10 Fission
10 Fission
10 Fission
Nuclear Fission
If we look again at the binding energies (per nucleon) for different nuclei, we note that the
heavier nuclei have a smaller binding energy than those in the middle of the Periodic Table.
This means that it is energetically favourable for a heavy nucleus ( with A greater than
about 100) to split into two fragments of smaller nuclei, thereby releasing energy which goes
into the kinetic energy of the fragments. This process is called nuclear fission.
If we also recall the stability curve, which plots the number of protons against the number
of neutrons for the stable nuclides
we observe that the heavier nuclei prefer more neutrons (compared with the number of
protons) than the lighter ones. This tells us that along with the fission process there will be
some spare neutrons emitted. These neutrons will also take up some of the energy released.
There are usually 3 or 4 neutrons emitted per fission reaction.
An example of nuclear fission is
238 145 90
92 U 57 La + 35 Br + 3n
Note that the fission fragments do not have atomic mass numbers close to one half of the
atomic mass number of the parent, but rather their atomic mass numbers are separated by
about 50. This is normally the case - ( the reason for this is not well-understood).
The binding energies of 238 145 90
92 U, 57 La and 35 Br are 1803 Mev, 1198 MeV and 763 MeV
respectively. This means that this reaction releases 1198+763-1803 = 158 MeV of energy.
Such spontaneous fission processes are known in Nature, but they are very rare. The
mean lifetime for the above process is about 1017 years, compared to the mean lifetime for
-decay from the same nuclide which is about 1011 years.
The reason for this is that in order to split into two parts the nucleus must first undergo
a deformation of its shape ( a stretching) into an ellipsoidal shape and then to develop a
neck in the middle before it finally breaks into two nuclei.
s s
In its deformed state there are two forces acting on the nucleus. One is an increased
surface energy (surface tension of a liquid drop - which explains why liquid drops are spher-
ical), and the other is the Coulomb repulsion between the fission fragments. Together these
produce a potential barrier.
As in the case of -decay, for spontaneous fission to take place the fissions fragments
must undergo quantum tunnelling through this barrier. The height of the barrier is about 6
MeV. This is the same as the case for -decay, but if we recall that the tunneling probabililty
( s )
T exp 2M Q dr ,
~ R 40 r
where M is the mass of the emitted particle, we see that the tunnelling probability for
an -particles is much larger than the probability for tunnelling of a much heavier fission
Much more likely is induced fission. In this case the parent nucleus is bombarded with a
neutron. If the parent absorbs the neutron, the neutron binds to the parent, releasing energy
(the binding energy of the neutron) in the form of vibrational energy, which could be more
than the 6 MeV required to overcome the potential barrier.
Where the binding energy of the extra neutron is insufficient to overcome the potential
barrier, the incident neutron needs to have a minimum kinetic energy in order to be able to
induce fission. In the case of 238
92 U (uranium) the binding energy of the extra neutron falls
about 1 MeV short of the required energy. This means simply that fission is only induced
by a neutron of kinetic energy greater than 1 MeV. On the other hand, the isotope 235 92 U
has one unpaired neutron. When the nucleus absorbs an extra neutron it pairs up with this
unpaired neutron and there is extra binding energy from the pairing term. This is sufficient
to release sufficient energy to give the nucleus sufficient vibrational energy to overcome the
potential barrier and fission occurs for this isotope for any incident neutron.
Despite the fact that three or four neutrons are emitted in the fission reaction, the fission
fragments still contain more neutrons than their stable isobars. This means that the fission
fragments are usually unstable against -decay.
For example in the case of fission of 238 145
92 U, the stable isobar with A=145 is 60 Nd (neo-
dynium), which means that the fragment 57 La (lanthanum) decays in three steps emitting
and electron and an antineutrino at each step, until it reaches a stable nuclide. The stable
isobar of with A=90 is 90 90
40 Zr (zirconium) so the fission fragment 35 Br (bromine) decays in a
five stage -decay chain.
These -decay chains release further energy almost all of which is carried away by the
energies of the electrons and antineutrinos.
Direct emission of a neutron from a nuclide with too many neutrons for stability is unlikely
- the point here is that there is no Coulomb repulsion and so the surface energy tends to
keep the neutron bound to the parent. However, it does sometimes occur. For example,
the fission fragment 90 90
35 Br produces 36 Kr (krypton) in its first stage of -decay, which can
be produced in an excited state with sufficient energy to overcome the surface energy. This
excited state can emit a neutron directly to become 89 36 Kr. This isobar is still unstable against
-decay the stable isobar being 8939 Y, so the 89
36 Kr decays in three stages.
The neutrons which are emitted in a fission reaction can be absorbed by another parent
nucleus which then itself undergoes induced fission. In the case of 23892 U, however, the three
neutrons that emerge come out with an energy of less than 1 MeV (most of the 158 MeV
released in this reaction goes into the kinetic energy of the fission fragments), so that these
neutrons do not have enough energy to induce further fission of this nuclide. However, if
there is a substantial concentration of the rarer isotope 235
92 U, then these spare neutrons can
be captured by the nuclei of 92 U and this can indeed induce fission, because in this case
there is no energy threshold below which fission is not induced.
This is the principle of the chain reaction.
Let k be the number of neutrons produced in a sample of fissile material at stage n of
this chain divided by the number of neutrons produced at stage n 1. This number will
depend on how many of the neutrons produced at stage n 1 are absorbed by a nucleus
that can undergo induced fission.
If k < 1 the the chain reaction will simply fizzle out and the process will halt very
quickly. This is what happens in natural uranium ore, in which the concentration of
92 U is so small that the probability of one of the neutrons produced is absorbed by
this isotope is very small.
If k > 1, then the chain reaction will grow until all the fissile material is used up
(atomic bomb). This is achieved by enriching the natural ore so that there is a suffi-
ciently large concentration of 235
92 U. For a spherical sample the value of k grows as the
neutron absorption probability which grows with the radius of the sphere. The mass of
the uranium must therefore exceed some critical mass in order for the chain reaction
to occur.