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cam strategies

CAM strategies
and functions for efficient

Table of contents


User interface

2D strategies

3D strategies


HSC functions


5axis machining


Specialised applications


Mill/turn strategies


General functions


Feature and macro technologies


Post-processors and simulation


Strategy overview


User interface
hyperMILL covers a very wide variety
of machining strategies, ranging from
Turning and Milling with 2D, 3D and
HSC applications, all the way through
to 5axis simultaneous and dedicated
special applications. All these strategies
are accessible from a single, coherent user
interface. Administrative tools, such as job
lists or component jobs, enable a highly
transparent and reliable workow. Functions such as associative programming or
parameter programming reduce programming times. This programming philosophy

User interface

simplies training and daily usage.

Windows-oriented user interface

Easy handling, single interface for all strategies, swift and
secure programming

Working with hyperMILL is easy, as users are already familiar with the
operating principle. The Windows look and feel facilitates user input.
Clearly structured dialog boxes with a graphical and menu-guided user
interface help users in their programming tasks.
Individual jobs as well as complete job lists can be copied within and
between projects using a drag-and-drop procedure. Tried and proven
technology sequences can be transferred between similar projects at
the click of a mouse.

Graphical user interface

Rapid result technology

Fast programming and modification with minimal errors

Rapid result technology from hyperMILL integrates automated functions that take modied parameters into account. A clearly arranged job
management system, along with descriptions of problems and errors,
reduce both programming and input errors. Machining status is displayed graphically, while easy setup, change and copying operations make
it possible to implement modications and variations very quickly.

Dialog boxes with plain text


Erroneous entries are marked

Job list
Parallel calculation and programming, structured procedures
and job storage

With hyperMILL, several projects can be open at the same time while
one project is being calculated, another one can be programmed. A
single job list can be used for all machining strategies, from turning to
5axis simultaneous machining. The job lists are stored directly in the
CAD model. All relevant data is automatically integrated and linked
and can be retrieved at any time.

Job list with stock management

Tool list

Compound job
For well-structured job lists

User interface

Compound jobs help users to improve their project organisation and

management. A job list consists of several compound jobs. Users can
structure these jobs according to aspects such as machining process,
geometry, 3D position or tool orientation. Thus, it is possible to create structured lists containing many hundreds of programming steps.
Furthermore, the various jobs can be shown or hidden as a group.

Clear structuring according

to job group

Associative programming
Time-saving programming with associative copies

This functionality allows users to work more exibly and quickly edit
common machining strategies where only few parameters dier across
several steps in a job.
Associative jobs permanently link all parameters with an original reference job. Changes to the reference job are automatically copied to the
associated jobs. Any individually denable parameter for a job step can
be unlinked from the template by a simple mouse click so that it can be
dened dierently for this job step.
All parameters that have been unlinked from the job template are displayed in a separate window of the job step where they can be edited.

Input screen

Parameter programming
Flexible changes and fast variant programming

Programming with parameters enables the description of dependencies

and consequently a rational modication with user-dened variables.
This makes it possible to quickly implement variations and changes.

Application of variables

Dening zero points

Customising aspects such as positional tolerances
or multiple clampings
By dening zero points, positional tolerances and positions can be exibly and transparently customised to current requirements. Each dened
zero point is assigned a unique ID, and during post-processing this
unique ID is translated into a corresponding NC code by means of a zero
point table. This feature also allows the denition of multiple zero points.

The new zero point appears as an entry in the frame browser.

Global editing
Fast and easy editing across within multiple jobs

hyperMILL's user interface oers additional options to edit parameters

through several jobs simultaneously. Next to central parameters such as
surface, depth, allowance or infeed, various other geometry selections
such as milling or milling surfaces and even macros can be changed
within multiple jobs.

Editing screen

Extended setup
Improved management of data and les used in hyperMILL

User interface

This function simplies the handling, entry and conguration of directories containing essential hyperMILL data such as postprocessor
information, machine denitions and NC les. When saving a CAD model,
a backup copy can be created automatically. The storage location and
number of backup copies are freely denable.

Setup denition

2D strategies
hyperMILL enables the ecient programming and processing of typical 2D tasks.
High-performance 2D contour milling, intelligent feature technology and the support
of controller-specic NC formats are just a
few of the reasons why.

2D strategies

Face milling
Large surfaces

With the face milling strategy, at areas can be machined quickly and
simply in one-way or zigzag paths. This allows several independent
surfaces to be machined in a single operation.

Zigzag mode with lleted path links

Pocket milling
Open and closed pockets with or without islands
and circular or square pockets

In this way, any pocket can be machined, even if it includes islands and
additional pockets with various heights and depths. This strategy always
seeks a start point where the plunging occurs outside of the material.
If this is not possible, a stepdown is made directly in the material via a
ramp or a helix, depending on the type of milling tool and setting. This
strategy also supports canned cycles for round and square pockets.

Minimised number of rapid movements and dwell time


Automatic feature

Complete machining
of the bottom

Supports 2D controller

Contour milling
Optimised machining of open and closed contours

The contour milling strategy is used to machine complex contours. A

selection can be made between centre path and contour path, including
G41/G42 tool path compensation. hyperMILL automatically prepares
the contours, detects bottlenecks and self-cuts and prevents collisions
with dened safe zones.
The Automatic orientation, Fast travel optimisation and Contour
sorting functions assist users while programming models with multiple
contour areas or for machining automatically detected pocket features.
The automatic search feature for starting points can be used together
with intelligent approach and retract macros to ensure that infeeds and
transition movements are always performed in the most suitable areas
for the technology in use. Other functions such as automatic vertical step
down, multiple infeeds and denition of additional nishing osets allow users to make eective and reliable use of their tools.

...with automatic cut division Fillet outside edges

... with extended edges

Optimisation functions

Checking self-cut, bottleneck Spiral machining down

and collision
to the bottom

2D strategies

Machining with multiple Z-infeeds

2D trimming against the model...

With multiple lateral infeed


Simple creation of toolpaths

Toolpaths can be generated manually by moving the tool across the model with the mouse. Once dened, hyperMILL performs a collision check
for the tool against the model. If a collision is detected, the software modies the tool paths to place them at collision free points on the model.

Easy generation of NC toolpaths

With collision checks

Reliable programming of machining


Rest machining
The machining of residual stock

For areas not accessible using large tools in 2D contour and pocket
machining, this strategy calculates separate tool paths for small milling
tools. This referencing approach automatically detects all areas that have
not been processed and machines them. It detects not only areas within
a contour, but also between dierent contours.


Residual stock machined with contour or pocket

machining cycle

Tangential infeed for best surfaces

Centering, simple drilling, deep drilling, drilling with
chip break, reaming and boring, thread milling and drilling,
deep hole drilling

The strategies and functions for drilling enable highly ecient programming, especially in conjunction with feature and macro technologies.
Depending on the machine controller and available options, the postprocessor will supports canned cycles, subroutines, point lists or will output
simple G1 movements.
In helical drilling, the milling tool cuts into the part in a spiral motion.
The user can freely dene the pitch of the spiral, within the limits
of technological reason. Internal and external threads are produced
by thread milling. The option of deep hole drilling enables the milling
of very deep holes.
Drill optimisation: shortest path

2D strategies

Drill optimisation: X-parallel

Helical drilling with freely denable pitch

Programming with feature recognition


Optimised simple drilling

Drilling deep holes

Complex deep holes with various steps and cross-holes can be programmed separately using hyperMILL. The infeeds, drilling speeds and
coolant can be controlled separately for dierent areas and geometry
elements such as guide bushings, pilot holes or cross-holes. Here, the
strategy detects cross-holes in the specied stock.

Automatic detection of cross-holes

Pilot hole

F1, S1, M9

F2, S2, M8

F3, S3, M9

F4, S4, M9
F5, S5, M9

F2, S2, M8

Input screen for optimising process


5axis drilling
Drilling with dierent tool angles in a single operation with
optimised toolpath lengths

The 5axis drilling function is used to simply and automatically program

drilling operations with dierent tool inclinations in a single operation.
An automated function calculates the tool inclination and connects all
reference points of drilling operations for the best possible path.

Feature-supported 5axis drilling

Within certain drill patterns, the clearance plane can be dened very close to the part, and the tool need not repeatedly go to a safety position.
For the machining of dierent drill patterns with dierent tool inclinations, additional retraction positions can be dened that reduce the
path length. The movements between the drill holes and the movements
between the individual machining planes are automatically checked for
collision against the model. If collisions are detected,
the cycle automatically positions the tool on a collision-free plane.
Drill hole optimisation reduces the paths travelled between the drill
holes in one plane. If a rotating axis movement is required, the user can
determine whether the A-axis or C-axis is used rst. Furthermore, users
also have the option of using the Z-height as a sorting criterion.

2D strategies

Optimised tool path between holes using

dierent tool inclinations

Optimised drilling for B-axis

Optimised drilling for C-axis Optimised drilling for Z-level



hyperMILL oers a broad spectrum of

3D strategies

3D strategies

3D strategies. Intelligent add-ons generate

optimised machining programs for better
surfaces and shorter machining times.


Optimised and reliable roughing, based on current stock

All depths may be machined by contour osets from model or parallel to

a specic axis. The stock may be generated from surface or solid models,
from extruded or revolved proles or as a result of any previous machining process. Due to automatic stock recognition, the remaining stock
areas are easily detected and machined from any direction.

Contour-parallel machining

By dening minimal material removal, milling paths are optimised, and

very short and redundant movements are avoided. The 'Force contour
cutting' parameter enables the use of this strategy for preliminary nishing and rest machining. As a result, a uniform oset is already achieved
during roughing. The plunge movements are optimised by entering the
tool parameters for core diameter and core height. Here, the infeed is
calculated automatically and adapted to the tool.
Collisions are checked against the stock model and part model. When a
possible collision is recognised, the user can select to stop the process
or to adjust the toolpath laterally and continue the operation at a greater

Axis-parallel machining

Optimisation functions

Automatic plane detection

Machining entire part with

a constant allowance

Use for preliminary nishing Cast oset roughing


Avoiding full cuts

Filleting corners

Rest machining from various Lateral oset to prevent collidirections

sion with shank and holder

Finishing: Prole nishing

Milling close to contours

Prole nishing enables collision-free machining along surfaces and

surface groups. Such machining oers a number of strategies and
optimisation functions in order to individually machine complex areas
and to adapt NC paths to the special properties of a model.

Axis-parallel machining

Tool path 90 to guide curve Tool path lateral as oset

to guide curve

Cross-ow tool path motion

between two guide curves

Tool path motion owing between two guide curves

Optimisation functions

XY optimisation

Machining of only at areas

3D strategies

Contour-parallel machining

Prole roughing


Finishing: Z-level nishing

For steep areas

Machining is executed close to the contour on planes with a constant

Z-infeed. For optimal machining, this strategy oers several machining
functions and optimisation parameters. For closed milling areas, the
spiral strategy achieves the best surfaces and machining process.

Plane- or pocket-based machining

Spiral machining of closed milling areas

Zigzag machining of open milling areas

Optimisation functions

Machining steep areas


Plane level detection

Automatic Z-infeed

Undercut machining with

lollipop or woodru cutter

Automatic rest machining

Rest machining

In the nishing cycle, automatic rest machining detects incomplete machined areas. After dening the reference tool and the machining
area using the boundary function, the necessary rest machining is
automatically executed.
A rest material area that has not been machined due to potential collisions can be used as a reference for a subsequent machining step with
modied tools (e.g., longer tool lengths). This ensures that only the areas
that could not be completed during the rst step are machined in this
next one.

Rest machining of incompletely machined areas

The machining strategies for cavities make it possible to create grooves,

ribs, and deep or narrow slits in a single machining step. Deep areas
containing large amounts of material can be cleared completely and
eectively using a constant infeed.

Bullnose endmill as reference tool

Previous job as reference

With denition of machining Undercut machining with

lollipop mills

Optimisation functions

Visualisation of non-machined area

Machining of only steep


Machining of only at areas

3D strategies

Milling grooves

Pencil milling


Complementary strategy: Complete nishing

Electrodes and prismatic parts

By combining Z-level nishing and prole nishing, this strategy can

automatically adapt machining to the requirements of individual regions
of a model. In accordance with the dened slope angle, machining
is divided automatically between steep and at areas, both of which
can be processed in a spiral pattern.

Slope machining

Parallel machining paths

for at areas

Automatic alignment based Pocket-shaped clearing when

on longest pocket dimension there are large distances
between paths

Complementary strategy: Equidistant nishing

Models with at and steep areas

By dening one or two guide curves, the strategy calculates the milling
paths parallel to the indicated curve. Here, the distance between paths
is not calculated in the XY plane, but rather always on the surface. In this
way, at and steep areas can be machined in a single operation with the
same surface quality.

Machining with closed guide curve


Machining between two

open guide curves

Spiral machining between

two guide curves

Complementary strategy: ISO machining

Precise machining of individual surfaces and transition radii
with uniform path distances

ISO machining with global alignment

ISO machining can be performed with global alignment or by dening the

direction of machining with ISO curves. When machining with ISO alignment, the milling paths run along the ISO curves (U and V). The U and V
curves of contiguous surfaces are automatically aligned. This facilitates
machining across several surfaces without retracting the tool. The machining area can be limited by a boundary. The global alignment strategy
automatically determines the optimal milling direction based on the
longest boundary of the selected surface. The user denes whether the
machining proceeds diagonally or freely to the direction of machining.
Multiple surfaces can also be selected here. In addition, spiral machining
in one step without a dwell point is possible.

Complementary strategy: Freepath machining

Simple engraving and edge milling

Controlling the tool path with guide curves

Complementary strategy: 3D rework machining

Editing of tool paths to prevent collision

3D strategies

During curve machining, the cutter follows a dened contour.

This strategy can be used for especially quick engraving on a planar or
curved surface, or for deburring, chamfering or trimming 3D edges.

With the aid of rework machining, tool paths from a reference operation
with other tools and modied tool inclinations can be output without
recalculating the path, and checked for collisions. This can be done
on the complete tool path as well as with path sections that have been
excluded in the reference operation in order to prevent collisions.

Outputting of complete tool paths

with optimised positioning



To respond appropriately to the strict

HSC functions

High-speed cutting

requirements for precision, surface quality,

tool life and machine dynamics, hyperMILL
integrates special functions for high-speed
cutting. These functions expand many of
the 3D milling strategies.


Filleting of corner radii

For high feed rates with continuous machine movements

For smoother machine movements and better cutting behaviour, interior

corners can be lleted. Tool path lleting is available as an additional
function with, among others, roughing, Z-level nishing, prole nishing
and automatic rest machining.


Z-level nishing

Prole nishing

Rest machining

Smooth plunging
Optimal cutting conditions for constant cutter loads

With axial infeed, an optimal feed rate can be maintained and the tool
can be protected using a helix or a linear ramp.

Plunging via helix path


Smooth infeed
Optimised tool movement between tool paths

Approaches and retracts, as well as the transition between individual paths, can be lleted. During the process, the tool can also be raised from
the surface in a smooth movement.

Smooth approach and retract movements

Spiral machining
For high feed rates and optimal cutting conditions

Continuous spiral tool path

Avoiding full cuts

Even tool load and averting tool breakage while
milling grooves

HSC functions

Machining is optimised for Z-level and equidistant nishing, for

automatic rest machining and for machining closed curves with a continuous tool path including complete or near-complete spiral infeed.

Trochoidal machining is the best strategy when milling grooves in the

HSC area. Spiral step-over movements allow larger chip loads and reduce
the time when machining larger depths of cut.

Trochoidal machining



For demanding geometries such as deep

cavities, high steep walls and undercuts,
3D machining is not possible because of
collisions or it is only possible with long
tools. Machining these areas requires
precisely dened milling areas and many
dierent tool inclinations, which can be
accomplished without collisions using

5axis machining

5axis machining

5axis machining. Depending on the geometry and machine kinematics, you can
select between 5axis machining with a
xed tool inclination, automatic indexing
or simultaneous machining. Larger, slightly
curved surfaces and geometries that follow
leading surfaces or proles can also be
eciently milled using 5axis machining.


Multi-axis indexing with xed tool inclination

All 2D machining jobs from dierent sides

This function enables the machining of parts from dierent directions

with one setup. It shifts and tilts the workplane for machining. The direction of machining corresponds to the orientation of the tool. Programs
can be transformed and copied, even on multiple workplanes, without
additional job calculation.

Shifted and tilted workplane

With program part repetition

Program part repetition with multiple


Milling with xed option 3 + 2

All 3D machining operations with the tool pivoted relative
to the direction of machining

Cutting areas can be programmed from a single machining direction

with dierent tool inclinations and free of collision. They can be easily
kept separate, with no overlapping or gaps occurring. The course of the
paths for neighbouring areas and the appearance of the surface can
be precisely determined. In addition, this strategy ensures that all
areas including details are completely calculated.


Programming with xed tool inclination

Automatic indexing
Automated 3+2 milling as an alternative to 5axis
simultaneous machining

Areas that require multiple tool angles for machining are programmed
and milled in a single operation using automatic indexing. This method
automatically seeks a collision-free xed tool angle for individual milling
areas and/or toolpaths. You can choose whether perpendicular (vertical)
or angled tool orientations are preferred. With manually dened segment
limits, milling areas can also be individually separated. If necessary,
5axis simultaneous machining operations can also be used for local machining. In comparison to complete 5axis simultaneous machining, however, automatic indexing minimises machine movement. This reduces
machining times and thus minimises stress on the machines.
If it is not possible to calculate a collision-free xed tool angle for
an area, then, with 5axis rest machining, for example, a subdivision
into smaller segments with dierent tool angles can be performed

Prole nishing with optimised tool inclination

5axis simultaneous machining

Machining on or near steep walls; alternative to xed tool
inclination or automatic indexing

This 5axis machining cycle is the alternative to conventional 3 + 2 milling.

Here a tool tilt to the Z-axis is dened, which hyperMILL automatically
changes to prevent collisions. The continuous movement of the tool
around the Z-axis is calculated by hyperMILL either fully automatically
or as a result of dened guide curve.

5axis machining

Automatic search for xed tool inclination

Fully automatic calculation

of tool inclination

Radial tool alignment

to Z-axis

Tool axis always runs

through the guide curve

Tool axis runs locally

through the guide curve

Manual curve for movement

only around the Z-axis


5axis Strategies for Cavity Machining

For dicult geometries such as deep cavities and
steep high walls

hyperMILL 5AXIS adds 5-axis positions to z level Finishing, prole

nishing, equidistant nishing, free path milling, rest machining and
rework machining 3D strategies. These strategies can now be used for
3+2 milling, automatic indexing and 5axis milling. Thanks to the fully
automatic calculation of tool positions, 5axis machining jobs can be
programmed as easily as conventional 3D tasks.

5axis z level Finishing is used to machine steep surfaces as planes

or pockets. Flat areas can be automatically excluded in this type
of nishing.
5axis z level Finishing with simultaneous machining

As with conventional 3D tasks, at or slightly curved areas can be

machined using 5axis prole nishing. 5axis collision avoidance
allows you to mill near steep walls using a short tool in a single
step. Combined with automatic indexing, steep walls can also be
machined in the removal direction of the mould.

5axis prole nishing with automatic indexing

Simultaneous machining

Fixed position

5axis equidistant nishing allows you to machine steep and at areas in

a single operation. This strategy generates especially smooth transitions
between individual tool paths. It helps prolong the lifespan of tools and
machines and ensures the best surfaces possible.


5axis equidistant nishing with simultaneous machining

5axis curve machining makes it possible to mill engravings without collisions using short tools, even near steep walls.

5axis rest machining oers all the options of 3D rest machining in

addition to the 5axis tool positions. Automatic indexing determines
the positions and areas that allow the part to be completely
machined in a single operation.

5axis rest machining with automatic indexing

5axis machining

5axis free path milling with automatic indexing

5axis rework machining (editor) is used to convert 3D programs into

5axis programs. It also allows 3D tools that have been excluded due
to a collision to be machined as 5axis simultaneous machining jobs
or with automatically calculated xed positions. All 3D and 5axis toolpaths can also be optimised to improve milling results.

5axis rework machining with simultaneous machining


5axis cutting edge machining

Machining of 3D trimming tools

The strategy enables a fast reproducible machining of cutting edges.

The machining job is dened using a reference curve. After selecting the
edge and inputting the height and clearance angle, the machining job
is calculated automatically.

Exact, reproducible machining operations

5axis contour machining

Milling grooves, engraving, deburring and chamfering

With this strategy the tool is guided on or relative to a curve with a xed
orientation to the surface. Grooves, chamfers and other similar geometries dont have to be designed in detail. The automatic collision detection and avoidance functions makes programming these machining jobs
easy and reliable. If necessary, the tool orientation can also be manually
changed for particular areas.

Milling grooves

Trimming perpendicular
to surface


Chamfering xed tilt

angle to surface

Engraving perpendicular
to surface

5axis top milling

Machining of large, moderately curved surfaces

Top milling reduces cutting time by allowing larger path step-overs.

High-quality surfaces are achieved by automatically adapting the tool inclination for concave surfaces. Machining is not limited to single surfaces
only. Furthermore, this strategy can also be used for very eective 5axis
roughing, thanks to multiple infeeds and stock detection.

Roughing a shaped pocket base

With optimal t to the


5axis swarf cutting

Machining of ruled surfaces

The side of the tool is used to machine workpiece surfaces with the swarf
milling process. Large stopovers between paths reduce the cutting time
and improve the workpiece surface nish. The tool is guided by a surface
along a reference curve. As an alternative, it is also possible to guide the
tool between two curves. Multiple axial and lateral infeeds make swarf
cutting also suitable for roughing. Machining can be precisely and simply
executed by dening stop and milling surfaces and stock tracking.

5axis machining

With constant optical path


Machining ruled surface with ank contact

Machining double-curved
surfaces with point contact

Swarf cutting with stop



Geometries such as impellers, blisks, turbine blades, tubes and tyres pose special requirements that standard strategies cannot
satisfy. For this reason, hyperMILL oers
user-friendly special applications seamlessly integrated into the CAM system.



Specialised applications

Blade package: 5axis top milling

Finishing blade surfaces

5axis blade top milling enables continuously spiralling nish machining

with freely denable osets to the blade and side surfaces. The spiral
tool path can be generated as a 5axis or 4axis simultaneous machining
job. For endmills and bullnose endmills, the lead angle is automatically
adjusted such that the surfaces are not damaged and the tool always
cuts with the front edge.

Continuous spiral path

Automatic lead angle correction

Blade package: Platform machining

Platform machining, trimming and deburring of surfaces

A number of 2D and 3D strategies are available for machining the platforms of a blade. The 2D category includes strategies for drilling, facing,
curve and pocket milling. The various 3D operations include roughing
cycles, nishing operations for the mechanical attachment geometry, as
well as strategies for trimming, deburring or milling/machining curved


Complementary strategies for platform machining

Blade package: 5axis swarf cutting

Rest machining, llet milling, machining blade walls

A rolling ball llet condition can be created even in conditions when the
designed llet would ordinarily can not be fully generated due to the
platform dimensions. The tool maintains contact with the blade and a
straight boundary of the platform to achieve a perfect transition in reference to the platforms of neighbouring blades, which cannot be achieved
in many CAD systems.

Blade swarf cutting

Blade package: Point machining

Machining blade and root surfaces

5axis blade point milling optimises nishing at the transition between

the blade and the root surface of the top or bottom. Overlapping toolpath
for blade machining provide excellent surface qualities. Alternatively, a
rolling ball radius can be generated here.

Specialised applications

The tool moves in parallel or spiral paths around the blade to point-mill a
seamless transition from top-milling of the blade surfaces to the platform
surface including the llets and to swarf-mill the platform surfaces.

Point machining

Surface transition with rolling ball function

Transition without rolling ball function


Multi-blade package: Roughing

Pre-turned stock or semi-nished workpiece

The most common roughing strategies are taking slices through the solid. Machining takes place pocket by pocket between the blades. Various
roughing strategies such as hub oset or shroud oset enable control of path distribution, tool inclination and tool length to be optimally
adapted to the geometry. Plunge roughing can also be used.

Continuous pocket-by-pocket machining

Layered machining parallel

to hub

Layered machining perpendi- Plunge roughing with long

cular to hub
narrow tools

Multi-blade package: Hub nishing

Hub nishing, rest machining close to the blade

This strategy is suitable for the complete or partial nishing of hub

surfaces. With various infeed options and a scallop height function for
the area around the leading and trailing edges, the machining job can be
precisely adapted to the requirements and the machining time minimised. This strategy can also be applied as rest machining near blade

Complete or partial machining of hubs


Shorter paths using special

scallop height option

Shorter paths for the

pocket infeed

Multi-blade package: Blade machining

Milling blade surfaces

Point milling

The ank contact with swarf cutting reduces the number of necessary
machining paths and thereby the machining time required. The best t
of the tool to the surface is found simply by clicking the mouse. This option
simultaneously indicates the surface quality that has been achieved.

Swarf cutting

Specialised applications

Depending on the blade geometry, blades are machined with point

contact nishing or swarf cutting. Point milling is a very robust technology that is able to machine any blade geometry. It is used especially in
high-speed applications, in the manufacturing of prototypes or when the
blade geometry cannot be swarf cut with the necessary precision.

Complementary machining strategies

Milling the llet radii between the blade and hub surfaces
as well as between the leading and trailing edges

If the leading and/or trailing edges cannot be machined in a continuous

operation around the blade due to the geometry or for technical reasons,
multi-blade edge machining is applied. Milling transitional areas between the blade and the hub surfaces is used if the model contains very
small or variable llet radii.

Machining leading and trailing edges

Milling transitional radii


Tube package: Machining denition

With surface or digitised data

All that is needed to dene the particular machining type is a simple

curve. There are no special requirements with respect to the surface denition, the number of surfaces, the quality of surface patches, the course
of ISO curves or the surface orientation. It is possible to work directly
with the digitised data.

Simple denition of the central curve

Tube package: 5axis roughing

5axis roughing with undercut tubes from the full job

This strategy is an eective alternative to machining with several jobs

required for 3+2 machining. It enables the continuous roughing of a
tube from the full job. There is spiral infeed to the bottom, and work is
executed on the plane. Optimisation functions including preventing
unnecessary movements of the rotary axes in strongly undercut tubes,
allow processing of simple and complex tube geometries.

Eective undercut machining


Removal from outside to inside

Removal from inside to outside

Tube package: 5axis nishing

Fine machining of undercut tubes

Specialised applications

5axis Tube Finishing works with a spiral or parallel tool path. Spiral
machining creates seamless surfaces. With parallel machining, it is also
possible to avoid unnecessary movements of the rotary axes. Machining
of inlet and exhaust regions can be easily matched to avoid overlapping
paths. Collision avoidance allows tools with the shortest shank length,
lollipops and tools with thick shanks to be used. Using the most stable
tools guarantees high-quality surfaces.

Seamless surfaces with spiral tool path

Machining partially open tubes

Tube package: 5axis rest machining

Machining of rest material areas

With this strategy, rest material areas are machined in either a spiral
or parallel movement. The areas to be machined are described by
a reference curve. The machining region can be limited by dening
a value relative to the reference curve.

Rest machining in tubes


Tyre package: Tyre clock

Description of the arrangement of identical tyre sections

Tyre moulds consist of a complex pattern of repeating pitches that are

machined into various mould segments. By recognizing the various
patterns, hyperMILL limits the programming to individual pitches.
The tyre clock denition is used to dene the pitch locations around
the tyre mould, and specically on each mould segment. The complete
tyres are built up by means of the tyre clock in the most automated manner possible.

Arrangement of identical tyre sections.

Tyre package: Automatic segment generation

Automated programming

When creating NC paths, the tool paths are copied to the corresponding
position in the tyre. In doing so, the automated segment generation
function adjusts the tool paths that go beyond the segment boundary.

Copying tool paths to the corresponding position on the tyre



Tyre package: Machining strategies

Optimised milling strategies

Specialised applications

With the tyre package, the dialogue boxes of all 2D, 3D and 5axis
strategies are expanded by a parameter that allows the user to assign
each machining strategy a pitch (section of identical construction).
Most of the tyre machining process is based on foundation hyperMILL

5axis roughing (top milling)

3D roughing
5axis rest machining

5axis swarf cutting

5axis contour machining


Mill/turn strategies
The millTURN module of hyperMILL
enables the creation of NC programs for
turning and milling in a single set-up.
Because of the modules complete integration, the tool database, stock tracking
and collision check functions as well as
post-processors can be used together for
all milling and turning operations.


Mill/turn strategies

Turning contour and turning stock denition

Simple and convenient creation of turning contour and turning
With hyperMILL, the user can automatically generate the turning contour
and turning stock for machining. The turning contour can be created by
selecting a 2D contour and a corresponding axis, or can be automatically generated via surface/solid/STL selection (maximum interference
contour) by entering the frame and tolerance. The software automatically
takes into account elements that are to be milled in subsequent steps.
This results in a turning contour that ensures precise machining for rotationally symmetrical elements.

the bounding

In addition to the turning contour, the turning stock can also be automatically created. With stock tracking and the option of switching between
milling and turning stock, you can always work with the current stock.
This ensures precise machining and helps to avoid unnecessary redundant movements. The following options are available for the denition of
turning stock:
Generate on the basis of 3D milling stock
Dene by surface/solid/STL selection (maximum interference contour),
specication of axes and tolerance
Dene as cylinder with or without stock allowance
Dene as pipe with or without stock allowance
To dene the bounding geometry, the surfaces are selected by clicking on
them with the mouse. hyperMILL automatically creates the corresponding geometry. In addition, a parallel stock allowance can be dened as an
oset to the contour, for example for cast parts.

Drilling with a xed tool

This strategy is suitable for creating holes in the centre on the turning
axis of the part including stock tracking with a xed tool. On mill/turn
machines, this strategy oers an alternative to helical drilling.


Fixed drill and rotating workpiece

Turn roughing
Machining of rotationally symmetrical interior and exterior
stock surfaces of any shape

Mill/turn strategies

Machining with turn roughing occurs in an axial, radial or contour-parallel

direction, including determination of the cutting edge angle for downward cuts. Functions such as the denition of workpiece positions,
contour selection, stock trimming, stock tracking or path compensation
enable an optimisation of the machining job. Tool denitions may also
be made using standardized ISO denitions.

Axis parallel roughing

Face turning

Contour-parallel roughing

Positioned turning with optimised tool inclination

Clearance angle to
protect the insert

Stock resulting from turning

and milling processes


Turn nishing
Contour-parallel nish machining of rotationally
symmetrical surfaces

With this strategy, the roughed surfaces of workpieces of any shape

are nished in a contour-parallel manner, recognising the cutting edge
angle for downward cuts as well. Functions for dening tool inclination,
approach and retract macros, path compensation and stock oer various
options to meet the needs of any machining job. The various approach
and retract macros can be combined with each other.

Turn nishing

Slope-dependent nishing specically enables the machining of at and

steep regions and ensures optimal cutting conditions during nishing. To
dene the areas to be machined, the user rst selects the entire contour.
Next, the user denes the areas that are to be machined and the maximum slope angle to be used in the single-step process.

Steep regions

Flat regions


Slope-dependent turning deactivated

Approach and retract macros Tangential approach

and retract macros

Approach and retract

in an arc

Workpieces with grooves or shoulders

Axial grooving

Axial grooving with ramp

for materials dicult to

Radial roughing for narrow

and deep grooves

Rework machining in one


Rework machining only from

top to bottom

Mill/turn strategies

The operations of grooving, parting o and groove turning are programmable with this strategy. Workpieces with grooves and shoulders can be
machined either radially or axially. To optimise the machining process,
the ISCAR groove strategy is implemented. This automatically accounts
for the lateral displacement of the cutting length as a result of the lateral
cutting forces. Further optimisation functions are available, such as nish
pass, wall distance, ramp angle, tool path compensation or chip break.
This strategy also enables slope-dependent machining.

Thread cutting
Creation of external and internal threads with constant pitch

Thread cutting enables the turning of single or multiple, cylindrical and

conical shaped, external and internal threads. Infeed occurs with either
constant chip section or constant X-value. Threads are very easy to dene
by determining the outer edge of the thread, core or outer diameter, as
well as leading or trailing movement. Control of the infeed, the infeed
angle or the nishing allowance make it possible to respond to individual

Turning an external thread


General functions
Functions that apply to all strategies,
such as stock tracking, milling and stop
surface concepts or automatic collision
avoidance, provide for eective, userfriendly techniques.

General functions
Innerhalb eines festgelegten Bereichs knnen
Bauteile nach Bohrungen entweder mit
gleicher Orientierung.
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aciliquat. Ut iureet ac

Analysis functions
Verication of parts and tools for ecient job planning and
CAM programming
The functions for modelling, surface and tool analysis allow users to
quickly and easily determine which element properties in a component
are relevant for machining tasks. By simply clicking on a surface, users
receive important information on the surface type (radius, plane, freeform surface), minimum and maximum radius, position and angle as well
as picking point coordinates for the selected frame system. When two
elements are selected, the function displays the minimum distance and
angle between the two surfaces.
In addition to analysing individual surfaces, hyperMILL can automatically search for all planes and radii on a component and also mark their
positions and sizes accordingly.
Model analysis

Various machining data, such as machining type or tolerances, are

often compiled into standardised colour tables. These can be stored in
hyperMILL so that users have easy access to tolerance and t data for
holes or other geometries to be machined in a component.
Manual positioning of any tool allows users to quickly and easily check
whether areas that are dicult to access can be machined and, if so, at
which angle. To do this, any tool dened in hyperMILL can be moved to
any position and freely rotated around all axes. Thanks to the tool length
optimisation analysis function, a CAD model can be checked for collisions as long as collision checking is activated and the milling area is
dened. Furthermore, the user has the option of importing the tool and
frame to be analysed directly from an existing job, or exporting a frame to
the hyperMILL frame list.

Integration of standardised colour tables

Analysis of existing radii on component


Tool length optimisation

Tool positioning and collision checking

Simple, transparent monitoring of the machining status

Stock tracking allows calculating the machining status for each single
job, for any number of freely selected jobs or for the entire job list.
Stock models are maintained, independent of the reference frame for
a machining job and can be used to limit the machining area. Job listoriented stock tracking and management guarantee extremely precise
and ecient material removal. Stock is automatically updated via all
turning and milling operations.
The compound stock function allows for machining multiple components,
each of which have their own stock, at the same time. The dierent
stocks are combined together, allowing a component (and stock) to be
machined free of collision in relation to the completely assembled stock.
Calculated stock is shown in a separate window and managed in the
job list. Stock can be used for visual checks as well as for any further
machining, such as the roughing of arbitrary stock. Stock can be saved
in a CAD-neutral STL format.

functions Funktionen

Stock tracking and management

Stock calculation following each machining job

Job list with stock management

Milling/stop surfaces
More exact machining, exible and accurate limiting
of machining areas, increased precision

In addition to employing the conventional boundary method to dene

the machining area, milling and stop surfaces can be used as well. By
selecting the milling surfaces, the user directly denes the areas to be
machined with a few clicks of the mouse. You can also specify the milling
area using bounding curves and stop surfaces. During the machining
process, tools will not come into contact with stop surfaces.

Precise area denition using stop surfaces


For reproducing machining jobs on identical or
similar geometries
Using transformations, it is possible to reproduce programs for machining identical or similar geometries within a component or several
identical components that are clamped together. By freely transforming
machining steps across spatial coordinates, users can simplify their programming workload and reduce costs. In other words, multiple copies of
machining steps can be placed along the X and Y axes or rotated around
a freely denable axis.
With transformations, users can easily and conveniently create programs
for multiple components clamped within a single plane or in a tombstone xture, for example. Since the copies are associated with the job
template, modications to a program or geometry can be implemented
quickly and easily. Any changes to the job template are copied automatically by hyperMILL to the associated jobs. Furthermore, each parameter
can be modied individually. Since users can make local changes or even
delete parameters and dependencies, workows remain highly exible
(see also Associative programming on page 6).
Another powerful feature is that users can perform collision checks
relative to the nished part for programs that have been oset or rotated.
This means that jobs involving tombstones or multiple setups can be
programmed eciently and reliably.
Transformations can be applied to all job steps.

Spatial copies of programs

Copies of program sections for components with identical elements



In contrast to simple mirroring actions performed by machine controllers, hyperMILL does not merely mirror the NC paths. An independent
toolpath is calculated for the mirrored geometry including modied
technology values. Climb milling movements remain intact. Automatic
approach and retract strategies, curve orientations and optimised infeed
movements are taken into consideration in mirrored jobs.
Mirroring automatically creates an associated element in a browser. Any
changes to the original are automatically applied to the mirrored versions. Again, every parameter can also be modied individually if required.
Mirroring can be applied to all job steps as well as to the entire job list.

General functions

Creates symmetrical geometries or geometrical planes in

components and determines entire machining programs for
mirrored components

Geometry and boundaries are mirrored


Job linking
For intelligent links between jobs and eective reduction
of transition moves
Multiple job steps to be machined with the same tool can be combined
into a single step using job linking. Here, each of the job steps remains
unchanged. hyperMILL calculates the NC toolpaths between these steps
with respect to the workpiece and performs a collision check. Each job
link is established independently of the type of machining (2D, 3D and
5AXIS machining) and machining direction. Even undercut areas can be
approached safely with job linking.
This unique function allows users to combine multiple strategies into a
single processing cycle. This gets rid of retraction movements between
the individual operations and signicantly reduces machining times

Collision-checked link

With and without job linking

Production mode
Automatic optimisation of transition moves for shortest
possible machining times of standard parts
Production mode is a new function that lets you minimise all transition
moves within a job. hyperMILL automatically optimises fast travel movements according to the path length by stepping over or sideways around
the geometry to the starting point of the next path. Lateral movements
help to avoid unnecessary infeed movements at the Z-level that are
mostly performed with reduced feedrates. By including the stock in the
collision calculation, hyperMILL ensures that transition moves remain

Machining with production mode


Machining without
production mode

Collision check with safety allowance

hyperMILL detects collisions and oers ecient solutions for collision

avoidance. NC tools can be described in a very detailed manner, including holder, tool shank, any number of extensions and a spindle protection area. Dierent geometries can be used for calculation and simulation. Depending on the tool and machining strategy, there are dierent
options available for collision control and prevention. To be on the safe
side, tool components that are not selected for collision checking are
When performing a collision check against the model, dierent safety allowances can be dened for all tool components (spindle areas, holders,
extensions and shanks). This makes the evaluation of dierent pre-machining conditions very easy. The geometry of the tool elements does not
have to be changed for collision safety.

Denition with safety allowance

General functions

Better process reliability, high level of exibility

Tool length calculation

Extended tool denition and collision checks

This function, based on the default tool length, calculates both the
necessary maximum and minimum tool reach required to avoid collisions
whilst maintaining rigidity in the tool. The extend function calculates the
Larger reach. The shorten optimisation function calculates the clamping
length of the selected tool in such a way that it is not longer than absolutely necessary and does not fall below the minimal length. If a longer
tool is required, the area is left out or the calculation is cancelled.

Tool length calculation


Fully automated collision avoidance

Skipping toolpath areas, changing tool orientation during
active collision avoidance

Fully automatic collision avoidance is an active type of collision avoidance that independently attempts to determine a collision-free tool
angle. During roughing, for example, the paths can be moved laterally,
thereby allowing greater machining depths. During nishing with 5axis
simultaneous machining, hyperMILL uses fully automated modications
of the tool orientation to prevent collisions. Tool orientation modication can be performed either in 5axis simultaneous machining or via
automatic indexing. Moreover, it is possible to cancel machining or skip
toolpaths with collisions in order to mill them with longer tool lengths
and/or modied tool angles.

Checking and avoiding collisions

Tool length calculation

5axis simultaneous milling

Selectable axes for avoiding collisions

Taking account of machine kinematics

The programmer can specify, in reference to the component and

the machine kinematics, which of the two rotary axes is preferred
for collision avoidance. Several options are provided:
Only the C-axis is used the fth (A/B) axis is on a xed inclination
The C axis is used in preference to the A/B axis
Only the A/B axis is used the tool on the C axis strictly follows the
guide data
The A/B axis is used in preference to the C axis
In addition to simpler programming and taking account of machine
kinematics, minimised axis movements provide for more consistent
tool movements.


Selectable axis for smoother machine movements

Tool database
Extensive denitions of tools using technology data

By entering the technology data for tool extensions, copying tools into a
job list automatically changes the corresponding technology values.

Freely denable tool holders

In addition to the material-specic cutting data, users can also create

various proles for each tool dened in the database. Thus, dierent
applications can be predened and selected in the job steps even for
the same workpiece and cutting materials.
A neutral data exchange format is available for importing and exporting
tool data. Input synchronisation enables automatic data reconciliation
with other database systems.

General functions

hyperMILL comes equipped with a fully redesigned tool database. Tools

can now be dened with greater versatility and much more realistically.
Complete tools can be imported, individual tools can be dened and
complete tools including holders can be custom-assembled. To fully
assemble a tool, freely denable tool extensions are available with corresponding coupling systems.

Freely denable tool extensions

... Corresponding coupling systems


Feature and
macro technologies
With feature and macro technologies,
hyperMILL users can standardise and
automate the programming of geometries.
It oers many options for using CAD geometry information for CAM programming and
to dene typical and repeating geometries
as a feature. A new feature type, the customised process feature, is used to dene
job templates and operating standards.



Feature and macro technologies

Automatic feature recognition

Detection of geometries, creation of boundaries, leading
curves and proles, as well as grouping of surfaces and holes

Automatic feature recognition detects geometries from solids and surface models, such as holes, stepped holes with and without threads and
open and closed pockets. Parameters are automatically generated that
are required for the programming of machining strategies and for tool
Features can be automatically or manually grouped, for example based
on type, diameter or workplane. Various lters support the grouping
function. Because features are summarised in dierent ways within
a group, programs for multi-axis indexing can be generated without
additional programming work.

Applicable in 2D, 3D and 5axis operations

Feature mapping
Importing of features from solids

The feature mapping function is used to search for drilling geometries

such as holes and threads from the feature-tree of a solid with all the
detailed parameters in one step. Application of colours and viewing
bookmarks can be used to add further intelligence to the data and enhance the application of the geometry features.

Feature mapping on solids


Hole detection

Within a dened area, the user can search parts for simple holes and
stepped holes. hyperMILL also recognises features such as threads and
ISO ts if these were saved in a colour table. The search for and grouping
of hole features can be controlled using lters, for example according to
hole diameter or required workplane. The 5axis drilling option makes it
possible to machine holes with dierent orientations together in a single

Detection of various holes

Feature and macro technologies

Hole features

Denition of simple holes as through holes or blind holes

Denition of sink holes as cylinder, cone and stepped

Free denition of holes

Denition of multi-axis holes


Pocket feature
Automatic pocket recognition

Pocket feature recognition detects closed pockets, pockets with islands,

pockets with open sides, completely open pockets (Z-level and breakthrough) and assigns the corresponding machining depth. Sorting and
grouping occurs automatically based on workplanes and tool inclinations.
In automatic mode, any closed breakthroughs within the model are
detected. In manual mode, users can specify the start and end points to
also detect open areas or separate breakthroughs.

Closed and open pockets

Open pockets without ooring

Pockets without a bottom surface


Ecient, automated programming

Along with the assigned geometries, features contain all information

relevant to production, such as top, bottom and start point. These are
dened once and can then be assigned to the machining strategy. If the
geometry or stored technology parameters are changed while programming, the changes need only be made in the feature. The adjustments
made to the feature receive the status update for renewed job calculations. They are accounted for automatically during a new calculation.

Manual feature denition

Feature and macro technologies

Feature programming

Feature browser
Feature management

The feature browser simplies the use of features. Users can work with
several feature lists at once without losing the overview. For easier
identication, features can be displayed in dierent colours and can be
sorted by type, depth, diameter as well as by used and unused features.
Features can be found quickly and easily by placing bookmarks.

Transparent display of dierent features

or machining sides


Macro technology
Linking machining strategies and tools with features

With macros, programs can be generated faster and easier than ever.
Macros link machining strategies and tools for characteristic geometries.
They may consist of one or more jobs. They contain the machining rules
for characteristic areas of the corresponding feature, such as thread diameter, sink type and depth, and open or closed pockets. Once machining
sequences are stored, they are automatically assigned to the current geometries of the selected feature.

Macro database
Production know-how saved in an easy-to-follow manner

Macros are stored in a database and can be recalled at any time.

In addition to macros, the database can also hold images and notes.
These are used to document jobs and ensure a well-structured,
transparent workow. This allows macro content to be understood
at any time by any user.

Technology database


Automation of CAM programming and denition of companyspecic machining standards

Extended feature technology allows users to dene any type of complex
machining sequence and store it as a technology macro so that it can
be quickly and easily applied to various similar machining tasks. This is
based on process-oriented links between characteristic geometries with
freely denable sequences of various machining strategies from 2D, 3D
and 5AXIS milling to turning.
The same elements can be used in various work steps for dierent tasks.
For instance, a surface selection can be used as a stop surface in one
step and a milling surface in the next step.
The various geometry elements can be selected manually in the model
or selected automatically by dening selection rules. Thus similarly structured external data can be used to quickly program similar components
or for making design changes later on.
Selection script

Feature and macro technologies

CPF Customized Process Features (optional)

To facilitate a transparent and easy-to-understand workow, selections

can be named individually, and help texts and explanatory screenshots
can be saved.

Operating screen for Customized Process Features


and simulation
hyperMILL is able to calculate tool paths
independently of machine and controller.
The post-processor takes this neutral data
and creates NC programs that are adapted
optimally to the machine, controller and
components used.

A comprehensive machine and material

removal simulation enables reliable workspace monitoring and collision check in



PP and simulation

Post-processor technology
Transformation of machine-neutral toolpaths into NC paths
adapted to the machine and controller

Because of complex and subtle dierences in controllers and machines,

as well as individual workpiece requirements, post-processors that have
been developed based on customer needs provide the best solutions.
Thanks to its customised development, a single post-processor can be
oered for all operations from 2D, 3D and 5axis machining to mill turning.
hyperMILL post-processors integrate the complex functionalities
of NC controllers, such as:
2D canned cycles
2D tool radius compensation
Parameters, such as those for feedrate values
Program part repetitions
Workplane shifts and tilts
5axis simultaneous machining
Even machines of the same type have dierences that need to be taken
into consideration, especially for multi-axis and 5axis machining.
Support of nutated rotary axes
Serrated rotary axes
Limited angle range for the rotary axis
Correction of linear osets depending
on the rotational angle (RTCP/TCPM)
Shortest rotation paths

Post-processors adapted to the machines, controllers and workpieces used



The graphical simulation of the machining job enables the visual examination of the CAM program created. By turning o milling paths for one or
several jobs, overlaps can be prevented. Individual paths are thus better
displayed and easier to control.

PP and simulation

Assessment of the created CAM program

Machining simulation

Machine and material removal simulation

Workspace monitoring and collision testing

Machine and material removal simulation makes it possible to conduct

a detailed monitoring of the workspace. The user can specically check
for potential collisions by looking at the workpiece, holder, xturing
setup and machine movements. In the process, the user can also select
whether the simulation should also test for collisions such as:
Machine against workpiece
Machine against tool
Machine against machine
Machine against holder
Tool against workpiece
Setup against machine
Setup against holder
Setup against tool
Holder against model

Complete simulation including holder, xing setup

and workpiece

Collisions are displayed in colour and all NC areas where collisions could
occur are saved as a list. If necessary, the CAM program alone can be







Stock calculation

Turn roughing/

Turn nishing

Groove turning

Thread cutting

Centre drilling

Drilling (with chip breaks)

Deep hole drilling

Thread drilling and milling

Face milling

Pocket milling

Arbitrary stock roughing

Prole nishing

Z-level nishing

Complete nishing

Equidistant nishing

ISO machining

Rework machining

Fillet machining

Automatic rest machining

Free path milling

Cutting edge

Top milling

Swarf cutting

Contour machining



Tube roughing

Tube nishing

Tube rest machining

Blade top milling

Blade swarf cutting

Blade transition radius

Multiblade plunge roughing

Multiblade roughing

Multiblade oor nishing

Multiblade blade point contact

Multiblade blade ank contact

Multiblade edge machining

Multiblade llet milling

with hyperMILL

hyperMILLs wide range of machining

strategies makes programming extremely
exible. Continuous processes are made
possible with the solutions which are
seamlessly integrated in hyperCAD,
SOLIDWORKS and Autodesk Inventor.
hyperMILL is available in the following
hyperMILL 2D basic package
hyperMILL Classic (2D and 3D strategies)
hyperMILL Expert
(2D/3D strategies and HSC machining)
hyperMILL 5AXIS (5axis strategies)
Special Applications
hyperMILL millTURN

Strategy overview

(Mill/turn strategies)



OPEN MIND Technologies AG

Argelsrieder Feld 5 82234 Wessling Germany
Phone: +49 8153 933-500
E-mail: Info.Europe@openmind-tech.com


OPEN MIND Technologies UK Ltd.

Units 1 and 2 Bicester Business Park
Telford Road Bicester Oxfordshire OX26 4LN UK
Phone: +44 1869 290003
E-mail: Info.UK@openmind-tech.com


OPEN MIND Technologies USA, Inc.

1492 Highland Avenue, Unit 3 Needham MA 02492 USA
Phone: +1 888 516-1232
E-mail: Info.Americas@openmind-tech.com


OPEN MIND Tecnologia Brasil LTDA

Av. Andromeda, 885 SL2021
06473-000 Alphaville Empresarial
Barueri Sao Paulo Brasil
Phone: +55 11 2424 8580
E-mail: Info.Brazil@openmind-tech.com

Asia Pacic

OPEN MIND Technologies Asia Pacic Pte. Ltd.

33 Ubi Avenue 3 #06-32 Vertex (Tower B)
Singapore 408868 Singapore
Phone: +65 6742 95-56
E-mail: Info.Asia@openmind-tech.com


OPEN MIND Technologies China Co. Ltd.

Suite 1608 Zhong Rong International Plaza
No. 1088 South Pudong Road
Shanghai 200120 China
Phone: +86 21 588765-72
E-mail: Info.China@openmind-tech.com


OPEN MIND CADCAM Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.

3C-201, 2nd Floor 2nd Main Road Kasturi Nagar
Bangalore 560 043 Karnataka India
Phone: +91 80 3232 4647
E-mail: Info.India@openmind-tech.com


OPEN MIND Technologies Japan K.K.

Misumi Bldg. 3F 1-17-18, Kichijojihigashicho
Musashino-shi Tokyo 180-0002 Japan
Phone: +81 422 23-5305
E-mail: info.jp@openmind-tech.co.jp


OPEN MIND Technologies Taiwan Inc.

3F, No. 153, Hwan-Pei Road Chungli City 320
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Phone: +886 3 46131-25
E-mail: Info.Taiwan@openmind-tech.com

OPEN MIND Technologies AG is represented

worldwide with own subsidiaries and through
competent partners and is a member of the Mensch
und Maschine technology group, www.mum.de


OPEN MIND Technologies AG.
All rights reserved.
Issue: July 2014.
Reproduction in any form is
prohibited except with the
express written permission of
OPEN MIND Technologies AG.
OPEN MIND Technologies AG
Argelsrieder Feld 5
D-82234 Wessling
E-Mail: info@openmind-tech.com
OPEN MIND Technologies AG
a member of the Mensch und
Maschine technology group

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