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MIU Course Out Line-Arabic

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Course: GED 303 Credit Hours: 3:00

Subject: Arabic Language Contact Hours: 3-0-0
Course Teacher: Md. Mokhter Ahmad
Associate Professor
International Islamic University Chittagong, Dhaka Campus
Cell: 01712540089; mokhter_ahmad@yahoo.com
Course Description
This Course will enrich the students with the knowledge of the Qur'an, the final revelation from
Allah. It is an imperative upon every Muslim and a gateway for the non-Muslims (for understanding
Islam) to understand the Qur'an as it is our constitution and it sketches the blueprint for all walks of
human life on earth. This is also an evidently expressed objective behind the revelation of the Qur'an.
The understanding of the Qur'an unmistakably requires the knowledge of Arabic Language as this is
the Language in which the Qur'an has been revealed. Besides, the Arabic is the native Language for
more than 27 countries of the world including the Middle East which is a lucrative job market for the
future potential employees. And this course will help the students have a grasp of this international
With this objective in mind, the course has been designed taking all the modern tools and techniques
for Language Learning in application and for the sake of facilitating the understanding of the Qur'an,
all the examples and vocabulary have been chosen from the Qur'an. Still the course is structured
along the traditional grammatical route though the importance is never given to the grammatical
formulas. Besides, special focus has been given on the daily recited Qur'anic Sūrah/s and essential
'Duā/s (Supplications) so that the students feel encouraged, elevated and promoted when they will
understand the meanings while reading the daily and essential Qur'anic Sūrah/s and 'Duā/s
Objectives of the course
At the end of this course the students will be able to:
 Read Arabic Language, and especially the Qur'an, with ease and authenticity.
 Understand Arabic and communicate in small Arabic sentences; as this course is designed
with the objective of showing the students the way towards greater and more intensive
study of Arabic Language.
 Understand the Qur'an little by little.
 Come out of all misunderstandings and misgivings about Islam and its sources as they will
be directly exposed to the basic source of Islam.
 Gain Allah's pleasure and get success Here & Hereafter

Week Lecture No. Content/s Unit

Week Lecture-01 Introduction to & Importance of Arabic Language
01 Lecture-02 Reading Arabic: Introduction to Arabic Alphabets
Week Lecture-03 Reading Arabic: Letters at beginning, middle and end UNIT
02 Lecture-04 Reading Arabic: With the use of single and double vowels ONE
Week Lecture-05 Reading Practice: With joined forms, sukūn, tanwīn & tashdīd
03 Lecture-06 Reading Practice with tajwīd
Week Lecture-07 Nouns and Adjectives: Definite/Indefinite; Mubtadā/Khabar
04 Lecture-08 Nouns & Adjectives: Adjective & Its Nouns; Gender; Genitive UNIT
Week Lecture-09 Number: Singulars and Plurals; Sound and Broken; Dual TWO
05 Lecture-10 Pronouns: Personal, Possessive, Separated, Demonstrative, Relative
Week Lecture-11 Prepositions
06 Lecture-12 Tense: Past Tense (The Perfect Verbs) with gender/number/person
Week Lecture-13 Tense: Present and Future Tense (The Imperfect Verbs)
07 Lecture-14 Tense: Active and Passive Verbs UNIT
Week Lecture-15 Tense: Verbal Nouns THREE
08 Lecture-16 Verbs: Doubled Verbs, Derivatives of Verbs
Week Lecture-17 The Imperative and the Negative Imperative
09 Lecture-18 Interrogatives; Energetic (Oaths and Exclamations)
Week Lecture-19 Use of the particle 'mā' and Use of 'Kull' and 'ba'd'
10 Lecture-20 Use of 'Kāna'; 'qāla'; and 'lammā'
Week Lecture-21 The Subjunctive: Particles (‫ل‬+‫ ال )ان‬- (‫ان‬+‫ لن )ل‬- ‫)ان – ل – حتي‬ UNIT
11 Lecture-22 Use of 'Inna' ((‫ ان‬and her Sisters FOUR
Week Lecture-23 Use of 'lam' ((‫لم‬, 'Laysa' (‫' ;)ليس‬idh' (‫ ;)اذ‬idhā (‫ ;)اذا‬and 'man' (‫)من‬
12 Lecture-24 The Vocative (Use of ‫اللهم‬/‫يا ايها‬/‫ يا‬or the omission of those
Week Lecture-25 Cardinal, Ordinal and Other Numbers
13 Lecture-26 The Elative: The Simple, Comparative and Superlative Degree UNIT
Week Lecture-27 Exceptive Sentences with illā (‫)ال‬ FIVE
14 Lecture-28 Conditional Sentences
Vocabulary (The parts of body), especially those recurred in the Qur'an
Vocabulary (Relatives), especially those recurred in the Qur'an
Vocabulary (Days of the Week, Directions), especially those are in the Qur'an
Vocabulary (Some Colors, Fruits, Animals), especially those are in the Qur'an
Vocabulary The Adverbs of Place and Time, especially those recurred in the Qur'an
Vocabulary: Some Most Important and Recurring Nouns in the Qur'an
Vocabulary: Some Most Important and Recurring Verbs in the Qur'an
Vocabulary: Some Most Important and Recurring Verbs (Cont'd)
Vocabulary: Some Important Attributes and Adjectives (of Allah/Others)
Teaching Methodology and Aids Used:
o Lecture
 Starting the class with Islamic etiquettes
 Review of the Previous Topic (Interactively with the Students)
 Lecturing on the current topic/selected topic
 Vocabulary for the current topic
 Exercise for the current topic
 Constructing similar sentences with the discussed rule/formula
 Providing Vocabulary List
 Ending with some daily usable sentences
o Use of four communication skills (reading, speaking, listening and writing)
o Question-answer
o Class Test and Assignments
o Use of Vocabulary Cards
o Use of Dictionary
o Library work
o Group Discussion
Quizzes/Class Tests:
There will be four quiz/class tests:
o 1st Quiz: After 03 weeks
o 2nd Quiz: After 07 weeks
o 3rd Quiz: After 10 weeks
o 4th Quiz: After 13 weeks
Assignments/Term Papers:

The Students will have to submit one Assignment and one Term Paper. The Assignment should be
submitted before the Mid-Semester Exam while the Term Paper should be submitted before the
Semester Final Exam. The topics of the Assignments and Term Papers will be decided by the Course-
۩ Mid semester Examination 30% (30)
۩ Semester final examination 50% (50)
۩ Quizzes
۩ Assignments 20% (20)
۩ Regular attendance & participation

Total: 100% (100)

Reference Books
a. Alan Jones, Arabic Through The Qur'an, The Islamic Text Society, Cambridge, UK,
b. AbdulWahid Hamid, Access To Qur'anic Arabic, MELS (Muslim Education &
Literary Services, London, 2003
c. Brustad, kristen, Mahmoud Al-Batal, and Abbas Al-Tonsi. Alif Baa: Introduction to
Arabic Letters and Sounds. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1995.
d. Brustad, kristen, Mahmoud Al-Batal, and Abbas Al-Tonsi. Al-Kitaab fii Ta’allum
al-‘Arabiyya: A Textbook for Beginning Arabic, Part One. Washington D.C.:
Georgetown University Press, 1995.
e. Dr. Shehnaz Shaikh M.B.B.S., M.D., Ms. Kausar Khatri B.Com., B.Ed., A Brief
Journey Through Arabic Grammar,
Other References
Recommended: A reliable Arabic/English dictionary such as:

f. Cowan, J.M., ed. The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. Fourth
Edition. Urbana, IL: Spoken Language Services, 1993.
g. Different Islamic Websites:
http://www.quraaniclessons.com/; http://www.madinaharabic.com/;

Some Important Notes:

It may be emphasized here that there are around 80,000 words in the Quran but the actual words are
only around 2000!!! This could also be termed as one of the many miracles of the Quran.
Accordingly, if a reader decides to learn only 10 new words everyday, he can understand the basic
message of the Quran within a period of seven months! So it is indeed very easy to understand the
Quran, provided one is willing to learn it.
"‫"ولقد يسرنا القران للذكر فهل من مدكر‬
“And We have certainly made the Quran easy to understand and remember, so is there any who will
remember (or receive admonition)?” [Al-Quran 54:17, 22, 32, 40]

Some Other Course information:

A) Class preparation:
Arabic will require extensive work outside of class. In order to benefit from the class session it is
important that the students do the assigned homework and review the material covered in the
preceding classes. If the students have problems understanding lessons in class, they should not
hesitate to ask questions. In every class there will be Daily review of the Alphabet: a dictation,
writing practice, listening drills on DVD and cassettes, basic questions and exchanges.
B) Listening activities:
The students will have to undergo extensive listening activities on them. They should expect to spend
a minimum of 30 minutes or more each day listening to the exercises and completing specific
assignments. Learning to comprehend Arabic, especially the Qur'an, is in fact the sole aim of the
course. Language learning requires daily practice and daily input.
C) The use of dialogues in the classroom
The use of dialogues will help the students develop their conversation skills. Once they have become
comfortable using a dialogue, they can then go on to have related conversations building on their
familiarity with the dialogue and the vocabulary specific to the situation. Dialogues can be used in
many ways in a classroom. We will be using them in the following ways:
• Introduce new vocabulary and help the students become familiar with standard formulas used
when discussing various topics.
• Gap fill exercises as a listening exercise.
• Use dialogues for role-plays.
• Write dialogues to test key vocabulary and language formulas.
• Memorize simple dialogues as a way of helping improve vocabulary skills
D) Vocabulary Memorization:
The trainees will be provided with a basic vocabulary list on every day basis (and/or a booklet) which
will account for almost 80-85% words of the Qur'an. Thus the memorization of these words will help
them easily identify and understand the meanings of the relevant words and the relevant verse.

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