active parameter data, to revise piping segments, and to populate the centerlines
with graphic components.
2. Find a nozzle in the design file which appears on the equipment list:
4. Select the nozzle from the list in the Nozzle Data form.
Sketch Exercise
3. Vertex C - Select MOVE EAST, and key in 3'0" (914 mm) dimensional value.
4. Vertex D - Select MOVE NORTH, and key in 4 1/4' (1295 mm) dimensional
5. Vertex E - Select MOVE TO EASTING, and key in 8'3 5/16" (2523 mm)
coordinate value.
6. Vertex F - Select MOVE SOUTH, and key in 8'6 5/8" (2607 mm) dimensional
7. Vertex G - Select MOVE DOWN, and key in 5 1/2' (1676) dimensional value.
8. Vertex H - Select MOVE WEST, and key in -20'5 1/8" (-5966 mm)
dimensional value.
10. Vertex J - Select MOVE TO EASTING, and key in 18'3 1/2" (5575 mm)
coordinate value.
11. Vertex K - Select MOVE UP, and key in -144" (3658 mm) dimensional value.
12. Vertex L - Select MOVE NORTH, and key in 8'3/16" (2443 mm) dimensional
13. Vertex M - Select MOVE WEST, and key in 6'10" (2083 mm) dimensional
14. Vertex N - Select MOVE TO ELEVATION, and key in 15' (4572 mm)
dimensional value.
15. Vertex O - Select MOVE SOUTH, and key in -60 15/16" (1548 mm)
dimensional value.
16. Accept the routing by selecting Confirm; this changes the piping segment style
from dashed to solid and the system prompts Segment Has Been Placed or
Segment Has Been Extended.
17. You can now EXIT the form without losing the piping segment.
2. Repeat the sketch exercise, the previous exercise, alternating slope on and
slope off between several vertices. Sketch vertices A through D with Slope Off, D
through H with Slope On, and I through completion with Slope Off.
Compare this sketch with the original one.
6. Accept the form with Confirm; the system updates the database.
Define the slope for a pipeline using the slope of an existing pipeline, do the
1. Select Slope from Existing Pipe Run.
2. Identify the segment pipe run with the slope you want.
3. Accept the form with Confirm. The system updates the database.
Exercise 1
1. Identify vertex D.
2. Select the Point on Segment option.
Modify the existing pipe segment A-B-C-D-E-F to the new configuration of A-B-
1. Identify vertex D.
2. Select the Move West option and key in 3.5' (1067 mm).
Exercise 3
1. Identify vertex C.
2. Select the Move Down option and key in 3'0" (914 mm).
Modify the existing piping segment A-B-C-D-E-F to the new configuration of A-B-
1. Identify vertex C.
Exercise 1
Modify the existing pipe segment A-B-C-D-E-F to the new configuration of A-B-
1. Identify the C-D segment pipe run on the D half of the segment.
Exercise 2
Exercise 1
Modify the existing 6 (150) diameter piping segment A-B-C-D from a point on
segment B-C to be 4 (100 mm) in diameter.
1. Select the Create Break on Pipe Run option.
4. Accept the highlighted side you want to change or Reject the one you don't
want to change.
Exercise 2
Modify the existing A-B-C-D 6 (150) diameter piping segment from a point on
segment B-C to be 4 (100) in diameters.
Select the Move from Other Point and the Easting option and identify an
item that is at the desired coordinate.
The system highlights one side of the attribute break and not the other.
4. Accept the highlighted side you want to change or Reject the one you don't
Select the Select Segment for Break option and highlight the other segment.
The system displays the active segment data for the segment you accepted.
Exercise 3
The existing piping segment A-B-C is 6 (150) in diameter. The rest of the piping
segment is to be 4 (100) in diameters and you are in sketch mode connected to
vertex C.
1. Select the Place and Start New Segment option from the Sketch Piping
Segment form.
5. Continue with the Sketch command to place the piping segment C-D-E.
Exercise 1
2. Accept the highlighted side you do not want to change or Reject it to highlight
the other segment.
Select the Select Source of Data option to highlight the other side.
The system only list the active segment data that is different.
Exercise 2
Connect piping segment A-B-C to piping segment D-E-F. All attributes data is
identical on both segments.
Exercise 3
Connect existing piping segment A-B-C to piping segment D-E-F. All attribute
data is the same on both segments.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
2. Toggle Flow is Undefined for this Segment to the flow condition you
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
2. Select the numbered blocks to identify the view in which you want the error
3. Select the arrow block on the form to scroll to the other error markers.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Delete a component:
Student Notes:
Lab 1
Sketch pipeline MMA0106-XIN-1C0031-N from equipment/nozzle 38V-101/N4
to its completion, using the commands learned in this chapter. Use Auto
Placement to place pipe and components. Refer to the sketch below for detailed
Lab 2
This is a brief overview of the procedure to create isometric drawings. For more
detailed information on Isometric Extraction, see the PDS ISOGEN Reference
Isometric Extraction
8. If you want a different name, select the block and key in the desired name for
Iso Design File, the system automatically adds the .ISO extension.
9. If you want a different extension, select the block and key in the desired
10. Accept the form with Confirm. The system processes the pipeline
11. If you get an error, it will have to be corrected before ISOGEN will work, then
3. Select Confirm.
The system brings up the isometric design file as a reference file.
Lab 1
Lab 2
3. Select your design area from the list and select Confirm.
Lab 1
Lab 2
Print out your .dc design checker file and review its contents.
Lab 3
Enter your piping model and use the Review Design Checker command to
review any problems you may have received. Correct any errors, then
rerun Design Checker.
2. Select Remove.
5. Use the Add command to turn the unapproved categories back on (repeat
steps 3 and 4).
The system updates the database and the graphics.
Saved Model View Exercise
Exercise 1
4. Select Confirm.
Exercise 2
3. Select Confirm.
The system updates the database.
Exercise 1
Search your model pipeline MMA0104 and have it appear as red.
3. Select Confirm.
Exercise 2
3. Identify a view.
The system updates the graphics. The text is temporary and disappears when
the view is updated.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Window to pipeline MMA0104-6IN-1C0031-P.
Lab 1
Lab 2
In this section you will learn how to review and revise the database attributes of
segments, components, and pipes.
Exercise 1
Review the database attributes and user data of a segment in pipeline MMA0104.
1. Identify a segment.
Exercise 2
Review the database attributes and user data of a component in pipeline
1. Identify a component.
Exercise 1
2. Key in 4 (100).
3. Select Confirm.
Exercise 2
Revise all welds between pump suction and gate valve for pumps 38P-101A and B
in pipeline MMA0104 to shop welds.
Place pipeline MMA0107-XIN-2C0032-N from pipeline MMA0108-6IN-2C0032-
N to pipeline MMA0105-6IN-2C0032-N and to its completion using the
commands learned. Refer to the figure below for detailed information.
In this section you will learn how to use the following command to perform
diagnostics, measure distances, and review the piping job specification.
Diagnostic provides access to a set of
utilities used to verify the integrity of the
model file. Select File from the File pull-
down menu.
Highlight Piping on Segment highlights
all of the piping linked to a specified segment.
Lab 1
Lab 2
Lab 3
Using Verify Nozzle at Pipeline End review the nozzle connection on pipeline
MMA0104-XIN-2C0032-P. If any errors occur, use the Associate Segment
with Nozzle option to correct them.
Lab 5
3. Select Confirm.
The system displays the database address for CP1 of the component.
4. Select Confirm.
The system displays the database address for CP2 of the component.
5. Select Exit.
Lab 6
Using the Measure Distance option, calculate the distance between the
discharge nozzles of pumps 38P-101A and 38P-101B.
Make sure snap and locate are on in the reference models being checked.
Lab 7
Part 1
1. Select the Piping Material Class List from the Other Specification
Data area.
6. Now you can scroll through the table and find the branch you want to review.
Part 2
3. Key in 6Q2C01.
Lab 8
Using Review COG and Weights check the major valves in pipelines
MMA0104 and MMA0105.
In this section you will learn how to revise existing pipelines.
3. Key in 180.
The system places the piping segments at the new orientation.
4. Key in 180.
The system reorients the piping segment at its new location.
3. Identify the location were the pipe is to be added (either elbow's CP).
3. Select Down on the compass, flat side orientation tee = flat side reducer.
2. Select Confirm.
3. Select Globe.
4. Select Confirm.
Finish placing pipeline MMA0105-XIN-2C0032-N using the commands learned
in this and previous sections. Refer to figure below for detailed information.
In this section you will learn how to revise existing components and pipe
Exercise 1
9. Select South on the compass, toggle Primary to Secondary and select Up.
Exercise 2
2. Select Compute for Elbolet from the Location for Tap section.
Exercise 3
7. Select Confirm.
See Revise Tap for reference information.
Exercise 1
4. Select Confirm.
Exercise 2
Exercise 1
5. Select Confirm.
6. Select Confirm.
5. Select Confirm.
The system computes the chain length and assigns the next chain operator
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
See Revise Pipe for reference information.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Complete the following three exercises using the command you have learned in
this section.
Lab 1
6. Identify the pipe and establish the location for the assembly.
4. Select Down on the compass to indicate the location of the eccentric side of
the reducer.
9. Select the Commodity Option you want for the drain nipple and Accept.
10. Select North on the compass to orient the gate valve operator, and Accept.
The system updates the database and the graphics.
7. Select Confirm.
9. Select Confirm.
5. Select Valve.
Instrument Exercise
This option places an instrument in the active model.
3. Select Instrument.
12. Select the 300# valve from the list and Confirm.
16. Select the 300# flange from the list and Confirm.
17. Confirm the Place Component form.
The system updates the database and places a 300# flange.
8. Select Confirm.
13. Key in a valid commodity code for the component you have defined and then
5. Key in PSH-001 for the tag number and any other data.
8. Select Confirm.
Complete the following three exercises using the command you have learned in
this section.
Lab 1
Place valves on pipeline DOW0103-4IN-2C0032-N. Refer to the figure below for
detailed information.
Lab 2
Place Component manually places components
(such as valves or fittings), piping, instruments, or
assemblies. Select Placement from
the Pipingpull-down menu.
Connect to Design connects to either a
component, nozzle, or piping segment for placing
components in the active model. Select the Place
Component option from the Placement palette
activated by the Piping pull-down menu.
Point in Space places the orientation tee at a
point in space for placement of components.
Select the Place Component option from
thePlacement palette activated by
the Piping pull-down menu.
Place Pipe places pipe from one component to
another or places pipe at a fixed length. Select
thePlace Component option from
the Placementpalette activated by
the Piping pull-down menu.
Active Options changes the active options for
placement of components and pipe. Select
the Filepull-down menu.
Lab Exercises
3. Identify nozzle A.
16. Change secondary axis direction, select West from the compass.
19. Change secondary axis direction, select East from the compass.
37. Change secondary axis direction, select East from the compass.
46. Confirm
48. Change primary axis direction, select either East or West from the compass.
2. Key in 38P-101A/N1
Identify the equipment/nozzle.
The system places the orientation tee at the nozzle and updates the active
segment data, size, and spec. only.
4. Select Confirm.
The system places the orientation tee at the specified location and updates the
active segment data.
5. Select Confirm.
The system places the orientation tee at the specified location. The active
segment data is not updated, but remains the same as the last component
3. Key in the distance you want to move along the primary axis.
4. Select Confirm.
The system places the orientation tee at the specified location. The active
segment data is not updated, but remains the same as the last component
Work the following two exercises using the commands you've learned in this
Lab 1
Place two flanges and two blind flanges on existing pipeline DOW0103-4IN-
2C0032-N. Refer to the figure below.
Lab 2
Complete the following three exercises on the Distance and Direction option.
Exercise 1
4. Select the Move North/South option and key in 2'0" (610 mm).
The system calculates the distance.
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
See Extend or Shorten Pipe Run for reference information on this option.
3. Select the Lengthen Next Run by: field and key in 3" (914 mm) for the shoe
Join existing piping segment A-B-C and D-E together at point X. You are attached
to vertex C.
3. The system computes alternative 1. Accept with <D> to accept, Reject to select
4. The system computes alternative 2. Accept with <D> to accept, Reject to select
5. The system computes alternative 3. Accept with <D> to accept, Reject to select
The system continues to cycle through until you accept one of the alternatives.
6. Once you accept an alternative, the system automatically extends the segment
and places a branch point at point X.
See Intersect Sloped Pipe Run for reference information on this option.
Exercise 1
Join together piping segments A-B-C and D-E at point X or Y. You are currently
attached to vertex C.
3. Key in 40.
4. The system computes alternative 1. Accept with <D> to accept, Reject to select
5. The system computes alternative 2. Accept with <D> to accept, Reject to select
6. The system continues to cycle through until you accept one of the alternatives.
7. Once you accept an alternative, the system automatically extends the segment
and places a branch point at point X or Y.
Exercise 2
Join piping segments A-B-C and D-E at point X. You are attached to vertex C.
See Intersect by Angles for reference information on this option.
Join piping segments A-B-C-D and E-F-G at a point along pipe run F-G. You are
attached to vertex D.
Join piping segments A-B-C and X-Y-Z. You are attached to vertex C.
10. The system continues to cycle through until you accept one of the alternatives.
11. Once you accept an alternative, the system automatically extends the segments
and connects them.
Exercise 1
Place a 4 (100 mm) NPD branch at the midpoint of pipe run B-C on existing
piping segment A-B-C-D-E.
1. Select the Branch on Pipe Run option.
Exercise 2
Place a branch point on pipe run B-C of existing piping segment A-B-C-D-E.
3. Key in 3'0" (914 mm) to specify the distance from the endpoint.
The system automatically places a branch point at point F.
The method for creating branches with the sketch command is shown below.
Exercise 1
1. Identify vertex B.
The system automatically creates a branch point at vertex B.
Exercise 2
5. Identify vertex C. The system knows that there is a branch point at point C.
Exercise 3
Place a branch point at end point C on piping segment A-B-C. You are attached to
point C.
1. Select the Place and Start New Segment option.
4. Identify vertex C.
The system automatically creates a branch point at vertex C.
Complete all three labs using the commands you learned in this section.
Lab 1