Analyzing Romanian Sports Organizations Management Using Econometric Frontier
Analyzing Romanian Sports Organizations Management Using Econometric Frontier
Analyzing Romanian Sports Organizations Management Using Econometric Frontier
Alin Molcu1
ABSTRACT: Sport is an institution interesting to study, being similar, but also different from
traditional business organizations. Significant segments of sport have copied practices and the
values of the business world, and as a result have been designed strategic plans, and players and
administrators have become paid employees.
The purposes of this paper are to highlight main models used in sports performance management as
well as to test the relation between football organizations and economic growth for Romania for
period 1992-2011. The results from the study performed suggest there is a non-linear relation
between football organizations and economic growth that record a quadratic U-shape and a
minimum level of GDPPC around 2457.5 RON.
Keywords: sports performance, input-output, Balanced Score Card, football organizations, economic growth
From the point of view managerial one, sport is an institution interesting to study, being
similar, but also different from traditional business organizations (Smith and Stewart, 1999).
Similarities occurred from progress or steadily in the past 30 years, becoming structured and
managed in a manner more and more professional. Significant segments of sport have copied
practices and the values of the business world, and as a result have been designed strategic plans,
and players and administrators have become paid employees. In addition, games and activities are
becoming branded products, fans become customers to be satisfied with and monitor and make
alliances with partners-corporate enterprises (Slack, 1997).
At the same time, sports differ from the business (Smith and Stewart, 1999). Firstly, sport
has a symbolic significance and emotional intensity rarely encountered in an insurance company,
bank or house bets. Business organizations aimed at attachment submission and employees, care
essential aimed at efficiency, productivity, and responses to changing market conditions. Sporting
events, on the other hand, is characterized by strong emotional attachments, related to the past
through nostalgia and tradition. Romantic visions, emotions and passions may not exceed
commercial logic and achieving economic (Smith and Stewart, 1999).
Secondly, predictability and certainty, the objectives pursued in the world trade, especially
in connection with product quality, are not always esteemed in the world sport. Fans are attracted to
final games with uncertain and chaos poised around the corner (Sandy et al., 2004). Thirdly, sports
do not operate on the basis of the need to optimize profits, also large commercial business. In
practice, sports organizations may choose between two types of antagonistic organizational
behavior, when you decide to the mission and objectives. The first is the model that maximizes your
profits, who sees the club that a firm in a competitive market, while the profit is the only
motivational force. The second model is the one for maximizing the usefulness, which emphasizes
enmity between the clubs and desire to win as many matches against (Downward and Dawson,
West University of Timioara, Romania, e-mail:
Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 15(2), 2013, 692-702
2000). Utility perspective in sports means that businesses are by their nature competitive and the
only performance indicator is competitive success.
In many ways sport is always subject to an intense assessment. For instance, in the elite
competitive sport, players and teams are noted and ranked in continuous mode. What's more, each
has an opinion about the performance of his different sports leagues, this ranging from the report
victories-defeats at the manner in which the game strategies have an impact on goals scored or the
movements of the players. At the same time, many sports clubs does not allocate time necessary to
achieve a comprehensive analysis of the performance outside the field. And, even if this happens,
the analysis is restricted to a few issues, such as the distribution of the profit or the number of
A systematic approach to performance management is a useful tool for identifying strengths
and weaknesses, but also the ways to improve overall organizational performance. Also, this
approach is important in the case of decisions on the allocation of resources, with a view to
obtaining the best possible outcome. It also can show how an organization, club or league layer
relates to other organizations, clubs or leagues. In short, the use of a model for management of
performance is essential for long-term success of the organization.
The paper is organized as follows. After a brief introduction, second section comprises main
theoretical models developed for sports performance management. Section three outlines an
overview of Romanian football organizations with an econometric model used to test the relation
between football organizations and economic growth. The results are reported in section three,
while section four concludes.
Table no. 1
Financial performance indicators for sports organizations
Indicator Name Definition Contents
Operating profit Operating income minus operating Indicator of sustainability in the
expenses long term
Rate of profit Weight of profit income Indicator of capacity to cover
total expenditure
Wages - turnover Wages and salaries that share of Management indicator wages or
turnover or income salaries or associated costs
Working Capital The difference between current Indicator of its ability to cover
assets and current liabilities the debts in the short term
Debt/equity capital Short-term debt that share of the Indicator of dependence on debt
capital stock to finance operations/activities
Net Assets The difference between total assets Indicator of real wealth of the
and liabilities total Organization
Source: Hoye et al., 2006, p. 185.
Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 15(2), 2013, 692-702
In conclusion, any management system performance must take into account, as well as
reflecting main purpose of the club, the team, the event, or the league.
An approach to "input-output"
When it is developed a model for the evaluation of the performance of a sports
organizations, it should be used a number of principles. A second approach affects inputs and
outputs. This involves following up on things as well as quality, quantity, efficiency, cost-benefit
ratio and employee productivity (Bouckaert, 1995). A summary of how the analysis of the "input-
output" can be applied sports organizations is illustrated in table no. 3.
Table no. 3
An approach "input-output" of management performance in sport
Size So far as
Output: quantity Reward
Attendance at
Sign up as a member
Output: quality The standard clearance
Stadium Features
Service Standards
Overall experience with customers
Output: cost-benefit Operating profit
ratio Operations Costs
Net economic benefit
Social benefit
Entry: efficiency The cost of providing services
Administrative costs
Waiting Time
Entry: staff The level of satisfaction of the customers/members /fans
performance Staff experience and skills
Staff achievements
Source: Hoye et al., 2006, p. 187.
Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 15(2), 2013, 692-702
The BSC model has four dimensions which will be highlighted below. A first aspect
revealed by Kaplan and Norton is the fact that a good tool to measure the performance should not
be a "control system" obsessed with the observance of a predetermined plan of individuals and
organizational units. On the contrary, it must be a system of learning, concerned about the
communication and information. Up to this point, Kaplan and Norton have tried to design a system
for measuring performance indicators to balance external and easily quantifiable factors (such as the
market share and profit rate) with domestic factors that administrative processes and development
of staff. His first dimension of Kaplan and Norton is "financial perspective". Although they claim
they were given too much importance financial results, they remain a point of departure for
fundamental economic sustainability assessment of an organization. These indicators are
represented by total sales, operational revenues and cash-flow-net, the ratio debt-capital and profit.
This size answer the question: "How does he look at the shareholders?"
Second dimension is represented by "The Perspective customers". In this case, the emphasis
is on identification of the customer and market shares on which the company will compete, as well
as on developing indicators to reflect how well the company competes on segments identified.
These indicators will comprise total sales on each segment, market share, attract customers, keeping
customers and their satisfaction. Kaplan and Norton suggest that, for this size of performance,
attention should be given to certain factors such as delivery on time, factors underlying the basis of
the level of satisfaction of the customers. This size answer the question: "How do they see us
The third dimension is "the Perspective internal business process". This perspective requires
management to identify critical internal processes in which the organization must excel, in order to
ensure a competitive advantage. Kaplan and Norton shows that it's not just a matter of ensuring that
processes that add value are effective, but also to improve and redesign processes and existing
products. This dimension is launching the question: "In what respect should we do not excel in?"
The fourth dimension is "the perspective of learning and growth". The two authors consider
this dimension as essential for long-term success of the organization. In a turbulent business
environment, there is a likelihood of more than the technology and processes required to support
competitive advantage to exceed technical and managerial skills of the staff to be responsible for
these aspects. To eliminate this potential distance, organizations will need to invest in retraining
employees, in developing systems and technologies of information and in alignment with
organizational procedures and schemes. This dimension addressed to the question: "Can we
innovating and creating value still?"
Finally, Kaplan and Norton suggest that each of the above prospects must be linked to a
general objective which ensures that there is consistency and conduct mutually enhanced. In other
words, the BSC is more than just an "Instrument panel" with indicators critics and factors key
success. To be effective, it should reflect organization's mission and objectives.
performance structured in rigid mode can suppressed creativity and initiative, through the
establishment of narrow labor standards defined and strict standards of behavior at the place of
At the same time, a system of management of performance well thought may generate a
series of benefits in the long term (Williams, 1998). Firstly, it ensures that the activities of the
organization are directly linked to the purposes and its major objectives. Secondly, it can motivate
employees by the establishment of targets, that once touched generates rewards. Thirdly, such a
system provides clarity, not only by identifying what must be done, but also by indicating persons
responsible for this. Fourthly, it completes cycle of management, by monitoring processes, and
measurement of results. Fifthly, it forces managers to develop indicators for the outcome
quantifiable factors key to eliminate ambiguous aims objectives and unclear.
ones. Some sports have been extremely successful to change the game to satisfy needs of special
groups, while others may not have not have parted with traditional practices. In the case of spectator
sports took place few improvements on stadiums, while in other cases there has been a real
revolution with regard to the form and the comfort stadiums galleries. Changes in the design sports
equipment have also improved quality of the product (for example, in tennis - the use of fiber in
missiles from carbon).
The eighth dimension is the development and the learning process relating to staff. Sport is
an activity centered on person, time-consuming, requiring staff with social skills refined and ability
to create an organizational culture, to keep players and members. Innovation sports specific
technical skills are inadequate administrative and traditional drive. Thus, it becomes necessary to
retraining and education staff, in order to ensure consistency between staff skills and new
technologies and infrastructures underlying contemporary sports.
Last and the new dimension refer to economic, social and environmental impacts on which
it has a sports league, a club or a sport association upon the Community. From this point of view,
support from the part of the government will depend on the positive side of this impact (Norman
and MacDonald, 2004). Sports organizations have responsibility for setting up organizational
cultures who cherishes things like: diversity, equal opportunities and non-discriminatory treatment
of gays, homosexuals and religious minorities (Atkinson et al., 1997; Robbins and Barnwell, 2002;
Williams, 1998).
Figure no. 1 - The evolution of football organizations and registered players 1992-2011
Source: author calculation, data collected from
Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 15(2), 2013, 692-702
The results for the period tested suggest there is no high volatility in both football
organizations and registered players. For football organizations, standard deviation is equal to 466
(lower than mean 2621), while for registered players standard deviation is equal to 17528 (lower
than mean 103400). However, in terms of registered players, one can observe a first peak in 1995
followed by a major decrease and then an increasing evolution with a new peak in 2007. This
random walking evolution highlights the weakness of sport activities in Romania.
Parametric approach
There are two contemporary approaches to the measurement of efficiency, i.e. the
parametric approach (econometric frontier) and nonparametric approach (Data Envelopment
Analysis-DEA). The main advantage of the econometric frontier is related to several well-
developed statistical tests, which could be used in order to investigate the validity of the model
specification. However, the assumption of normality of errors influences the accuracy of these
hypotheses (Barros, C. and Leach, S., 2006). Unlike the econometric approach, DEA allows the use
of multiple inputs and outputs but does not require any functional form on the data, neither does it
make distributional assumptions for the inefficiency term (Mirfakhr-al-Dini, S., Aghda, A., 2011).
In this paper, I adopt the econometric frontier approach and the data for this study were
gathered from National Institute of Statistics for period 1992-2011 and were analyzed by software
Eviews 7. Given that the main source of financing football sports organization is sponsorships
provided by companies the main aim of the study is to test the relation between football
organizations and economic growth. To do so, I use log of football organizations (OS) as a proxy
for dependent variable and log of Gross Domestic Product Per Capita (GDPPC) as a proxy for
independent variable. I hypothesize that if there is economic growth, firms record higher
performance and are willing to support sports activities due to tax advantages, i.e. a positive
association between football organizations and economic growth is expected.
A useful tool in the analysis at begin is a graphical inspection between independent variable
and dependent variable (Booc, C., 2013). The scatter diagram between OS and GDPPC is reported
in figure no. 2.
4 6 8 10
knots 5; R-sq. 0.6959; RMSE .1084
Figure no. 2 - The relation between football organizations and economic growth 1992-2011
Source: author calculation
The scatter plot suggests that the association between variables, OS and GDPPC is not
linear, and record a quadratic U-shape. As the chart illustrates, the highest number of football
organizations is associated with either lowest or highest GDPPC. This preliminary result is tested in
Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 15(2), 2013, 692-702
depth using OLS econometric technique. Based on the methodology aforementioned, the specific
empirical model is:
OS t 1 * GDPPC 2 * GDPPC 2 t (1)
where OS represent the number of football organization, GDPPC represent log of Gross
Domestic Product Per Capita, and t is the idiosyncratic error component. The regression results are
reported in table no. 5.
Table no. 5
Regression analysis
Dependent Variable: Football organizations
Method: Least Squares
Sample: 1992 2011
Included observations: 20
HAC standard errors & covariance (Bartlett kernel,
Newey-West fixed bandwidth = 3.0000)
Thus, the regression results do not reject the preliminary result suggested by scatter plot.
There is a non-linear association between football organizations and economic growth since both
GDPPC and square of GDPPC are significant. Surprisingly, GDPPC is negatively correlated with
OS while square of GDPPC is positively correlated. This highlight there is a minimum level of
GDPPC (around 2457.5 RON) from where business environment could support sport activities.
In terms of significance, the model is statistically significant with F-statistic equal to 16.529
and p-value 0.000 and does not exhibit autocorrelation of errors since Durbin-Watson equal to 2.07.
Furthermore, around 66% of variations in football organizations could be explained by GDPPC.
This mean there are other financing sources than companies sponsorships.
Sport has a range of unique features, such as: the development of irrational passions of
humans; differences in the way we judged performance; interdependent nature of the relationship
between sports organizations; anti-competitive behavior; The product sports (a game or a contest)
has a variable quality; enjoys a high degree of loyalty; fans proved to have less optimism high;
sports organizations are reluctant in adoption of new technologies; often, sports is characterized by
limited time offer. A number of environmental factors influence the operating mode of sports
organizations, namely: globalization, government policy, professionalism and technological
developments. Sports industry can be defined as consisting of three distinct components, but
Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 15(2), 2013, 692-702
Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 15(2), 2013, 692-702
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