Libro Solidworks 2017 PDF
Libro Solidworks 2017 PDF
Libro Solidworks 2017 PDF
Legal Notices...............................................................................................................10
3 SOLIDWORKS Fundamentals.................................................................................25
Application Programming Interface...................................................................................................25
Improved Browse for Folder Dialog Box............................................................................................26
4 Installation................................................................................................................27
Installation Manager .........................................................................................................................27
Previous Toolbox Detected When Installing or Upgrading ...............................................................27
Uninstall Completes Even When DLLs Cannot Be Unregistered......................................................28
5 Administration...........................................................................................................29
Pack and Go Improvements..............................................................................................................29
Preventing Users from Changing System Options ...........................................................................29
Reliability Report and Reboot Check in SOLIDWORKS Rx .............................................................30
6 Assemblies...............................................................................................................32
Assembly Performance Improvements ............................................................................................32
Automatic Browsing when Inserting Components.............................................................................33
Disabling Previews of Hidden Components .....................................................................................33
Facility Layout ..................................................................................................................................33
Publishing an Asset.....................................................................................................................33
Defining a Ground Plane..............................................................................................................35
Using Magnetic Mates.................................................................................................................35
Grouping Components......................................................................................................................42
Improved Shortcut Menu for Configurations......................................................................................44
Loading Documents in Memory Only ...............................................................................................44
Mate Controller Enhancements.........................................................................................................44
Mates .................................................................................................................................................46
Options to Improve Performance in Large Assembly Mode..............................................................48
Preserving Drawing References .......................................................................................................49
Searching for Externally Referenced Documents ............................................................................49
Sorting Components by Their Opening Time....................................................................................49
SpeedPak Enhancements ................................................................................................................50
Treehouse Improvements.................................................................................................................52
7 SOLIDWORKS Composer.......................................................................................54
SOLIDWORKS Composer................................................................................................................54
CGM Outputs and Hotspots Compliant with S1000D 4.x Standard.............................................54
Customize Assembly Tree...........................................................................................................54
New Features in Composer Player Application Programming Interface......................................54
New View Name Templates in Document Properties..................................................................54
Clear Colors Inherited from Parent Nodes in the Assembly........................................................55
SOLIDWORKS Composer Sync.......................................................................................................55
Customize Assembly Tree...........................................................................................................55
SOLIDWORKS Composer Player.....................................................................................................56
New Features in Composer Player Application Programming Interface......................................56
8 SOLIDWORKS Costing............................................................................................57
Bounding Box Nesting Preview for Last Sheet..................................................................................57
Feature Recognition for Operations..................................................................................................57
Cost Estimation Progress Dialog Box Enhancements.................................................................58
MySOLIDWORKS Costing Template Integration..............................................................................59
Costing with Manufacturer Information on MySolidWorks...........................................................59
Rules-based Costing for Parts .........................................................................................................59
Common Rules for Sheet Metal and Machining Parts ................................................................59
9 DimXpert...................................................................................................................66
Creating Basic Size Dimensions.......................................................................................................66
General Block Tolerance...................................................................................................................66
Multiple Edge Selection ....................................................................................................................67
Use of Reference Geometry with DimXpert Dimensions..................................................................67
Using Datums in Auto Dimension Schemes......................................................................................68
Using Polar Dimension Schemes for Geometrically Toleranced Parts.............................................69
11 eDrawings..............................................................................................................90
Opening Files as Read-Only.............................................................................................................90
Password-protected Files..................................................................................................................90
Supported File Types in eDrawings..................................................................................................90
12 SOLIDWORKS Electrical.......................................................................................91
Associating a Data File Shortcut to a Project....................................................................................91
Associating External SOLIDWORKS Assemblies.............................................................................92
Automatically Update Project Level Reports.....................................................................................92
Copying and Pasting with Anchor Points..........................................................................................93
Creating Links in Design Rule Check Reports..................................................................................94
Changing Attribute Visibility...............................................................................................................95
Creating Cable Mark Formulas.........................................................................................................96
Importing and Exporting Drawings with Microsoft Excel...................................................................96
Mark Wires with the Same Value as I/O Address Connected...........................................................97
Other Enhancements for SOLIDWORKS Electrical..........................................................................97
Properties Panel Graphical Enhancement........................................................................................97
14 Import/Export........................................................................................................101
IFC Entity Classification and Custom Property Export ...................................................................101
15 SOLIDWORKS Inspection....................................................................................105
SOLIDWORKS Inspection Add-in...................................................................................................105
Manually Ballooning Drawings ..................................................................................................105
Choosing a VDA Balloon Shape................................................................................................107
Preventing Balloon Renumbering by Locking Balloons.............................................................108
SOLIDWORKS Inspection Standalone...........................................................................................110
Mouse Wheel Zoom in SOLIDWORKS Inspection....................................................................110
16 SOLIDWORKS MBD............................................................................................111
3D PDF Accuracy............................................................................................................................111
3D PDF Template Editor Improvements.........................................................................................112
Aligning Elements......................................................................................................................112
Copying and Pasting Between Pages........................................................................................112
Formatting Text..........................................................................................................................112
Grouping and Ungrouping Elements..........................................................................................113
Inserting Elements at Pointer Location......................................................................................113
Inserting Rectangles..................................................................................................................113
Locking Elements.......................................................................................................................114
Ordering Elements.....................................................................................................................114
Renaming Pages.......................................................................................................................114
Repositioning Pages..................................................................................................................114
Resizing Rows and Columns in Generic Tables........................................................................115
Annotation Display Orientation........................................................................................................115
Attaching Files to 3D PDFs.............................................................................................................115
Comparing 3D PMI Between Parts ................................................................................................116
Exporting PMI Annotations to STEP 242........................................................................................117
Names Match in 3D PDFs...............................................................................................................117
Reordering 3D Views......................................................................................................................117
Reordering 3D Views Using Drag and Drop..............................................................................117
Reordering 3D Views Using Sort Order.....................................................................................117
Sketches Display in 3D PDFs.........................................................................................................117
17 Model Display.......................................................................................................118
Controlling Decals and Scenes by Display States .........................................................................118
Displaying SOLIDWORKS Simulation Results in the Graphics Area..............................................120
19 SOLIDWORKS PDM............................................................................................150
Adding Custom Columns.................................................................................................................150
Changing a Category of a Checked in File......................................................................................151
Controlling the Download Permissions for Users and Groups........................................................151
Copying Group Permissions and Group Members..........................................................................152
Generating SOLIDWORKS MBD 3D PDFs ....................................................................................152
Latest Version Overwrite ................................................................................................................153
User Interface Changes with Version Overwrite .......................................................................153
Preview Enhancements...................................................................................................................155
Quality Enhancements in SOLIDWORKS PDM..............................................................................156
Reference Tree Display Enhancements..........................................................................................156
Rolling Back a File with References ...............................................................................................158
Rolling Back a File Structure......................................................................................................158
Rollback Dialog Box...................................................................................................................158
Parent Reference Handling........................................................................................................161
Searching Local Files......................................................................................................................161
SOLIDWORKS PDM Client and Server Service Pack Compatibility..............................................161
SOLIDWORKS PDF Task Add-in ...................................................................................................162
20 SOLIDWORKS Plastics........................................................................................175
Automatic Valve Gates....................................................................................................................175
Configuration Improvements for PlasticsManager..........................................................................176
Customize Min and Max Values of Plots.........................................................................................176
Faster Loading of Parts...................................................................................................................176
High Accuracy Cooling....................................................................................................................176
Intuitive Weld Line Display..............................................................................................................178
Plot of Part Mass Versus Time........................................................................................................179
Solid Mesh Edit...............................................................................................................................180
User Interface Improvements..........................................................................................................180
21 Routing.................................................................................................................182
Auto Route Enhancements.............................................................................................................182
Automatic Zoom to Fit Option on Adding Route Components........................................................182
Exploded View Tool.........................................................................................................................183
Flatten Enhancements....................................................................................................................183
Enhancements in Edit Flattened Route ....................................................................................183
Flattened Disjointed Routes.......................................................................................................184
Pipe Nipples....................................................................................................................................185
Quality Enhancements and Fixes for Routing.................................................................................186
Reusing Routes for Tubes and Hoses............................................................................................186
Securing Distinct Routes Through Clips .........................................................................................187
22 Sheet Metal..........................................................................................................189
Creating Three Bend Corner Reliefs ..............................................................................................190
Normal Cuts....................................................................................................................................191
Punch Table Support for Mirrored and Derived Parts.....................................................................192
Sheet Metal Options........................................................................................................................192
23 SOLIDWORKS Simulation...................................................................................193
Automatic Update of Beam Joints...................................................................................................193
Converting a Static Study to a New Study......................................................................................194
Detecting Stress Hot Spots ............................................................................................................194
Display Simulation Results in SOLIDWORKS Graphics Area.........................................................195
Editing Multiple Contact Sets .........................................................................................................195
Improved Arc Length Control Method for Nonlinear Contact Analysis ...........................................196
Intelligent Solver Switch .................................................................................................................197
Managing Dynamic Analysis Results..............................................................................................197
Macro Recording in Simulation ......................................................................................................198
Mass Properties in Simulation ........................................................................................................198
Offloaded Simulation ......................................................................................................................198
Running an Offloaded Simulation..............................................................................................199
Performance Improvements for SOLIDWORKS Simulation............................................................200
Post Processing Improvements for SOLIDWORKS Simulation......................................................202
Probing Results at Selected Nodes ................................................................................................202
Remote Loads and Mass for Beams ..............................................................................................203
Self-dismissed Solver Messages ...................................................................................................203
24 Sketching..............................................................................................................204
Creating Sketch Offsets on 3D Geometry Surfaces .......................................................................204
Enhancements to the Segment Tool...............................................................................................206
Prevention of Accidental Micro Lines .............................................................................................206
Shaded Sketch Contours ...............................................................................................................206
Extruding Shaded Sketch Contours ...............................................................................................207
26 SOLIDWORKS Visualize......................................................................................212
Installing SOLIDWORKS Visualize.................................................................................................212
SOLIDWORKS Visualize Add-in.....................................................................................................212
SOLIDWORKS Visualize Boost......................................................................................................213
Installing and Configuring Visualize Boost ................................................................................213
Adding a Boost Cluster to a List of Cluster Profiles ..................................................................213
Rendering Output to a Cluster...................................................................................................213
Context Sensitive Help....................................................................................................................214
Creating Section Views...................................................................................................................214
Home Screen .................................................................................................................................216
Pivot Point Snapping.......................................................................................................................217
Using SOLIDWORKS Camera Navigation and Shortcuts...............................................................217
Legal Notices
1995-2016, Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corporation, a Dassault Systmes SE company,
175 Wyman Street, Waltham, Mass. 02451 USA. All Rights Reserved.
The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without
notice and are not commitments by Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corporation (DS SolidWorks).
No material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or
manually, for any purpose without the express written permission of DS SolidWorks.
The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or
copied only in accordance with the terms of the license. All warranties given by DS SolidWorks
as to the software and documentation are set forth in the license agreement, and nothing
stated in, or implied by, this document or its contents shall be considered or deemed a
modification or amendment of any terms, including warranties, in the license agreement.
Patent Notices
SOLIDWORKS 3D mechanical CAD and/or Simulation software is protected by U.S. Patents
6,219,049; 6,219,055; 6,611,725; 6,844,877; 6,898,560; 6,906,712; 7,079,990; 7,477,262;
7,558,705; 7,571,079; 7,590,497; 7,643,027; 7,672,822; 7,688,318; 7,694,238; 7,853,940;
8,305,376; 8,581,902; 8,817,028, 8,910,078; 9,129,083; 9,153,072, 9,262,863 and foreign
patents, (e.g., EP 1,116,190 B1 and JP 3,517,643).
eDrawings software is protected by U.S. Patent 7,184,044; U.S. Patent 7,502,027; and
Canadian Patent 2,318,706.
U.S. and foreign patents pending.
The Software is a commercial item as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (OCT 1995),
consisting of commercial computer software and commercial software documentation as
such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (SEPT 1995) and is provided to the U.S. Government
(a) for acquisition by or on behalf of civilian agencies, consistent with the policy set forth in
48 C.F.R. 12.212; or (b) for acquisition by or on behalf of units of the Department of Defense,
consistent with the policies set forth in 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 (JUN 1995) and 227.7202-4 (JUN
In the event that you receive a request from any agency of the U.S. Government to provide
Software with rights beyond those set forth above, you will notify DS SolidWorks of the scope
of the request and DS SolidWorks will have five (5) business days to, in its sole discretion,
accept or reject such request. Contractor/Manufacturer: Dassault Systemes SolidWorks
Corporation, 175 Wyman Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02451 USA.
Copyright Notices for SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Product
Outside In Viewer Technology, 1992-2012 Oracle
2011, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Welcome to SOLIDWORKS 2017
SOLIDWORKS 2017 delivers
many enhancements and
improvements, most created
in direct response to customer
requests. This release focuses
on helping you get your work
done faster and more easily
than ever before by enabling
you to:
Design. Drive innovation with precise, advanced modeling capabilities. Work faster with
more control and less overhead.
Validate. Solve complex problems and validate your designs with confidence and ease.
Increase productivity while gaining greater insights into design performance.
Collaborate. Accelerate new product innovation with efficient content sharing across the
complete supply chain. Leverage existing content and engage all team members more
Build. Implement a fully integrated model-based manufacturing strategy. Use your 3D CAD
models, including dimensions, tolerances, annotations, tables, and electrical information to
create all your manufacturing deliverables.
Manage. Execute a multi-disciplinary product data management workflow. Collect and
manage all design data across your entire enterprise.
Welcome to SOLIDWORKS 2017
Top Enhancements
Sample Files
For More Information
Top Enhancements
The top enhancements for SOLIDWORKS 2017 provide improvements to existing products
and innovative new functionality.
Welcome to SOLIDWORKS 2017
SOLIDWORKS Purging Inactive Toolbox Configuration Data on page 209
Sample Files
Beginning in SOLIDWORKS 2017, sample files are stored in a new location.
The previous location was in the SOLIDWORKS installation folder. The Program Files
folder is restricted from write-access by default on all supported operating systems. Many
users were unable to complete tutorials due to these restrictions. The Public Documents
folder, by default, is writeable and visible to all users.
To open sample files for this book, go to drive letter:\Users\Public\Public
Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2017\whatsnew\chapter name\filename.
For example, C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2017\
whatsnew\sheet metal\bracket.sldprt.
Interactive What's
In SOLIDWORKS, click the symbol to display the section of
this manual that describes an enhancement. The symbol appears
next to new menu items and the titles of new and changed
To enable Interactive What's New, click Help > What's New >
What's New What's New Examples are updated at every major release to
Examples provide examples of how to use most top enhancements in the
To open What's New Examples click Help > What's New >
What's New Examples.
Release Notes Provides information about late changes to our products, including
changes to the What's New book, online help, and other
User Interface
This chapter includes the following topics:
Option Description
Manual (Drag and Lets you drag and drop configurations in the configuration
Drop) tree. As you drag up or down the tree, each configuration
that you drag over is highlighted. The configuration that you
are moving drops immediately below the currently highlighted
item when you release the pointer.
History-Based Sorts by the date the configuration was created, from earliest
created at the top of the list to most recently created at the
bottom of the list.
User Interface
User Interface
To locate comments more easily, you can turn on the comment indicators.
You can add standalone comments that are not attached to a feature or node in the
FeatureManager design tree.
When you create or edit a comment, you can attach an image or a screen capture of
the model.
You can view feature comments in the PropertyManager.
When you add a comment to a feature, a timestamp is added automatically to the
You can view all comments in one dialog box and export the comments to a Microsoft
Word document.
User Interface
You can also right-click the Comments folder and click Add Comment to add a
standalone comment.
Insert image . Lets you browse for an image and adds it in the comment with
a preview.
Insert screenshot . Adds an image of the graphics area in the comment with
a preview.
User Interface
Edit Feature .
4. In the PropertyManager, under Comment, click Edit.
5. Modify the comment and click Save and Close.
6. Click .
The tool is split into two: . On the left side, you can toggle between hide all types
and show the previous visibility state. On the right side, you can view the existing list of
types to change visibility of one item at a time.
User Interface
Selection Breadcrumbs
Selection breadcrumbs have better feedback. When you hover over the items, breadcrumbs
display information only for the mates that are applicable for the selected face, edge,
vertex, feature, or body.
Enhancements include additional feedback for:
Assembly mates. Mate breadcrumbs are better aligned so you know which mates apply
to the selected parts or subassemblies.
When you click a breadcrumb, only the mates that are associated with the entity appear.
In addition, breadcrumbs provide easy access to a parts reference planes to let you:
Control the reference plane visibility.
Pre-select reference planes for use as sketch planes, use in a feature, or creating an
assembly mate.
Shortcut Menus
The shortcut menus are enhanced and standardized to provide quick access to the most
commonly used tools.
To increase efficiency, duplicate tools are removed and related tools are moved to flyout
menus. The long Sketch Entities flyout menu uses the compact grid format to avoid
unnecessary mouse travel. You can scroll through the menu using the middle mouse
wheel if the menu runs off the screen.
User Interface
In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click the top node and click Tree Display
> Do not show Configuration/Display State Names if only one exists.
If there is only one configuration, the configuration and display state names are
suppressed. You can still access the information in the FeatureManager design tree
by hovering over the component.
If there is more than one configuration, the configuration and display state names
appear after the component name.
Touch-based Interactions
Touch gestures are revised to make the user experience easier and more intuitive. The
software is enhanced to support controls for basic view manipulation on touch screen
You can work on models using the touch gestures and perform actions like a finger drag
to rotate and a two finger drag to pan. Also, you can use Pan, Roll, and Zoom In/Out
actions concurrently. These updated controls apply to Microsoft Windows 8 and later
SOLIDWORKS Fundamentals
This chapter includes the following topics:
Delete either the selected components of a subassembly or the subassembly of the
selected component.
Get or set the display state of a drawing view.
Group selected edges or sketch segments into one object for the path for a sweep
Get the persistent reference ID of the configuration referenced in a drawing view.
Get or set whether to display the description of a configuration in a bill of materials.
Get or set whether to enable cell drop-down lists in design tables.
Get or set the vertical justification of a standard note.
Get or set the length of a bent leader.
Get or set whether to propagate visual properties in a table-driven pattern.
Synchronize flexible subassemblies when creating a linear or circular pattern of
components in an assembly.
Get or set whether to propagate visual properties in a derived pattern feature.
Get or set whether to disable an equation and get the number of disabled equations
in a model.
Specify a sketch plane, surface/face/plane, vertex, or offset as a start condition when
creating an extruded surface.
Draft angles, cap ends, delete original faces, and knit the bodies created by deleting
original faces in extruded surfaces.
Specify multiple drawing sheets whose setups to modify.
Update SOLIDWORKS Toolbox components in the specified assembly level using the
current information in Toolbox settings.
Create SpeedPak configurations for subassemblies in an assembly.
Rebuild all features or rebuild only those features that need to be rebuilt in all
configurations without activating each configuration in a model.
Create a STEP 242 file from SOLIDWORKS MBD.
Create a derived pattern feature, get or set which pattern instance to use as the seed
feature for a derived pattern feature, and get or set whether to propagate visual
properties in a derived pattern feature.
Get the DimXpert name for an annotation.
Fire a notification when publishing an assembly or part document to SOLIDWORKS
This chapter includes the following topics:
Installation Manager
Previous Toolbox Detected When Installing or Upgrading
Uninstall Completes Even When DLLs Cannot Be Unregistered
Installation Manager
The following products are available in the Installation Manager:
SOLIDWORKS PCB is part of the Individual installation. On the Serial Number page,
you must enter a serial number for SOLIDWORKS PCB in the Electrical Design section.
SOLIDWORKS PCB Services is part of the Server installation. On the Welcome page,
select Install SOLIDWORKS PCB Services on this computer. SOLIDWORKS PCB Services
requires you to assign a port number. The default port number is 9780.
SOLIDWORKS Visualize and SOLIDWORKS Visualize Boost
Both products can be installed as part of the Individual installation. For more
information about the Visualize products, see the SOLIDWORKS Visualize section.
Previously, you could only install these products from separate installation packages.
Uninstall Completes Even When DLLs Cannot Be
You can uninstall the SOLIDWORKS software even if some DLLS cannot be unregistered.
At the end of the uninstall process, a dialog box lists which DLLs failed to unregister.
Typically, no further action is necessary.
Previously, uninstalling SOLIDWORKS failed if one or more DLLs could not be unregistered.
This chapter includes the following topics:
access the network location with the .sldSettings file where the lock definitions are
The Settings Administrator Tool is installed with a SOLIDWORKS administrative image.
You can run the tool from the location where you stored the image.
The Settings Administrator Tool is stored in the following default location: C:\SolidWorks
Admin\SOLIDWORKS <version>\64bit\SOLIDWORKS\Program Files 64\SOLIDWORKS\
This chapter includes the following topics:
Facility Layout
You can use special tools and workflows when you work with very large models such as
plant layouts.
You can define connection points and a ground face in part and assembly models and
publish the models as assets. When you insert an asset into an assembly, magnetic mates
snap the asset into position relative to other assets.
You can create a SpeedPak configuration of an asset directly in the Asset Publisher
PropertyManager. Using SpeedPak configurations can greatly enhance performance,
especially in very large assemblies. However, you cannot use entities from an existing
SpeedPak when creating an asset.
Publishing an Asset
You can publish a model as an asset. You define connection points that enable the asset
to snap into position relative to other assets in an assembly. Optionally, you define a
ground face, and you can create a SpeedPak configuration.
To publish an asset:
Option Description
Ground Face Defines which face of the model to attach to the ground
plane when you insert the asset into an assembly. Select a
model face.
Ground Face (Optional.) Defines the offset distance for the selected model
Distance face from the ground plane. Enter a value.
Option Description
Reverse Direction (Optional.) Controls the alignment of the ground face relative
to the ground plane. Click Reverse Direction , or click
the handle in the graphics area.
Option Description
Connect Reference Defines the name of the connecting point you are creating.
Name Enter a name or use the default.
Connect Direction Defines the direction in which to snap when you drag the
asset near another asset's connection point in an
assembly. Select a face.
7. Click .
2. (Optional.) Click Reverse Direction , or click the handle in the graphics area.
3. Click .
Ground Plane appears in the FeatureManager design tree. When you insert an
asset, the asset's ground face snaps to the assembly's ground plane.
4. Select the edge shown for Connect point for magnetic mate under Connecting
7. Rotate the part and select the edge shown for Connect point for magnetic mate.
10. Click .
The FeatureManager design tree updates to include Published References containing
Ground Plane, Connector1, and Connector2.
4. Select the edge shown for Connect point for magnetic mate under Connecting
7. Rotate the part and select the edge shown for Connect point for magnetic mate.
10. Click .
The FeatureManager design tree updates to include Published References containing
Ground Plane, Connector1, and Connector2.
4. Click .
The FeatureManager design tree updates to include Ground Plane.
1. Click Insert Components (Assembly toolbar) or Insert > Component > Existing
2. In the PropertyManager, in Open documents, select straight_track and drag the
pointer with the attached track to the graphics area as shown.
5. Drag the curved track toward the straight track and notice the magnetic mate snap
line that appears as you drag the curved track closer to straight track.
If you release the curved track when the snap line is displayed, the tracks will mate.
6. Click to release the curved track so that it snaps to the straight track.
Station station.SLDPRT
Bridge bridge.SLDPRT
Playground playground.SLDASM
Grouping Components
In the FeatureManager design tree, you can automatically group the same components
with the same configuration into a folder-like structure.
Grouping can greatly condense the length of the FeatureManager design tree and make
it easier to find components, especially in large assemblies.
In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click the top-level assembly and click Tree
Display > Group Component Instances.
9. Click .
In the graphics area, right-click the mate dimension and click Driven.
In the FeatureManager design tree, in the Mates folder, right-click the mate and
select Driven.
In the graphics area, select the mate dimension. Then in the PropertyManager, on
the Other tab, select Driven.
You can change the mate dimension back to driving by repeating one of the methods
above and clearing Driven.
Verification on Rebuild
You can control the existing option, Disable verification on rebuild, for LAM.
To disable verification on rebuild for LAM:
1. Click Tools > Options > System Options > Assemblies.
2. Under When Large Assembly Mode is active, select Disable verification on rebuild.
Option Description
Go To Referenced Opens the File Locations section of the Options dialog box.
2. On the Assembly Visualization tab , click the arrow to the right of a column header.
3. On the flyout list, click More.
4. In the Custom Column dialog box, in Properties, select SW-Open Time.
5. Click OK.
SW-Open Time becomes the column header, and the opening time for each
component appears.
6. Click the column header to sort the components by opening time. Click again to
reverse the sort order.
SpeedPak Enhancements
You can include reference geometry and curves in a SpeedPak. You can select sketches
from any level of the assembly to include in a SpeedPak.
Previously, all top-level unabsorbed sketches were included in the SpeedPak. You had to
suppress top-level sketches that you wanted to exclude, and you could not select sketches
in subassemblies.
To include reference geometry and sketches in a SpeedPak:
Treehouse Improvements
Open Structure. Opens the entire Treehouse structure in Microsoft Excel. Parts
and assemblies appear in an indented list.
Open Parts Only. Opens only parts from a Treehouse structure in Microsoft Excel.
4. Click OK.
Microsoft Excel opens with a spreadsheet of the entire structure or parts. The columns
included in the spreadsheet are Document Name, Active Configuration, and
Quantity. Each file property is displayed in its own column. The Quantity value for
duplicate parts is shown for each instance in the structure.
Printing Structures
You can print Treehouse structures on paper or to PDF.
In Treehouse, click Print and set options in the dialog box. The system prints to the
extents of the structure.
User Interface
User interface improvements include:
Redesigned interface consistent with the SOLIDWORKS software user interface.
Removed animations when you click Show Document Properties on a node.
Changed icons for drawings. Click to minimize a drawing. Previously you had to click
to minimize display of a drawing in the structure. This icon change eliminates confusion
about what happens to the drawing reference.
Editable document names in the structure. Double-click any document name to edit
the text. Previously you had to click Show Document Properties to change a
document name.
This chapter includes the following topics:
SOLIDWORKS Composer Sync
SOLIDWORKS Composer Player
SOLIDWORKS Composer software streamlines the creation of 2D and 3D graphical
contents for product communication and technical illustrations.
SOLIDWORKS Composer Player
SOLIDWORKS Costing is available in SOLIDWORKS Professional and SOLIDWORKS Premium.
Costing for assemblies is only available in SOLIDWORKS Premium only.
Multi-selection capability is provided in the CostingManager for the following features and
operations in single body mode:
Hole features. Convert to circular pockets, splitting hole chains, and Move To.
Hole operations. Select tools for drill, counter-bore, counter-sink, tap operations, and
additional hole operations.
Mill features. Convert to holes or volume features, and Move To.
Mill operations. Select tools for mill operations, additional operations, and remove
additional operations.
Volume features. Change machines, processing, convert to mill, drill, or turn tools, and
Move To.
Volume operations. Select tools for drill, mill, or turn.
Facing features. Convert facing to end cut features, and Move To.
Facing operations. Select a common tool for facing operations.
End cut features. Apply Run No Cost, Apply Cost Override, Edit Cost Override and
Remove Cost Override. Convert end cut features to facing features, and Move To.
Machining Cut Path features. Apply Run No Cost, Apply Cost Override, Edit Cost Override,
and Remove Cost Override. Select cut path features and apply a cutting machine.
Sheet metal bend features. Select edge and hem bend and apply a cutting feature.
Turning features. Select turning features and apply a machine, select ID turning features
and apply a drill tool, Move To.
You can add stock in X, Y and, Z directions of Plate stock body types similar to the Block
stock body type.
You can apply part settings for an assembly in the CostingManager instead of modifying
them in the Costing Task Pane.
1. In a sheet metal part, in the Costing Task Pane, under Costing Template, click
2. Under Manufacturer, select a manufacturer from the drop-down list.
3. Under Template, select a template from the drop-down list.
4. Click Begin Cost Estimation.
Option Description
IF a material is chosen, THEN add a Sets a predefined cost for the chosen
cost material.
Option Description
IF a material is chosen, THEN add a Sets a custom operation for the selected
custom operation material.
IF model weight is a certain size, THEN Sets a cost if the model weight is between
add a cost two predefined weight values.
IF model weight is a certain size, THEN Sets a cost as a percentage of the total,
add a cost as % of calculated cost material, or manufacturing cost, if the
model weight is between two predefined
weight values.
IF the longest edge of the stock Sets a custom operation if the longest edge
bounding box is a certain size, THEN of the stock machining bounding box (X, Y,
add a custom operation or Z axis) is between two predefined length
IF the longest edge of the stock Sets a cost if the longest edge of the stock
bounding box is a certain size, THEN bounding box (X, Y, or Z axis) is between
add a cost two predefined length values.
IF the longest edge of the stock Sets a cost as a percentage of the total,
bounding box is a certain size, THEN material, or manufacturing cost, if the
add a cost as % of calculated cost longest edge of the stock bounding box (X,
Y, or Z axis) is between two predefined
length values.
Option Description
Option Description
USE the plate stock body type IF the Uses the plate stock body type if the
bounding box is a certain size smallest dimension of a part bounding box
is less than a predefined weight value.
Option Description
IF a part is between X and Y Weight, Sets a bend setup operation from the
THEN use THIS bend setup operation available bend setup operations for the part,
to form the part if its weight is between two predefined
Subassembly Costing
While costing an assembly, you can either use a Flat Tree mode or a Nested Tree mode.
You can also cost subassemblies or apply purchased cost to them.
The two modes of Costing are:
Flat Tree Costs top assemblies without costing subassemblies. The Flat
Tree option costs assemblies as per the existing behavior.
Nested Tree Costs the top assembly and its subassemblies or applies purchased
cost to subassemblies.
Apply component cost When you change the cost of a component having multiple
changes to multiple instances within or outside of subassemblies, the cost
instances across the change is applied across all instances in the assembly.
whole assembly.
Costing preference. Following is the order of preference for Costing for an uncosted
Option Description
You can view only parts and not assemblies in the above sections.
7. To set or change a predefined cost, select the part in Cost defined and type the
8. Under Toolbox Parts, select parts and set one of the following:
Exclude. Excludes the selected bodies from cost calculations.
Include. Includes the selected bodies for cost calculations.
When you click Yes, the subassemblies that are saved with a cost calculated with
a flat tree method may change.
11. In the CostingManager, right-click the subassembly cost and click one of these options
on the shortcut menu:
Use Cost from Template
Use Purchased Cost
Use Custom property Cost
Use Calculated Cost
You can change between Use Cost from Template/ Use custom property Cost,
Use Purchased Cost and Use Calculated Cost options. If a custom property is
defined for a subassembly, then the option Use Cost from Template is not visible
on the shortcut menu.
Template Enhancements
1. In a sheet metal or machined part, click Costing (Tools toolbar) or Tools >
SOLIDWORKS Applications > Costing).
2. In the Task Pane, under Costing Template, click Launch Template Editor.
3. In the Costing Template Editor, click any tab with columns and click any column
The table is alphabetically sorted according to the selected column.
1. In a sheet metal or machining part, click Costing (Tools toolbar or Tools >
SOLIDWORKS Applications > Costing).
2. In the Costing Task Pane, under Costing Template, click Launch Template Editor.
3. In the Costing Template Editor, under Operations:
For sheet metal parts, click Cut or Bend.
For machined parts, click Cut, Mill, Drill, Turn, or End Cut.
4. Select rows, right-click the selected rows and click Copy As or Modify.
You can manage options from the cell menus in the Operations tabs.
This chapter includes the following topics:
1. In a part, click Basic Size Dimension (DimXpert toolbar) or Tools > DimXpert
> Basic Size Dimension.
2. Select entities in the graphics area.
3. Place the dimension.
4. In the PropertyManager, set options.
5. Click .
1. Click Auto Dimension Scheme (DimXpert toolbar) or Tools > DimXpert > Auto
Dimension Scheme.
2. In the PropertyManager, under Datum Selection, select the primary datum symbol
and optionally select the secondary and tertiary datum symbols to use when generating
geometric tolerances.
3. Set options.
4. Click .
Detailing and Drawings
This chapter includes the following topics:
Drawing Views
Model Detailing
Notes and Balloons
Performance in Drawings
Arc extension line or opposite side Arc extension line or opposite side
selected cleared
Detailing and Drawings
7. Click .
To set a document property for the origin circle size in a DIN ordinate dimension, click
Tools > Options > Document Properties > Dimensions > Ordinate and click Size.
Detailing and Drawings
Detailing and Drawings
You can reverse the callout order. In the Dimension PropertyManager, under Dimension
Text, select Reverse Callout Order.
You can define the callout in the feature by including additional text. In the Dimension
PropertyManager, under Dimension Text, type the text to include in Text Above, and
Text Below.
Detailing and Drawings
Drawing Views
Detailing and Drawings
3. Click Crop View (Drawing toolbar) or Insert > Drawing View > Crop.
Detailing and Drawings
6. Click .
Emphasizing Outlines
In section views, you can emphasize the outline of cut faces in compliance with ISO
128-50. Typically, this means setting the outline of the faces thicker than other model
lines in the section view.
Detailing and Drawings
1. In a drawing, click Tools > Options > Document Properties > Line Font.
2. In the dialog box, in Type of edge, select Emphasized Section Outline.
3. Set options.
4. Click OK.
Jagged Outlines
Crop and detail views support jagged outlines. Break views support jagged cut break line
Detailing and Drawings
1. In a drawing view, sketch a closed profile for the crop view, for example, a circle.
2. Click Crop View (Drawing toolbar) or Insert > Drawing View > Crop.
6. Click .
1. In a drawing view, click Detail View (Drawing toolbar) or Insert > Drawing
View > Detail.
The Circle tool is active.
2. Sketch a circle.
Detailing and Drawings
1. In a drawing view, click Break View (Drawing toolbar) or Insert > Drawing
View > Break.
2. In the PropertyManager, in Break line style, under Break View Settings, click
Jagged Cut .
Detailing and Drawings
3. Under Shape Intensity, move the slider to define the intensity of the jagged cut.
4. Click to place the first break line.
5. Click to place the second break line.
6. Click .
Detailing and Drawings
Original view
Mirror view
Detailing and Drawings
When you select Scale Hatch Pattern in the Section View PropertyManager, hatches
within this view apply the views scale to the hatch pattern. Previously, only detail views
had this option.
Model Detailing
2. In the dialog box, clear Always display text at the same size.
3. In Text scale, select Custom.
4. In the two fields, enter the first and second value of the custom scale. For example,
enter 3 and 10 to set the scale to 3:10.
Detailing and Drawings
The notes areas are placed in the Notes folder, which is under the Annotations
folder in the FeatureManager design tree. Multiple notes areas let you create various sets
of notes and place them on specific note areas that you can activate.
A notes area is added to the Notes folder with a sequential number following the
name, for example, Note area3.
In the FeatureManager design tree, in the Annotations folder, right-click the Note
area and click Show on Open.
Detailing and Drawings
To change the notes area to display on open, you must first clear the selected notes
area to display. Right-click the notes area and clear Show on Open.
Because the note is linked to a table cell, when the cell value changes, the note updates.
Detailing and Drawings
Detailing and Drawings
Location label displaying the zone of the counterpart location label of the associated
parent or child view
To set this option, click Tools > Options > Document Properties > Annotations >
Location Label and select Display zone of counterpart location label.
1. For parts, click Geometric Tolerance (DimXpert toolbar) or Tools > DimXpert
> Geometric Tolerance.
For drawings, click Geometric Tolerance (Annotation toolbar) or Insert >
Annotations > Geometric Tolerance.
2. In the PropertyManager, under Text, click More.
3. In the Symbol Library, in Categories, select ISO Tolerancing.
New Tolerancing Symbols
Detailing and Drawings
Minimum size
To access the new modifying symbol, in the Symbol Library, in Categories, select
Modifying symbols.
New Modifying Symbol
Conical taper
Performance in Drawings
Detailing and Drawings
1. In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click a drawing sheet and click Properties.
2. In the Sheet Properties dialog box, on the Sheet Properties tab, click Select Sheets
to Modify.
3. In the Sheet Selection dialog box, select the sheets to change.
4. Click OK.
5. On the Sheet Properties and Zone Parameters tabs, set the properties.
6. Click Apply Changes.
Detailing and Drawings
For example, if you create a drawing view of a mirrored sheet metal part, any forming
tools or library features in the mirrored part are available in punch tables.
When creating a derived part, you need to select Sheet metal information in the Insert
Part PropertyManager.
eDrawings Professional is available in SOLIDWORKS Professional and SOLIDWORKS Premium.
Password-protected Files
The free version of eDrawings supports password-protected files.
When you publish an eDrawings file from your CAD application, you can assign a password
to protect the eDrawings file. Previously this functionality was limited to eDrawings
This chapter includes the following topics:
Click the Project tab > New and click Data file shortcuts .
2. In the dialog box, select one or more files to add to the project.
The software creates a shortcut in the document tree and project folder. If you delete
the data file shortcut, the shortcut is removed from the project, and the data file
remains untouched in its current location.
3. Do one of the following:
If you move the target file, the database path updates. When you include shortcuts
in an archive, the file targeted is copied into the project folder and the existing link
is replaced.
If you move the external assembly file, the database path updates. When you
include shortcuts in an archive, the external assembly file is copied into the project
folder and the existing link is replaced.
In the graphics area, right-click and click Copy with insertion point .
Press Ctrl + Shift + C.
6. Position the pointer where you want to insert the content and click.
The content is inserted away from the pointer at the distance specified by the reference
Harness No link.
1. On the Documents browser tab, under Document book, right-click any document
and click Tittle block > Open.
2. On the Edit title block tab, click Show attributes and select an option.
You can also access Show attributes by right-clicking a symbol in the graphics area
and clicking Symbol > Open symbol > Edit symbol > Show attributes.
Alternatively, you can click Excel Automation > Create new Excel file for
automation to open a template and make a new file.
2. In the dialog box, select the custom Excel file and click Open.
3. Select an option:
Change book association. Creates a new association as mentioned in the selected
Microsoft Excel file. For example, if the Excel file creates a new location, a new
book is created and appears in the document tree. The drawings are associated
with the newly created book.
Do not change book association. Keeps the association with the current book
in the project.
Cancel. Exits the current command.
Selecting either of the first two options creates the drawings and displays a summary
dialog box.
To access the line breaker click Project > Configuration > Report > Properties
> Layout.
You can show connection dots on symbols as Always, Never, or only When
You can view current, selected, and opened document highlighted in the document
The Graphical properties tab in the Properties Panel lets you segregate the
contents of a selection. When you select a CAD entity, symbol, or wire element, all of its
associated properties are listed with its graphical entity.
When you select a group of entities, all common properties are displayed. When you
select specific entities, the related properties are displayed. Uncommon properties are
hidden. Changing uncommon properties does not affect the CAD entity because it is driven
at the application level.
The Graphical properties tab includes:
Item Description
SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation
Available as a separately purchased product that can be used with SOLIDWORKS Standard,
SOLIDWORKS Professional, and SOLIDWORKS Premium.
Multiparameter Optimization
Multiparameter Response Surface-based optimization is added to the Parametric Study.
You can conduct an optimization study for more than one input variable. You can select
geometry or simulation parameters as variables.
The target optimization function can be maximizing, minimizing, or matching a value of
a goal or a sum of goals. You can set different weighting factors for each goal to consider
the importance of each goal for the objective function.
To conduct multiparameter optimization, create a Design of Experiments and
Optimization parametric study, run calculation of design points, and click Find Optimum.
Postprocessing Performance
Postprocessing performance has been improved for surface plots and loading results.
Surface plots Surface plots of a very complex geometry shape displayed with
the Use CAD geometry option or comprising hundreds of faces
are created much faster.
Goal plot and surface Goal plots and XY plots can now be displayed in the graphics
plot widgets area. The plots are updated in accordance with the loaded
transient results so you can track how the goal and XY plot
parameters are changing in time.
Transient Simulation Performance
Transient simulation performance has been improved for saving data and viewing transient
Saving data You can minimize transient data saved by saving selected
parameters only instead of saving the whole field. In the
Calculation Options dialog box, on the Saving tab, you can
define when to save Full Results, and you can define time
moments to save as Selected Parameters.
Instant switching The Transient Explorer mode available for selected saved
between transient parameters lets you see transient results without waiting as
time moments long to load. Move a slider and results update immediately.
1. In the Import from Model dialog box, select the project from which you want to use
2. Import the project.
By default, conditions appear in the Analysis tree linked to the conditions in the
You can break the link and move conditions to the main assembly's project.
This chapter includes the following topics:
1. With a model open, click Save As (Standard toolbar) or File > Save As.
2. In the Save As dialog box:
a) In Save as type, select IFC 2x3 (*.ifc) or IFC 4 (*.ifc).
b) Click Options.
3. In the System Options dialog box, set options:
Option Description
Custom Properties or Material and Exports properties for the SOLIDWORKS file.
Mass Properties
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save.
1. With a model open, click Save As (Standard toolbar) or File > Save As.
2. In the Save As dialog box:
a) Set Save as type to 3D Manufacturing Format (*.3mf).
b) Click Options.
3. In the System Options dialog box, set options, including:
Option Description
Show 3MF info before Shows the tessellated model with the options you
saving file set.
Include decals Includes decals with the exported file. Only label
mapped decals are exported to 3MF.
4. Click OK.
5. Click Save.
6. Click Open.
The file is imported.
SOLIDWORKS 3D Interconnect
This functionality is currently available in SOLIDWORKS 2017 as Beta functionality. 3D
Interconnect replaces SOLIDWORKS current translation capabilities with new technology
and workflows for working with third-party native CAD data in SOLIDWORKS 2017.
You can perform the following:
Insert proprietary CAD data directly into a SOLIDWORKS assembly without converting
it to a SOLIDWORKS file.
Open the proprietary 3D CAD format in the SOLIDWORKS software with its associative
link to the original part.
Update changes in the SOLIDWORKS file if you update the proprietary CAD data in its
authoring application by maintaining all downstream features created in SOLIDWORKS.
The following formats and their versions are supported in 3D Interconnect:
CATIA V5*: .CATPart, .CATProduct for V5R8 56R2016
Autodesk Inventor: .ipt for V6 V2016, .iam for V11 V2016
PTC: .prt, .prt.*, .asm, .asm.* for Pro/ENGINEER 16 Creo 3.0
Solid Edge: .par, .asm, .psm for V18 ST8
NX software: .prt for UG 11 NX 10
Inserting a Third-Party Native CAD File into a
This functionality is currently available in SOLIDWORKS 2017 as Beta functionality. You
can insert a third-party native CAD file into a SOLIDWORKS assembly using the Insert
Component tool.
To insert a third-party native CAD file into a SOLIDWORKS assembly:
This chapter includes the following topics:
If you want to balloon most but not all characteristics, you can box select the entire
drawing and then remove characteristics you do not want to balloon.
This step is only needed if you selected Auto Balloon in the Inspection Project
You can override this behavior by using Lock balloons. When you lock balloons:
If you remove a balloon, its number is removed from the sequence without affecting
the other balloon numbers.
If you add new characteristics, they are added at the end of the balloon number
To prevent balloon renumbering:
If you use this method, you can restore the balloon if needed by re-selecting
the check box.
In the graphics area, delete the characteristic that is associated with the balloon,
then click Update Inspection Project .
The software removes the balloon number from the sequence, while maintaining the
original numbering of the remaining balloons.
SOLIDWORKS Inspection Standalone
SOLIDWORKS MBD is available as a separately purchased product that you can use with
SOLIDWORKS Standard, SOLIDWORKS Professional, and SOLIDWORKS Premium.
3D PDF Accuracy
3D PDF Template Editor Improvements
Annotation Display Orientation
Attaching Files to 3D PDFs
Comparing 3D PMI Between Parts
Exporting PMI Annotations to STEP 242
Names Match in 3D PDFs
Reordering 3D Views
Sketches Display in 3D PDFs
3D PDF Accuracy
When you save or publish as 3D PDF, you can set the level of accuracy for a 3D PDF.
To set 3D PDF accuracy:
3. To apply lossy compression to the polygons in the model, select Use lossy
compression on tessellation.
Aligning Elements
You can align two or more template elements by top, bottom, left, right, center, or middle.
To align elements:
1. In the 3D PDF Template Editor, select two or more elements, for example, an image
and a text area.
2. Click Align and click either Left , Center , Right , Top , Middle
, or Bottom .
Formatting Text
You can format text using the styles bold, italic, and underline, and you can align text
left, right, center, and justify.
To format text:
1. Select the text whose style (font, size, bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, color,
and alignment) you want to copy.
Inserting Rectangles
You can insert a rectangle in a 3D PDF template.
To insert rectangles:
Locking Elements
You can lock elements on a template page so that they cannot be moved or resized.
Ordering Elements
You can set the order of elements from front to back.
To order elements:
Option Description
Renaming Pages
You can rename pages in a template.
To rename pages:
Repositioning Pages
You can change the position of the pages in a template by dragging and dropping the
page tab to a new location. This lets you begin a document with a cover page or other
introductory information such as a disclaimer or regulation statements.
Reference document
Modified document
Reordering 3D Views
You can reorder 3D views on the 3D Views tab by using drag and drop or Sort Order.
1. Select a 3D view.
2. Drag and drop it to a location.
When you reorder views using drag and drop, the reordered view is called Custom.
Model Display
This chapter includes the following topics:
2. In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click usb_case1 and click Open Part .
Model Display
When you drag the decal and place it on your component, a manipulator appears
above the decal. You can change the direction and alignment of the decal using
the manipulator.
g) In the Decals PropertyManager, under Display States, select This display state
and click .
h) In the graphics area, right-click and click Edit Scene .
i) In the Task Pane, click Presentation Scenes and drag the Kitchen Background
scene to the graphics area.
j) Click .
Model Display
h) In the Task Pane, click Presentation Scenes and drag the Factory Background
scene to the graphics area.
i) Click .
When you change between display states, the active display state is selected in
the Display State Target dialog box. This is useful for deleting or customizing the
decals and scenes in the active display state.
Model Display
Model Display
Model Display
Section Views
Model Display
2. Click Section View (View toolbar) or View > Display > Section View.
3. In the PropertyManager:
a) Under Section Method, select Zonal.
b) Select Transparent Components.
Model Display
c) Click .
The section view appears with a transparent housing.
Keep Cap Color
In the Section View PropertyManager, the Keep cap color option is selected by default.
Additionally, in previous versions, if you selected Graphics-only section, the Keep cap
color option was automatically selected. This no longer occurs. When selected, Keep
Cap Color is always reflected in the model display with a solid color cap or a part colored
Parts and Features
This chapter includes the following topics:
Advanced Holes
Bidirectional Circular Patterns
Chamfer Enhancements
Converting Features to Bodies and Surfaces
Cut List Sorting
Derived Part References are Retained
Disabling and Enabling Equations in All Configurations
Extrude from Any Size Planar Face
Rebuilding All Configurations
Running FeatureWorks After Adding Items to Imported Parts
Select All for Split Features and Save Bodies
Sweep Profile Selection of Faces, Edges, and Curves
Thread Enhancements
What's Wrong Enhancements
Window Selection for Instances to Skip
Wrap Creates Geometry on Any Face
Advanced Holes
With the Advanced Hole tool, you can define advanced holes from the near and far side
faces. Hole element flyouts help guide the process. A Favorites group box is available
in the PropertyManager.
To better visualize the previews, Ctrl +select all faces and click Appearances. In
the Task Pane, under Glass, double-click clear glass to apply this appearance.
2. Click Advanced Hole (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Advanced
The PropertyManager opens with the Near Side flyout displayed.
3. In the PropertyManager, on the Type tab, under Near And Far Side Faces, select a
A temporary preview of the hole appears. The location is temporary, based on your
initial selection on the face. You set the position later.
Parts and Features
4. In the Near Side flyout, click Insert Element Below Active Element to add a
Near Side element to the advanced hole.
5. In the PropertyManager, under Near and Far Side Faces, select Far Side, then select
the opposite face on the model.
The Near Side flyout now displays two Near Side elements. The Far Side flyout is
active and contains one element. A bar separates the flyouts.
Parts and Features
3. In the flyout, click for the second Near Side element, then click Straight .
You want to modify the specifications for this element.
4. Under Element Specification:
a. In Type, select Screw Clearances.
b. In Size, select 1/4.
c. For Custom sizing, set End Condition to Blind and Depth to 1.
The preview updates to show the modified size and depth for the Straight element.
Parts and Features
In the flyouts, you can drag elements to reposition them. If the drag operation
causes a failed element, that element is highlighted. Hover over the element to
display an error message.
The Far Side element is set as Counterbore. You want to modify it to be a tapped
thread element.
5. In the Far Side flyout, click for the Far Side element, then click Thread .
6. Under Element Specification:
a. In Type, select Tapped hole.
b. In Size, select 1/4-20.
The Far Side element updates up to the middle Near Side element because of the
Up to Next Element end condition.
You can save advanced hole features as Favorites to reuse them. In the
PropertyManager, on the Type tab, under Favorite, you can add, update, delete, save,
or load a favorite advanced hole.
Parts and Features
You can select multiple points or use a sketch to create multiple holes.
If you forget to select the Positions tab and click , the software prompts you to
select a point on the face to locate the hole. Click OK in the prompt to open the
Positions tab and the Sketch toolbar.
2. Click Center Rectangle (Sketch toolbar) and sketch a rectangle, using the sketch
4. Under Instances to Skip, select the center instance orb to remove only this instance
from the preview.
Parts and Features
Parts and Features
Parts and Features
Chamfer Enhancements
The Chamfer PropertyManager has been updated to align with the Fillet tool. There are
two new chamfer types, Offset Face and Face Face, which you can convert from chamfers
to fillets and back.
Parts and Features
This method yields predictable results when chamfering between non-planar faces. Offset
face chamfers can change direction on an edge-by-edge basis, and they support chamfering
entire features and surface geometry.
Right-click a chamfer feature and click Edit Feature . In the PropertyManager, for
Feature Type, click Fillet Type or Chamfer Type, and click .
Right-click a chamfer feature and click Convert Chamfer to Fillet or Convert Fillet
to Chamfer. The PropertyManager opens with the converted Feature Type already
selected. Click .
There are no changes in functionality to the other chamfer types. Their PropertyManagers
have been reorganized.
To access the new chamfer types, click Chamfer (Features toolbar) or Insert >
Features > Chamfer. In the PropertyManager, under Chamfer Type, select Offset
Parts and Features
2. In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click Housing and click Open Part .
The Housing part opens.
3. At the top of the FeatureManager design tree, right-click Housing and click Convert
to Bodies.
4. In the dialog box:
a) Under File Name, change the name to Housing2.SLDPRT.
b) Select Save as.
c) Select Preserve reference geometry and sketches.
d) Click OK.
The converted file retains all the sketches and Plane1 geometry.
Parts and Features
In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click the top level of the Cut list folder
and click Cut List Sorting Options. Under Sorting Options, select Collect Identical
Bodies and click .
Click Tools > Options > Document Properties > Weldments. Under Cut list
options, select Collect identical bodies.
Parts and Features
To preserve the Collect identical bodies option in the Document Properties dialog
box, create a template with this option selected. When you create new weldment
parts with this template, the software automatically checks for identical bodies in
the Cut-List-Item folders.
Parts and Features
1. In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click the top level of the Cut list folder
and click Cut List Sorting Options.
2. In the PropertyManager, under Faces/Features to Exclude, select Cut-Extrude1
from the FeatureManager design tree.
You can select features from the FeatureManager design tree or faces from bodies
in the graphics area. This option is useful for collecting bodies generated from
identical stock material by ignoring features such as holes, fillets, and chamfers.
3. Click .
Parts and Features
In Dimension View , you can enable and disable Global Variables and Features,
but not Dimensions.
Parts and Features
Rebuild All Configurations is available only when there are multiple configurations
in a file.
Parts and Features
Drawing views
Drawing annotations
Drawing dimensions
Part downstream features
Part annotations
Part smart dimensions
Part views and annotation views
Assembly mates
Assembly features
Part, face, body, and component colors and visual properties
Click Insert > Features > Split. Under Resulting Bodies, click Select All .
Click Insert > Features > Save Bodies. Under Resulting Parts, click Select All
To access this functionality, click Swept Boss/Base (Features toolbar) or Insert >
Boss/Base > Sweep. In the PropertyManager, under Profile and Path, select Sketch
Profile, then select a face, edge, or curves.
Parts and Features
Select face for Sketch Select edges using the Sweep feature
Profile SelectionManager for Sketch
Thread Enhancements
Trimmed Threads
You can align threads to end faces. A Cut thread is extended and cut to match the end
face. An Extrude thread is cut to match the end face. In the PropertyManager, under
Thread Options, select Trim with start face and Trim with end face.
Before trim
Parts and Features
After trim
Multiple Starts
Threads can have multiple starts. In the PropertyManager, under Thread Options, select
Multiple Start. Set the number of starts to define the number of times the thread is
created in an evenly-spaced circular pattern around the hole or shaft. The image shows
a four-start thread with a different color per thread.
The thread pitch value must permit multiple starts without causing crossing,
self-intersecting threads. In the example, the pitch of the yellow thread is wide enough
to allow the green, blue, and red threads to be nested inside of it.
A Favorites group box is available in the PropertyManager.
and offers suggestions to correct it. Links appear to either Edit Feature or Edit
Parts and Features
Sketch . Depending on the situation, there may also be links to Preview and Help
To display a list of all errors and warnings, left-click the top node in the FeatureManager
design tree. Click an item in the list to select the item in the FeatureManager design tree.
You can still display the What's Wrong dialog box. Right-click the feature with an error
or warning and click What's Wrong.
Parts and Features
3. In the graphics area, right-click and click Lasso Selection, and select instances to
The orbs change to white, indicating they are skipped from the pattern. The instances
are listed under Instances to Skip.
Parts and Features
4. Click .
If the selection contains skipped and non-skipped instances, the software toggles
the instances from their current state. Skipped instances become non-skipped
and vice versa.
Shift + select only adds instances to Instances to Skip.
Alt + select only removes instances from Instances to Skip.
Selection orbs for instances must be completely within the selection region to
be added to or removed from Instances to Skip.
Parts and Features
The PropertyManager and the preview have also been redesigned. The options in the
PropertyManager are listed in a more logical order with large icons to help you distinguish
between the various wrap types available. The preview displays a dot guide to show where
a wrap starts from on a target face.
To create wrap geometry on any face:
Parts and Features
5. Select the faces along the top handle of the iron. There are a total of six.
6. In the PropertyManager, under Wrap Parameters, set the Thickness to 2mm and
click .
If you want to make the wrap feature stand out, you can change its appearance by coloring
the decal or turning the edges on or off.
SOLIDWORKS PDM is offered in two versions. SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard is included with
SOLIDWORKS Professional and SOLIDWORKS Premium, and is available as a separately
purchased license for non-SOLIDWORKS users. It offers standard data management capabilities
for a small number of users.
SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional is a full featured data management solution for a small and
large numbers of users, and is available as a separately purchased product.
<vault name="EPDM" defaultDelimiter="|" denyDownloadGroups="Group1">
<user name="admin" denyDownload="false"/></vault>
<user name="User1" denyDownload="true"/></vault>
A user cannot download files if the user is denied as part of group or as a user.
Assembly or Part
The Assembly and Part tabs let you define the themes and views to publish in the output.
Theme for SW Assembly 3D PDF Theme Path Path of the theme file. If the
or Theme for SW Part theme file is in the vault, it
must be cached before the
task execution. If the theme
file is outside the vault, it
must be accessible to the
task host.
The transition's Properties dialog box displays Can overwrite latest version during
check in check box. Administrators can set the version overwrite action while running
the transition.
The Check in file dialog box in Dispatch action displays an Overwrite Latest Version
check box. The version overwrite is not supported in the Dispatch action if:
The logged in user lacks overwrite folder permission or state permission.
File versions have associated items set to Auto Update.
The History dialog box displays icon followed by Checked in with version overwrite
under Event for the latest version. For the overwritten version, icon is updated to
icon indicating that the file archive associated with its history event is overwritten by the
latest event.
When you have a cached file version and another user overwrites that file version on
another machine the:
Version Number column in File Explorer displays as -/latest version. When you
select this file, the icon is updated in the Version tab and the Local version status is
updated to Local version has been overwritten.
Child Quick Info icon in the SOLIDWORKS PDM add-in displays as . The Version
Number column displays -/latest version, with the file name and version number in
If a named BOM is associated with the overwritten version of the source file, the icon on
the Bill of Materials tab appears as .
In the Administration tool, in the user's Properties dialog box, the Warnings page for
Check In operation displays a warning, Local version has been overwritten.
Administrators can set this warning to stop check in of a parent file that has overwritten
Preview Enhancements
When previewing SOLIDWORKS files in Windows Explorer (Preview tab), SOLIDWORKS
PDM offers more functionality and controls.
The viewer enhancements let you:
Toggle the exploded view by clicking Explode.
Turn off the card details display in the Preview tab of Windows Explorer, Item Explorer,
and File Viewer. This lets you view the eDrawings preview in the entire preview area.
The Card Preview is turned on by default. To turn it off:
In Windows Explorer, click Display > Card Preview.
In File Viewer, click View > Show File > Card Preview.
In Item Explorer, click View > Card Preview.
SOLIDWORKS PDM defaults to the Background color and Highlight color settings
saved in the eDrawings full viewer.
Card Preview on
The sub-parent relation is displayed with the file name in blue and an upward arrow.
If the selected drawing file has multiple references, the sub-parent relation is displayed
multiple times in the reference tree.
Reference redirection and roll back a file with references functionality is not supported
for items.
1. In the History dialog box, select the version to roll back to and click Rollback.
2. Click Continue Rollback.
3. In the Rollback dialog box, select the files to roll back.
4. For Rollback Point, select the valid event.
5. Ensure that Yes is selected for Redirect parent references of the file to be rolled
back to redirect the references.
6. For Rollback Comments, type a comment.
7. Click Continue.
The list of the referencing files for which the references are redirected or deleted
Files to rollback
Type Displays a thumbnail preview of the file when you hover over the file type
File Name Displays the file to roll back and its referenced files (if any).
Warnings Displays warnings, if any of the rollback conditions are not met.
Rollback Lets you select the references and subparents to rollback. If there are no
warnings, this checkbox is selected by default for the file that triggered
the rollback operation.
Rollback Lets you set the valid Event in the file history for the target version, only
Point if you select Rollback.
Displays No rollback point if Rollback is clear.
Local ver. Displays the local version and the latest version as local version/latest
version of the file.
Displays the referenced version/latest version of the file.
The file is rolled back from the latest version to the referenced version.
Checked Displays the user who checked out the file. This is blank if the file is checked
Out By in.
Checked Displays the computer and local folder where the file is checked out, or
Out In blank if not checked out.
Continue Lets you see the redirected or deleted referencing files of the rolled back
Relative File Path Displays the file path to the root vault.
For DraftSight to PDF Task to complete, you must disable SOLIDWORKS PDM Add-in
in DraftSight on the dedicated task host.
Option Description
Option Description
File Card Maps variables from the source file's data card
to the output file's data card or adds Free Text
to the output file's data card.
Output PDF Details Specifies the name and location of the output
PDF file.
Success Notification and Error Lets you select users and groups to notify.
Option Description
Add variable Activates the Selected variable section so you can specify
variable mapping.
Selected variable
Sets variable mapping.
Option Description
Option Description
Option Description
Option Description
Secondary output path Second location where converted PDF files are saved.
Build the output file path by typing static text and clicking
to select from dynamic variables.
The example in the dialog box shows the currently selected
file format and path.
Advanced Scripting Displays the Advanced Scripting Options dialog box, where
Options you can:
Modify the VB script that controls the task.
Change the user interface type used by the task.
Option Description
Sheet(s) Selects
From sheets in
the range.
Option Description
Option Description
File Card Maps variables from the source file's data card
to the output file's data card or adds Free Text
to the output file's data card.
Output PDF Details Specifies the name and location of the output
PDF file.
Option Description
Success Notification and Error Lets you select users and groups to notify.
Option Description
Add variable Activates the Selected variable section so you can specify
variable mapping.
Selected variable
Sets variable mapping.
Option Description
Option Description
Secondary output path Second location where converted PDF files are saved.
Build the output file path by typing static text and clicking
to select from dynamic variables.
The example in the dialog box shows the currently selected
file format and path.
Option Description
Advanced Scripting Displays the Advanced Scripting Options dialog box, where
Options you can:
Modify the VB script that controls the task.
Change the user interface type used by the task.
Option Description
Option Description
All Sheets Selects all sheets for
the conversion.
Paper size
Standard Lets you select the sheet size
from the list.
Use the referenced version of the Uses the referenced version of the
referenced files (as built) referenced files when the task is triggered.
Use the latest version of the referenced Uses the latest version of the referenced
files files when the task is triggered.
You can no longer convert various file formats to PDF in the Web2 client.
SOLIDWORKS PDM Web2 client and Web client cannot take advantage of the secondary
You can create the secondary SQL servers over LAN and WAN to the primary SQL server.
Using AOAG, SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional can direct the read operations to the
secondary SQL server. This improves the performance in the following ways:
Read operations are directed to the secondary SQL server, significantly reducing the
load on the primary SQL server so it can respond faster, and handle more load.
For read operations, users access the secondary SQL database server instead of
accessing the primary SQL database. This speeds up read operations such as browsing
through vault folders, and accessing Data Cards, Contains, and Where Used information.
In case of high latency between the client and primary SQL Server, having a secondary
SQL server locally to the client improves the performance for read operations.
All write operations are directed to the primary SQL server. During login, the user is
connected to the:
Primary and secondary SQL servers if the secondary SQL server is reachable.
Primary SQL server if the secondary SQL server is not reachable. In this case, the
primary SQL server handles all database operations for that session.
Server Configuration Dialog Box
The Server Configuration dialog box lets you configure the secondary SQL server.
Option Description
SOLIDWORKS Plastics Standard, SOLIDWORKS Plastics Professional, and SOLIDWORKS Plastics
Premium are available as separately purchased products that can be used with SOLIDWORKS
Standard, SOLIDWORKS Professional, and SOLIDWORKS Premium.
In the Results PropertyManager, click to reset the min and max values to their default
After completion of the Coolant Flow Field analysis, new result plot options are available
for coolant velocity and coolant pressure.
The mold open time is included in the Cool solver calculations. This accounts for the effect
of coolant circulating while the mold is open. The mold open time is listed under the Cycle
Time summary in the report.
Weld lines plot at end of filling. Locations where the plastic fronts meet at acute angles
are red. Locations where the plastic fronts meet at obtuse angles are blue.
Automatic The first stage of packing will automatically end if the polymer flow rate
Packing becomes nearly zero, and any remaining Pressure Holding Time will be
Time added to the Pure Cooling Time to determine the new duration of the
second stage of packing. Polymer flow rate is monitored at the interface
between the runner and cavity domains, or at the injection locations if no
runner domain has been defined. The criteria for nearly zero flow rate is
satisfied when the rate of change of part mass falls below 0.01% per
Available in SOLIDWORKS Premium.
Previously, the Zoom to Fit tool was automatically enabled while adding route
components in the graphics area.
To set this option, click Tools > Options > Routing and select Automatically zoom
to fit after addition of route components.
Flatten Enhancements
A route is a disjointed route segment when a route assembly having multiple individual
routes are not connected to each other, forming a circuit-like system.
Pipe Nipples
You can use Nipples for connecting two fittings in a route assembly.
A Pipe nipple is a short piece of pipe with a male pipe thread at both ends or either end.
Support for five types of pipe nipples is provided in the Routing Library Manager.
Five new types of Nipples are provided in the Design Library.
1. Barrel nipple
2. Hex nipple
3. Close nipple
4. Weld nipple
5. Hose nipple
You are notified with an error message that points out the junction, if a penetration is
missing at the junction of pipes.
1. In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click a flexible tube route assembly and
click Reuse Route or click Tools > Routing > Flexible Tubing > Reuse Route.
2. In the PropertyManager:
a) Select Search all subassemblies.
b) Click Browse to search for an existing flexible tube route assembly to open the
route document.
c) Select Maintain route segment length.
The lengths of each route segment are assigned to each route segment of the
reused tube route assembly and the fixed length parameter is applied. All
configurations, if more than one exists, are applied to the reused route.
The reused tube route assembly inherits properties from the parent tube route
assembly, including custom properties and part number from configuration
properties. If the part number is blank in the parent, then the reused tube route
assembly uses the assembly name from the parent assembly.
If a reused route is in the same assembly as the original route, they are grouped
together in the BOM as if they are two instances of the same assembly.
Edits do not propagate from the reused route to the parent tube route
assembly. The reused route is a copy. To preserve the design intent
and keep the reused route from deviating from the parent, several
features are disabled. For example, you cannot add fittings or assembly
features to a reused route.
d) Click .
3. To change the design of the reused route from the parent, you can remove the link
between the reused and the parent routes by right-clicking the reused route in the
FeatureManager design tree and clicking Delink Route.
All Routing features are restored, the icon is removed, and the route is not grouped
with its parent in a BOM.
To edit the route paths of the routes, right-click the route and click Edit Route.
3. Click Tools > Routing > Routing Tools > Route/Edit through Clip .
4. Click any of the route segments and the Clip Axis.
The selected segment and Clip Axis are displayed in Current Primary Selections,
in the PropertyManager.
5. In the PropertyManager:
a) Select Offset from Clip Axis.
The default value of Offset Distance 1 is 5.
b) Set Offset Distance 1 to 2.
c) Click Refresh.
The value is updated in the graphics area.
d) Click Enter Sketch Drag Mode
6. Drag the route segment to another location within the clip.
7. Click .
8. Repeat steps 3 through 10 for the other two route segments.
9. Repeat step 3 and click the Clip Axis.
Three routes appear in the PropertyManager, under Routes passing through clip.
Sheet Metal
This chapter includes the following topics:
Sheet Metal
2. Click Corner Relief (Sheet Metal toolbar) or Insert > Sheet Metal > Corner
3. In the PropertyManager:
a) Under Corner Type, select 3 Bend Corner.
To create a three bend corner, the model must have three bends where the bend
lines meet exactly at one point.
b) Under Corners, click Collect all corners.
Sheet Metal
d) Click .
Reliefs are added to the corners.
Normal Cuts
The Normal cut option in the Cut-Extrude PropertyManager is improved and delivers
better results.
For sheet metal parts with extruded cut features created prior to SOLIDWORKS 2017,
select Normal cut and Optimized geometry in the Cut-Extrude PropertyManager to
take advantage of the enhanced functionality.
The geometry now produces smoother results. The following example shows an extruded
cut based on a circular sketch.
Punch Table Support for Mirrored and Derived Parts
For drawings of mirrored and derived sheet metal parts, punch information is supported
in punch tables.
For example, if you create a drawing view of a mirrored sheet metal part, any forming
tools or library features in the mirrored part are available in punch tables.
When creating a derived part, you must select Sheet metal information in the Insert
Part PropertyManager.
See Retrieval of Sheet Metal Components on Drawings on page 89.
The Sheet Metal folder in the FeatureManager design tree contains sheet metal
definitions for individual sheet metal bodies. In this folder, you can define common sheet
metal parameters for all bodies or have individual settings for each body. The following
options let you control the default behavior for newly created sheet metal bodies - whether
sheet metal definitions follow the Sheet Metal folder settings or not.
You can save these options in a template because they are document specific.
In Tools > Options > Document Properties > Sheet Metal, under New Sheet Metal
Bodies, select:
Override default parameters
Override bend allowance parameters
Override auto relief parameters
When selected, these options override the Sheet Metal folder parameters. In the individual
sheet metal body PropertyManagers, the corresponding Override default parameters
check boxes are selected. When all options are cleared, all individual body sheet metal
parameters are driven by the settings in the Sheet Metal folder.
SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard, SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional, and SOLIDWORKS
Simulation Premium are available as separately purchased products that can be used with
SOLIDWORKS Standard, SOLIDWORKS Professional, and SOLIDWORKS Premium.
1. In a static study tree, right-click the top icon, and click Convert Study.
2. Under Source Study, select the source static study to copy to a new target study.
3. Under Configuration to use, select the configuration linked to the target study.
4. Under Target Study, select one of the available study types Static, Nonlinear, or
Linear Dynamic.
5. Click .
All admissible loads and boundary conditions are copied to the new target study. The
program issues warning messages when features of the source static study, such as
connectors and loads, are not transferred to the target study due to limitations.
You may still need to define time or frequency dependent loads for the target study
to run the analysis.
Right-click the Results folder and click Stress Hot Spot Diagnostics.
The highest stresses in the areas of concern can be attributed to stress singularities due
to geometry features such as sharp corners, point loads, or fixed boundary conditions.
Stress singularities are divergent in nature, meaning that by reducing the mesh size, you
expect the value of stress singularities to increase to the theoretical value of infinity.
Legitimate stress concentration values are convergent in nature, and they reach a steady
value as you refine the mesh.
When stress hot spots are detected, you can view these areas of the model with a stress
hot spot plot which shows the variation of the von Mises stresses. You can specify a
custom color (default color is gray) for stress values larger than the threshold value that
triggers the hot spot detection.
Click Isolate Stress Hot Spots in the Stress Hot Spot PropertyManager to show only
the areas identified as stress hot spots.
Click Simulation Display (View toolbar) or View > Display > Simulation Display.
Select stress or displacement results to display on the active model view.
See also Displaying SOLIDWORKS Simulation Results in the Graphics Area.
If you select mixed contact sets (for example, virtual wall and no penetration contacts)
that are not eligible for a group conversion to another contact type, the software prompts
you for a corrective action.
Prescribed Yes No No
Prescribed Yes No No
Displacement + No
Penetration Contact
Neither the Arc Length nor the Displacement Control method can resolve rigid body
motions that can occur during a nonlinear solution. If you encounter a rigid body motion
during a nonlinear analysis, use the Force Control method with a Prescribed
displacement to improve chances of reaching convergence.
Offloaded Simulation
You can offload running a simulation to another computer connected on your local network.
By offloading a simulation, you can continue working with SOLIDWORKS in the coordinator
computer executing parallel tasks.
Available for SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium license and for static and nonlinear
Offloaded simulation distributes the equation solving part of the simulation process to a
worker agent computer that is connected on the same network domain.
To offload a simulation you need:
To change the temporary folder location, click Deactivate Worker Agent, and
edit the folder location where temporary files are stored.
Computers highlighted in red are not usable because they are either worker
agents that are running offloaded Simulation jobs, or act as coordinators and
are sharing the Simulation folder for other offloaded simulations that are in
Symbol for pin with retaining ring Symbol for pin with key (no rotation)
(no translation)
Pre-load symbols for bolts identify the axial or torque applied pre-load.
Symbols for bolts with torque Symbols for bolts with axial preload
Failure indices for the composite shells failure criteria (Tsai-Hill, Tsai-Wu, and Maximum
Stress) are calculated from nodal stresses. Previously, the failure indices were calculated
from elemental stress values.
The blended curvature based mesher supports h-adaptive and p-adaptive methods.
Optimized memory allocation and multi-threaded support for the Intel compilers improve
the performance of studies with surface to surface bonding and no penetration contact
definitions. The time spent by the program on the formulation phase for bonding and
no penetration contacts is reduced.
Notable performance improvement on reducing the FFEPlus iterative solver solution
time for static studies.
With the addition of the Synchronize Views tool in the Compare Results mode,
the synchronization of view orientation and size of the model (pan, zoom, and rotate)
is automatic among all the view panes.
In the Compare Results dialog box, click Save image as to save the active multi-pane
result plots to a *.png, *.jpg, or *.bmp file format.
You can set the maximum value of a stress plot to the material's yield stress value.
Click the down arrow of the maximum value box, and select Yield Strength: xxx.
In a plot's chart legend, click to reset the custom color applied to the results above
a given maximum value back to the default red color. Click the top or bottom color
swatch outlined by a box to set a custom color.
You can easily toggle the display of mode shapes in the graphics area. At the bottom
of the mode shape legend, click << to display the previous mode shape, and >> to
display the next mode shape.
Right-click Results and click Compare Modes to compare selected modes up to a
maximum of four (available for frequency, linear dynamic, and buckling studies). Click
Mode Selection Filter to select the number of modes to compare.
You can save the deformed geometry of a model as a tesselated body, surfaces only,
or mesh formats. In the Body from Deformed Shape PropertyManager, expand
Advanced Export, and select one the available options.
This chapter includes the following topics:
4. In the PropertyManager:
a) Set Offset Distance to 10.
b) Select Reverse.
The entity is projected on the opposite face.
You can only use Reverse when the selected edge is connected to faces that
belong to the same body.
Previously, the Segment tool was available for circles and arcs only.
When you use the Segment tool for splines, parabolas, ellipses, partial ellipses, and
Equidistant relations are created in a single Segment operation.
The equidistant relation is replaced by a coincident relation after the equidistant relation
is deleted from a single Segment operation.
Sub-contour. A sub-contour is the contour that is formed when you combine contours
The Shaded Sketch Contours tool is available only for new sketches in SOLIDWORKS
1. In sketch mode, click Shaded Sketch Contours (Sketch Toolbar) or Tools >
Sketch Settings > Shaded Sketch Contours.
2. Sketch three concentric circles inside a rectangle.
The outermost circle is the lightest and the innermost circle is the darkest shade of
3. Click any sub-contour of the sketch entity and drag it.
Available in SOLIDWORKS Professional and SOLIDWORKS Premium.
It is highly recommended that you back up your data before purging inactive data.
1. From Windows, click Start > All Programs > SOLIDWORKS version >
SOLIDWORKS Tools > Toolbox Settings .
2. In the Toolbox dialog box, click 2 Customize your hardware.
3. Expand the hardware display to the level where you want to purge inactive data.
You can purge at the folder level or on a part-by-part basis.
4. Click Purge Inactive Data.
5. In the Purge Inactive Data dialog box, expand Options and select from the following:
Purge inactive configuration data from disabled hardware. Available if you
purge at the folder level. Purges data from enabled and disabled configurations.
Save Purge Report. Browse to the location to save the report. Generates a purge
report summarizing the results of the data operation. The report is a tab delimited
text file that you can open in Microsoft Excel.
The file name is in the following format:
hierarchical address of the selected component data purge results date
and time stamp
For example:
Ansi Inch_bolts and screws_hex head data purge results
No, do nothing and cancel the operation. The dialog box closes without purging
any data.
To see the Update Toolbox Components item, Toolbox components must be present
and you must select the SOLIDWORKS Toolbox Library Add-in.
Newly added custom properties are not applied to active configurations. Each component
with a newly added custom property is flagged with a warning. You must manually edit
the component to correct the warning.
1. In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click the top level assembly, click Update
Toolbox Components, and choose a submenu option.
A message warns you that the operation cannot be undone and that the process may
be lengthy.
2. Click OK.
The software copies data and dimensions updates from the Toolbox Settings master
part file and applies them to the active configurations in the appropriate level of the
active assembly.
3. To save the updates, save the assembly.
This chapter includes the following topics:
1. In SOLIDWORKS Visualize, click Tools > Options and select the Boost tab.
2. Click Scan to search the local network for Boost nodes and clusters.
3. Click Add to add a new cluster to the list of cluster profiles.
4. Click Save.
SOLIDWORKS Visualize provides progress information during the render processing. You
can Pause, Save, or Cancel the processing.
You can also create a cutting plane by clicking Project > New Cutting Plane.
The cutting plane appears in the Viewport as a faint, mostly transparent plane that
covers the bounds of the scene.
To tip the plane, under Transform, change one or more of the Rotation XYZ
You can also use the transform manipulator to modify the position of the plane.
To enable the manipulator, right-click the cut plane in the Model Set and click
Manipulate > Move
6. Select the second plane and use the same controls to manipulate it.
7. To hide a cut plane, do one of the following:
In the Model Set, right-click the cut plane and click Hide Cutting Plane.
In the cut plane parameters, click Hidden.
8. To remove a cut plane, in the Model Set, right-click the cut plane and click Delete.
Home Screen
In Visualize's home screen, you can easily find projects that you opened recently, and
perform other tasks.
You can view thumbnails of recently opened SOLIDWORKS Visualize (*.SVPJ) and
Bunkspeed (*.BIF) projects, open the projects with a click, pin projects so they always
appear on the home screen ahead of unpinned projects, and show the folder in which
each project file is stored in Windows Explorer.
You can view thumbnails of recently opened SOLIDWORKS assemblies and parts
(*.SLDASM, *.SDPRT) , open them by clicking on a thumbnail, and show the folder in
which each file is stored in Windows Explorer.
You can find and download sample projects stored in the Visualize cloud library.
Links on the home screen make it easy to read useful tips, watch tutorials, and find links
to perform actions like viewing online help and accessing community forums, where you
can share and discuss renderings.
Action Cursor Visualize keyboard SOLIDWORKS
shortcuts keyboard shortcuts
SOLIDWORKS is a registered trademark of Dassault Systmes SolidWorks Corporations in the US and other countries.
Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. 2016 Dassault Systmes. All rights reserved