Japan's Capital Markets and The FSA
Japan's Capital Markets and The FSA
Japan's Capital Markets and The FSA
Total 2,172 939 1,389 4,500 2,311 3,324 556 6,191 2,692
Domestic 2,140 939 1,389 4,468 1,843 2,980 507 5,330 2,301
* includes FSA registered companies ** Major European markets *** Euronext includes Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, and Paris figures
II. New Comprehensive Program for Promoting Securities Markets Reform (August 6, 2002) (1)
Recent Market Developments
Index (points) 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 500 1,500 1,000
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Sep-00 0 Dec-00 Mar-01 Jun-01 Sep-01 Dec-01 Mar-02 Jun-02 Sep-02 Nov-02 Mar-03 May-03 Aug-03 20 60 40 Trading Volume of the JASDAQ JASDAQ Index 80 100
II. New Comprehensive Program for Promoting Securities Markets Reform (August 6, 2002) (2)
Composition of Individual Financial Assets
ni st n emts ev n I %11 latipaC
stisopeD dna hsaC dna ecna rusnI noisne P %03 %21 %31 srehtO %11 skcotS %81 ni stnemtse vnI l atip aC %61
stisopeD dn a hs aC %45 srehtO %8 ni stnemtse vnI
Others 11%
Stocks 12%
sts ur T t n emts ev n I
dn a ecn arusnI
noisne P
l atip aC skcotS %4 %2 %3
II. New Comprehensive Program for Promoting Securities Markets Reform (August 6, 2002) (3)
1. Enhancing access to securities markets for investors
Expanding the securities marketing channels (e.g. introduction of independent contractors, sales of certain securities through banks) Developing environment for reliable investment trust and investment advisor services Promoting investor education programs Tax measures that promote active participation by investors
2. Establishment of fair and transparent securities markets investors can invest with confidence
Strengthening the organization and function of the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission (SESC) Enhancing accounting and auditing system Ensuring fair transactions in securities markets Enhancing disclosure Strengthening corporate governance
II. New Comprehensive Program for Promoting Securities Markets Reform (August 6, 2002) (4)
3. Establishment of efficient and competitive securities markets Reviewing rules on stock exchanges, OTC markets and private offering markets Promoting reform of the securities settlement system Promoting securitization
Major Points
Enhancing auditor oversight - Quality control review by the JICPA will be monitored and reviewed by the CPA and Auditing
Oversight Board ("CPAAOB"), an independent third-party board established within the FSA. - The CPAAOB will have the authority to inspect CPAs and audit firms.
Strengthening auditor independence - Strengthening regulation on provision of non-audit services - Requirement of rotation of partners Reviewing CPAs examinations - Simplification of the present system of CPA examination, providing greater access to potential applicants and professionals
Strengthening the requirement for the definition of an outside corporate statutory auditor (no director or employee relationship for preceding 5 years no director or employee
relationship, effective in May 2005)
Extending the term of office of corporate statutory auditors (3 years 4 years, effective
in May 2002)
(2) Introduction of an Option of the Committees System including nomination, audit and compensation committees for large corporations (effective in April 2003) Each of the three committees is to consist of three or more directors, and in each committee a majority shall be outside directors. (3) Freedom of choice between these two options by large corporations competition between governance systems
f o t n e m t ni o p p A
e vi t a t n es e r p e R
) s ( r o t c e ri D
Board of Directors
Audit firms
(Source : Ministry of Justice, etc)
s n o it a r e n u m eR n o n o i s i c e D
)sro tcerid
y tl a yo L d n a e r a C f o y t uD
Nomination Committee
e e t ti m m o C n oi t as n e p m o C
Audit firms
Audit Committee
Board of Directors
Audit Committee
Exective Officers
Executive Officers
g n i t e e m s r ed l o h e r a h S o t s r o t c e r iD f o n o i ta n i m oN
4. Development for Alliances and Consolidations of securities exchanges at home and abroad Abolition of the current prohibition of having more than 5% of voting powers of Japanese securities exchanges New prohibition of having a majority of voting powers and new requirement for approval of having in principle 20% or more of voting powers of Japanese securities exchanges Allowing an establishment of a securities exchange holding company