The Impact of Incentives On The Performance of Employees in Public Sector: Case Study in Ministry of Labor
The Impact of Incentives On The Performance of Employees in Public Sector: Case Study in Ministry of Labor
The Impact of Incentives On The Performance of Employees in Public Sector: Case Study in Ministry of Labor
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.9, No.9, 2017
The subject of incentives and offering workers at the facility of the important topics which received and still the
convergence of great interest by those in the fields of economics and management, both in the public sector or
the private sector . The reason for this because of the spur of a direct impact on the standard of living for
workers, as an important source of hand, and on the state and business on the other hand, because the stimulus
kinds of physical and moral as representing a significant proportion of the cost of labor in many institutions and
different kinds. And provide incentives desire to work it is not enough that the individual is able to work, but it
is important to be interested in it. And here begins the importance of providing stimulus to fill the hearts of
employees satisfied from work and then ensure their dedication in the performance. And away the causes and
manifestations of anxiety and stress and other reasons that weaken about them performance. And multiple
entrances administrative in addressing incentives Multiple schools and administrative entrances the same. The
school considered scientific Incentives as financial incentives only. There are only material rewards or
punishment. This view differed in schools and subsequent entrances which became consider man as an entity and
feelings can be stimulated to work in different ways. In light of this study came to looking at the impact of
incentives on the performance of employees in the public sector in Jordan.
The process of stimulate using incentives to direct personnel to do their jobs better. And occupies a prominent
place in the process concerns and organizations must satisfy incentives motivated individuals, and is influenced
by the incentive system in any organization of the possibilities available and the type of physical labor and
installation professional and social, cultural and civilization.
So every organization uses a system of incentives appropriate for him. Consequently, the primary purpose of the
application of the system of incentives is to move the energies and desires of individuals working for them to
exert more effort to reach the targets set maximum production efficiency and outstanding performance. system
of incentives is essentially important in the organization to ensure the achievement of the objectives pursued by
the organization to achieve if it is not enough to set the best people in terms of competencies and capabilities, but
must be available to have a desire to work. Is not only through a many ways to motivate them.
Definition of incentives:
Incentives are defined as the means under which gratification, or is a set of circumstances that are available in
the work environment and satisfy the desires of individuals they seek to satisfy them by working in the
organization. As defined incentives as factors that drive productive workers in the unit to work with all their
strengths to achieve the set objectives.
As there is no doubt that there is a close relationship between motivation and satisfy the needs of the individual.
Motives pay individual acted a certain form of activity to satisfy a specific need. And provide incentives desire
to work. It is not enough that the individual is able to work, but it is important to be interested in it.
And here begins the importance of providing stimulus to fill the hearts of employees satisfied from work and
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.9, No.9, 2017
then ensure their dedication in the performance. And remove the causes and manifestations of anxiety and stress
and other reasons that weaken their performance.
Incentives goals:
The management organizations and through the application of system of incentives it seeks to achieve many of
the goals include the following:
Types of incentives:
Incentives can be divided into two main groups:
First: set material incentives include the following: -
1. Wage: which received individual worker money to meet his work required him at a certain time, and help
pay to satisfy the needs of the individual basic and could affect the lift and improve performance and is
considered overtime also incentive material positive and gives the worker versus effort distinguished and
additional work assigned to the increase the number of daily working hours specified.
2. Increments and extraordinary: Granted increment as a kind of incentives and merit increments until one year
after the date of appointment or from the due date increment, and gives bonus special or incentive or
additional factor, especially if there is an employee to appreciate Excellent for two consecutive years or
have made an effort special or economy of the organization does not preclude granting this allowance
entitlement increment on time.
3. Rewards Incentive: This bonus is given to those who provide excellent services or works or research or
suggestions to help improve the working methods or enhance the performance or cost savings.
4. Bonuses and allowances: it allows for employees who require the nature of their exposure to certain risks,
such as "incentive difficult work."
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.9, No.9, 2017
2. Systems suggestions: systems are suggestions method of participation of workers in decision-making and
lead the participation of workers in decision-making in the organization to increase and improve the
performance and accountability and reduce complaints.
3. Upgrade: is one of the factors motivating employees to work, and the availability of opportunities for
promotion means an increase Employee Engagement work in the organization.
4. A sense of stability: a sense of stability factor in the workplace means more and better performance, and the
contrary is true, and a sense of stability should be in terms of the organization's policies and regulations.
5. Social Adjustment and love of colleagues: The feeling of love and bonding between employees will
inevitably lead to higher performance, but if there was a feeling alienated and hatred among workers
"negative feeling", this will surely affect the working atmosphere and thus performance.
6. Working conditions: working conditions mean temperature and humidity; lighting and ventilation all affect
the performance of the employee.
7. Put the right man in the right place: The positive moral incentive for everyone to rush to work and stick with
it to achieve satisfaction to satisfy the psychological and social needs.
8. Giving workers letters of thanks, certificates of appreciation, the inclusion of their names in honor,
invitations to attend the concerts, lunch or dinner, request suggestions from employees.
Theories of motivation:
First: the theory of Maslow's needs ladder: -
His theory (Abraham Maslow), and is the most famous theories of incentive, and indicate that the humanitarian
needs of hierarchically arranged in order of importance as follows: -
1 - Physiological needs:
These basic needs for survival and need to include air, water, food, thirst, shelter, sleep, sex.
2 - Security and protection needs:
Security needs physical and psychological security, including the protection of rights for himself and his
property. In the regulatory area, the security and protection takes the form of job security and ensure a secure
regulatory environment.
Although interdependent between the organization and employees in achieving the goals of both of them, but the
workers are more dependent on the organization to satisfy the needs of different, and this reliability make
individual’s need predictability in the regulatory environment in relation to many of the things such as job
security, promotion, justice and equal treatment... Etc.
3 - Social needs:
The need for belonging, friendship and love and passion and a sense of conscience and social acceptance by
4 - Needs appreciation and respect:
Need self-esteem, respect and appreciation of others, self-confidence, knowledge, independence, efficiency,
fame, power, stature and excellence social status ......Etc..
5 - The needs of self-esteem:
The need for what he is able to do the individual must be:
(To be what one is capable Of becoming) and include the need to develop the capacity of the individual
potential, knowledge, skill, creativity, creation and innovation, to achieve maximum ambition.
Second: the theory of staff
Frederick Hersberg developed the theory advanced in motivation based on the study to satisfy needs, and to
influence the motivation for that gratification of a group of engineers and accountants (about 200 people) in the
number of companies operating in Penclvia in America and use in the study method incident embarrassment
(Critical Includent) directed the following questions to people:
1. When I felt the highest level of contentment in your business.
2. When I felt the highest level of discontent and dissatisfaction in your business.He asked everyone to describe
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.9, No.9, 2017
the circumstances that caused these feeling has been exciting and compatible answers has been classified to two
factors: -
1 - Maintenance factors / prevention:
The lack or presence of these factors in the work environment to discontent and dissatisfaction with the
employee, But availability does not lead to motivation strong action, was launched on these factors maintenance
/ protection because it is necessary to ensure a minimum degree of satisfaction of needs. Has identified ten
factors and prevention: -
1. Corporate policy and management.
2. Relations with subordinates.
3. Working conditions.
4. Relations with colleagues.
5. Personal life.
6. Interrelationships with the supervisor.
7. Stability in the work.
8. Technical supervision.
9. Salary.
10. Status and stature.
2 - Motivation factors:
There are some factors associated with the substance of the work, and called factors of motivation, if flowed into
the lead to strong motivation and a high degree of satisfaction, but ahead availability does not necessarily lead to
a high state of resentment and dissatisfaction with the group and the most important of these factors:
1. Achievement at work.
2. Progress and promotion at work.
3. The possibility of growth and personal development.
4. Recognition of accomplishment.
5. The nature and level of the work itself.
It was concluded Hersberg aspects / pathological factors at work was related to the content of the work, aspects /
factors associated with unsatisfactory environmental conditions, and named pathogens (which cause of
satisfaction) drivers Motivation, and unsatisfactory factors and prevention / maintenance.
This distinction is similar to a large extent the distinction between foreign revenues, and self-interest, foreign
revenues are specific to the conditions and external factors such as salary and work elsewhere, while self-related
revenues to the substance, which is part of the work done when the individual work.
Have contributed to the theory of Hersberg to draw the attention of managers to factors other than salary,
working conditions, and policies which can pay staff for work.
Despite the criticism directed at the theory, but it is still of interest to many managers who are trying to increase
the motivation of staff, and the tendency towards the use of motivation factors suggested by the theory. This is
all due to the fact that Hersberg may use easy language simplified terminology and free complex scientific
3 - theory (X and Y) and the positive and negative assumptions about rights:
Douglas Kreczor has put deal patterns around the concept of human behavior, and a description of one of them
to assumptions (X) negative (traditional), and the second to assumptions (Y) positive.
Traditional assumptions (assumptions X):
Describe these assumptions the traditional view of the worker, it is traditional Muslim school, the duty of
management is to organize the factors of production and coordination, the picture with the greatest economic
benefit, which is the same duty when it was the philosophy of power and parental care is the dominant ideas, and
that means management
Combining Group, and the machine, and resources and in the manner that gives the largest harvest economic
which in practice to achieve this goal has to be to direct their efforts and human dominated activity and
determine its behavior to trust that they have targeted him benefit which aimed to management, and that
provided by the achievements is what accessory Leaders including, but not that control direction and what was
the objective of the administration, and as a result of the assumed truth about the human psyche and the
determinants of behavior following as follows: -
1.The negative human nature does not like work.
2. The human being lazy and not willing to take responsibility at work.
3. Individual always prefer to find people led him explains why it works.
4. The punishment or threat of punishment from the basic means to pay rights to work, namely that man works
for fear of punishment, deprivation and not love at work.
5. The strict control, and accurate rights are essential in order to work as an individual cannot be trusted to
something important without follow-up and supervision.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.9, No.9, 2017
6. The wage and material advantages of the most important incentives to work.
Based on these assumptions, the administration took the plans and appropriate methods, trod path is twofold,
taken power (stick) slogan in the management of the efforts of individuals on the one hand and made the threat
and supervision arbitrator and means, while committed leniency and compromise, and made its slogan in the
management of workers' efforts tolerance and satisfy the wishes of the staff (carrot) on the other. This was the
title policy management last half of this century, where applied and exhausted all means did not find in the
management of soft contrast achievements as there is still expected more tender without thinking more give
contrast. So this has regretted those departments to follow a policy of pure soft, and replaced it with wisdom
argument: - Be tough and fair.
We have began this traditional policy in the management of staff from unfair assumptions about the behavior of
individuals, social science proved nullity, as I have outlined the facts came out of science laboratories and
classrooms and homes or homes, and industry specific limit. Did not prove those assumptions paste man.
But it echoes what is produced by management of defense plans against wrong assumptions in human behavior.
Positive assumptions about human (assumptions Y):
Contrary to this theory first of these assumptions in human behavior and described negative humans. That the
assumptions on which blocked the light from the humanitarian aspect of the production, throwing many motives
staff pay toward work and the key behavior
The theory of (Y) along with interest in work and the needs of motivated staff, they are trying to provide other
hypotheses to explain some aspects of human behavior as follows: -
1. Workers consider their true nature as human beings did not create against the hopes and objectives of
2. Management is not that place staff in positions of sensation, and the responsibilities and direct them towards
their goals, but that it was all rooted in the hearts of the staff, and management only helping them to develop and
discover those human qualities to achieve their aspirations,. And helping them to achieve their goals and orient
themselves by their own efforts provides guidance to achieve management goals and objectives of the staff,
those ways that do not exceed the encouragement and opportunities for progress, and the launch of the future
prospects for the aspirants and this replaces the management coercion management objectives is a relatively new
concept in management.
3. The man asks the freedom to work and deregulation He prefers to be a leader and not a follower. This
management by objectives focused on encouraging self-criticism as a means to evaluate staff and their control.
4. As I believe in management by objectives that man works in the hope of reward for fear of retribution.
We have fostered a theoretical hypotheses modern style of leadership and democratic supervision, which allows
individuals the freedom to work, and denounced the authoritarian methods of leadership and as long as not as a
general trait consistent with human nature.
4 - Expectancy Theory:
The theory of expectation for Victor Fromm, on the basis that the individual is making a major effort if the
expectation that the results achieved will be confirmed Fdafieh individual to do specific performance of work
governed benefits returns that are expected to get them from the performance and the degree of this expectation
of the individual, that is: -
Motivation for a particular performance is equal to = benefit returns.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.9, No.9, 2017
with the other terms of the theory of justice, Or sacrificed imbalance happens when individuals making efforts
with no return for the same amount and is often compared to efforts made by them with the benefits received by
their colleagues and the efforts of these efforts and also received from the proceeds. In the event that the
comparative results indicate that they receive less for their efforts and they deserve it, their feelings will be
mostly directed negatively toward work and the organization because they had been content with a lower level of
entitlement, and vice versa in the event that returns more than it deserves personnel. Will be more personal than
expect, and this inequity leads in both cases to the emergence of some important results, including: -
1. Individuals resort to changes and modifications in their efforts to match the returns received compared to the
2. Individuals trying to influence others to change their efforts and performance.
3. Try to leave work in the organization.
And some research has indicated that individuals and employees who receive more than deserve to feel guilty,
and that individuals who receive less than they deserve to be a high sense of dissatisfaction and grievance and
2 - Clarity in returns
The returns are not clear and concrete does not lead to satisfying motivated individuals unlike returns clear
which contributes personnel developed and approved, as it contributes to a large degree in satisfying their needs
different it is possible to follow the many ways to define personnel returns different in the Organization and
make these returns know of them from these means: -
1. Use of publications and periodicals for advertising revenues planned in the organization and thus must move
away from the secrecy in such topics.
2. Using journals in publication of names and photographs of personnel who have received different types of
returns and their findings in their work.
3.Revenue collection which individuals are entitled, according to their efforts so that the amount of importance
of the individual and then distributing them once instead of dispersed and distributed several times during the
year where the increase in value with the personnel when increasing amounts of .
3 - Flexibility in revenue
Stop the effectiveness of the returns on the degree of flexibility so that they can respond to changes in the
performance and the meaning of that change returns earned by individuals working hand quantity and extent of
coverage for all departments and administrative units in the organization, and to increase flexibility in the system
returns there are views see the need division returnsinto three types: -
1. Type I: drives to work and this are everyone in the organization performs work regardless of the level
of this performance.
2. Type II: Take some of the factors seniority and outstanding educational performance and other
qualifications efficiency ....Etc..
3.Type III: performance and pay for the previous period where placed on the basis of performance and evaluate
the performance of individuals and therefore it varies from time to time according to the results of assessment,
ranging from zero in degree to the highest degree in performance.
Also it is necessary to have constant and continuous system to continue to increase the motivation of personnel.
4 - Low cost returns
Necessary balance between cost returns and income so that the normal costs cannot be continuity and could
adversely affect the effectiveness of the organization. To determine the degree of importance of this factor
should be the comparison between him and the other factors the previous addition has to be considered to the
results of the long-term costs. It may be noted the availability of these characteristics, the system returns in each
species of revenue granted to personnel in the following table.
The importance of the study:
Importance of this study lies in their approach to avital and important issue for organizations in
general, namely the impact of incentives on the performance of employees, Where the employee
engine is the heart of any organization and therefore the performance will be reflected positively or
negatively, Hence, the focus on the issue of incentives highlights its importance in raising the level of
performance of employees (by increasing productivity and reducing error rates in work) and that by
relying on material incentives (salaries and bonuses material....etc) and moral (promotions, and wrote
Thanks giving.etc.).
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.9, No.9, 2017
2 - What are the impact personal variables on the performance of employees in the public sector in Jordan?
2 - Identify the extent of the impact of personal variables(sex, practical experience and qualification) on the
performance of employees in the public sector in Jordan.
3 – Provide asset of recommendations for maximizing the role of incentives in improving the performance of
employees in the public sector in Jordan.
Previous studies
1.Study (Hamid, 2002) entitled "The impact of incentives to raise the performance of employees in public
hospitals and private hospitals of Jordan."
The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of incentives to raise the performance of employees in public
hospitals and private hospitals of Jordan to the central region through the optimal use of the concept of
incentives by the departments of these hospitals.
A study sample Included on the four general hospitals, and five private hospitals, The volume of the sample was
four hundred and thirty single, which represented (14%) of the total workers in the public health sector hospitals
and the private health sector hospitals of the jordanian Central Region, it has been grazing in the distribution of
the sample to be representative of all professions working in these hospitals, according to the statistical rules.
It has used descriptive method goal management collection and compilation of statistical data, and presentation
of the organization ,and appropriate, as used approach Statistics inductive, with which decision-making
statistical terms of rejection, or acceptance of hypotheses have been analyzed using a computer program
statistical(SPSS),Where was calculated Pearson's correlation coefficient, Spearman correlation coefficient, and
test "T" for independent samples (Independent t-test),To test the research hypotheses.
Incentives to raise the performance between those working in public hospitals and private hospitals in Jordan.
There are differences in the degree of the impact of incentives to raise the performance between those working in
public hospitals and private hospitals of Jordan, also showed the results of this study that material and moral
incentives, individual has a positive impact on raising the performance of employees in public hospitals and
private hospitals Jordanian Central Region.
2. Study (ALAEDY, 2000) entitled"The impact of incentives on performance in public facilities for the cotton
industry in Iraq".
The objective of this research is to study the impact of incentives on the level of performance in the sector
spinning and weaving industry in Iraq, and then to identify the factors that affect the rush personnel to working
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.9, No.9, 2017
order to assist decision-makers in this sector to develop a plan to raise productivity levels in light of current
economic conditions.
Was chosen a simple random sample size (n = 430)of the size of the community (N = 3600)represented the total
number of workers in the facilities Baghdad and Babylon to the textile industry was used style questionnaire to
gather information has beenreceived406questionnairewereexcluded6formsthe lack of conditions questionnaire.
- There is a relation ship between moral incentives(the scope of supervision and workteams, good relationships,
provide communications system, provide training methods, and
providegoodworkingconditionsandparticipationofworkersindecision-making) and the level of performance.
This and the light of the results that have been reached, the researcher recommends the following:
Researcher recommends developing anew system of incentives so that workers have are presentative for the min
any decisionon incentives.
3 – The study also showed that more positive trend about work was in the field of the nature of the work and the
content of the job ,while the lowest levels of employees' attitudes Positive about work incentives is in the field of
administrative incentives work environment and spatial and moral incentives.
1 - Identify the factors affecting it and functional types of incentives favored by individuals.
2 – The advantages and the problems they seein the incentives provided to them by management.
3 -Recognizethemostimportantwaysto improve the incentive systems and get them to the results
Required the satisfaction of individuals and increase production efficiency and more effective access to
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.9, No.9, 2017
5 – To employee dissatisfaction with a particular incentive does not necessarily makes the employee is
totally satisfied.
2.The study showed that incumbents supervisory more satisfaction for incentives
In the work of the occupants of non-supervisory jobs.
3. That's target all levels are interested in self and internal factors of the job.
And they give great importance to material incentives.
4. The study also found the types of incentives that coveted employee access to it, such as:
Increased allowances and salaries.
The moral incentives, remember estimation efforts and scholarship.
Research Methodology:
A – The population of the study:
The study population consists of working in the public sector in Jordan.
B -the study sample:
The sample consists of a sample of 50 employee in the public sector in Jordan.
We note that 12%of the sample of public secondary drive or less, and 32% of the sample of the diploma holders,
and 38% of the sample of bachelor holders while18%of the sample, it is agraduate holders.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.9, No.9, 2017
We note that 10% of the sample under one year of experience, and 32% of the sample between the experience of
(1 -5) years, and 38% of the sample between the experience of (6 -10) years, 18% of respondents between the
experience of (11 - 15) years, and 2% of the sample over the experience of 15 years.
We note that the sample positive attitudes towards the paragraphs above and because their arithmetic averages
greater than the average measurement tool.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.9, No.9, 2017
Stability test:
The(Cronbach'salpha) test have been used to measure the stability of the measurement tool as the value
=86.07%, which is excellent being higher than 60% accepted.
Hypothesis test:
Hypothesis (1):
Ho: incentives do not affect the performance of employees in the government sector.
Ha: incentives affect the performance of employees in the government sector.
Hypothesis testresults
T T T As a result
Calculated Tabulated SIG hypothesisnihilismHO
The test was used is the simple regression and we find from reading the results of the computer in the previous
table, the value of (Tcalculated=11.14) is greater than Tabulated value, and since the decision rule is to accept
the hypothesis of nihilism(HO)If the calculated value is less than the value spreadsheet, and rejects the hypothes
is nihilism(HO) If the calculated value is greater than the tabular value, and therefore, we reject the hypothesis of
nihilism(HO),and accept the alternative hypothesis(Ha) this means incentives affect the performance of
employees in the government sector.
Hypothesis (2):
Ho: do not affect the practical experience on the performance of employees in the government sector.
Ha: practical experience affects the performance of employees in the government sector.
Hypothesis test results
F F F As a result hypothesis
Calculated Tabulated SIG nihilism HO
The test was used is the ANOVA and we find from reading the results of the computer in the previous table, the
value of (Fcalculated=1.662) lower than their spreadsheet, and since the decision rule is to accept the
hypothesisof nihilism(HO)If the calculated value is less than the value spreadsheet, and rejects the hypothesis of
nihilism(HO) If the calculated value is greater than the tabular value, and therefore we accept the premise of
nihilism(HO),andreject the alternative hypothesis(Ha)and this means not affect practical experience on the
performance of employees in the government sector.
Hypothesis (3):
Ho: does not affect the qualification on the performance of employees in the public sector in Jordan.
Ha: qualification affects the performance of employees in the public sector in Jordan.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.9, No.9, 2017
F F F As a result hypothesis
Calculated Tabulated SIG nihilism HO
The test was used is theANOVA and we find from reading the results ofthe computer in the previous table, the
value of (Fcalculated=1.236) lower than theirs preadsheet, and since the decision rule is to accept the hypothesis
of nihilism(HO) If the calculated value is less than the values preadsheet, and rejects the hypothesis of nihilism
(HO) If the calculated value is greater than the tabular value, and therefore we accept the premise of
nihilism(HO),and reject the alternative hypothesis(Ha) and this means not affect the qualification on the
performance of employees in the public sectorin Jordan.
Secondly: Recommendations
The researcher recommends the following:
1. Interest that employees' salaries commensurate with the level of their performance at work to motivate them to
the elevation
2. Focus on providing fair and adequate compensation when retired employees.
3. Interest in developing an effective system to evaluate the performance of staff.
4. The interest in providing moral support and praise for the staff to raise the level of their performance.
5. Further studies on the subject of the study through applied too their sectors.