Wts 5
Wts 5
Wts 5
WTS #5
B+ My Only Classroom Rule; Great Group Work
The artifacts presented here represent evidence of how I have created an
environment that fosters learning, respect and an appreciation for the
concept of team and belonging in order to maintain focus on moving forward
positively. I have instituted a discussion at the start of each term that
involves the idea of being positive when we arrive to the room and in how
we approach engagements with materials, learning and others in the
learning space. This approach is presented here with a recent photograph
taken from 2016 summer school in Madison. Typically, I have found that the
discussion is quite fruitful in terms of setting expectations and meeting the
needs of all in a particular class. The B+ poster I made for summer school
this last summer was something that was referred to regularly, by me and
my students. Sometimes they called me out when I was admittedly not being
positive. It works in all ways with all students. Show up positive and things
will naturally work out. The Great Group Work handout is one that carries
with it the concept of remaining positive and seeing ways to bring your best
to the table and the groups that you work with throughout the school year.
This handout is used for formative discussions on group work and
expectations that will be shared and focused on as students work together
on a variety of projects, activities and common efforts in class.
WI DPI Teacher Standards
Standard Five - Teachers know how to manage a classroom.
The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and
behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social
interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
The artifacts presented here illustrate that I have experience and a calm
approach to setting expectations and rules for behavior in my classroom.
There are many ways to establish rules in a classroom, but simply posting
them and thinking they will be followed is asking for trouble. My experience
has been that rather than detail the acts or omissions of students in a
classroom by the posting of rules is to have a more authentic discussion
about how the class should run. Expectations for behavior are established
and understood. Certain items can be addressed without posting them on a
wall, such as bathroom policies and expectations. My approach represents a
more holistic approach to the running of my classroom and expectation s for
how we will work cooperatively together. My Great Group Work handout is
one that is focused on for a class period. I share my experience and students
share theirs, including good and bad examples and experiences to highlight
what will be acceptable and expected