A Study On Recuritment at Axiom Technologies
A Study On Recuritment at Axiom Technologies
A Study On Recuritment at Axiom Technologies
Recuritment procedure
Axiom technologies
Axiom is a software consulting company. At Axiom they strive to develop the best possible
information technology solution using the most appropriate technology and with a team of fully
dedicated software professionals. it take absolute pride in being totally customer focused and
exceeding expectations through superior service.
At Axiom, they have amassed a wealth of continually evolving business knowledge from our
experience in working on critical issues for different industries. They focus practice in select
Areas of Expertise - worldwide network of individuals, working collaboratively, who collect
insights from client work, conduct new research, and disseminate knowledge both internally and
externally. From its success in its consulting activities and to cater to the fast growing
requirements for knowledgeable, high-performing IT professionals, Axiom Technologies began
its Technical Recruiting Division in 1997. There technical recruiting division has a full staff of
experienced technical recruiters. They work very closely with our candidates and our clients to
ensure confidentiality and a matching fit of the applicant to the position.
Through its off-shore arm in Axiom Technologies (India) Pvt. Ltd., Axiom's outsourcing service
provides a comprehensive framework of principles that govern development and maintenance of
its customers' applications. This facility enable providing uninterrupted support to business
needs, improve the overall efficiency, reduce recurring costs, and ensure constant technology
upgrades while integrating with changes in the business. Axiom's methodology helps its expert
professionals work closely with customers to understand and map the concept/problem, detail the
requirements, architect the system and further develop, deploy and support the applications on a
continuous basis. Axiom takes complete responsibility for the application, from concept to
product. Axiom manages the complete life cycle of the application, and all productivity
improvements are documented and demonstrated to customers.
RPO (Recruitment processing outsourcing) is a form of business that is processed forms various
business resources for cost effective purpose. It is a BPO (business processing outsourcing) in
the field of human resource management and selection procedure. In this employer, outsource
their non-core jobs like recruitment activities to an external or third party service provider. This
involves whole process of recruitment in a channel wise and step-by-step procedure.
The RPO service provider recruitment and selection process department by providing a complete
package of skills, tools, technologies and activities. Occasional recruitment supports co sourcing
or sourcing.
RPO is very different from staffing process is its proceedings. In RPO the whole process is
owned and controlled by the same organization but in staffing process is controlled by the
service buying and completing it.
Organization goal and objectives: - what are the goals and objectives of to be pursued? What
leads the organization existence?
Job designing services: - What are the specific duties and various responsibilities of each
employee for development.
Job success criteria: - What distinguishes successful performance from unsuccessful performance
and how it is measured?
Job specification: - what traits and qualities in the individual are related to successful
performance of jobs?
Source of recruitment: - what source if recruitments are relevant and economical for the
• Motivation
• Education and qualification
• Experience in domain and their relevant field
• Personal background
• Personality
• First impression
• General intelligence
• General intelligence and special aptitude
• Filling a job opening from within the organization has the following advantages:
• Stimulating preparation for possible transfer and promotion
• Morale increasing the general level
• Having more information about the candidates through past performance appraisals.
2. External source:
• Advertisement
• Employment exchange
• Placement agencies
• Education institutions
• Recommendations of present employees
• Labor unions
• Nepotism
• Leasing
• Recruitment advertising agency
• Recruitment consultant
• Recruitment poster
We perform different tests before selection a right candidate in your best organizations.
Performance simulation test: - This is very popular in now a day. In this, a job given to
applicant and if he satisfied the clients then it ok!
• Work sampling:
• Assessment centers:
Psychological test: - It comprises an easy option in decision making process with managers
becoming over dependent on the test results. Test therefore should be validated, proved and
predicts for the future performance before they are used in selection process.
• Intelligence test
• Aptitude test
• Interest test
• Personality test
We follow the following steps recommended to improve the validity of the interviews.
Before selecting a successful candidate the background of candidate is checked properly. This is
a good sign of business outsourcing process recruitment.
• Social Security
• Criminal
• Previous Employer
• Education
Axiom's recruitment policy
We are Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Company. We offer internal recruitment
functions for employee recruitment. Whole hr jobs or partial jobs will be furnished by us as
outsourcing hr jobs transfer case. Our recruitment outsourcing services manage all the essential
steps in new hiring. The new hiring includes technologies, methodologies, staffing and reporting.
Our emphasized goals are minimizing cost of company's human resources with timeliness. We
improve governmental compliance through verifiable metrics, reduce cost, and improved quality
candidate's pool.
These are some of the types of recruitment procedure followed by Axiom outsourcing
process recruitment.
• Volunteer recruitment
• Accountancy recruitment
• Teacher recruitment
• Engineering recruitment
• Legal recruitment
• Nurse recruitment
• Physician recruitment
• Marketing recruitment
• Medical recruitment
• It recruitment
• Health care recruitment
• Cruise ship recruitment
• Teacher recruitment board
• Nursing recruitment
• Hospitality recruitment
• Retail recruitment
• Finance recruitment
• Banking and finance recruitment
The most important functions of HRM which comprises the following functions: