User Guide On Poultry Rearing: Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries
User Guide On Poultry Rearing: Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries
User Guide On Poultry Rearing: Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries
August 2011
National Agricultural
Advisory Services
Poultry Rearing
Poultry contributes to improved human nutrition and food security by being a
leading source of high quality protein in form of eggs and meat. It acts as a key
supplement to revenue from crops and other livestock enterprises, thus avoiding
over dependency on traditional commodities with inconsistent prices. It has a high
potential to generate foreign exchange earnings through export of poultry products
to neighboring countries. Poultry is highly prized in many social-cultural functions
such as dowry and festivities. The poultry industry in Uganda is relatively new. Its
major problem is therefore associated with its further expansion, though care
must be taken to avoid overproduction. The industry is characterized by widely
diverse methods of production which include the following: village flocks, smallscale commercial flocks and large-scale commercial farms. Constraints in poultry
production include: production related constraints (inadequate access to improved
breed, access and affordability of feed, disease control); lack of knowledge and skills,
inadequate capital at all levels and marketing.
Systems of Management
Free range
Housing: essential features
Building a large poultry house ideal for chicken
Be rainproof
Be secure from windy rains
Have smooth surface walls to stop mites and other pests from hiding
Periodically spraying the poultry unit with insecticide and disinfectants
Periodically removing the dropping/cleaning the poultry house regularly
Have good ventilation and in hotter areas at least 2 sides should be partly
chicken wire mesh
Preferably have cemented floor for ease of cleaning and disinfecting
Be rat-proof
Using plenty of litter after cleaning the poultry house
Keeping the right number of birds in poultry houses
Separating chicks from old birds
Poultry Rearing
Management of chicks
Before chicks arrive at home; make sure that;
o A brooder is in place
o Paraffin lamps/electric bulbs/charcoal stove is available
o Litter for the floor is available
o 1m2 will accommodate 20 chicks upto 4 weeks old.
Temperature control: 350C for day-old chicks, 24-270C for 1 week. Reduce
heat as they grow especially at night.
Feeding Exotic chicken
o Broilers 1 to 3 weeks feed with chick mash, 3 to 6 weeks feed
with broiler starter, thereafter with broiler finisher.
o Layers 1 to 8 weeks feed on chick mash, after 8 weeks introduce
growers mash gradually, then with layers mash after drop of first
Poultry Rearing
Management of Layers
Allow for good air circulation in laying house
Layer needs on average 120 gm of food per day
Distribute food troughs and water troughs evenly (one basin/50 birds)
Provide grit at 20 weeks
Laying nests must be kept in dark places, collect eggs 3 times a day, allow
a nest/5 hens
Provide soft clean litter
Store eggs with small end down
Clean dirty eggs with steel wool/coarse leaves (never wash them)
Add greens to the diet and whenever possible vitamins to water
Debeaking at onset of lay
Culling when egg production drops below 40%
Poultry Rearing
Laying nests.
Poultry Rearing
Poultry Rearing
3. Selective Breeding
Even in the local birds, there are some laying strains and those that can be
developed for meat production.
Poultry Rearing
to guide
you when
egg strain
to guide
you when
broiler strain
Poultry Rearing
Egg collection.
Poultry Rearing
Economics of production
Usually 80% of hens are programmable i.e. 11 in this example
If each is given 17 selected eggs (11x17 =187 eggs)
Hatchability is usually 90% i.e. (11x15= 165 day old chicks)
3 to 5 hatchings are possible per bird though 7 hatchings are possible if
birds sit on the eggs consecutively.(You must provide adequate water and
Remember to change water frequently
Therefore with 14 birds, a farmer may hatch (4x165) =495 to (5x165) =
825 chicks with possibility of 1159 chicks if seven hatches are attained per
Poultry Rearing
Poultry Rearing