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Sanitary Design

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1. Rules and Regulations governing Sanitary Plumbing Design

Local Authoritys requirement (Unit Sanitari)

British Standards

1.1 Local Authoritys requirement (Unit Sanitari)

Building services requirements are governed by the Street, Drainage and Building Act
(1974) which oversees the Uniform Building By-Laws, Sewerage & Drainage
Regulations and the Private Street By-Laws.

All works connected with the layout, construction, fixing or alteration of foul drains and
sanitary appliances must be in compliance with the provisions provided for by the
Drainage, Sanitation and Sanitary Plumbing By-Laws which comes under the
Sewerage and Drainage Regulations.

Street, Drainage and Building Act (1974)

Uniform Building By-Laws Private Street By-Laws

Drainage, Sanitation and Sanitary

Plumbing By-Laws

The function of a sanitary drainage system is to convey sewage from its point of
origin to the treatment works by means of gas and watertight pipes before its eventual
discharge into the ground or to a drain or river. A typical sanitary drainage system
layout is as shown in Figure 1. For small treatment works, septic tanks in conjunction
with filter beds are used whereas for bigger installations, the choice would be
oxidation ponds or Imhoff tanks, without the use of filter beds, where wastes are
oxidised to water through oxidation processes.

Pipes which convey liquids only are generally referred to as waste pipes and those
which convey solid matter and liquids as soil pipes. In the case where soil and waste
pipes are combined into a single pipe system, the overall dimensions of this pipe are
dictated by the amount and frequency of solid matter it conveys. Pipes used for
sanitary drainage system are normally made of PVC or cast iron. They are not to be
used to convey rainwater.

An efficient system should satisfy the following requirements:

(i) Effective and speedy removal of wastes.

(ii) Prevention of foul air entering building.
(iii) Ready access to interior of pipes.
(iv) Protection against extremes of temperatures.
(v) Protection against corrosion and erosion of pipes.
(vi) Restriction of siphonage (the absorption of air by water rushing down a pipe,
which results in external air pressure on water seals in the pipe thus preventing
them from reforming).

(vii) Avoidance of liability to damage, deposition or obstruction.
(viii) Obtaining economical and efficient arrangements which are assisted by compact
grouping of sanitary appliances.

1.2 Application procedure for design approval

To ensure compliance with the provisions provided for by the Drainage, Sanitation
and Sanitary Plumbing By-Laws, the following procedure must be adhered to when
designing foul drains or sanitary appliances to be connected to the Local Authoritys

(i) Preliminary design based on toilet details of architectural building plans is

carried out. This design should show all sanitary appliances connected to

(ii) The preliminary design is then submitted to client or architect for approval.

(iii) Upon approval, the preliminary design is checked against structural plans to
ensure that the construction of the foul drain(s) will not be obstructed by any

2. Functions of Various Firms and Organisation in Sanitary Design and


2.1 Owner

(i) Decide on the type of buildings etc., residential apartments, office building,
shopping complex to be built at selected locations.

(ii) Allocate budget for sanitary plumbing installations and appoint various
consultants for the proposed development.

(iii) Have their own project management team to liaise with all the relevant

(iv) Award the contract of supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of sanitary
plumbing systems to the successful tenderer upon recommendations from the
M&E consultant.

2.2 Architect

(i) Leads a team of consulting engineers in completing the particular project.

(ii) Prepares the complete set of preliminary architectural drawings that includes
proposed locations and sizes of M&E rooms for sanitary plumbing services.

(iii) Arrange technical meetings with M&E consultant to finalise the proposed
locations and sizes of M&E rooms, etc. and plumbing shafts.

(iv) Prepares final architectural drawings that include all the relevant sanitary
services requirements.

2.3 Consultants

2.3.1 Civil and Structural Consultant

(a) Responsible for the design of external sanitary reticulation system.

(b) Submits external sanitary reticulation plans to the local authority and
obtain approval.

2.3.2 Mechanical and Electrical Consultant

(a) Responsible for the design of internal cold water reticulation system.

(b) Submits internal water reticulation plans to the local authority and obtain

(c) Prepares tender drawings, tender document, tender report, construction

reports and certificate of payment for the supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of cold water plumbing system.

2.4 Contractor

(i) The nominated contractor will undertake the responsibility of supplying,

installing, testing and commissioning of sanitary plumbing system.

(ii) Prepares shop drawings, as-built drawings and operation & maintenance
manual (O/M).

(iii) Arrange for authority inspection upon completion of the installation.

2.5 Authority

(i) Inspects and approves the internal sanitary reticulation drawings.

(ii) Conduct inspection of the completed installation.

(iii) Issue the certificate of fitness for the approved installation.

3. Plumbing Sanitary Design for Buildings

3.1 Plumbing Sanitary Terminology

Soil pipe : means any pipe attached to a building and designed to

convey sewage or waste matter from any water closet or

Waste pipe : means any pipe connected to the outlet of sanitary

appliances for the purpose of conveying sewage water
such as basin and sink.

Anti siphonage pipe : means a pipe used or constructed to be used for the
or vent pipe purpose of preventing loss of water seal from the trap of
soil fitment or waste fitment.

Cleaning eye : means opening with an easily removable sover at the end
or on the bend of the pipe so that access may be obtained
for cleaning or inspection of the pipe.

Floor trap or : means a trap laid into the floor of a room so that water
floor waste spilled upon the floor may be drained away.

Gully trap : means a trap laid into the floor whereby a few outlets from
waste fitments discharge into before a single outlet
discharge into main stack.

Inspection chamber : means a small brick or concrete chamber with a removable

cover provided on a length of drain and having ad depth
not exceeding 3 feet.

Manhole : means a brick or concrete chamber provided on the length

of the drain to enable access to be obtained to the drain
and of sufficient size to enable a man to enter and use
cleaning rods.

Sewage : means any liquid discharge containing animal or vegetable

water in suspension or solution and may include liquids
containing chemicals in solution.

Sewerage : means a system of pipe and auxillary works constructed to

convey sewage from its point of origin to the treatment

Soil fitment : means a water closet, urinal, slop sink, bidet or any similar

Waste fitment : means a bath, lavatory basin or sink other than a slop sink.

3.2 Standard applicable for Plumbing Sanitary Design

Code of Practice for Sanitary Pipework BS 5572:1978

3.3 Introduction of various Plumbing Sanitary Design

3.3.1 Sanitary discharge system

The discharge system can be classified as follows: Ventilated system (Figure 1)

A ventilated system is used in situations where there are large

numbers of sanitary appliances in ranges or where they have to be
widely dispersed and it is impractical to provide discharge stacks in
close proximity to the appliances. Trap seals are safeguarded by

extending the discharge and ventilating stacks to atmosphere and
providing individual branch ventilating pipes. Ventilated stack system (Figure 2)

A ventilated stack system is used in situations where close

grouping of appliances makes it practicable to provide branch
discharge pipes without the need for branch ventilating pipes. Trap
seals are safeguarded by extending the stack(s) to the atmosphere
and by cross-connecting the ventilating stacks to the discharge
stacks. Single stack system (Figures 3 & 4)

(a) Figure 3 shows a single stack system which is used in

situations where there are closed groupings of appliances
similar as item 1.2 but only where the discharge stack is
large enough to limit pressure fluctuations without the need
for a ventilating stack.

(b) Figure 4 shows a modified single stack system, providing

ventilating pipework extended to the atmosphere or
connected to a ventilating stack, and be used where the
disposition of appliances on a branch discharge pipe could
cause loss of their trap seals. The ventilating stack need not
be connected directly to the discharge stack and can be
smaller in diameter than that required for a ventilated stack
system. Two-pipe system (Figure 5)

In the two-pipe system, the discharge from w.cs, urinals and other
soil appliances are conveyed via a main discharge (soil pipe) and
finally to the main sewer line.

A separate waste pipe conveys the discharge from waste basins,

baths and kitchen sinks to the waste water drains through a
trapped gully. This waste water is normally discharged direct to
open drains. However, in some installations this waste water can
be discharged into the sewer line if the sewer line capacity has
been designed to take this waste water loading.

3.3.2 Traps and Seals Traps should be designed so that deposits do not accumulate. A

trap which is an integral part of an appliance should be attached to
and be immediately beneath its outlet and be self cleansing. The
internal surface of the trap should be smooth throughout.

All traps should be accessible and provided with adequate facility

for cleansing.

Figure 1 Ventilated system (diagrammatic)

Note: For use in situations where there are large numbers of sanitary appliances in ranges
or where they have to be widely dispersed and it is impracticable to provide discharge
stacks in close proximity to the appliances.

Figure 2 Ventilated stack system (diagrammatic)

Note: For use in situation where close grouping of appliances makes it practicable to provide
branch discharge pipes without the need for branch ventilating pipes.

Figure 3 Single stack system

Note: For use in situations described in the note to Figure 2, but where the discharge stack
is large enough to limit pressure fluctuations without the need for a ventilating stack.

Figure 4 Modified single stack system (diagrammatic)

Note: For use in situations where the disposition of appliances on a branch discharge pipe
could cause loss of their trap seals (by the provision of ventilating pipework extended
to the atmosphere or connected to a ventilating stack).

Figure 5 Two-pipe system Depths of seals

(a) Traps with outlets for pipes up to and including 50 mm size

should have a minimum water seal of 75 mm.

(b) Traps with outlets for pipes over 50 mm pipe size should have
a minimum water seal of 50 mm.

(c) Traps used on appliances with a trailing waste discharge and

installed on ground floors and discharging to an external gully
may have a reduced water seal of not less than 40 mm.

(d) The size of tubular traps should not be less than those given
in Table 1.

Table 1 Minimum sizes of tubular traps

Types of appliance Size of trap, Types of appliance Size of trap,
mm mm
Wash basin 32 Drinking fountain 32
Bidet 32 Bar well 32
Sink 40 Hotel or restaurant 40
Bath 40 Kitchen sink 40
Shower bath tray 40 Urinal (bowl) 40
Food waste disposal 40 Food waste disposal 50
unit unit (industrial type)
Wash tub 50 Sanitary towel macerator 50
Urinal (stall, 1 to 6) 65

3.4 Sizing of Sanitary Drainage and Vent Pipes

3.4.1 Capacities of Stack

Owing to the terminal velocities which are attained in vertical pipes, there is a
practical limit to the capacity of a given stack. In order to reduce hydraulic
and pneumatic disturbances to a minimum, most authorities recommend as
an upper limit stack loading of about a quarter full. This degree of loading
provides room for an air core to flow freely down the stack during fluctuating

The maximum flow possible at any given stack loading depends also upon
the frictional resistance of the inner surface of the stack. Smooth pipes of
copper and plastics allow slightly higher terminal velocities to be reached
than rougher pipes such as cast iron. Where adequate ventilation is provided
to the system, some stack loading above can be considered,

Table 2 Maximum capacities of stacks flowing quarter full

Stack dia. mm Stack capacity, Discharge units
50 1.10 70
63 2.00 175
75 3.25 375
90 5.0 700
100 7.10 1200
125 12.30 2800
150 20.60 6000

3.4.2 Discharge Units

In practice, sanitary plumbing system incorporate many different kinds of

sanitary appliances which may be connected to the same discharge pipe or
drain. Under these conditions, it is more convenient to use a system of
related unit values which have been determined mathematically to make it
easier to design these mixed systems. These unit values are assigned to
each appliance are called discharged units.

Table 3 Discharge unit values and flow rates for common appliances
Types of appliance Frequency of use, min Discharge units
WC (9 litres) 20 7
10 14
5 28
Wash basin 20 1
10 3
5 6
Spray tap basin* Add 0.0.6 litre/s per tap
Bath 75 (domestic) 7
30 (commercial and 18
Shower Add 0.1 litre/s per spray
Washing machine 250 4
Sink 20 6
10 14
5 27
Urinal (per person) 20 (commercial and 0.3
One group consisting of 14
one WC, one bath, one
or two basins and one

* Some proportion of the total may be assumed to be in simultaneous

operation if considered appropriate.

Frequency of flushing of automatic flushing cistern.

Note: Unless otherwise stated, the frequencies given above represent the

20 min corresponds to peak domestic use

10 min corresponds to peak commercial use
5 min corresponds to congested use in public toilets, schools, etc.

3.4.3 Discharge unit flow rates graphs

The flow load of the various kinds of sanitary appliances to be estimated

either in groups of the same appliance or when used in conjunction with
mixed groups of sanitary appliances.

The discharge unit values of all appliances contributing to flow in a pipe

should be added and the appropriate discharge size chosen. Table 2 gives
the discharge units branch pipes while Table 3 gives the discharge units for
vertical pipes.

When stacks also carry continuous flows from sources within the building
(e.g. cooling water from equipment) the discharge unit value for the
appliances should be converted to terms of value of flow using Graph 1. The
two flows can then be added and an approximate stack size to be selected
from Table 3.

Graph 1 Design flows for stacks serving mixed types of appliances with and without WCs.

The upper units in the horizontal scale relate to the curve for appliances including WCs and
the lower units in parentheses relate to the curve for appliances without WCs.

Table 4 Maximum number of discharge units allowed on branch discharge

Discharge units
Size, mm Gradient * (9 mm/m) 1* (22 mm/m) 2* (45 mm/m)
32 1 1
40 2 8
50 10 26
65 35 95
75 100 230
90 120 230 460
100 230 430 1050
125 780 1500 3000
150 2000 3500 7500

Notes: (a) Discharge pipes sized in this way give the minimum size
necessary to carry the expected flow load.
(b) Ventilating pipes may be required.

Table 5 Maximum capacity and number of discharge units for vertical
Size, mm Approximate capacity of Approximate number of
stack, l/s discharge units
50 1.2 10*
65 2.1 60*
75 3.4 200
90 5.3 350
100 7.2 750
125 13.3 2500
150 22.7 5500

* No WCs.
Not more than one siphonic WC with a 75 mm outlet.

3.5 Sizing of Ventilating Pipes

3.5.1 Purpose of ventilating pipes

The purpose of ventilating pipes is to maintain equivalent of pressure with the

sanitary piping system and thus prevent the destruction of trap seals of
siphonage or compression.

Ventilating pipe should be installed with a continuous back fall into the
discharge pipe in order to prevent a waterlock interfering with the free
movement of air.

A branch ventilating pipe should be connected to a branch discharge pipe not

less than 75 mm from the crown of the trap. In order to prevent cross flow, a
cross ventilating pipe should slope upwards from the stack at an angle of not
less than 135 degrees.

3.5.2 Purpose of ventilating pipes

Branch ventilating pipes may be connected to a main ventilating pipe or be

carried upwards either individually or in combination with one another. Any
connection must be above the spillover level of the highest fittings served.

Main ventilating pipes may discharge to the open air or may be connected to
the discharge stack above the spillover level of the highest appliance on the
stack. The outlet of every ventilating stack to the open air must be at such a
height and position as will prevent the entry of foul air into any building. This
is generally achieved if the outlet is not less than 0.9 m (3 ft.) above the head
of any window or opening into a building with a horizontal distance of 3 m.

3.5.3 Sizing of ventilating stacks

The general guide for the sizes of ventilating pipes with reference to branch
or discharge stack is given in Table 4. However, long ventilating pipes will
have to be sized as per Table 5.

The minimum sizes of discharge stacks and ventilating pipes for houses and
flats are given as per Table 6.

Table 6 General guide for the sizes of ventilating pipes and stacks
Size of branch discharge pipe or Size of branch ventilating pipe
discharge stack D or stack
Smaller than 75 mm 2/3 D (25 mm min.)
75 mm and above D

Table 7 Diameters and length of ventilating pipes

Diameter of Proportional Discharge Length of ventilating pipe in metres
discharge pipe loan on stack units
mm in. 40mm 50mm 75mm 90mm 100mm 125mm 150mm
50 2 0.25 85 70 300
0.15 100 45 300
75 3 0.25 450 30 200
0.33 800 25 180
0.15 200 25 200 300
90 3 0.25 800 15 110 200
0.33 1550 10 90 150
0.15 300 10 75 160 300
100 4 0.25 1200 7 50 100 200
0.33 2200 6 40 90 160
0.15 800 25 50 100 300
125 5 0.25 3000 15 30 70 200
0.33 5500 14 28 55 170
0.15 1500 10 20 40 120 300
150 6 0.25 6000 6.5 14 25 80 200
0.33 10000 5.5 10 22 70 170

Table 8 Minimum sizes of discharge stacks and ventilating pipes required for various
loadings, dwellings
Type diameter Requirements
Single family dwellings 90 Single stack
up to 3 storeys
Stack serving one group on Stack serving two groups on
each floor each floor

Up to 10 storeys 100 Single stack. Single stack.

11 to 15 100 50mm vent stack with one 50mm vent stack with one
connection on alternate connection on each floor.

16 to 20 100 65mm vent stack with one 65mm vent stack with one
connection on alternate connection on each floor.

Up to 12 storeys 125 Single stack. Single stack.

12 to 15 125 Single stack. 50mm vent stack with one

connection on alternate

Type diameter Requirements
Stack serving one group on Stack serving two groups on
each floor each floor

Up to 25 storeys 150 Single stack. Single stack.

Stack serving one group on Stack serving two groups on
alternate floors. alternate floors.

Up to 10 storeys 100 Single stack. Single stack.

11 to 15 100 Single stack. 50mm vent stack with one

connection on alternate
(bathroom) floors.

16 to 20 100 50mm vent stack with one 65mm vent stack with one
connection on alternate connection on alternate
(bathroom) floors. (bathroom) floors.

3.6 Typical Sanitary System Installation

Kindly note as a rule the followings:

(i) For system up to five storeys, the distance between the lowest branch
connection and the invert level of the drain shall be at least 750mm.

Traditionally in Malaysia, all ground floor appliances are connected directly to


(ii) For higher multi-storey and where manhole is quite far from appliances, it is
better to connect the ground floor appliances into the horizontal drains and not
at the stack.

(iii) For buildings higher than 20 storeys, it is necessary to connect all the ground
floor and first floor appliances into the horizontal drains and not at the stack.

Single Stack System

3.7 Sanitary and Ventilation Pipes Materials

The following materials are generally suitable for discharge and ventilating pipes:

(a) cast iron BS 416, 437 & 1211

(b) lead BS 602 & 1085

(c) copper BS 864 & 2871

(d) galvanized steel BS 1387 & 3868

(f) UPVC (Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) BS 4514 & 5255

(g) HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) BS 5255

(h) PP (Polypropylene) BS 5254

(i) MUPVC (Modified Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride)

The physical properties of the common pipeworks are given in Table 7.

However, the common pipes for sanitary plumbing installation in Malaysia are:

(1) Locally manufactured case iron Which is approved for use by JKR and
the Local Authorities.

(2) UPVC Manufactured to BS 4514 & 5255 and

Malaysian Standards D15 (ISCD) and
approved for use by the Local

Table 9 Physical Properties and normal application of commonly used materials for pipework
Material Relative Vicat Coefficient of Normal application
density softening linear expansion
o o
point C per C
Iron, cast, spun 7.4 Not 1.0 x 10 Discharge and ventilating
and ductile applicable pipes 50mm size and
Galvanized steel 7.8 Not 1.1 x 10 Discharge and ventilating
applicable pipes of all sizes.
Copper 8.9 Not 1.7 x 10 Discharge and ventilating
applicable pipes and traps of all
sizes. Suitable for
prefabricated assemblies.
Lead 11.3 Not 2.9 x 10 Discharge and ventilating
applicable pipes of all sizes and for
traps. Suitable for small
prefabricated assemblies.

Material Relative Vicat Coefficient of Normal application
density softening linear expansion
o o
point C per C
ABS 1.04 to 1.07 93 to 105 7 to 11 x 10 Small size discharge and
ventilating pipes up to
50mm diameter and for
High density 0.93 to 0.96 110 to 130 12 to 16 x 10 Small size discharge and
polyethylene ventilating pipes up to
50mm diameter and for
Polypropylene 0.90 to 0.91 130 to 150 11 to 17 x 10 Small size discharge and
ventilating pipes up to
50mm diameter and for
traps. Suitable for
prefabricated assemblies.
Modified PVC 1.35 to 1.46 78 to 83 5 to 10 x 10 Small size discharge and
ventilating pipes up to
50mm diameter. Suitable
for prefabricated
Unplasticized 1.35 to 1.46 75 to 82 5 to 6 x 10 Large size discharge and
PVC ventilating pipes up to
50mm size and over.
Ventilating pipes under
50mm size. Suitable for
prefabricated assemblies.
Pitch fibre 1.26 to 1.30 Not 2 to 5 x 10 Large size discharge and
applicable ventilating stacks of
50mm size and over.

Note: The relevant British Standards are given in Clauses 5 and 6.


Determine the peak flow rate and diameter of discharge pipe required to carry the
discharges for 12 flats in a six storey apartment block.

Each flat has one bath, one basin, one water closet (W.C.) and two kitchen sinks.

The total discharge unit for each flat from Table 3.

Fittings Discharge Unit Total

1 Bath 1x7 7
1 Basin 1x1 1
1 W.C. 1x7 7
2 Kitchen Sinks 2x6 12
Total 27

To find diameter of discharge pipe, see Table 4 (sizing of branch pipe).

Take Gradient 1

(a) Size of branch pipe to service basin and bath.

Discharge units 8
Min. diameter 50mm

(b) Size of branch pipe to service basin, bath and w.c.

Total discharge unit 15

However, since W.C. fitting normally has trap seals and discharge pipe of
100mm diameter, one W.C. fitting shall be served with at least 100mm (4 dia.)

(c) Kitchen branch pipe

2 kitchen sink 2 x 6 = 12 discharge units

From Table 4 at 1 , size of pipe shall be 65mm

(d) Size of stack

Each stack serves six floors of flat.

Discharge unit per stack is 27 x 6 = 162 units

See Table 5 and as explained, size of stack shall be 100mm (4 dia.) and the
discharge unit 162 is still within the capacity of the 100mm discharged stack.

Size of main stack

The two stacks joint to a main stack.

Total discharge unit of main stack is 2 x 162 = 324 units

3.8 Design of Grease Traps for Kitchen Area

Interceptors Technical Data


A Grease Interceptor is necessary where grease, fats, oil or other similar line clogging
contaminants are present in waste water that must be disposed of through the
sanitary system.

The problem of preventing grease from entering drainage lines should always be
considered when designing the plumbing drainage system in any restaurant,
cafeteria, hotel, school, hospital, institutional or commercial buildings having facilities
for the preparation and serving of food in quantity. In these installations, as well as in
commercial food processing plants, dairies and other industries where greases and
fats are a by-product, an efficient SMITH interceptor should be installed to prevent
this material from entering the drainage lines.

How the Interceptor Operates

Baffles are scientifically placed to allow efficient separation of grease and oils and are
easily removable.

Water draining to the interceptor passes through a flow control fitting which regulates
the velocity of the water to the capacity of the interceptor. As the water enters the
interceptor at this controlled rate of flow, it is free of turbulence. It then passes over a
series of separator baffles which are designed to cause greases, fats and oil to
become separated and released from the waste water. Once released, these
contaminants rise to the top of the interceptor by natural floatation and are
accumulated until removed. The waste water now relieved of 90% of the contaminant
oil and greases continues to flow through the interceptor into the sanitary system.

Typical Single Fixture Installations

Procedures for sizing grease interceptors

Step 1 Determine the cubic content of the fixture A sink 48 by 24 wide by 12 deep.
by multiplying length x width x depth Cubic content 48 x 24 x 12 = 13,824 cubic
Step 2 Determine the capacity in gallons. Contents in gals. 13,824 = 59.8 gals.
1 gal. = 231 cubic inches. 231
Step 3 Determine actual drainage load. Actual drainage load
The fixture is usually filled to about 75% of 0.75 x 59.8 gals. = 44.9 gals.
capacity with waste water. The items
being washed displace about 25% of the
fixture content. Actual drainage load =
75% of fixture capacity.
Step 4 Determine the flow rate and the drainage Calculate flow rate for one minute period.
period. In general, good practices dictate a Flow Rate = 44.9 gals. = 44.9 GPM
one minute drainage period. However, 1 min.
where conditions permit, a two minutes
period is acceptable. Drainage period is For two minutes period
the actual time required to completely
Flow Rate = 44.9 gals. = 22.5 GPM
empty the fixture.
2 min.
Flow Rate = Actual Drainage Load
Drainage Period
Step 5 Select the inceptor which corresponds to For one minute period
the flow rate calculated. To select a larger 44.9 GPM requires a Fig. 8050
size when flow rate falls between the two
sizes listed. If flow rate is above 50GPM, For two minutes period
select a larger all steel interceptor from 22.5 GPM requires a Fig. 8025
Page 8.07, Fig. 8400 series.

As a general rule, it is good practice to size the interceptor so that its rated capacity is never less
than 40% of the fixture capacity in gallons. In the example above, the actual fixture capacity is
59.8 gals. and 40% of this would be 23.9 gals. or Fig. 8025. It is readily seen that a drainage
period other than one or two minutes can be used. If conditions justify, any period between one
and two minutes is satisfactory. However, we do not recommend a period longer than two
minutes. Using the 40$ rule of thumb gives a drainage period of 1 7/8 minutes.

4. Plumbing Sanitary Materials

The three plumbing systems of a building described in Chapter 1 (the Potable Water
Supply System, the Sanitary Drainage and Vent Piping System, and the Storm Water
Drainage System) are constructed by plumbers using pipe, fittings, valves and
meters. It is the purpose of this chapter to present to the apprentice some of the more
common pipes and fitting materials, as well as plumbing valves and meters, and to
describe the uses of these various materials.

The materials to be considered for plumbing pipes and fittings are classified into four
basic groups:

(a) Cast iron soil pipe and fittings.

(b) Galvanized steel pipe and threaded fittings.
(c) Copper tubing with solder joint and flare joint fittings.
(d) Plastic pipe and fittings.

Before going into further detail on these materials, the apprentice must understand
that the local plumbing code for his area will specify the type of piping material that
may be used for each particular piping system. Local plumbing codes take into
consideration such local conditions as soil types, ground condition, local rainfall, and
frost of freezing condition, all of which can affect the choice of a piping material. For
this reason, the local plumbing code must be consulted to see that the material to be
used is the code-approved material for the system being piped.

4.1 Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings

Cast iron soil pipe and fittings are manufactured from grey cast iron, a material which
is both strong and corrosion resistant. The corrosion resistance of cast iron soil pipe
is derived from the metallurgical structure of grey cast iron. During the solidification of
the molten cast iron, large graphite flakes form within the pipe and fitting walls to
serve as insulation against corrosion.

After casting, the soil pipe and fittings are coated with coal tar pitch to prevent rust
during storage and use, and to improve their appearance.

To ensure a uniform wall thickness, cast iron soil pipe is centrifugally cast. In this
process, molten cast iron is poured into a spinning pipe mold, and centrifugal force
causes it to form on the sides of the mold where it solidifies to the pipe shape. This
method of casting ensures a straight length of soil pipe with a smooth interior surface.

Cast iron soil pipe fittings are cast in permanent metal molds to produce fittings with a
uniform wall thickness.

Cast iron soil pipe and fittings have the advantage of being made of a strong material.
They neither leak nor absorb water; they are economical and are easily cut and

joined, in addition to being corrosion resistant. Cast iron soil pipe and fittings also
provide one of the quietest piping systems available because they do not transmit the
sound of water draining through the pipe as do some of the other thinner piping

The main disadvantage to the use of cast iron soil pipe is that it is a heavy material
which has low tensile strength, and if treated roughly, the pipe and fittings crack and

Cast iron soil pipe and fittings are available in either the bell and spigot pattern shown
in Figure 4-1 of the hubless or no-hub pattern shown in Figure 4-2.

Bell and Spigot Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings

Bell and spigot soil pipe and fittings have a bell or hub cast at the end of the pipe and
fittings into which the spigot or plain end of another piece of pipe (or fitting) is inserted
to joint them together (see Figure 3-1). The space between the hub and the plain end
of the pipe or fitting is sealed with either a caulked lead and oakum joint or a
mechanical compression joint. (Both joining methods are described in Chapter 5).

Cast iron soil pipe, as pictured at the top of Figure 3-1, is cast in 5-foot and 10-foot
lengths of single hub pipe (pipe with a hub on only one end) and 30-inch lengths and
5-foot lengths of double hub pipe (pipe with a hub on each end to minimise waste in
cutting short pieces).

At the present time, bell and spigot cast iron soil pipe and fittings are cast in two
different wall thicknesses or weights service weight (SV) and extra heavy weight
(XH) in sizes from 2-inch to 15-inch inside diameter. For the purpose of comparing
these two weights of foil pipe, the apprentice should refer to the sizes and weights
information located beneath the lengths of bell and spigot soil pipe shown in Figure
3-1. For example, under the illustration for single hub, 5-foot length he will notice that
in the 4-inch size, a 5-foot length of SV pipe weights 40 pounds while the same length
of XH pipe weights 60 pounds.

As a means of identifying the two weights of soil pipe and fittings, the cast iron
industry has adopted the practice of marking the lighter service weight soil pipe and
fittings with the letters SV, which are either cast in raised letters or painted on the
pipe and fittings. Extra heavy pipe and fittings are marked in the same manner with
the letters XH.

Although service weight and extra heavy soil pipe and fittings are identical in
appearance, they are not interchangeable within a piping system due to the
difference in outside diameters of the pipe and fittings. Service weight pipe and
fittings are smaller.

Note: The cast iron soil pipe industry is phasing out the production of the extra heavy
weight pipe and fittings and in the near future, only service weight pipe and
fittings will be available.

No-hub Soil Pipe and Fittings

No-hub soil pipe and fittings are a new concept devised by the cast iron soil pipe
industry to enable them to compete with a faster method of joining the pipe and
fittings. No hub-pipe and fittings (Figure 4-2) are joined together with a mechanical
joint composed of a neoprene sleeve gasket into which the plain end of the pipe
and/or fitting are inserted. They are held in place by a stainless steel band with screw
clamps which are tightened over the neoprene gasket as detailed in Chapter 5.

No-hub soil pipe and fittings are cast in sizes from 1 inch to 10-inch inside diameter.
The pipe is cast in 10-foot lengths.

The apprentice will find in the sizes and weight information given in Figure 4-2 that
the weight of a 10-foot length of 4-inch no-hub pipe is 74 pounds. Referring back to
Figure 4-1, notice that the weight of single hub 10-foot length of SV, 4-inch pipe is 75
pounds. From this comparison, it should be evident that the wall thicknesses (and
outside diameters) of service weight soil pipe and no-hub soil pipe are nearly

Uses of Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings

Both bell and spigot and no-hub cast iron soil pipe and fittings are used above and
below ground to pipe sanitary drainage, vent, and storm water drainage pipes.

Figure 4-1 Bell and spigot cast iron soil pipe fittings.

Figure 4-2 No-hub cast iron soil pipe and fittings (Tyler Pipe).

4.2 Plastic Pipe and Fittings

Plastics are a family of man-made materials developed from synthetic organic

chemicals. The basic raw materials used to make plastics are oil, natural gas, coal
and cellulose (from wood fibers). The raw materials are made into resins, which are
classified into two general types of plastic.

Thermosetting plastics are plastic resins that cannot be re-melted after they are
formed and cured in their final stage.

Thermoplastic plastics are plastic resins that can be heated and reformed over and
over again. The plastics used for plumbing pipe and fittings are thermoplastics.

Plastic pipe is made by the process of extrusion in which the heat-softened plastic is
forced through a circular-shaped die to form the round pipe shape.

Plastic pipe fittings are made by the injection molding process in which the heat-
softened plastic is forced into a relatively cool cavity shaped like the desired fitting.
The plastic then solidifies in the cavity to become the fitting.

Plastic as a piping material has the advantages of being a lightweight, inexpensive

material. It is resistant to corrosion from household chemicals, has very smooth
interior walls, and is very easily joined. In addition, because plastic pipe and fittings
are made from a combination of raw materials, it is possible to formulate different
types of plastic pipe, each of which has its own special characteristics.

The disadvantages of using plastic as a piping material are

(i) it has a low resistance to heat;

(ii) it has very high rate of expansion and contraction when heated and cooled;
(iii) it is a very flexible material that requires extra hangers and support;
(iv) it has a low crush resistance (when compared to metal pipes); and
(v) it has pressure ratings (the amount of internal pressure it can withstand) that are
lower than those for metal pipes.

Plastics used for plumbing pipes

There are four types of plastic commonly used for plumbing pipes and fittings:

(i) Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene or ABS as it is more commonly called.

(ii) Polyvinyl Chloride or PVC.
(iii) Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride or CPVC.
(iv) Polyethylene or PE plastic tubing.

In the following sections of this chapter, the common uses of these four materials will
be described (the apprentice is reminded to check his local plumbing code for
restrictions on the uses of plastic piping materials).

ABS plastic pipe and fittings are the type most commonly used in the plumbing
industry. This black plastic pipe (with solvent weld DWV fittings like those pictured in
Figure 4-3) is used to construct sanitary drainage and vent piping systems as well as
for storm water drainage systems, both above and below ground.

PVC plastic pipe and fittings, which are light coloured, are used in the same
application as ABS plastic pipe and fittings. PVC plastic fittings for drainage and vent
piping are identical in appearance (except for colour) to the ABS fittings shown in
Figure 4-3.

Even though ABS and PVC plastic pipe and fittings have identical uses and are
identical in appearance (except for colour), the two materials are not interchangeable
and each material, ABS and PVC, has its own special solvent cement.

Both ABS and PVC plastic pipe and fittings for drainage and vent piping are available
in 1-inch to 6-inch sizes. The pipe is available in 10- and 20-foot lengths.

Figure 4-3 An assortment of DWV plastic solvent weld fittings that are available in
ABS and PVC plastic (NIBCO, Inc.)

Since ABS and PVC plastic pipe and fittings have identical uses, the only reasons for
selecting one material over the other for a piping system are either cost of the
material or local plumbing code restrictions. In most instances, the least expensive of
the two materials will be used unless there is a local plumbing code restriction
prohibiting the use of that material.

CPVC plastic pipe is a light or cream coloured plastic that has been specially
formulated to withstand higher temperature than other plastics. It is normally rated for
180oF (82oC) at 100 pound per square inch of pressure with a substantial safety
margin. CPVC is used for piping hot and cold water distribution systems in homes.
CPVC plastic pipe and fittings, which are available in - and -inch sizes, are also
joined by solvent welding. CPVC pipe is available in 10-foot lengths. An assortment of
fittings is illustrated in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4 CPVC fittings (NIBCO, Inc.)

PE plastic tubing is a flexible plastic tubing, available in -, 1-, 1- and 2-inch sizes,
that is used for water supply piping below ground in yard areas (the building water
service). PE tubing is black and is usually sold in 100-foot coils. It is joined to nylon or
plastic insert fittings (Figure 4-5) with hose clamps (as shown in Chapter 5). PE
plastic may also be flared by the method shown in Chapter 5 and used with cast
bronze flare fittings of the type shown in Figure 3-9 for use with soft copper tubing.

Figure 3-5 Plastic insert fittings for use with PE (polyethylene) plastic tubing
(Celanese Piping Systems, a division of Celanese Plastics Co.)

4.3 Uses of Piping Materials

For future reference, all of the information regarding the uses of the four basic types
of pipe and fittings has been incorporated into the table below.
Sanitary Drainage and Vent Piping

Storm Water Drainage Piping

Potable Water Supply Piping

Below Ground in Yard Areas


Above Ground

Above Ground

Above Ground
Below Ground

Below Ground

Below Ground


Bell and Spigot Cast Iron Soil Pipe

No-hub Cast Iron Soil Pipe
Galvanised Steel Pipe
Standard Cast Iron Threaded Fittings
Cast Iron Recessed Drainage Fittings
Malleable Iron Fittings
Copper Tubing
Hard Temper Types L and M
Type DWV
Soft Temper Types K and L

Sanitary Drainage and Vent Piping

Storm Water Drainage Piping

Potable Water Supply Piping

Below Ground in Yard Areas


Above Ground

Above Ground

Above Ground
Below Ground

Below Ground

Below Ground

DWV Copper Fittings

Copper Pressure Fittings
Flare Fittings
ABS Plastic Pipe and Fittings
PVC Plastic Pipe and Fittings
CPVC Plastic Pipe and Fittings
PE Plastic Tubing and Insert Fittings or
Flare Fittings

5. Joining, Installing and Supporting Pipe

5.1 Cast Iron Soil Pipe Joints

There are two different types of cast iron soil pipe bell and spigot soil pipe and
hubless (no-hub) soil pipe. Bell and spigot soil pipe joint are either caulked joints or
mechanical joints, made with reformed molded neoprene rubber compression
gaskets. No-hub soil pipe is joined by means of a stainless steel clamp assembly
surrounding a sealing sleeve of neoprene rubber.

Caulked Soil Pipe Joint

A caulked joint in soil pipe is made with molten lead and oakum caulked with caulking
irons to make the joint watertight. Oakum is hemp that has been treated with pitch to
make it waterproof and resistant to the elements in the waste. Lead is available in
25-pound bars. A bar of lead and a strand of oakum are pictured in Figure 5-1.

The lead is heated on a plumbers lead furnace and poured with the ladle. The lead
should be heated until it is hot enough so that it does not stick to the ladle, but not
red-hot. Overheating the lead just burns it into slag. Be very careful when adding lead
to the molten pot. Any lead that is damp or frozen will explode when added to a lead
pot partially full of molten pot. To avoid this, pre-heat wet or frozen lead on the side of
the furnace before adding it to a pot containing any molten lead.

The steps required to make a caulked lead and oakum soil pipe joint are

(a) Cut the soil pipe to the required length with one of the cutters pictured in Figure

(b) After the pipe is cut, wipe the hub (bell) and spigot ends of the pipe dry and
clean of foreign material. Moisture in the hub can cause the pipe to split when
the molten lead is poured because the trapped moisture may turn to steam and
cause a small explosion.

(c) Assemble the pipe by aligning and spacing the joint carefully. The spigot end of
the pipe must go to the bottom of the hub so that the oakum will not be pushed
into the pipe.

(d) Yarn (Figure 5-3) and pack (Figure 5-4) oakum into the hub to a depth of 1 inch
from the top. No loose oakum fibers should protrude. Loose fibers may be
removed easily by packing them to a yarning or packing iron heated in the
molten lead in the lead pot.

(e) Pour the molten lead into the vertical soil pipe joint as shown in Figure 5-, filling
the joint in one pour (the ladle used should be large enough to fill the joint in one
pour). On horizontal soil pipe joints, an asbestos running rope is placed around
the pipe and clamped tightly at the top, forming a gate for pouring the lead. The
rope should be tapped lightly against the hub with the caulking hammer to make
it fit tightly against the hub so that the molten lead lead will not run out between
the hub and the running rope. A wad of oakum is placed under the clamp to
retain the lead up to the top of the hub. The lead is then poured into the gate,
filling the joint to the top, as shown in Figure 5-6. The running rope is removed
after the lead solidifies.

(f) After the lead solidifies in both the vertical and horizontal joints, the lead is
driven down in four places around the hub with the caulking hammer and the
inside caulking iron to set the joint. On horizontal joints, the neck of excess lead
left in the pouring gate is cut off with a hammer and chisel at this time, as shown
in Figure 5-7.

(g) The soil pipe joint (whether in the horizontal or vertical position) is then caulked
around the inside edge with the inside caulking iron. The iron is moved slowly
around the joint and struck with the caulking hammer (see Figure 5-8).

(h) After the inside edge of the joint is caulked, the outside edge is caulked in the
same manner with the outside caulking iron (see Figure 5-9).

Figure 5-10 pictures a cut-away view of a finished caulked lead and oakum joint. The
operations shown in Figures 5-3 to 5-10 were performed on a special piece of soil
pipe that was designed so that the hub could be split to allow the apprentice to
inspect the finished joint.

Compression Gasket Soil Pipe Joint

Compression gaskets are made from neoprene rubber. The gaskets are
manufactured in two weights service weight for service weight soil pipe and fittings,
and extra heavy for extra heavy soil pipe and fittings. The two types of gasket are not

The compression gasket soil pipe joint is made as follows:*

(a) Clean the hub and spigot so that they are reasonable free from dirt, mud, gravel
or other foreign material.

(b) When using cut pipe, the sharp edge on the cut end of the pipe must be
removed because this sharp edge may jam against the gasket. Although the
sharp edge will not damage the gasket, it will make it difficult to join the pipe.
The sharp edge may be removed by peening with a hammer (Figure 5-11) or by
rasping with a file (Figure 5-12) until the sharp outer edge is slightly rounded.

(c) Insert the gasket into the cleaned hub. This may be done in two ways by
folding the gasket or by bumping the gasket.

Folded gasket method

Hold the gasket upright with your thumbs at the bottom. Fold the bottom of the
gasket up through the top with your thumbs as if it were to be turned inside out
(Figure 5-13). Place the gasket in the hub, making sure that the gasket ring is in
the groove of the hub. Release the gasket and it will unfold into the pipe hub, as
shown in Figure 5-14. This method is especially recommended for installing
smaller diameter gaskets because they are more difficult to insert.

Bumping gasket method

Bump the gasket with the heel of your hand (Figure 5-15) or with a board (Figure
5-16). When inserting gaskets into fittings, it may be easier to bump the gasket
into position by striking the fitting against a board or the floor.

(d) Lubricate the gasket by brushing on a smooth thin coat of lubricant (Figure 5-17)
completely around the gasket (Figure 5-18). Be sure to coat the entire
circumference of the gasket and give special attention to the inner seal.

CAUTION: Do not over lubricate. No lubricant is required on the spigot end of

the pipe.

*These instructions were supplied by the Tyler Pipe Company for use with Tylers
Ty-seal gasket.

(e) Using the tool of your choice, push or pull the spigot end of the pipe through
both seals of the gasket. When using the illustrated assembly tool on pipe, place
the yoke of the tool behind the hub of the pipe (Figure 5-19), allowing the tool
jaws to slip over the barrel of the pipe (Figure 5-20). Then, push the jaws as far
from the hub as possible (Figure 5-21). Next, pull the handle towards the hub
(Figure 5-22). Repeat this process until the spigot is through both seals of the
gasket. You will feel it hit home. (If using a different tool than the one illustrated,
follow the tool manufacturers instructions).

(f) Installing fittings

To install fittings, force the spigot partially through the first seal and hold it in
alignment, then drive it home with a lead maul. Strike the fitting either on the
driving lug (Figure 5-23) or across the full hub (Figure 5-24). Hit it hard. The lead
will deform without harm to the fitting. When using another device for joining
fittings (Figure 5-25), follow the manufacturers instructions.

Figure 5-26 illustrates a sectional view of a properly installed compression

gasket pipe joint.

No-hub Soil Pipe Joint

The no-hub soil pipe joint is made as follows:

(i) Detach the neoprene sleeve from the stainless steel clamp assembly (Figure

(ii) Slide the stainless steel clamp assembly onto the pipe (Figure 5-28).

(iii) Insert the spigot ends of the pipe or fitting into the neoprene gasket until they
butt against the separator ring inside the gasket (Figure 5-29).

(iv) Slide the stainless steel clamp assembly over the neoprene gasket and tighten
the screw clamps with a preset torque wrench (or other suitable tool) to a
minimum of 48-inch pounds of torque (Figure 5-30), The present torque wrench
illustrated releases at 60-inch pounds of torque. Other tools suitable for
tightening the screw clamps are a 5/16-inch nut driver, a -inch ratchet with a
5/16-inch socket or an electric nut driver.

5.2 Plastic Pipe Joints

The various types of plastic pipe and fittings presented in Chapter 3 are joined
together with one of three methods, depending on the physical uses to which the
particular plastic piping will be put. The three methods used by plumbers to join
plastic pipe and fittings are:

(i) The solvent weld joint

(ii) The insert fitting joint
(iii) The flare fitting joint

Solvent Weld Joint

Solvent weld joints are made by solvent bonding, producing a welded system much
like a metal welded system. The primer and solvent actually soften the material on
the outside of the pipe and the inside of the fitting. When joined together under proper
conditions, the two surfaces actually run together and fuse, creating one solid piece
of material that is as strong as the pipe itself.*

To get a permanent welded joint, three things are necessary:

(i) The right primer and solvent for the plastic you are using.
(ii) A good interference fit.
(iii) Proper preparation and installation techniques.

Right Primer and Solvent

It is important to use the right primer and/or solvent cement for each type of plastic.
Both should be formulated specifically for the particular type of plastic you are
installing. There is no such thing as a totally satisfactory universal solvent cement.
Different plastics have different molecular structures, which require specific chemicals
to penetrate properly. A universal solvent may give you a superficial, surface-to-
surface bond, but not a properly welded joint.

To ensure a good solid weld with PVC and CPVC plastics, priming is essential, not
optional. Priming cleans the surface, takes away the glaze, and starts the softening-
up process. With ABS, however, you need only use ABS solvent to weld the joint. No
primer is necessary.

Good Interference Fit

Plastic pipe and fittings are precision manufactured to exact specifications to ensure
a proper interference fit. Unlike copper fittings, the inside walls of plastic fitting
sockets are tapered so the pipe makes contact with the sides of the fitting well before
the pipe reaches the seat of the socket. Figure 5-61 illustrates an interference fit.

*NIBCO Plastic Piping How to and Why Pocket Handbook (NIBCO, Inc.)

Before applying any primer or solvent, check for an interference fit the pipe should
fit only about halfway into the fitting socket. Later, after application of primer and/or
solvent, you will easily be able to force the pipe all the way in creating a tight bond
with ample surface area to weld together into a single piece.

Preparation and Installation

The following installation techniques have been tested and proven correct for ABS
and PVC plastic drainage, waste and vent systems, and for CPVC pressure systems.
By following them carefully, youll save time and ensure a leak proof permanent joint.
These techniques are basically the same for all three types of plastics; differences
when they occur, are noted.

(a) Cut pipe squarely. Use a miter box or a sharp tube cutter with a special blade for
plastic. If the end isnt square, the pipe wont seat correctly in the fitting and a
weak joint will result (Figure 5-62).

(b) Smooth the end of the pipe. Remove the burrs on the end of the pipe after
cutting, or the rough edge will scrape away the solvent during assembly. Use a
pocket knife or a special deburring tool but make sure the end is perfectly
smooth (Figure 5-63).

(c) Check for interference fit. Try the dry joint. The pipe should go in only about
halfway; it should not go in all the way to the seat of the fitting. This type of fit is
essential to forming a strong solid joint (Figure 5-64).

(d) Apply primer (PVC or CPVC only). Be sure surfaces are clean and dry. Use only
primer specially formulated for PVC and/or CPVC. Apply the primer first to the
inside of the fitting, then to the outside of the pipe to the depth that will be taken
into the fitting when seated. Be careful not to leave a puddle at the bottom of the
fitting. Wait 5 to 15 seconds before applying solvent (Figure 5-65).

(e) Apply solvent cement. While the surfaces are still wet from the primer, brush on
a full, even coating of solvent cement to the inside of the fitting. Again, be careful
not to form a puddle at the bottom of the fitting. (Applying too heavy a coat or
leaving a puddle in the fitting will usually result in some flow restriction).

Next, apply solvent to the pipe to the same depth as that of the primer. Make
certain it is the correct solvent cement for the plastic you are installing. There is
no universal solvent that will give totally satisfactory welded joints on all
plastics. Use the right solvent for each type of plastic (Figure 5-66).

(f) Fit and position the pipe and its fittings. Put the pipe and fitting together
immediately before the solvent evaporates. Use enough force to ensure that the
pipe bottoms in the fitting/socket. Give the fitting about a quarter turn as you
push it on. This will ensure even distribution and absorption of the solvent. Then
hold the joint firmly for about 10 seconds (longer in cold weather) to allow the
solvent to start bonding the two surfaces. If you position and release too soon,
the interference fit will force the pipe out of the fitting (Figure 5-67).

(g) Check for the correct bead. Check the ring of the cement that has been pushed
out during assembly and alignment. If it doesnt go all the way around the joint, it
means you have not used enough cement and the joint could leak (Figure 5-68).

(h) Wipe off excess cement. If the bead looks complete, wipe off the excess cement
with a clean rag, leaving an even fillet all the way round. This helps the joint cure
faster (Figure 5-69).

Insert Fitting Joint

Insert fittings for PE plastic tubing, of the type illustrated in Figure 3-12, are simply
pushed into the pipe ends and secured with stainless steel clamps.

The following three steps are all that is required to make an insert fitting joint in
flexible plastic tubing:

(i) Cut the tubing with a plastic tubing cutter, knife or saw.

(ii) Join the tubing after slipping the loose stainless steel clamps onto the tubing
ends and pushing the insert fitting into the tubing ends up to the fitting shoulder
(Figure 5-70).

(iii) Slide the stainless steel clamps over the serrated portion of the fitting and
tighten the clamps with a screwdriver (Figure 5-71).

Flare Fitting Joint

The flare joint for flexible plastic tubing is made by following these steps:

(i) Cut the tubing to length, preferably with a plastic tubing cutter. Cut squarely (see
Figure 5-72).

(ii) Place the flare nut on the tubing.

(iii) Insert the pilot plug of the flaring tool into the fitting, apply the clamping pliers,
and rotate the tool 5 to 10 revolutions to complete the flare (see Figure 5-73).

(iv) Assemble the joint by placing the flared tubing end against the fitting and
tightening the flare nut onto the fitting (Figure 5-74). Use two wrenches one
wrench on the fitting and one wrench on the flare nut.

6. Testing and Inspecting the Plumbing System

6.1 Plumbing System Tests

Air Test of Sanitary Drainage and Vent Piping

The air test of sanitary drainage and vent piping is made by attaching an air
compressor to any suitable opening and closing all other inlets and outlets to the
system with the appropriate pipe cap or plug, or with testing plugs. Air is then forced
into the system until it reaches a uniform pressure of 5 pounds per square inch on the
system (or portion thereof) being tested. The pressure must remain constant for 15
minutes without the addition of more compressed air.

To apply an air test to a sanitary drainage and vent piping system, the plumber will
need the following items:

(i) An air compressor.

(ii) Materials to close all inlets and outlets of the system.
(iii) A test gauge assembly.
(iv) A soap solution to check for leaks.

Air Compressor

The source of compressed air for testing sanitary drainage and vent piping on an
installation such as a single family dwelling may be either a hand pump (Figure 6-1)
or a small compressor (Figure 6-2). To test larger installations, a large gasoline
motor-driven compressor of the type shown in Figure 6-3 will be required. In addition
to the air compressor, the plumber will need enough air hose to pipe the compressed
air from the compressor to the test opening.

Pipe Caps and Plugs

To contain the compressed air within the sanitary drainage and vent pipe system, all
the openings must be closed. Where possible, this is done with the appropriate pipe
cap or plug. For example, to close iron pipe (threaded) opening, iron pipe caps and
plugs are used; to close copper tubing openings, soldered caps are used; to close
plastic pipe openings, plastic caps and plugs are used; etc.

It is the usual procedure to close the tees left for the drains for wall-hung or counter-
set sinks and lavatories with a nipple and cap that extends past the finished wall line.
This prevents the drain opening from being covered over when the rough wall is

Figure 6-2. Small air compressor (ITT Pneumotive)

Figure 6-1. Hand pump for applying air test to sanitary

drainage and vent piping.

Figure 6-3. Gasoline motor driven air compressor

Test Plugs

Some of the openings in the sanitary drainage and vent system cannot be sealed with
a pipe cap or plug. These openings are sealed with either a mechanical or inflatable
rubber test plug, as illustrated in Figures 6-4, 6-5 and 6-6.

The mechanical test plug (Figure 6-4) consists of a capped stem of -inch pipe,
equip with a running thread. The pipe is provided with two flanges, the lower one of
which is stationary. The top flange is moved up or down by a large wing nut and cast
iron body. A heavy rubber spreader placed between the flanges completes the test
plug. The rubber portion of the plug may be inserted into the inside diameter of the
pipe and expanded by turning the wing nut to the right. Where more than a few
pounds of pressure exist, it often becomes necessary to wire or block the plug to
prevent it from being blown out of the opening. The test tee must be sealed in similar
fashion, except that a bent or angle test plug is used, as shown in Figure 6-5.

Inflatable rubber test plugs are shown in Figure 6-6. These test plugs are inserted into
the opening and inflated with a tire pump, which is also illustrated in figure 6-6. Figure
6-7 shows a long rubber test plug being used to seal the building drain at the front
main cleanout opening. Figure 6-8 pictures a test tee blocked with a short rubber test
plug, while Figure 6-9 illustrates the use of a short rubber test plug to seal a closet
bend opening.

Figure 6-4. Mechanical test plug. Figure 6-5. Bent or angle mechanical test plug inserted
in a cleanout tee.

Figure 6-6. Inflatable rubber test plugs and a tire pump for inflating them (Cherne Industrial, Inc.)

Figure 6-7. Long inflatable rubber test plug being used to seal the building drain at the
front main cleanout opening (Cherne Industrial Inc.).

Figure 6-8. Test tee blocked with a short

rubber test plug (Cherne Industrial Inc.).
Figure 6-9. Closet bend opening sealed with a short
rubber test plug (Cherne Industrial Inc.).

Plaster of Paris

Another method commonly used to seal closet bend openings and floor drains is
plaster of Paris. A piece of shaped cardboard or a wad of oakum tied with a wire is
pushed into the opening. Approximately 1 inch of plaster of Paris, which is mixed with
water to a pouring consistency, is then poured over the cardboard or oakum and
allowed to harden.

Plaster of Paris can also be used to seal roof vent terminals, but this practice is
prohibited by some plumbing codes because plumbers sometimes neglect to remove
it. If the vent terminal is left sealed, it naturally destroys the effectiveness of the entire
vent system.

However, plaster of Paris is a very effective sealant for the previously mentioned
closet bends and floor drains because it can be left in these openings until the
building is ready to be occupied and the fixtures set. While these openings are thus
sealed, they are protected from having dirt, cement and other debris dropped or
pushed into them.

Test Gauge Assembly

A test gauge assembly is necessary to indicate to the plumber (and the plumbing
inspector) that the system does indeed contain 5 pounds per square inch of air
pressure and that it is holding this pressure. A common test gauge assembly inserted
in a cleanout tee is pictured in Figure 6-10. Test gauge assemblies are usually
adapted to a cleanout tee or a drain opening for a sink or lavatory. The test gauge
assembly is also the opening through which the compressed air is admitted into the

Figure 6-10. Test gauge assembly inserted in a cleanout tee.

Soap Solution

To find leaks in the sanitary drainage and vent piping when an air test is being
applied usually requires the use of a soapy water solution. A soapy water solution is
made by mixing common household liquid dishwashing detergent with water in a
small container. The soapy water solution is then brushed on the joints with a small
paint brush. This mixture will bubble quite vigorously if the pipe joint leaks.

Water Test of Sanitary Drainage and Vent Piping

The water test may be applied to the sanitary drainage and vent piping system either
in its entirety or in sections. If the test is applied to the entire system, all openings in
the piping must be tightly closed, except the highest vent opening above the roof. The
system is then filled with water to the point of overflow above the roof.

If the water test is applied to the system in sections, each opening must be tightly
closed, except the highest opening of the section being tested. However, no section
should be tested with less than a 10-foot head of water (which is equivalent to 4.34
psi of air pressure).

In testing successive sections, at least the upper 10 feet of the preceding section
must be retested so that no joint or pipe in the building will have been tested with less
than a 10-foot head of water (except the uppermost 10 feet of the building piping).

The system or portion of it under test must be able to hold the 10-foot head of water
pressure for 15 minutes without the addition of water.

Water Test Procedure

The procedure followed for a water test of the sanitary drainage and vent piping
system is as follows:

(i) Plug all openings, except the highest vent openings, as discussed previously for
an air test.

(ii) Fill the system with water, either through the highest opening or by admitting
water through a valve and hose connection placed in one of the fixture drain

(iii) Check for water leaks, and if found, repair.

In tall buildings, the sanitary drainage and vent system is usually tested in sections
because of the tremendous pressure that would be produced by the extreme height
of the water column if the entire height of the pipe were to be filled with water.
Remember, every 1 foot of head of water equals 0.434 psi of pressure; a 100-foot
head would equal 43.4 psi of pressure. For this reason, it is usually not advisable to
test more than five floors of piping at one time.

On completion of the water test, the water must be removed from the system. In
homes or small buildings, this does not present much of a problem. The air is simply
released from the inflatable rubber test plug placed in the front main cleanout,
allowing the water to drain into the building sewer.

However, in tall buildings that are tested in sections by inserting an inflatable rubber
test plug into a test tee, a large quantity of water will splash out of the test tee when
the air is released from the plug. There is also a danger of losing the test plug down
the pipe because it will tend to wash with the water rushing down the pipe.

To avoid this difficulty, a water removal plate of the type illustrated in Figure 6-11 is
used to seal the test tee opening, as shown in Figure 6-12. This water removal plate
is designed so that when it is attached to the test tee, the air may be released from
the test plug through the front of the plate. When the air is released, the plug will drop
onto the rod extended from the water removal plate and be caught, as illustrated in
Figure 6-13.

The water test just described is preferred by many plumbers because it is very easy
to find leaky joints and defects in the piping there is water at the leak to indicate it.
However, the water test cannot be used in colder climates during the months when
the temperature could drop below freezing for fear of the water freezing in the pipes
and bursting them. In cold weather conditions, an air test will have to be used.

Figure 6-11. Water removal plate (Cherne Industrial Inc.). Figure 6-12. Small inflatable rubber test plug
inserted in a test tee in a stack for a water test
with a water removal plate installed (Cherne
Industrial Inc.).

Figure 6-13. Use of a water removal plate to prevent spillage

of water when removing water from a stack at the end of a
water test (Chere Industrial Inc.).

Peppermint Leak Detention

When the peppermint test is used, the fixture traps are filled with water and the
building drain plugged at the front main cleanout. Two ounces of peppermint oil are
then poured into each stack and the building drain. After closing these openings, air is
applied to the system to a pressure of 1 inch of water column. To locate leaks, the
plumber must depend on his ability to smell the peppermint.

When using this test, the plumber must be careful to avoid spilling any of the
peppermint oil onto his body or clothing, as he will carry this smell with him. It is best
to have a person, who will not be involved in locating leaks, add the peppermint oil to
the system and then have this person leave the building.

Of the three leak detection methods described (freon, smoke, and peppermint oil), the
freon test is probably the best for locating leaks in finished plumbing.

Some notes of caution are necessary when applying a finished plumbing test:

(i) In all of the leak detection methods described, as well as the original test, the
system were pressurised to one inch of water column. The reason for this
pressure limitation is that some plumbing fixture traps contain only two inches of
water and any pressure exceeding the depth of water seal of the shallowest trap
in the system will blow this trap.

(ii) During the period of the finished plumbing test, no large volumes of water can
be added to the system quickly without blowing some fixture traps. In particular,
no water closets or urinals may be flushed. For this reason, this plumbing test
should be done at a time when no other tradesmen but plumbers are working in
the building. If it is not possible to work in the building alone, the plumbers
should turn off all flush meter valves and empty all water closet flush tanks
during the period of the test to prevent the flushing of these fixtures.

(iii) If the period of the test is to cover more than one day, the test plug in the front
main cleanout opening will have to be removed. When removing this plug, it is
advisable to first remove the plug(s) from the roof vent openings. Since there will
usually be some water in the building drain, this water when released will siphon
trap seals if there is no other vent, and any trap seal siphoned will naturally have
to be found and refilled.

6.2 How to apply a Plumbing Test

Since the testing of plumbing systems is a very important part of the plumbers
work, the apprentice should become acquainted with the procedure that is
followed for all plumbing tests. However, before presenting the plumbing test
procedure, the apprentice should be made aware of two basic requirements of
all plumbing codes concerning the testing and inspection of plumbing systems.

The first requirement is that the plumbing contractor must furnish the equipment,
material, power and labour necessary for each test and inspection. The second
requirement is that no work may be covered (either with dirt or enclosed in a wall
or ceiling) until it has been tested and inspected. In fact, the plumbing inspector
will usually require any untested piping that is concealed to be uncovered.

The procedure for all plumbing tests follows the eight points listed below:

(a) Assemble the testing apparatus.

(b) Seal all openings.
(c) Apply the test.
(d) Check for leaks.
(e) Fix defects.
(f) Calls for an inspection and test.
(g) Assist the inspector at time of test.
(h) Remove testing apparatus on completion of test and inspection.

Assemble Testing Apparatus

Since all plumbing tests involve subjecting the plumbing system being tested to
pressure, first check to see that you have the proper test plugs, pipe caps and/or
plugs to seal all openings so that the pressure will be contained within the
system being tested.

Next, see that you have the proper equipment to apply pressure. This may be in
the form of an air compressor for an air test, or it may be a supply of potable
water to fill the pipe for a hydrostatic test. In addition to a source of pressure, the
plumber will need a proper hose to get the compressed air or water from the
source to the system.

A method of checking the pressure being applied to the system is also needed.
This may be either in the form of a test gauge assembly or a manometer.

Finally, you will need to have some method of checking for leaks in the system if
an air test is being applied. A container of soapy water and a small paint brush
will be required for air tests. A manometer, freon gas and a halide torch, or a
smoke generator, or peppermint oil will be necessary for final air tests. (In a
water test, the leaks will naturally be quite easily noticed by water at the point of

Seal All Openings

Since plumbing tests are pressure tests, the pressure must be contained within
the system. This involves closing all openings with either the proper pipe cap or
plug, a test plug, or plaster of Paris. In the final air test, filling all the traps with
the proper amount of water will seal the trap.

Apply Test

At this point in the testing procedure, the plumber simply follows the appropriate
testing method for the type of test being applied to the system, as detailed
earlier in the chapter. The plumber should find and identify leaking pipe joints
and defective materials in the plumbing system being tested.

Fix Defects

Having located and identified the defective portions of the plumbing system
being tested, the plumber must proceed to correct these defects. Leaks at joints
must be repaired. Cracked and defective pipe and fittings must be removed and

Plumbing fixtures that will not pass the final air test must also be removed and
stored carefully so that they can be returned to the manufacturer for credit.

If the plumber encounters a considerable amount of defective pipe and fittings, it

is also wise to save this material because the plumbing contractor may be able
to file a claim against the manufacturer of these items.

Call for an Inspection and Test

After the plumber is satisfied that the plumbing system he is testing meets the
test requirements, he should notify the plumbing inspector that the work is ready
for an inspection.

Plumbing inspectors usually require a minimum of one working days notice

before an inspection so that they may schedule their inspection load. Knowing
this, plumbers are sometimes tempted to call the inspector before they are sure
that a plumbing system will pass a test. This practice is not recommended
because it wastes the time of the inspector, and it can be embarrassing for the
plumber to have the inspector arrive on the job too early and find that a piping
system will not pass a test.

Assist the Inspector at Time of Test

When the plumbing inspector arrives to test and inspect the work, the plumber
must apply the test for him. While the test is in progress, the plumbing inspector
may require that the plumber remove a cleanout or some other plug to see that
the pressure has reached all parts of the system under test.

The plumber should also escort the inspector around the job so that he may
visually inspect the work to see that it meets the requirements of the plumbing

Remove Testing Apparatus

On completion of the test and inspection, all testing apparatus should be

removed. This usually involves removing the testing equipment and tools and
sending these items back to the plumbing shop.

At this time, all the test caps and plugs should also be removed and any water
or air that was used to test the piping system should be drained from the system.
Test nipples and caps are normally left in water supply and sanitary drainage
openings after testing to prevent the covering over of these openings when the
finished walls are erected.

On completion of the final air test, the plumber must be particularly careful to
remove all test caps and plugs placed on roof vent terminals, for if these
openings are left sealed, the vent system of the building will be seriously


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