TS Moly India Call +91-9885149412
TS Moly India Call +91-9885149412
TS Moly India Call +91-9885149412
SECTION I: Product and Company Identity: TS-65 MP Moly Grease TRADE NAME (AS LABELED): MANUFACTURERS NAME: T.S. Moly-Lubricants, Inc. MANUFACTURERS ADDRESS: 6205 Brookhill No. 6 Houston TX 77087 EMERGENCY PHONE: 713/671-2676 Fax: 713/671-9417 BUSINESS PHONE: 713/671-2676 Fax: 713/671-9417 REVIEWED: May 4, 2009 REVIEWED BY: Jo Nell Salling SECTION II: Composition /Information on Ingredients The criteria for listing components in the composition section are as follows: Carcinogens are listed when present at 0.1% or greater; components which are otherwise hazardous according to OSHA are listed when present at 1.0% or greater; nonhazardous components are not listed as being proprietary information. Refer to Section IX for regulatory information.
Ingredient Antimony dialkyldthiocarbamate ketone SARA yes no CAS No. antimony compound 67-64-1 OSHA PEL (mg/m3) 5 TWA 1000 (ppm) ACGIH TLV (mg/m3) TWA: 5; STEL: 10 TWA: 1188 ppm; STEL: 750 ppm % Optional 1.4% proprietary
SECTION III: Hazards Identification SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE BY ROUTE OF EXPOSURE: Overexposure to this product may cause mild skin irritation, moderate HAZARDOUS MATERIAL eye irritation, and possible gastric distress if INFORMATION SYSTEM ingested. HEALTH (BLUE) 1 INHALATION: Vapor pressure is very low. FLAMMABILITY (RED) 1 Vapor inhalation under ambient conditions is REACTIVITY (YELLOW) 0 normally not a problem. Over exposure may PROTECTIVE B result in dizzyness, headache, loss of EQUIPMENT (WHITE) coordination, and breathing difficulty. EYES RESPIRATORY HANDS BODY SKIN: Prolonged or repeated skin contact with x x this product tends to remove skin oils, possibly leading to irritation and dermatitis. No chronic See Section 8 health problems known. EYES: Contact with the eyes would be expected to cause irritation consisting of reversible redness, swelling and mucous discharge to the conjunctiva. INGESTION: Acute. Ingestion of this product may cause irritation and gastrointestinal discomfort consisting of nausea, vomiting, lethargy and/or diarrhea. Chronic: There are no