Chemmatters Oct2013 TG Keeping Cool
Chemmatters Oct2013 TG Keeping Cool
Chemmatters Oct2013 TG Keeping Cool
Student Questions
Anticipation Guide
Anticipation guides help engage students by activating prior knowledge and stimulating student
interest before reading. If class time permits, discuss students responses to each statement before
reading each article. As they read, students should look for evidence supporting or refuting their
initial responses.
Directions: Before reading, in the first column, write A or D, indicating your agreement or
disagreement with each statement. As you read, compare your opinions with information from
the article. In the space under each statement, cite information from the article that supports or
refutes your original ideas.
1. Birds are warm-blooded animals with an average body temperature of 95 F.
2. Cold-blooded animals tend to be long, slender, or flat.
3. Within a given species, warm-blooded animals tend to be larger in warmer
climates and smaller in colder climates.
4. Warm-blooded animals require more food energy than cold-blooded animals
of similar size.
5. Cold-blooded animals are found in a wider variety of environments than
warm-blooded animals.
6. When many cold-blooded animals hibernate, the water around their cells
7. Trapped air is a good insulator for warm-blooded animals.
8. Warm-blooded animals living in water need less energy to stay warm than
animals living in air.
9. Evaporation is an exothermic phase change.
10. Cats and dogs have sweat glands on the pads of their feet.
11. Hummingbirds eat two to three times their body weight every day.
Reading Strategies
These matrices and organizers are provided to help students locate and analyze information from
the articles. Student understanding will be enhanced when they explore and evaluate the
information themselves, with input from the teacher if students are struggling. Encourage
students to use their own words and avoid copying entire sentences from the articles. The use of
bullets helps them do this. If you use these reading strategies to evaluate student performance,
you may want to develop a grading rubric such as the one below.
Complete; details provided; demonstrates deep
Complete; few details provided; demonstrates
some understanding.
Incomplete; few details provided; some
misconceptions evident.
Very incomplete; no details provided; many
misconceptions evident.
So incomplete that no judgment can be made
about student understanding
Teaching Strategies:
1. Links to Common Core Standards for writing: Ask students to debate one of the
controversial topics from this issue in an essay or class discussion, providing evidence
from the article or other references to support their position.
2. Vocabulary that is reinforced in this issue:
a. Surface area
b. Kinetic energy
c. Amino acid
d. Protein
e. Binding energy
3. To help students engage with the text, ask students what questions they still have about
the articles. The articles about sports supplements and fracking, in particular, may spark
questions and even debate among students.
Directions: As you read the article, complete the chart below to compare warm-blooded and
cold-blooded animals using information and examples from the article.
Warm-blooded animals
Cold-blooded animals
Body size
Body shape
Energy needs
Range of
water loss
Background Information
(teacher information)
More on thermoregulation
In order for an organism to maintain its normal cellular metabolic function, it must also
maintain its normal core body temperature. How it does that determines into which camp it falls
warm-blooded or cold-blooded. Well pursue this argument later. In order to maintain its
normal core body temperature, an organism must have a thermal equilibrium or balance. Thus
this maxim: Heat in must equal heat out!
If the organism absorbs more heat than it radiates, its core body temperature will rise; if
this continues for long, the organism will overheat (suffer hyperthermia) and quite possibly die. If
heat flows out of the organism faster than it absorbs heat from the outside, its core body
temperature will decrease; if this continues for long, the organism will suffer from hypothermia
(become too cold) and quite possibly die. Either extreme is highly undesirable, hence the need
for a heat balance.
Here are some of the problems at the cellular level that arise in organisms
exposed to high temperatures:
Denaturization of proteins
Structural and enzymatic
Thermal inactivation of enzymes faster than rates of activation
Inadequate O2 supply to meet metabolic demands
Different temperature effects on interdependent metabolic reactions (reaction
Membrane structure alterations
Increased evaporative water loss (terrestrial animals)
And here are some problems associated with low temperatures in organisms
at the cellular level:
Warm-blooded animals are said to be endotherms; that is, they generate from within
their own bodies the heat they need to maintain metabolic processes that keep them alive. They
are thus somewhat independent of the ambient temperature in terms of their level of activity. But
in order to maintain their core body
temperature, endotherms must
expend a large portion of their
energy on doing just that. Theirs is a
high-maintenance lifestyle.
Cold-blooded animals
(ectotherms), on the other hand, rely
on their surroundings for the heat
they need to maintain metabolic
processes for life. And because
external temperature varies
considerably, even throughout the
day, the temperature of ectotherms
also varies as the external
temperaturefar more than that of
endotherms, as the illustration to the
right shows. Such animals level of
activity also varies with their
surroundings; they will typically be
more active when the temperature
is higher and sluggish when the
temperature drops.
Both as a result of utilizing external heat rather than their own metabolic energy and by varying
activity level with temperature, ectotherms use far less energy to survive than do endotherms.
As mentioned in the article, there are advantages and disadvantages to being an
ectotherm or an endotherm. The following succinctly summarizes the pros and cons of each:
Ectothermy low energy approach to life
Birds and mammals use these adaptations and strategies to maximize heat loss
in warm environments:
1. behavioural adaptations, like living in burrows during the day and being
nocturnal, or moving into the water (reptiles)
2. evaporative cooling by perspiration and panting
3. storing fat reserves in one place (e.g. camel's hump) to avoid its insulating
4. elongated, often vascularized extremities to conduct body heat to the air
To keep warm they can undergo voluntary muscular activity, such as flapping wings
Some ectotherms can shiver to keep warm
They can move into the sun, basking in its warmth
Exhibit signs of torpor or dormancyinactivity
2. Move into the shade of a rock or their burrow or deeper underwater (fish, amphibians)
3. Change body color so that it absorbs less of the suns radiation
When metabolized, fat produces water while also producing energy (although much of
that water is lost via exhalation)
Storage of fat centrally (dorsally), outside the body core, minimizes the effect of
insulation that would occur if fat were stored throughout the body, which would prevent
heat loss from body.
Red blood cells are oval, not round, as in almost all other mammals,
Allowing the cells to pass through arteries, veins and capillaries more easily when the
camel is dehydrated (and tubular structures are smaller).
Helping them to withstand intense osmotic pressure differences without rupturing when
camels drink their fill (up to 50 gallons of water in 3 minutes!).
Countercurrent blood flow system around brain helps to keep it cool. (Humans and most
other mammals dont have that.)
Sweat doesnt happen much, until the external temperature gets to 106 oF or above
(because of their higher normal body temperature), but when it does, the sweat evaporates
directly off the skin, and doesnt get absorbed by their heavy fur coat and then evaporate
from there; this takes heat directly from the skin (and cools it down), rather than from the hot
surroundings. Camels can lose up to 25% of their body weight through sweating, compared
to 34% for most other animals.
Nostrils trap most of the water vapor exiting the lungs and reabsorb it before it can be lost
via exhaling.
By eating local green vegetation, they can, under normal conditions, get sufficient moisture
to meet their water needs.
Mouth has a tough leathery lining, which allows them to eat tough and thorny desert
Thick coat:
Insulates them from intense heat radiated from sand; they sweat 50% more after
Transitions to lighter color in summer to reflect more of the suns light and heat.
Long legs keep their bodies farther from sand surfacefarther from sands radiated heat.
Leathery patches:
Knees have thick patches of tissue that prevent skin burns when they kneel in hot sand.
Sternum has a thickened pad of tissue called the pedestal (only on Dromedary camels)
When they assume the normal resting position of sternal recumbency (sitting on all
fours), the pedestal keeps much of the underside of the body up and away from the hot
sand, and allows air flow under the camel, thus helping to cool it off.
Congregate (huddle) when resting to minimize exposure to sun and hot surroundings
Long eyelashes, ear hairs, and nostrils with flaps that can closeall help to prevent sand
from entering the body during sandstorms. They also have a transparent third eyelid to help
them remove sand particles that do get into the eyes.
Wide pads on their feet keep them from sinking into the sand.
Kidneys and intestines are well adapted to desert; urine is a thick, syrupy fluid (not much
water leaves the body); feces emerge so dry they can be used as fuel for camp fires.
There are undoubtedly many more species of insects that utilize nucleating proteins than
any other type of ectotherms. Animals that can survive sub-freezing temperatures utilizing
nucleating proteins to prevent cellular freezing are said to be freeze-tolerant.
Freeze tolerance is defined as the conversion of 50% or more of an animals total body
water into extracellular ice. ( Insects
are the most freeze-tolerant animal and, as a result, they are able to survive at lower
temperatures than most other animals and can exist in the coldest regions, where temperatures
may reach 70 oC.
Freeze tolerance is one of two mechanisms for coping with sub-freezing temperatures.
The second is freeze avoidance. This process allows animals to preserve their bodily fluids in a
liquid state at extremely low temperaturesin effect, supercooling these fluids. These animals
survive in part by avoiding all ice nucleating agents. Here is more information on both freeze
avoidance and freeze tolerance: (Avoid
the Start Download buttonthe entire article is there to read just by scrolling down the
continuously adding solute until the solution is saturated and can hold no more solute, observed
by having leftover solid solute remaining in solution. Removing the solute by decanting off the
hot solution yields the saturated solution. The solubility of most solids usually decreases with
decreasing temperature. So, when the solution cools, if it remains undisturbed, the extra solute
that should precipitate out of solution may remain dissolved in the cool solution. This is what is
meant by a supersaturated solution.
Without nucleation sites on which to begin precipitation, the excess solute molecules
cannot easily come out of solution and remain dissolved. This solution condition is somewhat
unstable, though, and with some disturbance, or with the addition of a single crystal of the
original solute, solidification (precipitation) of the excess solute occurs very quickly. To
demonstrate this, teachers typically make a supersaturated solution of sodium acetate (although
sodium thiosulfate can also work) and seed it with a tiny crystal of the solute. The entire solution
quickly becomes solid. Another example of this is rock candy, made from a supersaturated
solution of sugar. This example is not useful as a demonstration, since it occurs very slowly
(over days), and requires rather high temperatures to prepare the supersaturated solution (but
the end product, rock candy, is tasty).
As an aside, boiling and condensing also involve nucleation sites. Boiling and
condensing without homogeneous nucleation sites requires superheating or supercooling,
respectively. This explains why a glass of water heated in the microwave oven may not boil
even though its temperature is higher than 100 oC, and then boils almost explosively when you
add sugar or powdered cocoa, or merely drop in a spoon to stir it. The relatively pure water was
superheated in the microwave without boiling. Adding impurities of any sort will provide the
nucleation sites needed for boiling; and the water molecules, being hotter than their normal
boiling temperature, will all boil almost simultaneously. Water droplets in the upper atmosphere
can be cooled way below 0 oC and still remain liquid. When they encounter dust particles in the
atmosphere, they will quickly freeze to solid, in the form of snowflakes or even hail. Formation of
fog and clouds from water vapor (condensing) also depends on particulate impurities serving as
heterogeneous nucleation sites for water vapor condensation.
De-gassing of solutions containing dissolved gases is also aided by heterogeneous
nucleation, such as the process of rapid evolution of carbon dioxide gas bubbles forming in an
opened bottle/can of soda. Another well-known example of this is the Mentos and Coke
demonstration that results in a geyser of soda erupting from the bottle as the carbon dioxide degasses almost instantaneously.
The examples in the preceding paragraphs are just a few of the natural phenomenon in
the physical world that involve nucleation. So you can see that nucleation sites are involved in
many natural processes that we encounter every day.
Temp. C
Temp. oF
Temp. C
Temp. oF
Llama, alpaca
Hamadryas baboon
Elephant Seal
(Data on Rhesus macaque and Hamadryas baboon came From 1987 The Care and
Management of Laboratory Animals Trevor Poole, ed. Longman Scientific and Technical:
Harlow, Essex, while the remaining data came From 1991 Environmental and Metabolic
Animal Physiology 4th edition. C. Ladd Prosser, ed. Wiley-Liss: New York. pg. 111 (from Table
(Above data in table and sources listed all were found here:
The above data shows that there is a considerable variation (3241 oC) among animals
normal body temperatures. Note that the camel has the highest normal body temperature
among larger animals. The fact that it typically exhibits a normally higher internal body
temperature means that it will take even higher temperatures (desert-like temperatures) for it to
feel stressed. This makes the camel an ideal choice for desert life. It also explains why it
doesnt sweat much until it experiences extremely high external temperatures.
( )
Vasodilation is the process of dilating arteries, increasing blood flow to the extremities,
thereby maximizing heat flow from the body to the surroundingsdone when exposed to
hot external temperatures, to prevent the bodys overheating.
Subcutaneous fat also provides a layer of insulation between our body core and the
outside world. The larger the amount of fat the body contains, the greater degree of
protection it offers the body core. It is best suited to protecting the body from cold
temperatures, where the fat insulates the bodys core and prevents heat loss to the
Skin and skeletal muscle also provide some insulation and therefore protection to the
body core, although not much can be done to change the amount of these two materials
within the body, unless you become a body builder.
Non-shivering thermogenesis (NST) is a cellular process wherein brown fat cells (Brown
Adipose Tissue, or BAT) containing many mitochondria are able to increase metabolic rates
to increase energy production. This occurs in response to exposure to cold external
temperatures. As a response to exposure to low temperatures (35-36 oC or lower), thermal
receptors in the skin are stimulated and transmit a signal to the hypothalamus (the bodys
thermoregulation center). In response to a signal from the hypothalamus, norepinephrine is
released in the BAT, which initiates metabolism of the fat, generating energy. This process
bypasses the normal synthesis of ATP that occurs in the metabolic process. Thus, energy
produced from this process is dissipated as heat, rather than producing ATP molecules,
which would store the energy within cells.
The heat produced in this process is then transferred by the circulatory system
throughout the body, raising core body temperature. The process is limited by the amount of
brown fat stored in the body. Prolonged exposure to cold can deplete this source, possibly
resulting in death.
As an aside, BAT and non-shivering thermogenesis is seen as playing a significant role
in diabetes. Until the early 2000s, the scientific world believed that humans had no BAT, unlike
many other mammals. But studies since have discovered areas of BAT storage in humans,
preferentially in the shoulder and neck region, and perhaps other areas as well. One study
reports that people diagnosed with diabetes have very limited supplies of BAT in their bodies.
The report also suggests that BAT may play a significant role in normal metabolism in
humans. The study has shown that non-shivering thermogenesis can involve mitochondrial
uncoupling in skeletal muscle, as well as in BAT. More recently, we showed that human
nonshivering thermogenesis in response to cold exposure is accompanied by and significantly
related to mitochondrial uncoupling in skeletal muscle (140). Recent experiments from our group
confirm these findings and additionally indicate that both BAT and skeletal muscle play a role in
human NST [nonshivering thermogenesis].
Studies are being done to test whether exposing human subjects to cooler
environments might facilitate NST, thereby utilizing fat cells to their fullest extent and thus
reducing fat within the body, resulting in weight loss or, at least, limiting weight gain.
object; e.g., a fire, we can avoid the higher external temperature and maintain our normal body
temperature. Similarly, we can move to a shaded area to avoid the radiant heat of the sun.
Or we can be the radiative body (radiating infrared or heat energy), if our core
temperature is higher than ambient temperature. In this case, objects around us will absorb the
heat that we radiate. At ambient temperatures which are lower than core body temperature,
radiation is actually the main mechanism used to regulate body temperature. At room
temperature or below, radiation alone is a sufficient mechanism to maintain our core body
temperature. In fact, at room temperature, an unclothed person will lose enough heat to the
surroundings that he will feel uncomfortably cool.
At higher temperatures, radiation is much less significant in terms of our overall core
body temperature regulationand actually works against reducing body temperature, as we will
absorb energy from outside sources and become warmer, when our body is trying to cool off.
We still radiate energy, no matter what the external temperature, but when the external
temperature exceeds our body temperature (when its hot) were absorbing more heat than we
emit. So, radiation is only useful to us in cold temperatures.
Conduction occurs when a warm object transfers heat directly to a cooler object. We
can avoid this method of heat transfer by avoiding hot objects; e.g., dont touch a hot burner on
a stove, or dont walk barefoot on hot beach sand. Or we can use it to our advantage by
deliberately touching cooler objects to transfer heat from our warmer body to the object; e.g., we
can jump into a swimming pool or the ocean to allow the cooler water to come in contact with
our body, allowing heat from our body to flow into the water, thus reducing our core body
temperature. Or we can sit on a warm rock to help us warm us, transferring heat directly from
the rock to our body. So, conduction can be useful to us in either hot or cold external
temperatures. However, conduction is usually not a significant contributor to our core body heatcontrol.
Convection occurs when a fluid transfers heat by flowing, so that the warmer parts of
the fluid move into the cooler parts. We can use a fan to blow air over our body, allowing heat to
flow into the air and moving away from our body, thereby lowering body temperature, or merely
allow ambient air to pass our body, which would have the same, albeit smaller effect. Or we can
add or remove clothing to/from our body, to decrease heat loss by convection to the air in a cold
environment or increase heat loss by convection in the air in a hot environment, respectively.
The clothing serves as an insulator, preventing the exchange of heat between our body and the
air. The wind-chill index reflects wind speed as a contributor to the removal of heat from our
body in the wintertime. The faster the wind speed is, the greater the rate of flow of the air and
the greater the rate of heat loss by convection from our body to the air. Convection, like
conduction, is not typically a significant contributor to bodily heat-control.
Evaporation occurs whenever we sweat or exhale. Our breath contains much moisture
in the form of water vapor, and when liquid water evaporates in the lungs, it absorbs energy
from lung tissue, thereby decreasing body temperature somewhat. That warm moisture, usually
at a higher temperature than the air outside, then leaves the body, taking its heat with it, again
leaving the rest of the body at a slightly lower temperature. And, as our skin is not totally
impervious to water, evaporation also occurs via water vapor leaving our skin in the process of
transepidermal diffusion, even though we do not detect it. The water vapor leaving our body by
both exhalation of water vapor and the loss through our skin (when were NOT visibly
perspiring) is referred to as insensible water loss, insensible because we dont detect that its
happening and therefore is very difficult to measure. (Perhaps it should be called immeasurable
water loss.) Its estimated that we lose about 300350 mL per day by exhaling moist air and a
similar volume by diffusion through the skin. Both these processes result in the cooling of our
bodies, although not by much.
When we sweat, though, our perspiration absorbs energy from the skin as it evaporates
into the air and carries that heat with it, thereby reducing our core body temperature. If the
temperature of the surroundings is lower than our body temperature, we can lose heat to the
surroundings by radiation and conduction alone, without the need for (and hence, without the
process of) sweating. But if the surroundings are warmer than our body temperature, we
actually gain heat from radiation and conduction of heat from the surroundings, thus warming
our body. In these conditions, evaporation is the only way we can lower body temperature, and
sweating is required. Thus sweating is a significant meansin fact, essentially the only effective
meansof bodily heat regulation in hot temperatures above core body temperature, or about
35 oC.
In the hot conditions mentioned above, anything that prevents adequate evaporation of
sweat will cause body temperature to rise as we absorb heat from the air and objects around us.
Since humidity reduces the amount of moisture that can evaporate from our body, it affects our
ability to regulate body temperature. Humidity is the main reason we use the National Weather
Services Heat Index table (see below) to reflect real-feel temperatures in the summertime.
The Heat Index Chart shaded zone above 104F (dark orange or red) shows a level that
may cause increasingly severe heat disorders with continued exposure or physical activity. The
Heat Index reflects problems that arise from conditions that are a) too humid to allow sufficient
evaporation of sweat to allow proper cooling, or b) so hot that sufficient evaporation of sweat
can occur, but this process occurs too rapidly and results in severe loss of electrolytes or
dehydration, possibly resulting in heat stroke or even death.
The loss of the minerals mentioned above as we sweat can become a major problem in
extremely hot regions. Excessive sweating to cool down the body results in the loss of large
volumes of water, but it can also result in loss of salt and other minerals necessary for normal
cellular function. In cases such as this, drinking water to rehydrate does not effectively replace
all that is lost through sweating, as water alone does not replenish the lost minerals. In cases
like this, drinking sports drinks or other liquids that contain these necessary electrolytes is a
better solution. This is also true for athletes who lose large amounts of water through sweating.
For most non-athletes not exposed to excessive desert temperatures, however, drinking water is
probably sufficient to replenish the water lost through sweating; other nutrients can probably be
replenished through normal food intake.
Another way we can use evaporation to cool us down is by using a wet bandana which
has had sodium polyacrylate sewn into the inside. The sodium polyacrylate polymer absorbs
several hundred times its weight in water, and that water slowly evaporates from the bandana
as we go about our normal tasks, cooling our skin and helping to maintain our core body
1 molecule
18.01 g
1 mole
v = 614.88 m/s
Note that this calculation assumes all the kinetic energy in the water is a measure of its
translational motionmovement from place to place. Rotation and vibration are treated
From the velocity of water molecules at 0 oC, we can calculate the amount of energy contained
in water at 0 oC.
KE = mv2
KE = * (18.01 g/mol) * (614.9 m/s)2 * (1 kg / 1000 g) * (1 J / 1 kg-m2/s2) = 3404.8 J/mol
3404.8 J/mol * (1 cal / 4.184 J) * (1 mol / 18.01 g) = 45.18 cal/g
Doing the same calculation for water molecules at 100 oC, we get 61.74 cal/g.
[ KE = 45.18 cal/g * (373 K / 273 K) = 61.74 cal/g ]
This results in a net gain in kinetic energy of the water from 0 oC (45.18 cal/g) to 100 oC
(61.74 cal/g) of only 16.55 cal/g. But noting that it takes 100 calories to raise the temperature of
one gram of water from 0 oC to 100 oC, the remaining energy, 83.45 cal/g, must be the increase
in rotational and vibrational energy, that energy which is needed to stretch and then break the
secondary bonding holding the water molecules together in the liquid phase.
Of course, evaporation of sweat doesnt happen at 100 oC, but at approximately 37 oC.
But it is interesting to note that, while the standard heat of vaporization of water at 100 oC is
stated as 539 cal/g, physiology textbooks state the heat of vaporization of perspiration at body
temperature is 580 cal/g, not 539. This is primarily due to the fact that, at 37 oC the water
molecules have less kinetic energy than they do at 100 oC, so we must add that extra energy at
body temperature to separate the water molecules into vapor.
Another factor we must consider is the energy needed to do the work to expand the gas
against constant pressure (PdV work). Although this is not a huge factor, it does contribute a
little less than 10% of the total energy expended to vaporize water. (See calculations below.)
This amount of energy is counted in the total amount added to the system to vaporize the water,
but it is not directly involved in the phase change itself. So we should subtract that from the total
energy to find only the amount needed to break the bonds holding the molecules together in the
liquid state to allow them to become vapor (494.9 cal/g, below).
For more on the theory of equipartition, see
Here is a summary table of the calculations above, plus a few extra:
718.7 m/s
61.7 cal/g
16.6 cal/g
100.0 cal/g
83.4 cal/g
0.0 cal/g
41.1 cal/g
497.9 cal/g
539.0 cal/g
539.0 cal/g
* Remaining Heat Energy = rotational & vibrational energy needed to stretch and break bonds
to vaporize water (could be thought of as the potential energy barrier needed to be overcome
to break bonds)
(adapted from
But problems with the term set point abound, especially when used in conjunction with
inanimate analogies, such as the thermostat, which oversimplify the actual process. A. A.
Romanovsky from St. Josephs Hospital in Phoenix, AZ details some of them here:
Rather than the oversimplified stimulus-negative feedback loop discussed above, the
mechanisms of homeostasis are better explained by a 5-step process involving:
In the case of thermoregulation, the outside stimulus (1) is usually an external change in
temperature, hot or cold. It could also be exercise or stress that causes internal body
temperature to increase. The sensors (2) are typically nerve endings in the skin that detect the
external change. These in turn send signals to the brain or, more specifically, the hypothalamus
the integrator (3) that interprets the external input into action within the body. The call for
action within the body could be initiated by sweat glands (to effect cooling) or skeletal muscle
activity (to effect warming)the effectors (4). Sweating or shivering would then be the
biological response (5).
Both factorslarger bodies generating more heat, thus needing more cooling (from
cooler temperatures), and smaller surface-to-volume ratios, thus being less able to lose heat
from the surface of their bodieshave probably been responsible for larger mammals moving to
cooler climes and thriving there throughout evolutionary history.
Bergmann's rule generally holds for people as well. A study of 100 human
populations during the early 1950's showed a strong negative correlation between body
mass and mean annual temperature of the region. In other words, when the air
temperature is consistently high, people usually have low body mass. Similarly, when the
temperature is low, they have high mass.
Dr. ONeil notes that there are exceptions to the rules application to
humans; since the advent of central home heating and air conditioning, there has
been less need to move to warmer/cooler climates based on body type.
Another scientist used Bergmanns work and went a step further, noting
that length of appendages (arms and legs) of large mammals is also related to
temperature. Again, Dr. ONeil notes:
In 1877, the American biologist Joel Allen went further than Bergmann in
observing that the length of arms, legs, and other appendages also has an effect on the
amount of heat lost to the surrounding environment. He noted that among warm-blooded
animals, individuals in populations of the same species living in warm climates near the
equator tend to have longer limbs than do populations living further away from the
equator in colder environments. This is due to the fact that a body with relatively long
appendages is less compact and subsequently has more surface area. The greater the
surface area, the faster body heat will be lost to the environment.
This same phenomenon can be observed among humans. Members of the
Masai tribe of East Africa are normally tall and have slender bodies with long limbs that
assist in the loss of body heat. This is an optimal body shape in the hot tropical parts of
the world but it would be a disadvantage in subarctic regions. In such extremely cold
environments, a stocky body with short appendages would be more efficient at
maintaining body heat because it would have relatively less surface area compared to
body mass.
Once again, this effect would be less noticeable in cultures that utilize
central air conditioning and heating systems.
Response to low
Response to high
Smooth muscles
in arterioles in the
Sweat glands
No sweat produced.
Erector pili
muscles in skin
(attached to skin
Skeletal muscles
Adrenal and
thyroid glands
No shivering.
Sweating cools a person off just because it allows warm water (from inside the
body) to leave the body, resulting in a lower average body temperature. (This
misconception is meant to imply that evaporation plays no role in the cooling
process.) While it is true that removing warm water from inside the body would probably
result in a slightly reduced core temperature, it is the evaporation process on the skin
surface that actually does the majority of energy removal from the body. The breaking of
secondary bonds between liquid water molecules on the skins surface requires energy,
which is obtained from skin cells. These cooler cells then take energy from internal cells,
which lowers the entire bodys internal temperature.
Cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals probably can co-exist in all climates.
This statement could be true if we added the word, mild before the word climates. If we
avoid extremes, cold- and warm-blooded animals can co-exist almost everywhere. But at
very cold temperatures, cold-blooded animals cant get enough energy to keep up their
activity levels, so they would slow down, even to the point of not moving at all. At these
same extremely cold temperatures, warm-blooded animals can still go about their normal
activities because their body temperature comes internally from the food they eat, not
externally from their surroundings. At extremely high temperatures, warm-blooded animals
If metabolism is really just internal combustion, why dont we burn up, like
gasoline does in the car engine? The chemical reactions that comprise metabolism all
occur at temperatures much lower than those in a real internal combustion engine. And the
reactions are much slower also. All this is thanks to substances called enzymes. Enzymes
are biological catalysts that allow reactions to occur more easily with them than without
Wouldnt it be helpful to cold-blooded animals if they had a layer of insulation, so
that in the summertime, less heat would flow into their bodies, and in the wintertime
less heat would flow out of their bodies? If cold-blooded animals had layers of
insulation, they would be much less able to obtain heat from their surroundings. So in the
summertime, they wouldnt get enough energy externally for them to maintain normal bodily
activities. The layer of insulation might help them in the wintertime, but theyve already
managed to take care of the problem of lack of external heat when its cold outsideby
Isnt osmosis the same thing as diffusion? Although there are similarities between
the two processes, there are also differences. Both are processes which move substances
through a fluid (usually) liquid medium. Diffusion, though, is simply the process of moving
solute particles from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentration by
random molecular motion, while osmosis involves solvent transport through a semipermeable membrane, through which the solute cannot pass, due to its larger size. In
osmosis, the solvent moves from an area of higher (solvent) concentration through the
membrane to the area of lower solvent concentration. The solute particles are too large to
pass through the semi-permeable membrane, so they remain where they were. As a result
of the solvent particles moving through the membrane, the solute concentration decreases
on the side of the membrane that receives the solvent particles. So the result of both
processes is similarthe solute concentration decreasesbut the mechanism is somewhat
different. It is often said that osmosis is a special case of diffusion.
In-class Activities
(lesson ideas, including labs & demonstrations)
Please note that, due to the nature of this article, most of these activities are more related to a
biology class than a chemistry class, although there are a few chemistry items at the end of this
Osmosis demonstrations:
a. There are lots videos on YouTube that demonstrate and/or discuss osmosis.
1) This 5-minute video clip from the Muscogee School District first defines osmosis,
then shows three states of tonicity, followed by a demonstration using small cells of
dialysis tubing, one filled with water placed in a sugar solution and the second filled
with sugar water and put in plain water to show hypertonicity and the second to show
hypotonicity. (
2) And here is a 45-second time-lapse video clip of the old standard osmosis demo with
a vertical tube suspended partway in water, with a piece of dialysis tubing acting as a
sack, filled with a sugar water solution (colored blue) covering the bottom opening of
the tube. The colored water climbs up the tube due to osmotic pressure.
3) Here is a 50-second time-lapse clip of a gummi bear in water almost doubling in size
over a 9-hour period, due to osmosis. (
4) If you would like to pursue a more mathematical approach, this under 5-minute video
clip shows the results of a student experiment involving the mass change over time
of three potato slices, 1.0 cm3, 2.0 cm3 and 3.0 cm3 each, setting in water or one of 5
different concentrations of sucrose (0.21.0 M by 0.2 increments). The teacher plots
the % changes in mass to show hypotonicity, hypertonicity, and interpolates to
determine the point on the graph where the solution is isotonic.
b. The October 1992 ChemMatters Classroom Guide contains a very simple, reproducible
1-page lab experiment Osmosis in an Egg. (And remember, an egg is really only a very
large single cell.) The Classroom Guide also provides notes for the experiment.
(available in the ChemMatters 30-year CD)
c. Lettuce wilting in the refrigerator and then refreshing when put in water is an example of
osmosis in plants: (50-second timelapse video clip of wilted lettuce coming back to life)
You can use this video clip from the Big Bang Theory television show to introduce
homeostasis to your class (or forward the link to your biology teacher if you
To show the relationship between volume and surface area, you can have students do
the typical biology lab involving gelatin/agar cubes with phenolphthalein and NaOH. (Or if
students have done this in biology in a previous class, you can ask them to recall the
results. Ask students to draw an analogy between the results of this experiment and the role
of volume-to-surface area ratio to the size of ectotherms vs. size of endotherms.
a. This lab description from Flinn Scientific includes teacher preparation and discussion
b. This simple experiment merely asks students to compare rate of diffusion of each of
three differently-sized cubes, a good stepping off point for the ecto- endotherm
c. This lab description page, which requires the student to design the experiment, is
suitable for an IB chemistry program:
ThermoregulationProvide students with a series of photos of various animals adapting
to their thermal environment and ask students to identify each type of thermal
adaptation/behavior. You can easily find photosgo online and do an image search for
animal thermoregulation and cut and paste those suitable for your purposes. Examples
might include: turtles sunning themselves on a log, mice huddling together for warmth, dog
panting, lizard emerging from burrow, etc.
If you want to pursue thermoregulation, and if you subscribe to Exploreelearning, you
can investigate this Gizmo: Homeostasis, at
method=cResource.dspDetail&ResourceID=659. This simulation provides you with lots of
variables to investigate as you try to maintain a constant core body temperature in the
person on the treadmill. If you dont have a subscription, you can still get a free trial and
maybe have enough time to run the simulation. There is a teachers guide and a student
exploration sheet and answer key that accompanies the simulation.
You can use this video clip from the Big Bang Theory television show to introduce
homeostasis to your class (or forward the link to your biology teacher if you
This site provides a good overall coverage of homeostasis for students that could be
used as the basis of a lesson on the topic:
1) How to make it: (Note the amounts of sodium acetate and water can be scaled up or
down, as long as you maintain a similar ratio of amounts.)
2) Video clip: Hot Ice,
c. Rock candy forming crystals from supersaturated solution of sugar
1) How to make it:, or a less scientific approach that can be done in the kitchen:
2) Video clip (less than 2 minutes):
Heres a 7-minute clip that gives more explanation and lots of options as you
To show the cooling effect of evaporation, create a wet-bulb thermometer by wrapping a
piece of paper towel or cotton cloth around the bulb of a thermometer using a rubber band.
Soak the paper or cloth with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol and observe the temperature over
the next several minutes. The temperature will drop substantially. You can repeat the
experiment using water (new cloth or paper), but the effect will be less noticeable.
Nevertheless, it illustrates that energy is absorbed when evaporation takes place.
Here is another way of making a hygrometera combination of a dry bulb and a wet
bulb thermometer in the same instrument:
Wikipedia has a nice discussion about wet bulb temperatures related to relative humidity at
Students could conduct more online research on human body type and climate.
A general rule of thumb is that a chemical reactions rate will double with a 10 oC
temperature increase. Students could do online research to see if chemical reactivity within
ectotherms increases in a similar mannerand whether such an increase in metabolic
reaction rate results in a doubling of activity level; e.g., moving twice as fast.
Using two identical thermometers, a student could design and carry out demonstrations
of heat loss (or gain) by radiation, evaporation, convection, and conduction.
A student could also design a demonstration showing that the surface-volume ratio of an
object affects the rate at which heat is lost by any of the above-listed processes.
Students could research reverse osmosis as a mechanism for purifying sea water for
(non-Web-based information sources)
This set of slides provides detailed information about many of the mechanisms at work to
control internal body temperature in ectotherms and endotherms, including humans:
And heres a very detailed slide show that discusses hypothermiawhat it is, how to avoid
it, and how to treat it. Its from Gaelic Wolf Outdoors, which also discusses outdoor gear and
survival: (I couldnt find
the organizations actual Web site.)
This 9-plus pages site shows the complexity of the theory of set point temperature; its
not as easy as it looks at first:
This is a good description of the various coping strategies endotherms have for freeze
tolerance and freeze avoidance at sub-zero temperatures: (references and bibliography included)
This is the site from Davidson University cited in the background information section
This one is from St. Joseph Island, Canada: The observer on this one says he
doesnt understand why it happens; this might be good for students to begin hypothesizing
and/or researching.
Here is one from a science skills class at Lenape High School, Medford, NJ:
And finally, if you dont have access to YouTube, here is a short clip from the University of
Although it contains a rather simple discussion, this site from provides a
short, basic description of nucleation, with several examples of phenomenon using nucleation
The following sites illustrate a supersaturated solution of sodium acetate solidifying on a
small sodium acetate crystal acting as a nucleation site:
From Flinn Scientific, Inc., here is a 10-minute video that discusses how to make a
saturated solution of sodium acetate and several different demonstrations you can do
with it, as well as tips of the trade to ensure successful demonstrations: The video
is prepared for teachers, but you could take clips from the video to show students.
For a January 2011 article from the Journal of Experimental Biology that details research
done on mice re: nonshivering thermogenesis, see
This study from the American Journal of Physiology discusses the role of nonshivering
thermogenesis in temperature regulation in humans, with possible connections to weight control
and control of diabetes:
Heres a Web page from Biomedical Hypertexts, from the University of Colorado, that
discusses the differences between white fat and brown fat (BAT), and the role BAT plays in
Another report, this one in Cell Metabolism, supports the research being done on the
role of BAT in development of diabetes and weight gain:
Heres another report from the American Journal of Physiology discussing nonshivering