Chapter II
Chapter II
Chapter II
on the east by Kenya, Sudan on the north, the Democratic Republic of the Congo
averages about 1100 metres (3,250 ft) above sea level, and this slopes very
steadily downwards the Sudanese Plain to the north. However, much of the south
is poorly drained, while the centre is dominated by Lake Kyoga, which is also
surrounded by extensive marshy areas. Uganda lies almost completely within the
Nile basin. The Victoria Nile drains from the lake into Lake Kyoga and thence into
Lake Albert on the Congolese border. It then runs northwards into Sudan. One
small area on the eastern edge of Uganda is drained by the Turkwel River, part of
and Nilotic and Central Sudanic language speakers in the north. Despite the
division between north and south in political affairs, this linguistic boundary
actually runs roughly from northwest to southeast, near the course of the Nile.
However, many Ugandans live among people who speak different languages,
occupied by Uganda is slightly smaller than the state of Oregon. It extends 787
km (489 mi) NNE–SSW and 486 km (302 mi) ESE–WNW. Uganda has a total
Uganda was one of the lesser-known African countries until the 1970s
when Idi Amin Dada rose to the presidency. His bizarre public pronouncements -
ranging from gratuitous advice for Richard Nixon to his proclaimed intent to raise
a monument to Adolf Hitler - fascinated the popular news media. Beneath the
decade after Amin's flight from Uganda in 1979, popular imagination still insisted
But Amin's well - publicized excesses at the expense of Uganda and its
citizens were not unique, nor were they the earliest assaults on the rule of law.
suspended the 1962 constitution and ruled part of Uganda by martial law for five
years before a military coup in 1971 brought Amin into power. Amin's bloody
regime was followed by an even bloodier one - Obote's second term as president
during the civil war from 1981 to 1985, when government troops carried out
genocidal sweeps of the rural populace in a region that became known as the
Luwero Triangle. The dramatic collapse of coherent government under Amin and
his plunder of his nation's economy, followed by the even greater failure of the
second Obote government in the 1980s, gave rise to the essential question, -
the country was headed for disaster. On the contrary, it appeared a model of
stability and potential progress. Unlike neighboring Kenya, Uganda had no alien
white settler class attempting to monopolize the rewards of the cash crop
economy. Nor was there any recent legacy of bitter and violent conflict in Uganda
to compare with the 1950s Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya. In Uganda it was African
producers who grew the cotton and coffee that brought a higher standard of
living, financed the education of their children, and led to increased expectations
and scientists. And unlike neighboring Zaire (the former Belgian Congo), which
and misrule, Uganda's first few years of self-rule saw a series of successful
development projects. The new government built many new schools, modernized
national income. With its prestigious national Makerere University, its gleaming
new teaching hospital at Mulago, its Owen Falls hydroelectric project at Jinja--all
without a struggle. The British determined a timetable for withdrawal before local
of winning it.
In part the result of its fairly smooth transition to independence, the near
return for political support. It was not the strong, direct ideologically clothed
central government desired by most African political leaders, but it worked. And it
might reasonably have been expected to continue to work, because there were
African Rift Valley, its favorable climate at an altitude of 1,200 meters and above,
and the reliable rainfall around the Lake Victoria Basin made it attractive to
African cultivators and herders as early as the fourth century B.C. Core samples
from the bottom of Lake Victoria have revealed that dense rainforest once
covered the land around the lake. Centuries of cultivation removed almost all the
The cultivators who gradually cleared the forest were probably Bantu-
speaking people, whose slow but inexorable expansion gradually populated most
of Africa south of the Sahara Desert. Their knowledge of agriculture and use of
iron technology permitted them to clear the land and feed ever larger numbers of
achieved in Europe until the Siemens process of the nineteenth century. Although
boundaries, iron was mined and smelted in many parts of the country not long
useful for coordinating work projects, settling internal disputes, and carrying out
religious observances to clan deities, but it could effectively govern only a limited
number of people. Larger polities began to form states by the end of the first
millennium A.D., some of which would ultimately govern over a million subjects
The stimulus to the formation of states may have been the meeting of
people of differing cultures. The lake shores became densely settled by Bantu
food crop around A.D. 1000; farther north in the short grass uplands, where
rainfall was intermittent, pastoralists were moving south from the area of the Nile
River in search of better pastures. Indeed, a short grass "corridor" existed north
and west of Lake Victoria through which successive waves of herders may have
passed on the way to central and southern Africa. The meeting of these peoples
resulted in trade across various ecological zones and evolved into more
permanent relationships.
defense of their own cattle or raids to appropriate the cattle of others. But their
political organization was minimal, based on kinship and decision making by kin-
group elders. In the meeting of cultures, they may have acquired the ideas and
symbols of political chiefship from the Bantu-speakers, to whom they could offer
pastoral elite emerged, entrusting the care of cattle to subjects who used the
fields. The earliest of these states may have been established in the fifteenth
archaeological sites of Bigo and Mubende have shown that they were human
and the probable ancestors of the modern Hima or Tutsi (Watutsi) pastoralists of
Rwanda and Burundi. During the fifteenth century, the Chwezi were displaced by
a new Nilotic-speaking pastoral group called the Bito. The Chwezi appear to
From this process of cultural contact and state formation, three different
types of states emerged. The Hima type was later to be seen in Rwanda and
Burundi. It preserved a caste system whereby the rulers and their pastoral
relatives attempted to maintain strict separation from the agricultural subjects,
called Hutu. The Hima rulers lost their Nilotic language and became Bantu
speakers, but they preserved an ideology of superiority in political and social life
and attempted to monopolize high status and wealth. In the twentieth century, the
Hutu revolt after independence led to the expulsion from Rwanda of the Hima
power for the Hima through periodic massacres of the Hutu majority.
The Bito type of state, in contrast with that of the Hima, was established in
Bunyoro, which for several centuries was the dominant political power in the
region. Bito immigrants displaced the influential Hima and secured power for
themselves as a royal clan, ruling over Hima pastoralists and Hutu agriculturalists
alike. No rigid caste lines divided Bito society. The weakness of the Bito ideology
was that, in theory, it granted every Bito clan member royal status and with it the
Bunyoro king's (omukama) granting his kin offices as governors of districts, there
The third type of state to emerge in Uganda was that of Buganda, on the
northern shores of Lake Victoria. This area of swamp and hillside was not
attractive to the rulers of pastoral states farther north and west. It became a
refuge area, however, for those who wished to escape rule by Bunyoro or for
factions within Bunyoro who were defeated in contests for power. One such
group from Bunyoro, headed by Prince Kimera, arrived in Buganda early in the
fifteenth century. Assimilation of refugee elements had already strained the ruling
was already emerging. Kimera seized the initiative in this trend and became the
first effective king (kabaka) of the fledgling Buganda state. Ganda oral traditions
later sought to disguise this intrusion from Bunyoro by claiming earlier, shadowy,
quasisupernatural kabakas.
Unlike the Hima caste system or the Bunyoro royal clan political monopoly,
Buganda's kingship was made a kind of state lottery in which all clans could
participate. Each new king was identified with the clan of his mother, rather than
that of his father. All clans readily provided wives to the ruling kabaka, who had
eligible sons by most of them. When the ruler died, his successor was chosen by
clan elders from among the eligible princes, each of whom belonged to the clan
of his mother. In this way, the throne was never the property of a single clan for
(people of Buganda; sing., Muganda) shifted away from defensive strategies and
redoubled its territory. Newly conquered lands were placed under chiefs
nominated by the king. Buganda's armies and the royal tax collectors traveled
swiftly to all parts of the kingdom along specially constructed roads which
crossed streams and swamps by bridges and viaducts. On Lake Victoria (which
an admiral who was chief of the Lungfish clan, could transport Baganda
commandos to raid any shore of the lake. The journalist Henry M. Stanley visited
counted 125,000 troops marching off on a single campaign to the east, where a
surrounding the king's palace, which was situated atop a commanding hill. A wall
which was filled with grass-roofed houses, meeting halls, and storage buildings.
At the entrance to the court burned the royal fire (gombolola), which would only
be extinguished when the kabaka died. Thronging the grounds were foreign
messengers running errands, and a corps of young pages, who served the
kabaka while training to become future chiefs. For communication across the
political scale. To the north, the Nilotic-speaking Acholi people adopted some of
the ideas and regalia of kingship from Bunyoro in the eighteenth century. Chiefs
(rwots) acquired royal drums, collected tribute from followers, and redistributed it
to those who were most loyal. The mobilization of larger numbers of subjects
permitted successful hunts for meat. Extensive areas of bushland were
surrounded by beaters, who forced the game to a central killing point in a hunting
technique that was still practiced in areas of central Africa in 1989. But these
Acholi chieftaincies remained relatively small in size, and within them the power
nineteenth century, Uganda remained relatively isolated from the outside world.
The central African lake region was, after all, a world in miniature, with an internal
trade system, a great power rivalry between Buganda and Bunyoro, and its own
inland seas. When intrusion from the outside world finally came, it was in the
Ivory had been a staple trade item from the East Africa coast since before
the time of Christ. But growing world demand in the nineteenth century, together
"ivory frontier" as elephant herds near the coast were nearly exterminated.
reached Lake Victoria by 1844. One trader, Ahmad bin Ibrahim, introduced
cloth and, more important, guns and gunpowder. Ibrahim also introduced the
religion of Islam, but the kabaka was more interested in guns. By the 1860s,
Buganda was the destination of ever more caravans, and the kabaka and his
chiefs began to dress in cloth called mericani, which was woven in
in quality than European or Indian cloth, and increasing numbers of ivory tusks
were collected to pay for it. Bunyoro sought to attract foreign trade as well, in an
sponsored agents who sought ivory and slaves but who, unlike the Arab traders
from Zanzibar, were also promoting foreign conquest. Khedive Ismael of Egypt
aspired to build an empire on the Upper Nile; by the 1870s, his motley band of
ivory traders and slave raiders had reached the frontiers of Bunyoro. The khedive
sent a British explorer, Samuel Baker, to raise the Egyptian flag over Bunyoro.
The Banyoro (people of Bunyoro) resisted this attempt, and Baker had to fight a
desperate battle to secure his retreat. Baker regarded the resistance as an act of
treachery, and he denounced the Banyoro in a book that was widely read in
against Bunyoro, which eventually would cost the kingdom half its territory until
demand for ivory. They were already famous hunters and quickly acquired guns
in return for tusks. The guns permitted the Acholi to retain their independence but
altered the balance of power within Acholi territory, which for the first time
stream of foreign visitors as well. The explorer J.H. Speke passed through
Buganda in 1862 and claimed he had discovered the source of the Nile. Both
Speke and Stanley (based on his 1875 stay in Uganda) wrote books that praised
the Baganda for their organizational skills and willingness to modernize. Stanley
went further and attempted to convert the king to Christianity. Finding Kabaka
Two years after the CMS established a mission, French Catholic White Fathers
also arrived at the king's court, and the stage was set for a fierce religious and
the mid-1880s, all three parties had been successful in converting substantial
ideologies that he saw threatening the state, he was deposed by the armed
converts in 1888. A four-year civil war ensued in which the Muslims were initially
successful and proclaimed an Islamic state. They were soon defeated, however,
The victorious Protestant and Catholic converts then divided the Buganda
kingdom, which they ruled through a figurehead kabaka dependent on their guns
and goodwill. Thus, outside religion had disrupted and transformed the traditional
German Doctor Karl Peters (an erstwhile philosophy professor) and the British
Captain Frederick Lugard--broke the Christian alliance; the British Protestant
missionaries urged acceptance of the British flag, while the French Catholic
mission either supported the Germans (in the absence of French imperialists) or
called for Buganda to retain its independence. In January 1892, fighting broke
out between the Protestant and Catholic Baganda converts. The Catholics
quickly gained the upper hand, until Lugard intervened with a prototype machine
gun, the Maxim (named after its American inventor, Hiram Maxim). The Maxim
decided the issue in favor of the pro-British Protestants; the French Catholic
mission was burned to the ground, and the French bishop fled. The resultant
scandal was settled in Europe when the British government paid compensation
to the French mission and persuaded the Germans to relinquish their claim to
for control, the British began to enlarge their claim to the "headwaters of the
Nile," as they called the land north of Lake Victoria. Allying with the Protestant
Baganda chiefs, the British set about conquering the rest of the country, aided by
Nubian mercenary troops who had formerly served the khedive of Egypt.
Bunyoro had been spared the religious civil wars of Buganda and was firmly
united by its king, Kabarega, who had several regiments of troops armed with
guns. After five years of bloody conflict, the British occupied Bunyoro and
conquered Acholi and the northern region, and the rough outlines of the Uganda
Protectorate came into being. Other African polities, such as the Ankole kingdom
to the southwest, signed treaties with the British, as did the chiefdoms of Busoga,
but the kinship-based peoples of eastern and northeastern Uganda had to be
after two years of fighting, during which Baganda Christian allies of the British
once again demonstrated their support for the colonial power. As a reward for this
autonomy and self-government within the larger protectorate under indirect rule.
(Bunyoro) royal tombs. Buganda doubled in size from ten to twenty counties
(sazas), but the "lost counties" of Bunyoro remained a continuing grievance that
local economic systems dramatically, in part because the first concern of the
British was financial. Quelling the 1897 mutiny had been costly--units of the
Indian army had been transported to Uganda at considerable expense. The new
private land tenure for themselves and their supporters. Hard bargaining ensued,
but the chiefs ended up with everything they wanted, including one-half of all the
land in Buganda. The half left to the British as "Crown Land" was later found to
designated the chiefs as tax collectors, and testified to the continued alliance of
British and Baganda interests. The British signed much less generous treaties
with the other kingdoms (Toro in 1900, Ankole in 1901, and Bunyoro in 1933)
without the provision of large-scale private land tenure. The smaller chiefdoms of
fanned out as local tax collectors and labor organizers in areas such as Kigezi,
went, Baganda insisted on the exclusive use of their language, Luganda, and
they planted bananas as the only proper food worth eating. They regarded their
traditional dress-- long cotton gowns called kanzus--as civilized; all else was
barbarian. They also encouraged and engaged in mission work, attempting to
convert locals to their form of Christianity or Islam. In some areas, the resulting
backlash aided the efforts of religious rivals--for example, Catholics won converts
in areas where oppressive rule was identified with a Protestant Muganda chief.
Baganda and the British; having a substantial section of their heartland annexed
administrators issuing orders, collecting taxes, and forcing unpaid labor. In 1907
Meanwhile, in 1901 the completion of the Uganda railroad from the coast
encourage the growth of cash crops to help pay the railroad's operating costs.
Another result of the railroad construction was the 1902 decision to transfer the
eastern section of the Uganda Protectorate to the Kenya Colony, then called the
East African Protectorate, to keep the entire railroad line under one local colonial
British decided to justify its exceptional expense and pay its operating costs by
in the hands of Africans, if they responded to the opportunity. Cotton was the
crop of choice, largely because of pressure by the British Cotton Growing
materials for British mills. Even the CMS joined the effort by launching the
Buganda, with its strategic location on the lakeside, reaped the benefits of
cotton growing. The advantages of this crop were quickly recognized by the
Baganda chiefs who had newly acquired freehold estates, which came to be
known as mailo land because they were measured in square miles. In 1905 the
initial baled cotton export was valued at £200; in 1906, £1,000; in 1907; £11,000;
and in 1908, £52,000. By 1915 the value of cotton exports had climbed to
£369,000, and Britain was able to end its subsidy of colonial administration in
Uganda, while in Kenya the white settlers required continuing subsidies by the
home government.
relatively prosperous, compared with the rest of colonial Uganda, although before
World War I cotton was also being grown in the eastern regions of Busoga,
Lango, and Teso. Many Baganda spent their new earnings on imported clothing,
bicycles, metal roofing, and even automobiles. They also invested in their
African converts quickly learned to read and write. By 1911 two popular journals,
Ebifa (News) and Munno (Your Friend), were published monthly in Luganda.
Heavily supported by African funds, new schools were soon turning out
Gayaza, and King's College Budo--all in Buganda. The chief minister of the
Buganda kingdom, Sir Apolo Kagwa, personally awarded a bicycle to the top
graduate at King's College Budo, together with the promise of a government job.
The schools, in fact, had inherited the educational function formerly performed in
the kabaka's palace, where generations of young pages had been trained to
become chiefs. Now the qualifications sought were literacy and skills, including
Two important principles of precolonial political life carried over into the
when the younger generation sought to expel their elders from office in order to
replace them. After World War I, the younger aspirants to high office in Buganda
became impatient with the seemingly perpetual tenure of Sir Apolo and his
contemporaries, who lacked many of the skills that members of the younger
the young kabaka, Daudi Chwa, who was the figurehead ruler of Buganda under
indirect rule. But Kabaka Daudi never gained real political power, and after a
short and frustrating reign, he died at the relatively young age of forty-three.
Far more promising as a source of political support were the British
colonial officers, who welcomed the typing and translation skills of school
graduates and advanced the careers of their favorites. The contest was decided
after World War I, when an influx of British ex-military officers, now serving as
good government. Specifically, they accused Sir Apolo and his generation of
charges that were not hard to document. Sir Apolo resigned in 1926, at about the
same time that a host of elderly Baganda chiefs were replaced by a new
generation of officeholders. The Buganda treasury was also audited that year for
the first time. Although it was not a nationalist organization, the Young Baganda
order. As soon as the younger Baganda had replaced the older generation in
The commoners, who had been laboring on the cotton estates of the
chiefs before World War I, did not remain servile. As time passed, they bought
small parcels of land from their erstwhile landlords. This land fragmentation was
aided by the British, who in 1927 forced the chiefs to limit severely the rents and
obligatory labor they could demand from their tenants. Thus the oligarchy of
landed chiefs who had emerged with the Buganda Agreement of 1900 declined in
between Britain and Germany in the East African campaign of World War I,
losses during the era of conquest and the losses to disease at the turn of the
Uganda's population was growing again. Even the 1930s depression seemed to
affect smallholder cash farmers in Uganda less severely than it did the white
settler producers in Kenya. Ugandans simply grew their own food until rising
Two issues continued to create grievance through the 1930s and 1940s.
The colonial government strictly regulated the buying and processing of cash
crops, setting prices and reserving the role of intermediary for Asians, who were
thought to be more efficient. The British and Asians firmly repelled African
attempts to break into cotton ginning. In addition, on the Asian- owned sugar
plantations established in the 1920s, labor for sugarcane and other cash crops
was increasingly provided by migrants from peripheral areas of Uganda and even
burned down the houses of progovernment chiefs. The rioters had three
demands: the right to bypass government price controls on the export sales of
cotton, the removal of the Asian monopoly over cotton ginning, and the right to
Mutesa II (also known as Kabaka Freddie), for his inattention to the needs of his
people. The British governor, Sir John Hall, regarded the riots as the work of
African Farmers Union, founded by I.K. Musazi in 1947, was blamed for the riots
and was banned by the British. Musazi's Uganda National Congress replaced the
farmers union in 1952, but because the congress remained a casual discussion
group more than an organized political party, it stagnated and came to an end
for independence. The effects of Britain's postwar withdrawal from India, the
march of nationalism in West Africa, and a more liberal philosophy in the Colonial
Office geared toward future self-rule all began to be felt in Uganda. The
embodiment of these issues arrived in 1952 in the person of a new and energetic
reformist governor, Sir Andrew Cohen (formerly undersecretary for African affairs
in the Colonial Office). Cohen set about preparing Uganda for independence. On
projects. On the political side, he reorganized the Legislative Council, which had
consisted of an unrepresentative selection of interest groups heavily favoring the
throughout Uganda. This system became a prototype for the future parliament.
leaders within the Uganda kingdoms, because they realized that the center of
power would be at the national level. The spark that ignited wider opposition to
Governor Cohen's reforms was a 1953 speech in London in which the secretary
of state for colonies referred to the possibility of a federation of the three East
central Africa. Many Ugandans were aware of the Central African Federation of
Rhodesia and Nyasaland (later Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Malawi) and its
East African federation dominated by the racist settlers of Kenya, which was then
in the midst of the bitter Mau Mau uprising. They had vigorously resisted a similar
vanished just as the governor was preparing to urge Buganda to recognize that
its special status would have to be sacrificed in the interests of a new and larger
in their welfare, now refused to cooperate with Cohen's plan for an integrated
Buganda. Instead, he demanded that Buganda be separated from the rest of the
protectorate and transferred to Foreign Office jurisdiction. Cohen's response to
this crisis was to deport the kabaka to a comfortable exile in London. His forced
departure made the kabaka an instant martyr in the eyes of the Baganda, whose
latent separatism and anticolonial sentiments set off a storm of protest. Cohen's
action had backfired, and he could find no one among the Baganda prepared or
able to mobilize support for his schemes. After two frustrating years of
Kabaka Freddie.
satisfy the British, they were a resounding victory for the Baganda. Cohen
secured the kabaka's agreement not to oppose independence within the larger
Uganda framework. Not only was the kabaka reinstated in return, but for the first
time since 1889, the monarch was given the power to appoint and dismiss his
while they conducted the affairs of government. The kabaka's new power was
while in fact he was a leading player in deciding how Uganda would be governed.
A new grouping of Baganda calling themselves "the King's Friends" rallied to the
Uganda only if it were headed by the kabaka. Baganda politicians who did not
share this vision or who were opposed to the "King's Friends" found themselves
branded as the "King's Enemies," which meant political and social ostracism.
The major exception to this rule were the Roman Catholic Baganda who
had formed their own party, the Democratic Party (DP), led by Benedicto
establishment in Buganda ever since Lugard's Maxim had turned the tide in
ceremony modeled on that of British monarchs (who are invested by the Church
church. Religion and politics were equally inseparable in the other kingdoms
throughout Uganda. The DP had Catholic as well as other adherents and was
probably the best organized of all the parties preparing for elections. It had
printing presses and the backing of the popular newspaper, Munno, which was
provoked immediate hostility. Political parties and local interest groups were
riddled with divisions and rivalries, but they shared one concern: they were
Lango, Milton Obote, seized the initiative and formed a new party, the Uganda
People's Congress (UPC), as a coalition of all those outside the Roman Catholic-
unified Uganda state had led to a polarization between factions from Buganda
million, out of Uganda's total of 6 million. Even discounting the many non-
Baganda resident in Buganda, there were at least 1 million people who owed
was obvious that Buganda autonomy and a strong unitary government were
government was postponed. The British announced that elections would be held
before the formal granting of independence. It was assumed that those winning
the election would gain valuable experience in office, preparing them for the
rebuffed. Consequently, when the voters went to the polls throughout Uganda to
gave the DP a majority of seats, although they had a minority of 416,000 votes
nationwide versus 495,000 for the UPC. Benedicto Kiwanuka became the new
party called Kabaka Yekka (KY--The King Only), had second thoughts about the
internal autonomy if it participated fully in the national government. For its part,
the UPC was equally anxious to eject its DP rivals from government before they
the KY, accepting Buganda's special federal relationship and even a provision by
Assembly, in return for a strategic alliance to defeat the DP. The kabaka was also
promised the largely ceremonial position of head of state of Uganda, which was
inevitable the defeat of the DP interim administration. In the aftermath of the April
four DP delegates. The new UPC-KY coalition led Uganda into independence in
October 1962, with Obote as prime minister and the kabaka as head of state.
independence was unlike that of most other colonial territories where political
independence, in Uganda parties were forced to cooperate with one another, with
the prospect of independence already assured. One of the major parties, KY, was
even opposed to independence unless its particular separatist desires were met.
distinct. For example, Obote's strength lay among his Langi kin in eastern
compatriots; Grace S.K. Ibingira's strength was in the Ankole kingdom; and Felix
Onama was the northern leader of the largely neglected West Nile District in the
northwest corner of Uganda. Each of these regional political bosses and those
from the other Uganda regions expected to receive a ministerial post in the new
independence to local supporters. Failing these objectives, each was likely either
independence, although it was able to mobilize the trade unions, most of which
toward the trade unions). No common ideology united the UPC, the composition
of which ranged from the near reactionary Onama to the radical John Kakonge,
leader of the UPC Youth League. As prime minister, Obote was responsible for
Obote also faced the task of maintaining the UPC's external alliances,
primarily the coalition between the UPC and the kabaka, who led Buganda's KY.
Obote proved adept at meeting the diverse demands of his many partners in
repugnant, such as Buganda's claim for special treatment. This accession led to
banded together to claim that they, too, deserved recognition under the rule of
their newly defined monarch, the kyabasinga. Not to be outdone, the Iteso
people, who had never recognized a precolonial king, claimed the title kingoo for
The first major challenge to the Obote government came not from the
kingdoms, nor the regional interests, but from the military. In January 1964, units
of the Ugandan Army mutinied, demanding higher pay and more rapid
mutineers, was seized and held hostage. Obote was forced to call in British
troops to restore order, a humiliating blow to the new regime. In the aftermath,
with increased discipline and tighter control over their small military forces.
The military then began to assume a more prominent role in Ugandan life.
Obote selected a popular junior officer with minimal education, Idi Amin Dada,
and promoted him rapidly through the ranks as a personal protégé. As the army
Later in 1964, Obote felt strong enough to address the critical issue of the
"lost counties," which the British had conveniently postponed until after
rewards within the ruling coalition gradually thinned opposition party ranks, as
members of parliament "crossed the floor" to join the government benches. After
two years of independence, Obote finally acquired enough votes to give the UPC
a majority and free himself of the KY coalition. The turning point came when
"lost counties" to Bunyoro. The kabaka, naturally, opposed the plebiscite. Unable
to prevent it, he sent 300 armed Baganda veterans to the area to intimidate
Banyoro voters. In turn, 2,000 veterans from Bunyoro massed on the frontier.
Civil war was averted, and the referendum was held. The vote demonstrated an
This triumph for Obote and the UPC strengthened the central government
recriminations, after which some KY stalwarts, too, began to "cross the floor" to
join Obote's victorious government. By early 1966, the result was a parliament
composed of seventy- four UPC, nine DP, eight KY, and one independent MP.
DP victory faded, the UPC coalition itself began to come apart. The one-party
state did not signal the end of political conflict, however; it merely relocated and
intensified that conflict within the party. The issue that brought the UPC
with a gold bar (bearing the stamp of the government of the Belgian Congo) and
asked the bank manager to exchange it for cash. Amin's account was ultimately
credited with a deposit of £17,000. Obote rivals questioned the incident, and it
emerged that the prime minister and a handful of close associates had used
Colonel Amin and units of the Uganda Army to intervene in the neighboring
attempting to lead the Eastern Province into secession. These troops were
reported to be trading looted ivory and gold for arms supplies secretly smuggled
to them by Amin. The arrangement became public when Olenga later claimed
weapons was intercepted by the Kenyan government as it was being moved from
Tanzania to Uganda.
Obote's rivals for leadership within the UPC, supported by some Baganda
politicians and others who were hostile to Obote, used the evidence revealed by
Amin's casual bank deposit to claim that the prime minister and his closest
associates were corrupt and had conducted secret foreign policy for personal
gain, in the amount of £25,000 each. Obote denied the charge and said the
money had been spent to buy the munitions for Olenga's Congolese troops. On
February 4, 1966, while Obote was away on a trip to the north of the country, an
effective "no confidence" vote against Obote was passed by the UPC Mps. This
Grace S.K. Ibingira, closely supported by the UPC leader from Bunyoro, George
Magezi, and a number of other southern UPC notables. Only the radical UPC
governing party and national parliament, many people expected Obote to resign.
Instead, Obote turned to Idi Amin and the army, and, in effect, carried out a coup
d'état against his own government in order to stay in power. Obote suspended
the constitution, arrested the offending UPC ministers, and assumed control of
the state. He forced a new constitution through parliament without a reading and
without the necessary quorum. That constitution abolished the federal powers of
the kingdoms, most notably the internal autonomy enjoyed by Buganda, and
Buganda soil.
interested in negotiating. Instead, he sent Idi Amin and loyal troops to attack the
kabaka's palace on nearby Mengo Hill. The palace was defended by a small
group of bodyguards armed with rifles and shotguns. Amin's troops had heavy
weapons but were reluctant to press the attack until Obote became impatient and
demanded results. By the time the palace was overrun, the kabaka had taken
advantage of a cloudburst to exit over the rear wall. He hailed a passing taxi and
was driven off to exile. After the assault, Obote was reasonably secure from open
altogether. Buganda was divided into four districts and ruled through martial law,
a forerunner of the military domination over the civilian population that all of
most members of the UPC, which then became the only legal political party. The
original independence election of 1962, therefore, was the last one held in
Uganda until December 1980. On the homefront, Obote issued the "Common
Man's Charter," echoed the call for African Socialism by Tanzanian President
Julius Nyerere, and proclaimed a "move to the left" to signal new efforts to
consolidate power. His critics noted, however, that he placed most control over
financial backer of the UPC. Obote created a system of secret police, the
General Service Unit (GSU). Headed by a relative, Akena Adoko, the GSU
police, heavily recruited from Obote's own region and ethnic group,
Although Buganda had been defeated and occupied by the military, Obote
was still concerned about security there. His concerns were well founded; in
escaped more serious injury when a grenade thrown near him failed to explode.
He had retained power by relying on Idi Amin and the army, but it was not clear
Obote appeared particularly uncertain of the army after Amin's sole rival
among senior army officers, Brigadier Acap Okoya, was murdered early in 1970.
(Amin later promoted the man rumored to have recruited Okoya's killers.) A
second attempt was made on Obote's life when his motorcade was ambushed
later that year, but the vice-president's car was mistakenly riddled with bullets.
Obote began to recruit more Acholi and Langi troops, and he accelerated their
promotions to counter the large numbers of soldiers from Amin's home, which
was then known as West Nile District. Obote also enlarged the paramilitary
Amin, who at times inspected his troops wearing an outsized sport shirt
with Obote's face across the front and back, protested his loyalty. But in October
1970, Amin was placed under temporary house arrest while investigators looked
into his army expenditures, reportedly several million dollars over budget.
Another charge against Amin was that he had continued to aid southern Sudan's
Anya Nya rebels in opposing the regime of Jafaar Numayri even after Obote had
shifted his support away from the Anyanya to Numayri. This foreign policy shift
provoked an outcry from Israel, which had been supplying the Anyanya rebels.
Amin was close friends with several Israeli military advisers who were in Uganda
to help train the Ugandan Army, and their eventual role in Amin's efforts to oust
to rid himself of the potential threat posed by Idi Amin. Departing for the
orders to loyal Langi officers that Amin and his supporters in the army were to be
arrested. Various versions emerged of the way this news was leaked to Amin; in
any case, Amin decided to strike first. In the early morning hours of January 25,
1971, mechanized units loyal to him attacked strategic targets in Kampala and
the airport at Entebbe, where the first shell fired by a pro-Amin tank commander
killed two Roman Catholic priests in the airport waiting room. Amin's troops easily
overcame the disorganized opposition to the coup, and Amin almost immediately
The Amin coup was warmly welcomed by most of the people of the
willing to forget that their new president, Idi Amin, had been the tool of that
military suppression. Amin made the usual statements about his government's
intent to play a mere "caretaker role" until the country could recover sufficiently
for civilian rule. Amin repudiated Obote's nonaligned foreign policy, and his
government was quickly recognized by Israel, Britain, and the United States. By
Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, and the Organization of African Unity (OAU) initially
particular, opposed Amin's regime, and he offered hospitality to the exiled Obote,
soldiers to top government posts and parastatal agencies, and even informed the
newly inducted civilian cabinet ministers that they would be subject to military
scattered across the country, where battalion commanders, acting like local
warlords, represented the coercive arm of the government. The GSU was
government was arguably more riddled with rivalries, regional divisions, and
ethnic politics than the UPC coalition that it had replaced. The army itself was an
arena of lethal competition, in which losers were usually eliminated. Within the
officer corps, those trained in Britain opposed those trained in Israel, and both
stood against the untrained, who soon eliminated many of the army's most
experienced officers. In 1966, well before the Amin era, northerners in the army
had assaulted and harassed soldiers from the south. In 1971 and 1972, the
Lugbara and Kakwa (Amin's ethnic group) from the West Nile were slaughtering
northern Acholi and Langi, who were identified with Obote. Then the Kakwa
fought the Lugbara. Amin came to rely on Nubians and on former Anya Nya
further doubled and redoubled under Amin. Recruitment was largely, but not
entirely, in the north. There were periodic purges, when various battalion
purge provided new opportunities for promotions from the ranks. The commander
operator; the unofficial executioner for the regime, Major Malyamungu, had
formerly been a nightwatch officer. By the mid-1970s, only the most trustworthy
military units were allowed ammunition, although this prohibition did not prevent a
Stroh, and his colleague, Robert Siedle, to investigate one of these barracks
Amin never forgot the source of his power. He spent much of his time
foreign policy-- never a major issue for Amin--to secure financial and military aid
from Muammar Qadhafi of Libya. Amin expelled the remaining Israeli advisers, to
foreign aid from Saudi Arabia, he rediscovered his previously neglected Islamic
Hill in the capital city, but it was never completed because much of the money
and seized their property. Although Amin proclaimed that the "common man" was
the beneficiary of this drastic act-- which proved immensely popular--it was
actually the army that emerged with the houses, cars, and businesses of the
departing Asian minority. This expropriation of property proved disastrous for the
already declining economy. Businesses were run into the ground, cement
factories at Tororo and Fort Portal collapsed from lack of maintenance, and sugar
most of the foreign currency they earned went for purchasing imports for the
army. The most famous example was the so-called "whiskey run" to Stansted
luxury items were purchased for Amin to distribute among his officers and troops.
An African proverb, it was said, summed up Amin's treatment of his army: "A dog
toward the end of his rule, he appointed his mercenary adviser, the former British
citizen Bob Astles, to take all necessary steps to eliminate the problem. These
former president Obote. Shortly after the expulsion of Asians in 1972, Obote did
launch such an attempt across the Tanzanian border into southwestern Uganda.
His small army contingent in twenty-seven trucks set out to capture the southern
Ugandan military post at Masaka but instead settled down to await a general
uprising against Amin, which did not occur. A planned seizure of the airport at
aircraft was aborted when Obote's pilot blew out the aircraft's tires and it
remained in Tanzania. Amin was able to mobilize his more reliable Malire
Although jubilant at his success, Amin realized that Obote, with Nyerere's
aid, might try again. He had the SRB and the newly formed Public Safety Unit
(PSU) redouble their efforts to uncover subversives and other imagined enemies
of the state. General fear and insecurity became a way of life for the populace, as
learned by listening to the radio that they were "about to disappear." State
Court Judge Benedicto Kiwanuka, former head of government and leader of the
banned DP, was seized directly from his courtroom. Like many other victims, he
was forced to remove his shoes and then bundled into the trunk of a car, never to
be seen alive again. Whether calculated or not, the symbolism of a pair of shoes
by the roadside to mark the passing of a human life was a bizarre yet piercing
July 1976, when he offered the Palestinian hijackers of an Air France flight from
Tel Aviv a protected base at the old airport at Entebbe, from which to press their
demands in exchange for the release of Israeli hostages. The dramatic rescue of
his murder of a hospitalized hostage, Dora Block, and his mass execution of
continued on. Because he was illiterate--a disability shared with most of his
telephone, over the radio, and in long rambling speeches to which civil servants
decision. The minister of defense demanded and was given the Ministry of
Education office building, but then the decision was reversed. Important
education files were lost during their transfer back and forth by wheelbarrow. In
followers with plunder. However, Amin's regime was possibly less efficient than
its origins in the nineteenth century. After rediscovering his Islamic allegiance in
the effort to gain foreign aid from Libya and Saudi Arabia, Amin began to pay
more attention to the formerly deprived Muslims in Uganda, a move which turned
out to be a mixed blessing for them. Muslims began to do well in what economic
opportunities yet remained, the more so if they had relatives in the army.
Construction work began on Kibule Hill, the site of Kampala's most prominent
mosque. Many Ugandan Muslims with a sense of history believed that the
turn, perceived that they were under siege as a religious group; it was clear that
and ministers disappeared in the course of the 1970s, but the matter reached a
climax with the formal protest against army terrorism in 1977 by Church of
Uganda ministers, led by Archbishop Janan Luwum. Although Luwum's body was
investigations revealed that Luwum had been shot to death by Amin himself. This
latest in a long line of atrocities was greeted with international condemnation, but
apart from the continued trade boycott initiated by the United States in July 1978,
Amin, as his vice president and formerly trusted associate, General Mustafa
Adrisi, discovered. When Adrisi was injured in a suspicious auto accident, troops
loyal to him became restive. The once reliable Malire Mechanized Regiment
mutinied, as did other units. In October 1978, Amin sent troops still loyal to him
against the mutineers, some of whom fled across the Tanzanian border. Amin
then claimed that Tanzanian President Nyerere, his perennial enemy, had been
at the root of his troubles. Amin accused Nyerere of waging war against Uganda,
and, hoping to divert attention from his internal troubles and rally Uganda against
the foreign adversary, Amin invaded Tanzanian territory and formally annexed a
by Ugandan exiles united as the Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA). The
Ugandan Army retreated steadily, expending much of its energy by looting along
the way. Libya's Qadhafi sent 3,000 troops to aid fellow Muslim Amin, but the
Libyans soon found themselves on the front line, while behind them Ugandan
Army units were using supply trucks to carry their newly plundered wealth in the
opposite direction. Tanzania and the UNLA took Kampala in April 1979, and Amin
fled by air, first to Libya and later to a seemingly permanent exile at Jiddah, Saudi
Arabia. The war that had cost Tanzania an estimated US$1 million per day was
over. What kind of government would attempt the monumental task of rebuilding
interim civilian government once Amin was removed. Called the Unity
Conference in the hope that unity might prevail, it managed to establish the
Dr. Yusuf Lule, former principal of Makerere University, became head of the
UNLF executive committee. As an academic rather than a politician, Lule was not
departure, Lule and the UNLF moved to Kampala, where they established an
the National Consultative Council (NCC). The NCC, in turn, was composed of
Conflict surfaced immediately between Lule and some of the more radical
of the council members who saw him as too conservative, too autocratic, and too
willing as a Muganda to listen to advice from other Baganda. After only three
months, with the apparent approval of Nyerere, whose troops still controlled
Kampala, Lule was forcibly removed from office and exiled. He was replaced by
Godfrey Binaisa, a Muganda like Lule, but one who had previously served as a
Indeed, the quarrels within the NCC, which Binaisa enlarged to 127 members,
revealed that many rival and would-be politicians who had returned from exile
were resuming their self-interested operating styles. Ugandans who endured the
deprivations of the Amin era became even more disillusioned with their leaders.
Binaisa managed to stay in office longer than Lule, but his inability to gain control
than 1,000 troops who had fought alongside the Tanzanian People's Defence
Force (TPDF) to expel Amin. The army was back to the size of the original King's
consolidate support for the future, such leaders as Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and
Major General (later Chief of Staff) David Oyite Ojok began to enroll thousands of
recruits into what were rapidly becoming their private armies. Museveni's 80
original soldiers grew to 8,000; Ojok's original 600 became 24,000. When Binaisa
sought to curb the use of these militias, which were harassing and detaining
political opponents, he was overthrown in a military coup on May 10, 1980. The
coup was engineered by Ojok, Museveni, and others acting under the general
direction of Paulo Muwanga, Obote's right-hand man and chair of the Military
Commission. The TPDF was still providing necessary security while Uganda's
refused to help Binaisa retain power. Many Ugandans claimed that although
Nyerere did not impose his own choice on Uganda, he indirectly facilitated the
return to power of his old friend and ally, Milton Obote. In any case, the Military
Security and defense were to be allotted more than 30 percent of the national
revenues. For a country desperately seeking funds for economic recovery from
Shortly after Muwanga's 1980 coup, Obote made a triumphant return from
Tanzania. In the months before the December elections, he began to rally his
appeared on the platform with General Oyite-Ojok, a fellow Langi. Obote also
The national election on December 10, 1980, was a crucial turning point
for Uganda. It was, after all, the first election in eighteen years. Several parties
contested, the most important of which were Obote's UPC and the DP led by
members, along with many others whose main concern was to prevent the return
expected to supervise local polling, were replaced with UPC nominees. The chief
candidates were arrested, and one was murdered. Even before the election, the
government press and Radio Uganda appeared to treat the UPC as the victor.
Muwanga insisted that each party have a separate ballot box on election day,
thus negating the right of secret ballot. There were a number of other moves to
aid the UPC, including Muwanga's statement that the future parliament would
voting, the DP, on the basis of its own estimates, declared victory in 81 of 126
broadcast the news of the DP triumph, and Kampala's streets were filled with DP
along with the power to count the ballots, and declared that anyone disputing his
count would be subject to a heavy fine and five years in jail. Eighteen hours later,
candidates claimed the ballot boxes were simply switched to give their own vote
watchers, the Commonwealth Observer Group, declared itself satisfied with the
different standards than those used elsewhere or that they feared civil war if the
helped bring about the civil war the Commonwealth Observer Group may have
The Second Obote Regime: 1981-85. In February 1981, shortly after the
new Obote government took office, with Paulo Muwanga as vice president and
and his armed supporters declared themselves the National Resistance Army
rebellion, and what became known as "the war in the bush" began. Several other
underground groups also emerged to attempt to sabotage the new regime, but
they were eventually crushed. Museveni, who had guerrilla war experience with
especially central and western Buganda and the western regions of Ankole and
resulted in vast areas of devastation and greater loss of life than during the eight
years of Amin's rule. UNLA's many Acholi and Langi had been hastily enrolled
with minimal training and little sense of discipline. Although they were survivors of
Amin's genocidal purges of northeast Uganda, in the 1980s they were armed and
in uniform, conducting similar actions against Bantu-speaking Ugandans in the
south, with whom they appeared to feel no empathy or even pity. In early 1983,
to eliminate rural support for Museveni's guerrillas the area of Luwero District,
almost 750,000 people. These artificially created refugees were packed into
military abuse. Civilians outside the camps, in what came to be known as the
were treated accordingly. The farms of this highly productive agricultural area
were looted--roofs, doors, and even door frames were stolen by UNLA troops.
Civilian loss of life was extensive, as evidenced some years later by piles of
what was then West Nile District. Bordering Sudan, West Nile had provided the
ethnic base for much of Idi Amin's earlier support and had enjoyed relative
prosperity under his rule. Having born the brunt of Amin's anti-Acholi massacres
home region, whom they blamed for their losses. In one famous incident in June
1981, Ugandan Army soldiers attacked a Catholic mission where local refugees
had sought sanctuary. When the International Committee of the Red Cross
Despite these activities, Obote's government, unlike Amin's regime, was
foreign aid for the nation's economic recovery. Obote had sought and followed
the advice of the International Monetary Fund ( IMF), even though the austerity
measures ran counter to his own ideology. He devalued the Uganda shilling by
100 percent, attempted to facilitate the export of cash crops, and postponed any
plans he may once have entertained for reestablishing one-party rule. The
continued sufferance of the DP, although much harried and abused by UPC
government's inability to eliminate Museveni and win the civil war, however,
sapped its economic strength, and the occupation of a large part of the country
by an army hostile to the Ugandans living there furthered discontent with the
State Research Bureau at Nakasero, victims met the same fate at so-called "Nile
southern Uganda. The overall death toll from 1981 to 1985 was estimated as
high as 500,000. Obote, once seen by the donor community as the one man with
liability to recovery.
other matters to a military victory over Museveni. North Korean military advisers
were invited to take part against the NRA rebels in what was to be a final
campaign that won neither British nor United States approval. But the army was
warweary , and after the death of the highly capable General Oyite Ojok in a
helicopter accident at the end of 1983, it began to split along ethnic lines. Acholi
soldiers complained that they were given too much frontline action and too few
rewards for their services. Obote delayed appointing a successor to Oyite Ojok
for as long as possible. In the end, he appointed a Langi to the post and
his old paramilitary counterweight, the mostly Langi Special Force Units, and
thus repeating some of the actions that led to his overthrow by Amin. As if
determined to replay the January 1971 events, Obote once again left the capital
after giving orders for the arrest of a leading Acholi commander, Brigadier (later
Lieutenant General) Basilio Olara Okello, who mobilized troops and entered
Kampala on July 27, 1985. Obote, together with a large entourage, fled the
country for Zambia. This time, unlike the last, Obote allegedly took much of the
Tito Lutwa Okello ruled from July 1985 to January 1986 with no explicit policy
except the natural goal of self-preservation--the motive for their defensive coup.
To stiffen the flagging efforts of his army against the NRA, Okello invited former
soldiers of Amin's army to reenter Uganda from the Sudanese refugee camps
and participate in the civil war on the government side. As mercenaries fresh to
the scene, these units fought well, but they were equally interested in looting and
did not discriminate between supporters and enemies of the government. The
for the Okello government and helped create a new tolerance of Museveni.
could hardly expect to govern the entire country with only war-weary and
disillusioned Acholi troops to back him. Negotiations dragged on, but with Okello
and the remnants of the UNLA army thoroughly discouraged, Museveni had only
by the local civilian population, Museveni moved against Kampala. Okello and his
soldiers fled northward to their ethnic base in Acholi. Yoweri Museveni formally
Uganda is a landlocked
30 to 35 east longitude.
west, Sudan to the north, and Kenya to the east. With a land surface of 241,139
square kilometers (roughly twice the size of the state of Pennsylvania), Uganda
occupies most of the Lake Victoria Basin, which was formed by the geological
shifts that created the Rift Valley during the Pleistocene era. The Sese Islands
and other small islands in Lake Victoria also lie within Uganda's borders.
Southern Uganda lies at an altitude of 1,134 meters above sea level. The
altitude of 914 meters on the Sudan border. The gradually sloping terrain is
interrupted by a shallow basin dipping toward the center of the country and small
areas of tropical forest, which mark the western border with Zaire.
Ruwenzori Mountains (often called the Mountains of the Moon) form about eighty
kilometers of the border between Uganda and Zaire. The highest peaks of Mount
Margherita (5,113 meters) and Alexandra (5,094 meters). Farther south, the
In eastern Uganda, the border with Kenya is also marked by volcanic hills.
Dominating these, roughly 120 kilometers north of the equator, is Mount Elgon,
which rises from the 1,200-meter plains to reach a height of 4,324 meters. Mount
Elgon is the cone of an extinct volcano, with ridges radiating thirty kilometers
from its crater. Rich soil from its slopes is eroded into the plains below. North of
Mount Elgon are Kadam (also known as Debasien or Tabasiat) Peak, which
reaches a height of 3,054 meters, and Mount Moroto, at 3,085 meters. In the far
northeast, Mount Zulia, Mount Morungole, and the Labwor and Dodoth Hills
reach heights in excess of 2,000 meters. The lower Imatong Mountains and
Land Use
In the southern half of the country, rich soil and rainfall permit extensive
agriculture, and in the drier and less fertile northern areas, pastoral economies
woodland and grassland, some of which has been cleared for roads, settlements,
and farmland in the south. Approximately 13 percent of the land is set aside as
national parks, forests, and game reserves. Swampland surrounding lakes in the
southern and central regions supports abundant papyrus growth. The central
region's woodlands and savanna give way to acacia and cactus growth in the
north. Valuable seams of copper, cobalt, and other minerals have been revealed
along geological fault lines in the southeast and southwest. Volcanic foothills in
Great Lakes--Lake Victoria, Lake Kyoga, Lake Albert, and Lake Edward--lie
within Uganda or on its borders. Lake Victoria dominates the southeastern corner
of the nation, with almost one-half of its 10,200-square-kilometer area lying inside
Ugandan territory. It is the second largest inland freshwater lake in the world
(after Lake Superior), and it feeds the upper waters of the Nile River, which is
Extensions of Lake Kyoga include Lake Kwania, Lake Bugondo, and Lake Opeta.
These "finger lakes" are surrounded by swampland during rainy seasons. All
lakes in the Lake Kyoga Basin are shallow, usually reaching a depth of only eight
or nine meters, and Lake Opeta forms a separate lake during dry seasons. Along
the border with Zaire, Lake Albert, Lake Edward, and Lake George occupy
travels toward the northwest. Widening to form Lake Kyoga, the Nile receives the
Kafu River from the west before flowing north to Lake Albert. From Lake Albert,
the Nile is known as the Albert Nile as it travels roughly 200 kilometers to the
Sudan border. In southern and western Uganda, geological activity over several
centuries has shifted drainage patterns. The land west of Lake Victoria is
traversed by valleys that were once rivers carrying the waters of Lake Victoria
into the Congo River system. The Katonga River flows westward from Lake
Victoria to Lake George. Lake George and Lake Edward are connected by the
Kizinga Channel. The Semliki River flows into Lake Edward from the north,
where it drains parts of Zaire and forms a portion of the Uganda-Zaire border.
Nile River just east of Lake Albert. At the narrowest point on the falls, the waters
of the Nile pass through an opening barely seven meters wide. One of the
tributaries of the Albert Nile, the Zoka River, drains the northwestern corner of
Uganda, a region still popularly known as the West Nile although that name was
not officially recognized in 1989. Other major rivers include the Achwa River
(called the Aswa in Sudan) in the north, the Pager River and the Dopeth-Okok
River in the northeast, and the Mpologoma River, which drains into Lake Kyoga
16.9 million people; international estimates ranged as high as 17.5 million. Most
enumerated approximately 9.5 million people. The results of the 1980 census,
which counted 12.6 million people, were cast in doubt by the loss of census data
higher for women than men. The population was increasing by over 3.2 percent
per year, a substantial increase over the rate of 2.5 percent in the 1960s and
significantly more than the 2.8 percent growth rate estimated for most of East
Africa. At this rate, Uganda's population was expected to double between 1989
and the year 2012. The crude birth rate, estimated to be 49.9 per 1,000
the number of live births per year per 1,000 women between the ages of sixteen
and forty-five years, ranged from 115 in the south to more than 200 in the
northeast. In general, fertility declined in more developed areas, and birth rates
of the world. In that year approximately 2% of the population was over 65 years
of age, with another 51% of the population under 15 years of age. There were 99
males for every 100 females in the country in 2003. According to the UN, the
annual population growth rate for 2000–2005 is 3.24%, with the projected
population for the year 2015 at 39,335,000. The population density in 2002
averaged 102 per sq km (265 per sq mi). However, density varied from 260 per
sq km (673 per sq mi) in Kabale to 14 per sq km (36 per sq mi) in the dry
Karamoja plains. The northern, eastern, and western regions are less densely
populated than the region along the north shore of Lake Victoria.
It was estimated by the Population Reference Bureau that 14% of the
population lived in urban areas in 2001. The capital city, Kampala, had a
population of 1,154,000 in that year. Other major cities were Jinja, 60,979;
Masaka, 49,070; and Mbale, 53,634. According to the United Nations, the urban
The crude death rate was 18 per 1,000 population, equivalent to the
average for East Africa as a whole. Infant mortality in the first year of life
averaged 120 per 1,000 populations, but some infant deaths were not reported to
government officials. Deaths from AIDS were increasing in the late 1980s. Death
rates were generally lower in high altitude areas, in part because of the lower
incidence of malaria.
When the NRM took power in 1986, it added a new element to the
promised new and fundamental changes, but it also brought old fears to the
political issue after another through the first four years of the interim period. The
most serious political question was the deepening division between the north and
the south, even though these units were neither administrative regions nor
re-emerged in public debate. Tension between the NRM and the political parties
that had competed for power since independence became a new anxiety. In
two of its most important initiatives in 1989, national elections and the extension
For the first time since the protectorate was founded, the NRA victory in
1986 gave a predominantly southern cast to both the new political and the new
economically more rapidly than the north. Until the railroad was extended from
the south, cotton could not become an established cash crop in the north.
Although there had never been a political coalition that consisted exclusively, or
had come from the north for all but one of the preceding twenty-three years of
while southerners chafed under what they considered northern political and
military control. Thus, the military victory of the NRA posed a sobering political
question to both northerners and southerners: was the objective of its guerrilla
In the first few days following the NRA takeover of Kampala in January
1986, there were reports of incidents of mob action against individual northerners
in the south, but the new government took decisive steps to prevent their
repetition. By the end of March, NRA troops had taken military control of the
recruited southern NRA soldiers, who had replaced better disciplined but battle-
weary troops, intensified northerners' belief that southerners would take revenge
for earlier atrocities and that the government would not stop them. In this
atmosphere, the NRA order in early August 1986 for all soldiers in the former
army, the Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA), to report to local police
stations gave rise to panic. These soldiers knew that during the Obote and Amin
Instead of reporting, many soldiers joined rebel movements, and a new round of
Although the civil wars occurred in parts of the east as well, they
sharpened the sense of political cleavage between north and south and
substantiated the perception that the NRM was intent on consolidating southern
domination. Rebels killed some local RC officials because they were the most
the south. And because cash crop production in the north was also impossible,
the income gap between the two areas widened. Most government officials sent
north were southerners because the NRA officer corps and the public service
were mostly southern. By mid-1990, the NRA had gained the upper hand in the
wars in the north, but the political damage had been done. The NRM government
had become embroiled in war because it had failed to persuade northerners that
it had a political program that would end regional domination. And its military
success meant that for some time to come its response to all political issues
nearly 50 percent of the population was under the age of 15 and the median age
was only 15.7 years in 1989. The sex ratio was 101.8 males per 100 females.
The dependency ratio--a measure of the number of young and old in relation to
100 people between the ages of fifteen and sixty--was estimated at 104.
nationwide. However, this figure masked a range from fewer than thirty per
square kilometer in the north-central region to more than 120 in the far southeast
and southwest, and even these estimates overlooked some regions that were
depopulated by warfare.
more than 2,000 people. This figure was increasing in the late 1980s but
remained relatively low in comparison with the rest of Africa and was only slightly
conditions. Kampala, with about 500,000 people, accounted for almost one-half
of the total urban population but recorded a population increase of only 3 percent
during the 1980s. Jinja, the main industrial center and second largest city,
Mbarara, and Mbale-- had populations of more than 20,000 in 1989. Urban
until 1970, with most immigrants coming from Rwanda, Burundi, and Sudan. In
About 23,000 Ugandans were living in Kenya, and a smaller number had fled to
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Most of these were from Rwanda, but
several other neighboring countries were also represented. At the same time,
Zaire and Sudan registered a total of nearly 250,000 refugees from Uganda.
Although Uganda is on the equator, its climate is warm rather than hot,
and temperatures vary little throughout the year. Most of the territory receives an
annual rainfall of at least 100 cm (40 in). At Entebbe, mean annual rainfall is 162
cm (64 in); in the northeast, it is only 69 cm (27 in). Temperature generally varies
by altitude; on Lake Albert, the mean annual maximum is 29°C (84°F) and the
mean annual minimum 22°C (72°F). At Kabale in the southwest, 1,250 m (4,100
ft) higher, the mean annual maximum is 23°C (73°F), and the mean annual
minimum 10°C (50°F). At Kampala, these extremes are 27°C (81°F) and 17°C
relatively high altitude of most areas of the country. Mean annual temperatures
range from about 16° C in the southwestern highlands to 25° C in the northwest;
but in the northeast, temperatures exceed 30° C about 254 days per year.
Daytime temperatures average about eight to ten degrees warmer than nighttime
temperatures in the Lake Victoria region, and temperatures are generally about
The southern region has two rainy seasons, usually beginning in early April and
again in October. Little rain falls in June and December. In the north, occasional
rains occur between April and October, while the period from November to March
is often very dry. Mean annual rainfall near Lake Victoria often exceeds 2,100
millimeters, and the mountainous regions of the southeast and southwest receive
more than 1,500 millimeters of rainfall yearly. The lowest mean annual rainfall in
Uganda was one rich in human and natural resources and possessed a
favorable climate for economic development, but in the late 1980s it was still
struggling to end a period of political and economic chaos that had destroyed the
including the power supply system, the transportation system, and industry,
operated only at only a fraction of capacity. Other than limited segments of the
almost at a standstill. And in the wake of the much publicized atrocities of the
Idi Amin Dada regime from 1971 to 1979 and the civil war that continued into the
had proclaimed their intention to salvage the economy and attract the foreign
assistance necessary for recovery, but none had remained in power long enough
to succeed.
Agricultural production based primarily on peasant cultivation has been
the mainstay of the economy. In the 1950s, coffee replaced cotton as the primary
cash crop. Some plantations produced tea and sugar, but these exports did not
developed before 1970, but most were adjuncts to cotton or sugar production,
and they were not major contributors to gross domestic product ( GDP).
such as oil or gold. In sum, although the economy provided a livelihood for the
choices. The economy seemed to have the potential to stabilize, but throughout
the decade of the 1980s its capacity to generate growth, especially industrial
stabilizing most of the nation and began to diversify agricultural exports away
Kaguta Museveni. But in 1989, just as the hard work of economic recovery was
beginning to pay off, world coffee prices plummeted, and Uganda's scarce
It is the largest in the African continent and the Arab World, and tenth largest in
the world by area. It is bordered by Egypt to the north, the Red Sea to the
northeast, Eritrea and Ethiopia to the east, Kenya and Uganda to the southeast,
the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic to the
The people of Sudan have a long history extending from antiquity, which is
intertwined with the history of Egypt, with which it was united politically over
several periods. Sudan's history has also been plagued by civil war stemming
from ethnic, religious, and economic conflict between the mostly Muslim and
Arab population to the north, and non-Arab Black Africans to the south. Sudan is
currently ranked as the second most unstable country in the world according to
the Failed States Index, for its military dictatorship and the ongoing humanitarian
crisis in Darfur. However, despite its internal conflicts, Sudan has managed to
it has a coastline of 853 km along the Red Sea. With an area of 2,505,810
on the continent and the tenth largest in the world. It borders the
Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya and Uganda. It is dominated by the
Throughout its history Sudan has been divided between its Arab heritage,
identified with northern Sudan, and its African heritages to the south. The two
groups are divided along linguistic, religious, racial, and economic lines, and the
cleavage has generated ethnic tensions and clashes. Moreover, the geographical
participating fully in the country's political, economic, and social life. Imperial
administrations for the two regions. Independent Sudan further reinforced this
relationship with Egypt. As early as the eighth millennium B.C., there was contact
between Sudan and Egypt. Modern relations between the two countries began in
1820, when an Egyptian army under Ottoman command invaded Sudan. In the
years following this invasion, Egypt expanded its area of control in Sudan down
the Red Sea coast and toward East Africa's Great Lakes region. The sixty-four-
year period of Egyptian rule, which ended in 1885, left a deep mark on Sudan's
condominium in 1899 reinforced the links between Cairo and Khartoum. After
developments in Sudan.
Similarly, the period of British control (1899-1955) has had a lasting impact
of Sudan's political and economic institutions owed their existence to the British.
southern civil war. This conflict has retarded the country's social and economic
and ineffective military and civilian governments. The conflict appeared likely to
continue to affect Sudan's people and institutions for the rest of the twentieth
EARLY HISTORY – Cush. Northern Sudan's earliest historical record comes from
Egyptian sources, which described the land upstream from the first cataract,
called Cush, as "wretched." For more than 2,000 years after the Old Kingdom
(ca. 2700-2180 B.C.), Egyptian political and economic activities determined the
course of the central Nile region's history. Even during intermediate periods when
Egyptian political power in Cush waned, Egypt exerted a profound cultural and
Cush and returned to Aswan with ivory, incense, hides, and carnelian (a stone
prized both as jewelry and for arrowheads) for shipment downriver. Egyptian
traders particularly valued gold and slaves, who served as domestic servants,
penetrated Cush periodically during the Old Kingdom. Yet there was no attempt
to establish a permanent presence in the area until the Middle Kingdom (ca.
2100-1720 B.C.), when Egypt constructed a network of forts along the Nile as far
south as Samnah, in southern Egypt, to guard the flow of gold from mines in
Around 1720 B.C., Asian nomads called Hyksos invaded Egypt, ended the
Middle Kingdom, severed links with Cush, and destroyed the forts along the Nile
River. To fill the vacuum left by the Egyptian withdrawal, a culturally distinct
Egyptian power revived during the New Kingdom (ca. 1570-1100 B.C.), the
pharaoh Ahmose I incorporated Cush as an Egyptian province governed by a
the fourth cataract, Egyptian sources list tributary districts reaching to the Red
Sea and upstream to the confluence of the Blue Nile and White Nile rivers.
Egyptian authorities ensured the loyalty of local chiefs by drafting their children to
serve as pages at the pharaoh's court. Egypt also expected tribute in gold and
Once Egypt had established political control over Cush, officials and
priests joined military personnel, merchants, and artisans and settled in the
region. The Coptic language, spoken in Egypt, became widely used in everyday
activities. The Cushite elite adopted Egyptian gods and built temples like that
dedicated to the sun god Amon at Napata, near present-day Kuraymah. The
Christianity to the region in the sixth century. When Egyptian influence declined
By the eleventh century B.C., the authority of the New Kingdom dynasties
had diminished, allowing divided rule in Egypt, and ending Egyptian control of
Cush. There is no information about the region's activities over the next 300
extended their influence into Egypt. About 750 B.C., a Cushite king called Kashta
conquered Upper Egypt and became ruler of Thebes until approximately 740
B.C. His successor, Painkhy, subdued the delta, reunited Egypt under the
Twenty-fifth Dynasty, and founded a line of kings who ruled Cush and Thebes for
about a hundred years. The dynasty's intervention in the area of modern Syria
retaliation invaded Egypt, Taharqa (688-663 B.C.), the last Cushite pharaoh,
withdrew and returned the dynasty to Napata, where it continued to rule Cush
590 B.C., however, an Egyptian army sacked Napata, compelling the Cushite
court to move to a more secure location at Meroe near the sixth cataract. For
Egypt, which passed successively under Persian, Greek, and, finally, Roman
domination. During the height of its power in the second and third centuries B.C.,
Meroe extended over a region from the third cataract in the north to Sawba, near
raised stelae to record the achievements of their reigns and erected pyramids to
contain their tombs. These objects and the ruins of palaces, temples, and baths
at Meroe attest to a centralized political system that employed artisans' skills and
allowed the area to support a higher population density than was possible during
later periods. By the first century B.C., the use of hieroglyphs gave way to a
succession system was not necessarily hereditary; the matriarchal royal family
member deemed most worthy often became king. The queen mother's role in the
have passed from brother to brother (or sister) and only when no siblings
eventually fell into disorder as it came under pressure from the Blemmyes,
predatory nomads from east of the Nile. However, the Nile continued to give the
with Arab and Indian traders along the Red Sea coast and incorporated
Hellenistic and Hindu cultural influences into its daily life. Inconclusive evidence
across the savanna belt to West Africa from Meroe's iron smelteries.
Relations between Meroe and Egypt were not always peaceful. In 23 B.C.,
in response to Meroe's incursions into Upper Egypt, a Roman army moved south
and razed Napata. The Roman commander quickly abandoned the area,
In the second century A.D., the Nobatae occupied the Nile's west bank in
northern Cush. They are believed to have been one of several well-armed bands
of horse- and camel-borne warriors who sold protection to the Meroitic
Meroitic people as a military aristocracy. Until nearly the fifth century, Rome
subsidized the Nobatae and used Meroe as a buffer between Egypt and the
About A.D. 350, an Axumite army captured and destroyed Meroe city, ending the
Christian Nubia. By the sixth century, three states had emerged as the
political and cultural heirs of the Meroitic kingdom. Nobatia in the north, also
known as Ballanah, had its capital at Faras, in what is now Egypt; the central
kingdom, Muqurra, was centered at Dunqulah, the old city on the Nile about 150
kilometers south of modern Dunqulah; and Alwa, in the heartland of old Meroe in
the south, had its capital at Sawba. In all three kingdoms, warrior aristocracies
ruled Meroitic populations from royal courts where functionaries bore Greek titles
gospel about 540. It is possible that the conversion process began earlier,
however, under the aegis of Coptic missionaries from Egypt, who in the previous
century had brought Christianity to the Abyssinians. The Nubian kings accepted
directed the church's activities and wielded considerable secular power. The
turn the monarch protected the church's interests. The queen mother's role in the
women transmitted the right to succession, a renowned warrior not of royal birth
civilization and renewed Nubia's cultural and ideological ties to Egypt. The church
monastic and cathedral schools. The use of Greek in liturgy eventually gave way
to the Nubian language, which was written using an indigenous alphabet that
combined elements of the old Meroitic and Coptic scripts. Coptic, however, often
twelfth century. After the seventh century, Arabic gained importance in the Nubian
achieved their peak of prosperity and military power in the ninth and tenth
centuries. However, Muslim Arab invaders, who in 640 had conquered Egypt,
posed a threat to the Christian Nubian kingdoms. Most historians believe that
Arab pressure forced Nobatia and Muqurra to merge into the kingdom of
Dunqulah sometime before 700. Although the Arabs soon abandoned attempts to
result, the Nubian church became isolated from the rest of the Christian world.
nature of Sudanese society and facilitated the division of the country into north
and south. Islam also fostered political unity, economic growth, and educational
The spread of Islam began shortly after the Prophet Muhammad's death in
632. By that time, he and his followers had converted most of Arabia's tribes and
individual believer, the state, and society under God's will. Islamic rulers,
therefore, exercised temporal and religious authority. Islamic law ( sharia), which
was derived primarily from the Quran, encompassed all aspects of the lives of
believers, who were called Muslims ("those who submit" to God's will).
Within a generation of Muhammad's death, Arab armies had carried Islam
north and east from Arabia into North Africa. Muslims imposed political control
over conquered territories in the name of the caliph (the Prophet's successor as
supreme earthly leader of Islam). The Islamic armies won their first North African
victory in 643 in Tripoli (in modern Libya). However, the Muslim subjugation of all
of North Africa took about seventy-five years. The Arabs invaded Nubia in 642
and again in 652, when they laid siege to the city of Dunqulah and destroyed its
cathedral. The Nubians put up a stout defense, however, causing the Arabs to
The Arabs
Contacts between Nubians and Arabs long predated the coming of Islam,
but the arabization of the Nile Valley was a gradual process that occurred over a
period of nearly 1,000 years. Arab nomads continually wandered into the region
in search of fresh pasturage, and Arab seafarers and merchants traded in Red
Sea ports for spices and slaves. Intermarriage and assimilation also facilitated
arabization. After the initial attempts at military conquest failed, the Arab
commander in Egypt, Abd Allah ibn Saad, concluded the first in a series of
regularly renewed treaties with the Nubians that, with only brief interruptions,
governed relations between the two peoples for more than 600 years. So long as
Arabs ruled Egypt, there was peace on the Nubian frontier; however, when non-
Arabs acquired control of the Nile Delta, tension arose in Upper Egypt.
The Arabs realized the commercial advantages of peaceful relations with
Nubia and used the treaty to ensure that travel and trade proceeded unhindered
across the frontier. The treaty also contained security arrangements whereby
both parties agreed that neither would come to the defense of the other in the
event of an attack by a third party. The treaty obliged both to exchange annual
tribute as a goodwill symbol, the Nubians in slaves and the Arabs in grain. This
formality was only a token of the trade that developed between the two, not only
Nubia by the Arabs and in ivory, gold, gems, gum arabic, and cattle carried back
Acceptance of the treaty did not indicate Nubian submission to the Arabs,
but the treaty did impose conditions for Arab friendship that eventually permitted
treaty allowed Arabs to buy land from Nubians south of the frontier at Aswan.
of grain and slaves. Arab engineers supervised the operation of mines east of the
Nile in which they used slave labor to extract gold and emeralds. Muslim pilgrims
en route to Mecca traveled across the Red Sea on ferries from Aydhab and
Sawakin, ports that also received cargoes bound from India to Egypt.
mixed population to Arab tribes that migrated into the region during this period.
Even many non-Arabic-speaking groups claim descent from Arab forebears. The
two most important Arabic-speaking groups to emerge in Nubia were the Jaali
and the Juhayna. Both showed physical continuity with the indigenous pre-
Islamic population. The former claimed descent from the Quraysh, the Prophet
Muhammad's tribe. Historically, the Jaali have been sedentary farmers and
herders or townspeople settled along the Nile and in Al Jazirah. The nomadic
Juhayna comprised a family of tribes that included the Kababish, Baqqara, and
Shukriya. They were descended from Arabs who migrated after the thirteenth
century into an area that extended from the savanna and semidesert west of the
Nile to the Abyssinian foothills east of the Blue Nile. Both groups formed a series
and that were in frequent conflict with one another and with neighboring non-
Arabs. In some instances, as among the Beja, the indigenous people absorbed
Arab migrants who settled among them. Beja ruling families later derived their
however, and forced conversion was rare. Islam penetrated the area over a long
period of time through intermarriage and contacts with Arab merchants and
settlers. Exemption from taxation in regions under Muslim rule also proved a
The Decline of Christian Nubia. Until the thirteenth century, the Nubian
century, Nubian kings led armies into Egypt to force the release of the imprisoned
Muslim rulers. In 1276, however, the Mamluks (Arabic for "owned"), who were an
Dunqulah's reigning monarch and delivered the crown and silver cross that
satellite of Egypt.
kinswomen of Arab shaykhs, the lineages of the two elites merged and the
Muslim heirs took their places in the royal line of succession. In 1315 a Muslim
prince of Nubian royal blood ascended the throne of Dunqulah as king. The
expansion of Islam coincided with the decline of the Nubian Christian church. A
"dark age" enveloped Nubia in the fifteenth century during which political
authority fragmented and slave raiding intensified. Communities in the river valley
and savanna, fearful for their safety, formed tribal organizations and adopted
Arab protectors. Muslims probably did not constitute a majority in the old Nubian
The Rule of the Kashif. For several centuries Arab caliphs had governed
Egypt through the Mamluks. In the thirteenth century, the Mamluks seized control
of the state and created a sultanate that ruled Egypt until the early sixteenth
century. Although they repeatedly launched military expeditions that weakened
Dunqulah, the Mamluks did not directly rule Nubia. In 1517 the Turks conquered
a pashalik (province).
Ottoman forces pursued fleeing Mamluks into Nubia, which had been
administrative structures in ports on the Red Sea coast, the Ottomans exerted
military kashif (leaders), who controlled their virtually autonomous fiefs as agents
of the pasha in Cairo, to rule the interior. The rule of the kashif, many of whom
were Mamluks who had made their peace with the Ottomans, lasted 300 years.
Concerned with little more than tax collecting and slave trading, the military
leaders terrorized the population and constantly fought among themselves for
title to territory.
The Funj. At the same time that the Ottomans brought northern Nubia into
their orbit, a new power, the Funj, had risen in southern Nubia and had
supplanted the remnants of the old Christian kingdom of Alwa. In 1504 a Funj
leader, Amara Dunqas, founded the Black Sultanate (As Saltana az Zarqa) at
Sannar. The Black Sultanate eventually became the keystone of the Funj Empire.
allegiance of vassal states and tribal districts north to the third cataract and south
to the rainforests.
The Funj state included a loose confederation of sultanates and
Sannar's mek (sultan). As overlord, the mek received tribute, levied taxes, and
called on his vassals to supply troops in time of war. Vassal states in turn relied
on the mek to settle local disorders and to resolve internal disputes. The Funj
stabilized the region and interposed a military bloc between the Arabs in the
north, the Abyssinians in the east, and the non-Muslim blacks in the south.
The sultanate's economy depended on the role played by the Funj in the
slave trade. Farming and herding also thrived in Al Jazirah and in the southern
rainforests. Sannar apportioned tributary areas into tribal homelands (each one
termed a dar; pl., dur), where the mek granted the local population the right to
use arable land. The diverse groups that inhabitated each dar eventually
modern Sudan can be traced to this period.) The mek appointed a chieftain
customary law, paid tribute to the mek, and collected taxes. Themek also derived
income from crown lands set aside for his use in each dar.
the northward advance of the Nilotic Shilluk people up the White Nile and
the mek Badi II Abu Duqn (1642-81) sought to centralize the government of the
confederacy at Sannar. To implement this policy, Badi introduced a standing army
of slave soldiers that would free Sannar from dependence on vassal sultans for
military assistance and would provide the mek with the means to enforce his will.
The move alienated the dynasty from the Funj warrior aristocracy, which in 1718
deposed the reigning mek and placed one of their own ranks on the throne of
when the Funj turned back an Abyssinian invasion, defeated the Fur, and took
control of much of Kurdufan. But civil war and the demands of defending the
sultanate had overextended the warrior society's resources and sapped its
Another reason for Sannar's decline may have been the growing influence
managed court affairs. In 1761 the vizier Muhammad Abu al Kaylak, who had led
the Funj army in wars, carried out a palace coup, relegating the sultan to a
figurehead role. Sannar's hold over its vassals diminished, and by the early
nineteenth century more remote areas ceased to recognize even the nominal
authority of themek.
The Fur. Darfur was the Fur homeland. Renowned as cavalrymen, Fur
clans frequently allied with or opposed their kin, the Kanuri of Borno, in modern
Nigeria. After a period of disorder in the sixteenth century, during which the
region was briefly subject to Bornu, the leader of the Keira clan, Sulayman
Solong (1596-1637), supplanted a rival clan and became Darfur's first sultan.
Sulayman Solong decreed Islam to be the sultanate's official religion. However,
large-scale religious conversions did not occur until the reign of Ahmad Bakr
(1682-1722), who imported teachers, built mosques, and compelled his subjects
The sultans operated the slave trade as a monopoly. They levied taxes on
traders and export duties on slaves sent to Egypt, and took a share of the slaves
the courts of sultans, and the power exercised by these slaves provoked a violent
reaction among the traditional class of Fur officeholders in the late eighteenth
century. The rivalry between the slave and traditional elites caused recurrent
had been divided into several provinces, each of which was placed under a
Mamluk bey (governor) reponsible to the pasha, who in turn answered to the
Porte, the term used for the Ottoman government referring to the Sublime Porte,
or high gate, of the grand vizier's building. In approximately 280 years of Ottoman
rule, no fewer than 100 pashas succeeded each other. In the eighteenth century,
their authority became tenuous as rival Mamluk beys became the real power in
the land. The struggles among the beys continued until 1798 when the French
invasion of Egypt altered the situation. Combined British and Turkish military
operations forced the withdrawal of French forces in 1801, introducing a period of
replace the Albanian soldiers, Muhammad Ali planned to build an Egyptian army
dependency, the previous pashas had demanded little more from the kashif who
ruled there than the regular remittance of tribute; that changed under Muhammad
Ali. After he had defeated the Mamluks in Egypt, a party of them had escaped
and had fled south. In 1811 these Mamluks established a state at Dunqulah as a
base for their slave trading. In 1820 the sultan of Sannar informed Muhammad Ali
that he was unable to comply with the demand to expel the Mamluks. In
response the pasha sent 4,000 troops to invade Sudan, clear it of Mamluks, and
reclaim it for Egypt. The pasha's forces received the submission of the kashif,
surrender from the last Funj sultan, Badi IV. The Jaali Arab tribes offered stiff
resistance, however.
Initially, the Egyptian occupation of Sudan was disastrous. Under the new
regime, soldiers lived off the land and exacted exorbitant taxes from the
population. They also destroyed many ancient Meroitic pyramids searching for
inhabitants of the fertile Al Jazirah, heartland of Funj, to flee to escape the slave
traders. Within a year of the pasha's victory, 30,000 Sudanese slaves went to
Egypt for training and induction into the army. However, so many perished from
disease and the unfamiliar climate that the remaining slaves could be used only
in garrisons in Sudan.
less harsh. Egypt saddled Sudan with a parasitic bureaucracy, however, and
gradually returned to Al Jazirah. The Turkiyah also won the allegiance of some
tribal and religious leaders by granting them a tax exemption. Egyptian soldiers
defeated and allowed to serve the Egyptian rulers as tax collectors and irregular
cavalry under their own shaykhs. The Egyptians divided Sudan into provinces,
which they then subdivided into smaller administrative units that usually
administrative centers in their respective regions. At the local level, shaykhs and
In the 1850s, the pashalik revised the legal systems in Egypt and Sudan,
courts. The change reduced the prestige of the qadis (Islamic judges) whose
sharia courts were confined to dealing with matters of personal status. Even in
this area, the courts lacked credibility in the eyes of Sudanese Muslims because
they conducted hearings according to the Ottoman Empire's Hanafi school of law
staffed religious schools and courts with teachers and judges trained at Cairo's Al
order, because its leaders preached cooperation with the regime. But Sudanese
Until its gradual suppression in the 1860s, the slave trade was the most
profitable undertaking in Sudan and was the focus of Egyptian interests in the
monopolies that had exported slaves, ivory, and gum arabic. In some areas, tribal
land, which had been held in common, became the private property of the
(1854-63), lacked leadership qualities and paid little attention to Sudan, but the
reign of Ismail (1863-79) revitalized Egyptian interest in the country. In 1865 the
Ottoman Empire ceded the Red Sea coast and its ports to Egypt. Two years
later, the Ottoman sultan granted Ismail the title of khedive (sovereign prince).
Egypt organized and garrisoned the new provinces of Upper Nile, Bahr al
Ghazal, and Equatoria and, in 1874, conquered and annexed Darfur. Ismail
responsible government positions. Under prodding from Britain, Ismail took steps
to complete the elimination of the slave trade in the north of present-day Sudan.
The khedive also tried to build a new army on the European model that no longer
process caused unrest. Army units mutinied, and many Sudanese resented the
quartering of troops among the civilian population and the use of Sudanese
forced labor on public projects. Efforts to suppress the slave trade angered the
urban merchant class and the Baqqara Arabs, who had grown prosperous by
selling slaves.
provinces until the introduction of the Turkiyah in the north in the early 1820s and
the subsequent extension of slave raiding into the south. Information about their
peoples before that time is based largely on oral history. According to these
traditions, the Nilotic peoples--the Dinka, Nuer, Shilluk, and others--first entered
southern Sudan sometime before the tenth century. During the period from the
fifteenth century to the nineteenth century, tribal migrations, largely from the area
of Bahr al Ghazal, brought these peoples to their modern locations. Some, like
preserve their tribal integrity in the face of external pressures in the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries. The non-Nilotic Azande people, who entered southern
Sudan in the sixteenth century, established the region's largest state. In the
eighteenth century, the militaristic Avungara people entered and quickly imposed
their authority over the poorly organized and weaker Azande. Avungara power
remained largely unchallenged until the arrival of the British at the end of the
advance, enabling them to retain their social and cultural heritage and their
political and religious institutions. During the nineteenth century, the slave trade
brought southerners into closer contact with Sudanese Arabs and resulted in a
an area beyond Cairo's control. Because Sudan had access to Middle East slave
markets, the slave trade in the south intensified in the nineteenth century and
who competed with government- conducted slave raids. In 1854 Cairo ended
pressure, Egypt prohibited the slave trade. However, the Egyptian army failed to
enforce the prohibition against the private armies of the slave traders. The
extend Egyptian rule to the southern region. In 1869 British explorer Sir Samuel
annex all territory in the White Nile's basin and to suppress the slave trade. In
disarmed many slave traders and hanged those who defied him. By the time he
became Sudan's governor general in 1877, Gordon had weakened the slave
the newly created province of Bahr al Ghazal. Zubayr used his army to pacify the
province and to eliminate his competition in the slave trade. In 1874 he invaded
Darfur after the sultan had refused to guard caravan routes through his territory.
Zubayr then offered the region as a province to the khedive. Later that year,
Zubayr defied Cairo when it attempted to relieve him of his post, and defeated an
Egyptian force that sought to oust him. After he became Sudan's governor
general, Gordon ended Zubayr's slave trading, disbanded his army, and sent him
back to Cairo.
the Suez Canal opened and quickly became Britain's economic lifeline to India
and the Far East. To defend this waterway, Britain sought a greater role in
After the removal, in 1877, of Ismail, who had appointed him to the post,
direction from Cairo and feared the political turmoil that had engulfed Egypt. As a
result, they failed to continue the policies Gordon had put in place. The illegal
slave trade revived, although not enough to satisfy the merchants whom Gordon
had put out of business. The Sudanese army suffered from a lack of resources,
and unemployed soldiers from disbanded units troubled garrison towns. Tax
a faqir or holy man who combined personal magnetism with religious zealotry,
emerged, determined to expel the Turks and restore Islam to its primitive purity.
The son of a Dunqulah boatbuilder, Muhammad Ahmad had become the disciple
of Muhammad ash Sharif, the head of the Sammaniyah order. Later, as a shaykh
of the order, Muhammad Ahmad spent several years in seclusion and gained a
followers. Among those who joined him was Abdallahi ibn Muhammad, a
guide in the right path," usually seen as the Mahdi), sent from God to redeem the
faithful and prepare the way for the second coming of the Prophet Isa (Jesus).
abstention from alcohol and tobacco, and the strict seclusion of women.
Even after the Mahdi proclaimed a jihad, or holy war, against the Turkiyah,
attention when his religious zeal turned to denunciation of tax collectors. To avoid
arrest, the Mahdi and a party of his followers, the Ansar, made a long march to
religious orders and won active support or assurances of neutrality from all
except the pro-Egyptian Khatmiyyah. Merchants and Arab tribes that had
depended on the slave trade responded as well, along with the Hadendowa Beja,
Early in 1882, the Ansar, armed with spears and swords, overwhelmed a
7,000-man Egyptian force not far from Al Ubayyid and seized their rifles and
ammunition. The Mahdi followed up this victory by laying siege to Al Ubayyid and
starving it into submission after four months. The Ansar, 30,000 men strong, then
defeated an 8,000-man Egyptian relief force at Sheikan. Next the Mahdi captured
Darfur and imprisoned Rudolf Slatin, an Austrian in the khedive's service, who
The advance of the Ansar and the Beja rising in the east imperiled
Kassala, Sannar, and Sawakin and in the south. To avoid being drawn into a
not extricate the garrisons. As a result, he called for reinforcements from Egypt to
relieve Khartoum. Gordon also recommended that Zubayr, an old enemy whom
he recognized as an excellent military commander, be named to succeed him to
give disaffected Sudanese a leader other than the Mahdi to rally behind. London
rejected this plan. As the situation deteriorated, Gordon argued that Sudan was
essential to Egypt's security and that to allow the Ansar a victory there would
Minister William Gladstone to mobilize a relief force under the command of Lord
Garnet Joseph Wolseley. A "flying column" sent overland from Wadi Halfa across
the Bayyudah Desert bogged down at Abu Tulayh (commonly called Abu Klea),
where the Hadendowa Beja--the so-called Fuzzy Wuzzies--broke the British line.
An advance unit that had gone ahead by river when the column reached Al
Matammah arrived at Khartoum on January 28, 1885, to find the town had fallen
two days earlier. The Ansar had waited for the Nile flood to recede before
the garrison, killing Gordon, and delivering his head to the Mahdi's tent. Kassala
and Sannar fell soon after, and by the end of 1885 the Ansar had begun to move
into the southern region. In all Sudan, only Sawakin, reinforced by Indian army
new ruler also authorized the burning of lists of pedigrees and books of law and
theology because of their association with the old order and because he believed
nationalist government. The Mahdi maintained that his movement was not a
religious order that could be accepted or rejected at will, but that it was a
modified Islam's five pillars to support the dogma that loyalty to him was essential
to true belief. The Mahdi also added the declaration "and Muhammad Ahmad is
the Mahdi of God and the representative of His Prophet" to the recitation of the
creed, the shahada. Moreover, service in the jihad replaced the hajj, or
became the tax paid to the state. The Mahdi justified these and other innovations
The Khalifa. Six months after the capture of Khartoum, the Mahdi died of
Muhammad. Rivalry among the three, each supported by people of his native
region, continued until 1891, when Abdallahi ibn Muhammad, with the help
primarily of the Baqqara Arabs, overcame the opposition of the others and
courts enforced Islamic law and the Mahdi's precepts, which had the force of law.
appointed Ansar (who were usually Baqqara) as amirs over each of the several
provinces. The Khalifa also ruled over rich Al Jazirah. Although he failed to
period, largely because of the Khalifa's commitment to using the jihad to extend
his version of Islam throughout the world. For example, the Khalifa rejected an
Gonder, and captured prisoners and booty. The Khalifa then refused to conclude
peace with Ethiopia. In March 1889, an Ethiopian force, commanded by the king,
withdrew. Abd ar Rahman an Nujumi, the Khalifa's best general, invaded Egypt in
1889, but British-led Egyptian troops defeated the Ansar at Tushkah. The failure
of the Egyptian invasion ended the Ansar' invincibility. The Belgians prevented
the Mahdi's men from conquering Equatoria, and in 1893 the Italians repulsed an
Ansar attack at Akordat (in Eritrea) and forced the Ansar to withdraw from
Reconquest of Sudan. In 1892 Herbert Kitchener (later Lord Kitchener)
became sirdar, or commander, of the Egyptian army and started preparations for
the reconquest of Sudan. The British decision to occupy Sudan resulted in part
British supervision. By the early 1890s, British, French, and Belgian claims had
converged at the Nile headwaters. Britain feared that the other colonial powers
establish control over the Nile to safeguard a planned irrigation dam at Aswan.
to reconquer Sudan. Britain provided men and matériel while Egypt financed the
8,600 of whom were British. The remainder were troops belonging to Egyptian
units that included six battalions recruited in southern Sudan. An armed river
flotilla escorted the force, which also had artillery support. In preparation for the
attack, the British established army headquarters at Wadi Halfa and extended
and reinforced the perimeter defenses around Sawakin. In March 1896, the
constructed a rail line from Wadi Halfa to Abu Hamad and an extension parallel to
the Nile to transport troops and supplies to Barbar. Anglo-Egyptian units fought a
sharp action at Abu Hamad, but there was little other significant resistance until
Kitchener reached Atbarah and defeated the Ansar. After this engagement,
Kitchener's soldiers marched and sailed toward Omdurman, where the Khalifa
frontal assault against the Anglo-Egyptian force, which was massed on the plain
superior British firepower. During the five-hour battle, about 11,000 Mahdists died
ended when the Khalifa, who had escaped to Kurdufan, died in fighting at Umm
Diwaykarat in November 1899. Many areas welcomed the downfall of his regime.
Sudan's economy had been all but destroyed during his reign and the population
remained intact. Tribes had been divided in their attitudes toward Mahdism,
religious brotherhoods had been weakened, and orthodox religious leaders had
basis for continued British presence in the south. Britain assumed responsibility
Article II of the agreement specified that "the supreme military and civil
Decree with the consent of Her Britannic Majesty's Government." The British
governor general, who was a military officer, reported to the Foreign Office
as governor general in 1899. In each province, two inspectors and several district
Britain and formed the nucleus of the Sudan Political Service. Egyptians filled
executive council, whose approval was required for all legislation and for
budgetary matters, assisted the governor general. The governor general
presided over this council, which included the inspector general; the civil, legal,
and financial secretaries; and two to four other British officials appointed by the
governor general. The executive council retained legislative authority until 1948.
After restoring order and the government's authority, the British dedicated
adopted penal and criminal procedural codes similar to those in force in British
India. Commissions established land tenure rules and adjusted claims in dispute
the basic form of taxation, the amount assessed depending on the type of
irrigation, the number of date palms, and the size of herds; however, the rate of
taxation was fixed for the first time in Sudan's history. The 1902 Code of Civil
Procedure continued the Ottoman separation of civil law and sharia, but it also
division under a chief qadi appointed by the governor general. Religious judges
usually took the form of intertribal warfare, banditry, or revolts of short duration.
and in 1908. In 1916 Abd Allah as Suhayni, who claimed to be the Prophet Isa,
concern. A 1902 treaty with Ethiopia fixed the southeastern boundary with Sudan.
Seven years later, an AngloBelgian treaty determined the status of the Lado
Enclave in the south establishing a border with the Belgian Congo (present-day
Zaire). The western boundary proved more difficult to resolve. Darfur was the
only province formerly under Egyptian control that was not soon recovered under
the condominium. When the Mahdiyah disintegrated, Sultan Ali Dinar reclaimed
Darfur's throne, which had been lost to the Egyptians in 1874 and held the throne
under Ottoman suzerainty, with British approval on condition that he pay annual
tribute to the khedive. When World War I broke out, Ali Dinar proclaimed his
loyalty to the Ottoman Empire and responded to the Porte's call for a jihad
against the Allies. Britain, which had declared a protectorate over Egypt in 1914,
sent a small force against Ali Dinar, who died in subsequent fighting. In 1916 the
the Nile Valley's settled areas. In the first two decades of condominium rule, the
British extended telegraph and rail lines to link key points in northern Sudan but
services did not reach more remote areas. Port Sudan opened in 1906, replacing
Sawakin as the country's principal outlet to the sea. In 1911 the Sudanese
government and the private Sudan Plantations Syndicate launched the Gezira
cotton for Britain's textile industry. An irrigation dam near Sannar, completed in
1925, brought a much larger area in Al Jazirah under cultivation. Planters sent
cotton by rail from Sannar to Port Sudan for shipment abroad. The Gezira
Scheme made cotton the mainstay of the country's economy and turned the
between the British and the new Egyptian government foundered on the Sudan
question. Nationalists who were inflamed by the failure of the talks rioted in Egypt
and Sudan, where a minority supported union with Egypt. In November 1924, Sir
Lee Stack, governor general of Sudan and sirdar, was assassinated in Cairo.
Britain ordered all Egyptian troops, civil servants, and public employees
withdrawn from Sudan. In 1925 Khartoum formed the 4,500-man Sudan Defence
Sudan was relatively quiet in the late 1920s and 1930s. During this period,
the colonial government favored indirect rule, which allowed the British to govern
through indigenous leaders. In Sudan, the traditional leaders were the shaykhs--
of villages, tribes, and districts--in the north and tribal chiefs in the south. The
number of Sudanese recognizing them and the degree of authority they held
enable them to settle local disputes and then gradually allowed the shaykhs to
The mainstream of political development, however, occurred among local
leaders and among Khartoum's educated elite. In their view, indirect rule
prevented the country's unification, exacerbated tribalism in the north, and served
rule also implied government decentralization, which alarmed the educated elite
nationalists and the Khatmiyyah opposed indirect rule, the Ansar, many of whom
institutions with ones that adhered to liberal English traditions. However, southern
Upper Nile--received little official attention until after World War I, except for
efforts to suppress tribal warfare and the slave trade. The British justified this
policy by claiming that the south was not ready for exposure to the modern world.
To allow the south to develop along indigenous lines, the British, therefore,
closed the region to outsiders. As a result, the south remained isolated and
missionaries, who operated schools and medical clinics, provided limited social
Catholic religious order that had established southern missions before the
from the United States and the Anglican Church Missionary Society. There was
gaining posts in the provincial civil service, many northerners regarded them as
tools of British imperialism. The few southerners who received higher training
1920s, detached the south from the rest of Sudan for all practical purposes. The
Moreover, the British gradually replaced Arab administrators and expelled Arab
merchants, thereby severing the south's last economic contacts with the north.
The colonial administration also discouraged the spread of Islam, the practice of
Arab customs, and the wearing of Arab dress. At the same time, the British made
efforts to revitalize African customs and tribal life that the slave trade had
disrupted. Finally, a 1930 directive stated that blacks in the southern provinces
were to be considered a people distinct from northern Muslims and that the
region should be prepared for eventual integration with British East Africa.
struggle went on between British officials in the north and south, as those in the
branches in the Sudan Political Service also impeded the south's growth. Those
usually were distrustful of Arab influence and were committed to keeping the
south under British control. By contrast, officials in the northern provinces tended
to be Arabists often drawn from the diplomatic and consular service. Whereas
after World War I, was an Arab and Muslim phenomenon with its support base in
and preventing its unification under an arabized and Islamic ruling class.
Ironically, however, a non-Arab led Sudan's first modern nationalist
movement. In 1921 Ali Abd al Latif, a Muslim Dinka and former army officer,
founded the United Tribes Society that called for an independent Sudan in which
power would be shared by tribal and religious leaders. Three years later, Ali Abd
Stack's assassination. Ali Abd al Latif's arrest and subsequent exile in Egypt
would agree to a modification. Moreover, the British regarded their role as the
that the eventual result of friction between the condominium powers might be the
Kenya. Although they settled most of their differences in the 1936 Treaty of
Alliance, which set a timetable for the end of British military occupation, Britain
Sudan should apply for independence or for union with Egypt. The Mahdi's son,
Abd ar Rahman al Mahdi, emerged as a spokesman for independence in
opposition to Ali al Mirghani, the Khatmiyyah leader, who favored union with
Egypt. Coalitions supported by each of these leaders formed rival wings of the
nationalist movement. Later, radical nationalists and the Khatmiyyah created the
Ashigga, later renamed the National Unionist Party (NUP), to advance the cause
independence in cooperation with Britain and together with the Ansar established
assumed the mission of guarding Sudan's frontier with Italian East Africa
(present-day Ethiopia). During the summer of 1940, Italian forces invaded Sudan
at several points and captured Kassala. However, the SDF prevented a further
advance on Port Sudan. In January 1941, the SDF, expanded to 20,000 troops,
retook Kassala and participated in the British offensive that routed the Italians in
Eritrea and liberated Ethiopia. Some Sudanese units later contributed to the
after the war to be preceded by abolition of the "closed door" ordinances, an end
governor of Kurdufan Province in the 1930s and later the executive council's civil
in all areas except military and foreign affairs, which remained in the British
After seizing power in Egypt and overthrowing the Faruk monarchy in late
Sudan's status to an agreement on the evacuation of British troops from the Suez
Canal. Naguib separated the two issues and accepted the right of Sudanese self-
accord, which allowed for a three-year transition period from condominium rule to
self-government. During the transition phase, British and Egyptian troops would
withdraw from Sudan. At the end of this period, the Sudanese would decide their
1952 gave a majority to the pro-Egyptian NUP, which had called for an eventual
union with Egypt. In January 1954, a new government emerged under NUP
The South and the Unity of Sudan. During World War II, some British
colonial officers questioned the economic and political viability of the southern
provinces as separate from northern Sudan. Britain also had become more
administrators to southern posts, abolish the trade restrictions imposed under the
north. Khartoum also nullified the prohibition against Muslim proselytizing in the
south and introduced Arabic in the south as the official administration language.
retaining the separate development policy. These British officers argued that
northern domination of the south would result in a southern rebellion against the
fears of southern leaders and British officials in the south and to assure them that
concern that northerners would overwhelm them. In particular, they resented the
enter public service. They also felt threatened by the replacement of trusted
government replaced several hundred colonial officials with Sudanese, only four
violently when southern army units mutinied in August 1955 to protest their
transfer to garrisons under northern officers. The rebellious troops killed several
executed seventy southerners for sedition. But this harsh reaction failed to pacify
the south, as some of the mutineers escaped to remote areas and organized
Egypt. Although his pro-Egyptian NUP had won a majority in the 1953
parliamentary elections, Azhari realized that popular opinion had shifted against
union with Egypt. As a result, Azhari, who had been the major spokesman for the
"unity of the Nile Valley," reversed the NUP's stand and supported Sudanese
1956, Sudan became an independent republic. Azhari called for the withdrawal of
Constitution, which replaced the governor general as head of state with a five-
problems from the condominium. Chief among these was the status of the civil
compensation and pensions for British officers of the Sudan Political Service who
left the country; it retained those who could not be replaced, mostly technicians
and teachers. Khartoum achieved this transformation quickly and with a minimum
many southern leaders concentrated their efforts in Khartoum, where they hoped
governments had begun in mid-1957, and the parliament ratified a United States
aid agreement in July 1958. Washington hoped this agreement would reduce
policies. In June some Khatmiyyah members who had defected from the NUP
The Umma and the PDP combined in parliament to bring down the Azhari
government. With support from the two parties and backing from the Ansar and
economic development, and improving relations with Egypt. Strains within the
these matters. The Umma, for example, wanted the proposed constitution to
Rahman al Mahdi would be elected the first president. Consensus was lacking
about the country's economic future. A poor cotton harvest followed the 1957
bumper cotton crop, which Sudan had been unable to sell at a good price in a
glutted market. This downturn depleted Sudan's reserves and caused unrest over
finance future development projects, the Umma called for greater reliance on
foreign aid. The PDP, however, objected to this strategy because it promoted
unacceptable foreign influence in Sudan. The PDP's philosophy reflected the
Arab nationalism espoused by Gamal Abdul Nasser, who had replaced Egyptian
leader Naguib in 1954. Despite these policy differences, the Umma-PDP coalition
lasted for the remaining year of the parliament's tenure. Moreover, after the
parliament adjourned, the two parties promised to maintain a common front for
The electorate gave a plurality in both houses to the Umma and an overall
majority to the Umma-PDP coalition. The NUP, however, won nearly one-quarter
of the seats, largely from urban centers and from Gezira Scheme agricultural
workers. In the south, the vote represented a rejection of the men who had
system. Resentment against the government's taking over mission schools and
against the measures used in suppressing the 1955 mutiny contributed to the
decisive action with regard to the proposed constitution and the future of the
Another issue that divided the parliament concerned SudaneseUnited
with the United States. When he presented the pact to parliament for ratification,
he discovered that the NUP wanted to use the issue to defeat the Umma-PDP
coalition and that many PDP delegates opposed the agreement. Nevertheless,
the Umma, with the support of some PDP and southern delegates, managed to
included Khartoum's decision to sell cotton at a price above world market prices.
This policy resulted in low sales of cotton, the commodity from which Sudan
derived most of its income. Restrictions on imports imposed to take pressure off
cattle, camels, and dates from Sudan. Growing popular discontent caused many
reports circulated in Khartoum that the Umma and the NUP were near agreement
coup occurred. Khalil, himself a retired army general, planned the preemptive
coup in conjunction with leading Umma members and the army's two senior
generals, Ibrahim Abbud and Ahmad Abd al Wahab, who became leaders of the
military regime. Abbud immediately pledged to resolve all disputes with Egypt,
including the long-standing problem of the status of the Nile River. Abbud
political parties only served as vehicles for personal ambitions and that they
decision making from the control of the civilian politicians. Abbud created the
Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to rule Sudan. This body contained
officers affiliated with the Ansar and the Khatmiyyah. Abbud belonged to the
Khatmiyyah, whereas Abd al Wahab was a member of the Ansar. Until Abd al
Wahab's removal in March 1959, the Ansar were the stronger of the two groups
in the government.
The regime benefited during its first year in office from successful
marketing of the cotton crop. Abbud also profited from the settlement of the Nile
waters dispute with Egypt and the improvement of relations between the two
countries. Under the military regime, the influence of the Ansar and the
Khatmiyyah lessened. The strongest religious leader, Abd ar Rahman al Mahdi,
died in early 1959. His son and successor, the elder Sadiq al Mahdi, failed to
enjoy the respect accorded his father. When Sadiq died two years later, Ansar
religious and political leadership divided between his brother, Imam Al Hadi al
Although the courts sentenced the leaders of these attempted coups to life
lacked dynamism and the ability to stabilize the country. Its failure to place
and social development program, and to gain the army's support created an
attempts to arabize society. In February 1964, for example, Abbud ordered the
parliament to cut off outlets for southern complaints. Southern leaders had
renewed in 1963 the armed struggle against the Sudanese government that had
continued sporadically since 1955. The rebellion was spearheaded from 1963 by
guerrilla forces known as the Anya Nya (the name of a poisonous concoction).
growing southern discontent, the Abbud regime asked the civilian sector to
government policy quickly went beyond the southern issue and included Abbud's
Khartoum, brought a reaction not only from teachers and students but also from
Khartoum's civil servants and trade unionists. The so-called October Revolution
of 1964 centered around a general strike that spread throughout the country.
Along with some former politicians, they formed the leftist United National Front
After several days of rioting that resulted in many deaths, Abbud dissolved
the government and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. UNF leaders and
army commanders who planned the transition from military to civilian rule
The new civilian regime, which operated under the 1956 Transitional
political parties, however, because of their divisiveness during the Abbud regime.
Although the new government allowed all parties, including the SCP, to operate,
only five of fifteen posts in Khatim's cabinet went to party politicians. The prime
minister gave two positions to nonparty southerners and the remaining eight to
Sudan African National Union (SANU), founded in 1963 and led by William Deng
and Saturino Lahure, a Roman Catholic priest, operated among refugee groups
and guerrilla forces. The Southern Front, a mass organization led by Stanislaus
Payasama that had worked underground during the Abbud regime, functioned
parliamentary elections. SANU remained active in parliament for the next four
years as a voice for southern regional autonomy within a unified state. Exiled
SANU leaders balked at Deng's moderate approach and formed the Azania
Anya Nya leaders remained aloof from political movements. The guerrillas
surfaced within Anya Nya between older leaders who had been in the bush since
1955, and younger, better educated men like Joseph Lagu, a former Sudanese
army captain, who eventually became a strong guerrilla leader, largely because
from being conducted in that region, however, and the political parties split on the
postponed until the whole country could vote. The PDP and SCP, both fearful of
losing votes, wanted to postpone the elections, as did southern elements loyal to
Khartoum. Their opposition forced the government to resign. The president of the
directed that the elections be held wherever possible. The PDP rejected this
The 1965 election results were inconclusive. Apart from a low voter
result, few of those elected won a majority of the votes cast. The Umma captured
75 out of 158 parliamentary seats while its NUP ally took 52 of the remainder.
The two parties formed a coalition cabinet in June headed by Umma leader
Muhammad Ahmad Mahjub, whereas Azhari, the NUP leader, became the
southern problem and the removal of communists from positions of power. The
army launched a major offensive to crush the rebellion and in the process
augmented its reputation for brutality among the southerners. Many southerners
Sudanese army troops also burned churches and huts, closed schools, and
destroyed crops and cattle. To achieve his second objective, Mahjub succeeded
in having parliament approve a decree that abolished the SCP and deprived the
should conduct Sudan's foreign relations. Mahjub continued in office for another
eight months but resigned in July 1966 after a parliamentary vote of censure,
which resulted in a split in the Umma. The traditional wing led by Mahjub, under
the Imam Al Hadi al Mahjub's spiritual leadership, opposed the party's majority.
The latter group professed loyalty to the imam's nephew, the younger Sadiq al
Mahdi, who was the Umma's official leader and who rejected religious
sectarianism. Sadiq became prime minister with backing from his own Umma
development. Sadiq al Mahdi also planned to use his personal rapport with
southern leaders to engineer a peace agreement with the insurgents. He
vice president and called for the approval of autonomy for the southern
The educated elite and segments of the army opposed Sadiq al Mahdi
problems. Leftist student organizations and the trade unions demanded the
that overturned legislation banning the SCP and ousting communists elected to
small army unit against the government failed. The government subsequently
in pacified southern areas. The Sadiq al Mahdi wing of the Umma won fifteen
seats, the federalist SANU ten, and the NUP five. Despite this apparent boost in
civil war. The Umma traditionalist wing opposed Sadiq al Mahdi because of his
declare Sudan an Islamic state. When the traditionalists and the NUP withdrew
their support, his government fell. In May 1967, Mahjub became prime minister
and head of a coalition government whose cabinet included members of his wing
of the Umma, of the NUP, and of the PDP. In December 1967, the PDP and the
NUP formed the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) under Azhari's leadership.
the Mahjub government. Sadiq al Mahdi's wing held a majority in parliament and
However, Sadiq refused to recognize the legitimacy of the prime minister's action.
parliament building and the other on its lawn--both of which claimed to represent
the legislature's will. The army commander requested clarification from the
Supreme Court regarding which of them had authority to issue orders. The court
backed Mahjub's dissolution; the government scheduled new elections for April.
Although the DUP won 101 of 218 seats, no single party controlled a
the Sadiq wing, and twenty-five to the two southern parties--SANU and the
Southern Front. The SCP secretary general, Abd al Khaliq Mahjub, also won a
seat. In a major setback, Sadiq lost his own seat to a traditionalist rival.
traditionalists, who received the prime ministership for their leader, Muhammad
Ahmad Mahjub, and four other cabinet posts. The coalition's program included
plans for government reorganization, closer ties with the Arab world, and
renewed economic development efforts, particularly in the southern provinces.
and economic aid from the Soviet Union. Sadiq al Mahdi's wing of the Umma
efforts to complete the draft constitution, already ten years overdue, the
By late 1968, the two Umma wings agreed to support the Ansar chief
Imam Al Hadi al Mahdi in the 1969 presidential election. At the same time, the
DUP announced that Azhari also would seek the presidency. The communists
and other leftists aligned themselves behind the presidential candidacy of former
Chief Justice Babikr Awadallah, whom they viewed as an ally because he had
THE NIMEIRI ERA, 1969-85. On May 25, 1969, several young officers,
conspiracy's core were nine officers led by Colonel Jaafar an Nimeiri, who had
been implicated in plots against the Abbud regime. Nimeiri's coup preempted
plots by other groups, most of which involved army factions supported by the
the grounds that civilian politicians had paralyzed the decision-making process,
had failed to deal with the country's economic and regional problems, and had
The coup leaders, joined by Awadallah, the former chief justice who had
"Sudanese socialism." The RCC's first acts included the suspension of the
implement RCC policy directives, wanted to dispel the notion that the coup had
that included only three officers from the RCC, among them its chairman, Nimeiri,
who was also defense minister. The cabinet's other military members held the
southerners in the cabinet, John Garang, minister of supply and later minister for
southern affairs. Others identified themselves as Marxists. Since the RCC lacked
of convenience.
In November 1969, after he claimed the regime could not survive without
succeeded him. Awadallah retained his position as RCC deputy chairman and
leftist elements.
Conservative forces, led by the Ansar, posed the greatest threat to the
RCC. Imam Al Hadi al Mahdi had withdrawn to his Aba Island stronghold (in the
Nile, near Khartoum) in the belief that the government had decided to strike at
government, the exclusion of communists from power, and an end to RCC rule.
In March 1970, hostile Ansar crowds prevented Nimeiri from visiting the island for
talks with the imam. Fighting subsequently erupted between government forces
surrender, army units with air support assaulted Aba Island. About 3,000 people
died during the battle. The imam escaped only to be killed while attempting to
cross the border into Ethiopia. The government exiled Sadiq al Mahdi to Egypt,
where Nasser promised to keep him under guard to prevent him from succeeding
government. This strategy prompted an internal debate within the SCP. The
orthodox wing, led by party secretary general Abd al Khaliq Mahjub, demanded a
National Communist wing, on the other hand, supported cooperation with the
Soon after the army had crushed the Ansar at Aba Island, Nimeiri moved
against the SCP. He ordered the deportation of Abd al Khaliq Mahjub. Then,
when the SCP secretary general returned to Sudan illegally after several months
abroad, Nimeiri placed him under house arrest. In March 1971, Nimeiri indicated
Union (SSU), which would assume control of all political parties, including the
SCP. After this speech, the government arrested the SCP's central committee
The SCP, however, retained a covert organization that was not damaged
in the sweep. Before further action could be taken against the party, the SCP
launched a coup against Nimeiri. The coup occurred on July 19, 1971, when one
of the plotters, Major Hisham al Atta, surprised Nimeiri and the RCC meeting in
the presidential palace and seized them along with a number of proNimeiri
ranked prominently, to serve as the national government. Three days after the
coup, however, loyal army units stormed the palace, rescued Nimeiri, and
arrested Atta and his confederates. Nimeiri, who blamed the SCP for the coup,
ordered the arrest of hundreds of communists and dissident military officers. The
many others.
The Southern Problem. The origins of the civil war in the south date back
to the 1950s. On August 18, 1955, the Equatoria Corps, a military unit composed
authorities, many mutineers disappeared into hiding with their weapons, marking
the beginning of the first war in southern Sudan. By the late 1960s, the war had
resulted in the deaths of about 500,000 people. Several hundred thousand more
By 1969 the rebels had developed foreign contacts to obtain weapons and
supplies. Israel, for example, trained Anya Nya recruits and shipped weapons via
Ethiopia and Uganda to the rebels. Anya Nya also purchased arms from
Congolese rebels and international arms dealers with monies collected in the
south and from among southern Sudanese exile communities in the Middle East,
Western Europe, and North America. The rebels also captured arms, equipment,
government forces occupied the region's major towns. The guerrillas operated at
will from remote camps. However, rebel units were too small and scattered to be
highly effective in any single area. Estimates of Anya Nya personnel strength
Government operations against the rebels declined after the 1969 coup.
troop strength in the south to about 12,000 in 1969, and intensified military
activity throughout the region. Although the Soviet Union had concluded a
US$100 million to US$150 million arms agreement with Sudan in August 1968,
which included T-55 tanks, armored personnel carriers, and aircraft, the nation
failed to deliver any equipment to Khartoum by May 1969. During this period,
went to the Sudanese air force. By the end of 1969, however, the Soviet Union
had shipped unknown quantities of 85mm antiaircraft guns, sixteen MiG-21s, and
five Antonov-24 transport aircraft. Over the next two years, the Soviet Union
and T-59 tanks; and BTR-40 and BTR-152 light armored vehicles.
In 1971 Joseph Lagu, who had become the leader of southern forces
Movement (SSLM). Anya Nya leaders united behind him, and nearly all exiled
southern insurgency. He believed he could stop the fighting and stabilize the
with the SSLM. After considerable consultation, a conference between SSLM and
February 1972. Initially, the two sides were far apart, the southerners demanding
a federal state with a separate southern government and an army that would
threat to Sudan. Eventually, however, the two sides, with the help of Ethiopia's
the regional president would be responsible for all aspects of government in the
region except such areas as defense, foreign affairs, currency and finance,
economic and social planning, and interregional concerns, authority over which
equal numbers of northern and southern officers. The accords also recognized
Although many SSLM leaders opposed the settlement, Lagu approved its
terms and both sides agreed to a cease-fire. The national government issued a
also announced an amnesty, retroactive to 1955. The two sides signed the Addis
Ababa accords on March 27, 1972, which was thereafter celebrated as National
Unity Day.
that favored rural over urban areas, where leftist activism was most evident.
Khartoum also reaffirmed Islam's special position in the country, recognized the
sharia as the source of all legislation, and released some members of religious
groups, which had organized outside Sudan under Sadiq al Mahdi's leadership
drawn from the Constituent Assembly. Nimeiri excluded individuals who had
opposed the southern settlement or who had been identified with the SSU's pro-
Egyptian faction.
recognized the SSU as the only authorized political organization, and supported
regional autonomy for the south. The constitution also stipulated that voters were
slate. Although it cited Islam as Sudan's official religion, the constitution admitted
voters selected 125 members for the assembly; SSU-affiliated occupational and
professional groups named 100; and the president appointed the remaining 25.
Discontent with Nimeiri's policies and the increased military role in
there were unsuccessful coup attempts against Nimeiri. Muslims and leftist
students also staged strikes against the government. In September 1974, Nimeiri
and arresting large numbers of dissidents. Nimeiri also replaced some cabinet
in 1974. The National Front included people from Sadiq's wing of Umma; the
NUP; and the Islamic Charter Front, then the political arm of the Muslim
killing more than 700 rebels in Khartoum and arresting scores of dissidents,
officials met with the National Front in London, and arranged for a conference
between Nimeiri and Sadiq al Mahdi in Port Sudan. In what became known as
the "national reconciliation," the two leaders signed an eight-point agreement that
readmitted the opposition to national life in return for the dissolution of the
National Front. The agreement also restored civil liberties, freed political
about 1,000 detainees and granted an amnesty to Sadiq al Mahdi. The SSU also
admitted former supporters of the National Front to its ranks. Sadiq renounced
multiparty politics and urged his followers to work within the regime's one-party
The first test of national reconciliation occurred during the February 1978
People's Assembly elections. Nimeiri authorized returning exiles who had been
associated with the old Umma Party, the DUP, and the Muslim Brotherhood to
Sudan's political system. However, the People's Assembly elections marked the
who also were SSU members to claim that the party had betrayed them. As a
The end of the SSU's political monopoly, coupled with rampant corruption
any minister or senior military officer who appeared to be developing his own
power base. Nimeiri selected replacements based on their loyalty to him rather
than on their abilities. This strategy caused the president to lose touch with
power by redividing the Southern Region into the three old provinces of Bahr al
Ghazal, Al Istiwai, and Aali an Nil; he had suspended the Southern Regional
Liberation Movement (SPLM) and its military wing, the Sudanese People's
this redivision and called for the creation of a new united Sudan.
the basis of the Sudanese legal system. Nimeiri's decrees, which became known
as the September Laws, were bitterly resented both by secularized Muslims and
and the executions and amputations ordered by religious courts. Meanwhile, the
security situation in the south had deteriorated so much that by the end of 1983 it
The general strike paralyzed the country. Nimeiri, who was on a visit to the
United States, was unable to suppress the rapidly growing demonstrations
south's redivision, the introduction throughout the country of the sharia, the
General Abd ar Rahman Siwar adh Dhahab, overthrew Nimeiri, who took refuge
Transitional Military Council (TMC) to rule Sudan. During its first few weeks in
power, the TMC suspended the constitution; dissolved the SSU, the secret
governors and their ministers; and released hundreds of political detainees from
Kober Prison. Dhahab also promised to negotiate an end to the southern civil war
populace welcomed and supported the new regime. Despite the TMC's energetic
beginning, it soon became evident that Dhahab lacked the skills to resolve
Sudan's economic problems, restore peace to the south, and establish national
The country's international debt was approximately US$9 billion. Agricultural and
industrial projects funded by the International Monetary Fund ( IMF) and the
World Bank remained in the planning stages. Most factories operated at less
than 50 percent of capacity, while agricultural output had dropped by 50 percent
since 1960. Moreover, famine threatened vast areas of southern and western
result, the IMF, which influenced nearly all bilateral and multilateral donors, in
February 1986, declared Sudan bankrupt. Efforts to attract a US$6 billion twenty-
five- year investment from the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
expansion of the money supply and the TMC's inability to control prices caused a
soaring inflation rate. Although he appealed to forty donor and relief agencies for
emergency food shipments, Dhahab was unable to prevent famine from claiming
toward the south. Among other things, he declared a unilateral cease-fire, called
for direct talks with the SPLM, and offered an amnesty to rebel fighters. The TMC
recognized the need for special development efforts in the south and proposed a
to repeal the sharia negated these overtures and convinced SPLM leader
Garang that the Sudanese government still wanted to subjugate the south.
Despite this gulf, both sides continued to work for a peaceful resolution of
the southern problem. In March 1986, the Sudanese government and the SPLM
produced the Koka Dam Declaration, which called for a Sudan "free from racism,
declaration also demanded the repeal of the sharia and the opening of a
constitutional conference. All major political parties and organizations, with the
exception of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and the National Islamic Front
(NIF), supported the Koka Dam Declaration. To avoid a confrontation with the
DUP and the NIF, Dhahab decided to leave the sharia question to the new
civilian government. Meanwhile, the SPLA kept up the military pressure on the
political consensus. In late April 1985, negotiations between the TMC and the
civilian cabinet under the direction of Dr. Gazuli Dafalla. The cabinet, which was
Association, the cabinet failed to win the loyalty of most southerners, who
believed the TMC only reflected the policies of the deposed Nimeiri. As a result,
most Sudanese favored the revival of the multiparty system. In the aftermath of
Nimeiri's overthrow, approximately forty political parties registered with the TMC
supported Islamism. Of these latter, the NIF had succeeded the Islamic Charter
Front as the main vehicle for the Muslim Brotherhood's political aspirations.
However, policy disagreements over the sharia, the southern civil war, and the
national politics.
general election, which the authorities spread over a twelve-day period and
Umma Party, headed by Sadiq al Mahdi, won ninety-nine seats. The DUP, which
was led after the April 1985 uprising by Khatmiyyah leader Muhammad Uthman
al Mirghani, gained sixty-four seats. Dr. Hassan Abd Allah at Turabi's NIF
obtained fifty-one seats. Regional political parties from the south, the Nuba
Mountains, and the Red Sea Hills won lesser numbers of seats. The Sudanese
Communist Party (SCP) and other radical parties failed to score any significant
SADIQ AL MAHDI. In June 1986, Sadiq al Mahdi formed a coalition
government with the Umma, the DUP, the NIF, and four southern parties.
political instability characterized the Sadiq regime. After less than a year in office,
Sadiq al Mahdi dismissed the government because it had failed to draft a new
penal code to replace the sharia, reach an agreement with the IMF, end the civil
expatriates. To retain the support of the DUP and the southern political parties,
Instead of removing the ministers who had been associated with the
failures of the first coalition government, Sadiq al Mahdi retained thirteen of them,
rejected the second coalition government as being a replica of the first. To make
banking system, and changing the national flag and national emblem.
name from all institutions and dismiss all officials appointed by Nimeiri to serve in
criticized the memorandum for not mentioning the civil war, famine, or the
Supreme Commission. For the next nine months, Sadiq and Mirghani failed to
Sadiq moved closer to the NIF. However, the NIF refused to join a coalition
government that included leftist elements. Moreover, Turabi indicated that the
positions in the central and regional governments, the lifting of the state of
Because of the endless debate over these issues, it was not until May 15,
Members of this coalition included the Umma, the DUP, the NIF, and some
the NIF's demand that it be given the post of commissioner of Khartoum, the
inability to establish criteria for the selection of regional governors, and the NIF's
opposition to the replacement of senior military officers and the chief of staff of
Mirghani and the SPLM signed an agreement in Addis Ababa that included
provisions for a cease-fire, the freezing of the sharia, the lifting of the state of
emergency, and the abolition of all foreign political and military pacts. The two
political future. The NIF opposed this agreement because of its stand on the
sharia. When the government refused to support the agreement, the DUP
withdrew from the coalition. Shortly thereafter armed forces commander in chief
senior military officers, to Sadiq al Mahdi demanding that he make the coalition
government more representative and that he announce terms for ending the civil
dissolving the government. The new coalition had included the Umma, the DUP,
and representatives of southern parties and the trade unions. The NIF refused to
join the coalition because it was not committed to enforcing the sharia. Sadiq
claimed his new government was committed to ending the southern civil war by
mobilize government resources to bring food relief to famine areas, reduce the
inability to live up to these promises eventually caused his downfall. On June 30,
the non-Muslim south and to seeking a military victory over the SPLA, however,
seemed likely to keep the country divided for the foreseeable future and hamper
emergence of the NIF as a political force made compromise with the south more
Sudan is Africa's
plain are the isolated Nuba Mountains and Ingessana Hills, and far to the
southeast, the lone Boma Plateau near the Ethiopian border. Spanning eighteen
degrees of latitude, the plain of the Sudan includes from north to south significant
Northern Sudan, lying between the Egyptian border and Khartoum, has
two distinct parts, the desert and the Nile Valley. To the east of the Nile lies the
Nubian Desert; to the west, the Libyan Desert. They are similar--stony, with
sandy dunes drifting over the landscape. There is virtually no rainfall in these
deserts, and in the Nubian Desert there are no oases. In the west there are a few
small watering holes, such as Bir an Natrun, where the water table reaches the
surface to form wells that provide water for nomads, caravans, and administrative
settled population. Flowing through the desert is the Nile Valley, whose alluvial
strip of habitable land is no more than two kilometers wide and whose
and Kurdufan that comprise 850,000 square kilometers. Traditionally, this has
been regarded as a single regional unit despite the physical differences. The
streams; thus, people and animals must remain within reach of permanent wells.
900 meters above the Sudanic plain; the drainage from Jabal Marrah onto the
plain can support a settled population. Western Darfur stands in stark contrast to
northern and eastern Darfur, which are semidesert with little water either from the
intermittent streams known as wadis or from wells that normally go dry during the
winter months. Northwest of Darfur and continuing into Chad lies the unusual
region called the jizzu, where sporadic winter rains generated from the
February. The southern region of western Sudan is known as the qoz, a land of
sand dunes that in the rainy season is characterized by a rolling mantle of grass
and has more reliable sources of water with its bore holes and hafri (sing., hafr)
than does the north. A unique feature of western Sudan is the Nuba Mountain
isolated dome-shaped, sugarloaf hills that ascend steeply and abruptly from the
great Sudanic plain. Many hills are isolated and extend only a few square
kilometers, but there are several large hill masses with internal valleys that cut
Sudan's third distinct region is the central clay plains that stretch eastward
from the Nuba Mountains to the Ethiopian frontier, broken only by the Ingessana
Hills, and from Khartoum in the north to the far reaches of southern Sudan.
Between the Dindar and the Rahad rivers, a low ridge slopes down from the
Ethiopian highlands to break the endless skyline of the plains, and the occasional
hill stands out in stark relief. The central clay plains provide the backbone of
Sudan's economy because they are productive where settlements cluster around
available water. Furthermore, in the heartland of the central clay plains lies
the jazirah, the land between the Blue Nile and the White Nile (literally in Arabic
"peninsula") where the great Gezira Scheme (also seen as Jazirah Scheme) was
developed. This project grows cotton for export and has traditionally produced
Northeast of the central clay plains lies eastern Sudan, which is divided
between desert and semidesert and includes Al Butanah, the Qash Delta, the
Red Sea Hills, and the coastal plain. Al Butanah is an undulating land between
Khartoum and Kassala that provides good grazing for cattle, sheep, and goats.
Originally a depression, it has been filled with sand and silt brought down by the
flash floods of the Qash River, creating a delta above the surrounding plain.
Extending 100 kilometers north of Kassala, the whole area watered by the Qash
is a rich grassland with bountiful cultivation long after the river has spent its
waters on the surface of its delta. Trees and bushes provide grazing for the
camels from the north, and the rich moist soil provides an abundance of food
Northward beyond the Qash lie the more formidable Red Sea Hills. Dry,
bleak, and cooler than the surrounding land, particularly in the heat of the Sudan
summer, they stretch northward into Egypt, a jumbled mass of hills where life is
hard and unpredictable for the hardy Beja inhabitants. Below the hills sprawls the
coastal plain of the Red Sea, varying in width from about fifty-six kilometers in the
south near Tawkar to about twenty-four kilometers near the Egyptian frontier. The
coastal plain is dry and barren. It consists of rocks, and the seaward side is thick
northern clay plains, extend all the way from northern Sudan to the mountains on
the Sudan - Uganda frontier, and in the west from the borders of Central African
Republic eastward to the Ethiopian highlands. This great Nilotic plain is broken
by several distinctive features. First, the White Nile bisects the plain and provides
large permanent water surfaces such as lakes Fajarial, No, and Shambe.
lakes, lagoons, and aquatic plants, whose area in high flood waters exceeds
was this sudd as an obstacle to navigation that a passage was not discovered
until the midnineteenth century. Then as now, As Sudd with its extreme rate of
evaporation consumes on average more than half the waters that come down the
White Nile from the equatorial lakes. These waters also create a flood plain
known as the toicthat provides grazing when the flood waters retreat to the
permanent swamp and sluggish river, the Bahr al Jabal, as the White Nile is
called here.
The land rising to the south and west of the southern clay plain is referred
to as the Ironstone Plateau (Jabal Hadid), a name derived from its laterite soils
and increasing elevation. The plateau rises from the west bank of the Nile,
sloping gradually upward to the Congo-Nile watershed. The land is well watered,
providing rich cultivation, but the streams and rivers that come down from the
watershed divide and erode the land before flowing on to the Nilotic plain flow
into in As Sudd. Along the streams of the watershed are the gallery forests, the
beginnings of the tropical rain forests that extend far into Zaire. To the east of the
Jabal Hadid and the Bahr al Jabal rise the foothills of the mountain ranges along
the Sudan-Uganda border - the Imatong, Didinga, and Dongotona - which rise to
more than 3,000 meters. These mountains form a stark contrast to the great
Population information for Sudan has been limited, but in 1990 it was clear
that the country was experiencing a high birth rate and a high, but declining,
death rate. Infant mortality was high, but Sudan was expected to continue its
rapid population growth, with a large percentage of its people under fifteen years
of age, for some time to come. The trends indicated an overall low population
density. However, with famine affecting much of the country, internal migration by
hundreds of thousands of people was on the increase. The United Nations High
people were displaced in the northern states, of whom it was estimated that
750,000 were in Al Khartum State, 30,000 each in Kurdufan and Al Awsat states,
300,000 each in Darfur and Ash Sharqi states, and 150,000 in Ash Shamali
State. Efforts were underway to provide permanent sites for about 800,000 of
these displaced people. The civil war and famine in the south was estimated to
have been three national censuses, in 1955-56, 1973, and 1983. The first was
inadequately prepared and executed. The second was not officially recognized
by the government, and thus its complete findings have never been released.
The third census was of better quality, but some of the data has never been
The 1983 census put the total population at 21.6 million with a growth rate
between 1956 and 1983 of 2.8 percent per year. In 1990, the National Population
Committee and the Department of Statistics put Sudan's birthrate at 50 births per
1,000 and the death rate at 19 per 1,000, for a rate of increase of 31 per 1,000 or
3.1 percent per year. This is a staggering increase; compared with the world
average of 1.8 percent per year and the average for developing countries of 2.1
percent per annum, this percentage made Sudan one of the world's fastest
growing countries. The 1983 population estimate was thought to be too low, but
even accepting it and the pre-1983 growth rate of 2.8 percent, Sudan's
population in 1990 would have been well over 25 million. At the estimated 1990
growth rate of 3.1 percent, the population would double in twenty-two years.
Even if the lower estimated rate were sustained, the population would reach 38.6
commonly thought that with an average population density of nine persons per
square kilometer, population density was not a major problem. This assumption,
however, failed to take into account that much of Sudan was uninhabitable and
its people were unevenly distributed, with about 33 percent of the nation's
and in Al Awsat. In fact, 66 percent of the population lived within 300 kilometers
and Khartoum North) was unknown because of the constant influx of refugees,
but estimates of 3 million, well over half the urban dwellers in Sudan, may not
The birthrate between the 1973 census and the 1987 National Population
1,000 populations. The fertility rate (the average number of children per woman)
During the period, the annual death rate fell from 23 to 19 per 1,000, and the
For more than a decade the gross domestic product (GDP) of Sudan had
not kept pace with the increasing population, a trend indicating that Sudan would
have difficulty in providing adequate services for its people. Moreover, half the
populations were under eighteen years of age and therefore were primarily
consumers not producers. Internal migration caused by civil war and famine
that could provide neither services nor employment. Furthermore, Sudan has
suffered a continuous "brain drain" as its finest professionals and most skilled
laborers emigrated, while simultaneously there has been an influx of more than 1
million refugees, who not only lacked skills but required massive relief. Droughts
in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s have undermined Sudan's food production, and
the country would have to double its production to feed its expected population
within the next generation. In the absence of a national population policy to deal
the rate of ten kilometers per year. About 7.8 million Sudanese were estimated to
be at risk from famine in early 1991, according to the United Nations World Food
Program and other agencies. The Save the Children Fund estimated that the
famine in Darfur would cost the lives of "tens of thousands" of people in the early
1990s. Analysts believed that the lack of rainfall combined with the ravages of
war would result in massive numbers of deaths from starvation in the 1990s.
Although Sudan lies within the tropics, the climate ranges from arid in the
rainfall and the length of the dry season. Variations in the length of the dry
season depend on which of two air flows predominates, dry northeasterly winds
from the Arabian Peninsula or moist southwesterly winds from the Congo River
From January to March, the country is under the influence of the dry
area in northwestern Sudan in where the winds have passed over the
thunderstorms. By July the moist air has reached Khartoum, and in August it
extends to its usual northern limits around Abu Hamad, although in some years
the humid air may even reach the Egyptian border. The flow becomes weaker as
push south and by the end of December they cover the entire country. Yambio,
close to the border with Zaire, has a nine-month rainy season (April-December)
and receives an average of 1,142 millimeters of rain each year; Khartoum has a
In some years, the arrival of the southwesterlies and their rain in central
Sudan can be delayed, or they may not come at all. If that happens, drought and
famine follow. The decades of the 1970s and 1980s saw the southwesterlies
frequently fail, with disastrous results for the Sudanese people and economy.
Temperatures are highest at the end of the dry season when cloudless
skies and dry air allow them to soar. The far south, however, with only a short dry
season, has uniformly high temperatures throughout the year. In Khartoum, the
warmest months are May and June, when average highs are 41° C and
temperatures can reach 48° C. Northern Sudan, with its short rainy season, has
hot daytime temperatures year round, except for winter months in the northwest
Conditions in highland areas are generally cooler, and the hot daytime
temperatures during the dry season throughout central and northern Sudan fall
rapidly after sunset. Lows in Khartoum average 15° C in January and have
The haboob, a violent dust storm, can occur in central Sudan when the
moist southwesterly flow first arrives (May through July). The moist, unstable air
forms thunderstorms in the heat of the afternoon. The initial downflow of air from
an approaching storm produces a huge yellow wall of sand and clay that can
Except for a small area in northeastern Sudan where wadis discharge the
sporadic runoff into the Red Sea or rivers from Ethiopia flow into shallow,
evaporating ponds west of the Red Sea Hills, the entire country is drained by the
Nile and its two main tributaries, the Blue Nile (Al Bahr al Azraq) and the White
Nile (Al Bahr al Abyad). The longest river in the world, the Nile flows for 6,737
The importance of the Nile has been recognized since biblical times; for centuries
The Blue Nile flows out of the Ethiopian highlands to meet the White Nile
at Khartoum. The Blue Nile is the smaller of the two; its flow usually accounts for
only one-sixth of the total. In August, however, the rains in the Ethiopian
highlands swell the Blue Nile until it accounts for 90 percent of the Nile's total
flow. Several dams have been constructed to regulate the river's flow--the
Roseires Dam (Ar Rusayris), about 100 kilometers from the Ethiopian border; the
Meina al Mak Dam at Sinjah; and the largest, the forty-meter-high Sennar Dam
constructed in 1925 at Sannar. The Blue Nile's two main tributaries, the Dindar
and the Rahad, have headwaters in the Ethiopian highlands and discharge water
into the Blue Nile only during the summer high-water season. For the remainder
The White Nile flows north from central Africa, draining Lake Victoria and
the highland regions of Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi. At Bor, the great swamp
of the Nile, As Sudd begins. The river has no well-defined channel here; the
water flows slowly through a labyrinth of small spillways and lakes choked with
papyrus and reeds. Much water is lost to evaporation. To provide for water
transportation through this region and to speed the river's flow so that less water
evaporates, Sudan, with French help, began building the Jonglei Canal (also
seen as Junqali Canal) from Bor to a point just upstream from Malakal. However,
South of Khartoum, the British built the Jabal al Auliya Dam in 1937 to
store the water of the White Nile and then release it in the fall when the flow from
the Blue Nile slackens. Much water from the reservoir has been diverted for
The White Nile has several substantial tributaries that drain southern
Sudan. In the southwest, the Bahr al Ghazal drains a basin larger in area than
France. Although the drainage area is extensive, evaporation takes most of the
water from the slowmoving streams in this region, and the discharge of the Bahr
al Ghazal into the White Nile is minimal. In southeast Sudan, the Sobat River
drains an area of western Ethiopia and the hills near the Sudan-Uganda border.
The Sobat's discharge is considerable; at its confluence with the White Nile just
south of Malakal, the Sobat accounts for half the White Nile's water.
Above Khartoum, the Nile flows through desert in a large Sshaped pattern
to empty into Lake Nasser behind the Aswan High Dam in Egypt. The river flows
slowly above Khartoum, dropping little in elevation although five cataracts hinder
river transport at times of low water. The Atbarah River, flowing out of Ethiopia, is
the only tributary north of Khartoum, and its waters reach the Nile for only the six
months between July and December. During the rest of the year, the Atbarah's
principal causes of the disorder have been the violent, costly civil war, an inept
migration, and a decade of below normal annual rainfall with the concomitant
1980s have made statistical material either difficult to obtain or unreliable. Prices
capital from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, invested with the expectation that Sudan
would become "the breadbasket" of the Arab world, and by large increments of
foreign aid from the United States and the European Community (EC).
Norway, Yugoslavia, and China. Sudan's greatest economic resource was its
agriculture, to be developed in the vast arable land that either received sufficient
rainfall or could be irrigated from the Nile. By 1991 Sudan had not yet claimed its
full water share (18.5 billion cubic meters) under the 1959 Nile Waters Agreement
Sudan's economic future in the 1970s was also energized by the Chevron
the provinces of Kurdufan and Bahr al Ghazal. Concurrently, the most thoroughly
researched hydrological project in the Third World, the Jonglei Canal (also seen
provide water for northern Sudan and Egypt, but also to improve the life of the
Nilotic people of the canal zone. New, large agricultural projects had been
Sudan, where the Addis Ababa accords of March 27, 1972, had seemingly ended
when the civil war resumed in 1983. The Khartoum government controlled these
intricate network of kinship and political relations that has traditionally driven
power, banking, and insurance. This situation resulted from the private sector's
inability to finance major development and from an initial government policy after
the 1969 military coup to nationalize the financial sector and part of existing
upheavals that have shaken its traditional institutions and its economy. The civil
war in the south resumed in 1983, at a cost of more than £Sd11 million per day.
The main participant in the war against government was the Sudanese People's
Liberation Army (SPLA, the armed wing of the Sudanese People's Liberation
Movement (SPLM)), under John Garang's leadership. The SPLA made steady
gains against the Sudanese army until by 1991 it controlled nearly one-third of
the country.
Sudanese and foreigners from Eritrea, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Chad, further
When Jaafar an Nimeiri was overthrown in April 1985, his political party
Mahdi that succeeded the exiled Nimeiri failed to address the country's economic
problems. Production continued to decline as a result of mismanagement and
natural disasters. The national debt grew at an alarming rate because Sudan's
resources were insufficient to service it. Not only did the SPLA shut down
Chevron's prospecting and oil production, but it also stopped work on the Jonglei
On June 30, 1989, a military coup d'état led by Colonel (later Lieutenant
Ideologically tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and dependent for political support
on the Brotherhood's party, the National Islamic Front, the Bashir regime has
methodically purged those agencies that dealt primarily with the economy--the
civil service, the trade unions, the boards of publicly owned enterprises, the
Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, and the central bank. Under Bashir's
government, Sudan's economy has been further strained by the most severe
famine of this century, the continuation of the war in the south, and a foreign
policy that has left Sudan economically, if not politically, isolated from the world
Somalia is situated on the horn of East Africa and is bordered by the Gulf
of Aden and Djibouti to the north, the Indian Ocean to the east and south, to
7,000 ft. To the northeast there is an extremely dry dissected plateau that
reaches a maximum height of 8,250 ft. South and west of this region, extending
to the Shebeli River, lies a plateau whose maximum elevation is 2,250 ft. The
region between the Juba and Shebeli rivers is low agricultural land, and the area
that extends southwest of the Juba River to the Kenyan border is low pasture
The Juba and Shebeli rivers originate in Ethiopia and flow toward the
Indian Ocean. They provide water for irrigation but are not navigable by
commercial vessels. The Shebeli dries up before reaching the ocean. Despite its
lengthy shore line, Somalia has no natural harbours because of inshore coral
northwest, Kenya to the southwest, the Gulf of Aden with Yemen to the north,
present way of life, which is based on pastoral nomadism and the Islamic faith.
During the colonial period (approximately 1891 to 1960), the Somalis were
Somaliland (the Ogaden); and, what came to be called the Northern Frontier
District (NFD) of Kenya. In 1960 Italian Somaliland and British Somaliland were
merged into a single independent state, the Somali Republic. In its first nine
years the Somali state, although plagued by territorial disputes with Ethiopia and
Kenya, and by difficulties in integrating the dual legacy of Italian and British
governments were regularly voted into and out of office. Taking advantage of the
widespread public bitterness and cynicism attendant upon the rigged elections of
early 1969, Major General Mahammad Siad Barre seized power on October 21,
1969, in a bloodless coup. Over the next twenty-one years Siad Barre
established a military dictatorship that divided and oppressed the Somalis. Siad
Barre maintained control of the social system by playing off clan against clan until
the country became riven with interclan strife and bloodshed. Siad Barre's regime
came to a disastrous end in early 1991 with the collapse of the Somali state. In
the regime's place emerged armed clan militias fighting one another for political
power. Siad Barre fled the capital on January 27, 1991, into the safety of his
important city. Mogadishu, Merca, and Baraawe, had been major Somali coastal
towns in medieval times. Their origins are unknown, but by the fourteenth century
travelers were mentioning the three towns more and more as important centers
of urban ease and learning. Mogadishu, the largest and most prosperous, dates
back at least to the ninth century, when Persian and Arabian immigrants
of the Arabic "maqad shah," or "imperial seat of the shah," thus hinting at a
of the Swahili "mwyu wa" (last northern city), raising the possibility of its being the
Whatever its origin, Mogadishu was at the zenith of its prosperity when the well-
known Arab traveler Ibn Batuta appeared on the Somali coast in 1331. Ibn Batuta
describes "Maqdashu" as "an exceedingly large city" with merchants who
exported to Egypt and elsewhere the excellent cloth made in the city.
and other coastal commercial towns influenced the Banaadir hinterlands (the
rural areas outlying Mogadishu) in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Evidence
of that influence was the increasing Islamization of the interior by sufis (Muslim
mystics) who emigrated upcountry, where they settled among the nomads,
married local women, and brought Islam to temper the random violence of the
shifted upland to the well-watered region between the Shabeelle and Jubba
rivers. Evidence of the shift of initiative from the coast to the interior may be
found in the rise between 1550 and 1650 of the Ujuuraan (also seen as
Ajuuraan) state, which prospered on the lower reaches of the interriverine region
under the clan of the Gareen. The considerable power of the Ujuuraan state was
not diminished until the Portuguese penetration of the East African coast in the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Among Somali towns and cities, only
by the middle of the nineteenth century two tiny kingdoms emerged that would
These were the Majeerteen Sultanate of Boqor Ismaan Mahamuud, and that of
his kinsman Sultan Yuusuf Ali Keenadiid of Hobyo (Obbia). The Majeerteen
Sultanate originated in the mideighteenth century, but only came into its own in
the nineteenth century with the reign of the resourceful Boqor Ismaan
protecting the British naval crews that were shipwrecked periodically on the
Somali coast) and from a liberal trade policy that facilitated a flourishing
vague vassalage to the British, the sultan kept his desert kingdom free until well
after 1800.
of the nineteenth century by a power struggle between him and his young,
ambitious cousin, Keenadiid. Nearly five years of destructive civil war passed
before Boqor Ismaan Mahamuud managed to stave off the challenge of the
young upstart, who was finally driven into exile in Arabia. A decade later, in the
1870s, Keenadiid returned from Arabia with a score of Hadhrami musketeers and
a band of devoted lieutenants. With their help, he carved out the small kingdom
of Hobyo after conquering the local Hawiye clans. Both kingdoms, however, were
gradually absorbed by the extension into southern Somalia of Italian colonial rule
political developments that transformed the Somali Peninsula. During this period,
the Somalis became the subjects of state systems under the flags of Britain,
France, Italy, Egypt, and Ethiopia. The new rulers had various motives for
source of mutton and other livestock products for its naval port of Aden in
defense of British India. British occupation of the northern Somali coast began in
arranged to have British vice consuls installed in Berbera, Bullaxaar, and Saylac.
The French, having been evicted from Egypt by the British, wished to
establish a coaling station on the Red Sea coast to strengthen naval links with
their Indochina colonies. The French were also eager to bisect Britain's vaunted
Cairo to Cape Town zone of influence with an east to west expansion across
Africa. France extended its foothold on the Afar coast partly to counter the high
duties that the British authorities imposed on French goods in Obock. A French
played a prominent role in extending French influence into the Horn of Africa.
Banaadir coast, Italy was the main colonizer, but the extension of Italian influence
their lands under Italian protection. Italy then notified the signatory powers of the
protectorate. Later, Italy seized the Banaadir coast proper, which had long been
under the tenuous authority of the Zanzibaris, to form the colony of Italian
protectorate over the Zanzibaris, was ceded to Italy in 1925 to complete Italian
The catalyst for imperial tenure over Somali territory was Egypt under its
ambitious ruler, Khedive Ismail. In the last quarter of the nineteenth century, this
Ottoman vassal sought to carve out for Egypt a swath of territory in the Horn of
Africa. However, the Sudanese anti-Egyptian Mahdist revolt that broke out in
1884 shattered the khedive's plan for imperial aggrandizement. The Egyptians
needed British help to evacuate their troops marooned in Sudan and on the
Somali coast.
What the European colonialists failed to foresee was that the biggest
threat to their imperial ambitions in the Horn of Africa would come from an
emerging regional power, the Ethiopia of Emperor Menelik II. Emperor Menelik II
not only managed to defend Ethiopia against European encroachment, but also
successfully extended Ethiopian rule over the long independent Muslim Emirate
of Harer and over western Somalia (better known as the Ogaden). Thus, by the
turn of the century, the Somali Peninsula, one of the most culturally
Although the officials of the three European powers often lacked funds,
administration. Moreover, because they controlled the port outlets, they could
respective Somali territories. In contrast, Ethiopia was largely a feudal state with
a subsistence economy that required its army of occupation to live off the land.
Thus, Ethiopian armies repeatedly despoiled the Ogaden in the last two decades
virulence of the Ethiopian raids, it was natural that the first pan-Somali or Greater
Somalia effort against colonial occupation, and for unification of all areas
populated by Somalis into one country, should have been directed at Ethiopians
rather than at the Europeans; the effort was spearheaded by the Somali dervish
resistance movement. The dervishes followed Mahammad Abdille Hasan of the
orator and a poet (much-valued skills in Somali society) won him many disciples,
especially among his own Dulbahante and Ogaden clans (both of the Daarood
clan-family). The British dismissed Hasan as a religious fanatic, calling him the
"Mad Mullah." They underestimated his following, however, because from 1899
to 1920, the dervishes conducted a war of resistance against the Ethiopians and
British, a struggle that devastated the Somali Peninsula and resulted in the death
destruction of its economy. One of the longest and bloodiest conflicts in the
was not quelled until 1920 with the death of Hasan, who became a hero of
Somali nationalism. Deploying a Royal Air Force squadron recently returned from
action in combat in World War I, the British delivered the decisive blow with a
administrative plan for its colony. The Italians intended to plant a colony of
settlers and commercial entrepreneurs in the region between the Shabeelle and
plantations on which citrus fruits, primarily bananas, and sugarcane, were grown.
Sugarcane fields in Giohar and numerous banana plantations around the town of
Jannaale on the Shabeelle River, and at the southern mouth of the Jubba River
anarchic Somali pastoralists, Britain used its colony as little more than a supplier
of meat products to Aden. This policy had a tragic effect on the future unity and
stability of independent Somalia. When the two former colonies merged to form
the Somali Republic in 1960, the north lagged far behind the south in economic
dominate the new state's economic and political life--a hegemony that bred a
Somalia During World War II. Italy's 1935 attack on Ethiopia led to a
marched into Ethiopia and toppled Emperor Haile Selassie, the Italians seized
British Somaliland. During their occupation (1940-41), the Italians
reamalgamated the Ogaden with southern and northern Somalilands, uniting for
the first time in forty years all the Somali clans that had been arbitrarily separated
boundaries and the unification of the Somali Peninsula enabled the Italians to set
prices and impose taxes and to issue a common currency for the entire area.
These actions helped move the Somali economy from traditional exchange in
emigrants, poured into Somalia, especially into the interriverine region. Although
colonization was designed to entrench the white conquerors, many Somalis did
not fare badly under Italian rule during this period. Some, such as the Haaji
indicator of the Somali sense of relative wellbeing may have been the absence of
At the onset of World War II, Italian holdings in East Africa included
Somalia and ejected the British from the Horn of Africa. The Italian victory turned
reoccupied northern Somalia, from which they launched their lightning campaign
to retake the whole region from Italy and restore Emperor Haile Selassie to his
throne. The British then placed southern Somalia and the Ogaden under a
military administration.
(NFD)--were for the second time brought under a single tenure. No integrated
administrative structure for the Somali areas was established, however, and
under intense pressure from Haile Selassie, Britain agreed to return the Ogaden
officers, took over the work of the colonial civil service. In what had been Italian
was established.
The principal concern of the British administration during World War II and
(local levies raised during the dervish disturbances) was reorganized and later
disbanded. This effort resulted in the creation of five battalions known as the
Somaliland Scouts, (Ilalos), which absorbed former irregular units. The British
disbanded the Italian security units in the south and raised a new army, the
Originally, many of the rank and file of the gendarmerie were askaris from
Kenya and Uganda who had served under British officers. The gendarmerie was
recruits who were trained in a new police academy created by the British military
them up. The greater security challenge for the British during World War II and
immediately after was to disarm the Somalis who had taken advantage of the
windfall in arms brought about by the war. Also, Ethiopia had organized Somali
of the Ogaden. Ethiopia also armed clan militias and encouraged them to cross
Despite its distracting security problems, the British military forces that
administered the two Somali protectorates from 1941 to 1949 effected greater
social and political changes than had their predecessors. Britain's wartime
requirement that the protectorate be self-supporting was modified after 1945, and
the appropriation of new funds for the north created a burst of development. To
signal the start of a new policy of increased attention to control of the interior, the
capital was transferred from Berbera, a hot coastal town, to Hargeysa, whose
location on the inland plateau offered the incidental benefit of a more hospitable
climate. Although the civil service remained inadequate to staff the expanding
Quranic schools had existed. The judiciary was reorganized as a dual court
agricultural laborers, doubled the size of the elementary school system, and
allowed Somalis to staff the lower stratum of the civil service and gendarmerie.
Military officials could not govern without the Italian civilians who
constituted the experienced civil service. The British military also recognized that
Italian technocrats would be needed to keep the economy going. Only Italians
deemed to be security risks were interned or excluded from the new system. In
compete politically with Somalis and Arabs (the latter being politically significant
only in the urban areas, particularly the towns of Mogadishu, Merca, and
Baraawe), and to agitate, sometimes violently, for the return of the colony to
Italian rule. Faced with growing Italian political pressure, inimical to continued
British tenure and to Somali aspirations for independence, the Somalis and the
British came to see each other as allies. The situation prompted British colonial
officials to encourage the Somalis to organize politically; the result was the first
modern Somali political party, the Somali Youth Club (SYC), established in
Mogadishu in 1943.
To empower the new party, the British allowed the better educated police
and civil servants to join it, thus relaxing Britain's traditional policy of separating
the civil service from leadership, if not membership, in political parties. The SYC
renamed itself the Somali Youth League (SYL) and began to open offices not
only in the two British-run Somalilands but also in Ethiopia's Ogaden and in the
NFD of Kenya. The SYL's stated objectives were to unify all Somali territories,
including the NFD and the Ogaden; to create opportunities for universal modern
to safeguard Somali interests; and to oppose the restoration of Italian rule. SYL
representing four of Somalia's six major clans, refused to disclose their ethnic
identities. A second political body sprang up, originally calling itself the Patriotic
Benefit Union but later renaming itself the Hisbia Digil Mirifle (HDM), representing
the two interriverine clans of Digil and Mirifle. The HDM allegedly cooperated with
the Italians and accepted significant Italian financial backing in its struggle
against the SYL. Although the SYL enjoyed considerable popular support from
northerners, the principal parties in British Somaliland were the Somali National
League (SNL), mainly associated with the Isaaq clan-family, and the United
Somali Party (USP), which had the support of the Dir (Gadabursi and Issa) and
Potsdam Conference decided not to return to Italy the African territory it had
seized during the war. The disposition of Somalia therefore fell to the Allied
of Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States to decide Somalia's
future. The British suggested that all the Somalis should be placed under a single
administration, preferably British, but the other powers accused Britain of imperial
learn the aspirations of the Somalis. The SYL requested and obtained permission
the SYL held its rally, a counter demonstration led by Italian elements came out
to voice pro- Italian sentiment and to attempt to discredit the SYL before the
were killed. Despite the confusion, the commission proceeded with its hearings
and seemed favorably impressed by the proposal the SYL presented: to reunite
international body that would lead the country to independence. The commission
heard two other plans. One was offered by the HDM, which departed from its
pro-Italian stance to present an agenda similar to that of the SYL, but which
included a request that the trusteeship period last thirty years. The other was put
forward by a combination of Italian and Somali groups petitioning for the return of
Italian rule.
The commission recommended a plan similar to that of the SYL, but the
formula much like that of the SYL, but the British plan was thwarted by the United
States and the Soviet Union, which accused Britain of seeking imperial gains at
the expense of Ethiopian and Italian interests. Britain was unwilling to quarrel
with its erstwhile allies over Somali well-being and the SYL plan was withdrawn.
Meanwhile, Ethiopia strongly pressured Britain through the United States, which
was anxious to accommodate Emperor Haile Selassie in return for his promise to
offer the United States a military base in Ethiopia. For its part, the Soviet Union
Under United States and Soviet prodding, Britain returned the Ogaden to
Ethiopia in 1948 over massive Somali protests. The action shattered Somali
nationalist aspirations for Greater Somalia, but the shock was softened by the
characterized them--to Ogaden clan chiefs. In 1949 many grazing areas in the
hinterlands also were returned to Ethiopia, but Britain gained Ethiopian
frequented by British- protected Somali clans. The liaison officers moved about
with the British-protected clans that frequented the Haud pasturelands for six
months of the year. The liaison officers protected the pastoralists from Ethiopian
"tax collectors"--armed bands that Ethiopia frequently sent to the Ogaden, both to
the disposition of Somalia, the Allied Council of Foreign Ministers referred the
matter to the United Nations (UN) General Assembly. In November 1949, the
under Italian control for ten years, following which it would become independent.
The General Assembly stipulated that under no circumstance should Italian rule
over the colony extend beyond 1960. The General Assembly seems to have
been persuaded by the argument that Italy, because of its experience and
economic interests, was best suited to administer southern Somalia. Thus, the
SYL's vehement opposition to the reimposition of Italian rule fell on deaf ears at
the UN.
conditional return of Italian administration to southern Somalia gave the new trust
territory several unique advantages compared with other African colonies. To the
extent that Italy held the territory by UN mandate, the trusteeship provisions gave
the Somalis the opportunity to gain experience in political education and self-
incorporated into the new Somali state, did not have. Although in the 1950s
up for past neglect, the protectorate stagnated. The disparity between the two
Advisory Council based in Mogadishu observed the AFIS and reported its
indigenous people freedom of the press and the right to dissent. These political
and civil guarantees did not make for smooth Italo-Somali relations. Seen by the
Italians as the source of nationalist sentiment and activity, the SYL distrusted the
were exacerbated when the AFIS, soon after taking control, proceeded to jail
some SYL members and to fire others from their civil service posts. The SYL
(1950-53) until new economic and political initiatives provided a channel for the
the United States Agency for International Cooperation (AIC; later the United
administration had to rely on foreign grants and Italian subsidies to balance the
and 1957, student enrollment at the elementary and secondary levels doubled. In
1957 there were 2,000 students receiving secondary, technical, and university
Egypt, and Italy. Another program offered night-school adult literacy instruction
and provided further training to civil servants. However, these programs were
parties such as the SYL and HDM. Acting as a nascent parliament, the Territorial
Council gained experience not only in procedural matters but also in legislative
debates on the political, economic, and social problems that would face future
Somali governments. For its part the AFIS, by working closely with the council,
There were other forums, besides the Territorial Council, in which Somalis
member Municipal Council introduced in 1950, whose members dealt with urban
planning, public services, and, after 1956, fiscal and budgetary matters. Rural
councils handled tribal and local problems such as conflicts over grazing grounds
and access to water and pasturelands. However, the effectiveness of the rural
councils was undermined by the wanderings of the nomads as they searched for
water wells and pastures, a circumstance that made stable political organizations
difficult to sustain. Thus, the UN Advisory Council's plans to use the rural councils
political action.
Territory-wide elections were first held in southern Somalia in 1956.
seventy-seat Legislative Assembly that replaced the Territorial Council, only the
SYL (which won forty- three seats) and HDM (which won thirteen seats) gained
significant percentages of the sixty seats that the Somalis contested. The
remaining ten seats were reserved for Indians, Arabs, and other non-Somalia.
Abdullaahi Iise, leader of the SYL in the assembly, became the first prime
The new assembly assumed responsibility for domestic affairs, although the
official of the AFIS retained the "power of absolute veto" as well as the authority
to rule by emergency decree should the need arise. Moreover, until 1958 the
The term of office of the Iise government was four years (1956-60)--a trial
period that enabled the nascent southern Somali administration to shape the
terms under which it was to gain its independence. This period was the most
stable in modern Somali politics. The government's outlook was modernist and,
once the Somalis become convinced that Italy would not attempt to postpone
clannishness and to raise the status of women and of groups holding lowly
occupations. The future promised hope: the moral support of global anticolonial
forces, the active backing of the UN, and the goodwill of the Western powers,
including Italy.
would replace the support Italy would withdraw after independence. Another
major concern was to frame the constitution that would take effect once Somalia
became independent. The writers of this document faced two sensitive issues:
nationalist aspirations concerning Greater Somalia. The first issue was of great
interest to the HDM, whose supporters mainly were cultivators from the well-
watered region between the Shabeelle and Jubba rivers and who represented
SYL, which was supported by pastoral clans that accounted for 60 percent of the
population (Daarood and Hawiye). Not surprisingly, the SYL advocated a unitary
social strife. In the end, political and numerical strength enabled the SYL to
The delicate issue of Greater Somalia, whose recreation would entail the
presented Somali leaders with a dilemma: they wanted peace with their
neighbors, but making claims on their territory was certain to provoke hostility.
Led by Haaji Mahammad Husseen, the SYL radical wing wanted to include in the
constitution an article calling for the unification of the Somali nation "by all means
necessary." In the end, the moderate majority prevailed in modifying the wording
economic and political issues took the form of intraparty squabbling within the
dominant SYL rather than interparty competition, as Daarood and Hawiye party
stalwarts banded into factions. The Daarood accused Iise's government of being
under Italian influence and the Hawiye countered with a charge of clannishness
government with being too close to the West, and to Italy in particular, and of
doing little to realize the national goal of reconstituting Greater Somalia. Despite
his rift with prime minister Iise, Husseen, who had headed the party in the early
years, was again elected SYL president in July 1957. But his agenda of looser
ties with the West and closer relations with the Arab world clashed with the
policies of Iise and of Aadan Abdullah Usmaan, the parliamentary leader who
Usmaan. The latter two responded by expelling Husseen and his supporters from
the SYL. Having lost the power struggle, Husseen created a militant new party,
party's constituency.
The SYL won the 1958 municipal elections in the Italian trust territory, in
elements like Abdulqaadir Soppe, who formerly had supported the HDM. Its
growing appeal put the SYL in a commanding position going into the pre-
new body that replaced the two legislative assemblies of British and Italian
Somaliland. The National Assembly had been enlarged to contain ninety seats
for southern representatives and thirty- three for northern representatives. The
HDM and the GSL accused the SYL of tampering with the election process and
uncontested seats by default, in addition to the twenty seats contested and won
by the party. The new government formed in 1959 was headed by incumbent
prime minister Iise. The expanded SYL gave representation to virtually all the
major clans in the south. Although efforts were made to distribute the fifteen
cabinet posts among the contending clan-families, a political tug-of-war within the
from the digging of more bore wells and the establishment of agricultural and
Politically, although the SYL opened branches in the north and the SNL
support. This changed in 1954, when the last British liaison officers withdrew
from the Reserved Areas--parts of the Ogaden and the Haud in which the British
convention between Britain and Ethiopian emperor in exile Haile Selassie. This
move conformed with Britain's agreement with Ethiopia confirming the latter's title
deeds to the Haud under the 1897 treaty that granted Ethiopia full jurisdiction
over the region. The British colonial administrators of the area were, however,
embarrassed by what they saw as Britain's betrayal of the trust put in it by Somali
The Somalis responded with dismay to the ceding of the Haud to Ethiopia.
A new party named the National United Front (NUF), supported by the SNL and
the SYL, arose under the leadership of a Somali civil servant, Michael Mariano, a
prominent veteran of the SYL's formative years. Remarkably, for the militantly
Muslim country, the man selected to lead the nationalist struggle for the return of
the Haud, was a Christian. NUF representatives visited London and the UN
seeking to have the Haud issue brought before the world community, in particular
the International Court of Justice. Britain attempted unsuccessfully to purchase
the Haud from Ethiopia. Ethiopia responded with a counterprotest laying claim to
all Somali territories, including the British and Italian Somalilands, as part of
press new territorial demands on Haile Selassie and did little to help the Somalis
represent the principal clan-families. The council was expanded the following
year to consist of twelve elected members, two appointees, and fifteen senior
the north followed that in the south, with elections in urban areas conducted by
the first elections contested along party lines resulted in a victory for the SNL and
its affiliate the USP, the two winning between them all but one of the thirty-three
seats in the new Legislative Assembly. The remaining seat was won by Mariano,
the NUF's defeat clearly attributable to his Christian affiliation, which his political
Popular demand compelled the leaders of the two territories to proceed
with plans for immediate unification. The British government acquiesced to the
force of Somali nationalist public opinion and agreed to terminate its rule of
Somaliland in 1960 in time for the protectorate to merge with the trust territory on
leaders of the two territories met in Mogadishu and agreed to form a unitary
state. An elected president was to be head of state. Full executive powers would
received its independence on June 26, 1960, and united with the trust territory to
establish the Somali Republic on July 1, 1960. The legislature appointed Usmaan
formed a coalition government dominated by the SYL but supported by the two
clan-based northern parties, the SNL and the USC. Usmaan's appointment as
expression was widely regarded as being derived from the traditional right of
every man to be heard. The national ideal professed by Somalis was one of
political and legal equality in which historical Somali values and acquired
limited to one profession, clan, or class, but open to all male members of society.
The role of women, however, was more limited. Women had voted in Italian
Somaliland since the municipal elections in 1958. In May 1963, by an assembly
as well. Politics was at once the Somalis' most practiced art and favorite sport.
The most desired possession of most nomads was a radio, which was used to
north were, from an institutional perspective, two separate countries. Italy and
Britain had left the two with separate administrative, legal, and education
different languages. Police, taxes, and the exchange rates of their respective
currencies also differed. Their educated elites had divergent interests, and
economic contacts between the two regions were virtually nonexistent. In 1960
board headed by UN official Paolo Contini, to guide the gradual merger of the
new country's legal systems and institutions and to reconcile the differences
between them. (In 1964 the Consultative Commission for Legislation succeeded
this body. Composed of Somalis, it took up its predecessor's work under the
experience gained under the Italian trusteeship, theirs was the better prepared of
the SNL, representing the Isaaq clan-family that constituted a numerical majority
there; and the USP, supported largely by the Dir and the Daarood. In a unified
Somalia, however, the Isaaq were a small minority, whereas the northern
Daarood joined members of their clan-family from the south in the SYL. The Dir,
having few kinsmen in the south, were pulled on the one hand by traditional ties
to the Hawiye and on the other hand by common regional sympathies to the
Isaaq. The southern opposition party, the GSL, pro-Arab and militantly panSomali
, attracted the support of the SNL and the USP against the SYL, which had
Northern misgivings about being too tightly harnessed to the south were
constitution, which was in effect Somalia's first national election. Although the
draft was overwhelmingly approved in the south, it was supported by less than 50
between the two regions boiled over in December 1961, when a group of British-
trained junior army officers in the north rebelled in reaction to the posting of
higher ranking southern officers (who had been trained by the Italians for police
duties) to command their units. The ringleaders urged a separation of north and
south. Northern noncommissioned officers arrested the rebels, but discontent in
Husseen's attempt failed. In May 1962, however, Igaal and another northern SNL
minister resigned from the cabinet and took many SNL followers with them into a
new party, the Somali National Congress (SNC), which won widespread northern
support. The new party also gained support in the south when it was joined by an
SYL faction composed predominantly of Hawiye. This move gave the country
three truly national political parties and further served to blur north-south
and south, the most important political issue in postindependence Somali politics
was the unification of all areas populated by Somalis into one country--a concept
issue dominated popular opinion and that any government would fall if it did not
newly formed institutions and led to the build-up of the Somali military and
ultimately to the war with Ethiopia and fighting in the NFD in Kenya. By law the
exact size of the National Assembly was not established in order to facilitate the
flag featured a five-pointed star whose points represented those areas claimed
as part of the Somali nation--the former Italian and British territories, the Ogaden,
Djibouti, and the NFD. Moreover, the preamble to the constitution approved in
1961 included the statement, "The Somali Republic promotes by legal and
peaceful means, the union of the territories." The constitution also provided that
all ethnic Somalis, no matter where they resided, were citizens of the republic.
The Somalis did not claim sovereignty over adjacent territories, but rather
Somali leaders asserted that they would be satisfied only when their fellow
Somalis outside the republic had the opportunity to decide for themselves what
from the NFD demanded that Britain arrange for the NFD's separation before
supported by the Somalis and their fellow nomadic pastoralists, the Oromo.
These two peoples, it was noted, represented a majority of the NFD's population.
Despite Somali diplomatic activity, the colonial government in Kenya did
not act on the commission's findings. British officials believed that the federal
format then proposed in the Kenyan constitution would provide a solution through
the degree of autonomy it allowed the predominantly Somali region within the
federal system. This solution did not diminish Somali demands for unification,
The denial of Somali claims led to growing hostility between the Kenyan
government and Somalis in the NFD. Adapting easily to life as shiftas, or bandits,
the Somalis conducted a guerrilla campaign against the police and army for more
than four years between 1960 and 1964. The Somali government officially denied
Kenya's charges that the guerrillas were trained in Somalia, equipped there with
Soviet arms, and directed from Mogadishu. But it could not deny that the Voice of
Somalia radio influenced the level of guerrilla activity by means of its broadcasts
Ethiopian Treaty of 1954 recognizing Ethiopia's claim to the Haud or, in general,
was based on three points: first, that the treaties disregarded agreements made
with the clans that had put them under British protection; second, that the
Somalis were not consulted on the terms of the treaties and in fact had not been
informed of their existence; and third, that such treaties violated the self-
determination principle.
Incidents began to occur in the Haud within six months after Somali
Ethiopian police and armed parties of Somali nomads, usually resulting from
rather than irredentist agitation. Their actual causes aside, these incidents
Ethiopian armed forces along the border. In February 1964, armed conflict
erupted along the Somali-Ethiopian frontier, and Ethiopian aircraft raided targets
under the auspices of the Organization of African Unity (OAU). Under the terms
frontier incidents, and a demilitarized zone ten to fifteen kilometers wide was
to what both countries perceived as a continuing threat from Somalia. This pact
was renewed in 1980 and again on August 28, 1987, calling for the coordination
of the armed forces of both states in the event of an attack by Somalia. Most
OAU members were alienated by Somali irredentism and feared that if Somalia
were successful in detaching the Somali-populated portions of Kenya and
Ethiopia, the example might inspire their own restive minorities divided by
frontiers imposed during the colonial period. In addition, in making its irredentist
claims, the Somalis had challenged two of Africa's leading elder statesmen,
particularly Italy and Britain, in whose political traditions many of them had been
and nonalignment, the Somali government established ties with the Soviet Union
The growth of Soviet influence in Somalia dated from 1962, when Moscow
agreed to provide loans to finance the training and equipping of the armed
forces. By the late 1960s, about 300 Soviet military personnel were serving as
advisers to the Somali forces, whose inventories had been stocked almost
entirely with equipment of East European manufacture. During the same period,
about 500 Somalis received military training in the Soviet Union. As a result of
their contact with Soviet personnel, some Somali military officers developed a
projects included the construction of hospitals and factories and in the 1970s of
Italian influence continued in the modernized sectors of social and cultural affairs.
Although their number had dropped to about 3,000 by 1965, the Italians residing
economic assistance during the 1960s totaled more than a quarter of all the
nonmilitary foreign aid received, and Italy was an important market for Somali
source of economic and technical aid and assured preferential status for Somali
the NFD. Somalia's relations with France were likewise strained because of
opposition to the French presence in the Territory of the Afars and Issas (formerly
most notably sharing with Italy and the United States the task of training the
police force. The Somali government purposely sought a variety of foreign
sponsors to instruct its security forces, and Western-trained police were seen as
Somalia, a large proportion of it in the form of grants. But the image of the United
States in the eyes of most Somalis was influenced more by its support for
Ethiopia than by any assistance to Somalia. The large scale of United States
military aid to Ethiopia was particularly resented. Although aid to that country had
begun long before the Somali-Ethiopian conflict and was based on other
the SYL won 74 percent of the seats, occurred in November 1963. These were
elections. Again the SYL triumphed, winning 69 out of l23 parliamentary seats.
The party's true margin of victory was even greater, as the fifty-four seats won by
After the 1964 National Assembly election in March, a crisis occurred that
Usmaan, who was empowered to propose the candidate for prime minister after
an election or the fall of a government, chose Abdirizaaq Haaji Husseen as his
nominee instead of the incumbent, Shermaarke, who had the endorsement of the
SYL party leadership. Shermaarke had been prime minister for the four previous
years, and Usmaan decided that new leadership might be able to introduce fresh
Assembly, the nominee for prime minister chose candidates on the basis of
ability and without regard to place of origin. But Husseen's choices strained
intraparty relations and broke the unwritten rules that there be clan and regional
retained, and the number of posts in northern hands was to be increased from
two to five.
became split. Husseen had been a party member since 1944 and had
participated in the two previous Shermaarke cabinets. His primary appeal was to
younger and more educated party members. Several political leaders who had
been left out of the cabinet joined the supporters of Shermaarke to form an
opposition group within the party. As a result, the Husseen faction sought support
ambitions, the debate leading to the initial vote of confidence centered on the
willing to accept the continued sovereignty of Ethiopia and Kenya over Somali
forty-eight members of the SYL voted for Husseen and thirty-three opposed him.
Despite the apparent split in the SYL, it continued to attract recruits from other
parties. In the first three months after the election, seventeen members of the
Usmaan ignored the results of the vote and again nominated Husseen as
four party officials expelled for voting against him, Husseen presented a second
cabinet list to the National Assembly that included all but one of his earlier
ministerial positions filled by men chosen to mollify opposition factions. The new
cabinet was approved with the support of all but a handful of SYL National
June 1967.
Again the central issue was moderation versus militancy on the pan-Somali
question. Usmaan, through Husseen, had stressed priority for internal
as some members of the rival SNC. In August 1967, the National Assembly
confirmed his appointment without serious opposition. Although the new prime
northerner and had led a 1962 defection of the northern SNL assembly members
from the government. He had also been closely involved in the founding of the
SNC but, with many other northern members of that group, had rejoined the SYL
their past affiliations, was the new prime minister's moderate position on pan-
Somali issues and his desire for improved relations with other African countries.
parliament, and administration who favored redirecting the nation's energies from
confrontation with its neighbors to combating social and economic ills. Although
many of his domestic policies seemed more in line with those of the previous
national elections.
Ethiopia and Kenya. The prime minister did not relinquish Somalia's territorial
state of emergency in the border regions, which had been declared by Ethiopia in
their traditional grazing lands and the reopening of the road across Ethiopian
consuming issue, the government's energy and the country's meager resources
However, the relaxation of tensions had an unanticipated effect. The conflict with
its neighbors had promoted Somalia's internal political cohesion and solidified
public opinion at all levels on at least one issue. As tension from that source
The March 1969 elections were the first to combine voting for municipal
and National Assembly posts. Sixty-four parties contested the elections. Only the
without opposition. Eight other parties presented lists of candidates for national
offices in most districts. Of the remaining fifty-five parties, only twenty-four gained
representation in the assembly, but all of these were disbanded almost
Both the plethora of parties and the defection to the majority party were
candidate merely needed either the support of 500 voters or the sponsorship of
his clan, expressed through a vote of its traditional assembly. After registering,
the office seeker then attempted to become the official candidate of a political
Voting was by party list, which could make a candidate a one-person party. (This
practice explained not only the proliferation of small parties but also the transient
nature of party support.) Many candidates affiliated with a major party only long
enough to use its symbol in the election campaign and, if elected, abandoned it
for the winning side as soon as the National Assembly met. Thus, by the end of
May 1969 the SYL parliamentary cohort had swelled from 73 to 109.
In addition, the eleven SNC members had formed a coalition with the SYL,
which held 120 of the 123 seats in the National Assembly. A few of these 120 left
the SYL after the composition of Igaal's cabinet became clear and after the
announcement of his program, both of which were bound to displease some who
had joined only to be on the winning side. Offered a huge list of candidates, the
members of the previous cabinet), but these figures did not unequivocally
demonstrate dissatisfaction with the government. Statistically, they were nearly
identical with the results of the 1964 election, and, given the profusion of parties
could not be obtained solely on the basis of the election results. The fact that a
single party--the SYL--dominated the field implied neither stability nor solidarity.
Anthropologist I.M. Lewis has noted that the SYL government was a very
Candidates who had lost seats in the assembly and those who had
supported them were frustrated and angry. A number of charges were made of
exacerbated when the Supreme Court, under its newly appointed president,
concerned about official corruption and nepotism. Although these practices were
conceivably normal in a society based on kinship, some were bitter over their
prevalence in the National Assembly, where it seemed that deputies ignored their
Among those most dissatisfied with the government were intellectuals and
members of the armed forces and police. (General Mahammad Abshir, the chief
of police, had resigned just before the elections after refusing to permit police
vehicles to transport SYL voters to the polls.) Of these dissatisfied groups, the
most significant element was the military, which since 1961 had remained outside
politics. It had done so partly because the government had not called upon it for
support and partly because, unlike most other African armed forces, the Somali
National Army had a genuine external mission in which it was supported by all
Coup d'Etat. The stage was set for a coup d'état, but the event that
precipitated the coup was unplanned. On October 15, 1969, a bodyguard killed
president Shermaarke while prime minister Igaal was out of the country. (The
president by the National Assembly. His choice was, like Shermaarke, a member
a group of army officers, saw no hope for improving the country's situation by this
means. On October 21, 1969, when it became apparent that the assembly would
support Igaal's choice, army units took over strategic points in Mogadishu and
rounded up government officials and other prominent political figures. The police
officers who deposed the civilian government. The new governing body, the
Supreme Revolutionary Council (SRC), installed Siad Barre as its president. The
SRC arrested and detained at the presidential palace leading members of the
democratic regime, including Igaal. The SRC banned political parties, abolished
the National Assembly, and suspended the constitution. The new regime's goals
democratic regime retroactively defined its action as a Marxist revolution not only
instituting a new political order but also proposing the radical transformation of
presence of Soviet advisers with the armed forces, no evidence indicated that the
coup was Soviet-inspired. SRC members included officers ranging in rank from
major general (Siad Barre and Jaama Ali Qoorsheel) to captain, but the young
The SRC, which was synonymous with the new government, reorganized
the country's political and legal institutions, formulated a guiding ideology based
on the Quran as well as on Marx, and purged civilian officials who were not
elitism in public life based on clan affiliation were targeted for eradication.
intention to phase out military rule after the establishment of a political party
whose central committee ultimately would supersede the SRC as a policy- and
decision-making body.
promulgated on the day of the military takeover, the First Charter provided the
assigned to the SRC all functions previously performed by the president, the
National Assembly, and the Council of Ministers, as well as many duties of the
courts. The role of the twenty-five-member military junta was that of an executive
committee that made decisions and had responsibility to formulate and execute
policy. Actions were based on majority vote, but deliberations rarely were
the Secretaries of State (CSS)-- functioned as a cabinet and was responsible for
day-to-day government operation, although it lacked political power. The CSS
consisted largely of civilians, but until 1974 several key ministries were headed
democratic constitution of 1960, suspended at the time of the coup, was repealed
Barre filled a number of executive posts: titular head of state, chairman of the
CSS (and thereby head of government), commander in chief of the armed forces,
and president of the SRC. His titles were of less importance, however, than was
his personal authority, to which most SRC members deferred, and his ability to
officers replaced civilian district and regional officials. Meanwhile, civil servants
fired. A mass dismissal of civil servants in 1974, however, was dictated in part by
economic pressures.
The legal system functioned after the coup, subject to modification. In
1970 special tribunals, the National Security Courts (NSC), were set up as the
judicial arm of the SRC. Using a military attorney as prosecutor, the courts
considered to be counterrevolutionary. The first cases that the courts dealt with
SRC against members of the democratic regime. The NSC subsequently heard
cases with and without political content. A uniform civil code introduced in 1973
replaced predecessor laws inherited from the Italians and British and also
The SRC also overhauled local government, breaking up the old regions
destroy the influence of the traditional clan assemblies and, in the government's
established under the Ministry of Interior at the regional, district, and village
levels to advise the government on local conditions and to expedite its directives.
of the National Security Service (NSS), directed initially at halting the flow of
carry the government's message to the people and used Somalia's print and
The SRC took its toughest political stance in the campaign to break down
the solidarity of the lineage groups. Tribalism was condemned as the most
throughout the Third World. The government meted out prison terms and fines for
headmen, whom the democratic government had paid a stipend, were replaced
every district as the foci of local political and social activity. For example, the SRC
decreed that all marriage ceremonies should occur at an orientation center. Siad
Barre presided over these ceremonies from time to time and contrasted the
and fishing. By dispersing the nomads and severing their ties with the land to
which specific clans made collective claim, the government may also have
eliminate it, clan consciousness as well as a desire to return to the nomadic life
had discovered plotters in the act of initiating coup attempts. Both instances
involved SRC members. In April 1970, Qoorsheel, the first vice president, was
conservative police and army elements and thus opposed the socialist orientation
of the majority of SRC members. He was convicted of treason in a trial before the
Gaveire Kedie, who had served as head of the Ministry of Defense and later as
secretary of state for communications, were arrested along with several other
army officers for plotting Siad Barre's assassination. The conspirators, who had
sought the support of clans that had lost influence in the 1969 overthrow of the
democratic regime, appeared to have been motivated by personal rivalries rather
than by ideology. Accused of conspiring to assassinate the president, the two key
figures in the plot and another army officer were executed after a lengthy trial.
By 1974 the SRC felt sufficiently secure to release Qoorsheel and most of
the leaders of the democratic regime who had been detained since the 1969
coup. Igaal and four other former ministers were excepted from the amnesty,
however, and were sentenced to long prison terms. Igaal received thirty years for
became official on the first anniversary of the military coup when Siad Barre
proclaimed that Somalia was a socialist state, despite the fact that the country
had no history of class conflict in the Marxist sense. For purposes of Marxist
liberate itself from distinctions imposed by lineage group affiliation. At the time,
Siad Barre explained that the official ideology consisted of three elements: his
reliance, a form of socialism based on Marxist principles, and Islam. These were
with the Soviet and Chinese models to which reference was frequently made.
the Quran with the influences of Marx, Lenin, Mao, and Mussolini, but Siad Barre
scientific socialism, led to frequent accusations that the country had become a
Soviet satellite. For all the rhetoric extolling scientific socialism, however, genuine
Marxist sympathies were not deep-rooted in Somalia. But the ideology was
on the Soviet Union--as the most convenient peg on which to hang a revolution
parliamentary democracy.
revolutionary regime in the early 1970s were the personal power of Siad Barre
and the image he projected. Styled the "Victorious Leader" (Guulwaadde), Siad
Barre fostered the growth of a personality cult. Portraits of him in the company of
Marx and Lenin festooned the streets on public occasions. The epigrams,
exhortations, and advice of the paternalistic leader who had synthesized Marx
with Islam and had found a uniquely Somali path to socialist revolution were
revolutionary regime's intention to stamp out the clan politics, the government
was commonly referred to by the code name MOD. This acronym stood for
Mareehaan (Siad Barre's clan), Ogaden (the clan of Siad Barre's mother), and
Abdullah, who headed the NSS). These were the three clans whose members
formed the government's inner circle. In 1975, for example, ten of the twenty
members of the SRC were from the Daarood clan-family, of which these three
clans were a part; the Digil and Rahanwayn, the sedentary interriverine clan-
The Language and Literacy Issue. One of the principal objectives of the
language. Such a system would enable the government to make Somali the
country's official language. Since independence Italian and English had served
Indeed, it had been considered necessary that certain civil service posts of
national importance be held by two officials, one proficient in English and the
other in Italian. During the Husseen and Igaal governments, when a number of
dominated Italian in official circles and had even begun to replace it as a medium
been widely used in cultural and commercial areas and in Islamic schools and
Arab world had advocated that Arabic be adopted as the official language, with
Somali as a vernacular.
considered nine scripts, including Arabic, Latin, and various indigenous scripts.
Its report, issued in 1962, favored the Latin script, which the committee regarded
as the best suited to represent the phonemic structure of Somali and flexible
enough to be adjusted for the dialects. Facility with a Latin system, moreover,
offered obvious advantages to those who sought higher education outside the
country. Modern printing equipment would also be more easily and reasonably
available for Latin type. Existing Somali grammars prepared by foreign scholars,
although outdated for modern teaching methods, would give some initial
intense among opposing factions, however, that no action was taken to adopt a
On coming to power, the SRC made clear that it viewed the official use of
foreign languages, of which only a relatively small fraction of the population had
stratification of society on the basis of language. In 1971 the SRC revived the
and adult education programs, a national grammar, and a new Somali dictionary.
However, no decision was made at the time concerning the use of a particular
script, and each member of the committee worked in the one with which he was
familiar. The understanding was that, upon adoption of a standard script, all
Latin script had been adopted as the standard script to be used throughout
service, all officials were given three months (later extended to six months) to
learn the new script and to become proficient in it. During 1973 educational
schools and by 1975 was also being used in secondary and higher education.
adopting the new script, the SRC launched a "cultural revolution" aimed at
making the entire population literate in two years. The first part of the massive
and rural sedentary areas and reportedly resulted in several hundred thousand
people learning to read and write. As many as 8,000 teachers were recruited,
effort among the nomads that got underway in August 1974. The program in the
countryside was carried out by more than 20,000 teachers, half of whom were
secondary school students whose classes were suspended for the duration of
the school year. The rural program also compelled a privileged class of urban
first acts was to prohibit the existence of any political association. Under Soviet
regime, Siad Barre had announced as early as 1971 the SRC's intention to
establish a one-party state. The SRC already had begun organizing what was
elite drawn from the military and the civilian sectors. The National Public
Relations Office (retitled the National Political Office in 1973) was formed to
propagate scientific socialism with the support of the Ministry of Information and
National Guidance through orientation centers that had been built around the
Party (SRSP) in June 1976 and voted to establish the Supreme Council as the
new party's central committee. The council included the nineteen officers who
composed the SRC, in addition to civilian advisers, heads of ministries, and other
vesting power over the government in the SRSP under the direction of the
Supreme Council.
In theory the SRSP's creation marked the end of military rule, but in
practice real power over the party and the government remained with the small
group of military officers who had been most influential in the SRC. Decision-
making power resided with the new party's politburo, a select committee of the
Supreme Council that was composed of five former SRC members, including
Siad Barre and his son-in-law, NSS chief Abdullah. Siad Barre was also secretary
general of the SRSP, as well as chairman of the Council of Ministers, which had
replaced the CSS in 1981. Military influence in the new government increased
with the assignment of former SRC members to additional ministerial posts. The
MOD circle also had wide representation on the Supreme Council and in other
party organs. Upon the establishment of the SRSP, the National Political Office
Personal Rule. The Ogaden War of 1977-78 between Somalia and Ethiopia and
the consequent refugee influx forced Somalia to depend for its economic survival
with them Siad Barre intensified his political repression, using jailings, torture,
Siad Barre's new Western friends, especially the United States, which had
replaced the Soviet Union as the main user of the naval facilities at Berbera,
turned out to be reluctant allies. Although prepared to help the Siad Barre regime
economically through direct grants, World Bank - sponsored loans, and relaxed
offer Somalia more military aid than was essential to maintain internal security.
The amount of United States military and economic aid to the regime was US$34
million in 1984; by 1987 this amount had dwindled to about US$8.7 million, a
were also pressuring the regime to liberalize economic and political life and to
party, the SRSP. Following the elections, Siad Barre again reshuffled the cabinet,
abolishing the positions of his three vice presidents. This action was followed by
Council was revived. The move resulted in three parallel and overlapping
Minsters, and the SRC. The resulting confusion of functions within the
In February 1982, Siad Barre visited the United States. He had responded
Abshir, both of whom had languished in prison since 1969. On June 7, 1982,
apparently wishing to prove that he alone ruled Somalia, ordered the arrest of
Mareehaan politician, detained for the second time; Umar Haaji Masala, chief of
staff of the military, also a Mareehaan; and a former vice president and a former
foreign minister. At the time of detention, one official was a member of the
politburo; the others were members of the Central Committee of the SRSP. The
the Isaaq, Majeerteen, and Hawiye clans, whose disaffection and consequent
armed resistance were to lead to the toppling of the Siad Barre regime.
across the Somali border in the Mudug (central) and Boorama (northwest) areas
1982, Somali dissidents with Ethiopian air support invaded Somalia in the center,
threatening to split the country in two. The invaders managed to capture the
the war zone and appealed for Western aid to help repel the invasion. The United
promised. In addition, the initially pledged US$45 million in economic and military
aid was increased to US$80 million. The new arms were not used to repel the
and Somali units participated in war games with the United States Rapid
to erode. In December 1984, Siad Barre sought to broaden his political base by
amending the constitution. One amendment extended the president's term from
six to seven years. Another amendment stipulated that the president was to be
elected by universal suffrage (Siad Barre always received 99 percent of the vote
in such elections) rather than by the National Assembly. The assembly rubber-
the two countries thereafter began to improve. This diplomatic gain was offset,
however, by the "scandal" of South African foreign minister Roelof "Pik" Botha's
secret visit to Mogadishu the same month, in which South Africa promised arms
Complicating matters for the regime, at the end of 1984 the Western
seeking to free the Ogaden and unite it with Somalia) announced a temporary
halt in military operations against Ethiopia. This decision was impelled by the
drought then ravaging the Ogaden and by a serious split within the WSLF, a
number of whose leaders claimed that their struggle for selfdetermination had
said they now favored autonomy based on a federal union with Ethiopia. This
support of Ethiopia during the Ogaden War. Also in early 1985 Somalia
Somalia. In January 1986, under the auspices of IGADD, Siad Barre met
They agreed to hold further meetings, which took place on and off throughout
1986-87. Although Siad Barre and Mengistu agreed to exchange prisoners taken
in the Ogaden War and to cease aiding each other's domestic opponents, these
plans were never implemented. In August 1986, Somalia held joint military
Somali propaganda. The charge precipitated a diplomatic rift with Britain. The
regime also entered into a dispute with Amnesty International, which charged the
Somali regime with blatant violations of human rights. Wholesale human rights
Watch, prompted the United States Congress by 1987 to make deep cuts in aid
to Somalia.
1987 by the IMF, the United Nations Development Programme, and the World
Bank to liberalize its economy. Specifically, Somalia was urged to create a free
market system and to devalue the Somali shilling so that its official rate would
terror against the Majeerteen, the Hawiye, and the Isaaq, carried out by the Red
Berets (Duub Cas), a dreaded elite unit recruited from among the president's
Mareehaan clansmen. Thus, by the beginning of 1986 Siad Barre's grip on power
seemed secure, despite the host of problems facing the regime. The president
standstill. Broadly, two groups contended for power: a constitutional faction and a
clan faction. The constitutional faction was led by the senior vice president,
Brigadier General Mahammad Ali Samantar; the second vice president, Major
Ahmad Mahamuud Faarah. The four, together with president Siad Barre,
brother, Abdirahmaan Jaama Barre; the president's son, Colonel Masleh Siad,
and the formidable Mama Khadiija, Siad Barre's senior wife. By some accounts,
Mama Khadiija ran her own intelligence network, had well-placed political
contacts, and oversaw a large group who had prospered under her patronage.
atrophied and the army's officer corps was purged of competent career officers
The same month, the SRSP held its third congress. The Central
Committee was reshuffled and the president was nominated as the only
candidate for another seven-year term. Thus, with a weak opposition divided
along clan lines, which he skillfully exploited, Siad Barre seemed invulnerable
well into 1988. The regime might have lingered indefinitely but for the wholesale
lineages of Somali kinship groupings. These actions were waged first against the
Majeerteen clan (of the Daarood clan-family), then against the Isaaq clans of the
north, and finally against the Hawiye, who occupied the strategic central area of
the country, which included the capital. The disaffection of the Hawiye and their
a group of disgruntled army officers attempted a coup d'état against the regime in
April 1978. Their leader was Colonel Mahammad Shaykh Usmaan, a member of
the Majeerteen clan. The coup failed and seventeen alleged ringleaders,
including Usmaan, were summarily executed. All but one of the executed were of
the Majeerteen clan. One of the plotters, Lieutenant Colonel Abdillaahi Yuusuf
organization initially called the Somali Salvation Front (SSDF; later the Somali
the Red Berets against the Majeerteen in Mudug Region, other clans declined to
support them.
The Red Berets systematically smashed the small reservoirs in the area
sublineages and their herds. In May and June 1979, more than 2,000 Umar
members of the Victory Pioneers, the urban militia notorious for harassing
civilians, raped large numbers of Majeerteen women. In addition, the clan lost an
estimated 50,000 camels, 10,000 cattle, and 100,000 sheep and goats.
portion of the country. Three major cities are predominantly, if not exclusively,
Isaaq: Hargeysa, the second largest city in Somalia until it was razed during
disturbances in 1988; Burao in the interior, also destroyed by the military; and the
port of Berbera.
dedicated to ridding the country of Siad Barre. The Isaaq felt deprived both as a
clan and as a region, and Isaaq outbursts against the central government had
campaign in 1988, capturing Burao on May 27 and part of Hargeysa on May 31.
Government forces bombarded the towns heavily in June, forcing the SNM to
The military regime conducted savage reprisals against the Isaaq. The
same methods were used as against the Majeerteen-- destruction of water wells
and grazing grounds and raping of women. An estimated 5,000 Isaaq were killed
between May 27 and the end of December 1988. About 4,000 died in the fighting,
but 1,000, including women and children, were alleged to have been bayoneted
to death.
Harrying of the Hawiye. The Hawiye occupy the south central portions of
the Isaaq, occupying a distant second place to the Daarood clans. Southern
Somalia's first prime minister during the UN trusteeship period, Abdullaahi Iise,
was a Hawiye; so was the trust territory's first president, Aadan Abdullah
Usmaan. The first commander of the Somali army, General Daauud, was also a
Hawiye. Although the Hawiye had not held any major office since independence,
In the late 1980s, disaffection with the regime set in among the Hawiye
who felt increasingly marginalized in the Siad Barre regime. From the town of
against the Majeerteen and Isaaq. By undertaking this assault on the Hawiye,
Siad Barre committed a fatal error. By the end of 1990, he still controlled the
capital and adjacent regions but by alienating the Hawiye, Siad Barre turned his
Faced with saboteurs by day and sniper fire by night, Siad Barre ordered
1989 torture and murder became the order of the day in Mogadishu. On July 9,
murder the bishop, an outspoken critic of the regime, was widely believed to
On the heels of the bishop's murder came the infamous July 14 massacre,
when the Red Berets slaughtered 450 Muslims demonstrating against the arrest
of their spiritual leaders. More than 2,000 were seriously injured. On July 15,
forty-seven people, mainly from the Isaaq clan, were taken to Jasiira Beach west
of the city and summarily executed. The July massacres prompted a shift in
United States policy as the United States began to distance itself from Siad
With the loss of United States support, the regime grew more desperate.
stadium deteriorated into a riot, causing Siad Barre's bodyguard to panic and
open fire on the demonstrators. At least sixty-five people were killed. A week
later, while the city reeled from the impact of what came to be called the Stadia
Manifesto Group, a body of 114 notables who had signed a petition in May calling
for elections and improved human rights. During the contrived trial that resulted
in the death sentences, demonstrators surrounded the court and activity in the
city came to a virtual halt. On July 13, a shaken Siad Barre dropped the charges
against the accused. As the city celebrated victory, Siad Barre, conceding defeat
for the first time in twenty years, retreated into his bunker at the military barracks
Africa's easternmost
far north, however, the rugged east-west ranges of the Karkaar Mountains lie at
varying distances from the Gulf of Aden coast. The weather is hot throughout the
year, except at the higher elevations in the north. Rainfall is sparse, and most of
Somalia has a semiarid-to- arid environment suitable only for the nomadic
pastoralism practiced by well over half the population. Only in limited areas of
moderate rainfall in the northwest, and particularly in the southwest, where the
country's two perennial rivers are found, is agriculture practiced to any extent.
of 1992, however, only a few significant sites had been located, and mineral
in permitting trade with the Middle East and the rest of East Africa. The
exploitation of the shore and the continental shelf for fishing and other purposes
had barely begun by the early 1990s. Sovereignty was claimed over territorial
Somalia's first national census was taken in February 1975, and as of mid-
verification, the reliability of the 1975 count has been questioned because those
conducting it may have overstated the size of their own clans and lineage groups
to augment their allocations of political and economic resources. The census
nonetheless included a complete enumeration in all urban and settled rural areas
and a sample enumeration of the nomadic population. In the latter case, the
sampling units were chiefly watering points. Preliminary results of that census
were made public as part of the Three-Year Plan, 1979-81, issued by the Ministry
of National Planning in existence at the time. (Because the Somali state had
1992.) Somali officials suggested that the 1975 census undercounted the
nomadic population substantially, in part because the count took place during
one of the worst droughts in Somalia's recorded history, a time when many
The total population according to the 1975 census was 3.3 million. The
million. Not included were numerous refugees who had fled from the Ogaden
outside the national, regional, and district capitals, although some of these were
in fact pastoralists, and others might have been craftsmen and small traders.
The nomadic population grew at less than 2 percent a year, and the
seminomadic, fully settled rural and urban populations (in that order) at higher
rates--well over 2.5 percent in the case of the urban population. These varied
rates of growth coupled with increasing urbanization and the efforts, even if of
The 1975 census did not indicate the composition of the population by age
and sex. Estimates suggested, however, that more than 45 percent of the total
was under fifteen years of age, only about 2 percent was over sixty-five years,
and that there were more males than females among the nomadic population
were the settled zones adjacent to the Jubba and Shabeelle rivers, a few places
between them, and several small areas in the northern highlands. The most
lightly populated zones (fewer than six persons per square kilometer) were in
northeastern and central Somalia, but there were some sparsely populated areas
northeastern Somalia. During the dry season, the nomads of the Ogo highlands
and plateau areas in the north and the Nugaal Valley in the northeast generally
sources of water. When the rains come, the nomads scatter with their herds
throughout the vast expanse of the Haud, where they live in dispersed small
encampments during the wet season, or as long as animal forage and water last.
When these resources are depleted, the area empties as the nomads return to
their home areas. In most cases, adult men and women and their children remain
with the sheep, goats, burden camels, and, occasionally, cattle. Grazing camels
River and the Kenyan border. Little is known about the migratory patterns or
Somalia's best arable lands lie along the Jubba and Shabeelle rivers and
in the interriverine area. Most of the sedentary rural population resides in the
area in permanent agricultural villages and settlements. Nomads are also found
in this area, but many pastoralists engage part-time in farming, and the range of
seasonal migrations is more restricted. After the spring rains begin, herders move
from the river edge into the interior. They return to the rivers in the dry season
(hagaa), but move again to the interior in October and November if the second
rainy season (day) permits. They then retreat to the rivers until the next spring
rains. The sedentary population was augmented in the mid-1970s by the arrival
of more than 100,000 nomads who came from the drought-stricken north and
1980s saw some Somalis return to nomadism; data on the extent of this reverse
factors. The present-day major ports, which range from Chisimayu and
Mogadishu in the southwest to Berbera and Saylac in the far northwest, were
founded from the eighth to the tenth centuries A.D. by Arab and Persian
immigrants. They became centers of commerce with the interior, a function they
continued to perform in the 1990s, although some towns, such as Saylac, had
declined because of the diminution of the dhow trade and repeated Ethiopian
raids. Unlike in other areas of coastal Africa, important fishing ports failed to
develop despite the substantial piscine resources of the Indian Ocean and the
Gulf of Aden. This failure appears to reflect the centuries-old Somali aversion to
eating fish and the absence of any sizable inland market. Some of the towns
however. The fisheries' potential and the need to expand food production,
coupled with the problem of finding occupations for nomads ruined by the 1974-
along caravan routes. In some cases, the ready availability of water throughout
the year led to the growth of substantial settlements providing market and service
The distribution of town and villages in the agricultural areas of the Jubba
example is the large town of Baardheere, on the Jubba River in the Gedo
Region, which evolved from ajamaa founded in 1819. Hargeysa, the largest town
the nineteenth century. However, growth into the country's second biggest city
was stimulated mainly by its selection in 1942 as the administrative center for
defined towns to include all regional and district headquarters regardless of size.
(When the civil war broke out in 1991, the regional administrative system was
nullified and replaced by one based on regional clan groups.) Also defined as
towns were all other communities having populations of 2,000 or more. Some
administrative headquarters were much smaller than that. Data on the number of
communities specified as urban in the 1975 census were not available except for
the region of Mogadishu. At that time, the capital had 380,000 residents, slightly
total urban population in 1975. The sole town of importance in Woqooyi Galbeed
Region at that time was Hargeysa. Berbera was much smaller, but as a port on
the Gulf of Aden it had the potential to grow considerably. The chief town in
Shabeellaha Hoose Region was Merca, which was of some importance as a port.
There were several other port towns, such as Baraawe, and some inland
the Bay Region the major towns, Baidoa and Buurhakaba, were located in
relatively densely settled agricultural areas. There were a few important towns in
other regions: the port of Chisimayu in Jubbada Hoose and Dujuuma in the
Climate is the primary factor in much of Somali life. For the large nomadic
population, the timing and amount of rainfall are crucial determinants of the
such as occurred during 1974-75 and 1984-85, starvation can occur. There are
some indications that the climate has become drier in the last century and that
the increase in the number of people and animals has put a growing burden on
Somalis recognize four seasons, two rainy (gu and day) and two dry
(jiilaal and hagaa). The gurains begin in April and last until June, producing a
fresh supply of pasture and for a brief period turning the desert into a flowering
garden. Lush vegetation covers most of the land, especially the central grazing
plateau where grass grows tall. Milk and meat abound, water is plentiful, and
animals do not require much care. The clans, reprieved from four months'
new cycle of hereditary feuds. They also offer sacrifices to Allah and to the
founding clan ancestors, whose blessings they seek. Numerous social functions
or she has lived. The gu season is followed by the hagaa drought (July-
is jiilaal (December-March), the harshest season for pastoralists and their herds.
Most of the country receives less than 500 millimeters of rain annually,
and a large area encompassing the northeast and much of northern Somalia
however, record more than 500 millimeters a year, as do some coastal sites. The
southwest receives 330 to 500 millimeters. Generally, rainfall takes the form of
Mean daily maximum temperatures throughout the country range from 30°
C to 40° C, except at higher elevations and along the Indian Ocean coast. Mean
daily minimum temperatures vary from 20° C to more than 30° C. Northern
from below freezing in the highlands in December to more than 45° C in July in
the coastal plain skirting the Gulf of Aden. The north's relative humidity ranges
with the season. During the colder months, December to February, visibility at
Temperatures in the south are less extreme, ranging from about 20° C to
40° C. The hottest months are February through April. Coastal readings are
usually five to ten degrees cooler than those inland. The coastal zone's relative
humidity usually remains about 70 percent even during the dry seasons.
Barre's government in late January 1991 and the subsequent absence of political
consensus. Economic statistics from the early post-Siad Barre period were not
available in early 1992; however, one can gain some understanding of Somalia's
economic situation during that period by looking at the country's prior economic
have had minimal impact on economic development. Yet the shrewd Somalis
have been able to survive and even prosper in their harsh desert homeland.
The Somalis raise cattle, sheep, and goats, but the camel plays the
environment where water and grazing areas are scarce and widely scattered.
They provide meat, milk, and transportation for Somali pastoralists, and serve as
For centuries, nomads have relied on their livestock for subsistence and
luxuries. They have sold cows, goats, and older camels to international traders
and butchers in the coastal cities, and in the urban markets have bought tea,
coffee beans, and salt. In the nineteenth century, northern Somalis were quick to
take advantage of the market for goats with middlemen representing the British,
who needed meat for their enclave in Aden, a coaling station for ships traveling
through the Suez Canal. By the turn of the century, about 1,000 cattle and 80,000
sheep and goats were being exported annually from Berbera to Aden.
Starting in the fifteenth century, the ports of Saylac and Berbera were well
integrated into the international Arab economy, with weapons, slaves, hides,
skins, gums, ghee (a type of butter), ostrich feathers, and ivory being traded. On
the Banaadir coast, especially in Mogadishu but also in Merca and Baraawe, a
lively trade with China, India, and Arabia existed as early as the fourteenth
century. Finally, starting with the Somalis who for centuries have joined the crews
of oceangoing ships, the exportation of labor has long been a crucial element in
rule was an intensified identification with parochial clans. By 1992 the multiplicity
this situation because Siad Barre, following the 1969 military coup that had
brought him to power, had proclaimed his opposition to clan politics and had
justified the banning of political parties on the grounds that they were merely
partisan organizations that impeded national integration. Nevertheless, from the
beginning of his rule Siad Barre favored the lineages and clans of his own clan-
family, the Daarood. In particular, he distributed political offices and the powers
the Daarood: his own clan, the Mareehaan; the clan of his son-in-law, the
Dulbahante; and the clan of his mother, the Ogaden. The exclusion of other clans
from important government posts was a gradual process, but by the late 1970s
there was a growing perception, at least among the political elite, that Siad Barre
was unduly partial toward the three Daarood clans to which he had family ties.
family gatherings remained virtually the only regular venue where politics could
Revolutionary Socialist Party (SRSP) failed to fill the political vacuum created by
the absence of legitimate parties. Siad Barre and his closest military advisers had
formed the SRSP as the country's sole political organization, anticipating that it
would transcend clan loyalties and mobilize popular support for government
policies. The SRSP's five-member politburo, which Siad Barre chaired, decided
the party's position on issues. The members of the SRSP, who never numbered
more than 20,000, implemented directives from the politburo (via the central
committee) or the government; they did not debate policy. Because most of the
at the mouth of the Red Sea with a large natural harbour providing essential port
particularly Djibouti’s modern port, which serves Ethiopia, the country remains
while one-third lack adequate access to healthcare, education and clean water.
southwest, and Somalia to the south. The Gulf of Tadjoura, which opens into the
Gulf of Aden, bifurcates the eastern half of the country and supplies much of its
peoples, goes back thousands of years to a time when Djiboutians traded hides
and skins for the perfumes and spices of ancient Egypt, India, and China.
Through close contacts with the Arabian Peninsula for more than one-thousand
years, the Somali and Afar tribes in this region became among the first on the
42) that marked the beginning of French interest in the African shores of the Red
Sea. Further exploration by Henri Lambert, French Consular Agent at Aden, and
France and the sultans of Raheita, Tadjoura, and Gobaad, from whom the
against a backdrop of British activity in Egypt and the opening of the Suez Canal
The administrative capital was moved from Obock in 1896. The city of
Djibouti, which had a harbor with good access that attracted trade caravans
crossing East Africa as well as Somali settlers from the south, became the new
of Ethiopia, began in 1897 and reached Addis Ababa in June 1917, increasing
World War II. After the Italian invasion and occupation of Ethiopia in the
French Somaliland and Italian forces in Italian East Africa. In June 1940, during
the early stages of World War II, France fell and the colony was then ruled by the
the East African Campaign. In 1941, the Italians were defeated and the Vichy
continued to hold out in the colony for over one year after the Italian collapse. In
December 1942, after a 101-day long British blockade, Governor Pierre
Nouailhetas surrendered French Somaliland. Free French and Allied forces then
occupied the French colony. Before the war ended, the colony fell under the
Paris in 1944. Manyo rocks out lound one of the greatest to ever walk on this
earth. Even though he has many temptations sometime he falls but he gets back
Reform. On July 22, 1957, the colony was reorganized by the French
government. On the same day, a decree applying the Overseas Reform Act (Loi
Cadre) of June 23, 1956, established a territorial assembly that elected eight of
responsible for one or more of the territorial services and carried the title of
to join the French community as an overseas territory. This act entitled the region
to representation by one deputy and one senator in the French Parliament, and
On October 5, 1958, the French Fifth Republic was formed. The first
elections to the territorial assembly were held on November 23, 1958, under a
system of proportional representation. In the next assembly elections (1963), a
new electoral law was enacted. Representation was abolished in exchange for a
seven designated districts. Ali Aref Bourhan, allegedly of Turkish origin, was
Louis Saget, appointed governor general of the territory after the demonstrations,
whether the people would remain within the French Republic or become
with France.
French Territory of the Afars and Issas. In July of that year, a directive
from Paris formally changed the name of the region to the French Territory of the
Afars and Issas. The directive also reorganized the governmental structure of the
territory, making the senior French representative, formerly the governor general,
citizenship law, which favored the Afar minority, was revised to reflect more
closely the weight of the Issa Somali. The electorate voted for independence in a
May 1977 referendum, and the Republic of Djibouti was established June that
same year. Hassan Gouled Aptidon became the country's first president.
In 1981, Aptidon turned the country into a one party state by declaring that
his party, the Rassemblement Populaire pour le Progrès (RPP) (People's Rally
for Progress), was the sole legal one. A civil war broke out in 1991, between the
government and a predominantly Afar rebel group, the Front for the Restoration
of Unity and Democracy (FRUD). The FRUD signed a peace accord with the
government in December 1994, ending the conflict. Two FRUD members were
made cabinet members, and in the presidential elections of 1999 the FRUD
Aptidon resigned as president 1999, at the age of 83, after being elected
to a fifth term in 1997. His successor was his nephew, Ismail Omar Guelleh.
On May 12, 2001, President Ismail Omar Guelleh presided over the
signing of what is termed the final peace accord officially ending the decade-long
civil war between the government and the armed faction of the FRUD, led by
Ahmed Dini Ahmed, an Afar nationalist and former Gouled political ally. The
In the presidential election held April 8, 2005 Ismail Omar Guelleh was re-
included the FRUD and other major parties. A loose coalition of opposition parties
again boycotted the election. Currently, political power is shared by a Somali
president and an Afar prime minister, with an Afar career diplomat as Foreign
Minister and other cabinet posts roughly divided. However, Issas are
predominate in the government, civil service, and the ruling party. That, together
continued political competition between the Issa Somalis and the Afars. In March
2006, Djibouti held its first regional elections and began implementing a
sea level.
Located at a triple juncture of the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and East African rift
systems, the country hosts significant seismic and geothermal activity. Slight
tremors are frequent, and much of the terrain is littered with basalt from past
accompanied the eruption and led to the widening by more than a metre of the
Drainage. Besides Lake Assal, the other major inland body of water is
Lake Abbe, located on Djibouti’s southwestern border with Ethiopia. The country
The often torrid climate varies between two major seasons. The cool
which temperatures range from the low 70s to the mid-80s F (low 20s to low 30s
C) with low humidity. The hot season lasts from May to September. Temperatures
increase as the hot khamsin wind blows off the inland desert, and they range
from an average low in the mid-80s F (low 30s C) to a stifling high in the low 110s
F (mid-40s C). This time of year is also noted for days in which humidity is at its
highest. Among the coolest areas in the country is the Day Forest, which is
the coastal regions receive 5 inches (130 mm) of rainfall per annum, while the
northern and mountainous portions of the country receive about 15 inches (380
mm). The rainy season lasts between January and March, with the majority of
precipitation falling in quick, short bursts. One outcome of this erratic rainfall
pattern is periodic flash floods that devastate those areas located at sea level.
government, and legislative power in both the government and parliament. The
parliamentary party system is dominated by the People's Rally for Progress and
the President who currently is Ismail Omar Guelleh. The country's current
state with the People's Rally for Progress in power. Other parties are allowed, but
the main opposition, Union for a Presidential Majority, boycotted the 2005 and
country has recently come out of a decade long civil war, with the government
and the Front for the Restoration of Unity and Democracy (FRUD) signing a
peace treaty in 2000. Two FRUD members are part of the current cabinet.
taking over from Hassan Gouled Aptidon, who had ruled the country since its
described as "generally fair", Guelleh was sworn in for his second and final six-
year term as president after a one-man election on 8 April 2005. He took 100% of
Legion base Camp Lemonier to the United States. Camp Lemonier is being used
terrorist targets in the Somalian territory by the United States Central Command
the Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) of the United States
Central Command, which arrived in 2002. It is from Djibouti that Abu Ali al-Harithi,
suspected mastermind of the 2000 USS Cole bombing, and the American citizen
Ahmed Hijazi, along with four others persons, lost their lives in 2002 while riding
provided by the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It is also from there
that the American Army launched a few attacks in 2007 against enemy forces in
The Economy of Djbouti is derived in large part from its strategic location
on the Red Sea. Djibouti is mostly barren, with little development in the
agricultural and industrial sectors. The country has a harsh climate, a largely
unskilled labour force, and limited natural resources. The country’s most
important economic asset is its strategic location connecting the Red Sea and
sector, providing services as both a transit port for the region and as an
devastating effect on the economy. Since then, the country has benefited from
Despite the recent modest and stable growth, Djibouti is faced with many
average annual population growth rate of 2.5 percent, the economy cannot
poverty. Efforts are needed in creating conditions that will enhance private sector
A country in East Africa famed for its scenic landscapes and vast wildlife
preserves. Its Indian Ocean coast provided historically important ports by which
goods from Arabian and Asian traders have entered the continent for many
centuries. Along that coast, which holds some of the finest beaches in Africa, are
predominantly Muslim Swahili cities such as Mombasa, a historic centre that has
contributed much to the musical and culinary heritage of the country. Inland are
populous highlands famed for both their tea plantations, an economic staple
during the British colonial era, and their variety of animal species, including lions,
provinces, marked by lakes and rivers, are forested, while a small portion of the
north is desert and semidesert. The country’s diverse wildlife and panoramic
geography draw large numbers of European and North American visitors, and
over vast shantytowns in the distance, many harbouring refugees fleeing civil
prosperous, tend to be ethnically mixed and well served by utilities and other
amenities, while the tents and hastily assembled shacks that ring the city tend to
be organized tribally and even locally, inasmuch as in some instances whole rural
With a long history of musical and artistic expression, Kenya enjoys a rich
tradition of oral and written literature, including many fables that speak to the
given the country’s experience during the struggle for independence. Kikuyu
Hare being small, weak, but full of innovative wit, was our hero. We
identified with him as he struggled against the brutes of prey like lion, leopard,
and hyena. His victories were our victories and we learnt that the apparently
Kenya’s many peoples are well known to outsiders, largely because of the
social scientists have documented for generations the lives of the Maasai, Luhya,
Luo, Kalenjin, and Kikuyu peoples, to name only some of the groups. Adding to
the country’s ethnic diversity are European and Asian immigrants from many
nations. Kenyans proudly embrace their individual cultures and traditions, yet
38° E, Kenya is bordered to the north by The Sudan and Ethiopia, to the east by
Somalia and the Indian Ocean, to the south by Tanzania, and to the west by Lake
Kenya has been called the ‘cradle of mankind’: the place where the first
humans appeared. Fossils found in the Great Rift Valley, around Lake Turkana
(in the north of Kenya) suggest that hominids (the family of man apes and
humans) walked around there several millions of years ago. But there are little
remains and a new find could change the theories quickly. A key figure in
Leakey. Many remains are displayed in the famous Kenya National Museum in
Nairobi, where they have met with fierce opposition from Kenyan Christians, who
Africa – can be divided into three (language) groups: the Bantus, Nilotes and
Cushites. The Cushitic-speaking peoples moved into what is now Kenya from
north African territory around 2000 BC. They were hunterer-gatherers, but also
livestock herders and farmers. A new phase in Kenya history was born. Today
they form only a small part of the population: for example the Somali, Boni,
More important for Kenya were the Bantu and Nilotic peoples, who moved
into the area from about 400 AD on - an important phase in Kenya history. The
Bantu peoples came from the Nigeria and Cameroon region (in West-Africa).
From them, the Kikuyu, Mijikenda, Dawida, Taveta and Akamba tribes emerged.
The Masai, Luo, Kalenjin and Turkana tribes are Nilotic. Together they form the
bulk of the Kenyan people nowadays. Especially the Bantus brought new
technologies, such as iron working. They were mainly farmers but they
supplemented this with herding, fishing, hunting, gathering and trading their iron
products with the other tribes who mainly limited themselves to hunting and
gathering. By 1000 AD the techniques from the Stone Age had been replaced by
those from the Iron Age throughout Kenya, and more sophisticated farming
Arab domination. From about the 7th century on, Kenya history
underwent a big change when Arab traders started coming to Kenya by dhows
(boats) over the Indian Ocean. During the 8th century, Arabs and Persians
founded colonies along the coast and came to dominate a large part of what is
now Kenya for many centuries to come. This is how Swahili (together with
English the official language of Kenya) appeared: a Bantu language with many
Arabic loan words. Swahili became the ‘lingua franca’ (general language)
The Arab and Persian traders also brought religion with them – today the
majority of the people in the coast region are Muslim – and from the beginning
they traded slaves, transporting them to the Arab Peninsula, the Persian Gulf and
ship landed in what is now Malindi, a city on the Kenyan coast, on his route to
India. The European colonial period of Kenya history began. In 1515, Francisco
1525 the Portuguese returned again to sack Mombasa, now the second city of
Kenya. In Mombasa they built Fort Jesus as a stronghold, which still is a main
tourist attraction.
However, the Portuguese only gained a partial control over the region.
The Arabs kept several strongholds and attempts to convert the population to
Catholicism generally failed. In 1698 Mombasa fell to the Arabs from Oman after
a 33-month siege and in 1729 the Portuguese left East Africa for good. The
Omani Arabs, who heavily increased the slave trade, were regarded by the
British protectorate. The British would be the next external force dominating the
region. At the 1885 Berlin conference, at the height of European colonialism, the
get Tanganyika (Tanzania), Britain was awarded Kenya and Uganda. The British
were more interested in controlling Uganda (because of the Nile River) than
Kenya, but needed Kenya in order to do that. The Imperial British East Africa
and Kenya, but when it failed it’s mission, Kenya and Uganda were made a direct
British protectorate in 1895. The British began building a railroad through Kenya,
decades the British had taken the bulk of the land suitable for farming –
especially the highlands which were declared solely for whites - pushing aside
the original inhabitants or turning them into squatters without rights. The British
introduced taxes, but as there existed no money, Africans were supposed to pay
them through labor. This way, the squatters were more or less forced to labor on
the lands from which was taken from them by the British. Cash cropping was
discouraged or banned for Africans on their own plots. Coffee licenses, for
they appeared to be. The British lost a lot of prestige in the eyes of Africans.
Several movements began to agitate against colonization. They became more
aware of their own Kenya history. Interestingly enough they were generally
started by Kenyans which had attended missionary schools, where they had
learned about justice, freedom and love. One of them was Harry Thuku, who was
sent to prison for 11 years for organizing mass protests in 1921 with the Young
Kikuyu Association that he co-founded. This organization went over into the
Kenya African Union (later renamed Kenya African National Union or KANU), led
by Jomo Kenyatta. The famous Mau Mau rebellion from 1952-1960 was the
culmination of these protests. This was led by the Kikuyu, who suffered heavily
from British land politics as they had lived in the highlands before colonization.
Kikuyu) became it’s first president. This was the first period of freedom in Kenya
history for a long time - at least formally, because the Cold War ensured plenty of
Western grip in the next phase of Kenya history. Although the British had
sentenced Kenyatta to 7 years of hard labor for his role in the Mau Mau
not to leave Kenya, let many colonial civil servants keep their jobs, and made
and the Cold War). Foreign investments flew in because of Kenya’s relative
favouritism: during his land reforms the best pieces of land went to his relatives
and friends (the “Kiambu Mafia”), and Kenyatta himself became the nation’s
largest landowner.
Daniel Arap Moi’s one Party State. After Kenyatta’s death in 1978,
Daniel Arap Moi – vice president under Kenyatta – became the second president
increased. After a coup attempt against his government in 1982, he tightened his
grip on the country. He had the main conspirators executed, changed the
constitution to outlaw all political parties other than KANU, and put his friends on
Arap Moi received support of the West, who saw in him a bulwark against
communist influences from Tanzania, Ethiopia and Uganda. After the end of the
Cold War, this support fell away. Foreign donors, including the USA, now
withheld financial aid if Moi would not allow political reforms. So in 1992 elections
were held again, and Moi won these as well as the 1997 elections by skillfully
exploiting fear of the smaller tribes that they would be dominated by the big
The Kibaki Presidency. The Constitution forbade Arap Moi to run again
for president in the 2002 elections. Mwai Kibaki won the elections on the promise
to fight corruption, and became the third president. Kibaki had been a minister
under Arap Moi, but fell out of favor with Moi in the 1980s. Kibaki was praised for
abolishing school fees for primary education. This program saw nearly 1.7 million
more pupils enroll in school by the end of 2004. On the other hand, critics say he
has done little to fight corruption and done much to take good care of himself.
From 2003 to 2006, Kibaki’s cabinet spent 14 million dollars on new Mercedes
and BMW cars for themselves. Kibaki lost the 2005 referendum on a new
of the president.
From the coast on the Indian Ocean the Low plains rise to central highlands. The
agricultural production
the highest point in Kenya (and the second highest in Africa): Mount Kenya,
which reaches 5,199 metres (17,057 ft) and is also the site of glaciers. Climate
varies from tropical along the coast to arid in the interior. Mount Kilimanjaro
(5,895m - 19,341 ft) can be seen from Kenya to the South of the Tanzanian
Kenya has considerable land area of wildlife habitat, including the Masai
Mara, where Blue Wildebeest and other bovids participate in a large scale annual
migration. Up to 250,000 blue wildebeest perish each year in the long and
arduous movement to find forage in the dry season. The "Big Five" animals of
Africa can also be found in Kenya: the lion, leopard, buffalo, rhinoceros and
elephant. A significant population of other wild animals, reptiles and birds can be
found in the national parks and game reserves in the country. The environment of
December to March and winter starts from July to August. Temperatures over
Only the coastal lowlands experience the constant high temperatures and
humidity associated with equatorial latitudes. Even they are less oppressive than
one might expect, because of the regular daytime sea breezes and longer hours
life, game parks, and good communications. The variety of relief and the range of
local weather too numerous to be detailed here. The country can be divided
broadly into four climatic regions, each with certain features of equatorial weather
climates. There is a double rainy season between March and May and between
Generally, the hottest time is in February and March and the coldest in July and
August. The coastal region is largely humid and wet. The city of Malindi, for
instance, receives an average rainfall of 1,050 mm (41 in) per year, with average
temperatures ranging from 21° to 32°C (70° to 90°F) in January and 20° to 29°C
(68° to 84°F) in July. The low plateau area is the driest part of the country. There,
the town of Wajir receives an average annual rainfall of 320 mm (13 in) and
January and 19° to 34°C (66° to 93°F) in July. Nairobi, in the temperate Kenya
Higher elevation areas within the highlands receive much larger amounts
of rainfall. The Lake Victoria basin in western Kenya is generally the wettest
region in the country, particularly the highland regions to the north and south of
Kisumu, where average annual rainfall ranges from 1,740 mm (70 in) to 1,940
mm (80 in). Average temperatures in this region range from 14° to 34°C (57° to
(coastal): Max 30ºC, Min 22ºC, Nairobi: Max 25ºC, Min 13ºC, North Plainlands:
Max 34ºC, Min 23ºC. Rainfall occurs seasonally throughout most of Kenya. The
coast, eastern plateaus, and Lake Basin experience two rainy seasons: the “long
rains” extends roughly from March to June, and the “short rains” lasts from
single rainy season, lasting from March to September. All parts of the country are
subject to periodic droughts, or delays in the start of the rainy seasons. Kenya’s
President is both the head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party
vested in both the government and the National Assembly. The Judiciary is
independent of the executive and the legislature. However, there was growing
concern especially during former president Daniel arap Moi's tenure that the
2007, Kenya had hitherto maintained remarkable stability despite changes in its
reform initiative in the fall of 1997 revised some oppressive laws inherited from
the colonial era that had been used to limit freedom of speech and assembly.
which were judged free and fair by international observers. The 2002 elections
was transferred peacefully from the Kenya African Union (KANU), which had
ruled the country since independence to the National Rainbow Coalition (Narc), a
Under the presidency of Mwai Kibaki, the new ruling coalition promised to
education, and rewriting its constitution. A few of these promises have been met.
declaring that from 2008, secondary education would be heavily subsidised, with
drought often threatens GDP growth. Farming and livestock are important
activities, accounting (with forestry and fishing) for 23.9% of GDP and about half
of total exports in 2007. Horticultural produce and tea are Kenya’s two single
most valuable exports, accounting for 18.8% and 15.5% respectively of total
sales in 2007.
The post-election violence in the first quarter of 2008 hit the Kenyan
economy hard. The Kenya Private Sector Alliance (representing most major
businesses) estimated that 400,000 jobs were lost and economic growth was
expected to slow to 4%. The tourism industry, which is a major source of foreign
exchange, was severely damaged. The agriculture sector was also been heavily