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Defra Badger Cull Risk Register

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TBBC 101129 Risk and Issue Log

Risk Register

TB Badger Control Project

Residual risk rating

Residual likelihood
Current risk rating
Current likelihood

Residual impact
Current impact
Risk number

Title Description Consequence Mitigation Risk Owner Contingency Raised Status

1 Legal challenge A likely legal challenge to a 1.Delayed H H H* 1.Process in place to ensure H H H* X Use current 15-Jun-10 Open
brought policy decision on culling implementation all evidence and options are information/knowledg
presented to Ministers. e on the potential
2. DEFRA reputation legal challenges
damaged 2. There is an audit trail.

3. Early and close working with

lawyers to identify and
consider all potential legal

4. Examine/learn from the

Welsh legal challenges

2 Legal challenge The upholding of a legal 1.No implementation. M H H* 1.Process in place to ensure M H H* X Use current 15-Jun-10 Open
upheld challenge to a decision on all evidence and options are information/knowledg
culling 2. DEFRA reputation presented to Ministers. e on the potential
damaged. legal challenges
3. Farmers unable to 2. There is an audit trail.
apply for licenses and
therefore cull not 3. Early and close working with
permitted to take lawyers to identify and
place. consider all potential legal

4. Examine/learn from the

Welsh legal challenges

TBBC 101129 Risk and Issue Log

Residual risk rating

Residual likelihood
Current risk rating
Current likelihood

Residual impact
Current impact
Risk number

Title Description Consequence Mitigation Risk Owner Contingency Raised Status

3 Complaint to Bern 1. A complaint is made to the 1. Delayed or no M M M 1. Process in place to ensure M L M X
Convention Standing Bern Convention Standing implementation all evidence and options are
Committee upheld Committee that the proposed presented to Ministers.
action is in breach of the Bern 2. DEFRA reputation
convention; and damaged 2. There is an audit trail.

2. the complaint is upheld 3. Early and close working with

lawyers to identify and
consider all potential legal

4. Examine/learn from the

Welsh legal challenges

5. Keep Bern informed of


4 Local area delivery Failure to identify a Criteria not met to M H H Early and close working with M M M X Consider currently 15-Jun-10 Open
mechanism to ensure local enable any licences to the industry and NE to known options with
area delivery of the policy on be issued therefore no determine a workable the NFU and NE
the ground actual culling mechanism preferred criteria

5 Local area capacity Resources not available at No delivery of a cull. H H M Early and close working with L L L X Take into account 02-Jul-10 Open
local level (industry) to operate The programme of the industry current knowledge of
a cull or vaccination strategy. vaccination will be how the industry see a
The stricter requirement for affected detrimentally cull working and the
vaccination will be affected by and will cause further vaccination strategy
the lack of vaccinators. delay to the cull. working. FERA will
have responsibility for
training more

6 Industry acceptance Failure to get industry No delivery of a cull M M M Early and close working with M M M X Take into account 15-Jun-10 Open
acceptance and potential costs the industry current knowledge of
for a cull if industry partnership how the industry see a
the preferred route cull working

7 Disagreement on No shared understanding on Conflicting messages M H H Engage early with those in key M H H X Be prepared to set out 15-Jun-10 Open
evidence base the evidence base given to Ministers advisory positions in DEFRA for Ministers where
and its Agencies. agreement can not be
sought and the
reasons behind this.

TBBC 101129 Risk and Issue Log

Residual risk rating

Residual likelihood
Current risk rating
Current likelihood

Residual impact
Current impact
Risk number

Title Description Consequence Mitigation Risk Owner Contingency Raised Status

8 Project resources- Insufficient resources - staff Slippage to tight time H M M 1. Early planning of work and M M M X Investigate options for 15-Jun-10 Open
core DEFRA and time - to deliver to a very scales resulting in forewarning to those involved extra resources
tight timescale delayed
implementation 2. Prioritisation of resources

3. Obtaining additional
resources when required

9 Project resources- Insufficient resources to deliver 1. Slippage to tight H H H* 1. Early planning of work and M M M X Investigate options for 15-Jun-10 Open
DEFRA family a cull (e.g. Staff available to time scales for a cull forewarning to those involved extra resources
assess licence applications) to commence
2. Identification of key
milestones to enable cull

3. Prioritisation of resources

4. Obtaining additional
resources when required

10 Public acceptance Strong public opposition to the Could delay or stop H H H* 1. Proactive communications H M H X Be prepared to 15-Jun-10 Open
policy policy development acknowledge outcome
and delivery 2. Local area understanding of consultation

11 Political will A change in political will Change in the L M M Regular contact with the M L M X Be prepared to revise 15-Jun-10 Open
package of measure Ministerial Office and ensure plans
to control TB sufficient meetings in
Ministerial calendar

12 Welsh Legal Legal challenges to the Welsh The outcome if upheld M H H Awareness of grounds and M M M X Proceed with project 15-Jun-10 Closed
Challenge Pilot culling may delay or stop the dates of Welsh legal keeping close liaison
project proceedings. Early planning of with the Welsh on
options if legal challenges significant issues that
upheld. we need to be

TBBC 101129 Risk and Issue Log

Residual risk rating

Residual likelihood
Current risk rating
Current likelihood

Residual impact
Current impact
Risk number

Title Description Consequence Mitigation Risk Owner Contingency Raised Status

13 Security Security risks to staff and May delay M M M Early engagement and M L L X Understanding and 15-Jun-10 Open
farmers implementation planning with DEFRA Security awareness of security
and the Home Office to ensure measures.
security procedures in place
for ways of working and early
comms planning with farmers
and local police forces.
Awareness of security issues
experienced by the Welsh.

Long term post project risks

15 Illegal Culling An increase in illegal culling in An increase in TB H M H Engagement with the Home L L L X Current procedures in 15-Jun-10 Open
areas not within the early cull could be seen in Office and Wildlife Crime Unit place to deal with
areas areas where illegal on procedures to follow. illegal culling
culling Engagement with NFU on

16 An increase in herd An increase in herd A stop to culling, M H M Ensure policy is based on L L L X Delay licences if not 15-Jun-10 Open
breakdowns breakdowns in cull or areas revoking of licences. evidence and all options confident of positive
surrounding a cull A need to defend presented to the Minister to effect of culling
rational behind inform his decision. Ensure
project. Defra's other TB control measures are
reputation damaged in place and being adhered to.
Ensure suitable monitoring is
in place. Plan an appropriate
exit strategy.

TBBC 101129 Risk and Issue Log

Residual risk rating

Residual likelihood
Current risk rating
Current likelihood

Residual impact
Current impact
Risk number

Title Description Consequence Mitigation Risk Owner Contingency Raised Status

17 Civil action being Potential increase in cattle 1)A stop to culling, H H H 1).Set licence criteria in line L L L X Be prepared to handle 02-Jul-10 Open
brought by those herd breakdowns due to revoking of licences. with science (size of area,
adversely affected by perturbation of the badger 2)Legal action taken boundaries).
culling in areas population on the edge of the by those affected 2).Early and close working with
adjacent to cull areas cull area would not only have lawyers to identify and
reputational consider all potential issues.
consequences but 3).Engage with
may have financial landowners/farmers in
implications. 3)A neighbouring areas
need to defend
rational behind
project. Defra's
reputation damaged

18 Negative and adverse Increase in negative publicity A need to defend M M L 1)Early and close working with M M L X Be prepared to handle 25/10/2010 Open
publicity concerning from local and national press. rational behind the industry. 2)
the free shooting and Decrease in public acceptance project. Defra's Ensure other TB control
trapping of non target of the policy. Potential for reputation damaged measures are in place and
species. legal action to be taken being adhered to. Ensure
suitable monitoring is in place.
3) Work closely with the Press
office to issue positive

19 Habitats Regulations To seek the view of the Could delay the M H H Preliminary engagement with M M M X Not requiring 31/12/2010 Open
Assessment European Commission on announcement of the UKRep and the Commission. commission view
IROPI in relation to possible policy Legal advice on wording to
effects on priority species. avoid delaying an
announcement of Commission
responses takes a while

20 Consultation summary Although progressing well Could delay the M M M More resource to replace those M M M X Be prepared to handle 17/11/2010 Open
and responses there is a risk of losing current announcement of the that have moved on
FSR staff final decision on
badger control.

Guidance for completing the PPM risk register template

(Note: for guidance on printing, see the end of these notes.)

Risk Something happening that may have an impact on the achievement of the objectives of the
Programme, Project or on-going Function (hereby referred to as Activity). It includes risk as an
opportunity as well as a threat.

Risk register title The title for your Activity.

Version The date on which the register was revised.

Risk number A unique sequential reference number for each risk.

Title A brief descriptor for the risk.

Description Details of the nature of the risk - what it involves; what you are concerned about.

Cause The source of the risk. This may be a trigger that would cause the risk to materialise.
An understanding of the source helps you to keep an eye in the right place, to see if the risk is about
to happen. This can help with early warning or escalation.

Consequence This is what happens when a risk is realised. You should consider the impact on time, cost and
quality, in the context of what your Activity will deliver. You should consider wider consequences
(e.g. financial, legal, social, environmental and reputational).
Your assessment of the consequences will feed directly into your assessment of the Current and
Future impact (see later).

Objective affected This answers the 'Risks to what?' question. Flag the objectives in your activity that would be affected
by this risk. If there is a direct influence on a DSO or PSA, flag this.

Current likelihood A qualitative description of the probability or frequency of the risk occurring, based on your current
knowledge and the current controls that are in place.
Four options are available, ranging from very low to high. Depending on the duration of your Activity,
you may want to develop specific definitions. Use the folowing as an opening guide:
High: very likely (significantly greater than 50:50 chance). The risk is very likely to occur this year or
at frequent intervals in the foreseeable future (say the next 18 months to 3 years).
Medium: likely (around 50:50 chance). The risk is likely to occur this year or more than once in the
foreseeable future (say the next 18 months to 3 years).
Low: possible (signifcantly less than 50:50 chance). The risk may occur this year.
Very Low: very unlikely to occur this year; unlikely to occur in the foreseeable future (say the next 18
months to 3 years).

Current impact The severity of the risk occurring, in terms of its effect on the objectives or delivery of your Activity.
Four options are available, ranging from very low to high. Depending on the nature of your Activity,
you may want to develop specific definitions. Use the folowing as an opening guide:
High: huge financial loss or budgetary over-run; death or significant public health concerns; key
deadlines missed; very serious legal concerns (e.g. high risk of successful legal challenge, with
substantial implications for the Department); major environmental impact; loss of public confidence.
Medium: major financial loss or budgetary over-run; some public health effects; deadlines need to be
renegotiated with customers; potentially serious legal implications (e.g. risk of successful legal
challenge); significant environmental impact; longer-term damage to reputation.
Low: medium financial losses; minor or reversible health effects; local reprioritising of delivery
required; minor legal concerns raised; minor impact on the environment; short-term reputation
Very Low: negligible financial, public health, delivery, legal, environmental or reputational effects.

Current risk rating The classification given to a risk, based on its likelihood and potential impact, as per the matrix
Five categories are available, ranging from Very Low to H*.
The H* category is reserved for those risks that have both a high likelihood and a high impact.
This value is automatically calculated by your entries under 'Likelihood' and 'Impact'.
Countermeasure The current measures or controls you have in place to contain a risk or reduce it to an acceptable
level, or the actions that need to be taken to address the risk. This should include the steps you will
take to escalate the risk if its impact and likelihood are too great for you to deal with. These should
indicate who needs to do what, by when. A brief note on how your attempts to address the risk are
progressing. This should provide some context for the RAG rating.

Residual likelihood Not all risks can be eliminated. Some level of exposure to risk remains.
Describe the likelihood of the risk occurring after the controls and actions have been taken or set in
place - and are effective.
Use the same definitions as for 'Current likelihood'.

Residual impact Not all risks can be eliminated. Some level of exposure to risk remains.
Describe the impact that would remain after the controls and actions have been taken or set in place
- and were effective.
Use the same definitions as for 'Current impact'.

Residual risk The classification given to a risk, based on its residual likelihood and residual impact. This reflects
the level of risk that remains after the controls and actions have been taken or set in place and are
This value is automatically calculated by your entries under 'Residual Likelihood' and 'Residual
If this level of risk is seen as unacceptable, additional controls or actions will need to be identified.

RAG This is shorthand for Red-Amber-Green.

This is a flag to indicate what progress is being made in tackling this risk and moving it down to the
target or acceptable level of risk.
It does not simply replicate the risk rating (i.e. high-risk doesn't always mean Red). Use the following
Red: Stop - the approach to addressing this risk is considered to be poor, becoming critical. This
may be because there is no coherent action plan prepared or the actions that have been taken so far
seem to have had insufficient impact on the risk or a critical point is looming and decisive action is
necessary to avoid serious problems, external criticism or funding being withheld.
Amber: Caution - the approach to addressing this risk is currently sitting between fine and poor. A
good action plan has been prepared and is being implemented. The actions are currently containing
the risk, rather than reducing the level of threat. There is still a significant likelihood that this risk
could ‘go wrong’ very easily – there may be changing external circumstances or there may have
been little time for the impact of the actions to ‘kick in’. Some critical deadlines are on the horizon
and important progress needs to be made relatively quickly.
Green: Proceed - the approach to addressing this risk is considered to be fine. A comprehensive
action plan has been prepared and the risk is responding to early actions that have already been
taken. Good performance monitoring information is in place to give early warning of problems with
this risk. There may be a lengthy period before critical points are reached.

Risk owner The person who is accountable for the risk being addressed effectively.

Contingency An action or arrangement that can be put in place to minimise the impact of a risk that has occurred.
This is your 'Plan B', if the risk actually materialises. Please consider if the contingency needs to
involve escalation to someone else.

Raised The date when the risk was first raised. The person who raised the risk.

Status If the risk is live, and it could affect your activity, it is described as 'Open'.
If the risk has been effectively dealt with and is no longer a concern, it is described as 'Closed'.
The suggestion is that 'Open' and 'Closed' risks should be kept on separate worksheets in the same

Printing guidance There's nothing worse than a risk register that has to be printed out in such small font that it
becomes very user unfriendly.
Before you print out your register, it is recommended that you sort it, for example by 'Current Risk
Rating' or 'Residual Risk Rating' or 'RAG'.
There may be occasions when a summary of the register would be helpful. To do this in Excel, you
can select a limited portion of the register to print, using the 'Print Area' option from the 'Page Layout'

Issue Log

TB Badger Control Project

Current impact
Issue number

Title Description Consequence Mitigation Owner Raised Status
1 State Aid Before any monies are paid out we Unable to pay monies for delivery H Work closely with Y as options develop to X 12/10/2010 Open
need to get State Aid Clearance ensure clearance to achieved in time for

2 H Awareness of the grounds and dates of

Welsh legal Legal challenges to the Welsh Pilot The outcome if upheld may delay or stop Welsh legal proceedings. Early planning of
Government on culling the project options if legal challenges X 15/07/2010 Closed
3 liabilities Identifying the liabilities to M
concerning government and farmers regarding Potential legal challenge. The Seek legal and ministerial advice as early
buffers and the disbenefits in non participant delay/postponement or the prevention of as possible
boundaries areas (including neighbouring areas) policy implementation. X 07/09/2010 Open
4 Coordinating Ensure approaches to vaccination Mixed messages from Government on how M Culling and vaccination policy teams to
culling and policy are coordinated with culling and vaccination might be used in liaise to ensure approaches are
vaccination development of policy on culling and combination; ineffective use of the two coordinated
policy with WAG vice versa. control measures in combination.
Interdependence of licence
conditions has a significant impact
on the delivery of the policy as a
X 18/10/2010 Open

5 Timetable for IA Impact Assessment requires sign-off 1. IA is inconsistent with the final policy H Base IA on MoS. early steers, ask for steer
by the Reducing Regulation decision. 2. Resource is on outstanding issues before final policy
Committee which require a 3 week tight to complete all work to the deadlines. submitted to MoS.
review by the Regulatory Policy Set out clear timetable for all involved to
Committee after Chief Economist plan and prioritise workload to fit with busy
sign-off. This means that the Chief period for IA.
Economist will need to sign-off the Send draft versions to reviewers to prepare
Impact Assessment before the MoS. for final review and cut down review time.
has taken decisions on all aspects
of the policy.

X 17/11//2010 Open
6 Delivery of costs Lack of resources to provide Insufficient funds available to police H Continued engagement with ACPO and
and local law accurate cost of police resources activities. Delay in culls. Possible threat to Home Office. Work closely to ensure
enforcement and guidelines in the event of participating farmers and their families and continued resource of policing any protest
guidelines by protest or criminal activity by Animal delivery agents activity is monitored and costed. Ensure
Home Office and Rights or related organisations consistency of advice through forces
X 15/11/201 Open

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