Playbook For Good
Playbook For Good
Playbook For Good
YouTube for
Table of Contents
Nonprofit Channels
Category Overview
Activate Your Cause
Storytelling for Causes
Campaigning on a Shoestring
Further Reading & Resources 27
Thank You 32
Category Overview
Category Overview
Welcome to YouTube! As a cause, non-profit or NGO, your definition of success might be different than say,
Justin Biebers, but youll be using video in a similar manner to engage and educate people across the world.
Its our goal to help you gain an audience for your content and turn those view counts into charitable
donations, volunteerism, community, changes in legislation, and so on. A few things to think about:
1. For many causes, video will be a new but essential format for your storytelling. Embrace the medium
and start communicating! With over 800 million people worldwide on YouTube, its a global living room
like no other. YouTube is also the worlds 2nd largest search engine (after Google) people are looking
for you and your cause every day. What will you show them?
2. Although YouTube contains many humorous or entertaining videos, our community embraces
educational and inspirational material with equal vigor. Dont worry about being viral, just focus on
creating great content and interacting with the community.
3. Dont just make videos. Have a video strategy. Interacting with your viewers and having a clear call to
action are as important as capturing good footage. Try to address these questions before you pick up
the camera.
4. We want to hear from you. Tell us whats working and what you want to see next.
Email us:
Category Overview
Whats Working
Thanks to the support of conscientious YouTube creators and the global reach of YouTube, we have a
multitude of success stories from nonprofits who have used the platform both to fundraise and to raise
awareness for their causes.
Here are a few:
The American Foundation for Equal Rights used their YouTube channel to live-stream 8, a play about
the Prop 8 trial in California on marriage equality. The initiative raised more than $2 million dollars and
drove a news cycle of approximately 300 articles.
Project for Awesome, a YouTube community effort to raise money for nonprofits, has raised hundreds of
thousands of dollars since its launch in 2007.
The Trevor Projects It Gets Better campaign inspired over 50,000 user-generated content (UGC) videos
amounting to over 50 million views. The videos include everyone from high school students and senior
citizens to President Obama and Lady Gaga. Calls to the Trevor Project suicide hotline have increased
over 50% and more than $100,000 has been raised since 2010 to help LGBT youth.
Mark Horvath started InvisiblePeopleTV to share first-person stories of homelessness using only a
simple handheld camera. His channel has nearly 13,000 subscribers and three million views.
charity: water posted over 240 personalized thank-you videos for their donors and campaigners,
effectively making the audience the stars of the videos and creating a life cycle of donors that were
publicly acknowledged and highlighted.
YouTube comedian Kevin Wu (aka KevJumba) used his YouTube channel to raise money to build a
school in Kenya called the Jumba Lenana Academy. He created the channel, JumbaFund, which donates
100% of ad revenue to the school. The channel has over 54 million views and 831,000 subscribers.
Category Overview
Category Trends
The YouTube Nonprofit Program is currently available in Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark,
France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and the
United States.
Nonprofits yield more than Four Billion Video Views on YouTube. Thats one view for every two people
on the planet!.
17,000+ organizations are included in the YouTube Nonprofit Program. You can apply here: youtube.
Metadata Titles
Metadata Descriptions
Calls to Action
By utilizing best practices in the Calls to Action
(CTAs) and Annotations sections of the Creator
Playbook, you can build awareness and successfully
mobilize audiences on YouTube to join your
movement. Verbal CTAs in your videos can be highly
effective when they come from celebrity
spokespersons or compelling subjects (more about
this on Page 14).
In lieu of verbal CTAs, you can use CTAs in
Annotations and/or Call to Action Overlays.
Nonprofit partners are enabled to use external links
in Annotations and CTA Overlays, which can be
great vehicles to drive campaigns.
Add your organizations Google Wallet button to the Channel page (as discussed above).
Create a relevant, short text description of your cause and organization. This will have prominent
placement around YouTube that will help to drive new subscriptions.
Select a compelling avatar for your organization. Avatars are just as important as the video thumbnail
images you choose for your videos. They should be eye-catching, bright, close-up, and high resolution.
Select an impactful trailer video to feature on your channel that gives viewers a strong first impression
of your organization.
Serial Content
/RANVideo Greenwash of the Week series
Regular Programming
Just as it is important for nonprofits to maintain a
consistent fundraising schedule, the same rule applies to
how you program content on YouTube. Stick to a regular
schedule, and consistently produce and program content
that is both timely and relevant. Making video a regular
part of your fundraising initiatives and scheduling content
around tent-pole events can help extend the impact of
your campaign. To stay relevant on YouTube, it is essential
to upload videos consistently and refresh your channels
programming on a regular basis.
Serial Content
Maintain a regular schedule by releasing a series of videos
around a particular issue related to your cause. The
examples shown are from nonprofits who created regular
thematic content, then organized the videos into featured
playlists on their channels. If you create a playlist, be sure
to include the release schedule in the description along
with the overall message conveyed in the videos.
/OxfamIreland Scarlett Johansson raises awareness of drought, famine, and the food crisis in East Africa in a
personal, video journal series.
/TheONECampaign Celebrities join forces and create a provocative campaign video to raise awareness
about famine and the food crisis.
/ItGetsBetterProject Generated more than 50,000 UGC videos from celebrities, activists, politicians, and
media personalities amassing over 50 million views.
Campaigning on a Shoestring
Campaigning on a Shoestring
How can I pull off a video campaign with limited staff,
budget, and production resources?
Dont have the bandwidth? Dont worry. There are
several ways to tell your story and stay relevant on
YouTube, even with limited time and resources.
Making a video can be as simple as turning on the
camera and giving a quick status update about your
campaign. You can also flip on your webcam and
spend a couple of minutes thanking your supporters
on YouTube.
Be sure to tap into the existing YouTube community
and participate in the nonprofit community forum to
develop relationships that can potentially lead to
collaboration and cross-promotional opportunities.
Cross-promotion and Collaboration
Campaigning on a Shoestring
Project for Awesome (#P4A) is an annual charity project founded by popular YouTube stars, the VlogBrothers,
and organized by the YouTube community. Its the perfect opportunity to collaborate with a YouTube creator
to promote your cause. Every December, YouTube creators make videos for charities of their choosing and
then spend two days viewing, commenting and favoriting the videos to help make them more visible on the
platform. Last year, the event generated more than 1,200 videos for over 750 charities, over 4.2 million video
views, and over one million video comments.
Cross Promotion and Collaboration
Campaigning on a Shoestring
To amplify your message, its not only important to
broadcast yourself on YouTube, but also to use every
outlet available to reach potential supporters.
Leverage networks outside of YouTube to promote
your videos. Target your outreach and create a list of
blogs, websites, and key influencers. Provide them
with links to your video embed codes.
Embed, embed, embed in your newsletter, emails,
website, and blog. Urge supporters to do the same.
Share video links on Google+, Facebook, Twitter,
Pinterest, Tumblr, Chill, etc. Ask followers to +1,
reblog, share, or retweet your videos as well.
Engage with your supporters on YouTube and social
media, especially in the first few hours after you
upload a new video.
Calls to Action
Tent-pole Programming
Cross-promotion and Collaboration
Blog Outreach and Other Social Media
Channels to Explore
Organizations applying for the YouTube Nonprofit Program must meet the following criteria.
U.S. organizations must have current 501(c)(3) status, as assigned by the Internal Revenue Service, to be
considered for the YouTube Nonprofit Program.
The following organizations are not eligible for the YouTube Nonprofit Program:
Programs requiring membership and/or providing benefit solely to members, such as clubs, sports
teams, alumni, networking and other membership organizations.
Religious groups using the website for proselytizing, as well as organizations that use religion or sexual
orientation as a factor in hiring or populations served.
Groups serving a primarily political function such as lobbying, think tanks and special interests.
Google reserves the right to award or deny the application of any organization. Selections are made at
Googles sole discretion, and decisions regarding award recipients are final.
For full guidelines, please see the Google for Nonprofits site.
Thank you!