النماذج محلوله
النماذج محلوله
النماذج محلوله
Fayed Al-Yousofy
1- A 35-year-old woman has experienced urinary frequency with dysuria for the past 4
days. On physical examination she has no flank pain or tenderness. A urinalysis
reveals sp. gr. 11014, pH 715, no glucose, no protein, no blood, nitrite positive, and
many WBC's. She has a serum creatinine of 019 mg/dL. Which of the following is the
most likely diagnosis?
a. Lupus nephritis
b. Acute bacterial cystitis
c. Urinary lithiasis
d. Diabetes insipidus
e. Tuberculosis the urinary system
2- A 70-year-old man incurs blunt force trauma in a fall. On physical examination he
has a contusion on his lower back. An abdominal CT scan shows 3 peripheral 1 to 2
cm cysts in his kidneys. The kidneys are normal in size. Laboratory studies show a
serum urea nitrogen of 16 mg/dL and creatinine of 111 mg/dL. A urinalysis reveals no
blood, ketones, protein, or glucose. Microscopic urinalysis reveals a few oxalate
crystals. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Dominant polycystic kidney disease
b. Prostatic nodular hyperplasia
c. Renal artery atherosclerosis
d. Simple renal cysts in the cortex
e. Recurrent urinary tract infection
3- A clinical study is performed with pediatric subjects who had minimal change
disease. These patients are observed to have prominent periorbital edema. Laboratory
test findings from serum and urine tests are analyzed. Which of the following
laboratory test findings is most likely to be consistently present in these subjects?
a. Nitrite positive urinalysis specimen
b. Proteinuria >315 gm/24 hours
c. Hematuria with >10 RBC/hpf
d. Lipiduria in association with hypercholesterolemia
e. Renal tubular epithelial cells and casts.
4- A 3-year-old child has become more irritable over the past two months and does not
want to eat much at meals. On physical examination the pediatrician notes an
enlarged abdomen and can palpate a mass on the right. An abdominal CT scan reveals
a 10 cm solid mass involving the right kidney. The resected mass has a microscopic
appearance with sheets of small blue cells along with primitive tubular structures. The
child receives chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and there is no recurrence. Which
of the following neoplasms is this child most likely to have had?
a. Angiomyolipoma c. Renal cell carcinoma
b. Urothelial carcinoma d. Wilms tumor d. Medullary fibroma
5- A 70year-old patient with urinary retention and increased PSA. All are true except:
a. Elevation more than 20ng usually indicate benign prostatic hyperplasia.
b. Transrectal biopsy of prostate is valuable
c. Usually have a papillary tumor in trigone
d. Bilharziasis is the most likely cause of his condition.
Pathology exam Dr. Fayed Al-Yousofy
II- Select (T) for true statement and (F) for false one:
1. The most common uterine tumors are fibroids ( )
2. Karytyping revealed 69XXX is likely from complete vesicular mole ( )
3. Herpes virus type II related to cervical cancer ( )
4. The most common site for female genital system tuberculosis is fallopian
tubes ( )
5. Adenomyosis is presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus e.g the
ovaries ( )
6. Endometriois may be complicated by obstructive infertility ( )
7. Malignant transformation in leiomyoma to leiomyosarcoma approximately 3:
( )
II- Select (T) for true statement and (F) for false one:
8. The most common uterine tumors are fibroids ( )
9. Karytyping revealed 69XXX is likely from complete vesicular mole ( )
10. Herpes virus type II related to cervical cancer ( )
11. The most common site for female genital system tuberculosis is fallopian
tubes ( )
12. Adenomyosis is presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus e.g the
ovaries ( )
13. Endometriois may be complicated by obstructive infertility ( )
14. Malignant transformation in leiomyoma to leiomyosarcoma approximately 3:
( )
II- Select (T) for true statement and (F) for false one:
15. Chocolate cyst represent ectopic endometrium in ovary forming cystic lesion
( )
16. Karytyping revealed 69XXX is likely from vesicular mole ( )
17. Herpes virus type II not related to cervical cancer ( )
18. Simple endometrial hyperplasia carries a greater risk for malignancy than
complex endometrial hyperplasia ( )
19. The most common site for female genital system tuberculosis is the
endometrium ( )
20. The incidence of leiomyosarcoma increases with multiple leiomyomas than
solitary myoma ( )
21. Endometriois may be complicated by obstructive infertility ( )
22. Malignant transformation in leiomyoma to leiomyosarcoma approximately 3:
( )
Questions 1 and 2 each has one mark for the selected appropriate answer:
10- Mark (T) for true statement and (F) for false one (0125 mark for each):
1- The lactating breast shows epithelial hyperplasia ( )
2- Oestrogen-producing ovarian cancer can cause endometrial
hyperplasia ( )
3- Human papilloma virus is the main cause of cervical cancer ( )
4- Stroma ovarii is a mondermal teratoma ( )
5- Dysgerminoma is a surface epithelial ovarian tumor ( )
6- Type 1 endometrial cancer is related to endometrial hyperplasia ( )
7- Infiltrating ductal carcinoma (NOS) is less frequent than infiltrating
lobular carcinoma ( )
8- Endometriosis is a common cause of obstructive infertility ( )
9- Karytyping revealed 69XXX is likely from vesicular mole ( )
10- Malignant transformation in leiomyoma to leiomyosarcoma approximately
3: ( )
11- Regarding cervical cancer adenocarcinoma is the commonest type ( )
Pathology exam Dr. Fayed Al-Yousofy
A.tunica vaginalis
B.tunica albicans
C.glans penis
An autopsy study reveals that evidence for atheroma formation can begin
even in children. The gross appearances of the aortas are recorded and
compared with microscopic findings of atheroma formation. Which of the
following is most likely to be the first visible gross evidence for the formation
of an atheroma?
A Thrombus
B Fatty streak
C Calcification
D Hemorrhage
E Exudate
Pathology exam Dr. Fayed Al-Yousofy
F Ulceration
II. Mark (T) for true and (F) for false statement of the following (1 mark for each):
1) The lactating breast shows epithelial dysplasia ( )
2) Healing by secondary intention results in more scar tissue ( )
3) Granuloma is a collection of epithelioid cells forming nodule ( )
4) Disfigurement results from the healing process is due to scar
contracture or excess scar tissue ( )
5) Adiposity is accumulation of fat inside adipose tissue ( )
6) Sinus is opened track between two surfaces ( )
7) In essential hypertension the left ventricle shows metaplasia ( )
8) Apoptosis is programmed cell death ( )
9) Apoptosis always associated with inflammatory response ( )
16) Cellulitis is a kind of localized suppurative inflammation ( )
11) Exudate is inflammatory fluid in the interstitium ( )
Pathology exam Dr. Fayed Al-Yousofy
Give a short note on types of pathological specimens and how to deal them (15
Questions 1-3: Read carefully the clinical case and select one
appropriate answer (1 mark for each):
13- A 56-year-old man has noted passing darker urine for the past week. On
physical examination there are no abnormal findings. A urinalysis shows 2+
blood, no protein, and no glucose. A urine cytology is performed and there are
atypical uroepithelial cells seen. A urologist performs a cystoscopy, but no
mucosal lesions are noted. He has a 66 pack year history of smoking cigarettes.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A- Adenocarcinoma of prostate
B- Urothelial carcinoma of renal pelvis
C- Acute interstitial nephritis
D- Nodular glomerulosclerosis
E- Squamous cell carcinoma of penis
14- A 72-year-old man has been feeling tired and lethargic for 5 months. He has
noted increasing hesitancy with urination. On physical examination his prostate
is diffusely enlarged. Laboratory studies show creatinine 1.9 mg/dL, and glucose
Pathology exam Dr. Fayed Al-Yousofy
81 mg/dL.
Which of the following renal abnormalities is most likely to be present in this man?
A- Cortical atrophy
B- Glomerulonephritis
C- Papillary necrosis
D- Polycystic changes
E- Renal cell carcinoma
15- A 56-year-old man with diabetes mellitus. He has an increasing serum urea
nitrogen and a urinalysis shows sp gr 1.612, pH 6.5, 1+ protein, no blood, 1+
glucose, negative leukocyte esterase, negative nitrite, and no ketones.
Which of the following renal diseases is he most likely to have?
A- Nodular glomerulosclerosis
B- Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis
C- Papillary necrosis
D- Crescentic glomerulonephritis
E- Pyelonephritis
Questions 4-9 : Select one answer of the following (5.5 mark for each):
16- The most common features of nephritic syndrome include the folloing except:
A- heavy proteinuria B- Hypertension
C- Oliguria D- Microscopic hematuria
17- The most common form of glomerulonephritis (GN) in adults is:
A- Minimal change disease B- Membranous GN
B- Membranoproliferative GN C- Focal segmental GN
18- Acute post-streptococcal GN is characterized by proteinuria of:
A- Selective B- Non-selective
C- Albuminuria only D- Low molecular weight only
Pathology exam Dr. Fayed Al-Yousofy
19- The most common and most severe form of lupus nephritis is:
A- Mesangeal lupus nephritis B- Focal segmental lupus nephritis
C- Diffuse proliferative GN D- Membranous GN
26- The following type of renal calculi are infection-induced:
12- Calcium oxalate C- Struvite
13- Uric acid D- Calcium phosphate
21- All are true about prostatic carcinoma except:
e. We use Gleason system for staging
f. Prostatic specific antigen is important for diagnosis and follow up
g. Serum acid phosphatase increased
h. Produce osteosclerotic boney metastasis
i. Mostly originate from the peripheral part of prostate.
Question 15: Enumerate the pathological lesions in the kidney that can be seen
in patient with diabetes mellitus. (3 marks)
Questions 1-3: Read carefully the clinical case and select one
appropriate answer (1 mark for each):
1- A 50-year-old man has noted passing darker urine for the past week. On
physical examination there are no abnormal findings. A urinalysis shows 2+
blood, no protein, and no glucose. A urine cytology is performed and there are
atypical uroepithelial cells seen. A urologist performs a cystoscopy, but no
mucosal lesions are noted. He has a 60 pack year history of smoking cigarettes.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A- Adenocarcinoma of prostate
B- Urothelial carcinoma of renal pelvis
C- Acute interstitial nephritis
D- Nodular glomerulosclerosis
E- Squamous cell carcinoma of penis
2- A 72-year-old man has been feeling tired and lethargic for 5 months. He has
noted increasing hesitancy with urination. On physical examination his prostate is
diffusely enlarged. Laboratory studies show creatinine 119 mg/dL, and glucose 81
Which of the following renal abnormalities is most likely to be present in this man?
A- Cortical atrophy
B- Glomerulonephritis
C- Papillary necrosis
D- Polycystic changes
E- Renal cell carcinoma
B- Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis
C- Papillary necrosis
D- Crescentic glomerulonephritis
E- Pyelonephritis
Questions 4-9 : Select one answer of the following (5.5 mark for each):
4- The most common features of nephritic syndrome include the folloing except:
A- heavy proteinuria B- Hypertension
C- Oliguria D- Microscopic hematuria
5- The most common form of glomerulonephritis (GN) in adults is:
A- Minimal change disease B- Membranous GN
B- Membranoproliferative GN C- Focal segmental GN
6- Acute post-streptococcal GN is characterized by proteinuria of:
A- Selective B- Non-selective
C- Albuminuria only D- Low molecular weight only
Pathology exam Dr. Fayed Al-Yousofy
7- The most common and most severe form of lupus nephritis is:
A- Mesangeal lupus nephritis B- Focal segmental lupus nephritis
C- Diffuse proliferative GN D- Membranous GN
8- The following type of renal calculi are infection-induced:
A- Calcium oxalate C- Struvite
B- Uric acid D- Calcium phosphate
9- All are true about prostatic carcinoma except:
A- We use Gleason system for staging
B- Prostatic specific antigen is important for diagnosis and follow up
C- Serum acid phosphatase increased
D- Produce osteosclerotic boney metastasis
E- Mostly originate from the peripheral part of prostate.
Question 15: Enumerate the pathological lesions in the kidney that can be seen
in patient with diabetes mellitus. (3 marks)
Questions 1-3: Read carefully the clinical case and select one
appropriate answer (1 mark for each):
10-A 50-year-old man has noted passing darker urine for the past week. On
physical examination there are no abnormal findings. A urinalysis shows 2+
blood, no protein, and no glucose. A urine cytology is performed and there are
atypical uroepithelial cells seen. A urologist performs a cystoscopy, but no
mucosal lesions are noted. He has a 60 pack year history of smoking cigarettes.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A- Adenocarcinoma of prostate
B- Urothelial carcinoma of renal pelvis
C- Acute interstitial nephritis
D- Nodular glomerulosclerosis
E- Squamous cell carcinoma of penis
11-A 72-year-old man has been feeling tired and lethargic for 5 months. He has
noted increasing hesitancy with urination. On physical examination his prostate is
diffusely enlarged. Laboratory studies show creatinine 119 mg/dL, and glucose 81
Which of the following renal abnormalities is most likely to be present in this man?
A- Cortical atrophy
B- Glomerulonephritis
C- Papillary necrosis
D- Polycystic changes
E- Renal cell carcinoma
12-A 50-year-old man with diabetes mellitus. He has an increasing serum urea
nitrogen and a urinalysis shows sp gr 11012, pH 615, 1+ protein, no blood, 1+
glucose, negative leukocyte esterase, negative nitrite, and no ketones.
Which of the following renal diseases is he most likely to have?
A- Nodular glomerulosclerosis
Pathology exam Dr. Fayed Al-Yousofy
B- Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis
C- Papillary necrosis
D- Crescentic glomerulonephritis
E- Pyelonephritis
Questions 4-9 : Select one answer of the following (5.5 mark for each):
13- The most common features of nephritic syndrome include the folloing except:
A- heavy proteinuria B- Hypertension
C- Oliguria D- Microscopic hematuria
14- The most common form of glomerulonephritis (GN) in adults is:
A- Minimal change disease B- Membranous GN
B- Membranoproliferative GN C- Focal segmental GN
15- Acute post-streptococcal GN is characterized by proteinuria of:
A- Selective B- Non-selective
C- Albuminuria only D- Low molecular weight only
Pathology exam Dr. Fayed Al-Yousofy
16- The most common and most severe form of lupus nephritis is:
A- Mesangeal lupus nephritis B- Focal segmental lupus nephritis
C- Diffuse proliferative GN D- Membranous GN
17- The following type of renal calculi are infection-induced:
C- Calcium oxalate C- Struvite
D- Uric acid D- Calcium phosphate
18- All are true about prostatic carcinoma except:
F-We use Gleason system for staging
G- Prostatic specific antigen is important for diagnosis and follow up
H- Serum acid phosphatase increased
I- Produce osteosclerotic boney metastasis
J- Mostly originate from the peripheral part of prostate.
Question 15: Enumerate the pathological lesions in the kidney that can be seen
in patient with diabetes mellitus. (3 marks)
e) Complete recovery
positive for lambda light chains. Which of the following conditions is most
likely to be present in this man?
a. Rheumatoid arthritis d- Tuberculosis
b. Alzheimer disease e- Multiple myeloma
c. Systemic lupus erythematosus
2- A 9-year-old boy has a sore throat. A throat culture grows group A hemolytic
streptococcus. He receives antibiotic therapy. However, 17 days later he
develops dark-colored urine. Laboratory studies show 3+ blood on urinalysis.
A renal biopsy is performed. On immunofluorescence staining the biopsy
shows granular deposition of IgG and complement around glomerular
capillary loops. Which of the following immune hypersensitivity mechanisms
is most likely responsible for this pattern of findings?
a. Type I c- Type III
b. Type II d- Type IV
3- A 55-year-old woman has had increasing difficulty with swallowing over the
past year. On physical examination her blood pressure is 210/110 mm Hg.
Laboratory testing reveals a positive antinuclear antibody test with a nucleolar
pattern on immunofluorescence. Her serum complement levels are normal.
Which of the following lesions is most likely to be seen in her kidneys with
renal biopsy?
a. Renal cell carcinoma d- Nodular glomerulosclerosis
b. Acute glomerulonephritis e- Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis
c. Polycystic change
II- Select the most appropriate answer (5.5 mark for each):
1- Hematuria is least likely to occur in:
a. Renal cell carcinoma
b. Transitional cell carcinoma of renal pelvis and ureter
c. Acute post infectious glomerulonephritis
d. Urine lithiasis
e. Minimal change glomerulonephritis
2- In polycystic kidney which of the following is false:
a. It is familial disease e. Enlarged kidneys
b. The renal involvement is occasional unilateral
c. The disease is usually asymptomatic until early adult or middle life
d. Renal failure late in the course
3- Which of the following is not a feature of Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease?
a. Occurs in diabetes e. Nodular glomerulosclerosis
b. Hyalinization of efferent arteriole
c. Thickened basement membrane
d. Subepithelial glomerular deposits
4- The most characteristic feature of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis is
a. Crescent formation d. Hyaline nodules
b. Sub-epithelial dense deposits e. Wire-loop lesions
c. Thickened capillary loops
Pathology exam Dr. Fayed Al-Yousofy
III- Write short notes on the following: the answer on the question paper!
7- Classification of testicular tumors and discuss one of them.
8- Genitourinary TB?
IV- Mark (T) for true statement and (F) for false one in between
brackets (5.5 mark for each):
1- melanoma is a malignant tumor of melanocytes ( )
2- teratoma is a neoplasm differentiating to the components of the three germ cell
layers (endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm) ( )
3- Ghon's focus represent the main pathological lesion in secondary pulmonary
TB ( )
4- Cellulitis usually caused by B-hemolytic streptococci ( )
5- lymphoma is a benign tumor of lymph nodes ( )
6- basal cell carcinoma is a malignant skin neoplasm which can metastasize ( )
7- Neuroblastoma usually occurs in infants and children ( )
8- Hemangioma is a benign tumor of red blood cells ( )
9- Granuloma is a benign tumor of histiocytes ( )
10- Septicemia is the presence of small number of virulent bacteria in the blood ( )
b. Type II d- Type IV
6- A 55-year-old woman has had increasing difficulty with swallowing over the
past year. On physical examination her blood pressure is 210/110 mm Hg.
Laboratory testing reveals a positive antinuclear antibody test with a nucleolar
pattern on immunofluorescence. Her serum complement levels are normal.
Which of the following lesions is most likely to be seen in her kidneys with
renal biopsy?
a. Renal cell carcinoma d- Nodular glomerulosclerosis
b. Acute glomerulonephritis e- Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis
c. Polycystic change
V- Select the most appropriate answer (5.5 mark for each):
9- Hematuria is least likely to occur in:
a. Renal cell carcinoma
b. Transitional cell carcinoma of renal pelvis and ureter
c. Acute post infectious glomerulonephritis
d. Urine lithiasis
e. Minimal change glomerulonephritis
10- In polycystic kidney which of the following is false:
a. It is familial disease e. Enlarged kidneys
b. The renal involvement is occasional unilateral
c. The disease is usually asymptomatic until early adult or middle life
d. Renal failure late in the course
11- Which of the following is not a feature of Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease?
a. Occurs in diabetes e. Nodular glomerulosclerosis
b. Hyalinization of efferent arteriole
c. Thickened basement membrane
d. Subepithelial glomerular deposits
12- The most characteristic feature of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis is
a. Crescent formation d. Hyaline nodules
b. Sub-epithelial dense deposits e. Wire-loop lesions
c. Thickened capillary loops
13- Nephritic edema differs from nephritic edema in having:
a. Mild edema c. Distributed on face and eyes
b. Heavy proteinuria d. Occurs in acute glomerulonephritis
14- Which of the following conditions does not predispose to urolithiasis?
a. Hydronephrosis c. Chronic pyelonephritis
b. Hypercalcemia d. Hydrocele e. cystitis
VI- Write short notes on the following: the answer on the question paper!
15- Classification of testicular tumors and discuss one of them.
16- Genitourinary TB?
Pathology exam Dr. Fayed Al-Yousofy
8- Segmoidoscopy will reveal what typical findings in patient with Crohn's disease:
a. Sheets of white blood cells with inflammaed mucosa c. Fungating mass
16- Segmoidoscopy will reveal what typical findings in patient with Crohn's disease:
a. Sheets of white blood cells with inflammaed mucosa c. Fungating mass
b. Inflammatory disease
c. Metaplastic process
d. Neoplastic lesion
42- Barrett's esophagus predisposes to development of:
a. Reflux esophagitis
b. Esophageal varices
c. Squamous cell carcinoma
d. Adenocarcinoma
43- The following features characterized ulcerative colitis except:
a. Formation of crypt abscess and cryptitis
b. Superficial mucosal ulceration
c. Depletion of goblet cells
d. Stricture formation in chronic cases.
44- Tuberculous ulcers in bowel have the following features except:
a. They begin in Peyer's patches
b. The are transverse to the long axis
c. Advanced cases may cause intestinal obstruction
d. Often cause intestinal perforation
45- The following type of colorectal polyps has highest malignant transformation:
a. Hyperplastic polyp
b. Adenomatous plyp
c. Villous adenoma
d. Tubulovillous adenoma
XXV- Discuss the pathology of peptic ulcer?
XXVI- Inumerate the pathological lesions of hepatointestinal
24- Segmoidoscopy will reveal what typical findings in patient with Crohn's disease:
a. Sheets of white blood cells with inflammaed mucosa c. Fungating mass
32- Segmoidoscopy will reveal what typical findings in patient with Crohn's disease:
a. Sheets of white blood cells with inflammaed mucosa c. Fungating mass
Obstructive uropathy will cause dilation of renal pelvises and calyses also known
as –
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology
24.A patient with hemoptysis and renal failure has a renal biopsy which reveals
proliferative glomerulonephritis. Immunofluorescence reveals linear deposits of IgG
C3. The diagnosis is:
A. acute post-infectious glomerulonephrities
B. membranous nephropathy
C. Goodpasture’s syndrome
D. minimal change disease
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology
Pathophysiology exam
III. Define the following
1) Embolus (3 marks)
2) Dementia (3 marks)
3) Epilepsy (2 marks)
4) Septicemia (3 marks)
5) Seizure (2 marks)
6) Stroke (2 marks)
7) Coma (2 marks)
IV. Select the appropriate answer of the following (1 mark for each question):
1) A patient did a urinary catheter and developed pyogenic arthritis in knee
joint. The underlying mechanism of his knee joint infection is:
a. Toxemia
b. Bacteremia
c. Viremia
d. Acute renal failure.
2) A patient with CML develops thrombosis because of all except:
a. Slow circulation
b. Abnormal blood vessels
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology
b. Immunity only
c. Bacterial enzymes
d. Type III hypersensitivity
16) The idea of vaccination of many disease like measles after 6-9 months and
not directly after birth, because:
a. These disease have cellular immunity
b. The period of 6-9 months is enough for passive immunity to finish
c. Immunity of viral disease depend on secretory immunoglobulin (IgA)
that cross placenta.
d. Measles before 9 months is rare.
17) The strategy in TB treatment should take long course based on all except:
a. TB bacilli usually resist antituberculous drugs
b. TB bacilli are intracellular organisms
c. Anti-TB cant not pass the caseous material to kill TB bacilli
d. To allow organization and fibrosis of the caseous material.
18) Patient have dementia then develops muscle rigidity, bradykinesia and
static tremors. This patient has:
a. Parkinsonism
b. Huntington's chorea
c. Lewy disease
d. Alzheimer's disease
19) Patient have dementia and develops abnormal involuntary jerky dance-like
movements. This patient has:
a. Rheumatic chrorea
b. Huntington's chorea
c. Myoclonic epilepsy
26) The mechanism of immatinib in leukemia treatment:
a. Free radical formation
b. Inhibit Bcr-Abl tyrosin kinase
c. Activation of perforin and granzyme B
d. Inhibit reverse transcriptase enzyme
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology
Pathophysiology exam
I. Define the following
1) Thrombus (3 marks)
2) Dementia (3 marks)
3) Partial complex seizures (2 marks)
4) Pyemia (3 marks)
5) Seizure (2marks)
6) Stroke (2 marks)
7) Shock (2 marks)
II. Select the appropriate answer of the following (1 marks for each question):
1) A patient did a urinary catheter and developed pyogenic arthritis in knee
joint. The underlying mechanism of his knee joint infection is:
a. Toxemia
b. Bacteremia
c. Viremia
d. Acute renal failure.
2) A hypertensive patient develops thrombosis in his carotid arteries. All the
following mechanisms contributes to thrombus formation are applied
a. Slow circulation
b. Abnormal blood vessels
c. Turbulent blood flow
d. Carotid artery stenosis
3) Primary TB is all except:
a. TB infection for the first time
b. TB in non-immune patient
c. Reactivation TB
d. No previous vaccination
4) The mechanisms for developing hepatic encephalopathy in bilharzial
periportal fibrosis are all except:
a. Fatty change
b. Portosystemic shunt
c. Ammonia overproduction
d. Bleeding esophageal varices
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology
a. Rigidity of muscles
b. Dance like movements
c. Bradykinesia
d. Static tremors.
12) Death of an area of the brain characterizes:
a. Coma
b. Stroke
c. Dementia
d. Epilepsy
13) Abnormal protein seen in parkinsonism called:
a. Amyloid A
b. Amyloid B
c. Neurofibrillary tangels
d. Lewy body
14) Which is characterized TB granuloma
a. Epithelioid cells
b. Lymphocytes
c. Caseation necrosis
d. Plasma cells
15) The pathologic lesions in TB are due to combination of:
a. Immunity and hypersensitivity
b. Immunity only
c. Bacterial enzymes
d. Type III hypersensitivity
16) The idea of vaccination of many disease like measles after 6-9 months and
not directly after birth, because:
a. These disease have cellular immunity
b. The period of 6-9 months is enough for passive immunity to finish
c. Immunity of viral disease depend on secretory immunoglobulin (IgA)
that cross placenta.
d. Measles before 9 months is rare.
17) The strategy in TB treatment should take long course based on all except:
a. TB bacilli usually resist antituberculous drugs
b. TB bacilli are intracellular organisms
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology
Pathophysiology exam
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology
II. Mark (T) for true and (F) for false statement of the following (1 mark for each):
1) Necrosis is tissue death during life ( )
2) Prostaglandin E2 is responsible for chemotaxis ( )
3) Bradykinin is derived from mast cells ( )
4) Membrane phospholipids are the depot of prostaglandins and
leukotriens ( )
5) Inflammatory process in uterine cervix (cervicitis) may cause abortion of
pregnant female due to elaboration of PGE2 ( )
6) Endothelial activation means contraction of endothelial cells and
expression of adhesion molecules ( )
7) The most common type of tissue injury is due to oxygen lake ( )
8) Prostaglandin F2α is responsible for chemotaxis ( )
9) Bradykinin is derived from plasma high molecular weight kininogen ( )
16) Membrane phospholipids are the depot of prostaglandins and
leukotriens ( )
11) Endothelial activation means contraction of endothelial cells and
expression of adhesion molecules ( )
12) The most common type of tissue injury is due to oxygen lake ( )
13) Fatty change – alcohol ( )
14) Free radicals - cell membrane damage ( )
15) C5a of the complement - opsonisation ( )
16) Clotting factor XII - Hageman factor ( )
17) Idiopathic - cause unknown ( )
18) Pathogenesis - direct cause of disease ( )
19) Congenital - present at birth ( )
26) Prognosis - likely disease outcome ( )
21) Aetiology - mechanism of disease production ( )
22) Symptoms - features of an illness that the patient notices ( )
23) Tiredness - clinical sign ( )
24) High blood pressure - clinical sign ( )
25) Platelet aggregation is promoted by thromboxane A2 ( )
26) Metaplasia - precancerous lesion ( )
27) Interleukin-1 (IL-1) – fever ( )
III. Select the single most appropriate answer (2 marks for each):
1) In hypoxic cell injury all are seen except:
t. ATP depletion
u. Free radical formation
v. Lactic acidosis
w. Cellular swelling
2) Free radicals are harmful because of all except:
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology
IV. Discuss with or without diagrammatic illustrations (15 marks for each):
1- Pathogenesis of left side heart failure
Pathophysiology exam
II. Mark (T) for true and (F) for false statement of the following (1 mark for each):
1) The lactating breast shows epithelial hyperplasia ( )
2) Apoptosis is genetically determined cell death ( )
3) Apoptosis is important during organogenesis in embryo ( )
4) Cellulitis is a kind of acute suppurative inflammation ( )
5) Secondary hypertension is caused by diseases of the kidneys or
endocrine glands ( )
6) Right side heart failure is most commonly due to left side heart failure or
primary pulmonary disease ( )
7) Necrosis is tissue death during life ( )
8) Prostaglandin E2 is responsible for chemotaxis ( )
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology
III. Select the single most appropriate answer (2 marks for each):
1) The edema of acute inflammation involves the exudation of protein -rich fluid
22- Primarily through venules and capillaries
23- Primarily through arterioles
24- Only through capillaries
25- Through lymphatic vessels
26- Through all micro vessels more or less equally
2) In hypoxic cell injury all are seen except:
x. ATP depletion
y. Free radical formation
z. Lactic acidosis
aa. Cellular swelling
3) All of the following are characterized by granulomatous inflammation except:
a) Sarcoidosis
b) Tuberculosis
c) Bilharziasis
d) Diphtheria
4) Free radicals are harmful because of all except:
e. Can interact with proteins
f. Injure the DNA
g. Lipid peroxidation
h. Interact with vitamin C
5) All of the following factors contribute to increased risk for the development of
hypertension EXCEPT:
2- Diabetes mellitus
3- High levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL)
4- Hypertension
5- Family history
6- Cigarette smocking
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology
IV. Discuss with or without diagrammatic illustrations (15 marks for each):
1- Pathogenesis of hypoxic cell injury.
2- Pathogenesis of left side heart failure
Pathophysiology exam
VI. Mark (T) for true and (F) for false statement of the following (1 mark for each):
e. The lactating breast shows epithelial dysplasia ( )
f. Apoptosis is programmed cell death ( )
g. Apoptosis always associated with inflammatory response ( )
h. Cellulitis is a kind of localized suppurative inflammation ( )
i. Secondary hypertension is caused by diseases of the kidneys or
endocrine glands ( )
j. Right side heart failure is most commonly due to left side heart failure or
primary pulmonary disease ( )
k. Autolysis is tissue death during life ( )
l. Prostaglandin F2α is responsible for chemotaxis ( )
m. Bradykinin is derived from plasma high molecular weight kininogen ( )
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology
Pathology exam
2- Define the following
a. Thrombus
b. Chronic bronchitis
c. Emphysema
3- Select the appropriate answer of the following:
e. In DIC the following is/are true:
a. Increased platelets in blood
b. Decreased platelets in blood
c. Bleeding tendency
d. a&b
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology
e. b&c
f. A patient with heart failure develops DVT the following mechanism is
a. Slow circulation
b. Abnormal blood vessels
c. Abnormal blood constituents
g. A patient with CML develops thrombosis
a. Slow circulation
b. Abnormal blood vessels
c. Abnormal blood constituents
h. The most dangerous complication of thrombus is
a. Recanalization
b. Dystrophic calcification
c. Calcification
d. Embolization
i. The characteristic thing of Hodgkin's lymphoma is:
i. T- cell type
j. B- cell type
k. RS cells
l. Extranodal usually
j. Fever in leukemic patient may be due to all of the following except:
IV- Cytokine production
V- Hypermetabolic state
VI- Secondary infection
VII- Organ infiltration
k. Bleeding tendency in leukemic patient is usually due to:
X. Increased blood viscosity
XI. Thrombocytopenia
XII. Hypofibrinogenemia
XIII. Secondary bacterial infection
l. Hyperuricemia and gout in leukemic patient is due to
bb. Increased intake of proteins
cc. Tumor lysis
dd. Infiltration of the liver by leukemic cells
Cardiovascular Exam, 2nd year Pathology