Wts 6
Wts 6
Wts 6
WTS #6
APWH Review PPT; Email Excerpts/Examples; Progress Notes
The artifacts presented here include a PowerPoint Presentation that I created
and delivered to my Advanced Placement World History class several years
ago, a Progress Report delivered to a student and parents regarding IEP goal
and a couple email excerpts that demonstrate my ability to communicate
effectively with parents and colleagues in my capacity as a teacher. The
PowerPoint was a presentation that included a semester review in
preparation for finals week. It was a fairly inclusive and in depth review of a
significant amount of content. The Progress Report is indicative of quarterly
progress reports created and delivered to parents as part of the IEP process
and updates made on goal and objectives progress made over the IEP year.
The email examples illustrate my ability to effectively communicate with
parents through electronic media regarding school announcements and other
regularly communication. I have also included an email between myself and
a colleague that shows collaboration on creating, modifying and finalizing
progress notes for a student on my caseload that received speech and
language services during the school year.
WI DPI Teacher Standards
Standard Six Communication
Teachers communicate well.
The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques
as well as instructional media and technology to foster active inquiry,
collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.
These artifacts align with Standard Six insofar as they show that I can share
information and communicate effectively via electronic media and through
email and shared documents. Media presentations are absolutely imperative
to delivering clear and concise information to students in the classroom.
Communicating with parents and colleagues is made easier through the
efficient use of electronic mail and documents. More and more the use of
shared electronic documents by teachers, students and parents has become
the norm in education. Making effective use of these resources is
fundamental to being successful in communicating as an educator.
UWP School of Education Knowledge, Skill and Disposition Statement