Safety Data Sheet: 1. Product and Company Identification
Safety Data Sheet: 1. Product and Company Identification
Safety Data Sheet: 1. Product and Company Identification
ROHM AND HAAS TAIWAN, INC. encourages and expects you to read and understand the entire
(M)SDS, as there is important information throughout the document. We expect you to follow the
precautions identified in this document unless your use conditions would necessitate other appropriate
methods or actions.
A Subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company
Classification of the substance or mixture
Acute aquatic toxicity - Category 3
Chronic aquatic toxicity - Category 3
Label elements
Harmful to aquatic life.
Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements
Dispose of contents/ container to an approved waste disposal plant.
Other hazards
no data available
Eye contact: Flush eyes thoroughly with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses after the
initial 1-2 minutes and continue flushing for several additional minutes. If effects occur, consult a
physician, preferably an ophthalmologist.
Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed: Aside from the information found
under Description of first aid measures (above) and Indication of immediate medical attention and
special treatment needed (below), any additional important symptoms and effects are described in
Section 11: Toxicology Information.
Protection of first-aiders
Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Notes to physician: No specific antidote. Treatment of exposure should be directed at the control of
symptoms and the clinical condition of the patient.
Suitable extinguishing media: Use extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding fire.
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Product name: ACCENT SCALE INHIBITOR 1120 Issue Date: 2015.05.25
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Material can splatter above 100C/212F. Dried product can
Special protective equipment for firefighters: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and
protective suit.
Environmental precautions: CAUTION: Keep spills and cleaning runoff out of municipal sewers and
open bodies of water.
Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up: Contain spills immediately with inert
materials (e.g., sand, earth). Transfer liquids and solid diking material to separate suitable containers
for recovery or disposal.
Conditions for safe storage: Keep from freezing - product stability may be affected. STIR WELL
Storage stability
Storage temperature: 1 - 49 °C
None established
Exposure controls
Engineering controls: Use local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to maintain
airborne levels below exposure limit requirements or guidelines. If there are no applicable exposure
limit requirements or guidelines, general ventilation should be sufficient for most operations. Local
exhaust ventilation may be necessary for some operations.
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Product name: ACCENT SCALE INHIBITOR 1120 Issue Date: 2015.05.25
Hand protection: Use gloves chemically resistant to this material when prolonged or
frequently repeated contact could occur. Examples of preferred glove barrier
materials include: Neoprene. Nitrile/butadiene rubber ("nitrile" or "NBR"). Polyvinyl
chloride ("PVC" or "vinyl"). Avoid gloves made of: Polyvinyl alcohol ("PVA").
NOTICE: The selection of a specific glove for a particular application and duration of
use in a workplace should also take into account all relevant workplace factors such
as, but not limited to: Other chemicals which may be handled, physical requirements
(cut/puncture protection, dexterity, thermal protection), potential body reactions to
glove materials, as well as the instructions/specifications provided by the glove
Other protection: Wear clean, body-covering clothing.
Respiratory protection: Under intended handling conditions, no respiratory protection should
be needed.
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Product name: ACCENT SCALE INHIBITOR 1120 Issue Date: 2015.05.25
NOTE: The physical data presented above are typical values and should not be construed as a
Inhibitor: None
Incompatible materials: There are no known materials which are incompatible with this product.
Route of Exposure
Please refer to the information below.
Acute toxicity
Acute oral toxicity
Very low toxicity if swallowed. Harmful effects not anticipated from swallowing small amounts.
Skin corrosion/irritation
Brief contact is essentially nonirritating to skin.
Prolonged contact may cause slight skin irritation with local redness.
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Product name: ACCENT SCALE INHIBITOR 1120 Issue Date: 2015.05.25
For skin sensitization:
No relevant data found.
No relevant data found.
No relevant data found.
Reproductive toxicity
No relevant data found.
For similar material(s): In vitro genetic toxicity studies were negative. Animal genetic toxicity studies
were negative.
Aspiration Hazard
Based on physical properties, not likely to be an aspiration hazard.
Acute toxicity to fish
Material is slightly toxic to aquatic organisms on an acute basis (LC50/EC50 between 10 and
100 mg/L in the most sensitive species tested).
LC50, Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout), Static, 96 Hour, > 1,000 mg/l
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Product name: ACCENT SCALE INHIBITOR 1120 Issue Date: 2015.05.25
Biodegradation: 4.9 %
Exposure time: 28 d
Method: OECD Test Guideline 302B or Equivalent
Bioaccumulative potential
Bioaccumulation: No bioconcentration of the polymeric component is expected because of
its high molecular weight.
Mobility in soil
No relevant data found.
This product when disposed of in its unused and uncontaminated state should be treated as a
hazardous waste.
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Product name: ACCENT SCALE INHIBITOR 1120 Issue Date: 2015.05.25
Identification Number: 101083062 / 1816 / Issue Date: 2015.05.25 / Version: 1.13
Most recent revision(s) are noted by the bold, double bars in left-hand margin throughout this
Date that the MSDS was prepared: Please refer to issue date.
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Product name: ACCENT SCALE INHIBITOR 1120 Issue Date: 2015.05.25
Title: Product
Prepared by Regulatory Name: Y.P. Tsai
ROHM AND HAAS TAIWAN, INC. urges each customer or recipient of this (M)SDS to study it carefully
and consult appropriate expertise, as necessary or appropriate, to become aware of and understand
the data contained in this (M)SDS and any hazards associated with the product. The information
herein is provided in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the effective date shown above.
However, no warranty, express or implied, is given. Regulatory requirements are subject to change
and may differ between various locations. It is the buyer's/user's responsibility to ensure that his
activities comply with all federal, state, provincial or local laws. The information presented here
pertains only to the product as shipped. Since conditions for use of the product are not under the
control of the manufacturer, it is the buyer's/user's duty to determine the conditions necessary for the
safe use of this product. Due to the proliferation of sources for information such as manufacturer-
specific (M)SDSs, we are not and cannot be responsible for (M)SDSs obtained from any source other
than ourselves. If you have obtained an (M)SDS from another source or if you are not sure that the
(M)SDS you have is current, please contact us for the most current version.
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