Catia Surface
Catia Surface
Catia Surface
Version 5 Release 14
September 2004
Detailed Steps
Table of Contents
3-Axis Surface Machining...................................................................................................................... 1
Detailed Steps ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................. 2
Master Exercise: Renfort....................................................................................................................... 4
Step 1: Create a new Part Operation & A milling Feature...................................................................... 4
Step 2: Create Sweep Roughing operations ......................................................................................... 8
Step 3: Create a Roughing operation ................................................................................................. 12
Step 4: Create a Slope area and a Sweeping, Zlevel, Pencil Operations .......................................... 17
Step 5: Create a Rework area, and Zlevel and Contour driven Operations ....................................... 24
Exercise: Pocket Ordering................................................................................................................... 28
Exercise: Imposed Plane definition in Roughing .................................................................................. 32
Exercise: Create an Isoparametric Machining Operation...................................................................... 35
Exercise: Create a Spiral Milling Operation.......................................................................................... 38
Exercise : Create NC geometrical element, slope area and rework area .............................................. 39
A. Stock creation................................................................................................................................ 39
B. Geometrical zone creation ............................................................................................................. 39
C. Roughing operation creation .......................................................................................................... 40
D. Slope area creation........................................................................................................................ 41
E. Rework area definition : ................................................................................................................. 44
Exercise: Create a Contouring operation ............................................................................................. 46
A. Contouring the part ........................................................................................................................ 46
B. Contouring Pocket 1 ...................................................................................................................... 49
Exercise : Analyze and modify computed tool path .............................................................................. 52
A. Computing the minimum tool gage ................................................................................................. 52
B. Split on collision points................................................................................................................... 56
C. Create geometries ......................................................................................................................... 67
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Click Yes
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c. Then expand the Part in the PPR tree and select Part1
d. Click on Yes in the Warning that pops up.
e. Select the part in the screen, the stock to be created is previewed according to the contentment
box of the part.
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17. Double-click in an empty part of the screen to stop and accept the selection.
18. Click OK to accept the definition of the current Machining Area
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2. Click once on Manufacturing Program.1 in the PPR tree to make it active. It will turn orange as
shown above.
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12. Select the Machining tab and set the values as shown in the picture below:
13. Select the Radial tab and set the values as shown in the picture below:
14. -Select the Axial tab and set the values as shown in the picture below:
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You can see that material remains on one side of the part and that the pass overlaps are not good.
6. Click OK to close the Photo
Select the Radial tab and set the Tool diameter ratio to 65.
9. Select the Axial tab and set the Maximum depth of cut to 4mm.
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4. Select Geometry folder and change Offset on part from 1mm to 0.5mm.
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7. Click OK once to end Photo and then click OK again to accept and end the Roughing operation.
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Click once on Roughing.2 (Computed) in the PPR tree to make it active. It will turn orange as shown
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8. Select Horizontal in the Area filed and change the associated operation from Spiral to Sweeping
9. Click OK to accept. The Zlevel and Sweeping operations are automatically added in the PPR tree
10. Expand the Tool Change by clicling the + next to it to see the operations that were added.
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B. Select the last operation in the PPR (Sweeping.1) and then select the Pencil icon
1. In the Pencil dialog box assign the Whole Part Machining Area the same way as you did in the
Roughing operations..
2. Click on Tool tab
4. You can see that the tool paths sometimes up mill and sometimes down mill. Next we will recomputed
this operation but with other parameters. We will change to always up mill and to respect to a Climb
cutting mode.
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12. Click OK twice to end the Replay and close the current operation.
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3. Click on the three lines shown above (pointed to with green arrows) (to change them from Horizontal
(blue) to Vertical
4. Double-click in an empty area to stop the selection. The selected lines turn Vertical (red)
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C. Operations association
1. Switch to Operation tab in the dialog-box,
2. Select in the Insertion Level field and then select the last created Tool Change in the PPR.
3. Select the D2 Rc1 tool from the Tool Reference list.
4. Select OK to accept and create the operations. All of the rework operations are automatically added
inside the PPR tree. You just need to compute the tool path.
5. Click the + next to the last tool change in the PPR to expand show the operations.
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12. Select a new pocket ordering by selecting the pockets in the desired order (your choice as to the
order but not sequentially) one by one.
13. Double-click in an empty are of the 3D viewer to stop the current selection
14. Replay to compute a new tool path and check the pocket ordering by using Video
15. Click OK to end the Video,
16. Next you will add now a limit contour in your operation.
17. Click on the Limit Contour symbol and then expand the NC_Geometry part in the Product branch
of the PPR and select Sketch.2 in the Open body.1 of the NC_Geometry part.
18. Double-click in an empty are of the 3D viewer to stop the current selection
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19. Click Replay in the dialog-box to start the tool path computation.
20. Check that your limit contour has been taken into account.
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7. Select each plane listed in the Not selected field by holding the Ctrl key and selecting them one by
one as shown above left.
8. Select the
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9. Select OK to accept..
10. Right click on one of the Imposed plane item and select the Offset option as shown below.
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15. Click with the mouse in a planar area to check that the offset on the imposed planes has been taken
into account.
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4. Select the Geometry tab and then select the two surfaces shown below starting with the long surface
to the right. Make sure the arrow points inward as shown. If it doesnt, click the arrow to reverse it.
5. Click on the Navigates on belt of faces icon to select the rest of the surfaces.
6. Select OK to accept
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4. In Geometry tab select the Part symbol (same as before) and then select the part in the viewer.
Double click on an empty area to end selection and accept.
5. Select the Tool tab
6. Create a new End Mill tool diameter 6mm radius 0mm.
7. Click on Replay button to start the tool path computation.
8. Use Photo simulation only on the last operation to check the quality of the computed tool path
9. Close the CATProcess file without saving.
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8. In the geometry tabpage use MB3 to recall the geometriacal element created previously
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16. Click on
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23. Click on Compute button (The areas are displayed by color on part)
24. Use the filter visualization to have a better understanding of the computed areas.
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27. Select Horizontal in the list and change the associated operation from Spiral milling to Sweeping
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28. Click on OK button in the dialog-box (the operations are automatically instantiated under the tool
change instruction
29. Select Manufacturing program.1 and in the associated pop-up menu select Compute tool path option.
30. Click on
38. Click on
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42. Validate the creation by clicking on the OK button inside the dialog-box
43. Select Manufacturing program.1 and in the associated pop-up menu select Compute tool path option.
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-Right click on the Bottom symbol and make sure that Contour detection is turned off as shown
below left. If it is on as shown below right, click it to turn it off. Right click on the Bottom symbol
again to confirm it is off.
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-Select the Bottom symbol and then select the bottom of the part as shown.
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Click OK to end replay, and click OK to accept and close the operation
B. Contouring Pocket 1
Select the last operation Profile contouring.1 in the PPR tree to make it active. It will turn orange
Click on contouring icon
In the Geometry tab page:
--Change the Offset on bottom to 0mm
Right click on the Bottom symbol and turn Contour Detection back on as shown above.
Select the Bottom symbol and then select the bottom of the pocket as shown above. The bottom and
the contour are selected and displayed.
Make sure the orange arrow is pointing inward as shown.
In the Strategy/Options tab page:
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We can see that the current tool length is not enough for operations Zlevel.1 and Sweeping.1
5. Close the dialog-box using OK button
6. Unlock Zlevel.1 and Sweeping.1
7. Select T3 Ball Nose D10 tool and modify the cutting length in order to avoid the collisions.
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2. Define a new sweeping operation using a ball-nose diameter 10 tool with a cutting length of 10mm
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3. Compute this sweeping operation on the whole part, using 0.03mm for the machining tolerance and
1.5mm for the radial constant stepover.
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8. Click on apply button to start the computation of the collision points These points are displayed in
RED in the current tool path
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9. Validate the creation by using OK button. You will see in the PPR tree that CATIA has automatically
created a copy transformation item witch is linked to the tool T3. The two tool path are now open the
next step is to close them
10. Select the tool path under sweeping.1 and in the associated pop-up menu, select Change approach
and retract
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18. Select tool path item under copy transformation and in the associated pop-up menu, select
connection item
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C. Create geometries
1. Select Copy-transformation.1, in the associated pop-up menu select Create geometries option
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2. Select Tools for the type of element that you would like to create
3. Click on First pont option to display yhe tool on the first point of your tool path
4. Play/try the other capabilities (Last point,)
5. Now select Destination item and click on NCGeometry_part1 item in the PPR tree
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6. Re-select first point creation and click on Apply button in the dialog-box.
The tool position is now created in the PPR tree. You can use it for example to check the collision
with the part.
capability to check the distance between the tool and the surfaces.
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