2001 Imo Training Camp: Contributors: Complexphi, Agr 94 Math, Omid Hatami
2001 Imo Training Camp: Contributors: Complexphi, Agr 94 Math, Omid Hatami
2001 Imo Training Camp: Contributors: Complexphi, Agr 94 Math, Omid Hatami
Day 1
Let x , y , z > 0. Prove that if xyz xy + yz + zx, then xyz 3(x + y + z).
Two symbols A and B obey the rule ABBB = B. Given a word x1 x2 . . . x3n+1
consisting of n letters A and 2n + 1 letters B, show that there is a unique cyclic
permutation of this word which reduces to B.
Day 2
For any positive integer n, show that there exists a polynomial P (x) of degree
n with integer coefficients such that P (0), P (1), . . . , P (n) are all distinct powers
of 2.
Let Q(x) be a cubic polynomial with integer coefficients. Suppose that a prime
p divides Q(xj ) for j = 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 , where x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 are distinct integers from
the set {0, 1, , p 1}. Prove that p divides all the coefficients of Q(x).
Find the number of all unordered pairs {A, B} of subsets of an 8-element set,
such that A B 6= and |A| =
6 |B|.
Day 3
Contributors: ComplexPhi, Agr 94 Math, Omid Hatami
f (f (x) x) = 2x
for all x > 0.
Points B = B1 , B2 , , Bn , Bn+1 = C are chosen on side BC of a triangle ABC
in that order. Let rj be the inradius of triangle ABj Bj+1 for j = 1, , n , and
r be the inradius of ABC. Show that there is a constant independent of n
such that :
( r1 )( r2 ) ( rn ) = n1 ( r)
Day 4
Complex numbers , , have the property that k + k + k is an integer
for every natural number k. Prove that the polynomial
(x )(x )(x )
has integer coefficients.
Let p > 3 be a prime. For each k {1, 2, . . . , p 1}, define xk to be the unique
integer in {1, . . . , p 1} such that kxk 1 (mod p) and set kxk = 1 + pnk .
Prove that :
(mod p)
Each vertex of an m n grid is colored blue, green or red in such a way that all
the boundary vertices are red. We say that a unit square of the grid is properly
colored if: (i) all the three colors occur at the vertices of the square, and (ii)
one side of the square has the endpoints of the same color.
Show that the number of properly colored squares is even.
Day 5
Let ABCD be a rectangle, and let be a circular arc passing through the
points A and C.
Let 1 be the circle tangent to the lines CD and DA and to the circle , and
lying completely inside the rectangle ABCD.
Similiarly let 2 be the circle tangent to the lines AB and BC and to the circle
Contributors: ComplexPhi, Agr 94 Math, Omid Hatami
A strictly increasing sequence (an ) has the property that gcd(am , an ) = agcd(m,n)
for all m, n N. Suppose k is the least positive integer for which there exist
positive integers r < k < s such that a2k = ar as . Prove that r|k and k|s.
Let P (x) be a polynomial of degree n with real coefficients and let a 3. Prove
max aj P (j) 1
Contributors: ComplexPhi, Agr 94 Math, Omid Hatami