Pre-Service Teachers'Education
Pre-Service Teachers'Education
Pre-Service Teachers'Education
Carol Oakley
Deakin University
Faculty of Arts and
Centre for Educational
Leadership and Renewal
April 2008
Preparing Future
Teachers for 21st Century
Partnerships that
enhance the capacity of
pre-service education
Executive Summary
The creation of an educational system capable of preparing people to live in the changing world is
one of the crucial tasks of modern society. (Kinelev 2000)1
This paper focuses on a pre-service program designed to equip future teachers for their role in
preparing students to live in a changing world. It draws from a three year study of the Intel Teach
Program Essentials Course, pre-service curriculum, conducted by evaluation teams in ten Asia Pacific
countries and coordinated by Deakin University, Australia.
In particular, it highlights the positive impact of the Essentials Course on Teacher Education
Institutions, teacher educators, pre-service teachers and new teachers who completed the program
during their pre-service training. It also identifies the factors that underpin success.
Across the participating countries, there is increasing recognition of the role of technology in
preparing students for the 21st century. In many cases this is leading to the alignment of vision,
goals and policies across governing education bodies, schools and Teacher Education Institutions. At
the same time it is acknowledged that to adequately prepare future teachers, teacher educators
need professional development, not only in technology skills and applications, but also in new
pedagogical methods of incorporating technology into the classroom.
The Intel Teach Essentials Course is a teacher professional development program with a focus on
using technology to support student centered inquiry driven, project based learning. Over 5 million
current and future teachers have participated in the program in more than 40 different countries.
The development of partnerships between country based Intel Teach teams, the Ministries of
Education, pre-service governing bodies and the Teacher Education Institutions has been
instrumental in promoting, driving and sustaining the increasingly robust implementation of the
Essentials Course across the pre-service sector.
Leadership commitment and a coordinated and collaborative approach within the Teacher Education
institution have helped to overcome some of the significant challenges around technology
resourcing, resistance to change and an already crowded pre-service curriculum. The links established
with local schools have benefited teacher educators, pre-service teachers and teachers.
The Essentials Course is localized at the country level and the scope for implementation in the
Teacher Education Institution is flexible enough to address the needs of the vastly different preservice approaches and contexts.
However, key aspects for effective implementation were identified. These include providing all or
most components of the course and ensuring that the learnings are modeled, discussed and
reinforced across a range of learning areas by Teacher Educators who have undertaken the
Essentials Course. This provides pre-service teachers with sufficient depth of understanding and the
capacity to transfer their knowledge and understanding across the different teaching contexts they
may face in their future teaching role. Formally accrediting the program within the pre-service
qualification increases its status and attracts greater commitment at all levels.
Feedback from a range of Teacher Education Institutions has highlighted that, for many, the Intel
Teach Program Essentials Course has transformed their teaching approach and content. For some,
involvement in the Essentials Course has also significantly lifted their status, activity and influence
within their broader education community. Their graduates are considered more employable.
It has also had immense personal and professional impact on many Teacher Educators. Many have
begun to change from lecture style approaches in their teaching to student centered, collaborative
Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education, and the Intel Teach Program are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
* Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
approaches. Perceptions of technology in teaching have changed from technology skill development
to the use of technology as part of an innovative approach to teaching.
As a result, the pre-service teachers have changed the way they learn as well as understanding how
they can use technology effectively to implement student centered, project based teaching and
learning in their future classrooms.
Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education, and the Intel Teach Program are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
* Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
The rapid move over recent decades to a global knowledge economy, driven by constantly
evolving information and communication technologies, has created significant economic and
social opportunities. Equally it is creating enormous challenges, confronting countries with the
need to rethink their educational and social systems. (Kozma 2005)2.
To participate in this global knowledge economy and improve their standard of living, Kozma
stresses the need for students to leave school with a deeper understanding of school subjects
and with the skills needed to respond to an unbounded but uncertain 21st century skills to
use their knowledge, to think critically, to collaborate, to communicate, to solve problems, to
create and to continue to learn. 2
Increasingly, the onus is on Teacher Education Institutionsi (TEI) to rethink how they can most
effectively prepare future teachers to teach these skills for success in a complex, rapidly
changing world.
This paper details a partnership approach that enhances the capacity of pre-service education
providers to prepare teacher educators, pre-service teachers and ultimately students, for 21st
century learning.
Technology in teacher education the challenge
The integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the pre-service
teaching and learning process is progressively being acknowledged as a vital and necessary
step forward.
Recognition and respect for teaching as a profession will depend to a
considerable extent on whether the objectives, content, methods, and
assessment of teacher education, induction, and professional
development alter to take full advantage of these new technological
capabilities. Dede etal (2004) 3
To achieve this, it is well recognized that Teacher Educators need professional development,
not only in technology skills and applications, but also in new pedagogical methods of
incorporating technology into the classroom. (Carlson and Gadio 2002, Snider, 2003)4 5.
Currently most pre-service teacher education courses include a Technology Education Unit. But
for many, the focus of these units is typically on technology skills and applications rather than
the integration of technology across the curriculum. (Smith 2001)6. This has been referred to by
Pelgrum and Law (2003)7as the learning about ICT phase. Many Teacher Education Institutions
have also progressed to the learning with ICT phase, whereby teacher educators are using their
computer capabilities to enhance instruction without necessarily changing beliefs about the
approach and methods for teaching and learning. The third phase, Learning through ICT is not
commonly practiced in pre-service teacher education. In this phase, ICT is integrated completely
as an essential tool in the curriculum, so that the teaching and learning of that curriculum is no
longer possible without it. 7
Moving to this level of integration, where technology infiltrates all aspects of the teacher
education curriculum, is perceived as out of reach for a large proportion of Teacher Education
Institutions. Many of their teacher educators do not have sufficient skills or knowledge to model
the use of technology in their classes. Opportunity to use technology across a range of prei
Teacher Education Institution (TEI) is the generic term used to cover Universities, teachers colleges and other institutions providing
teacher education
Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education, and the Intel Teach Program are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
* Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
service classes is further restricted in countries where a more traditional (and crowded) teacher
education and school curriculum is delivered, with its focus on lecture style, rote learning and
exam based results.
Inability to gain access to the required technology hardware and software, infrastructure and
connectivity creates further barriers, particularly in teacher education institutions in rural areas.8
However, some significant shifts are occurring, stimulated by a growing recognition of the need
for educational reform at a range of levels. Positive change is particularly evident in teacher
education institutions that are establishing more robust and productive technology focused
relationships with Ministries of Education, business, schools and communities.
Such relationships are resulting in stronger alignment of educational policies and practices
across government, TEIs and schools, more relevant professional development for teacher
educators, improved access to technology and infrastructure and greater sharing of knowledge
and resources. The barriers to effective integration of technology are being reduced and some
considerable benefits for all involved are emerging.
A Catalyst for Change
The value and underpinning features of a partnership approach have been highlighted through a
three year study of the Intel Teach Program Essentials Course, which is being delivered in
various pre-service teacher education institutions across ten Asia Pacific Countries.169
For almost a decade, Intel have been establishing partnerships with governments, education
systems, schools and Teacher Education Institutions to support student centered learning
through the integration of technology and project based learning in the curriculum. In line with
its Corporate Social Responsibility commitments, the focus is on providing a range of teacher
professional development offerings, referred to as the Intel Teach Programs. Central to their
suite of programs is the Essentials Course.
Although predominantly conducted with in-service teachers, the Essentials Course is
increasingly being implemented successfully in the pre-service sector. As a result, over 5 million
current and future teachers from more than 40 countries have now undertaken the course.
Global evaluation of the in-service Essentials Course since 2002 has
highlighted its impact on practicing teachers. Analysis of the most recent
global data, drawn from 15,000 participating teachers across 20
countries, indicated that since their training: 77% have engaged
students in new ICT based activities, 82% increased their use of
technology for their own lesson planning and preparation and 59%
increased their use of project based approaches with their students10
The 40 hour Essentials Course extends over ten separate modules. It provides teachers with
the capacity to integrate technology effectively into a curriculum that generates student
centered, inquiry driven, project based learning. Throughout the course participants develop a
unit of work for implementation in their classroom. This involves the development of student
samples, evaluation tools, resources to support the unit and an implementation plan. It provides
a context in which the participants can further develop their technology skills and their
understanding of the impact and implications of using technology to enhance 21st century
Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education, and the Intel Teach Program are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
* Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education, and the Intel Teach Program are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
* Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
The development of partnerships between country based Intel Teach teams, the Ministries of
Education, pre-service governing bodies and the Teacher Education Institutions has been
instrumental in promoting, driving and sustaining the increasingly robust implementation of the
Essentials Course across the pre-service sector.
In all countries the Intel Teach country based team engages with key stakeholders at each
stage of implementation. In the initial decision making and adoption period, this involves
orienting leaders to the approach, offerings and outcomes of the course, through forums and
workshops, and working with them on the localization and adaptation of the course to their
particular needs. Beyond this, Intel has provided ongoing support as well as updating and adding
to the resources and information available at a country and global level. These ongoing
relationships have generated confidence, enthusiasm and commitment at all levels.
Within some countries, the partnerships have evolved into more formal reference groups or
central hubs, with representatives from the government, private sector, teacher education
institutions and schools. Such groups are focused on promoting and steering technology in
education research and reform. The widespread adoption of the Intel Teach Essentials Course is
central to their approach. 14
Localization of the Essentials Course is fundamental in its acceptance across the range of
countries. While maintaining its core concepts and integrity, local education experts collaborate
with the Intel Teach country based team to tailor the course and its resources to the
contextual and cultural needs of their country. This takes into account, for example, the local
language and terminology, education systems and policies and the level of infrastructure and
In addition to country level localization, vast differences between Teacher Education
Institutions across and within countries have increased the need for greater flexibility in
delivery to incorporate the program successfully into the pre-service qualification. Such
differences revolve around governance structures, level of autonomy, the length and nature of
the teacher education qualifications and access to resources.
As a result, a range of implementation models have emerged. These vary in the location of the
course within the qualification. For example, the curriculum may be:
o embedded in an existing unit,
o provided as a standalone unit, often as an addition to the existing qualification rather than
an accredited part of it, or
o spread across different units.
Consideration is also given to whether it is compulsory or elective, in what year of the
qualification it should be delivered and the number of hours involved.
While positive gains have been made within this range of implementation models, findings over
the three year study showed the program was least successful when:
it focused on developing computer skills, rather than improving teaching and learning
through effective use of technology,
The impact
Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education, and the Intel Teach Program are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
* Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Feedback from a range of Teacher Education Institutions highlighted that, for most, the Intel
Teach Program Essentials Course provided a new approach to teaching in their institution,
particularly with its focus on student centered, project based learning.
By becoming involved, the Teacher Education Institutions hoped to improve and update the
pedagogy and curriculum in their courses. They saw it as a way to produce more qualified,
competent and globally competitive graduates, proficient in the use of modern facilities and
innovative teaching techniques and equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to
effectively integrate technology into their teaching practice. They also recognized an
opportunity to access and develop technology based resources for teaching and to enhance
the computer skills and confidence of their faculty.
Technology integration in its academic programs has completely
transformed the whole personality of the institution and has influenced
every aspect of its life. TEI Principal, India15
The impact study of the Intel Teach Program Essentials Course in the pre-service sector drew
together the data and findings from individual country evaluations that were based on common
(although localized) data collection strategies and instruments. In 2007, the final year of the
evaluation, the focus was on greater in-depth exploration of the factors that were influencing
the impact of the program.
Over the three years, substantial quantitative and qualitative evidence highlighted the very
positive impact of the Essentials Course on teacher educators and on the pre-service teachers
both during their teacher training and when they gain teaching positions in schools.
In Teacher Education Institutions where the Essentials Course has infiltrated the curriculum at
all levels, it has transformed their teaching approach and content to one in which inquiry driven,
interactive learning through the use of technology is integral to the pre-service qualification.
Involvement in the Essentials Course has also significantly lifted the status, activity and
influence of many of the Teacher Education Institutions within their broader education
It has also had immense personal and professional impact on many Teacher Educators. For
those with limited exposure to technology, it has opened new opportunities for communication
and knowledge access, resulting in, for example, increased research, publication, paper
presentations at national seminars and improved content presentation.
The intensive Essentials Course training was so thorough that it made
me a more effective teacher, made me feel more empowered and
confident and made my self expectation go up. Teacher Educator,
Many have begun to change from lecture style approaches in their teaching to student
centered, collaborative approaches. They more readily encourage greater probing and self
learning in their pre-service teachers. Perceptions of technology in teaching have changed from
technology skill development to the use of technology as part of an innovative approach to
teaching and assessment that involves guiding pre-service teachers towards improvement, self
and peer evaluation. 16
As a result of their involvement in the Essentials Course many (Teacher Educators) now
understand the meaning of life-long learning and its connection to improving the quality of their
teaching. Furthermore the attitudes and perceptions have changed so they no longer ask if
they should use IT in teaching and learning. Instead they ask questions about how to use IT
most effectively when teaching13
Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education, and the Intel Teach Program are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
* Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
The leader of one Teacher Education Institution, describing the changes in his teacher
educators, noted their continuing desire to be always ready to learn, acquire new skills and
grow and to work collaboratively rather than competitively, enriching their abilities in the areas
of pedagogy and technology. 15
The Teacher Educators were further motivated by the changes they were seeing in their preservice teachers. This included an ability to communicate ideas and opinions more confidently
and collaboratively, a deeper understanding of content, improved presentation skills, better
quality of work and greater understanding of the connection between teaching and learning
and technology.
The opportunity for technology skill development was also important for many of the preservice teachers and in some cases teacher educators, particularly those from rural areas. Often
the Essentials Course provided their first exposure to computers.
Having computer and ICT knowledge makes a teacher so well equipped
that she becomes a permanent self learner'. Pre-service Teacher, India15
Overall, 67% of current pre-service teachers involved in the evaluation felt they had been well
prepared, through the Essentials Course, to implement technology based lessons in their future
teaching. In countries where the program was strongly embedded throughout the pre-service
course, this figure was notably higher. 16
Pre-service teachers also noted their increased confidence in using technology, and their better
understanding of learning theories and other content across a range of subject areas. They felt
technology had equipped them for continued self learning, and now regarded themselves as
better learners with improved communication and management skills. In one Teacher
Education Institution, some were now contributing to the development of resources and
materials written in association with their teacher educators. 15
In addition, the Essentials Course increased opportunities for pre-service teachers to gain
teaching positions in schools following graduation. According to a school Principal they were
better groomed, more techno-savvy and highly committed to their profession. 15
Following their graduation, many of the new teachers involved in the study indicated they were
applying their learnings from the Essentials Course in their teaching practice.
Table 1: New teacher feedback on the impact on their students 16
Extent to which new teachers apply their learnings from the Essentials Course
Had used all or part of the unit plans they developed during their training.
In particular, the high percentage of respondents who developed new unit plans based on the
Intel Teach approach provides strong indication that their learnings from the pre-service
Essentials Course were being applied to their new teaching contexts.
Before, we had never worked in groupsAttending the Intel Program, I
could observe the high effectiveness of group work. We have more
conditions to exchange ideas and perception, help each other and
develop our critical thinking. At present, I use lots of group work for my
Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education, and the Intel Teach Program are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
* Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
students and I can see the real impact of this approach. New teacher,
93% of new teachers indicated that the Essentials Course had been a valuable addition to their
pre-service program. However, many were limited in the extent to which they could implement
their learnings as they were teaching in schools where there were few technology resources
and no flexibility in the approach to curriculum development and delivery. Case studies in the
final year of the study highlighted the difficulties faced by these teachers and in many cases
their persistence in attempting to bring about change. 16
In contrast, the study also highlighted the unexpected influence of some new teachers in
stimulating an interest in technology based teaching practices in their schools:
o 72% had shared their learnings from the Essentials course with other teachers and had
influenced other teachers to integrate technology into their teaching practice.
o 80% had noted, since commencing at their new school, an increase in whole school support
for and commitment to technology based learning. 16
Even in countries where curriculum changes at the school level were still in an early phase,
changes in attitude were evident. In one school, for example, the Principal was most impressed
with the cadre of young and enthusiastic teachers who can apply new, active teaching
strategies and ICT and who can change the learning atmosphere of students positively at the
school. He intended to consider more of these graduates, who had completed the Intel Teach
course at the local university, for future teaching positions at his school.13
As indicated in the table below, the new teachers who were implementing technology based
lessons agreed that it was having a very positive effect on student learning and motivation when
compared to lessons in which technology was not used.
Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education, and the Intel Teach Program are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
* Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Table 1: New teacher feedback - impact of technology based lessons on their students16
Agree or
strongly agree
Impact on Students
Students were able to communicate their ideas and opinions with more
The development of clear implementation plans in the establishment phase has guided staffing,
timetabling and resourcing requirements, particularly where the program is spread across
different learning areas.
Establishing an Intel Teach management team within the TEI to oversee and promote the
conduct of the Essentials Course has raised the profile and credibility of the course, providing
ongoing planning, implementation and support, and ensuring that the decisions made are acted
upon. Typically members have included leaders (Heads of Department for example), key teacher
educators and sometimes outside stakeholders.
The appointment of an Intel Coordinator as part of the team was also an effective strategy
adopted in some countries. They have provided a central liaison person between management,
the Teacher Educators and Intel personnel, with the potential to promote the benefits, drive
changes that enable more effective and efficient delivery, and support and galvanize others to
implement the program.
The drive and dedication of individual Teacher Educators was detailed in many of the stories
told over the study period. They gave considerable time and energy (sometimes out of hours
and unpaid) to ensure their pre-service teachers could access and gain the most from the
Essentials Course. Their contribution cannot be overestimated.
However, developing and sustaining widespread commitment across a broader range of
Teacher Educators is essential for long-term impact. In some countries and individual TEIs a
range of strategies were identified that support and increase Teacher Educator involvement,
teamwork and efficacy. These strategies engendered broad understanding and support for the
course across the faculty rather than confining it to one or two committed teacher educators.
Continuing to increase the number of Teacher Educators trained through the train the trainer
model, even though not all formally deliver the course to the pre service teachers, has increased
the number of classes in which the Intel Teach approaches are modelled and discussed.
Generating opportunities for collaboration between the Teacher Educators to discuss the
implementation of the program across the TEI stimulates further interest and cohesion.
After two years of curriculum construction and program training, one of
the Universities has successfully embedded Intel Teach Program Preservice Training Program into their curriculum. The program trainings
requirements are strictly adhered to and its core focus on inquiry based,
interactive learning has become an integral part of the teaching content
across the pre-service course China Evaluation Report (2007)18
Positioning the Essentials Course in Pre-service
Deciding how to integrate the Essentials Course into the existing qualification can be
challenging for TEIs, particularly when coupled with an overcrowded curriculum, complex
accreditation requirements for new units and the need to ensure access to sufficient
computers to conduct the course. The different approaches adopted were based on the needs
and contexts of each institution, the length and nature of their qualification and the specific
teaching areas of the Teacher Educators delivering the course.
o The stand alone option was selected by some TEIs as a way to pilot the course before
more formally embedding it into their mainstream subjects.
o Others included it in their existing Technology in Education Unit, which provided the
impetus for moving the emphasis from skill development to improving pedagogy through
technology and also allowed better access to computer resources.
Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education, and the Intel Teach Program are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
* Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
o When placed in a general education unit, the course provided an opportunity to introduce
21st century pedagogies previously not covered.
o Integrating the Course into one or more specific methodologies resulted in unit plan
development that related to the specific learning areas.
o In some Teacher Education Institutions, different modules of the course were spread across
the range of curriculum areas, and the learnings were typically drawn together through the
development of one or more unit plans.
Examples of good practice were seen across this range of delivery options, reinforcing the
notion that no one size fits all. However, over the three year study, substantial data has
increased understanding of the overarching requirements for success.
Firstly, the delivery of the course needs to be in keeping with the aims and intent of the course
i.e. a focus on integration of technology into the curriculum, a student centered, project based
learning approach and unit plan development, rather than on the development of technology
Secondly it needs to provide pre-service teachers with sufficient depth of understanding and
the capacity to transfer their knowledge and understanding to the development of unit plans
across the range of teaching contexts they may face in their future teaching role.
This was more achievable when the full course was provided, rather than selected modules
over a limited time span, and when the learnings were being modelled, discussed and reinforced
across a range of methodologies, by Teacher Educators who had undertaken the Essentials
Formal assessment and credit for completion of the Essentials Course is also important. It
ensures that the pre-service teachers and the TEIs recognise its importance and are willing to
give it priority in regard to time and resourcing. Most commonly, the inclusion of the unit plan
development (and in some cases its delivery in the practicum) as part of the formal project,
academic paper or assessment task provided the necessary credit towards the qualification.
The unit plans developed by the pre-service teachers were also recognised in various teaching
excellence awards organised at the TEI level and, in some cases, wider competitions at a State
or National level.
Further recognition was given in countries where graduating teachers were required to gain
registration before entering the teaching profession. The increasing need for technology in
education qualifications, as part of this registration process, added significant status to the
Essentials Course, particularly where it was specifically listed for recognition. Evidence of
completion and the inclusion of the unit plan in their job application, also assisted many preservice teachers to gain new teaching positions.
Fully embedding the Essentials Course across their Bachelor of Education Curriculum was, for
one TEI, considered the most effective way to reap the full benefits. As a result, the leaders
and teacher educators consider they now have a teaching and learning process that is more
meaningful, interactive and interesting across all components of their Bachelor of Education
program, more effective teaching of foundation and elective subjects and a college that has
become a flagship institution among the colleges of teacher education across the State. The
course carries significant credit, across all areas of the B.Ed and also features in practical
assignments and activities, and in their school experience program.15
Addressing the technology needs
The level of technology resourcing, infrastructure and reliable connectivity available (both at a
country level and an individual TEI level) has a strong influence on the way in which and the
extent to which the Essentials Course can be delivered effectively. The variations between and
Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education, and the Intel Teach Program are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
* Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
within countries, particularly when contrasting rural and city areas, is immense. Differences
between TEIs are not only due to their level of resourcing and infrastructure, but often the
priorities that determine the timetabling of these resources.
In TEIs with a strong commitment to the Intel Teach program, particularly at the leadership
level, strategies have been put in place to improve accessibility. This has involved reassessing
budget allocations and in some cases enlisting government and business assistance to
increase the hardware and software, improve and expand internet connections, improve power
back up to reduce interruptions and provide technical support.
More creative options have also been explored, driven by the need to ensure equity for all of
their pre-service teachers as many have no access to computers outside the TEI. Increasing
access has involved the following:
o Extending the hours in which the computer laboratories are available (including early
morning, evenings, weekends and holidays).
o Conducting classes out of normal hours, when computer labs are freed up and access to
technology in other faculties is allowed.
o Splitting classes and adjusting the timetable so that only half the class use the computer
laboratory at the one time while the others undertake theory work.
o Making arrangements with local internet cafes and local schools.
Lack of prior exposure to technology means lower computer skills. Where possible, many TEIs
therefore support skill development through additional computer skill classes and, for example,
pairing low skilled pre service teachers with high skilled peers.
The expanding knowledge and interest in the potential of technology, initiated by their
involvement in the Intel Teach Program, has also taken some TEIs to a higher level of
application. One TEI, for example, has created a web based curriculum center, providing online
learning options, study tools, forums and blogs for interaction between teachers and students
and the sharing of teaching ideas and resources. It is considered to be both an open platform
for study communicationand a stage for sharing knowledge, experience and academic
research. 18
Another TEI has developed a similarly rich, interactive website, which not only increases
connection, communication and learning within the TEI but also extends to the global
education community. 15
The importance of practice
Opportunities for classroom practice were vital in helping pre-service teachers contextualize their
learnings and understand the importance of using technology in the classroom. Extensive data
collected over the three year study showed, however, that traditional teaching practices and lack
of technology resources in many schools have limited their opportunities to observe or implement
the Intel Teach approaches. Even in some of the schools where technology was given a high
profile, its use was not necessarily underpinned by the teaching practices promoted in the
Essentials Course.
Intel Teach Program has successfully improved .. practice teaching.
Each student teacher is required to prepare two technology aided or
digital lesson plans which are used in their practice teaching. Students
feel that subject matter is well organized and presented through the
Intel recommended unit planning steps. Through these plans their
questioning skill improves from lower order to higher order questions
leading to reflective teaching. Teacher Educator India.15
Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education, and the Intel Teach Program are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
* Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Overall, 57% had the opportunity to conduct technology integrated lessons during their
practicum. The impact on these pre-service teachers was marked, as indicated in the table below.
Well over 90% of them, for example, felt that their confidence, understanding and ability to
integrate technology effectively in the curriculum were further increased through these
opportunities, particularly when they involved the implementation of the unit plan they had
developed. Most were convinced that technology would be part of their future teaching practice,
and that it would be underpinned by sound pedagogy that includes inquiry driven, project based
learning and collaborative student group work.
Table 2: The impact of opportunities to practice technology based teaching during the
The impact of opportunities to practice on pre-service teachers
Opportunities for pre-service teachers to practice their learnings were strongly enhanced when
the pre-service teachers were placed in schools with high levels of technology and infrastructure,
the school curriculum aligned with the Intel Teach approach and there was openness to new
Extending the reach the broader impact
In some countries, the Intel Teach Program is providing the foundation for establishing strategic
partnerships between schools and TEIs. In particular, some TEIs are training and supporting their
local schools in the Intel Teach in-service Essentials Course, strengthening relationships and
cooperation and generating opportunities and benefits for all involved.
There is greater sharing of ideas and resources between TEIs and schools, resulting in closer
alignment of teaching and learning approaches. This leads to more productive and structured
practicum experiences for pre-service teachers, often with opportunities to implement
technology lessons and in some cases their full unit plan during the practicum. Schools have been
able to access TEI technology resources to undertake the training and in some cases use with
their students.
Building linkages among stakeholders at various levels, strengthening
ties between schools and pre-service institutions, harmonizing Intel
Teach with other technology integration efforts in the country, and
mobilizing support from government and civil society are the ways to go
to ensure long-term, nationwide sustainability of the program.
Philippines Evaluation Report14
Broader links between the in-service and pre-service Essentials Course have in some countries
been strengthened through the establishment of more formal forums and online networks for
joint planning, communication and research for teachers, teacher educators and the pre-service
Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education, and the Intel Teach Program are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
* Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
In Japan, for example, a university established a study group with three boards of education from
neighbouring cities to work together for effective classroom implementation. The university is
training teachers from local schools in the Essentials Course, which in turn generates better
opportunities for the pre-service teachers to use their unit plan during the practicum. This also
opens opportunities for information sharing and support between the schools and the
universities, including feedback on how to improve pre-service curriculum.19
In India, the close interaction between the school and the local Teachers College enabled preservice students to deliver their Essentials Course unit plan to a class during their practicum. This
was done as part of an interactive, online Action Research Project (established by the Teacher
Educator). It enabled ongoing interaction with and support from the Teacher Educator over the
period of the practicum as well as formal assessment of the unit plan delivery which counted
towards their pre-service qualification.16
In the Philippines, TEIs can also become a hub for Intel Teach programs in their education
communities. TEI based Intel Coordinators manage not only the pre-service program but have
established networks that include local schools, TEIs and other relevant groups. The impetus for
this approach stems from a recognition of the need to reinforce community-building efforts,
explore alliances with multilateral donors and private sector groups and harmonize and link Intel
Teach with other ICT initiatives and projects in education and the community. A National Intel
Teach Forum with the theme, Fostering Collaboration and Commitment with a Broader
Community has provided further opportunities for Intel Teach in-service and pre-service
communities to share implementation experiences, foster collaboration, and deepen their
commitment in achieving maximum student outcomes through technology integration. 14
Many cooperating schools have offered jobs to student teachers when
they observed effective technology integration in teaching done by
them during practice teaching. TEI Leader India15
The relationships built between the schools and the TEIs and the resulting alignment of teaching
practices is not only raising the prospect of teaching placement for the new teachers once they
have graduated, but is also increasing their opportunities to apply and further develop their
learnings in their new school.
For many Teacher Education Institutions, the Intel Teach Essentials Course has addressed what
Snider (2003) refers to as a critical need to provide teacher educators with training and
instruction in cutting-edge pedagogical methods of incorporating technology into teaching, so
that they can model these methods for their pre-service teachers.5
Partnerships between government, business, TEIs, schools and community have been
instrumental in driving the successful implementation and outcomes of the Intel Teach preservice Essentials Course. Importantly, the course has opened up opportunities to generate
new partnerships, resulting in learning communities at a local, country and global level that are
generating and sustaining positive outcomes at all levels. As noted in one countrys evaluation
report, the results show that the Essentials Course has taken on a look of sound and
sustainable development.14
Clearly, a new breed of teachers has emerged, imbued with new
pedagogical principles and strategies, and with enhanced competencies
for the school of the future. Philippines Evaluation14
Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education, and the Intel Teach Program are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
* Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
According to Pelgrum and Law (2003), new models of teacher education foster the
establishment of learning communities of teachers that will in turn generate, refine, consolidate
and disseminate emerging pedagogies and professional competencies.7 The pre-service Intel
Teach Essentials Course is clearly showing its potential as a model which will have a profound
effect over the long term, equipping each generation of new teachers to implement and
upgrade teaching practices that will shape the learning atmosphere and equip students for the
rapidly changing needs of the 21st century.
For further information regarding the Intel Teach Program Essentials Course visit:
For further evidence of the impact of the course visit:
Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education, and the Intel Teach Program are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
* Other marks and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Kinelev, V. (2000) Information Technologies in Educational Innovation for Development: Interfacing global and indigenous
knowledge, Keynote Presentation at the 6th Annual Unesco ACEID International Conference. Retrieved from 2000
Dede, C. Korte, S. Nelson, R. Valdez, G. Ward, D.J. (2004) Transforming Learning for the 21 Century: An Economic
Imperitive.2005 Naperville IL, Learning Point Associates
Carlson, S. and C. T. Gadio. 2002. Teacher Professional Development in the Use of Technology, in Haddad, W. and A.
Drexler (eds). Technologies for Education: Potentials, Parameters, and Prospects. Washington DC: Academy for Educational
Development and Paris: UNESCO.
Snider, S. (2003). Exploring technology integration in a field-based teacher education program: Implementation efforts and
findings. Journal of Research on Technology in Education 34 (3), 230-249.
Smith, S. (2001) Technology 101: Integration beyond a technology foundations course. Journal of Special Education
Technology. 16 , (1), 43-45.
Pelgrum and Law (2003), Fundamentals of Education Planning: ICT Education around the world: Trends Problems and
Issues, Paris, Unesco, International Institute for Educational Planning
Rizvi, S & Hussain Khan, I. (2007) Intel Teach Pre Service Evaluation: Feather, Neilson Company, Pakistan
Oakley, C. (2007) Implementing the Intel Teach Essentials Course: Selected Best Known Methods in Australia. Deakin
University, Melbourne
Light, D., Menon, R. & Shulman, S.(2007) Preparing Training Teachers across a diversity of Contexts: An analysis of
international evaluation data on the Intel Teach Essentials Course,2006, New York: EDC/Centre for Children and Technology
Sourced White paper, 2007 : Evaluation Summary: Intel Teach Program and Intel learn program Light, D. & Martin, W.
(EDC/Centre for Children and Technology )& Michalchick, V.(SRI International)
Lee Hoon, C. Heng Loke, S. & Siew Eng, L (2007) Evaluation of the Intel Teach Program in Malaysian Teacher Education
Institutions 2007:Uncovering the Best Known Model Of Implementation: Evaluation of Intel Teach Program in Malaysian
Education Institutions, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Dung Nguyen, K & Ngyen Le Nguyen, T (2007), Final Report on Program Impact Evaluation: Intel Teach Program, Centre for
Education Evaluation and Accreditation (CEER) the Institute for Educational Research (IER) HCMC University of Pedagogy,
2007, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Samson,L. Banson-Bautista, C. & Alamon, A.(2007) Best Known Methods in Intel Teach Program Essentials CoursePreservice training in the Philippines: Key learnings from the field Department of Sociology, College of Social Sciences and
Philosophy, University of the Philippines
Siddiqui, M. A, (2007) A Study of Best Practices of the Intel Teach Pre-service Program in India, Jamia Millia Islamia
University, New Delhi, India
Oakley, C. (2007) Training Future Teachers to Teach for the Future: Asia Pacific Report on the Impact of Intel Teach to the
Future Pre-service Curriculum Deakin University, Melbourne
Oakley, C. (2006) Intel Teach Pre-service Essentials Course Impact Evaluation Report Australia Deakin University,
Bo, S. Ling, Z. Dongyuan, M. Hong, Z. - (2007) China Intel Teach Core Curriculum, Pre-service Training Evaluation Report, ,
Pre-service Training Evaluation Working Group, China
Poster Session Presentation, Intel Teach Curriculum Round Table 2006, Intel Education, Japan
Additional References
Dede,C. L. Korte,S. Nelson. R. Vadez, G.& Ward, D.. (Sept 2005) Transforming learning for the 21 Century: An Economic
Imperative Learning Point Associates, Naperville
Hawkins R.J. Ten lessons for ICT and Education in the Developing World, World links for Development Program Ch. 10 in
World Economic Forum The Global Information Technology Report 2001-2002: Readiness for the Networked World, Kirkman
Brandi, P. & Gunter, G. A Catalyst for Change: Influencing Pre-service teacher Technology proficiency Journal of Educational
media and library Sciences, 42:3 (March 2004) pp 325-336.
Coburn, C. E. Rethinking Scale: Moving beyond Numbers to Deep and lasting Change Educational Researcher Vol, 32 No. 6
pp3-12 (August 2003)
Austin, D.S. New Literacies: Are Colorado Teacher Education Programs Preparing Pre-Service Teachers to Use Technology in
their Learning Environments? University of Denver (2004)