Rise of Global Corporation PDF
Rise of Global Corporation PDF
Rise of Global Corporation PDF
corporations were^major
joined by some investors, ro,be foged j::! ia the period r996-g
1930s. Ciring LIN ,.13er9an-
n._r",ir"rne 1e.1e.
(Giipin, zooo: ilo1.
data rrc
the principar turml'
aur.r'"rgio.^, Tl. ;.:;;nt_based
g.3i r.;""r.oi ,r",n" penod u,as domr_
majbr'diivei'bf extJnaea.qlbt"i
l"#r"r" ;;;;;;;lr_ariu* commodity
devetopmenrh u-.":u ,ru"r-e-q*ni;H9: b;t-,;;#"oerized
"ii",rr,,*irr"rr r q* tended to be varu..
otherschorai's and
the nadonal ano
govdmm""i"o,#"i'i",,, [{igl;il?iTuil:ft}*ii;::f*
gr"i"i.i*.i';;, this period was power_
T,:Trl."iil;;r;il"d ," rurry un."i".J iy ,r* transformation wjthi,r
Ln<iiscrrmuateiy as
eituer Mlrics
;[:.,,^,i",J'..","ir., "1,1"
ing companies wrought
by what *r. l"*"0
*o ^r.-tr'
rhrough efforts ro derine,
the exient and'consequ""r
initiaily,,and piima113e
"rrx ,rr"rrg
oirbf;;;d; fr:J'"[k;::xt,fir1'TTi:,-:,jii:";;l
li irto*rapprications and
its rerated
capitai frorh a'source exrernai
r"," J"*n,
. .or,rl-1i-a"]-t l,".**pre, Bluesrone
iato a receiviug !orinP:'usuniv q"*iroi, rosajiririrprogressive,shift i. the
in terms' ofi,out-ward,'*a,:ii.ri"jrjff*:, siting of rnanuy'acture rralsformed the
r,u,rr-*u'uaa*;ig firms of these otder
if.fl* *l?;f;"::.:Tffj***:if 1fu,#*ffil?i*'i,,"' ;;";; ;i:,,
* ir*:r"r,:; i;TjiT# i1[:F.-:#fffi "iffij:ilT, i,:*:
yg,ll iria reffi
',iewecr as,the ithirdl even iiffi:]
the vast maJorirv or
betweeu countries of the
; ,h;;rrtu;: *or" uothenticaiiy'grobar
foj'crevetopJ;;*: firms rhat requued
primariiy North Arireri.u, exrensive .orporuie'rrrt.gration
e*opi aool"oi. ties throughout of their acrivi-
Since te64 the unrted
on Trede andiDeverbpmen,
irilffi"*JJ#: the world.
n;r;:;;;;e _structures, especiarry
grrai";;;: those in ,ir" rj;*a- states, operatirg within
focuscd on the variourroi",
the development
tr,uirLi;,#,ii ,1" ti*" il" or""orr*_driven
process and has n ulntulrr"j "r conurodity
chain had been oiganized by what came to be
:1,i.,!:J:l'.1?,'3 recognized u,'rc-,.ri,t' manasement
lation. u,"t
re gu
i*l'.J* pnnc,
cross-borderr ensan"n;eatr*fn"aJ[r"r"o
narional *"".i;.i1rrlrg
ror g*gr-il holdings. The
;iir? t"::;3:;lit*os" ilji:gi:"':?',1#, as a major producer
leriodi ss!1e0 ini;.:ji::ii W,:,:
oJ 30per
mglv' was the changiag r-ar"upl
r',:;*il;: iii"#
onto the scene new modeis of effec_
rale uuts and tireirrelationship
oiJ*; 1"" ir"ar"riol-ro""*"0 especia,y o, quar-
to.u.t otf,".. ity and ..girr.r."i nexible
DeA,ne Jutius indicates.that producrio, _ a
tbe ._0";;l;; *o". ,rrui-*", *i".0 within
;J,i!lrfl:Hfilffi,;l',""";r:11,;Ti 1.",, *;","i"1 "t'i" grouur comrnodi,l
at which'u
which 'u"ou"uirlaifelv.,rtiffi*"b.r
rru-uiia-tiiJir;idffi da+ ^r ,:hu:i:' These 4ctivittes were experienced
iir'kages' was" brebted.*Jdt;;#.; ;;"lH ;ff:""l"H#:::#:"fJ,?ff;T.:s
eccno'rhies (Julfus, ,rol^I^:: ffi;;
that sgme zo,0o,g nely. aolpor"r,
:d;#i:"ilT],*",ry uncharenged
posrtions on prqducr design, production
"Ifi;;; ,ffi.irn"y, ;;dil; _.and ultimatety.on
. : j:::.' . a:,:
the ability of these. corporate skuctures to by time an{ qpace,,current digifal teclnglogy
maintain their agcu.stomed'returns on has worked to
ldip;plapi 11t,o q digital global
invesfment. The result wasi a progressive world ,that makes possibfg .the maximip4don of
'reinventing' .of the Amerjcin business !
various cgporalg gQarls,,2c, w, Z{ Q, gg,-nvity
model, especially th6 industrial model.- a ort cgTqrgn 115$,,thr. o;rgh !!{ed.global sites,
ihallenge that woda aominate ihe curricula the targeting of optim4l cost la]gggrmar].eb,
of US b*usinegb schoofg frir,'qver two degades etc. (Gautam and Bata 2011). ,,
(tusi, 2005), and wbich iq,also pontinuously The statusl of"nsy, pboliq, papital, withiu, the
associated with the global'value- shift $om glotal marketplace is evident ilthe increasing
manufacturing capital to finance and.human value .and impor[ance being placed o!;the
c apital iir pro gres sively networking s o cieties branding created and.ourned by, global corpo-
(Castells, 2009). rations. Irt a world,of continuous and instanta-
Gereffi. has argued persuasively that 'how neous communications,:, corporaie brands
g1oba1 corporations' work is largely determined come to syrnbolize the..entirc rangeiof corpo-
by whether they are:ituated iD producer-driven rate activityr to therextent tbat individuals,lvho
or buyer-driven commodiiy chaiqs.
{ieUre 1/.1 know r"irtually nothing elsE,about p corpora-;
drau,n from his work oa US frrrs sugge.sts tion but its br4ud come to intemret.its.staJus;in
iLrdirectly that the moro 6uyiririven, they are, the world an{ the,yalug.gf its produpb and
the more lodes exist within their networks and services,throrrgh the braud" Knqrrm as 'Braud
the greater either their ihterdependence on Fil?nqe',, anew (isciplinenow-ranls corpora-
other actors or their imperative to estabiish tions in global league,tabieq,og,thc value of
extensions (by whatever oy{nership or conkact their brand, in, a'manner p212[e1 to theirrrank,
means) of supply, fiiance, etc. ing by various entities in terms of their aggre-
The degree to which-these generalizations gate revenuq,l, q.rningq, etc, @rqnd-Finance,
were apt tas intensifiild with.each extension 20 l2). In tlis lregard,.for, instance; technolo gy
of digital reach throughoui the world. Com- brands had becoqe,ttrrc nacst yeluable.global
modity chai:rs nory_needJo bd concepnralDed coryor,alg brandsi.in, 2p]l,with,Apple lauded
as existiug u/ithin blu6oniinarily complex fo1 hqving lleapfroggedll-Gpogle for. the, hon-
iaforrnation structures in which conrmu- ,our, of .place,rrg4t, at Numter l,,with a, brand
nications are virhrailv
1 ..instairtanbous and finance valqation gf US$J0,6 billioq.whereas
apFear to grow exponentially. Global coryo- another.success story AmazoD, saw its brand
rate struchres and operatigns can be viewed finance value rise by 61 per cent over lb.e
'vitirin the s1,s1-6[angipg digtal eavironment previous year.
as frarned by the constant need to deveiop and Digitalization [as affected. the entire
adapt. Equally, one can euvision corporate sfrucfure qf how gloppl corporp,tions oper-
acri.,'irv as beiag propelled into extensive ate, Producer drive.n stgaDq$,have progres-
corr:lunication environileats in which the si vely integrated their- corporate structures
dynamics of competiSon frame much of their to redrrce the effects,of time and distance,
behaviour and make activities suchas the abil- especially tbr services- perforqe{ within
rty to establish, daihtaitr and ortedd lorporate corporate stmctures suct as desfgn; finance
brands an intinsic element of global .ipitut and accountirig, adverfising ,and ,brand
- literaliy the pointidt #hich n.raterifii cipital development, legal services, iaveatory con-
(that requued to produce, deliver and make a trol etc. These exteni'ive capabiiities of
product or service k"o*r) becomes insepara- conkol and managemeui at a airtii"; Ll"ri
ble frotn syrubolic capital (Reich, I 99 i, 20 1 0). many of the differentiated aspects of prod-
For a wide'variety of 'so.called service activi- ur.:t aud service based finns. Digitalization
hes that had previously ibeen ,deemed ,,in- is ttansformirig tlo ctaisid viG "c[ain cf
place',,for- example matry aspects of medicdl manufdituriagr focudiil ' ohl'iriaoudtib, in
care, srbrw-are design, etc. and thereby bound which:
global corpora/tions
wue d.u.loplrg ;_.i, .,
the skucture replicated
EIis goal was toeri:piricully
nom:c and spatial expalrsion"*rr;;'#;^_
of tun natiunlf
:o?9rate nbtrvorks ove.ti*",
individual counbies ana
* t"rnrffi;t;
*re etoUal^;"*#:
a whole' by chartine ae
the. globe's 1 O0'largJst
sruffi t;;;;;i
tansnatjonal rranr r fae_
co+orations (Kentor, 2005).
,; ,ruf$
oom growth and concenration
In ,.".",
l-:t:',tYt4T{+S,9r, gooqs aJrd serylges 66n_ the r..,,lt" .,^".
Tu*g..to gafui,mar*et share orer ioJ ,_ itarttlns. Wliereby thei;-l"r#ffi ,ili:, ::,i:
PlaCe-rmarlceti-- Ia-J : -^rr:
,, I;:ij:tT:Y5,a,,q,,99lltngi,;Ihe,
svu.4rris lBye;bglEg wibq-sq to a
past rbree y91uon$ owned 1;2gg subsidiaries in rso i.,
' fuudamental
tansforarqtionofth"r.narat i-r,.^--, ...
1998 the top too inbdsbiir
learlV I 0,000,subsidiarres Ct<eitor.ffir:
of subseQueni r";"rJ;;;r.;:
essentia.l findings using othe.r _"tt oaoto
. ni".
and indicatom: The Global
loo il;;:;]ffi;;
that includes all sectors of
grew from a 0.09 share of global
COp ,, isgi
1998. Expandin! tne ,""p1;r;;;:
. f:,J:
from 0.15 :*^.11.,:lt"
Grobal !00 g,.*
to 0.28 of COF U.r,"""rir"rr"*l
I998 Q(entor,2005).
Aaother indicdtor of concentration esti_
mates that in 2009 oftrr6;;;,otj;r*,;:;
nomic ientitiei-'44' are" corporationf
examines thetop',lso *it,
,f ;;
tn, p"..;;;;;
are corporations rises to
59 per,"ri. fl. +q
in the top 100 i" ZOOS e.rr;t",t
revenues of US$6.4 tillion,
equival-ent to
Relcelt of GDp (Gtobat Trend;, Z:Ot3).
-t "i
Such questions. ibout n,
,"iuti* , ize of
coporatlgiq aud their *;;.;, ;;;.
::li1_"-*i"py,fier: shongly in making an
assessment,about their relative .net
'worth,to rhe world. rr is usetuiio value", or
deal ""i"ir:"i
Iike so many issues haung to
with the
vast complexities of global
coryorur. ,t -r.l
rure, how one chobses to Iook
at the data
does much to determine what
one acfuallv
sees. 'lhe data cited above,
which compares corporate sales ";;;;;i;
with GDp
nas. become one of the
mgst cornmon ways of
seeking assay the rclative ,ir" of
_to nioU"i
corpolalrons, and from
that to infer theiirela_
hrte the tnttuence, Perhaps th9 most
l1fe, corurlon
cllatron rs to the wor* of Anderson and
co.rntiag and wouid create much higber GDP group of 147 -TNCs iinr'thdir.lcorb:,which
figrrres. S/1rile agreeiag that giobal corpora- has almost full control over'itSelf' (Vitali,
tions are vast il size;,1o r€asotr exists to Glaftfelder and Battiston ,20111 4):' ' ' '
conclude that thgy are 'biggel-than nations', When one atterhtrits' tdraisess' thii'bveiali
or that ;their size iglative to,, nations has role of global corporations, itiis clear that
i:rcreased. A relatpd,issue that ofteq figures they constitute suchran: esientiai part of the
within. policy debates carries. the presunep- economy that their 'vdribus rdnd multiple
tion that the argna of all global corporations activities in fundamental' wayi.'determine
is elTectively represente.( ,by their best- what that economy is going to,bE. Tbjs'was
i<row'n, larger exemplars,.no matter how size amply demonstated in thcrfirhndiel crisis of
is measured relative to nation siates. To 2006-7 that was tiggered ;by ,events that
clari$, the extent ofglobal corporation activ- '.rzould merely two decadesrearlier have been
ities Stopford points out thqt by 1998 cross- regarded largely as phenomena intemal to
border economic activity had .become so the US economy and from which the 'rest' of
commonplace that fuU.v 45,000 firrrs could the,wor[d, might arguabl] rhav€,.distrinced
be categorized,as qlpi,,most of which oper: itself. : Ihaq howeveri, is',all, too obviously not
ated w'ith fewer ,than _250 empfoyees,_ and what happened -:, ia .largie r
pdrt:becalrs ei glob al
with many service companie,s o,perating ia as financial firms, ,am6ag them" lsading TjS
many as i5 countries with 100 or fewer firms; , ,had . created- a variety . of fiaancial
employees (Stopford, 1998:2). insfuments organi,rsd arouud,U$iteal-esdte
A:rother approach to estimating the concen- values: to be
"taded within a flobalmarket,as
rratron of global curporations has been to hedgeable ; securities.r As the llntemational
exam-i:re the iiiterlocks that dxist bef;veen their Monetary Fund (iitztr) hasl,concluded,io a
boalds of dilectors, often referred to as .ttre recent-,repo4 thg fiaagcial crisis iof 2 0 0 7 r
network of corporate contol,. Utilizing a vast and beyend, the, prosperiffi of, thei preceding
data set and complex'nefwork rrodels and rwo decades owed,much within.the US
analyses, Vitali,' Glattfelder and Battiion eeonomy ,to total , creditLmarket;,borrowing
(2C11),sought ro move peyon$ well-known that grew from approximately 160 peS cenr of
'of the .
correlates *"".-otitlgor. of exist'.g GDPr.in l:980 :tor 3-50igerr c,entrriq 2008., his
lvealtli and rncome, *g."*pfor" th" ;;tu; inc.rgaqing debt structurg,fscuged oa rthe, oner
degree to which rnteiio"tdng membership hand the household level where porrowing
resuits in control ofiglobai corporations. 1t
rough.iy doubled from 45 per cent of GDp,in
Employing a very iarge data set of 43,060 i98-a to 97 per cent in 2OO8 and on the other
TNCs'thelr analysis indicated a r.etwork of all on furancial sector debt which grgw from 19
o\\'nership 'originating from and pointing to per cent of GDP in tSO+ ,o uTr.;ii-"i"1"
i15 per cent in ZOOa 1IIl,m, Zoiij. .- '
TNCs' with the resulting network pointing to -
600,508 nodes and 1,006,987 ownership ties Howevdr, numirous commeriiators agree'
(201i:l 2). Their findings revealed a very fhat had this debt not been securitized through .
rr, , ca laf nbws to developing countries, 2005_to (gbn)
Type of flows
za08 2010
579 930
1 650 447 6s6 1 095
332 435
Porhoiio investment 5/ I
652 507 561
154 268
Other irivestment. 394
93 186
94 )1o
686 39 56 348
'orher invcstrnents include
loans from.*r.*nil*-il,i.rll* ** r**
5ource: UNCTAD (201 1).
. , l',
emerging economies has contiuued to world such as Malayoia, Mexico, Russia,
attract FDI and to create conditions leading Turkey and Vietnam, The following list sug-
to the rapid expansion of their nationally gEsts some exemplary cases employing 2009
b as ed global colporations (IINCTAD-WIR, data.
2011: 26). China is the largest developing
country outward ,investor with estimated
holdings in 2009 of approximately US$l
trillion (OECD, 201q. The differential ,;-_ ,. t:,.:t, .. ,
terization he,terms ta four-spEed world'
that;' ti
il,chine nearly 70 per cerr by 2050 (ahem, Wbile BRICS are.hbst countries io tUr f*-
2011)- In 1998 only one of the top tOO gest number of global corporations rmorg
global corporations was located. outsiie
the developing countries, these corporatiuo,
States, Europe or Japan (Oattey, also distibuted across other mariet
2008). areas, *ith,
Mexico, Rus-siq, the United Arab Enrirates-
Rrsing global corporations in the BRICS
I'urkey and Thailand nixt in order oi
are jo,rnedby emergent large companies in frequency (Atrern, 2011). In 2009-a]ri;
other developiag economi", tf,ro.rrgiro,rt
tl" became,the leading ffide partner of Srazii
I 275
lr-"-urr. :o"*rousr
economiesi the mas 6^---r-r:, . i"i' i?
. - : petitiveadvantages.
,#iff i: 9: mqcii,,;
s ive pop,r",i"o
il ;;;i;. |i'E;;:il :l"H'##,n'":l Ti.:"]::l :l
E:ffi:Hfr .*;: s:w project i=IrilH l3i:,#ifpfJ}:1,,.i,T?,,i,r ; : ;
rhar in
tt,r.in,4050_ /rL:-^ - :l Td
China:;will h"r;;;:ilffi chjna'"s rtut" ro"itiJtsvstemtliarnenicrrraroo
;:'il:#*%ffil tliat'peipetriates
-'.JJ;; *-"I'i":?,ffjJ,:.,",?liHtf3.::iT:::l:
;:?ff II#:j,j,,:^1,1,Jt;i,,;r{;ffi
37'pg;gsnt iuut or trie
states; ;rrdia ;',r.,,ril'ai*g;i:i;ffiT #;r'ffiT:r"::ll:':-1ff:i:::,:,-{-:-':,Tl1"
with'have percapita income ;[ffTJd::#txi:*: ff;*lx'l"lJ];
or;ust II';;',
."",i;$";t;j"11flj*j;i:i::_1.,ffiare i,. effect srrhqi;i-.nlL,, +L^...1^,. -r
Stare'owned corporations, "T,;Y:J*:iifr :J:,,"*?JI"jil,
may be ;l;H:#:r.:tHfJi',f,:'j,ll'i,l;.i11
ji ,
enterprises:"and,their advantage
ror"ig rffiir;;-;; il,ffi:: withinigloba| ;cornpetition. beins
which 'the''governmehr o?r] ::'T ff:fi ;:ffT['JL::il:
discrprine (*o"t
Greenacre, 2012).
whdther, or.nbt listJdron ,.r""i
Anorher view charact'prizes
ffiXJIT:lffit[";ilT':jff;: these nrms as
*: playing a significant role in :
their shong oo-"iir" ,na.r.ets and ab,ities
;?,*:rT'q:i:.::::5::99_rl?-Yq, uonEroute: gain capitar ro,:n wrtru,ltheir hc,s,
rost countiies
:3,i :; :,'l:,:Yl6::y"':';;t;ii*"
national and'sub-national goie.*rh"ots
to an oveiall of global
reginnc p,rivincos
as regions,
srr"h corporate,reach,'especi{lly
^_, cities. uNcreo ;'i:#:.1"::i;r:'J","4,il:"t'H
-.A,,.i-^^^ Ld
when viewed i.
in 2010 identified at least 650 ,orrn-rou[;;;;, anfl theirpropensity to
state-owned il
vrith more *,," s,iod iavest i:: so-ca,ed GreeiLfieirtvnnh,r.ec
which y:t; i;
;fiI'i?f Tfl"",T;i{;:J?H;#:i
;-:,y: ::1g1,"i"r{ ;:TJ"*:i il XH:1,$[1trfi,in#::
34s: (t2 8G'qull:".r
countrieszdndt 235' (36. pe1
cent) iu esia] new operationar facilitids
rt I l'ii
election of the board, while at the same time of relinquishilg-clemetrts of.control; and at
refrairin-e from imposing undue political reduced profit levels. NEMS constitute a
interference il the management of the com- significant portion of global corporate activ_
pany' . t his report also emphasizes ity within, emergmg, econgpiqq,,fotal saies
the need to ensure a level playing freld on rh.grgh suc\ anangements in;20i0 is,esti_
which private companies .uo .orrip.t. ,u.- rnated to havq fpached;Us-$2 trillion; contraot
cessfully rvith state.owned enteqprises while I manufacturing,, and,, iservices r Outsourcing
not distortilg competition by, the use, of approximated US$ l,i.rl
13 tilliO4 ; fitrshis.
state regulatory, or supervisory powers ing US$330-35O biltiG licensing:trjS$340:
(oECD,2005). : 360 biliion,, with :manageor0nt. hdd cdnffibts
Non-equiry modes of producticn around US$100 bi.llion.: Collectively I.IEMS
have become an itrcreasingly irnF66so1 1or- employ between 14-16 ariilioh woikers,,ln
of global corporations witbin the qnerging some counties they:accormt for up:to,,lS oer
economies. The traditional.mode of organi_ cent of GDP .and:iinisome. ,inarst-i"s.
zation for global firms jpthqse econorries=,qas
they.account"for 70-E0 per cent,of exports
through FDI,.which manifested itsef ttrrcugh
equity holdings gnd crea.lecl, strrctures by The ..relativei, impgrtance .of :NEMS ,,to
u'hich parent firrns,,owned and,directly.man-
bqth,,tbe glsbah eponomy, ana tib, st*"tor*
ageC their subsidiaries - an organization form
and go vernanoe rof globalr.corporations rin
known as intennlizallon because control aud the future is suggested, by how,,NEMS
nsk reside with the parert, as do the vast groqth has outpaced.that,of,base,industry
rnajoriry of revenues 4pd profits. Ilowever, growth in : electronicS;r pharmaceuticals,
througbout the latter fwentieth century period
fbofwear; retail,, toys and rgaiments :, in,et e._
of veitical integration of gtobal value,chains tronics the ratio is 6:1 ,and that of garments
b1, advanced economy global eorporations,
1 ; 1 .,Referencing, contract
op anufacturing as
the 'seeds' of aon-equity.relations iad been an. estiglated.;share of the, costrof go-ods
well established:
sold,, tqys ,and,Bportine goods..led aqiO per
cent. followed, by rconsgier, elec.konics g0l
... how and whether firms can.capture value per " cert, . .autqmotive,, 6&i,A0 :, peri cetrt;
i' 277
small even as
,fj;t#:'#1T:iffi"""'tThese quickry and wirh
aikngwledged hieh .,uar_
data srrg_ lty elevareJ arri"-i"rn
*.,,,i.,"*iJu il :H
sest thaf ol^r."r
^^_^tw. ff :: : if;[1,.* T,tr *Tj
thp r.,^_r:,- r
f1; .g,*,
[.3igtT:T{1,T",Hff1,*l,T'.,ffi "ur" * ;"'.o,i,,'
*p"at"a ..rrr.i.,,s or
ljl:-[i.lu "i;;i, conror, pront and ii I:::T"?]:::yn'ei{."1iq;ffi;: ;i
.l ::il" .,1y*;,;'-'-l;.il#:i
- 'E'4vu ur txc[ange tol
engagerrlgnt in intrir-comorate
orgrobar impoit
both ;";;;;;;
:h.ild" eroiur trrin ;,
lorRorati ens
iif{:lfliff fIfrrJJ i;n;
of growiag national p"*;;;'il;
[Hfi ror,H'
tn" ,r""a to-ul-e
\Es 'r vrur4
national caniral,.r^ __:--ry:-g"l:
and deploy
;il;: ano operates
tlu.oughoui *urorude
e of regions
I;:'",,;i: :-anJ:
-il"' its trolt en'i.r.o*rent
reoinnc and
economic devetopment- wr,"rrr",
*,,i"i[ :ffiffi[ ffi :ilr:tff
ffi#:::rT#::: :fl"TJ,T: ;:,::,1
or state a"ar,-
such as manv chinese
rt.t.i regulatory environmentd that frame ir< n^o,o
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