This document discusses feeder protection using fuses and relays. It describes how fuses and various types of overcurrent relays like definite time, inverse time, and unit protection relays are used to provide protection for distribution feeders. It also discusses the importance of coordination between protective devices through proper selection of time-current characteristics to isolate only the faulty section of the system during faults.
This document discusses feeder protection using fuses and relays. It describes how fuses and various types of overcurrent relays like definite time, inverse time, and unit protection relays are used to provide protection for distribution feeders. It also discusses the importance of coordination between protective devices through proper selection of time-current characteristics to isolate only the faulty section of the system during faults.
This document discusses feeder protection using fuses and relays. It describes how fuses and various types of overcurrent relays like definite time, inverse time, and unit protection relays are used to provide protection for distribution feeders. It also discusses the importance of coordination between protective devices through proper selection of time-current characteristics to isolate only the faulty section of the system during faults.
This document discusses feeder protection using fuses and relays. It describes how fuses and various types of overcurrent relays like definite time, inverse time, and unit protection relays are used to provide protection for distribution feeders. It also discusses the importance of coordination between protective devices through proper selection of time-current characteristics to isolate only the faulty section of the system during faults.
Sr. Faculty Member (PMI) CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS Introduction Relays Fuse Coordination Relay Coordination Relays Conclusion Fuses&ItsCoordination Fuses&ItsCoordination Fuse and protection relays are specialized devices for Feeder Protection Fuse and protection relays are specialized devices for ensuring the safety of personnel working with electrical t d f ti d d t i systems and for preventing damage due to various types of faults such as overcurrents, short circuits and l overvoltage etc. A short circuit may melt a conductor, resulting in arcing and the possibility of fire; the high electromechanical forces associated with a short circuit also cause mechanical stresses which can result in severe damage, a heavy short circuit may also cause an explosion a heavy short circuit may also cause an explosion 4 FUSES Feeder Protection FUSES Used in Lower End Systems Over Current Protection Over Current Protection IDMT O/C, Definite Time O/C, High Set O/C Relays used Extensively used at Medium Voltage level and also at HV/ y g / EHV Systems as Backup Protection Unit Protection (Pilot Wire Protection) Used for critical Medium Voltage Circuits like Long cable feeders, Tie feeders etc. Also some times used for HV /EHV Level for very Short Lines where Distance protection can not Level for very Short Lines where Distance protection can not applied Primarily Longitudinal Differential Protection Supplemented by Backup Protection, usually IDMT O/C type 5 An important parameter in the design and selection of Protection Co-ordination An important parameter in the design and selection of protective devices is the prospective current Prospective current is the current which would flow at a particular point in an electrical system if a short circuit of negligible impedance were applied 6 Co ordination is necessary when designing an electrical Protection Co-ordination Coordination is necessary when designing an electrical protection system so that when fault occurs, minimum ti f th t d th f lt i di t d section of the system around the fault is disconnected Protective devices are described by a timecurrent characteristic and in order to achieve coordination between protective devices, their timecurrent characteristics must be sufficiently separated so that a fault downstream of both of protective devices p operates only the device nearest to the fault 7 Protection Co-ordination 8 F i th t d id l d Fuses Fuse is the most common and widely used protective device in electrical circuits Because element of fuse is of much smaller crosssectional area than cable it protects (assuming of same material), element will reach its melting point before the cable Larger the current, quicker the element melts If deterioration of element occur, it operates dete o at o o e e e t occu , t ope ates even faster, hence fail safe 9 Fuses i l d i bl f semi-enclosed or rewireable fuse 10 Cartridge type Cut Section of Fuse 11 Cartridge type fuses Fuses Cartridge type fuses Silver element, specially shaped, enclosed in a barrel of insulating material, filled with quartz Advantages Correctratingandcharacteristicfusealwaysfittedtoa circuit not open to abuse as rewireable type circuitnotopentoabuseasrewireable type Arcandfaultenergycontainedwithininsulatingtube preventsdamage p g Normallysealedthereforenotaffectedbyatmosphere hencegivesmorestablecharacteristicreliablegrading 12 Design of Fuse Elements 13 The element shown is a notched type, and melting occurs first Fuses Theelementshownisanotched type,andmeltingoccursfirst atthenotcheswhenanovercurrent flowsandthisresultsina numberofcontrolledarcsinseries Thevoltageacrosseacharccontributestothetotalvoltage acrossthefuse,andthistotalvoltageresultsinthecurrent fallingtozero,andbecausethenumberofarcsislimited,the g , , fuselink voltageshouldnotbehighenoughtocausedamage elsewhereinthecircuit 14 Currentlimiting ability to interrupt very large currents Fuses Currentlimiting ability to interrupt very large currents in shorter times so short that current will be cutoff before it reaches its peak value (operation < 5 ms) p ( p ) Hence serious overheating and electromagnetic forces in the system can be avoided Extremely high breaking capacity of up to 100KA, also known as HRC (high rupturing capacity) fuses Cut Off Characteristic 15 CutOffCharacteristic Advantages Fuses Advantages Simple&Economical Very Fast Operation CurrentTimeCharacteristic VeryFastOperation Limitsfaultenergy Disadvantages g Requireclosecoordination Poorsensitivityforearthfaults Causesinglephasing Inconvenient of replacement Poor protection against small over currents (a circuit breaker Poor protection against small over currents (a circuit breaker can be set to trip on as little as 5% over current while the fuse has a fusing factor of about 1.75) i f i i f i / i Fusing factor = minimum fusing current/current rating 16 Selection of Fuses 17 b d h f l d d h Selection of Fuses Fuses can be used as either for overload and short circuit protection or for short circuit protection l i id li f li i Fuseselectionguidelineformotorapplication Fuseshouldnotblowduringrunning Fuseshouldnotblowduringstarting 12xI e for10msec & 6xI e forMotorStartingTime CoordinationwithStarter 18 Selection of Fuses- Case Study Motordata M1 S.C.Inductionmotor 50HP,I RM =70A,I LR =6xI RM Startingmethod:D.O.L. g Startingtime=15sec 19 Selection of Fuses 20 d Coordination with Starter Type 1 Coordination Requires that, under shortcircuit conditions, the contactor t t h ll d t i t ll ti d or starter shall cause no danger to persons or installation and may not be suitable for further service without repair and replacement of parts Type 2 Coordination Requires that, under shortcircuit conditions, the contactor Requires that, under short circuit conditions, the contactor or starter shall cause no danger to persons or installation and shall be suitable for further use. The risk of contact welding is recogni ed in hich case the man fact rer shall indicate the recognized, in which case the manufacturer shall indicate the measures to be taken as regards the maintenance of the equipment 21 Type 2 Coordination 22 Type 2 Coordination 23 Relays Relays yy Definite Current Relay Relay operates instantaneously when the current reaches a predetermined value. i time current Definite 25 current current Definite Time Relay Relay operates after a definite time delay when the current reachesa pre-determined value. time Definite time current Definite time 26 current Over Current Relays Definite Time Normal Inverse IDMT TT I 27 STANDARD I.D.M.T. OVERCURRENT IDMT O/C Relays STANDARDI.D.M.T.OVERCURRENT RELAYS Current/timetrippingcharacteristic equationofIDMT(InverseDefinite MinimumTime)OverCurrentrelays 28 Standard Inverse Characteristic covers majority of the IDMT O/C Relays Standard Inverse Characteristic covers majority of the applications Very Inverse Characteristic is particularly useful where Very Inverse Characteristic is particularly useful where there is substantial reduction in the fault current as the distance from the power source increases Extremely Inverse Characteristic is particularly suitable in grading with fuses Long Inverse Characteristic is primarily used for overload protection or earth fault protection in resistance grounded system IDMT relays provide both time and current grading to achieve discrimination between successive stages in distribution system discrimination between successive stages in distribution system 29 Time/current characteristic IDMT O/C Relays Time/currentcharacteristic isusuallyrepresentedona logarithmicscaleandgives g g theoperatingtimeat differentmultiplesof settingcurrent,forthe maximumTimeMultiplier Setting (TMS) Setting(TMS) TMSisadjustablegivinga range of time/current rangeoftime/current characteristics 30 Example Determine the time of operation of a relay of rating IDMT O/C Relays Example Determinethetimeofoperationofarelayofrating 5A,2.2sec,IDMTandhavingarelaysettingof125%,TMS=0.6. ItisconnectedtoasupplycircuitthroughaCT400/5ratio.The f lt t i 4000A faultcurrentis4000A. Solution Thepickupvalueoftherelayis5Abutsincethe relaysettingis125%,thereforetheoperatingcurrentofthe y g , p g relayis5X1.25=6.25A ThePSM(PlugSettingMultiplier)oftherelay, PSM=4000/(6.25x80)=8 (PSM=PrimCurrent/RelayCurrentSettingXCTRatio) From the standard 2 2 sec c r e operating time for PSM 8 is Fromthestandard2.2seccurve,operatingtimeforPSM=8is 3.2sec SinceTMSis0.6,actualoperatingtimeoftherelayis1.92s , p g y 31 Relay Coordination Methods Methods used to achieve correct relay co ordination are Timegrading Currentgrading CombinationofTimeandCurrentgrading The common aim of these methods is to give correct discrimination so that each method isolate only the faulty section of the power system network, leaving the rest of the system undisturbed 32 Time Grading O ti ti f th t ti i i d f th f d f Operatingtimeoftheprotectionisincreasedfromthefarendof theprotectedfeedertowardsthegeneratingsource Thetimedifferencebetweentwoadjacentrelayisusually approximately0.5s,thisisprovidedtocoveroperatingtimeof CBs&errors Definite time overcurrent relays are used 33 Definitetimeovercurrent relaysareused Time Grading WhenfaultoccurbeyondB,allrelayscomeintoactionasfault currentflowsthroughallofthem,theleasttimesettingisfor l B h l B f 0 25 CB B d relayB,hencerelayBoperatesafter0.25s;CBatBopensand clearsthefault,withthis,allotherrelays(C,DandE)reset IfrelayorCBatBfailstooperate,faultremainsuncleared,in thiscase,relayCwilloperateafter0.65sandtripCBatC,ifthe CBatCalsofailstooperate,thenrelayDwilloperateafter1.05s If a fault occurs near the source fault current flow will be very Ifafaultoccursnearthesource,faultcurrentflowwillbevery highanditshouldbeclearedveryquickly,buttimegrading methodtakeslongesttimetoopentheCBnearthesource,i.e. th f lt i th t d l d themoreseverefaultisthemostdelayed 34 Discrimination by Time Grading Feeder Protection DiscriminationbyTimeGrading RelayR1 CurrentSetting=100%(100APrim) TMS selected = 0.10, PSM = 3000/100 = 30 TMSselected 0.10,PSM 3000/100 30 OperatingTime@PSM20&TMS0.10=0.22S(i.e.2.2x0.1) RelayR2 CurrentSetting=100%(150APrim) TMSselected=0.25,PSM=3000/150=20 Operatingtime@PSM30&TMS0.25=0.55S(i.e.2.2x0.25) GradingMarginbetweenRelayR1/R2=0.55 0.22=0.33S 35 Current Grading Itreliesonthefactthatthefaultcurrentvarieswiththeposition ofthefaultbecauseofthedifferenceinimpedancevalues b h d h f l betweenthesourceandthefault Relaysaresettopickupatprogressivelyhighervaluesof current towards the source, and relays employed are high set currenttowardsthesource,andrelaysemployedarehighset (highspeed)instantaneousovercurrentrelays Theoperatingtimeiskeptsameforalltherelaysprotectingthe diff i differentsections Advantagecomparedtotimegradedsystemisthatthe operating time is less if fault near the source operatingtimeislessiffaultnearthesource 36 It is not practical to distinguish between a fault at F1 and a fault Current Grading ItisnotpracticaltodistinguishbetweenafaultatF1andafault atF2,sincethedistancebetweenthesepointsmaybeonlya fewmeters,correspondingtoachangeinfaultcurrentof i t l 0 1% approximately0.1% Themagnitudeoffaultcurrentcannotbeaccuratelydetermined asallthecircuitparametersmaynotbeknownsometimes p y Duringafault,thereisatransientconditionandthe performanceoftherelayisnotaccurate 37 Discrimination by Current Grading Feeder Protection DiscriminationbyCurrentGrading RelayR1 CurrentSetting=100%(100APrim) TMS selected = 0.10, PSM = 3000/100 = 30 TMSselected 0.10,PSM 3000/100 30 Operatingtime@PSM30&TMS0.10=0.22S(i.e.2.2x0.1) RELAYR2 CurrentSetting=100%(750APrim) TMSselected=0.10,PSM=3000/750=4 Operatingtime@PSM4&TMS0.10=0.50S(i.e.5x0.10) GradingmarginbetweenRelayR1/R2=0.50 0.22=0.28S 38 In case of discrimination by time alone the disadvantage is due Discrimination by Time and Current Incaseofdiscriminationbytimealone,thedisadvantageisdue tothefactthatthemoreseverefaultsareclearedinthelongest operatingtime.Ontheotherhand,discriminationbycurrent canbeappliedonlywherethereisappreciableimpedance betweenthetwocircuitbreakersconcerned With IDMT characteristic the time of operation is inversely WithIDMTcharacteristic,thetimeofoperationisinversely proportionaltothefaultcurrentlevelandtheactual characteristicisafunctionofbothtimeand'current'settings 39 Factors influencing grading margin Grading Margin in IDMT O/C Relays Factorsinfluencinggradingmargin GradingMargin(t) RelaytimingError(+/ 7.5%forEM,5%forNumerical y g ( / , Version) RelayOvershoot (4060msforEM,N.A.forNumerical Version) Version) C.B.Triptime(40 60ms) SafetyMargin RecommendedGradingMargin:0.3 0.4sforEM&0.20.3s forNumericalVersion 40 NON-DIRECTIONAL IDMT O/C RELAY (INDUCTION DISC TYPE) (INDUCTION DISC TYPE) 41 DIRECTIONAL IDMT O/C RELAY 42 DIRECTIONAL IDMT O/C RELAY 43 DIRECTIONAL IDMT O/C RELAY (INDUCTION DISC TYPE) (INDUCTION DISC TYPE) 44 DIRECTIONAL IDMT O/C RELAY 45 DIRECTIONAL IDMT O/C RELAY 46 DIRECTIONAL IDMT O/C RELAY 47 DIRECTIONAL IDMT O/C RELAY 48 DIRECTIONAL IDMT O/C RELAY 49 Fuse to Fuse Fuse Coordination FusetoFuse Theoperatingtimeofafuseisafunctionofboththe pre arcing and arcing time of the fusing element prearcingandarcingtimeofthefusingelement, whichfollowsanI 2 tlaw,so,toachieveproperco ordinationbetweentwofusesinseries,itisnecessary , y toensurethatthetotalI 2 ttakenbythesmallerfuseis lessthantheprearcingI 2 tvalueofthelargerfuse Ithasbeenestablishedbyteststhatsatisfactory gradingbetweenthetwofuseswillgenerallybe achievedifthecurrentratingratiobetweenthemis greaterthantwo 50 Fuse Coordination 51 Fuse to Relay Fuse Coordination FusetoRelay Forgradinginversetimerelayswithfuses,thebasic approach is to ensure whenever possible that the relay approachistoensurewheneverpossiblethattherelay backsupthefuseandnotviceversa Ifthefuseisupstreamoftherelay,itisverydifficultto maintaincorrectdiscriminationathighvaluesoffault currentbecauseofthefastoperationofthefuse Th l h i i b i d f di i Therelaycharacteristicbestsuitedforcoordination withfusesisnormallytheextremelyinverse(EI) characteristic as it follows a similar I 2 t characteristic characteristicasitfollowsasimilarI tcharacteristic 52 IDMT Relay Coordination 53 d C 8 A (66KV) / 2 A (11KV) IDMT Relay Coordination RatedCurrent=87.5A(66KV)/525A(11KV) S.C.CurrentforFaultonLVside(assuminginfinitesource) = Rated Current x 100 / % Z =RatedCurrentx100/%Z t =525x100/10=5250A(11KVside) = 87.5 x 100 / 10 = 875A (66 KV side) 87.5x100/10 875A(66KVside) IDMTRelaywithNormalInverseCharacteristic(IEC) Operatingtime(t)=(0.14/(I 0.02 1))xTMS whereI=PlugSettingMultiplier(PSM) t@PSM10/TMS1.0=3.0s t@PSM20/TMS1.0=2.2s t@PSM8.75/TMS1.0=3.16s 54 11KV O/G FDR (R1) IDMT Relay Coordination 11KVO/GFDR(R1) O/CSetting=1A(200A),TMS=0.10,PSM=10500/200>20 Operating time (t) @ PSM>20 / TMS0.10 = 0.22S Operatingtime(t)@PSM>20/TMS0.10 0.22S 11KVB/C(R2) O/CSetting=1A(600A),PSM=5250/600=8.75 DesiredOperatingTime(DOT)=0.22+0.30=0.52s Operatingtime@PSM8.75/TMS1.0=3.16s TMStoachieveDOTof0.52S=0.52/3.16=0.16 11KVI/C(R3) O/C S tti 1A (600A) PSM 5250 /600 8 75 O/CSetting=1A(600A),PSM=5250/600=8.75 DOT=0.52+0.30=0.82s Operating time @ PSM8 75 / TMS 1 0 = 3 16s Operatingtime@PSM8.75/TMS1.0=3.16s TMStoachieveDOTof0.82S=0.82/3.16=0.26 55 66 KV SIDE OF TFR (R4) IDMT Relay Coordination 66KVSIDEOFTFR(R4) O/CSetting=1A(100A),PSM=875/100=8.75 DOT = 0.82 + 0.30 = 1.12s DOT 0.82+0.30 1.12s Operatingtime@PSM8.75/TMS1.0=3.16s TMStoachieveDOTof1.12S=1.12/3.16=0.35 Note: GradingbetweenRelayR3&R4isoptionalsinceitdoesnot ff d di i if f id i l S affectdownstreamcoordination,ifforegone,identicalTMS canbeadoptedforRelayR4(TMS0.26)withsimilarresponse timeof0.82sasrelayR3,thiswouldreducetheupstreamfault clearancetime Gradingmarginof0.3sisusedconsideringEMIDMTrelays, with Numerical relays grading margin can be reduced to 0 2s withNumericalrelays,gradingmargincanbereducedto0.2s, inviewofreducedtimingerrorsandnoovershoot 56