Bose Sustainability Report Update
Bose Sustainability Report Update
Bose Sustainability Report Update
251,456 250,697 246,375 ENERGY AND CARBON
24,940 24,294 24,199
47,977 52,499
52,499 49,675
40,702 Energy Intensity
Energy Intensity
(GJ/sq. ft.) ft.)
1,3861,386 3,496
3,496 4,903
4,903 4,2014,201 2,1502,150 2,7362,736 2,9362,936 2,7072,707
See About This Report (page 8) for details on the scope and boundaries of our energy, carbon, and health & safety data.
Our Approach
Bose is a company dedicated to continuous improvement in all aspects of our business, and
Our founder, Dr. Amar Bose, sought to build a company our sustainability journey is no different.
where people could realize their fullest human potential.
Today, our commitment to sustainability is a reflection We started this journey several years ago with the establishment of a long-term strategic
of that philosophy and of the Essence and Values that framework that encompasses three pillars of sustainability: environmental, social, and economic.
drive our culture: our pursuit of excellence, our pledge Today, we continue to use a maturity model to measure our progress along a three-year
to conduct business with integrity, and our promise to roadmap, which itself is updated annually to reflect changing conditions and new opportunities.
treat others with respect. His gift of the majority of non-
voting shares to MIT represents a remarkable arrangement Year by year, we’re working to create greater organizational alignment around sustainability.
between a university and a company. It helps ensure Most recently, we formally integrated sustainability considerations into the annual strategy
that Bose will remain private and independent, continue planning process for our manufacturing, global supply chain, and global sales functions. All
to invest for the long term and live out these ideals—a new hires receive an overview of our sustainability program and our company’s commitment
responsibility we take very seriously. to be a good corporate citizen. By embedding best practices more fully into the way we do
business, we’re improving operational efficiency, innovating superior products, and providing
We are proud of the impact our sustainability program enhanced support for our people and communities. It’s a win-win: better for people and
is having, both within our company and beyond. By planet, better for business.
pursuing excellence in how we manage our environmental
See page 8 for more information on our approach to sustainability reporting.
performance and care for our people and communities, we
create a culture that engages and motivates our employees,
attracts the best new talent, and helps us run our business
with greater efficiency. We’ve always been about using THE BOSE SUSTAINABILITY VISION
innovation to deliver real customer benefit, and today
Bose Corporation’s commitment to social, economic, and environmental stewardship is
sustainability is a part of that innovation, helping people
a reflection of our Essence and Values. By applying our Guiding Principles to these three
feel more, do more, and be more.
pillars of sustainability, Bose will increase the value that we provide to our communities.
Bose Hearphones™
Conversation-Enhancing Headphones
At loud restaurants, dinner parties, or business
meetings, too much background noise can make it
hard to hear what’s important. In 2017, we merged
our expertise in audio amplification and noise-
cancellation to debut Hearphones™, conversation-
enhancing headphones that help wearers focus on
what they want to hear and reduce unwanted noise.
Hearphones™ help people engage with their world
We recently conducted our and enjoy greater social and emotional connection.
first Life Cycle Assessment Bose Noise-Masking Sleepbuds™
(LCA), a process that estimates “The noise level from the rest of the Snoring partners. Street noise. Loud neighbors.
and compares a product’s restaurant was distracting and so I switched Around the world, millions face noise issues that
environmental impacts across to the most focused choice and everybody prevent them from getting a good night’s sleep—
every stage of its life: from but my table disappeared! It was a miracle!” the third pillar of good health, along with nutrition
raw material extraction and and exercise. That’s why we developed Bose
production to consumer use – HearphonesTM user
Sleepbuds™, a pair of soft, tiny, wireless earbuds
and disposal. For this analysis, designed to replace unwanted noise with soothing
we chose the SoundLink® sounds. Our initial testing phase proved that
Revolve+ Bluetooth speaker as Sleepbuds™ help many people achieve better sleep,
a representative product. This and we’re looking forward to helping more people
year, we’re leveraging the LCA after the official launch in 2018.
findings to develop a product
Bose Hearphones™
scorecard that will help our
designers and engineers further Gold Medal Winner in Social Innovation “Absolutely wonderful! …after several night’s
embed sustainability practices Sub-category: use, sleeping better than ever. Zero snore
into product design. Communication Enhancement noise coming through.”
– SleepbudsTM user
Our Global People Management Initiative improves management skills to foster a
better work environment. At our Tijuana manufacturing plant, 94% of managers
have now received training, bringing us close to our goal of 95% by 2020.
Exemplifying our Tijuana employees’ commitment to the community, this year’s
80 Cent Campaign achieved a 50% increase in both participation and per-person
donations, helping the plant meet its community goal early. The campaign allows
employees to donate part of their paycheck to fund treatments and surgeries for
children with cancer, Down Syndrome, and other medical conditions.
Environmental Initiatives
Why wouldn’t a business want to operate more sustainably? The benefits are clear: enhanced efficiency, reduced risk, and lower energy and materials costs,
all while supporting our commitment to reduce our environmental impact. While Bose has already seen valuable business benefits from our eco-efficiency
initiatives, we’re determined to shrink our footprint even further.
accomplishments of
Bose Corporation
during our 2018
This report covers sustainability-related activities and impacts under Bose Corporation’s operational
fiscal year related control globally, but is not all-inclusive. It also includes select product-related impacts. In this report,
“Bose,” “the company,” “we,” “our,” “its,” and similar terms are used for convenience to refer to Bose
to environmental Corporation and its subsidiaries and branches. Data pertaining to carbon emissions, energy, and health
protection, social and safety contained in this report are subject to restricted boundaries due to data availability; Bose
is in the midst of scaling up tracking capabilities for energy and carbon data, and plans to expand the
responsibility, and number of sites included in its reporting.
economic progress.
Health & Safety Carbon Emissions & Energy Consumption
Data boundaries for health and Data includes all major facilities under Bose’s operational control
safety metrics reflect major at the end of FY18, excluding retail stores. Historical figures for
facilities that were under Bose’s FY15 and FY16 were adjusted in FY17 according to the Greenhouse
operational control at any point Gas Protocol guidelines to account for the divestiture of two
in FY18, as well as U.S. retail manufacturing facilities. Energy figures are based on actual energy
This report covers Bose stores and field sales. data or estimates when actual data are not available, and include
Corporation’s 2018 fiscal electricity and fuel consumption. Bose uses the Greenhouse Gas
year (FY18), the time Protocol, The Climate Registry (TCR), and the EPA for all emissions
period from April 1, 2017 conversion factors. Carbon emissions calculations include CO2,
through March 31, 2018. CH4, and N2O.