MIS205 A1 Group Sec08 OrangeHRM
MIS205 A1 Group Sec08 OrangeHRM
MIS205 A1 Group Sec08 OrangeHRM
Group Assignment
OrangeHRM configuration and analysis
Submitted to:
2. AmbreenMorshed
3.Arifur Rahman
4.Akibul Islam
Submission Date: 17th October 2015
Adeyl Khan (Ayn)
Course Instructor
Computer and Information Systems (MIS-205)
School Of Business
North South University
Subject: Submission of report on OrangeHRM configuration and analysis
Dear Sir,
It is a great pleasure for us to submit this report on OrangeHRM configuration and
We are pleased to inform you that we have thoroughly enjoyed working through this
term paper and all of our representatives have contributed efficiently and moreover
effectively to finish this significant report. This has enabled us to gain valuable
knowledge and experience that is essential in our career development.
Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to convey our deep regard for your
valuable guidance and sincere inspiration. We hope you will enjoy reading this paper.
Yours sincerely,
1. Erfan Ahmed
2. Ambreen Morshed
3.Arifur Rahman
4.Akibul Islam
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This project was quite good to learn a lot of technical things like PHP, JavaScript, CSS,
HTML etc., at the same time it gave me the confidence to work in the real life and
professional set up. I feel the experience gained during the project would lead me
towards a good professional life.
I wish to express my profound gratitude to my Guide Mr. Adeyl Khan for giving an
opportunity to do this project in the Institute for North South University.
At the end, I am also thankful to Adeyl Khan Website for giving us valuable suggestions
during the work.
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From its founding, the company grew first to product over 100,000 sweater
at its Narayanganj factory, and then it expanded to Gazipur and recently at
Chittagong. Current capacity of BGT Knitwear is more than 300,000 sweater.
The company employs 4,000 full- and part-time employees. In 2012, the
company had assets of 400 million taka and generated revenue close to 60
million taka.
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7. Click Save.
8. Select Job > Job Specifications.
9. Click Add.
Exempt or Non-Exempt, Salaried, Commission, Hourly, or other status. Rates.
Part-time, terminated, and so on.
10. Enter a name in the Name field and then click Save. This choice will now appear
in the Job Specification drop-down menu.
Working with Qualifications
Often, training and education are sub-functions of a companys HR department.
OrangeHRM allows you to work with Qualification courses or categories, which are
important when dealing with technical or licensed employees. In many industries,
employees are encouraged to take continuing education, while in others, they are
required to maintain qualifications set by government agencies or professional
To create a Qualification:
1. Select Admin > Qualification.
2. Youll see 2 categories youll need to configure.
EducationDefine institutions and courses.
LicensesDefine professional licenses.
3. Select Admin > Qualification > Education.
4. Enter an institution name and a course title.
5. Click Save.
6. Select Admin > Qualification > Licenses.
7. Enter the name of the license you want to define. OrangeHRM automatically
assigns a unique identification number.
8. Click Save.
Editing Employee Information
While youll only add an employees information once, youll likely need to edit the
data more often. Use the PIM module also to edit employee information. Some of
the most frequently changed data includes changing surnames due to marriage,
salary and pay grade due to promotion, or other benefit information due to addition
of a dependent.
To edit employee PIM data:
1. Click PIM. Your companys employee list screen appears.
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General Information
To see general information
Click admin
General Information
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the signs of a software company that listens to what its clients want and
need on a regular basis, plus has a skilled development team to keep things
running smoothly.
4 Live Knowledgeable Support
If there is ever a product issue, the one factor you will need the most is live
technical support from a knowledgeable team. There is nothing more
frustrating for an HR department than not having access to an HRM that
stores employee data due to a software or web error. Before selecting your
HRM solution, pick up the phone and ask support related questions to
evaluate how responsive a company is.
5 Try Before You Buy
Because of all the features that an HRM has, it can be an expensive purchase
for any company. However, a good HRM provider will offer an Open Source
option that you can try before you buy any customization. While there are
free trials of some products, you can get locked into costly features you do
not want to use in the future.
You will need to be running an Operating System that supports the Apache
HTTP Server and MySQL database server. In addition to that following prerequisites must be installed.
1. Apache HTTP Server 1.3 or later
2. MySQL 5.0 or later
3. PHP 5.1.0 or later
Instead of installing above mentioned pre-requisites separately, it is possible
to install a stack which has MySQL, Apache and PHP configured to work
An Extranet is actually an Intranet that is partially accessible to authorized
outsiders. The actual server (the computer that serves up the web pages)
will reside behind a firewall. The firewall helps to control access between the
Intranet and Internet permitting access to the Intranet only to people who
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are suitably authorized. The level of access can be set to different levels for
individuals or groups of outside users. The access can be based on a
username and password or an IP address (a unique set of numbers such as that defines the computer that the user is on).
We are using the three systems for the report.OrangeHRM on
demand is hosted on RackSpace servers. Rack Space is one of the
fastest and most reliable hosting service providers.
This systems are the most effective way the get the organizational
To prevent from these threats, BTG knitwear LTD. have to follow the
United Nation and the Standards organizations and standards.
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This system is quite good. It is professional and reliable workstation. Overall,
OrangeHRM stands out from most of the open source HRM software with a
wide array of user-friendly features. I would like to know if you have
something to suggest about its limitation.
This project was quite helpful for me in learning many new things related to
PHP, HTML, JAVASCRIPT and OrangeHRM. Although the project was a little bit
difficult because I had to change the software OrangeHRM according to
IDRBTs requirements tried my level best to achieve the objective my project.
The project is still requires more time and more functionalities to be added to
fulfill the requirements of IDRBT.
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URL: http://btgknitwear.trial412.orangehrmlive.com
Username: Admin
Password: TcIuU7Hw
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