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COT Lesson Plan Science 9 Quarter 4

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Quarter Fourth

GRADE 9 Learning area Science

Teaching date and time Week 1 Day 1

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
projectile motion, impulse and momentum, and conservation of linear momentum.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to:
Standards propose ways to enhance sports related to projectile motion.
C. Learning The learners should be able to:
Competencies / describe the horizontal and vertical motions of a projectile. (S9FE-IVa-34)
Objectives At the end of the session the learners are expected to:
Write LC code for Describe uniformly accelerated motion in horizontal dimension.
each Determine the relationship of distance and time.
Solve word problems involving uniformly accelerated motion in horizontal dimension.
II. CONTENT TOPIC/TITLE: Projectile Motion
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 217-220
2. Learner’s pp. 283-288
3. Textbook
4. Additional Curriculum Guide (S9FE-IVa-34)
Materials from Learner’s Material in Science 9
Teacher’s Guide in Science 9
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning www.physicsclassroom.com
Resources www.courses.lumenlearning.com
1 - www.pinterest.com
2 – 123f.com
3 – clipartlibrary.com
Activity rubrics, activity sheets, DLP, visual aids/illustrations, plank, stopwatch, can, books, protractor

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PPS Indicators/KRA
Indicators to be
A. Reviewing previous ELICIT (5 mins.)
lesson or
presenting the new  Teacher will review to the class their prior knowledge on speed, velocity
lesson and acceleration through a drill.
 Show the task through a power-point presentation.

Task # 1: Who Am I?
Direction: Identify the terms described below.
I am a scalar quantity that refers to how
fast an object is moving. Who am I?

Answer: Speed
I am a vector quantity that refers to
the rate at which an object changes its
position. Who am I?

Answer: Velocity
I am a vector quantity that is defined as
3. the rate at which an object changes its
velocity. Who am I?

Answer: Acceleration
4. I am a scalar quantity that refers to how
much ground an object has covered
during its motion. Who am I?

Answer: Distance
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I am the change, or the interval over
which change occurs. Who am I?

Answer: Time

ENGAGE (5 mins)
B. Establishing a  Before the start of the task, teacher will ask those students who are near-
purpose for the sighted and with hearing impairment, to be seated in the front seat.
lesson  The teacher will introduce the idea of uniformly accelerated motion (UAM) in
horizontal dimension by showing the illustration below to the class:


 The teacher will ask the following questions to the class:

 What do you think should be the motion of an airplane preparing for takeoff?
Answer: The motion of an airplane preparing for takeoff started from rest and
moved increasingly faster.
 How will you describe the speed of the plane from rest until it takes off?
Answer: The plane’s speed is accelerating.

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C. Presenting  The teacher will call any student from the class to plot the possible position of the
examples/instances airplane for every second.
of the new lesson
Possible answer:

0s 20 s 40 s 60 s

Position A Position B Position C Position D

D. Discussing new EXPLORE (20 mins.)

concepts and
practicing new  The teacher will divide the class into groups.
skills  Each group will select a leader and a secretary.
# 1  The teacher should make sure that everybody from the group have a part in the activity.
 Student 1 holds the timing device and accurately starts and stops the timing
device (stopwatch or cellphone with stopwatch application). Established safe and secure
 Student 2 records the time in the table provided for the activity. learning environments to
 Student 3, 4, and 5 releases the tin can in each marked position. enhance learning through the
 The teacher will instruct the following to the class: consistent implementation of
 Plot in the graph d vs.t and then d vs. t2. policies, guidelines and
 Repeat the experiment on different angles of inclination.
 The teacher will present the rubric on how they will be evaluated in their activity.
 SAFETY measures should always be observed in the activity. MOV – The teacher presents
rubric to the students on how
Activity 1: ROLL, ROLL, AND AWAY! they will be assessed and
safety measures in the class
 Record the time for the tin can to travel a given distance;
 Calculate the acceleration of the can rolling down an inclined plane, given a distance is emphasized.
vs. time and distance vs. time2 graph of its motion; and
 Describe the motion of an object given a distance vs. time or a distance vs. time2 graph.
Materials Needed:
Board/plank (at least 200 cm long)
Timing device (stopwatch)
Tin can
Stack of books

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Procedure: INDICATOR 6
1. Set up an inclined plane by putting one end of the plane on top of a stack of books. Mark the plane
for every 40 cm and label these as 40 cm, 80 cm, 120 cm, and so on, starting from the lowest end. Maintained learning
2. Measure the base and the height and calculate the angle of inclination. Use the formula, Ɵ = tan - environments that promote
(height / base) fairness, respect and care to
3. Roll the tin can from each labeled point starting with the 40 cm mark. Start the timer as the tin can is encourage learning.
released, and stop the timer when the tin can reaches the bottom of the inclined plane. MOV – The teacher provides
4. Ask your partner to record the time (t) taken by the tin can to travel each distance (d) down the activity that encourages
plane. Perform three trials from each mark. Use the table below for your data.
students’ active participation
5. Graph d vs. t and then d vs. t2.
and collaboration.
TABLE 1. Data on the Motion of a Rolling Tin Can Applied a range of
teaching strategies to
DISTANCE, Time, t (s) Time2, t2 develop critical and
d (cm) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Ave (s2) creative thinking, as well
as other higher-order
thinking skills.
MOV – The teacher utilizes
120 collaborative and cooperative
160 strategies with activity that
stimulates the higher order
thinking skills of students.

Angle of inclination: INDICATOR 2

Used a range of teaching

E. Discussing new GUIDE QUESTIONS: strategies that enhance learner
concepts and Q1. How will you describe the graphs of: achievement in literacy and
practicing new a. distance vs. time? b. distance vs. time2? numeracy skills.
skills Answer: The d vs. t graph is a curve line or the d vs .t graph is a curved line. The d vs. t2
# 2 graph is a straight line inclined to the right. MOV – The teacher uses
Q2. What is the relationship between distance and time of travel of the rolling can? collaborative learning
Answer: The relationship is quadratic. strategy to aid learners in
Q3. What is the slope of d – t2 graph? What quantity does the slope of d – t2 graph represent? (Refer to developing their numeracy
the unit of the slope) skills and literacy skills
2 2 2
Answer: The slope will be solved using the formula (d2 –d1)/(t2 – t1 ). The slope of d – t through comprehending the
graph represents the acceleration. (This can be seen in the unit which is m/s2)
guide questions.
Q4. What do the graphs of distance vs. time and distance vs. time2 suggest?
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Answer: The d-t and d – t2 graphs tells that the tin can is accelerating uniformly. It tells that
velocity increases over time. It means that for a regular time interval, distance is increasing

F. Developing Mastery EXPLAIN (10mins.)

(Leads to Formative  After performing the activity, each group will select a reporter to present their output INDICATOR 9
to the class.
 When the presentation is done, the teacher will give feedbacks to every group’s output Used strategies for providing
and clarify the misconceptions about the topic. timely, accurate and
 The teacher will process and explain the correct responses of the guide questions. constructive feedback to
improve learner
Derivation of Formula (copied from Science 9 Teacher’s Guide) performance.
For the students to fully understand the concept of UAM, they need to solve word
problems related to real life situations. But before solving problems, they need to derive MOV – The teacher gives
the basic formula needed to solve such problems. To start the derivation, ask them the feedback to the responses of
formula they learned in Grades 7 and 8 about velocity, average velocity, and acceleration, the students from their
and label the formula into: activity.

𝑡 𝑣𝑓+𝑣𝑖
EQUATION B: vave = 2
𝑣𝑓 − 𝑣𝑖
Guide the students to use the three equations to derive the following equations:
𝑣𝑓+ 𝑣𝑖
EQUATION D: 𝑑=( )t
𝑎𝑡 2
EQUATION E: 𝑑 = 𝑣 𝑡+
EQUATION F: v f2 = vi 2 + 2ad2

ELABORATE (10 mins.)

G. Finding practical  The teacher will show to the class some examples of practical applications of the topic INDICATOR 1
applications of through problem solving.

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concepts & skills in Sample problem #1: Applied knowledge of
daily living A cart accelerates to a speed of 20 m/s over a distance of 150 m. Determine the acceleration content within and across
(assume uniform) of the train. curriculum teaching areas.
MOV-- The teacher makes
vi = 0 m/s (assume the train starts from rest)
vf = 20 m/s d = 150 m meaningful connections
across curriculum
Find: teaching areas specially in
a=? Mathematics.
Solution: Steps:
vf2 = vi2 + 2ad *Identify the formula INDICATOR 4
(20m/s)2 = (0 m/s)2 + 2(a)(150 m) *Substitute the given values
400 m2/s2 = 0 m2/s2 + (300 m)a *Simplify Displayed proficient use of
400 m2/s2 = (300 m)a Mother Tongue, Filipino, and
(400 m2/s2)/ (300 m) = a * Divide both sides by 300 m English to facilitate teaching
a = 1.3 m/s (400 m2/s2)=(300 m)a and learning.
300 m 300 m MOV – The teacher uses
mother tongue to elaborate
and let students understand
the topic deeper.

H. Making  The teacher will solicit ideas from the class about the importance of understanding
generalizations and uniformly accelerated motion in horizontal dimension and its practical applications to Established a learner-
abstractions about real life situations. Note: Encourage learners to practical application based on their centered culture by using
the lesson experience/s as part of the cultures of indigenous group (e.g. tribal games which can teaching strategies that
be an example of projectile motion). (Let the students formulate a generalization or respond to their linguistic,
what they learned from the lesson.) cultural, socio-economic and
religious backgrounds.
MOV – The teacher allows
the students to make a
generalization on their own
embrace their linguistic
culture and even socio-
economic backgrounds.

Adapted and used culturally

appropriate teaching
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30 s 60 s 90 s strategies to address the
needs of learners from
Motorcycle 20 kph 40 kph 60 kph indigenous groups.
MOV – The teacher
Car 30 kph 50 kph 90 kph
encourages students to
Jeepney 25 kph 50 kph 100 kph express their insights by
relating to their culture.
I. Evaluating Learning EVALUATE (5 mins.)

Direction: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. Based on the table below, which of the following is an example of a uniformly
accelerated motion in horizontal dimension?
a. Car b. Jeeepney c. Motorcycle d. Both car & jeepney
Car A

travels a distance of 10 kilometers. Car B travels a distance of 15 kilometers. If both have

the same acceleration, which of the two cars travels at a shorter period of time? Why?
a. Car A because it travels shorter distance thus, it also travels at a shorter period
of time compared to Car B.
b. Car A and Car B because they have the same acceleration.
c. Car B because it travels longer distance thus, it also travels shorter period of time
compared to Car A.
d. Cannot be determined
3. From rest, a motorcycle accelerates uniformly over a time of 5 seconds and covers a
distance of 25 m. What is the acceleration of the motorcycle?
a. Constant b. 2 m/s2 c. 2 m/s d.5 m/s2
4. A car accelerates from rest at 10 m/s for 20 seconds. What is the distance covered by
the car?
a. 200 m b. 1000 m c. 1500 m d. 2000 m
5. A train accelerates to a speed of 15 m/s over a distance of 120 m. Determine the
acceleration (assume uniform) of the train.
0.5 m/s b. 0.5 m/s2 c. 0.94 m/s d. 0.94 m/s2

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J. Additional activities EXTEND (5 mins.)
for application or
remediation  Students will write at least two examples of UAM in horizontal dimension.

A. No. of learners
who earned 80 %
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well?
Why did these

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F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by:

JESSA R. DIEZ Checked & Observed by:


Master Teacher-II

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Activity 1: ROLL, ROLL, AND AWAY!
 Record the time for the tin can to travel a given distance;
 Calculate the acceleration of the can rolling down an inclined plane, given a distance
vs. time and distance vs. time2 graph of its motion; and
 Describe the motion of an object given a distance vs. time or a distance vs. time2 graph.
Materials Needed:
Board/plank (at least 200 cm long)
Timing device (stopwatch)
Tin can
Stack of books
1. Set up an inclined plane by putting one end of the plane on top of a stack of books. Mark the plane for
every 40 cm and label these as 40 cm, 80 cm, 120 cm, and so on, starting from the lowest end.
2. Measure the base and the height and calculate the angle of inclination. Use the formula, Ɵ = tan-1(height
/ base)
3. Roll the tin can from each labeled point starting with the 40 cm mark. Start the timer as the tin can is
released, and stop the timer when the tin can reaches the bottom of the inclined plane.
4. Ask your partner to record the time (t) taken by the tin can to travel each distance (d) down the plane.
Perform three trials from each mark. Use the table below for your data.
5. Graph d vs. t and then d vs. t2.

TABLE 1. Data on the Motion of a Rolling Tin Can

Angle of inclination:


Q1. How will you describe the graphs of:

a. distance vs. time? b. distance vs. time2?
Q2. What is the relationship between distance and time of travel of the rolling can?
Q3. What is the slope of d – t2 graph? What quantity does the slope of d – t2 graph represent? (Refer to the
unit of the slope)
Q4. What do the graphs of distance vs. time and distance vs. time2 suggest?

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Answer: The d-t and d – t2 graphs tells that the tin can is accelerating uniformly. It tells that
velocity increases over time. It means that for a regular time interval, distance is increasing

 What do you think should be the motion of an airplane preparing for takeoff?
Answer: The motion of an airplane preparing for takeoff started from rest and moved
increasingly faster.
 How will you describe the speed of the plane from rest until it takes off?
Answer: The plane’s speed is accelerating.
Possible answer:

0s 20 s 40 s 60 s

Position A Position B Position C Position D

Q1. The d vs. t graph is a curve line or the d vs .t graph is a curved line. The d vs. t2
graph is a straight line inclined to the right.
Q2. The relationship is quadratic.
Q3. The slope will be solved using the formula (d2 –d1)/(t 22 – t 2). The slope of d – t2
graph represents the acceleration. (This can be seen in the unit which is m/s2)
Q4. The d-t and d – t2 graphs tells that the tin can is accelerating uniformly. It tells that velocity
increases over time. It means that for a regular time interval, distance is increasing quadratically.

1. C
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. D

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Rubrics for Group Activity



(The answers are

correct and clearly


(The reporters
explain their output
diligently and


(Every member of
the group
contributed or
participated in the
activity given.)

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