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module1. Planning of Farmstead and Farm Residence

1.1 Introduction

Farmers in India usually live in Villages located some distance away from their farms. In the
past, living in villages was favoured for mutual protection, for social life, for the services of
those serving the community as a whole, and for convenience in getting water supply. The
fragmentation of holdings is another reason favouring living in a village. But from an
agricultural point of view, this arrangement generally puts a farmer away from his land, thus
reducing the supervision and attention he can give to his crops. More time is required to go to
and from the fields and the trouble of taking animals and implements back and forth is
increased. Moreover, the reasons which favoured living in villages in the past are not important
now, with the more secured social life.
1.1.1 Location of Farmstead

A farmstead is satisfactory, if it is on a suitable site, if the individual buildings are properly

designed for the functions they serve, and if their grouping is properly planned. The primary
objectives of good planning are sanitation and well-being of the human beings and animals,
economy in labour management, economy in initial cost and low cost of maintenance. The most
convenient location from the management, sanitation, and other convenience point of view may
be decided as indicated below.

1. From the management point of view, the farmstead should be located near the
centre of the farm or in the middle of the long side. However, this arrangement is
possible only in large farms where the farm labourers also live near the farmstead,
as otherwise the farmstead becomes very much isolated.

2. Location at one side or even at a corner near a road is always helpful in procuring
the farm supplies and in disposing of farm produce. This will facilitate better
social life and protection, common water supply arrangement and other

3. A site having high elevation and good natural drainage should be selected.

4. The farmstead should be located near a source of permanent water

supply. Advantage of an existing well can be taken while deciding the farmstead

5. Sites which have trees around will provide protection against high wind velocities
and dust storms, and will provide shade for human beings and animals.

1.1.2 Size and Arrangement of the Farmstead

The farmstead area is occupied by residential buildings, storage buildings, dairy barn, bullock
shed, poultry houses, other service buildings, threshing yard, roads, etc. and this area usually
varies from 3 to 5 per cent of the farm area.
Residential buildings should be located away from the cattle shed and other buildings. This will
ensure privacy and reduce the nuisance of flies and smell coming from the dairy barn.

Residences and animals houses should be so located that the prevailing wind will not blow from
the animal houses to the residences. Various buildings are arranged to provide the minimum of
walking from one to the other in doing the required work. The silo pits and feed storages should
be located near the animal shelters. The milk room or milk house is generally placed about 6m
away from the barn.

The layout of the farmstead should allow for possible future extension of buildings. Care should
be given, in designing the buildings to get maximum convenience without much additional cost
of construction. Unnecessary ornamentation or carving on the buildings does not add to the
convenience, and on the other hand involves extra expenditure.

1.2 Planning of Farm Residence

The residential building on a farm is the heart of the farmstead. It should be so designed and
constructed that the owner has the satisfaction of staying in a most comfortable and attractive
place. A residence is not merely a shelter alone, but is the centre of a social life, a place of
health, comfort and happiness of the entire family in all stages and walks of life. It must provide
conveniences for all the life activities. There must be places for cooking, dining, sleeping, study,
guests, and other special requirements, to take maximum advantage of the sun light, the
residence should face south or north. Facing the residence onto the main road and rivers or
streams in another desirable feature.

However, the traditional designs of village houses have the following defects :

1. Construction is unsatisfactory and not water proof.

2. Windows are too small

3. Rooms are too small

4. Kitchen are not properly constructed to remove the smoke

5. Animals are also kept in or around the house

6. Surroundings are often used as a waste disposal place.

Hence, a good house should have the following facilities:

1. Bedrooms-the number depends on the size of the family.

2. Verandahs both for sitting out and house work.

3. A Kitchen with good ventilation

4. Food grain store

5. Fuel wood store

6. Animal shelter

7. Animal fodder store

8. Latrine cum urinal and a bathing place

9. Sitting room cum DALAN

10. Open space inside or outside the house well enclosed for social gatherings.

11. Space for biogas plant and slurry dump

12. Space for kitchen garden

13. Space for washing purposes

14. Space for farm tools and machinery storage

1.3 Improved Farm House Design

A farm house should be designed to provide maximum utility and comfort. The various rooms
should be so located as to provide adequate comfort and minimum time and energy wastage in
going from one to the other.
The two floor plans (Fig. 1.1 and 1.2) presented in these figures are meant for small family sizes
living in the villages. These houses are sufficient to provide necessary facilities to a modern
farmer. Two conceptual drawings of traditional and improved houses are shown in Fig. 1.2 (a).

1.3.1 Bed Room : A typical be room of 3.6 x 3m will accommodate two single beds of 1 x 2
m. Cross ventilation with one side exposed to the prevailing breeze is a desirable feature in
desing. Every bed room should be provided with attached toilet facilities or should have an
independent access to the common toilet room. Some storage space is essential in every bed

1.3.2 Drawing Room : The drawing room generally serves as the room for recreation and social
gathering. The minimum size of the drawing room is 4.5 x 3.6 m but some people prefer to have
one large room of about 6 x 4.5 m to serve as a drawing room cum dining room. The drawing
room is best suited to be on one side of the house, and should generally open into the front porch,
kitchen, and bed room. Wall space in the drawing room should have plenty of provision for
natural light and ventilation.
1.3.3 Kitchen : The kitchen is preferably place near the living room but away from the bed
rooms. It should be equipped with a sink and many built-in-racks for storage of utensils and
supplies. Floor space of kitchens usually varies form 9.3 to 14 sq. m. Store rooms and fuel
storage space should be attached to the kitchen. Besides a large size chimney to carry out the
smoke from the built-in-cook stove, the kitchen should have cross ventilation. One of the
windows and a door must directly open to the kitchen garden. The kitchen must have an eastern
location if possible, so that the rays of morning sun can provide adequate light. Availabilities of
LPG in rural areas have made considerable difference in the design and layout of kitchen in
villages. Where gas stoves are not being used, improved fire wood CHULHAS are being

1.3.4 Toilet Rooms : For Indian families, bath room and lavatory should usually be
separated. In the bath room, provision should be made for both a shower and a direct tap
bath. If the water supply is not maintained throughout the day and night, a small water reservoir
may be a part of the bath room. A hanger fro towels and a rack for soap, etc., are very
useful. For the lavatory, a flush arrangement is essential.


Functions of all organs and systems ultimately depend upon absorption and nutrition. The food taken
in by the animal is used in constructing new tissue while some is broken down that ie., oxidized by tissue
cells to produce heat and energy. The heat produced by oxidation processes can be measured which
will determine the metabolic rate. The metabolic rate of animals is an therefore indicator of their
nutritive and productive status. It is also verymuch influenced by the environmental variables such as
temperature humidity air velocity and radiation. The heat and moisture released through respiration
are simples and his heat must be dissipated out.


Homeo – like or similar

Stasis - standing

Preventing changes or keeping things the same. It refers to the maintenance of a fixed internal
environment in animals through dynamic, self – regulating processes, operating on the
feedback principle. Many internal factors are maintained constant. These include body
temperature, mature body weight, blood pressure, respiration, body fluid, hormones and


Maintenance of appropriate internal body temperature is an excellent example of homeostasis,

sometimes called homeothermy.

The regulation of internal temperature is carried out through several sets of feedback
mechanisms. Mammals and birds are homeotherms and they are equipped with peripheral
receptors in the skin and central receptors in the brain. There exists for each species a range of
environmental temperature that is optimal in terms of minimum action by the regulating
mechanisms. This range is the thermoneutral condition. When the environment cools below
this range, the condition is sensed peripherally and transmitted to a specific part of the brain,
(the posterior hypothalamus), which activates a set of protective actions. These include
increase in appetite and rate of heat production, decrease in blood flow to the periphery, and
change in posture of hair coat or feathers. With continued decrease in external temperature
shivering is initiated. Shivering is involuntary muscle contractions that increase the rate of heat

When external temperature rises above the optimal, another set of protection devices is
activated. The surface blood vessels dilate, appetite decreases, rate of moisture evaporation
increases, respiration rate increases, in humans, profuse sweating occurs. These actions are
involuntary and are mainly controlled by the anterior hypothalamus in response to blood
temperature changes. Increase in appetite increases metabolic rate, the other actions serve to
increase rate of heat loss to the environment.

Thermoneutrality occurs within a range of environmental temperatures in which the body’s

homeothering mechanism maintain, a balance between heat loss and heat production without
stress. Within this range the thermal regulation is minimal – neither heat nor cold in felt. In
these terms, thermoneutrality defines a “comfort” zone. The overall objective in animal
housing systems design thus is to create environments in which the animals approach
thermoneutrality, but with appropriate balance between the productive value of
thermoneutrality and the cost of systems to maintain it.

Animal Reactions

The reactions of animals to environmental factors can be arbitrarily divided into two classes
Productive and physiological. The distinction is artificial rather than real, but has value to an
engineer to whom the productive factors are more useful. The physiological reactions are body
temp, pulse rate, and respiration rate.

(i) Temperature:

This is the most significant parameter Environmental temperature is the integrated total of all
temperatures surrounding the animal is 4πsr (steradions). If the walls, ceiling, floor and air
temperatures are identical, then the environmental temperature is simply the air
temperature. But this is a rare case. The more usual case is that surfaces and air are at
different temperatures and adjoining A THI of 75 is a critical value for even the low producers
while the higher producers are already affected at this THI. Hence THI should be between 72-
75 for normal cows.


The seasonal variations in physiology of farm animals are related to light, including both
duration and climate. It appears that length of day, or rate of change of day length, have
marked effects on hair coat of cattle and wool growth and breeding behaviors of sheep.

Air movement:

Animal heat loss is influenced by air velocity, which is important at both low and high
temperatures. Under confinement conditions the air velocity can usually be regulated by
fans. In the case of dairy cattle held at 95°F air temperature an increase in air flow rate from
0.5 to 10 mph (mily per hour) tended to reduce production losses normally experienced at such
high temperatures. However, 10mph is a rather high velocity inside a building and would be
particularly annoying if conditions happened to be dusty. The favorable effect of increased air
flow at high temperatures is due to the increase in evaporative heat loss. The daily weight
gains of beef cattle in summer are considerably less at 0.5 mph compared to 4mph. Increasing
air velocity above the latter figure, however gives no further advantage.


Since the major purpose of environmental control in buildings for housing livestock is
for comfort of the animals, it should be fairly obvious that the physiological reactions of the
animals are of extreme importance in determining design conditions. Warm-blooded animals,
such as cattle, swine, sheep, and poultry, give off heat and moisture during normal living
processes. The rate at which these are expelled will vary with environmental
conditions. Unfortunately, complete information is not available on the reactions of all animals
under all conditions. Research is under way at various stations in the United States to
determine this information where such information are based on practical experience.

Dairy Cattle: The first approach to presenting information on the heat and moisture
production of dairy cows was made in 1921 by Armsby, who presented a method of computing
the heat production of dairy cows. Based on Armsby’s method, together with research
information on steers presented by various works, Strahan suggested basic information to be
used in design of insulation and ventilation for dairy barns. 1 This information is shown in Figure
14.4. Curve A shows the effect of environmental temperature on the percentage of total heat
in latent form. Latent heat is that heat contained in the vaporized moisture expelled by the
animal. As the temperature increases, more moisture is given off by the animal, carrying with
it moreheat in latent form to regulate the body temperature of the animal. Curves B and C
show the reduction in sensible-heat production with increasing temperature; Fig. 14.4. Effect
of temperature on heat and moisture production of dairy cattle. (From J. L. Strahan, A method
for Designing Insulation and ventilation for Animal Shelter Buildings, Agr. Engg.)

Poultry. Studies of the physiological reation of poultry to environmental conditions are under
way at Beltsville, Mayland, by the Division of Farm Bujildings and Rural Housing, Bureau of Plant
Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, USDA. Although these studies have not been
completed, some information has been reported which can be used as tentative considerations
for design procedure.1 Results of this study to date are shown graphically in Figure 14.5. All
data re converted to a single basis of 5-pound Rhode Island Red hens. Results shown on the
lower chart would indicate that the optimal temperature range for egg production lies in the
neighborhood of 50 to 55°F. Temperatures as low as 45° and as high as 65° do not seem
seriously affect egg production.

Relationships among the psychrometric characteristics play important roles in the ventilating
process. To control the temperature within a building the sensible heat produced by the
broilers and supplemental heaters and the heat either gained or lost through the building
surfaces (i.e., ceiling, walls, windows, etc.) must be balanced with the heat removed by the
ventilation air.

Animal Shed or Shelters Dairy Barn

In India, the need for expanding the supplementary and subsidiary foods especially proteins has
been increasingly realized in recent years. The demand for these articles has specially increased
and with the rise in income it is likely to increase more rapidly in future. The prospects of
augmenting the supply of milk and milk products, table birds, eggs etc depends on the
development of dairy farming and poultry keeping which are an integral part of a sound system
of diversified agriculture. Therefore special emphasis is laid on mixed farming, in which crop
production and animal husbandry are dovetailed for efficient and economic utilization of land
laboures and capital. The integration of farming with animal husbandry is essential for the fuller
utilization of farm by products maintenance of soil fertility fuller employment ofr agriculturists
throughout the year and increase in rural incomes. Hence for better management and breeding of
the farm animals in healthy condition animal shelters are inevitable.
The kindof shelter required for an animal depends upon the kind of animal and the climate
condition of the region. The rapid increase in temperature and extreme temperatures affects the
animals. So to maintain the in properly, a shed is to be provided with a roof. The space
available for each animal should be sufficient to allow free movement so as to maximize the
ability to adjust to the environments. In the case of high velocity wind also, animals are affected
and hence to protect them from wind droughts, enclosures is of provided. The sheds for housing
the clarity cows and poultry hers are dealt in detail.

Dairy Barns

When planning a new dairy form, the size and location of barn with relation to the entire farm,
the fields, roads, drainage channels, prevailing winds and landscaping are of importance are of
importance and should be considered. The requirements of the dairy cows and calves should
also be considered before any construction work is undertaken. The location of the fodder and
feeder storage buildings should be included in the plan.

Milk straining, weighing, cooling and cleaning of the milk utensils require significant of labour
and therefore the location of a well planned milk house should be carefully chosen. Before a
new dairy barn is planned the future expansion of the business should also be considered. The
size of the hard is usually determined on the basis of the total quantity of fodder the farm is
capable of producing annually. Generally, it is economical to produce fodder on the farm and to
buy concentrates from the market, and thus are can afford to have a large size hard than if its
farm itself had to provide all the feed stuffs.

The dairy barn, when properly located should have a good approach from the highway, as well as
from the farm house. The milk house is best located on a clean, well drained site near the barn,
but separated from it by a 6 m long paved passage. It should face the road and be provided with
doors fixed with wire mesh to keep off the flies. In tropical countries like India, it is better to
have enclosed becomes facing in the east west direction. The location of the feed and fodder
stores w.r.r barn should be planned so that the minimum time is spent in taking the supplies to
the barn. The topography of the barn site determines the drainage pattern required. Drainage
should be diverted around the barn by proper grading of the surrounding land.

Besides the natural rainwater, water used in grooming the cows, and cleaning the barn and dairy
utensils has to be disposed off. It is desirable to have paved approaches to the dairy barn, since
this prevents stagnation of water and mud formation. Under these conditions, it is not possible to
transport the cow dung from the barn daily, it is desirable to fence an area near the barn of
storage of manure.

Types of Dairy Barn

There are three general types of barns.

i) Stanchion barn

ii) The loose housing barn with milking room and

iii) The open air barn

In the stanchion barn the cows are housed and milled in the some building. It is also called the
general purpose barn of the cow. The loose housing barn is one in which the cows are housed in
a covered or partially covered yard, but they are milked in batches in a special milking house
called the milking barlour. This system is also called the milking house system. the open air
barn does not have any coves. The cows live in field and they are fed and milked there. The
system is also known as the leafing barn system and is not common on a well established dairy

Stanchion barn is one is which the cow is kept tied in separate stalls and provided with
feed. Each stall consists of a bedding place and feed place so that the cow can be kept in the stall
itself at all times. Stanchion is a frame work made up of pipe or angle iron with an oval shaped
adjustable ring kept one end hanging from the frame and the other hinged to the floor. It shoul0d
be wide enough to pin it on easily to the neck to the animal and to lock it. It should also give
facility for the animal to rest and move its neck side ways to reach feed l./ and water. Instead of
using oval shaped ring chains are also used to fasten the animals to the stanchion. For this a
strap is around the neck of each animal.

The animals are arranged in rows according to the members to be housed. In enclosed shelters
for more than 8 cows two rows is preferable. The rows can be arranged so that they may be
facing each other known as ‘face in’ arrangement of is the opposite direction known as ‘face
out’ arrangement. Face in type arrangements will reduce the floor area give facility for cleaning
manure to the open sides an is suited mostly for unenclosed barns or for bullodes. The stalls are
separated by a small partition wall usually of concrete to 12.5cm height, with a bent pipe fixed
equal to the length of stall for efficiency of management the length of rows should be restricted
to have maximum of 10 cows in a row. If the limit is exuded.

Stall size: The size of stall depend upon the size and age of animals. Narrow and cramped stall
should be avoided, as it restricts the movement of animal resulting in discomfort and even injury
to the animal which will affect the milk yield. As the size old cow varies with different breeds, a
general space requirement of each type of the basis of its weight is given in the following table

Table . Dimensions of cow stall

Weight of cow Girth (per meter) Stall width Stall length

Kg lb cm inch cm feet cm feet

363 800 162.5 65.0 100.0 3’4” 135 4’6”

454 1000 176.25 70.5 110.0 3’8” 140 4’8”

544 1200 187.50 75.0 120.0 4’0” 150 5’0”

634 1400 198.75 79.5 130.0 4’4” 160 5’4”

723 1600 210.0 84.0 140.0 4’8” 170 5’8”

Mangers : are feeding structures for the animals. The size of the mangers should be sufficient to
hold the feed. It should, be sufficient to hold the feed. It should be shaped in a curved form so
that no wastage of feed is allowed. The two usual types of mangers adopted are shown in figures.

The low manger known as “sweep in” is simple and easy to construct and it affords facility for
quick feeding. The waste thrown by the animal away from the manger can easily be swept
back. The high front manger, though a bit difficult and costlier in construction, is still adopted
of less wastage by throwing the feet out of mangers. The usual width of manger varies from 60
cm to 90 cm. The back of low manger is flush with feeder alley and the back of height front
manger is about 70 cm above the feeder alley.

At the foot of manger a stanchion curb of height 12.5 cm is provided to prevent the animal from
dragging the feed into the stall. This curb separate the manger and the stall and provides support
for the bottom of stanchion.

Cement concrete tubes of 150-200 liter capacity are provided in between two cows.

Space for pathways: To increase the efficiency of diary management enough space for pathways
should be provided for conveying feed to the manger, milking the cows and removing the
manure waste etc. The pathways provided in a stanchion barn are feed alleys and litter
alleys. Feed alleys are pathways provided between two rows of mangers in case of face in
system or pathways between the mangers and side wall in the case of face out system. the usual
space left is 1.2 m so as to allow the conveyance of feed in a push cart. In the case of big dairy
barns the should be wide enough for a farm cart drawn by bullocks or farm tractor. In the case of
face in arrangement no separate litter alley is provided as the sides are not enclosed. But in face
ant arrangement litter alleys are provided for a width of 1.8m to 2.4 m for facility of milking and
taking out animals. Cross alleys are also provided where the number of animal are more to have
access from one side to the other without back tracking.

Cutters: these are provided to convey the animal waste and to drain urine and wash-water to
manure pits provided out side the dairy barn. These are provided by the side of litter alleys and
their width varies from 40cm to 45cm and the depth is 15 cm. A minimum bed slope of 2%
should be given for the gutters to drain without any stagnation.

Flooring: The flooring for dairy barns may be laid either with cement or lime concrete as sub
grade, with a meet rough finish on top with c.m. The stall platforms should be sloped well for
maintaining the clean liners. The top surface of the flooring should not be left smooth as it may
cause slipping of animals. Thread linings. Made on the floor renders grip to the animals. A toe
hold known as toe drain provided at the front of the stall for 1/3 length helps the animals to sit or
stand without slipping.

Walls : Brick or rubble mesory in lime or cement marker can be adopted for enclosing the
barn. The length should be a minimum of 2.4m. ventilators or opening of 0.37 sqm (4 sq ft) per
each cow should be provided to give natural lighting & air. It climate and environment do not
call for enclosures, pillars at 2.4m to 3m apart (8 to 10 ft) can be had to support the roof.

Roofing: In not regions, tiled roofing can be advantage adopted rather than A.C. sheet or other
corrugated sheet roofing, be cause of its less heat radiation. A.C. sheet can be adopted where the
temp is moderate. Concrete roofing is the best, if the investment in justifiable. In the case of
two rows. Barns, roof trusses of iron or timber should be used, since the width will be more than

Loose housing system : In this system of housing the milking, feeding and bedding operations
are arranged in separate places. An open exercising yard is also provided in this system. the
labour requirement is less and efficiency of management is more since the milking is done in a
small enclosed area and he manure allowed to accumulate in the bedding area to cleared once or
twice is an year. The success of this method is related to the allotment of enough space and

Feeding shed This is a covered shed to protect the feed from rain and an area of 3.7 sqm (40
sqft) is recorded for each cow. Pavement with mangers is betters for keeping the feeding area
clean. The space of manger for each cow varies from 67.5 cm to 75 cm. and the depth should be
sufficient to prevent wastage by dragging out of the mangers. Water tub of 300 litres capacity
are provided for every 15 cows in the feeding room. For feeding shed a lean to root shed with no
enclosure on are side is economical and suitable.
Bedding area: This is also a covered area with an ample space of 6.4 sqm per cow. The shed
room should be a min. of 3m to allow piling up of manure for 0.9m height. The bedding area
should include separate place for caves at the rate of 2.8 sqm (30 sqft) per cow.

Exercising yard: This is an open enclosed space to afford free movement of animals to get fresh
air and exercise. The space required for each cow is 9.2 sqm (100 sqft). This is provided
adjoining the bedding area. The yard should have a slope of 1 in 6 for the first 1.0m width and
then 2% slope away from the bedding ara for draining water.

Milking rooms : The milking room is provided separately where facilities are made for milking
a few cows at a time. This is constructed adjoining the feed room so that other animals can be
kept there awaiting their turn to be led to milking. For providing facility for milking, stalls
should be constructed to keep the animals at the floor level or raise above the floor where the
operator works. The level floor stall arrangements are similar to stall barns with space for litter
and feeder alleys. The room is covered on the sides and top to keep it clean.

Stall systems are either floor level, with the platforms at the same level as he floor on which the
operator works or elevated with the cow platform from 30” to 36” above the operators (fig) floor
level stalls are usually arranged abreast like the stalls in a stall barn.

The cows may walk thro after milking or back at F or one operator the most convenient number
of stalls in this arrangement see was to be 6 to 1, for two operators, 8 to 12 or 16 stalls should be

The elevated stall system places to cows at a more convenient and comfortable work height for
the operator. If milk is carried from milking room to milk house, the operators floor should be at
the same level as the milk house floor. The stalls are the a elevate and suitable ramps provided
for the cows.

Chute: There are a no of arrangements of stalls suited to the elevated stall system. the chute type
stalls are probably the least expensive to construct, because no wall fot eh cows is necessary and
fewer gates need be provided for handing the cows. However all the cows, in one line must be
let in and released at one time. A slow milker may hold up the line and cause lost time. Feed
boxes that slide out into 1 operators ara permit clean. Passage for the cows to move thro. The
chute arrangement can be built force single row or two rows of cows. Feed in tube is filled with
feed with the help of chute pipe from an elevated feed storage hub.

Tandem type: The tandem type of arrangement permit cows to enter and be released
individually. However a wale for the cows must be provided along the side. Gate must be
provided on each stall, one for entrance and one for exit. The tandem arrangement man be built
for one or two cows of cows.

U Type: or square type of arrangements are modifications of the tandem arrangement. In both
the cows can be brought in and released individually. These arrangements may centralize the
milking operation more than other types.

Montana: It is an abreast arrangement with elevated stall. For one operator, one working area
and two stalls are provided for two operators, two working areas and four stalls are provided.
Dairy Cattle Housing

Stall systems for the milking room. Stall systems are another floor-level, with the platforms at
the same level as the floor on which the operator works, or elevated, with the cow platform from
30 to 36 inches above the operator floor (See Figure 16.14). Floor level stalls are usually
arranged abreast like the stalls in a stall barn (Figure 16.15)

The cows may walk through after milking or back out. For one operator, the most convenient
number of stalls in this arrangement seems to be 6 to 1; for two operators, 8 to 12 or 16 stalls
should be provided.

The elevated-stall system places the cows at a more convenient and comfortable work height for
the operator (Figure 16.16). If milk is carried from milking room to milk house, the operator
floor should be at the same level as the level as the milk-house floor. The stalls are then
elevated, and suitable range provided for the cows. With the pipeline milker, the operator may
be in a pit, and the cows at the same level as the holding area.

Chute. There are a number of arrangements of stalls sited to the elevated-stall system. The
chute-type stalls are probably the lest expensive to construct, because no walk for the cows is
necessary, and fewer gates need to provided for handling the cows. However, all the cows in one
line must be let in and released at one time. A slow milker may hold up the line and cause lost
time. Fed boxes that slide out into the operators area permit clear passage for the cows to move
through. The chute arrangement can be built for a single row or two rows of cows.

Tandem. The tandem type of arrangement permits cows to enter and be released
individually. However, a walk for the cows must be provided along the side. Gates must be
provided on each stall, one for entrance and one for exit. Ropes over pulleys from the gates to
the operator’s area facilitate the handling of the cows. The tandem arrangement can be built for
one or two rows of cows.

U type. The U-type and square-type arrangements are moderations of the tandem
arrangement. In both, the cows can be brought in and released individually. These
arrangements may centralize the milking operation more than other types. In the square-type
arrangement the pipeline milker is essential, because the operator has no exit through which to
carry the milk when the cows are in the stalls.

Montana. The Montana-type milking room is an abreast arrangement with elevated stalls. For
one operator, one working area and two stalls are provided for two operators, two working areas
and four stalls are provided.

Since concentrate grain is normally fed in the milking room, an adequate supply should be
readily available at milking time. This can be provided by overhead storage with chutes, or by
storage in a large container in the operation’s area.

In some regions of mild climate, where little or no housing is required for dairy animal, the
milking area is a separate milking barn. This milking barn is similar in arrangement to the loose
housing milking area.
Arrangement for efficiency. For maximum efficiency in operating the loose housing system. it
is essential that he various units be correctly located with respect to one another. Such an
efficient layout incorporating the ideas already discussed is shown in

Space Requirements of Dairy Animals and Layouts of Dairy Farms

All animals require shelter for protection and comfort. They can perform better under favourable
environmental conditions. Housing of animals need initial capital to the extent the dairy farmers
can afford. The animals are to be protected from high and low temperature, strong sunlight,
heavy rainfall, high humidity, frost, snowfall, strong winds, ecto-parasite and endo-parasites. The
comfortable temperature range for dairy breeds of cattle, buffaloes and goats is 150C to 270C.
Climatic stress occurs when the temperature goes 50C below or above this range.

High humidity combined with high temperature causes more stress to animals in tropics. Rainfall
in cold climate also causes stress in temperate zone. Strong winds further aggravate the
conditions both in tropics and temperate climate. Several techniques are available to provide
relief from hot weather conditions for lactating dairy cows. In tropical and sub-tropical climates,
well-ventilated shed is a necessity at points of high heat stress, such as feed barns, loafing areas,
and in holding areas. It is important to provide a sufficient flow of air through the building in
which the animals are kept to ensure optimum thermal conditions for dairy animals.

The space requirements of dairy animals as per Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) are given in
table belo

Floor, feeding manger and watering space requirements of da



Young calves
1 1.0 2.0 40- 50 10-15 groups
(< 8 weeks)

Older calves Groups

2 2.0 4.0 40-50 10-15
(> 8 wks) 15

3 Heifers 2.0 4.0-5.0 45-60 30-45
4 Adult cows 3.5 7.0 60-75 45-60

Adult Groups
5 4.0 8.0 60-75 60-75
Buffaloes 25-30

6 Down calvers 12.0 20-25 60-75 60-75 Individ

7 Bulls 12.0 120.0 60-75 60-75 Individ

8 Bullocks 3.5 7.0 60-75 60-75 Pairs

* Based on ISI Standards for housing in India.

** The actual length and width of water trough may be decided as per the strength of group and
size of the paddock.

Model Layouts of Dairy Farms of Various Sizes

Model layouts for the construction of various farm buildings have been prepared under loose
system of housing. The loose system of housing dairy animals has been recommended for most
of the agro-climatic zones of the country with minor modifications except in heavy rainfall
regions and the high altitude regions where winters are very harsh. The dairy animals under lose
system of housing are grouped together based on their age in case of growing animals and based
on their physiological condition when they are adults. The various categories of dairy animals
may be formed such as milking cows, dry and pregnant cows, down-calvers, bulls, heifers and
the calves. All these animals need to be housed in separate sheds and the provision in the layout
has to be made accordingly.

Apart from the animal sheds the certain other ancillary buildings/structures are also required to
be constructed such as chaff cutter shed, feed store, implements store, straw store, milking
parlour, milk room, silo pits and manure pits apart from the office, lawns. The large sized dairy
farms may also need overhead water storage tank, a small sized workshop and parking space.
The farm building may be arranged in such a manner that they result in higher animal
productivity and labour efficiency with minimum movement of people and the animals. For
example, the milking parlour may be situated close to the milking cows shed; the milk room may
be adjacent to the milking parlour, the feed storage room also should be close to the milking
parlour as the compound feed in mostly fed in the milking parlour during milking. The calf shed
should be cloase to the milking cows shed if weaning of calves is practiced. The farm building
should be constructed using cheaper locally availbale construction materials so that the
construction cost is minimized.
Given under are some model layouts of dairy farms of various sizes for the setting up of
commercial dairy farms.

Layout od Dairy Farm for 20 Cow/Buffalo Unit

As prepared by Dr. M.L.Kamboj (NDRI, Karnal)

Design and construction of Fodder Silo

1 Introduction

It is need to store animal fodder and feeds, fertilizers, seeds, vegetables, milk and milk products,
farm machineries etc., in a variety of storage structures.
1.1 The Silo

Silo is a farm structure which stores and products the animal fodder providing an ideal condition.
The fodder is cut and packed in the silo in an air tight condition to favor for partial fermentation.
The stored fodder is known is known as silage. Silage can be made from any green crop with
moderately tough stalk. e.g. Grass, Sugarcane, legumes, etc.

Silage is more nutritive then dries stalk. But when compared to green fodder, there is some loss
of nutritive value in silage, because the sugar is converted into lactic acid giving a sour taste.
Losses are also occurring due to surface spoilage, fermentation and seepage. Loading of tower
silos is difficult. It heeds a mechanical loader or a large capacity blower for elevating the cut
fodder. The wall should be smooth, circular and strong enough to avoid cracking due to lateral
pressure. Hence, a heavy reinforcement is a must.

The only advantage is if the water table is very close to the ground level, tower silos are
preferred. The cost of constructing these silos is comparatively much higher than that of
horizontal types.

1.2 Horizontal silos

Horizontal surface silos are really used for storing silage. These silos are readily and cheaper
made at any time and they can be easily filled and unloaded without any equipment. They are
successful in areas having a deep water tale. The dry matter losses ranges from 20-30% while
filling either trench or pit site. Chopped silage should be spread, leveled and packed. They are
filled, till the silage reaches the above G.L. They should be covers with dry paddy straw or
plastic covers. Well packed silage weighs 480-800 g per m3. Area=650 kg/m3.

1.2.1 Pit silos

It is a circular deep well which is lined all along the side and bottom to prevent the water
entering it. They can be made of bricks or stores or concrete with either lime or cement. Up to a
depth of 15m a 22.5m wall is provided with plastering the entire inner surface. A simple roof
over the silo can be provided to protect the silage from sun and rain. Generally a cow is feed
about 1.4kg of silage per 45kg of her body weight per day. i.e. 1.4 kg/45 kg /day or 3 kg/100 kg
of body weight.

Diameter of the silo is determined by the quantity of silage feed daily. The rate removal should at
the rate of 10cm/day. The diameter is limited to 6 m and its depth is kept 2-3 times the diameter.
Design criteria

1. Rate of removal - 10 cm/day

2. Silage fed per day - 3 kg/100kg of body weight
3. Maximum diameter - 6m
4. Depth - 2-3 times diameter
5. 1m3 of silage - 650 kg
Problem: Work out the economical diameter and depth of a silo to store sufficient quantity of
silage for a herd of 300 dairy cows having an average body weight of 450 kg each. The cows fed
with silage for 200 days /year.

Given :

No. cows - 300

Body weight - 450 kg

No of days per year - 200 days /year.


Let i) 1m3 of silage = 650kg.

ii) Thickness of silage fed per day = 10 cm/day.

iii) Let each cow I fed 3kg of silage per 100 kg of the body weight.

Weight of silage required for each cow = (3/100) X 450

= 13.5 kg / day

Weight of silage required for 300 cows =13.5 X 300

= 4050 kg / day

Volume of silage required to be stored =4050/650

= 6.23 m3 -------------------

Allowing 20 % loss, Actual volume of silage = 6.23 + 0.2x6.23 = 7.476 m3

Volume of pit for a daily withdrawal depth of 10 cm = -------------- (2)

Equating (1) & (2) = 7.476

Depth of the silo = daily depth x no. of days = 0.1 x 200 = 20 m

1.2.2 Trench silos

It can be either lined one or unlined one. Unlined silo is easy to construct but give more spoilage
of silage and caving in of sides due to rain. A lined trench silo is advantageous and the lining can
be made with brick concrete or cement plaster with reinforcing wire mesh. Filling packing and
sealing are similar to pit silo. The drainage water should not be allowed to collect near the trench
and so drains should be made around the trench. The cross section depends on number of
animals to be fed and the length is determined by the number of days, the silage is fed in a year.

Problem: Design a trench silo for a small farm having 140 buffaloes weighing 680 kg each and
has to be fed at the rate of 4 kg/100 kg of its weight. The silage is fed 160 days in a year.

Given Data:

No. of animals = 140

Wt. of each animal = 680 kg

Feeding rate = 4 kg / 100 kg of body weight

No. of days of feeding = 160 days


Let the depth of silo be 2.5 m

Length of feed per day be 15 cm

Side Slope be 1 : 2
Equating (1) & (2)


Top width of silo = 16.87 m

Bottom width of silo = 14.37 m

Depth of silo = 24.0 m

Length of silo = 28.8 m.

Construction of Farm Fencing

1.1 Introduction

For a farm, fencing is adopted to enclose the farm to distinguish the boundaries and to prevent
trees passing of animals etc. It is also used for open yards to keep the animals confined in
it. Live hedges, compound walls, wire fencing etc., are ordinarily adopted in India. The
compound wall construction is costlier when compared to the wire fencing.

In wire fencing upright posts made of wood, angle iron or concrete are used and to these barbed
wires, plane wires or mesh wires are attached. Mesh wire are generally convenient for cattle
sheds and poultry houses whereas barbed wire is used for demarcating the boundaries.
Upright posts:

Upright posts made of wood are cheaper but does not last long. They become uneconomical due
to painting of them year after a year and renewing owing to white ants, rot and
deterioration. Next in order of present day popularity for fence post is iron, which also has to be
continuously painted and guarded against rust, which is the ever present enemy of iron
material. The concrete posts are better than both wooden and iron ones and durable though the
cost is slightly more than other two.

The concrete posts can be manufactured on the farm itself. They are made as square posts,
square tapered posts or as posts with triangular coping. Concrete posts are easy to
construct. The posts are usually made for 1.8 m to 2.1 m (6 ft. to 7 ft.) length and the size of the
posts being 12.5 cm square (5 inches) square or 12.5 cm square (5 inches square) bottom and 7.5
cm square (3 inches square) at top. These posts are made on the form by using rectangular
wooden moulds without top or bottom. The moulds are placed over a platform and
reinforcement bars (steel rods) are placed in position leaving a cover of 1.9 cm to 2.5 cm (3/4
inch to 1 inch) alround by propping. The size of rods adopted for reinforcements may be of 6
mm or 10 mm (1/4 inche or 3/8 inch). The smaller diameter rods are adopted for ordinary
posts, but when heavy usage is expected and a bigger post is therefore necessary, larger diameter
may be used. As a fence post has usually to resist lateral or bending pressure and it is difficult to
determine from which direction the pressure acts, it is safe to reinforce all the four sides.

Fig. 6.2. Cross section of concrete post with reinforcement.

The rods are laid lengthwise, the ends built up at right angles to exclude any change of the
concrete pulling away from the steel. The rod should be kept apart by 3 mm (1/8”) wire wound
round in the form of spirals at 30 cm (12 inches) apcing.

Casting posts :

The concrete is prepared by mixing broken stones 1.9 cm (3/4 inches gauge with sand and
cement in the proportion of 4:2:1 or 3: 1.5:1 by volume. This is mixed well by adding clean
water at the rate of not more than (5 gallons) pr bag of cement. The mixture after the water is
added should be of medium wetness and thoroughly plastic, but not too slopy. Before concrete is
placed in the mould ; the latter should be lightly greased or rubbed with oil or soft soap. Instead,
they can be thoroughly wetted by pouring water. The concrete should be placed within the
mould as soon as mixing is completed as the concrete sets within 30 minutes. The mixture filled
in thin layer should be tamped well to ensure complete filling of the space without any
voids. The top surface should be trowelled to level the surf ace and left to settle.

Fig. 6.3. Mould for Post.

If holes are to be provided for inserting the wires or to be tied, rods should be inserted through
the holes provided in the side of the boxes before the concrete is placed. These rods should be
withdrawn after the concrete has set sufficiently to retain its shape which varies from 4 to 6

The castings should be left in the mould for 24 hours after which time the mould can be
dismantled are reused. Then the post should be cured on the platform itself for 4 days by
covering it wetted sand. It is then lifted from the platform and put in a water tub or pond for
curing. If no pond is available it can be placed over a bed of wet sand and water sprinkled on
it. The curing should be done for two or three weeks. The posts should be used preferably after
3 months period after casting but in no case it should be used before 30 days.

Spacing of posts:

The life of fence and maintenance cost is dependant upon the size of spacing of fencing
posts. usually a spacing of 2.4 m to 3.0m (8 ft. to 10 ft.) is better for wire fences. The corner
posts and straining posts should be heavier than the line posts and must be supported by
struts. For this a mortise is made near the top of the post. The struts are made to 7.5 cm x 7.5
cm(3” x 2”) and reinforced with four 6mm (1/4”) diameter rods. The struts are placed into the
ground and covered by concrete.
Fig. 6.4. Barbed wire fence showing upright and strut.

Erecting fence posts and wire:

The posts should be set in the ground for 52.5 cm (1.75 ft.) or 60 cm (2 ft.) depth and should be
concreted with a mix of 1:2.5:5. The wires are fastened to the posts and stretched well. The
different methods of fastening the wires to the posts are given in fig.

Fig. 6.6. Woven wire fence.

The selection of wires depends on the purpose for which it is used. Barbed wire is effective for
fencing the boundaries to prevent animal trespassing. But it is not suitable for poultry
yards. Plain wires are best suited for cattle yard with or without barbed wire. Wire mesh is
suitable for poultry yards. In fencing with barbed wire, plain wire or wire mesh, the arrangement
of horizontal wires at the bottom should be closer than at the top.

Farm gates :

Gate and position should be selected so that unnecessary travel distance should be reduced. The
gate way should be wide enough to give access to easy traffic. The gates provided should be
strong and durable. For farm gates separate gate pillars of heavier sections should be provided to
bear the weight of gates. The gates may be wooden, or iron with necessary locking
arrangements. Some of the simple type of gates that can be made in the farm itself is given in

Fig. 6.7. Simple farm gates.


Types of Rural Roads and Their Construction

1.1 Introduction

In India many farms do not have roads and even the existing pathways or lanes are so narrow
that it will suit only the bullock drawn carts. With the advances made in farm machineries, the
problems of forming roads have now engaged the farmers. Farm road is an essential means of
transportation of farm produce and farm requirements. To facilitate easy and speedy
transportation and to suit the fast moving vehicles the old type of roads are to be renewed and
improved so that it may add to the advancement of trade of agricultural output and to increase
the life time of the farm machineries. Hence some knowledge of basic principles of road making
will be of help to the farmers to ensure the most suitable and economical type of road for the job
and to execute the work efficiently.

From the service point of view the farm roads shall be grouped into the following two classes.

1. The road serving farm stead and

2. The road serving fields

According to the construction and materials used the roads may be grouped into two types;

1. The flexible road made up of layes of various materials such as lime stone, gravel,
kanker, red earth etc.
2. The rigid road made up of cement concrete.

The farmstead road generally carries traffic of greater weight and density than the field
road. Therefore it should have a smooth, hard surface requiring minimum maintenance and easy
cleaning. For this, the concrete is most suitable. If any existing flexible road is to be made use
of, then it should be reconditioned with a wearing surface.


Field road should have sufficient hardness and not necessarily smoothness. Hence all that is
required is a good hard base with a surface of gravel of broken stone. The base may be
constructed using rubble, broken brick, late rite or any other cheap material available in the


An ideal road should be perfectly straight, level, smooth hard and dry. Such perfection can of
course be rarely reached and hence in practice a compromise of all the above requirements is to
be made.


Straight road will facilitate easy plying of vehicles and good visibility to avoid
accident. Wherever curves occur they should be smooth and easy. When vehicles are moving
along curves of a rod, a side thrust is created and it tends to dislodge the vehicle from the road
causing slipping or skidding and overturning. To avoid this and maintain equilibrium of the
vehicle moving on a curve, the outside edge of the road is kept at a higher level to counter act the
centrifugal force. This rise is known as super elevation. Super elevation is the inclination given
to the cross section of road on curves in order to reduce the centrifugal force on a running
vehicle. It is expressed as a fraction of the difference in level between the outer and the inner
edges of the road to its width.

The generally adopted super elevation for the various kind of roads are given in the table. Table
showing the super elevation for various kinds of roads.

Kind of roads Super elevation

Water bound macadam road 1 in 48

Tar macadam 1 in 60

Cement concrete 1 to 72

The road should be level or flat as far as possible to give maximum efficiency of the vehicles. In
forming new roads easy gradients are to be maintained so that the road is suitable for all kinds of
vehicle and to achieve this, much cutting and embankment may be necessary. But, for the sake
of economy, the amount of cutting and filling should be equal. This must be achieved without
sacrificing the gradient. The importance of work and the reasonable expenditure that can be
incurred will be the main factor in deciding the gradient.

Gradient is the slope (rise or fall) of a road along its longitudinal section. It is expressed as a
ratio of the difference in level between two points to their longitudinal distance. It is also
expressed as a percentage of slope (i.e.) the rise or fall for 100 meters (100 ft.) distance. As the
steepness of roads beyond a certain limit will make it difficult for vehicular traffic, a gradient
practically found useful called ruling gradient is adopted in road construction. The ruling
gradient adopted for roads in plains is 1 in 40, where as in hilly tracts it is 1 in 20, In road
making, a level road would be ideal from the attractive and efficiency point of view. In practice
it is often impracticable due to unevenness of ground. Further, roads with appreciable gradient
will help the drainage.


It is important for two reason. In the case of smooth roads the wear and tear on vehicles in
greatly reduced. Secondly, it helps to drain off water since on smooth water proof surface water
will not stick but will be shed to ditches at the sides. Otherwise the road will never be
satisfactory and maintenance cost will be heavy.


The necessity for hardness is self evident, since its resistance to wear and tear and durability
depends on the hardness of road itself.


It is the native soil that really supports the weight of the traffic, and that, while the soil is
preserved dry, it will carry any weight without sinking. Hence the removal of excess water
falling on the finished surface by providing chamber, intercepting water from the adjoining land
which drains naturally across th3e road and removing sub soil water by providing drains is
essential. To effect drainage on the surface, the roads are constructed with sufficient
camber. Camber is the rise of the center of roads with reference to the edge.

The camber adopted for different kinds of roads are given in the table. The tables shows the
camber for different kinds of roads.

Kind of roads Camber

Earthen roads 1 in 20 to 1 in 24

Water bound macadam road 1 in 30 to 1 in 48

Tar or bitmin 1 in 36 to 1 in 48

Cement concrete 1 in 60 to 1 in 72

Camber should be suitably adopted so as to facilitate easy traffic, since steep camber causes
slipping of high speed vehicles and erosion on berms. The usual shape of camber adopted for
roads is a curved contour flat at the central half and slightly steeper at the sides.


The location and setting out the road is the first problem in road making. While determining the
location it is essential to be clear as to the purpose of the road and the points it has to serve. A
rod in a farm should serve as may economical one. The topography of the land, the existing
obstacles requiring road crossing and the nature of the soil underlying are all factors to be
examined. Too many crossing of waterways will increase the cost. Heavy cutting and
embankments should generally be avoided. The location of firm soil underneath will to reduce
the cost of construction and maintenance. Existing lanes may also be considered.

After making a reconnaissance survey, the alignment of the road is roughly fixed. Then a
detailed survey should be conducted to prepare a plan showing a strip of sufficient width of
either side of the proposed alignment to judge the deviations etc. In this plan, the alignment,
sites of culvert and crossings are marked. The levels in the centre line at regular intervals
together with cross sections should be taken and the levels are noted on the plan. On studying
the levels and taking into consideration the various factors given under the requirement of a farm
road, the centre line of the road is suitably altered and marked on the plant to effect economy.

With the aid of the detailed plan, the alignment on ground is peg marked at regular intervals for
taking again the longitudinal and cross section levels to design and prepare the estimate. The
formation level of road must be at least 30 cm (1 ft.) above the level of land, so that the road may
be fit for traffic even during rains and the road surface may not be eroded.


If passing places or berms known as shoulders are provided 2.4 m to 3.0 m (8 ft. to 10 ft.) wide
roads are sufficient for running through fields. However, ner the farmstead still wider roads are
necessary, since vehicles are housed here and the traffic will be denser. For long vehicles and
trailers, the width should be increased on curves to negotiate. The increase in width depends on
the radius of curves; 1 m (3.5 ft.) for 30 m radius and 2.5 m (8.5 ft.) for 18 m. radius.
Fig. 5.1. Cross section of a farm road.

The berm is the space available from the road edge to the edge of the drain and it should be a
minimum of 1.2m (4 ft.). Hence the width of roads including the drains wil come to a minimum
of 7.2 m to 9.0 m (24 ft. to 30 ft.) for ordinary roads.


The expected strength of the road is determined primarily by the nature or frequency of traffic
expected, the stability of the sub soil and the designed life time of the road. The design is also
influenced by the available facilities for maintenance. For low maintenance the strength should
be more an vice versa.

Table 5.1. Dimensions of various structures of a farm road for different traffic in different soils

Heavy (traffic including a high proportion of heavy lorries pay load exceeding 3
or traffic the maximum load of which is 4 tons)
Type of soil

Sub base Base Surfacing

22.5 cm (9”) hardoore or stone

oil (loam, soft clay; new unconsolidated 15 cm (6” gravel
pitching or 15-20 cm (6 to 8 in 1:2:4 Bituminous surfac
nkments or kunker
cement concrete

um soil (sand, stiff clay, lime stone, gravel or

Hard 7.5 cm (3”) 15 cm (6”) hard core or stone pitching 7.5 cm (3”) gravel
mbankments or old consolidated
gravel or kunker or 12.5 cm (5”) 1:2:4 cement concrete Bituminous surfac

7.5 cm (3”) 15 cm (6”) hard core or stone pitching 7.5 cm (3”) grav
Hard soil, gravel, kunker rock.
gravel or kunker or 12.5 cm (5”) 1:2:4 cement concrete Bituminous surfa

Table 5.2 Dimensions of various structures of a farm road for different traffic in different

Medium (traffic consisting of mainly of medium weight lorries pay load not
exceeding 3 tons or traffic the maximum wheel load of which is 2 tons)
Type of soil

Sub base Base Surfacing

15 to 2.5 cm (6 to 9”) hard core or
Soft soil (loam, soft clay; new 15 cm (6” gravel Bituminous
stone pitching or 12.5 to 15 cm (5
unconsolidated embankments or kunker surfacing
to 6 in 1:2:4 cement concrete

7.5 cm (3”) gravel

Medium soil (sand, stiff clay, lime 7.5 to 15 cm (3 15 cm (6”) hard core or stone
stone, gravel or rock embankments to 6”) gravel or pitching or 12.5 cm (5 in 1:2:4
or old consolidated embankments) kunker cement concrete surfacing

7.5 cm (3”) gravel or kunker to 15

2.5 cm (1”) sand 7.5 cm (3”) gravel
cm (6”) hard core or stone pitching
Hard soil, gravel, kunker rock to 7.5 cm (3”) or bituminous
or 12.5 cm (5”) 1:2:4 cement
gravel or kunker surfacing

Table 5.3. Dimensions of various structures of a farm road for different traffic in different soils

Light (traffic consisting of mainly of cars and light vans or traffic the
maximum wheel load of which is ½ ton)
Type of soil

Sub base Base Surfacing

15 cm (in) 15 cm (6”) hard core or stone

Soft soil (loam, soft clay; new 7.5 cm (3”) gravel or
gravel or pitching or 12.5 cm (5”) 1:2:4
unconsolidated embankments Bituminous suffering
kunker cement concrete

7.5 cm (3”) gravel or

Medium soil (sand, stiff clay, lime stone, 7.5 cm (3”) 15 cm (6”) hard core or stone Bituminous
gravel or rock embankments or old gravel or pitching or 12.5 cm (5”) 1:2:4
consolidated embankments) kunker cement concrete surfacing

Hard soil, gravel, kunker rock 0 to 7.5 cm 7.5 cm (3”) gravel or

0 to 7.5 cm (0 to 3”) gravel or
(0 to 3”) bituminous
sand. kunker surfacing.

The table 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 show the approximate sizes of the structure of a road worked out based on
the subsoil and type of traffic.


The road is a structure composed of the following layers :

1. Sub-soil or road bed

2. Sub grade

3. Foundation course

4. Base course and

5. Wearing course or surface

Where natural conditions are favourable the sub soil and sub grade may be combined into one so
also the base and foundation courses.

Fig. 5.2. Cross section of a road structure.


It is the ground underlying the road after the removal of top soil. This may be natural or
prepared bed on which to lay the road. This should be sufficiently strong so as to offer resistance
to the movement and distortion caused by the vehicles.


Sub grade is the formation which supports the foundation and helps to keep the foundation at the
designed level. This is a compacted layer of granular permeable material covering the road bed
so as to prevent the entry of water into the road foundation.


This is a layer laid over the sub grade to distribute the load coming over the road uniformly over
a sufficient area of sub grade. This is also known as ‘soling’ or ‘bottoming’. This should be
rigid and should offer resistance to the movement or distortion due to moving loads to a
maximum extent.

This is the layer providing the main supporting strength of the road structure. This consists of a
minimum depth of consolidated material which resist the distortion and helps to distribute the
load to the foundation. This should afford good bond to the wearing course.


The main functions of the wearing course are to provide a smooth running surface and to protect
the base from abrasion and from the effects of rain. Hard base cannot be rolled to true surface
and this has not resistance to wear and tear. Therefore, they require some surfacing. The
flexible roads require simplest form of surfacing whereas rigid roads require water proof
surfacing either by i. water binding or ii. Applying tar or bitumen.


Water stagnation on the surface of earthern roads often the road, leads to formation of ruts and
pot holes and finally to erosion of the surface. The stagnation on paved road is also not
desirable, since it hastens the erosion by traffic and makes it unpleasant. In the case of roads
having the water table very near to the formation level, the increase in water table results in
wetting the soil and thereby reducing the stability of the road surface. Hence for the removal of
both surface and subsurface water and to intercept water from the adjoining lands, side ditches
are essential on either side of the road or on one side as the topography permits. The drains
should be located at a suitable distance not less than 1.2 m (4 ft.) from the edge of the road and to
a depth of about 0.3m (1 ft.) below the formation. The verge should fall from the road to the
ditch. The ditches should have sufficient cross sectional area to discharge the entire water
collected in them.


At such places as field gateways and road junctions, culverts are to be provided for discharging
the drain water through pipes. The length of pipes depends on the length of road and atmount of
water to be discharged. The minimum diameter of the pipe should be 22.5 cm (9
inches). Culverts are also provided to enable passage over roads running across narrow streams,
drains or small waterways.


According to the materials used for construction, roads may be classified as

1.Earthen roads

2. Gravel roads

3. Water bond macadam roads

4. Tar or bitumin roads and

5. Cement concrete roads

Earthen roads are temporary roads up of earth available in the locality. They are suitable for low
speed vehicles such as bullock drawn carts. Gravel roads are better than earthen roads and are
stable for light traffic. Water bound macadam roads are still better, and suited for heavy traffic of
low speed vehicles. Bitumen or tar roads are roads that are coated with bitumen or tar and they
are suitable for rubber tyred vehicles of both slow and high speed. Cement concrete roads are
stable and suited for all kinds of traffic. Each of the roads has its own qualities which influence
the choice and design. The choice of road depends mainly on the traffic, finance and local


For all type of roads, earth work is a preliminary work to be carried out. The earth work may be
cutting or forming embankment. Further, even where the ground level itself becomes the
formation level, the top surface should be cleared of the bushes, vegetation, prickly pear
etc. Hence the earth work is essential for the entire length of the road. The operation involved in
earthwork are:

1. Clearing the road way

2. Excavation and

3. Embankment
1. Clearing the road way

The roadway is cleared of the vegetations, shrubs and interrupting trees etc., so that the natural,
compact surface is obtained to act as a key to the materials laid over it. In removing the shrubs
and trees care must be taken to seed that they are routed out completely without leaving any trace
of the roots under ground.

2. Excavation

When the ground level is higher than the formation level extra earth is to be removed and
transported to the low lying areas to forman embankments. This can be done by employing
manual labour or using bullocks drawn scrappers or farm machineries such as bulldozers.

The cross section of the road as designed is peg marked on the ground. The centre line of the
road, edges of the formations or cuttings are marked on ground with pegs. The slopes to be
adopted will depend on the angle of repose of the soil. For shallow depths a vertical cut is made
and then the sides are cut to the required slope. But in deep cuttings, the excavation is done step
by step, the top vertical cut being wider and the width decreases towards the bottom. The sides
are then trimmed by dressing the steps. The earth so excavated is transported to the places of
embankments by carts, lorries or trailers. If it is not economical or the soil is unsuitable for
forming embankments, they are used for forming spoil banks leaving a marging from the edge of
cutting known as berm.

4. Embankment
Embankment are formed when the ground level is lower than the formation level. The soil or
earth used for forming embankment should be clay, sandy loam or gravel. The top surface of the
roady way si clared of vegetations etc., then the surface is scraped and the soil laid and spread
evenly to the full width in layers of 15 cm (6 inches) thick. Each layer is rolled and consolidated
if necessary by adding water when the soil is not wet. The embankment is brought up to the
formation level giving due allowance for settlement. This sides are then neatly trimmed to the
required slops.

When excavation of the roadway at places of cutting does not provide adequate material for
embankments, the exra eath to make up the deficiency is obtained by excavating pits brown as
‘borrow pits’. The borrow pits are selected in the vicinity of embankment to reduce the cost of
transport. The borrow pits are of rectangular shaped. In between borrow pits a space of 0.9 m to
1.2 m (3 ft. to 4 ft.) is left to enable the workman to go over it.

Water treatment suitable to rural community

The various methods which may be adopted for purifying the public water supplies are,

(i) Screening

(ii) Plain Sedimentation

(iii) Sedimentation aided with Coagulation

(iv) Filtration

(v) Disinfection

(vi) Aeration

(vii) Softening

(viii) Miscellaneous treatments such as fluoridation, recarbonation, liming, desalination etc.

Among the above processes screening, plain sedimentation and filtration are suitable to rural

Screening : Screens are generally provided in front of the pumps or intake works

They remove the large sized particles like debris, branches, bushes, ice etc.

Coarse and fine screens may be provided. Coarse screens are parallel iron rods which are placed
vertically or at an angle to the horizontal at 30º – 60º at 2-10 cm centre to centre. Fine screens are
made of fine wires or perforated metal with openings less than 1 cm wide. The velocity through
the screen should not be more than 0.8 to 1 m/sec.
Plain Sedimentation : Most of the suspended impurities present in water have a specific gravity
more than that of water (1.0). These impurities will remain in suspension in flowing water
(turbulence). If the water is made to stand still, the impurities will settle down under gravity.
Hence, if the turbulence is retarded, i.e. if the water is made to stand still or stored, these
impurities tend to settle down at the bottom of the tank. This is the principle behind
sedimentation. The basin in which the flow of water is retarded is called settling tank or
sedimentation tank or sedimentation basin or clarifier. The theoretical average time for which the
water is detained in the tank is called the detention period.

Sedimentation tank :

They are made of RCC structure and may be either rectangular or circular

Rectangular tank Circular tank

Long narrow rectangular tanks with horizontal Circular tanks with radial or spiral
flow flow

Also they may function intermittently or continuously.

Intermittent Function Continuous Function

Simple settling basin keeps

the raw water for certain

Here only the flow velocity is decreased water is not
at rest. After @ 24 hrs, the brought to complete rest. Here water enters from one
clear end and comes out from other end.

water is drained off & the

tank is cleaned to remove the
settled silt

Design of Continuous Flow Type Sedimentation Tank

It is assumed that the sediment is uniformly distributed as the water enters the basin. If q is the
discharge entering the basin, with a uniform flow velocity V, then V is given by
Let the sediment particle move with a horizontal velocity V and a downward vertical velocity
Vs. The resultant path of the particle is given by the vector sum of its flow velocity V and
settling velocity Vs.

Now By geometric considerations

Its value for plain sedimentation tank is 500 – 750 lit/hr./m2 and for coagulation sedimentation
tank is 1000 – 1250 lit/hr./m2 of plan area.

Depth of water ranges between 1.8 m to 6 m. Usually it can be taken as 3.0 to 4.5m. Detention
period is the average theoretical time for which the water is detained in the tank (or) is the
average theoretical time required for the water to flow through the tank.
- Width of the tank B ranges between 10 m & 12 m.

- Length of the tank is not allowed to exceed 4 times width.

- Maximum limit is L should not be more than 1 – 6 times width.

- Horizontal flow velocity V ranges between 0.15 – 0.9m/min. & it is normally = 0.3 m/min.

- Total amount of flow from the tank within 24 hrs is equal to the maximum daily demand of

Flowing through period: It is the actual average time taken by the water to pass through a settling
tank. This will be the case when there is a short circuiting. i.e. passing of a substantial portion of
water directly through the tank without being detained for the intended time. The ratio of flow
through period to detention period is called the displacement efficiency.

It generally varies between 0.25 to 0.50

By sedimentation tank, 70% of suspended impurities is removed.

Problem: A circular sedimentation tank fitted with standard mechanical sludge removal
equipment is to handle 3.5 million litres per day of raw water. If the detention period of the tank
is 5 hours, and the depth of the tank is 3 m, what should be the diameter of the tank?

Quantity of raw water to be treated per day = 3.5 x 106 lit.

Quantity of water to be treated during detention period = Capacity of the tank

= 3.5 x 106 5/24

= 728 x 103 lit.

= 728 cu. m. –------- (1)

The capacity of a circular tank of depth H & dia d is given by =

= d2(0.011 d + 0.785 H)

= d2(0.011 d + 0.785x3) – (2)

Equating (1) + (2), d2(0.011d + 0.785 x 3) = 728

RHS = 2465

By trial and error, d = 20, RHS = 1030

d = 15, RHS = 507

d = 17, RHS = 734.64

d = 16.8, RHS = 716.83

d = 16.9m, RHS = 725.71


The water after the treatment of screening, sedimentation & coagulation sedimentation also may
contain very fine suspended particles and bacteria in it. In order to remove the remaining
impurities, the water is passed through the beds of fine granular material like sand etc. The
process of passing the water through beds of granular materials is known as filtration. Filtration
helps in removing colour, odour, turbidity & Pathogenic bacteria from water.

Filter materials :

Either fine sand or coarse sand is used as filter media. The layers of sand is supported on gravel
and this layer permits the filtered water to move freely to the bottom.

Sand :

The filter sand should be obtained from rocks like quartzite & should be (i) free from dirt &
other impurities (ii) uniform in nature & size (iii) hard and resistant (iv) should not loose greater
than 5% of its weight after being placed in HCl for 24 hours. Effective size i.e D10 is defined as
the size of sieve in mm through which 10% of the sample of sand by weight will pass through.
Uniformity coefficient D60/D10 is defined as the ratio of the sieve size in mm through which 60%
of the sample will pass to the effective size of sand.

Gravel :
The gravel which is used below the sand should be hard, durable, free from impurities, properly
rounded and should have a density of @ 1600km/m3.

Slow sand filters :

The various parts of this filter are discussed below.

(i) Enclosure tank :

It is an open water tight rectangular tank made of masonry or concrete. The bed slope is 1 in 100
towards central drain. Depth varies between 2.5 and 3.5 cm and the plan area is 100 - 2000 m2.

(ii) Filter Media :

A sand layer of 90-110 cm depth is used. It is placed over a gravel support. The effective size of
sand, D10is 0.2 to 0.4 mm. Uniformity coefficient (D60/D10) varies from 1.8 to 2.5. Finer variety
of sand should be kept at the top. If different grades of sand are used then coarse layer is kept
near the bottom and the finest towards the top. The finer the sand used, the purer will be the
obtained water.

(iii) Base Material:

It is gravel & it supports the sand. It depth varies between 30-75 cm.

(iv) Under drainage system:

The gravel support is laid on the top of an under drainage system. It contains central drain and
lateral drain. Lateral drains are open jointed pipe drains or porous pipes and they are placed 3.5
cm apart.

(v) Inlet & outlet arrangements:

Inlet chamber is provided which admits water without disturbing the sand layers of the filter. A
filtered water well acts as outlet. To maintain a constant discharge through the filter, an
adjustable telescopic tube is generally used.

The influent water enters the inlet chamber & gets distributed uniformly over the filter bed. The
water passes through the filter media & gets purified. Then, it passes through the gravel and gets
collected in laterals through open joints and discharges into filtered water well. The depth of
water on the filter media should not be too large or too small. Depth of water is equal to depth of
filter sand

Filter head: When water passes through the sand, gravel etc. there will be loss of head which is
caused by the resistance offered by the sand grains to the flow of water. This loss of head is
called filter head or filtering head. Filter head is the difference of water level in the filter tank
and the filtered water well. Generally filter head is more than 0.7 to 1.2 m. But if filter head
reaches a value nearer to this limit, the filter unit should be cleaned.


It is done by scrapping & removing the 1.5 to 3 cm of top sand layer. The top surface is then
cleaned & washed with good water. The quantity of water required is in the order of 0.2-0.6% of
total water filtered. Cleaning can be done up to a depth of 40 cm. Then more sand is added. After
each cleaning, the filter can be used & the effluents are used only after 24 to36 hours. Rate of
filtration or rate of loading should be at the rate of 100-200 lit./ml. of plan area.


The extent of bacteria removal is up to 98-99%

Problem: Design six slow sand filter beds from the following data :

Population to be served - 50,000 persons

Per Capita demand - 150 lit/head/day

Rate of filtration - 180 lit/head/sq.m.

Length of each bed - 2 x breadth

Assume maximum demand as 1.8 times the average daily demand.

Also, assume that one unit, out of six, will be kept as stand by.

Rapid Sand Filters:

These filters employ coarse sand, with effective size as 0.5 mm or so. Yield by this filter is 30
times that of slow sand filter. Water from coagulation sedimentation tank is used in these filters.

Enclosure tank : Open water tight rectangular tank made of masonry or concrete is used. Depth is
varied from 2.5 to 3.5m. Area of filter unit is 10 to 80 m2. N = 1.22 ÖQ where Q - Plant capacity
in Ml/d and N – Number of filters.

Filter Media : A sand layer of 60-90 cm depth is used over gravel support. Effective size D10 of
sand is 0.35 to 0.55 m and uniformity coefficient D60/D10 is 1.2-1.8.

Base Material : It supports the sand and also distributes the wash water. Depth is 60-90 cm and
arranged in 4 to 6 layers. Critical function of the gravel layer is the distribution of wash water.

Under – drainage system : In slow sand filters, the under drainage system was provided only to
receive and deliver the filtered water, whereas, in rapid gravity filters, the under drainage system
serves two purposes : viz (i) to receive and collect the filtered water, and (ii) to allow the back
washing for cleaning of filter. In addition to collecting the filtered water during its downward
journey it should be capable of passing the wash water upward at a high rate of 300-900
lit/min/sq.m. of floor area. Since the rate of application of wash water is greater than the rate of
filtration (6-16 time) (50-100 lit/min/m2) the design of under drainage system should be done in
such a way that there is even and uniform distribution of wash water. Forms of under drainage
systems are

(i) Manifold & lateral system.

(ii) Wheeler bottom

(iii) Porous plate bottom etc.

Manifold & lateral system:The laterals may be either (i) Perforated Pipe type system and

(i) Perforated Pipe type system :The lateral drains are provided with holes at the bottom side.
The holes are 6-13 cm in diameter & make an angle of 300 with vertical. Brass bushings are
inserted in these holes to avoid the rusting of the surfaces of the holes. Laterals are supported
over 40-50mm thick concrete blocky which are placed on the floor of the filter.

(ii) Pipe & Strainer type : Here, holes are not drilled into the laterals. But strainers are placed on
the lateral drains. A strainer is a small brass pipe closed at its top by a perforated cap.

Factors to be considered during designing the sizes of pipes to be used in the above system are

- The total cross-sectional area of perforations should be @ 0.2% the total filter area.

- Cross-sectional area of each lateral = 2 - 4 times the total cross-sectional area of perforations
for 13 mm to 6 mm diameter lateral.

- Cross-sectional area of the manifold central drain = 2 x cross-sectional area of laterals.

- Length of each lateral/Diameter of the lateral should not be more than 60.
- Maximum permissible velocity in manifold to provide required amount of wash water = 1.8 –
2.4 m/sec.

Other appurtenances:

(i) Wash water troughs : The dirty wash water which comes out of the filter after cleaning it, is
collected in wash water troughs / gutters and carried to the main gutter. These gutters may be
square, V-Shaped or semi-circular. They may be of cast iron, concrete, steel or wrought iron. The
troughs are usually spaced at @ 1.5 – 2.0 m apart.

(ii) Air compressor : During back washing the filter, the sand grains are agitated either by water
jet or by compressed air or by mechanical rates. When compressed air is used, air compressor
unit having the required capacity, must be installed. The compressor should supply compressed
air for about 4 minutes at a rate of about 600-800 lit/min/m2.

(iii) Rate controller : In order to automatically obtain a uniform rate of filtration irrespective of
the head loss through the filter, rate controllers are required to be fitted at the outlet end of each
filter unit.

(iv) Head loss indicator:

It is a differential type of a mercury gauge, one end of which is connected to the water resting on
the sand bed and the other end to the effluents coming from the filter.

Working and Cleaning Operation:


1. Valve (1) is opened – water enters the inlet clumber & the filter.

2. Valve (4) is opened after filtering, and the filtered water is taken out.
Back Washing : When sand becomes dirty, (indicated by excessive loss of head) the filter must
be cleaned & washed. For this purpose, wash water is sent bach upward through the filter beds.
This forced upward movement of wash water & compressed air, will agitate the sand particles &
removes the suspended impurities from it. Valves (1) & (4) are closed. Valves (5) & (6) are
opened. Wash water & compressed air are forced upward from the under drainage. Valve (5) is
closed after supplying the required amount of air. The dirty water resulting from washing over
flows into the wash water troughs. Valve (2) is opened & the dirty water is removed into the
wash water gutter. Washing is done for 3-5 minutes. After the washing is completed, valves (2)
& (3) will be closed and valves (1) & (3) are opened out. The filtered water is not collected &
washed for a few minutes through valve (3) to the gutter.

Then (3) is closed & (4) is opened.

Design of Slow Sand Filters

1. Design six slow sand filter beds from the following data :
Population to be served = 50,000

Per capital demand = 150 lit/head/day

Rate of filtration = 180 lit/head/sq.m.

Length of each bed = Twice the breadth

Assume maximum demand as 1.8 times the average daily demand. Also assume that one unit,
out of six will be kept as stand by.

2. Design slow sand filter for the following data.

Population = 1 lakh

Per capacity demand = 140 lit/day

Total Maximum demand = 1.5 times average

Indicate general arrangement of filter beds.

3. Design six slow sand filter beds from the following data & show the arrangements
of bed in plan.
Pop. to be served = 75,000

Quality of water to be supplied = 200 lit./head/day

Fate of filteration = 300 lit/sq.m./day

Length of each bed is twice the breadth

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