MIU Course Out Line-Arabic
MIU Course Out Line-Arabic
MIU Course Out Line-Arabic
The Students will have to submit one Assignment and one Term Paper. The Assignment should be
submitted before the Mid-Semester Exam while the Term Paper should be submitted before the
Semester Final Exam. The topics of the Assignments and Term Papers will be decided by the Course-
۩ Mid semester Examination 30% (30)
۩ Semester final examination 50% (50)
۩ Quizzes
۩ Assignments 20% (20)
۩ Regular attendance & participation
f. Cowan, J.M., ed. The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. Fourth
Edition. Urbana, IL: Spoken Language Services, 1993.
g. Different Islamic Websites:
http://www.quraaniclessons.com/; http://www.madinaharabic.com/;