15. A young man of 20, got a lacerated wound on his left arm,
stiched-1 week later sutures were remained-healing continued
but the site became disfigured by prominent raised irregular
nodular scar, in next 2 months which of the following best
describes the process:
a) Organization.
b) Dehiscence.
c) Resolution.
d) Keloid formation.
e) Secondary union.
Key: d
Ref: Healing and Repair.
17. A six months old baby with blue eyes, decreased pigmentation
of hair and skin and a strong mousy odour is brought to you-on
examination there is severe mental retardation. What will be
the enzyme deficiency:
a) Homogentisate oxidase.
b) Phenyl Alanine oxidase.
c) P-hydroxyphenyl pyruvate hyroxylase.
d) Tyrosinase.
e) glucocerebrosidase.
Key: b
Ref: Genetic Disorders.
19. Which of the following pair does not correctly match the tumor
with its causative agent:
a) Anagenital carcinoma HPV (Type 16 & 18).
b) Burkitts lymphoma - EBV.
c) Hepatocellular carcinoma - Hepatitis A virus.
d) Carcinoma stomach - Helicobacter pylori.
e) Squamous cell carcinoma skin Ultraviolet radiation.
Key: c
Ref: Neoplasia.
30. The host that harbours the adult or sexually mature, parasite is
a) Intermediate host.
b) Commensal host.
c) Symbiotic host.
d) Reservoir host.
e) Definite host.
Key: e
Ref: Parasitology.
36. Two tests are used to detect the presence of HIV infections are:
a) Agglutination and neutralization reactions.
b) Compliment fixation and immunoflorescence tests.
c) ELIZA and Western Blotting.
d) Haemagglutination and Coambs Test.
e) Indirect haemagglutination and Western Blotting.
Key: c
Ref: Virology.
45. Which of the following tests does not correspond with the
respective disease:
a) Casonis Test for Hydatid disease.
b) Freis Test in Infectious mononuclease.
c) Schicks Test for Diphtheria.
d) Wassermans Test for syphilis.
e) Widal Test for typhoid.
Key: b
Ref: Microbiology (General and Systemic).