05 Micrologix Tutorial
05 Micrologix Tutorial
05 Micrologix Tutorial
Note: These instructions should lead you point by point, but pay attention to the details on the
computer screen.
1. Turn on the computer, it will start to boot up. Once booted determine if the RSLogix
500 software is installed. If it is skip this section.
2. Examine the contents of the software box. There should be manuals for the software
and the PLC. There should also be a CDROM and a floppy disk. You will also find quick
reference cards, training information, etc.
3. Put the CDROM in the computer. A screen should automatically appear asking you to
install the software. Click on the install button and the installation should begin.
4. When prompted .....
5. After this install RS-Linx. This program will be handle communication between the
ladder logic program and the PLC.
1. Open the PLC box and remove the manuals and PLC, or find the manuals on-line at
http://www.ab.com. Examine both. Flip up the terminal strip covers and look at the
2. Connect the provided power cord. Plug the PLC in, turn it on and look to see if the
power light turns on. Turn off the PLC before the next step. NOTE: the power is wired
directly to the PLC L1, L2/N and ground terminals on the front of the PLC.
3. The communication cable has two connectors. The round connector plugs into the
front of the PLC - there is a small door on the left hand side. The other end of the cable
should plug into the back of the computer. This will either be in COM1 or COM2.
Chances are if there is a serial mouse attached to the computer, it will be COM2. If you
are not sure, you can try both later.
4. Turn on the power. You should see the power light go on. Other lights may also be
3. Running the Software
Note: You should only need to do this the first time the software is set up.
1. Move the mouse to the bottom left corner of the screen to where the Start button is
located and click once. Next, click on Programs then Rockwell Software, then
RSLogix 500 English, and finally RSLogix 500 English.
2. This should start the RSLogix ladder logic programming software. A blank window
should come up. It will be necessary to open a project before beginning to program.
3. Select File-New and then select the processor Micrologix 1000. Next, change the
driver to AB_DF1-1. This may cause the software to start the RS-Linx program - if it
does go to step 4, if not go to step 5.
5. Click OK on the new file creation screen. The program will put up a project window.
This will include a scrolling menu on the left that allows access to many functions of the
PLC. The ladder logic will appear on the right hand side. At this point you are ready to
enter some ladder logic.
Note: A separate project file is needed for each controller. If a controller has multiple
programs, each one should have a project file.
1. A window will appear on the screen. On the right hand side is where ladder logic is
entered and displayed. On the left are system settings. On the top are the controls used
for programming and other functions.
2. Look carefully at the bar at the top of the screen. At the right hand side there are small
symbols. Point to the left most symbol and hold down the left mouse button (keep it
pushed for now). Drag the mouse down to the ladder logic window. A green box will
appear, drag the mouse pointer to it and let the mouse button go. This should add an
empty rung to the program.
3. Use the same method with the mouse to drag down a set of input contacts to the
empty ladder rung.
4. Now drag down an output coil to the ladder logic run so that it looks like the one
5. Now the names of the inputs and outputs will be added. For the input contact, double
click with the left mouse button on the ? above the input contact. Type in the value
shown below and press return. Do the same for the output coil. Note: what is displayed
will appear different from what was entered.
6. Right click on the input contacts and select Edit Description - I:0/0. Enter the
description for the contact Button A. Do the same for the output coil so that it looks like
the figure below.
Goal: Enter and edit ladder logic with branches and add comments.
1. Start by disconnecting from the PLC by selecting Comms, then Go Offline. Edit the
program to look like the program below by dragging down a normally open contact, and
adding the numbers shown.
2. Download the program to the PLC and run it. Push buttons and see how it behaves.
3. Go offline and add in the branch in the figure below. To do this drag down a branch
icon from the bar above to a green box before the two input contacts. Then use the
mouse to drag the other side of the branch (shown as a red box) to the other side of the
input contacts.
7. Latches
1. Go offline and enter the following ladder logic.
2. Download the ladder logic and observe how the switches change the operation of the
latches. Notice that the second last line of ladder logic has no effect - this is because the
output O:0/2 was used twice, and only the last use counts.
3. After a latch is set (O:0/1) turn off the PLC, and turn it back on. Do the latched outputs
stay latched? The programming software will give an error message Communications
loss to processor, just click retry to reconnect to the PLC.
8. Timers
1. Go offline and enter the following ladder logic. The Timer function can be found by
clicking on the timer/counter tab. You can return to the normal functions by clicking on
the user tab.
2. Run the ladder logic and observe how the switches change the operation of the
timers. Try running the timer by switching the input on and off a few times while it is
3. After running the timer turn the PLC off and on, does the output stay on?
4. Change the counter so that it takes 2 seconds to run by clicking on the preset on the
timer and then entering 2.
5. Change the time base to 0.01 - you will need to go offline and download the program
again. How does this change the operation of the timer?
6. Edit the ladder diagram to use a TON timer, as shown below. You will have to go
offline to do this. SHORTCUT: Click on the RTO on the top of the timer, and then type
in TON instead.
7. Run the ladder logic. This time the input must stay on for a full 10 seconds before the
output will turn on. How is this different from the RTO?
8. Edit the ladder diagram so that it looks like the diagram below.
9. Run the ladder logic. This timer uses the switch turning off to start counting. Try
pushing the switch a few times quickly then slowly.
9. Counters
1. Enter to following ladder logic and observe how the switches change the operation of
the counters. Does it match what was discussed earlier?
1. Now we will write a program that adds two numbers. If the sum is greater than 8 then
an output will turn on. Enter the ladder logic and run the program. Watch the values
displayed, and notice how inputs I:0/0 and I:0/1 change the values.
1. Run the software and start the off line programming module. Clear all of the memory
and enter the following program.
Note how the bit addresses changes. In particular B3:1/2 changed from the word format
to the bit count format B3/18. The calculation is 1*16 + 2 = 18.
2. Download and run the program. In on-line programming mode, test the program to
see how it behaves.
3. Next, look at the values in the memory of the PLC. First look at the left-hand side of
the screen. One of the sections is labeled Data Files, under this there is B3 - Binary.
Double click on this one to bring up a display window.
1. Run the ladder logic program and enter the following ladder logic. Run the program
and see what happens.
2.. Select the data file memory under Data Files as T4:0. Now press the input buttons
and watch the values for T4:0 change.
13. Status Bits and Other Memory
1. Under Data Files select S2 - Status to display the status memory of the PLC. Look
through and notice many of the values that are available. The values that are gray can
only be written to, while the others can be set by on the screen or by a ladder logic
program. Also notice that memory addresses are also provided.
2. Enter the following ladder logic. Notice that the first scan value S2:1/15 has been
recognized as the first pass value. Download and run the program. Turn off the PLC and
repeat. Notice how the bit is only set when the PLC is turned on.
3. Go to Database then Address/Symbol and double click. This will bring up a list of
labels for all of the IO points in the system, including those defined by the user, and
predefined values such as status bits.
1. Enter the program below, and run it. Try pushing input buttons in different
combinations and see what happens.
15. Comparison Functions
2. Modify the last ladder logic program to match the one below. Run the program.
3. Write a program that uses the other types of comparison functions.
18. Stacks
19. Sequencers