Shierjesscep416udl 1
Shierjesscep416udl 1
Shierjesscep416udl 1
Apple TV
(adapted from CAST UDL curriculum self-check)
If your technology does not provide support for UDL principles (e.g., less than 4 principles), how would
you modify your media and materials to address the diverse challenges, talents, and preferences of
your students?
My technology does provide support for UDL in some areas, but it is also very much lacking in other areas. I
plan to provide and have students put captions in the videos they create. I will also give my students a detailed
rubric and description of the activity. For reading the informational text, I can help my ELL students by assisting
them with translation and giving them keywords with definitions (Or having the whole group help them the
words up). I will also have students set personal goals at the beginning of the activity, one being that they will
learn something new about the technology theyre using.
1) How is UDL changing how you view technology for teaching and learning?
UDL is allowing me to look at the way I plan lessons and conduct classes in a more inclusive ways. I
can see that to implement technology into my classroom, I cannot just use it for the sake of using it. I
need to use it to enhance the learning process, thinking of the how, what, and why questions to
help me make that decision.
I will implement UDL in my future classroom by making my lesson plans with those ideas in mind. I
want to be able to integrate technology in my classroom in a way that not only enhances learning but
also embraces diversity and language, making it more inclusive and easier for students from different
backgrounds and languages to learn. Using different mediums in teaching, I can make the classroom
environment conducive to all types of learning. I do not have to just implement simple things like
Youtube videos for the sake of adding technology, but the possibilities tech offers in education are so
exciting, and I cannot wait to see how they continue to grow and to see different ways it can be used to
help every student.