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Chapter 10 - Summary

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Chapter 10

Game Theory: Inside Oligopoly

Lingkungan Permainan

Keputusan-keputusan yang telah terencana yang di ambil oleh para pemain

di sebut strategi.

Hasil yang di dapat oleh para pemain adalah laba atau rugi yang di dapatkan
dari eksekusi strategi.

Urutan permainan memegang peranan penting:

Simultaneous-move game: Setiap pemain mengetahui keputusan yang

di ambil oleh pemain lain sebelum dia mengambil keputusan.

Sequential-move game: Seorang pemain melakukan observasi atas

pergerakan yang di buat oleh rivalnya sebelum memilih strategi.

Frekuensi interaksi dengan rival

One-shot game: permainan di mainkan sekali.

Repeated game: permainan di mainkan lebih dari sekali baik dalam

jumlah tertentu maupun jumlah yang tidak terbatas.

Simultaneous-Move, One-Shot Games: Normal Form Game

A Normal Form Game consists of:

Set of players i {1, 2, n} where n is a finite number.

Each players strategy set or feasible actions consist of a finite number

of strategies.

Player 1s strategies are S1 = {a, b, c, }.

Player 2s strategies are S2 = {A, B, C, }.


Player 1s payoff: 1(a,B) = 11.

Player 2s payoff: 2(b,C) = 12.

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Suppose 1 thinks 2 will choose A.





Then 1 should choose a.

Player 1s best response to A is a.



Suppose 1 thinks 2 will choose B.





Then 1 should choose a.

Player 1s best response to B is a.

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Dominant Strategy

Regardless of whether Player 2 chooses A, B, or C, Player 1 is better off

choosing a!

a is Player 1s Dominant Strategy!







Dominant Strategy in a Simultaneous-Move,

One-Shot Game

A dominant strategy is a strategy resulting in the highest payoff regardless of

the opponents action.

If a is a dominant strategy for Player 1 in the previous game, then:

1(a,A) > 1(b,A) 1(c,A);

1(a,B) > 1(b,B) 1(c,B);

and 1(a,C) > 1(b,C) 1(c,C)

Putting Yourself in your Rivals Shoes

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What should player 2 do?

2 has no dominant strategy!

But 2 should reason that 1 will play a.

Therefore 2 should choose C







The Outcome

This outcome is called a Nash equilibrium:

a is player 1s best response to C.

C is player 2s best response to a.

Two-Player Nash Equilibrium

The Nash equilibrium is a condition describing the set of strategies in which

no player can improve her payoff by unilaterally changing her own strategy,
given the other players strategy.


1(s1*,s2*) 1(s1,s2*) for all s1.

1(s1*,s2*) 1(s1*,s2) for all s2.

Kesimpulan :

Look for dominant strategies.

Put yourself in your rivals shoes.

A Market-Share Game

Two managers want to maximize market share: i {1,2}.

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Strategies are pricing decisions

S1 = {1, 5, 10}.

S2 = {1, 5, 10}.

Simultaneous moves.

One-shot game.

The Market-Share Game

in Normal Form

Nash Equilibrium

Kesimpulan :

Game theory can be used to analyze situations where payoffs are non

We will, without loss of generality, focus on environments where businesses

want to maximize profits.

Hence, payoffs are measured in monetary units.

Coordination Games

In many games, players have competing objectives: One firm gains at the
expense of its rivals.

However, some games result in higher profits by each firm when they
coordinate decisions.

Examples of Coordination Games

Industry standards

size of floppy disks.

size of CDs.

National standards
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electric current.

traffic laws.

Player 1

A Coordination Game
in Normal Form

A Coordination Problem:
Three Nash Equilibria!

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Player 1

Not all games are games of conflict.

Communication can help solve coordination problems.

Sequential moves can help solve coordination problems.

Games With No Pure

Strategy Nash Equilibrium

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Player 1
Strategies for Games With No Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium

In games where no pure strategy Nash equilibrium exists, players find it in

there interest to engage in mixed (randomized) strategies.

This means players will randomly select strategies from all available

An Advertising Game

Two firms (Kelloggs & General Mills) managers want to maximize profits.

Strategies consist of advertising campaigns.

Simultaneous moves.

One-shot interaction.

Repeated interaction.

A One-Shot Advertising Game

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Equilibrium to the One-Shot Advertising Game

Nash Equilibrium

Can collusion work if the game is repeated 2 times?

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No (by backwards induction)

In period 2, the game is a one-shot game, so equilibrium entails High

Advertising in the last period.

This means period 1 is really the last period, since everyone knows what
will happen in period 2.

Equilibrium entails High Advertising by each firm in both periods.

The same holds true if we repeat the game any known, finite number of

Can collusion work if firms play the game each year, forever?

Consider the following trigger strategy by each firm:

Dont advertise, provided the rival has not advertised in the past. If
the rival ever advertises, punish it by engaging in a high level of
advertising forever after.

In effect, each firm agrees to cooperate so long as the rival hasnt

cheated in the past. Cheating triggers punishment in all future periods.

Kesimpulan :
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Collusion can be sustained as a Nash equilibrium when there is no certain

end to a game.

Doing so requires:

Ability to monitor actions of rivals.

Ability (and reputation for) punishing defectors.

Low interest rate.

High probability of future interaction.

Real World Examples of Collusion

Garbage Collection Industry




Lysine Market

Normal-Form Bertrand Game

Firm 2

One-Shot Bertrand
(Nash) Equilibrium

Firm 2
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Potential Repeated Game Equilibrium Outcome

Firm 2

Simultaneous-Move Bargaining

Management and a union are negotiating a wage increase.

Strategies are wage offers & wage demands.

Successful negotiations lead to $600 million in surplus, which must be split

among the parties.

Failure to reach an agreement results in a loss to the firm of $100 million and
a union loss of $3 million.

Simultaneous moves, and time permits only one-shot at making a deal.

The Bargaining Game

in Normal Form

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Three Nash Equilibria!

Fairness: The Natural Focal Point

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Lessons in
Simultaneous Bargaining

Simultaneous-move bargaining results in a coordination problem.

Experiments suggests that, in the absence of any history, real players

typically coordinate on the fair outcome.

When there is a bargaining history, other outcomes may prevail.

Single-Offer Bargaining

Now suppose the game is sequential in nature, and management gets to

make the union a take-it-or-leave-it offer.

Analysis Tool: Write the game in extensive form

Summarize the players.

Their potential actions.

Their information at each decision point.

Sequence of moves.
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Each players payoff

Bargaining Re-Cap

In take-it-or-leave-it bargaining, there is a first-mover advantage.

Management can gain by making a take-it-or-leave-it offer to the union. But...

Management should be careful; real world evidence suggests that people

sometimes reject offers on the the basis of principle instead of cash

Penetapan Harga untuk Mencegah Pesaing Masuk : Aplikasi Game Theory

Terdapat dua perusahaan : an incumbent (yang sudah lebih dulu ada) dan
potential entrant (pesaing potensial).

Strategi Potential entrants:


Tetap di luar.

Incumbents strategies:

{if enter, play hard}.

{if enter, play soft}.

{if stay out, play hard}.

{if stay out, play soft}.

Tahapan respon:

Entrant masuk lebih dulu. Incumbent melakukan obervasi atas aksi

yang di lakukan oleh entrant baru memutuskan tindakan.


Membentuk reputasi sebagai musuh bagi entrant akan meningkatkan laba

dalam jangka panjang.

Akan banyak membutuhkan biaya dalam jangka pendek, dan tidak bisa
optimal di lakukan dalam satu kali permainan.

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