Starter Workbook
their dog died, the house was very quiet. © We had time for a coffee the train left. d_ Inthe moming, I went shopping with my ftiend Sara ‘we had lunch, © Fora long time, nobody spoke. someone asked a question, is they got married, Paul and Linda usually stayed $0) was be ym in London in 1975. (6) A_ a ch___ 1 loved playing dat home on Saturday nights otball and watching sport on television. I (9 w___ to sc____in 9 —____he was a famous ‘actor, Bruce worked as a taxt ‘Chelsea and (d) w___ I w__ about nine I (e) b_ cael ‘= computer games and the Internet. So I started a football website, which 5 Ae aod cae _ school when I was seventeen and I ‘windows Tent out, sas very popular: 1(f)1 lest. wren ar. _ computer design and mathematics at (a) un _ —in 1997, 1().g__ a j__ with a large computer in Chicago, in the United - tow ‘gemes company and I (k) w States. 1 ().g__ m______ in 2000 to an American gitl and now we've ‘sot our own family. Our two sons are football-crazy too!Vocabulary Types of film Gane Noes otto maplcowes [cartoon horror film science fiction fim | | oyestory action fim historia! fim comedy _ musical "S Adjectives to describe films Find ten adjectives in the word square to dest @NTOYABL EDO XOANBMLAFUS CROTOSOFVSI INTERESTING THRAINIPOSA LEUNNYLOLTR NZSPGQLBECG GKAMRUYCNYH MADROMANTIC EXAPWHOYVD] | FRIGHTENING Common verbs in the past tense Complete the sentences with the past tense the verbs in brackets, @ Martin Scorsese made (make) the film. of New York Lindsay's holiday last year (cost) @ 1000. © Lugy’s parents (give) her a car for’ 2ist birthday, d_ We were both so hot and thirsty that we (drink) a litre bottle of mineral e steve (become) a writer when he forty-five 1 Karen’s got a fantastic job — last month she (carn) €3,0001 9. The police looked everywhere for the money, but they only. (And) an empty bag, hh Jan and Anna (fall) in love with eae other at my birthday party two years ago. i The first Spiderman film (appear) im 2002. |} Last year we (Go) to the cinema a lotShort answers. Short answers with the Past simple Did uyouhelshertwenthey know? ‘eho good weather when we were on ell ae ee sane ‘Yes, l/youshe/sheritiwe/they did. we didn't have good weather when we were on holiday No, Wyouhalshattvetney didnt ‘We went for a drive yesterday. Make the sentences negative. ‘2 Look again at the questions in exercise 5, Write the comet short answer for each ‘heard the telephone. question. ‘Sen remembered to buy a birthday card, eet ‘The letter arrived this morning. 5 Fate in a restaurant last night. Amanda knew what to do. ‘checked my e-mail yesterday. estions b Lsten and check. Practise saying the questions and \rite questions about these famou fr . a ut these famous people from the past. ere Shakespeare / write / Romeo and juliet Shakespeare write ‘Romeo and Juliet"? Alexander Graham Bell / invent / e-mail Mail Monroe sing / Candle inthe Wind Captain Cook /ascover/ America Leonardo da Vine! / paint / Mona Lisa Madonna / play / Evita Beethoven / wate / rok sons Laurel and Hardy / make / comedy films ‘Yuri Gagarin / travel / to the moonmodule 8 Question words Past simple 2 A few days ago, simon went on a business trip. Positive, negative and questions: Look at the papers in his wallet, and write Reaver 8 ° i | ‘a. Did you hada nice weekend? London - Paris (SINGLE) | &: Yes, I saw. yrture time: 14.30 ss 3 HOURS | ¢ I didn’t bought a newspaper yesterday. d_ You listen to the news last night? The Station Buffet Restaurant | eA: Didyou like the concert? 1 set menu £14.50 No, I didn’t ike. + SERVICE (10%) : ‘When 1 was thirteen, I always wear jeans. se | totan 215.95 Bookshop __ 9 You use my computer this afternoon? Blue Guide to France 9:99 ane eae hh didn't listened to my parents when { was yo BUREAU DE CHANGE | Pronunciation £100" Geared 4 caught, bought r ‘At The Station Buffet Restaurant Js) cut, shut 4 cost? £15.95. bb What is the past form of the verbs in the box? Put 5 Sep them in one of the above groups according to the. Scns AL NG pronunciation of the past form. Ce dri” eave meet run see sing think Two. wear _win 7 Sad NY i change £200. . © Listen to the pronunciation of the past § —__keavei forms of the verbs. Practise saying them. ‘At 14.30, 9 take? ‘Three hours b Listen to the questions and answers. Practise saying them.Vocabulary booster Books, magazines and newspapers @ Label the pictures with the words in the box. SSSPODEr mmagaciné picture ‘front page Wvertisement pages cover book 8 sluba 4 as Ua , i i i sur ee i fy tee Ws a i i i I 4 i : if if jit it ; He temodule 8 Listen and read ee rer ee Prorat heres and NEFOIN es_ Mustafa Kemet Atatiirk Mustafa Kemal Atatiirk is the father ‘of modern Turkey. He was born in 4881. He chose the army as a career and in 1915, during the First ‘World War, he led the Turkish army at Gelibolu and Istanbul. By the end of the war he was a hero and from y that time on all of the Turkish people - supported him, He led the Turkish army in the ‘War of independence (1919-1922) and in 1923 he became the first President of the new Republic of Turkey. During the last fifteen years of his life Atattitk introduced many reforms and did many things to improve life in Turkey. He died in November 1938, but today the people of Turkey still think of him with great respect. Florence le ‘A hundred and fifty years ago, most nurses did not study nursing: but a British woman called Florence Nightingale tried to change all that. In the 1850s, she worked in a hospital for wounded soldiers in the Crimea (now Ukraine). People say she never slept, but spent all her time helping the men. The soldiers called her ‘The Lady of the Lamp’ because of the lamp she always carried as she walked around at night. When she returned to England, she began a school of nursing in London. She died in 1910. Glosary Gelibol = Galipoli_ wounded = hurtin abate or war 50 i : ) | | 1 b Write the questions for answers, as in the example. whee Ataturk born? In 1881. He led the Turkish army: Gelibolu and Istanbul in 1923. In 1938. Im the 1850s, “The Lady of the Lamp’ ‘When she returned to England.anging a night out 2 Choose the correct alternative. Joe, (0)@V would / are you want to go out tomorrow night? Okay, but (0) don’t / haven't / didn't got much money. ‘Well, (©) we / do we / let's go to the cinema. Okay. What's (d) on /at / in? (©) There's 10S got / There are anew film by Ang Le. Great! I saw is last film it (9 was / were / did fantastic Why (g) we don't / don’t we / can’t we have a pizza first? Okay, that’s (h) a/the /— good idea. prove your writing diary a Ray is a young Australian on holiday in Europe. He decided to ‘travel from London to Prague by bus. Complete his holiday diary th the phrases in the box. 2 inthe evening '@ was in another country ‘» the bus wasnt there 4 andlistened to the music « only cost £50 we finally left London d When we arrived in France fh I walked back to the car park Sunday Tad nas yas day Land, spent the aftercan natking ard, anf) aT vet vn of my friend place eal th Souther Light, nan Vitra Station, Netlked e) eco tleave Londen, but everybody says rage ts areal bent ty, Twoihome exry aut tonedace— and paced ey calteac fr tomar, Landon dt Prague is 22 hrs onthe bur it log jury, bu yt 3) |Win Conch Sein at abt ck, Thebes wn lf psi, mse young, Tremere onc tw Australian! The trafic was realiybed nd hat ine wr ns ney shou efi 6) Weave Dara the fern id ee fry arc ‘he Engh Chanel 6) they nked remy pap. nthe tld ne vcd py fi viel Tuesday Tfilaseepomarher nthe norhof onc. ft td when wel (@) __W Mee maton nae ules Geran carand eer deve a abn 50 FeAl, wipe a mat eve atin and we ee for sicthingt cata rik Tey inate ate) Li ne od had fd, stink andi nas ny ur march Pogue, There naronyorepbl. (8) b Complete Ray's diary with the verbs in the box. were drove opened sat spoke thought got stopped helped saw started sald remembered told was cin complete pan My ng, my oghes and mypasspre 8) were allen the bus, thebus 6) sons onche stern 2s GE) 4 Bs eT One and ones Rewrite the sentences, changing the word in bold to one or ones. ‘a I don't have my old car naw. I bought a new last week, Tought a new _one last week. D- Martha has got three children. The youngest 4s nearly three. The youngest ‘€ Your shoes are much more expensive than the shoes I bought. Your shoes are much more expensive than “Which colour pen would you like?" “The red pen, please.’ The red ‘€ There are many old buildings in the town centre, These buildings are the oldest, These Vocabulary Shops and shopping Rearrange the letters to make the names of shops. Look at page 82 of the Students’ Book, necessary. 1. You can buy steak at a_butcher’s _, BRUSH 2. You can buy shirts, trousers and skirts at a LOSHCET POSH 3. You can buy bread at a YKERAB. 4. You can buy stamps and send parcels at a - STOP COFFEL 5. You can buy medicine at a ‘SHARMYCAP 6 You can have a haircut at a SDERRAHISSER’ 7. You can buy a present at a FIGT OHPS 8 You can buy newspapers and food and household = CALLO HOPS 9 You can take your clothes for cleaning at a RYD SERCANEL’ items at a b Listen and check your answers. Practise saying the sentences,en and read Listen andior read about three machines you can buy to make your life easier. n machine is ‘he most useful? the Bryson D838 Robot Vac Cleaner se cheapest? ‘he most useful for cooking ideas? she most expensive? ‘the smallest? ‘he best one for people who hate housework? Thanks to computer chips, you can now buy machines thet can, Sink! Here are some ofthe bes! machines which con relly make ‘your life easier. ‘The Bryson DES Robot Vacuum Cleaner Do you like housework? No® Then this new robot vacuum cleaner is the machine for you. It can clean your living room automaticaly. It has. ss ‘0 computer which tells it to go around objects such as chairs ond table legs as it eleans your floor. And if person ~ or your pet dog or cat ~ comes too close, it stops automatically. The > Bryson DB3B Robot Vacuum Cleaner comes with electic batteries, ond costs £1,800, The Freezolux Smart Fridge AA fridge which tells you what i's got inside .. and gives you ideas about what fo cook for dinner!! A Visual display shows you what's inside the fridge ~ you dont even have io open the door, and the idge con also ll when food isto odo se ‘And if you hayen't got any ideas about whol to eck for your family his evening. just ouch the computer screen onthe door of the fidge, and you can look at over @ thousand oF your favourite recipes. You can also use it fo send emails and to sue the Internet, The Freezolux Smart Fridge is more than just a fridge and costs only £9991 The Ultimate Power Control System How many remote control units do you have in your house ... for the TY, the video, the CD player .. Now you can control everything in your house ~ from a light inthe bedroom to your front door ~ using just one special remote control unit. It works with radio signals so you can do everything in your house without getting out of bed. You can even surf the Internet, send emails, watch videos or listen to a CD with the Ultimate Power Control System's video screen. Price - £45. Buy nowll Improve your writing Describing a place ices about My Favourite Shop with the phrases in the box. The best time to gols Is open Myfavourte-shopis” it sells Lunt eight o'clock at right ‘The reason | ke itis ‘The people there | My Favourite Shop (2) _My favourite shop is called Talad Thal. t's in Putney, in south London. this next to @ Chinese. ‘restaurant, aw Gye aan kind of food from China, Thailand and many other countries in the Far east. () because | love cooking, especially Oriental food. “The shop (4) seven days a week, from ten o'clock in the morning ©) 4 eye see eet ona Sunday morning, when the shop is usually Ph oad a. always very friendly ana song mudi sey cima tee write a similar paragraph about shop you know. Write about. what itis called where itis what it sells why you like it ‘opening times the best time to go there the people there= be module 9 Vocabulary booster A supermarket ID ees ae eer nation oe jpping trolleyAsking in shops Possessives t 2: Write the conversation in ful < | 13 Paras secre! receeues enti ‘Sell / sausages? ov one, a your yours Do you sell sausages? ies Li = Yes /the Food Hall her hers its its & Which floor / that? thelr theirs = It/on / ground floor 2 We use a possessive adjective when there is a ‘noun after I ee 's this your book? Have / got / these shoes / size 38? fe i # We use a possessive pronoun when there is no ‘noun after it. | Ep ecenice yo. wey |s this book yours? No, it's hers. | We can use names with a noun or without a noun. Black / brown That's Pete's bog. That's Pete's. Can / buy / these, please? Correct the words in bold | That (4999 14 aX Isthls Seote mobile? _ scott's you / take / edit cards? No, it's Julia You watch is newer than my. Yes, visa / mastercard € Where's Liz Gardener office? Is this she computer? } Can / have / one / those, please? The Gates family live n that house. That car is thd eee | Us best-selling camera is the XP4O, One / these? Yes, How much / it? iad £ Where's David? I think these car keys are him. | 1t/ 75p ——_ | 9 This is our new model coupe. It top speed is 200 Kilometres an hour. ‘What time / supermarket / close? ae th This des was Maly Monroe. These sunglasses | were she too. We / open / all eee: | Onno! I think that bus was our! | ‘A: Whose pen is this? 1: Its Tony. } 2: No, its } Listen and check. Practise saying the rsations,Spelling -ing forms Pete ese mca ares a read b study wash reading leave stop look dance stay sive 1 write Present continuous Look at the picture on the right, Write what the people are doing, using the verbs. 1 The robot is cleaning (clean) the living room, 2. Veronica ook) out of the window. 3 she (Walk) to someone on her mobile phone. 4. The baby (it) on the floor. 5. The baby (cat) the flowers. 6 Ronald (have) a cup of tea 7 He_ (watch) television, 8 The two older children (do) their homework, b Listen and check, Practise saying the sentences, Question words 2 Write the correct question words in t following sentences and match them to: answers below. 1 _What_are you doing? [F] 2 ____areyou going? (J 3 core you smiling? 4 are you talking to? [7] 5 are you reading? [ 6 are you watching? [ Because you look so funny! My brother, h, nothing, just a magazine, ‘To my English class, Sshll I's my favourite programme. My homework, b Listen to the questions and ans Practise saying them.ort answers Short answers with the Present continuous Are you going home? Yes, Lamiwe aro. No, 'miwe're not. Are they going home? ves, they are. No, they aren't. Is hetshe listening? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn't. Notice: We do not use contracted forms in positive short answers Yes, 1am. not Yost. Write short answers, Are you enjoying the party, Jo? Is itralning outside? No, [Are your friends staying in this hotel? Yes, [Are you two coming with us? Yes, Are you waiting to see the doctor? No, Is Thomas driving? Yes, Is she talking tous? No, All forms a Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Present Continuous: positive, negative, question form or short answer, omit: Its me, Sophie. resny: Hi, Sophie, Where are you? What (1) _are you doing (you doy? some: I'm at my sister's wedding. xn: Fantastic! (2) __ (you enjoy) yourself? sorte: No, (3) na) (not have) a ood time. Is awfull! sow: Why? What (6)______ (happen)? some: Well, there's the music for a start. (6) (they play) this awful 80s music... and ... oh no, I don’t believe it... My dad (7) (@ance) with my mum’s sister. resy: How about your mum? (8) __(she dance) too? somur: No, (9)_______.(10)___Ghe not do) anything. (11) __ (She look) at my dad. esr: Oh dear!! som: Just a minute... there's a very nice young man over there. There's a ir talking to him but (12) he (not listen) dnd... oht! yew: Sophie, What (13)___ (he doy? some: He (14) (come) over. Talk to you late... "Bye b Listen to the conversation and check your answers.module 10 Present continuous and Present simple Underline the best form of the verb, Present simple or Present continuous, 4a Can I speak to Jane Parsons, please? eee aaa ieee ean ee reek pele or A: Where do you come / are you coming from? 'm Italian ... from Milan, € A: Doyou speak /Are you speaking jopanese? ve Justa ltl. 4 Don't forget your umbrella! I's raining / It rains again. © Can you help me with the dinner? ss Not now .. watch /'m watching TV. £ Im Britain, people drive /are driving on the left. 9% Hello! What do you do / are you doing here? Vm waiting / walt for a frend. hh Can [look at the newspaper now? Ae you reading / Do you read i? 1 Can I phone you back later? We're having / We have dinner. Vocabulary Clothes Look at the pictures of Bob, Paul and Marie, Who is wearing ... a. trainers? Bob, > askin? © acoat? 4 atie? e black shoes? £ earrings? a shirt? h Jeans? 5 ost! j trousers? Kk awhite jacket? 1 a pullover? Describing a piece of jewellery: ‘you wear on your ‘a head where all nearly all ~ the is cut the halr on a man's under his mouth attractive: nice to l (for a person) the ‘opposite of small oF thin, in a good way you wear these if you can’t see very well hair which is yellow oF light-coloured you use them to see things the hair on a man’s above his mouth hair which is brown oF black hhair which you tie together at the back of your head tall dark moustache eyessten and read {GID Listen to andor read about street style, and complete the table “T where is she from? | What clothes does ‘Where did she buy \ she talk about? | her clothes? London = dress, trousers, shoes De ee eee eR eset ea a kes es Mina is from London: she’s a student at the Chat room London College of Fashion. Horoscopes “tm wearing a pair of jeans from Michiko ~ i's a Japanese shop here in London.’ love ane Japanese clothes. The jumper is from Space, and | bought the jacket at Camden Market a couple of weeks ago. My bag and shoes were presents from my family. | like wearing clothes that ‘are different, so | don’t usually go shopping in big shops.” Gloria isa designer from Barcelona, in Spain. She's spending a fow days here in London. ‘Because I'm a designer, I love making clothes for myself. | made this dress, and these trousers, too. ‘My shoes are from Spain, too... they're my favourite shoes, but ! ‘can't remember where I bought them!” “Tm looking for a bag which looks good with these clothes. _— Hove shopping in London, but it's very expensive!” Alice is from the United States. She works for an airline ‘company. I travel a lot because of my job: | love my work. because | can go shopping in lots of wonderful places.” ‘I bought this top in Milan, and my trousers and shoes are from New York. As well as Italy and the United States, | love ‘shopping here in London, too. I'm going to a shop called Puzzle — i's near here - to buy myself a new jacket.’module 10 Ei fees eee sentences, 1 ‘My sister's in her mid-twenties. 2. Everybody says she very good-looking Where Frank going? 4 Who the girl with long hair? 5 Dina got short hair. 6 David mother doesn't wear glases. 7. Ann the black oie with medium-length hair. 8 Maria waiting for me in the car. b Does 's=/s, has or possessive in each sentence? 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 |p epmemeo eh: tine Real Life Street talk ie eee box in the correct place in the sentences. bere do it this to the here @ Is anyone siting)? Excuse me, have you got time please? © Is this bus going the city centre? 4 Is okay to park here? € Is the way to the station? £ What time the shops close on Saturdays? bb Match the sentences to the answers, 1 Ws halt post wo. No, you can’t park here. tone o'clock No, it’ te. Yes tts over here No, you need the number 23 over there. Improve your writing Correcting mistakes the twelve underlined mistakes. A ieee oe are There (a) jsfive people in the picture, all (b) siting outside: it's a nice day and 4s () shineing. Perhaps they (4) is all on! together. One of the men is (¢) wearring ‘One man is behind the others: (f) she’s ‘book. The woman in the front (9) have newspaper, but she (h) don’t reading it, (@ eye are closed: perhaps (j) she sleepi like this picture: the people (K) looks ‘happy and the scenery is very () Pronunciation Stress in questions 1) Lsten to the pronunciation of question words, and the questions wit Present continuous. 1 What What are you doing? 2. What ‘What are they doing? 3. What What's he doing? What's she d 4 Where Where are you going? 5 Where Where are they going? 6 Where Where's he going? Where's she Listen again and practise saying the questioQuestions and short answers. ‘an/can’t for ability Look at the information about four students: Caroline, Fabrizio, Short answers with canvcan’t Can iyourhe!she/welthey ask a question? Yos, lyourhe’shenwe! they can, No, liyouthe/sheiwe! they can't @ Look back at the Information about kristina and Max. Write the questions and short answers. 1 Can Kristina speak French. No, she cant. speak French | play chess | drivea | play a musical car Instrument “ x i z Wiitaecve = “ ’ x x 5 x x a 2 x ’ ‘ x 6 “Complete the sentences about Caroline and Fabrizio. . oroline speak French, ISbe can't play chess. drive a car, J play a musical instrament. outer b Listen to the questions ‘and answers, Practise saying them, Listen to the sentences, Prat saying them. 63module 11 Question words Complete the questions with the correct question word(s) in the box. [where —Howlong How What time What kind What colour What When How well Which a x ther /___ is Brisbane? w: It’sin Australia, ah _ of tree is that? : Its palm tee, ox id you go to South America? : Four years ago, dx: is your coat? n: The Jong black one. e. was the film? 1 Two and a half hours, fx Is your new &: White 9% do we arrive im New York? 1: At about three o'clock hx 's your sister's : Maria. are do I switch this off? te: Press the red button, | ___can you type? te: Tan’t type! ls Ships of the dese Perhaps they aren’t the a most beautiful animals in the world ... but in the hot lands of North ‘Africa and the Middle East they are certainly one of the most useful. But how much do you know about camels? Camels normally live for about 40 years - but usually stop working when they are about 25. Camels don’t normally like running - it’s too but when they need to, they can run at 20 Kilometres an hour. The dromedary, or Arabian camel, has one hump. The Bactrian, or Asian cam hhas longer hair and has got two humps. There are about 14 million camels in the world, and most 0 them are dromedaries. ‘An adult camel is about 2.1 metres tall and weighs about 500 kilograms. Camels can walk for more than 600 kilometres without drinking. They only need to drink water every six or eight days. But there is water, they can drink up to 90 litres.© Write the questions for this information, 2 How long do camels For about forty years. How. About twenty kilometres an hour How One, How: Word order in questions Put the words In the correct order to make questions, are there / in | How / many / the USA / states? How many states ave there in the USA? b did / films / How many / make / he ? 14 million, How: 21 metres, How [About 500 kilograms. How ‘More than 600 kilometres How Every six or eight days. How Up to ninety litres Complete the sentences with How much, How many, Which or What. 2 what > ‘ounts and uncles have you got? do you study at university? = There's chocolate oF vanilla ice cream for dessert. do you prefer? 4 ________ mk do you want in your coffee? = There's a bus at nine o'clock and another one at leven o’dock. is better for you? f {me did you spend in Aftica? g _______ people were there at the meeting? h does a kilo of cheese cost? is the capital of Romania? © a football match / does / How / last / long? the boxer / Muhammad Al / born was / Where? it from / How far / here / to your home / is? £ do/ of / What kind / like / you / music? 9 can /a/ cheetah / fast / run /How? the world / is / in / the biggest / ocean / What? Questions with other verb forms Complete the questions with the verbs in the ox were can is did was are did do a Where are my glasses? b How. you get to school this morning? © How often you go to the cinema? How fast the Toyota? © How many people there at the party last night? £ How many languages you speak? 9. When you start leaming English? h Who president in 19787module 11 Vocabulary booster Animals ‘a How many of the animals below can you name? Write the word next to the correct number below. duck frog mouse dog cow sheep monkey horse bee beetle snake spider » Listen and check, Practise saying the words. Put the animals into one of the groups below. Animals with no legs Animals with two legs Animals with four legs wake Animals with more than four legs 66listen and read eHow tall is an adult ostrich? f How fast can a bee em a "= About how many animals kangaroo are there? > How tall can an adult there in America in: How long is the smallest mammal, 1) the 1880s Savi’s pygmy shrew? ii) now? How much does a goliath frog weigh? The animal world We do not know how many species of animal ‘The ostrich fs the world’s largest bird. An there are, as people are discovering new ones. adult ostrich is more than 2.5 metres tall, but all the time; but most scientists think that it cannot fly. there are about ten million different animal The bee hummingbird species in the world, is probably the world’s Giraffes are the tallest smallest bird ~itis just 5 animals on Earth. A large centimetres long and adult male giraffe can be weighs less than 2 grams: Up to 6 metres tall. Thanks it can stay still n the air to its long legs and neck, it by moving its wings can eat the leaves twenty to fifty times a from the tops of second. One of the trees. largest birds which can The smallest fly is the South animals are called ‘American condor: its protozoa, which have wings are three only one cell, and are metres from end to so small that we end. cannot see them There are_more without a powerful than fifty different microscope. types of kangaroo in The smallest mammal is CAGE) Australia. When it Savi’s pyemy shrew -it is only | is born, a baby 6 centimetres long, including kangaroo is less ‘than 2.5 its tail. centimetres long: but an adult The goliath frog (Rana kangaroo can grow to more than Goliath) of West Africa can 2 metres in height. be up to 75 centimetres In the mid-1860s, there were long, and weighs about about 13. million bison living in 3 kilograms. The goliath North America. By the mid-1880s, beetle fs probably the world’s there were only a few. hundred. “rather, Hind in special pa IRE pcr eese tes al the same as two eggs. gonna Sag 67module 11 More about numbers Oi epee nineteen eighty-five ‘three thousand ninety kilometres an hour rine point six ‘two hundred and fifty-three ‘thousand, sixty-two million two hundred and ninety-seven. 9 two billion 10. nine hundred and sixty-three bb Put the numbers into words. 1 53,000 fifty-three thousand 150 ken/h 3,000,000, as 348, 2,000,000,000 5,600 1980 350,000 10 80,000,000 Pronunciation Numbers le Listen to the pronunciation of these words. Practise saying them, sixty thousand £0,000 nine nineteen a hundred a thousand milion _a billion b Listen to the pronunciation of the numbers in Exercise 10a, Practise saying them, © Practise saying the words in Exercise 10b. Then listen and check Articles pean ae ee or — (no word). (2 How many players are there in _a team? b_ Where do___ koala bears live? © What is_blogest desert in the world? 4 What is ___ ladybird? € How many grams are there in _ il f Howfarisitfrom____earth to g What languages do _ Canadian’ sp hh What is___capital of Colombia? How long docs it take to boil cag? What's the name of _river in London? singer Kylie Minogue born? ‘cheetahs run? Where was 1 How fast can Improve your writing Full stops, apostrophes and question marks We use apostrophes + incontractea forms: she's can't doesn't + with possessive : John’s riend the world's favourite arfing We use full stops at the end of statements. They're French. Vm fine, We use question marks at the end of questions. Where do you ive? Whereis it? Epp eee emrecies eee marks in the sentences below. {Dogs can only see black and white: they can't colours. b- Im not sure what the answer is [sit true that koala bears dont drink water 4 What is the worlds largest animal € He doesnt know the answer Wheres the biggest lake in the world ‘What is Peters pet dogs name@ Look at the pictures and write a sentence about what the people are going to do. Use the ‘ghrases in the box. have lunch stop get wet buyanewspaper paint the celling goto bed She's _going to hav b Listen and check. Practise saying the sentences,mi jodule 12 want to po! Us a Complete the sentences with ‘Answer the questions about Neela, Enrico, Roman and H with short answers. Then answer the questions about yo ‘the correct form of want to: Neela Enrico Roman. 3@ the words in brackets. e? rotteters ofall) ce EX IC ent a video this evening? nF .S, ‘There's nothing good on TV. =} anything, thank you. r ae a Seer a case | next week | go out with friends, | go to the cinema | look at ai te as | in Europe. (your this weekend friends) go for a walk before we Is Neela going to have a haircut? Yes, she is, Reed pceui A” i hh haircut? No, |’ i. Patricia is very tired. Hager eae ‘Are you going to play football? (he) be 4 waiter, but it isthe only job he can find. (you) anything to eat with your coffee? Short answers Short answers with going to.and want to ‘Are you going to see her? Yes, 1 ‘am. No, we aren't. Does she want to come? Yes, ‘she does. No, she doesn’t. Do Roman and Helena want to relax? Do you want to relax? next week 4 Does Neela want to study a lot? Do you want to study a lot? Is Enrico going to see a film? ‘Are you going to see a film? Do Roman and Helena want to buy some clothes? Do you want to buy some clothes? next year 9. Is Nesla going to college? Are you going to college? 1h Does Enrico want to have a holiday in Europe? Do you want to have a holiday in Europe? 1 Are Roman and Helena going to get married? [Are you going to get married?would like to and want to arc eer would like to or want to. 2 would like / a footballer / to be / when he's older / Stephen tephen would lke to be a aller when he's older: | to drink? / Would 2 you / something / 3 and I/a table / near / My friends / the window, please / would like 4 want / doesn’t / stay / at home / to / Mare this evening? /to see / like / film / Which / would you © a/ taxi / onder / 4 /to [please / ike 7 coffee, / We / thank you / any more / want / don’t ‘in the park? / you / Would / lke / for a walk / to go saying the sentences, ture forms Correct the sentences. Add one extra word. would Frangotsike to goto Japan one day ‘Tomorrow's Saturday ... I going to stay in bed all day. ‘Where do you want go? ‘Would you to go out for lunch? Chris isn't enjoying his holiday: he to go homel! My fiends are going cook a special meal this evening, ‘What would you like do tomorrow? ‘We not going to have a holiday this year. Word combinations Write the words in the box in the correct category. Look at page 106 of the Students’ Book, If necessary. television inbed the shopping the gym apart your homework athome the country ameal the cinema video _abarbeeue a shower ‘a concert the housework What can you have? (four things) 4 party @ barbecue Where can you stay? (two places) ‘© What can you watch? (wo things) What can you do? (ree things) © What can you go to? (four things)module 12 Suggestions and offers Ga arte ec ee ae cle enon aoe holiday in the mountains. Complete the conversation with the words or phrases in the box. sar MARK: ae b Listen to the conversation and check your answers. there's tke si about don't don't want ‘Well, everybody shall Vm not sure what (1) It depends on the weather. Is it sunny outside? we do today? Any ideas? Just a minute .. no, not exactly. in fact, it's raining again. ‘Oh nol 1 (2) nother boring day like yesterday. Is. there anything interesting we can go and see? Tinow what we can do, (3) hhave a look at the guide bbook. I'm sure we can find some ideas in there. All right. Where is the guide book? Ws there, next to your feet. Let's (4) well, there's the Museum of Country Life; how (5) that? Hmm... is there anything more exciting? Well, (6) Aqua World. Its a Sea Life centre, Yes, that sounds better, Why (7) wwe go there? OK then, if you (6) ‘Shall I phone them to see what time it opens? Good (9) | So everybody's happy, then. (19) ‘make some more coffee and then we can all get ready. Pronunciati vil, we'll a Listen open the window. 1 open the window. 2. tum on the heating: 111 tum on the heat 3 We make lunch for Welll make lunch for [phone for a taxt 1 phone for a taxi 5. Ldrive, IM drive, 6 We buy some bread. We'll buy some bread. b Listen again, Practise the sentences. Prepositions Complete the senter with in, on, to or at. a Paul never goes out. the weekend. b Let's go the cine © There's a party house. d__I'mso tired. I'm going to: bed all day tomor fe The weather can get really. hot summer, fF Istayed home all, weekend. 9 We went a rock concert on Saturday. hh We went to the United States holiday a few years ‘age.| cabulary booster the beach ee ‘umbrellamodule 12 _ Future time expressions 17 atezamen Wednesday. Write the future time expressions in order. tonight this aftemaon next month tomorrow evening next year tomorrow morning next week — this weekend Wednesday afternoon b Its now 4 pm on Friday, April 8th 2005. What's another way to say 1 10m, Saturday 9th April? orrow morning 2 9pm, Saturday? 3. The week 11-17th April? 4 Saturday ond Sunday, 9th and 10th April? 5 May 2005? 6 20067 7 10 pm Friday 8th April? 74 Listen and read 1D Listen to andior read the world weather report the week ending 15th March, Complete the information. inthe table. What was the Extra information weather like? Chicago snow, windy San Francisco 475 wn of rain te ‘Queensland Jerez dela Frontera The Balkans North-east Italy Irkutsk The World Weather Report There was heavy snow and windy weather in Cl Monday, and there was also heavy rain on the ‘of the United States — particularly in and arou of San Francisco. Things were no better on the other side of the ¥ Austra Queensland, with 475 mm of rain falling In south-west Europe, there was more hot, st ‘weather with the town of Jerez de la Front south of Spain the hottest place. The temps 30 degrees, the warmest so far this year. Ie wasn't all good news in Europe, however, heavy snow in the Balkans, and parts of nord Italy on Monday and Tuesday. Things are better in the city of Irkutsk, in eastern Si the temperature went above zero degrees for time since last November.Vocabulary The weather aac read You're going to need your umbrellas if you go out dels natty, J's wove Can you pass me my sunglasses... that's bette. Now I can sel! Thirty-five degrees!! Let's go for a swim! Please drive carefully: in some places you can’t see more than five metres. beautiful spring day. Let’s go for a walk! sweather’s not too bad today: there's no sun, but it isn't raining, ‘outside! The garden is completely whitel! ‘ee your warm clothes if you go out! ‘Se leaves are falling off the trees! about the weather = Match the two parts ofthese mini-conversations about the weather. ssining, Have you got your umbrella? [a] you hear the weather forecast? «= [-] ove day, nt? a rey fogy outs a the weather Ike? a Bats goal holiaye Wor the OX? a beautiful. {going to be cold tomorrow, but warmer at the weekend. snowing! Can we go out? ‘Can I borrow one? s. thanks. And we were lucky with the weather, It was hot most days it only rained once. 1 drive slowly. Listen and check your answers. Practise saying the tions, Improve your writing Write about a holiday place 1.5 sate nates about a popular holiday place in your country under these headings + Where itis + The mest important attractions + Places to eat and drink ‘+ Things to do for children + Excursions bb White a paragraph about the place using some of the phrases in the box. _ sin the northisouthleast! west of Its one of the (oldestimost beautiful towns in. Ihas a large number of . ‘The best. is. which has There are lots of places to ‘You can enjoy For children there Is You can also visit.Vocabulary Education and learning Look at the extracts from some textbooks. What subjects are they about? Science law Economics Business studies Geography Information Technology Medicine Engineering Politics Design History Mathematics Uterature A Business Stuvies ‘A business which puts all its money into the stock ‘market can easly lose everything, For example, in the cea 9 198) go ne 8 ‘one ofthe fastest-growing cities inthe world. It is the commercial centre af 9" c ‘The memory of a computer consists of microchips, In the ease of Walker versus Thompson, where aif “There are two types: ROM (read-only memory) Kile his business partner, the judge gave him 209 contains permanent instructions, === bon because Dj facta, & In the fourteenth century, Arab traders sailed famous in the early twentieth century bi across the Indian Ocean and introduced Islam ‘re still very popular today. For example ‘to many Asian countries. In 2511, geome Bauhaus chairs and lamps RAR | Bauhaus furniture and ordinary obje: ‘The Communist Party was started by Vladimir Romeo and fullet was one of Shakespeare's early y wcniam becar etl Plays but in ithe wrote some of his most DP Reser ir ert pecame nepal catia poetry, When Romeo leaves =" et i ‘The economy ofa country depends in part on fis ‘tis often better forthe person not to take antibiotics ‘natural resources. For example, if a country is rich i if the illness isn’t serious. In the past doctors often. Galiano, {g2Ve too many antibiotics and go" —_ neh 76De ae 4 the hospital Is there really abig difference | © the sreengrocers between boys and girls at school? New research says there is. é When British girls beeween the ages of five and | ee Oey ee, 4 ‘often do better at school than boys. But now older girls are doing better at (b) primary / secondary | g_-the bus station school too. ‘Many people think that boys (c) make ! get better grades in science and mathematics and girs do well d hi The Oak Tree Café 4 ( { £ the butchers in languages and art. But more and more women apply (d) to / for courses in law and engineering at ‘university and many (e) do / make courses in mathematics and economics. Every year, tens of thousands of British teenagers (0 take f pass their ‘A’ or ‘Advanced’ level exams, ‘Young people need to (g) poss / succeed these exams if they want to go to university. But in 2005, | more boys than girls (h) passed / failed thelr ‘A’ levels. Too many young boys leave school without () doing f getting qualifications. They then ()) choose do careers in badly paid jobs. SS Infinitive of purpose Last Friday, Carol went into town. Why did she Infinitives with and without to visit these places? Write sentences with the infinitive of purpose, using the phrases in the box. Se Doron sane books, havelinchbuysememast | 6 Take wants em /t lea mare obo compe. _getsomemoney- buy some ful R catch the bus home visit her sick lend | Pauli studying English get /to get a better job. send a parcel to her cousin €_Teimight be /o be better ifyou do it youre. 4 1'm going to the supermarket buy /to buy some Bee ae ‘bread, Do you want anything? eee € Charles probably won't pass /o pass the exam. 5 gaa Thousands of people went to Greece fo watch / watch the Olympics. 9 We might not have /to have a holiday this year. the post office 7module 13 Listen and read Listen to endior read about The five ages of English. Match the pictures with the paragraphs. The five ages of English 1 Old English From about the ninth century, the Vikings ~ who Jived in what is now Sweden and Norway, Degan 0 arrive in the north of Engiand. The language people spoke hegan to change. Inthe south of England, Pe eee ee lish. 2 Middle English Jn 1066, the Normans invaded England and French became the official language. Most educated people hhad to speak three languages: French, Latin and Englsht At this time, English literature began to develop. One of the most famous writers as the poet Geoffrey Chaucer in the fourteenth century. His language isa litle ke the English of today. 3 Early Modern English (1450-1750) ‘This period ineludes the time of Wiliam Shakespeare — England's greatest writer. By the end of the seventeenth century, great scientists, like Isaac Newton, wrote in English, notin Latin, The Brith Empire began, and the English language traveled across the Atlantic to North America, and aeross Asia to India 4 Modem English 11750-1950) English was now a national language. The fist dictionary ~ Johnson's Dictionary ~ appeared {in 1755, and the frst grammar books appeared soon after. As the British Empire grew in the nineteenth century, English became a more intemational language. People began to Team English around the world, The first English lang ‘textbooks appeared in the 1930s. 5 Late Modern English from 1950) q ‘Now, English language teaching is an important interational industry. After World War I, the United States became the most important economic and. cultural power in the world, and a. world market im audio-visual communication began. CNN International began in 1989 and the Internet developed in the 1990s. English became a global Janguage, with about two billion speakers.Vocabulary booster In an Internet café ‘2 Match the things in the picture to the words in. the box. screen printer chal keyboard | cD-ROM drive document desk modem ooo0oo0oo0o00e00 scanner © G@HEED Listen and check. Practise saying the words. might and might not @ Rewrite the sentences using might or might rot instead of the words in bold. ‘We might go swimming this afternoon. It’s possible that the plane will arrive late. ‘The plane ‘Maybe you'll be rich one day, if you work hard. You It’s possible that I won't be able to come next ‘week, So elesne ecole © cee ESOT I possibly won't see Frank this weekend. I Perhaps Philip won't stay until the end of the Philip. ‘The government will possibly change soon. The government Maybe the exam won't be as difficult as you think. The exam b GHEED Listen to the sentences. Practise saying them. will and won’t (probably) 8 a Rearrange the words to make sentences. 1. probably /a / be /It/ tomorrow will / nice day {twill probably be a nice day tomorrow. {me / won't / There / to stop for lunch J be / probably. be / will / class / probably / for late / Martha need / your / You / probably / umbrella / won't be able / tomorrow /1/ to come / won't / probably soon / There / probably / be / an election / will b Listen to the sentences, Practise saying module 13 might (not), will and won’t ‘a Tom, Meg, and Sampath are three school friends who have just finished thelr exams. Read the notes about their plans for the future. T Holiday? University? | ob? Tom no plans ~ maybe nott | my father's company, Greece maybe probably Meg probably Spain | next year, all my family are with my parents | probably doctors, so why not me? Sampath | don'tthink i! | not sure~ | who knows ~ an actor? hhave time perhaps get a job abroad instead bb Use the information to write sentences with might, might not, will probably or probably won't. 1 Tom tight go to Greece for his holiday. (90 to Greece) 2 Meg + (Goto Spain) 3. Sampath (have time for @ holiday) 4 Tom + (Goto university) 5 Meg (90 to university next year) 6 Sampath (Get a job abroad instead) 7 Tom - (work for his father’s company) 8 Meg + (become a doctor) 9 Sampath Coecome an actor) 80 We use will might | might not / won't to: about possibilty. They might get married. 1M probably go to ut We use going to to talk intentions. 1m going to do a busine Complete these so that they are you. a 1lmgoing to study Australia next year. > I probably won't get saris in my English test. e do an course this year at take an English exam soon. el apply new job this year. ran ‘money next year. gt study tn USA this year, at read a in English this week Pronunciation Contracted forms 11: Usten to ‘sounds and the e) words below. fo) at father fou) know go Io work git b Notice the same In these contracted forms. [oj aren't. can't ro don't won't IsJ— weren'timprove your writing Rewrite the following with oi ae bbreviati Abbreviations on application forms (Mr, Mrs, Dr, ‘ ash és James Hewson e Mr Jamies Hewson, ar 42° ite te abbreviations for these words 2. 2kllograms 2 Mister January pe eee Doctor 3-63 Stamford street October een bring and buy Number September b 3 4 5 not applicable 4. leregular verbs, for example ‘ 7 , 5 Queen's Park Road ’ et cetera (= and the others) b Here are some other abbreviations you see on application forms. arene onan A ‘Match the words on the right to the correct abbreviations. aLondan Sout viest 7) Er a es ee 7 10 bilometres 3 kg kilometres 4 km Nott, South, East, West See eeeeeees 8 rived in the United Kingdom 5 Mon/TuesWed/Thars cxempl gratia = for exemple) eee biel ny from the United States 6 NISIE/W Park 7 mk Rood 8 Ra ened 9. telephone number: 020 7939 a671 os United states of America 10 ta United Kingdom nuk telephone 10 dass are on Tuesday and 12 USA Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Se 11 January-March and April-September 81«ny . Vocabulary Ways of commu! ating eae roca the phrases from the box. leaving phone message receiving a tort message sending an email making a phone call taking a photo going on the internet sending something by post paying by phone sending a card werting a letter sending a faxc © Aer ou car « BEEP speak sowty ander, Don't forget to say your name. leaving a phone message © Write your adress andthe date in the op rig and comer Start with Dear andthe name ofthe... ° When you've finished writing click on the Send Bao a he op oft mee, ° Put the document into the machine then dial the ‘number and press the button that... - Press the ON button and then use the zoom to make the picture bigger or smaller. Then press the button on the top ... if you can't find the information you want, click fon the Links and you'll see a list of other websites. Ogenp ear aera dial the phone number. Don't forget the code. then © pot forget to write your name inside! Then pull an envsope, write he adress and posit © Gite jst ocean they wil weigh your tnd tell you how much it cos. Buy stan and leave it atthe post office. E “You hear a beep on your phone and it says ‘new message’. Then you open the in-box and the appears. iil ‘You need to give your credit card number over' phone and also your address, >=" Irregular past participles Find the past participles of the verbs. What is the mystery word? 1 sleep [S[L 2 make T 3° lose 4 s stand speak 6 take 7 ative 8 wnite 9 say 10. come 11 give 12 keep 13 tell 14. become b Listen and check, Practise saying the verbs,esent Perfect Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect form of verbs in brackets. Martin _has sent send) hundreds of e-mails to his favourite singer, Kyla, Mark and Yumiko (see) all of Kurosawa’s films. Oh no! | (leave) the tickets at home! Terry Guy (rite) more than twenty books. Wel tzu is (lose) her keys six times this year! 1 (never read) any Shakespeare plays, but I'd like tol ‘Ym sorry but I forget) your We (check) our computer but we cannot find your name. _ (buy) a present for Connie ~ it’s her birthday tomorrow. Tiicia (never have) a bicycle. Positive and negative {2 The first Women’s Soccer World Cup was in China in 1991. There have been two more World Cups: here are the winners and the losing finalists. Year | venue | winners | Goals | Losing finalists | Goals 1991 | china | united states | 2 Norway 1 1995 | sweden | Norway 2 Germany ° 1999 | usa | united states | 0 china ° | (united states | poral 2003 | usa | Germany | 2 sweden 1 Complete the sentences with the Present perfect of the verb. 1 There __have been (be) three World Cups up to now, 2. The United States __ (win) the competition twice. 3. They (mot have) the competition in Soutin America, 4 Germany (play) in one World Cup Final 5. The United States (never lose) in the Final, 6 There (be) one World Cup in Europe. 7. Norway and the United States (play) in two finals 8 Germany (not win) the World Cup. 9 Norway. (Gcore) three goals in the World Cup Finals. 10 There (be) one final which finished in a penalty ‘competitionmodule 14 Questions and short answers Short answors with the Present p Have youflwelthey done It? Yes, liyoulwe/they have. No, lyoulwerthey haven't Has ho/shelt done it? Yos, horsheiit has. ‘No, heisheiit hasn't. 4 Read about the people below. Then complete the questions and write the correct short answer. 5 1 __Has Richard always lived in Hexham? es, he has. 2 ___ Elaine ever lived in another 3 they always lived in the same ht 4 Gordon always been a teacher? 5 hhe ever worked abroad? 6 Gordon and Sarah alveays lived in ? Sarah had her own business before? 8 Rebecca left school? b GREED Listen and check. Practise saying the ‘questions and short answers. Pronunciation Past participles 2 Look atthe list of past participles below. Underline the sound which has a different: pronunciation, 1 sent met said read 2 done gone mim. won—_begun 3 made played stayed paid fed 4 stolen spoken told got chosen 5 caught bought drawn shown taught b Listen to the pronunciation of the words on the recording, Practise saying them.Spelling Regular past participles To form the past participle of regular verbs we add ed: play * played ifthe regular verb ends in-e we add-d only decide ® decided say and pay take -a soy sald pay ® paid ‘verbs ending in consonant + change the -y to fed: study studied try tried ‘Verbs ending in consonant + vowel + consonant, double the consonant: study > studied plan ® planned Look at the sentences below. Is the spelling of the past participle correct or not? If itis, Incorrect, write the correct spelling. 2. Have you ever staid in an expensive hotel? X stayed Have you used this kind of computer before? ¢ Ive never tryed Japanese tea before, d_ We haven't decided where to go on holiday. © My mother has always studyed music. £ Ihave never stopped loving you. g Exams have never worried me. hh Have you ever plaid baseball? 1 I've livd in this apartment all my lif. My cousin has traveled all over the world. Time words with the Present perfect | Complete the sentences with the time words in | the box. never ust already ever recently belore always don't know what this is: [haven't eaten it before b Have you ‘met anyone famous? © Has anyone seen any good films _? | ve seen Titanic so I don’t want to see itagain, Ie liked pop music; I prefer jazz. f Laura has wanted to be a musician. She loves playing music. 9 ® Would you like a cake? No thanks, I've eaten. Word order G Pitthe semences into the coc onder @ 's~Marla— baby ~ had - a! “Maria's had a baby! b_ just~ married - They - got -'ve € bought ~ Dubat - flat ~'ve ~ in ~ recently - We - a never tram ~ father - on - been ~ before studied ~ already ~ Stefanie - perfect — the ~’s - present F you~ outside — Have — slept ~ ever?va module 14 Time words with the Present perfect and Past simple On the mini-conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: Present perfect or Past simple. 2: Fantastil | (@) ‘ve just passed! (just pass) my exam, 1: Ohwell done! ‘xt How's Ana? (b) not see) her recently 1 (c)__(speak’ to her yesterday. She's very well. eo ': Im going to Paris next week. (d) (you ever go} there? f= Yes, We () (go) there about wo years ago. you te tig) ___(be) great! o- a0)____ (you ever set) anything on the internet? No, 10) ‘What about you? Last year!) {ty to sell my car but no one (kj _ buy) ’s: Can we have the bil, please? Don't worry. () (already pay) it 1 Thanks very much! b Listen and check your answers. Practise saying the conversations. Real life Telephoning Giles cee ieee in the conversations. can here id this to that ae this wf sl @ . eer > te etre need © ee pteeme y 2 | 0c. yeu nbn 4: 732.9302, © 4: Hello, SA International, help you? £8: |llke to speak to Mr Cornwell, please 9% One moment connect you. #: Hello hx: [sim Cornwell 1: Speaking. 1 4¢ Hello, s Susan Heyman from Business Solutions: J 8: Ohi, Susan. How you? k 4: Heli, s Matthew speaking. 'm not here at the 1 moment. Please leave message after the tone. 4Vocabulary booster The post eo posteard birthday card post box parcel envelope invitation stamps rote postman posting a letter Improve your writing writing a note 13 2 Bathe note below and answer these questions. who 1 for? lee 2 Who wrote it? 3 Where did she go? 4 When will she be back? Hijoe Hope you had a good day at work! Gone to supermarket to get something for dinner: Back at 6. See you then. Love Fiona When we write 2 note, we often miss out words lke: + articles ‘the supermarket + pronouns and auxilary verbs 4 hope ‘ve gone 6 =6otdock HY Thanks = Thank you + and we use shorter forms b Listen and check, Practise saying the words. b Tom is on holiday. Charlotte is looking after his cats. Cross out or change the underlined words to make Tom's note for Charlotte 4 your 7 you 10 ''m not from trelond. My mother and father aren't English Brazil isn'ta small county. My name isn't Lana. My sister isn't marred [im not fifteen years ol Philip and Ezabeth aren't on holiday. ‘sher name? snome's Nicole Kidman, ‘she from? ‘s from Australia, 4 A 4 ; E : MODULE 1 5 ; 6 ' 5 f : H seeeony = c bets 9 heist 1 What are thelr names? tint A they arentt 2. Their names are David and Victoria Beckham. wearen'/werenct itis 3 Where are they from? she's J she isn't 4 They're fom England. Tam a 1 2. His name's Jackie Chan, my her 3. Where's he from? Her his 4 Hes fom China, 7, ’ j : at ae 8 i ; 9 ’ 4 96a OSE fees Se eee 4 Tage eee + tana ake 2 tom ce pe aoe a Hes 1 & DronaFri ft Both © imcrsontn, gpm unten 2 Dot toa © Bons you Spanish? ‘Our school is in Camden Good. {Um from Rome. Eric ives in Bertin 14° 1 Sut Landon cee Patent toad es Sos ecs a ‘b (My/mother's from the Gnited States. a t 2 Mrs Mary Burke 109 St Stephen Street oan : ln < Is Sra es MSmon Henderson Ghggsuea ue eta are” Stas ae Se ee rr) He ae ee MODULE 2 a this e these 3 2 ‘sqot 5 vegot 8 hasn't got 3 hasn'tgot 6 ‘ve got 9 'sgot 4 haven't got 7's got 4° 2 Has she gota cor? Yes, she has. | 3 Has she got a computer? No, she hasn't | 4 Have Martin and Inge got a pet? | No, they haven't 5 Have they got a car? Yes, they have. 6 Have they gota computer? Yes, they have. 7 Has Alfonso got a pet? Yes, he hos. 8 Has he got a car? No, he hasn't, 9 Has he got a computer? Yes, he has. [My friend Steve's gota fantastic life. He's only 21, but he's got «a great job — he’s a professional fotballer~ and he's got los of money. He's gota new car, too ~it's a Porsche, I's white and: fs got everything, even a CD player! is Shas 8 is has 6 has 9 has ‘s 7 6 Your dog has got beautiful eyes, We've got two black cats at home. Tee gota fantastic computer game - Crash St! My friend Al i professional musician, Lauren Bacal is my favourite actress. My sisters got a:new mobile phone. Goldie sa friendly doo, 4 driving licence 8 an alarm dock Moumeway mercer egy sene a lighter 9 an MP3 player a lipstick 10 poinkillers @ minor 11 Sun sereen ‘0 passport 12 toothpaste ‘toothbrush 3: 2 son 5 parents 7 nephew 3 mother husband 5 niece 4 father b (Possible answers) 2 He's joe and Brenda's son, He's Nora's grandson, He's Jane's brother. He's Sam's nephew. 13) He's Nora's son, He's Brenda's brother. He's Jane and Jason's unclei in ei AST REY 4 She's Joe's wife, She's Nora's daughter. She's Jane and Jason's mother Shes Sam's sister. 'S-_ She’ Joe and Brenda's daughter. She's Jasons sister. she's [Nora's granddaughter. She's Colin's wife. She's Sam's niece. 6 They're Joe and Brenda's children. They're Nora's (grandchildren. They're sister and brother. of Isabel Preyster Chabelt Julio Junior Enrique ‘what are his children’s names? ‘Are they all famous? ‘Who is Isabel Preysier? ‘What is Chabel’s ob? Is julio junior a singer? ‘Where is Enrique’ home? as Enrique got a Porsche? (Thete names are) Chabel, Julio Junior an Enrique Yes, they are. she’ their mother She a journalist Yes, he is (and he's an actor and a mode) ‘His home's in Miami, Florida, Yes, he has. (He's got two!) a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 bb Is that Michael's cor? Ws Tessas birthday on Saturday. 4 Whats your mother’s name? © Where's Philip’ desk? £ My husband’s name is Peter. 9 ols my sisters fiend 1 Cari’s house sin the centre of Rome. 2 ll 2 jones 3 oe $ ous keys 10 buses matches 11 addresses watches 12 boys houses businessmen 12s vine hi wramy pao wives 6 people lives| b His friend's name is james od ‘This my sister. Her name Suzanne. Those are my keys! Shes Seven yearsold ‘What's his address? She'8 got fantastic blue eyes: ‘What's your brother's first name? Sarah ia famous actress. ‘What's the answer to this question? 13 > with © at cin tm aa Hove How Who 5 My father’ 42 and he's a lawyer. ‘My cousin Steve is 33 and he isn't ma My parents have got a new car and its Prague is the capital of the Czech Re bear ‘Mario and tare on holiday and we're i MODULE 3 ate erie 1 tn.asmall house, with my family, in € for Nike, long hours, n an office 4 to work, to university to the cinema allot © economics, law, at university F meat, a lot of fish, in restaurants a lot coffee, black tea, mineral water 2 Do 7 of 3 out 8 study 4 drink 9 lve 5 in 10 long 6 speak 2 Australia 4 toschool 3 Spanish S economics a 2 lve 10 don'tlive 3 speak 11 speak 4 don't speak 12. don’t work 5 don'twork 13. work 6 90 14 don't go 7 drink 15 don't drink B donteat 16 eat, Yes, they do f No, they don't © No, they don't. go, they don't @ Notheydont. Yes, they do, © Yes, they do 2 aschoo! 6 a supermarket 3 abank 7 @railway station 4 a hospital 8 alibray 5 ahotslmt ‘They start at seven o'clock. ‘They have lunch at school They finish at six oeock, ‘They go to the library. ‘They close at eleven or twelve o'clock They go home in a special minibus ‘They go to bed at one orto o'clock. evening £ a big meal ‘et up, 9 leave school lose Fh the weekend come home We half past thre, Its ive to sever. 1s quarter past five. It twenty past ten, ts quarer to four. Ws twenty-five to twelve. five past nine. ten fo one. oa fin at 9 at in bin at the newspaper e shower bh the bus bea late fv © work inner 9 home me e# 9 ws it FE itime bh them im ish fg i i cle, en, nae fyi aoe 14° tn iin hikes hol at bot 9 on he ‘orig tin Pad hy sa ho oto b 3. In New York most people start work at 8a, but in York ‘mest people start work at 9 am, 4 In York most people start work at am. and they finish work at §.30 pum. 5 In Nev York mest people finish work at 6 pm, but in York they finish work at 5.30 pm. {6 In New York children start school at § years, ut in York they start school at 4 years. 7 In New York most shops open at 9am and they close at 8pm. 8 In New York most shops close at 8 pam. but in York they close at 6 pm. b bot both 9 neither < to 1 either too neither MODULE 4 b watches & goes studies © comes fF enjoys i plays a lives oa 2 studies 4 speaks 3 ies 3 thes 2. He comes from Britain. 3 He lives im Seoul/South Korea, 4 He speaks Enolish, French and Korean 5) He plays the guitar 7 She comes from Argentina 8 She speaks Spanish, Catalan and English, 9 She works ina bank 10 She goes to the gym. 12 He comes from Hungary 13 He lives in Paris/France 14 He teaches musi. He plays tennis. 3° 3 No,shedoesn': 7 Yes, he does 4 Yes, she does, 8 Yes, he does. 5 Yes, she does 9 No, he doesn't © Noshe doesn't {doesn't rain in summer, My brother doesn’t like getting up at seven o'lock. The retaurant doesnt cove on Sunday evening, Martin doesn't come to class every week. ‘Tony docsn't buy all is food atthe supermarket Carla dosen't dive to work. ‘My cousin doesn't visit me every month, 10. No, he doesn't 9 deives L says vwetes breads 1m doesn’t work livee 1 buys works gets up j sells has ke inishes ‘When does he get up? ‘What does he do ater breakfast? Where does he read the newspaper? Where does he go on holiday? 2 3 4 s 6 7 a > leaves a F b a {What does he do after lunch?2 goforamn 7 90 for a walk 3 wake up 1 meet friends 4 dean yourteeth 9 get dressed 5S gotothecym 10 catchabus, 6 cook ameal 8° 2) Irene hates doing housework. [Agnes loves doing housework. 3 Irene loves talking tothe family ‘Agnes doesn’t like taking tothe family z le eeumeaee ee a = 5 [rene doesn’t like babysitting. z ome lle babs = oF Z z 2 EERE ne pgivagen? i he - SMe aap naa? i hee a Tt bao a i pe 3 Engen A oe ie pap iota 2 i ceca aati $a er eae 1 oN = eae ae 4 een oa © pe Ee | Nerina 1 Recoil 14° ae ow ane if ete eB 100 15 bb Excuse me I'd lke to coffes, please © Vd lke one of those, please 4 Excuse me, like the bil, please, © Do you want milk with your tea? bb lke a coffee but I don't want milk, thank © A: What's the time? I'm sony, Uhaven't gota watch. 4 A: Doyou wanta drink? {That's a good ideal © Isthat Elena's bag? My friend Takashi comes from Okinawa in Japan, he lives in London. He's a musician, and he plays called East and West, He likes the international in London, but he doesn’t like the rain. He thi ple are very nice when you know ther, MODULE 5 b motorbike =f tram © scooter 9. train bicycle 1h underground oF subway © aeroplane = 1 tax boon 2% bh tofby © t f for i from ao 9 offon jo > can © cant h can't © cant f an 1 cant 4 cant 9 an 2 Yes youcan. 5 Yes,youcan, 7 Novi 3 Noyoucan't. 6 Yes,youcan. 8 Yeu 4 No, they can't E Lalways drive to work, but a lot of people come by ‘underground Parking is areal problem near my house, The trafic is very bad in the evening, (My uncle sa train driver Have you got a car? ‘We live ina small town in the United States“Ov Tight o'clock i a good time to phone Thomas: he is always ‘at dhe home in the evening, Tes so cold today that alot of people can't go to tke work. ‘The tain times are different on dhe Sundays, What do you think of the public transport in dhe London? You can use a Rail Card in most countries in dhe Europe. Do he people drive on the lft in the United Arab Emirates? (ur plane arrives in Los Angeles at she two o'clock in the ‘afternoon, ‘Not many people work on Sundays. Alot of Bash people go to Span on holiday. Some people can't drink coffee without sugar {Alot of people dont like fying, [Not many European people can understand Japanese, ‘Mest people in my town enjoy talking to tourists, Some people drive dangerously at night, b [ 567. The United States, 143,000,000. ‘Mexico Clty. Grand Central Terminal Station, New York Six hours 'BAI72 10 Copenhagen. Here's my ticket. 'No, only hand luggage. Here's your boarding card. You're seat 25¢. ‘hich gate i 1 Gate 14, but your fight’ delayed by one hour. ‘That's £2.00, ‘When's the next train? ‘Which platform isi Platform 3, enter e_ y cavoaumennr ge avamnengg Fenn eAy °o fs mes hE va : A & file fms fal int ees ee canes as Ee ont fen a A2! 2 hand luggage 8 a passenger 3 anoverhwadlocker 9a Screen 4 aflightattendant’ 10a. seatbelt 5 asign 1 the aisle 6 window seat 12 an aisle seat 7 eadphones 2 Preston 737938c Robert 9 AA9295 © 120283 h UK UK 1 UMA © Male MODULE 6 1° ‘rult, meat, water, ea, cheese, muse, bread, food, sugar s 6 ae Isnvmeals 7 These/are takes 8 isnt thist’s b a 3 4 5 inks: rut jue, coffee milky tea ‘Types of fruit: apple, orange, grapes ‘Other things you can eat cheese, ham, jam, yoohurt, eggs, toast, bread, butter, nuts, pizza, sausages, cereal 101there aren’ There’ 9 There are 4 Atethere hh Thereisnt 's there | Arees, there are. |s)No, there isn't 1s)¥es, there arent [AvefNo, there isn, |Arees there are meg ere ete? fome/any —g”_any/some any 1h anyisome no 6 any 10 some a 7 no ta 4 some 8 some Ra San ok 2 onions 7 coros 3 peppers 8 peas 4 cabbogss 9 potatoes 5 cucumbers 10. tomatoes 5 beans 2 vinegar 6 herbs 3 French fiies 7 crisps 4 of 8 soy sauce 5 salad The cortect picture is C b How much How much © Howmuch — g_ How many 4 How many hh How many © How much 10° Safetenia Gs wa Mediyer he eapegeatlon ayeamel nani Sony Sra ab eed nese ely ee 11 Paty | 5 aplin Seer ices fans eae b 2 carton/bottlejglass. §—§cup/packet 3 packet/oag 7. botle/carton/glass 4 packet 8 cuplpocket 5 bottejglass 122 Genenree teen eee ee ce Maniorer areca? tance ee acme eet ee ee oeee MODULE 7 wwasiwos f_ weren't were 9 war were was werefwasn't a Was/No, he wasn't ‘Was/Yes she was. Wises, he wos. ‘Was/No, she wasn't ‘Were/NO, they weren't Were¥es, they were. 1 \Were/No, they weren't ‘Were/¥es, they were, fn two thousand and four fiom nineteen forty-six to nineteen fifty-five in the nineteen fies fn the thirteenth century In nineteen ninety-¢ight from nineteen thirty-two to nineteen fifty-three inthe eighteenth century Un OEP PETE Oot Tete enjoyed f danced | trea travelled q_played k received studied believed 1 stayed Tooked i arrived D stantedlended € helped b changed © died F studied f lived walked 9 tied J worked > tet © song bh won © went F sold 4 became began 9 made renetree ely taney cum wen ag eee ane eteane 4 why s 6s os D Zaas 10 D D as a few 7 became 12 began sored 8 loved 13 received arrived 9 ted 14 dsappeared ‘wanted 10 gave 15. spent met 11 lett 16 found ath £ twentieth flghth 9 firsysecona hineteenth twenty-second Fourth January the thirtieth ‘November the seventeenth August the twelth September the twenty-first ‘Apri the ninth three years ago when Twas 0 child when we were on holiday every summer yesterday evening ‘when they ore eighteen a week age ae throw sot o nn cateh 6 fall 10 win >reak 7 steal wakeup = bull catch 5 wake up 8 fa build 6 mn 2 at throw: 7 steal 10 win ae 3 ca Bone 1 DS Rea child university ‘went to sehoat 1 graduated when Twas J gotajoo became interested went to work left 1 gotmarried studied Alter @ Then before before Aner Then 9 Before MODULE 8 honor flim 9. cartoon 2 strat stm comedy f ‘ction film, ‘musical scienee fcion film o}= 2 of} oz a> nlx > RN cost 9 found gave h fal frank 1 appeared Decame J went eamed We didn't go fora dive yesterday. ‘Ben didn’t remember to buy a birthday card, [didn hear the telephone, The letter didn't arrive this morning ‘didn’t cat ino restaurant lastnight. ‘Amanda didn't knove what to do. [didn't check my e-mail yesterday. Did Alexondet Graham Bell invent email? Did Marilyn Monroe sing ‘Candle in the Wind’? ‘Did Captain Cook discover America? Did Leonardo da Vinci paint ‘Mona Lisa’? ‘Did Madonna play ‘Evita’? Did Beethoven write rock songs? Did Lourel and Hardy make comedy fms? Did Yuri Gagarin travel to the moon? ON i ar GT ona aS OO" 7G) 2 No,hedidn't. 6 Yes, she dia. 3 No,she didn’, 7 No, he didn't 4 No,hedidn't. 8 Yes, they id 5 Yes, he did, 9 No, he didn't. 103AUT NHN Answer key z* How did he ‘Where did he How much di it What did he buy How many books did he How much money did he ‘What ime/When did he How long did the journey Yes, ai. [didn't buy a newspaper yesterday. Did you listen to the news lastnight? No, Iidn't ‘When 1 was 13, [always wore jeans. Did you use my computer this afternoon? hh [didn't Histen to my parents when 1 was young OF (| dronk, ran, sang Jel read, fell, left, met Jo caught, Bought, saw, thought, wore Tai cut, shut, won 19" eteac cag eexomeus front page 8 advertisement 3 headline” 10 tite 4 amide 11 author 6 picture 12 cover 7 pages What did Ataturk do in 1915, ‘When did he become the first president ofthe Republic of Turkey. 4 When did he aie? 'S) When did Florence Nightingale work in a hospital for wounded solders? What did the solders call her? When did she begin a schoo! of nursing in London? 1 Cite yee ie Be cotter 13s at sa a ie aa he is » ae ele alors eel eed Seis io aia Cs caer 6 Gat ewe i aed 104 MODULE 9 1 b ancasy question © anew bicycle © asmall county fan uncomfortable an ugly face 9 afasttain b easier e healthier oh © bloger 1 newer t 4 cheaper 9 happier i on 2 The River Misissippi is longer than the River Blue wholes are heavier than elephants. ‘The Pyramids in Egypt are older than the in Greece ‘The Sears Tower in Chicago i taller than the in Pars. ‘The Akashi-Kalkyo Bridge in Japan is longer Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia. Gold is more expensive than silver. Esperanto is easier than English, b Korina Green is the youngest. Karina Green has got the longest hai. Jim Bowen has got the shortest hat. Tim Bowen isthe tallest. Roy Seagrove is the heaviest Jake Kay is the smallest. Roy Seagrove isthe most successful smallest - Pluto furthest/coldest ~ Pate biggest Jupiter easiest Jupiter hottest Venus closest - Venus. the biogest 6 most deicious the best 7 bigger larger 8 more expensive bigger 9 better Cats are bigger than tigers. x ‘Trains are faster than aeroplanes. x Bicycles are slower than motorbikes. 7 [New York is older than Rome. x Gold is more expensive than aver. Driving o car is more dificult than riding a beyele OQ Tet Eee SHEE Bho Bt etee RN oy fone isnearly three done, please the ones bought @ ones are the oldest 2 dlothes shop 6 alrdresser 3 bakery 7 giftshop 4 post office 8 local store 5 pharmacy 9 dry deaners10 The Ultimate Power Control Systera ‘The Freezal Smart Fridge ‘The Bryson D838 Robot Vacuum Cleaner ‘The Ultimate Power Control Syste ‘The Bryson D838 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Bel 2 isc s 3 icresmtiens & : until eight o'lock at night The best time to go is ‘open 7 The people there fesstomer 7. shopping list 8 queue shopping trolley 10 shopping basket 3 ‘Ys, n the Food Hall ‘which floor is that? 45 on the ground floor. Have you got these shoes in a size 387 ‘What colour would you lke? Black or brown, Can I buy these, please? Thats £49,99, Do you take credit cards? Yes visa or mastercard? Can I have one of those, please? One of these? Yes. How much i 1? Ws 75p. What time does the supermarket close? PE OURO Oe OEM We are open all night Julia's his & Yourfmine 9 Is © Gardenerssher —-h_Monsoe'shers theirs i ours © Our i Tonyvmine MODULE 10 b studying stopping | gwing © woshing making k planning & leaving hy dancing 1 wating © coming staying 2 Istooking 6 ishaving 3 istaking 7s watching 4 issiting§ 8 are doing 5 iseating 2: 2 Whore/d 3 Whyia 4 Who S Whatlc © Whatle b Novitisn't. No, 'm not © Yes theyre, f Yes, hes Yes, weare. —@ No, she isnt Ge 2 Areyou enjoying 9 shesn't 3. Imnot 10 She isn’t doing 4 mnothoving 11. She's looking 5 ‘shappening 12. isn listening 6 Theyre playing 13. ‘she doing 7 ‘sdancing 14 Scoming 1B Isshe dancing > o you come drive © Doyouspeak g__are you doing/t'm waiting @. ivsraining Are you reading © matching 4 Were having > Mae Paul h Bob Bob © Mare = f Mare = t Paul 1 Bob @ Paul re bs 19 Le © 10 a4 k 8 a3 h 6 la eu ia mz Whereis | What clothes | Where did she from? | does she talk | she buy about? her clothes? Mina [London | jeans, jumper, | Michiko, Space, jacket. shoes __| Camden Market Gloria | Barcelona, | dress, trousers, | She made them Spain | shoes herself she bought her shoes in Spain but she can't remember where from. _| ‘Alice | United — | top, trousers, | Milan, New York states | shoes, jacketAnswer key 10° Sobers teats wine ant oceg ih gt Sine kha Mtge erie ee Anathem egh hat Nass lig neta eee b 2als Sais duis Sehas 6=possessve 71s ris Ate Exc mehr gt he epee? » ¢_Isthis bus going to the city centre? Is itokay to park here? f z 1s this the way to the station? 2 Met bsp eo tuo i > te 3 A = Be aoe z 12 = biting reeled | oat : oes soins oe 2 if a ater : itor fe : : MODULE 11 3 > z 1 : av mien 3 eo = ‘Scan speak French = © gomapaae ovate be macnpareceatdinctes 2 Can she play chess? No, she can‘. 3 Can she drive a cor? Yes, she can 4 Cam she play a musical instrument? Yes she can. 5) Can Max speak French? No, he can't. 6 Came play chess? Yes, he can 7 Can he drive a car? Yes, he can. 8 Can he play @ musical instrument? No, he can't D Whatkind —e Howlong sh What © When { Whateolour 1 How Which 9 What time j How well How fast can they run? How many humps does a dromedary How many camels are there in th How tall isan adult camel? How much does on adilt comel weigh? How for can camels walk without dr How often do camels need to drink water? How much water can they drink? URES 2°" 3 b How many Which b © Which f Howmuch 1 @ Howmuch — g How many How many films die make? How long does a football match lst? ‘Where was the boxer Muhammad Ali bora? Howe far is your home from here? ‘What kind of music do you ike? Hove fast can a cheetah run? ‘What is the biggest ocean in the world? wenegg tereay rene ec egy aia f did 0 9 can is was a horse 5S cow 909 0g 6 bee 10 mouse sheep 7 monkey AL beetle duck 8 spider 12 snake c Animals ith two legs duck, monkey ‘Animals with four legs frog, cow, mouse, sheep, hore Animals with more bee, beetle, spider than four legs up to 6 metres cm ‘about 3 ko ‘more than 2.5 metres 200.50 times a second ‘more than 50 1)13 milion) a few hundred ll) about 50,000 1985 7 62,000,000 3,000 8 27 90 kmh 9 2,000,000,000 0 aueen_y renceone hundred and fifty kilometres an hour ‘ree milion ight point five free hundred and forty-eight ‘po ballin Sve thousand six hundred ineteen eighty ‘three hundred and fity thousand eighty milion vane ls Sootaunu Nh E £ thelthe | the the ae ke the 3 othe 1 the Tm not sure what the answer i. Isit true that koala bears don't drink water? ‘What is the world’s largest animal? He doesn’t know the answer. ‘Where's the biggest lake in te work? ‘What is Peter's pet dog's name? ww MODULE 12 ie Hes going to buy a newspaper They're going to play tennis. The bus is going to stop. They're going t0 get wet, Hes going to goto bed, They're going to paint the ceiling ‘They're going to have lunch. 1 don't want to 1 she wants to She doesn’t want to He doesn't want to Does anybody want toh Do you want ‘Do your friends want to No, he isn't £ No, they don’, Yes, they do, 9 Yes, shes No, she doesn’t, Yes, he does. Yes, hei 1 Yes, they are a Would you ke something to drink? ‘My fends and would ikea toble near the window, ioc area eat others Which im would you ike ose ths evening? Te kis ene efpliee retired serrated ental Would you lke wo go fora walkin he park? wueme ow sere yy Tere Ry etemnen 1b Tomorrows Saturday .. I'm going to stayin bed all day. © Where do you want to 90? 4 Would you like to go out for lunch? {© Chis ist enjoying his holay: he wants to go homell £ My frends are going to cook a special meal this evening. 9 What would you like to do tomorrow? 1h Weare not going to have a holiday this year b 4 ‘a meal, a shower in bed, at home television, a video ‘the shopping, your homework, the housework ‘the gym, the country, the cinema, a concert {ou can also goto a party and a barbecue) heavy snow | on Monday and Tuesday ‘above 2er0 | frst time since last 7? 2 dont wont 5 about 8 Me 3 tee & theres 9 idea 4 oe > don't 0 Tt ve © in hoon eat fat 4 i ay 10° 1 they 7 asuter specie! Cen eet 10 atowel 5G indsuer 11 @sandostie & routs 12. thebeoch als tonight eee eee this weekend next week meee next year b Bie teers er eee 3 next week & next year 4 this weekena 7 this evening/tonight [eieago [snow windy [= Son roncico | mawy rain | “Queensland” | heavy rain | 475mm of ran in | | | five aaye [tredeta romera pot sunny 20 dees warmest | ter | this year “Peczamang [hwy son13 b Rssuny, ¢ Wswarm. ih t'scold © Wshot. f Wseloudy. tts windy. 4 Wsfoggy. ges snowing. 14 2b 3a 4f 5c be MODULE 13 Geography He Mathematics Informatian Technology T Engineering History 1 law Literature K Design Medicine L Politics Science M Economics secondary gps get 1h failed for i getting do j choose take She went tothe library to borrow some books. She went fo the post office to send a parcel to her cousin, She went tothe hospital to vist her sick frien. She went tothe greengrocer’s to buy sore frit. Se went tothe Butcher's to buy some meat. She went tothe bus station to catch the bus She went tothe Oak Tree Café to have lunch. to get @ toby f towatch be © poss 9 have BS ci Da e2 2 desk S keyboard = mouse 3 document 6 screen 9 modem 4 printer 7 CD-ROM drive 10 scanner The plane might arrive late You might be rich one day, Ifyou work hard | might not be abe to come to class next week. | might not see Frank this weekend, Philip might not stay unt the end of the course The government might change soon. The exam might not be as dificult as you think. 3° 9k : ween, eervousun MODULE 14 nonoe_y o 2 made 3 lost _mystery word: past participles “There probably won't be time to stop for lune ‘Martha will probably be late for clas, You probably won't need your umbrella [probably won't be able to come tomorrow. “There will probably be an election soon. Meg wil probably go to Spain with her parents. ‘Sampath probably won't have time fora hol ‘Tom might not go to university. ‘Meg will probably go to university next year Sampath might eta job abroad instead, “Tom will probably work for his fathers company ‘Meg will probably become a doctor. ‘Sampath might Become an actor. 2? Jan 6 Dec Oc 7 No Dr 8 Sep n/a 9 et. exempli gratia (= for example) ‘ulograms kilometres Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday North, South, East, West Park Road street telephone United Kingdom. United States of America 2kg 63 Stamford st irregular vers, eg. bring and buy Queen's Pk Ra London SW7 10km. trrved in the UK from the USA tel no: 020 7939 3671 lasses are on Tues and Thurs Jan-Mar and Apr sep ‘writing a letter 49. making a telephones sendingan email sending a card sending a fax i sending something ‘taking a photo receiving a text surfing the Intemet_ _k_paying by phone slept. 5S spoken 9 sald 13. told 6 taken 10 come 14 7 driven 11 given 15 seen 8 waite 12 Kepthave seen 49 have forgaten © haveleft have checked dhs written i have bought © has lost J has never had 1 have never read Ae 2 has won 7 have played 3 haven’ hoa 3 hasn’ won 4 has played 9 has scored 5 hhas never lost 10 has been 5 hasbeen Ge 2 HasiYes, she has. 6 Have/No, they haven't. 3 Have/No, they haven't. 7 Has/No, she hasn't 4 HasfNo, he hasn't. 8 Has/Yes, she hos. 5 Hasi¥es, he has. Ga 2° gone 4 3 fed 5 Shown vv e Xstudied hx played © x tried fae i x lived av % jx travelled b ever 2 never just ‘They've just got marted. ‘We've (recently) bought a flat in Dubai (recent). My fathers never been on a tram befor, Stefanie's already studied the present perfect Have you ever slept outside? Have you ever sold havent tried bought ‘ve already paid. 1 1m sorry, he's not here a the moment. ‘Can you ask him to phone me, please? ‘What's your number? Hello, SA international, can I help you? a ike to speak to Mr Cornwell, please. 1M connect you. {Is that jim Cornwell? Hello, this is Susan Heyman from Business Solutions this is Matthew speaking Please leave a message after the tone, te 2 3 note 4 envelope 5 6 Be ere afro ost box. parcel stamps Posting a letter postcard 1 birthday card HEN to the supermarket 6 o'dock ‘Thanks fr feeding cats, ‘Tins of cat food in cupboard next to window. Please give one tin ONLY! See you on Saturday, about 1 love Tom MODULE 15 the art gallery the sports stadium the shopping centre ‘the museum the beach the park the canal the mosque ‘the palace 2 bridge, castle, rections, end, fantastic, gallery, hil, Interesting, joumey, kilometre, mountain, mcessary, open, park, river, statue, ticket, under, walk oP teee 11 € bat 9. dont have to fashionable nese i et bare ae aecettie 4 they es traction 6 © peace 9. Interesting Puibel epet ues nein? Sweseurt No, he doesn. tently 3. Does he have to ook smart? i moet Yes he does, 4 Does George have to fy he plone? t- Yes he does, 5 Does ne have to serve food? 2 Suaight 6 hroush No, he dean. 3 seenery 7 design 6 Does he have to wear a uniform? 4 Highest now Yes, he doe, 5 tading 8st 7 Bo/Aliia and Meera have to wear a uniform? No, they don. 13% & Dothey have fo travel aot? No, they don 2 in sw 5 3 great & nearest 5 7 = 4 seen, 7 have 2 can 6 can 10 cant Sect hee yee eee 4 can 2 cant 2 amt 5 haveto 9 haveto Blue Lagoon | London Bridge | Guggenheim Museums What abeach | abridge and | museum/ itis shopping! callection watersports centre | of modern art Where | aS km from | Lake Havasu city, | New York. Haly, itis Reykjavik, | Arizona, USA | Berlin, Bilbao, Iceland fon the Internet Why [to swim to see the bridge | to see paintings people ‘and see the ‘and other works ‘90 there English village, | of art shops and restaurantsPearson Education Limited ‘edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2IE England ‘and Associated Companies throughout the world ‘ (© Pearson Education Limited 2005 as ot abana by Tae iit of one tls ob enied uto of heWk hs erin acsdans wh Copy Seg a Poets At 196 eee ee eee rere eee eee na et ‘plan x tre cy fet or any mn ecole machen copying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publisher, First published 2005, Second impression 2008, ISBN 15-975-0-582.82505-1 ISBN-100-382425032 Set in ITC Stone Informal and Congress Sans Printed in Mexico Designed by Cathy May (Endangered Species) ‘reject Managed by Lindsay White Author Ackaow ‘Mhe pusmisnor aca sur sos00 Wee to thank the following people for their help and ‘contribution Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moor for their support and encouragement and every- ‘one at Pearson who has contributed to the projec: jonathan Barnard: Rachel Bladon; Tenny Colley; Sally Cooke; Sue Don ghive; Alma Gray; Tina Gulyas; Cathy May; Sarah Munday; Ann Oakley; Shona Rodger Lindsay White. 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