Marriage - A Form of Ibadah
Marriage - A Form of Ibadah
Marriage - A Form of Ibadah
A myth that western culture believes is that Islam teaches oppression of women. A womans youth, clothes, habits, marriage, motherhood, etc, are all in subjugation. This is hideously false. Islam teaches that a womans role in the house is that of royalty, dignity and respect. Sadly many Muslims adopting customs native to their birthplace, have shown their bad habits and mannerisms as representative of Islam whereas this is not the case. Numerous Ahadith have explained the elevated status of women, how they should be respected and even revered. The Prophet r has stated that paradise lies under the feet of ones mother (i.e. in serving her). The messenger of Allah r has also commented, It is better for you that a metal rod be plunged into your head than that you should touch a female who is not lawful for you. The prevailing misconceptions that many people, including Muslims have, regarding the issue of womens rights and their roles will be cleared out in this book. In due course, because of Islams beautiful teachings, a person will be able to judge for themselves exactly what Islams stance is, and an open mind will differentiate between customs (whether they are Arabian, African, Indian, Western or otherwise) and Islamic teachings.
A person may ask; what is the importance of Nikah? Many people consider it merely as a legitimate way of fulfilling one's desires. Is this correct? In the Light of the Quran and Sunnah what must one know regarding the rights of the wife and husband. How must a husband behave towards his wife and how must she behave in return? These and other questions are seriously worth thinking about, as their answers may not be known to all. Due to nikah, a lady who was at first prohibited to view, now not only becomes lawful for sexual relationship, for her husband but she, more importantly becomes his soul-mate to share in each other's joys and sorrows. There are numerous benefits of nikah (religious, moral, physical, psychological, etc), the most significant of which is its being the Sunnah of all the Prophets u especially emphasised by Rasulullah r. In a hadith the prophet r has stated that nikah is his sunnah, and emphatically warned that he, who does not like or disowns his sunnah, is not of him or his followers.
sinful; accordingly, when he fulfils his urges in a lawful manner then (undoubtedly) he receives reward.' Mishkat To spend ones wealth upon one's family with the intention of reward is also charitable. The messenger of Allah r has said; When one spends upon his family, be it very little in quantity, with the intention and hope of reward, then for him it is charity. Mishkat From such narrated virtues it is obvious that nikah is a totally peerless ibadah but its perpetual nature of reaping rewards is rarely thought of.
'They are Iibas (concealment) for you and you are libas for them'
Al Baqarah 187
The manner in which clothes cover and hide a person and their physical faults, and also offer privacy, is similar to the married couple and their being a covering for each other, from the revealing of defects or deficiencies. It is also a medium of safeguarding from sins. Just as clothes grant a person protection from many harms, in the very same way, nikah provides peace and relief to the heart. Like a person is closely attached to his clothes (both physically and psychologically), similar is the bond between husband and wife.
And amongst His signs is that He created for you wives from amongst yourselves, that you may find repose in them and, He has created between you affection and mercy. Indeed, herein are signs for people who reflect.'
Ar Rum 21
women have been brought out of their homes to leave for the office. Yes, there are some economic advantages to this, such as an increase in productivity, but it has made many compromises from which a necessary consequence has been the destruction of the family system. Because of this many psychological, moral and functional disasters which outweigh the economic benefits will have to be borne. Many of these problems have become apparent and also apparently insolvable. Dysfunctional families, juvenile delinquency, uncontrollable behaviour of affected individuals, lack of parenting, casual sex, etc are only some of the problems modern society faces, because of the absence or destruction of the maternal pillar of the family. If nikah can be seen as a Sunnah of Nabi r and an ibadah, instead of a 'social contract, and also acknowledge the roles of family members as equal and unique instead of equal and identical, will then the vices which plague society and its very fabric, end.
Promiscuity, or the practice of sex outside marriage is Haram. The reason for this is obvious. No person would like it if their mother, father, wife, husband, brother, sister, son or daughter were to have sex or made to have sex with a stranger. In this very same way one should understand that in the same way they would look for a partner who is a virgin, untouched by any stranger, one must also understand that they also have the right to the same. In a lengthy hadith mentioned in Bukhari it has been mentioned that those who perform this despicable act, will, in Jahannam be burnt in a massive furnace. Remembering that the fire of Hell burns more than 70 times hotter and fiercer than the fire of this world, facing eternity in such a furnace will be unbearable.
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A horrendous new trend, romanticized by the filth of the pornographic industry, include such lewd acts as swinging, orgies wife swapping and open marriages. All these filthy acts include a sexual free for all under the guise of mutual consent. This is Haram to the extreme. The prophet of Allah r narrated that on a night of spiritual ascension to the heavens, Allah I also showed him the depths of Hell. A giant furnace had been prepared and filled with naked men and women who were burning inside in a fire 70 times more hot and fierce than the fire of this world. Those in this punishment will be guilty of adultery. This has been narrated in Bukhari, and the fires temperature has been narrated in Tirmidhi. Those who perform such acts with the reason of consent, will face a punishment far worse than this.
Homosexuality is Haram in Islam. Its reason being that it destroys the very fabrics of family and society in general. Its religious ruling can be understood from the following Quranic statement regarding the destruction of a homosexual nation:
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And (remember Prophet) Lut, when he said to his people: 'Do you commit the worst sin such as none proceeding you has committed in the Alamin (mankind and jinn)? Indeed, you practice your lusts on men instead of women. Nay but you are a people transgressing beyond bounds.'And We rained down upon them a rain (of stones). Then see what was the end of the criminals and transgressors.'
Al Araf 80-81, 84
Rasulullah r warned; 'Whomsoever commits an unnatural act with another, Allah I will not look at them mercifully!' Ma'riful Hadith Thereafter, it can also be understood that this is not only the view of Islam, but also the view of all, apart from those who engage in it. Its physical harms are also noteworthy as one can clearly see the advent of many sexual diseases (including AIDS) due to this dirty habit.
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Masturbation is Haram and also Harmful, for both male and female. There are many ahadith that state its prohibition in very clear warnings. The one stated is typical of them. Once a young man attended the lecture of the great Sahabi Abdullah Ibn Abbas t and thereafter stayed behind to ask a question, 'I am a young person with no wife, I often masturbate with my hand, is it sinful?' Ibn Abbas t, turned his face away (this was the prophets r way of showing disapproval) and advised, 'It would be better for you to marry the worst woman than commit this act! There are numerous harms in masturbating, including that of potential impotence. If a person gets married and is unable to have sex, then it will be too late to consider masturbation a vice while the marriage blows up in smoke. In regards to celibacy, before marriage it is the only way. But it is not an alternative to marriage. The prophet r expressed extreme dislike for that person who wished to remain celibate in favour of perpetual worship. The prophet r has clearly stated that Nikah is his (cherished) Sunnah. From the above we can understand that only sex within marriage is permitted within Islam. Thus Islam has made what is permitted clear from what is not permitted. Thereafter the prophet r has also given the alternative, in case of not being able to marry. O youth, who ever amongst you has the means of getting married, should do so because it lowers the gaze and protects the private parts; and whosoever does not have the ability, should fast, for indeed, it is a protection for him.' Bukhari
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Thus the ideal would be for a young person who experiences carnal urges to get married, with their parents consent, as soon as possible. This has so many benefits to society, including the obvious ones like keeping away from malaces like; prostitution and girlfriend-boyfriend relationships, as well as other vices. This is for both the young and old to understand, as this is the Islamic teaching; the order of Allah and His messenger r, which holds more importance then cultural dictates and ignorant practices.
A common problem in the west is that life is made too fast for marriage, and instead people think it as socially acceptable for two consenting adults to engage in a casual sexual relationship. Allah I says in the Glorious Qur'an:
Do not come near to adultery, indeed it is a shameful deed and an evil way.'
Al Israa 32
Rasulullah r commented; O Muslims! Beware of adultery, for indeed, it is accompanied by six evil consequences: three in this world and three in the Hereafter. The three in this world are; loss of radiance (of Iman) from the face, reduction in life span and continuous poverty. And the three of the Hereafter are; the Wrath of Allah I. a damned reckoning and Infernal punishment.'
Baihaqi, Al Kabair
It is now a proven fact that many of our Muslim youth are involved in
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sexual relationships prior to marriage. It is a grave worry and concern. And instead of people taking responsibility to take active steps in ending this horrid wave of destruction, people would much rather shift the blame to the other party; stating in the process that our own children despite their devilry were born angels. Its sad to actually hear many parents try to justify their children despite their wrongs out of pride, or feeling that good parentage requires them to stand up for their kids. The majority of Muslim youth grow-up in an immoral environment without correct upbringing and true sense of purpose in life. And suffering from an identity crisis; we have forgotten our true purpose in life. In this, parents especially, must take a pro-active role towards their children and not allow this to happen, that their children think of them as their worst enemies. Obviously this isnt going to happen by beating the message into them (which as it is, is un-Islamic). But by tooth and nail we must all make an effort to end this problem by prior education and firm love. (This will be explained in due course) Thereafter we must also remember that physically and even more significantly, spiritually Halal or good consumption equals good in actions and being, and Haram or bad consumption likewise breeds bad actions and being. Many of our youth consume Haram or ambiguous foods; as well as being prey to what they see and listen to through the modern mediums of today which indoctrinate them with thoughts and actions that are also Haram. The fundamental reasons, mediums and routes which lead to adultery and immorality are either accepted, overlooked or worse still, ignored by many parents and so called well wishers/guardians, whereas Allah I says in the Glorious Qur'an:
'Do not come near to adultery, indeed it is a shameful deed and an evil way.
Al Israa 32
And Rasulullah r has also outlined; 'The adultery of the eyes is evil glances. The adultery of the feet is to walk towards evil. The adultery of the tongue is lustful talk. The adultery of the heart is evil desire. But in the end the sexual organs testify to all this or deny it. Bukhari
Allah I, Who has changed Haram to Halal; and sin to obedience and ibadah, through the means of Nikah, gives two families as well as two individuals a new bond and relationship. However it is also a time when one and all are reminded of their obligations and rights towards existing relations. It must never happen that one only remembers ones wife and forgets ones mother, or in aiding the in-laws to forget ones father. With the bridegrooms acceptance, the Quran bears a message, 'O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allah I and fear him, and speak the truth (always)...' The newly wed are being advised to ponder upon the huge responsibilities and duties of their acceptance. Their entire lives and behaviour must be formulated in accordance to what the Shari'ah has stipulated, and must be transformed into an exemplary model for whom the Forgiveness and Pleasure of Allah I is assured.
'..And whomsoever obeys Allah and His Messenger r, he has indeed achieved a great achievement
Al Ahzab 71
Muslim couples in poorer countries who may not have cash in hand, but because of the presence of mutual love, respect and trust, their relationship is so concentrated with mutual concern that poverty, hunger and all hardships and tribulations are tolerated and overcome, and replaced with contentment and complacency.
The young maiden y replied; 'But mother, it just is not possible for me to obey Amirul Muminin t when he is present and disobey him behind his back. Moreover, even if nobody is watching us, Allah I is always watching us! When Umar t overheard this conversation, he was so amazed at the young lady's piety, that he immediately told his assistant to make a careful note of the house. Later that morning, Umar t, summoned his slave and asked him to find out the details of the girl who he had overheard and find out whether she was married. He returned with news that the mother and her unmarried daughter were poor members of the Banu Hilal tribe. Hearing this, Umar t, summoned his son Asim t. and advised; Son, accept my advice, I know of a girl to whom I shall send a marriage proposal on your behalf, for she is pious. I have hope that Insha Allah a pious son will be born from her, who will raise the flag of Islam. Asim t accepted his father's suggestion and agreed to him to send a proposal on his behalf. Umar t, invited both mother and daughter to attend, she was indeed beautiful, both in character and appearance. Umar t. addressed her; 'I acknowledge your pious qualities. I would consider it a honour if you will accept my son's marriage proposal and become my daughter-in-law. The girl with the consent of her mother accepted and married Asim t. From this union a daughter who became the mother of the great Umar bin Abdul-Aziz (R.A.), who was known as the second Umar.
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Humans generally possess two instinctive wants: the first being sexual desires and the second being a need for affection, love and companionship. With adolescence, these features become almost uncontrollably more pronounced. To make things worse, in youth, understanding is still incomplete. Thus, the amalgamated problem of all these issues must be stemmed before establishment, as the saying goes prevention is better than cure. The way of doing this is; Always keep children occupied with constructive work, paying heed to the saying, 'The idle mind is the Devils workshop.' Our children must be encouraged to keep the company of the pious and those of noble character. If their friends are Islamorientated and well-mannered our children will be safe from many vices. Indecent material and company of all forms magnify carnal urges or curiosities in a very incorrect way. The only way to stop them is to be active in guidance not dictatorial. When the child appears to have developed some understanding separate their sleeping arrangements, even between sons and even between daughters.
O youth! Whomsoever is able to fulfil the responsibilities of nikah should perform nikah: because it lowers (saves) one's gaze and safeguards one's private organs'. Hadith Maturity, although introduces thoughts and enthusiasm for marriage, but still early teenage sex, when the body is still physically developing, is harmful. Sperm, although dirty, is still for health purposes valued. It takes eight
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drops of pure healthy blood, to make just one drop of sperm. If it is wasted in youth, major organs will be deprived of vital nourishment; health weakens and growth may be stunted, as well as a probability of sexual problems later in life. On the other hand if the youth protect this period of their life and bodies from unlawful use, then when married, they will experience true contentment and fulfilment. This is why it is necessary to find a 'suitable' match for ones children when they reach a suitable age approximately 17 years for girls and for boys 19 years) so that their desires are focused towards their lawful partners. If the parents express concern that the children are too young to marry, that is exactly where the parents help and guidance should be offered.
And marry those amongst you who are single and pious. If they be poor, Allah will enrich them out of His Bounty. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knowing.'
An Nur 32
Rasulullah r advised Ali t although the advice applies to all; O Ali! Do not delay in three matters: firstly, salaah when its time arrives;
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secondly, (burial of the) janazah, when it is ready; thirdly, in the marriage of a single boy or girl when a (suitable) match is found.'
It is from these injunctions that nikah in different situations have different rulings.
However, if there is real fear, not just apprehension of being unable to fulfil the rights of one's spouse, whether it be their physical or material right, then undoubtedly it is wrong for such a person to wed.
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During the rule of Umar t, the condition of Muslims was one of extreme piety and purity; wherein the general inclination was towards Deen. Despite this, Umar t, forbade the Muslims from marrying Christian or Jewish women. He stated, I am not declaring
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what Allah I has made Halal as Haram; for undoubtedly Allah I has granted permission to marry Ahlul Kitab women; nevertheless, the general welfare of the Ummah demands that Muslims be prevented from acting upon this permission (and prefer what is better). Again it must be clearly stated that if one does intend marriage to a Christian or Jewish woman then one must ascertain that she is such, and not an atheist possessing such a name. This means that if a man did want to marry a Christian or Jewish woman then one must find one who is closest to the original scriptures as possible. (Catholic/Nasorean Christians or Orthodox Jews) but even this is not recommended, and according to most authorities is not allowed.
It is proven from the Qur'an that the purpose behind nikah is: Protection of dignity, chastity and children, this is the true purpose of nikah, not merely to fulfil one's desires like animals. Men have a natural need towards affection, friendship and warmth. Women represent the pinnacle of caring and love for a man, this quality is not found in anyone else. It is accepted that women are generally weaker than men. This does not suggest that they are inferior to men. It means that their roles are different. It is all too obvious that men and women need to reproduce, and fulfil their carnal urges. Allah I has compared the married couple to a farmer and his field, and pious children to a good harvest. Nikah breeds good habits in a married couple, including responsibility and premeditation.
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Amongst the necessary requisites of marriage the most important is correct intention, as this in even conjugal and domestic activities is rewarded: Nikah is performed to act upon the sunnah of Nabi r who stated; 'Nikah is my Sunnah. The prophet r also stated; whoever dislikes my Sunnah is not of me.' Perform nikah because it saves one from evil and keeps one under control. Additional benefits include; one's heart being saved from evil thoughts as too the eyes are protected from staring at Haram. Allah I bestows the husband and wife, pious children. The obedience to Allah I that they portray, will also earn their parents reward. A person with a family receives more reward for good deeds than a single person, therefore one should include this in his intention also. More children mean an increase in the number of Muslims. Rasulullah r will take pride in this.
When one reaches the age of marriage, their opinion should always be
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taken into account. If due to uneasiness, they do not say anything or appear lost, their wishes can be ascertained by close friends or relatives who the child feels comfortable talking to. Parents becoming aware of their child's thought patterns should consider the desired partners mannerisms, character, piety and suitability. At this stage, it is totally morally and Islamically wrong and detrimental to the parent-child relationship, to act in total disregard of the childs wishes or behind their backs in arranging a suitable equal by caste match. One should always remember that it is the couple who will be living together. If this is not considered, the possibility of unhappiness and divorce, ending in heart-break and pain for our children is very real. One must bear in mind the wishes of the couple. Obviously in the situation that should they be so irresponsible and foolish as to refuse every good, pious choice of their parents, and insist on marrying some blatantly sinful person then coupled with gentle, loving and tact persuasion, resort to du'a, for Allah I has full control over all situations. One must never get hysterical or forceful, or even deaf to the childs talk, as this has adverse effects. One must relate the benefits of marrying a good person in a caring, concerned way explaining that they will also be the ones to affect their children. Moreover, it will ensure no hatred arises in the parents hearts, nor the childrens.
This one meeting is encouraged by Rasulullah r. Its benefit is that, what each person has heard of the other is based on gossip or reports based on bias opinions. Inclinations and perception of people vary greatly, thus a first-hand view and questioning allows a more truthful and open decision from both parties. This will stop hidden problems from turning up in future. When considering a match, consider the following; Preferably the boy should be a year to four years senior to the girl. Both boy and girl, being of the same marital status (which includes virginity) is a major factor of compatibility. The prospective partners piety, character must be considered in both boy and girl. Additionally, girls should also possess the ability to manage household chores and management. And boys should also possess piety and additional skills. Imam Hasan al-Basri (RA) stated: 'Marry your daughter to some pious person; for if nothing else, at least on account of his bond with Allah I he will not abuse her nor fail to fulfil her rights.
Beauty whilst being a blessing and something that should be considered, as this will be a major factor of the husband loving the wife and the wife loving the husband. Beauty however is not eternal, as external factors beyond ones control can destroy it, as well as youthful beauty diminishing in a few years.
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Something to think about is that if only beauty is sought disregarding piety, then the beautiful person will be hard to satisfy on account of their arrogance that is born out of vanity. Also such people who are devoid of shame will also enjoy being watched and appreciated by all and sundry. This can never be a good thing. If beauty is possessed by one who is pious then for their spouse it is an additional blessing.
This mind corrupting reasoning should not determine ones reason for choosing a spouse. Wealth is even more unpredictable and inconsiderate than beauty. The phrase; here today gone tomorrow aptly describes it. A prospective husband should also reflect that although the girls family may be rich, nikah is made to her, not her wealth. Should she be wealthy, it should be below ones honour and dignity to enjoy being a parasite off ones wife's wealth. In addition, if she is from a wealthy background, her tastes and requirements will also be expensive. So before considering marriage to a wealthy girl think; will she be satisfied with ones more humble income?
According to Shari'ah the only criteria that determines a persons real rank and true worth, as according to Allah I, is piety and godliness. All
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other criteria are superficial and/or made up. The most precious of traits are honour and chastity. Ali t narrates, 'We were present with Rasulullah r when He asked us: 'Tell me, what is treasured most by women?' The Sahabah y present maintained silence. Ali t relates; 'I returned and asked Fatimah y what is treasured most by women?' She replied 'She should not look at any ghair-mahram (someone to whom marriage is not incestuous) male nor should any male look at her.' Ali t related this reply to Rasulullah r who commented; Fatimah is a portion of my heart (she understood)." This is what both the parents and the person marrying should very carefully consider about their prospective partners: Aqaid (beliefs). Many secular educated Muslims suffer from distorted beliefs regarding Islam which were taught to them by non-Muslim avenues. One must be wary of the beliefs of whoever is going to be the other parent of ones child. Ibadah. The person must be punctual on the fundamental pillars of Islam, e.g. Salaah, Sawm, Zakaah. These are major issues which must not be trivialized; as if one were to look in the long run, both husband and wife will want to be together also in the next life. Good character. For obvious reasons one would want to get married to one who has good character, and who understands that in different situations, ones humble opinion should not supercede sense. Transactions. No one wants to marry a thief or be called the partner of one. Social conduct. Although one should not worry about what people say, one should also not give the opportunity to be spoken bad
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About because of ones own conduct. Ones spouse should also be up to this standard. Health. One must not discriminate against a person because they suffer from an illness. But one must remember that it is natural that a person has a dislike of it. This will lead to problems, if the illness is not curable or controllable. Relationship. Often, though definitely not always, there is greater compatibility and understanding between relatives and people of the same ethnic origin. Temperament. Ideally both the boy and girl should enjoy the same outlook, otherwise life would present more problems than solutions. Education. Both should have received at least a foundational level of Deeni education and basic secular education and not be intellectually miles apart. Housekeeping Skills. It is important that both the partners be competent in all or most aspects of domestic responsibilities, and be willing to help each other in theirs. The boy should also have a profession or skill (either Deeni or worldly) so he may maintain responsibility over his family without dependance. Bad habits. It is also imperative to find out whether the prospective boy or girl suffer from any problems or bad habits, e.g. drugs, alcohol or TV.
Allah I promises in the Qur'an: 'Make dua to (call) Me, I shall accept Rasulullah r also gave the glad tidings; Whoever is given the ability to make dua, for them the doors of acceptance are opened.
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He also explained: Only dua is able to alter taqdir (fate). Thereafter further elaborating: Dua is always accepted by Allah I, provided one does not perform those actions which prevent dua from being accepted (i.e. Consume or ask for the impermissible). But one should remember that dua is accepted in one of three ways. That which was specifically requested is received. Some misfortune or calamity coming one's way is diverted. A great reward is reserved for one in the Akhirah.
O Allah! Give to us through our wives and children the comfort of our eyes, and make us the leaders of the pious.
Furqaan 74
O Allah! I ask You for those noble things which You give to people: of wealth; wife and offspring; what are neither astray nor lead astray.
O Allah! I seek Your forgiveness, and I seek peace in regards to my religion, dunya, family and wealth.
O Allah! Bless us in our hearing, seeing and hearts, and in our wives and offspring.
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Accept our repentance, for only You are the Most forgiving, Most Merciful.
O Allah! I seek Your protection from such a wife who ages me before old age. I seek Your protection from such children who may vex me. Also, I seek your protection from such wealth which is a punishment.
O Allah! I seek Your protection from the tribulations of women. O Allah! I seek Your protection from those actions which may disgrace me. I seek Your protection from those companions who may harm me, and I seek Your protection from that hope which keeps me negligent.
Al-ad`iyatul Mathurah
And consult with them in actions. Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah, certainly, Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him).
Al Imran159
And those who answer the Call of their Lord and perform Salaah and who (conduct) their affairs by mutual consultation and who spend of what We have bestowed on them.
Ash Shura 38
Jabir t narrates; 'In the same way Rasulullah r imparted upon us the verses of the Quran, he also taught us to perform Istikharah in all our important work. He r commented, Whenever an important matter arises, perform two rakat nafl (salaah) and the du'a (for Istikharah).
Riyadus Salihin
Whenever a Muslim decides to perform any important task, they should firstly seek the opinion of a person who as well as being a true friend and well-wisher, is also knowledgeable, preferably an Alim. This mashwarah is very important, more virtuous and more beneficial than lstikharah alone. One should not disregard the opinion of ones well wisher, in the event of their opinion being against one's wish or desire. But the opinion given should be reflected upon with an open mind. Istikharah should be performed on the sincere advice given. Istikharah is beneficial for that person who keeps a non-onesided mind. If one's pre-conceived choice dominates the heart, the outcome of Istikharah will be ignored or manipulated to justify this previous choice. Istikharah (i.e. its salaah) can be performed at any time besides the
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makruh times. Although most prefer its performance at night, with the reasoning of it being more effective at that time, it can be performed whenever convenient.
O Allah, I seek good from You, in that which You know. And I seek ability from You, in Your power. And I ask You from Your great benevolence. For You possess power while I have no power, and You are the knowledgeable, while I have no knowledge. And You are the Knower of the unseen. O Allah, if in Your knowledge this action is good for me in so far as my religion, my living and in the consequences of my actions are concerned, then ordain it for me, and make it easy for me, then bless me in it. And if in Your knowledge this action is bad for me in so far as my religion, my living and in the consequences of my actions are concerned, then turn it away from me, and turn me away from it. then destine for me that which is better, in whatever form it may be, then make me content with it.
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Rasulullah r commented: When some pious person of noble character sends a proposal of nikah to your home, then accept his proposal. Otherwise, there will be great tribulations and anarchy upon earth. Tirmidhi 'No Muslim should propose upon the proposal of another Muslim, until he either marries or withdraws his proposal.' Mishkhat Engagement is a promise between prospective spouses and/or their families of marriage. The custom of having an engagement party; engagement cards; distribution of sweets, cakes, drinks or any other silly arrangement is incorrect. One must however remember that this like any other promise or pledge is no light matter. One must consider very carefully before making this promise on ones own marriage or on behalf of others, and thereafter this promise must be honoured. Only in the event of the disclosure of a hidden fault/vice can this promise be reconsidered.
The benefits and blessings observed in marriages where permission was sought from the elders of the household, and the entire arrangement was made with the families, is not seen in weddings where the couple marry on their own, disregarding all others. This type of marriage arrangement when the couple decide everything for themselves, including the premarital formalities, is witness to the fact of their being totally bereft of modesty and decency. Islam considers decency, modesty and restraint, unsurpassable virtues of women. The absence of these qualities, are the inciters of all sorts of problems.
The prophet r forewarned about emulating such evil cultures and practices; Most certainly, you will follow the ways of those who preceded you step by step, inch by inch. If they enter into a lizard's hole, you (will emulate them) and follow them into the lizard's hole.' Somebody asked: 'O Rasulullah r Do you mean the Yahud and Nasara? 'Nabi r replied: 'Who else?' Mishkat Should a genuine need arise to approach such an organisation then it must only be a reputable 'Muslim Marriage Bureau,' not a dating bureau, that is in line with Shariah. This too only should be a last resort and only with the consent, approval and supervision of ones family.
The trend is for one male, from both families, to be physically present when requesting the girls permission. This is totally wrong and completely against the Shari' command of hijab. Only mahram males should seek the girl's permission and thereafter ensure they be present when the nikah is solemnized. A father, brother or uncle of the girl should place the request and witness the consent. Non-mahram males cannot go to the girl at all.
Nikah should be publicized, and performed in public as our Nabi r has advised; 'Perform nikah with announcement and in the Masjid.
Ma'ariful Hadith
Another lesson from the ahadith is that it is preferable to perform nikah in the Masjid, preferably after a Salaah, when a greater number of Ulama and pious people will be present; whose presence will attract the mercy of Allah I, and whose dua will benefit the newly-married. Unfortunately common behaviour of Muslims on occasions of nikah is extremely disrespectful of the Masajid. Muslims, who are on the true path, should contrast this with the behaviour of non-Muslims inside their places of worship, and think which is more better/appropriate. At all times we must uphold the sanctity of the Masjid. Rasulullah r commented, 'Do not make a commotion like that of markets. Abu Dawud An Alim (or pious person), should perform the nikah. After the sermon (khutbah), should the proposal and acceptance take place. The bridegroom should ensure he recites the complete sentence: 'I have accepted,' clearly, so that others may hear.
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Cultures vary, and many ways of performing the nikah and conducting ceremonies have been coined. The Sunnah du'a of congratulating the newly weds is (only) the following:
'May Allah bless you and shower His blessings on you and may He grant you both a pleasant and prosperous life.
Rasulullah r commented: Whomsoever marries a lady, whether with a small or large amount as mahr; with the intention in his heart of not actually paying will be gathered before Allah I on the Day of Qiyamah as a fornicator!'
Maariful Hadith
Mahr is wajib (compulsory). Even if it is not mentioned at the time of nikah one will still be obliged to pay it. The minimum quantity of mahr is the value of approximately 31 grams of Silver. Because this amount varies it is not correct to fix an amount in tendered currency. There is no maximum limit, however a light mahr has been praised highly by the prophet r. The amount generally known as mahr-Fatimi, is what Ali t gave at the time of his nikah, with Fatimah y, which equates to approximately 1.6Kg of silver (1,584 grams).
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right) of separate living quarters if she so wishes. But this should not be sought in a manner that portrays dislike of the in-laws. In the majority of cases, it is best if couples do separate their residence from parents, but on good terms.
be disturbed in any way. The practice of eavesdrop or for either of the couple to gossip about the other regarding the activities or secrets of the first night (or any other night) is a grave sin. Nabi r said, 'On the Day of Qiyamah, that person will be of the lowest rank who makes love to his wife and thereafter reveals details to others.'
Maariful Hadith
Usually the new-wife sits in wait for her husband. People should ensure that the husband is not kept in idle chatter or any other preoccupation so as to keep her waiting. The husband should proceed to meet his queen without delay after Isha Salaah. After knocking and requesting permission, the bridegroom should make Salaam clearly and audibly. This is a Sunnah which should be maintained throughout your married life. The bride should reply to the salaam and welcome her husband. When Ummul-Muminin Ummu Salamah y married Rasulullah r she exclaimed, Marhaban bi Rasulullah r (Welcome O Messenger of Allah r). The couple can sit down shake hands and he with affection should place his hand upon her forehead, reciting this du'a;
O Allah! I seek from You, the good and blessings of this lady, and the goodness, which You have created within her. In addition, I seek Your protection from the evil of this lady, and whatever evil You have created in her.'
The bride may also recite a similar du'a (this is not sunnah but good nonetheless):
O Allah! I seek from You, the good and blessings of this man, and the goodness, which You have created within him. In addition, I seek Your protection from the evil of this man, and whatever evil You have created in him.
The benefits of this is that Allah I will remove evil from the spouses and prevent evil from befalling them, and He will bless the household.
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Starting a conversation is always easier than anticipated. Appearing happy and smiling affectionately through this nervous ordeal helps each other and benefits the relationship. The conversation should be initiated by asking about each other and listening appreciatively and attentively. And without trying too hard (or being obscene) a few jokes can be cracked to lighten the atmosphere. Thereafter engage in speaking about Allah I and His mercy. After which the purpose behind the nikah can be explained. Upon this the couple should make an agreement with each other to always obey Allah I and be faithful and loyal to each other. It is very fitting at this point, for each to present an appropriate gift (e.g. a necklace for her, a watch for him) to the other. This shows love, commitment and appreciation. Light refreshments can be served to each other to overcome any remaining shyness. One must bear in mind, that (ideally) both before this meeting were strangers, thus it is natural (and a very good sign) for both to feel uneasy about being alone with one of the opposite sex, with whom intimacy is permitted. Both should thus bear the feeling of the other, if any signs of shyness or uneasiness are shown. Indulgence in sexual activity, should not be commenced or demanded immediately. The husband should take the lead in creating an atmosphere, and breaking the ice by use of words of love, humour and mutual caring and caressing. All this time, slowly getting physically closer, caressing and embracing her. Ignorant men advised by ignorant friends think sex must be performed immediately to demonstrate manliness and dominance over the wife. Only a complete idiot can behave in such a selfish manner, not taking into consideration the feelings and disposition of the wife; ones future life partner. Both husband and wife have the rest of their married lives
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for this. Selfishness at this stage will give the new wife the impression of being used only to fulfil the husbands sexual desires. This will create more problems than can ever be resolved. Modesty in Muslim ladies prevents them from immediately jumping for sex. When she does eventually become prepared for it, she will be extremely nervous, and in dire need of support from the husband. The breaking of her virginity will cause immense physical pain which will be felt more than sexual pleasure. If the husband is not attentive towards her or behaves rashly at this intimate and delicate stage, the wife will hate him, and this hatreds negative effects will continue for a long time into the marriage. In marriage, the wife (and also the husband) both experience an entire new lifestyle which was previously unknown to them. In the delicate stage of the building up of roles of both the husband and wife it is imperative for both to be neither selfish and subjugating nor so selfless as to allow the other to unwittingly take advantage. Ideally both will recognize their responsibilities as theirs and not expect any help in it. They also should help and assist the other in the others work acknowledging the fact that it is still the others responsibility. Both husband and wife while regarding the other as the person of their dreams should also understand that ultimately their dream, just as they are, are still human and prone to mistakes and faults. This is not said as a put off, but it is a reminder that mistakes will occur from both sides, and just as one wishes for ones own mistakes to be overlooked and forgiven, they should overlook the mistakes of the other. The Mother of the Believers, Ummu Salamah y narrates; that if ever the eyes of any of the wives of Nabi r ached, he would not cohabit
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with them. This was due to consideration of their health. This and other issues are such that both partners should consider at all times in order to maintain a happy mutual-loving relationship.
Muslims should realize that conjugal fulfilment is a fundamental need of humans, therefore Islam has not only dealt with this subject openly, but in great detail. A Muslims every action should be performed with the goal of Allahs I pleasure. As has been explained by the prophet r even the fulfilment of nocturnal marital rights merits reward if done with the right intentions, i.e. acquiring of pious offspring, protection from adultery and fulfilment of mutual rights in a permitted manner.
Your wives are your fields. So, come unto your field from where you will, and advance something for yourselves, and fear Allah and know that you are to meet Him
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Rasulullah r explained: Therefore come unto your soil from the front in the front part (i.e. the vagina only of one's wife), or come from the back into the front part (vagina). And save yourselves from the back portion (anus) in the way you save yourselves from the pubic region during the period of menstruation.' Tirmidhi As long as the wife is not in her monthly cycle, the couple may engage in sexual intercourse as long as it is in the vagina, whatever position is comfortable to both. Anal and oral sex is not permitted. Regarding the issue of different positions allowed for the husband and wife, Islam gives permission for any position for this act, as long as entry is in the vagina. The couple should however ensure that both are comfortable, and under no circumstance ashamed of, or psychologically forced into it. Medically (this is also considered in Islam) standing whilst having sex is harmful, thus not recommended, although permissible. Regarding which positions are preferred, two are hinted at in the Quran and sunnah, these are sitting and lying down whilst engaging in sexual contact. It is further recommended that the husband be on top covering her totally. This is practically more fulfilling, more likely to allow conception and is also much more healthier. Rasulullah r commented: Whenever any of you makes love with his wife (i.e. Before he starts), he should recite the following du'a to Allah I (it is also appropriate for the wife to read this du`a):
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'With the name of Allah! O Allah! Save us from the evil of Shaytan and save whatever children You bestow us.
Shaytan will not be able to harm any child conceived from this union.'
Ma'ariful Hadith
One must at this time, remember Allah I and thank Him abundantly. If one is oblivious of Allahs I mercy, then this defiance will be seen in ones children and their behaviour towards the parents.
'They ask you about menstruation. Say, 'It is an Adha (an impurity and harmful act for a husband to have sexual intercourse with his wife whilst she is undergoing menses), therefore keep away from women during menstruation; and do not have intimacy with them until they are cleansed...'
Al Baqarah 222
Zayd bin Aslam (RA) (a Tabi') relates: Once a person asked Nabi r, 'During the days of my wife's monthly periods, what leeway is their for me regarding intimate relationships?' He r replied, 'Cover a cloth between her navel to knees, thereafter you may derive pleasure from her upper torso (e.g. Kissing and caressing).'
During the days of menstruation, it is Haram for a husband to cohabit with his wife. However, besides actual cohabitation, the husband is permitted to fondle the other parts of her body. If during Haydh, a person makes the grave mistake of cohabiting then it is necessary to repent from it and also to make a donation to charity. For he who has sex with his wife during Haydh, the Prophet r has instructed the donating of one or half a dinar in charity as recompense.
Ibn Majah
Medical evidence shows that for both the spouses to cohabit during the wifes Haydh or nifaas, it is extremely harmful. Many women have even suffered near-fatal blood loss and also haemorrhages due to cohabiting too soon after childbirth.
The fact that the genital organs; on condition of washing them; are clean, does not mean that every clean item be placed in the mouth. It is makruh i.e. sinful to orally fondle the genitals. This action is extremely dirty and only through it being romanticized by the sex industry, has even been contemplated. It is not becoming of a Muslim to follow the wests filthy example.
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Purity. One should brush one's teeth, use perfume and ensure of no body odours or disheveled appearance. This should be done at all times, but on occasion of intimacy it takes on a greater significance. There is no greater cause of abhorrence than foul odour. Clean cloth should be used to prevent the bed from being polluted, besides that two small towels should be utilized to clean the private parts after cohabitation.
Psychological preparation must be made prior to cohabitation. This increases enjoyment and is much more mutually considerate. Each should express their desire for the other both verbally and practically. Ibn Abbas t has said; 'I love to adorn myself for my wife as much as 1 like (her) to beautify (herself) for me.' The habit of dressing to go out and staying scruffy (or casual) at home is very inconsiderate. Allah I has granted the wife much reward in 'dressing-up' for her husband.
The best time to make love is at least three (3) hours after having eaten. To make love immediately after having eaten a heavy meal, or when completely famished or tired is detrimental to health.
Everything runs at an optimum (most productive/best) rate if all things concerning it are kept in balance i.e. within moderation (not too much or too little). Thus for the body and mind to function at their most productive rates, total deprivation from carnal fulfilment is hazardous, and excessive indulgence (although hard to believe) is also hazardous. Bluntly put; too much or too little sex is harmful for a person as an individual and also the couple and their relationship. Our Shari'ah has not set out any specific limits for cohabitation, as individual strength, needs and physique vary. Indulgence is however encouraged (as well as bathing) on Thursday night. Greater sexual prowess or craving does not make one more of a man, as this is something men like to generally boast about. But whoever has a greater need may indulge at least twice a week. But to have sex every night or more than once a night as a habit can be harmful. Ejaculation of semen depletes a considerable amount of the bodys energy and nourishment, which must be replenished; otherwise the rest of the body suffers. Thus, it becomes obvious that repeated depletion of this energy and nutrients, too quickly may result in illness. Also over indulgence becomes burdensome upon the wife. As women usually become satisfied with considerate, fulfilling sex, at moderate intervals, rather than frequent quickies . The newly married couple, are encouraged to engage in conjugal activities initially once every two to four days, gradually slowing down
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to once a week and whenever a really strong urge is felt by either partner.
Prior to having sex the couple should engage in foreplay. Through this there is greater enjoyment and pleasure, especially for the wife. This is in accordance to the Sunnah of our beloved Nabi r who has stated, 'When the husband and wife hold each others' hands with love and affection; Allah I forgives their sins.' Caressing, kissing, fondling, massaging, playing, whispering, stroking, all arouse passion, craving and 'enthusiasm' for sex. The couple should spend considerable time indulging their selves and each other in these activities. The couple should explore each other whilst considering each others dispositions and making sure no aspect of Shariah law is disregarded (i.e. Anal and oral sex are not permissible, so must not be engaged in). Also when one is fondling those areas of the wifes body especially her breasts one must ensure that no milk is drank or tasted in the arousing process.
At the time of orgasm of either of the partners, it is best not to engage in speech. Should the husband experience early ejaculation he should not separate until his wife achieves orgasm and vice versa. If this is not done it is denying the other their right, as well as there being a danger of physical harm to the wife and discontentment setting into her heart. It appears in a hadith, 'When any of you makes love to his wife, then he should do so with relish, vigour and enthusiasm. And when the husband reaches his desire (orgasm and wishes to ejaculate) then he
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O Allah! Do not allow Shaytan any part of what You grant us.
After cohabitation, both should wipe their genital organs clean with clean towels/cloths. Thereafter the couple should try to perform ghusl (bath) if this is too inconvenient then wudhu (ablution) is sufficient. If this too is difficult then tayammum should be performed. One should not indulge in more sex without at least washing the genitalia. As long as the body remains warm, it is not medically advisable to expose it to cold air or water. Whoever suffers from inflamation or pain while urinating or during vaginal discharge are recommended to urinate and thereafter perform Istinja (washing of genitals after urination or excretion) prior to and after (not necessarily immediately after) cohabitation. To have sex a second time or multiple times until true satisfaction is met, although not prohibited in Islam, can be medically harmful. Also one should only have sex if true desire is experienced (i.e. This is when a burning craving from within exists through which one does not need to physically arouse one's organs) not only when one has time on their hands. If the need arises for cohabitation a second or more times; one must again indulge in foreplay and prepare the wife.
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And the pains of childbirth drove her (Maryam u) to the trunk of a date-palm, And shake the trunk of date-palm towards you, it will let fall fresh ripe dates Upon you.
Maryam 23,25
Ayshah y relates that Nabi r was very fond of honey because Allah I reveals in the Quran:
There comes forth from their bellies, a drink of varying colour wherein it is healing for men,
An Nahl 69
Unlike other foods, honey does not lose any of its benefits, even over a long period of time. Its nutrients are lapped up by the blood extremely quickly, and it generates immense energy without disturbing or causing an imbalance in the bodys system or processes.
Milk according to Abdullah Ibn Abbas t was the favorite drink of our prophet r. It develops sexual potency, dispels dryness and because it is so easily digested provides energy to body organs. Its nutrients are extremely beneficial for the body. Hareerah is a soupy dish of meat, clarified butter, wheat and a little
seasoning. This dish was recommended to Nabi r by Jibr'ail u and it was explained as having a potency enhancing capacity sufficient for 40 men.
Garlic was disliked by the prophet r when eaten raw before entry
into the Masjid. According to some hadith, garlic contains healing properties. Some people have researched garlic and found it to be very beneficial in boosting sexual potency in people, especially those with weaker temperaments and tendencies. Other foods that have all been recommended by Nabi r. Beetroot, Saffron, Eggs
Foods which are Harmful to Potency - all types of sour fruits, pickles, chutneys, tamarind, vinegar, red chillies, hot spices, tea & coffee.
To drink cold water or any other cold drink immediately after sex is not recommended medically as it is harmful. Besides which it is worth noting that smoking, as well as having
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countless other harms, can also cause irreparable harm to the reproductive organs as well as sperm production and quality. Note while certain foods are good in promoting sexual prowess, it does not mean that food is meant to be used during sex, in places where they were not intended to be. This is very disrespectful and wasteful, thus deserving its ruling of impermissibility.
Flowers and fragrances are known to have a very positive effect on the sexual potency of both men and women. The classical fragrances (e.g. musk, amber, rose etc.) have superb arousing capabilities. The newer types of perfumes also have this same type of effect. Although many scholars allow the use of alcohol including perfumes, one should still try to acquire the alcohol-free range to avoid the differences of opinion surrounding the permissibility of the alcoholincluding range.
Clothes and self portrayal of the husband to the wife and even more so of the wife to the husband also have an effect in increasing a craving for each other and intimacy. So called erotic lingerie can be worn by the wife to arouse the husband and intensify the foreplay. But this intimate costuming must be kept in total privacy between the husband and wife, both in action and talk. The only limitation to this is that it is compliant with the guidelines of Islam. These are mutual permission, no impersonation of others and no shamelessness (anal and oral sex).
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Janabah is the impure state that leaves one requiring a bath in which
one is categorized in the event of any of the following;
Ghusl is the ritual bath which if performed in its entirety, will free one from the state of Janabah.
1. Entry of the tip of the penis in the mouth/opening of the vagina (or even the anus if one were to commit this filthy Haram act), whereby the head of the penis is no longer visible, irrespective of whether semen is ejaculated or not. In this event both involved require a compulsory bath. 2. Discharge of seminal fluids of either male or female on condition of it being experienced with the thought or pleasure of sexual activity, be it in the form of wet dreams or in the state of consciousness, regardless of whether it is caused by anything touching the private parts or not, or by merely thinking about sex, whether permissible or impermissible (thinking about impermissible sex is not permissible). 3. Haydh (menses) & Nifas (blood flow after childbirth). One should note that for men it is only the ejaculation of semen that necessitates the bath Purification from the state of janabat is obtained by means of ghusl, in the instance of water being available, otherwise by tayammum, (please refer to our publication titled salaah for more details)
1. Performing Salaah, the touching of and reciting of the Qur'an. 2. To enter a Masjid or to make Tawaaf of the Ka'bah.
wherein dozens of different foods are usually served with countless other extravagances, simply cannot understand as to why the Prophet r chose such simplicity. Anas t narrates, 'The walimah Nabi r gave after marrying Zaynab bint Jahash y was the largest he had given. On that occasion, Nabi r arranged for a sheep to feed the guests, and Ummu Sulaym y, (the mother of Anas t) sent Hareera (a special soup). Nabi r had instructed Anas t to invite many friends by name, as well as anyone who he happened to meet. A total of about 300 men gathered at the residence of Nabi r who whilst reciting a du'a instructed people to eat in clusters of ten, and to eat from in front of them. After all had eaten to their fill, Nabi r requested the food be removed. Anas comments, 'At the time of removal, I was unable to distinguish, whether more food was present when I had served the meal, or upon its completion!' Nabi r had although generously invited a large number of people for this walimah, no expensive halls had to be hired, there was thus no ghibat or gossip, no intermingling of sexes, no time wasting after the food had been eaten, no pomp, no show. This showed that the Prophets r example was not only simplicity but also hateful of extravagance. Regarding walimah: It is Sunnah for the new husband's family to offer walimah. There is no basis in the Shari'ah for the new wifes family to hold any party. Upon arrival at a Walimah if one finds any form of sin taking place, then one should leave immediately. It is wrong to incur debt in order to have a walimah.
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Salaah and other Islamic obligations must not be compromised by any of the hosts or guests. It is idiocy for one to think it is a requirement of nobility and rank to hold an extravagant, wasteful meal and invite many. Where are we, our peers and our interpretation of honour and respect compared to the example of our beloved Prophet r and his companions y? The ill-practices of intermingling of the sexes, photography, music and all the other stuff that now have become part of the ceremonies are sins totally against the Shariah. It is not permissible to bring any extra people (or children) with those who have been invited without prior permission. If the revenue of the inviting person are known or strongly thought to be of ill-means (this is anything not permissible according to Islamic law), then his invitation should be rejected politely.
other, then they will get their own rights as well as improve the relationship no end. During the initial stages, the couple must try and spend as much time together as possible, as it provides an opportunity to understand each others nature and also to lay a strong marital foundation. It also plays an important part towards securing a successful marriage. Many people think it appropriate that the husband goes on a long journey immediately after marriage, there is no Islamic necessity behind it but rather it is harmful for the relationship and should be postponed for at least two months. The couple must make a point to arrive home early every evening and avoid the habit of wasting time in idle chit-chat with friends. Whatever work/activity one is involved in should be completed early or postponed and time set aside for spending together. The love between the couple in the initial stages of marriage is blinding, in the sense that it overcomes logical reasoning and thinking. It is thus immensely vital for the couple not to let the marriage tumble towards an irreligious direction, because of this blinding love that they have for each other. Both husband and wife should pledge to each other that they will follow Deen at all costs. The new husband must show compassion to the wife who has left her parents and family to start a new family with him. Her sacrifice and her feelings should be respected and appreciated. Similarly the wife should also appreciate the husbands sacrifice in his willingness to sacrifice his earnings to share them with his new wife. Thus both should feel for each other, and also for the establishment of the family. A wife should treat her husband's parents as her own, and he should also feel the same way about her parents.
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One point for the wife to bear in mind is that the husband at the beginning would spend almost every evening with her as is normal. Thereafter the husband would naturally become more preoccupied with either work or recreation. This too within limits is normal and must never be misconstrued to mean that the husband does not care. The husband must understand that he should not impose on the wife, even if she says she doesnt mind. Many times husbands like to entertain friends and family at his home. This is not discouraged, but should not be performed too often or too many of the responsibilities put onto the wife.
They (your wives) are a libaas (cover/screen) for you and you (men) are a libaas for them.'
Al Baqarah 187
This ayah vividly describes the unique bond between husband and wife. With nikah, both acquire responsibilities and rights for and over each other. True consideration is that one is lenient when it comes to ones own rights being neglected, and adamant when it comes to fulfilling the right of others. In the way that life cannot be lived without clothes, similarly, without the protective garment of nikah, neither can man nor woman achieve an inner gratifying peace. This does not refer to only carnal desires, as both the spouses are in need of each other and in need of each others support.
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Women must realize that a good Muslim wife does not resort to placing her husband in a situation where he is forced to choose between her and his parents even when her rights are at stake. This is not demanding her to relinquish her rights, but it is teaching that a wife should use her common sense and only ask her husband for separate accommodation if he is able to give her it. If he is unable to provide a house then he will be fulfilling her rights by giving her one room that only she has the key for, wherein she has total privacy whenever she requires it.
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Practically the best arrangement is that the couple arrange for separate living accommodations. Through this, one will avoid falling prey to arguments and quarrels. Parents should within means help their children to arrange separate accommodation immediately upon marriage. If the wife wishes for separate accommodation and it is within the husbands means, then it is necessary for the husband to fulfil this right of hers. Even if the husbands parents do not wish for their son to live separately, but the wife demands it, whether in be in the same building or in a separate one, it is imperative for the husband to grant her this right, and he should refuse the parents in an amicable, pleasing way. Parents must also be understanding and not stubbornly insist on imprisoning their daughter-in-law. In the event of the newly wed couple living with the husbands parents, all who live there must at all times respect the new wifes privacy. Some people automatically assume that since she is the daughter she becomes a possession of the family, and thus does not have any rights or privacy. This view is Haram and those who continue neglecting her will be liable for severe punishment from Allah I.
Men are the protectors and maintainers of women because Allah has made one excel the other and because
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Nabi r has declared; The Mumin with the most perfect Iman is one who has the best character and who is the kindest to his wife. Undoubtedly, Allah I has blessed men and women with many qualities, many are shared by both, but there are some which are specific to women and some specific to men. Of the qualities specific to men are such which are necessary for a leadership role. This is why men have been described as having command over women. This leadership role, as can clearly be seen from the Quranic injunction, is a responsibility on the husband as he must fulfil the rights of the wife and children, and also ensure that they are overseen for moral and character related betterments. In this an overwhelming majority of husbands fail in their duty, for which they will be questioned. In so far as the wife is concerned she is not being subjugated, as how the media are forever trying to indoctrinate us, but her role is a different one. In the same way there can never be two leaders of a country there can never be two leaders in one household. The wife is not being told she has no input in the goings-on of the house, but she is being educated that just as everything else has one person making the ultimate decision, so too must there be only one decision-maker in the family environment and this is the role of the husband, and the giver of this role to the husband is the Giver of life Himself I. The wife and family must also understand that this is not enslaving them, but rather it is a responsibility on the husband which the family should help (not subjugate him) with.
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The core of unity and equality is to recognise and accept that every one has their individual role. If one is leader whilst all others serve him, it does not negate equality. Groups such as womens rights etc, all in their crying out for equality want women to do the same and be the same as men. They too fail to see that individuality and unique roles do not negate equality. Allah I decrees:
Verily, Muslim men and Muslim women; and believing men and believing women; and obedient men and obedient women (to Allah); and truthful men and truthful women (both in speech and deeds); and patient men and patient women (who perform all the duties which Allah has ordered and in abstaining from all that Allah has forbidden);
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and humble men and humble women (before Allah); and donating men and donating women (of Zakaah, and alms); and fasting men and fasting women (during the month of Ramadan); and guarding men, of their chastity, and guarding women (from illegal sexual acts); and remembering men who abundantly remember Allah and remembering women; Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward (i.e. Paradise).
Ahzab 35
Here Allah exemplifies the equality of both men and women, both are given equal responsibilities (albeit different roles); both on the fulfilment of these responsibilities will be equally rewarded. It is an often occurrence that the wife is at her parents/familys residence and is needed by the husband for many different reasons. Suspicions or a dictatorial manner must not be employed, but rather in a concerned, loving tone should her company be requested for her departure from there. This applies to the first time when she is to be called, as well as every time after that. Neither spouse nor their families have any right to throw accusations or suspicions at the other. If any ill-feeling is thought, it should at once be thought of as ill-founded.
First and foremost one should have the correct intention that one is adopting good mannerism as fulfilling the command of Allah I and also a means of practically propagating the beauty of Islam. If one has this correct intention then one will be rewarded.
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Thereafter it is imperative to have knowledge of what is right and wrong. This for obvious reasons is necessary, as it tells one what stance must be adopted in different situations. E.g. If one is at fault and somebody reproaches one for a fault; one must not make excuses, and immediately accept errors and apologize. Amongst those things which Allah I and his Prophet r have strongly emphasized, and described as beloved to them, is the adoption of good manners and amiable characteristics. This applies to everyone at all times, but the husband and wife should even more necessarily adopt them, if they wish for a happy life together. One mustnt look for the faults of or think bad of others. Instead one should keep ones own shortcomings in mind, and make ones mission to rectify them. If one has people under ones jurisdiction or responsibility, one should tolerate their shortcomings, and forgive their mistakes, in the same way that one would also hope for such leniency in such circumstances. If one becomes aware of the faults or secrets of another, they must be kept concealed. If, however they are planning to harm anyone, then one must make the target aware of it. At all times one must remember and thank Allah I; whether by the heart or tongue. Do not remain negligent. If one derives pleasure in remembering Allah I; one must thank Him. If ever hardship, or grief is faced, one should consider it to be from Allah I and not become disheartened; one should instead convince oneself that a content and subservient response will always be rewarded. Hope must always be on Allah I, this stance will be beneficial in both the worlds.
A sexual problem for one person might not be a problem for another.
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Everyone is different and their understandings and problems vary, so both of the spouses should be willing and open when discussing any problems; no matter how private they may be; and their possible solutions. If one needs to seek medical advice, one has no need to feel ashamed as such problems are not new or disgracing (although one need not go around publicizing it). There are usually simple Halal cures available, for almost all the different problems that either of the spouse may face. Miracle cures like Taweezes and other such things of dubious origins should be avoided, while dua should be continually made and Wazaif be constantly read.
Premature ejaculation is probably the most common sexual problem for a man. Wherein the husband, before reaching a peak while cohabiting, releases semen early (sometimes within two minutes of penetration, when it should be greater than this) without any pleasure for him or his wife. Because of this, the wife is constantly left sexually unsatisfied. Very rarely this is due to physical cause, as the majority of times the reasons are due to lack of psychological preparation which is within one's own power to cure. When this problem affects young men its cause is anxiety or sex-related vice (e.g. Illicit thoughts and viewing, pornography, masturbation, etc). People often worry about their organ size. This is a direct ploy of the sex industry, who, through media and advertising have shamelessly indoctrinated the lay, with the lie that real manhood and sexual prowess is to have an abnormally broad and long penis. This has been proven medically to be a lie.
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According to doctors an erect penis five inches in length and one inch in width is normal. Anyone with a penis smaller than this should not feel that they are inferior in any way whatsoever. Even on an intellectual point the length of a penis is irrelevant, just like the size of the wife's vagina is irrelevant. Biologically all women have the sensitive tissues area (clitoris) located near the mouth of the vagina. So as long as one has a penis he can fulfil his wifes conjugal rights. It is always ignored by the sex industry that the most fulfilling way of cohabitation according to women is that of a caring, loving, affectionate, and considering nature. Women do not want to be treated like dogs (or bitches) and their rights are what Islam caters for. When this problem affects middle-aged men, it is probably caused by their over-concern of the natural loss with age in the firmness, frequency and duration of their erections. This has been proven by doctors to be mythical. Psychologically prepared men can be as sexually active in old age as they were when they first married. This state can be achieved/sustained by a healthy diet and again, having everything in moderation. Sexual desires do not stop in old age, this is why the Shari'ah has ordered women, from even elderly men, to remain veiled.
experienced an orgasm. And almost eight in ten find difficulty in achieving one by sexual intercourse alone. This is because it is not penetration of the penis alone which is enjoyable for women, but rather it is more to do with prior emotional preparation and arousal, as well as prolonged foreplay, caressing of the erogenous zones and stimulation of the clitoris. The same way that for the male, the tip of the penis is more sensitive to the joys of sex, similarly women also have a spot in their vaginas which is extremely sensitive during sex, commonly known as the G-spot, and often holds the key to their orgasms. The husband and wife should not be afraid to explore each other to find different styles and positions, that are comfortable and pleasing to each other. Even if one ejaculates early, this is no reason to become despondent and separate; but rather in continuing with the rhythm, fondling and caressing, will still instigate her orgasm. This is consideration towards her needs.
This is a dwindling desire for cohabitation. This can be caused either by physical or psychological reasons. If it is caused by psychological reasons then the same treatment for premature ejaculation, will be what is required in this instance. If it is physical then it is essential to try and diagnose the cause, if required medical help should be sought, so that effective treatment is prescribed. Positive thoughts and determination are the body's best healing tool and driving force. Lack of sexual appetite is reported in almost nine out of ten of all depressants. From this one must try to adopt a more positive approach to all things. One major contributor to general wellDownloaded from:
being is the constant remembrance of Allah I and the elating feeling that it causes. A Muslim husband should also remember that to have her carnal desires fulfilled is the right of his wife. The fulfilment of which will earn the couple rewards greater than what they could have imagined.
The causes of this problem of obtaining and maintaining an erection are many. Most (e.g. alcohol, drugs and their like) are not applicable to Muslims. But those which are caused by blood diseases, there are plenty of practical solutions available which can, under medical advice be administered (e.g. pumps and sprays which induce concentrated blood flow). A doctors advice can also be sought to improve the duration of erections by means of appropriate exercises.
This topic has been discussed previously and its solution has also been given. (i.e. They should try to work together to make it work for them). The wife should indulge in foreplay and encourage the husband to do the same. By him stroke her clitoris with his fingers whereby she becomes fully aroused and only then moving on to penetrating will allow both to time their orgasms together. The wife should also encourage her husband if she feels he is about to
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ejaculate too early, by talking and get him to take deep breaths and withdraw his penis. By gently clasping the base of the penis allowing him to regain his breath, the husband will slowly regain composure and a second wind. There is no harm in allowing the wife to take the leading role, as long as she too caters for both. By together addressing the problem as it rises, the wife by supporting and nurturing his self-belief can return the sparkle to their relationship. For this faithfulness, loyalty and chastity a Muslim wife receives tremendous rewards.
The use of water based lubrication is a must for those who experience dryness or pain during sex. The rough and ready approach of hard men which again has been propagated by the sex industry, is also a distortion. The use of lubrication should be resorted to without any fear or feeling of inadequacy.
Lack of thorough cleaning, is one of the main causes of this. The vagina is also irritated by the use of deodorants or powders whether dirty or too strong. Also uncomfortable and dirty underwear and tight fitting garments bring problems. the husband can also be a cause of transmitting certain infections. Both are thus advised to consider this problem as a shared problem, instead of her problem. Muslim women should have a routine for personal hygiene; including regular showers. It is recommended to change underwear daily, shave the pubic area regularly (once a week) and wear such material and light-fitting garments that allow the body natural movement and air.
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Thrush is a bacterial/fungal infection that affects the vaginal area due to uncleanliness of the female genitals. It can be recognized by an unpleasant white frothy appearance around the mouth and lining of the vagina. This causes the woman excruciating pain, whilst having sex or during urination. Medication of this is however easily available in the form of anti-fungal creams and ointments. But as is the general rule prevention is better than cure. Thorough regular washing of the vagina and its surrounding areas, this painful unsightly state can be avoided.
As was mentioned earlier, sex related diseases/problems should be included in the problems faced as a couple. Encouragement and advice as well as sincerity and concern are all what are needed in such situations
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to provide a cure or at least be in the right direction for a solution. If in the unlikely event that of no solution being available, then too the mutual concern would not be without benefit.