L3 - RadioActivity
L3 - RadioActivity
L3 - RadioActivity
A. 2 MeV
B. 20 MeV
C. 200 MeV
D. 2000 MeV
Fission Reaction of U235
1. Nuclear Reaction :
235 + 0 n1 ➞ 92U
236 ➞ 56Ba
141 + 36Kr
92 + 30 n 1 + Q
(unstable nucleus)
3. By fission of 92U
235 , on an average 2.5 neutrons are liberated.
Fission Reaction of U235
Critical size : The neutrons emitted during fission are very fast
and they travel a large distance before being slowed down.
All neurons are absorbed More than one neutron takes part
except one into reaction
A. Ra226 B. U234
C. U238 D. Pu239
The atomic reactor in which fresh fissionable fuel (Pu239) is produced along with
energy. The amount of produced fuel (Pu239) is more than consumed fuel (U235)
➔ Fuel : Natural Uranium.
➔ Process: During fission of U235, energy and secondary neutrons are produced.
These secondary neutrons are absorbed by U238 and U239 is formed.
This U239 converts into Pu239 after two beta decay. This Pu239 can be separated,
its half life is 2400 years.
238 + n1 ⟶
92U 94Pu
239 ⟶ 239 (best fuel of fission)
This Pu239 can be used in nuclear weapons because of its small critical size
than U235.
➔ Moderator : Are not used in these reactors.
➔ Coolant : Liquid sodium
Nuclear Fusion
So for the same mass of the fuel, the energy released in fusion
is much larger than in fission.
Nuclear Bomb Based on uncontrolled nuclear reactions.
Based on fission process it involves the fission Based on fusion process. Mixture of deutron
of U235 and tritium is used in it
Less energy is released compared to hydrogen More energy is released as compared to atom
bomb bomb so it is more dangerous than atom bomb
Pair Production
A. conservation of charge
B. conservation of energy
C. conservation of momentum
Ans: D
In fission the percentage of mass converted into
energy is about -
A. 0.01% B. 0.1%
C. 1% D. 10%
Ans: B
Neutron ratio (available/used) r per fission in atomic
reactor an atom bomb are-
A. r > 1 in atomic reactor and r < 1 in bomb
B. r = 1 in atomic reactor and r > 1 in bomb
C. r > 1 in both atomic reactor and bomb
D. r < 1 in both atomic reactor and bomb
Ans: B
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