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Indian Association of Physics Teachers

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Total time : 120 minutes (A-1, A-2 & B)
PART - A (Total Marks : 180)

Q.1 The Schrodinger equation for a free electron of Sol. [B]

mass m and energy E written in terms of the If l is the length of the hanging part of the rope,
d 2  8 2 mE M
wavefunction  is  = 0. The its weight is   l × g and hence the weight of
dx 2 h2 L
dimensions of the coefficient of  in the second M
term must be - the rope on the table is   (L – l)g which is
(A) [M1 L1] (B) [L2]
2 also equal to the normal reaction N. Then, the
(C) [L ] (D) [M1 L 1T1]
Sol. [C] force of friction is μN = μ   (L – l) g.
By dimensional analysis the dimensions of each L
term in an equation must be the same. In the first Equating this to the weight of the hanging part of
term the second derivative with respect to the rope, we get the answer.
distance x indicates the dimensions of the
Q.4 A thin uniform rod XY of length 2l is hinged
coefficient of  to be [L–2] and hence the answer.
at one end X to the floor and stands vertical.
When allowed to fall, the angular speed with
Q.2 In an experiment to verify poiseullie's law which the rod strikes the floor is -
 pa 4  3g 3g
  where the symbols have their (A) (B)

8lV  4l 2l
usual meanings, the maximum error that enters 3g g
(C) (D)
in calculating the coefficient of  is due to l 2l
measurement of -
(A) pressure difference p Sol. [B]
(B) length of the tube l The moment of inertia of the rod about a
(C) volume rate of flow V horizontal axis passing through point X is
(D) radius of the tube a. 1 4 2
Ix = m(2l)2 + ml2 = ml where m is the
Sol. [D] 12 3
Since a is raised to the power 4, it has the largest mass of the rod. Now, since centre of gravity
contribution to the total error. falls through a height l, the change in
gravitational potential energy (mgl) of the rod
can be equated to the rotational energy
Q.3 A uniform rope of length L and mass M partly
1 2
lies on a horizontal table and partly hangs from  I x   where  is the angular speed.
the edge of the table. If μ is the coefficient of 2 
friction between the rope and the surface of the
table (neglecting the friction at the edge), the Q.5 A 60 cm metal rod M1 is joined to another 100
maximum fraction of the length of the rope that cm metal rod M2 to form an L shaped single
overhangs from the edge of the table without piece. This piece is hung on a peg at the joint.
sliding down is : The two rods are observed to be equally
1–μ μ inclined to the vertical. If the two rods are
(A) (B) equally thick, the ratio of density of M1 to that
μ μ 1
of M2 is
(C) 1 – μ (D) (A) 5/3 (B) 3/5
μ 1 (C) 25/9 (D) 9/25

Sol. [C] Sol. [B]
The angle made by each rod with the vertical is The change in potential energy can be equated to
45°. Applying the law of moments, we get the the gain of total kinetic energy :
ratio of weights and hence that of masses to be Gmm  Gmm  1 2
– – –  2 mv 
5 r  2R  2 
. Then, using mass = volume ×density, we get
the ratio of densities as 25 : 9. Q.8 A nonviscous liquid of density  is filled in a
tube with A as the area of cross section, as
Q.6 The string of a simple pendulum is replaced by shown in the figure. If the liquid is slightly
a thin uniform rod of mass M and length l. The depressed in one of the arms, the liquid
mass of the bob is m. If it is allowed to oscillate column oscillates with a frequency
with small amplitude, the period of oscillation
2(M  3m)L 3(M  2m)L 1
(A) 2 (B) 2 2
3(M  2m)g 2(M  3m)g

( M  2m ) L 2(M  m)L    2 
(C) 2 (D) 2 gA sin  1 
(M  3m)g 3(M  2m)g 1  2 
Sol. [A] 2 m
The restoring torque can be written as 1 gA (sin 1 – sin  2 )
L  2 m
– Mg  sin   mgL sin  which reduces to

2  1 gA (sin 1 – sin  2 )
L 2 m
– (M + 2m)g    if  is small. This is equated
2   – 2 
gA sin  1 
to I where the moment of inertia 1  2 
1 L2 2 m
I = ML2 + mL2 = (M + 3m). After
3 3 Sol. [C]
The force that is responsible for restoring the
3(M  2m)g 
substitution, we get  = –  . liquid levels in the two arms of the tube is

2(M  3m)L  – pA = – (h1 + h2) gA where p is the pressure
Comparing with a = – (2), expression for difference and A is the area of cross section of
angular frequency and hence period can be the tube, h1 and h2 being the rise and fall of
liquid levels in the two arms in vertical direction
respectively. Note that the change in length of
the liquid thread along the tube will be the same,
Q.7 Two stars each of mass m and radius R say x. Using this the force can further be written
approach each other to collide head-on. as {– (x sin 1 + x sin 2)gA}.
Initially the stars are at a distance r (>> R). Writing force as mass times acceleration, we get
expression for period and then for frequency.
Assuming their speeds to be negligible at this
distance of separation, the speed with which the Q.9 A wax candle floats vertically in a liquid of
stars collide is density twice that of wax. The candle burns at
the rate of 4 cm/hr. Then, with respect to the
 1 1  1 1
(A) Gm –  (B) Gm –  surface of the liquid the upper end of the
R r  2R r  candle will
(A) fall at the rate of 4 cm/hr
 1 1  1 1 (B) fall at the rate of 2 cm/hr
(C) Gm   (D) Gm  
R r  2R r  (C) rise at the rate of 2 cm/hr
(D) remain at the same height

Sol. [B] Q.12 A metal ball B1 (density 3.2 g / cc) is dropped
Let the decrease in the height of the candle in water, while another metal ball B2 (density
outside the liquid be x. Now, if d denotes the 6.0 g / cc) is dropped in a liquid of density 1.6
diameter and L the length of the candle g / cc. If both the balls have the same diameter
respectively, after one hour applying thelaw of and attain the same terminal velocity, the ratio
floatation gives of viscosity of water to that of the liquid is :
2 2
d  d  L  (A) 2.0
  ( L – 4) wax    – x liq . Note (B) 0.5
2 2 
(C) 4.0
that wax = liq makes only half of the candle of (D) indeterminate due to insufficient data
2 Sol. [B]
stand outside the liquid. Solving the equation one Use the expression for terminal velocity of a body
gets the answer. 2 r 2 ( – )g
falling in a viscous liquid v =
Q.10 A mass hangs at the end of a massless spring 9 
and oscillates up and down at its natural where symbols have their usual meanings.
frequency f. If the spring is cut at the midpoint
and the mass reattached at the end, the Q.13 A thin copper rod rotates about an axis passing
frequency of oscillation is : through its end and perpendicular to its length
with an angular speed 0. The temperature of
(A) 2f (B) 2f (C) f/2 (D) f/ 2
the copper rod is increased by 100°C. If the
Sol. [A]
If k is the spring constant for the original spring
coefficient of linear expansion of copper is
2 × 10 5 / °C, the percentage change in the
and k  that for the half-cut spring, we have
angular speed of the rod is
k  = 2k. Use the expression for frequency
(A) – 2% (B) – 4%
1 k (C) – 0.2 % (D) – 0.4 %
f= to get the answer.
2 m Sol. [D]
ml 2
The moment of inertial of the rod is . Let
Q.11 The density of a solid at normal pressure is . 3
When the solid is subjected to an excess I0, 0 denote the initial moment of inertia and
pressure . The density changed to . If the initial angular velocity respectively and I,  be
 the corresponding quantities after heating the rod.
bulk modulus of the solid is k, then the ratio
 Applying conservation of angular momentum, we
is mI 02 
p k I 
(A) 1 + (B) 1 + get  0 0
k p I ml0 (1  ) 2 

p k 
(C) (D)
pk pk
= 0 (1 – 2) = 0.996 0.
Sol. [A]
Thus the change is 0.4% and is negative.
We use expression for density  = so as to get Q.14 The internal energy of one gram of helium at
100 K and one atmospheric pressure is
d dV
– . Substituting this in the expression for (A) 100 J (B) 1200 J (C) 300 J (D) 500 J
 V Sol. [C]
p The helium molecule is monatomic and hence
bulk modulus, we get k = – . Since 3
 dV  internal energy per molecule is kT . The
increase of pressure increases the density, energy per mole is therefore is RT . One gram
 –  p 2
d =  – . Using this we get and of helium is one fourth mole and hence its
 k 1 3
hence the answer energy is  R × 100 = 300 J, taking the
4 2
value of R to be approximately 8 J/mole-K.

Q.15 Volume of a monatomic gas varies with its Sol. [B]
temperature as shown. The ratio of work done The speed with which a sphere rolling down an
inclined plane reaches the bottom is
by the gas to the heat absorbed by it when it 1/ 2

undergoes a process from A to B is 2gh  1/ 2
V v   gh 
1  I  7 

mr 2 
B where symbols have their usual meanings. The
A acceleration is  g sin   . With this, the time
O taken by the glass bead to roll down turns out to
14h 1
be . Similarly the time to go up the
(A) 2/3 (B) 2/5 (C) 2/7 (D) 1/3 5g sin 1
Sol. [B]
14h 1
Since the curve passes through the origin, other inclined plane is . Twice the
5g sin  2
V  T, the pressure being constant. Then, heat
sum of these two times is the required time of
absorbed at constant pressure is dQ = n Cp dT oscillation.
whereas the change in internal energy is
dU = n Cv dT where the symbols have their usual Q.17 Water at 20°C (coefficient of viscosity = 0.01
poise) flowing in a tube of diameter 1 cm with
meanings. The work done dW = dQ – dU = n (Cp –
an average velocity of 10 cm/s has the
Cv)dT. This gives the ratio of work done to the Reynold number
 1 (A) 500
heat absorbed as 1 –  and hence the result. (B) 1000
  (C) 2000
(D) indeterminate due to insufficient data
Q.16 A small glass bead of mass m initially at rest Sol. [B]
starts from a point at height h above the Reynold number is given by N = where 

horizontal and rolls down the inclined plane
is the density, v is the velocity and D is the
AB as shown. Then it rises along the inclined diameter of the tube. Use this to get the answer.
plane BC. Assuming no loss of energy, the time
period of oscillation of the glass bead is Q.18 A billiard ball is hit by a cue at a point
distance h above the centre. It acquires a linear
A velocity v0. Let m be the mass and r be the
radius of the ball. The angular velocity
h acquired by the ball is
1 2
5v 0 h 2v 0 h 2v 0 h 2v 0 h
B (A) 2
(B) (C) (D)
2r 3r 2
5r 2
8h Sol. [A]
(A) (sin 1 + sin 2) Equating the angular momentum (mv0h) about
the center of mass to l one gets the answer.
14h  1 1 
(B) 2   
5g  sin 1 sin  2  Q.19 Two pipes are each 50 cm in length. One of
them is closed at one end while the other is
8h  1 1  open at both ends. The speed of sound in air is
g  sin 1 sin  2 
340 m /s. The frequency at which both the
pipes can resonate is
(A) 680 Hz (B) 510 Hz
8h  1 1 
(D)    (C) 85 Hz (D) None of these
5g  sin 1 sin  2 

Sol. [D] Q.22 A convex lens forms a real image with
A pipe open only at one end and another one of magnification m1 on a screen. Now, the screen
equal length but open at both the ends have their is moved by a distance x and the object is also
moved so as to obtain a real image with
fundamental frequencies n and 2n respectively.
magnification m2 on the screen. The, the focal
Again only odd harmonics are possible for a pipe length of the lens is
open at one end whereas all harmonics are m  m 
possible for a pipe open at both ends. Thus, it is (A)  1  x (B)  2  x
 m2   m1 
impossible to have a common frequency at which
they can resonate. (C) x (m1 – m2) (D)
(m 2 – m1 )
Sol. [D]
Q.20 The work involved in breaking a bigger size
Use the usual lens formula. In the first case if v is
spherical oil drop into n smaller size identical the image distance, (v + x) is the image distance
droplets is proportional to after the movement. The magnifications m1 and m2
n2 –1 3 v 
(A) (B) n in the two cases turn out to be  – 1 and
(C) 3 n – 1 (D) 3 n – 1
Sol. [D]  – 1 respectively. This can be simplified
Note that the work involved in the process of
to get the expression for f.
breaking a bigger drop into smaller drops is the
change in surface area times the surface tension.
Q.23 Two metal wires of identical dimensions are
If r is the radius of smaller drop and R that of the
connected in series. If 1 and 2 are the
4 3 4 
bigger one, then R n  r 3  where n is conductivities of the metals respectively, the
3 3  effective conductivity of the combination is
the number of smaller drops. This gives   2
(A) 1 + 2 (B) 1
R 2
r= . If T is the surface tension, then the work
n 21 2
(C) 1 2 (D)
done will be W = (n4r2 – 4R2) T. Substituting 1   2
for r gives the expected proportionality. Sol. [D]
Use the expression for resistance in terms of
Q.21 A train moving towards a hill at a speed of 72 l
conductivity R = and note that the total
km/hr sounds a whistle of frequency 500 Hz. A A
wind is blowing from the hill at a speed of 36 resistance is (R1 + R2) and total length of the
wires is 2l.
km/hr. If the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s,
the frequency heard by a man on the hill is
Q.24 An alternating supply of 220 volt is applied
(A) 532.5 Hz (B) 565.0 Hz
across a circuit with resistance 22 ohm and
(C) 516.5 Hz (D) None of the above
impedance of 44 ohm. The power dissipated in
Sol. [A]
the circuit is
If n  represents the apparent frequency and n the (A) 1100 watt. (B) 550 watt.
actual one, then use the relation (C) 2200 watt. (D) (2200/3) watt
(v ! w )  Sol. [B]
n  –n  where v is the velocity of

(v ! w ) – vs  The current in the circuit is
= 5 A and hence
sound, w is the velocity of wind and vs that of the Z
source. Note that in this case the observer at rest. the power consumed is (I2R) equal to 550 watt.

Q.25 If T denotes the temperature of the gas, the Q.28 Two identical thin rings, each of radius a are
volume thermal coefficient of expansion of an placed coaxially at a distance a apart. Let
ideal gas at constant pressure is
charges Q1 and Q2 be placed uniformly on the
1 1
(A) T (B) (C) T2 (D) 2 two rings. The work done in moving a charge
Sol. [B] q from the centre of one ring to that of the
The volume coefficient of expansion is given by other is
dV (A) zero
. For an ideal gas at constant pressure, we
q 2
write pdV = nRdT and substitute for p from the (B) (Q1 – Q2)
usual relation pV = nRT to get the required 4#0 a
expression for the coefficient.
q ( 2 – 1)
(C) (Q1 – Q2)
Q.26 A coil having N turns is wound in the form of a 4# 0 a 2
spiral with inner radius a and outer radius b
respectively. When a current I passes through q ( 2 – 1)
(D) (Q1 – Q2)
the coil, the magnetic field at the centre is : 4# 0 a
2μ 0 NI μ NI
(A) (B) 0 Sol. [C]
(a  b ) ab The electrostatic potential at the centre of the
μ 0 NI  b  μ 0 NI b first ring with charge Q1 is due to charge Q1 itself
(C) ln  (D) ln 
(b – a )  a  2( b – a )  a  as well as due to charge Q2 on the other ring. This
Sol. [D] 1 Q1 1 Q2
Consider dN to be the number of turns in between turns out to be  . Similarly
4#0 a 4# 0 2a
radii r and (r + dr) so that we get dN = dr. the electrostatic potential at the centre of the
(b – a )
The magnetic induction dB due to these many centre of the other ring is
μ I(dN) 1 Q1 1 Q2
turns at the centre is 0 . After substituting  . The difference between
2r 4# 0 2a 4#0 a
for dN and integrating between a and b, we get these potentials time the charge q is the required
the result.
word done.
Q.27 A circuit is arranged as shown. Then, the
current from A to B is : Q.29 An equilateral triangular loop of wire of side l
A carries a current i. The magnetic field
10 " 15 " produced at the circumcentre of the loop is
+ – μ 0 3 3i μ 0 9i
10 V – 10 " 5V
(A) (B)
4 l 4 l
μ 0 18i μ 0 6i
B (C) (D)
4 l 4 l
(A) + 500 mA (B) + 250 mA
(C) – 250 mA (D) – 500 mA Sol. [C]
Sol. [B] If l is the side of the triangle, the distance of the
Use superposition theorem. We get the potential circumcentre from each of the side of the triangle
difference between A and B to be + 3.75 volt μ0 i
when source of 5 volt is shorted, whereas – 1.25 carrying a current i is (sin 60° + sin 60°) =
4 r
volt when source of 10 volt is shorted. Therefore,
when both the sources are working the net μ 0 6i
. Since the direction of magnetic field in
potential difference is + 2.5 volt so that current is 4 l
250 mA from A to B. each case in the same, three times this would be
the total magnetic induction.

Q.30 Consider a double slit interference experiment. Q.33 Four identical mirrors are made to stand
Let E0 be the amplitude of the electric field of vertically to form a square arrangements as
shown in a top view. A ray starts from the
the waves starting from the slits. If  is the midpoint M of mirror AD and after two
phase difference between the two waves reflections reaches corner D. Then angle 
reaching the screen, the amplitude of resultant must be
electric field at a point on the screen is
(A) E0 cos  (B) E0 cos (/2)
(C) 2 E0 cos (/2) (D) 2 E0 cos 
Sol. [C]
Consider the magnitudes of the electric fields  M
reaching the screen to be E0 sin t and E0 sin (t A D
+ ). Then, the resultant electric field at the (A) tan (0.75) (B) cot 1 (0.75)
screen would be sum of the two, that is, (C) sin (0.75) (D) cos 1 (0.75)
Sol. [B]
2E 0 cos  sin  t   . Note that the
Note that the ray starting from point M at

 2   2 an angle  reaches the corner D at the right
amplitude of the resultant electric field is the along a parallel path. Refer to the figure. Let
coefficient of the sine function. a be the length of the side, so that tan
x a–x a
= . Solving these equations
(a / 2) y a–y
Q.31 In a double slit experiment, the coherent
2a 3
sources are spaced 2d apart and the screen is one gets x = and hence cot  = .
3 4
placed a distance D from the slits. If n th bright
y a–y C
fringe is formed on the screen exactly opposite B  
to a slit, the value of n must be a–x

d2 2d 2 d2 d2
(A) (B) (C) (D) 
2$ D $D $D 4$ D
Sol. [B] x
The fringe width in this case is and the nth
bright fringe is formed at a distance d away from A D
the centre. Therefore, d = n giving the value Q.34 The reflecting surfaces of two mirrors M1 and
2d M2 are at an angle  (angle  between 0° and
of n. 90°) as shown in the figure. A ray of light is
incident on M1. The emerging ray intersects
Q.32 When two sound sources of the same amplitude the incident ray at an angle . Then,
but of slightly different frequencies n1 and n2
are sounded simultaneously, the sound one M2
hears has a frequency equal to
n  n2  
(A) | n1 – n2 | (B) 1 

(C) n1n 2 (D) [n1 + n2] (A)  =  (B)  = 180° – 
Sol. [B] (C)  = 90° –  (D)  = 180° – 2
The resulting sound wave has a frequency equal Sol. [D]
If x is the angle of incidence when the ray strikes
to half the sum of the individual frequencies. Note
the mirror M1 and y be that for mirror M2, then ,
that the resulting intensity varies at the beat
using simple properties of triangle one gets  =
frequency equal to difference of the individual 180° – 2(x + y) and (Students are expected to
frequencies. draw the ray diagram and check.)

Q.35 An unpolarized light beam is incident on a Sol. [D]
surface at an angle of incidence equal to When the switch is closed, 5 ohm resistance gets
Brewster's angle. Then, shorted. Thus a current of 1 A flows from b to a.
(A) the reflected and the refracted beams are
both partially polarized Q.38 Two radioactive materials A and B have decay
(B) the reflected beam is partially polarized and
the refracted beam is completely polarized constants 5$ and $ respectively. Initially both
and are at right angles to each other A and B have the same number of nuclei. The
(C) the reflected beam is completely polarized ratio of the number of nuclei of A to that of B
and the refracted beam is partially 1
polarized and are at right angles to each will be after a time
1 1
(D) both the reflected and the refracted beams (A) (B)
are completely polarized and are at right 5$ 4$
angles to each other 5 4
(C) (D)
Sol. [C] 4$ 5$
Refer to the article on polarization by reflection Sol. [B]
when the ray is incident at Brewster's angle from Using the law of radioactive decay, one can write
any standard book. N A ( t ) N 0 exp(–5$t ) 1
. Solving this one
N B ( t ) N 0 exp(–$t ) e
Q.36 Switch S is closed at t =0. After sufficiently
gets the result.
long time an iron rod is inserted into the
inductor L. Then, the light bulb
L Q.39 The radius of the hydrogen atom in its ground
state is a0. The radius of a 'muonic hydrogen'
atom in which the electron is replaced by an
identically charged muon with mass 207 times
R that of an electron. is aμ equal to
(A) 207 a0 (B) 0
S 207
(A) glows more brightly a0
(C) (D) a 0 207
(B) gets dimmer 207
(C) glows with the same brightness Sol. [B]
(D) gets momentarily dimmer and then glows Use the expression for the first Bohr radius for
more brightly hydrogen atom This expression indicates that the
Sol. [B] radius is inversely proportional to the mass and
As the rod is inserted, inductance increases and hence the result.
hence the voltage across inductor increases. This
caused a drop in the voltage across the bulb and Q.40 The instantaneous magnitudes of the electric
hence it gets dimmer.
field (E) and the magnetic field (B) vectors in
an electromagnetic wave propagating in
Q.37 In the circuit shown below, the current that
flows from a to b when the switch S is closed is : vacuum are related as
a 10 " (A) E
(B) E = c B
– (C) E = 2 (D) E = c2 B
5" 10 V 20 " c
Sol. [B]
At every instant the ratio of the magnitude of the
electric field to that of the magnetic field in an
(A) – 1.5 A (B) + 1.5 A
(C) + 1.0 A (D) – 1.0 A electromagnetic wave equals the speed of light.

Sol. [A,B,CD]
Use the given expression for force to get an
Q.41 A monkey holds a light rope that passes over a expression for acceleration. Integrate this to get
smooth pulley. A bunch of bananas of equal an expression for velocity. Unless otherwise
mass as that of the monkey is attached to the stated about the initial conditions, the velocity
other end of the rope. The monkey starts
climbing the rope to get to the bananas. Then,
turns out to be v =
% &
3t 2 T – t 3 . Use this to
(A) the bananas also move up get the required results.
(B) the bananas move downwards
(C) the distance between the monkey and the
bananas decreases Q.44 A sound wave of angular frequency  travels
(D) the distance between the monkey and the with a speed v in a medium of density  and
bananas remains constant. bulk modulus B. Let k be the propagation
Sol. [A, D] constant. If p and A are the pressure amplitude
Note that the masses of the monkey and the bunch and displacement amplitude respectively, then
of bananas are equal and the pulley is smooth. the intensity of sound wave is
Q.42 Consider the curve representing the Maxwell- 1 vp 2
Boltzmann speed distribution of gas molecules (A) BkA 2 (B)
2 2B
at some temperature. Let vrms, vavg and vmp be
the rms, the average and the most probable p2 p2
(C) (D)
speeds respectively. Then, 2v 2 B
(A) the curve has a maximum at vmp Sol. [A, B, C, D]
(B) the area under the curve gives the total Intensity, by definition, is the energy flowing per
number of molecules of the gaseous unit area per unit time. The displacement
(C) vrms > vavg > vmp amplitude is given by A = where k  
(D) vvg < vmp < vrms Bk  v
Sol. [A, B, C] B
kT kT is the propagation constant. The speed v .
Note that vrms = 1.73 , vavg = 1.60 , 
m m
Use these relations to get the required
kT expressions.
vmp = 1.41 where the symbols have their
usual meanings. The most probable speed vmp is Q.45 Two conducting plates A and B are placed
the speed at which the curve reaches the peak. parallel to each other at a small distance
The area under the curve is obviously the total between them. Plate A is given a charge q1 and
number of molecules.
plate B is given a charge q2. Then,
Q.43 A particle of mass m moves along a straight
(A) the outer surfaces of A and B (not facing
line under the action of a force f varying with
each other) get no charge
 t – T 2 
time as f = f 0 1 –    where f0 and T are (B) the inner surfaces of A and B (facing each

 T   other) get all the charge
positive constants. Then (C) the inner surfaces of A and B (facing each
(A) the speed of the particle after a time 2T is other) get equal and opposite charge of
4f 0 T q – q2
magnitude 1
3m 2
(B) after time interval of 3T, the particle starts (D) the outer surfaces of A and B (not facing
moving backwards
each other) get charge of the same polarity
(C) between time instants 0 and 2T, the
acceleration first increases and then decreases. q  q2
and of magnitude 1
(D) the particle stops at t = 3T 2

Sol. [C, D] Q.48 In cyclotron (particle accelerator) an ion is
Let a charge q  be present on the inner surface of made to travel successively along semicircles
plate A so that on its outer surface the charge is of increasing radii under the action of a
(q1 – q ). Obviously a charge – q  will get induced magnetic field. The angular velocity of the ion
on the inner surface of the plate B and a charge
is independent of
(q2 + q) will move to its outer surface. With these
(A) speed of the ion (B) radius of the circle
charges, write the net electric field at a point
inside the plate and equate it to zero. This relation (C) mass of the ion (D) charge of the ion
can be simplified to get the value of q  and hence Sol. [A, B]
the conclusions. Use the expression qvB = mr2 where v = r.
The symbols carry their usual meanings. This
Q.46 A man with normal vision uses a magnifying indicated that angular velocity is independent of
lens focal length 10 cm. Then, the radius of the circular path and the speed of
(A) magnification of any value is possible the ion.
(B) maximum magnification possible is 3.5
Q.49 Physical quantities A and B have the same
(C) minimum magnification possible is 2.5
(D) magnification depends upon the distance of dimensions. Then.
the lens from the eye (A) A ± B must be a meaningful physical
Sol. [B, C, D] quantity.
In case of a microscope the magnification is (B) A ± B may not be a meaningful physical
 D quantity
1   when the image is formed at the
 f  (C) A/B must be a dimensionless quantity
distance of distinct vision D. However if the (D) both must be either scalar or vector
image is formed at infinity, the magnification is quantities.
D Sol. [B, C]
simply .
f The ratio of two quantities having the same
dimensions must necessarily be a dimensionless
Q.47 An electromagnetic wave is traveling through a quantity. However, two quantities having the
medium of refractive index n1 and is incident at same dimensions may not add to necessarily give
the boundary of a medium of refractive index a meaningful quantity; for example, work and
n2. If the wave reflects at the boundary, torque have the same dimensions but their
(A) the wave undergoes a phase change of addition is meaningless.
180°, if n1 < n2
Q.50 A step voltage V0 is applied to a series
(B) the wave undergoes a phase change of
combination of R and C as shown. Then,
180°, if n1 > n2
(C) the wave undergoes no phase change, if
n1 < n2 10 V R 1 K"
(D) the wave undergoes no phase change, if 1μF
n1 > n2
Sol. [A, D] t=0
Note that an electromagnetic wave undergoes a (A) after sufficiently long time VR = 0
phase change of 180° upon reflection from a (B) as time passes VR decrease as (1/t)
medium that has a higher index of refraction than (C) after 1 ms, VC = 6.3 volt (approximately)
the one in which it is traveling. However, there is (D) initially current through R is 10 mA
no phase reversal if the case is opposite.

Sol. [A, C, D] 2L
After sufficiently long time since the charging
current drops to zero, the drop across the
resistance is zero. The time constant is 1 k" × 1 μ
F = 1ms. hence according to the definition of
time constant, the voltage across the capacitor
would be about 63% of the maximum, that is, 6.3 Sol. For the semicircular plate of radius l, the center
volt after 1 ms. Initial current is obviously (10 4l
of mass lies at a distance of from the centre.
volt/1K") = 10 mA. 3
Taking  to be the mass per unit area, the
PART B Marks : 60 position of centre of mass of the remaining piece
* All questions are compulsory. of the square would be at a distance of
* All questions carry equal marks l (3 – 4)
from the centre of the original square
Q.51 A cube of side 10 cm is rigidly joined to a thin 3 (8 – )
rod of length 40 cm. The rod is pivoted at the plate. Now, taking the centre of the original
other end so that the rod along with the cube is square to the origin, the centre of mass of the
able to rotate freely about the pivot in a vertical new structure can be determined. This turns out
plane. A bullet of mass 50 g, moving l
horizontally hits a point of the cube 5 cm from to be at a distance of to the right of the origin.
the lower end and gets embedded into it.
Determine the speed of the bullet so that the Q.53 Consider two long parallel and oppositely
system just rises to a horizontal position. (mass charged thick wires of radius d with their
of the rod = 100 g, mass of the cube = 750 g) central axes separated by a distance D apart.
Sol. Note that the collision between the bullet and the
Obtain an expression for the capacitance per
cube is inelastic. Hence the kinetic energy is not
unit length of this pair of wires.
conserved but the momentum is conserved.
Sol. Note that when the two wires form a capacitor,
Equating the angular momentum of the bullet to
the charges reside only on the inner side; positive
that of the rod together with the cube about the
on one and negative on the other. Let us consider
pivot gives a relation angular frequency  = a point P distance r from the axis of one wire.
v Using Gauss flux theorem, the electric field E1 at
, where v is the speed of the bullet. Note
7.49 P due to the positive charge (of surface charge
that, in general, the moment of inertia of the rod density ) on this wire of unit length is E1(2r) =
1 (d ) d
of length l and mass m about the pivot is ml2 ' E1 = . The point P is at a
3 #0 # 0 ( 2r )
and that of the cube of mass m about an axis distance (D – r) from the axis of the other wire
1 carrying negative charge. Again using Gauss
through its centre of mass is ma2 where a sit
6 theorem, the electric field E2 can be written as E2
he side of the cube. The total moment of inertia of d
= . Obviously the two fields are in
the bullet, the rod and the cube about the pivot # 0 2(D – r )
comes out to be 0.168 kg-m2 . After the collision the same direction so that net electric field is E =
the system rises through a height (0.40 + 0.05) m.
d 1 1 
The gain in gravitational potential energy can  . Integrate this between the
then be equated to the loss of rotational kinetic 2# 0
r D – r 

energy. This gives  = 6.646 s–1. From this the limits d and (D – d) to get the potential
speed of the bullet can be calculated to be 49.78  D–d
m/s. difference d ln . Then, the
#0  d 
Q.52 Consider a uniform square plate of side 2l capacitance per unit length turns out to be
made of wood. A semicircular portion is cut # 0
and attached to the right as shown. Determine D–d
the centre of mass of the redesigned plate.  d 

Q.54 Fermat's principle states that 'when light ray Q.55 Two sample X and Y of a gas have equal
travels between two points, the path is the one volumes and pressure. The gas in X is allowed
that required the least time'. Use this principle to expand isothermally to 1.5 times its initial
to derive law of reflection regarding angle of volume, while that in Y is allowed to expand
incidence and angle of reflection. You may adiabatically to an equal volume. if the work
refer to the following figure. done in the first expansion is 1.5 times that in
the second, show that the ratio of specific
heats satisfies a relation
3 3 2
( – 1) ln  1 –   
 2  2
Sol. Let n1 and n2 be the number of moles of samples
X and Y of the gas, the initial temperatures of T1
2 and T2 respectively and p0 and V0 be their initial
pressure and volume. Then, p0V0 = n1RT1 =
n2RT2. Now, the work done in isothermal
Sol. Consider the total distance d to be made up of x to expansion is W1 = n1RT1 ln   whereas that in
the left of the point of incidence and (d – x) to its 2
right. If n is the refractive index of the medium n 2 RT2 – n 2 RT2 
adiabatic expansion is W2 .
and c the speed of light in vacuum, then the speed –1
c Note that during adiabatic expansion the
in the medium under consideration is   . The
n temperature falls to T . Also in case of adiabatic
total time of travel can be written as process, TV –1 = constant. Applying this, we get
x2  h2 (d – x )  h
2 2 3 3
t  . According to T2 = T2   . Using the fact that W1 = W2 ,
c c  
2 2
  we get the required expression.
n n
Fermat principle, for the least time, calculate
  and equate it to zero. Using simple
geometry, we write = sin1 and
x  h2

(d – x )
= sin 2, we get the law of
(d – x ) 2  h 2
reflection that the angle of incidence is equal to
the angle of reflection.


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