Reichstag Fire: Roleplay Lesson
Reichstag Fire: Roleplay Lesson
Reichstag Fire: Roleplay Lesson
What happened?
In February 1933, only a month after Hitler became Chancellor, the Reichstag
Parliament building mysteriously burnt to the ground. Hitler claimed that the
communists were responsible and called fresh elections. The Nazis won a record
amount of seats. Hitler was now in a position to pass whatever laws he wished…
Group Task
• The class will now be divided into two teams:
- The PROSECUTION team will try to prove the Nazis started the fire themselves.
- The DEFENCE team will try to prove that the Nazis did not start the fire.
a. As a group, discuss your findings and settle upon three "star" witnesses for your side. Keep your
choices secret from the other group!
b. Once you are in agreement, the teacher will give a Witness Report Sheet to each group.
c. Each group will have a few minutes to decide whether to "stick" with their chosen witnesses, or to
"swap" one or more of their witnesses for others they consider more reliable.
Stage 2: Preparing the questions and answers for the examination of your witnesses
• Both teams now need to provide at least THREE questions for each of their THREE witnesses.
• Both teams must also decide who should be in role as each of the witnesses when the trial starts.
• Rehearse the questions, and make sure each "witness" knows how to respond.
• TIP: One question should cover what the witness knows; at least one should cover why we should
trust them.
NOTE: you will NOT be allowed to use notes when you are in the witness box. You will have to
answer the questions from memory!
Name of PROSECUTION: Evidence that the Nazis did cause the Fire DEFENCE: Evidence that the Nazis
witness did not cause the Fire
Prosecution William Shirer What does he say? Why should we trust him? Why should we not trust him?
Witness 1
Prosecution Arthur Koestler What does he say? Why should we trust him? Why should we not trust him?
Witness 2
Prosecution Bernd Gis What does he say? Why should we trust him? Why should we not trust him?
Witness 3
Name of DEFENCE: Evidence that the Nazis did not cause the Fire PROSECUTION: Evidence that the
witness Nazis did cause the Fire
Defence Van Der Lubbe What does he say? Why should we trust him? Why should we not trust him?
Witness 1
Defence Alfons Sack What does he say? Why should we trust him? Why should we not trust him?
Witness 2
Defence Arthur Hays What does he say? Why should we trust him? Why should we not trust him?
Witness 3
Name of
Surprise What does he say? Do you trust him? Why? Do you trust him? Why?
Witness 1
Surprise What does he say? Do you trust him? Why? Do you trust him? Why?
Witness 2
Surprise What does he say? Do you trust him? Why? Do you trust him? Why?
Witness 3
a. The Nazis were responsible for the fire, and Hitler knew all about it.
b. The Nazis were responsible for the fire, but Hitler was not made aware of it.
What were the main points of agreement between the witnesses?
Which witness did you think was the least reliable? Explain your answer.
Which witness did you think was the most reliable? Explain your answer.