Multimedia Audio or Video Lesson Idea Template2022
Multimedia Audio or Video Lesson Idea Template2022
Multimedia Audio or Video Lesson Idea Template2022
☐ Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the activities. They may select the topic of
learning and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal. The teacher facilitates
the learning as the students direct their own learning processes.
☒ Problem-based and/or Publishable: Students are solving problems and completing projects to
demonstrate their learning. Additionally, the projects can be shared outside of the classroom.
(Note: This objective could be reached by displaying the project on the school’s morning
newscast, posting the project to the classroom blog, presenting it to another class, or publishing
it via an outside source.)
Lesson idea implementation:
Students will use Adobe Express to create an audio-visual presentation of their individually designed
dichotomous key inspired by plants and animals found in the schoolgrounds environment.
Beforehand, a list of 10 – 15 plants and animals with descriptions found in the area will be
distributed to the students. Students will choose a minimum of 8 total plants and animals that they
will use to create their own dichotomous/identification key. Students will pre-plan their key on a
TFrazier, 2022
Multimedia: Audio or Video Lesson Idea
sheet of paper and will then be transferred/designed into Adobe Express as a presentation project.
The tool Adobe Express will be introduced to the students through an example presentation that will
act as a rubric for their own project while simultaneously making students aware of the goals that
should be met within the assignment. When designing their key into Adobe Express, they will be
required to have the following:
Slide 1: Project Title & Name
Slide 2: The written portion/ identification description of the chosen animals
Slide 3: A flow chart showing animal grouping and relationships
Slide 4: Answers to a series of questions regarding the student’s dichotomous key
(Students are required to implement the audio recording feature into slides 3 and 4 explaining
their chart and answers to the project questions)
Students will utilize this technology by using the highly effective audio and visual availabilities it
offers in the presentation creation processes. During this process, teachers will facilitate the project
creation process through providing support, answering questions, helping students in the initial
access of Adobe Express, assisting with the pre-planning of the dichotomous key creation, and
helping with any problems that may occur technologically. Feedback of project grades will be
provided to students based on checkpoints of accuracy, requirements met, and effort made, along
with continuous encouragement during the creation process. Those who have done an extraordinary
job at either accuracy or effort made will be requested (but not forced) to allow for the teacher to
play their Adobe Express presentation for the class. Finally, this lesson will be concluded through a
class discussion where I ask for multiple examples of plants and animals they used in their projects
and create a class wide combined dichotomous key flow chart. With this chart we will discuss as a
class how these new groups of plants and animals are different from the ones they created
individually and how these new animals relate differently or similarly compared to before. At the
end of class, students will be asked to answer their TOTD reflecting on their favorite part about the
lesson, whether it be the use of technology, the plants and animals, or the overall activity of
exploring the differently made groups each student created in their project. On the back of their
TOTD students should also write any suggestions they have that they would like to see more in class,
whether it be about general lessons content or specific things a student may like.
Managing student learning: The tool used for this lesson will allow for students to transitions from passive
to active social learning through a creation process that will enhance a student’s ability to analyze, apply, and
create visual and auditory representations of their knowledge and understanding. To allow the shift from
passive and active learning to occur, students will be instructed to first create an outline and design for their
project on paper. During this preparation phase of the project, students will be given 10 – 15 minutes of time-
on-task to create their outline and receive approval before making their Adobe Express presentation. To
encourage co-engagement throughout the creation process, students will also be instructed to “Ask 3 Before
Me” regarding any problems or questions.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Reflection: This learning activity will support the UDL framework of
Multiple Means of Representation through the enhancement of learning experience based on providing
options for perception of content to students. Providing options for perception includes offering different
means of displaying information, alternatives for auditory information, and substitutes for visual information.
With the use of Abode Spark, it presents a new way for students to display and apply their knowledge using a
tool that may not be the conventional choice to present information. This lesson activity also supports the
UDL framework of Multiple Means of Action and Representation through providing a new method for using
multiple ways of media to communicate, construct, and compose information in addition to providing
appropriately goal oriented strategies of planning and approaching an activity much like this one.
Reflection: After designing this lesson idea, I believe this tool will help students build experience and
TFrazier, 2022
Multimedia: Audio or Video Lesson Idea
understanding of not only lesson content, but how a new tool can be used to create a presentation
accessible both visually and auditorily. The part of the lesson I look forward to implementing with
students is the preparation and voice recording portion of their project presentation. Using time-on-
task along with a planning period allows for students to put all their ideas out onto paper to help
them organize their thoughts, which is extremely helpful to both students and their teachers. What I
particularly look forward to with the voice recording portion is the student’s response to the project
questions and the differences in how they express their knowledge both verbally and in written
form. Using the voice recording option allows for students who may struggle with writing and excel
in verbal communication, while also making their projects available to other students, teachers, or
parents who may have hearing or vision disabilities.
TFrazier, 2022