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Table of Contents

What is an LCR meter?............................................................................................................4
Benefits of an LCR meter.........................................................................................................4
Example applications................................................................................................................5
Constructing an RC filter......................................................................................................5
Characterizing an induction motor.......................................................................................5
The physical nature of reactance...........................................................................................10
Dissipation factor D and quality factor Q................................................................................12
Lumped parameter models....................................................................................................12
Series and parallel models.....................................................................................................14
Should I use the series or parallel model?.........................................................................15
Measurement of impedance with an oscilloscope.................................................................16
Bridge circuits.........................................................................................................................19
Some formulas related to impedance....................................................................................20
Using a reactance chart.........................................................................................................23
LCR Meter Features...................................................................................................................25
Meter types.............................................................................................................................25
Selectable test frequencies....................................................................................................25
Selectable test amplitudes.....................................................................................................26
Relative mode.........................................................................................................................26
Tolerance mode......................................................................................................................27
4-wire measurements.............................................................................................................27
ESR measurements...............................................................................................................28
Voltage and current measurements.......................................................................................29
Lead slots and surface mount tweezers.................................................................................30
Making LCR Measurements.......................................................................................................31
Test frequency........................................................................................................................31
Open/short calibration............................................................................................................31
2-, 3-, and 4-wire measurements...........................................................................................34
2-wire measurements.........................................................................................................34
3-wire measurements and guarding..................................................................................35
4-wire measurements.........................................................................................................36
Range and accuracy of LCR meters......................................................................................36
Measurement uncertainty...................................................................................................37
Measurement standards....................................................................................................37
Measurement discrepancies..................................................................................................38
Good practices.......................................................................................................................40
What is admittance?...............................................................................................................43
Why do I get a negative reading?...........................................................................................43

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A motor measurement example.........................................................................................43
Why can't I get a stable reading?...........................................................................................45
This inductance doesn't measure correctly............................................................................46
This capacitor is too large to measure...................................................................................46
Glossary and symbols................................................................................................................47

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What is an LCR meter?
An LCR meter is an electrical test instrument used to measure inductance (L), capacitance (C), and
resistance (R) of components and circuits at various frequencies. Besides displaying these electrical
characteristics, LCR meters can also typically display impedance (Z), phase angle (θ), dissipation
factor (D), quality factor (Q), and equivalent series resistance (ESR). Some LCR meters display
admittance and its components, conductance and susceptance.
The LCR meter measures the impedance of the component or circuit at its terminals. This is usually
done by applying a sinusoidal waveform at a specified frequency and measuring the resulting
sinusoidal current along with the phase difference between the applied voltage and resulting current.
The meter then calculates the impedance from these measurements. Other electrical characteristics
can be calculated from the components of the impedance.
As electrical components and circuits come in a variety of forms, various leads and fixtures are
needed in conjunction with the LCR meter to allow a physical connection between the device under
test (DUT) and the LCR meter. As these leads/fixtures also have impedance, it is important to
compensate for them to know the true impedance of the DUT.

Benefits of an LCR meter

It is likely that once you become comfortable making measurements with an LCR meter, you will find
many applications for it. An LCR meter is a powerful adjunct to a digital multimeter. The following are
some benefits of an LCR meter:
• Measure the impedance of a circuit and help you troubleshoot or characterize existing
• Identify unmarked components and sort components into bins with specified tolerances.
• Battery-operated, handheld LCR meters are convenient to carry into the field for testing away
from the bench.
• Measure AC characteristics of a component as a function of frequency and amplitude to help
you predict the AC behavior in a circuit.
• Characterize motors1 by inductance measurements and inductance as a function of rotor
• Identify the coil leads of an unmarked relay by measuring the inductance.
• Select components for passive filters, then measure the filter's impedance at various
• Measure components in-circuit. In particular, find capacitors with high ESR.
• Estimate the winding ratio of a transformer via inductance measurements.
• Measure the Q of coils. Sometimes a lossy inductor is desired and the LCR meter can tell you
if you've made it correctly.
• If you maintain equipment, measure the equipments' characteristics with the LCR meter and
write the values down for future reference.

1 Be careful with permanent magnet motors as they could generate a DC voltage that could damage your LCR

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Example applications
Constructing an RC filter
Suppose an application needs an RC filter with a time constant of 450 μs and we want the filter's
time constant to be within 1% of the desired value. We pick a nominal resistance R of 1 kΩ. Then,
we calculate the needed capacitance as:
t 450  s
C= = 3
= 450 pF
R 10 
However, we don't have any 450 pF capacitors on-hand. We use the LCR meter to check some
capacitors we do have on-hand and find a capacitor with a parallel model capacitance of 126.6 pF at
a test frequency of 1 kHz.
Substituting 126.6 pF into R = t /C, we find we need a 3.55 kΩ resistor to achieve the desired time
constant. We check our resistor stock and find that we can use some 1.18 kΩ and 2.37 kΩ resistors
we have on-hand to get the exact value by connecting them in series. We use the LCR meter to
measure the AC resistance of some of these resistors and find a pair of them that give the desired
series resistance. The resulting RC filter will then have the desired time constant.
The LCR meter allows these measurements to be made quickly, so the overall task of finding
suitable components can be done quickly and without fuss.

Characterizing an induction motor

A new industrial installation includes a 3-phase induction motor. Because the motor must run reliably
to support a plant that runs 24 hours per day and 7 days per week, the maintenance technicians
decide to characterize the motor's electrical characteristics so they have the measurements in their
records for future troubleshooting and maintenance tasks.
A technician uses an LCR meter to measure the inductance of the three windings at a test frequency
near the line frequency. Later, a motor fault such as a shorted winding in one of the motor's poles
can be diagnosed by the resulting change in the inductance. The maintenance department could
make it a policy to measure the winding inductances on a periodic basis -- it requires minimal
downtime and can help diagnose potential degradation in the windings.
The technician, however, goes further with his diagnostic check and performs a rotor influence
check, which involves measuring each winding's inductance as a function of rotor angle. Plotting the
inductance of each of the three windings as a function of angle can uncover subtle issues with the
motor's overall health.
For multi-phase induction motors, comparing the inductance of the stator's windings may help
diagnose problems. Figure 1 schematically illustrates the effects of a shorted turn in a single winding
of the stator of a 3-phase motor.

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Shorted turn

Shorted turn

(a) Wye-wound stator (b) Delta-wound stator

Figure 1: Three-phase shorted turn inductances

For a new motor, the inductance of the three windings should be approximately equal. A useful
strategy is to measure the winding(s) when the motor is new and have those measurements for
comparison to later measurements when troubleshooting a problem or looking for degradation.
Measuring a good winding's inductance on a new motor also lets you use the change in inductance
to troubleshoot a single phase motor in the future. You'd also want to measure and record the
inductance periodically.
A shorted turn will have a lower inductance than an equivalent non-shorted turn. Thus, we have the
following relationships for a motor with a shorted turn:
Wye L AC ≈ LAB  LBC
Delta LB  L A ≈ LC
For the wye connection, we also have the relationships:
If you measured the phase-to-phase inductances for a wye-connected motor and found that two of
the inductances were about equal and less than the third, you'd suspect a shorted turn. For a delta-
connected motor, you'd suspect a shorted turn if one of the inductances was less than the other two,
which should be nearly equal. One metric is to calculate the mean inductance and then examine the
% deviation from the mean to identify an inductive imbalance.
Shorted turns can occur when the insulation in a winding fails to insulate the winding wire sufficiently
(i.e. hot spots, physical damage, manufacturing defect, etc.).

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The concept of impedance is central to the use and interpretation of the measurements made by
LCR meters. This section summarizes the basic principles of electrical impedance. For more
technical details, consult a text on beginning circuit theory.
The definition of resistance of a circuit element is the DC voltage across the component divided by
the DC current through the component. Note that resistance is a DC parameter. When the voltage is
varying (i.e., "AC"), things are more complicated.
We want to continue to utilize the idea that opposition to current flow is defined by the voltage
divided by the current (i.e., a particular circuit takes a certain number of volts to get 1 ampere of
current). However, capacitors and inductors are components that can store electrical energy. This
storage capability leads to a situation where the current and voltage are out of phase. It turns out
that the algebra of complex numbers provides a good model of the AC behavior because the
amplitude and phase behaviors can be accommodated.
The ideas used in the modeling of these AC situations are:
1. The discussion will be restricted to the behavior of sinusoids at one frequency2.
2. We will only look at the steady state situation (i.e., after transient behaviors from switch
closures, etc. have died out).
3. There are two independent physical parameters that characterize the sinusoid: amplitude
and phase.
Resistance is generalized to impedance using the definition:
where now the voltage V and current i are sinusoids at a specified frequency. These sinusoids are
represented by complex numbers called phasors, discussed in more detail below.
An arbitrary sinusoidal voltage as a function of time can be represented by the function:
V t  = V 0 cos t (1)
t = time in seconds
V0 = the zero-to-peak amplitude of the sinusoid (a constant) in volts
ω = angular frequency of the sinusoid in radians/seconds = 2  f where f is the frequency in Hz
 = the phase of the waveform in radians
Since we are talking about sinusoids, you might think you should see the sine function in this
formula, but a practical detail given below makes using cosines more convenient. The phase  is
relative to some particular sinusoid at the same frequency that is defined to have a phase of zero.
The machinery of complex numbers describes these sinusoids by virtue of Euler's formula, one of
the most useful relationships in mathematics:
x  jy x
e = e  cos y  j sin y  (2)
A reason why this formula is so useful in discussing impedance is that multiplication and division
of complex numbers can be done by adding exponents. We will be calculating the impedance by
dividing two complex numbers.

2 More general waveforms and responses are handled using Fourier series and integrals.

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The benefit of using complex numbers is that the solution of linear time-invariant differential
equations can utilize the algebra of complex numbers instead of analytical methods for solving
differential equations. This is a feature of transforms such as the Laplace transform. Transforms can
replace the more difficult task of solving a differential equation by transforming to a "space" where
the solution is affected by algebraic techniques. A useful observation is that phasor voltages and
currents satisfy Kirchoff's laws, which are expressions of the conservation of energy and charge.
Using Euler's formula, we can represent a general sinusoid by the expression:
V t  = V
 0e e j t

The convention is to use the real part of equation (3) to give the sinusoidal function of time. The real
part is V 0 cost  , i.e., equation (1). This is why the cosine is used for the sinusoid instead of the
sine. A cosine curve is a sine that is shifted by a right angle.
Combining the exponents, using Euler's formula, and taking the real part results in the sinusoid
function given in equation (1), the phasor is a time-independent complex constant that encodes
j t
the amplitude and phase information of the sinusoidal voltage. As the e term is common to
each sinusoid, we can combine sinusoids via addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using
phasors and/or Euler's formula.
For example, the addition of two sinusoid voltages of angular frequency , amplitudes V1 and V2,
and phases 1 and 2 is:
j 1 j 2
V t  = V
 1e V
 2e e j  t = V
 sum e
j  j t
V1 V2 V
Note that the time-dependent part can be ignored as long as we remember these phasor
relationships are always associated with the implicit frequency . Then the resulting phasor V is the
sum of the two phasors V1 and V2. This is just addition of two complex numbers, which you would
calculate by converting to rectangular components and adding the corresponding components. This
is the same as vector addition in the two-dimensional Cartesian plane, which is why phasors are
sometimes called vectors.

j axis



Real axis
Figure 2: Sum of two phasors

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This proves that the sum of two arbitrary sinusoids of the same frequency, but different amplitudes
and phases, is another sinusoid of the same frequency. The proof using trigonometric identities is
more involved3. The resultant phasor is the sum of two complex numbers.
j t
Note a phasor is a constant complex number. When multiplied by the e term to convert it to the
j t
actual sinusoid as a function of time, the e term can be interpreted as a rotating unit vector. Thus,
j t
a sinusoid V e is sometimes called a rotating vector.
Since impedance is defined as the ratio of a voltage sinusoid to a current sinusoid at the same
frequency, we can write:
j v
j t
V t  V 0 e e V j j
Z= = j
= 0e = Ze
i t  i0e e j t
Note that impedance is a phasor, as the time dependence has canceled out4.
Two observations are:
1. The magnitude of the impedance ∣Z∣ = Z = V 0 /i 0 is the magnitude of the voltage divided by
the magnitude of the current. Mathematically, magnitudes are the 0-to-peak value of a
sinusoid. However, you can use RMS value, peak-to-peak value, average value, etc. for
calculating the impedance as long as the particular measure is used for both current and
voltage, and the measure is proportional to the 0-to-peak value.
2. The phase difference  = v − i between the voltage and current is what's important in the
impedance. In the Measurement of impedance with an oscilloscope section, an example
is given showing an oscilloscope measuring this phase difference.
As an example of where the time dependence e j  t cannot be ignored, calculate the instantaneous
power waveform for a sinusoidal current and voltage at the same frequency. Note the frequency of
the power waveform.
Using Euler's formula (2), we can write down the rectangular form of the impedance:
Z = ∣Z∣cos   j ∣Z∣sin = R  j X (4)
where R is a resistance and X is a reactance. These two numbers are the Cartesian components of
the impedance and can be related to the parallel and series models' equations given in the section,
Some formulas related to impedance. The polar representation of an impedance phasor using
∣Z∣ and  are related to the rectangular coordinates of resistance R and reactance X through the
following diagram:

3 Euler's formula can be used to economically prove many trigonometric identities.

4 This result is only true for linear time-invariant systems, which describes many situations of practical interest.

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X = |Z| sin θ

Real axis

R = |Z| cos θ

Figure 3: Complex impedance plane

It must be emphasized again that this complex impedance is a phasor and must always be given
with the frequency it is measured at. If the frequency changes, the impedance will generally change.
The typical LCR meter measures the magnitude ∣Z∣ and phase angle  directly, which lets you utilize
equation (4) for subsequent calculations. The equations let us write down the expressions for the
reactances of inductors and capacitors:
XL = L
1 (5)
XC =
The impedance magnitude Z = ∣Z∣ is important because it determines the magnitude of the current
flow when given a particular voltage: i = V / Z. The phase of the impedance determines the phase
relationship between the voltage and current, and also determines the real power dissipated in the
circuit. The utility of impedance is the same as resistance, as the formulation and mathematics allow
series impedances to add algebraically and parallel impedances to add in the same way parallel
resistors do. Thus, steady state AC analysis is much like DC circuit analysis, except that it is at a
particular frequency and there can be arbitrary phases involved.
Impedance-related calculations are more convenient with a calculator or computer program that can
perform complex number calculations in both rectangular and polar coordinates.

The physical nature of reactance

For an uncharged capacitor, the initial resistance to a charging current is low, meaning the initial
charging current is high. As the charge on the capacitor increases, the electrostatic forces
increasingly repel the accumulation of more charge, lowering the current through the capacitor.
Thus, the current is high when the voltage is low and the current decreases as the voltage
increases. Thus, the current through a capacitor leads the voltage across the capacitor.
At high frequencies, the current flows for only a short period of time before the applied voltage
changes polarity. Thus, there is little opposition to the current from the accumulated electrostatic
charge. This explains why the capacitive reactance decreases with increasing frequency.
Because the definition of capacitance is Q = CV and the charge on the capacitor is the time integral
of the current through the capacitor, the instantaneous voltage on a capacitor is:

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V t  = ∫ i t dt
C 0
At high frequencies, the integration time T is a small number, which causes the integral to be a small
number. The voltage across the capacitor is thus small and this is the characteristic of a short.
At DC, the capacitor draws current until it is charged to the same potential as the voltage source,
then the electrostatic field on the capacitor stops any further current flow.
We can conclude:
♦ The current through a capacitor leads the voltage across the capacitor.
♦ Capacitors look like shorts at high frequencies.
♦ Capacitors look like open circuits at frequencies near zero.
The situation is different for an inductor. The voltage across the inductor is proportional to the time
rate of change of the current through the inductor:
V t  = L (6)
Suppose the current through an inductor is a sinusoid of angular frequency :
j0 j t
i = i0e e
where we have emphasized that the current is a phasor, but defined the phase to be zero. Then,

di j
= i 0 j  e j t = i 0  e 2 e j t
j = exp j  /2, so equation (6) becomes:

V t  = V e j  t = L
 i 0 e 2 e j  t (7)
voltage phasor

Because of the phasor term, you can see the voltage across an inductor leads the current by 90°
and the voltage's frequency-dependent magnitude is L i 0 .
The inductor's impedance from the definition of impedance as the ratio of the voltage to current is:

V j
ZL = = L e 2 (8)
Since this is an ideal inductor with no DC resistance, the reactance (imaginary part of the
impedance) increases linearly with frequency. A pure inductor's impedance has a phase angle of
At low frequencies, the impedance magnitude is numerically small, so the inductor behaves like a
short. As the frequency increases, the voltage across the inductor increases. If you can make the
current change rapidly enough, you can get any desired instantaneous voltage across the inductor.
This is the cause of inductive voltage spikes.
We can conclude:
♦ Voltage across an inductor leads the current through the inductor.
♦ Inductors look like shorts at low frequencies.
♦ Inductors look like open circuits at high frequencies.

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Mathematically, the leading and lagging of the voltage vs. current in capacitors and inductors come
about because the integral and derivative of a sinusoid are both sinusoids, but shifted by ±90°.
Alternatively, you can do the experiment in the section, Measurement of impedance with an
oscilloscope to demonstrate this fact experimentally.

Dissipation factor D and quality factor Q

The dissipation factor D is a dimensionless quantity representing the ratio of the real part of the
impedance to the imaginary part.
D= where Z = R jX
"Pure" components have low values of D. Here, "pure" means the impedance has a small real part.
For a capacitor, the dissipation factor D relates the series model's capacitance C s to the parallel
model's capacitance C p:
C s = C p 1D 
For values of D near zero, you can see that C s and C p are nearly equal. The series and parallel
capacitances are equal to within 0.1% when D is less than 0.032.
From equation (14), we have for the series model that:
R s = ESR = equivalent series resistance =
C s
For a fixed frequency and the series capacitance model, the equivalent series resistance is small
when D is small. As the ESR dissipates real power in a circuit, a small ESR is desirable for
efficiency, so capacitors with low D are desirable, especially in power circuitry. Physically, there is no
resistance in series with a pure capacitor; the ESR is an abstraction representing the complicated
distributed behavior of leakage, dielectric losses, lead resistance, and other physical effects.
For inductors, it is conventional to use the quality factor Q, which is the reciprocal of D. High-Q
inductors are often desired. From equation (15), we have for the series model that:
 Ls
R s = ESR =
Thus, a high-Q inductor has low equivalent series resistance and loses little power to this ESR.
High-Q and low-D components can be desirable in circuitry because they can allow efficient transfer
of energy between capacitors and inductors in resonant circuits, and efficiently store energy with
little loss to waste heat. D for a capacitor will typically rise nonlinearly with frequency and
When using an LCR meter to measure D for a component that is nearly a pure reactance, D can be
a small number, perhaps in the range of 0.0001 to 0.0010. Since Q is the reciprocal of D, you can
have the meter display Q instead and take the reciprocal to get more significant figures in the
measurement of D.

Lumped parameter models

Imagine you want to measure the capacitance of a piece of coaxial cable. A model can be
constructed of the measurement situation as follows. The cable is divided into many small identical
chunks connected in parallel, each with its own capacitance.

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Braided Center
shield conductor
cover Model

Ci Ci Ci Ci

Figure 4: Capacitance model of a coaxial cable

Each small chunk of cable contributes a capacitance C i. Since parallel capacitors add their
capacitances to get the total capacitance, the capacitance of the cable is the sum of the individual
capacitances. We then have a model of the cable's capacitance, which is just a single capacitor. We
have lumped the contribution of many small components into a single component. This leads to the
concept of a lumped parameter model. The engineering simplification is that a complicated
physical system can be adequately represented by a circuit of discrete components, which in turn
can be represented by a single component. In other words, the complicated system is replaced by
something simpler that behaves in a similar fashion.
It has been shown by long experience that lumped parameter models work in a variety of situations,
as evidenced by the use of circuit theory in modeling the behavior of complicated components and
collections of components that would be impractical to model using the full machinery of
electromagnetic theory. Trying to predict the behavior of all the components of a radio using
Maxwell's equations would be a virtually impossible task. However, using judicious approximations
and lumped parameter models, an engineer is able to predict the behavior of a radio sufficiently well
for design and production needs.
In some situations, more complicated lumped parameter models may be appropriate. For example,
here is a model that includes a capacitor's ESR (R s), lead inductance, insulation resistance, and
dielectric absorption (DA):

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Figure 5: Example lumped parameter model of a capacitor

The suitability of this model would have to be established empirically and the effort to measure each
of the contributing factors of the model could be significant.
The series and parallel circuits measured by LCR meters are lumped parameter models of a
measured impedance.

Series and parallel models

Two common lumped parameter models for the impedance of real-world components are the series
and parallel models. These model the component's measured impedance by an ideal resistance and
an ideal reactance in series or parallel.
They are:

Series model Parallel model

Rs Xs

Figure 6: Series and parallel models

The impedance for the series model is:

Z = Rs j X s (9)
The impedance for the parallel model is:
1 1 1
=  (10)
Z Rp j X p
If you do the algebra on equation (10) to get an expression for Z, you can equate the real and
imaginary parts to equation (9) and derive the relationships between the models' component values
as given in equations (14) and (15).
These circuit models are mathematically equivalent. The LCR meter measures an impedance, which
gives two independent numbers, the magnitude and phase of the impedance. These are changed
into rectangular components R and X, giving the real and imaginary part of the impedance. These
rectangular components can then be transformed into either a series or parallel circuit of a pure
resistance and a pure reactance. These transformed circuits have exactly the same impedance as
the measured value, but this is true only at the measured frequency. The sensitivity or uncertainty of

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the LCR meter may be different for the numbers given by the two different models, so consult the
user's manual to help make decisions about measurement details.

Should I use the series or parallel model?

Assuming frequencies are low enough so that lead inductance is not important, one possible model
of an impedance would be a combined series/parallel model:


Figure 7: Combined series/parallel model

Imagine this model is for a capacitor. The series resistance R s represents a resistance that results in
power losses and is a relatively low resistance. The parallel resistance R p represents leakage and
can be a relatively high resistance. For large filter capacitors, R s can be in the milliohms range.
Since these large capacitances also have low reactances, it makes sense to consider the series
model and ignore R p because R p will not sensibly contribute to the normal circuit behavior as the low
resistance/reactance will swamp it out. The real part of the impedance will be the ESR, which is R s.
For small capacitors, we are not much interested in any power dissipated in the equivalent series
resistor, but leakage may be more important as the capacitor is often used to store charge. For this
case, the parallel model is more appropriate because the resistor R p models a leakage current that
"goes around" the pure capacitance.
To measure the impedance of this equivalent circuit, you need to put a sinusoidal voltage across
terminals A and B and measure the current through the circuit. For a low reactance part, the overall
impedance will be relatively small and the current will be straightforward to measure because it will
have a reasonable amplitude. However, if the reactance is large (i.e. a small capacitor or large
inductance), the result is a small current, which can be more challenging to measure. The
measurement can have higher noise, leading to more uncertainty.
For inductors, the parallel model is used for large inductors and the series model for small inductors.
The series model is convenient when the inductor has a significant DC resistance; R s is also called
ESR (equivalent series resistance) for inductors. The parallel model can be thought of as using the
resistance R p to model ferromagnetic core losses.
These guidelines can be summarized in an approximate rule:
Use the parallel model when the reactance is greater than 100 Ω. Use the series model when
the reactance is less than 100 Ω.

The following table translates this approximate rule into inductance and capacitance values:

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Capacitors Inductors
Frequency Use series Use parallel Use series Use parallel
(kHz) model when model when model when model when
0.1 > 16 μF < 16 μF < 160 mH > 160 mH
1 > 1.6 μF < 1.6 μF < 16 mH > 16 mH
10 > 160 nF < 160 nF < 1.6 mH > 1.6 mH
100 > 16 nF < 16 nF < 160 μH > 160 μH
1000 > 1.6 nF < 1.6 nF < 16 μH > 16 μH

Table 1: Series/parallel model guidelines

Measurement of impedance with an oscilloscope

In this section, we look at using an oscilloscope to measure the impedance of a device. The method
uses the definition of impedance as a complex voltage divided by a complex current at a given
frequency and reflects the way modern LCR meters often make their measurements. If you have an
oscilloscope and a function generator, you can perform this experiment yourself.
The experiment's objective is to measure the impedance of a capacitor or an inductor. For this
example, we will use a capacitor and the measurement circuit is as follows:

generator ~


Figure 8: Impedance measurement circuit

The experiment will set the function generator to a sine wave at a desired measurement frequency
and use the oscilloscope to measure the voltages VR and VC across the resistor and capacitor,
respectively. The resistor is in the circuit to allow us to infer the current i from the voltage across the
resistor. This resistor should be non-reactive at the measurement frequency. Remember that VR, VC,
and i are phasors. If you have a suitable current probe, you can eliminate the resistor.
To calculate the impedance of the capacitor, we need to measure three numbers:
1. VR = the amplitude of the sinusoidal voltage across the resistor.
2. VC = the amplitude of the sinusoidal voltage across the capacitor.
3.  = the phase difference between the voltages VR and VC.
A measurement complication is that function generators and oscilloscopes typically have their inputs
and outputs referenced to ground for safety reasons. This makes it a little more challenging to
measure the voltages VR and VC. Two possible measurement methods are to isolate the function
generator's output with a small transformer or use differential amplifiers to measure the voltages
across the components.

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Here, we'll use a small transformer5 to isolate the function generator's output. We also show the
oscilloscope connections we'll make:
Channel 1

Function i
~ V0 R VR

A Scope ground


Channel 2

Figure 9: Oscilloscope connections

Because of the connection topology (note point A is at measurement ground potential), the voltage
VC measured across the capacitor will be inverted from the voltage we want to measure. This can be
corrected by inverting either channel 1 or channel 2. Once this inversion is done, both waveforms
can be displayed on the scope's screen at the same time and you can measure the phase difference
 between the sinusoids.
Using a 100 nF nominal capacitor and a 1 kΩ resistor (which had a measured DC resistance of 978
Ω) with a function generator and transformer that produced an open-circuit 0.9 V peak-to-peak sine
wave at 100 Hz, the following scope traces were recorded6:

Figure 10: Scope trace of capacitor and resistor

The scope was set up to measure the peak-to-peak voltages and the delay between the two signals.
Channel 1 (the yellow trace) is the voltage across the 1 kΩ resistor and indicates the current through
the resistor is (51.6 mV)/(978 Ω) or 52.8 μA peak-to-peak (note that it is a more noisy measurement
than the voltage across the capacitor). Channel 2 is the inverted voltage across the capacitor
showing 0.904 V peak-to-peak and a delay of 2.48 ms with respect to the current. Thus, for a

5 Nearly any small transformer should work. It is suggested that you use one that does not introduce much
distortion of the sinusoid from the function generator.
6 These measurements were made with a B&K Precision 2542B-GEN oscilloscope, a convenient tool for such
tasks because it contains a built-in function generator.

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capacitor, we experimentally see that the current leads the voltage.
Since the sinusoid's period is 10 ms, the phase angle of the current with respect to the voltage is:

=  
360° = 89.28 °

The voltage across the capacitor and the current through it are:
V C = 0.904 V∢0°
i C = 52.8  A∢89.28°
We thus have the three needed numbers mentioned above from direct measurement. The
capacitor's impedance is the ratio of the voltage across the capacitor to the current through the
0.904 V∢0 °
Z= = 17.1 k ∢−89.28 °
52.8  A ∢89.28°
The capacitor's measured impedance is 17.1 k ∢−89.3 °.
Two B&K Precision LCR meters were used to measure the impedance of this capacitor at 100 Hz.
The results of the three measurements rounded to three significant figures are:
Method |Z|, kΩ Angle, °
B&K 886 17.3 -89.5
B&K 879B 17.6 -89.5
B&K 2542B-GEN (scope) 17.1 -89.3
The discrepancy between the two meters is a few tenths of a percent larger than would be
suggested by their accuracy specifications. If you needed an accurate impedance measurement,
more investigation might be warranted.
A conservative estimate of the uncertainty of the impedance measured using the scope is about 9%
of the measured value for the magnitude and 0.25% for the phase7. Measurement equipment with
lower uncertainties would result in lower impedance uncertainties.
Once the impedance of the device is known, other parameters can be calculated using the formulas
given in the section, Some formulas related to impedance. As an example, we'll calculate the
parameters of the series model for this capacitor:
Rs Cs

Z = Rs
j  Cs
The oscilloscope-measured impedance was 17.1 k ∢−89.28 °. Converting to rectangular
coordinates gives 215−17.1×10 j. The real part gives us R s = 215 . Since the frequency was 100
Hz, we can calculate:
1 1
Cs = 3
= 3
= 93.1 nF
17.1×10  17.1×10 2 100
The two LCR meters measured series capacitance values close to this number.

7 These numbers were calculated using linear uncertainty propagation, no correlation, and defining the
uncertainty to be the half-width of the DC measurement accuracy given in the scope's specifications.

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In summary:
♦ Impedance is most directly measured by virtue of its definition as a complex voltage to current
♦ If you have an oscilloscope and function generator, you can measure component and circuit
impedances with them. At low frequencies such as that of the AC line or 1 kHz range, putting
together a measurement setup on the bench works fine. However, if you want the impedance at
higher frequencies, you will probably want to be careful with the physical layout to minimize the
effects of parasitic impedances. A prudent experimenter would also perform an open/short
calibration to be able to compensate for leads and fixtures (see the Open/short calibration
section). Even though that section discusses such calibration for LCR meters, the identical
process and analysis would be done when making oscilloscope measurements to compensate
for measurement leads and fixtures.
♦ If you require impedance measurements with lower uncertainties, the method presented in this
section can be utilized with a more sophisticated voltage measurement device and a frequency
counter that can measure time intervals between the two sinusoids.
♦ For making numerous impedance measurements, an LCR meter is faster and more convenient
than using a scope and function generator.

Bridge circuits
Historically-important methods of measuring impedance are based on the Wheatstone bridge.
However, bridge circuits are not used much in modern LCR meters.




Figure 11: Wheatstone bridge
The measurement procedure is to set the sinusoidal voltage E to a suitable value and adjust the
three impedances Z1, Z2, and Z3 so that the voltages at points A and B are equal (i.e., V is 0). This is
called nulling or balancing the bridge. In balance, the current through the arm CBD of the bridge is
E/(Zx + Z3) and the current through the arm CAD is E/(Z1 + Z2). Since the voltages at A and B are
equal with the bridge balanced, the voltage drop across Z2 is the same as the voltage drop across
Z3. Similarly, the voltage drops across Z1 and Zx are equal to each other.

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E Z2 E Z3
Z 1 Z 2 Z x Z 3
Z 1Z 3
Zx =
Note the balance is independent of the applied voltage E, although the sensitivity of the bridge will
be proportional to E.
Remember that these four Z values are phasors, which means there are two components of each
impedance that must be adjusted independently to achieve a balance in general. In practice, two or
three of these impedances are usually adjustable resistances with low reactances to reduce the
number of adjustments to null the bridge.

Some formulas related to impedance

Also refer to the formulas derived in the section Impedance. For both inductors and capacitors, we
have R s R p = X s X p = ∣Z∣ where X is a reactance.
You can estimate lead inductance using 1 nH per mm of lead length. A piece of RG-58/U coax has a
capacitance of approximately 82 to 95 pF per meter of length and an inductance of about 0.25 μH
per meter of length.
In the following formulas, we use:
ϵ0 = permittivity of free space = 8.854×10−12 F/m
−7 −6
 0 = permeability of free space = 4 ×10 H/m = 1.257×10 H/m
 e = relative permittivity of the intervening material = 1.0006 for air
 m = relative permeability of the intervening material = 1.00000037 for air
C = capacitance in F
L = inductance in H
The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with n equally-spaced parallel plates is:
0  n−1 A
C= (11)
n = number of plates in capacitor
A = area of one plate in m2
d = distance between two adjacent plates in m

For two concentric conductive cylinders:


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2  0  h 0 m h  r (12)
C= L=  = ln h≫r
 2 r0
h = length of conductors in direction perpendicular to figure in m
r = radius of outer conductor in m
r 0 = radius of inner conductor in m

For a two-conductor transmission line:

r r

 0  e h 0 m h d d
C= L= ln ≫ 1 and h≫r
d −r  r r (13)
h = length of the conductors in m
d = distance between the centers of the conductors in m
r = radius of the conductors in m

Capacitive reactance is 2  f C −1 where f is frequency in Hz and C is the capacitance in F. If you
memorize that 2  = 0.159, you'll be able to make capacitive reactance calculations easier by
hand, especially for decade values of frequency.
For example, a 125 pF capacitor at 105 Hz has a reactance of:

 1

= 0.159
0.125 
 4
10 = 0.159810 = 12.72 k 
2 1 1
C f

which also relied on knowing 1/8 is 0.125.

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Rp 1
D 2 R p+
1 j ω C p j ω Cp
Z = Rs + = =
j ωC s 1 1+D 2
R p+
j ωCp
1 1
D = = ω R s Cs =
Q ω Rp C p
R s R p C s C p= 2
ω (14)
Cp = Cs

2 )
C s = C p (1+D )

Rp = Rs
( ) 1+D2
C pD

( )
Rs = Rp =
1+D 2
ω Cs

Inductive reactance is 2  f L where f is frequency in Hz and L is the inductance in H. If you
memorize that 2  = 6.28, you'll be able to make inductive reactance calculations easier by hand,
especially for decade values of frequency.
For example, a 125 μH coil at 105 Hz has a reactance of:
6.28 
 105  
125×10−6 = 6.28  105  0.125×10−3 =  101 = 78.5 
2 L

which also relied on knowing 0.125 is 1/8.

j ω LpR p R + jQ 2 ω L P
Z = Rs + j ω L s = = p
R p+ j ω L p 1+Q 2
1 ω Ls R
Q= = = p
D Rs ω Lp
1 R ω Lp
D= = s =
Q ω Ls Rp

Lp = Ls
( )
1+Q 2
= Ls (1+D 2)

ω2 = s p
Ls L p

Rs = Rp
( 1
1+Q 2
= D ωL s
R p = R s (1+Q 2) = Q ω L p

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Using a reactance chart
The reactance chart shown in Figure 12 is convenient for use with LCR meters that make
measurements under 1 MHz. The horizontal axis is frequency in Hz and the vertical axis is
reactance in ohms. The colored diagonal lines indicate capacitance in blue and inductance in red.
To find a reactance: Given a frequency in Hz and an inductance or capacitance, locate the
frequency on the horizontal axis and read vertically up to the intersection point with the blue or red
line corresponding to the inductance or capacitance. Read the reactance horizontally from the
intersection point to the left on the reactance axis. For example, a 100 nF capacitor has a reactance
of 1.6 kΩ at 1 kHz.
To find an inductance or capacitance: Given a frequency in Hz and a reactance in ohms, locate
the intersection point for the frequency and reactance. Then read off the closest blue line for
capacitance or red line for inductance. For example, find the inductance that has a reactance of 10
Ω at 100 Hz. From the intersection point of 100 Hz and 10 Ω, the nearest red line is 20 mH.
Interpolation gives the value of 16 mH.
To find an LC resonant frequency: Given a capacitance C and an inductance L, find where their
interpolated blue and red lines, respectively, cross. Read down from the intersection point to find the
resonant frequency, which is the frequency where their reactances are equal. For example, find the
resonant frequency of a 100 nF capacitor and a 1 mH inductor. Read down the blue 100 nF line until
it intersects the red 1 mH line. From the intersection point, read perpendicularly down to the
frequency axis. In this case, the resonant frequency is 16 kHz.
The resonant frequency of an LC circuit is the frequency f in Hz where the reactances are equal.
This means:
2πf L =
2πf C
f =
2 π √ LC
The number 16 that appears in the examples above comes from the value of (2 π) = 0.159 , which
makes it a worthwhile constant to memorize when using frequencies and inductances/capacitances
that are multiples of 10.

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Figure 12: Reactance chart

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LCR Meter Features
Meter types
There are a number of different types of LCR meters on the market.
Handheld battery-operated: These are typically small instruments about the same size as a digital
multimeter. They have advantages of portability and are convenient to take to a remote site. They
typically don't have the accuracy or measurement ranges of bench instruments.
Bench instruments: Bench instruments are larger than handheld meters, usually more expensive,
and can include extra features such as the ability to measure voltage and current to make the
instrument more useful at the bench. These meters also run off line power and can be left on for long
periods of time without worrying about a battery going dead just before you need the instrument.
Lab-grade instruments: These are high-end instruments that measure over significant frequency
ranges and component sizes. They are the most expensive instruments and sometimes are known
under other names such as "network analyzer" or an "impedance analyzer".
Component meters: These meters measure fewer parameters than an LCR meter. For example,
the B&K Precision 830C and 890C are dedicated capacitance meters. They work by applying a
constant DC current to a capacitor and charges and discharges the capacitor. Contrast this to an
LCR meter that measures a capacitance by measuring impedance with an AC signal at a chosen
frequency. These more specialized meters may also have features that make certain tasks like
sorting components easier to do. If your needs require knowing this DC-measured capacitance,
you'll probably prefer the capacitance meter. If you want to know the dissipation factor or the
capacitance at various frequencies, you will probably want to use an LCR meter for your
measurements. Compare data sheets and manuals to help you decide what you need.

Selectable test frequencies

Because impedance is a function of frequency and application uses can benefit from knowing the
impedance at the frequencies designed for use, it is useful to have an LCR meter that can make its
measurements at different frequencies.
The two most popular frequencies for measurement are double the line frequency (i.e., 100 or 120
Hz) and 1 kHz. Twice the line frequency is used for filter capacitors and chokes that typically see a
full-wave-rectified waveform to filter.
For many applications, being able to measure at twice the line frequency and 1 kHz provide enough
flexibility. More sophisticated LCR meters include more measurement frequencies, such as 10 kHz,
100 kHz, and higher. Higher-end LCR meters can sweep the frequency and plot impedance
magnitude and phase as a function of frequency.

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Figure 13: Frequency sweep function on B&K Precision 891 LCR meter

Selectable test amplitudes

While it is well-known that impedance depends on frequency, it may be surprising to some that
impedance can also depend on the amplitude with which it is measured. In reality, this isn't
surprising behavior when one considers the voltage-current relationships of various components.
For example, the resistance of a diode depends on the measurement voltage. This non-linear
dependence of current on voltage is true of many components, especially for AC conditions. In fact,
it could be argued that all components have such nonlinear V-I relationships (just keep doubling the
voltage until you're convinced the relationship is nonlinear).

Relative mode
The relative measurement mode allows a standard part to be measured and then have
subsequently-measured parts displayed relative to the standard's value. This makes it easier to
compare measured values.
As an example of the use of relative mode, a B&K Precision 879B LCR meter was set to measure
parallel capacitance at 1 kHz. The meter's open/short calibration was used to zero out the effects of
the measurement leads.
A 100 nF nominal capacitor (actual value was 90.05 nF) was used as a standard. This standard
capacitor was connected to the meter and the REL button was pressed. Then five capacitors from
the same lot were measured relative to this standard capacitor; the results were (sorted by value):
Capacitor ΔC, nF % deviation
1 0.18 0.2
3 2.54 2.8
5 2.55 2.8
2 6.87 7.6
4 7.81 8.7

Note all five capacitors were larger than the standard (you'd expect about half to be less than and
about half to be greater than the standard). The % deviation column shows the calculated deviation
from the reference capacitor's value. These numbers can be compared to the % deviation measured
in the following section.

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Tolerance mode
Some LCR meters provide the ability to sort components within specified tolerance bounds. For
example, the B&K Precision 879B LCR meter allows you to sort components within ±1%, ±5%,
±10%, or ±20% of a nominal value. We'll use the same five capacitors and standard capacitor used
in the previous section to illustrate tolerance mode.
The meter was set to tolerance mode after performing an open/short calibration. The standard
capacitor was connected to the leads and a stable parallel capacitance was measured. The TOL
button was then pressed to enter tolerance mode. The meter's display shows the % deviation from
the standard capacitor and the measured capacitance value. The five capacitors in the previous
section measured % deviations as follows (the capacitor's number doesn't necessarily agree with
the numbers used in the previous measurements, as they were randomly selected from a pile). The
measurements were sorted by deviation:
Capacitor % deviation
3 0.9
5 2.0
2 2.3
1 7.2
4 8.3
Comparing the % deviation in this table to the calculated % deviation in the previous table gives you
a feel for the repeatability of the measurement (within about half a percent).
Suppose we wanted to select a group of such capacitors that were within 5% of the standard value.
Pressing the TOL button twice shows 5% in the display. When a capacitor is measured, the meter
will give a single audible beep if the measured value is within tolerance and three beeps if it is out of
tolerance. This allows a user to quickly select a set of components.

4-wire measurements
Some LCR meters use a 4-wire connection to the device under test. As explained in the section, 2-,
3-, and 4-wire measurements, this is a measurement method that uses separate jacks/connectors
for the current measurement and the voltage measurement. The benefit is that the lead resistance is
not part of the measurement, allowing low-value impedances to be measured. Most bench LCR
meters use a 4-wire connection measurement to the device under test.
For example, the B&K Precision 885 can use a 4-wire measurement to measure DC resistances
down to 1 mΩ. Contrast this to the typical digital multimeter that uses leads that add around 0.2 Ω to
a low-resistance measurement. These 4-wire LCR meters are especially convenient when used with
Kelvin clips that allow easy connection to the device under test.

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Figure 14: 885 LCR meter with Kelvin clips

ESR measurements
The ESR is the real part of the impedance when the series model is used. As the capacitor is
probably the lowest impedance device in the circuits electrically connected to the capacitor, the LCR
meter should be able to distinguish capacitors with unusually high ESR. Such measurements are
typically made at 10 kHz or 100 kHz for best sensitivity.

Some LCR meters allow connection to a computer via USB, GPIB, and serial interfaces. An
advantage of such a computer connection is that special measurement situations can be
accommodated. For example, B&K Precision provides software with their 878B and 879B LCR
meters, which allows the instrument to be configured remotely. The software also gives users the
ability to log measurements on the computer and export the data to an Excel or text file.

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Figure 15: B&K Precision 878B/879B LCR meter software

Voltage and current measurements

Some LCR meters provide voltage and current measurements in addition to LCR and impedance
measurements. Such features can be useful to allow the instrument to be used as a general
troubleshooting instrument.

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Figure 16: B&K Precision 889B bench LCR meter with
voltage/current measurement capabilities

Lead slots and surface mount tweezers

Many LCR meters have lead slots. These are terminal connections that allow easy insertion of
components with leads. If you have a bench LCR meter, it may have an optional attachment that
provides the same features. Here are lead slots for the B&K Precision 879B LCR meter:

Figure 17: Lead slots measurement

You'll find you use these lead slots a lot if you use components with leads. If you use a lot of surface
mount devices, make sure to get surface mount tweezers as it will also make measurements easier.

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Making LCR Measurements
The basic safety rule for using an LCR meter is to never make measurements on any circuit that has
a voltage present or is connected to a source of power. This includes attempting to make
measurements on capacitors that are not discharged, which is often the cause of LCR meter
damage. Before making measurements with an LCR meter, ensure all capacitors are completely
discharged by connecting a suitable resistance across the capacitor's terminals. For extra caution,
use a digital multimeter to verify the voltage across each capacitor is zero. Some capacitors can
exhibit dielectric absorption and may take extra time to completely discharge.
It is also worth extra effort to ensure that all power is off in line-powered circuits. Connecting an LCR
meter across the full line voltage may destroy the instrument and making measurements in a circuit
with line voltages can be hazardous.
If you are measuring components that are sensitive to voltages, ensure the test voltage your LCR
meter applies to the device under test is safe for the device under test.

Test frequency
A common question is what frequency should be used to measure a component or circuit. The short
answer is to use the frequency at or near where the component or circuit will be used.
Large electrolytic capacitors are often used as power supply filters, so they should be tested at twice
the line frequency. This is the frequency seen from full-wave rectified sine waves. Smaller capacitors
are more likely to be used at higher frequencies, so they should be tested at those frequencies.
Large inductors are often used as chokes and can be tested at line frequencies. Smaller
inductances less than 1 mH are often used at higher frequencies and should be tested at the
frequencies they will be used at.
In general, an LCR meter measurement at one frequency does not allow you to predict behavior at
another frequency, especially as the frequency goes up. If your LCR meter can only measure at
frequencies up to 10 or 100 kHz and you need to know the impedance at 1 MHz or above, you can
extrapolate using the measured value and the equation for the reactance, but your extrapolation will
probably be in error because of the effects of parasitic reactances. Viable options in this case are to
find an LCR meter with a wider frequency range or measure the impedance with a function
generator and oscilloscope.

Open/short calibration
There are two types of calibration in the context of LCR meters:
♦ Instrument calibration to allow traceability to national standards (see the section Range and
accuracy of LCR meters for more details).
♦ Open and short calibration (also called compensation) to correct for lead/fixture parasitic
For the best realizable accuracy in your LCR meter's measurements, you should perform an
open/short calibration when changing the excitation signal level, frequency, or parameter being
A schematic model of an LCR meter making a measurement is:

B&K Precision LCR Meter Guide Page 31 of 49

LCR Leads &
meter fixture

Figure 18: LCR meter measurement model

where the dashed leads are regarded as electrically ideal and do not contribute anything to the
The simplest measurement situation is where a component with leads is inserted into the LCR
meter's terminals and the measurement is made. Especially at the frequencies used by handheld
LCR meters, the parasitic impedances due to the leads are essentially ignorable. However, this may
not be true for other components or circuits. For example, a surface mount component might need
SMT tweezers to provide a measurement. The tweezers represent the leads and fixture, so their
impedance needs to be removed from the measurement. This removal of the effect of the lead's
impedance is the purpose of the open/short calibration.
An open calibration is where the LCR meter is told the DUT is an open circuit. The meter then
performs an impedance measurement and stores the result.
A short calibration is where a low resistance connection is made between the test leads' or fixture's
terminals and the meter is told the DUT is a short. It performs an impedance measurement and
stores the result.
These two calibration measurements are then used by the meter to compensate for the impedances
introduced by the leads and fixture.
Because this is an important concept, let's look at it in more detail. Figure 18 can be replaced by the
following equivalent circuit model:

Rs Ls


Figure 19: Model of fixture/lead parasitic impedances

The LCR meter is modeled as a two-lead measuring device. An LCR meter that used 4-wire
measurements would not be conceptually different, except for some more terms in the model. The
leads are modeled as having a resistance R s and an inductance Ls. As the leads are likely wires
insulated with dielectric insulating material, these leads also form a lossy capacitor that is modeled
by the capacitance C p and resistance R p.
The user makes sure the DUT is not connected to the leads/fixture and the meter is told to calibrate
itself to an open circuit. This is represented by the measurement of the two impedances in series:

B&K Precision LCR Meter Guide Page 32 of 49


LCR Open circuit (no

meter Zp DUT connected)

Figure 20: Open-circuit impedance measurement

The meter measures the impedance seen on its input ports and stores the value. This impedance is
Z 0 = Z s Z p
Then the user connects a short to the test terminals. This shorts out Zp and the meter measures Zs.
The meter can then calculate Zp from Z p = Z 0−Z s. Now Zp and Zs are known. Finally, the user
measures Zm , the impedance of the DUT combined with the lead/fixture impedance:


meter Zp ZDUT

Figure 21: Total impedance measurement


Zm =
[ 1

Zp ] Z s

The impedance of the DUT is then calculated from:

Z m −Z s
1−Z m −Z s Y p
Z m = measured value of DUT, leads, and fixture
Z s = R s  j Ls
Yp=  j C p
There are situations with complicated leads and fixtures where this open/short calibration method is
not sufficient to remove the parasitic impedances associated with the leads and fixtures. Such
situations are beyond the scope of this document.
It might occur to you that it could be easier to just press the REL button on your LCR meter to
subtract out the contribution of the leads and the fixture. This is tempting because it is quicker than
an open/short calibration. However, note that the impedance being subtracted is Z s Z p. ∣Z p∣ is
probably much larger than ∣Z s∣ and this may not result in as good a measurement as where Z s and
Z p are determined separately. In fact, it makes an instructive experiment that you can perform with a
selection of components and see how well using the relative measurement works. You may find that
it doesn't work for low impedance measurements as well as an open/short calibration.

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There are also situations where you can ignore the impedances of the leads and fixture. For
example, a 1 m RG-58/U coaxial cable, dual banana to BNC adapter, and a 150 mm alligator clip
breakout have a capacitance when connected of about 0.1 nF. This is ignorable for measurements of
capacitance above 100 nF.

2-, 3-, and 4-wire measurements

There are various methods of connecting an LCR meter to the device or circuit being tested. We'll
look at three of them.

2-wire measurements
A 2-wire connection between an LCR meter and a DUT is:

meter ZDUT

Figure 22: 2-wire impedance measurement

This is the easiest way to connect a DUT to an LCR meter. However, it suffers from the drawback
that the impedance of the leads and devices to connect to the DUT are included in the
measurement. An equivalent circuit of the real measurement situation could be:



Figure 23: 2-wire impedance measurement model

The resistance of the leads is modeled by R and the lead inductance is modeled by L. Because the
leads may be relatively close in space and separated by a dielectric, this forms a capacitor C. These
impedances are called parasitic because, like a parasite, they are unwanted and can be hard to get
rid of.
By performing an open/short calibration, you may be able to remove much or most of this parasitic
impedance -- it depends on your needs and what you're measuring.
There are situations where the measurement is negligibly influenced by the lead/fixture impedance.
For example, measuring the capacitance of a 1 mF capacitor can be done with a 1 m coaxial cable
and an alligator clip breakout, which adds less than 100 pF capacitance to the measurement. The
lead/fixture impedance only contributes 0.00001% to the measured value, which is far smaller than
the measurement uncertainty.
However, if you were measuring a 100 pF capacitor, the lead/fixture stray capacitance could be
significant and would introduce a large systematic error if you didn't compensate for it.

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Here's a measurement example:
A nominal 125 pF capacitor with leads was measured. A B&K Precision 879B was used to measure
the parallel capacitance C p. The results under different measurement conditions at 10 kHz were as
follows. The coaxial connection was a 0.6 m coaxial cable with a dual banana plug adapter and a
150 mm alligator plug breakout. The connection's capacitance was 69.33 pF as measured by the
Connection Correction value, pF
None 126.64
Into lead slots REL to remove open circuit C 126.61
Open/Short calibration 126.61
None 196.47
Coaxial REL to subtract lead C 127.97
Open/Short calibration 126.85

Table 2: Lead slots vs coaxial measurements

Correcting the uncorrected coaxial measurement gives 196.47 - 69.33 or 127.14 pF.
The same capacitor was measured with the B&K Precision 886 LCR meter, using both the lead slots
and the optional 4-wire cable with Kelvin clips.
Connection Correction value, pF
None 126.4
Into lead slots REL to remove open circuit C 126.5
Open/Short calibration 126.5
None 127.9
4-wire cable REL to subtract lead C 126.6
Open/Short calibration 126.8

Table 3: Lead slots vs 4-wire cable measurements

In all cases, it was felt the most stable measurement was obtained when the open/short calibration
was used to correct for the leads and fixturing. This open/short calibration also allowed the
measurements with and without leads to agree within a few tenths of a percent. Taking the mean of
the two Open/Short calibration measurements for each meter shows they agree on the capacitor's
value within about a tenth of a percent. This is better agreement than the meters' accuracy
specifications would indicate (0.5% accuracy for these measurements).

3-wire measurements and guarding

A guarded measurement using an LCR meter can produce more stable results than an unguarded
measurement. The connection method uses shielded cable to connect to the DUT and the cables'
shields are connected to the guard terminal:

B&K Precision LCR Meter Guide Page 35 of 49

+ cable

LCR Guard
meter ZDUT

Figure 24: 3-wire impedance measurement

This type of connection can help remove some parasitic capacitance and improve the ability of the
LCR meter to measure high impedances such as resistances on the order of 10 MΩ or above.

4-wire measurements
The 4-wire measurement is well-known in the context of measuring resistance and is often referred
to as a Kelvin measurement. The same connection topology can be used for making LCR meter
measurements, although your LCR meter needs to support such connections. The schematic
diagram is:

meter V ZDUT
Figure 25: 4-wire impedance measurement

The current circuit (shown in red) applies an AC current to the DUT and the ammeter measures the
current. The voltmeter measures the voltage drop across the DUT. A key feature of a 4-wire
connection is that the voltmeter connections “c-d” to the DUT are inside the ammeter connections “a-
b”. This means that any contact resistance at a or b that could cause a voltage drop (and thus be
measured by a 2-wire measurement) is ignored by the 4-wire measurement procedure.
The 4-wire measurement is useful for low impedance and low DC resistance measurements, as the
effects of the leads are eliminated. If you are performing AC resistance measurements, make sure
you use open/short calibration to compensate for the parasitic impedances in the leads for best
measurement accuracy.
4-wire measurements can also be done with shielded cables where the shield is connected to a
guard terminal (this is sometimes called a 5-wire measurement). This can reduce noise and
measurement uncertainty.

Range and accuracy of LCR meters

It's important to ensure that you don't measure components outside of the specified ranges of values
specified in the LCR manual. The LCR meter's measurement uncertainty typically grows as you
approach the meter's largest or smallest range.

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Measurement uncertainty
Measurement uncertainty of LCR meters is usually given in the user manual under the specifications
for accuracy. A common method of specifying accuracy is to show it in the form of ±(X% + Y) where
X is a percentage of the measured value and Y is an integer specifying a count of the least
significant digit in the measurement. The meter's different ranges will typically have different
accuracy specifications. The meter's accuracy specifications also do not take into account the
effects of leads and fixturing.
The following is an example of the calculation of the accuracy for a measurement made with the
B&K Precision 886 LCR meter.
The component measured was a choke whose parallel inductance measured
L p = 2.611 H at 1 kHz with Q = 7.996. The manual for the 886 states that the measurement accuracy
for the instrument is "0.2% ± 1" for inductance in the 1.591 mH to 15.91 H range. This means the
stated accuracy is 0.2% of the measured value plus 1 digit in the least significant digit position, or 1
mH. Thus, the final accuracy statement is (2.611 ± (0.0052 + 0.001)) H or 2.611 ± 0.0062 H. For this
measurement, the accuracy is thus 0.24% of the measured value.
Unless otherwise stated, the interpretation of the accuracy is that it gives an interval within which the
measured value would lie if it could be compared to a national standard value by a significantly
better measurement process.
If you wish to translate this accuracy into a measurement uncertainty, you'll have to make an
assumption about how many standard deviations of the measured value comprises the half-width of
the accuracy interval. This is rarely specified. However, manufacturers know the distribution of their
instruments' measurement capabilities and these accuracy statements are made to reflect all
measurements made with all instruments produced by the manufacturer's production line. A
conservative assumption is to make the uncertainty equal to the accuracy half-width.
In general, you'll find the LCR meter's measurement uncertainty as a percentage of reading grows
as the measured value approaches the high and low measurement limits of the meter. For example,
low capacitance levels on the order of 1 pF and lower can present high impedances that result in low
currents. High-value inductors can have similar high impedances. These current levels can be
influenced by environmental noise and thus contribute to measurement uncertainty.

Measurement standards
To be able to trust the readings from your LCR meter, it is advisable to have various standards that
are stable over time.
Purchased commercial standards: If you require traceability to a national standards organization,
then purchasing commercial standards and having your instrument calibrated on a regular basis is a
good approach. Because such standards and calibration services can be expensive, it may make
economic sense only if you can spread these costs over numerous LCR meters in the organization
or if the cost of a mistake exceeds the standards and calibration costs.
Standards constructed in-house: You can construct your own standards. A parallel-plate
capacitor can be constructed with a suitable dielectric material between the plates. If the permittivity
of the dielectric is , the separation of the plates, t, is in m, and the area of the plates is A in m2, the
capacitance is  A/t in F. A rigid design with stable materials should result in a robust and stable
standard. Such parallel plate capacitors will likely have capacitances on the order of a few hundred
pF. If constructing coils with a desired inductance, using a ferromagnetic core can increase the
inductance. Such coils can be in the 10 μH to 1 mH range.
You may also be able to use existing items as standards. For example, a transformer with one
primary and one secondary can provide two standard inductance values once they are calibrated
and mounted in a container with suitable connectors.

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Commercial components calibrated by a measurement lab: Since purchased commercial
components can be low-cost, a practical source of standards is to select a set of commercial
components, have their values calibrated, then treat them as reference standards. You'll want to
check their calibrated values on a periodic basis to ensure that the values do not change over time.
They can then be used with your LCR meters to generate working standards.
Since measurement standards can represent significant investments in time and effort, you'll want to
establish procedures for using, storing, and calibrating these standards to ensure they remain stable
and undamaged over time.

Measurement discrepancies
LCR meter measurements are more involved than digital multimeter measurements and at some
point, you'll probably encounter measurement discrepancies. These can be confusing and
frustrating, especially if you can't discover the cause of the discrepancy. In this section, we'll look at
some of the things that can cause measurement discrepancies.
Many LCR meters start with a measurement of impedance8. As discussed elsewhere in this
document (refer to the experiment Measurement of impedance with an oscilloscope), the
impedance is calculated by dividing the voltage measured across the DUT by the measured current
through the DUT -- and remember these are AC measurements made at a particular frequency.
Frequency: Since reactance is a function of frequency, one of the first things to do is make sure
you are measuring at the same frequency. A factor of 10 error in the frequency leads to a factor of
10 error in the measured reactance. The effect on the impedance depends on the size of the real
part. If we suppose that the reactance X is transformed into the reactance  X by a mistake in test
frequency, then the magnitude of the impedance will be transformed to  R 2  2 X 2 and the tangent
of the phase angle of the impedance will become  X /R.
As a numerical example, assume R and X are both 1 Ω. Then the magnitude of the impedance is  2
Ω and the phase angle is 45°. If the reactance is reduced by a factor of  = 0.1, then the magnitude
of the impedance becomes 1.005 Ω and the phase angle is 5.7°. If the reactance is increased by a
factor of  = 10, then the magnitude of the impedance is 10.05 Ω and the phase angle is 84.3°.
Here's a to-scale plot of these impedance phasors to give you a feel for how big the effect of a 10X
frequency mistake is:

Reactance Reactance increased by 10X

Original reactance of 1 + j

Reactance decreased by 10X

Figure 26: Effect of reactance frequency discrepancies
You can see the change in measured impedance can be large, so a large measurement discrepancy
should make you suspect measurements at different frequencies.

8 There are actually a variety of impedance measurement methods for different frequency regimes.

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Signal amplitude: The measured impedance can depend on the signal amplitude used as can the
measurement uncertainty. Thus, if your LCR meter allows control over the measuring signal's
amplitude, ensure you use the same amplitude for the two measurements.
Out of range: You may get strange or non-repeatable results if you measure a component outside
the specified range of your LCR meter.
Equivalent circuit: For components with dissipation factors that are not close to zero, the series
and parallel inductance or capacitance can differ significantly. Make sure you're comparing numbers
for the same equivalent circuit. Unfortunately, it is often unclear which measurement model was
used for a particular measurement if undocumented, making it difficult to duplicate the original
measurement conditions.
Connection type: You may have made measurements on the same device or circuit with two
different LCR meters and have been surprised by discrepancies in the measured values. One cause
of this can be that you didn't make the same connection type to the DUT, which can be especially
troublesome for low impedance measurements. Such low impedance measurement problems can
be reduced by using an LCR meter that uses 4-wire measurements. Always remember that the
leads and fixturing contribute to the measured impedance and using an open/short calibration can
help compensate for this. However, since open/short calibrations take a little time, busy people
sometimes neglect them. A discrepancy thus might be caused by the impedance of the leads or
DC bias: Another type of discrepancy can be a measured inductance that is different than what the
inductor's manufacturer specifies. One cause of such discrepancies is that the manufacturer
specified it for operation at a certain DC current bias, but you tested it at a different bias current or
no bias current. Capacitors can also have their capacitance depend on the DC bias.
Parasitic impedances: A discrepancy can be caused by neglecting the parasitic impedances in the
measurement leads/fixture, especially when the parasitic impedances are on the order of the actual
impedance values you're trying to measure. Thus, for low capacitances and inductances, it's
important to ensure that you've corrected for the parasitic impedances. The recommended way to do
this is to perform an open/short compensation at the test conditions to be used.
Changes over time: Components have been known to change their values over time. Electrolytic
capacitors are a good example, although it may slowly happen over time or stress. High-K ceramic
capacitors can decrease their capacitance over time. Changing humidity levels may also influence
component or circuit impedances. For instance, consider a hygroscopic ionic contaminant on a PC
board that changes the leakage current between traces as a function of humidity.
History: Components and circuits can have complicated behaviors that depend on past history. For
example, consider dielectric absorption or magnetic hysteresis in a ferromagnetic core. Unless you
can ensure the part is tested in the same state as it was in for the previous measurement, you may
see a discrepancy.
Some other examples are:
• An external magnetic field larger than the coercivity of an inductor's core could magnetize the
core so that it operated at a different point on the hysteresis curve than the designer
intended, even if the proper DC bias current was applied.
• A component's value could be permanently changed by an electrostatic discharge event.
• Exposure to the ultraviolet photons in sunlight could cause slow degradation of a plastic,
leading to an electrical behavior difference.
• Excessive vibration could cause mechanical changes in a component or circuit.
• Environmental stresses can cause things to change their electrical behavior over time.

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Temperature: Devices as well as the LCR meter itself can change their electrical characteristics as
a function of temperature. A discrepancy can be caused by measurements at different temperatures.
Dissimilar metals can cause thermoelectric biases. Temperature changes can cause permittivity or
permeability changes.
Measure the same thing: When analyzing a discrepancy, make sure the two measurements
actually measured the same thing. If your measurement used the parallel equivalent circuit model,
but the other measurement used a more complicated equivalent circuit, it won't be surprising if you
report different numbers -- and you may never be able to resolve the discrepancy.
Noise: As in all electrical measurements, noise can be a contributing factor to measurement
uncertainty. Since an LCR meter makes current and voltage measurements, it can be influenced by
noise. An example would be if you're operating the LCR meter next to a significant source of
electromagnetic interference such as a large transformer or motor. The EMI could cause
measurement discrepancies that could be hard to track down. Higher frequency noise from
computers or switching power supplies could also be noise contributors. Noise can come from other
sources too. Triboelectric noise or microphonics can occur when the test environment includes
vibration and circuit components that can move relative to each other.
Calibration: If the LCR meter is out of calibration or has been handled roughly, it might not perform
to its specifications. The fix is to make sure the instrument has been checked and calibrated by a
suitable calibration lab. A good tactical tool for finding calibration problems is to keep a number of
working standards on hand for checking the instrument.
Different instruments: A discrepancy can be caused by using two significantly different
instruments. They may make measurements in different physical ways that are not directly
comparable. While this would be unusual for an LCR meter because electrical standards are well-
defined, it could be a corner case to consider when other things haven't explained the discrepancy.

Good practices
This section contains tips and suggestions to help you get the most out of your LCR meter.

Use measurement standards to help assure yourself the LCR meter is

measuring what you think it is.

To be able to repeat measurements in the future, use good lab practices

in documenting the measurement conditions. Besides the measurement
Record test equivalent circuit model, instrument settings, calibration information,
conditions etc., record such things as instrument model number, serial number,
time of day, temperature, humidity, location, and other things that might
influence the collection or interpretation of measurements.

B&K Precision LCR Meter Guide Page 40 of 49

After setting up all your LCR meter parameters, perform an open/short
calibration. This helps ensure you get the best accuracy from the
Compensate leads
instrument. Manufacturers usually state that the instrument will perform
and test fixture
to its specified accuracy only if a proper open/short calibration has been

When measuring components or circuits, make sure you understand the

Understand required measurement conditions the manufacturer or designer specifies. Failing
measurement to use the required conditions can result in measurement discrepancies.
conditions For example, if an inductor requires a DC bias for measurement, you
need to ensure your measurement includes the proper bias current.

Be sensitive to how the measurement environment can differ from

Environment "standard". For example, making measurements in a cold warehouse
can produce different readings than what you make at your bench.

Calibrated and Ensure the LCR meter is in calibration and functioning correctly. Double
properly functioning check the calibration with your working standards.

Measuring a charged capacitor is the same as applying a DC bias to the

Avoid charged
LCR meter's input terminals. You may damage the instrument by doing
this, especially with a capacitor that has a relatively high voltage on it.

Appropriate Use the series model for reactances less than about 100 Ω and the
measurement model parallel model for reactances larger than 100 Ω.

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LCR meters typically measure AC resistance and some will also
Don't confuse AC
measure DC resistance. Because of parasitic impedances, the DC and
and DC resistance
AC resistance values may be different.

Don't measure components with values outside the measurement limits

Respect limits
of the meter.

Use the proper test

Try to test the component circuit at the frequency at which it will be used.

When possible, measure impedance in polar coordinates. The

magnitude is in ohms and you can compare the measured value with
your experiences. Remember that current is inhibited by either a
Use your physical resistance or reactance, so the impedance magnitude is important. The
intuition phase angle of the impedance tells you whether you're dealing with a
capacitive or inductive reactance. The closer the absolute value of the
phase is to 90°, the more pure the reactance and its power dissipation
will be lower (i.e., low D and high Q).

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What is admittance?
Admittance Y is defined to be the reciprocal of impedance:
Admittances are useful in analyzing parallel circuits because parallel admittances add algebraically
to give the composite admittance. The real part of the admittance is called conductance G and the
imaginary part is called the susceptance B. Both conductance and susceptance have physical units
of siemens S9. The definition is sometimes given as:
Y = G j B
Here is a quick demonstration of the utility of conductance. Suppose you have two resistors of 3 Ω
and 8 Ω. What is their resistance when they are in parallel? The resistances can be converted to
conductances of 0.333 S and 0.125 S, and then added to get 0.458 S.
The reciprocal of this is 2.18 Ω. A calculation with the usual parallel resistance formula yields (3)(8)/
(3 + 8) = 24/11 = 2.18, as we'd expect. The utility of admittance comes when performing calculations
with phasors, as the equivalent impedance of a portion of a circuit with impedances in parallel can
be calculated by adding the phasors representing the admittances. The result can then be converted
back to an impedance by taking the reciprocal.
In truth, if you have a calculator that can handle complex numbers, you probably won't need to deal
with admittances much when you do impedance calculations.

Why do I get a negative reading?

You may occasionally be surprised when you see an LCR meter measure a negative quantity. Some
possible causes of this can be:
Wrong component model: You could be measuring the inductance of a capacitor or the
capacitance of an inductor. This may be easy to demonstrate by setting the LCR meter to
capacitance and shorting the leads. Set the LCR meter to measure inductance and leave the leads
Relative mode: You have the LCR meter in relative mode and you're seeing a measured value
below the value used as a reference. This should be resolvable by looking to see if the "REL"
relative mode indicator is on in the display.
LC circuit: You could be measuring a circuit that contains both capacitance and inductance. A
series LC circuit behaves like a capacitor at low frequencies and an inductor at high frequencies. A
parallel LC circuit behaves like an inductor at low frequencies and a capacitor at high frequencies.

A motor measurement example

In this example, we measure the inductance, capacitance, and impedance of a motor winding as a
function of frequency. Here is a table of measurements made with a B&K Precision 886 LCR meter
for the high-speed winding of a 1/3 hp, 3-speed furnace fan induction motor as a function of

9 S stands for the SI unit of siemens and is 1 ampere per volt. The word siemens is both singular and plural in
English usage, so it's proper to say “one siemens”.

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kHz Ls, mH Q Cp , nF D |Z|, Ω θ, deg.
0.1 18.23 1.869 -108000 0.534 12.99 61.85
1 16.17 5.890 -1562 0.169 103 80.36
10 13.66 4.398 -17.62 0.227 880.5 77.19
100 -2.236 2.999 1.02 0.333 1481 -71.56

Note the negative inductance and capacitances. Since the impedance is behaving like an inductor at
low frequencies and a capacitor at high frequencies, here's an equivalent circuit model that might
explain this behavior:

Figure 27: Fan motor stator equivalent circuit

The capacitance would arise physically because of the distributed capacitance between the wires of
adjacent windings. Let's see if this lumped parameter model might adequately model this situation.
We can estimate R from the 100 Hz impedance measurement as 13 cos61.85 ° or 6.1 ohms (the
DC resistance measured about 3 ohms, so this 6 ohms is a 100 Hz equivalent series resistance). If
we assume the inductance L is 18 mH from the 100 Hz measurement and the capacitance is 1 nF
from the 100 kHz measurement, we can plot how well this model predicts the measured
impedances. The red dots are the measured values and the blue lines are the model's predictions.

Figure 28

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This lumped parameter model appears to predict the the measured behavior fairly well and would be
a good starting point for a better model.
Regardless of whether we have a good model of the equivalent circuit or not, the LCR meter
measures the impedance, then calculates the requested parameters from the measured impedance.
The measured 100 kHz impedance is 1481 ∢−71.56 ° and this phasor in rectangular coordinates
is 468−1404j ohms. Comparing the imaginary part to the impedance relationship Z = R s  j  Ls for
inductors, we would calculate the series model inductance as:
ImZ  −1404
Ls = = 5
= −2.23 mH
 2  10
i.e., a negative inductance and exactly what was measured by the LCR meter.
Thus, an apparently unphysical measurement (e.g., a negative capacitance or inductance) may be
an artifact of the assumed physical model. In this example's case, the measurement of the series
inductance Ls at 100 kHz resulted in a negative inductance. We showed that the model in Figure 27
fit the experimental data fairly well. However, the Ls measurement of the LCR meter at 100 kHz
forced the series model in Figure 6 to fit the data. The only way this model of a resistor and inductor
in series could be made to fit the measured impedance with a negative phase angle would be if the
inductance was negative.
Some key points:
♦ When things don't make sense, examine the impedance measurement.
♦ Don't assume an LCR measurement is wrong, even if it gives unphysical measurements --
investigate what is going on.
♦ The equivalent circuit model you use can have a big impact on how you interpret data.
♦ A negative inductance probably means you are measuring a capacitance. A negative
capacitance probably means you are measuring an inductor.
As an aside, there is one measurement that you can get with a digital multimeter that is an
unphysical measurement: a negative DC resistance. This measurement means either your
multimeter is broken or you're making a measurement with a DC bias present in the circuit you're
measuring. Reverse the leads, measure again, and average the two measurements to get the
correct resistance measurement.

Why can't I get a stable reading?

Occasionally an LCR meter will frustrate you because it won't give you a stable reading. A first step
to understanding why is to measure the impedance and observe what happens. If the impedance
magnitude or phase won't settle to stable values, none of the parameters computed from the
impedance such as Rs, Rp, Cs, Cp, Ls, Lp, D, Q, or θ will either. Some possible causes are the
Too much noise: There could be too much noise, especially for high impedances where the
associated currents are small. Remember that to measure the impedance, the meter needs to apply
a known voltage and measure the current, along with the phase angle between the current and the
voltage. These low current levels may be influenced by extraneous sources of noise and therefore
give unstable readings. You can try testing at a different frequency and extrapolate the results to the
frequency of interest, but this can be a dubious practice in the face of unknown parasitic impedances
or circuits/components that are not well-modeled by the simple equivalent circuits used by LCR
meters. If you're in an electromagnetically noisy environment, try making the measurement in a
different environment or if this is not possible, try using various electromagnetic shielding methods

B&K Precision LCR Meter Guide Page 45 of 49

(e.g., Faraday cage, Permalloy shields, etc.). If you're using leads, change to leads made from
coaxial cables and use guarding to reduce the effects of noise (see 3-wire measurements and
guarding). Another solution may be to measure the impedance with a different LCR meter that uses
a different measurement method because it might not be so sensitive to the measuring conditions.
The component is exhibiting a complicated behavior: The impedance measurement might not
stabilize due to a complicated material property of the component. These types of instabilities may
manifest themselves by giving continuously increasing or decreasing values, then stabilizing after a
period of time. When this happens with capacitors, the effect may be caused by dielectric absorption
or other properties of the dielectric. When it happens with inductors, it may be related to some
magnetization property of the inductor's core10. In both cases, the behavior can be caused by the
complicated electric or magnetic polarization behavior of dipoles and multipoles in the crystal lattices
of real materials.
You are trying to measure a component that is near or beyond the meter's measurement
limits: Capacitors that are larger than the meter's ability to measure may make the meter's display
freeze. See This capacitor is too large to measure for some more information on this problem.

This inductance doesn't measure correctly

Some manufacturers specify the operation of an inductor under a DC bias. This DC bias can position
the operating point at a particular point on the hysteresis curve of the core material. To reproduce
the measurements made by the manufacturer, you'll want to ensure the inductor's inductance is
measured at the bias conditions specified by the manufacturer. Check your LCR meter's manual to
see if it is capable of making inductance measurements while a DC bias current is supplied to the
Another possibility is that you're trying to measure a component while it's installed in a circuit. This
can be done for some components, especially components that are low impedance compared to
those around them. However, the LCR meter sees the whole circuit as an impedance, so you may
not get the true value of the component. The only way to know is to remove the component from the
circuit. This means desoldering a surface mount device or clipping a lead on a device with leads.

This capacitor is too large to measure

Modern large capacitors may have capacitance values beyond the measurement capabilities of an
LCR meter. If you need to measure many of these accurately, it may be worth your while to find an
instrument that is rated to handle them. However, if it's only an occasional need, there may be other
ways to measure the capacitance. Here are some ideas to explore:
1. Use a suitable low-value resistor and measure the time constant of the resulting RC network.
2. Start with a discharged capacitor. Apply a constant current to the capacitor using a DC power
supply and time how long the current is applied. Then measure the voltage immediately after
the current is turned off. The capacitance is the current in A multiplied by the time in seconds
divided by the voltage in volts. Since a digital multimeter typically uses a constant current
source to measure resistance, you can use an ohmmeter measurement with a stopwatch to
perform this capacitance measurement. Measure the magnitude of the current source first.
3. You may want to consult IEC standards 62391-1 and 62391-2 for standardized methods of
measuring large capacitors.
Note: Dielectric absorption with large capacitors can provide measurement challenges. Make sure
you start with a capacitor that has been thoroughly discharged per the manufacturer's specifications.

10 If it happens with an air-core inductor, it may lead you to believe that the LCR meter may not be working
correctly or you're measuring near the meter's physical measurement capabilities.

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Glossary and symbols
A symbol in this color represents a complex quantity (phasor). Click on the links to go to the
relevant section in the document.
Bp Parallel susceptance
Gp Parallel conductance
∣Z∣ Magnitude of impedance
Ls Series inductance
Lp Parallel inductance
Cs Series capacitance
Cp Parallel capacitance
Rp Parallel resistance
Rs ESR (equivalent series resistance)
AC Alternating current. While it refers to current, the term is used as a modifier
to any electrical parameter that varies with time (whether that variation is
sinusoidal or not).
admittance The reciprocal of impedance.
B Susceptance
C Capacitance
capacitance A measurement that often characterizes the amount of charge stored in
capacitors. The standard equation for capacitance is C = Q/V, where C
stands for capacitance, Q is the charge on the parallel plates, and V is the
voltage across those plates. It's generally measured in the unit, Farad (F).
complex number A pair of numbers with a defined algebra (i.e., they are a mathematical
field). They have proven to be useful in modeling the behavior of sinusoidal
electrical quantities that require the notion of amplitude and phase. Part of
their usefulness results from Euler's theorem relating the complex
exponential function to the trigonometric functions.
conductance The imaginary part of the admittance.
D Dissipation factor
DC Direct current. While it refers to current, the term is used as a modifier to
any electrical parameter that does not vary with time.
DCR DC resistance
dissipation factor The ratio D of a component's resistance to its reactance; convention uses
the dissipation factor for capacitors and the quality factor Q for inductors.
DUT Device under test. This is usually used to refer to the component or circuit
being measured by the LCR meter.

B&K Precision LCR Meter Guide Page 47 of 49

G Conductance
guard A guard is an electrical measurement technique used to reduce the effect of
common mode currents, which can add uncertainty to measurements.
impedance Opposition to electrical current flow. Defined to be the voltage divided by the
inductance A measurement that is defined in terms of emf, electromotive force, that is
generated to oppose any change in current. The unit for measurement is in
Henry (H).
L Inductance
open/short calibration A measurement of an open and a short used by an LCR meter to
compensate for measurement leads and fixtures. See Open/short
calibration for more details.
phasor A complex number used to represent the amplitude and phase of a
sinusoidal quantity at a specified frequency. Phasors are useful in the
analysis of the steady state behavior of circuits because they can replace
the solution of differential equations with the algebra of complex numbers.
Q Quality factor
quality factor The ratio Q of a component's reactance to its resistance; convention uses
the quality factor for inductors and the dissipation factor D for capacitors.
reactance The imaginary part of an impedance when the impedance is expressed in
rectangular coordinates.
resistance A measurement that indicates the amount of current given a potential
difference. The standard formula to compute this measurement in electronic
circuits is R = V/I, and the unit is ohms, often indicated by the Greek symbol
omega (Ω).
rotor influence check Measuring the inductance of an induction motor's winding(s) as a function of
rotor angle. Plots of this information can give subtle clues about the health
of the motor.
sinusoid A waveform with the shape of a sine wave. It is characterized by the
equation A cos t  where A is the amplitude,  is the angular frequency,
and  is the phase.
susceptance The imaginary part of the admittance.
tan  A number numerically equal to the dissipation factor. The angle  is the
complement of the phase angle θ of an impedance.
Y Admittance, a phasor.
Z Impedance, a phasor.
θ Phase angle of impedance
ω Radian frequency in radians per second. Calculated from the frequency f in
Hz by 2 π f .

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