Qa Practice Reflection Worksheet
Qa Practice Reflection Worksheet
Qa Practice Reflection Worksheet
You do not have to submit this worksheet to the College if you are selected for Practice Assessment.
Based on what you described above, what were your strengths and
what were your areas for improvement?
Because I feel more motivated to work, I am managing my time better by using
my care plan sheet to be more organized. Also, I feel more confident in my Areas for improvement
knowledge by doing though research and completing weekly concept map. will inform your learning
What input have you received from your peers about your practice?
My collegues have complimented on my concept map, ask for my assistance Consider asking:
when they need help. They also commented that using my organization sheet Can you give me an
has helped their time-mangement. However, sometimes they say I look tired. example of what my
learning needs might be?
Consider any feedback
you have received from
Based on your own reflection and the input you received, what are
your learning needs?
I need to learn how to prepare myself in terms of being fit for duty by sleeping
earlier to give myself enough time to rest. I also need to learn how to cope with What do you need to learn
stressful situation better. to improve your practice?