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Radioactivity 3

Fission & Fusion

Jayant Nagda
JEE Coach & Motivational Speaker

B.Tech, IIT Bombay

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Nuclear Fission The process of splitting of a heavy nucleus into
two lighter nuclei of comparable masses
(after bombardment with a energetic particle)
with liberation of energy is called nuclear fission.

The phenomenon of nuclear fission was discovered

by scientist Otto Hahn and F. Strassmann and was
explained by N. Bohr and J.A. Wheeler.
Consider the fission reaction

92U → X117 + Y117 + 0n1 + 0n1


i.e. two nuclei of same mass number 117

are formed plus two neutrons.
The binding energy per nucleon of X and Y
is 8.5 MeV where as of U236 is 7.6 MeV.
The total energy liberated will be about -

A. 2 MeV
B. 20 MeV
C. 200 MeV
D. 2000 MeV
Fission Reaction of U235

1. Nuclear Reaction :

235 + 0 n1 ➞ 92U
236 ➞ 56Ba
141 + 36Kr
92 + 30 n 1 + Q
(unstable nucleus)

2. The energy released in U235 fission is about

200 MeV or 0.8 MeV per nucleon.
Fission Reaction of U235

Some other U235 fission reactions are

3. By fission of 92U
235 , on an average 2.5 neutrons are liberated.
Fission Reaction of U235

Neutrons produced here are called fast neutrons

and their energy is about 2 MeV (for each).

These fast neutrons can escape from the reaction

hence to proceed the reaction they need to be slowed down.

4. Fission of U235 occurs by slow neutrons only

(of energy about 1 eV) or even by thermal neutrons
(of energy about 0.025 eV).
Chain Reaction

Under favourable conditions, three neutrons produced,

can cause further fission of other nuclei, producing large
number of neutrons.

Thus a chain of nuclear fissions is established which

continues until the whole of the uranium is consumed.
Chain Reaction
50 kg of U235 on fission will release ≈ 4 × 1015 J of energy.
This is equivalence to 20,000 tonnes of TNT explosion.

The nuclear bomb dropped at Hiroshima had

this much explosion power.
Chain Reaction

Most of energy released appears in the form of

kinetic energy of fission fragments.
Difficulties in Chain Reaction

Natural Uranium is U238 (99.3%), U235 (0.7%).

U238 is fissionable with fast neutrons,

whereas U235 is fissionable with slow neutrons.

neutrons get slowed on colliding with U238

as a result of it further fission of U238 is not possible
(Because they are slow and they are absorbed by U238).

This stops the chain reaction.

Removal If neutrons are slowed down by any method to
an energy of about 0.3 eV, then the probability of their absorption by
U238 becomes very low, while the probability of their fissioning U235
becomes high.

Moderator : used to slow down the fast moving neutrons.

moderators are graphite and heavy water (D2O).

Critical size : The neutrons emitted during fission are very fast
and they travel a large distance before being slowed down.

If the size of the fissionable material is small, the neutrons

emitted will escape the fissionable material before they are
slowed down. Hence chain reaction cannot be sustained.
Nuclear Reactor

A nuclear reactor is a device in which nuclear fission can be

carried out through a sustained and a controlled chain reaction.
Parts of Nuclear Reactor
Fissionable material : fuel of the reactor.
Uranium isotope (U235) Thorium isotope (Th232) and
Plutonium isotopes (Pu239, Pu240 and Pu241)
Parts of Nuclear Reactor
Protective shield : shield in the form a concrete thick wall
surrounds the core of the reactor to save the persons
working around the reactor from the hazardous radiations.

Control Material : to control the chain reaction

This material controls the number of neutrons
available for the fission.
Cadmium rods can absorb the neutrons.

Coolant : a cooling material which removes the

heat generated due to fission in the reactor.
Commonly used coolants are water, CO2 nitrogen etc.
Neutron Reproduction Factor
The chain reaction once started will remain steady, accelerate or retard
depending upon, a factor called neutron reproduction factor (k).

rate of production of neutrons

(k) =
rate of loss of neutrons

→ If k = 1, the chain reaction will be steady. The size of the fissionable

material used is said to be the critical size and its mass, the critical mass.
→ If k > 1, the chain reaction accelerates, resulting in an explosion. The size
of the material in this case is super critical. (Atom bomb)
→ If k < 1, the chain reaction gradually comes to a halt. The size of the
material used us said to be sub-critical.
Controlled Chain Reaction Uncontrolled Chain Reaction

Controlled by artificial method No control over this type of

nuclear reaction

All neurons are absorbed More than one neutron takes part
except one into reaction

It's rate is slow Fast Rate

Reproduction factor k = 1 Reproduction factor k > 1

Energy liberated in this type of A large amount of energy is

reaction is always less than liberated in this type of reaction
explosive energy

Chain reaction is the principle Uncontrolled chain reaction is the

of nuclear reactors principle of atom bomb.
Which element is used for making atom bomb

A. Ra226 B. U234
C. U238 D. Pu239

➔ Plutonium is the best fuel as compared to other

fissionable material because fission in Plutonium
can be initiated by both slow and fast neutrons.
Moreover it can be obtained from U238.
Fast Breader Reactors

The atomic reactor in which fresh fissionable fuel (Pu239) is produced along with
energy. The amount of produced fuel (Pu239) is more than consumed fuel (U235)
➔ Fuel : Natural Uranium.
➔ Process: During fission of U235, energy and secondary neutrons are produced.
These secondary neutrons are absorbed by U238 and U239 is formed.
This U239 converts into Pu239 after two beta decay. This Pu239 can be separated,
its half life is 2400 years.
238 + n1 ⟶
92U 94Pu
239 ⟶ 239 (best fuel of fission)

This Pu239 can be used in nuclear weapons because of its small critical size
than U235.
➔ Moderator : Are not used in these reactors.
➔ Coolant : Liquid sodium
Nuclear Fusion

In nuclear fusion two or more than two lighter nuclei

combine to form a single heavy nucleus.
Nuclear Fusion
The mass of single nucleus so formed is less than
the sum of the masses of parent nuclei.

This difference in mass results in the release of

tremendous amount of energy
Required Condition For Nuclear Fusion

Nuclei not able to get close enough for fusion due to

Electrostatic Repulsion
Required Condition For Nuclear Fusion

High pressure ≈ (106 atm) and

High temperature (of the order of 107 K to 108 K) is required
and so the reaction is called thermonuclear reaction.

The temperature of the order of 108 K required for

thermonuclear reactions leads to the complete
ionisation of the atom of light elements.
The combination of base nuclei
and electron cloud is called Plasma.
Nuclear Fusion

Fusion energy is greater than fission energy fission of one

uranium atom releases about 200 MeV of energy.

But the fusion of a deuteron (1H2) and triton (1H3) releases

about 17.6 MeV of energy.

However the energy released per nucleon in fission is about

0.85 MeV but that in fusion is 4.4 MeV.

So for the same mass of the fuel, the energy released in fusion
is much larger than in fission.
Nuclear Bomb Based on uncontrolled nuclear reactions.

Atom bomb Hydrogen bomb

Based on fission process it involves the fission Based on fusion process. Mixture of deutron
of U235 and tritium is used in it

In this critical size is important There is no limit to critical size

Explosion is possible at normal temperature and

High temperature and pressure are required

Less energy is released compared to hydrogen More energy is released as compared to atom
bomb bomb so it is more dangerous than atom bomb
Pair Production

When an energetic γ-ray photon is absorbed by a nucleus

and an electron and a positron are produced.
This phenomenon is called pair production
Pair Production

may be represented by the following equation:

The rest-mass energy of each of positron and electron is

E0 = m0c2 = (9.1 x 10–31 kg) x (3.0 x 108 m/s)2
= 8.2 x 10–14 J = 0.51 MeV

Hence, for pair-production it is essential that the energy of

⋎-photon must be at least 2 x 0.51 = 1.02 MeV. If the energy
of ⋎-photon is less than this, it would cause photo-electric
effect on striking the matter.
The converse phenomenon also possible.
Whenever an electron and a positron come very close to each other,
they annihilate each other by combining together and two ⋎-photons
(energy) are produced. This phenomenon is called pair annihilation
and is represented by the following equation.

Annihilation: complete destruction

When an electron and positron with equal speeds in opposite
direction annihilate each other, they cannot produce just one
gamma ray, because that will violate law of

A. conservation of charge

B. conservation of energy
C. conservation of momentum

D. conservation of nucleon number

When an electron-positron pair annihilates, the energy
released is
A. 1.6 × 10–13 J B. 3.2 × 10–13 J
C. 0.8 × 10–13 J D. 4 × 10–13 J
Difference between nuclear fission and fusion is -

A. Neutrons are required for fission while protons for fusion

B. Fission is possible at normal temperature and pressure

while fusion at very high temperature and pressure

C. Released energy in fission is small while in fusion it is big

D. all the above

Ans: D
In fission the percentage of mass converted into
energy is about -

A. 0.01% B. 0.1%
C. 1% D. 10%

Ans: B
Neutron ratio (available/used) r per fission in atomic
reactor an atom bomb are-
A. r > 1 in atomic reactor and r < 1 in bomb
B. r = 1 in atomic reactor and r > 1 in bomb
C. r > 1 in both atomic reactor and bomb
D. r < 1 in both atomic reactor and bomb

Ans: B
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