Seeking Spouse in Islam
Seeking Spouse in Islam
Seeking Spouse in Islam
G) Religiosity:
According to the above-quoted Hadith, the Prophet mentioned the issue of "religion", i.e., a
prospective spouse's piety and religiousness to be the most important characteristic to be
found in any spouse. The Prophet said, "So you should marry the religious woman;
(otherwise) you will be a loser." This order is quite different from the general statement at the
beginning of the above-mentioned Hadith.
This religiosity is not to be superficial as there are many people who at first glance appear to
be abiding by Islam, but upon closer inspection have a twisted understanding of Islam and
their practice in reality may leave much to be desired. `Umar once told someone who had
testified to the goodness of a person by the fact that he had seen him in the Masjid that he did
not know him as long as he had no dealings with him that involved money, did not live with
him, and did not travel with him.
The characteristic of piety applies to the groom just as much as to the bride. This should be
the main focus of both the woman’s guardian and suitor. In this context, the Prophet said, "If
someone with whose piety and character you are satisfied comes to you, then marry him.
If you do not do so, there will be disorder in the earth and a great deal of evil." (Reported
by At-Tirmidhi and others and classed as Hasan)
، والجييار الصييالح، والمسييكن الواسييع، المييرأة الصييالحة: أربييع ميين السييعادة: ورد فييي الحييديث
. والمركب الهنيء
و بييدن علييى البلء، و قلييب شيياكر، لسان ذاكر، أربع من أعطيهن فقد أعطي خير الدنيا و الخرة
- اللبيياني: عبدال بن عباس المحييدث:الراوي0 و زوجة ل تبغيه خونا في نفسها و ل ماله، صابر
756 : الصفحة أو الرقم- ضعيف الجامع:المصدر
إن خطب إليك رجل رضيت دينه وخلقه فزوجه ول يمنعك فقره وفاقته