Condominium Market Grows: Cebu - Residential
Condominium Market Grows: Cebu - Residential
Condominium Market Grows: Cebu - Residential
1Q 2018
16 March 2018
Forecast at a glance
Condominium Demand
Demand for condominiums continues to
market grows be stronger than for house and lots as
vertical developments are within
proximity of the CBD. We expect this to
Dinbo Macaranas Senior Research Manager continue for the next two to three years,
improved by leisure type developments.
Given the increasing land prices in Cebu, it is not
surprising to see more condominium (vertical) Supply
developments than house and lots (horizontal). The Colliers projects over 15,400 condo
condominium stock in Cebu totals 33,400 units, all in units to be completed by 2021. This will
expand the options in Cebu, which
Metro Cebu. While launches were down for both
already has approximately 53,000
horizontal and vertical projects in 2017, take-up for house and lots across the entire
condominiums was notably faster, reaching 5,600 province.
units versus 1,100 for house and lots. This has also
translated into increasing prices of condominiums Price
where prices are breaching the mid-income Prices of condominiums range between
segment, nearing PHP6.0 million (USD 120,000). PHP2.8 million (USD56,000) to PHP6.8
Colliers expects vertical demand to continue, million (USD136,000). In Metro Cebu,
augmented by leisure-related residential house and lot prices are largely
developments, especially after the planned comparable ranging between PHP2.8
million (USD56,000) to PHP7.1 million
completion of the Mactan Airport expansion by mid-
(USD142,000). We expect a 2% to 6%
2018. Thus, we suggest that developers launch more growth in prices annually in the next two
leisure-related condominiums. Meanwhile, for house to three years, driven by faster
and lots, developers may consider areas outside increases from condominiums.
Metro Cebu such as Talisay, Consolacion, and
Minglanilla, which are fast becoming viable
alternatives to the city centre.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Launches Take-up