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Project Name :

Completed By : Date :

Item Description Y N N/A Comments

1 Has a baseline plan been established ?

2 Has the work breakdown structure been developed ?

3 Has a network diagram been identified ?

4 Has the critical path been identified ?

5 Have all outside timing constraints been highlighted ?

6 Have significant milestones been identified ?

7 Are all deliverables clearly defined, and measurable ?

8 Have project performance measurements been established ?

9 Has a progress collection mechanism been designed ?

10 Has a target schedule been established and communicated ?

11 Is the project organization clearly defined ?

12 Are roles and responsibilities clearly defined for all project

participants ?

13 Has a resource utilization plan been developed ?

14 Are all the resources working within their capacity ?

15 Have costs been calculated ?

16 Has a change management process been documented ?

17 Does a risk management strategy exist ?

18 Has a risk analysis been completed ?

19 Is the issue management process functioning correctly ?

20 Has a quality plan been put in place ?

21 Has a communications plan been developed ?

22 Have procurement strategies been identified ?

23 Does the plan present a feasible strategy to achieve the project

objectives ?

24 Has buy-in been obtained from all necessary stakeholders ?

25 Have lessons learned been documented ?

26 Is the project ready to proceed to the Control Phase ?

Other Comments (continue on reverse side if necessary) :

Form : KC002 2000 Key Consulting Inc Page 1 of 1

Version : 1.5

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