Pipework Modelling Rev 2-0-301 308
Pipework Modelling Rev 2-0-301 308
Pipework Modelling Rev 2-0-301 308
The Design Checker chapter of this training guide showed how the form can be used to perform various
checks of the Model data. This appendix has been added to illustrate how the checks themselves are
constructed to enhance the understanding of the utility.
The creation and modification of the checks is normally an administrative function. Consequently a
piping design user will only be allowed to view the information.
On the Admin tab, in the Data Checker group, click the Config
button to display the Data Checker Configuration form.
The detail of the Vent High Points check used in the worked
example of the Design Checker chapter is selected in a similar
fashion to how the check is selected from the Checker form:
This updates the information at the bottom of the form listing the
Name, Description and Function of the selected check.
If there are any rules that can be modified the Edit Rule
Data button is active.
Clicking Edit Rule Data button will open the following form.
From the information on the form it can be seen that the Vent High Points check covers the following:
Will show all High Points (un-ticked shows just the highest point)
E.1.3 - Drain Low Points Admin Detail
If the Drain Low Points check is selected from the Checks options list the form will display that it can only
be used to check a pipe between 15 - 50mm N.B. when the Fluid Reference is set to /FRESH-WATER.
The detail of the Valve Stem Orientation check that was used in
the exercise of the Design Checker chapter is as follows:
The check indicates that with the exception of Sea Water a valve
stem can be rotated from the vertical between 0 and 45deg. In the
case of Sea Water the Valve Stem must always be vertical.
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Copyright 2012 to current year. AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights
The training guide has shown how it is possible to obtain Bending Machine data in the form of bending
programs on pipe sketches. In additional to this there is often a requirement to be able to output this
information in file format for numerous pipe pieces. This is achieved using the Fabrication NC Reports
To access the form the CE must be a Site, Zone, Pipe, Pipe Spool List (PSLIST), Pipe Spool (PSPOOL),
Pipe Piece List (PPLIST), or a Pipe Piece (PPIECE).
Once the file name has been selected the information can be output to the file using the Create Report
For example to search for pipes of 80 to 150 nominal bore, enter a range
of 80 to 150 and click the Search button.
Alternatively, entering a single pipe size in both fields will result in only
pipes of that bore appearing.
The pipe must have been through Production Checks process to have a pipe piece list and
member pipe pieces.
If the first two criteria are not satisfied the pipe pieces will not be shown on the form.
If the last two criteria are not satisfied the pipe pieces will appear on the form but the output created will
indicate that the criteria have not been satisfied.
If the pipe piece needs to be validated the grid will indicate this with a FALSE entry in the Valid column and
the Bending Machine column will have an Unset value.
Alternatively, if the pipe piece has been validated but the bend has been designated as a manual bend the
grid will be indicate this with a TRUE entry in the Valid column, but the Bending Machine will again be
Clicking the Browse button allows navigation to the desired location and entering of the file name. Click the
Save button to confirm the file name and location.
Another Confirm form will inform that the file has been
created and ask whether it is to be viewed on screen. Click
the Yes button to view the file.