a cut in the middle of the part, toolpath division only
occurs at links between segments. Each toolpath generated by dividing
contains one or more segments, so if one or more segments in the original
toolpath are longer than Length, some of the toolpaths produced will be
also. In this case a warning message is displayed:

Most pattern finishing toolpaths comprise one long segment, unless

they have been limited. For toolpaths like this, divide by length will
have no effect. To enable the toolpath to be divided, use the Edit -
Limit (see "Limit Toolpath" on page 921) command to break the
toolpath into several segments.

Divide Toolpath by Time

Minutes - The required maximum cutting time for each portion of the
Cutting time is calculated using the length of the toolpath and the
specified feed rate: no account is taken of machine acceleration or

934 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

If a small value for Minutes is specified, dividing a toolpath may
produce a very large number of new toolpaths. To save you having to
delete many toolpaths, a confirmation dialog is displayed before
producing any new toolpaths:

Click on Yes to divide the toolpath, No to abandon the operation.

Under certain circumstances toolpaths may exceed the specified duration.
To avoid starting a cut in the middle of the part, toolpath division only
occurs at links between segments. Each toolpath generated by dividing
contains one or more segments, so if one or more segments in the original
toolpath cut for longer than the number of Minutes, then some of the
toolpaths produced will do the same. In this case, a warning message is

Most pattern finishing toolpaths comprise one long segment, unless

they have been limited. For toolpaths like this, division by time will
have no effect. To enable the toolpath to be divided, use the Edit -
Limits (see "Limit Toolpath" on page 921) command to break the
toolpath into several segments.

Divide Toolpath by Retract

This option splits the toolpath at each tool retract point, enabling you to
reorder the resulting toolpath pieces as required.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 935

Any links at cutting feed rate (on surface, circular) are retained
and the toolpath in this event is only divided at rapid retract points.
There are no options on this dialog - simply click Apply to divide the

Move Toolpath Start Points

The Move Toolpath Start Points option allows you to manually
realign start points of closed toolpaths.

This only works on closed segments (typically Constant Z or 3D

Once you have created a toolpath, you can then move the start point of an
individual segment.
1. Once you select the option from the Toolpath toolba (see
"Toolpath toolbar" on page 909)r, or from the toolpath object's
context menu in Explorer (right-click and select Edit - Move
Start Points), the command window at the bottom of the display
Pick Point, apply [RET] or quit [ESC]:
2. Click in the graphics area to sketch line segments.

Each line is taken in turn and the intersection of the line and
each individual segment is added and used as the start point
for that segment. This applies only to closed segments, and
multiple intersections on the same segment with the same line
are ignored. Because each line is taken in turn, if the start
point is moved by one line a subsequent line may move that
start point again. If the view point on the screen is moved
mid-operation, then all stored lines are discarded.
3. Press the Return key to accept the segments, in which case the
new toolpath has the same name as the original but has _1
appended to the original name, or else press the Esc key to
abandon the operation.

936 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tool Axis Editing
The Tool Axis Editing dialog allows you to edit the tool axis of
selected (partial) segments of a toolpath whilst preserving the toolpath
contact positions. This can be used to:
Manually redistribute toolpath points and calculate the tool axis in
any region of the toolpath in order to improve (smooth) the
machine tool movement at the start of each toolpath pass. The
Point Distribution example (on page 945) illustrates how this
functionality might be applied to the start of each toolpath segment.
Locally modify the specified tool axis to achieve extra clearance.
Modify the whole toolpath when the job is moved from one
machine tool to another, with different tool axis limits.
Initially, you must define the region you want to edit in the Select
Regions tab (on page 935). Then you define how you want edit the tool
axis in the Edit Tool Axis tab (on page 938).

Select Regions tab

The Select Regions tab enables you to define the area of the toolpath
you want to edit.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 937

Define Region By - controls how to select the region of the toolpath
you want to edit. Most of the Tool Axis Editing dialog is similar to the
Limit Toolpath (on page 921) dialog:
Plane - selects the region of the toolpath to one side of the
specified plane. This works in exactly the same way as Limit
Toolpath to Plane (on page 923).
Polygon - selects the region of the toolpath to one side of the
specified polygon. This works in exactly the same way as Limit
Toolpath to Polygon (on page 924). For more information, see
steps 2-5 in the Point Distribution example (on page 945).
Boundary - selects the region of the toolpath to one side of the
specified boundary. This works in exactly the same way as Limit
Toolpath to Boundary (on page 925).
Whole segments - selects complete segments of the toolpath.
For more information, see the Multiple selection example (on
page 954).
Pairs of Points - selects the region of the toolpath between two
points. For more information, see steps 3-5 in the Tool axis
editing example (on page 950).
Type - defines the limiting plane. These options are only available
if you have a Define Region By of Plane:
Plane X - defines the YZ plane. Either pick a point on the
screen using the left mouse button, or enter the X coordinate in
the Point frame of the dialog.
Plane Y - defines the XZ plane. Either pick a point on the
screen using the left mouse button, or enter the Y coordinate in
the Point frame of the dialog.
Plane Z - defines the XY plane. Either pick a point on the
screen using the left mouse button, or enter the Z coordinate in
the Point frame of the dialog.
Arbitrary - either pick two points on the screen using the left
mouse button to define the normal to the required plane, or enter
X, Y and Z coordinates in the Point and Normal frames of the
Point - defines the origin of the plane.
Normal - defines the direction of the normal of the plane.

938 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Boundary - determines which boundary is used to limit the
toolpath. You can select the required boundary from the drop-
down list. This option is only available if you have a Define
Region By of Boundary.
Projection Plane - determines in which plane the toolpath is
limited. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:
Workplane, View Plane or Best Fit Plane. This option is
only available if you select the Limit to Boundary option.
Side - determines which side of the plane, polygon or boundary
is selected:
For a closed polygon or boundary it is obvious what is inside or
outside. However, this is not the case for a plane. So, each plane
has an arrow, normal to the plane, at each corner, to indicate which
side of the plane will be selected. The boundary or polygon must
be a closed, non-intersecting contour.
Save Selection - saves the currently selected portions of the toolpath,
and adds it to any other portions of the toolpath that have already been
saved. For more information, see Multiple selection example (on page
Clear Selection - removes all portions of the toolpath from the Saved

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 939

Edit Tool Axis tab
The Edit Tool Axis tab enables you to define how you want to edit the
toolpath. You must define the area of the toolpath you want to edit on the
Select Regions tab (on page 935), before you can edit it.

Type of Editing - determines whether you want to make local changes

by defining a new tool axis, changing the existing tool axis at a constant
rate or manipulating the point distribution:
New Axis Definition - defines a new Tool Axis, and can also
manipulate the existing Point Distribution.
Axis Interpolation - causes the Tool Axis to change at a
constant rate over the selected region, and it can manipulate the
Point Distribution.
Tool Axis - displays the tool axis that will be used in the selected
toolpath region.

- displays the Tool Axis Direction (on page 411) dialog, which
enables you to edit the tool axis.

This option is available only if you have a Type of Editing as

New Axis Definition.

940 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Point Distribution - when selected, displays the point distribution used
to create the toolpath, for example:

- displays the Point Distribution (on page 448) dialog, which

enables you to edit the point distribution of the toolpath.
Blend Distance - distance over which the tool axis will change from
the new orientation to the original. This minimises marks on the model
caused by a sudden change in tool axis. For more information, see Blend
Distance example (on page 957).
Undo - undoes any changes that you have made.

This option is not available until you have selected Apply.

The Undo option becomes unavailable if you:

Deactivate the current toolpath.
Edit the toolpath using something other than the Tool Axis
Editing dialog.
Close the dialog.
Apply - applies the edits defined in the dialog.
Cancel - closes the dialog without making any additional edits.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 941

Example of tool axis editing
This example looks at the different options available for tool axis editing
using the Impeller.dgk model available from the Examples folder.
Calculate a Block from the Model Limits and create a 10mm Ball Nosed

Before you can edit the toolpath you must create one. In this case, a
surface machining toolpath, which is then trimmed so that the near-
vertical end fillet of the blade remains unmachined.
1. Select the splitter blade .

942 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

2. Click the Toolpath Strategies button, select the Finishing
tab, and choose the Surface Finishing option.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 943

3. In the Surface Finishing dialog, select the Max U Max V option
in the Start Corner field, and then press the Tool Axis

Lead/Lean in the Tool Axis field
Enter -70 in the Lean field
4. Click Accept to close the Surface Finishing dialog.
5. Click Apply to calculate the toolpath, then click Cancel.

944 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

6. Limit this toolpath, so that the end fillet is not machined. From the
individual Toolpath context menu, select Edit - Limit.

Limit to - polygon
Delete Original - deselected
Save - Outer
7. Create a polygon by selecting points similar to points , ,
and below:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 945

8. Click Apply, then click Cancel to trim the toolpath and close the
9. From the Leads and Links dialog, change the Lead In to
Extended Move with a Distance of 30.

10.Click the Copy to Lead Out button to apply the Extended

Move to the Lead Out.
11.Click Apply, then click Accept.

The next few examples look at editing this toolpath in a variety of ways:
The Point Distribution example (on page 945) looks at tool axis
interpolation to smooth the machine tool movement in a specified
region of the toolpath.

946 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The Tool Axis editing example (on page 950) shows how to
modify the toolpath tool axis locally to gain extra clearance.
The Multiple Selection example (on page 954) shows how to
multi-select regions of a toolpath before editing the tool axis.
The Blend Distance example (on page 957) shows how to the
smooth transition between the original and the edited tool axis.

Point distribution example

This example looks at tool axis interpolation and point redistribution
within a selected region. The machine tool movement at the start of each
toolpath segment is smoothed by making the tool axis change more
This example uses the impeller.dgk model available in the Examples
folder, and assumes that you have completed the procedure in the
Example of tool axis editing (on page 940).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 947

1. Look at the fillet of the blade toolpath, and select Draw Toolpath
Points .

2. Open the Tool Axis Editing dialog by clicking on the

Toolpath toolbar.

Define by Region - Polygon
Side - Inner

948 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

3. Create a polygon by selecting points similar to points , ,
and below:

4. Click the Save Selection button. The selected portions of the

toolpath turn white.
5. If you want to add additional portions of toolpath, select them first,
and then click the Save Selection button to add them to the
current selection. In this case, you have already selected the
required portion.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 949

6. Open the Edit Tool Axis tab.

Type of Editing - Axis Interpolation.
7. Click the Point distribution button.

Output Type - Redistribute
Tolerance Factor - 0.5
Limit Point Separation - selected

950 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Maximum Point Separation - 0.5
Mesh Factor - 0.1
Limit Maximum Triangle Length - selected
Maximum Triangle length - 1.0
8. Click Accept to close the Point distribution dialog.
9. Click Apply to create the additional points.

Draw Contact Track (embedded)

Draw Contact Track - draws the trace of the toolpath contact
points in red.

This option is available only if you select Contact Normals in the

Calculation area of the Toolpath tab of the Options dialog on
the Tools menu. The contact normals are the I, J, K vectors.

- standard toolpath trace in green.

- toolpath contact point trace in red.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 951

Tool axis editing example
This example looks at modifying the specified tool axis to achieve extra
clearance around the fillet area.
This example uses the impeller.dgk model available in the Examples
folder, and assumes that you have completed the procedure in the
Example of tool axis editing (on page 940).

1. Look at the fillet of the blade toolpath, and select Draw Toolpath
Points .
2. Animate the toolpath to see the clearance issue. From the
individual Toolpath context menu, select the Attach Active
Tool to Start option, and then move the tool. There are many
ways of achieving this; using CTRL+End key and then pressing
works well.

952 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

3. Select on the Toolpath toolbar to open the Tool Axis
Editing dialog.

Define by Region - Pairs of Points
4. Select two points on the bottom toolpath segment in a similar
position to those shown below.

5. Click the Save Selection button. The selected portions of the

toolpath turn white.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 953

6. If you want to add additional portions of toolpath, select them first,
and then click the Save Selection button to add them to the
current selection. In this case, you have already selected the
required portion.
7. Open the Edit Tool Axis tab.

Type of Editing - New Axis definition
Blend Distance - 5

954 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

8. Click the Tool Axis button. Change the Lean Angle to -10,
and then click Accept.

9. Click Apply on the Tool Axis Editing dialog.

10.If you animate the toolpath again (see step 2) you can see the
difference in the tool clearance in this region of the toolpath.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 955

11.Zoom in on the edited part of the toolpath to see the difference that
the change of tool axis has made.

- original toolpath.
- edited toolpath.

The Blend Distance was added so that the Lean Angle of the
tool is changed from -70 to -10 over a period of 5mm rather than
instantaneously. The same also occurs at the end of the region,
where Lean Angle of the tool is changed from -10 to -70 over a
period of 5mm rather than instantaneously. For more information,
see the Blend Distance example (on page 957).

Multiple selection example

This example demonstrates how to multi-select regions of a toolpath
before editing the tool axis. This example uses the impeller.dgk model
available in the Examples folder, and assumes that you have completed
the procedure in the Example of tool axis editing (on page 940).

956 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

1. Select on the Toolpath toolbar to open the Tool Axis
Editing dialog.
Define by Region - Whole Segments
2. In this case, it's easier to select the segments without having the
model visible. Click the Shade and Wireframe buttons to
undraw the model.
3. Select a couple of toolpath segments using a drag box.

4. Click the Save Selection button. The selected segments turn

white (shown in black below).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 957

5. Select another couple of toolpath segments using a drag box.

6. Click the Save Selection button. The selected segments are

added to the previous ones.

7. Click the Clear Selection button to deselect all the selected


958 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Blend distance example
When a Blend of 5mm is used, you can see the smooth transition
between the original and the edited tool axis:

When a Blend of 0 is used, you can see the discontinuity between the
original and the edited tool axis:

Update Region
The Update Region button enables you to recalculate an existing
toolpath over a limited region of the part. This means that you could
make a minor change in the model and then recalculate the toolpath
within a boundary that contains the change.

This technique works best on flat or shallow regions.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 959

The recalculation is done within the active boundary and not
necessarily in the area where the model has been changed.
If you start with this model and raster toolpath:

and then place a cap on one of the pockets:

960 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

you can recalculate the toolpath within this boundary to create the

The recalculation is based on the existing toolpath geometry and

not on the input toolpath strategy.

The Reorder button allows you to change the order and direction of
toolpath segments. It displays the Toolpath Listing dialog:

This dialog displays all the toolpath segments and allows you to reorder
them, altering the machining order.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 961

A segment is defined as the path between two links, and the leads
and links associated with moved segments are modified
Selecting components within the list also selects them graphically,
turning them yellow. Similarly, selecting a segment from the graphics
window moves to that segment in the list. The columns in the list are as
- segment number.
- coordinates of the segment start point.
- coordinates of the segment end point.
- segment length.
- number of points in the toolpath segment.
The Reorder (see "Reorder toolbar" on page 961) toolbar on the left
hand side of the dialog control how the selected segments are reordered:

in the bottom right hand corner of the dialog allows you to resize the
dialog to display more (or fewer) toolpath segments.

962 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Reorder toolbar
The Reorder toolbar on the left hand side of the Toolpath Listing
dialog control how the selected segments are reordered:

Any movement or removal of segments causes all the segments to be

renumbered accordingly.

Delete Selected - deletes the segments selected in the list.

Move to Start - moves the segments selected in the list view to the
start of the toolpath.
Move Up - moves the segments selected in the list view up one
Move Down - moves the segments selected in the list view down
one position.
Move to End - moves the segments selected in the list view to the
end of the toolpath.
Reverse Order - reverses the order of the selected segments in the
toolpath sequence. If no segments are selected, then the whole toolpath is
Reverse Direction - reverses the direction of each selected
segment, so that the start and end points are switched round. If no
segments are selected, then the direction of the whole toolpath is

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 963

Alternate Direction - reverses the direction of each alternate
selected segment, so that the start and end points of every other segment
are switched round. If no segments are selected, then this is applied to the
whole toolpath.
If you select several segments in the list view:

and then click the Alternate Direction button , the direction of

every other selected segment is reversed:

In this case, segments 1 and 3 have been reversed, whilst segments 0 and
2 have not.
If you select all the segments in a one way cutting toolpath, then it is
converted to one that cuts in both directions (and the other way round).
As an example:
the following is converted: to this:

964 Toolpath toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The following toolpaths cannot be zigzagged in this fashion:
Roughing ramp leads.
Drill moves.

Although all other types of toolpath can be zigzagged, it is generally

inappropriate to apply this command to roughing or Constant Z

Automatic Reorder - reorders the toolpath to minimise the 3D

distance between the ends of segments, while maintaining the cutting
direction of segments. This always works on the entire toolpath (not on
selected segments).

Only segments separated by Safe Z links are reordered.

This option is unsuitable for Constant Z and roughing toolpaths

where the ordering must take proper account of pockets.

Automatic Reorder and Reverse - as for Automatic Reorder,

except that it also allows segments to be reversed to minimise the air time
between segments. This usually results in fewer lifts than Automatic

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Toolpath toolbar 965

Boundary toolbar

To select the Boundary toolbar, either:

right click the Boundaries menu in explorer and select the
Toolbar... option from the resulting context menu;
select View - Toolbar - Boundary from the menu.
By default the toolbar is displayed at the bottom of the graphics window:

Create Boundary - this pull-out list lets you select the type of
boundary you want to create. Refer to Boundary types (on page 967). The
type of boundary that is currently displayed on the toolbar at the base of
the list is the one that was last selected:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 967

Selecting any one of these buttons on the list displays a Boundary
dialog box. This works in exactly the same way as selecting Create
Boundary from the Boundaries context menu (see "Creating
Boundaries" on page 129) in Explorer.
Active Boundary - displays the active boundary. If no
boundary is displayed, then there is no active boundary. The drop-down
list contains a list of all available boundaries.
File - allows you to insert a *.dgk or *.pic file into the boundary,
using the Open Boundary dialog:

Select the required file and click the Open button.

Save - saves the modified boundary.
Insert into Boundary (on page 1000) - selecting
any one of these buttons on the toolbar inserts the associated entity into
the current boundary. This works in exactly the same way as selecting
Insert from an individual boundary's context menu.

Edit - allows you to edit the boundary points, in the same way as if
you had selected Edit - Points from the individual boundary's context
menu in Explorer. The resulting dialog works as described in Boundary
Editor dialog (on page 1005).
Clear - deletes the boundary geometry but not the entity itself, which
means that the graphical information is deleted, but that the entity name
still exists in Explorer.

Delete - deletes the active boundary from both the screen and

968 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Boundary types
You can create the different types of boundary described in the table
below using either the Boundary toolbar (on page 965) or the
Boundaries context menu in Explorer:

Button Context Name Description

Block Create a Block Boundary (on
page 970)
Rest Create a Rest Boundary (on
page 971)
Selected Surface Create a Selected Surface
Boundary (on page 972)
Shallow Create a Shallow Boundary
(on page 974)
Silhouette Create a Silhouette Boundary
(on page 975)
Collision Safe Create a Collision Safe
Boundary (on page 977)
Stock Model Rest Create a Stock Model Rest
Boundary (on page 979)

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 969

Button Context Name Description
Contact Point Create a Contact Point
Boundary (on page 982)
Contact Conversion Create a Contact Conversion
Boundary (on page 988)
Boolean Operation Performs a Boolean Operation
(see "Boolean Operation
Boundary" on page 990) on two
User Defined Create a User Defined
Boundary (on page 993)

Common boundary controls

The boundary dialogs share some common controls:
Lock - locks the boundary so that its parameters cannot be changed.
When a boundary is locked, the button changes to and all the
parameter fields become 'read-only'. Click the button again to unlock the

This is particularly useful for protecting complex boundaries that

may have taken some time to calculate.
Name - sets the name of the boundary.

You can also change the name of the boundary using the Explorer

Tolerance - tolerance used for calculation of the boundary.

Determines how accurately the boundary follows the underlying
Thickness - machining thickness applied for calculation. Refer to
Boundary Thickness (on page 1006).

970 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

- clicking this allows you to determines the radial and axial
thicknesses for selected surfaces on the boundary. For more
information, refer to Boundary Thickness (on page 1006).

Any toolpaths that use a particular boundary should typically all

have the same Tolerance and Thickness settings as the

Either select a tool from the pull-out list to create a new tool, or
select an existing tool from the drop down list on the right.

Select the Limit Boundary check box if the new boundary is to be

limited by an existing boundary (select the existing, limiting boundary
from the drop-down list on the right). Select the Inside radio button if
the new boundary is to be inside the limiting boundary, or the Outside
radio button if the new boundary is to be outside it.

The limiting boundary cannot itself be limited by another boundary.

Apply - calculates the boundary immediately using the parameter
settings from the dialog.
Accept - stores the boundary parameters and closes the dialog without
calculating the boundary. The boundary will be calculated automatically
when it is first needed.
Cancel - closes the dialog without storing the boundary parameters.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 971

Block Boundary
This option creates a boundary at the extents of the block.

Block - shows the current block type. Click to change it and raise the
Block dialog (see "Block" on page 354).

972 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Rest Boundary
This option creates a boundary which shows the region where a new,
smaller tool, will machine further into a corner than the original larger
tool. It takes its contours from the regions left unmachined by the
Reference (previous) tool. The boundaries consist of closed profiles
around those regions. These can then be machined with a smaller tool to
avoid remachining the whole model.

Detect Material Thicker Than - the calculation will ignore rest

material that is thinner than the threshold specified here.
Expand Area By - rest areas are expanded by this distance, measured
along the surface. A negative value reduces the size of rest areas.
Tolerances - defines the Tolerance and Thickness used to create the
boundary. For more information, see Common Boundary Controls (on
page 968).
Tool - defines the tool used to create the boundary. For more
information, see Common Boundary Controls (on page 968).
Reference Tool - specifies the Reference tool, typically the larger
tool used to create the original toolpath.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 973


Either select a tool from the pull-out list to create a new tool, or
select an existing tool from the drop down list on the right.
Limit - limits the boundary to an existing boundary. For more
information, see Common Boundary Controls (on page 968).

Selected Surface Boundary

This option will only find the areas that the chosen tool touches on the
surface(s) that is currently selected. This means that it avoids undercuts
and enables you to machine only the selected surfaces without touching
neighbouring (unselected) surfaces.

Top - select this check box if the boundary is to follow the top edges of
any vertical surfaces. Otherwise, leave it unselected so that the boundary
follows the bottom edges.

974 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Roll Over - select this check box if the boundary, and any toolpaths
using the boundary, are to roll over the edges of the selected surfaces.
With Roll Over off (the default), the boundary and toolpath look like

With Roll Over on, the boundary and toolpath look like this:

Tolerances - defines the Tolerance and Thickness used to create the

boundary. For more information, see Common Boundary Controls (on
page 968).
Tool - defines the tool used to create the boundary. For more
information, see Common Boundary Controls (on page 968).
Limit - limits the boundary to another boundary. For more information,
see Common Boundary Controls (on page 968).

Selected Surface Boundaries are recalculated if the selected

surfaces change. Selected surface boundaries behave in a similar
way to toolpaths. This means that they take into account the
selection state at the time of calculation. Batch boundaries use the
selection state at the time of their creation.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 975

Shallow Boundary
This option creates a boundary at the junction of near horizontal areas and
near vertical areas. The boundary will takes its contours from the areas on
the model that lie within a slope angle, and it should be used to machine
areas with large cusps left after Constant Z machining.
What is seen to be horizontal or vertical is defined in the Shallow
Boundary dialog:

Upper Angle - the maximum surface slope, measured from horizontal,

of areas enclosed by the boundary.
Lower Angle - the minimum surface slope, measured from horizontal,
of areas enclosed by the boundary.
Tolerances - defines the Tolerance and Thickness used to create the
boundary. For more information, see Common Boundary Controls (on
page 968).
Tool - defines the tool used to create the boundary. For more
information, see Common Boundary Controls (on page 968).
Limit - limits the boundary to another boundary. For more information,
see Common Boundary Controls (on page 968).

976 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Silhouette Boundary
This option creates a boundary as the silhouette of the model, taking its
contours from the silhouette of the model projected in the Z axis. Using
this boundary minimises lifts caused by the tool losing contact with the
triangle model.

On Model - this switch controls the placement of boundaries on vertical

walls. If On Model is selected (the default), then the boundary will be
positioned at the top of vertical walls.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 977

If On Model is deselected, the boundary will be positioned at the bottom
of the block:

Tolerances - defines the Tolerance and Thickness used to create the

boundary. For more information, see Common Boundary Controls (on
page 968).
Tool - defines the tool used to create the boundary. For more
information, see Common Boundary Controls (on page 968).
Limit - limits the boundary to another boundary. For more information,
see Common Boundary Controls (on page 968).

978 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Collision Safe Boundary
This option creates a boundary that is limited by tool length, which allows
you use a short tool over the majority of the toolpath and then only use
long tools where they are really necessary. The boundary can then be
used to determine the long/short boundary between these toolpaths. The
boundary defines the safe (non-colliding) region with the specified tool.

Holder Clearance - represents a specified 'safe' area around the tool

holder which is taken into account when creating the boundary.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 979

Shank Clearance - represents a specified 'safe' area around the tool
shank which is taken into account when creating the boundary:

Tolerances - defines the Tolerance and Thickness used to create the

boundary. For more information, see Common Boundary Controls (on
page 968).
Tool - defines the tool used to create the boundary. For more
information, see Common Boundary Controls (on page 968).
Limit - limits the boundary to another boundary. For more information,
see Common Boundary Controls (on page 968).

980 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Stock Model Rest Boundary
This option creates a boundary around the stock model rest material,
highlighting the region where there is a difference between the model and
the stock model. The dialog is very similar to the Rest Boundary (on page
971) dialog, except that the Reference Tool area is not relevant and so
is not displayed:

The Stock Model and Tolerance values default to the values set in the
active stock model. The Tolerance value does not need to be the same
as that of the stock model, and you can change it as required. If you do
change it, PowerMILL will calculate the appropriate stock model
The calculation will ignore rest material that is thinner than the threshold
specified in the field Detect Material Thicker Than. The default for
this threshold is the Rest Thickness value in the active stock model,
but you can change it to be any other value. If you do change the value,
PowerMILL will calculate the appropriate stock model internally.
Expand Area By - rest areas are expanded by this distance, measured
along the surface. A negative value reduces the size of rest areas.

For more information on how to use stock model rest boundaries,

refer to Example of Stock Model Rest Boundary (on page 980).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 981

Example of Stock Model Rest Boundary
This example looks at a raster toolpath on the Cowling.dgk model.

1. Create a Tool, Block and Raster toolpath.

2. Select the Create option from the Stock Models context menu
in Explorer.
3. From the context menu for the resulting individual stock model,
select the Stepover option:

4. Enter a value of 0.1 and click .

5. From the context menu for the resulting individual stock model,
select the following options:
Apply - Active Toolpath First
Show Rest Material.
You will now see something similar to this:

982 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

If you hadn't changed the stepover, the result would have been
much coarser:

6. Now you can create a boundary based on this stock model. Select
Create Boundary - Stock Model Rest from the Boundaries
context menu in Explorer. This displays the following dialog:

7. Select the name of your Stock Model (in this case Raster), and
the tool you want to use for the boundary.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 983

8. Click Apply to create the boundary:

Contact Point Boundary

This option creates a boundary that limits the tool contact point rather
than the tool tip position.

984 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The Selected Surface Boundary (on page 972) option, on its own,
works very well for machining a surface (or surfaces) with adjacent
unselected surfaces. However, it is not designed for the case of machining
an isolated surface(s) (one with no adjacent surfaces). In this case, if you
use the Selected Surface Boundary option, the tool will 'roll over'
the edge as there are no unselected surfaces to stop it, and it is advisable
to use the Contact Point Boundary option instead.

The options in the Insert pane allow you to insert the associated entities
into the boundary:
File - allows you to insert a *.dgk or *.pic file into the boundary,
using the Open Boundary dialog:
Select the required file and click the Open button.
Insert Boundary - click this button to insert into the boundary the
contents of the boundary selected in the drop-down list:

Insert Pattern - click this button to insert into the boundary the
contents of the pattern selected in the drop-down list:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 985

Insert Toolpath - click this button to insert into the boundary the
contents of the toolpath selected in the drop-down list:

Only closed contours are inserted into a boundary from a file,

pattern or toolpath. Open contours are ignored.
Insert Model - click this button to insert into the boundary the edges
of the model surfaces currently selected in the graphics window.

PowerMILL automatically detects and removes edges that are

adjacent and within Model Tolerance, so that only the outline of
a group of adjoining surfaces is added to the boundary.

To be considered adjacent, surfaces must be oriented consistently.

In default shading mode, consistently oriented surfaces will all be
shaded in the same colour (orange or red). Surfaces can be
reversed if necessary using the Reverse Selected command from
the Models context menu in Explorer.

Edge Tolerance defines the tolerance between the boundary and

the surface. This tolerance has an effect on the quality of the
resulting boundary. An Edge Tolerance of 0 uses the automatic
Boundary Sketcher - click this button to add sketched geometry to
the boundary, using the Boundary Sketcher dialog (on page 1002).
The options in the Edit pane allow you to modify or remove the

- opens the Boundary Editor dialog (on page 1005) to allow you to
edit individual points in the active boundary.
- clears the boundary, deleting all geometry.

For more information on how to use contact point boundaries, refer

to Example of Contact Point Boundary (on page 984).

Example of Contact Point Boundary

This example uses the 5_axis_Test.dgk model.

986 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

1. Select the relevant surface. In this case, the top surface is selected
and the remaining surfaces have been deleted:

2. Select Create Boundary - Contact Point from the

Boundaries context menu:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 987

The following dialog is displayed:

3. Click the Model button to create the contact point boundary

for the selected surfaces.

4. Click Accept to close the dialog.

5. This boundary is independent of the tool. The tool-specific
boundary will be calculated automatically on toolpath creation.
6. Create a block at the limits of the model, and a tool (20mm
ball nosed).

988 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

7. Now create a Raster Finishing toolpath using the Contact
Point Boundary (this means leaving the boundary active). The
Contact Point Boundary is converted to the actual boundary
required for the 20mm ball nosed tool:

If you had had a Selected Surface Boundary you would

have seen the following result:

You can see that in this case the toolpath can roll-over the
edges, whereas with the Contact Point Boundary the roll-
over is prevented.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 989

Contact Point boundaries work well if you select several surfaces or
surfaces with two coincident sides (such as a cylinder). For example, if
you select the cavity of the 5_axis_Test.dgk model:

and then create a Contact Point boundary from this, the desired
boundary will be created:

Contact Conversion Boundary

This option converts a Contact Point Boundary (on page 982) into a
boundary that can be used for a specific tool.

990 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The Contact Point Boundary is independent of the tool and
defines the contact point of a tool, whereas the Contact
Conversion Boundary is tool-specific and defines the tool centre
as calculated from the contact point derived in the Contact Point

Tolerances - defines the Tolerance and Thickness used to create the

boundary. For more information see Common Boundary Controls (on
page 968).

Edge Tolerance defines the tolerance between the boundary and

the surface. This tolerance has an effect on the quality of the
resulting boundary. An Edge Tolerance of 0 uses the automatic
Tool - defines the tool used to create the boundary. For more information
see Common Boundary Controls (on page 968).
Contact Point Boundary (on page 982) - select from the drop-down
list the Contact Point Boundary that is to be converted into a
boundary that uses the tool specified in this dialog.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 991

In most instances you won't need to create Contact Conversion
Boundaries - you can just create a Contact Point Boundary
and then PowerMILL will automatically create the relevant
boundary for a specific tool when the toolpath is created. However,
you may want to create a Contact Conversion Boundary if you
wish to create several toolpaths with the boundary. This would then
speed up the toolpath calculation time.

Boolean Operation Boundary

This option allows you to perform Boolean operations (such as add,
subtract and intersect) on two existing boundaries.

Reference Boundaries - defines the two boundaries you want to work

Boundary A - select, from the drop-down list, the first boundary
you want to use.
Boundary B - select, from the drop-down list, the second
boundary you want to use.

992 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Boundary A must be different from Boundary B.
If you choose a Type of Subtraction, Boundary B is subtracted
from Boundary A. So the order of selection of the A and B
boundaries is important.
If you choose a Type of Addition or Intersection then the order
of selection is irrelevant. The result is the same whichever order the
A and B boundaries are selected.
Boolean Operation
Type - defines which Boolean operation to perform.
Addition - creates a boundary which is the addition of the two
boundaries (Boundary A + Boundary B).
Subtraction - creates a boundary which is the subtraction of
Boundary B from Boundary A (Boundary A - Boundary B).
Intersection - creates a boundary which is the intersection of
Boundary A with Boundary B.
For more information, see Example of Boolean operations on two
boundaries (on page 991).

Example of Boolean operations on two boundaries

This example shows the effect of Boolean operations on two boundaries.

- Boundary A
- Boundary B

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 993

Addition gives:

If you selected as Boundary A and as Boundary B then
subtraction gives:

If you selected as Boundary A and as Boundary B then

subtraction gives:

994 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Intersection gives:

User Defined Boundary

This option creates a boundary from a shape defined using the following

The options in the Insert pane allow you to insert the associated entities
into the boundary:
File - allows you to insert a *.dgk or *.pic file into the boundary,
using the Open Boundary dialog:
Select the required file and click the Open button.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 995

Insert Boundary - click this button to insert into the boundary the
contents of the boundary selected in the drop-down list:

Insert Pattern - click this button to insert into the boundary the
contents of the pattern selected in the drop-down list:

Insert Toolpath - click this button to insert into the boundary the
contents of the toolpath selected in the drop-down list:

Only closed contours are inserted into a boundary from a file,

pattern or toolpath. Open contours are ignored.
Insert Model - click this button to insert into the boundary the edges
of the model surfaces currently selected in the graphics window.

PowerMILL automatically detects and removes edges that are

adjacent and within Model Tolerance, so that only the outline of
a group of adjoining surfaces is added to the boundary.

To be considered adjacent, surfaces must be oriented consistently.

In default shading mode, consistently oriented surfaces will all be
shaded in the same colour (orange or red). Surfaces can be
reversed if necessary using the Reverse Selected command from
the Models context menu in Explorer.
Boundary Sketcher - click this button to add sketched geometry to
the boundary, using the Boundary Sketcher dialog (on page 1002).

996 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Curve Modelling - if you have the Modeller installed, this option
prepares and then opens a Composite Curve Modelling session in the
PowerMILL graphics window:

Click to end the Curve Modelling session.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 997

Wireframe Modelling - if you have the Modeller installed, this
option prepares and then opens a Wireframe Modelling session in the
PowerMILL graphics window:

Click to save your changes and return to PowerMILL, or to

abandon your changes and return to PowerMILL.

Refer to Example of User Defined Boundary (on page 996) for the
use of Wireframe and Curve Modelling.
The options in the Edit pane allow you to modify or remove the

- opens the Boundary Editor dialog (on page 1005) to allow you to
edit individual points in the active boundary.
- clears the boundary, deleting all geometry.

Example of User Defined Boundary

This example shows you how to create a boundary on a surface using the

998 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The example assumes that you have the Modeller installed.
Although it is installed as separate program, the Modeller is started
automatically for you from inside PowerMILL whenever it is
needed. The most appropriate type of modelling is chosen, the
choice depending on where within PowerMILL the Modeller is
called. The three available types are: Surface Modelling (which
does not apply to boundaries), Wireframe Modelling , and
Curve Modelling (which is made up of a subset of the
Wireframe Modelling options).
The example covers both Wireframe Modelling , and Curve
Modelling .
1. Start PowerMILL and open Speaker.dgk from the File -
Examples menu.
2. Select the surface from which you want to create your boundary.

3. Click the Wireframe Modelling button on the Boundary

toolbar (on page 965).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 999

This action simultaneously creates a new boundary and
opens a Wireframe Modelling session within PowerMILL,
following which the selected surface is displayed within the
new session window:

4. To create a boundary on the surface, click the Curve Creation

button on the top toolbar of the Modeller.
5. Click the Composite Curve button on the side toolbar:

The Create Composite Curve toolbar is displayed:

1000 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

6. Select the surface edge:

7. The Modeller now traverses round the boundary of the surface:

8. Click the button (now highlighted) on the Create Composite

Curve toolbar to save the boundary curve.
9. Click on the Create Composite Curve toolbar to end the
Curve Modelling session.
10.Click the button (now highlighted) on the top toolbar to save
your changes and return to PowerMILL.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 1001

The boundary curve is displayed in PowerMILL. If you cannot see
it, undraw the wireframe and shaded view using the and

This boundary can now be used in the same way as any other
boundary to help generate toolpaths.

Insert into Boundary

- The following Insert into Boundary options are
available from the Boundary toolbar (on page 965): The options work in
much the same way as the Insert into Pattern (on page 1032) buttons
insert entities into the active pattern.
Boundary - inserts another boundary into the active boundary.
PowerMILL prompts for the name of the boundary to be inserted, for

Having entered the name of the boundary to be inserted, click .

Pattern - inserts the active pattern into the boundary.
Toolpath - converts the active toolpath to a boundary and adds it to
the active boundary.
Model - defines a boundary from the selected surface edges and adds
them to the active boundary. If no specific surfaces are selected, then the
inserted boundary is defined using the whole model. Refer to Insert into
Pattern (on page 1032) for an example.

1002 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Sketch - enables you to sketch a pattern, displaying the Boundary
Sketcher dialog (on page 1002).
Curve Modelling - if you have the Modeller installed, this option
prepares and then opens a Composite Curve Modelling session in the
PowerMILL graphics window:

Click to end the Curve Modelling session.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 1003

Wireframe Modelling - if you have the Modeller installed, this
option prepares and then opens a Wireframe Modelling session in the
PowerMILL graphics window:

Click to save your changes and return to PowerMILL, or to

abandon your changes and return to PowerMILL.

Boundary Sketcher dialog

This dialog allows you to sketch a boundary which can contain one or
more closed segments:

1004 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The segments can be nested. For example, the following picture contains
3 segments, which together form one boundary.

To add a point to the boundary:

1. Select Absolute or Relative from the Definition drop-down list.
2. Select XY-Plane or View Plane from the Projection drop-down
3. Select the point by either:
clicking the left mouse button in the graphics area (the
coordinates of the selected point are displayed in the above
dialog in accordance with the Definition setting);
manually entering the point's X, Y and Z coordinates in the
above dialog, and then clicking Add Point.
The dialog controls are as follows:
Add Point - adds a point specified by the X, Y and Z fields on the

Delete Last Point - deletes the last point (regardless of whether this
was added using the cursor or the Add Point button). For example:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 1005


Delete Last Segment - deletes the last segment or the whole loop.
For example:


Close Segment - closes the current segment.

Definition - determines whether the selected points' coordinates are
Absolute or Relative.
Projection - determines whether points are added to the XY-Plane or
View Plane.
Accept - closes the segment and dialog.

1006 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Boundary Editor dialog
This dialog defines how you move, delete or add points to the boundary.
Initially select the required Mode, then select the required points, and
finally click Apply.

To modify the boundary points:

1. Select the required Mode:

2. Select the point(s) to be deleted/moved/inserted by either:

clicking the left mouse button near a point in the graphics area;
enclosing a set of points within a drag box using the left mouse

Selected points are encircled. To deselect points, press the

Ctrl key and then reselect them.
3. If moving a point, either specify the X, Y and Z coordinates of the
move in the Boundary Editor dialog or click the left mouse
button in the graphics area.
4. Click Apply to carry out the selected action:
If Delete Point is the selected Mode, all points selected at
step 2 are removed.
If Move Point To is the selected Mode, the point selected at
step 2 is moved to the point specified at step 3.
If Move Point By is the selected Mode, the point selected at
step 2 is moved by the distance specified at step 3.
If Insert Point is the selected Mode, all points selected at step
2 are added to the boundary.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 1007

5. Once you have completed the required edits, click Accept to close
the dialog.

Boundary Thickness
The basic boundary Thickness value is specified in the Tolerances
pane of the relevant boundary dialogs:

You have the option of specifying a Radial Thickness and a separate

Axial Thickness by selecting the Use Axial Thickness check box.
The Thickness field then changes to Radial Thickness and the Axial
Thickness field also becomes available:

Clicking the Thickness button allows you to specify the

thicknesses of the different boundary surfaces (see "Assigning
Thickness values" on page 459).
When a single Thickness is specified for a boundary, the associated
value is applied as an offset to the tool in all directions.
When a Radial Thickness is specified, the associated value is applied
as an offset to the tool radially. This controls the size of tool used for
machining relative to the actual tool.
When an Axial Thickness is specified, the associated value is applied
as an offset to the tool in the tool axis direction only. This controls the tip
position of the tool used for machining relative to the actual tool.
For more information see Radial and Axial Thickness (on page 486).

1008 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Surface Thickness
The Surfaces tab (see "Surface Thickness dialog" on page 455), with its
use of thickness sets, allows you to give different components (typically,
model surfaces) a specific uniform thickness, or a specific Axial
thickness and a specific Radial Thickness. It also allows you to assign
different thicknesses to components depending on the toolpaths or
boundaries using them. Most of the dialog is greyed out until you select
one of the thickness sets from the list.

The thicknesses added to individual components are added to the

general Thickness. So if there is a general Thickness of 0.5 and
a Component Thickness of 0.2, then the total thickness on the
component is 0.7.

For information on each field in the dialog, see Surface

Thickness dialog (on page 455).

For information on how to assign thicknesses to a set of

components, see Assigning Thickness values (on page 459).

For information on how to avoid specific areas of a model. see

Machining Mode example (on page 463).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 1009

Assigning Thickness values
To assign thickness values to a set of components:
1. Select either Toolpaths or Boundaries . from the drop-

down list in the top left of the dialog , depending on whether

the component thickness data is to be associated with a toolpath or
a boundary.
2. The adjacent drop-down list displays a list of either toolpath or
boundary names depending on your selection at step 1. From this
list, select the particular toolpath or boundary to which the
thickness data refers.
3. If you wish to copy thickness data from an existing toolpath or
boundary, go to the Clone section of the dialog:

Here, you need to select either Toolpaths or Boundaries

from the drop-down list, select the particular toolpath or boundary
from which data is to be copied in the adjacent drop-down list, and

then click the button.

4. Select the required set in the bottom of the dialog.
5. To acquire additional components for the set from the graphics

area, select them using the left mouse button and then click
Acquire Components.

A component cannot belong to more than one set, so if you

acquire the selected components for a set, and then acquire
the same components for another set, the components will be
removed from the original set and added to the last set.

To display all the components of a set in the graphics area,

select the set and then click Select Components.

To remove individual components from the selected set, select

them in the graphics area and then click Remove


1010 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

To remove all the components from the selected set, click
Remove All Components.
To copy in the values from the Surface Defaults dialog (on page

466), click Copy in Default Thickness Data.

When you create a new set of thickness data for a toolpath or

boundary, the values currently in the Surface Defaults
dialog (on page 466) are automatically copied into this
dialog, but if you change the Surface Defaults they are not

updated unless you click .

To acquire all the components from a particular model, select the

model from the drop-down list adjacent to the Acquire

Model's Components button, and then click the button.
To acquire all the components from a particular level, select the

level from the drop-down list adjacent to the Acquire

Level's Components button, and then click the button.
6. Once you have acquired all the necessary components for a set,
specify the Thickness values:
Select Use Axial Thickness if you wish to specify separate
Radial and Axial Thickness values. When deselected, it only
allows you to select a single Thickness value.
Thickness - applies the thickness as an offset to the tool in all
Radial Thickness - applies the thickness as an offset to the
tool radially. This controls the size of tool used for machining
relative to the actual tool.
Axial Thickness - applies the thickness as an offset to the tool
in the tool axis direction only. This controls the tip position of
the tool used for machining relative to the actual tool.
7. Select the Machining Mode for the set from the following:
Machine - is used for components that the toolpath will machine.
Collision - is used for components that will not be machined, but
must be avoided (such as clamp components).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 1011

Ignore - is used for components that will not be machined, in that
they were created purely for construction purposes (such as the
components of a guiding surface used in multi-axis machining).

The option selected here determines the colour displayed in

the Mode column below. The default colours are white for
Machine, yellow for Collision, and red for Ignore. These
can be changed by selecting Tools - Customise Colours
from the menu and then selecting Machining Mode.
8. Repeat from step 4 as required, and then review your sets once they
are complete:

Set - this has either or next to it depending on the

option chosen (Boundary or Toolpath) in the top left hand
frame of the dialog.

Thickness - displays the thickness (or Radial Thickness)

applied to the set's components within this dialog.

Axial - displays the Axial Thickness applied to the set's

components within this dialog.

1012 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Total Thickness - displays the total Thickness (or
Radial Thickness) applied to the set's components (that is
to say Area Clearance plus Finishing plus Components
plus Collision Checking).

Total Axial - displays the total Axial Thickness applied

to the set's components (that is to say Area Clearance plus
Finishing plus Components plus Collision Checking).

Components - displays the number of components that

have been selected to have the associated thickness values.
9. Each set when selected has a colour alongside it. This is the colour
that will be used to shade the set's components when Thickness
Shade is selected from the Shading toolbar (on page 851). If
you wish to change these colours, select Tools - Customise
Colours from the menu and then select Default Thickness

Surface Defaults Thickness

The Surface Defaults dialog enables you to define a standard set of
thickness data that is not attached to any specific toolpath or boundary.
You can therefore use it to set all your default thickness rules for the
model you are to machine.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 1013

This is very similar to the Surfaces dialog (see "Surface Thickness" on
page 454), except that the values applied here are default values applied
to all new toolpaths and boundaries. Any existing toolpaths or boundaries
are not altered by any changes made here.
Set - this a visual reminder to indicate that this is a Default setting not
attached to any specific toolpath or boundary.

Creating Boundaries within other

The following example shows how you can create a boundary within
another boundary.
1. Start PowerMILL and open Pockets.tri from the File -
Examples menu.

2. Create a Block and define a 10mmm ball nosed Tool .

3. Select the fillet around the rectangular pocket:

1014 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

4. Create a Selected Surface Boundary (on page 972) by right
clicking Boundaries in Explorer and selecting Create
Boundary - Selected Surface from the resulting context menu:

5. Give the boundary a Name of SelSurface in the resulting dialog,

and leave the default values as they are:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 1015

6. Click Accept to create the following boundary and close the

7. Delete the inner contour by selecting it and clicking the Del key:

1016 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

8. Now create a Shallow Boundary inside this existing boundary
by selecting Create Boundary - Shallow from the
Boundaries context menu in Explorer and completing the
Shallow Boundary dialog as follows:

9. You need to select the previous boundary (SelSurface) as the

Inside Limit Boundary and then click Apply.

You can see that the shallow boundary has been created within the
selected surface boundary.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 1017

Similarly, you can create the shallow boundary outside the
selected surface boundary by selecting the Outside radio
button and clicking Apply:

10.To create the whole shallow boundary, deselect Limit Boundary

and then click Accept:

1018 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

This creates the full shallow boundary:

Boundary behaviour with regard to

When creating a toolpath, PowerMILL machines inside the selected
boundary segment. If no segments are selected, PowerMILL uses the
whole boundary, which can be used to minimise the amount of editing of
boundaries required. However, you need to take care because
PowerMILL will not record which part of the boundary was selected
when the toolpath was created, and so it is more difficult to recreate the
The following example illustrates the behaviour with regard to selected
1. Start PowerMILL and open Pockets.tri from the File -
Examples menu:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 1019

2. Create a Block and Tool and then create a Shallow
Boundary (see "Creating Boundaries within other Boundaries" on
page 1012).

1020 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

3. Then create a 3D Offset toolpath on the shallow areas:

4. Select the three boundary segments at the top of each pocket:

5. Create a Constant Z toolpath.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Boundary toolbar 1021

You can see that the Constant Z toolpath has only been created
inside the selected segments of the boundary.

1022 Boundary toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Pattern toolbar

To select the Pattern toolbar, either:

right click the Patterns menu in Explorer and select the
Toolbar... option from the resulting context menu;
select View - Toolbar - Pattern from the menu.
By default, the toolbar is displayed just above the graphics and Explorer

Create Pattern - creates a new empty pattern.

Active Pattern - displays the active pattern. If no pattern
is displayed, then there is no active pattern. The drop-down list contains a
list of all available patterns.
Automatic Pattern Generation - creates a pattern from and
between curves, using the Pattern Maker dialog (on page 1023).
File - allows you to insert a *.dgk or *.pic file into the pattern, using
the Open Pattern dialog:
Select the required file and click the Open button.
Save - saves the modified pattern.
Insert into Pattern (on page 1032) - selecting any one
of these buttons on the toolbar inserts the associated entity into the
current pattern. This works in exactly the same way as selecting Insert
from an individual pattern's context menu.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Pattern toolbar 1023

Edit - allows you to edit the pattern points, in the same way as if you
had selected Edit - Points from the individual pattern's context menu
in Explorer. The resulting dialog works in the same way as in Boundary
Editor Dialog (on page 1005).
Clear - deletes the pattern geometry but not the entity itself, which
means that the graphical information is deleted, but that the entity name
still exists in Explorer.

Delete - deletes the active pattern from both the screen and Explorer.

1024 Pattern toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Pattern Maker dialog
The Automatic Pattern Generation button available from the
Pattern Toolbar, creates a pattern between curves.

You can create the following types of pattern:

Across Pattern one-way

Creates a pattern which is perpendicular to the selected curves.
For example, if you start with these two curves:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Pattern toolbar 1025

you will get something like:

Increasing the Stepover value will increase the distance between

the lines in the pattern.
A Left Distance of 10 and a Right Distance of 5 creates the
following Across pattern for a single curve:

Across Pattern two-way (zigzag)

Creates a pattern which is perpendicular to the selected curves.

1026 Pattern toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

For example, if you start with these two curves:

you will get something like:

Increasing the Stepover value will increase the distance between

the lines in the pattern.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Pattern toolbar 1027

A Left Distance of 10 and a Right Distance of 5 creates the
following Across pattern for a single curve:

Along Pattern one way

Creates a pattern which is parallel to the selected curves.
For example, if you start with these two curves:

1028 Pattern toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

you will get the following pattern if you use a Stepover of 5:

of the following if you use a Stepover of 15:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Pattern toolbar 1029

A Left Distance of 10 and a Right Distance of 5 creates the
following Along pattern for a single curve:

Along Pattern two-way (zigzag)

Creates a pattern which is parallel to the selected curves.
For example, if you start with these two curves:

1030 Pattern toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

you will get the following pattern if you use a Stepover of 5:

of the following if you use a Stepover of 15:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Pattern toolbar 1031

A Left Distance of 10 and a Right Distance of 5 creates the
following Along pattern for a single curve:

Offset Pattern
Creates a pattern which is offset from the selected curves.
For example, if you start with this one curve:

1032 Pattern toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

you will get something like the following pattern, although the density of
lines in the pattern is dependent on the Stepover value specified:

Trochoidal Pattern
Creates a pattern which can be used to prevent full width cuts. This is
particularly useful for cutting slots and high speed machining.
For example, if you start with this one curve:

you will get the following pattern, although the density of lines in the
pattern is dependent on the Stepover value specified:

You can specify the following in addition to the Stepover:

Width - width of the trochoid. As with all patterns, no account of the tool
size is incorporated into the pattern. So, if you convert this into a toolpath
you must either apply cutter compensation when you output the toolpath
or when you calculate the width. If you don't apply cutter compensation
when outputting the toolpath, the actual width of the slot will be (Width
+ 2 x Radius of tool).
Radius - the radius of the arcs for each trochoid. This doesn't have to be
the same as the tool radius.
Direction - The direction of cut (Climb or Conventional).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Pattern toolbar 1033

For all patterns, regardless of type, you can define the Stepover value,
which defines the distance between one offset (or trochoid) and the next.
For Across and Along Patterns, you can also define the Left Distance
(when selecting a single curve, the Left Distance field specifies the
distance of the pattern to the left of the curve), and the Right Distance
(when selecting a single curve, the Right Distance field specifies the
distance of the pattern to the right of the curve).
For Trochoidal Patterns, you can define the following, in addition to
the Stepover value:
the Width of the trochoid. As with all patterns, no account of the
tool size is incorporated into the pattern. So, if you convert this into
a toolpath you must either apply cutter compensation when you
output the toolpath or when you calculate the width. If you don't
apply cutter compensation when outputting the toolpath, the actual
width of the slot will be (Width + 2 x Radius of tool).
the Radius of the arcs for each trochoid. This doesn't have to be
the same as the tool radius.
the Direction of cut (Climb or Conventional).
The pattern that you create remains selected. This means that, if it isn't
the pattern you want, you can easily delete it by going to Explorer and
then selecting Edit - Delete Selected Components from either the
Patterns context menu or the context menu for the individual pattern.
These options only delete the newly created pattern, not the curves used
to generate them.

If you select the Delete option from the Pattern toolbar or the
context menu for the individual pattern, then both the curves and
pattern will be removed.

Insert into Pattern

- The following Insert into Pattern options are
available from the Pattern toolbar: (see "Pattern toolbar" on page 1021)
Boundary - inserts the active boundary into the pattern.
Toolpath - converts the active toolpath to a pattern and adds it to the
active pattern.

1034 Pattern toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Model - defines a pattern from the selected surface edges and adds
them to the active pattern. If no specific surfaces are selected, then the
inserted pattern is defined using the whole model.
From this model geometry with one surface selected (using the left mouse

the following pattern is created:

Sketch - enables you to sketch a pattern, displaying the Pattern

Sketcher dialog:

This works in a similar way to the Boundary Sketcher dialog (on page

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Pattern toolbar 1035

Curve Modelling - if you have the Modeller installed, this option
prepares and then opens a Composite Curve Modelling session in the
PowerMILL graphics window:

Click to end the Curve Modelling session.

1036 Pattern toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Wireframe Modelling - if you have the Modeller installed, this
option prepares and then opens a Wireframe Modelling session in the
PowerMILL graphics window:

Click to save your changes and return to PowerMILL, or to

abandon your changes and return to PowerMILL.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Pattern toolbar 1037


There are three modes of toolpath simulation:

Simulation, which animates the selected toolpath or NC Program
and "play" the simulation using either the original, or an
alternative, cutting tool. Accessed from the Simulation toolbar
(on page 1040) .
ViewMill simulation, which enables you to choose the graphical
representation of the stock during simulation. Accessed from the
ViewMill toolbar (see "ViewMill" on page Error! Bookmark not
Machine simulation, which allows you to load entire machine
tools and visualise machine and cutting tool simulation. Accessed
from the Machine toolbar (on page 1065).

Both ViewMill and Machine Tool simulation use the Simulation

toolbar (on page 1040) to select the relevant toolpath or NC
Program and "play" the simulation using either the original, or an
alternative, cutting tool.
Once you have raised the Simulation toolbar, select a toolpath (or
NC Program) and a tool then press Play to animate the
toolpath (see "Toolpath Animation" on page 1077).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1039

Use the Toggle button to move between the ViewMill (see
"ViewMill Simulation" on page 1078) and standard graphical
representation of the model. Animating the toolpath in one window
automatically updates the simulation in the other window. You can
therefore move the tool to the correct location in PowerMILL and
then visualise it in the simulation window:

1040 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The tool is always the same colour as the toolpath. So in the case
above, the toolpath and the tool both appear purple. If you change
the shading , the tool is still drawn in the original colour:

You can load a machine tool (see "Machine Simulation" on page

1082) by clicking the Import Machine Tool button on the
Machine Tool toolbar.
You can drive the workpiece simulation manually by use of the
Jog button (and arrow keys) on the Position (on page 1049) tab
on the Simulation Information (on page 1049) dialog:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1041

Simulation Toolbar
The Simulation toolbar enables you to visualise cutting the part, using
any of the cutting tools and toolpaths you have generated, or using a
complete NC Program.
If the toolbar is not displayed, select the View - Toolbar - Simulation
menu option.

Switch on Display - displays the tool location and collision

positions, allowing you to 'jog' the machine tool. It also allows you to
control the shading of the simulation and when the cutting tool is drawn.
Refer to Simulation Information (on page 1049).
Toolpath and NC Program Toggle - toggles between the
selection of a toolpath or an NC program .
Toolpath/NC Program - allows you to select which
toolpath (or NC program) you want to simulate. The drop-down list
displays all the toolpaths (or NC programs) in your project, and allows
you to reselect one quickly.
Tool - allows you to select which tool you want to
use in the simulation. The tool used by the selected toolpath is chosen by
default, but you can use any other tool in the project. The drop-down list
displays all the available tools in your project, and allows you to select
one quickly.
Play - starts the simulation and plays it in continuous mode.
Pause - pauses the simulation.
Step Forward - steps the simulation by tool moves. The faster the
speed (defined using Speed Control) the bigger the step. Click
the Step Forward button again to see the next move or click the
Play button to resume continuous mode.
Step Back - steps the simulation back by tool moves. The faster the
speed (defined using Speed Control) the bigger the step. Click
the Step back button again to see the next move or click the Play
button to resume continuous mode.

1042 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Search Forward - steps the simulation to the next toolpath
component. Click the Search Forward button again to see the next
component or click the Play button to resume continuous mode.
Search Backward - steps the simulation back to the previous
toolpath component. Click the Search Backward button again to
see the next move or click the Play button to resume continuous
Go to End - moves to the end of the toolpath.
Go to Beginning - moves to the start of the toolpath.
Speed Control - controls the speed of the animation. The
fastest setting is by having the slider at the right, the slowest at the left.
Unload - stops the simulation and dims all the 'play' buttons.

Simulation Keyboard Shortcuts

You can also access the controls on the Simulation toolbar (on page
1040) using keyboard shortcuts:

The keyboard focus has to be in the graphics window for these

shortcuts to work, so first click in the graphics window.

Key Description
moves the tool to the next toolpath
+ CTRL increases the step rate to 4 points
+ Shift increases the step rate to 8 points
+ CTRL + Shift increases the step rate to 16 points
moves the tool to the previous
toolpath point
+ CTRL increases the step rate to 4 points
+ Shift increases the step rate to 8 points
+ CTRL + Shift increases the step rate to 16 points
Page Down moves the tool to the start of the next
toolpath segment

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1043

Key Description
Page Up moves the tool to the start of the
current toolpath segment, or to the
beginning of the previous one if the
tool is already at the start
End moves the tool to the end of the
Home moves the tool to the start of the

Table notes:
= right arrow key
= left arrow key
Other keys are given in bold text.

1044 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Workplane Construction from Current Machine
Tool Position
You can construct a workplane from the current machine tool position, to
be aligned with the tool axis and head position (this alignment option is
available in the Edit - Workplane dialog on the right click menu for the
particular workplane object in Explorer).
This can be particularly useful if you need to insert a workplane between
two multi-axis toolpaths in an NC Program for access purposes (a 5-axis
link move). If you pause the machine tool simulation after the first
toolpath and then jog the machine to the correct orientation to enable
access for the tool, you can then create the workplane.
1. Create an NC Program with a couple of toolpaths in it. You know
that between the first and second toolpath you will need a 5-axis
link move. However, you currently dont know the exact
orientation of this workplane, so create a new workplane by
selecting Create Workplane from the Workplanes right click

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1045

2. Call it something like Placeholder and click the Accept button
to create it:

3. Now that it exists in Explorer, drag it between the two toolpaths in

the NC Program:

4. Click Import Machine Tool on the Machine Tool

Simulation toolbar to load the required machine tool.
5. Ensure that the required cutting tool and toolpath are active in
6. From the individual Toolpath context menu, select Attach
Active Tool To Start.
7. Move the machine tool to the end of the first toolpath, using either
the Simulation toolbar (or using the
simulation keyboard shortcuts).

1046 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

8. Click to display the Position tab in the Simulation
Information dialog:

9. Then Jog the machine, using the arrow keys as described in

Position, until you move to the desired position for the link move:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1047

10.Select Edit - Workplane from the individual Workplanes
context menu.

11.Select the Align to Tool button and click Accept.

The Placeholder workplane is now in the required orientation:

1048 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

12.Now you can move the machine tool to the end of the second
toolpath, again using either the Simulation Play toolbar
or the simulation keyboard shortcuts.

This technique allows you to construct a toolpath corresponding to

a given machine orientation rather than trying to work out the
machine orientation for a given toolpath.

This technique can also be used to:

Define the orientation of the machine tool for 3+2-axis

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1049

Define the limits for a multi-axis machine tool, by moving the
machine tool to its travel limits, creating a workplane, and
selecting Align to Tool. Then, from the Properties
available on the right click menu for the workplane, you can
display the Elevation and Azimuth angles

These angles are the same as those needed in the Tool Axis
Direction dialog, under the Limits tab:

This also works for standard animation without loading a machine


1050 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Simulation Information
The Switch on Display button displays the Simulation
Information dialog, which shows the tool location and collision

Position (on page 1049) - displays the machine tool position.

Collisions (on page 1053) - displays any collisions encountered when
playing the simulation

The position tab displays the machine tool position. The values on the left
hand side of the dialog are the Axis Address Letters and their
associated values. The actual values displayed here depends on the
machine tool.
In the example shown below, the machine tool has 5 axes - A and C are
rotary axes whilst X, Y and Z are the linear axes. The values on the right
hand side show the range of travel for each axis and these depend on the
toolpaths which have been simulated. The values displayed here are
absolute positions from a specific datum (usually the home position when
the machine is read in).
The Zero button can be used to reset the datum.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1051

If you move the machine to a specific location (using either the
Simulation Play toolbar , or the Jog button
on the following dialog) and then click Zero, all the fields are reset to 0.

Jog - selects the jogging mode. This allows you to rotate, move or jog
around the machine tool tip in the PowerMILL window (in the simulation
window, you will see the cutter moving round the part). Typically, this
allows you to rotate the A, B or C axis to a better position. You can then
create a workplane at this position. For more information see Construct
Workplane from Current Machine Tool Position. (see "Workplane
Construction from Current Machine Tool Position" on page 1043)

1052 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

You will see an arrow appear next to the X.

The up and down arrow keys and allow you to select the axis you
want to jog.

You may have to click in the graphics window before the arrow
keys work.
The left and right arrow keys and jog the value associated with the
selected axis either up or down. The jogging distance can be increased
using a variety of different key strokes:

Key Description
moves the tool forwards by 0.001mm
(0.0001 inch)
+ CTRL increases the step rate by 1000 to 1mm (0.1
+ Shift increases the step rate by 10000 to 10mm (1
+ CTRL + Shift increases the step rate by 100000 to 100mm
(10 inches)
moves the tool back by 0.001mm (0.0001

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1053

Key Description
+ CTRL increases the step rate by 1000 to 1mm (0.1
+ Shift increases the step rate by 10000 to 10mm (1
+ CTRL + Shift increases the step rate by 100000 to 100mm
(10 inches)

Table notes:
= right arrow key
= left arrow key
Other keys are given in bold text.
You can twiddle the view to get a better view then continue jogging.

Jog requires the POWERMILL-ADVSIM and DELCAM-

ADVNC licences. If you dont have these licences then the Jog
button will be disabled.
Min and Max - shows the range of axis movements on the machine from
the zero datum position.
Reset - resets the Min and Max values to the current position. You can
then see the range of axis movement on the machine whilst playing the
simulation on a particular toolpath.

1054 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

The Collisions tab displays any collisions encountered when playing the

Clear - clears any collisions listed in the top pane. If you carry on with
the simulation and have any subsequent collisions these collisions will be
Detection Type
None - no collision checking is carried out.
Static - collision checking is carried out at fixed points on the
toolpath. Although these points are closely spaced, it may be
possible that small collisions could be missed (between two
points). The tool and holder are not checked for collisions, but full
dynamic collision is available for a toolpath using Collision
Checking on the Main toolbar.
If the top pane is blank, then no collisions have been detected. If
collisions are detected you will get a warning message:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1055

This message is only displayed for the first collision. All the remaining
collisions are simply listed in the top pane:

Clicking on one of the collisions moves the simulation to this point.

You can then view the collision:

1056 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Since you have a clear view of the collision, you have a better idea of
what needs to be done to avoid this situation. In this case, lengthening the
tool holder will have the desired effect:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1057

ViewMill toolbar
The ViewMill toolbar enables you to select the graphical representation
of the stock during simulation:

ViewMILL On/Suspend - switches between PowerMILL and

ViewMill. Clicking the button starts the simulator, loading the block.
The button changes to to show that the tool simulation window is
enabled. Clicking suspends ViewMill.

- ViewMIll suspended.
- ViewMill on.
ViewMill Views (on page 1059) - defines the
resolution and shading used for the simulation. By default the Dynamic
Image is displayed.

The button has a small black arrow in the bottom right hand corner
that relates to Tool Simulation Technique. If you hover over this
button, a pull-out toolbar is displayed that determines how the
toolpath is represented. Its effects are best visualised with a Shading
Option of Shiny:

1058 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Normal (Swept Volume) - represents the tool as a swept

Advanced (Rotating Flute) - represents the tool more

accurately and simulates the tool flutes as well as taking into
account the feed rates and spindle speeds.

Save Current State of ViewMill Model - saves the current state

of the simulation as a 'restore point' (you can later rewind the simulation
to the saved state by clicking ).
Restore ViewMill Model to Previously Saved State - rewinds
the simulation to the state previously stored using .
Save ViewMill Model - saves the current state of the simulation as
a triangle file, displaying a standard windows Save dialog. You can read
in a saved ViewMill model as, for example, an arbitrary block for rest
roughing (using File - Import Model from the menu).
Exit ViewMill - exits the ViewMill model, without saving it, and
returns to PowerMILL.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1059

1060 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference
ViewMill Views
- by default the Dynamic Image view is used.
No Image - undraws the ViewMill image.

Dynamic Image - simulates the object using a low resolution

image, which can be manipulated using the mouse or the standard View
buttons (on the View toolbar).

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1061

If you try to manipulate the view of a high resolution option,
PowerMILL automatically changes the mode to Dynamic to
allow graphic manipulation. When you have selected the view
orientation, you can revert to a high resolution view. Click
Refresh on the View toolbar to update the high resolution
view with the new orientation.
Plain Shade - simulation using a high resolution plain-rendered
image. It shades the part in a matt finish.

Shiny - simulates the object using a high resolution shiny-rendered

image. It shades the part in a shiny finish.

1062 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Rainbow - simulates the object using a high resolution rainbow-
rendered image. It shades each successive toolpath in a different colour so
that you can see the effect of each toolpath on the part.

Cut Direction - simulates the object using a high resolution

rainbow-rendered image. It shades the climb and conventional cuts in
different colours.

Kinematic Shaded Image (on page 1062) - shows when a

machine tool axis is reversed during a cutting move. It shades the part in
one colour when cutting in a positive direction, and in another colour
when moving in a negative direction. This is useful when multi-axis
machining as axis reversal often leads to surface marks. The axis reversal
depends on the machine tool that is loaded.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1063

Kinematic shaded image

- Kinematic Shaded Image is used in conjunction with a machine

tool, and shows when an axis is reversed during a cutting move. It shades
the part in one colour when cutting in a positive direction, and in another
colour when moving in a negative direction. This is useful when multi-
axis machining as axis reversal often leads to surface marks. The axis
reversal depends on the machine tool that is loaded.
The Kinematic Shading dialog is displayed.

This shows the machine tool axes. Click an axis button to display the
positive and negative movements:
X - shades positive and negative movements of the X linear axis in
different colours.

1064 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Y - shades positive and negative movements of the Y linear axis in
different colours.

Z - shades positive and negative movements of the Z linear axis in

different colours. This can be used to show where the tool is plunging
into material.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1065

A - shades positive and negative movements of the A rotary axis in
different colours.

E - shades positive and negative movements of the E rotary axis in

different colours.

If a 6-Axis machine is simulated, then an additional axis button with

the appropriate address letter is displayed.

1066 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Machine toolbar
The Machine toolbar enables you to visualise the machine tool cutting
the part.

If the toolbar is not already displayed, select View - Toolbar -

Machine from the menu.
Switch on Display - displays the tool location and collision
positions, allowing you to 'jog' the machine tool. It also allows you to
control the shading of the simulation, and when the cutting tool is drawn.
For more information, see Simulation Information (on page 1049).
Import Machine - specifies a new machine tool. It displays the
Import Machine dialog.

All available machine tools are stored in the

Examples\MachineData folder and have the *.mtd

Once selected, a machine tool is displayed in the graphics

window. You you can undraw it using the button.
Active Machine - specifies which machine tool (if
any) you want to include in your simulation. If no machine tool is
displayed, a simple 5-Axis head - head machine is used. The drop-down
list displays the machine tools already been used in the current project,
and allows you to reselect one quickly.
Draw Undraw Machine - controls whether or not the active
machine tool is displayed on the graphics screen.

Simulation Viewpoint (on page 1066) - defines the simulation

viewpoint. The Floor View is selected by default.
Output Workplane - defines which workplane in the
PowerMILL project aligns with the machine tool coordinate system. The
drop-down list displays the workplanes already defined in this project.
Selecting one of these specifies the orientation of the part relative to the
machine tool.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1067

An example of Gauge Distance Offset (on page 1069) shows how to use
the Overhang field on the Tool - Holder dialog as a Gauge
Distance Offset value in machine tool simulation.

Simulation viewpoint
There is a pull-out toolbar to define the simulation viewpoint. By default,
the Floor View is displayed. It has a small black arrow in the
bottom-right corner. If you hover on this button a pull-out toolbar is

There are three viewpoints available:

Floor View - defines the simulation from the floor viewpoint, as if

you are standing looking at the machine tool.
Model View - defines the simulation from the model viewpoint. The
model remains stationary while the cutting tool and machine tool move
relative to it.
Tool View - defines the simulation from the viewpoint of the cutting
tool. The tool remains stationary while the model and machine tool move
relative to it.

1068 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Create the rest roughing toolpath
The rest roughing toolpath uses a smaller tool to eliminate the large
terraces and to rough areas of the model that the large roughing tool
couldn't reach, such as pockets and corners.
To create a rest roughing toolpath:
1. Display the Settings for the previous toolpath.

2. Click at the top of the dialog to copy the toolpath.

3. A copy of the toolpath is created with a suffix of _1. To rename it,

enter RestRoughing in the Name field.

4. Define the rest roughing tool geometry (on page Error!

Bookmark not defined.).
5. Change the Stepover and Stepdown values (on page Error!
Bookmark not defined.).
6. Complete the Area Clearance dialog, and generate the rest
roughing toolpath (on page Error! Bookmark not defined.).
7. Display the rest roughing toolpath (on page Error! Bookmark not

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1069

8. Simulate the rest roughing toolpath (on page Error! Bookmark
not defined.).

1070 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Example of Gauge Distance Offset
When you perform a machine tool simulation, the machine tool mounts
the tool (and holder) at the tool attachment point. If there is no holder
defined, then the tool may not be visible. You may not want to define the
holder at this stage, but simply simulate the effect of having a holder
defined. You can overcome these problems by introducing an offset
1. Click Import Machine on the Machine toolbar to load the
required machine tool.
2. On the Simulation toolbar, select the Toolpath (or NC
Program ) and the Tool you want to simulate.

If the Simulation toolbar is not displayed, select View -

Toolbar - Simulation from the menu.
If there is no holder defined you will see something similar to this:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1071

3. To simulate the effect of having a Holder defined you must edit
the tool definition. From the individual Tool context menu, select
the Settings option and then select the Holder tab:

4. Enter an Overhang value that is equivalent to the holder length

(say 20). This defines the length of tool protruding from the gauge
face of the machine (see "Tool length overview" on page 862).
5. Click the Tab key to implement this change, and then click the
Close button. You will see something similar to this:

1072 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

In this way, the Overhang field on the Tool - Holder dialog is
used as a Gauge Distance Offset value in machine tool

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1073

MTD-based Kinematics
Each machine tool can be described by its mathematical model, which is
referred to as the Kinematic Model of the Machine. This model
contains information used by the post-processor (PM-Post) to transform
coordinates received from the CLDATA file (Model Coordinates) into
coordinates of a machine tool (Machine Coordinates). This
transformation is called the Inverse Kinematic Problem.
Solving this problem is one of the main tasks of the post-processor and is
more complex when handling multi-axis trajectories. To represent
machine kinematics, PM-Post uses the Machine Tool Data Format,
also called MTD-Format. Machine kinematics represented in this format
are called MTD-Model. MTD-based machine kinematics representation
is much more effective than the representation of kinematics by 3-axis, 4-
axis and 5-axis classes, and also allows you to create programs for any
configuration including 6-axis machines with 3 rotary axes.
The geometry of the machine can be defined either by a *.dmt triangle
file defined in a CAD system or by parametric primitives (box and cone).
When creating your own MTD model, it is preferable to start from an
existing MTD model and edit it.
Clicking Import Machine on the Machine toolbar displays all the
existing MTD files:

The sample MTD files supplied with PowerMILL model the basic
characteristics of a range of machine tools, and can be used to
understand how these machine tools will move during the cutting
of a part. However, these files do not accurately model the
dimensions of the machine and exclude optional equipment that
may be installed within the working volume.

1074 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Consequently, collision checking with these files may fail to detect
some collisions that can occur in practice. If you intend to rely on
the collision checking functionality it is essential that you adjust the
MTD file to match the exact dimensions and configuration of the
machine you will be using.

Example of an MTD Model

This example looks at how to create an MTD Model for a 5-axis Head -
Head machine. However, the MTD-format allows you to create models
for any type of machines with any number of axes (linear or rotary)
placed in any order, using similar principles.

Different colours are used to represent different parts of the machine. The
machine bed, which never moves, is shown in dark grey. The machine
bed forms the root of the machine and branches of joints are created from
this. In this case there are two branches, Table (see "Table Branch" on
page 1073) and Head (see "Head Branch" on page 1074).

Table Branch
Axis 1 Machine Y Linear

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1075

The table branch consists of just one element shown in white, the table
itself. There is a joint between the table and the base. When this joint is
actuated, the table moves relative to the base along the direction shown
by the white arrow in the pictures. This joint is called Y.

You must read the machine's manual to find out what name to use
and not use some arbitrary name (it is not simply the Y axis of a
This axis is the closest to the part when it is fixed on the table. That's why
it is Axis 1.

Head Branch
Axis 2 Machine X Linear

Start with the first joint (between the base and the yellow part) as it is
closest to the base. It is Axis 2. You can create just one list of joints
(axes) despite having two branches, because splitting the kinematics into
the branches used in MTD format is only for presentation purposes.
PowerMILL Editor displays both the axis location (head or table) and
the axis when the MTD-model is loaded.
So, there is a linear joint here representing the Machine X Axis. When
this joint is actuated, the whole head moves in the direction of the yellow

1076 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Axis 3 Machine Z Linear

The next joint is between the yellow part and the green one. This is the
last linear joint. It represents the Machine Z Axis.
Axis 4 Machine A Rotary

This joint connects the green part with the red part and produces
horizontal rotations on the rest of the head (the red and the blue parts).
PowerMILL uses the Primary Rotary Angle parameter to store the
coordinate of this axis as this is first rotary axis. The axis is called A, and
so the prefix A for the Primary Rotary Angle parameter must be added
to the option file for this machine.
It represents the Machine A Axis.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1077

The last joint rotates the blue part relative to the red one. The head
rotation is ignored as it doesn't produce any effect when PowerMILL
calculates machine coordinates. In this model the last joint is a second
rotary axis. PowerMILL uses the Secondary Rotary Angle parameter
to store the coordinate of this axis. The axis is called B so, the prefix B
for the Secondary Rotary Angle parameter must be added to the
option file for this machine.
It represents the Machine B Axis.

This kinematic example has two rotary axes. But PowerMILL also
supports 6-axis models which contain three rotary and three linear
axes. For 6-axis kinematics a Third Rotary Axis parameter is
used to store coordinate of the third rotary axis in the list (the
rotary axis which is closest to the head).

1078 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Simulation Examples
The three modes of simulation use a combination of the three simulation
toolbars to produce the simulated results.
Toolpath Animation (on page 1077) which uses the Simulation
ViewMill Simulation (on page 1078) which uses the ViewMill and
Simulation toolbars.
Machine Tool Simulation (see "Machine Simulation" on page
1082) which uses the Machine Tool and Simulation toolbars.

Toolpath Animation
The steps given below do not need to be carried out in the exact order
given, but the order is the most logical and efficient if simulating multiple
1. If the Simulation toolbar is not displayed, select View - Toolbar
- Simulation from the menu.

If the Simulation Play toolbar (see "Simulation Toolbar"

on page 1040) buttons on the right are not currently active,
this will be rectified later on.
2. If you want to simulate an individual toolpath select it from the
drop-down list .
3. If you want to simulate an NC Program click to change it to
and then select it from the drop-down list .
4. By default, when you select the toolpath that you want to simulate,
the tool used to create the toolpath is selected in the tool
field. However, you can change this tool to any

This option allows you to create a simulation with the tool

other than the tool originally used to create the toolpath. For
example, the tool used could be exactly the same as the tool
used to create the original toolpath, but now with a tool
shank and holder defined.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1079

5. Click Play to display the animated toolpath.

To replay a simulation, click followed by .

If you want to see the simulation of the toolpath in the stock see
ViewMill Simulation (on page 1078).
If you want to see the simulation of the machine tool as well as the
toolpath see Machine Tool Simulation (see "Machine Simulation" on
page 1082).

ViewMill Simulation
The following steps do not need to be carried out in the order given, but
the order is the most logical and efficient for simulating multiple
1. If the ViewMill and Simulation toolbars are not displayed, select
them from the menu using View - Toolbar - ViewMill and View
- Toolbar - Simulation.

2. On the Simulation toolbar, select the Toolpath (or NC

Program ) and the Tool you want to simulate.

1080 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

3. Click the Switch ViewMill On button to turn it green , and
display the shaded block.

4. To see a different representation of the simulation, select a

different option from the View buttons on the ViewMill toolbar
. Dynamic Image is selected by default.

If you simulate a toolpath or NC program using one view,

once the simulation is complete you can change the view to
another one. Typically, for speed you would simulate using
the Dynamic Image view and, on completion, change to
Rainbow view.
5. Click Play on the Simulation toolbar to start the simulation.

Click Pause to pause the simulation.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1081

If you want to simulate more than one toolpath, try selecting
Rainbow .

6. Repeat steps 2-5 to simulate additional toolpaths.

7. To replay a simulation, you can:
Rewind to the beginning by clicking , and then click Play
again .
Select Simulate from Start from the individual NC
Program or Toolpath context menu.

8. When the simulation is complete, click to unload the simulation

model and dim the buttons on the Simulation toolbar.

Speeding up ViewMILL simulations

This procedure describes a method of speeding up a ViewMill
1. On the Simulation toolbar, select the Toolpath (or NC
Program ) and the Tool you want to simulate.

1082 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

If the Simulation toolbar is not displayed, select View -
Toolbar - Simulation from the menu.
2. Click the Switch ViewMill On button to turn it green ,
select Undraw Image , and select a tool of Normal .
3. Click the Play button to run the simulation.

4. When the simulation is complete, select an appropriate view, such

as Shiny Shaded Image .

You can change between the ViewMill views (on page 1059) during
a simulation, provided that the ViewMill simulation remains On

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1083

Machine Simulation
This example uses a 5-axis profile toolpath, but the same principles apply
to standard 3-axis machining.

1. On the Simulation toolbar, select the Toolpath (or NC

Program ) and the Tool you want to simulate.

If the Simulation toolbar is not displayed, select View -

Toolbar - Simulation from the menu.
2. The "play"' buttons become active.

3. Click Import Machine on the Machine toolbar to display the

following dialog:

4. Move to the MachineData directory and select the required

machine tool, in this case fidiaK211.mtd. The machine tool will
always have a *.mtd extension.

1084 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

5. Click Open to close the dialog and load the machine tool:

6. Click the Play button to run the simulation:

If you want to Pause the simulation at any time, click .

7. When the simulation is complete, click to unload the simulation
model and dim the buttons on the Simulation toolbar.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Simulation 1085

Combining simulations
It is possible to combine the different modes of simulation:
1. On the Simulation toolbar, select the Toolpath (or NC
Program ) and the Tool you want to simulate.

If the Simulation toolbar is not displayed, select View -

Toolbar - Simulation from the menu.
2. Click the Switch ViewMill On button to turn it green , and
display the shaded block.
3. Accept the default of Dynamic Image .
4. Select the machine tool from Import Machine on the
Machine toolbar.
5. Click the Play button to run the simulation.

1086 Simulation PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Information toolbar

The Information toolbar area at the bottom of the PowerMILL window

displays the Units, Tolerance and Thickness fields.

The first field displays the current Units (mm or inches).

The next field displays information about Tolerance of the active
The next two fields display information about Thickness, or material to
be left on, whilst the toolpath calculation is taking place. This can display
either a general thickness parameter, or, as in the example below, radial
and axial thickness values.
Radial Thickness
Axial Thickness
The thickness values displayed depend on the thickness options defined
on the Area Clearance or Finishing dialog.

If you have a standard 2D View the final two fields give X, Y

or Z Coordinates of the cursor. These only display a value when
viewing down a principal axis (XY, YZ and XZ) to ensure that exact
values are displayed.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Information toolbar 1087

Command window

PowerMILL has been designed so that most commands can be performed

by simple mouse operation. However, some users may prefer to type
commands directly using the command window.
This window is not visible by default when you start PowerMILL. To
display the command window use the View - Toolbar - Command
menu option.

Ensure the cursor is positioned within the Graphics Window area

before typing in the command window.
The command window is detachable, resizeable and dockable.
Splitter Bar - when the cursor is over the Splitter Bar it changes to and
you can now resize the command window by clicking the left mouse
button and dragging to the required size.
Gripper Bar - when the cursor is over the Gripper Bar it changes to
and you can now move the command window by clicking the left mouse
button and dragging to the required place.
This can be used to move the command window to the left hand side,
right hand side, the top (below the menu bar but either above or below
any toolbars), the bottom (either above or below the status bar) or
detached. It cannot be placed between the explorer window and the
graphics window.
The button closes the command window. This can be redisplayed
using the View - Toolbar - Command menu option.

The cursor can also change to a by placing the cursor at any of

the other three sides of the command window.

1088 Command window PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Scroll Bar - the scroll bar is used in the standard windows way to see
data currently hidden in the command window.
Detaching the Command Window - the command window can be
detached by either dragging the command window so that it doesn't dock
at any side of the PowerMILL window or by double clicking in the
gripper bar (or at any other edge of the command window provided that
the cursor is a ).
Double clicking on the title bar of the detached command window docks
the command window to where it was prior to detaching.
Problems Docking the Command Window- if you have a very
deep (or wide if it is at the side) it can sometimes be difficult to move the
command window to another side as it always jumps back to its current
position. If you experience this problem simply decrease the size of the
command window and then you will find it easier to relocate.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Command window 1089

Status bar

A Status bar is visible at the bottom of the PowerMILL window. It

displays help and a progress indicator.

When you hover the cursor over a button, help is displayed in the Status
bar at the bottom of the screen. So, when you place your cursor over the
Rapid Move Heights button, you see the following help in the Status
bar at the bottom of the screen as well as the tooltip:

Progress indicator

The progress indicator shows how near the calculation is to completion.

Pressing halts the calculation.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Status bar 1091

Web toolbar

This is a toolbar which offers some of the functionality normally

available from Internet Explorer.

This toolbar is not displayed by default but can be accessed from the
View - Toolbar menu.

The Web toolbar allows you to manipulate web pages accessed from the
tab in the explorer. This toolbar is not available from within
Back - returns you to the previous web page.
Forward - goes on to the next web page.

1092 Web toolbar PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Home - returns you to the home page.

Stop - stops the updating of the current web page.

Refresh - refreshes the current web page.
Print - prints the current web page. The standard windows print
dialog is displayed.

Close - closes the toolbar.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Web toolbar 1093

AutoCAM Reference

AutoCAM is an automatic machining package within PowerMILL. It

uses a wizard style interface within PowerMILL to guide you through the

1094 AutoCAM Reference PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

On starting AutoCAM by either launching pmill.exe -autocam or by
selecting from within PowerMILL you will see the first page of the
AutoCAM wizard.

This page summarises the options selected. To see more information on a

particular option or to select your required options click on a header with
a .
Once you have completed the fields on this page click on the Next>

Project Details

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference AutoCAM Reference 1095

This area enables you to define where you want to store the toolpaths,
output files and any other information that you create in AutoCAM.
Initially this area is blank.
Click on the Project Details header to display less information.

New Button - opens a new project. It also displays the Save

Project As dialog.

This is the standard Save Project As dialog and an overview of the

functionality is described here for more detailed information see Save
Project As (see "File - Save Project As" on page 279).
In Summary:
In the bottom pane move to the directory where you want to save
your work.
Enter the name of the project in the top pane.
Click on the OK button.
The Project information is then updated.

1096 AutoCAM Reference PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Open Button - opens an existing project. It also displays the
Open Project (Edit) dialog.

This is the standard Open Project (see "File - Open Project" on page 277)

Model Details

This area enables you to define the model you want to machine in
AutoCAM and defines various parameters associated with the model.
Initially this area is states [none] which is updated once you chose a
Once you have input the relevant information you can click on Model
Details header to minimise the display.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference AutoCAM Reference 1097

In the graphics window you will now be able to see your model.


This area enables you to specify the model you want to machine. Initially
this area is states [none] which is updated once you chose a model.
Browse Button - displays the Import Model dialog.

This is the standard Import Model dialog. For more detailed information
see Import Model (see "File - Import Model" on page 282).

1098 AutoCAM Reference PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

In Summary:
In the top pane move to the directory the model is stored.
Select the model you require.
Click on the Open button.
The Model information is then updated. This includes the location of the
Invert Model - rotates the model through 180 degrees around the Y axis.
This can be particularly useful for electrode models which are frequently
upside down.

Finishing Allowance

This area enables you to specify the final finish thickness. The default
value is 0, but if you want any other thickness just enter it in this field.

Z Position of the Stock

This area controls the position of the model within the block. You can
specify the position of the bottom of the model with respect to the block

Stock Details

This area enables you to define the stock size and material. Initially this
area is blank, once a model has been loaded then it displays the
dimensions of the stock.
Click on Stock Details header to display more information.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference AutoCAM Reference 1099

Once you have input the relevant information, click on the Stock
Details header to minimise the display.


Enter the X, Y and Z coordinates of the billet that you will be using. By
default this is the minimum cuboid that can just enclose the selected

It is essential that you enter the actual size of the billet that you will
be using.


Select the material of the billet from the drop-down list.

It is essential that you enter the actual material of the billet that you
will be using.


This area enables you to define the tool catalogue and machine tool that
you will use. You also specify where the NC Program files will be saved
and the datum point.

1100 AutoCAM Reference PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Click on Preferences header to display more information.

Once you have input the relevant information, click on the blue area of
the Preferences header to minimise the display.

Tool Catalogue

In this area you can select the tool catalogue and which tools are available
from that catalogue.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference AutoCAM Reference 1101

Currently there are two catalogues to choose from:
Select one of the two catalogues from the drop-down list.
Select Tools - limits the choice of tools available. It displays the
following list:

Tools with a can be selected by AutoCAM.

Tools with a cannot be selected by AutoCAM.
Reset List - resets the list to all tools being selected.
Back - returns you to the AutoCAM set-up page.


Defines the machine tool to which you want to output your NC program.

1102 AutoCAM Reference PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Machine Details - allows you to see the parameters of each machine
tool in the drop-down list. You can add, delete or edit the machine tool
parameters in this list.

Add Machine - allows you to add a new machine. This adds a new line
to the bottom of the table:

You can then edit these fields with the appropriate data.
ID - a sequential number added automatically.
Machine - the machine name defined by the user.
Table L - workable length of the machine table.
Table W - workable width of the machine table.
Table H - workable height of the machine table (the range).
Control - the machine tool controller. It is one of the filenames from
C:\dcam\config\ductpost without the .opt extension. For
example if you need to use a heid.opt then you type heid in this
field. There must be an entry for this field and it must be valid
otherwise you won't get any NC output.
Rapid Speed - the desirable rapid speed.
Max Revs - maximum number of revolutions per minute.
Max - maximum tool diameter that the machine can hold.
File Exit - the extension that will automatically be added to NC
Programs. If no extension is given AutoCAM will assume the
extension of .tap.
Tool Changer - when checked, implies a tool changer is available on
the machine tool. When unchecked no tool changer is available.
Delete - deletes the machine from the list.
Back - returns you to the AutoCAM set-up page.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference AutoCAM Reference 1103

Survey Mode

This area enables you to specify how the model should be analysed.
There are two main options:
Automatic - the easy option as AutoCAM analyses the model for you
and determines the tools that are required.
Manual - allows you to define the key parameters that the Automatic
option calculates. This may be quicker than the Automatic mode but
extreme care should be taken when entering these values as errors here
can cause unreliable results.

Maximum Depth - vertical range of the machineable area of the

Smallest Horizontal Radius - smallest internal radius in the
XY plane.
Smallest Cavity - smallest width of any cavity in the model.
Smallest Vertical Radius - smallest internal radius in any
vertical plane.
Largest Mill Diameter - largest mill diameter that can be used.

Stock Datum

Select the Stock Datum as either Bottom Corner or Bottom Middle

from the drop-down list.

1104 AutoCAM Reference PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Output Files Directory

Defines the location and the name of the output files. By default these
files are place in the same directory as your original project directory
(E:/PMill/WhatsNew5000Projects/Cowling in this case) and the files will
be of the form Cowling_n.xxx (where n is a number depending on the
number of NC Programs created and xxx is the file extension for the
specific machine tool controller.
Browse Button - displays the Select Path dialog.

This is the similar to the Save Project As dialog for more detailed
information see Save Project As (see "File - Save Project As" on page
In Summary:
In the bottom pane move to the directory where you want to save
your NC Programs.
Click on the OK button.
The Output Files Directory information is then updated.

New Tool For Finishing Raster

Allows you to choose whether you use a new tool for the final raster
finishing toolpath.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference AutoCAM Reference 1105


The buttons available at the bottom of the first page of the wizard are
standard windows buttons.
Exit - exits from AutoCAM. If you started AutoCAM from the command
line (using the command pmill.exe -autocam) then it also exits from
PowerMILL. If you started AutoCAM from within PowerMILL then
you are returned to a normal PowerMILL session.
Help - displays the help file. Activates a Windows Help screen showing
the contents of the AutoCAM on-line help.

For more information on using the Help system see Getting Help (see
"Help" on page 9) in the PowerMILL on-line reference manual or 'Using
Windows Help' in the Microsoft Windows User's Guide.

1106 AutoCAM Reference PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

About - displays information about the version of PowerMILL you are

Click OK to close the dialog box.

Next - takes you to the next page of the wizard.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference AutoCAM Reference 1107

AutoCAM Tools and Toolpaths
Once you have completed the fields on AutoCAM set-up page click on
the Next> button. AutoCAM now surveys the model and defines which
tools it will use and which toolpaths it will calculate. These options are
then displayed on the AutoCAM Proposed Tools and Toolpaths page.

Once you are happy with the tools and toolpaths suggested by AutoCAM
then click on the Next> button.

1108 AutoCAM Reference PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tools Required
This area displays the tools that AutoCAM proposes.

If you are happy with the suggested tools then you don't need to do
anything. If you are not happy with a tool, then deselect the tool (change
to ) and then click on the button.

If you are unhappy with a tool you must change it here. You must
not create a tape file using one tool and then cut the part using a
different tool. You must not even substitute the specified tool to one
with the same dimensions, but from a different manufacturer, as the
toolpaths are calculated using the manufacturers cutting data which
will be different and could have unexpected results.
To find out more information about a tool click on the tool name (say
) to display more information about the tool.

Click on the tool name (say ) to display the summary

information again.
Cut Back Tools - if a tool needs cutting back, a red warning symbol
will be displayed in the tool list.

The cut back details are displayed in the tool details section and in the
printable version of the page.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference AutoCAM Reference 1109

Printable Version - displays the tools that are required in a printable

Print - prints the current page.

Back - returns you to the AutoCAM Proposal page.
Search Details - displays information as to why the whole job cannot
be machined.

1110 AutoCAM Reference PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Toolpath Sequence
This area displays the toolpaths that AutoCAM proposes. It also shows
the tool, tolerance and thickness that will be used to generate the toolpath.
You cannot edit these fields.

To find out more information about a toolpath click on the toolpath name
(say ) to display more information about the toolpath.

Click on the toolpath name (say ) to display the summary

information again.
Recalculate - recalculates the tool and toolpath selection. This button is
only available if you deselect one of the selected tools.

Final Finishing Raster Stepover

This area displays allows you to specify the stepover for the final raster

Override final finishing raster stepover - when selected enables

you to define the stepover.

Stepover - when selected allows you to define the required stepover.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference AutoCAM Reference 1111

Max Cusp Height - when selected allows you to specify the maximum
cusp height. This automatically updates the stepover field.

What do you want to do next?

This area asks what you want to do. The options available depend on how
you started AutoCAM. If you start it from the command line (using the
command pmill.exe -autocam) you are offered the following options:

If you start AutoCAM from within PowerMILL (using the button)

you are offered the following options:

Generate toolpaths now - calculates the toolpaths that are specified

Batch and continue working in PowerMILL - calculates the batch
toolpaths that are specified above and then returns you to PowerMILL.
Exit - exits from AutoCAM. If you started AutoCAM from the command
line (using the command pmill.exe -autocam) then it also exits from
PowerMILL If you started AutoCAM from within PowerMILL then
you are returned to a normal PowerMILL session.
Help - displays the help file. Activates a Windows Help screen showing
the contents of the AutoCAM on-line help.
< Back - displays the previous page. You can use this if you want to
change any of the options from the first page.
Next > - calculates either the toolpaths or batch toolpaths (depending on
the option selected) and displays the next page. The calculation may take
a few minutes.

1112 AutoCAM Reference PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

More Information - clicking on the header displays help on this page.
Clicking on the header again minimises this help.

View of Batch Toolpaths

If you select Batch and continue working in PowerMILL on the
second page followed by Next > AutoCAM will then create the batch
toolpaths and will also ask you if you want to save the AutoCAM Project.

Click on either the Yes or the No button (if in doubt click on Yes). Then
AutoCAM returns you to PowerMILL.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference AutoCAM Reference 1113

You can see the tools used, the batch toolpaths and the NC Programs
created. When you are ready you can process the batch toolpaths and
create the necessary output files. You can now work in PowerMILL in the
normal way.

View of each Toolpath

If you select Generate toolpaths now on the second page followed by
Next > AutoCAM will then create the toolpaths and the output files.

AutoCAM Output
Once you have completed the fields on AutoCAM proposal page and
selected Generate toolpaths now followed by Next> AutoCAM
calculates the toolpaths (this will take a few minutes) and the output files.
The information window is displayed, showing the NC programs that
have been written and postprocessed.

1114 AutoCAM Reference PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

You can scroll through the contents of this dialog to see more information
about the postprocessing of the NC Programs. Click to close this
dialog. AutoCAM now displays the final page.

To activate and view a toolpath click on the toolpath name (say )

to display it in the graphics window.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference AutoCAM Reference 1115

Exit - exits from AutoCAM. If you started AutoCAM from the command
line (using the command pmill.exe -autocam) then it also exits from
PowerMILL. If you started AutoCAM from within PowerMILL then
you are returned to a normal PowerMILL session where you can see the
tools used, the toolpaths and the NC Programs created. You can now
work in PowerMILL in the normal way.

Back - returns you to the previous page describing the tools and
Help - displays the help file. Activates a Windows Help screen showing
the contents of the AutoCAM on-line help.
Restart - returns you to the AutoCAM Set-up page. For more
information see AutoCAM (see "AutoCAM Reference" on page 1092).
More Information - clicking on displays help on this page. Clicking
on minimises this help.

1116 AutoCAM Reference PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Delcam Plc Software
Licence And Terms Of

These Terms contain provisions placing obligations on the Licensee and

excluding and limiting Delcam's liability. The Licensee's attention is
drawn in particular (but not exclusively) to clause 4.3 (Trial Period), 4.4
(deemed acceptance), 5, 6 and 7 (restrictions and obligations on use), 8
(warranties), 9 (limitation of liability) 11 (risk), 12 (indemnity), 13
(termination), 21 (law and jurisdiction) and addendum (dongle
1 Definitions and interpretation
1.1 In these Terms, unless the context otherwise requires, the following
expressions have the following meanings:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply 1117
1.1.1 "Delcam" means Delcam plc, Talbot Way, Small Heath
Business Park, Birmingham B10 0HJ, UK.
1.1.2 "Delivery Date" means the date of delivery of the Licensed
Program Materials to the Licensee.
1.1.3 "Designated Equipment" means computer equipment that
provides the minimum operating environment for the Licenced
Program as specified in the Program Documentation and which is
connected to the Licence Control System.
1.1.4 "Hardware Lock" means an electronic hardware lock
(sometimes referred to as a dongle) whose identity is encoded in
the PAF and is required for the operation of the Licence Control
1.1.5 "Licence" means the licence granted by Delcam to the
Licensee under clause 2.1 the type of which will be Full,
Demonstration or Academic as designated by the PAF. Any
Licensed Program designated as "Evaluation" in a PAF shall be
treated as Demonstration for the purposes of these Terms.
1.1.6 "Licence Control System" means the electronic means of
authorising the Use of the Licenced Program on the Designated
Equipment pursuant to the Licence. The operation of the Licence
Control System is controlled by the PAF. In the case of a fixed
licence the Licence Control System will require a Hardware Lock
to be fitted to the Designated Equipment. In the case of a floating
licence the Licence Control System requires the Designated
Equipment to be in constant network communication with a
Licence Server. The Licence Control System will be configured by
Delcam to enforce the conditions of the Licence purchased by the
Licensee, which may include fixed or floating licence, limits on
concurrent executions, absolute limit on the number of executions
or transactions, time period limits.
1.1.7 "Licence Fee" means the fee for the Licence specified by or
on behalf of Delcam.
1.1.8 "Licence Server" means a computer program supplied by
Delcam as part of the Licence Control System for the purpose of
allowing a floating licence to be allocated to any instance of
Designated Equipment on the same computer network as the
Licence Server. The Licence Server must be installed on a suitable
computer processor fitted with a Hardware Lock.

1118 Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply PowerMILL 8.0 Reference
1.1.9 "Licensed Program" means the software program or programs
in object code form specified in the PAF.
1.1.10 "Licensed Program Materials" means the Licensed Program,
the Hardware Lock and the Program Documentation.
1.1.11 "Licensee" means the person, firm, company or other
organisation to whom Delcam licences the Licensed Program
Materials pursuant to these Terms.
1.1.12 "PAF" means a data file or files issued by Delcam to enable
the Licensed Program and the Licence Control System supplied by
Delcam to be executed on Designated Equipment in accordance
with the purchased functionality.
1.1.13 "Program Documentation" means any Program
Specification, instruction manuals, user guides and other
information relating to the Licensed Program supplied by Delcam
to the Licensee in paper or electronic form. Program
Documentation is written in English which shall take precedence
and any translation of the Program Documentation into another
language which may be supplied for information shall not be
regarded as definitive.
1.1.14 "Program Specification" means the technical specifications
from time to time published by Delcam in respect of the Licensed
1.1.15 "Registered Users" means the set or sets of specified user
identities that are permitted to Use the Licensed Program. The
number of members allowed in the set or sets may be limited by
the PAF but the Licensee may change user identities at will.
1.1.16 "Restricted Mode" means a version of the Licensed Program
which contains the restrictions on functionality set out in Schedule
1.1.17 "Site" means the address specified by the Licensee and
identified in the PAF for delivery of the Licensed Program
1.1.18 "Terms" means the terms and conditions set out in this
document and any document referred to herein.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply 1119
1.1.19 "Trial Period" means the period of 30 days commencing on
the Delivery Date during which the Licensee can evaluate the
Licensed Program free of charge in accordance with clause 4.2.
1.1.20 "Use" means the copying or transmission of the Licensed
Program into the Designated Equipment and the processing of the
instructions contained in the Licensed Program and "Used" shall be
construed accordingly.
1.2 In the construction of these Terms, (except where the context
otherwise requires):
1.2.1 Contents and headings: contents and headings appear for
convenience and do not affect the construction of the whole or any
part of these Terms;
1.2.2 Currency: a reference to any monetary amount is to the
currency of the United Kingdom which at the date of these Terms
is pounds sterling (GBP) but following any introduction of
Economic Monetary Union in the United Kingdom shall mean the
euro after converting amounts of pounds sterling into euros
according to law;
1.2.3 English legal terms: a reference to an English legal term for
any action, remedy, method of judicial proceeding, legal document,
legal status, court, official or any other legal concept or thing shall,
in respect of any jurisdiction other than England, be deemed to
include a reference to what most nearly approximates in that
jurisdiction to the English legal term;
1.2.4 Rights of third parties: except where expressly stated nothing
in these Terms is intended to confer upon any third party any rights
whether under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or
1.2.5 Schedules: a reference to a schedule is to a schedule to these
Terms and any such schedule shall form part of these Terms;
1.2.6 Statutes and regulations: a reference to a statute includes any
regulation or order made under that statute. Reference to a statute
or regulation or order is a reference to the statute or regulation or
order as amended or substituted.

2 Grant of Licence

1120 Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply PowerMILL 8.0 Reference
2.1 Subject to clause 2.2 Delcam in consideration of the payment by the
Licensee of the Licence Fee grants to the Licensee a non-exclusive
licence to Use the Licensed Program upon the Designated Equipment
with the number of concurrent executions and/or concurrent transactions
and/or Registered Users controlled by the Licence Control System and to
possess and refer to the Program Documentation subject to these Terms
provided that:
2.1.1 in the case of a fixed licence the Licensed Program Materials
shall remain at and shall be Used at the Site save that temporary
Use for home-working or off-Site working by individuals normally
based at the Site will be permitted;
2.1.2 in the case of a floating licence the Licence Server shall be
located and remain at the Site.
2.2 The Licensed Program may be operated in Restricted Mode if no
Licence Control System is found when the Licensed Program starts up. If
in such circumstances the Licensee wishes to operate the Licensed
Program in Restricted Mode only then:
2.2.1 the Licensee shall not be required to pay the Licence Fee in
accordance with clause 3;
2.2.2 the Licensed Program will contain the restrictions on
functionality listed in Schedule A ("the Restricted Functionality");
2.2.3 if the Licensee wishes to access the Restricted Functionality it
may either:
(a) (if it requires access to the Restricted Functionality listed
in Schedule A as available via pay-per-use only) purchase a
pay-per-use voucher from Delcam's website which will permit
the Licensee to access the Restricted Functionality listed in
Schedule A as available via pay-per-use; or
(b) notify Delcam that it wishes to upgrade the Licensed
Program to include the Restricted Functionality which it may
do upon payment of the Licence Fee to Delcam;

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply 1121
2.2.4 if the Licensee shall use any third party product in
conjunction with the Licensed Program to replace the Restricted
Functionality it shall be immediately liable to pay the Licence Fee
to Delcam;
2.2.5 clauses 4 and 7 of these Terms shall not apply if the Licenced
Program is operated in Restricted Mode;
2.2.6 if the Licensee elects to upgrade the Licensed Program to
include the Restricted Functionality in accordance with clause 2.2.3
the Trial Period shall not apply to the upgraded Licensed Program.
The Licensee acknowledges that where it operates the Licensed
Program in Restricted Mode it is not required to pay the Licence
Fee and that accordingly the restrictions on functionality listed in
Schedule A are reasonable. The Licensee further acknowledges
that it has the rights to access the Restricted Functionality set out in
clause 2.2.3.
2.3 The number of concurrent executions and/or concurrent transactions
and/or Registered Users will be limited by the PAF and may not be
altered without the prior written consent of Delcam. As a condition of
granting such consent Delcam will be entitled to make a reasonable
2.4 The Licensed Program may be operated on behalf of the Licensee by
a facilities manager of good standing and integrity the same to be
approved by Delcam and these Terms shall be interpreted accordingly.
2.5 The Licensee shall be responsible for any defaults of its facilities
manager in observing these Terms and shall at all times indemnify
Delcam accordingly.
2.6 The Licensed Program may not be:

1122 Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply PowerMILL 8.0 Reference
2.6.1 Used for the operation of any timesharing bureau or similar
activity for the benefit of third parties; nor
2.6.2 the subject of any patent or patent application or any other
form of application or registration for intellectual property
2.7 Where the Licence is designated by the PAF as an Academic Licence
the Licensed Program and Licensed Program Materials may be used only
for the purposes of teaching and research and shall not be used for any
commercial purposes or for commercial gain. If any Licensed Program
and/or Licensed Program Materials subject to an Academic Licence shall
be used for commercial purposes or for commercial gain the Licensee
shall immediately become liable to pay to Delcam the balance of the
Licence Fee for a Full Licence.
2.8 For the avoidance of doubt any Licence Server and/or any
Designated Equipment which requires a Hardware Lock for its Use may
only be Used at the Site save for the limited exception referred to in sub-
clause 2.1.1.
2.9 The Licensee shall supply Delcam with required registration
information and agrees that Delcam may provide the Licensee's name and
address to its licensors.
3 Licence Fee
Unless the Licence has been terminated in accordance with clause 4.3 or
the Licensee will operate the Licensed Program in Restricted Mode only,
the Licensee will pay the Licence Fee to Delcam direct or via its
authorised sales partner at the end of the Trial Period in the manner
agreed between Delcam or Delcam's authorised sales partner on behalf of
Delcam and the Licensee. Delcam may use the Licence Control System to
restrict access and to prevent the Use of the Licensed Program until such
time as the specified Licence Fee has been paid.
4 Delivery, Installation and Acceptance
4.1 Delcam or its authorised sales partner will deliver to the Site one
copy of each of the Licensed Program (including the Licence Control
System) and Program Documentation, the PAF and the number of
Hardware Locks corresponding to the Licence. Any time stated for
delivery is indicative only and time shall not be of the essence or capable
of being made of the essence.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply 1123
4.2 The Licensee will install the Licensed Program on the Designated
Equipment at the Site and will be entitled free of charge for a period of 30
days commencing with the Delivery Date to Use the Licensed Program
not for the purpose of its trade or business but solely for the purpose of
assessing whether the same meets its requirements. During this period the
Licence will be a Demonstration Licence.
4.3 If during the Trial Period the Licensee decides that the Licensed
Program Materials do not meet its requirements then the Licensee shall be
entitled to terminate the Licence forthwith by written notice to Delcam
such notice to be given not later than the end of the Trial Period.
4.4 If the Licensee does not terminate the Licence by notice pursuant to
clause 4.3 above or if during the Trial Period it shall Use the Licensed
Program for the purposes of its trade or business then (in either case) the
Licensee will be deemed to have accepted the Licensed Program
Materials upon these Terms and the Licence Fee shall become
immediately due and payable. The Licence will on payment of the
Licence Fee be converted to a Full Licence or Academic Licence as
5 Confidentiality
5.1 The Licensed Program Materials contain confidential information of
Delcam and its licensors. Delcam or its licensor is the owner or licensee
of all intellectual property rights forming part of the Products and
Program Documentation (including the Trade Marks).
5.2 The Licensee shall not:

1124 Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply PowerMILL 8.0 Reference
5.2.1 except as provided in clause 6 make back-up copies of the
Licensed Program Materials;
5.2.2 reverse engineer, decompile, dissemble, copy or adapt the
whole or any part of the Licensed Program Materials for the
purposes of correcting errors in the Licensed Program Materials;
5.2.3 modify or make works derivative of the Licensed Program
5.2.4 except solely for the purposes expressly permitted by and in
accordance with Section 296A(1) or Section 50C(2) Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988 copy, adapt, reverse compile, reverse
engineer, decompile or dissemble the whole or any part of the
Licensed Program Materials;
5.2.5 assign, (save in accordance with clause 7) transfer, sell, lease,
rent, charge or otherwise deal in or encumber the Licensed
Program Materials or use the Licensed Program Materials on
behalf of any third party or make available the same to any third
5.2.6 remove or alter any copyright or other proprietary notice on
any of the Licensed Program Materials.
5.3 The Licensee shall:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply 1125
5.3.1 keep confidential the Licensed Program Materials and limit
access to the same to those of its employees, agents and sub-
contractors who either have a need to know or who are engaged in
the Use of the Licensed Program in accordance with the Licence;
5.3.2 reproduce on any copy (whether machine readable or human
readable form) of the Licensed Program Materials Delcam's
copyright, trade mark and other proprietary notices;
5.3.3 maintain an up to date written record of the number of copies
of the Licensed Program Materials and their location and upon
request forthwith produce such record to Delcam;
5.3.4 notify Delcam immediately if the Licensee becomes aware of
any loss of or unauthorised use of the whole or any part of the
Licensed Program Materials by any third party;
5.3.5 without prejudice to the foregoing take all such other steps as
shall from time to time be necessary to protect the confidential
information and intellectual property rights of Delcam and its
licensors in the Licensed Program Materials.
5.4 The Licensee shall inform all relevant employees, agents and sub-
contractors that the Licensed Program Materials constitute confidential
information of Delcam and its licensors and that all intellectual property
rights therein are the property of Delcam or its licensor and the Licensee
shall take all such steps as shall be necessary to ensure compliance by its
employees, agents and sub-contractors with the provisions of this clause 5
and the terms of the Licence.
6 Copying of the Licensed Program Materials
6.1 The Licensee shall be entitled to make back up copies of the
Licensed Program for disaster recovery purposes. Any such copy shall in
all respects be subject to these Terms and will be deemed to form part of
the Licensed Program.
6.2 The Licensee shall not be entitled to copy in whole or in part the
Program Documentation except for the Licensee's personal use only in
accordance with the Licence. Further copies of the Program
Documentation are available on request from Delcam at its then
prevailing rates or by accessing the same in electronic format from such
electronic media or website as may be notified by Delcam from time to
time and where downloaded and/or printed any such copies shall be for
the Licensee's personal use only in accordance with the Licence.

1126 Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply PowerMILL 8.0 Reference
6.3 The Licensee shall be entitled to download patches for the Licensed
Program from Delcam's website and is advised to check that website
regularly for the latest patches and advice in relation to the Licensed
Program. For the avoidance of doubt new versions of the Licensed
Program are only available to a Licensee who also has a current
maintenance agreement with Delcam or its authorised representative.
7 Transfer of the Licensed Program Materials
7.1 The Licensee may request the transfer of the Licensed Program to
alternative Designated Equipment requiring the issue of a new PAF.
Delcam shall be entitled to attach such conditions to the granting of such
consent as it may in its absolute discretion reasonably consider
appropriate including a condition that Delcam will be entitled to make a
reasonable charge.
7.2 For the avoidance of doubt the warranty by Delcam in clause 8.3 and
any support services supplied in respect of the Licensed Program which
are the subject of any separate agreement with Delcam or its authorised
sales partner will only be supplied to the Site to the holder of the
Hardware Lock. This includes floating licences unless any separate
arrangements are expressly agreed by Delcam.
8 Warranties
8.1 Subject to the exceptions set out in clause 8.4 and the limitations
upon its liability in clause 9 Delcam warrants that:
8.1.1 its title to any property in the Licensed Program Materials is
free and unencumbered and that it has the right, power and
authority to license the same upon these Terms;
8.1.2 the media upon which the Licensed Program Materials are
supplied will for a period of 90 days from the Delivery Date be free
from defects in materials, design and workmanship;
8.1.3 the Licensed Program will for a period of 90 days from the
Delivery Date conform to the Program Specification;
8.1.4 the Hardware Lock will for a period of 90 days from the
Delivery Date be free of defects.
In no event may the Licensee bring any claim, action or proceeding
arising out of the warranty set out in this caluse 8.1 more than one
year after the date on which the breach of warranty occurred.
8.2 The Licensee shall give notice to Delcam as soon as it is reasonably
able upon becoming aware of a breach of warranty.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply 1127
8.3 Subject to clause 8.4 Delcam will use its reasonable endeavours to
remedy any breach of the warranties set out in clauses 8.1.2, 8.1.3 and
8.1.4 free of charge by diagnosing the fault and using its reasonable
endeavours to rectify the fault (remotely or by attendance on Site as
determined by Delcam), by the issue of replacements in respect of
defective media or Hardware Lock or of fixes in respect of the Licensed
Program and the making of all necessary consequential amendments (if
any) to the Program Documentation. Any such replacements will be
warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or 30 days
from the date of receipt by Licensee, whichever is longer.
8.4 Delcam shall have no liability to remedy a breach of warranty where
such breach arises during or as a result of:

1128 Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply PowerMILL 8.0 Reference
8.4.1 accident or the improper use, operation or neglect of either
the Licensed Program Materials or the Designated Equipment; or
8.4.2 the modification of the Licensed Program or its merger (in
whole or in part) with any other software not provided by Delcam
or not intended for combination with the Licensed Program; or
8.4.3 the Use of the Licensed Program on equipment other than the
Designated Equipment; or
8.4.4 the failure by the Licensee to implement recommendations in
respect of or solutions to faults previously published by Delcam on
its website; or
8.4.5 any repair, adjustment, alteration or modification of the
Licensed Program or Hardware Key or acts or omissions by any
person other than Delcam without Delcam's prior written consent;
8.4.6 any breach by the Licensee of any of its obligations under any
maintenance agreement in respect of the Designated Equipment; or
8.4.7 the use of the Licensed Program or Hardware Lock for a
purpose for which they were not designed; or
8.4.8 the transfer or Use of the Licensed Program Materials in
breach of clause 7.1; or
8.4.9 the operation of the Licensed program in Restricted Mode; or
8.4.10 Use of the Licensed Program during any Trial Period.
8.5 Without prejudice to the foregoing Delcam does not warrant that the
Use of the Licensed Program will meet the Licensee's data processing
requirements or any specific purpose or that the operation of the Licensed
Programs will be uninterrupted or error free.
8.6 Subject to the foregoing all conditions, warranties, terms and
undertakings express or implied statutory or otherwise in respect of the
Licensed Program Materials are hereby excluded by Delcam and its
licensors to the fullest extent permitted by law including (without
limitation) the implied conditions, warranties or other terms as to
satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and the use of reasonable care and
9 Limitation and exclusion of liability

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply 1129
9.1 Liability for:
9.1.1 death or personal injury caused by negligence; or
9.1.2 liability under Part 1 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987; or
9.1.3 fraudulent misrepresentation;
is not excluded or limited.
9.2 Subject to the following provisions of this clause 9 or to any other
express provisions relating to liability contained in these Terms the
liability of Delcam or that of any members of the same group of
companies to which Delcam belongs or that of Delcam's licensors and for
its or their employees, agents, distributors or sub-contractors for any act
or default in relation to these Terms whether in contract, tort (including
negligence), strict liability or otherwise shall be limited to:
9.2.1 the amount of single event cover in Delcam's public or
product liability insurance (whichever may be applicable) in force
at the time the loss or damage occurs for loss or damage to tangible
property; or
9.2.2 in the case of all other liability the aggregate of the sum of and where: is the whole or any part of the Licence Fee paid in
respect of the subject matter giving rise to the liability and
which is held to be subject to repayment by Delcam; and is the amount 20% of the Licence Fee or GBP1,000
(whichever is the greater).
9.3 No liability shall attach for any loss (or associated expenses) in the
nature of:

1130 Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply PowerMILL 8.0 Reference
9.3.1 loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss of production or loss of
9.3.2 loss of goodwill or reputation;
9.3.3 third party claims;
9.3.4 indirect, special or consequential losses as generally
understood under English law;
whether foreseeable or otherwise and whether or not Delcam had been
made aware of the possibility of the same arising. Subject to the aforesaid
and to the limitations in clause 9.2, Delcam accepts liability for direct
losses as generally understood under English law.
9.4 Save in respect of:
9.4.1 liabilities described in clause 9.1; or
9.4.2 liability for loss or damage to tangible property; or
9.4.3 liability under clause 10 (intellectual property rights
no liability for damages shall arise until such time as the Licensee has
given Delcam written notice to remedy the default in accordance with any
particular clause of these Terms and failed to do so or, in any other case,
having been given written notice to remedy the default (if remediable)
and Delcam has failed to do so within a period of thirty (30) days.
9.5 Delcam will not be liable to the Licensee for loss arising from or in
connection with any representation, agreement, statement or undertaking
made before the parties entered into the contract on these Terms other
than those representations, agreements, statements or undertakings
confirmed by duly authorised representatives of Delcam in writing or
expressly incorporated or referred to in these Terms. THE LICENSEE
REFERRED TO IN THESE TERMS. These Terms constitute the whole
agreement and understanding of the parties as to their subject matter and
there are no terms, conditions, warranties or obligations whether oral or
written, express or implied, whether by statute or common law, other than
those contained in or referred to in these Terms. Nothing in these Terms
shall limit Delcam's liability for fraudulent misrepresentation.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply 1131
9.6 The Licensee accepts that the Licensed Program Materials were not
designed and produced to its individual requirements or for any specific
purpose or purposes of the Licensee and that it was responsible for their
selection and accordingly Delcam shall not be liable to the Licensee if the
Licensed Program Materials are not fit for the Licensee's purposes.
9.7 Advice or assistance provided by Delcam or its group companies,
agents or representatives relating to any aspect of the Licensed Program
(whether provided before, during or after delivery) including (but not
limited to) operational usage or potential applications is given for the
Licensee's sole assessment and decision (if necessary after trial operations
by the Licensee) having regard to the Licensee's own particular
circumstances. Accordingly such advice or assistance is given without
responsibility or liability.
9.8 The Licensee accepts that the Licensed Program is supplied as a tool
which is constantly being developed and that the Licensee is solely
responsible for the way in which the Licensed Program Materials are
Used and for any product data design or other output resulting from the
Licensee's Use of the Licensed Program Materials including their Use and
the consequences of such Use in conjunction with any other software or
equipment or product. Without prejudice to the foregoing obligation in
accordance with best industry practice the Licensee shall at each stage
verify data which is input into and produced from the Licensed Program
9.9 Without prejudice to its obligations under clause 11 of these Terms
the Licensee recognises the Licensed Program will not function without
the Hardware Lock and consequently the importance of ensuring its
safekeeping at all times during the term of the Licence.
9.10 Delcam is concerned to ensure that the Licence Fee for the Licensed
Program Materials remains competitive and taking into account:

1132 Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply PowerMILL 8.0 Reference
9.10.1 the fact that the Licensee is in a better position than Delcam
to know or ascertain the amount of any loss which will arise out of
any defect in the Licensed Program Materials;
9.10.2 the fact that the extent of the damage that might be caused
or alleged to be caused to the Licensee is disproportionate to the
amount that can reasonably be charged (and is charged) by Delcam
to the Licensee;
9.10.3 the terms and conditions upon which Delcam's own
suppliers are prepared to supply goods and services to Delcam;
this must necessarily involve the incorporation of the provisions of this
clause 9.
10 Intellectual Property Rights indemnity
10.1 Delcam will indemnify and hold harmless the Licensee against any
damages (including costs) that may be awarded or agreed to be paid to
any third party in respect of any claim or action that the normal operation,
possession or use of the Licensed Program Materials by the Licensee
infringes the patent, copyright, registered design or trade mark rights of
the said third party (an "Intellectual Property Infringement"), provided
that the Licensee:
10.1.1 gives notice to Delcam of any Intellectual Property
Infringement immediately upon becoming aware of it; and
10.1.2 gives Delcam the sole conduct of the defence to any claim
or action in respect of any Intellectual Property Infringement and
does not at any time admit liability or otherwise settle or
compromise or attempt to settle or compromise the claim or action
except upon the express instructions of Delcam; and
10.1.3 acts in accordance with the reasonable instructions of
Delcam and gives to Delcam such assistance as it reasonably
requires in respect of the conduct of the defence.
For the avoidance of doubt the indemnity in this clause 10.1 covers only
infringements of the type referred to which are caused by or directly
attributable to the Licensed Program Materials themselves and excludes
infringements of the rights of a third party caused by the application of
the Licensed Program Materials by the Licensee whether in any design or
manufacturing process or otherwise.
10.2 Delcam will reimburse the Licensee its reasonable costs incurred in
complying with the provisions of clause 10.1 above.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply 1133
10.3 Delcam will have no liability to the Licensee in respect of an
Intellectual Property Infringement if it results from any breach of the
Licensee's obligations under these Terms.
10.4 In the event of an Intellectual Property Infringement Delcam will be
entitled at its own expense and option either to:
10.4.1 procure the right for the Licensee to continue using the
Licensed Program Materials; or
10.4.2 make such alteration, modification or adjustment to the
Licensed Program Materials so that they become non-infringing
without incurring a material diminution in function; or
10.4.3 replace the Licensed Program Materials with non-infringing
substitutes provided that the substitutes do not entail a material
diminution in function.
10.5 The limitation of liability in clause 9.3 shall not apply to this
11 Risk in the Licensed Program Materials
11.1 Risk in the Licensed Program Materials will pass to the Licensee
following delivery. If subsequently the Licensed Program Materials are
destroyed, damaged, lost or stolen, Delcam will upon request as soon as
reasonably practicable replace them subject to the Licensee paying its
then prevailing charges.
11.2 Without prejudice to the provisions of clause 11.1, the Licensee
shall take such steps as may be necessary in respect of any matters arising
out of or relating to its possession and Use of the Licensed Program to the
extent at least to which Delcam excludes or limits its liability in respect of
the same pursuant to these Terms including where appropriate obtaining
insurance cover. The Licensee is also expressly referred to Delcam's
policy statement with regard to Hardware Locks (dongles) which appears
in the addendum at the end of (but which forms part of) these Terms.
12 Indemnity by Licensee
The Licensee shall indemnify and keep Delcam indemnified from and
against any liability of any kind to any third party howsoever arising
(whether in contract, tort or otherwise and including, but not limited to,
liability arising from the negligence of Licensee or from the negligence of
any person for whom Licensee is vicariously liable) in respect of or in
connection with:
12.1 any defect in the Licensed Program Materials; and/or

1134 Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply PowerMILL 8.0 Reference
12.2 any loss, injury or damage of any kind (whether direct, indirect or
otherwise and including but not limited to any loss of profit and/or any
incidental, consequential or special loss or damage of any description)
arising out of in respect of or in connection with the installation or supply
of the Licensed Program Materials or their Use;
except to the extent that Delcam has expressly assumed liability under
these Terms for the loss, injury or damage concerned.
13 Termination
13.1 The Licence will continue until terminated in accordance with the
provisions of clause 13.2 below.
13.2 The Licence may be terminated:

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply 1135
13.2.1 without prejudice to the provisions of clause 4.3 by the
Licensee upon giving not less than 30 days' notice in writing to
13.2.2 forthwith by Delcam if the Licensee fails to pay any monies
due under these Terms within 30 days of the due date;
13.2.3 forthwith by either party if the other commits any material
breach of any of these Terms (other than one falling within clause
13.2.2 above) and which (in the case of a breach capable of being
remedied) shall not have been remedied within 14 days of a written
request to remedy it;
13.2.4 forthwith by either party if the other convenes a meeting of
its creditors or if a proposal is made for a voluntary arrangement
within Part 1 of the Insolvency Act 1986 or a proposal for any
other composition, scheme or arrangement with (or assignment for
the benefit of) its creditors or if the other shall be unable to pay its
debts within the meaning of Section 123 of the Insolvency Act
1986 or if a trustee, receiver, administrative receiver or similar
officer is appointed in respect of all or any part of the business or
assets of the other or the making of any arrangement with its
creditors by the other or the imposition of an administration order
or if a notice of intention to appoint an administrator order or if a
notice of intention to appoint an administrator is given by the other
party or its directors or by a qualifying floating charge holder (as
defined in paragraph 14 of Schedule B1 to the Insolvency Act 1986
(as inserted by section 248 of the Enterprise Act 2002)) or if a
petition is presented or a meeting is convened for the purpose of
considering a resolution or other steps are taken for the winding up
of the other or for the making of an administration order (otherwise
than for the purposes of an amalgamation or reconstruction);
13.2.5 by Delcam if the Licensee loses its Hardware Lock or if the
Licensee's Hardware Lock is stolen.
13.3 Any termination of the Licence will be without prejudice to any
other rights or remedies to which a party may be entitled under these
Terms or at law and will not affect any accrued rights or liabilities of
either party nor the coming into or continuance in force of any provision
which is expressly or by implication intended to come into or continue in
force on or after such termination.

1136 Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply PowerMILL 8.0 Reference
13.4 Within 10 days of the termination of the Licence (irrespective of the
reason for termination), the Licensee will at Delcam's sole option either
return all copies of the Licensed Program Materials in its possession or
control or destroy all copies of the Licensed Program Materials in its
possession or control and a duly authorised officer of the Licensee shall
certify in writing to Delcam that the Licensee has complied with its
obligation under this clause 13.4.
14 Forrce majeure
14.1 Neither party will be liable for any breach of its obligations under
these Terms resulting from causes beyond its reasonable control (an
"Event of Force Majeure").
14.2 Each of the parties agrees to give notice to the other upon becoming
aware of an Event of Force Majeure, such notice to contain details of the
circumstances giving rise to the Event of Force Majeure.
14.3 If a default due to an Event of Force Majeure continues for more
than 4 weeks, then the party not in default will be entitled to terminate the
Licence. Without prejudice to the provisions of clauses 13.3 and 13.4
neither party will have any liability to the other in respect of the
termination of the Licence as a result of an Event of Force Majeure.
15 Waiver
The waiver by either party of a breach or default of any of these Terms by
the other party will not be construed as a waiver of any succeeding breach
of the same or any other provision nor shall any delay or omission on the
part of either party to exercise or avail itself of any right power or
privilege that it has or may have under these Terms operate as a waiver of
any breach or default by the other party.
16 Notices

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply 1137
Any notice, request, instruction or other document to be given under these
Terms will be delivered in person or by first class registered post (airmail
if overseas) or by facsimile transmission to the address or to the facsimile
number of the other party and any such notice or other document will be
deemed to have been served (if delivered personally) at the time of
delivery, (if sent by post) upon the expiration of 2 business days after
posting (5 business days if overseas) and (if sent by facsimile
transmission) upon the expiration of 2 hours after receipt of a report of
satisfactory transmission if before 3.00pm on a business day (local time
to the addressee) otherwise at 10.00am on the next business day (local
time to the addressee). For the purposes of this clause 16 a "business day"
shall exclude Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Service by
facsimile shall only be valid if a confirmatory letter is despatched no later
than the next available business day in the place of transmission.
17 Invalidity and severability
If any provision of these Terms is found by any court or administrative
body to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of
such provision will not affect the other provisions of these Terms and all
provisions not affected by such invalidity or unenforceability will remain
in full force and effect. The parties agree to attempt to substitute for any
invalid or unenforceable provision a valid or enforceable provision which
achieves to the greatest extent possible the economic, legal and
commercial objectives of the invalid or unenforceable provision.
18 Assignment and sub-licensing
The Licensee shall not be entitled to assign or otherwise transfer these
Terms nor any of its rights and obligations under these Terms nor sub-
license the use (in whole or in part) of the Licensed Program Materials
without the prior written consent of Delcam.
19 Technology transfer restrictions
The Licensed Program Materials and any relevant technical information
or documentation in relation thereto may not be imported or transferred in
any way which would breach any technology transfer restrictions
imposed by the United States, the United Kingdom or any other national
or supranational authority.
20 Language
If these Terms or any part thereof are translated into any language other
than the original English language version the English language text shall
in any event prevail.
21 Law and jurisdiction

1138 Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply PowerMILL 8.0 Reference
21.1 These Terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with
English law and the parties agree subject to clause 21.2 to submit to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. The Licensee hereby
irrevocably waives any right to claim the application of any alternative
law or jurisdiction.
21.2 The submission by Delcam and the Licensee to such jurisdiction
shall not however limit the right of Delcam to commence any proceedings
arising out of these Terms in any other jurisdiction it may consider
Delcam policy statement with regard to Hardware Locks (dongles) -
November 2004
Dongle insurance is advised by Delcam for all Licensees. Delcam's policy
is that a Hardware Lock (dongle) will be replaced when stolen or lost
subject to availability and at Delcam's then current list price for the
Hardware Lock and Licensed Program attached. This will be subject to
and without prejudice to Delcam's right of termination in accordance with
clause 13.2.5. However if Delcam in its absolute discretion agrees to
replace the Hardware Lock and Licensed Program on such terms a new
PAF will be issued under the present Licence. It is therefore the
responsibility of the Licensee at its sole discretion to insure the dongle
and attached Licensed Program or Licensed Programs with the hardware.
Major insurance companies, such as General Accident, Commercial
Union or Royal Sun Alliance offer insurance for the dongle as part of the
hardware system, but dongles cannot be insured on their own. If the
hardware is stolen or lost with the dongle attached, the whole system
(hardware and software) would be replaced by the insurance company in
accordance with the terms of the policy. A typical premium is 1.55% of
the total solution value. Such a policy is available in most countries -
certainly by these named British companies, but also by some local
insurance companies in other territories. However, it is clear that the
dongle cannot be insured on its own so if a Licensee loses his dongle or
the dongle only is stolen, then it will not be covered by the insurance
For further information on this and available insurance schemes the
Licensee should consult with Delcam's authorised sales partner for the
territory in which the Site is located.

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply 1139
This information is given in good faith by Delcam at the date stated above
but the Licensee is responsible for seeking advice relevant to its own
particular circumstances from its insurance advisors. Delcam shall not be
accountable for any reliance placed by the Licensee on this statement nor
any consequences of the Licensee so doing.
Schedule A
Product Functionality Restrictions in Functionality
in full version Restricted available via
Mode Pay-Per-Use?
PowerSHAPE Printing of Only available No
Restricted drawings (File- via PRINT
Mode/Pay-Per-Use >Print) SCREEN button
Mode is called in Windows - not
PowerSHAPE-e) via File>Print in
Creation of non- All ray-traced No
watermarked ray- images are
traced images watermarked
(View->Render) with the Delcam
logo in the
bottom right
hand corner
Export of files Export of files is Yes
(File->Export) only available via
PS-Exchange Export of files Export of files is Yes
only available via
Note: Any software product not listed in the above table will not execute
in Restricted Mode

Delcam Licence Agreement Rev. H

1140 Delcam Plc Software Licence And Terms Of Supply PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

2.5D Feature
2 Toolpath Sorting 536, 538, 541
2.5D Machining
Cutter Compensation 547
Hole Creation from a Model 162
Wizard 560
2.5D Machining Wizard 560

3+2-Axis Machining 1047
3-Axis Machining 1076, 1086
3D Offset Toolpath 585

5 Axis
Tool Axis Direction 411
5-Axis Machining 1047, 1076, 1077,

Add to Stock Model 79
Finishing 1101
Along Corner Toolpath 591
Along Y
Toolpath Sorting 536, 538, 541
Along Y two Way
Toolpath Sorting 536, 538, 541

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Index 1141

Anchor Blisk area clearance 755
Rotation 122 Component Thickness 72
Angle Cutter Compensation 547
Elevation 663 Expert 543, 544
Start Angle and End Angle 673 Final Profile Pass 503
Zag 407, 510 Flat Machining Expert Settings 552
Zig 407, 510 High Speed Machining 512
Angular Limits 646, 654, 663 Lead In Moves 509
Append All 492 Links 514
Append Bottom 492 Offset Flat Machining 618
Append Top 492 Offset Machining Advanced Settings
Appending Toolpaths within Explorer 556
107 Plunge Milling 558, 720
Arcs Port Area Clearance 734
Arc Radius 674, 681 Profiling 503
Tolerance and keep arcs 448 Ramp Options 510
Tolerance and replace arcs 448 Raster Flat Machining 683
Area clearance 481 Rest Machining 524
Area Filter 508 Roughing Strategy 478
Roughing Strategy 508 Stepdown 489
Stepover 488, 582, 646, 654, 658,
Tool Loading 514, 520
Toolpath Sorting 526, 528, 530,
532, 533, 535
Variable Thickness 486
Z Heights 492
Area Filter
Roughing Strategy 508
Area Mode 528
Attaching Tools to Toolpaths 82
Auto Angle Mode
Area Mode 528
Level Mode 528
Model Mode 528
Pocket Mode 528
Auto Hole Selection 799
AutoCAM 842
AutoCAM Output 1116
AutoCAM Proposal 1110
AutoCAM Reference 1096, 1116
AutoCAM Set-Up 1096
AutoCAM Stock 1106

1142 Index PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

AutoCAM Tool 1102 Recalculate 1114
AutoCAM Tools and Toolpaths Reset List 1103
1110 Select Project Name 1097
Back 1103, 1104, 1111 Set-up AutoCAM 1096
Batch and Continue Working in Smallest Cavity 1106
PowerMILL 1114 Smallest Horizontal Radius 1106
Batch Toolpaths 1114 Smallest Vertical Radius 1106
Browse 1100, 1107 Starting AutoCAM 1096
Buttons 1108 Stock
Cut Back 1111 Z Position 1101
Dimensions 1102 Stock Datum 1106
Finishing Allowance 1101 Stock Details 1101
Generate Toolpaths now 1114, Stock Dimensions 1102
1116 Stock Material 1101, 1102
Help 1108, 1114, 1116 Survey Mode 1106
Invert Model 1100 Automatic 1106
Jabro Tool Catalogue 1102 Manual 1106
Kobelco Tool Catalogue 1102 Thickness
Largest Mill Diameter 1106 Finishing Allowance 1101
Machine 1104 Tool
Machine Details 1104 Cut Back 1111
Manual 1106 Tool Catalogue 1102
Material 1101, 1102 Toolpath
Maximum Depth 1106 Batch 1114
Model 1100 Generate 1114, 1116
Invert 1100
Model Details 1099
New 1097
New Tool For Finishing Raster
Open 1097
Open a Project 1097
Options 1102
Output Files Directory 1107
Preferences 1102
Open 1097
Project Details 1097
Select Name 1097
Select New 1097

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Index 1143

Toolpath Sequence 1113 Shroud 755
Toolpaths and Tools 1110 Splitter blade 755
Tools and Toolpaths 1110 Block 354, 583, 845
Tools Required 1111 Block Boundary 974
Z Position of the Stock 1101 Draw 315
Automatic 1106 Edit a Block Graphically 360
Automatic Corner Toolpath 594 Instrumented Block 360
Automatic Machining 842 Paint Block 1041
Automatic Pattern Generation 1027 Bore 782
Loading of Feed Rates from Tools Counter Bore 782
335 Boundary 128, 498, 583
Machining - Auto 842 Block 974
Axis Boundaries from Delcam Sketcher
Address Letters 1053 1000
Axis Calculation Tolerance 709 Boundary Controls 972
Draw Toolpath Axes 913 Boundary Editor 1009
Linear Axes 1053 Boundary Entity 128
Rotary Axes 1053, 1076, 1078 Boundary Object Menu 134
Tool 509 Boundary Sketcher 1006
Workplanes 200 Boundary Thickness 1010
Boundary Toolbar 146, 969
B Boundary Type Menu 129, 130
Boundary Types 971
Back 1103, 1104, 1111 Collision Safe 981
Ball nosed tool 944 Contact Conversion 992
Bar Contact Point 986, 988
Gripper 1090 Containment Curve 986
Scroll 1090 Creating Boundaries within Other
Splitter 1090 Boundaries 1016
Batch and Continue Working in Limit Toolpath 79, 913, 925
PowerMILL 1114 Limited by Tool Length 981
Batch Toolpaths 1114 Rest Boundary 975, 983
Blade 755 Selected Surface 976
Blade finishing 763 Shallow 978
Blend distance for smooth tool axis Silhouette 979
transition 961 Stock Model Rest 983, 984
Blisk area clearance 755 User Defined 997
Blisk machining 745 Variable Thickness 486
Blade 755 Buttons
Blade finishing 763 Boundary Toolbar 969
Hub 755 Buttons 1108
Hub finishing 766 Drilling Strategy 782
Impellor 755 Pattern toolbar 159

1144 Index PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Roughing Strategy 478 Command Window 1090
Simulation Play Toolbar 1044, Detaching 1090
1081, 1082, 1086 Docking 1090
Simulation toolbar 1073 Commands
Strategies 467 Echo 318
Toolpath 484, 580, 779 Component Thickness 72, 454, 466
Toolpath strategy buttons 944 Compound Holes 176
ViewMill toolbar 1063, 1066 Constant Stepover 512
Constant Z Toolpath 587
C optimised 619
Construct Workplane from Current
Calculator 831 Machine Tool Position 1047
Calculator Line 831, 833 Contact Conversion Boundary 992
Cap Holes 168 Contact Normals
Catalogue cutter compensation 38
AutoCAM Tool 1102 draw toolpath contact normals 913
Tool 114 Contact Point
Centre Point 689 embedded curve finishing 611
Chamfer 790 Contact Point Boundary 986
Check for Collisions 826 Contact Point Boundary Example
Circle 988
Measure 835 Contents
Circular Pattern 646, 654, 663 help 345
Clearance 432 context menu 234
Clearance - General 486, 782, 826 Continuously Changing Tool Axis
Head 432 418
Holder 432 Conventional 497, 503, 587, 619,
Shank 432 686, 1041
Tool Shaft 432 Coordinate System
Climb 497, 503, 587, 619, 686, 1041 workplane 200
Close Project 278 Copy Toolpath 919
Closed Offsets 619 Core Radius 558
Closure Tolerance 334 Corner Correction 590
Collision avoidance 435, 438 Corner Finishing
Tool Axis 430 along corner 591
Collision Checker 826 automatic toolpath 594
Collision Safe Boundary 981 Counter Bore 782
Collisions Information 1057 Create Toolpath 825
Colour Create Toolpath Template 324
Colour of Inactive Toolpaths 79 Creating Customised Colour 328
General - Customising 331 Creating Toolpaths in an NC Program
Tools - Customising 328 35
User Defined 328 Cursor

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Index 1145

draw 315 Dialog
Curve Projection Finishing 646 raise toolpath 335
example 650 reset 319
Curves Dialog Buttons
embedded 603 Drilling Strategy 782
Cusp 587, 591, 594, 595, 597 Toolpath strategy buttons 944
height 587 Dimensions 1102
Customise Paths 321 Direction 585, 591, 594, 595, 596,
Customised Colour for Tool 328 597, 619, 686
Customising Colours 331 Direction of Cut 497
Cut Back 1111 Display 585
Cut Direction 497 NC Programs 64
Cut direction simulation 1063 tools 119
Cutter Compensation 38, 547 Display toolbar 295
Cutting data Display Tools 119
tool 880 Divide Toolpath 931
Cycle Type 782 Divide Toolpath by an Angle 79,
913, 932
D Divide Toolpath by Direction 79,
913, 933
Data Exchange Divide Toolpath by Length 79,
PS-Exchange 843 913, 935
Data Translation Services Divide Toolpath by Retract 79, 937
help 347 Divide Toolpath by Time 79, 913,
Datum 378 936
AutoCAM Stock 1106 Docking Command Window 1090
Deep Drilling 782 Draft Angle 187
Degouge Tolerance 644, 709 Draft Angle Shade 845
Delcam Electrode 838 Drag and Drop 21
Delcam Exchange 843 Draw 781
Delcam on the Web all 317
help 348 block 315
Delcam sketcher 233 cursor 315
boundaries 1000 Draw Toolpath Axes 913
Delcam surfacer 233 Draw Toolpath Contact Normals
Delete 913
permanently 271 Draw Toolpath Feeds 913
Delete All 492 Draw Toolpath Leads 913
Delete Bottom 492 Draw Toolpath Links 913
Delete Top 492 Draw Toolpath Points 913
Depth 782 Draw/Undraw Machine Tool 1081
peck 782 drilling holes 315
Detaching Command Window 1090 holes 315

1146 Index PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

model drawing options 309 Echo Commands
transform 315 tools 318
undraw all 317 Edit
wireframe 317 toolpath lift 95
Draw Menu 309 Edit a Block Graphically 360
Draw/Undraw Machine Tool 1081 Edit Features Graphically 190
Drawing Tolerance 338 Edit tool axis 944
Drill Editing Boundaries 1009
auto hole selection 799 Electrode 838
cycle 782 Elevation Angle 663
Drill Order 795 Embedded Curve Strategy
Drill Paths 509 contact point 611
Drill Sorting 795 engraving 605
Drilling 509, 775 Embedded Pattern 601, 603
bore 782 End 673, 689
break chip 782 End Angle 673
Chamfer 790 End Point 378
counter bore 782 Engraving
deep 782 embedded curve finishing 605
Drilling Strategy 782 Entity
expert 788 boundary 128
helical 782, 801 pattern 148
multiple peck 782 Example of Machine Tool Simulation
ream 782 1086
reverse helical 782 Example Using Curve Projection
rigid tapping 782 Finishing 650
single peck 782 Example Using Plunge Milling 721
tapping 782 Example Using Tool Number and
user defined 782 Tool Change 53
Drilling Holes Exit Simulation
draw 315 Tool 1082
Drilling Method 814 Workpiece 1041, 1044, 1081, 1086
defining 816 Expert Area Clearance 543, 544
editing 816 Expert Drilling 788
tools 816 Expert Settings
Drilling Strategy 782 area clearance flat machining 552
Dwell Time 782 offset machining 556
Dynamic image simulation 1063 Explorer 13
Dynamic Rotation Export Model 284
spin view 338
E Favourites

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Index 1147

toolpath strategies 477 constant Z 587
Feature constant Z optimised 619
draft angle 187 curve projection 646
edit graphically 190 embedded curve strategy 605, 611
reverse holes 191 embedded pattern finishing 601
smart creation 185 Hub finishing 766
toolpath sorting 541 line projection 654
Feature Dialog 173 multi-pencil 595
Feature Selection 160 offset flat machining 618
Feature Set Cutter Compensation pattern 627
547 pencil 596
Feature set machining 160 plane projection 658
Component 808 point projection 663
Hole Creation 176 profile 635
Feature Set Menu 160 radial pattern 673
Feature Set Object Menu 166 raster 675
Features raster flat machining 683
select 160 rotary 686
Feeds spiral pattern 689
draw toolpath feeds 913 stitch corner 597
Feeds and speeds 362, 368 Surface finishing 692, 944
draw toolpath feeds 913 surface projection 668
load from Tools 335 Surface projection finishing 668,
Variable Feed Rates 100 692
File Close Project 278 Swarf machining 696, 715
File Export Model 284 variable thickness 486
File Import Model 282 Finishing Allowance 1101
File Menu 276 Finishing Strategy 574
File Open 350 Finishing Strategy Specification
File Open Project 277 585
File Open Project Read-Only 277 Fixed Angle 415
File Save Project 279 Fixed Direction 422
File Save Project As 279 Fixed Direction Tool Axis 412
File Save Template Objects 281 Flat Machining 552
Filter offset 618
snap 320 raster 683
Filter Style 321 Floor view 1070
Final Profiling Pass 503 Folders 260
Find Common 492 Follow 400, 407, 510
Finishing 572 Form Tool 869
3D offset 585 creating 898, 900, 903
along corner 591, 594 restrictions 902
Blade finishing 763 Forms

1148 Index PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

reset 319 Highlight Conventional Cutting
Frame Rate 338 1041
From Line 418 Holder
From Line Tool Axis 412 form 903
From Point 418 tool holder creation 893
From Point Tool Axis 412 user defined 903
Hole Creation From a Model 162
G Hole Selection 160
Holes 646, 654
Gauge Distance Offset 1073 cap 168
Gauge Length 38 Component 808
Generate Toolpaths now 1114, 1116 Compound Holes 176
Gouge draw 315
degouge tolerance 644, 709 Editing automatically identified
Graphics holes 195
saving snap shots 296 From contact normals 179
Graphics Window 6 From toolpath plunge points 177
Gripper Bar 1090 Hole Creation 176
Group 248 Partial Holes 176
Group Menu 248 reverse 191
Hot Keys 274
H Hot Spot
size 338
Hub finishing 766
rapid move heights 374
Helical Drilling 782
Helical Milling 782, 801 I
Help 9, 1108, 1114, 1116 Impellor 755
check for PowerMILL updates 346 Import
contents 345 Import Machine Tool 1041, 1081,
data translation services 347 1086
Delcam on the web 348 Import Model 282
subscribe to the PowerMILL Import Tolerance 334
newsletter 346 options 342
tooltips 9 split solids 342
visit the user forum 347 Inactive Toolpaths
what's New 345 colour 79
Help About 348 Information on Simulation 1053
Help Menu 345 Collisions 1057
High Speed Machining Position 1053
roughing strategy 512, 514, 524 Information Toolbar 1089
Highlight Climb Cutting 1041 Insert Menu 306
Insert Project 306

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Index 1149

Insert Session 308 Lean Angle 415
Insert Template 307 Length
Insert Toolpaths 307 triangle 334
Instrumented Block 360 Level 211
Invalidate Toolpaths 75 Sets 767
Invert Model 1100 Level Menu 211
ISO 292, 845 Level Mode 528
Isometric View 292, 845 Level Object Menu 212
J releases 326
request 327
Jabro Tool Catalogue 1102 Lift
Jog Simulation Position 1041, 1053 toolpath editing 95
Join Up 646, 654, 658, 663 Limit Maximum Triangle Length
Joining 334
surface joining tolerance 644, 709 Limit Toolpath
boundary 79, 913, 925
K limit to boundary 929
limit to plane 927
Keyboard Shortcuts 1045
limit to polygon 928
Kinematic shaded image 1066
plane 79, 913, 925
Kinematics Example 1077
polygon 79, 913, 925
Kobelco Tool Catalogue 1102
Limited Toolpath Recalculation 961
L angular 646, 654, 663
Largest Mill Diameter 1106 machine tool 422
Last View 845 machine tool example 441, 442,
Lead In and Lead Out Moves 445, 447
locking 101, 410 tool Axis 422, 441, 442, 445, 447
pocket centre 388 tool axis example 424
roughing strategy 509 Line
selective editing 101, 410 Calculator 831, 833
Lead in Moves measure 831, 833
roughing strategy 509 Line Projection Toolpath 654
Lead In Ramp Options 407 Line Tool Axis 412
Lead/Lean Angle 415 Linear Axes 1053
Lead/Lean Tool Axis 412 Links 400, 514, 584, 686, 781
Leads draw toolpath links 913
draw toolpath leads 913 List
Leads and links 382, 584 customise paths 321
locking 101, 410 Load
pocket centre 388 tool load 514, 520
selective editing 101

1150 Index PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Loading of Feed Rates from Tools view 846
335 Manual 1106
Locking Lead and Link Moves 101 Manual Angle 528
Material 1101, 1102
M Maximum Depth 1106
Maximum Triangle Length 334
Machine 1104 Measure 838
Machine All Raster Spans 512 Measure Circle 835
Machine Details 1104 Measure Line 831, 833
Machine Preferences 49 Menu 273
Machine Tool boundary object menu 134
Construct Workplane from its boundary type menu 130
Current Position 1047 draw 309
Draw/Undraw Machine Tool 1081 feature set menu 160
Import Machine Tool 1041, 1081, feature set object menu 166
1086 file 276
Model Example 1077 group menu 248
Position of Machine Tool 1053 help 345
Machine Tool Limits 422 insert 306
example 441, 442, 445, 447 level menu 211
head - head 445 level object menu 212
head - table 447 model menu 215
table - table 442 model object menu 219
Machining NC program 24
area clearance 478 NC program object 26
area clearance tool load 514, 520 NC program toolpath 34
automatic 842 pattern object menu 150
cutter compensation 547 pattern type menu 148
Drilling 509, 775 stock model menu 234
expert drilling 788 tool 110
offset flat machining 618 tool object 122
plunge milling 558, 720 toolpath 68
raster flat machining 683 toolpath object 79
Surface finishing 692, 944 tools 318
Surface projection finishing 668, view 289
692 workplane menu 200
swarf 696, 715 workplane object menu 206
toolpath sorting 526, 528, 530, 532, Mesh
533, 535 maximum triangle length 334
toolpath strategies 467 Mesh Factor 451
Machining Wizard triangle length 334
2.5D 560 Milling
Manipulation climb 497, 503, 587, 619, 686

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Index 1151

conventional 497, 503, 587, 619, NC Preferences - Output 49
686 NC Preferences Dialog 48
direction 619 NC program
Minimise Full Width Cuts 512 cutter compensation 38
Minimum Radius Shading 845 display 64
Mirror Toolpath 79, 913, 919 drag and drop toolpaths 21
Model 215, 1100 gauge length 38
Invert 1100 options 343
Model Drawing Options 309 output file 38
Model Export 284 placing multiple toolpaths 21
Model Import 282 root name 38
Model Import Tolerance 334 Text block 29
Model Properties 219 toolpaths 35
updating toolpaths 75 NC Program Dialog 38, 273
Model Details 1099 NC Program Menu 24
Model Example 1077 NC Program Object Menu 26
Model Menu 215 NC Program Toolpath Menu 34
Model Object Menu 219 New 1097
Model Thickness 454, 466 New Tool For Finishing Raster 1107
Model view 1070, 1081 New Toolpath 467, 776
Modelling New Toolpath Template
surface 233 create 324
Move Toolpath 79, 913, 919 Newsletter
Move Toolpath Start Points 79, 913, subscribe 346
938 Notes
MTD-based Kinematics 1076 NC Program See Notes
Example 1077
Multi Colour Shade 845 O
Multi-Axis Machining
4-Axis Machining 1076 Offset 686
5-Axis Machining 1047, 1076, closed 619
1077, 1086 high speed machining 514
6-Axis Machining 1076, 1078 Y 686
tool axis direction 411 Offset Machining Advanced Settings
Multi-Pencil Toolpath 595 556
Multiple Peck Drilling 782 One Way Toolpaths 963
Multiple selection of toolpath regions On-Line Help 9
958 Open 1097
Open File 350
Open Model 282
N Open Project 277, 1097
Name Open Project Read-Only 277
toolpath 485 Optimised Constant Z

1152 Index PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

closed offsets 619 Pencil Finishing 596
Options 333, 1102 multi-pencil 595
automatic loading of feed rates 335 Permanently Deleting Items 271
head clearance 335 Pick Radius 338
import 342 Picking
NC programs 343 radius 338
tolerance 334 Pitch 663
toolpath 335 Placing Multiple Toolpaths into an
view 338 NC Program 21
Order Plain shade simulation 1063
drilling 795 Plane
Output limit toolpath 79, 913, 925
AutoCAM 1116 Plane Projection Toolpath 658
cutter compensation 38 Play Simulation
gauge length 38 Tool 1082
NC Preferences 49 Workpiece 1041, 1044, 1081, 1086
Output File 38 Plunge Milling 558, 720
Output Files Directory 1107 core radius 558
specifying the name and location example 721
58 Plunging 509
Output point distribution 448 Pocket Centre Leads 388
P draw toolpath points 913
Point Separation 448, 450
Partial Holes 176 Point distribution 949
Path List 321 Mesh 451
Paths Tool axis editing example 949
customise 321 Toolpath Point Distribution 448
Pattern 148 Point Projection Toolpath 663
circular 646, 654, 663 Point Tool Axis 412
embedded 603 Polygon
spiral 646, 654, 663 limit 79, 913, 925
swarf 715 Polygonisation Tolerance 334
Pattern Generation Port Machining
automatic 1027 Port Area Clearance 734
Pattern Limits Port Plunge Finishing 741
surface projection finishing 668 Port Spiral Finishing 744
Pattern Maker 1027 Position of Machine Tool 1053
Pattern Object Menu 150 PowerMILL
Pattern toolbar 159 Machining - Auto 842
Pattern Toolpath 627, 689 Preferences 1102
Pattern Type Menu 148 machine 49
Peck Depth 782 NC 48

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Index 1153

Previous View 845 high speed machining 512
Print 353 Raster Toolpath 675
Profile Ream 782
high speed machining 524 Recalculation 1114
Profile Smoothing 512, 514, 524 toolpath 961
Profile Toolpath 635 Redistribute 448
Profiling Refresh 294, 845
final pass 503 Release Licences 326
roughing strategy 503 Reorder 963
Project Reorder Toolpaths 963
close 278 Reordering 21
insert 306 Request Licences 327
open 277, 350, 1097 Reset 319
open read-only 277 Reset Block 1041
save 279, 351 Reset List 1103
save as 279 Resize to Fit 289, 845
Select Name 1097 Rest Boundary 975
Select New 1097 stock model 983
Project Details 1097 Rest Machining 524
Projection Finishing roughing strategy 524
curve projection 646 Rest Roughing 524
surface projection 668 Reverse Helical Milling 782
Properties Reverse Holes 191
model 219 Rigid Tapping 782
Root Name 38
R Rotary Axes 1053, 1076, 1078
Rotary Toolpath 686
Radial Rotate
toolpath sorting 540 spin view 338
Radial Pattern Toolpath 673 Rotate Toolpath 79, 913, 919
Radius Rotation Anchor 122
start and end 673, 689 Roughing 478
Rainbow simulation 1063 offset flat machining 618
Raise Dialog raster flat machining 683
toolapth 335 Routing Tools 872
Raise Simulation Play Toolbar 1041,
1081, 1086
Ramp Options
lead in moves 407 Save Model 284
roughing strategy 510 Save Project 279, 351
Ramping 509 Save Project As 279
Rapid Move Heights 374 Save Template Objects 281
Raster Saving Screen Shots 296

1154 Index PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Saving Snap Shots 296 Simulation toolbar 1073
Screen Shots Speed up 1084
saving screen shots 296 ViewMill 2, 830
Scroll Bar 1090 ViewMill views 1063, 1066
Select 781 Viewpoint 1070
Select Features 160 Floor view 1070
Select Project Name 1097 Model view 1070, 1081
Select regions 939
Select Toolpath 335
Selected Surface Boundary 976
Selective Editing of Lead and Link
Moves 101, 410
insert 308
Sets 767
Set-up AutoCAM 1096
Shade 312, 317
draft angle 845
minimum radius 845
thickness 845
Shaded Tool 122
Toolpath 1041
Rainbow 1041, 1081
translucency 219
Shallow 591, 594, 595, 596, 597
Shallow Boundary 978
form 903
tool shank creation 889
user defined 903
Shiny simulation 1063
Shroud 755
Silhouette Boundary 979
Simulation 864
Combination of toolpath and
machine 1088
Simulation Play Toolbar 1044,
1081, 1082, 1086
Keyboard Shortcuts 1045
Raise Simulation Play Toolbar
1041, 1081, 1086

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Index 1155

Single Peck Drilling 782 Stock Dimensions 1102
Sketch Boundary 997, 1006 Stock Material 1101, 1102
Smart Creation 185 Stock Model 234
Smoothing 709 add 79
profile 512, 514, 524 context menu 234
Smoothing Up/Down Axis (TDU) Rest Boundary 975, 983
709 Stock Model Rest Boundary
Snap Filter 320 Example 984
Snapping 320 Strategy
Snapshots area clearance 481
saving 296 finishing 574
Solids Subscribe to the PowerMILL
split into surfaces 342 Newsletter 346
split on import 342 Surface
Sorting Surface finishing 692, 944
drill Order 795 Surface modelling 233
toolpath 526, 528, 530, 532, 533, Surface projection finishing 668,
535, 536, 538, 540, 541 692
Spin View 338 Smoothing 692
pattern 646, 654, 663
pattern toolpath 689
Split Solids on Import 342
Splitter Bar 1090
Splitter blade 755
Start and End Point 378
Start and End Radius 673, 689
Start Angle and End Angle 673
Status Bar 1093
Steep 591, 594, 595, 596, 597
Step Simulation 1044
Stepdown 492
area clearance 492
area clearance strategy 489
maintain constant 492
Stepover 488, 582, 646, 654, 658,
maintain constant 512
Stitch Corner Toolpath 597
Z Position 1101
Stock Datum 1106
Stock Details 1101

1156 Index PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Surface Defaults Thickness 466 drawing 338
Surface finishing 692, 944 model import 334
Surface Joining Tolerance 644, 709 options 334
Surface modelling 233 polygonisation 334
Surface projection finishing 668, spiral pattern 689
692 surface joining 644, 709
pattern limits 668 Tool 485
Smoothing 692 automatic loading of feed rates 335
Surface Thickness 454 Ball nosed tool 944
Survey Mode 1106 core radius 558
Automatic 1106 create form tool 898, 900
Manual 1106 create form tool, shank and holder
Swarf machining 696, 715 903
patterns 715 customise paths 321
preview 715 Cut Back 1111
wireframe 715 Database 910
display 119
T drilling methods 816
fixed angle 415
Tapping 782 form 869, 898, 900, 903
rigid 782 from line 418
TDU 407 from point 418
Template lead angle 415
create toolpath 324 lead/lean angle 415
insert 307 lean angle 415
save template objects 281 Length definitions 864
Text block 29 options 333
NC Programs 29 release licences 326
Thickness request licences 327
boundary 1010 restrictions in creating form tools
Finishing Allowance 1101 902
surface 454, 466 Routing Tools 872
variable 1010 shaded 122
Thickness Shade 845 Tool clearance 430, 432
Tilt tool axis 430 Tool Menu 110
Toggle to and from Simulation Tool Object Menu 122
1041, 1081, 1082 towards line 418
Tolerance and keep arcs 448 towards point 418
Tolerance and replace arcs 448 user defined 869, 898, 900, 903
Tolerances 485, 780 view 122
axis calculation 709 Tool axis 411, 412, 485, 509
closure 334 axis calculation tolerance 709
degouge 644, 709 Continuously Changing 418

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Index 1157

definition 411 fixed direction 412, 422
Editing 939, 942, 944, 949, 958, from line 412
961 from point 412
Select regions 939 Lead/lean 412
Tool Axis Collision Avoidance 430
Tool Axis Tilt 430
toward line 412
toward point 412
vertical 412
Tool Catalogues 1102
display tools 119
Tool Cutting Data 880
Tool database 336, 906
Tool Echo Commands 318
Tool Filter Style 321
Tool from Catalogue 114
Tool Holder
creation 893
Tool Limits
example 424
Tool Load 514, 520
Tool Menu 110, 318
Tool Object Menu 122
Tool Reset Forms 319
Tool Shank
creation 889
Tool Snap Filter 320
Tool Snapping 320
Tool Start and End Point 378
Tool Tip 866
Tool Toolbar 859
Tool view 122, 1081
down axis 122
from side 122, 292
set rotation anchor 122
Toolbars See Toolbar
Boundary Toolbar 969
Pattern toolbar 159
Simulation Play Toolbar 1044,
1081, 1082, 1086
Simulation toolbar 1073
Tool toolbar
Database 910

1158 Index PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

ViewMill toolbar 1063, 1066 offset flat machining 618
web 1094 one way 963
Web Toolbar 1094 options 335
Toolpath pattern 627
2.5D machining 560 pencil 596
3D offset 585 placing multiple toolpaths into an
along corner 591, 594 NC Program 21
appending 107 plane projection 658
area clearance 481 plunge milling 558, 720
attaching tools 82 Point Distribution 448
Batch 1114 point projection 663
Blade finishing 763 profile 635
Blisk area clearance 755 radial pattern 673
Blisk machining 745 raise dialog 335
buttons 484, 580, 779 raster 675
constant Z 587 raster flat machining 683
constant Z optimised 619 reorder 963
convert one way to zig zag 963 rotary 686
copy 919 rotate 79, 913, 919
create 825 select 335
curve projection 646 Simulation 864
divide by an angle 79, 913, 932 spiral pattern 689
divide by direction 79, 913, 933 stitch corner 597
divide by length 79, 913, 935 Surface finishing 692, 944
divide by retract 937 surface projection 668, 692
divide by time 79, 913, 936 swarf 696, 715
drag and drop 21 Toolpath Divide 931
Drilling 509, 775 Toolpath Leads and Links 382
embedded curve finishing 605, 611 Toolpath Lift 95
embedded pattern finishing 601 Toolpath Limit
expert drilling 788 boundary 79
finishing 572 plane 79
flat machining 552 polygon 79
Generate 1114, 1116 Toolpath Order
Hub finishing 766 2.5D feature 541
insert 307 along Y 536
limited recalculation 961 along Y two way 538
line projection 654 radial 540
mirror 79, 913, 919 sorting 526, 528, 530, 532, 533,
move 79, 913, 919 535
move start points 79, 913, 938 Toolpath Sorting 526, 528, 530,
name 485 532, 533, 535, 536, 538, 541
new 467, 776 2.5D feature 541

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Index 1159

along Y 536 update region 961
along Y two way 538 updating a toolpath when a model
radial 540 changes 75
Toolpath Specification 585 zig zag 963
Toolpath Strategies 467 Toolpath Axes
favourites 477 draw 913
Toolpath strategy buttons 944 Toolpath Contact Normals
Toolpath Template draw 913
create 324 Toolpath Editing Enhancements
transform to Global Coordinates lift 95
919 Toolpath Feeds
transform to workplane 919 draw 913
Transform Toolpath 79 Toolpath Leads
mirror 79 draw 913
move 79 Toolpath Leads and Links 382
rotate 79 Toolpath Lift 95
Toolpath Limit
boundary 79, 913, 925
plane 79, 913, 925
polygon 79, 913, 925
Toolpath Limit To Boundary 929
Toolpath Limit To Plane 927
Toolpath Limit To Polygon 928
Toolpath Links
draw 913
Toolpath Menu 68
add to stock model 79
colour 79
NC program toolpath 34
Toolpath Object Menu 79
Toolpath Options
automatic loading of feed rates 335
head clearance 335
Toolpath points
draw 913
Toolpath Recalculation 961
Toolpath Sequence 1113
Toolpath Template
create 324
Toolpath Verification 826
Toolpaths and Tools 1110
Tools and Toolpaths 1110
Tools Required 1111

1160 Index PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

Tooltips 9 Variables 66
Toward Line Tool Axis 412 Verification
Toward Point Tool Axis 412 toolpath 826
Towards Line 418 Vertical 658
Towards Point 418 Vertical Tool Axis 412
Transform 6 View 845
draw 315 from 291
Transform Toolpath 79, 913, 919 isometric 292, 845
copy 79, 919 options 338
mirror 79, 913, 919 spin 338
move 79, 913, 919 View Along 291, 845
rotate 79, 913, 919 View Manipulation 846
Transform Toolpath to Global View Menu 289
Coordinates 919 View Manipulation 846
Transform Toolpath to Workplane View of Simulation 1086
919 Floor view 1070
Translation Model view 1070, 1081
data translation services 347 Tool View 1081
Translucency 219 Viewing Models
Tree Browser 13 block 845
Triangle Length 334 draft angle shade 845
isometric 292, 845
U last view 845
minimum radius shade 845
Undo last transform 204 multi colour shade 845
Undraw All 317 previous 845
Up/Down Axis (TDU) refresh 294
smoothing 709 resize to fit 289, 845
Updates 346 shade 317, 845
Updating Toolpaths when a Model thickness shade 845
Changes 75 view along 291, 845
User Defined Boundary 997 wireframe 317, 845
User Defined Colour 328 zoom 845
User Defined Drill 782 zoom in 845
User Defined Tools 869, 898, 900 zoom out 845
User Defined Tools Shanks and zoom to box 290, 845
Holders 903 Viewing Toolbars 295
User Forum 347 ViewMill 2, 830
ViewMill toolbar 1063, 1066
V Visit the User Forum 347
Variable Feed Rates 100
Variable Thickness 486, 1010 W

PowerMILL 8.0 Reference Index 1161

Web Toolbar 1094 Zoom to Box 290, 845
What's New
help 345
Winding Up 686
command 1090
graphics 6
Wireframe 310, 317, 845
draw 317
swarf 715
swarf preview 715
Wireframe Modelling
Routing Tools 872
Workplane 200, 204
Undo last transform 204
Workplane Construction from
Current Machine Tool Position
Workplane Menu 200
Workplane Object Menu 206

Y Offset 686

Z Height
append all 492
append bottom 492
append top 492
area clearance 492
delete all 492
delete bottom 492
delete top 492
find common 492
Z Position of the Stock 1101
Zag Angle 407, 510
Zig Angle 407, 510
Zig Zag Toolpath 963
Zoom 845
Zoom In 845
Zoom Out 845

1162 Index PowerMILL 8.0 Reference

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