Intern Report
Intern Report
Intern Report
Submitted by
A Z M Saimum Arafat Chowdhury
ID 15305042
Session: 2014-2015
Department of Human Resource Management
University of Chittagong
Chattogram-4331, Bangladesh
Dear Sir,
It is a great pleasure for me to submit the Internship report on “Human Resource
Management Practices of JMS Garments Ltd.’’ I am submitting this report as a part of
my B.B.A. Program. I have acquired significant knowledge during the period of preparing
this internship report. I tried my best to experience & collect relevant information for
framing a complete report. Without the sincere co-operation and proper guidance of yours,
it may not be possible for me to complete the report properly.
I hope you will assess my report considering the limitations and mistakes of the study.
Your kind advice will encourage me to do further research in future. I hope your guidance
will be the stair to my success.
Sincerely Yours
BBA (8th Semester)
ID: 15305042
Session: 2014-15
Department of Human Resource Management,
University of Chittagong
Supervisor’s Declaration
This is to certify that this internship report titled “Human Resource Management
Practices of JMS Garments Ltd.’’ prepared by a student of Bachelor of Business
Administration belonging to A Z M SAIMUM ARAFAT CHOWDHURY, BBA (8th
Semester), ID-15305042, Session: 2014-15, Department of Human Resources
Management under the Faculty of Business administration, University of Chittagong, for
the fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration.
I certify that this work and contents of this report has been conducted under my supervision.
Shanewaz Mahmood Sohel
Associate Professor
Department of Human Resource Management
University of Chittagong
Initially, let me show my deepest gratitude towards Almighty Allah, who has enabled me
to complete my internship in good health and prepare the report accordingly. I also feel
much pleasure to express my thankfulness, sincere appreciation and profound respect to
my honorable supervisor, MR. Shanewaz Mahmood Sohel, Associate Professor,
Department of Human Resources Management, University of Chittagong, for his generous
help, valuable guidance and useful suggestions regarding this report. I feel grateful to the
internship placement committee for arranging such a great opportunity.
My thanks and gratitude to the authority of JMS Garments Ltd to allow me to complete my
internship at their company. I would like to express my indebtedness to Mr. A H Mamun
(Assistant Manager, HR and Payroll & Environment) who as my intern supervisor gave
special attention to me right from the very beginning of my internship. Thanks for all from
the core of my heart.
I would also like to thank the authority of JMS Garments Ltd. for giving me the opportunity
to do my internship in this well renowned organization. The experience & knowledge
gained in this process helped me to understand different aspects related to my study.
Finally, I am also grateful to all officials for their friendly behavior, cooperation and
services during my internship period.
Executive Summary
In the first part of the report, the background objectives of the study, scope of the study,
limitation of the study and problem statement are given.
The second part consists of the Company overview i.e. the mission, vision, historical
background etc. of the study.
In the third chapter, I elaborated the theoretical aspects of Human Resource Management
such as definition, job analysis, recruitment, selection, orientation, training & development,
compensation & benefits etc.
In the fourth chapter I showed the findings from the internship program which are the
overall HR practices of JMS Garments Ltd.
The fifth part is about the analysis and discussion of findings and suggestions that come up
as a result of the findings and the conclusion of the report. The study generally talks about
how effective their HRM practices and how they can improve it in the near future.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 1
3.5 Selection .................................................................................................................. 19
4.5 Compliance.............................................................................................................. 42
6.3 Conclusion............................................................................................................... 61
References ......................................................................................................................... 62
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
Human resources are the most concerning issue in any organization because an
organization is run by Human asset not by machines. So, it is important to maintain these
human resources in order to gain long term success in Business. Now Human Resource
department is the emerging field in the new era of corporate world. In fact, Employees are
treated as the backbone of the organization because each and every employee of the
organization puts his best effort to reach the organizational goals.
The main target of this report is to have an overall view about “HR practices of JMS
Garments Ltd.”, located at CEPZ in Chittagong, Bangladesh.
JMS Garments Ltd. is one of the leading fashion wear manufacturing ready-made-garments
in Bangladesh with thousands of manpower that are controlled by an efficient & effective
Human Resource department. It handles issues related to employee policy making, HR
planning, recruitment and selection, Training and development, performance management,
compensation and benefits, working environment, health & safety etc.
1.2 Objectives of the study
The major objective of this study is to fulfill the academic requirements as well as to gather
practical and theoretical knowledge about the discipline management of the company.
This study will help to recognize the major activities, analysis & practices in HR-
Department with a special emphasis on JMS Garments Ltd. And to try to enhance the
knowledge on how the Human resource activities are practiced in an organization and to
relate them with the concepts of the texts of the course “Human Resource Management”.
This practical knowledge will also assist us to face challenges efficiently in our future
corporate career. In addition to the principal objective, the followings are some of the
significant focus of this type of study:
1.3 Methodology of the study
This report has been prepared on the basis of experience gathered during the internship
period. For the purpose of preparing this report, I have undertaken some group discussions,
participated in some internal training sessions. I have collected the required data from some
workers, officers and other employees of the company. I’ve even used some external source
in order to gather sufficient information. During the internship I have collected information
and data from the following sources which helped me to make the report. The source has
been divided into two parts such as:
Primary Sources
During my two month internship period, I was involved in HR & Admin department. I
have used the following means to collect primary information:
Personal observation & Informal discussion with the responsible officials of JMS
Garments Ltd.
Individual experience and job related training area.
Face to face conversation and direct interview of top to lower level managers.
Secondary data
Secondary data are collected from the following sources:
Printing materials & financial reports provided by the company.
Website of the company.
HR manuals.
Various documents such as organizational organogram, Workers guidelines,
Employee service book, Code of conduct are used in preparing this report.
1.4 Scope of the study
The report deals with the overall HR practices and processes in terms of theoretical point
of view and the practical use in regard. The study will allow us to learn about how the
processes and practices actually function in JMS Garments Ltd. This report also helps to
understand what kind of medium and methods they use, how they attract qualified
candidates for a vacant position, how they manage recruiting and selecting the right
candidate for a specific position, how they ensure quality work by supplying the qualified
candidates and how they ensure effective management of them and so on. So it is my
pleasure that I have got a chance to get the taste of real scenario in such a reputed firm.
This internship program gave me a greater scope and opportunity for the actual experience
and knowledge in several areas which will surely endure me to sustain my career in the
highly competitive corporate environment.
The allocated time was not enough to get involved with the vast and complex
process of Corporate HR activities of JMS Garments Ltd.
Every organization has their own secrecy and they are very picky reveal them to
others. That is the reason they did not disclose much information.
The website of this company does not provide a good deal of information.
Since the company’s personnel are very busy in their activities as JMS Garments
Ltd is one of the leading export–oriented organizations, there were little
possibilities for them to assist me properly in spite of their hearty willingness.
Chapter 2
Company Overview
2.1 Company Profile
Overview of JMS Garments Ltd
JMS Group started its maiden journey with the establishment of a trading company in
1985. The first industrial venture of the group, a RMG industry, namely Fashion Product
Ltd, was established in 1994 with 140 machines and 300 workers. Fueled by increasing
demand for textile products from its western clients and considering own business
potential, the management decided to set up new RMG factories and also diversify the
business. The business grew faster and by one and a half decade turned into a group of
companies to stand a total of 9 (nine) companies including 3 RMG factories having more
than 7000 workers/employees and above 4500 machines with sustained good will. The
other ventures are, agro-based and service sector industries like shipping firm, P & I
Correspondent Company etcetera.
Mr. Mahmud Ali is the founder and Managing Director of the group companies. He
received best RMG Manufacturer’s award from the Prime Minister of Peoples Republic
of Bangladesh for Chittagong region for the year 2002. Again received similar award
from Commerce Minister of the country for the year 2012.
2.2 Vision & Values
To be recognized as a High Performing, efficient and progressive supplier who adds
value to the business through improved processes, cost saving measures and out of the
box thinking. (Fashion Product, 2020)
2.3 Products
JMS Garments Ltd takes order and produces the following products:
(Fashion Product, 2020)
2.4 Customers
Macy's: Macy's is an American department store chain founded in 1858 by Rowland
Hussey Macy. It became a division of the Cincinnati-based Federated Department Stores
in 1994, through which it is affiliated with the Bloomingdale's department store chain; the
holding company was renamed Macy's, Inc. in 2007. (macys, 2020)
VFC: VF Corporation is an American worldwide apparel and footwear company founded
in 1899 and headquartered in Denver, Colorado. The company's more than 30 brands are
organized into three categories: Outdoor, Active and Work. (VFC, 2020)
Kmart: Kmart Australia Limited is an Australian-based chain of affordable retail stores
owned by Wesfarmers. The company operates 234 stores across Australia and New
Zealand, consisting of 209 stores in Australia and 25 stores in New Zealand, with its head
office located in Mulgrave, Melbourne. (Kmart, 2020)
Li & Fung: Li & Fung Limited is an "old-school" traditional Bermuda-incorporated, Hong
Kong-based supply chain manager that has lost 95% of its market value since 2011 with
its turnover almost halving. On 13 February 2017, it was removed from the Hang Seng
Index and replaced by Geely. (lifung, 2020)
Ralph Lauren: Ralph Lauren Corporation is an American fashion company producing
products ranging from the mid-range to the luxury segments. They are known for the
clothing, marketing and distribution of products in four categories: apparel, home,
accessories, and fragrances. (Ralph Lauren, 2020)
Columbia: The Columbia Sportswear Company is a company that manufactures and
distributes outerwear, sportswear, and footwear, as well as headgear, camping equipment,
ski apparel, and outerwear accessories. It was founded in 1938 by Paul Lamfrom, the father
of Gert Boyle. (Columbia, 2020)
2.5 Organogram of JMS Garments Ltd.
2.6 Corporate Social Responsibility
Outskirt of CEPZ area, JMS Group with technical and logistic support of PVH, Save the
Children and UNDP established a preprimary education center in the year 2011 for early
childhood development of our workers’ children and their community for Age Group
between 4-5 years. The school successfully operating and implanting education to the
downtrodden children.
JMS Group established and run two Schools at the remote island of Hatiya, Chittagong. It
spend all the expenses from construction of school houses (which costs about USD 16,200)
to regular operation of the institutions including remuneration of teachers and staffs. The
schools educate about 1000 students from grades 6-10. (Operation cost is USD 29,048 per
year in this purpose).
JMS Group defrays all operational expenses including remuneration of teachers and staffs
of Hatiya Community College at Hatiya, Chittagong. (The Group pays USD 11, 065 per
year in this purpose).
JMS awards a number of stipend to poor and meritorious students of Hatiya on regular
JMS Group is one of the sponsor of Centre for Women and Child Health (CWCH), a
nonprofit earning health care organization at Savar, Dhaka helping in women and child
health care and nutrition. The Managing Director of JMS Group is a Trustee of CWCH.
To protect and keep our earth serene, a tree Plantation program is under way to plant 10
saplings by each employee / workers to attain minimum 50,000 trees are grown by 2018
after enough allowance for early damage on plantation. (Fashion Product, 2020)
Chapter 3
Theoretical Framework
3.1 Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management (HRM or HR) is the strategic approach to the effective
management of people in a company or organization such that they help their business gain
a competitive advantage. It is designed to maximize employee performance in service of
an employer's strategic objectives. Human resource management is primarily concerned
with the management of people within organizations, focusing on policies and systems.
HR departments are responsible for overseeing employee-benefits design, employee
recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal, and reward management,
such as managing pay and benefit systems. HR also concerns itself with organizational
change and industrial relations, or the balancing of organizational practices with
requirements arising from collective bargaining and governmental laws.
“HRM is the process of hiring and developing employees so that they become more
valuable to the organization. HRM is the part of the organization that concerned with the
people. HRM is the process of acquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees
and of attending to their labor relations, health, and safety and fairness concern. Human
resource management includes conducting job analyses, planning personnel needs,
recruiting the right people for the job orienting and training, managing wages and salaries,
providing benefits and incentives ,evaluating performance, resolving disputes, and
communicating with all employees at all levels. Human resource management is the
process of selecting right person in right position at the right time.
Human resource management is the process of recruitment and selecting employee,
providing orientation and induction, training and development, assessment of employee
(performance of appraisal), providing compensation and benefits, motivating, maintaining
proper relations with employees and with trade unions, maintaining employee safety,
welfare and healthy measure in compliance with labor laws of the land.
3.2 Major functional areas in Human Resource Management
Major functional areas in Human Resource Management are:
j) Promotions
Promotion means an improvement in pay, prestige, position and responsibilities of
an employee within his or her organization.
k) Transfer
Transfer involves a change in the job (accompanied by a change in the place of the
job) of an employee without a change in the responsibilities or remuneration.
“HR planning is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill &
how to fill them. HR planners must continually chart the course of an organization and its
plans, programs & actions.” (Jon M. Werner, 2008)
1. Provide Information
2. Effective Utilization of Human Resource
3. Economic Development
4. Determine Manpower Gap
5. To Forecast Human Resource Requirements
6. Analyze Current Workforce
7. Effective Management of Change
8. Realizing Organizational Goals. (Meena, 2012)
3.4 Recruitment
Recruitment is the process of finding and hiring the best qualified candidates from within
or outside of an organization for a job opening. The recruitment process include analyzing
the requirements of a job, attracting employees to that job, screening and selecting
applicants, hiring and integrating the new employees to the organization.
e) Employees of the organization
Employees of the organization communicate or inform about the vacant positions
of the organization to their friends and relatives. In many organizations, they
allowed referring potential candidates for the suitable vacancies.
f) Retired employees
If the organizations do not find the right persons to fulfill the key managerial
positions then they call back the retired employees for achieving the objectives.
(Trivikram, 2020)
3.5 Selection
Selection is the process of finding out the best qualified employee by using a systematic
procedure. According to Robbins “Selection is screening job applicants to ensure that the
most appropriate candidates are hired”.
1. Application Forms
Almost universally used. It is mostly useful for gathering the personal and academic
information of candidates.
2. Written Test
3. Performance-Simulation Test
Use actual job behaviors. Work sampling, assessment center is the example of this
4. Interviews
Almost universally used. Must know what can and cannot be asked. It is useful for
managerial position.
5. Background Investigations
Verifying the data given by applicants. The Company can check the reference.
Generally, at least two references are asked for by the company from the candidate.
Reference check is a type of crosscheck for the information provided by the
6. Physical Examinations
Are for jobs that have certain physical requirements. Mostly used for insurance
7. Skills Testing
Particularly useful for positions which require a level of competency in any specific
software programs, computer operations or ‘testable’ skills such as customer
service responses and alike. These assessments are regularly used by recruiters and
are available to you, generally at a fee, through any number of recruitment and HR
service providers.
8. Personality / Psychometric Assessments
Perfect for assessing team fit, motivation, and work styles around customer service,
sales and a range of other industry specific skills. Whilst many employers still see
these assessments as unnecessary and unreliable in our experience they can be an
excellent tool to help hone your interview questions and assess appropriateness for
your current team.
9. Aptitude and competency based assessments
Similarly to the two types of testing and assessment listed above these tests are
great for industry specific skills. This may include numerical reasoning assessments
for accountants.
10. Police checks and working with children checks
Depending on the industry and role, these checks may be appropriate to have
conducted. In many industries these checks are a standard and potentially
compulsory check to maintain quality ratings, and for employers they can provide
sound peace of mind.
11. Video interviewing
The lowdown, the level of development has so far exceeded HR and recruitment’s
appetite to use the tools available. But this may be changing because HR directors
have increased their use of video-conferencing to conduct interviews compared
with past.
3.6 Orientation
Orientation is the planned introduction of new employees to their jobs, co-workers, and the
organization. However, orientation should not be a mechanical, one-way process. If
employees have any kind of query, they can raise question during orientation session. The
goal of new employee orientation is to help the new employee feel welcomed, integrated
into the organization, and performing the new job successfully as quickly as possible.
Orientation is important because it lays a foundation for the new employee’s entire career
with the department. First impressions are important since they establish the basis for
everything that follows. Without orientation, a new employee sometimes feels
uncomfortable in his/her new position and takes longer to reach his/her full potential.
3.7 Training & Development
Training & Development is any attempt to improve current or future employee
performance by increasing an employee’s ability to perform through learning, usually by
changing the employee’s attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. The need
for Training and Development is determined by the employee’s performance deficiency.
Training methods
There are two types of training methods. They are:
1. on the job training
2. off the job training
This is the most common method of training in which a trainee is placed on a specific job
and taught the skills and knowledge necessary to perform it.
1. Job rotation
This training method involves movement of trainee from one job to another gain
knowledge and experience from different job assignments. This method helps the trainee
understand the problems of other employees.
2. Coaching
Under this method, the trainee is placed under a particular supervisor who functions as a
coach in training and provides feedback to the trainee. Sometimes the trainee may not get
an opportunity to express his ideas.
3. Job instructions
Also known as step-by-step training in which the trainer explains the way of doing the jobs
to the trainee and in case of mistakes, corrects the trainee.
4. Committee assignments
A group of trainees are asked to solve a given organizational problem by discussing the
problem. This helps to improve team work.
5. Internship training
Under this method, instructions through theoretical and practical aspects are provided to
the trainees. Usually, students from the engineering and commerce colleges receive this
type of training for a small stipend.
Off-the-job Methods
On the job training methods have their own limitations, and in order to have the overall
development of employee’s off-the-job training can also be imparted. The methods of
training which are adopted for the development of employees away from the field of the
job are known as off-the-job methods.
Usually case study deals with any problem confronted by a business which can be solved
by an employee. The trainee is given an opportunity to analyze the case and come out with
all possible solutions. This method can enhance analytic and critical thinking of an
2. Incident method
Incidents are prepared on the basis of actual situations which happened in different
organizations and each employee in the training group is asked to make decisions as if it
is a real-life situation. Later on, the entire group discusses the incident and takes
decisions related to the incident on the basis of individual and group decisions.
3. Role play
In this case also a problem situation is simulated asking the employee to assume the role
of a particular person in the situation. The participant interacts with other participants
assuming different roles. The whole play will be recorded and trainee gets an opportunity
to examine their own performance.
4. In-basket method
The employees are given information about an imaginary company, its activities and
products, HR employed and all data related to the firm. The trainee (employee under
training) has to make notes, delegate tasks and prepare schedules within a specified time.
This can develop situational judgments and quick decision making skills of employees.
5. Business games
According to this method the trainees are divided into groups and each group has to discuss
about various activities and functions of an imaginary organization. They will discuss and
decide about various subjects like production, promotion, pricing etc. This gives result in
co-operative decision making process.
6. Grid training
It is a continuous and phased program lasting for six years. It includes phases of planning
development, implementation and evaluation. The grid takes into consideration parameters
like concern for people and concern for people.
7. Lectures
This will be a suitable method when the numbers of trainees are quite large. Lectures can
be very much helpful in explaining the concepts and principles very clearly, and face to
face interaction is very much possible. (Chand, 2018)
3.8 Compensation
Compensation is what an employee receives from the company in exchange of his labor.
Compensation may also be used as a reward for exceptional job performance.
Different types of compensation may include:
Types of Compensation
Company can compensate its employees in two ways. They are:
1. Direct Compensation
It is naturally made up of salary payments and health benefits. The creation of salary ranges
and pay scales for different positions within an organization are the central responsibility
of compensation management staff.
2. Indirect Compensation
It focuses on the personal encouragements of each individual to work. Although salary is
essential, people are most productive in jobs where they share the company's values and
These benefits can include things like free staff development courses, subsidized day care,
the chances for promotion or transfer within the company, public recognition, the ability
to effect change or bring some changes in the workplace, and service to others.
Components of Compensation
Compensation as a whole is made up of different components that work as an aid for an
employee after retirement or in case of some accident or injury.
1. Wages and Salary
Wages mark hourly rates of pay, and salary marks the monthly rate of pay of an employee.
It is irrelevant of the number of hours put in by an employee working in the firm. These
are subject to annual increase.
2. Allowances
Allowances can be defined as the amount of something that is allowed, especially within a
set of rules and regulations or for a specified purpose. Various allowances are paid in
addition to basic pay.
Some of these allowances are as follows −
Dearness Allowance: This allowance is given to protect real income of an
employee against price rise. Dearness allowance (DA) is paid as a percentage of
basic pay.
House Rent Allowance: Companies who do not provide living accommodation to
their employees pay house rent allowance (HRA) to employees. This allowance is
calculated as a percentage of salary.
City Compensatory Allowance: This allowance is paid basically to employees in
metros and other big cities where cost of living is comparatively more. City
compensatory allowance (CCA) is normally a fixed amount per month, like 30 per
cent of basic pay in case of government employees.
Transport Allowance/Conveyance Allowance: Some companies pay transport
allowance (TA) that accommodates travel from the employee’s house to the office.
A fixed amount is paid every month to cover a part of traveling expenses.
3. Incentives and Performance Based Pay
Incentive compensation is performance-related remuneration paid with a view to
encourage employees to work hard and do better.
Both individual incentives and group incentives are applicable in most cases. Bonus, gain-
sharing, commissions on sales are some examples of incentive compensation.
4. Fringe Benefits/Perquisites
Fringe benefits include employee benefits like medical care, hospitalization, accident
relief, health and group insurance, canteen, uniform, recreation and the likes.
(Tutorials Point, 2020)
3.9 Performance appraisal
Performance appraisal means evaluating employee’s current and or past performance
relative to his or her performance standards.
Performance appraisal always involves-
1. Setting work standards
2. Assessing the employee’s actual performance relative to those standards, and
3. Providing feedback to the employee with the aim of motivating him or her to eliminate
performance deficiencies or to continue to perform above par.
1. Rating Scales: Rating scales consists of several numerical scales representing job
related performance criterions such as dependability, initiative, output, attendance,
attitude etc. Each scales ranges from excellent to poor. The total numerical scores are
computed and final conclusions are derived.
2. Checklist: Under this method, checklist of statements of traits of employee in the form
of Yes or No based questions is prepared. Here the rater only does the reporting or
checking and HR department does the actual evaluation.
3. Forced Choice Method: The series of statements arranged in the blocks of two or
more are given and the rater indicates which statement is true or false. The rater is forced
to make a choice. HR department does actual assessment.
4. Forced Distribution Method: here employees are clustered around a high point on a
rating scale. Rater is compelled to distribute the employees on all points on the scale. It is
assumed that the performance is conformed to normal distribution.
5. Critical Incidents Method: The approach is focused on certain critical behaviors of
employee that makes all the difference in the performance. Supervisors as and when they
occur record such incidents.
7. Field Review Method: This is an appraisal done by someone outside employees’ own
department usually from corporate or HR department.
3. Assessment Centers: This technique was first developed in USA and UK in 1943. An
assessment center is a central location where managers may come together to have their
participation in job related exercises evaluated by trained observers. It is more focused on
observation of behaviors across a series of select exercises or work samples.
Chapter 4
Human Resource
Management Practiced in
JMS Garments Ltd.
4.1 Recruitment & Selection
Recruitment and Selection strategy and procedures JMS Garments Ltd actually follows the
directions of Bangladesh Labor Law 2006 and BEPZA guidelines for making enlistment.
Some guideline o BEPZA for recruitment and selection:
No discrimination in employment
Fair practices in sex, religion, race in terms of selection and recruitments
Respect for all class of workers.
An enlistment board of trustees enrolls the laborers.
For enlisting the laborers, notice on enrolling is given to the paper, banners, flags
or other media.
Applicants must provide his/her two duplicates visa size photograph with C.V. also,
other required records.
National ID, Birth certificate, doctor declaration, Blood group certificate etc. must
be provided by worker at the time of joining.
1. Internal source
Promotion: When there any opening or need of representative is made, The HR
office assesses their workers' past and current exhibition for the require position
and who performs well among the all. Furthermore, If it is acknowledged by the
MD or Director of JMS Group Ltd.
Transfer: JMS Garments Ltd transfers employee from one position to another for
filling up the top vacancies in the organization when it‘s needed.
Employee Referrals: JMS sometimes fill the vacancies by employee referral
inside the organization. They choose people from family members of current
employees or the other familiar person who have the ability to serve the mission,
vision and objectives of JMS Garments ltd.
2. External source
Advertisement: JMS Group announces job vacancies by advertising posts in Local
Social Networking Sites: JMS Garments Ltd searches people by different social
media platforms
Company’s Websites: JMS group also post job vacancies info in their own
The applicants have to show all necessary papers at the time of interview:
1. Recent two copy passport size and two copy stamp size photograph and bio-data
4. Copy of educational certificate
The person whom are selected for interview, at first recruitment committee will
check their background
We will give them orientation about company policy and fire safety.
For age verification applicants have to face factory MBBS doctor for medical
Then we take them to the floor for skill test. Time limit of skill test will 03 days.
Industrial Engineer will be there to take their skill test.
As per minimum wages of BEPZA instruction we will compensate them for 03
days according to their designation.
After successful completion of skill test selected workers will get appointment letter
with terms & condition.
As per their job nature everybody will get PPE. Mention that if any worker will lost
his/her uniform, this amount will be deducted from their salary in case of lost or
To recognize we will provide every selected employee a separate ID. The employee
will use this ID as a swipe card that can make sure of their attendance. Everybody
should wear this ID in the factory premises and they will handle it carefully.
Facilities will not hire any employee under the age of 14 or under the minimum age
identified by law for employment, whichever is greater, or any employee whose
employment would interfere with compulsory schooling.
JMS Group doesn’t recruit child labor as defined by local law and ILO convention. JMS
Group discourages and doesn’t support the use of child labor. Work carried out in this
factory is not suitable for the non-adult workers, therefore only adult person e.g. age above
18 years are employed at JMS Group. On that circumstance, no employment is offered by
to any person bellow 18 years, for any position under any circumstances.
JMS Group will follow a specific policy & procedure for recruitment. In some cases we
also follow the buyer code of conduct if it is not contradictory to local law.
The recruitment and selection process of JMS Garments for workers are as follow:
Distribution of
Primary Selection Final Selection for
reports after
in Gate Joining
definite Selection
Step-3 Medical Test
Age Detection.
Other Health Check.
After test, Operators will send to step-5 and Helper will send to step-4.
Step-4 Technical Test
Machine or Process Test.
Pay fixing.
Administrators will back to step-3 for clinical test and assistants will advance to
Step-5 IE Investigation and Finalization of Selection
Checking double occupation in same plant or gathering.
Checking counterfeit name and character.
Sending to step-6
Step-6 Final Selection for Joining
Direct the enrollment cycle.
Direct the physical wellness.
Direct the age.
Step-7 Distribution of reports after definite Selection
Getting at last appropriate competitors.
Giving reports identified with Appointment.
Step-8 Issuance of Appointment letter
Giving arrangement letter.
Step-9 Orientation
Presenting and Counseling.
Dispersion of Handbook and administration book.
Taking a mark exhorting for online photo.
Taking on the web unique mark.
Giving ID card and different records.
Stage 1: HRP
Identifying the staffing needs
Send to HR office for assessed needs
Get endorsement from MD/Director in the Manpower Requisition Form through
HR dept. with appropriate support from concern dept.
After the endorsement HR dept. make work examination/position survey with
concern dept. to fill the positions.
Stage 2: Sourcing
Planning (characterizing measure setting, Determine the source and time period for
enlistment, and it will take all out 30 working days).
Data Bank (Generating a pool of profiles or continues from various interior and
outer enlistment sources)
Stage 3: Assessment
Screening Activity (Forward the profile or CV or resume to approved individual of
concern dept.)
Taking Written and IQ Test
Interview with HR Manager and other division chief.
Mail/SMS to the up-and-comers about the composed or meeting test subtleties and
illuminate the equivalent via telephone.
Remainder the board individuals about the composed or meeting test plan (Time
Frame: 1 day before the date)
Welcome all the competitors and make them to fill business application Form.
Stage 4: Selection
Final Interview with MD or Director
Select the applicants with high score through appraisal.
Background Check.
Check Reference of chosen applicants.
Approval from MD/Director about conclusive offer.
Stage 5: On-boarding
Issue the offer letter.
Collect the Acceptance of offer letter with joining date.
Receive confirmation from the applicant
4.2 Training & Development of JMS Garments Ltd.
Training and Development is one of the main functions of the human resource management
department. Training refers to a systematic setup where employees are instructed and
taught matters of technical knowledge related to their jobs. It focuses on teaching
employees how to use particular machines or how to do specific tasks to increase
Whereas, Development refers to the overall holistic and educational growth and maturity
of people in managerial positions. The process of development is in relation to insights,
attitudes, adaptability, leadership and human relations.
Training and development programs are designed according to the requirements of the
organization, the type and skills of employees being trained, the end goals of the training
and the job profile of the employees.
JMS Garments Ltd arranges training and development programs for workers and
management according to ISO, BSCI standards.
The company has a training center for providing technical training to workers. Employees
training and development programs are conducted under the instruction of Corporate and
Administration Manager.
Methods of Training
JMS Garments Ltd. follows two types of training methods to improve their employees’
efficiency and this methods are:
On-the-Job training
Off-the-Job training
Job Instruction Training (JIT) is a step-by-step, relatively simple technique used to train
employees on the job. It is especially suitable for teaching manual skills or procedures; the
trainer is usually an employee's supervisor but can be a co-worker. The JIT technique
consists of a series of steps that a supervisor or other instructor follows when teaching an
employee to do something.
Orientation Training
Orientation means providing new employees with basic information about the employer.
Training programs are used to ensure that the new employee has the basic knowledge
required to perform the job satisfactorily.
Orientation and training programs are important components in the processes of developing
a committed and flexible high‐potential workforce and socializing new employees.
Training Program for Workers
The company’s brief training programs of workers and staffs are shown below:
Training & Development Programs for management
A management training program is an investment Well-trained managers enhance
productivity, improve retention of talented employees, and build the overall morale of
everyone on their teams, resulting in an environment where both the business and its
employees thrive.
Training and development programs for managerial level are conducted by Corporate Head
Office. The company has developed a calendar for providing training to its people.
Managerial level training programs are SA 8000, EMS, Fire safety etc.
1. Tally software: This is very commonly used software, which is mainly used
to keep up the record of the counting of production, purchase quantity, volume
of output, delivery status and others.
2. Pay role software: Mostly used in HR Department. This software contains
every employee and worker‘s profile, including monthly productivity result and
earned points, efficiency, current status, compensation details, monthly
attendance check, leave and tenure info etc. we can say this is central software
through which all information are directly delivered to HR department.
3. Efficiency software: This software measures the productivity of each and
every worker based on some grading.
4.4 Performance Appraisal System of JMS Garments Ltd.
JMS Garments Ltd maintain in-house examination structure to evaluates its worker’s
performance and employees are assessed exhibitions perform around the year.
Adequacy and effectiveness describes the extent that execution is productivity. That infers
when a pro gives his/her push to convey huge volume of things in a given time. In JMS,
they use a particular programming name I.E programming to keep up specialist's creation
related data and information.
Quality of work
Here, Quality of work suggests conveying thing to having less wastage, using satisfactory
resources, having no slip-ups, making indefectible things, and so forth. In like manner
extraordinary specialists get centers around those guidelines giving nature of work.
Knowledge on Compliance
Having legitimate and refreshed information on public laws and guidelines like BLC-2006,
BEPZA Instructions, and furthermore Buyers' affirmation and Requirements.
Critical Incident
The critical incident method of performance appraisal involved identifying and describing
specific events (or incidents) where the employee did something really well or something
that needs improvement. It's a technique based on the description of the event, and does
not rely on the assignment of ratings or rankings, although it is occasionally coupled with
a ratings type system.
Discipline/Behaviorally Anchor
A BARS method first determines the main performance dimensions of the job, for example,
interpersonal relationships. Then the tool utilizes narrative information, such as from a
critical incidents file, and assigns quantified ranks to each expected behavior.
4.5 Compliance
In JMS Garments Ltd, the issues regarding compliance are being guided by some national
and international codes and laws. A brief compliance system of this company is described
Code of conducts
JMS Garments Ltd ensures equality for all the internal and external stakeholders by
maintaining number of compliance codes and laws. This garments company, being a
leading organization in RMG sector, always committed to offer comprehensive and
customer satisfying products to meet the specific needs of buyers. That is why they set
Buyer‘s code of conducts‘. Workplaces are completely free of emotional, physical, sexual
or verbal harassment or abuse. Authority also ensures the fair process in recruiting, hiring,
training working conditions, job assignments, wages and benefits, compensation, overtime,
promotions, discipline, termination and retirement.
Some common Code of Conducts are:
JMS Garments Ltd believes in highest level of honesty, integrity, consideration, safety and
respect for all the buyers. This garment is 100% export oriented company. All the buyers
are from outside of the borders.
Authority of JMS Garments Ltd strictly follows the codes of equality to all the workers,
staffs or employees. No one is treated unfairly for the reason of gender, age, religion,
marital status, race, sexual orientation, disability, disease, nationality, pregnancy or
political affiliation.
Compensation and Benefits
JMS Garments Ltd is paying wages and overtime premiums in compliance with all
applicable laws. Employees are paid at least minimum legal wages or higher and provides
each employee a clear pay slip in local language for every pay period.
Voluntary Labor
All work should be voluntary and not performed under threat of penalty or coercion. Forced
labor, including bonded, trafficked, indentured or prison labor, is strictly prohibited in JMS
Garments Ltd.
Child Labor
JMS Garments Ltd does not employ any person below the legal and or buyer‘s COC
required minimum age.
Working Hour
In JMS Garments Ltd Working hours may not exceed 60 hours in any seven day period,
except in truly exceptional, unforeseeable circumstances. All overtime is voluntary here.
Freedom of Association
All workers are free to join or leave any association in organization. Forcing, threatening
or influencing any worker to join or leave any association is punishable.
JMS Garments Ltd is fully aware of maintaining the laws regarding safety, workplaces,
risk protection etc. Ensuring better and healthy working condition is one of the prime
concerns of this company. For ensuring safe workplace, JMS Garments Ltd signed on two
major legal agreements- 1. Accord Alliance 2. Detailed Engineering Assessment
JMS Garments Ltd needs to maintain some environmental laws and regulations to improve
the environment where it is operating its business. This company is working to mitigate
adverse environmental impacts and to improve material and resource efficiency, reduce
waste and prevent pollution.
Ethical Conduct
JMS Garments Ltd ensures that there should not be any ethical breakdown in organization
like, corruption, extortion, bribery, fraud, false declarations, counterfeiting or insider
The wages include
Base wage
House Rent
50% of Base Pay
1450 taka fixed
Twice a year
Equivalent of one base wage
Other incentives
300 taka
(Company deduct 200 taka for being
absent for one day)
Bonus (Lump sum)
100 taka
(Based on performance.)
Food 16 taka per day.
Any worker working more than 8 hours is considered as overtime.
Working hours in a month = (26*8) = 208
It‘s worthy to mention here that, no employee is allowed to work here more than
10 hours a day and 60 hours a week.
In every week, there is a weekly holiday.
Other facilities
Other Rewards
Sometimes Company provides cash bonus or lunch/dinner party on special occasions.
There are some non-monetary rewards are also included like- picnics, travel tickets travel
allowance etc.
Increment occurs based on earned points on Productivity and other factor‘s grade sheet.
The previous photo shows the exact factor degree and weighted distribution of those
degrees while determining the increment amount.
This point to be noted in here that, the increment is given in accordance with
BEPZA Instructions 1, 2 and the country labor law.
On top of that, special increment is also given to those who demonstrate
extraordinary experience or skills.
Leaves and Holidays
4.7 Termination
Termination implies willingly letting go of an employee with or without his or her will. If
there should arise an occurrence of end measure, JMS Garments follows Bangladesh
Labor Act 2006 while termination.
Termination Termination
by Employer by Employee
Retrenchment Resignation
Stopage of work
In case of No employee
A permanent against whom a
failure to employee is disciplinary
provide the
required notice,
required to proceeding is
pending can resign
he/she provide one from the service of
surrenders pay month’s the company unless
notice to 60 days have
in lieu of such elapsed from the
notice thereof. resign from drawing up of the
the service of departmental
the company. Provided that the
company may
allow such
employee to resign
on such conditions
as he may deem fit.
Termination by employer
Its employer‘s failure subject to giving prior notice, equal amount of four month’s salary
will be given to the worker
If a worker worked 5 to 10 years, he will get: (No. of year multiplied by half of last
month’s salary)
And, if a worker worked more than 10 years, he will get: (No of years multiplied by one
full last month’s salary)
SWOT Analysis
5.1 SWOT Analysis
A SWOT analysis is a technique used to determine and define your Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats – SWOT.
SWOT assumes that strengths and weaknesses are frequently internally-related, while
opportunities and threats commonly focus are due to the external environment. The name
is an acronym for the four parameters the technique examines:
Threats: elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or
The degree to which the internal environment of the firm matches with the external
environment is expressed by the concept of strategic fit. Identification of SWOTs is
important because they can inform later steps in planning to achieve the objective. First,
decision-makers should consider whether the objective is attainable, given the SWOTs. If
the objective is not attainable, they must select a different objective and repeat the process.
5.2 SWOT Analysis of JMS Garments Ltd
Success in USA & European Market: JMS Garments Ltd has reputation in USA
& European market because of their 75% products exported to USA & 25%
products to European market.
Unique Product Design: JMS Garments Ltd has achieved superiority in their
product design to grave the attention of the international customers and buyers.
Expedient Port Facility: JMS Garments Ltd can conveniently export their
product because their near location to the Chittagong sea port.
Fabric Quality: JMS Garments Ltd uses the sources from where they can get the
highest quality of fabric to produce their products.
Updated Technology: JMS Garments Ltd has got the current updated technology
used in the present business world and uses automated machine in their
Scale of Production: JMS Garments Ltd has the capacity of a large scale of
CSR: JMS Garments Ltd has achieved a great reputation for their corporate social
responsibility in the corporate society.
Less number of skilled workers: JMS Garments Ltd is suffering from the
Insufficient Training: JMS Garments Ltd has some insufficiency in the number
Narrow Product Line: JMS Garments Ltd is offering a very limited line of
Conflict: JMS Garments Ltd often faces with some internal & external conflict.
expanse internationally.
Dynamic Supply Chain: JMS Garments Ltd has a firm supply chain network
which aids them to collect raw materials at a rate more convenient than others.
International Recognition: JMS Garments Ltd has a great reputation for their
Ever Changing Consumer Taste: In the today’s fashion world, Consumer taste
& needs are always in the span of change that can anytime create opportunity to
expand market.
Usage of the Best Human Resource: Any organization can instantly decrease
Recruitment of Best Minds: Hiring more qualified and experienced stuffs and
Novus Technology: Today’s science society is gifting the world with new tech to
use almost every year. A modern tech can come up with a revolutionary
opportunity anytime.
Current Competition: The present competition in the local and international
New Comers: Every year, a large number of new business entity enters in the
New Rules & Regulation: Any new native & foreign laws and customs can
get worse anytime without any previous warning due to high political adversities.
BEPZA Policy: Any new policy taken by BEPZA can create a haphazard
Manipulation in Labor Unions: The labors can easily be manipulated. With any
tomorrow’s invention.
Chapter 6
Recommendation &
6.1 Problems
1. High turnover rate is found at all levels of the company except top level
fully enjoy the benefits of recruiting highly skilled personnel from external sources.
3. There are some limited promotional and motivational projects for worker.
4. The Official Website of JMS Garments Ltd is not so good for attracting new
5. The way JMS Garments Ltd is maintaining performance appraisal for workers is
under defined.
7. JMS Garments Ltd didn’t take noteworthy actions to help its workers in the ongoing
6.2 Recommendation
1. High turnover rate can be diminished by taking lucrative compensation plan,
2. Besides internal sources of recruitment, JMS Garments Ltd can have a look over
the external sources like Job portals, Job fairs, Advertising in national newspapers,
3. For promotional & motivational activities for workers, JMS Garments Ltd should
take well benefit plan, ensure minimum wage, ensure healthy working
4. The official website of JMS Garments Ltd should be developed by a good tech
organization. A good tech team should be appointed to make the website update all
the time. The information in the website should be attractive enough to draw the
5. HR department of JMS Garments Ltd should redefine its policy and practice of
background checking while recruiting. They should use the digital footprint for this
reason. They can have the required help from the law enforcing agencies.
6. JMS Garments Ltd uses In-House Examination structure to assess its worker’s
Garments Ltd should stand beside all its stuffs & workers.
6.3 Conclusion
At the completion of the report, I have tried to assess overall HR practice of JMS Garments
Ltd. focusing the notion of Human Resource Management in theories. The effort has been
JMS Garments Ltd is one of the leading exporting RMG enterprise in Bangladesh. In this
report, I tried my best to discover its practices on HR in view of the HR theories. The found
aspects of the study has been demonstrated through chapters here in where I have evaluated
the collected data and identified a number of problems and tried my best to provide some
effective solutions. The HR department of JMS Garments Ltd is coordinating their roles
efficiently. JMS Garments Ltd has a great reputation of keeping a quality work
environment in conformity with the Bangladesh Labor Code 2006 & BEPZA Law 1 & 2.
Workers are paid wages along with sufficient allowances and benefit and JMS Garments
Ltd is to pay the workers their wages in time. Consequently, the workers are gratified and
no industrial dispute or labor unrest or any conflict are seen in the environment. To meet
the vision, values and objectives, the managerial level is in the need of establishing an
effective and efficient HR practice as well as HR department and recruiting the most
Howsoever, erectile segments in the practices of the HR Department of JMS Garments Ltd
can be connected to the strategic HR practices to recover its differences. To this regard, a
Dr. Abdul Awal Khan, D. M. (2018). Human Resource Management And Industrial
Relations. Abir Publications.
Fashion Product. (2020). JMS Garments Ltd. Retrieved from Fashion Product:
Tutorials Point. (2020). Tutorials Point. Retrieved from Tutorials Point:
Appendix A: Placement Letter of Internship