Maroubra Research Report
Maroubra Research Report
Maroubra Research Report
Currently, 2 out of
every 3 dwellings are While there has been recent strong growth in
either units/flats Maroubras property prices, we believe we
(45.5%) or are witnessing a perfect storm of future
terraces/townhouses demand drivers that will help promote
(21.2%), well above the sustained demand for quality properties in the
Sydney figure of 38.6%, future, over and above other neighbouring
while 41% of dwellings regions. We have outlined our 10 Reasons
are rental properties, Why below:
notably higher than
the Sydney figure of
3: Affordability
2: Sydney's last non-gentrified beach As mentioned, Maroubra is one of the last
Gentrification is the process of renovation and eastern city beaches to be gentrified, and
revival of deteriorated urban neighbourhoods therefore, there is a distinct difference in its
through an influx of more affluent residents, property prices compared to its neighbours,
which results in increased property values. as can be seen below. We believe affordability
9: Income increases
In a relatively short period, household
incomes have increased above Sydneys and
the national figures, a strong indicator for Statistics show that as of 2011, Global Sydney
increased property prices. makes up just 17% of NSWs population, but
accounts for a significantly higher proportion
Region Household Incomes Increase of the states jobs and Gross Regional Product
Maroubra 2011 $1,428 (GRP). As can be seen below, this increased
30% output is only forecast to increase, which will
Maroubra 2006 $1,101
Sydney 2006 $1,154 see properties in Global Sydney, of which
25% Maroubra is centrally located, continue to be
Sydney 2011 $1,447
in high demand well into the future.
Australia 2011 $1,234
Australia 2006 $1,027
Global Sydney: Proportion of NSW
As mentioned earlier, as gentrification 2011 2031
continues incomes will no doubt continue to
increase at a faster rate than regional 41% 43%