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Condominium Market Grows: Cebu - Residential

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Colliers Bi-Annual

1Q 2018
16 March 2018

Forecast at a glance
Condominium Demand
Demand for condominiums continues to
market grows be stronger than for house and lots as
vertical developments are within
proximity of the CBD. We expect this to
Dinbo Macaranas Senior Research Manager continue for the next two to three years,
improved by leisure type developments.
Given the increasing land prices in Cebu, it is not
surprising to see more condominium (vertical) Supply
developments than house and lots (horizontal). The Colliers projects over 15,400 condo
condominium stock in Cebu totals 33,400 units, all in units to be completed by 2021. This will
expand the options in Cebu, which
Metro Cebu. While launches were down for both
already has approximately 53,000
horizontal and vertical projects in 2017, take-up for house and lots across the entire
condominiums was notably faster, reaching 5,600 province.
units versus 1,100 for house and lots. This has also
translated into increasing prices of condominiums Price
where prices are breaching the mid-income Prices of condominiums range between
segment, nearing PHP6.0 million (USD 120,000). PHP2.8 million (USD56,000) to PHP6.8
Colliers expects vertical demand to continue, million (USD136,000). In Metro Cebu,
augmented by leisure-related residential house and lot prices are largely
developments, especially after the planned comparable ranging between PHP2.8
million (USD56,000) to PHP7.1 million
completion of the Mactan Airport expansion by mid-
(USD142,000). We expect a 2% to 6%
2018. Thus, we suggest that developers launch more growth in prices annually in the next two
leisure-related condominiums. Meanwhile, for house to three years, driven by faster
and lots, developers may consider areas outside increases from condominiums.
Metro Cebu such as Talisay, Consolacion, and
Minglanilla, which are fast becoming viable
alternatives to the city centre.

Vertical Launches and Take-up (units), 2017

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Launches Take-up

Source: Colliers International Philippines Research

Cebu Vertical Residential Supply Forecast (units)
LOCATION AS OF 2017 2018F 2019F 2020F 2021F TOTAL
Cebu City 24,500 6,600 2,600 2,000 - 35,700
Lapu-Lapu City 6,100 1,400 200 500 - 8,200
Mandaue City 2,800 - - 1,200 900 4,900
Overall 33,400 8,000 2,800 3,700 900 48,800
Source: Colliers International Philippines Research

High rise Metro Cebu Preference for vertical

Given the increasing land prices in Cebu, it is not developments
surprising to see more condominium (vertical) Demand for both horizontal and vertical developments
developments than house and lots (horizontal) especially continues in Cebu, although we observe a faster take-up
in Metro Cebu. The condominium stock in Cebu totals in condominium projects than for house and lots. Total
33,400 units, all in Metro Cebu. This complements the take-up of condominiums in 2017 reached 5,600 units,
total of over 27,000 house and lots across Metro Cebu, consistent with the average in the prior three years of
and as well as the 26,000 horizontal units more across 5,500 units. House and lots on the other hand, recorded
the rest of Cebu province. total take-up of 2,100 units, slower than the average in
the last three years of 3,800 units.
Condominium units in Metro Cebu are largely
concentrated in Cebu City with over 24,500 or 73% of Colliers attributes this increase in preference for vertical
condominium stock located in the provincial capital. projects to (1) the increasing land values which have
Lapu-Lapu City follows with 18% or 6,100 units, while forced developers to focus more on vertical
the balance is in Mandaue City. developments, and (2) the proximity of condominiums to
the CBD, enhanced by the worsening traffic situation in
The condominium pipeline in the next few years will
Cebu, making them the choice of Cebuanos and
continue to grow. In 2018 alone, we are expecting over
investors alike.
8,000 units to be delivered in Metro Cebu, 83% of which
should come from Cebu City, and 17% from Lapu-Lapu. Understandably, therefore, there have been fewer house
From 2019 to 2021, we expect about 7,400 units to be and lot developments launched in recent years. While
delivered, still concentrated in Cebu City, but quite a horizontal developments saw a slight increase in
significant number of units will also come from Mandaue launches from 1,200 units in 2016 to 1,600 in 2017, this
City. is still slower than the three-year average since 2013 of
3,500 units annually. Launches of condominium
Some of the notable upcoming projects in Cebu City
developments, while also declining, still reached over
include Avida Towers Riala by Avida Land (660 units),
3,000 units in 2017, about 150% more than the number
Parthenon Residences by Land Traders (800 units), 38
of house and lots launched.
Park Avenue by Cebu Landmasters (745 units), Vista
Suarez by Vista Land (600 Units), and 32 Sanson by Furthermore, house and lot developments in Cebu have
Rockwell Land (300 units), among others. also expanded outside of Metro Cebu. Some of the key
horizontal projects launched in more recent years (2015
In Lapu-Lapu City, some of the notable projects are
to 2017) are located in Talisay, Consolacion and
Saekyung Condo by Saekyung Realty (800 units), One
Minglanilla, given the limited developable land within and
Manchester Place by Megaworld (200 units), and
near the city centre.
Sheraton Cebu – The Residences by Apple One
Properties (150 units). Lastly, in Mandaue City, Taft
Properties’ Mandani Bay Suites (1,200 units) and Quay
(800 units) are the key upcoming developments.

2 Colliers Bi-Annual | 16 March 2018 | CEBU| RESIDENTIAL | Colliers International

Examples of projects launched in Talisay in the last three Notably, most expensive condominium units in Cebu
years are Villa Donna by Kenrich Development, Malibu priced from PHP130,000 per sqm (USD242 per sq ft) to
by Aldea Premier, and Sta. Monica Estates by Sterling over PHP200,000 per sqm (USD 371 per sq ft) are at
Land Development. In Consolacion, some of the projects least 75% sold already. The project which first breached
launched were Yanessa Country Homes by Hedland, the PHP200,000 per sqm-mark is Sheranton Cebu
Vista de Bahia by MCJR Realty, and Modena Mactan Resort Residences by Apple One Properties.
Consolacion by J. King and Sons. Meanwhile in
Minglanilla, Francesca Highlands by Grand Land, and In terms of total contract price (TCP), actively selling
Ricksville Heights Minglanilla by Arieza Land were the house and lots in Cebu are averaging PHP4.6 million
key projects launched. (USD92,000). By comparison, the average TCP of
condominiums is 17% higher at PHP5.5 million
Horizontal Launches and Take-up (units), 2017 (USD110,000). Colliers expects that prices of
6000 condominiums will increase faster than house and lots
given the higher demand for these types of
developments which are typically closer to the CBD.
3000 Colliers projects a 3% to 6% annual increase in average
2000 condominium prices over the next two to three years. On
the other hand, we expect prices of house and lots to
increase at a slower pace of 2% to 3% annually due to
expansion to other areas outside the city and the bigger
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
impact of the affordable price segment on overall
Launches Take-up averages.

Source: Colliers International Philippines Research

Up for a leisurely comeback
Mid-income condominiums, Generally, the residential market in Cebu is still strong.
Sales of both horizontal and vertical developments are
affordable house and lots still at healthy levels. Colliers notes however, a shift in
When broken down by price segment, the take-up the market as condominiums have become slightly more
between horizontal and vertical developments varies. viable given increasing land values in the city. In
For house and lots, the affordable and economic addition, the worsening traffic situation has forced
segments or those priced between PHP1.7 million individuals to look for residential options near the CBD.
(USD34,000) and PHP3.2 million (USD64,000) are the Upcoming supply is also sizeable which makes the
most sellable. These two segments comprise 85% of market more competitive.
total 2017 take-up. Meanwhile for condominiums, the
One upcoming bright spot is the completion of the
affordable and mid-income segments, priced between
Mactan airport expansion scheduled by mid-2018. The
PHP3.2 million (USD64,000) and PHP6.0 million
country has been awaiting upgrades in local and
(USD120,000) are the most sellable, comprising 67% of
international airports to boost tourism. Once completed,
total take-up.
the airport is expected to accommodate between 4.5
Overall average prices of condominiums rose by 5% million to 13 million passengers annually. Colliers
from 2016 to 2017. Interestingly, several projects believes this will also have an impact on residential
showed a mid-teens percentage increase over the same developments as it will make the location more attractive
period. Thus, from being largely driven by affordable to investors and end-users.
housing, more mid-income condominium developments
In addition, there is a 1500-hectare reclamation project
are also selling well. Among others, projects that sold
proposed by SM Prime Holdings Inc. In December 2016,
well in 2017 include Mandani Bay Quay and Suites,
the Philippine Reclamation Authority (PRA) and the
Grand Residences, Vista Suarez, and 38 Parc Avenue.
municipality of Cordova in Mactan Island announced the
signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to
jumpstart the project.

3 Colliers Bi-Annual | 16 March 2018 | CEBU| RESIDENTIAL | Colliers International

Developer recommendations
Colliers believes that both infrastructure projects will
have a strong impact on Cebu real estate. We
recommend that more residential developments be built
in areas traversed or nearby these infrastructure plans.
We also suggest that developers build more residential
projects that are leisure and lifestyle-oriented in
anticipation of increased interest brought about by the
infrastructure improvements. Already, we have seen
some developers incorporate the resort-type feel in their
projects to differentiate their products.

Ultimately, location and price will still be key. Metro Cebu

will still be the viable location for condominiums, with
prices averaging the higher range of the mid-income
segment. House and lots meanwhile, have become
viable in locations outside the city such as Talisay,
Consolacion and Minglanilla, at a price-point of PHP3.2
million (USD64,000).

Cebu Residential Average Price (PHP), 4Q2017

(PHP / sq m) (PHP / unit)
Cebu City 104,900 7,100,000
Lapu-Lapu 109,900 2,800,000
Mandaue 92,000 4,900,000
Conversion: USD1 = PHP50
Source: Colliers International Philippines Research

For more information: Contributors:

Dinbo Macaranas Joey Roi Bondoc David A. Young Richard Raymundo
Senior Research Manager Research Manager Chief Operating Officer Managing Director
+632 858 9047 +632 858 9057
randwil.macaranas@colliers.com joey.bondoc@colliers.com Kasi Yute
Research Analyst

Copyright © 2018 Colliers International.

The information contained herein has been obtained from
sources deemed reliable. While every reasonable effort has
been made to ensure its accuracy, we cannot guarantee it. No
responsibility is assumed for any inaccuracies. Readers are
encouraged to consult their professional advisors prior to
acting on any of the material contained in this report.

4 Colliers Bi-Annual | 16 March 2018 | CEBU| RESIDENTIAL | Colliers International

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